The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1885, Image 6

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    ' s j K- '
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- 4
Ceremonies Attending the In
auguration of the Now President
at Washington.
2Tai I'roccsHion to the Capitol Sena
tor Edmunds' Bcgigimtlou Speech
in the Senate.
The Oath Administered by the Chief Jns-
ticc Cleveland's Inaugural Address
Notabilities Present.
lteview of tlir Iiniiirnan I'roceaalon fully
2,000 Man In Idtir .Scrnri and Incl-
drata I'jrutrchnlc Diaplay.
Wasiii.vjjto.v, March I.
thn hour set for Vie movement
cession the music of huudn
jhisullii? organizations heekhiij
blended in one confuM-d roar.
the shrill nob of the flfer and of the kettle
drum was- heard. I tn o'clock the en
tire jK)j)iilatliii of the eity wemeil to have
deserted iU home and occupied the M recta
aioii the line of manli. The crowd was
unprecedented even Ju this city accu .tomed
lo rceciin the oiitiouriin; of the Nation
fiopulatiou. Men, women and children
fiii.shed and :IIwcd in the vast throng, yet
it was a good-natured crowd, and evident! to do justice to the wca
hion. it was uillimr mid anxious to be
amused, and plucked fun from the slight
est Incidents. Ah for instance, when an
unhajijiy-lookim; individual );nvd up the
avenue in his shirt sleeves pushing a uhci-1-barrow
in which icclined with a se!f-atis-lied
air auothei -ei.-wm boaiiima lias:, .sliouts
of laughter and all sorts of jibes and -uirk.s
jjreebtl the equijiae on it.s travels. A larue
crowd comrretfaU-d aiouud the White House,
and another etpialh larp: aiouud the en
trance to the AilinI"" Hotel at ai; early
hour in the moriiiui; lor the purjHe-e of ob
taining a iew of the I'lohlent and I'resi-dent-eh-ct
as they tok the jilnee.s assli;mtl
to theiu in the line, liothcciilleuieii rigidly
dejiied themselves to i.sitors during the
morning. The iiieiiibers of the trcneral
inauguration committee met at the Arling
ton Hotel before ten o'clock and jilaeed
their services at thedi.sjio-.alof thel'reident
elwt. tiii: riti:-iiii:NT
breakfasted with his lamily at the White
House, about nine o'clock. No one was ad
mitted to the house to disturb his privacy
-except SciiMtor .Sherman, Hansom and
Jlawley, of the .Senate Committee of Ar
ranitenieiit.s. They had a shoit Interview
with the 'resident. .Soon after Senator
llawley Jell and jiroceeded to Wlllard's
Hotel, w!iere h was joined by Vii:e-lreI-dent-elect
Hendricks ami the two jiroceeded
t the White House. They occupied a
handsome open haroiicho lined with criiu
flon satin and drawn by four beautiful
white hornes. The Vice President was
heartily cheered along the short tide to
the White House, .lust as he was enter
ing the grounds, President Arthur car
riacc, containing .Senators Sheimaii and
iiaiiboni, started to the Arlington Hotel
for the President-elect. This can iage was
drawn by four sparkling bays fiom the
Pieshlcnt's .stables. The seats were cov
crcd with soft, heavy black ami white
buffalo volte. The Senatorial Committee
was u.shcred into the jircsence of the Piesi-dcnt-elcct
immediately on their anival at
Hie Arlington, ami after a short delay the
tluee gentlemen appealed at the south en
trance of the hotel, took their. seats in car
riages ami weie rajildly driven to the White
3 louse, vvheie they joined Piesident
Arthur. Vice-Pie.sident Hendricks,
Senator I law ley and Marshal Mc
Michael met the party at the Wuite
House jKiitico and escorted the l'resident
pleet into the jircsence of the Piesident.
Thu I'residcnt-elecl was greeted with cheers
and waving handkerchiefs as he drove
along Sixteenth street from the hotel. He
l;ejit his hat raised in lecognilion of the
compliment. While the patty were at the
White House the Chief Marhal of the
pnxvssioii and his aids rode into the
grounds and notified the President-elect
that the procession was ready to start.
'i in: puocK.ssio.v.
