The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1885, Image 2

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a?J?. Kvr
1 C. mm, Ptffclisfeer.
Tromikkxt German residents in
fraj-hington recently gave a banquet
to Representatives Dcutcr and (Juen
ther, of Wisconsin.
TnE French Chamber of Deputies bj
a vote of two hundred and sixty-four
to one hundred and fifty, finally parsed
the bill raising the duticn on cereals.
Sig.vok Blanc, Italian Minister nt
Madrid, has been appointed arbiter in
the dispute between America and
Kpain. in reference to an attack upon
American hip in Cuban waters.
Tub President has made a change in
the days of holding Cabinet meetings
bo that hereafter they will be held on
Tuesday and Thursday of each week
instead of Tuesday and Friday us
Thomas .Sj.mi-.son was convicted in
Salt Lake City recently for polygamy,
lie had a wife in Kugland and married
another in Utah. The English wife
came on and made a family row, ami
the facta got out.
A. Summary of the Dally Nowa.
I.f tho Renal on the tah the resignations
of fr:nmlon JUrard.Garland ami Lamr. who
bail accepted Cabinet apolntim:nt. were n.
rclvcl. Tho credentials of V.r. HIM. ap-iolnl--d
to Ell tho temirfirary vacancy from .Ni;
Hamjihir;. xer'j-,-,-,,'d- -Mr- Vb" w"yk"
reio'iitmri In relation to the HackbonR l.and
Inconvenience, bat people generally .lym
pathixed with the strikers, and thU mad
the ponilioa of the railroad doubly diflt- Hot. I'. O. Hawe. xvcllknowa in !
rtllt. The tfitiint'on on thn 15th in Torsi. Hr-nt-n rwn?t.. r.. -t, j.--lrr-.. ar-ri- i
... . ... . . , , . ' " , Hill stul What It lr.Uoi r
jinwuu ttii' iui!u traj yi iiia.viiauy i ntzn at K aicago. lie ujK'i ami ii oa j
changed from th.j previous few day. 1 the tddcwalk. fracturing on i his legs,
I to rnfirr tW5or- thervto In t!- t-Tform"
jks- of tber 1 dtKIe t-snr isi pr
The Kaltr..l C-nmi-Km 1IIU-1MH Tevt I ' H'C-urt. of HjMirtl. )Z'?cSl
of It. IVwil.lnn.-TrM- I.nC-r Trln ,,u0Hrt B b ,f form f th-fT
Ho.v. Geoiujk W. Fierce, William A
Wcllvr and -V
He ha returned to Omaha to nur" the
Following N the full text of .M
Iai!road Commix ton bill :
Prentice vrW arre:-.-! at broken limb and n!lfor ouiiun tcvm- ' oJT-rCi i " IBt -
... . . j-. - ...- ....- . - . .
ttistnarcK, ust, an' bMa in .i,'. wu w . j..iiwj ;o coon crutrh?.. ' ertx
answer a charge of bnlrj' !n connection
i1ui.m tr bA mv ? tO VtT tlf '
fr-MLat.n r:t!ia fcu !.. UPO tht tJJr N
rriairfl t'T 4 t mi.oin. tn '
a n
IC " rfwmw rl! Trps t p.
VTAMrrtoTOTf. March II. "P" ' i
.Mb-.r atr. .t t.Jrst wt.t- of j j,nvianiKi ha I-'n im. i
4o'-r r h1 .hail J l.W". f .. .
trp-. t a0no; rtrr-l'i ' !rrjdjrn: of to I ml
iH5j;ch nul
" .. 1- .. .. ... &.mV .. . . i
t ! Attn-r (.oMraL r- '' " r. w T." 7Jrw..; Ametka.
. . & - fc ; b M&k. a -4 w.m v. Frt r wt vriavx it z i t- b.b- '
Cuzai. Daxm Couutv. c ebrat-l the , in-"" .';'r.i : VW"4! f M "".v." -"l .. r 'J T,.:-. .r rsw.a
with Uie removal of the caj.lul from His- i completion of a bnd ov.r tb- i'latt re- , h cVlh Te fZuv- i - - - T ? '"77, rM"ir. ':Ur?,r;:
man to Pierre. , wnUy. "be bridge 1, 3.frC. fot loaK and b I? - n-iT u; aw. lR M M 1 -r- J- . lSlTlK rim-n .VT? 2.52537 -
THEREwcrewme fari at Wa,hinonfcolUvc3n,truct!. ! SiiT!!"""-? "ViVaV rVt lorrlrr Vc.-n t-.
on the 1-th that the pnlnmation of Bar- ! yoH h 10ath of Februarv the.-., were !! rt, f,u. tM- K r.t. Seon.I (.r: . f tfce -:e. t iWiK'r ! rn , uh?n .'IV iTt-."- uT7.'?I!!rM7Jii "
" - t .7 i ..- ma& .d. j-wt t lA&Bai b wm m iuj in m n : v 'm sb '"' -- . w t - - . .. ---. -. - - - -w---
t. Omaha ,nt-ofilce C9 "". :"SSVr ."v . f IT ,r u7.n ..f tW- .a ..r . U ul tbMt ; nl la of U- I ;-! -.
".. Vk.. , , ... ,w ti. i OMcn nr nu.r4 r m IhwIffiKT! n. , rjvtiu 'tfV tf
nxuxi-. ' --. ... - .. t .. .- - - .... . .. .-. ti ...1 , .
i.ntnt th-n caaie up xor iiooatc. .Mr. an ri0. relatin- u, C.ntml Atneri.-n. .i.i -. ...
Wyck ur,r.H thy r. uon :n a i,,; ; ,."...-:";-:"-'.". i .. " , .
.nnuir j ej.r nr;cnuii as c- i .-w..v. vn.- . im-i .'w.n uu mtak v Mi ( wonn oi t
atnti. itamiyrl cavcloptw and
tii.n o(!niuirr ui iuu iiiivnur. mi ii'uih.' linn Hnt? mmti pt m ii-ith hit.i hu ; ,i i .. .. n k ,.r .r?... t.un)i i..r -'.if i r it t' im- t .. .- --.. . ...,.
"irS: mnlu.r of,t tran.I)5ria, : W-oi C,ntra.,n,ricnn unit,. J ' o75S. day at the . Orh,n- r u 7?: ! oar H
icrcl by Mr. Hoar .Mr. V.Uir St Juu-wWd fwW "d3y al the hradquar of thn Sut lu
be Pom In. who wan appointed bv uade a pr..jOMtion to settle with crtslUr r.oversment t-uddinj:. Addrr were fi-utxrvUfm of I! ri:rr,i. orrfd T -1mj;.iImii mW ur r-t tHn fryia '.,-I-mO r- n
by the i;orrriior oi Sw Haiiipihlre to nil at thirty-one cents on the dollar, and over made bv John Thurston of Omaha. Colo- . bv .(mm In tb.- .-atr. o4 :. u,mtv nt i Mr,eJ t.r . to w.nMdwH.r . rniac MMtrr ra ""'r" .'
not rnf-etiiiir uut 1 Juti. Tlie jtif-tjoti of the ceptl. The luxbilitieM of th firm were J J'rofesor Charl-s IU--cv. of the Nebraska , biiMn-- tkm. (.r by lb- rUrrr: svm ' v '" " "' ' l ;- tf "' u "", J r T. V" " ,lM '
power of the ;ov.rnor to npiiotrit mir ci;-. Total avnilnbb ael. li.frW. imirniriK- rr!" : "n.,vM-r-I'.,l wwi"f thereof. an.l .hn.i . rnnn !;' mr.t:rJriVr .,..( MM-h.-tiww" pr","rV"7, ,1." "U"
I!!a,r w orn in. -'oi.-4 in Ixindou on the ll'th b)uchl , a j,.m. Ex-tJovemor Furno. di;u5cd J tJl" Wm!,tH.M .f rt h rt.l tntheMAloaiMl jhul wwM, ai4 U n ub j Now. Mm fr ta pr-e .
v t i. Svnntii An Ihi. llfh nir n tn t in : '" '. ": '" 'v u 1VT ill sii 'JH.n. L.Ui. ri" ..n.mi! lu..f,itlilv rri i-titrtr u i m ' tlUlttlarttl. aotl IB. mniHT tl lln nli-i , "" " "" -,-r-o-.. . . ...- - , . , --- ' ..
