The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1885, Image 7

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TS? VtJ- ,T405?Y'i
T-t tri'o friend'' you havo
WIh. ll.- in 8 row.
I jihi etu-h or j cm
io wiiTf yo jro" f ,
roni. rou Hr "-m.
Tiivy hoipyott to turd;
HwiMt ytiM nr- huns-rr.
They mv Unit juu'rw ltd.
They wnkf tip you're dotty '
And Ht on h-r clothe.
Aim! trundl.. Imt caerim-i
XX'bifo-rcr h ;r-;
They ttuckl" your Mwt.-traei, &
Anrl haul ut ur -4d:
Are In MiwtHtT jxitv w'Mto
Aad )i wtutr Mil4T red.
Anr" the ten :in- firtln--.. "
Thy tm- you ijh m;z
Aon Uh- iMithtnr ;rMs yotj,
Uai: uoric hard to jihata..
.Now. with p-m w-UKair tr-rx-aut.
trtoH urnl true
my who won id U- buy .
r ll WIMlUl JOM?
WMibJ xmi lit! out b; na-ao
if uo kind MtU- train;.'
Tau cotttl up tin .n;.-irs
Oil ceh llUiv IiiumI.
llrw Tli lliic Anlrailm Arf ';ajitnrl
j lr." liad ssi'kh'iilv dt-wtpjirart"! n.'iorf.'
How n.any of omyomijrrr.ub-r-wbolrrt.akfjt TM(.n. ",. n-.a lei n-
n-. h-i, .l.-jikHW- 111 th. s-aj-'"-! f.r it wa-a m-w rn. and
..: j w, mf i,,w. lm.- siiiimal-. ar . jjt j of jh,. JKir,.MU MJ-'.-tl
r mirbi? Th-.i mn wild iu tb,- forL, Wli-V -:arn. or mu Iadbnt. tbuii-b
of IiMlia. iV!oiind -frthur i-matrifsof,M.v w ni hjrMH of trrj vii-n
A-i:t and out in awhih tb- nib-r-, of , tf-iqw t, c.,j,irt.a jnc ..m.T uJI4j :tn di-wniiiup t baT. an j U( fMnn j:!,0 Um-cr.-k. o: mtolb.- bi
i-pbant litasO. UV itriii by inch.- j rJHH-w:iV4T irotib- that rs.n a-ro-. the
in:.' an jwiv : w of ground in the for- '. -iid of Kuh bMM? Kach tailoT ran u.
- ami suwtuIJv on xb- Imnk of a : tb m-fk. and iwh mother p c-vl intc
i.v.-r. lkn jxui a I.ik" ol lo all ' 'r in-wr trii;rh: Uu no tl.bdr.-n
mound .l-fironf? tbrt tbu i-b-phnau . .,,. for ,, u,,rf a!ik(. bcr,.fi.
t an not brat ll down. 1m with a :v"
i;i ny bob wh-r- im-ii t-an pan- through
lib 'iii--. 'Hi'Ti- i.-A nH' at i-cb ud
.. u a t 1 .... ,......i ;.t....
. x ... ., . .. 1 . . .
i. ir.zti ut' i"iiiiLtL "a.r iv jnnn-
run tit if. tin b- d th bttir V,
ntiii iirb ttic-
1- iron, live to tea 1111I1-. 1
.. ... . .1 . 1
JOl-"- H lllll'- III iilOil- HI' 4.-JJI.
" ...:. , .t. 1 '
I I .!t ... . .1.. f ..... .
i.r- -I riir a wi' mio-- oj me lain,
.. T. .. .. .. .... .... . .
in iH'vam.i 11 i4i- mi- .-i -ji-iii- i
' rinl.f :b- the !.-
Ill J. l... in.. !! 11 ..... T.-i
.. - .1. ... :. 1.;.. i. ,.-5!i 1...1.1 1
ir-e li.-jilunil- tniidinj -ide by iJu.
ond tber?- if a jriMo nt the end of the
p. 11 xxhT-e tin
can be I.t-iiit
x i-n rfenin-d. ;
Vh-i-- oil - r-alx. hunter 4 an "''tit
into Iht fortint -Ut drixe in tin: iHSil-- :
Kl. --kstil- are wry ix and will ill- j
from tin pre-Pnei of men; the hunter-, j
..... .... 4. ..... '.. .1.. .1.1.. .t I li. li..ri-t '
lil.ivi.l I. Ill ".J " -... ". .' - 1
i.rV,. iron, tb- turd b.-fore ibn at-
.... . -., . .... :.. i
l a-OXH-T-Ml. .iiP'i. uiejm.mui-. ....... ..:
1 . .. .li..o.'..! i!lt ('! toll
J..r...-ti..o mih! tie n-nt .
, ... , ... . . . 1 1
.....--..1., ,"-"n"7I,""' ."' "f ;
r!Jb orxvanlumtdlbey arexJhlB 1,
10 4 lie tune, or 111 bjaxi.- ot . Ji-
i ,..-.'V" Klephanis are alrif
n,,,.v and wnen thex eoitM to a fen--, j
no Mur b..w-..all ii max '- ';
no! jckv to (Tni it- In tin- xxax :l-x I
ar keit inoxinr toxxard-the xiinL bill j
! T . . 1 . 1 1. .... ..1..... ....
I'K lOJJtll'J. '' I"V ." .!-II- '- " )
i:ik- unx ii'i-f until the auranb- ate !
.tiifliuer. and there h jut room lr one
.. ?ne wild one- to siMMy.i in iw.MY.icn
;Jt -ni. He pw in and the ru;,. j,
.Us-l; then the txvo tame clrphank.
'i.i'd him tirmly xvilh tle-ir trunk-axhiie
in n tip through the bole- in tin- feme
and bind the feel of the eaplixr xvitb
tlr rxipes. V.'heii be i- xvoll secured
I he oen is uiiel and the lane ele-
pbutits ilmg him to the bunk .1 the;
iiov.xvb.-re be is turned on hi- -ki and 1
let it. the ate of a kwpei
-r. l.H-k ajjain to the pen
b-t ,l the are of a keeper. Tier they
itnii hh: in
...)..... .,l ilrir.ritir oil anotlMtr pr. i
,.n. "hi tbi- wax the hunters .-u.i as !
manv asaivrtHpiir.d and the rotrre b t
01 -J 1 return to the fore-t.
T.e cat it tired fkphaut are kept Mrnr
01 fide- xvitiiout finnl or xxater mt-
... , .. .,
li! th 'x are completely coi.piend. TUn
Mr Ttierallv subdi'd bx bunker t ih!
tbev reiixe noth.u; 'iUl
turn :.tltir xvild lib in the forest, sad
anoibcroirHets tliinsr i that tbev aix
r..ix fct.ssi-t in caa'tiriaj; other- .i.
tbr xx-x 'bcv tbeni-e!ve- x; lajt. takett
Yerv tv n the ebpbart- tluirllx
for -varii the xxild iwe in the p u-. ,
. 1 : t '.... .-.;l.. tl... ti.ji Mj-i ii-i'ie'-
u-idi the -tnm-r pan 01 me ieaee-s '-j tid xva ' there Jut one Ma-x Ifcken married couple xvho culetiraurti ( nn.ean xvnr. Im-tle-in lili-.-m ro-e in , ;rti, Cure, oa nrciittit of itt Iremiom
,..i.n a- thi-. i- ,iccomjdir.b.l tlier- i- a ' ' ... - ., , ;-, I u ; - weddinir. and v !i friend- valiif to a mo-t fabuiou- jiriu!. -.V. ?'- , fr..m noreotira and ikiimuw. marnratea
.o.-ji tttitiuh It res are I "lit iL "iius "."'-- imw "unuui i - - iu.t,rr iiii deiiralde new deKirtur.- la ttied.-
xk lumim. 1 t es xi 1 u au there xvere it. :th- whole x illnre. pre-enb-d them with txvo hundrr.I and iUrt. Thls u j optmoa
.iri' t.riHi. Jiorns tiri oio.t 11. inA int. ... . . . ... 44 t. 1 .1 ;- ... ..... 1... .. .. ,. .. ....
