- - V ' A ,? -r .! ' T$- -?. . iC "A- -r s. yiv' 11 yi rtws? , - l. .i '' !.. Sir . . i -Vt' s -' :.& " . ' v I' 1 .4 f t ft I Y l?v KS . 15?. -- " . .-vs .' 2 Sv " ISA KPt- '7 4. ' fc- ". a? V DARK DAYS. Contutucd'fiom Find J'ttfje.) p- my lips met hers In a Ions and rapturous ' h '". T.icnw'th r.f-'c'i hi,cintlr but firmly freed herplf from my nrzn.i. Su to-e. we t-ioo I on tin mirM-' fl or, f-ic t fare, gnz- Jnc In each other".. . "JJasil," f-hc M. mftly, "all t!ii- mut f'irznttea. bav farewell ;to-inunowvu must jort." ")carcs. our IIvs h"ticp f'rih are otic" "It cannot lc. .Sjarr ni". IJnsil! Vou liav been Jriwl to in . . cinriut b ." V.'hy? T.'II rn- wlijT' "Vhy! jii.'.-d u aJ.? Yon l;e.ir an hon- nr&l ami rsMvtcd name: and I, yu.t know .-. i .. . i. ....... i .. A v.'ront:iil o:nan, it way Iw, not a , fchamrd :." "AUl U.sil, In tlii world. wJipij a rnninn ' Ji conevrtifd, wron?ol ami hliarned inyiu j th'j ame tlilnz. Yon Law bf-pn as a I r tl- I t'T to inr. I c i hi" U yon In mv trot hie: joti I kuwu my I ir my re.iMm. II- kinder Mill, tin! fpare mc the pain of paiul:t ou.' J'y Jooir, Iiy word, hy picture, zhe seonipfl to lxrfi"rh rne. 0 i. how 1 1 ntrrd to trll her that 1 firmly bdlrv-d sin xvas tin: dead man's wilv! I had much d iTWd'y in clicck lu'A the vordn wSdch were fojmlmron my Hj. JJut I rianil not hK-ak. Tfdln h:r that th; marr.atj waji a vjlld o.i.; nifant that I mut tell her of her husband's death, Rtid. it tnUht h-, how he iii !. I'iiiU-ja," 1 said, "the whole llrinnA of my life, tnj every desire U c-nt-red i:p,n liiaklnc you m wfe. 'j'.iink, d-:.iet. how liiitn I had n r.l.t to demand th.s tfi my llfo was uiatltfrir date; think r. hat it v. ill b when know you love, m j :n:d yi t n fuse to L"5 mine I Hsve 1 b:ci true to jou, l'hi.iu- "HeaTen knows you hare." 'Then why, now that you love m", refuse ; my reward'.'" "On, spare me J -I cannot, 1 will not slve 1!. Ji.it'1, dear Ifcmll. why ui'fi yurta'.e:.rj xliould you mairy the nitn fr-mi-:r.r of 8 r M r'vyn Ferrind? Why si ouhl jou blu.sli to show your wife to the rui'.'" "Mush! T.iu world! Wu.ii i.s my v.nrld i.nve you? You ar. ill to mu,"sweeiet. Yo.i luvc me wliat motf j do I want'.' ISeforc tins time next week we. will he niarried." "Never, never I I h! not i the man I love. Ilasil, farewtdl forevei ! ' .She clnf-pcd her li nils and 111 wildly nerods the court. J caught her a. t. e do r. whleh she had readied and h.i f -jti 1 "l'romisc me one t.iinK," I said: "juoinih you will xvait here until my i.