... . ...... r, -- , ...... I " .- - .... -j..-... . .. . -
furni.ihed with a souvenir bar of corn
It was bvliuvcd that the Austrian
KiMoh.-rath would retaliato against
Prance In t!i mailer jf custom duties.
if the UiriflT Jatdy enacted iy the
.French on cereals was found to work
disastrously to the Austrian-Hungarian
The Texas Senate passed the Hoime
lull providing that railroad companies
shrill render an account of their rolling
wtock to A?je.sors of Ihe various coun
ties through which the roads pass and
the Controller shall then apportion be
tween the eormtic-.
TnE Ileimington woolen mills m
Vermont have become the property of
Jliehard K. Ilaiin'S. of New York. The
originally cost 750. 000. They will b(j
t-rior i nl the
IniH-il Stat" be directed re-p'-etlvely to j
.ary to pn-v-nt any !,. or tr-fr by the t,on fr"u,,s " Chicago. -re -nt.-ncd, on
.iiiiiiiuc v iuii inuiMi oiuiiniij. yii m i .- u, .. . j . . 3 iiiiju i?'jjiiijcu uuu i
roiumitment to
I frw f jl lln J
Krnnuny jnii.lle iutn: In tne.-un" 01 j iorn:a j"- "-"., - .-.... j-. .w .... -,
ami .Mubntna to ail lh' coiitnictloii of to ?ive th defense an opjwrtunitv for fur
eertaln railroii'l Jn cal'l .tnt-." -o far n- ., t,rr-...wlin'
luviinlhellnixir-iili riillrnail between ulitn ' r pro .WIin0s.
nm! Tninpu Iluy. l'loritht. until 'oncre" -ha!l A DECIDEni.Y cold wave pns-cd over the
have authorized the -ame. Ihe re-olutloii ' Ottawa Vallev, Canada, on the l'Jth. Mat
went over. .it-r
jH'rat.ori int.' in a
he -ame. The re,oltitloii Ottawa Vnllev, Cana.Ia, on the 12th. M
u short executive region. .' .
t,,. txvu rejort J the temperature i der
under the. iiiaiiatremcnt of the
Huguenot Wooh'ii (!onian't f which
llaines is President, hut owing to
changes will not start for aonie
U'uc.k John W. Ai.ueutv, .Justice of
tlie Sujiremc Court in the Cherokee
Ration, lm been suspended from olliee
13' the Chief of the Cherokees for mal
feasance in otliee during the trial of the
case of the Cherokee Nation vs. Leonard
Willinms and L. 11. Williams, for iniir
dcr. .Jackson Christie has been ap
pointed to fill tlui vacancy until the.
Rational (Council meets in November.
Wau has been declared bv Nieararua
ngainst (tiiatemala in consequence of
the proclamation issued by Ceneral
Itarrios, of the latter Kepublic, declar
ing that, a Central American Union
must be euected. Nicaragua has de
termined to resist the carrying out of
this plan, which is practically an at
tempt on the part of llarrios to estab
lish a dictatorship. Costa Kica will
land ! Nicaragua.
A new epidemic has appeared in Lan
caster County. S. (.'., to which live mem
liets of Mr. 1L W. Draflin's family have
succumbed in the past few weeks, leav
ing only himself ami a little mm re
tnaining. The disease! has hatlled med
ical skill. It makes its appear
since with nausea, with bloody llu.v and
griping, followed by excruciating pains.
It is similar in manv of its svmptoms to
.Asiatic cholera, but it more nearly re
sembles the mountain scourge which
wept away o 111:1113 hundreds of peo
ple in Kentuck3 and West
-some mouths ag.
the Senate alJourn
. I.h the b'enate on the 12th .Mr. Mnnder
on offered a re.o!iitlou, which he asked
might ns printed and lie on the tabic, calling
upon the ?eieJry of State for such in
lormittion as the department may have r.
k'ardlny the rumored attempt of (,enei;.d
Ktifu.s lhirrios. President of ("autemula. to
seiz.e on tins territory, or destroy the Integ
rity oi the Kepubile of Nicaragua. Hon-dura-.
Han Salvnilor and l"ista Him. and re
purl what (steps are belli;; taken bj the Uov
ernnient to preserv; the rights of the lnlt-il
States iimler eilrtliig or pending treat !.,
idf-o to give what information thedepartment
may have of any interference or participa
tion in tli present dilhciiltles in the Central
America Republics by any Kuropeun power.
A long deliate ensued un Mr. Van Week's
re.-olulioii. ollen-d the day befon. directing
the Secretary of the Interior and the At
torney (.eneral to take steps to picvent tiie
."die of iiiudM granted Florida to aid in the
con-trucllon if railroadp in that State. No
executive -eslon was held.
In tho Senate on the l.'itb the new Com
mittee on Const Defense was announced
consisting of Senator Dnlph, Chairman, and
Senators Camerou. Sewell, Hitwley. Maxey,
MePiier.-on and Fair. The vacancies on oilier
committees made by retiring Senators wen
filled. Senator Sherman declined to nerve on
the Finance Committee. Senator Ingalls
offered 11 reolution calling upon the Presi
dent for Information In rcgaril to the occu
pation of Oklahoma and what action wa be
ing taken In that reganl. After a hhort cie
uitive session, adjourned.
Thomas Jonis. a twelve-year-old
inn residing on a farm near Salisbun.
Aid., was confined to his bed from in
juries received in a tight with a large
agio, recently. The boy was attacked
ly the caglo while he was trussing a
iield. and it buried its talons in the
lleshy part of his leg. The little fellow
tried to defend himself, but the eajrle
.Tamek CliAWKoun, Superintendent of the
Car.son City Mint, is dead.
Ql'kkn Victoiiia will visit Durmstailt,
the Hessian capital, April 1.
Kkv. Da. Walsh, I'reriideiitof Mayuootii
College, has Ikhmi elected Archbi.sho of
Dublin to .succeed the deceased Archbishop
McCabo. Walsh is a moderate Home
Huler. The election pleaded the 1'ariieH
ites. S. Ei.l.f.s, School Commissioner
and architect of Koch ester, N. Y., has been
found guilty of the charge of trying to
bribe n meinber of the Hoard of Supervisors
to vote for plans dcdi;ued by Ellis Urothers
for a proposed new jail.
Tiik .Marmaduke-Kainwater controversy
has been 11 prominent feature in St. Louis
papers for some time. On the 10th tSover
uor Marmadtiku ;;ave for publication an
atlidavit of Kobert C. l'ate, a gambler,
statine; tliat he (l'ate) had paid Kaiu water,
who was Police Commissioner, money for
the privilege of running a gambling estab
lishment. This atlidavit Kainwater de
nounced ms au infamous lie.
(fOVKHNoii 1'iKitcK, of Dakota, vetoed
the Womau's Suffrage bill.
(iKNKKAl. Joski'M II. Tayi.ou, Assistant
Adjutant General of the l)ciartment of tho
Platte, died of pneumonia in Uuiiihn on the
l."lh. Tho deceased was a nephew of
Zachary Taylor, and son of Joseph I. Tay
lor, Commissary General of tho army.
A riliE nt Newburn, N. C, the other
night, destroyed the Central Hotel, nnd
twenty houses nnd .stores were destroyed.
Loss, $100,000: insurance, $T0,O00.
Thk Washington S(tr sajs thnt Secre
tary Ilayard has taken steps for the formal
withdrawal of all treaties ponding in tho
Seunte. This left the Senate nothing to do
but to pass upon the nominations.
The French, after tlve days' fighting,
carried tho Chinese positions around Ke
lung. Forty Frenchmeu were killed and
two hundred wounded.
below zero,
Tun new nnti-Chine, restriction law
which has gone into eirVct in 1'ritish Co-lumbia,.sL-nteiire.s
every Chinaman entering
the Province to a tax of fifty dollars or jix
months at hard lalor, and upon every one
assisting to imjort Chinamen a tax of two
hundred dollars i.s levied, with the alterna
tive of .six months in the chain gnng.
Of the murderers of Mine, l'allerick in
Paris, four were sentenced to the galleys
and one, Oniiiahut, to the guillotine.
The comni'-rcial agreement with En
glaml was ratified by the Spanish Cortes.
Kepokts from Central Vermont tdiow
that the thermometer averagel thirty de
grees lelowzero on the night of the l!th.