"Hy tn o'clock the procession began to
Torm on the sheets ami avenues east of the
Capitol; ou all sides were to be liratd
strains of National anthems, the tattoo of
drum tons ooinlng up one side of the Caji
"tol, minded with sound of bugle and brass
bauds of troops advancing on the opposite
ih The Tammany Niciety from New
York was one of the first organizations on
the pounds. As a Tammany sachem at
tired in the aboriginal costume entered the
idaza he was accosted by "ugh ! uuli '" nnd
other clmr.icteii.stic expressions. Civic ami
mibtaiy orgauirations iteipded ly a simile
ilmnimer lHy or a band of 100 pieces, as' might be, fol:.)vveiI and tool, tui
tions assigned theiu. The sun itiona
brilliantly on the uniforms of trooj'i. and
their bavouets glcauuHl 5n sunshine Jlke a
.Heaof burn Uhed steel. At eleven o'clock
the vl hail inciv.ucil t i'.OOO or 7,000.
and crowded the jdaza. ('eueral Hancock
and I.leuteu.ttil Sheridan arrived, and as
fcuiy ascended the stejis to the cist front
Senate wing, a deafening cheer at os from
tin, crowd. Twenty minutes later the
-President's carriage with the Tour horses
fairly jinuicing entered the west end of the
phua. Prior to Us arrival the j'tsiple stood
ui masse over the east front. Policemen
n Iiorses tmle among them and with
shouts and clubs cleared the passageway.
The cirriag beg-an to move tliiough the
jwssageway jirecttlttl by the military. The
jictmle. cheered at tirst faintly, but as the
-vehicle jmieevded the hurrahs increased.
JHats were hftsl and tluvwn into the air.
IwHdkcrchlefs wavisl atmve the heads of
both ladies ami gentlemen. Tiny tlags held
by patriotic children and elders w ere vvav eil.
-The tends sjemed to ila with greater vigor
nml drum? were Ixuiten with ureater velu-
inc nnd
Tu carriage
steps and
them. It had been twiiectod that the dis
tiuguislietiivcunauts would aeeud the steps
and enter the building on the main floor.
1 he flutes shrill scum! xvas jiUtp- tuasso.1 in columns, funning brilliant vista pretext for anv ety touching the protee- much atbnt.on. as did the v ash
bugles' blast louder and louder, as far as the eve amid reach. On ek-- !.'-.?..?
was driven in front of the east I vated stands cnterprisiinr photograohers , amrniinient All diou on a to their m-. Me wlil' Iark shakos. Hie hifth Mar-
around to tho passageway beneath 1 had placed their hi.stnim.ent-; to iht- ness for the nlace nccordcl them a, Amen- land, alxmt .rO0 strong. In blac helmeta and
waen. However, u xx-asioumttnai tneywouli! j like waves of the ocean. The immense lawon. and charges them with ait it duties.
nter timmsil the Inisement paarevvav. I throng was x-anottslv estimated as to num- o'dhra'ia" ami n-TKnibiht:r-Tin,.
xvas a nisi, in that dirxvtion but in a . U-rs. " Present Arthur st.bsjuently said VZ w .5 ,C,'r"S aviTnwri
TiKiment Uie rresldent and iTesident-eU-ct, u was "simply immense: the greatest ' ptip'ulat-on may well rrceive the attention
the Senators xvho had arcotujiauietl them J crowd L ever : saw." Senator Havxlev. as he ' Hr,d (hepatno c endeavor of all who make
in Uie carriage aud the Vice-President-elect ' htikxil at it. said he thought It minitien-l I "V".1 execute the fcleral laws
an.l hLiMmiianion were within the bulidim- J
. V . . i s. ... . .
ana uie. tioors were cioseu. .ur. xieveianu. i
ou the ami of Senator Sherman, xvent to
the private entrance of the Senate chauivr ,
and ivroceeded imiucsliately to the Vice-
President's nnun. rtvsident Arthur went .
elf jdgninc
iiad nrev
iv tiiv -jvviTi: rn x vi-.KH. .
At eleven o'clock the doors of the Presi-
alent's gallery of the Senate wen? opened
and people wno xx-ere rnuncu to aaraisioa ,
-were escorted in. Among them were Mtss
Cleveland and Mrs. Hoyt, sisters of the lYesi-,
... ii a. ar-i....K. I ...! ..:.
lCHt select, Kev. XX. A. wcvrmtiu "" wue
and their two sons, Mr. Hastings, nephew
of Ui iTCsident-elecL Miss Hastings, Miss
Xellie Ywnns and Mks Annie Wmaus,
-sUeces of the lTPsldent-eiect. 3Ir. snd 31ns.