. .- . t And liovx b" xvi -In- X'liia" u ua.i . - nmr. ot vn:cli had lie.-n -..v.... r.,'t Air..r.i : mi. it!- of nuthoruien Us. ir. rmH
Ir.liliM- lrl iM.e- i..iar.i nun .,,.,,,,,,", ,,,.,,, .,,,.. ,,1:.... (im. ; '"-'"... . . .: ,....,.. . ... . I fa ln for thirtv-thr.. yi-xr rM-
.ut.r the Mini. Then the -i. l t- , ,". T . .... ,l.' , tauijriiiat u iitltnuauii-aic ma iouu- , .-i-iu-pne. toriy.-auiua ,r deat nt vmriaa of ttiv I'aain lnrfbiat
.-k..-4lnd Ihe-reat bea.-t- are tutrix h'-u wa of roiiaJ. b-. ami th - .,., cr,..t K.L vholr yer for only" Thu ,. -j innnmrv, ttl uxu citr. and Prof. Jnaa J.
CIZhT ' "'" i le.- "tuer.xva. a iKiard .,., ,mU4.rf.un:l.. uhc may Cm-de- " ; ; the ,mbl:h..r- of thj ..twer,- raJtvlf M ,, nw.m.r r--
W..!.1- ,1.- v-i a -v to -lean-to." that v.- f, K- the kitchen . . , ftH .. .... j . jrfirniloU,. r .W W - - h- -r.' ctetu of !tk..or. New Y.rt aal itrtl:-
e iVy 1(m....n. ." ,.... . ... . 1.,.,,.., ,.,.. ,,,- 1vh1.11 Mr. -". . . . . . S . J"- """ w "' "r,,'t -'. " -....,- , , .. , .ri-.ri..fro til elrll I ,
,-,-,,,... In the pen at th- end or.,H.--.te --- - - . -,Ml.iia:ml la.iy. who ,1- ner in- laa .or- AKll Nt. ISA.. 1 hu u. &a np- a-nJlllllltlir. ho-1-toifc nUtb .., th.,.. .-en-1.
'...i.... ttvoi.t. t. Iniirjs Arc l-orn.i j,o m nil. a.iti tui.i n -jt. , , , , . . i,.7,,i!r x.jjtov. Her purtuaitv to -.-t-ur.- one of the lt fnr-a ,. .....,,, .,., h.. mtv
t;or.i. -
th.- t'ttow up their trunks and ntai. a ! so plaeiuir the t'hiue-e Kmperor - pala e f-mrUi broujrht a vrry x .11112: kRtf u. : wkcxta ev,,r olTered at that price. Art- ' .--. 1 i--i n 11 . nau ioniM .n mm. t i: flIMa. ,.,, . is-, f -r.rrTSr2Z
.-ubur -oumi. which indicate, tb.: !iS to WHn. tll(. 2lvatall vnriy of , j 71.- lifth broujrht tt f li.- lrix Bo Co.. llochii,:-. S. Y. J ITi'aSSrfiT, aKS of lE..; L" " - S'SJSlK?! K ; '
thex xviilobey their keepet.-s I her -be!- . u, WIXIIUIUIIii the mot variwl '" h' ,x:h n:iiht a ba? full td . reaenlx- for frmab ikn.N,. jdaju, f i TrilTO:t'H " " "LltZT
n.p- fiM-rri.inv.Hlf.-om their feoL Vv - ' .. : . 1(.a.ur. ,)f t,. Iwck-aUa; tnt from Pbiladelphia. Tastiiot -ach-. alai-t -rrrthinx la ulceration, leuro rbo?a inarmm: .rknr rtl ppp T-.Hi ?; X-Zl " :'- Hfl ! tN I t. - " t'U
in-TSa nnd alloxxed to drink a- taa.b ! mu "' t1 u-ja' . -ivbo-e apetite-. aeu-toined tf fat ... tit there it xt-r.- huh chuai;-. ia wkaiM of stomnrh. tndeory towiaeer-; UflJJuIul r 1 i..xi. p x-'.k nlUllW),. - nmuV,
waiK- I.- Ibex like. 1 nd ate driven Ul ' s:rmnI ha been elai'or.fe.1 so " ; M -.ver-mt.-.. micbt be iperbr3 u. nu!t ja:LiitbcHikA this wim. ?f A,,."?OM', ?-rTD-? lrOAtfaiCD' feej5,'ral
to tlx-rtable-and pi.t to work a- rvad- pnalntv ebarmiu- Jaud-oiipe.. which . , nnnibilation of seraxvnx little -tT1 n. ' .; .7. r dobiluy and aff.Uun v DAIRY-EN and r A K M C N S 'MOC Ol.lAirt.- "I-m lUar
,i....!rl. tl,.... Iim'I been in caiithitx .Miiid-e.itveix lvereiP7..-la-:irtiSlct:il. ,,,-. r.. h ..lmo-t no t me The CVililwsn of teniae Freari Grapo - tlwtf ste Wytt " rt tn-a t-rt li- Ul h m4 MI
dv a- though Ui; '' -l'.x t MUntf nit !" " - nu Vn"- , ,J Ue Rraadr. Litract of xnan-W wl and Ja- I iT j, sraTM;. that tarrc dwaM I- an ftr cim3 J -- H.a P S-t .t tt Is- t 9rMM - o- M9Q
all Xbt-ir-livi-v. Ibevar petts-la d,-, hdl-.f fn m I 11 t o - - l .J1"11?' ? -erenthpn-s-lcou-nt txvo, ia-t old lir,- mahm (Jiusur. x,ith tamphor tVatir. Dr. marine 4i-Wr Uteen .Ve Yorfc Cml V?ertos cJ7 II Bt l CHOl.CRAKdi4W.KixH. Ci
fcH JtllU flllP4", """" ---.. r -.-. v- . - .,. a -..,..- .. .-v.... . -s,- - - . vv..-r . --- -.-- --,-, iHf-tvuu. uni 4 fc-' i-fcir" ; a M.--k?l--t-x n9ulfncc rwyotT m -nn s tp v itvj. Jk.--- "Hf
heir f xxnd dr.tinj:.tbem out afte-- in every direction wtvuiup path led
weirds, are- bo-e which bav. nn- j ! iwil Huh pavilion- ait 1 charmmj:
,,-''.HM.r two xti-s. The n... jr: w. while a-tiJicinl MH-k-work xx-.
ture.1 Iepbunt--rnmn and sln.xx -mu made the nursery for rJ: manner ih
di-lns; xxlu'e tiiev an Veinj; - etiruii: ; U-autifu! iJlowor-. much cimv torn? b
tbex twin ,,eir"tnmk- around each lnxvl on sei-ttr.n- a -nm? vartfty for
i,th mill friHiueutlx the tears run! very sea, mot the year, rloxv.-rmir
il..xvutlir cheeks and' tbo -.s-m to l-e j xxen- -carierxxl over t Uc rrr--y
..ivin..- lik hildren The tatn.- one- do l-Hfc, ami uVir blo-.-otn- pa-tunioxl the
. -I... .lsZ SV1 HKllin W II
.4...-4. --- -' .
his ?eci t nisht. am! tlt- niakinr
tx. !:
..muni ac-'iKiotped U hi- o-n-ietiee.