-.uin. I .sha I not In five minutes. It is not much to ask, riilllfipi." I'oliippa bent her head as in absent. I jassed through the door, ami In a few min utes returned to the7offo. accompanied by my mother, who tranced fiom Pnilippa to n:e In n, urplIed way. "What Is the matter:"' she asked, with her cheerful smile. "II ivo you two youujj peo rii' been quarre'liiK?'' I'lilllpla made no answer. S!ic stoo with her fincer.s Intel laced; her eyes cast on the cronud. "Mother." I said, "I have, to-lay asked J'hllippa, to bo my wif". I hae tld her that all my happlncvidep-ndsinou hereon went to this. I have loved her foryear.s;and st last shtt loves me. Yes. she love.s me." My mother cave a little crv of pleasure, end stepp.'d forward. I checked h r. "I love her, and she loves me," 1 continu ed. "Jtutshe tetuses to mirry me. And s'tiy? IKvanso h fears to brliii jdiame on r.n honoiabio name. You know her story; vou aro my mother. You, of all je iph In tliu wrhl, .shou'tl be tlie most Jealous as to tho honor of my name. You .shou'd know K.'iom vou would choo.se for my wife. Tell llOT M I .said no more. My mother advanced with mitstrde hed arms, and in a moment my pour K'tl was weeping in here inbracc, while words which 1 cou'd not hear, but whoe purport I could we!l;ucs, werebeiir wMs pensl to her. I had indeed been rlht in trntingto my mother's noble nature. "Leave us for a little while, Ilasil," slio al.l, ns i'l.i ippa still sobbed upon her slioulder. "Coino back in a quarter of an hour's time." I turned away, went past thecreen which In sometimes put tip to injure privacy, out of Slie iron c.ite. into the narrow street. 1 Matched the louuiiit;. diuitied-iookiu men and tho datk-eyed women who wont by; 1 It oked at the merry urchins at play; nnd. after what seemed an interminaMu quarter of an hour, relumed to learn how juy gentle counsel had succeeded with my Bflr. My mother nnd I'liilippawere sitting with t'icir arms around each other. I'hUippa, as 1 entered tliu ifo, raised her eyes to iirno with u look of shy hajipinejs-. My mother rose and took the sir! by the hand. "Basil," she said, "1 have at last been able, to persuade, her that you and I, at least, ri-e above the conventionalities of what is c ill k1 the w r!d. I have told her that, know ing all I know. I see uothtii; to pr-v, iu h.-r from Imuik vour wife. I have told her that bitnply for her own sweet sake I wou'd rath er see you marry her than any woman iu tliu world. And Basil, 1 fancy I have m.u.o her believe me." With her soft eyes full of maternal love, my mother kissed me and left the court. I npeiieU my arms to close them louud thu fdrest woman in the world; and all tue earth wemed bright and glorious to me. My preat love had conquered I And yet, even in that moment of blUs, my thoughts involuntarily Hew away to a sn-"-luMpetl road in Kturluml to a white drift, under which for days and days a ghastly ob j.vt had once been lying. A drer.m! a uream I It must have Nen a fearful dream. Forget it, BuslPXorth, nnd be hajyy in the, itapplnos you have at last won I CHAlTKIt X. Tlti: SWOK1I FAUA Once conquered once convinced that tho obstacles which her $o.lcil:tde for my wel fare raised against my wish were not tn uperable l'hilippa offered no fun her n sis!uncrt; while. n for me, every day that jn'ght be eountctl liefore 1 calletl lier my wife seemed, a day pollel. if mt entliely ' vfi.?ot- With mv mothers nr-iinienti to li.nek mvown fcivnt lvr-uaMOn. 