Bacon, ot Toledo, and Colonel and Mrs.
jtm-- Ts blue tapestried seats of Uie
-aiiaiotHstie nleiT resoained too ioagex
l.i, uvn. nllMi bv 11:15. 1
JLqtwranefSesuators having arrived, the
SMtaess C the Senate was proeettietl with
frequent d lone: iBterruptioris,
saAie awmitiag the actios or the coa
tiirtm mi tlip apfroitriatiou bills. AHtons
AairlyaiTtTJaouthe floor "were Seo-
' vm Ti"L!l?J u-j-. ..rjVs tb
Mtieni s room, vueic ins caomct oi ine t apitou i resident Arthur stemmed i -"" """"r. ""i ouiauij at....-.t.-Kt- i- ijniioan m iav, ciirti i.- ui.omhi u. uic jrnmii jn-s.-i acat. nitaatMi siook nani i -- wKl f4-t . . i .
ambled, ami where he engaged him- to the fiout of the platform, followed bv lrtSL!ir.0lttwJ'r prtresJ0n. . with I,i a, ;he pa.1 afaareatfy arxks- - iw . ,..-. . JZZllTZlIlJr'rZTlZZ:
measures xx hich Coiune xvas the Prrsident-ehvt, Otief Jitstice W.tiU , alt t.mes tx-enrVweMlnour countrr ht- civic OKCASKATtoxs. j the i:a;res4i tba. h- ws io-lV-ib-n: ; twTs.riit. P.x Muti l.-TIe ml ' ... . r!r.77-J lajaMiaaii.
through tho legislativu lulls. Mr. and the Sergvant-at-Anns of the Senate. ! tore. Let u invoke III aid ami Hf blcinjr The fourth and la-: divibm xras eota- IMnlncV. km the Metw at tK Hi. , , itai-irr aa:ria& a-t th tn r- T T"'lf swws
on the arm of Senator Haw ley. All uncovered ;xs they stood lacing the "pon our tabors, ; iirwxl entirely of clxir organfczatjons. ami n.xerrsi that hs- wa tn.r Hlaken for " -.-.ti--. fc-J . x--, ttIM7 " cv - smjpum im
1 the apartment xvticxtj.xtr. Cleveland , crowd and the vast assemblage cheered, 1,IC iitire-vs was verv liner, ami at pre- u- conitnatxlnl hx Major Thsaas K. Ijc wtn-tx eie ue aaaeooten tfc- rr. xjk '--- - - -. , .
iotislv jeene. i again and again for several minutes. '.Vnen L-eIy 1 :0g o clock the Preident-elcct, turn- .roJL iiC Jcks.ti Ivnwra:ic A-Js-ia- s-ee hx the taiil h a; 'Mi. Xtm wra n- ' ifai '"T! i..i- Harwi .r -..-,.
. t . -. e a. . a - w. m. . . . -. a. aar . a a- a . -. J a. &.. aWoa Jl f ra. S j- ai r aaaaaa Avaaat ah. a taaM. a k n B I.. am. . a .4 ....
I'avtie. who wprv
bzrn or more ac-
.e in at the dour df
rjuaimanci-s a xney camp :ti ax me door ox
th hall. hx-bmatvir lljKon. (rh.)t Mir -
Reoii-Oiieral Murray, Jlr. !JIeH, law jtart-
nerof President Cleveland; Commissioner-
ators-elect Ex-art ami
xvsnnly greeted by a
. ,. ,..
Thi OI11V events Of XllP. earlv liriK.WlliCS
whleli wpri! not on the nn,-nirn;iH!. were
the nuUjreakM of aonlaiwj which jrreet-d
the announcement of th
Ketlrement bill. and the
dent's mexiL'Ci nominatini
iiram ii iiji; newiv i'ikjii ai.iin;i. i hc
ajij!aiiie, hich ai hard and prolotisc-il.
was not iiiinresel by Mr. hdmtimK I he
arrn-aior iiipoipioiuauecorp-, mi siroo;:.
t I, f I . A? ?.. ....
iii' in iiicu iiHiiiuiin oi)in limn -'iv.ii
rolx-s and mandariun cajis or gorgeous be- i
dtt-kei Are of Kurojns, oVcsIone.l a
Misjw-ti-ion of the buzz of conversittcn fori
-!nd in liifir miiffirms varvlii'' iroiu MlKeii
, . ... . mrf--.,
'resident of the 1'iittcd
Cleveland had already
hall with his e.cort
within sight of the
States." Mr.
entered the
and halted
his was. being announced,
was applause and clapping of
hands at lirst. and then cheers, loud and
jirolonged, welcomed him. Then a stalwart
voice in the gallery arose alwive the din and
demanded "Three cheem for t 'rover Cleve
land.' This was not held bv the sussein-
hlage to be in good taste, ami Mr. Kdmuiids
jiriHiaimed that order must be jte.servel or
the galleries would be cleared.
mi:. i:t)Mt ms .viit:i:-s.