1 iw si. nf
Vttiu the elephant
, UtttUsion the keeper httlTM- iooec
and teed hhn ' that tlie jhw b-a-t i-:
M re to reco-niiae hmi as a tneao. 1: -o'vin-
to this faot tha' the elejdiuit i?
m font! of his k.vper. an 1 will iKx hint
in preterence to aax one eu-e. Altr a
.:..!.. 1... d..vi4it U.d oualitx1- aaxl
Wine absolutely ilajt'nwi. imt tor :i
iexv xxeiks after l i- cajcurv he L- vtry
ob'HlienL , , ,. .
l .III'. ixw. -.---
.aid that in oe cass the cotnj.anioas
atti the captit have returned. -ud. by
brtakinu off branches of tre and
tiuoxvin" them into the jut. enabled
imSr fnends Co pel out end e-eaiw.
Jiul 5s- U mow likely that thr lv the
rr.som'rs to thr fnte. as they tx-onld he
lifr-Id 10 venture where taey tai-ht be
.4rl. 1 1 1.00 sell es.
4...IW M.- , ,,. 1. I- J
Thent is a very pretty woic waira
"hi'm !u:L -ua r.he inuix?-. a-peir u w-nt interval- by nnt p.cteir.--pie and ' , . - -
ial e pb-t-wiv- iu their un ins. Jtirblx oraameatal bralp: of xvon. ,.. jijn ....i n, xx..rt tt. F..aa.irt
It 1 ,ii ro iiu live to c-v.-.t dnx- to brv-k. or tretx-to'.e. adorned xvitb fane- ivH-rro-ii.
s-i-xc nu ehphant into subiui-i..a. U-e foS.osks. ia xxhich ;U r.-p-t xvlmo ad- The :TVAtv wwk whMl tht. Ho
tin depetidin- vjnm the midtti ;i ot j toe x a w. ae L-.Hi. ot art m fo,lcd ia Uj voM
.1 ..tb..- lhinn" alt tha time the xxa-, make tfix-e brMlp-- fcxx i-t ateui;
the xscatlie.. 1 mnu- , j j ' , ,ii -v maneer that mt t- aTe ivp au;a-4 xuenarta
i,.,,,.r 'hv- cb- bv hi -ndt xxaJchtuc m -s an ett.aortltn-.y manner ma. -
?.;... ..,-!, -he davMid -l-.PinjrU-:!bcv,;ve'e often three uaies - hnr; a barbmrisia. ti -ulnla it. to Une it. and
j iient is a --. i.v -.. . . .- iTt... rt... Kt,;..mI tat.- CT,nt. ih man was ------
ik! ia Sum d ." """g. XUtiiB m lbtfaw. ad bl vote , -la Wwmiap Teniu-r.
tbu: "uncc iy y-yr ? -;"",'" l .i.,:d.i the -ntt in fivnrof HtEix! it neaiinrui rc7oa. taere :
J i ft - f , ,-, '
blow of lug mink awl tho irr-u'iul rat
tirom;-'! to repay him for the erviee if
oxer nan an opiKircunux-. mars
afterward tin elephant w. mugtit in a
nil; a parrot flew ov,r the ,ot and the
cjcntina, a-i;ei her lo ";o and leu urn .
i..1 .. . t . . T ...
Kinir 01 me rain, xvr.icn -u" nui
1. -. ... . .1 .. a. (trttKl! H f Wit l lf
"In th. ni-ht U- n,t kinjr m with , to U.e tmpjr arw i wo o. e ; EaUaa. lboHsh EBcl.,h hcdkl not pb-ar-j-r Dr. Jaa A. srv it at jcas. Vnat
miHk.n of h:. .-ubjorfe Hh-v tn-an rUrd H attack a cow or Hants zsmI UM 1."ir .j... m-u.T, - tj Fattk -f the at t-a pkriaa it ifc . .rt:;
-wihj-5 . o. .W ut u.,.-,.;!-- : a ia u mm. Wat, . ri.-s" B? Z U. " ??k ? irfturr.TS looks lke. !U- , J,1-1Sno"-
tlicni w:m not UL-uirlfci. Io:i before ? , , ... t t s
moming- ti-v bail thrown low3 nf- j J uapnUH-J tK-.vr of UfehU which
lirit-nr -artii "to till thr nil xrai nabl nabMs 3t lo bust tbr wrrc f:f hll
tin b'pbant to w!k sway nnd join hie a io7.!n S; :-, cro th vai -; motia
foimianioas " " i tatn rans- :n --arc.i of n bvw trntd, or
Tltt- tMt nnlik tb- famibar faole
of the- -nouM- and tht- !mm. :k1 pnl- ut a iu'C-A h:a t.-n jUtnonstrcMfc -b!r
tbr two .sVririo- bv- tin- amf pan of wiair i- ntlm-4 l-t u alimn:
origin.- Tlxmwu W. Ktwx, m Co'fjm- ; invisible Y-t carrva ml "a
mUwwuiMt. rn-rd mV3.t" Oria: thi- moaarch
: amonp! binl- to rr- Thvv arr lka
AN EXCITING TIME. ti' by th- Mextrsn Indian- irn'I hadf-
bix-d- in a manner whw-h. thuujrh ini-
iio- a ;vin!r Vtiuc-fui r i'hiiii i:-n , j,- i i;df. rti.r h ih :n-r- and
A --y. :rrtJth n t iv Tb- -ob aj-
Ctnf bright .sumrnrr morning. ov-r
"..- l.;..l.t,ur rtxr-n'n' ttVi-r
ri .iw.ffo.aliulfil!asr.-iNorai-
witrn Cnw wa in a prcnl Uiu of e
cil'Miwiit !w;rvi-- f"'rv cblk! is. U il-
. 'i'n,n-- wr- wrinjrin ? band-., and
; burrvinjr d b-t. and boiit:nr. and :!!-
iTarinwibb-nniMi:. until Mrs I-"m-t
... .. .- ... 1
-hiiI -iii-a lli mar- hi nun. imr
b't in thi SMtid. Ibt-nnil tin- fatrn-rs
atr!d lo folio h the inn-k-. and all tbr
.ui.tin.r. -it-....l to t ltr.-sil:tnt f.r
". ''.. '., . .. , -, , . ..,....
lll.V Kll' llli ikuc mo.- rt.uirti 1.
ill Ml'"" ill. iol.t; j.pi..- .11111 tr .. .
- 1.1
ban 'ir xxiien tbev eaan
7 ,
woidtl .-iiirelx be xcrv oon.
Hie track- led nloiiir the not. .-aiu.v
and tin -xvist f- : of the m-n
1 . . t .t
jrainei, upon tin xx-axr-ja nj -i"p- 01 me
bttb xvanderur-. Tin-s xvoubi mm it Ik-
in -iirht. the men -.aidt'-uneli other a-
thex hurried aion.'-
Yo. aflej- half a'tari: hail been pa ed
.1.. I I... ........ ..- ti.fl.. I. .11
Mini jixv iii the ho!b.x the b.-t childfjn.
iiiev i:mt-u 0.. i.i i.n ..1 j.n...- ....
Then half of tae -father- shouted
Marv!' and all tlir liMlf jrirl-.:opjid
. . 1 .
' 'f mI. ,lin
-dtoutctl ilenrx
and halt the father.
mil nil tb-
i..,.i...l Tr-...l ...!