1 had no iikniUrlntAiniiliii: PnlliWrf, consent to our tn?irrl.ii3 tnkin; p!act a soon a the potjKnuHl fur an hilt. 7iHfifnl foniinliti: iHiti'il lw ni'iinlt.! .-!tlu ! Iwf.uv aUl coitPty iUtt. at ll.- m.Uvt nttt,n,,.o. ti vu.v.Lik -w o'cloikA.M..t it;i Htean - - , ivu-.ii .. ....j " ..v.. .. .. cs.Ptj ,ja pinaranu coutoi toe nuuc at ray tiiMar.c ;nnni;iM, and the ccrctnon-f 1 .M u-tuou whrrvxl l liaehtn q Aly reason for tloferrincraycrovnlii!;hn.r pitu5 A-a-s this Knowtij all that I knew, theqncs'ioti ru.-v. timlervh.it name was l'Mlipp to bt inarrieit? U.ulor her own niaKien name: under the fau-e name which for some timp S Mcrvyn Fcrrami. for rvs rtL best ktumn tt hitnolf. hail made her nwme; or tinder that name wliX. miji; lnc "Mrs. WHsm had jKkou the truth. he yas lecally entitleU tt boar? ?o anxious. x res'vM wns 1 thnt thon hruhll no.had-oa- f 1 nbt a-; to the vatklity of her mr-romi v.l liappler tnarriace. that after due con fMetaUon I detertnineil usreririce tny own It 'ir.ation.Jncl ntstiKne ourwitdiuc lone vt rzb to tjive me time to juy a tlymr ilt to "-"nplnnii. where 1 could do my leit to ob tain snfh evidence as would s!ow that PhUSppA was tho tlead man's widow. I rtaiic the txnis that 1 fouid miny tnat tr5 of hnMnes eontiectnl witn un property TOU't be ttfanloi to Iwfore I v:iM he tnar tiiMi. I tntleil to K.-urbnd to Ivvrrp. a; fast as I co:ilL 1 st-yM ttvre for? week. ani dttt? that t3 mule tali r t.carehc' ftttflrc hfe anii nesth itf s nj Uin.di.te, bI l"ii burM mler Ae && if 'Atcy Ferrstid. "blols Cdnfauftf. -I I. " " - Mr. Ei.Pr.f fJ'c'Sl'iiwnr. I'., write "lt5 fflictctl with lung fever nnd arntcfi on limps. nrH rrhi'e to a wnJkniy; fkolitfin. ot frc tmil lxule of r KirmV .Wir Discovery for ; rmiMiMsiiiinn, which l! much c-mJ , tlrt I houpht i ln!!ar bottle. Aftor usL'jnj: three lottic frtutiii nn y-fnrc nivirea man romptetejy re.-toret t ' hr-alili. fvitli n hearty njptitc, and n ; eufti m Ik'fh 'f feilJJ. Tall l Henry j ''mil;'; drujf More nnd set atrial lot-n- tl of thjj rrrUiin rtire fur all lunir i!- biet. Lnro little $!.( lor ' fnfntn nnd Children Thnt rirm rir CMMrri rrwr rhr)c. V.liat itire ihrir trier, male t!i-t' rU : fii.torta. trhn I'J frt. nnI rr lr tnra. What cum their colic. Ui!l th-ir worr-. Cnutnrln. CTrtt fjIck!r ctm- Corl.'p't'm Sour Stornacli. CoWs. Jmlirtnon C.-utarlx. Fr.rrll thn tf yon,hln PrnsjK. Castor Oil and I'arvo.-Jc an 1 I!llC-.trrR. "Catorl ii to well adapted to CbUJrpa ;hrit I recommend it a upcrir to any niedi :tne known to mc." II. A. Accucs. M.D., Jl So. Oxford St.. Ilrookljn. H.Y. Estate Acres A 1 occo B. & M. Railw&vLands ! Wobstor Countj at from $5 to $10 por ticro. vm mmwts mprovca nnd Ur.Imrrcvcd Lnnah onoasy tormt. Sovoral Well Wotorod Stock . Rancboa at bargains. C. W. KALEY, Agent, Rod Cloud Neb noth'k roi: ithmcation l-v..d Rlr lUixiiniimNm. NVIi.. .J.