The Vice-President-elect was now es
corted into the chamber, and without delay,
but with .solemnity ami decorum betittiug
the owa-iou, the oath was administered to
him by the Piesident pro tern. Kdmunds,
who now turned to the front and said:
Hkn.vtou.s "i. now clo-. another epoch In
the eour-e of the ItcpuMic uudci the Cim-ti-tutioii.
This tirlef period of our National e.x-l-tcnce
has by co-ordinate forces ot a Na
tional and States stm biotiirht experJeiico
of free, -oclal and political government to
an established mid .-ecure triuiiiph I think
I may -alely .-ay lor us that wc believe the
long years to como In the futiiie of the Ito
publle will more and more increase the
peace, liberty, order and security of all the
people of our country. Hut perhaps it may
not be Improper tor me to s.i that, in view
ot our recent experience- it mnv be doubt d
whether "ongrcs can coiigratulateit-ell on
being the lic-t example of a legislative
body, conducting the business with that
deliberate and timelv diligence which Is
the iu-eparablo handmaid of wisdom und
justice, us well in the making as In the ad
ministration oflaws. It is. I think, an evil
of large and growing proportions that mens,
tires of the greatest importance, requiring
much time for pioper examination and di-.
ctis-pni in detail, aie brought to our con-Id-cratioti
so late that it is not po-s.hle to deal
with t hem intelligently, and which we are
tempted (over tempted, I tear) lo enact into
taws, in hope that tortuie rather than time,
study ami leticctlou, will lake care that the
Itepublic suiters no detriment. The Chair
has heard with deep sensibility of the re-o
liition you have kindly adopted coin-crnlng
the administration of his duties, nnd he
begs to express -inccrely his gratitude for
It. IT, in the course ot the execution of
his d 11 tie-, he hns (as he sometime may
have done) wounded the feelings of
any Senator or ollieer of the Senate he can
only say that he has not intentionally given
offense to any oic. and in closing this session
of the Senate, he assures every Senator,
whether retiring or continuing in public
duty, that he wishes him every friendly good
wish, and hope-that he may long enjoy all
haj.plness that can be realized by eitien or
Senator, lie now declares the Senato ad
journed without date.
Mr. Hendricks now took the gavel and
called the Senate to order in extra session.
Prnver was ottered by the Chaplain, follow
ing which the Vice-President made a biief
addtess. The new Senators were svvotii in
ami after reading the message of the Presi
dent convening the Senate, the juoeession
was formed ami tiled its way to the platform
in the central jNirtico of the Capitol.
tiik ( i:ki:mo.mks.
The jirocession from the Senate chamlver
to the plattonn was in the following order:
Marshal of District of Columbia and Marshal
of the Supreme Court.
n.x-I'resldents and ex-Vlee-Presidents.
Supreme Court.
Sergeaiit-iit Arms of the Senate.
Committee of Arrangements.
Piesident and Pre dent-Hied.
Vice-President and Secretary of the Senate
Members of the Senate.
Diplomatic Corps.
Heads (.t Departments.
Retired t'euerals of the Army.
The Admiral of the Navy and Oiticer of the
Army, who. by name, have received
thanks ot Congress.
Members of the Ilou-c ot Representatives
and Mcinber-Klcet.
Kx-Covernors and (inventors of States.
Officers of the Senate and tulicers of the
House of Representative.
All other jiersons who have been ad
mitted to the floor of the Senate Chamber,
followed by those who have been admittnd
to the galleries. The stand on which the
Pre-ident was to deliver the address was
erected almost on a level with the floors of
the Senate and House and directly in front
of the middie entrance of the Cajutol. It
is about 100 feet square, the largest ever
iH'fore erected for an in luguratinn. and
wl bv g,000 chairs. These wen- occupied
... . ... . .
by Senators, members
a at ff- f a I
S of the Ilijiloinatic j
Corps. Judges of the Supreme Court, mem
hers of thu House of Kpjirescntutives ami
jiress rejiresentative, Uefore the Presi-
U. a - a ., ,, a -, .
nt left Uie Senate CIihiiiIht the crowd -
in fnmt of the stand had increased i
until It tat-ame. one solid mas of buimmitv
fnr .1..1.K-joii f....( .. fr...t f i. a r....Ji I
tor neulv -too feet In front of the stand
ami more than l.bOO fivt
nnif of the Capitol some 'JOO or :UK) men
and Ivovs had .i.ti-re-vteil In tlm in-'
ami itivs nan iinrt.atei. in 'c aji-
I'l.Mtiiiiig avenues ami sireeis tue luuunry
jH.tuate m
a-esnblv on
ha ton, l iiumitn ami regory. of tact, ivil n or partj- -trite the pevplo
Sen Ice Commission, arrived In their turn j made, but it- axtrnJant crt-urn-tanc-and
were erected by friend, ami aoiiinlnt. SoTSrrSSi, ly ICpT'in r.K
atires ami conducted to their apjmttcd llcCrwhmr tear It niorecb-arlrnpjM-ar that
Jilaccs in the rear of the I'ej.tthlican naw. our Iicsiocnitic n--d no sjro.orr.