- "rr - "" - - " - " - "'"" :
ox: and rirls bejran to run.
- oou ciiUKht hither,, who. now
. .
. - . , -, 1 ...
-mcthm:: d;vndfl nad-bappened. pn-w ,
""v 'l U-an u. -hake and .-cold
"'V.1, 1 v were ..n:..'" asked on
i- . - -
,: ,lI.r , . .. j,m .... '
"Iodraupas la'Hillenry.
... . , .. j- j -.,.
111 uiiiii n -. .-i.t-i i.j.i..
Wh'eb Henrx? S hx. there w:i- but 1
llie o-t-o:liv xvti-x
' 1MS wl ' H !",X
on tin- ton. xx leai tie
.xiMsn in
came tlirou:n ait mi::s' ''-'-n xo
- I Ml . -...
xv.-eks he ieii ine uian in ine imi. i hi
xv bob xillaire xxut:t out and hehwd
... 1 11
ihem.-elves to tlwir If er- and papers.
... .
lm txxo latlier- maoe ine cniuiren
xx-alk home, allh .n;h Mary xva- not '
VY u
m m'J ,IUI"
ui;e three v-.r- o.-i.-.-nd was eid only
iii-o. ....--. ........ ....,,
B 4t II .- I lllflT-1 11 IB
Heart xxm- a
- .. 4 . . :.- -I
?; T. "-.. -H -i-i it l
1 . .-...- -. -."v --- -----
" '"' ' " "" "" -
- r -4. at B. . I. 4444 . 14 1' . TT44 . I I I I I I 4lIT-ItlII1
'r 1'r ' M,rr JUn,l !" ,1MI no ia'r-'
mr home.-or ..Cfc (On .v.
a roy EMPEROR.
.. . ,
1 "I'Iii- I'.l'.i- TliU.-n ! Alio.. the Vim tic
Knipernr ! Iibii.
Wonderful iiicau;. xv.i- di-jdnyed ia
lex- ami xvalered bv fr -.ttam form-
m'e; cBMade . and laki. one d" xvhich
xva- !iv mile- in circumference. On lt
csiim waur iio.un. i-.uni.u r..-...v-
W-nt.s .nrludmg one mar;nihent house-
iat f..r the amu.-ement '. the ladies ot
cahn xvaters llo.ited lieatttifiil plca.-itrx-
3. 11" ,.-" " wr-
Near onie at tbem rvrn jdaofu -ota
vi-rr s-iarkabl - irintmduil ar.hi.ttithe:
of elrrwx)rateix-tjrxco xv-uod .-atarino.
! .Vsyjawrta.
A Costlj JoVc.
Hans-.iJt.I Hamlia tcU- t.hat vkss. he
xvas .Sperfc-r of the Loxver Hob-: of the
j Maine Leplatdtv. there was aaoap
the mcxabusa a vwry dr.ndtfieid ohl fej.
hxx'eief xveakse-s xx-3- ia tr
an !. nim anc
fused to K fv-?onciIcd, and lie became
Harnltns Ixft-lou:: eaemv. A few years
later, when lUmKn candidic for
1 .T su- 11 10 ivtji uhi in :. uiin. ..u.-.
f.. ...t..4.l -1.4 f4,.bttt
s-id ".Mr dear IlLnnk. 1 ia- yni " e-piaxniur i muuarx iy ir-Nrfr
,.-- f vnnr hidrs u of the Komans. sad u b s hiwrr ir.ta .V0.2
panlon .but one J trhieh, on tln whole, ire onh: to - . v -r surtax ...
crx.s-to over the .jdie. TlKitnt Enrupen reiauoas Ifc-U g5$3g:-
f i. T.' ;-.,.- ;-nlt sfl"' aid : :'T w - hxstorr of the moras of KYE .
alt me, sdr. wu mult ne a-u -rili frnnr!,.r -w.r,! arf, K)iac-Ne-Jr.
.1.1-. L.A1...A ..S. i-4... . stitilr lij.t to tits eau iu re-i . -- - --- ( . . .-- T
Hot the of the south AJiirr.can
?( msTiificrnt mltur. of Sooth
A.m.'rica. the .Treat condor of the Andes,
. Jr ,.,. j. of ;ha.
, , . . . - ...
woidd aniH-ar to lend xtxnf xnot re-addx
..,,-. , . I
hun - : -ujrntl-l on the wt -u ir jr-y
tMtTHltl CViB-IAtn Ol SI It.:4.t4SV4Hl -Kin
irat coa-wU o: a a.--:t-ay-d -K
'f wW f - Ih; lh JJKJ:MI
nrHf on tiK" rnn niri.nwTn i um
!! ari? -i; :rjn-niti i- urf
iari? iihi: :rjn-ntti " urr
birds of pn-v. si thru, crawliair na-
,rr.-'tith. tra. ov-r on lu- Iw
xwl wait. In a -.ori time a
wn ana
coinw rTnjc. w iH-i'i ro:ii aai; o -stH-mi-
n tli- hid-. Inini'-dsaieh bia
i .. t 1 1 i .1..
toticb il.: -k.H lb- In.Iian -!"
!". an-L tar;inir u. ovT.vhflni
In- bird and bi:id lti:n wrli thoajr-k.-pt
raly. ' proc . hor-r, which
usually miV3- wth a very .-mkhorit r---i-An.
li i- ju-t 'hi- wcakiM-v. for
rank f'i hat t- th b-traxal of all '
tidturt kind. All thron: 1 tb Ka-st it .
hiii.i a- t!nmrh tiatitr ba kpt i-j
ciall in mind fbi? .-ciivon:crin dntu-j
of tb--e. "iicr too oft-n hidcofi t-h'ldren.
and in-atwith that thiiu iic-j- wliieh i
produced by a ft-w da;.- rxjet-tm- to a
tropii-ui -sn i- an irr.--tstibb; attraction
.. 'it... ...1 . .. . .... ...?.,
10 inrc j m-jum - ii- . " '-
.., ...r:..... i..." ,-l-i.i. i. ..:.....--
i. it .. ........ .. ,
adendbor-e In an aiht ii -la of
un-ax-mte-s within a iugj. cattb- sa-
cb-uru and noo-ini; the -dulled bin!-
xvhen tle-v have fed too freelv to ri-e
reudilx And in much the -arm-
v IF.',
". . t
aecorditii; to 1 -eliutli. Hi one 01 in
I'apuan proxince-. Miere r.-L- a deep
.. 1 : ....I I... .....I ...... .. .1. ..1..
na;ij.Tiii.jiniin-i n-i-n-w -.-.i iu.h.
of a r-Ttain val!-x. Thi- i- utilized by
tie 3ud ans a- a readx-iaadi- traj lr
capturing condor-. They jia-e a ib-nl
borie or mule at tin brink of thi. hol- ..,! tin. ......Lll.T Mtlll 1 1 ..'.'III " III
i"... ..... .......... ---
t!it ittTit bird- orcenllv rol it doxvn
the th-rhxity. 1 be hir t- loiioxv. anti
hem.' iieavx'ar.d or:eil. are umible to
n--eiid a-rain. clubs and -.ine- iiiiitiiui'r
upahe ib-,rti,tiiijr rexekTs 1' the la.-.
uutt. l.Uttit Hlltl MVll.T.
. r-A-r - nnMATinw Dim 'V
Ti.-Utj.rrienrei.r it n-Torinnitod rum-
II. Ill .Xloiitcoinrr.t ('omit,.
in incident ocurro.l 1- texv -niilc-frotn
Norri-toxvn the oilier day. within
Montgomery rotinty. xvltich fairly ri-vtji-d
in ludicnui'iues. the iiua'rinary
eferien.'C'-. of Max AtlehtrV lb.a-.ho-
. 1 riucinal irrexatice lab-It ha- b-ea lla
: rapac..use.s of a
itdouv of rat-
-. , ., , "ura-
' --"- f-- - - -- -- - -- .