The Louisville (ivy.) gambling houses
have been ordered closed.
A San Antonio (Tex.) special says that
owing to the Kansas quarantine, stock for
shipment north via. tho Pacific will be
shipped over tha Sunset route via New Or
loans to Northern markets.
Af.L the engineers on the Ilrunswick di
vision of the East, Tennessee, Virginia &
Georgia Railroad struck on the I'Uh. The
strikers wore members of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers, nnd they said
the cause of the strike was the unju.-t dis
charge of three members.
Skchktaiiv .Manning cut down the force
of the Treasury Department by six special
ngents, twenty-six special inspectors and
ten ot'hcr employes, eirecting a saving of
$I0,'"KJ jer milium.
Two Detroit crooks were sentenced at
Kingston, Out., recently to fourteen years'
imprisonment for robbing a .lew peddler.
Alter the robbery they left the peddler
Ixunitl to n tree, iu which condition he
froze to death.
The President's message, asking the re
turn of the Nienrnguan. Spanish and Do
minican treaties, was received by the Sen
ate on the l'lth in executivo session. The
treaties will be returned to the executive,
at once, no action by the Senate being re
quired. The President issued a proclamation on
the loth forbidding any invasion of the
Oklahoma lauds. The proclamation .wna
very decided in tone.
Fi'UTHEit nrrestsof Fenians were made
in Paris on the Kith.
The Russian newspapers were very belli
cose regarding the action of Great Britain
in Afghanistan.
General Graham decreed that tho in
hnbitantsof Sunkim be disarmed, as he hail
reason to apprehend treachery. Hereafter
an- iineuli.sted native found with arms will
be treated a.s a rebel.
The restoration of wages uinde previ
ously to the men working In the Missouri
Pacific shops in St. Iouis was extended to
nil men employed in the large machine and
car shops of the Iron .Mountain Koad at
De Soto, Mo., and tiie men were highly
commended for their loyalty to the com
pany. A special from Palestine. Tex., of
the Kith, said th strike had euded nt thnt
place, the me;i going back to work at tho
wages paid before the last cut.
..." ,u.M....,nMMf .,). r...- .. !W. mil- iht Un-re is lirsl.- rr m . ot ie iMun . - im ipw
tK-snfef intf-H-1 wJ roo-rt,ro(v. Wheti- fint, ' ai: wUh tiie outrwud Ct 1 ett.1 lhl M lrs nr r. r..
, e rr In the ..pimn .f the K.!n.t iWim- ( l- o.-r.l .f ot the .-utter f . iel t Ur a.n It . t-rr -
khht- .1 oii Kf-ur ini B wmnu w.i- . .--." - - - - ---- - ;.-- . ' .. .. .. .
I . ... ... ..... . . . .1 ... l... . a,... . ...... .. (1.. aa mm.t 1. i .1 AiM 1
H 11 ririi mnfmm.' .,..- -i--.,. t .'.. w.
reHmnemllHt or Mnl i hfwaj r ))
tlie nMltstt en
u. .m4 ... .. flt;..- C.
nutil or.ilii M4lt.t.ini in It. i..,'Hl.- kitwi. r . r-" - ,.n. -w w .-.-.. ... -....... .-
a ColumiRis skating rink m a brutal man- anv addit.o'n or cMmi re in t- stt.on hu that erct. nA uet hr! ImII th.-
nT a few evenings ago and narrow lr r itHn-. or cn m " ' . ..,, ,..t ,. Uf--1 ,-,i bmritM
frscapfd U-llli: moblxil for hi- brutality. i i. rt-iMiiuhlr iwl oxiH.hrui in t,rli'r t n- ! bU Ak'Htn MxV n ref4iHll. !
It i.s stjit-i! that th. cost of rinttlo e. for i mole the eeunt v. ron enirMt- nt ncrow- . nu!rtl s.i;ny of bcti.
1 '--.., ... . . .... ..U. ..!-.. I .....
nbM.-nco of Senator Teller, further act. on cover! at m close oi the market
on Mr. Van Wck's"I!acklKneGnint"r-solu-1 Nellie Horan, of Whitewater, Wis., j Av aricultural -ocietv has be-n or-r
lion wn po-tpor..-.l I Mr Van Wyck i who waH chart;tll wit!, poj.soniug hpr,-ister, ' ui" -f sorl. Vu.. or lLe ,,nx,re
h rero.utioti that the Secretari- of the In- .. ... . . . c" -orlu ' ""' lur lut Ir'ose
Attorney General of the mower unu iaiu.-r, uas i-en acipnite!. giving an exhibition in the fall of the rt- 4.wii )t the teiiu of its tti.irw-r. or te jWTMte.. aad if mmH m
ducts of Lincoln and adjoining co.iatfes. i laws of th.- ete. .r herin thir Jwdsr ; mt 4tw wllli urit re
. .,,,, tnit nii retMNr. ar tsc -mio ll Hs suinre- hour.
A .Norfolk man dragged hUwt.'o from ' "7B,rK.i..II 1,..,,? "t'k. r 1 r-" -. M.f, .urh u
iMiniiiHii: II71II i, i
p-r-on- claiming lands decrlbed in the act mit. uf r,'jj each. Their
npprovefl Mav 17, Is.", ctititlel "An uct '....'' ' , , ,
Krantinjf public lamls In the .-lutes f Horlda ' JaL however, wos dla-, e-1
nton of the puh!i-. -nt4 Kullr.Mwt (m- iuOvwHt. -hwii b. ml )u t.. be...t
MOer. -hall inform ia nolrond cor- h the remt-s. nnd If Mta i-leol i.H.
rttion of Ihe iwinrmrmi and chant--. ' J n M-fu r M-erl i t-vtmra) -ithth
io:i ever held in the State. The appropri- eh tNe n.liud?e to te pr.p- h. "
, ., . . .'J I . ' In vrHIni:. lo ! -er e.J by tei'TlHC a cop.
ltion for their pay was about ,( short,, t,r,.uf ro,M-rlj cert.n.-.!. nh i.itrMnli
the last Legislature exceeded by ome ,
!,ood that iaid those of anv trtse,hng i
tvtitM e ' ret'omtnen.tMtioti of
m their
r nml )ut ti HeiiM
oh iMMtit. thenuh
ind thi who falltsj to get their cash be- .rent. Tre-urr. uK-rnt-uJem. r
remrt of
fore th. appropriation as exhaast.-l "got T"? "J-m.t "l 7h
left." j ii iik J reirt of the tnioiirr t
A c.ANfJ of cattle killers wa recentlv ar- J '.oerw.r. lio hl! transmit the ame to
..,.,. . . ". . ' the l-eiri-'ul'ire Nothing 111 Ihi- HtMH
resieo in i. osier iouu.y. I lie nepreo:aiioiis
ronsiaieo oi raiiuni: a raurn ami kiiuin iat i
or iiHhthtie for i!nm-c to peri-oil or prot-
( .rf ,
TllK 1-reniont creamery churn? tip J,iW ! mu. a. Said U.Mlrond (omini-loner -hnll
pouuds oi milk per dav.
time, and turns out TuO t
jutter and ten cheeo everv twenty-four ettdiii.r June ). i'ninmnif Mich fact. stHte.
fie uepreoa.ious . hUi,j Ut, ,.ll,u.t,tj . r,.j.,.Mi,.. Kn nulrH.l
h and killing fat i etrponiten fnm it- prt-ent re-iH'O'ltMlHies
attle for home consumption.
.. ..!,
luuiii; uj m,".v . jr-iu . . im it.-xi.rono i dimne'iHm r " -nti
', at tlie present t ,,n of before the Hr-l Meixln of DeHmber
. , . , of e.tcii trarmnkt'H report to the i.overaor
to .S..1J imHIiii.s oi tt their liolm,--f..r the prH-edm.r tt-enl ) eai.