U OtUllirilL. J IITTJ lilHJli UUAII.IUIllli i, . ri-iiv.' i. till" i-'I'lllr " lil. UJI'J -.J If Zlll .. ii..... ..f 4 nH.itfu...i..if ...1 ...!t...M
, frr.nt :,ml .i. . ciiitioiii concern for the K,.,,l.rarwPHL;,-,-'-WMT-",-",,"--u ,""' I-"-' " , . VM, , .-,,, tin. ..i. rf , ,l-'" tw m.wa.K a.
Ixma Ijefore the right of the chair, .lust before the -Xiu'Z' , .7 X .7 JnnCi .? . f ' , 7 ,. , , , th-v tttrmsl ii.b. 1-lfbntith strr-t, marching ." " "" " - w -"-"
" "-""'' . . . ... ..,.,..... ,. nnl bone-tit ntanlon all preu- creates: enthti-ioMii was all:.. V . .i. ... i . . t. -c;t br halt n mikaiav. It
.... - v.n s . -. s.-. . m. r -v ....- --- , ,.,. i . . !. . .It-.t I t. . : .1 MM... -- .- - - - .... V 4v . ..1. a.
or t..e .pro- . :-v, ";,:...:." ..: .:;;, . ::. :. . rr.;-; r xv;.1". vrji i hJ" route -n-e crowd n... ,.de. , ,", ;v ;t -v -; w iui r-i ; . tw in
. . iitiT -' in tmu iiuiTiirtwru iir iiiii iMiritiiii 411111 . . .i.. . a t . ... ii- :ii . ii .hhii lbw nti 1 i-;iin am rwrrMii H"i i
t, of bands - : . ' . . .,.,. . .,f I,,.r,usl the achw-re,cnt, of our national .'i's l.'d lu-il that it was unj- , - . lai-U.-reUiefs. Tb.. Arihrm ! M T w Uli
their io.sts .'.. 1 . .1... 1. . ,1... le-,tni. ue-haM ilt-erve to rilie all th til.- to w tlirough it. Manx lK-tpJe wrre ,.,..1. .w it i...,i r..i....i 1 -....1- ,. t-irs. "ffaite ptauat.rfv
a iiiiiiiii-ii,iiM.iiii-ii.iiiiiiiiiii-.-(-ii..iciirv k .1 . m . j - - - 11 b mww a a vaaai r-ai aaauiai i -
Kverywheie was jw-rformtMl by the veteran do., m,:t i-iii U-siow. '' or. om mw. uie rm.iwav. ami it.e j.n-e ,.r,,Uji!e ,4.. Ty wc afc i ami wiaM --. w
& -' ..w ". -- ...n,-...- .- ..... riitfiitTir. u itn'fi nnp ii'iin.i' Tra- vr i.i.t urti. 1 t a a - - --- --- ------- -- - w- - -- -w ...-.- - 1 . aa.a.a k . av
.,..? l-.n.. tEr. .t Til..'IIll. 1 !.. tl !MHl il Ulfl TOIIIU IHI KCCO UlU HUWIB -...l ,,,, ,.,.l ,... ,MJ ...1. .U.. -TW1H" ! .T- WW IW 8 -I 1"
Court .Justice was jilaced imon the right I n-n-w the pleii-oroordevoMoi. to tt.efon- ; "I"'; '" I-; - ' '; uia, of a,H.mval. A cob.-! win. L .'' rr1'!!!: t . . m.-ri U j li.! n aJiaatSM tf tha
frontof the chair. President Arthur was M-tut ,ii in H u,. wa'.i.m.tailrU ml n X "" " Pc aNaat ' ' J .rhrnTl- kLTr
nice mnoiiiicitl -mil liis i-omiii.' wis "f ,h ,J nuM c an1 ""t th'"'' ' "", the carnage coiitaimng the I'n-juhit Bin ' ,,, i,,,. 1 1-,lta'.1(- ...1 tt-.lfu- ,- ! iSTJurtW, M.I Hbelirrf cw )u-d mir ol Iftr iraoj.1. IU lMiarr x K
lio.v aiitioiimcU ami Ills lOUlllli. wa " ,,nl,.r, stn,i j.atr.otic ilvvotion. Iirs for at- .. iri.:i!..Mi !..n th.- hii.. -i.i.l t.r.--.,..l...l ,v ' Hl " n1 W ' ' ati ia..l.ii IV.M.-.i U.M-krt. rl'lti Hn I'm batlat bvc ..