, ,.. - ,i4.Mi.i..u. tj, . f-,ih have b:.d
1 i--i - -- ---- - -. --
rab- for break'.a-t. iat- lor d.nn-r. rat-
f . T.W f..(v..c ii.l rMiT ti-T fllar'tt .! Mt
; jj.j,,,
,,, .. w...r ,,llfi sj,m b mar.x -
faa 1 heard about her rat trouble.; xvlien
j f t ,iUl,H.r..,.lrtl Hmt ,
' -u . .
, ....,. ,.,... -iii tii- Nrrixir
............. ---
i o . of a earring and Imi took out
a lwlt:
. . . . .
. "Mv i r .Mr- hmith. how do you
' 00? Vou are tnuc'i tnmbUd wu., rats
, . n , n nnx,OIJ for a ,r,M,g laL ..Rt 1
thoujrht I would briniryoa a ctatjil- of
. t:-. Here lacy are and the bar be-
j hijT ceiened a Tom and a 'liab'o. k-ap.d
1 rth and ntn nrouutl the xasu.
, hi - . r.i. ....,... .. . - ...
, ,x j ,nH1!ri,5. a ctuiplu of eals. Tin
I .1.4 ..444.41111 4.4.Ct 1 1?I . 1 1 1 1 U i'At I H.. Mahoe. In -hort. every one ol
tb txventx mie-ts bnurh'. iC iti-d one
cat and "jenemilx several.
The ho t and ho-t?- U-lih t.. he
iitt,m wM.a tj,,. 1(.nl, .st srrirei.
,)n ,iu. ;U.t.nlh arvnl th, . to
The ho t and ho-t.- Uria to lo..k
u.mdi.r xvjiK'h xroiiid .it rr.o-t. tie
ruest-or the cat-. On the nineteenth
tliex iniilitate.l killing -uu o; tin at
to i"f 1 th: otlier cat.-. On the twentieth
nrrix-nl .t icy felt like putting ,-itnt ral-p.e-jiii
into the fod tf the m-l-
I'er-ous ta xx-n of cat- enn iuqaire ol
anybody in that par oi the r jnatry.
SirnishMCH UeruUL
io ooli: it- brutj force
jau- aj on,.r. Tai- xx-a- a niurderoa
wvrk. bnt it had t-t b- ! by sonw
on be-for x-oti cmki expec. to hax-e
Iirrat aad pecevfnl taxilhouioa like u
on-a. 1 irr wnr;are of
Koine i-bv no
meaa- ade watr.v extd.iiaed by : -h the
ory of a delifcrAt ht; moral ndi.-y of
aTe-a "tafmal,' I brueve. t
tke -trwuirer adjecuvr trhirh lr. Draper
ti-e-. The s:e v i war- of Koin
xvere iarswH niciat -l br ju-t such cn-
skitratMns a- th--r xrb:ch a centurx-
a-r made it iv".e-ary fo: tie Enr'-b-h
trroacliaiecLs of barharon- Koplt5?. ;
'" JTajoauc
acorxiix vT
1S 0C iWCUK"
k ai 4k . tii . .si m. r a .
- IUV -iU-.l. v iav cs-
- .1... ..A ..W.... B I .....
Tjr crr- of th- t- rs- 3f Jnrtty of ti
Urtt of rommfrtr. ;
The 't-a: bor mari-t of ih We4- '
; rrn S tatr furathc a uSkicn; 'pply
! of Urit!o? for the brah mlrt. of
tt-w-l though until a lew xea.
aitu .anu i-.
- 0
1 ;lif t ! a clim-d to b. j-cular to
" - -r ,. -
jirvpcr q
"mJcaJir or trroQti h u
Mirc "of tin fciri;- isajo;!ty of the
!3Ttk- o! ctaiTrt' I th Mt-i forr-.t
of Nortbrm Ktwi: tho- ol thf LTLar
. .- i . . & t
ia- in'.a" aterKW u no outT. iu
tho- iatfrminabir
Kttue ..r. thfr1-
U- r.f bid rovrwl
arc thcmnad.. of astb
w;th jae. oak. Urrh-.. krk. roan
nal ckrrroaal. n r.rt. and b"rry
lwrap inn: tb fruit- of it i- frm a
dltcii dt for UW k-v. w hwrh in a
-'wd-wiW ji:r. murv or b?- aadr thf
carr of jwi'-h-rd'---w3ri in prdijrkH-nnmiKT-.
All tb-r hojr-. h-wrr. do
no: .rr!odr tbtT n-lb. to tlx br-b
av-rrhant, for ttr uadrr 'tn- for
tb brtV erop rr Um privd-l rar
wb aa-ti iwar t na: tllw fr-
I'jrK- mt Km ta. Wiirr r'ord Uh.
far ftHiii th- hat iut-oa- of aaa
to br
ta-irm-d fr ht:aan fHil. tJy an
trlh-d d a for the a- of thrir fat.
()a th rff-; f ttn- t-Ilo kott'-r arr
ufin-r. wIm-b th-animal- art w-H fat
ti-aiti. and afu-r a i;ni- of uahmiur!
btiin:. th- brwtlr bHrst i rap-l
x:i! rKSbrr?d in a wax xppari-allx
rricl. bnt nhb-h i- not - mo-h -o a
it appear- at ltrt -iht. hn tb
b are in projw-r t-omlttiott thi- an
Srivcu into an nt-l-uri when tln-
an -rowdil trihi.r a- tbi"k. or i-wn
th"u-kr than th-v can -land, xvber-.
In- dint of kirkm runnin:. -trtiir'-bn!: '
and rran.l "they hI.
xxhu-h e-rb eondit:n thex '' .
-ciz-l bx ;br-lri-tb-plueker-who thei
j v aillicultx in pulling the
. I -
bn-ll - o ox Uu nn.i . 7. . .
coniph-hoL i'ta ha- hi- Id- rty "
tamper mT aptui to lo- pature and
this i- rvxllv the xv ax that the bn-tle
crop I- rea?.ed. ai.X one who has a
enance . in-p-ewiii i-oiii-iii.i--i- (
the artieh- undre-.-ed. may -ati-fx hmn
-elf. lb- will ..( that tin -titll r
baxe bvn iorciblx drar."d out bx the
und in the ca-e ol the tt-enan
. .1 .1 .. ..1 .. :.t. .1... ... f
! --..'-. loov ... -
the -till' hair there ha- Imm-ii torn away
no incon-itlerable amount of the -ofter
xxool xvhii'h bx a kind provi.-iou of
"nturr nmlerbe- tlie bn-tb-s of tin-
vTe north.
How -tiutiiv ton.- of liritb. per vear
.. .t ". ..
.u-n-turns o,u, ri-. ....--.-o
knoxvmj:, but M. leter-bur alotii
-uopbe- stlMiut lifti en hundred to
n-. d
which Knlatu! and America ",et tile
Iarn -hare. In I'm ia everx pea
ant Isuoxvt. the value of every hair id
the -xvine. and each one board- the pro- j
eeed of hi- pir- until the collector!
comes around to purehn-e. One .
would think that bridle- xxerenot a "
,. , 1 y .1...
tHl lUMfll. I'll. i4 .1. V..4.1 .'4 ....