While recently canusing in a half
I run ken condition at Omaha, Peter Liud
blad, a Swli, was robbel of HVK I.ind
blad had expe'ted to utart to Swelen the
lilent-and et'neatloii- it will tltv lO'fllli'
actual .orkiii,r of the sy.tcin 4f rl!ro!
trnii-portrttloti in th Mute and It- relMlioii
to the j-viieraJ lUlnep of the citlen- of the
Mnt. and such riii;f tln- ninl tecommeiid
Htinus in repett thereto us irliiy to them
eem aruiroiiriate. Mtid reiHitt hidt also
er' ixrMr ir t in
wf eh Ul, -l i trh -t-.
miii re itt-f.Ji.-. pr fnrm -Ib.
t enter in r U.m
lht lh4 nil! ni n y rwm-i fa
akl territory. -r tf .rn tha-r-
' br AlkMCl t tsta lhssn,
lue trrd fr .j, v.tinntnty i.
tbetft atn lri-: of th Vn '
nrel tht .lmmtKMi ot
not sHiHeiWit ti ;v-t Mrr'
iHHint hS. OHe 4l csttMl)"!! l" we ' t tentMl- f tfo ii.iiiminM A
Mlth the I. rt f the lrU 1 I'oMTt tn the , etart-I. the ten ill J rr sf mt s.
-UHti nkriHR u-h t-nmtUmt are. itt.l rto- will t- luvkl to jhii
the .omv )h1 Ihh) theroi w InrorttinUon. nitthortst j. .,. iv m rr .
vhlrh it hH be the aty wf th tH't or ' t h route H-t t-wtrr jtwl ril.fv-
the j t'tmnty .Mtorn- tw pru cte at the tertn of ( nMvt nil irh Iuuu4irr from lK-
the Ii-tr -t lourt. wherein hiI rlt4H". i rflnti la !..
hill le tJirsl. hWlen neit after Ihe ! n; of to teMNtn thM.f I Us -
-nid cttnplRjnt. uihI If a enlut of .""nit) on ' tny hand il mu--l liW ' of "
Mich ini l"ll t- nttrne.t by th Jur- j stt"i tbeaSitl.
pnln' -ch railroad t'mn) . the) hnll lMkiiw ) uiuirrm Nj'
te .Ir.-uied utility or it HtHwlrmtttto aud ' Uj th 1'itwMmit. "f J lln
chull forfeit rtixl t -tlt-h sum not r t Mllitc ! I. I I ".nrrotor
hall iIitih pror.iel Jw-t. Whether Hith wit '
cost- .l the entire prteeeliwr front the '
.. ... .... ...L- .. .... it... 1,.... I 1
iiiuc o mini, "in n -"upiJtin ion mr vn i , , , .. ., - . . ,ar
of lilnvi.1 1 o,Mmi.M.nera. ti.3iun fni the .Sswfar-
Ser II. i'tHn thi occurrence of but accr
dent iiMn any rolirowd which sbnli rou't
in bodily harm or h of life either to pa
eti.-er. employe, or other person, the eor
ration operittim." thv lonit uihih which (htir
culeiit iK-curret. ioU trite imiiootiitte Motict
next dav. and thedav previous had drawn ' ooitHwi as i..everj nt-ii-owi i-urpuraut-u uo-
i Int. Iiii.lri,.. In th.s fiilf
I. The umoiiiit of cHpital -lock.
- The Hinutit of prefeired sttH V, tf any.
nnd the condition of it- preferment.
3. The ttinoiiiit of stork paid In.
4. The amount of its funded debt and the
rate of interest.
A. 'tlie amount of It- titMitinir debt.
'. The co-t and present ca-h hUi of lt
roml nnd iiiuititiietit. iuchidttiir tH-rinaueiit
1 ny bui.imifs. round hoo-e-. machitie niel
I repair ho. rolllmr to-k. nil real estate
n-i'i! et iii-ivei In operntliii.' the roud ittid all
tltllte and conveniences tor tmtisactiiii,- its
, bilsim -.
7. The e-tltllltteit VHllle Of till Other nitT-
provids that nnv persons owning or hav- , t owiH b siichcorMintioii totlia -cIksIuI.i
, " .i .- . ' of the same, not liicludimr land- granted lit
mg charge as agent or otherwise of any i lUl, f u,riinMrutlMI1
from the Savings Hank the total earnings
if a tifteeu years' sojourn in America. .
i'art of this money, $,"(-', was in the form ,
of it Kuropean draft, while $'JI." whs in
The draft he had tho good fortune to leave
with a friend beforo Marling out to "have
a good time."
Mrs. Hi i.l was recently astonishing the
oeople of Omaha with lectures on Spirit
jalisiu. Tliu new law in regard to diseased hogs
WA.-iliMito.N, Matrh 11. t nt
hogs which shall die of any infectious or ,
rontngious di.seuse hall cause the same to !
. The leniflh of -hivIh main traoV.
V. 'Die it-iiL'th of doobh- liutlil truck.
klUI I1I.-.VU.1V 2.II1III v. !., ti .lain.- ,T i . . . . , ,
17 i ill h mi nilr fit Mi'rt.sor tflmtili .r-:ilirf.fll
Ikj buried in the ground of, or buried on the j Jt, M r t.0.truetion of U roml by the
farm tition which thev have Iwen kept, anil i Pulted Mates or ilils tm.:
,, , . ," . ., . i i ... i II The number of acre- of such land rv-
that any person owning hogs which .shall .,in,nitur un.old.
lie as aforesaid, who shall neglect to cause , ji It-monthly irro-s oarniiu's for trail-
the same to be so buried or burned within I portatlon or local pit.s-eii.-eo. for tne -ami.
tweutv-fotir hours after such death, shall
W. ll moiitlilv irro-s earnitii.-( for tnnis-
upon convirtion ther-of be fined in any ! portation of treivht orlKHiattior in or con-
1 ri;ii". o .i'or-Kii tii uiv-niiif uinv
! M Its monthly earnliii; from all
other -oiirces m tin. state
i ti the oxnrt roMdtbut ttf nUuir! -1
irefHntI H.itrti Jot tttitf
l.tMws5t, Kan.. Uwtt iv trw-inv
nor In tn Indian Terriltirv. A'
thereof to Uadrort.l i.'onimltoiier-. Oio-e tler he satd te rBmCs-t In ,
Uiltr It ihail In- to Invc-tltfute the .note nd ' .... .
to protiittl nxit t Ihe tio ernor the hi
tent of the pei-oncd liijurv or los of Ufe,
mikI tvhoLhi-r tint .mtt h the result of imi.
ttiAiutkement or neglect of the ert. ration bad taken no siej.. of tiot Klt
that oi.erat.Hj the l,e Oil u hk-ll the HOurr .r , urr ,t.,,,Mra , liut Ter,,rfy. t'.e I
.-.h li In ihn cotHtrtiotiiintff till net. the
phrase "railroad ' idinll tn isoitruet lo ihihh
ail rnllrondH uud inll ny om rnte.1 1 t.uin.
and m hither opntt.Hl bv tho corMrHt'On
owiiitiv them or br oilier eorjtrnthtn. or
olherwl-e The hrie "otlirnd!t.
lion" and "railtond nimimiiv ' hdl be con
-triKsl to menu the corporation, or cohijhii .
nenr the I ems. v UW. lr..
thtsjteiitnK to rer tlo tt N.
said, and will dttve Mit mnf vl attempt to -wile m Uo ti. i
meeting td the Cddnt yr-
OVlaflOlfltt Meis W1V hsuhb '
Ht leiiictlt. It wus -id thr ioir -
illltsl Ullioir th Mh.
r individual thnt mitliitniii- or oj rut. a lnrvsoii of the TetTtbiTT Uwvt I
rx.iroit.l ujm ruled bv -teHtn ix.ncr . ,...,. . . , .. . , , , .
Mi. 1.1 A m..jor,t ofsn.d Hoard of Com AtUmr s pi. lmnU-n fi-lnUtv h
miionor- -httift iistitut.i a .iiorwnt fortt big iiihmi Uit IioU.n r.u4 towl b
truiioncttot of n I bu-uo-s. ' oct:itive w ith tho mi wf hi '
MM II .Nothing in thl- ct .hell be eon- lJtU, Vlt . i, arttH bv tf..
struiHi to stop .r hiiioer iHTMiita or tsirtorn ! ..... . .
lion- from brmrm- still nirwlift mm nulnmd wmild ttuturulll flJ tt- I
HiuiMtm for any violation ..r nnj of tho leiM.. of Mich btiprvssM, It a.
bts.f IhisSitiito for thei.tiTliment of rail- les.t thai Pti-vodent n.neljml hf .