greeto.1 with warm elajmin of hands, in ,,,,-t a century borm. the hope ai:d asptra- LN ! " ,.,U h " lh l,m . '''iV. ' j his breast an em.rim.t!--iU,r ,4n:e twarias ; a" !" "" , JT1" T1 J !,-"..., ,Z Z.Z?
recognition of which he bowed gracetullv ' t'on, of a ureat ,,-ople through pro-i-.r.ty vutive a-.cnue to the White Utf , :hr lwnntt,,N. wl, uw "J' ' "- .-r "V 1'n,,', -""
to the assemblage A mmeut later and "' .r!"::a1n.'Lt,,ro"rh V'V ,,,,K.k r. f"n"-" . '. .! Irt.v entered by the rear 1 jM.,u i)..Iltwr4j!l. cjb. of c, -uinbu-, O. ! :''; s "V ,L.l,rB,rl to V" M 'b cf,,,!'. li:a,, tl Trr h,7
.OI'UMil a 7tM a aa. it. aai- v,-.--..--I " iu, i uii-ii.l nil' lAVU W J t- III CI V 1 1 t -. a . .. . ai Ta - a -- -a -a- - - a . a . .1 . a. a
tlicbiizv.xc.Miv,.rKaiiiiw Tti' I It- e.ghtv memtrs v.r,. dre-ed ... r Jf" n Mr. miiaT is air t Baaa faamd. IJ bh. li.w lrb .6,
.Ti of ti. :i?imnmrfmnr "t U . our 4oiwtif nt'ftn un. -fiiniMitifA.! ti.r ifif.tiw -" "r " -"' .m .... 4 .t-. ,..! ,..,.,,1 HJiik af ,.-1 nf j M.aritaui mr- ! '" -" " ?- - - " - lwvi.t t wo roir. rwi m
l lie crowd continued less solldlv in the i r the corruptionnry innucneeoitiio-e who lowiit jx-sea in review umter tin- oisao- eluding js-rvns of the mo-t diver" iJiaibM l te ' !" f3"
rear of this multitude. The trees in the l,rul,'' the vicious, method of thoc whn , nnt.w. a large number of colored troojei of jsilitlral ojmion. Ib-side a!-' Mirge:cl a too-"": Brttl
gteat lawns vveretillchi anil thenfs )fsur-!'"J:!...H"c:..i. ",.?.".I?. ' " 'L.-IJ;'', uj were included in the third division, and there were nator !laanl.!m -li de at wcxt
nitm.liug dwellings were covent!. On the the nirht to insist thut ment and their soldierly ticarinc ami good march- ( olouei V la, of W.scoiimi. (.lateral Mten- Itrelf with m jkdrv. I-
COtniKiniO nnd civil ormiiljnlmes vver uml erurt Oistiee in nil men theie should bo
nhotoT-inhk ibwiciis the ' can e Hzens i Idle and iinpnitttublp. except
ti. , t. UtVu ,u;.a It suggest the nree-sitv for their fm
tne Stands and se.l of provenient. The fact that ther are citizens
faces and hats
that movetl contimiouslv
i.mium t.,.!.. v.iu w-.ttt., ,i ,rrt,i I
----.--- .---r-.-. ......v .........4. ...i .......-
ot me lToulont-elect Mime one xvould oo-
casionallv venture In front of the platfonn.
lit- presence xvas thr signal for n'peattii '
cheers. At iireclsrlx- P::0 the urnccshin
apjvvared. coming out of the team mr ihvr
me nersons xxim w-r. t .t t .. ..-.