-iu.ll. t-x". MTIfK IS HKIthltV r.WKS l HAT THK 4 fnlluwliii; iiniiit'il settlor li:is filed imtire f his l:i!iiitlu: to n-.ikf f,n;il ytt vt in iiiMirt ( liN r!:ihn. :uit tlmt -jilJ int will u iiunK lu--.ur rli-rk of ')itit elt'r rmintx. at Kit Iiiuil. Nett, i'ii Satunliiy. .Murtii. II, 1nO. viz; ::i.i.smm:!-:nsi:n. in IIM mmittiT Kli. tor tliein . t r" l '. nm'40 It west. Hr naiiii'H tin (ulluwiiii; llirMH tuintw hN ro iMunou-. riiiii'iu-t' ami i.Ui:it.n of. saiil laiul, r.i Ala T. I.'is-.t. Ilinttias AnUerson. () HaiiMii. William l.Vutul.all ot Itril louil. Nrti. 1JI rK'un. wIhi f.hHl iri'-Miiitltui D. S. N'o II.". onxantf It net of Jaiul. N lietrl'V uotit.fil tn '.ir at tin aim' Uiiie ami y.r'v ami lv auso why -.aid jnoof tionlil not lit- allouc.l. S. YV. feWlTZKH. ItCRlottT. 1525. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. I S IjiiiiI oniot. lllixtinlnstHii. rti. 1-Yii. w. is. 1 UKMI'IAIM IIAVIM; UIIFV l"NTKI!KS A 5 v. ' iliitHtcty .IoIim 5. Potior iicniiiHt Han uali M. nii'mi tot (lihurtit roiaply ultn Saw .i u tun! t'l'titltMv i.;iy I'liinltir .'.'.'. tlat'u sit. v. lT:. ur.n tin in jr ii-tioi. n ttiivlii t. i.uij;o 11. in Mvttr county. el nith.uMcu to tln'i-;ii."ll.ulp of -,aiil 1'iiir, i:it'-taiit :il. limu lii.il Manual' .M. priniTir JaiUit ilnrtuc till tlilitl jrar ol Ut entry .eni uo to tin r -int nine lo pl.ti.t Hit llit nil a ri oi s.id tnat to trw. irivcN)ri'i:ttlim. ili..t sk fa! it'i:r i C tlic touitli trof -nlil niir .uil j So tl, Itcm til tiii.c to plni.t iim'O tli.ii'i .', :urt if tli .una ' ari oi mm tr.u't lo irt-. in- -'tl. oriu.tnm:. or to cult Unto anl nnrt Si- an iiKiiiitvr tin int.. trvo -ooit- ritmn.c fori-,r- j i jiiut(Ml. tli.it -lio ha- tiiilttl chtin.v: tlu iiitlt ! oar of !! t-ntr to iMtUat t to-. trf.orilsor ciitttiiK on ami i-rvtict ai! -aid tract: that tliin to i.J.uit ( n M:o iiutiaih-ii m lo nu irfiii tuno to j ;icrv ol :til tmot lottrt. tni osIh ,ip tm. , tlti.;. Hint thtTourx no trw. tn-o vt or cm- j tout trrott.i.'.: iijui iut land ai the prv-rtit ' tinio, tot aJd i-arli s nix lit rol iiiiiinonot tt ' .ipju-ar at tlti. onkvii t lie I":li '.t ot Aj nl. t.-. , ' at in o'clock A .M.. to riiH(lanl tuniili uti- , luoiii ciiicvriilii vi il a.Icsi'il tailnrr. . . h tTKit. Itfti-tor. 3t4.t li. W . Mo it.oi Kit V. NOTlPr. PHOHATK OK Wll.Ii. J aim-- H. Uroun. l)cci.iotl. r county rorin. wkhstku popxty Nlmi"i.:i. The Mate ol V lnvku to lh j iicii a.o iict ol Kir. u( tho ail.i.i:m- it t.a)n decoa-H.nl. I.ke nti-r. thai upon rxlm-j ol a wriiu-utiistruiueut puniiruii; I to ie the l;tl will J "nU tiered t J rl lor iu.-nuii the ;rv.t uay of . mown mr proisiie i that ald matt it l- i Marva.A t. K-s. luMir of tt ! pemon inter- j iriuito ct mv iiiuil uiul the x-al of thr nimitv ii:irt -.i I IU-1 Uett Cloud. ttiU rth day of rVbruan. A. 1 !-ik .. li ku. 0.i hmk. r- . n:v .lud. JOB WORK, SUCH ird.,Bil!