'l. m i.t...U...iiH .. ...U... ... .1.... 1.. -
Arthur w as chief irxeewttva To r
tim not loss than five dollars nor more than
rlfW for each such hog so left unburied or
A tramp at Crete, wishing, to ltard nt
tho comitv'.s until March winds
l.Y Tho amount of the epen-e Incurred In
running and maunxfmctit of pos-.tier
trains durinc the -nine time
tit. 'Ilie amount of epne incurred In
were over, broke a pane of glass in the j .uonhe suno- Vtuo"! id-o ti'mmmmor
window of u rest.iurant. but the .Marshal i i' ii'iic-iin'iirr..(l in the iinmlrii.- nn.1 ootn.
understoo.1 the trick and kicked the fellow I "Ki-nieiit of mixd trauo. during the same
;ut if town. j; All other expenses iucurreii in the rtin-
A latk lire in Hooper, Dodge County, n.tnr of the mml during ihe -ame tune
, , . ii. ;.!,... i. 1- 'llie amoiitii oxp.-mb-d for motl,e
destroyisl projierty valued at -Jl.,i: in- ,,. cup-. -.lathui liou.-, nwl fUtui.
yiirance light. The stores of Heins Ilros. pi. such othei -tati-tii-s ul the road, ami of
and II. II. I.oochens were buriie.1 with con- t bus.ncs, for the ,.n,r ti.
j may. lit the Judiftiieiit of the oiiiml.-toiiei-.
tents. 1,.. nere-rtan and proper for the information
CliAKLin Carlkton, a rremont school t of the l.ev-:sUtufe. or a-m.ty b.- n-oirel bv
i ..-:.! ... i.... i.. i, .. . i. .I"'" l.ovi-riior Such report fhull exhibit and
boy, went to join the cow-boy kids on the j .,,.,. to . ,.,,,,,,11.011 of ueh corporailon on
plains with 1.M. four marbles and a cork- the first dav of Jul of em-li )er ael the de--crew
knife, in his pocket. A telegram j ,"',"1",r ,,1" niii-.oriiiiMiii bii.)ues tmna
, . , , ,. . , . ' in ted durlnv tlie year i-iidiiiir June. ti.
from his mother stopped him at bchiiyb-r. j j-K . I. The board hll enter upon th" dl-
A srORVgoc-that a Dodge Count v widow ehareo or it duto- ihn ten .lays aft.r
. , . -i 1 .1 .1 .. . I this act becomes a law and shitw hold Its
v listen tier Mimes in in.- 'v. tin .-nu.-i . ... , ,, Jfl ,,. , K.., al Jnclii. or at -lieh
induce a beardless votilh of seventeen to I other plio ea- lity -hall riiiire. nnd bv the
niiirrv her; failing in which, siltf gave him ! i"-i llmriniirli inte-t.KHtion atwl close-t up-
a n ' TlHl-utuill Hflirm Ifkiilf I Im .iti.4!
Ihe old story of it biiKitie.s of nidrondiuir. the c-t of con
I struction of railroiM-.. the pre. out alne
J thereof. Ihe ro-t of oper.ttlttc them and n.l
j oj 1 iic iiiiimiiie oi tin- pro;i: aim i.
Sn I. To currv out th pMix-lhin of this
net with. oil iiiiduv buMen to tin- S"iit-od
cits ith.) eompo-e the Hoard of l'rtwH!
s oilers, their Se relaiie- mr hereli) fMtM
'rixl lii Mil mailers of exuHtimttiuit- or ihvvh-
timttlH, to perform the .Itlties pi.-tiMl
for the IxKird thelllselt .. Clot lde.1. TliHt IH
MuhI joiirmeiit-. or it the tixiuj- or rhanHr
of rntea. shall onit be doHe by the boots)
thelttseit es.
1 sound spanking
woman sconusl.
Tin: Governor returnisl to the Secretary
of State ii'e bills passed bv the Legislature of the bii-oie-..; and every raiir.Htd contpnitj
without his approval. They were: Senate I ronitiHi or d..iitf '""-- ' ''; --
. ... . . -uhII on or before tin-tlr-t dat of September.
File No. !', to deterinine the title, right o- i m the teHr of our Lord -.n.- eivht
Tun Canadian fiovernment wits reKrtcl
conrddering a scheme to fit out an armed
schooner to xvatch the iLshiug grounds of
The nlaintilT in the Shnron divorce suit
has appealed from tho Court's judgment in '.u' """ provinces nnd pre-eut Ainer-
nlloxving the ilefendant to amend his an- ,can '"'ue:i Irom taking fish in Cana
sxver after a decision in the case had lieen '''',n wati-rs.
rendered. It is Mated that should tlie ! l "'bA-SKi, xvas visitcl by a tr-
higher court reverse such judgment the ;ri,,le fire tin. other night, burning several
idnintilTxvill obtain iudement for s."..0o0.- houses. I,ss, StU"); insured for $I..CW.
lW. xvhich. itis claimed, isadmitteil by the lT,,rt0 tuvn -'b-eping over sak-jn were
original pleadings to be her share of the -bumed M death. Txvo were drummers
coniuion property. ; from other junts. Their names are uu- .mil hit I.P 1......I 00. 1 f., . f . l ,,E SI1,i' -"rcuomenc, - xvnicn arrived at ,"-"
clatHl in.l bit his head anil face tor- New York Qn the Juh Calcutta. .. j tr.vr.NtE raiders had prisotx-rs recently
jKrts that on February 1, in latitude ."1.1., ,,n " botel at Highlands, Ca., tho
longitude li..t, she spoke the brie Lucv ("orth Carolina line, when a rescuing party
W. Snow," Captain Iturgess, from tJore ' n,biers nttackei the hotel, and William
for Boston, with yellow fever on lvjnrd. Hamey was shot ami killed. The raiders
The employes of the Missouri Pacific Were "o: n,,rt
shops at St. Louis xvere informed on the ' ' British steamer Standard sailed for
11th that their xvages would le restored to London January ! and ha not Iwen heanl
former rates, in consideration of which tho ro:'L and is supjosed to le lost.
men decided not ts strike. I khr Pasha was recentlv arrestl nt
An insurrection has broken out in Al- .Alexandria and his house searched. Adoc-
lianin. unicnt was found proving hi omplicitv
St. Dominick Catholic Cnrncn nt r-t1 tu' Mnhdi. ZoK-hr Pa.-ha is the pvr'
Vnlitnetmi. 11- C. lmrnA.1 rwtifK- tjia.. SOU whom (erier?il linniii'i uji'fni t I
tlatod March I. sums up as follows: ' iT.-,.noi): insurance. -,0,000. '. made C-overnor of Khartoum.
Messrs. Von Gc.xnnLL At Ma vnoFK, cot- , H: clearing-house returns for xveok
ton brokers of New York, have nnuounced ondcl March H showetl an average dc
their iuability to meet their contracts. crease of 1 4.!.
lioinosion and description of lands m sec I hui-dr.d and eijrhtx Rve. und on or before
. ... ... . . . , .i i Ire -ame dux lit each rear therenft'-r. Mke
Hon N.. town 10, range u east, veV.ed mi th- j n,H, ,nu,., , lU Mr,t rr, Hlf i,r trt..e
ground thnt the question is one which th- j of thi-net, at their othe.- m Un.oin. u fui:
courts are competent to determine by or- " V,;-- "e!: rHn of the'ngof
I uiHnrvoliurta. Hotl iCoII i. I.. tnninul , t)irirni! ocriHi-atiun. n m mwv -ilt-l rft. fft v(Ysrfl'it Vf ' l
i - ...... .. . . i ...-. .iv jm . -.
tl... seh.rf.l b.w. vetoeil In-citls t con! i t. I on tlie llrsi OI Ihe prere;iic j,,, p "y ( ". "! -o u rwrT i a rx ii'. , t
.; . , i itiir . -'. t ! r ' rc" o auch jetwajr t-
xiblv. Unt' of the bov s cars was torn
off completely and his nose split,
finally the hoy ;ot the carlo's head
nd nock under c' font and .stamped it
to death. Tho WW measured eight feet
trci tip to tip.