VH.r1mh.1n the world at a laircxita. Tho
.h, ur n-M. j-u..,... .. ..-....".
r.iu livs inmil v . it i. noi a :m ir :
il r.N... L-nmlh. liL- iintr.v Miw-allrd farm
journal that are at pt.-.eni twine -xi-n-
5-T1 '
' .. am - - iui L .- r- . k v . , a "
otv. or ' cur. w rin- .-irff.aail.ilW'i- f w a;lii wui -..- ..-
th. bo?-, b-d at cfinia an. anil oa , j-? -u.t. wir t- -"' iA4-
-ch f.a! jrrow ,a;o a ,.-.., eodruo. giSl, 5jl3,!SSS: ,
afir a fw :oatli- ii-inr. la the wv B,j ualU0.
Iv udx-er.i-.!. Uit hn t-ea pat lo.:.-! ..... ... ..,, ,. ... ,- .wl u,-. ... fom3 TOT LlttlO SiniTOrS.
.. ...... aa .. l 1 lit. a t'UIII IU -'- -. - . - - . -... -- j
iij-it--for 1U It oisfat lnrr-e.J nre a- , , .. ..., t ,.. -.. .;. ..;. .. ll'lilBt ki-lsSrfkmTaAi2a
vt. hniiilnl of nrartic:.. -titic. tatioa and ' '"", m-f. 1il l' M li aai
il tresh. uriiiinl ttn.-efllanv i.f the bi.-h.". . ......
character. It is, in -hort. thr model joar- A iisaIier ... "W hnt I- a mat. a -mil
for tbo.- hodellla villai: and drum" A eoanmlrHW U a maa ai a --'
h.Ht.t.. nd hKtld 1- the tlr-t one 'Ima-r in drw.. A c t V-..
ul-,-rJHsl for after y.nir h-eal jiajer. whrtb-r he U a wait.- r a ; Vo -A
are a-jnaiiitl with "l-oth paer and jmiIm. ( h Jimc.
li-.h-ra and cheerful' v rKonitiiml it t.mir ,
reader. tu a l1rst-cla- a:ricnltiiri j.mrnal , " Isx't that Mrs. Holmes I thoucbt the I
e-urtb twice the money risked for it. The . doctor, save her up. Hoe kKd:lw!ln.,
regular -ic. I- oxr tioi.i.Alt a Ear, In
vji.ri- but th. ct-vv. -:.-rud oJ.t of
rti- cs.vts will b .ie-.'pt-i if iriit in le
mr .Vorll Ut. l.HSTi. Henitinl-er. tltt n. no
L., .,.)... la... - .. l.tA.i nJf Ti...rwi.
. 1 .. . . . .. ,. .. . . M . b . &. -
IJOU H lllrUIU lT III.) i:.T I .- A Ifc.Ml III'
tmlv-eich: pace, fortv-coiunmasrieulturnl
oxrt.ii: as a rem-iy for cobe, cholera mr.r-
nu.. marruo-n. rvjary or taoooy-aux,
ar to Iceak up coals, fevers or iatl-oma-torx-
iVn.iT is the creates: curiosity
world. A tv union'
lw.ltcntodi.fRf.? of eitber ikx,
however induce!. fpeedJy and jrtnanent
ly enred. IJrsik of partictilar. 1 cent., in
3tAnt5. Cnrultat:on fn-e. Address.
WorldV riisii-a.-varx- Iltsllcil Aj-scciatioa,
BuiTalo, '. Y.
"What i a great dal r ire titaa rata
la; est and d -.-? Haibag a .-ta-;e.
KANSAS CT7V. Marrh 5
CATTLE Shlpp'nr -terr- f 4 Sn it J5
;;tiv?w. . z - t
4 Ol
4 IA
I -
ltuteaer- 5l 3 .. c
IIOGS GoHtHoehofhcv.- 4 li .
I.trht 5 i
WillLVT No Sretl. . . nSt
No.2 &
Kiiieetol -
rOtCN-N.:: 3 f
(lATS-No. r ,.
UVK-No. s &
KWH'H-PaacT. ter vaoi. 1 . Is.
HAY-ltvwfcakr! ' "
Kl"7TRK i-b-- orx.iajsy Zi
rjKltiB-rtlenKo X: i
lail.r lliftit
r i '
'. '- '
1 .
IXJi-tK H-s-
soutdi- -. r
Sdti-. -
rnn "
xviviL V nmn. urti. IS
IV'TATXIUS -hanjl.- ... -I
ST. UfCl-a.
CtTTLG Salpn-Bjf trs i z
Htc4ier-' etx-. iO
4 r
"jiVEl F
VitK i'
nois PicUar -
ar to caolct: . - -?
fo 4 r
.(. C
3. tt-i
r-- s
r att hr. ? i.
CATTLE Evfon i 2 C
HOGS Goodtreoor 4 . fe 3
SHEEP Praor So t 1 -r 4 la 4 3
FU3CB Ood to cfcos-i f 3D J
vrEAT Na-rrt-d .....- ? WJ,,
D0KiV-X.: 1 -
OA1-'t-itr aixrtJ 2".. -,
rXJKK-graaaa-a aw. --r? ?
ai'atTHy-.-J i-aniM s .t
?il hrtnMi T-tt l Truth fr Nt ? j
A N'f to it la lit !--
kzth:kx i or 32z-
IU.t jsosr, Mx A iicili r hc
levillTrr ik sctta e. t
t ri.b. of a Jriia. u. crnify i-r
- .
nit & rst'Av
a4 ia tit
fU cfli-irr Wet t thr J- tfa: U rrpUv4
okl-:ua- pr-pcraS a omiiar rtcr
oc3 klra. naJv-i hmd pr-va. -?-alukirrS-4
aadrr-. TV- yjnUt
anl OMmrrKS FartiH? . uf trktwb 2o 1 a
-tU r. k. id tat ! I4 vt-l t-r
cod of mitctU rUt-, aa mots pUe
ia-rst ws xr-4 U-aoi- t - r-a-
lss. aJMj -jj jaisntr.
H & rrl tliaS U tbs jlarB luidta- '
Uoa on ihe act ef a pfc Mrtaa, aI rj
ctsflv t a. b-ltfa oflc-r. wr ofj--d to
the r1t ut tlir : t: U T-aa
ratcht r U-3 W4.M-J oci-b w --a it
vtm v Ue tJ-T-t of r-Urr or -:- U
iav-: UK-Mrt- -tta r atral
halo, lt aow - br tkoo-Ut boW ! tr-r
awl HaU-acitWr4, - ka fcrl at .
l.rbari-m. It was tli dt : a 1es.
es;ri.!ly f belUt mnr, l ivta-i'ten
laJurkK.. lt it a mt ruht Vo v ja.
aooil 1- iuaj-a jr.i iuhik m
th. -.!. !-- ttt KnrtBlnjr a rh b J.a- t4
b Rfl. I: Uu w-r m. Um- vro W wuutti
aoC rriv tfe lwHl: of bait th- h-rr
en i rnmlo n art r rc-. Ti tat
Hat tftt- uir m nl a im-w anl
JrJ,R Ia- A ! Uva attrarU ,
a rtrtlli'-at a;fKrl m tii laUy jajin
kanns tit aaloirrai b nttir- (.or- ;
niorM-lja-s AU-rn--ftj'-rml HoU-rU. '
I Mavor Latro , Ot 'otiAtfr A4th. ,
. CiiiWkof Sut-and Maat ipul iiartincat-
Ju.l-.- atnl nrk A t-ti.. Kr.lral otli- ,
cml nn.l Cuar-Mn. .ruj-bt.Urallv en- .
ilncsiuc the aru t( th Hvlth t'-ixa- j
twint-r. and oMirurnar la ki op uka in U. ,
: til- rClrucv of tW rwHfd. . k.-rUii2 ikat '
t-"-v 'lid o from anu wt
j,,,- ,. , au, tat, . 1: ., ,-. iw nim.-.x.