monies were sea:ei on the platfonn. Ito-
nlent-eleet Cleveland begn hi- inaugural (
aio. tie was cuu m a tull suit of black, j
IMnce Albert coat, high, old-fash sonetl
stundmg collar and black tie. He stroke'
!. .-. .. ;. a . I
effeet of his n'tuarks
Cl.KX-cxxNns axirn-vL
FcuawrtTiros-lo the presence
aeniD ai-c or my 'rountrrrnrn. t
XV "lI'Jemcnx and er by the oath
shatl take, the tnnite:ation of the
this great and free ronl. lai tk
of their power and the right of aelf.povern-
'" laey nave coaitnitted to one o
fellow-citizens a supreme aad sacred
aad he here conecrate tn
service. Thi isoprcsaiTe ecrexsoay
' "'"'ti uuiiuscrnii. out mi-asjouaiiv con-: n. i .. Tk. i-u.... tmi in'n. rwrvsi s-'antit i.ouu- carncu Mixer ni'at-'! " "" "l '
. suited small ....t.w iii ?,-. i .i. ..r.. .i !.i. .. i .. ws, ...v- . ts-.r hftnfif..r a?.l ciiTirsJ irar aro isary oHitrzu th
I . . --i- " ...f, ..... -". iur- viiici jiiicr, ii.i utc x:iivu on uu j-mvj . --.v.. - -.,-.-- - . - -
was t-icar ana remant, and he slowly " rfcht. Chief Clerk McKInner. of the Su- . nine ahreait. Tbey wre f..lwd .K-nn5CJe. lc m.s
eiiunctatctt Ui words, and oceasionallx-' r.r..,-. r ..i i.. i fU.L...r v. ,hr tft. Taaaunr kn!cierbtt-5er were pniBiaoi leaxar o. xs
:urnetl about at mux's as If tu notice the . r ...i'i,i.m iki- ... VK--."tiw. I (n ihe?r ouaint aarieat cca-s will be. bier rescJKi. Tb
I I-ttleto xnooh-rnn!tr with whicn ! conti-o-
puV,hv- IS1' ' otrc to"o bc,r'' of ! "
' !S?tlb.t'kf-t an7ct7,r time thHr
i !ir-!
.2 i?
mar uBcr. and nothlar I
to trengtu-n nr resolution
Bjfajfe cverr fac-i.ty una egort in
I.A nmfnfitmn .C 1r v.1rMri Xmnf tl.r
. ,...- i. v.. ......... ... - - ...... ......- ....
ana mm in u- ;nn;ui aim irn" iiic:i- t
" " ."""' l"" '" V K"a""V "l
!.. a- - 1... .,... ...I k. .. ..- -
f, r.n..n r ,nv.!rn,....n! i,
pvry cJtiten ha a -hare. Iflrtrely dpod
' Presi- tMn a propf r Jitn'tatton of purely pcrtl'an
htL?.1?;!.;: wr
icv. I he mrnrt-d Into th t.atriotIm of tho citizen.
mitii inti ihf t.n
4 To-tay the Kicimv tiramh of the fJoo-.-n
moiit i tran-rerr-.i ton ncw kepitur.
I18I iil- " 14 Mf t illllt i i
, ,,. ,lCO,,!,.. an,j jt -houM N nnn th
!- th- nliM't nf HfT.wid.n-t.
. , .... ...... . ...-., -..v..v. .
! it- uii.t-vi ui in'-ir ul.;lJUIll;
-ollcitude At tin-hour the an.ino-t.-s i.r
1: l!;, S.K?
kjnmW t - - - upilanttibrunirruil - . - ln - rac.,inV - -
t.on a- the re-ult of u -jurtt of mighty and
I J. 1 t.. .... ..Vi...V..r.. .::.t ... '"...l
:.. :.:'... .u. .".. - ..:."' -
III lir'III'i1" iIT lUilllK HPaJr' iU
tho counirv am! to a,.f.iiro ,.
- .. " - . . . .
II4II 111' Iiniiiv til S" jIV -" T-Si lH'i.X'ii i."
to 11-ami tho-on-ho uill -ucc(si tothetK.-s
hut- 01 our .Mitjoii.ii !.!. j in- targe var.ctv
of divcr-e mill coiiioetlng lnteret -ul.Ji'ct
.... .
to IVdentl control per.tently s.'ekin the
reecjrn lion oJ fieir claims need iv us no
tear that the vreute-t gooil to the greate-t
iiuinhc-r will tall to be MccfiiiiplNlnsl if in the
halls of National lcgl-laton that -it.r.t ot
' am ty and mutual conttMon shall prevail
in nh Ich the (oiititutiou had It- birth. It
tiii- involve- the h.irreiider or po-tKn,emeiit
of i.nvutP Interets and the abaiidoiiiiieiit
"f oeil i.lvuiitV. n-m
loiitiii in the thought that the common inter -
e-t I- -ilt)-er'cd mill the lrenenil ui-lfare ml.