Gknkkal Jamks Hinsmx, Vice-rresi-dent
of the National Cattlo and Horso
Growers Association. fonvanlinr a re
port on stock from HoiseCitv, Idaho,
with House Koll No. If-S xvhich in themnir
covers tho same ground. House Roll No
1. to provide for preventing ami prose- j
cuting offenses in the District Court. ve.
to.1 because its title is defective, and Sen- .
ate Ktle No. Ill embraces most of the fea
tures in No. 10. Senate File No. 1'JT, f
legalise tlie election of certain officer in
the city of Wyniore. -etovd on the ground lnc and fxt..r
I. The titnount of raieta! toek i. n'-e-t
2. The amount of -fm KMmwl in
.'I. Tlie of Its iu.-.'t KWl labilities
4. The uu:ios iiih! piac.-p of rosMleiweof it
V Tlie amount of funded debt m
r. "Hi.' amount of fl' d- '. .,
7. The est.mnt.-d xn ... of fOll J3n'd td.
Ineltid'titr iron tui'5 )" !,
.-, Thr r-r i.iut..'l .t i,w of rolling Mock.
Tnt est "iff I olSC mt atntlcn. build-
The winter seems to be fairlv over.
nnd the grass is springing from the
earth once more. Notwithstanding
the almost unexampled severe weather
and tleep snows, the cattle seem to
have wintered very welL Letters from
3!oiit:uih. New Mexico. Colorado,
Utah, California. Oregon and Nevada.
reort light losses. In this Territory
(Idaho) tlie losses xvtll not exeeetl one
to one and a half per cent.: more
liorscs than cattle have diet!. The loss
in Utah Is very light."
Thk Pot-Ofliec Appropriation bill
recently passed by Congress makes the
following important changes : The
weight of all single-rate letters is in
' creased from one-half an onnce each
to one ounce. All newspapers sent
from publication otlioes or news
agencies, including sample copies, are
entitled to transmission at tlie rate of
one cent per pound. An article in a
Dewspajer or other publication may be
marked for observation, except by
written or printed words, without in
crease of postage. A special ten-cent
Stamp is also to be issued, which, when
attached to a letter in addition to the
lawful postage thereon, will insure its
Inmedire delivery by ispecial messen-
at anv time between seven a. in. an
that it i unconstitutional, and House KoJl
No. ". an net for the relief of I'efer J. n.i
and hi.s londsme:i. vetoed on the ground
that it is special legiflation in a case fully
xvithin the scope of a general act.
Two land seekers from Illinois recntlv
ntt-mptcl to ford Turkey Creek, running
bank- full, near Bloomington. and nar
rowly escaed drowning. Their wao-j
and tenm drifte.1 don stream and finaJ'y
caught ou a tree. The men 5av?d them
selves by clinging to the branches, but tht
tatn " droxvucl.
IV.sT-tFK:cc change in NebrasVa for th
wt-,.k ended March 7: K.taUihed Avon
dale, Otoe Countx-. William C. Jack. josi
mnstr; Birch. Tierce Comtr. Harlan J
H-wett: Moaklnn. Sioux County. John H
Holden: Sanfonl. Kaya I'ahu Cotrnty
Daniel H. Sanford: rrlwiaa. I'hclor
Countv. Ano I Wilcox. Name ch-mjl- ''IJT'.
T"n ?.uiatd'v"'j)f tither pro;crt.
11 T. e iclMTth t)f .nir. main track
IJ. ThcJenjflh of double main trnek.
I. 'rfc;lirthof
the ky Klmrlo or double (tuck.
l-wt uyirrcjrnto length of sidin? end
ci "fts not abjve enumerntiwl.
ft number of mile run by pMsnffef
tr i ft.trintf th year preccdlnif the makinjr
o hej rt.
'" imntimler of mMc run by freight
tra e dfkkity the Htnc period.
Taei?nbcrof toaof thnjurh freight
crr I lnjpj the aine time.
r. - flBtrttcr of tons of local frrbxtit
crr.'J !urtltof)ic ninp lime.
t' H-ir 'nm;-cAr-4inz for lh tranpor
tat n f n-,-er disnii?' the im titon.
j. It 'v tiir arnjn for the traaoor
iar on oi jr. nn.'triB? ir.e tnt uw.
ri ! r 'ritblbjftrn!nr frota dl other
f.mrves fr.- v
The --f. r t .7ipne ineurrrd lnth
runnftiff i r aK-Rcnt t.f p&tesrer
.riMit dvirJ- c f -Wl rrmr.
Si. Th m r clMxpense Jncurr-'l In
Uon Is imiw ptjxml wd II '
issued. It iii to-ltkt Ux vi.n '
p.isset- ujnmi IwtLau IamLi In Iff
AXIO- I'.Ml A HKMtrt-t
I U.!ltI.V.l.f, MlWh 4. IU-.
rit.sri.ictr ib.t... of nklaHMA to stU' mm; mtm :
rollovvmg Is the hill nrgwlatlitg jtMiig;f ' eiMbntvotlmt b. dtrf-r -.
m;(.: iiietho.1 Io ai'.-otuplU' l)tU nad, P
ieiTio I. It -holt U- uilrtfMl for nnv ' l"M''f. lb! th rolooK
rallioit.l eoririt;on otwnti' h nolrow.i : eek to einnmruiut ikt! iitlbU''
east of Ihf b'Nt leectinM m thl Mat", to j rtMy undue proi-iplbttir vthtrh h .
chitnro. c.lbH t. or tw.-n. fr the , j,,,, t,Kxr...t tMe titefl.c
trun-rtaMoM of Her pH., itH-.tMbn . , . i ,. ..
lMtrvmr ih.I etr..t.i,,, one Uurl.H 4 i MiIImivi-. A I td Ire4ir'' '
tim H.iiml. in w Isht. on iim) tnuo H Arkntt:i CltT pulMNlNMi b .
I tie of toad, it suMtexcemtMiir the lull UeretM , Xxhbdt lepre-lt lhl HttfUtl Cot .
k:c ;,,. sVuVs i'r?i'ij : f-- -
i IWXO's tt-rMMW SO WT IB. It.-
tory IwiA ow'ial"i llitBmi'iiW.'
' vlUnr. Si i CUrli.t. hwx. t
: antheiiMtn of thl dtttlHi.
j rMI TMK tl.
. Ka.vsa. irx. MuirJi li.--a -
lh: nrnrn ffiHit Artttiin t'itjr, K'
'Atatnte iM.or U.r.lrht ;.r II.
'' lnintmtimi that f'Twhlnd -.
land had lanuvsl iwirmtUm tw r
, tlAt Cmich aiwl ht ftWIowor lntt '
d Uiu Indinn Terrtbtry and ;
tmitdt off Ihe i htkfim turn. A
M'ltUUre of the 'limn at mm m& . '
Caphiiit O.tirh t hU rump Jt4 .. '
him of mIoJ hd tm ni alHv
(Ml. H. the OfclAhtiMH turnm
inttrh iMirprlMsa e tlJ thnt
fell bit of ti" prnrUmmUfm k..
OHihl not dd.i Am U Im( -be
pan.te. Itj tM emtwlrta tmttt ,- -
II1.IhI. ' I If rMtrM Mt h". '
resM..nt hot UortHNl a Utaatfi
Is ItOIK-lfld I Ht tUH ( ttl OMMIf h b
irlt tne CttfMtiMttt xm4 -m aliaU
to wall till Ue erntrwt arttin Um fcMrft.
It 1 il!y pottle off Ue IHrtiUIib. .
in ta.-t4t. f 4 ( or ujrnn$ per mile ter
ittmiiTn. khis. enrnllik-s. three rrnlt -r Niib
Itntlwm- to be Lhiikii k la'"H IwiMtr
thoM- tht rn le Until t.u per mile p.r
nnti'im. erKi .armiu"'. three mI . half
cent- j-r mile. Pr.f.I tltwt th"
ifrtMM Minin lierHn rtls hII
cmt-trxusl n th. irn rnisi i-r
mile frm Mil ir-e of itnr ruilrM ir
nt!H c..npiite.I H..ii the mnlH Iim mU-mv
of tb.' !. re st'U ! .oeii rwi.roti erpr
MtKoii in th! Stttle, it hrwiM h. .tte-i.t.
him! l'n Iee r terntl . .rl4.Hl. thttt
IhM Mtle per Hide from the t mrttill U
the .-terii l.uiIiir of the Main u;i tut I
.-xe"sl four c-Mf.