1 ai rlu wtta ,
-eruneat UU ua;rra; ju-tirt- a: ;
l-.a.!tnS ,-raru ttUpl.y. ia. t,.Upa.-U
1 of the Tit-. w. 11.Ha.l1a-; the ,.h miIbhi ot ;
j ,, lhrlwilBj. ho,pltei. u-.bvMran u j
Clly VlTv ,imrui-cnt, ia P-rt jdiyw-,
, mnaw of initrMiart-s, all -.iur tb
diwovnrv and tAtta titat It libit Un I
f. !a ajatnl, uad prlvatr j
jirarttc tor ?.. wita
curativ. Sleet, aad that uaalvst
hud kliown tio tmrt. of ot.iaU-;. or j"M-
Mttet, prex-alint it. other .agh t:uxtarr.
Tli-x- iunl.--r iv-i taat tarv ami i-n .
durrtl to tak- tin tp 111 ti of the ninny
linrttul prepurn.tua. w hica euutiilttoil ttar
roUcj. and hiv:iji mid of the danger eoti
Heqnen. on tlutr un. The reUMsiy In
question i lti-1 Stat C"oush Cure, huch a
ctat-lu.i vc atiawcr a thu to thr tinrr"'
1 ar'umia" ol th- ivm. piiimm
! .i-ntiment on the -.ide ot th? Health C'ihu-
, xaMnio:ir. and It t. -.tghinrnm tua ir.
SttirtrL hll-i .inii lt,-rn ni'tHllaUrd I.. 4J1-i :
; bth,. Muvur firll4,r(, tVrm. aud h-ahad
,., ..,.. aaaaiaiaaa'v counrui.-d by
,j. -llv touncd.
Owiae U tho htRh rofi--.i.mtl rrputa-
UfKi of the iceutleiie-a x- ha adurl hl
nrtlou. n well a.i to the enviable Uiidii.j
.. .1 ... ..... ......... I. Tl... I'tmrU
A Voeler Oiii'may, id" taw nty, wide-
.-ll! :nterrt hni atnwly leu cr.mtd
1.1 th--otbjw t, not mlx hero bui in I'hda-
d.dpua. Wainfiru.a a.a oth-r ai - uS. -
ias;rtli-. lilt. leetias I- ,-ene roi rx-,
oilM,r u. ing fhylaa of ilan l"i.
havr pabllrlv put Uwralv im r-r,r.
.oU Til of tiaroUlr ni.-dlrities. and the
.. ... .... . ; ,..... .,
IO UIC I'TU Ol lUIIdlUr lll'-tisiu.-s. nmrt ..
con.ineat vnlue and iiaiortaac- of tx,
.-- l!irovery ref.rre.1 to. It u ma-f J-l
1 TW.11..I1I 14 1I1U1"WIUI1H1 11IV1. ... ... .'....
. I I... ..M..4 ......I .. ...Ml ..Mr --4r
KW"v:"r".".r'',:"',irv.:'.71iih.--4m v K.-,i.t. m- . t f r
thnt ixiblir ot.Inton ha. roni.b4lv nti !.- . , .. t t mm-.
"ftlie u tel.. Alter the Ooetors care up
: her ca he truwl Dr. I'lere.. rv.r,t.'
'. l"rerr tptioti' anl to Ret letter n.-:.t
i awax. I heanl hr v not lon- n'.t!it
' fchc hadn't !.-l'. mi wrfl In ttrr-ntv rxr .
VIS., si...... l...nn.. .v..V M...I ..... .... , l.f..
ar.4ir -4-r-r. 4,-. .... .. a. aiii-4 CT. .4.-4.
i iens. xrortfa hriac. at tat. H"bv.' xai.l
LoU I.innd Sooad Tern .Sifting.
Fon TnnOAT DiFtAats ac Corona
BROWNS 11R..NC1HAI. Tkocucs, lite all
rtsWy pfHhl thlnr:. are fre.ti-ntly ImttAted.
Thr genuine, art nUU ok" in fMWw.
Thk drr coat t -reo-rallT wara bv th
frnni at the city weHlar "'wl t - an
.i.jmeiit.' ay the HoU.a Trtm r-,-U
tbrre' nothtujrhkr t4ie ratawat."
PiKr.ToTitACnt:Di'o-s cutlalr3lnutrie
tiUnn m wl; Aur .s.t; h-ak n4 1 autin- -
iittLHAS Viis Hnxiovca kinl t v . l:u.loa-
Tnr eif-rai;int: ftr r of tb mnrt l
a rreat Loon t th "M rh a- ttuaU to
raie br.rrei oi Hour tLtr. .rv
bERM an rEDY
For Pain
Cc R h a -Jg.X tarjK-jfe.
r.L4.a-. .jaaji. TaOtovtaa
7rml4s. Iralan 4J .
l"l- al tiara, t.
r t tj
m r t uxs 1, ocr
Red Star
ftrr T rrvar. t a
itnt vBtix cm. i
44a,a.a,4i-HBaaaB r . 4ii .r ha.' i...-. 4.. n .
aWlara- 1-2- o isefvs xr kda.
IHnbi-anrnKUur.HDTJ A
1 - ta-tL 04E.aaJ-?-f T. 3u..
ftTa TBal-tL 0
t.-s r:ia-i 4r Chh k
1 -fcju:-.-; " C trr jas aK-rrt.Jcs-sxr
: lors-jL rxtcia-x. aW lBZ J
Aaaf aMCa3n-ri-:i
KJ n.-- t. ? Jr tarr-a-
t-r A- IT. MgCO-aPCamlA SOSs CaWmW. Ct
l C-lSiB' ir h
naii-. tanrXini -t i
at taw
A Clear Skin
is only n part of bcau:y ;
but i: is a nzr. Every lady
besu lilies.
Take Wtudn in Timo.
Impure Wood, iBdurosUon,
and weak kidaeys siSict a
large portion ot the ha-mn fam
ily. Tiiousinds sas r is Eilenca
from the effects of these dis
orders until dAth relieves
them from their sufferinc Taka
-arnm in time, Riif voe:
self of every symptom of weik
nEs and doclmlni; health by
bfc:nnin at once the use of
Dr. fiuysott'i Yellow Deck and
Sarssparilla. Its renovating
and strengthen ngfnect is felt
at once. It is a positive cure for
It t tbe calr prrj-aratioa tt ra
jiartlia tlut rtxe- prffwrt aad m-j4t-tr
-ta.t-.trt-s and wtMla all h
tsr tfi-tie-- x-ertr-r l! lwain--c
Th-tor UrHr telly kanxxa It J
a -jwict nj-Hj-Mff t bealti.j aad
rrirular Uglily faa-t-ttK aad rt-ttwvt-a
all t-tdearj- M pwrmryK i
plevr ami mStMi dosUi l !-rli;
liH-dtvax aa4 t-raal.n; away d xtlal
lU-t. td' f&Km Itiat roa
Ind ia uoftiac- ut li.e aia;xrlou
I ff IenaHt th., nai-' ol your
lirus-rtt. T-ke a- ulttuur
.V u j frtn la I" '
- o artiig mm'
i:. mt fMm'k ; "
1. rmrrns ' f
nH t rt'.e x ..
lr aff . u
.1 atir. .
Ik' t
, ,. ,,.,,
i , .