-Iid:, MirsS1 KXEcrreo to oeteb nc tkk 'icATKST AKD PKOHPTEST MANN S A Kb AT ataejrvsoa. -At-1? Ear Btttn Omierti ElJthr . .SO lVsm n;-ericoce PTIEE. ! anSSPTDCirrpJLlTKT J- uu;.u niLHiiwu. i . lO''3r -5jr. fc.r Cvrf, t.t tC t.O Ct . .4 -- -y . - . M.- - a . j; iatarri rrrrr.T.frf JWwM .Oj'rf. " J'j t5 . C. .VJTL.' "'-Ti ' n nlisontc cure for Riou- I ' " rnntisia. Sprains. P&ia In tho jfl ' Uack Harris. Cnla,c. nA-tj .' Btantazusocit Paiir- rollevor. vj Isa! I finnk Si rMJPSpharn ' UUUlV Cb E91UUUliU.ll ! - . . . vowie&( iMecraB.ici. DKALEItSlN. Drugs, Paints. Oiis. Book.c, Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. Prescriptions cart fully co:tjoundel :it nM hour.-. THE CITY ? W R. R. Shercr, Prop- Mmm k Paisk, OILS AND OR C3. Pro rioiar Jl3ici n cs a ! L SE1S.SUTI9S37, ai ?E?UfiS S"h ah naflisyHKd U tie BROAD CLAIM clteisstK 7SSY ESST 0PEEATI1TG, QUICESST SZLLINQ AND Mm m KHfiVTim nnf V Ever olTered to the public. Shi NEW Rhlorhart & Fulton, iiavi; r-STAHUSHKI) A Hardware StoPwE, AT WELLS, rorllieJiwo'ni'i'Ml.iliim of ili proplr f tJiat ic!tiit. 'H ii .iii 111II1 prp:iri'tl toiw tin pfoplMf Willi .r lu'tii', jti-tvlial tlii'y want Iu IN lli.e tit - Hardware,' Tinware, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Ami In fart owrjtlilnitranlM' fiiiimlati iiriton that N usually kepi iu a nr.t-ela" hoi.v. We wtiiilil le plea-ed ti;ie jwofle rail c u wlun in neetlof Iianhian. Our priee- vi. ahvayi he rea-oti ititeamliiit'i-epmultli tl;iMlia:it:iuif the tune. WivenTe.iHitfiill solicit xor.r trade liopinj; that it will pnive hemlleial toJMith. .MOItHAHT K Fl'I.TON. COLIUS SHOT 70WZS CO., Si. Loulil UnTi of 0 ROP SHOT, SUCK tHOT, ITl'.I IP NOTIt K VOTlCKIS do on: ' iiropor offlrt, HiruniY c:ii:v that akti- !Korinitloi, hav ' o i liion It the rjroin'r om-f.. i in iiai:i' i nii corroranon i Tlie Nohrak:i l.mnlicr romj-anv. U primipat Utareof trar.uuni'E tmsli.s. Ki it PIomiI. S"e 'lrk:i. Ovaul?!-! for ilv puifo"! trat.vxt ' "ii? ? Kononl liiri''r tmlni,. anl hi S'lii irs.oil rns nl' kulif iron-. ;.iht io rrhniuli-e ior , tsilnli c tlior-Mo. iioltiilinirriMl. at the town of i Kill Clout), with hmrcli variNnnil oJUco at ucli j otjier towns x- the liosni of i'lnTfor imv itc ' irrua" With a capital vtock of one liumlrfd thoii-atnl iloUar. ote pa'.tt in a- tlmttiu t i tlr honr-l ut illric,r. nlttiin Ihiiv ita froTi !ae of nt rtii!- -nine. an.J iviui-r to hw rce aid cat Ital tiok to two hiinilre! thousaml dot- lur. Thrlulm...f aM .on5t:oo to cni i:ucc on t'f 'i ilav of " ' r'i.ir". 1n. and con- ( i:niie until the Ut dav of Fobrunrj". i-4- "n , hhtluM amount of indet'teilio or liahil'ly to vhlrh .t!d corporation l at anv tunc to Mihjec: t-o!f AvaW ! one t all the amount of capital p-ck 1 .-Ut lr TlK-lm-lrsc.". of aht cori -oration -h.-ill c nd-tctnt ti a tairil of neeii dircvtrs Fhru. iyi5. t??M. K. I. Jryr.. rrcsldont. ? :-TA.:-.-!i fli .-k. T iT -L " ,- -, f ?rwv"''' -" g,r.ili af Ji - i x t f?Ui 5v iv S? V- ir . V VaL .