Hia 2 td rutinxxd e..rrrnt.n hall nut
rhitrire. eille.t. .l.-mnivl or te,-,.t HitbtM lte
Itinlla ttfw.te 4' lCel ftr the I rfite.M(t n
nl mil rhikt ii.'l. r li-ll )'ettr Oi.t M l, m
.r rsrit''i .f Htt Mi-fiirf-r n nn rt n a
IIM f e.lifjf f.i hlt.f I r f B. pt
S.T.t'.sl lit l tin ...r fif I'l . (1 t
p I l rf hr r ,r .it I it tt'r. ej
to prrveM hi r r a I cuuiImi r fr-.fu
ilf'lt. 'he ru r t 1' w'ibll 'IMQb pa 1
oil the Ira.'. th ' luctorlrSB'r fief
I'm .. 0 check trh i hn.l be dHiiui tun
.w-o char-fed t y tittnn oit"fni -
vrt prietenbxtion Io the j-iit of rUl rttfii
S-UL I If ohali b unlawful trrnxir miU
Tot ccfTKiritUon operaim a ntlirosd in :tM lab r ) titan vr ttipM4m Th
couch UwJ for contrwrlmr pnrrJv-,. ,, , . ,,ttm , .. r",.
over thir lln of rtwd ny itn V " K- r-wJ4M Ifc.
or iron who offer to pr th i raHp b tdrfht ad ihm twfurnwi I
rejruUr nte of fnre not t) etcr-.! the mil jifej.' fr.m tlta till Mnin4.
"'"..r . .u o, l r,'Z ...L.r "'r'zr ! '- u w imm ,&
aid p-rm conduct tbemive prvff! j "T w.o.
while remalnitiif therein. 1
w i. Anr rdroiid conaritUn rMatltur 1 V tMc rnxi eruivn
nnr of the prorllon of lblct. hU iii-oi ' nfc '-u- i
conviction thereof, furteitwn'i pr fr vh ! i. . , .. ..
offenr not i"lhntw-Mv.!r-.ldodir. nor ' fri ! i i.- M...t,.,
JTnIH. I'A "tH II.
i r...i
TV. . it
CaitaIX Cot'CH and twenty other Okla- - TiOHT-uorn xvalkcr going by the name
homa "loomers, after bein-r taken to f I"nl, fell from a cable stretched across
Wichita, Kan., xvere released on sCt.tXK) a street at Sb-tckton. Cal., the other day,
bonds each on the 12th. ' and broke hi. neck.
It was reported in Pari on fairly good . Tin: Vandalio line on the Ifith rcluce.1 ! a lively experience the other day. A mas Tiei3Kca:riH--J.! U-r
Ibtinl. Nuckolls County, to Bonlay, Char I m
Ceildren. postni.vtT.
THE plunders of Omaha claim U havr c
grievance. I'sually p!t:mber' palrotu art
the ones to criee.
A Nw hotel i roiag np at Norfolt.
: rHfcn.' .. rrii
train-iur ux,' !"
I r
ft :
of freight
JC jtl-o themount
Jae running ol
n..,r than nnn tituarl ftollar toefi fur- '
feiturV to te pMld Into the choi fund of !b
en.1 hiiil behibw Ut the tHtrtf itijtir-! h tutff4,v' fr.nfneel t
for.llj JiMffr hf or li uuiot xhrrvUr frota Um I ffbH-" ' "- U l ..
. Ttie term. -wllr..1 corj?mtl'n. ru ... r . .
tAine.i ia thi act hiU t- .Jr-.wHt ! laitRtj th- rnnrfma i4AUirl. tutA O
vMiifnjoxrttfir or uyrnt r or whu-h . "
inar fcrrrAl!-r fln or oimi. mnr riwjwajr s , i or n trtrm" mi t
whole or la wrt- In M HW. M the prt-
t, ! of th ct kS" PPT "!' t-r'Kj.
firtn 01 er.rt-raie, uxl tn Mil ettoM Cl. X"Cl!0 VV e" lmb n.
ul person, whether lpcrjfii or otfcer
itinr tiMM
i A..ntlirrf iw" '
' nojir iwe jnmttmxr :-", f
j frame I bk
I rMwi aad ma r:iw r scjtr,
jwrsnJ rvsxirai f trnlxJ
im. Lint.Ann.ofSprias-leWLharf j Jt I n--v'e..
. .mr- ...
tn tfs ..trf--- lA .SAvr r .. . - - .
.i. .t... .k.iMn l.rislntA MrfMnnilflrar. " -w ... 7-uwy .
Her uihjh miyof tJM'd'-f rl)-tt ftt th ) tall, tnl mx Uiff tf.-V :- tni .-,
Mtr Utrret rmflwr ic-plt-fi,.. mm j KllfteI r-rcf r,tit-hhtr -,;, ,
to rmVtum tjr.tkm' h'tviuUtor m-o- hMtf, cM j,, a-s l l 1
ofiu' jL--. - fallurr nt fiw l Vi&ft:'- v .
tM4 f Ttarw mhf-C. tlcly4"l n th Utl-, g r? '.- :- H
Sr.yr Hnu-Jky, Lju. f-ch !. TT t-pl omptftmi ttiugmi. i. t
W. during the funeral of Willi, Cat. a HH-4e- . I?? LXZT, " SZr'TT.
rr: In the run-m'h dttfca. fxyc pl yrWly. Th- , Of li 13? sa,r. In thbi 4Mf 1 .
idcrinsrtAQ 'can of lit wJ4i rx 4 ck n t t Qcntn lrz& fi it Urn-, et-i
. ... ... . .... j.. . . . . . .v . . . . rm ..
xtMiwn. csii! vvc tivzvf-' i. wj wnitij u jc ptv? ir)) v km) t:
uvkio; 1 lax in ffsar. To dla- t- t t-l a zt in v$mrlit;u tn
gleted him for rYI monl.C- &d hr v tj
i crra: jxirrcirr. fie rnMmtor jrr n to- f
kCtudJe-r rt-1
P.-fcw" of
authority that James Stephens and Eugene -1" w Vorfe passenger rate from i?c
Davis, Kenian leaders, xvere arrestetl and ILo"1: to -II, another cut of 1.
nansttl Smith hr.d b-a arreste'I fflr forcrx ! td er m
and the Conlblt was taktn-; nun to I'a
onleretl to leave the country. J FHass: Uomjah, xtho uis accnsel of J pillion for afe k p:ng. x. sen two ratir?
In the Hous? of Commons, in reply to niurtlenng his mother, brother and siUr i from town the prisoner jumpvl fntn tfc
complaints against the Government giving at- Kadical City. Kan., on the 3d of Fehra- j train and made for tall timber, with Lid
any American firm the contract for pntnp ary btst, xxas lynchcl at lndpealeace. ! dan! in hot parait. The Coc.tahlc rn
for the Suakim-Berber Railroad, the Sar- ; coaj'jqcent ujon the Judge granting a : dsaxroml to stop Smith by shooting aftf
veyor-General of Ordnance .wid he xvould change of venue, which iucesx! the x-o- ! him. Th racktt bro-:bt oct a farmAi
be greatlv surnristHi if anv English makers pi" verv much. ' with a shotgun awl he Maz-d away tt tfe
xx-ould undertake the xx-ork as quickly as the . Tm- Governors of Kan. ami
!pror I
i togthtr xrtth the Itailroad Commui.
i of loth States-, had a conference x it
Mtssoari. , Constable ttll his n-fiaasa2Uon rare oct
iuioneri , The forger was lost in the ..inol of batt;.
The nsKHtat oj--Tie-l
boe. boid-r- mt Sitijs-
3. All thrr tfX1'nrt'iTr f-
n t i-f rocd. nShfwJK f
wrrxiKi esr
ai The rte .f f re for y.T.zT
ft- for each imtlu
-4 A eoffj- w? "$ . -J r-
Zt.r p-eiirj m4 inC c-c Tf ;: i ' r
..f .-u! for th jrwrr&JKi f ' Are-
corr the amc time
3: "h! ex(rxr cmp- r "
f-o4. tiie lL4 t tl. fjrh.
wjjiar they ul- h4r f r- fht si - '-
j or&t the utv Z mwh cij-r woe.
ii m m i ii -
r2tVrf1'r'l'?'if2..V.i -tlie oalr Py -fc-n- Wter .
torwh Jttewiwl bltn rfcclu tb-r w Kitrrf I iai .a Sfillh AartS. -4V.
tuxthh-rr tiwM, in tii- i-Mif b4 drfoII rh puutiirr, iih LnhtJh
Uu: ht rWiu wt Juv it bvxnk-lM tnv-is Atfi 9$alt ttmr;uzk
Uf dl m--miiUi
Tare t
electtsl lruste-axvith fourteen other promi
nent men.