Cream Calm
w r-.-i .
i--a ...-.;
Vc- ". , j
! -'u :-r
.'' . r
, '
-' x ', ,'
' ti u.-r 1 . hi.
fcf r
!- r-
nt nt fl ''O 00100
Qfl h l ft R r f . oUlt:JiJ
. Ufl I. IT fU i. U W VU,'JW
Ta. ar- 'IhimimU .1 u ' -r ...v ua
0'l " t'.-rlHa Mllh lUr.jMlM'." .. k
ln..' lh- 44-4-rt i... h a f,nu. -s.'ic :.-4
laiiiiu..k. '.! ! .... ..f ' tt . .ft... .!..
- tiM riu' ? -flic X !. asrt at. . -.
Ulirabt l.' kl !-. JH...I I.
Worry-Waking Melodies.
A X .-; X ,.!'or to (Vm '! ' tUef. p. M 1
Bt., ri. wl... ..-u.-rtiM4l ' .-j .... 1 a urr a,...
4-. . (.1. r .r -ttM i s.r -.-f
lwe..r. tl a -"nibia'tirf-' Cst... -
i'rV ?l,,lr " "-J -'- "'""
- . -. 7V. . ,:,, ....
. . w .- . . .... baJ
; n- X .-r- 1 rx'
! r'TiW
;fiun riuirci. t., .,- - ,e t-.-i
: ., a .-.. 1 .. 1. in l-.rr x-
2 COOD CANTATAS - -. -"'",
t3 ' llrrtM" m1 Kl4, T : tn I -
1l a :.- ,.tt ...-t f I(V-1 B Wr1
l..(uri... I. .1 --" i,t'. tm Unci
tt..r .. II.r.M.4 4.1 '7H, ka.!iwat tta
lir. .4, !.! .11 .- a
u. . -f '." :-i.
i.-iiix.x iii:u.t.
oi.tx i:k :irrox .v ei..
. i. .. M -
i- - '
... K - pi. .tx
4. .i . -
ST :raJ
J -. l- CPv
f jS
To Iesr o' !? erlT
rr hr!s, trrlt .a j-tfl
l-ar r n a4 t-.-fv' - Ir r--i r r-c
ar brasd -Ji lxsc;t.t ta baO. aiaft"
t-W NEv
m a
rr.' -i-4t: rf " riT-i- JlC3
If va rftr- .ajxl will nmt -- r.y . i -J , aa4 tit fwr
cvar.Jftvvttrn, Siu-K
c I .. ! rmU
wB wiov. a.
ri'-iTjr a 1 tcrx KrAwAmx scire".,
. J
a1 .fca. A .K4. t A.S..4
- t-f
- 33 tn9- aU 3(3 4
Bau. arr i ta !--.
Ts tata -.tiara.
a V e - f r Mi.ot
3r.2 Trr i-i .- ..via
C!BI-a,l0nrt. iW.VjaflJtA'
a-f jm tc fc i r a dm
7 Sroaaaarsy. a- T&nu,
pose Ma
as Li-:.7vrn: coir zood
It is fo-r hfi-Trr..-
lioc of all Scsk.
Downright Cruelty.
WIA t k--s K csr, 19 ftensxtoA,
-jnlMil imm$
V,lU !2f UIU-. ' I
ttet 1 N tMC (C a j
Mf u-fc. Nwn-. tw aSac uSss'M-
wr s
- A-4 l- Maly -tvay I n-Jt jj-r"
tVa try ti--c ay aefa
MKoi. - mwwn-t' lft Jaaat
tl 1 W4 k MHRMMelt. Mb.
: kwtr
I t m UJSC-: ltaltta bra Uw Tt---r2.- I,
)y ia k-i sad
CobM -A aalila--: !
Mj asSMk; - - I --)
tita i-1TI t gX M
waM wf Omi --. tlMV
At IraA I hwaH P4
- AiMatt ywax !lp
AihI d-rtarmkiwt I Irv
t a iWUfci in aar taaK ! k-u-fc thej
NU daiy I wfMMl f I--4.
!iwa, lnm tfc a awa
1 lMi-a iiiMii - it-4 it a krl
tow M
" dvx- m I ata. ".. KifR-i aJL.
I t ahuakat. UtaN-. T"aa. MT-t L .
J Iar Kajlor ! a Vr -rf y U JR
j U-m aaal Mas ta aT ) roc
1 yiaiat TV Wt atniM I -x w--d h
aay taatifjr. Tuuwiu.
t..r -o--ir tai a I f m-n
H . . o " iw t ui--
. w
rob 5 X COOD FAV.
r . , .. f . . .
V-. 4. ' .
- IE S.
- 4V . -t
feet r.
The Atlanta Constitution.
-yr. r. Ts.rc-5 i-u.
1 y..
d n. m4 a 4
( urrnruAxrjT&x -4-t-
X a.r- -.U...4, r4l.l- r Vs-4. .Xan
r4M-n.. I taU. A-).-l-lr's 'I!. I MV-aa,.
'I').. tt4.H44r-4x.l4i. 4. 4W4.I4.
A XnsfU ( ttt -,.. tlU LV4f.9r.X.
t-.- T4 1 1 . fe- itr
m ' Ta ... A . ts
1 cure fits;
t.B lf
I. .& I..4i.l'. a,. si' I !
'! rf r. r jir -,
l.rM 4 Tff t -f-4.4j4r4
I . rt tb- .. --- 4 . ;;,'
, ! t-f "'l. 44 s. A
444 4
14.4441 r-M
H - f r.
ttHIS. ii.irHf .
' Prxitirelj thu Scrt. aj A
fc- x r -.
rxt ir.
rd: Clrr ?h
' , fc r f !.. I f fcl taBtKaayr
. it l.tei- iik,iU'iiiwt
ltr f llpflflf -t o-. 'n e-j, . W
nrtri nrtrt
th"Jlj n i A lts .? l vs4 -
er aLJ;ra.iri4j -.lib
- 4w-aBrtiaa nraiol f lfc "Ar . ITa-
Aa a faaMHr fcnJ SLS3A (w3 lC.
twIAr le
t - t4 alt f 4l4 4at.
T C "; 't. L7 -' -r 3. ' I- tfc
i -ZM. -mr tar rl, ' Kif rVeWa
JRtb . , j . J ws.
nMLa t. -4W 4 . W4t 4, 4.f
at-JA " tt
V- T W4. 4, k iIm. ij mr
aa - - j rwa4,
TifciffiaBap sl . u. (.'..
& - -am M j-i- - i
-F .. aJlLilllm
4i ?. r . 1 t rr!..
IlX-- cf -4al tu,i 1. im-4 rr X
All rar - imCm .- K-ft. W
la tr ? f4rf !. tfBtt .KM. KWtlr. CT
fcfc4 s 4 - t j. j ri ' .
A&r : XO IT WArweT tJO.
5' 6"
-' 5?
a.? . turrss, 4 ypyrs. evtwt xai xrfT.
- - t .-. 1 t
K 7
ti p.-.
x. x. Saxaaoa a at. acacat.
--r -, 4mt
aw r-
ve: ac-,,bVKJ Vavvov
mm rmm mr rmnt. - -rx-TIC'"
r n-TrK. u M-AT Catatt t m
UatiWMlamt, CAKJT A3 ttf ?
jf - W. ft. FAT CAUCiaia .
XaV t .. ) IHV I
r A a l - aaVK TatT aV4f4M
4t aa.-w 4;..mi.aa)4J at.
f aU4'CaVM4f Jaw-aT
mum Ac i. JtaaTSc w J,
Ptowtc S rlw- - " iawaa
I' -,v-;