- Drsiff tffurp . . . KKKhM.I I.IIIIK lltlT A I II H T s Bireotorji! STORE " BR1 s 5 f m . j ct if' T 's fflu3W VSmB I - XK,- IW ." it-.VT. -- ' ... TfaVilM IfM Jvi 9QE9&39RM&&9 j,"- iSV " ""w r(itv.TtW ML I1, 1 1"1 'ijl.1 "PVFW u M -: iti " '-ax i- i J a ta- I .i-lT--.. C j r T,,,ir a. ! &xrjrJT''ir Js. r.-v tit.;" . iiAs-'fcTrw $mtim?3&)F .iaar 'tt-5.?5.ws:tT' i v:--,-2- . .". -:: fr f nr 1 1 .. -''aifc'-i-' -v t z r l . - i j . i i-?- CiX.j .-, s-j4-J JT m M m, f i i5 2 3n $ f FH f IP? I vsT $ 6 M? $ IM $ 1 ' - v r . c -r y 7 , -. y MIAR.SK c-er-i '- 7; - CMOOOt!?0' - O OO-OO-O-& t!H 40f4l2 "c - All prices cut hard d . tv L Vj IjV . miE sr?.'.; rs-Ks siK ' t m - m r m rrk tj a . tf.1-' v- ?T lx rt "i UisFdhfkspsindHiss ! Ladies' fine uiiderware Elegant line of ladies Cloaks THIS IS THE TIME TO BOY tCr O- 43s -O ? --C- Cr-Cr 4 -t 1 y O s& j-S4Cip-J--li,C? Cheapest house in the country and Largest Stock to select from rx . ri r r m HUb'fcHf Sir if S. Where will ho found everything m the qrocrrv hno, such Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, Fruits, Bacon, Ham, Dried Beef, Cheee htui Cracker?, Tohaccos, Cigars. 1'Ionr, I-VcdCtlw? nnd Quci;nwarf and Croc'rery. Hopinu hy fair dcnlint: lo merit a share of the public patron-tee. Come an ee me. IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opposite ho Chicago Luinhrr Yard. 9s n r . Highest Market Prices Paid ! Also eggs, in season, from High biass Ply- Rock Fowls. M0SHEirS MM! HMRKET- WILL MOSKER, Prop. H ESSIM.i7S, SUp, SolOB&, Salt Meat. Fresh Fish, Oystcra, Pork, Mutton. Chickens, fec 5eb. OLD STAND. RED CLOTJD, NEB. Ml nrmm . w. f - i iVv.:n'.irt1 M M-m I YlfJ". -V. -? Soanosie & Son Ocatrs In MSLWl KFK WM.HS, IMS SSWiNC ACHi?SS, ETC. JWBIJM'v - jr ;-. t - ,0H?0 apO - O & Cr- 4y -r C? -OO down to tiises suit the X-'- ?vri&3!flV. 4 V r 'an k' t e?ri . - x v i . - j V J? " JJtJWZJ r a T c mL , 1L3JHDMW ns V. LUDLOW. IJ. HOKOKD. G. 3f y,LN0. Hosford & Young, DEALKRS;i.V n, mmy ena rroouce RED CLOUD, NEB. mi TllH IIC-T OK ''.'..I. till i&aas Mtki Mi. - - w wa w -. tf ". fel ALVr AYS Gli HAh'D. 1 VMWA 38k ll kJnf iliK-r 'iK-x Wwr aakBBB'TB(BffBj - ar .T tmjMr; Wffe 5fc .F &&& & a rf r? ? Aitt 'rv tj;jli:rs is soal im Red Cloud, A H BllOW.V. pTw;.ri'rr B&Qimvs MARBLE and 6 WTE WORXS Good stock and fine work is our motto and prices to suit the times. If in need of anything in our line do not fail to call and examine our specimens. OFFICE AND YARD. Lock box. 1 22 , Rock Tiis Guide COLUMBIA & CO., Proprietors. Guide Rock, Web ster Ccimty, Nebraska ARE CONSTANTLY MANUFACTURING THE F1NPET GRADES OF Family and Patent Flour, Meal, FEED. ETC., From tho very bout mr.torlrU, which tit ay iiro whoUnmllntfto tho trtulo at html pan ptloo. Thoy wunrruttoo thLr tlitr. Correspondence oolicitod from ilculom In Nobrnnkn nnd Kannnn Thlo colobnvtod flour la for tmio Iff C. M. 8torry, k'rooor, Rod Cloud 1 $8BBki& vi iPMrei o mmbhm & fai - $m& wBug or In ii:,!:;!!;!:i.l::vL::!ti,b:;;K::ii::: kf:.4 Ma li.'c U ,u'r lied CIjikI. AcniG" Pulverizer IT. John Boesch, mLjy S.jrJW Jtecitfs. "r ;?;, .f'rvi? " t( r nnd '.. '.iolrni ... f tl- h4t.t. 41 t fr tyii'iSptgt, '3 ' S J7' pJ-ootnimt t.r M t.i.l. m- tHcl and i;Jl (T fi ,v t&Jr '' ?