The United States ship Lackawanna ar
rived at San Francisco on the lith from
Acapalco. She reported she bd twelve
cawes of yelloxv fever. Owca Griffith, bar
ber, and William VTildo, x Uor, died.
Skckktary Lxuas has issaed an order
American firm had
Thk Ohio Archaeological and Historical of loth Stat-!-, had a conference xs ith the but a. fonn.1 a ir hocrs af terwanL in a t 1HtJI
A.sociation was reorganixed recently. ' oflldals of the Missouri Tacitic oa Sunday, i jtra-w stack. I W"bt :rt-tt nd trutiir:AUaii cp.
Hon. Allen G. Thurman presidetl and was ! March 15, at St- LouL. with refcrecc to. -nx Tobias roller 'skating risk at j rV-STfrirht zti triru
the prevailing railroAil strike. After con- ..x .. .-ii 1rirf.Ht 1 tfc s . th er f On riia-i
R.l.,.Mni...rM.I n rosrvU tn (ho! . . " ... . .. . ! or the r i cnWi'4 . -h-m-rr.
.w.....uu .. .w..t.v. . M... .- -w
strikers nil that was demanded namelv.
the restoration of t'oold rate of
i-u,iniBn,wpxcuMixiaji w A CQitrs of UaJoa paciSc gii:s-n Str-.i. M frsril..t-Krri.;;boiitJr
ttco before altering tne rat oi wara ... ,vt,w,(.rvrt'lr!i e-. ' oCe ct ti- (arHtai ot ikr ?ttn.
ujc. ...-.--.- i orthrfcrjisl. ziftm
Holt Coaaty b it,') ta ttctr. ana wBC,tjier . f,-s: mr - f -l:
31 - j proposition tn pn: in bosds will n sule- j rr ffire prrfnrrcv Is j-1 a,&i c
"TH milted to the vtcrs. 1 wrf trutsptao. a4 If In -fwx
auspnxling any farther patents of lands to
tho 2f e Orleans & Pacifier"' Railroad, oth- trains la the nsa&l aianasr.
rmbe known as the backlKMjw railroad. It was stated in Loadoa oa tae lith that
GOVSK50R Marxjldcxx. of Xissocri. is- Bismarck, since the amicable ewiemeat of
sued s prociatuatioa oa tie lfta warcina:the recent trocble-s with Esglasd, was
persons against laterferias; wita railroad iag bis whole influence with Eossia to
property or the BKmag of traias. Taa avert war
strikers os tae Gould system were cocsi- Ncax Hantiastoo, Pa-, two ontstowa
the coapaay- to tertaa. Italians while workiag oa th railroad
tral2c m cassia sreaX vara rq over asd tilled.
rirti!rf min; .xann nil.1 rrcraii . .o tir- , -- z. -- - - - ,
paid railroad isea. Tfce strike oa the .. L .L.Ii...i..'eM,v : -" ibi-s.w . o.a-
Wabash system coatlnueI, and at Spring
field, I1L. thestrikers were stopp'ajj freight
Wizgwm: r jwowrac i xa- suspentirave
I vev the rocteoa the vata sue o: V3e--oru: 1 rr4 aa.1 u, er ..j Snc-rtArr kil fc
j s c a m .. m. . . .
rlatte Ittver to Caain "-Jars. t p- i-t-zt.j ,roa ue Arvaair - I (...!.
. ..... . i -rrrJl fcad. I s- -vjs.
tOIffliOBUsoj Wr "P "- ..; 0 jwKm la Ur c"pbr of ty : TboteJLS &as
scare oj tae ucactii . .us ,ri.'. i 1 cwrportJa. or bmci:ex ic 10 mjij j.j- tt
Oisetuers we b w. . s 1: r ' wrrkd s-vhr
State this year, taay csotce piece o;
tai:i have been Ged apoa and wtfl te held
fozarise. Theoiata ltaeof the Siscx City
& Pacific wCJ reach there is IsSG.
A BoaEHUk.3- laborer was recrailjr killed
by the cars at Omaha while -aXhrfa co&
IrosH tke railroaJ tnc. sTmU --
x taa
f r
cf r JL
to ram
p-. wBtar
Tsst ri ava
mtaa an
cwit w friiwiy
-aBBBV aa
f - IHW f, 1S J aaTam
,5-cr wrm4r ar
iy rix&t nitmi tuiaia t
iU -ran nAai Dbte
vlhT rtrfaJ 4tvl jr.- Le
ty ye ciCJ r. i;. j fj i-r .jrtr- .Tttf&trv r.
aHat t t&t of tocMt: j otithf4.ilaU rannvrti 4ssr
ul (IrrKi&i. d rx-r)VJ f oi iftssagraftt lijmrw 4 a JT"1 "'k.
1 1 . a fc V3C1 m. ". . . . .
i-.Miu.t. 1 .TT??wri f hi s; W rni- ,.
!-.- mil 1.
- -s" i: - - - V, f S ." . .... 1 . .- . .1
'v-s-.4 ti r f w . I LLi tnr aija 'o'v Rvarrs a.i
.-" . v - " ..." .!..
. .t, -.-- k--. t .-- aaaul st jjcse'L' sJrmi T"n s-i --
us u jvj kt-v-cBrM vsrcCT .ar ,'m a a a inH .
- 1 a.. M.L. -. -.
fn, j vmr rr r - V Jjar, J, w -
ar sl-ied ll atrfwia Mnr ' , 7" . .
to iikk r- &, tsn? vrr '"''t;. .. .. .
artlc awSr tnfct ffi Ji I r w f- J--r"- -'' -
Grrrrasst sa4 late
1 ar jerkw".
tan rs.i - uJ -.- &S f 'k-ItI
S.M 1" 11. .' -.,.i SMI - ..S. tfi.
thrartstted. TW J-tsi?r .,,
caputs- ts a PMit;I ffi . , . n
. . .w mmiii! s'iMei.i m. 1. ,i1tT
j w a. j. r TH", ''-rsr --v--
r 3jr jlw jeixp' wnvn ftrta SLj.e .5
Tsrfe fa. I dtit! itIm IfVy -crri'd eirte "w
4 wrti L'&ki iii-,"
t ?.
?T ft. Teid CoxaisiVoT tt3 fcT
sas?i. tr itr. vMeVo i rr tvark ne I ?X" S a.
por&ttes. or xc esamia- utr octh r !t- j llrrl "-l
wle. xsr oSr. dJrKtor. turrat or ewpiojre 1 ifc-. 1
of aaj-seh erpmtios: tker are etsfrtw-l ., ,.'
Tel to Ue tstttjtM afct 4mttlrr oath J
lc the iic s&asaar aa Kh the cac oer asax
ht Jekm H'c. whn r-r Ha1
I llm. 2- A fj&vTiyii el hwU fan.
1 I IMS 1'ITnr AT &B rn ku asV .
frt5etrfwri!.tWrirto- TW JwrtUas- i eprt
wife kthciwwt 4 icrfBMli aartysto agmtau ap
rC T trtJt afWK SM I .Mbi $f
tb fMi trvi itml t;4-yrst ci
rwMai wv prs tmmAiaz fm
""w slP"rBjBjRaj -Np"P 3J""H Pa- m
Uiu Taa JCwdMi
A flmtfl HuT . kttal I
" - ' -- If n i .
. ...
BaaaMm -"-r -jt jdfc&i. & .--.-' . x aa
BafaaiaWrWTTir" ' ' T, I fJaaaTtW" -. HSi' ".
BaBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBKSKSKlMKSaBBBT?awJ-" . .. w-a. ., -,r----r - r' , . j
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassaaBBaagaaaaB mimimi j ,y'"i ' , - y - .
BvBavSaKKTHklBBBSB'BV:--.'''.-'-. -mmssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
aaaaaaaaaaiaaBaaaaavaainv ' . mmBsai v -- ,- - - r n . "7' --r . . -t" . j r '-"r . . . --tr ,J- ..i.,.