& dr u-u.r.ii. ,ii.4iijt m th-- .-.t prHtr -."iT . , ? X. (V 9r' AZ- ciMrnt t'nll ..rdst'-HIililth) trrdt.'it ''i-frl- ,.-JSC XT (F' J'"ct ". ""'I l.w .ifrll ahd t-lllwM,t .'--iiV;.- .'. l.i -- Il..rr.l.( ,ht .f Hjt .Wv...ft IhH U .1 f.'.2 -- - j.twJ r)tttliUir Mi) lli cirtTi U Wi tt - - " w St tfviyi VJ10 3 UNACQUAt :7CO ftTTH THE Ho!! CY CXAmiNIMO t9i-'a -Sfrw p4z4 fnri-fcTcv -V" xl silk1! Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry9 Ir.r Um Gret r-trat JJm. affTrU to tnt-r. irr mxoa of u -sriTld -- flcaieA:, &cU th "Wl Xert2wpt -l SoUrrvxax. Jr" It L litr47 ad tiricxir tra-. txt ts eia-jcua. mllef t-' m Br il rsi Vcz xr. rruvr&o ! rc Cklir-i e 1 . t- a tr . j. - rt. CHu-ui aJS55lLSSlid Sl liiS ZtArU Ga-fcrt Ct- id 0wll mrtt. ! UZ.lIt -1." ts-f-i iusMi t tr. i -uzr2. a Uj bsmirrls 3 crli-i :CSEAT ROOK j; 1. rtjn Ia7 catlic, ttT3 ta t?arf I3ds. & sjac-i xra, ir -1,-a, Ttt llKr Zrcia, e5roe.i tf "iTEI-Z. ILEATSD K ll of ti ruxj.:tAj PUT CAM bo tJte n.V23 bih 2ar. -l .j KAaE-a-as ik.: c i. .. t i i-r -a. aa a" -- . r - vl . aK a a PAUL, rt ts f3i" ALBERT . "" -T sf J3-- Usyi. i-a. iir :- 9--r3v-iiv r4t tr.f-T- WWTVC4'-'11 ft - lli. m Mi rs&El TleVftil. J8'; y 8eJtan, - rf - I?. i3 OaU. j Co, f i ETC. Nebraska. tk , MYtrna. rrr. Kt3 PIB ti Corner Elm St, ruul Fourth Av. RED CLOUD, NEB Flouring Mills ! iu i r-wi iir Shop .Vrbr(ist.ti. . I"" rrtl) !" a frttrr rrti.irtnptstr It H"- ly lrtrrwl f.rld ;! t..f sr lj.. - iliiitiK ltMiitrriiir alxi llrtr vA ti .' rit. hfe a twri'"4m- nwtnrHtt Ithu ii-.i(if .i it wi ,l, t itir .'h . (iMli 4riMH ll a t(vP lloit H'-fcitH u.r u m a i-itiifip i Inr )ariU ituke ltat (Mill jtJ itUltn llri .- I. ll '-L itriiiH iui miM iiit ife r ji-riTin, ii-. tj tin- TwMSh H"r TwMSh por tif raVlntr U ln hi . atut U.l ml fohrtti'Hjf th- Hl. Mi tMTHMttf It wrr lti .l M-rti m that tl.i . aM rtfpI I, ah fi ililll and H iliMtt tlr. lf th- ttmt llaffi nJ iuhvUUtti For nv mt Amboy, Neb. CROCAMV OT TM3 COUNT fl7. TMIS MWU. THAT TKS wing Xr.irErir0rtaj aea A-Vi-ra- i v.- tM, 1ft iSLAD ROUTE tr i MTtn'jif-w arl m.(v,m SS,TSSJ!?l5E5af ? vbt t ai irr -.w tw aaai t 'aia'a' a- aia. -a . . . a at. aa. 'aar - -vw , JKJf XXAOwA uk X. ROUTE. ? a-iJJ aMY T u- . . . rw wm T "ll JTC A ,?."SrvtL )?... -t . ,. ... - t faIzZr . yy aaar --- . 3: vo5l S i;Ur j(jt CaU- fc ST, JOKK4 SWb-,V a V iJStl1 - - I fr U-'JVst!r- I sJ-hii.- r-t :-5.A A.J- B a st in th e Wc rid. t VJ rr-. 4r Ojal 3m .i ttvl T- lar,jA-st, aVC- . CHICAGO, V I'. j- -sf- ?;-. ' L b&'siV. ; - L, .- J-?- e ?t2yj& JsteAJA, S&S3ai? i l ? isS-" a-a: -jfS '" a.gi ?' -4 ,- , 3a- -" -w... ii - iTr - -r i i' I -