e-i i- -mi-.-, v.u u.k. iiiuguiierni nuiture u'l-
in uie iiisfimrifc oi my oiiiciai 0.11 ly, 1 -nan
euueavor i in cuiiicti i.y a iiim tno 1111
stiaiucd coiitriictiou of the (oiititotiou. a
careful o-bserviition of the distinction be-'
iwecn the powers granted to the F.sli-ral (
(lovernment. ami thoe rcsi-rnsl t th
Siate-ortothepeopJe. and by a caution- ap-
prec-uiion 01 trio-e lunctious wnicli bv the
should shun with him. The constitution
which pre cribe- his oath, mj coiiniriuieii,
i yours. The (.overnineiit you have clio-en
him to admiul-ter lor a tiinu is yours; tin;
-ulfiiige which execute the will of freemen
I your: the laws and the entire scheme of
our civil rule fiom the town meeting to the
state capitals am! the national capital I-j-otirs;
3 our ever) voter a- surely as every
chief magi-tnite under the same high sans
tion. though in a different .-there. cAcrci-cs
a public trust. Nor I-this nil. Kvery eitlon
owe to the country a vigilant watch ami
cloe fcrutinyor its public servant and a
lair and reasonable cntimate of their fidelity
and II-efllble-8. ThU I the people's will bit-
pie-cd upon the whole framework of our
thi" i:'te1:sv:,!;,rirr;,;, aefts.
tion of our faith in our Republic.
It is the duty of tho-u serving the
people in public place to tin-ely limit
the public expenditures to the
neitls of the ('overnment. economi
eall iiilminitert, becau-e thi tMiiimls
the righ' of the (overnment to exact tribute
troin t lie earnings of I.iImh-or the property ot
eitiens. and ln-eausc public extravagance tw
gets extravagance among the people. V.".;
should never be nhamcd ot the -Implltity
and prudential economlps which are ta-t
suiti'il to the operation of a republican foini
of Coveriitneiit and most coinjutibl" with the
mission of the American people. Tho-c wiio
are -elceted for a limited time to maniige pub
lic att.iirs are still ot the ptf.Ie and may do
much by tm-ir example to encourage consist
....i.w. uiuuur .in- .-i.iipi.ii!. - in. .Limn.- in
illiv denartiire from that tnndirii tioliev iiimi. !... .. b.i..i ......:.l.... ,.a?
iiieiidtd by the hlstorv. the tra.l.t ion and the ' It.... nlille If Is thi. ....llev r.r I
propenty or our Keputuic. It 1 the mi
IndepeiHlem-e tuvontl by cur oitiou and de-
.-.-. ,v..- --. ..... ... ........... .. . ... '.'... . ... I
iemie-i ny our Known love ol justice ami by
to our Interests: it I the policy ot
rejecting any share in lorclgn broils mid am-
bitlons on other contestant and repelling
their liitruioii here: it is the policy of Mi.ii. i
rus Juki a-aingioii nun .iener-on. eace.
oomtueree mid honest frieiiiUliii. will. hU nil. I
tion- and entangling alliaiue with none.
A due regard for the inteiets and pro
perity of all people demnud that our tlmuices
shall be established upon such a ouml and
scnlbIo ba.-l as shall se-iire the safety and
confidence ot the business intere-t andnnike
the wages of labor sure and teadv. and that
our vvstem 1 of revenue -hall be -o udju-u-d a '
toixdevethejHM.ple troui unneces-ary laxa-
tlitn ftlivltl r IS alllia rfelt-i1 tia tnn ta atf .
eajdial invested and workingmeii employisl.
and the accumulation of a surplus In'tho
5!?,!lVat..o.,,,mpL:AVil,va,r,!!,e0 :,n,J;vuV."-.
..... .......U,..U-.............................. .-
need of t utiiru ettler require I hut (he public
ianu purloining ami unlaw nil occupation
of public hnd Im ttjiptl. The conscience
of the pcojilc demand that the Indians .-liull
be fairiy and honestly treatitl a wanUof thu
Covcrnment. and their. slucatioii and civiliza
tion promoted with a view to their iiltim-ite
citizen-hip. and that polygamy In the territo
ries destructive of the family re.ation and
tfTanta.t tii flu fnriiil aonco if fhn i-MVtlt im J
world, sliull tu reproAti.
The laws should be rlsidlv enforce 1 which
pn.hlbit the immigration of a rvile tia to
ej,,l,,K'ie tt, -Vn,r'n m:.'.r wlin. "lim!'n
(l "l Ui.' f till IIIK t. i I lt'llll I W. IIIIU at III 111
m lth them and retaining of habits and cus
tnms repugnan: to our civilization.
The jHttplt! demand reform In the ad
uiinltration of the government and the
it twat lit.a at rf liiicitiivjc trIfI tidia tik
IIIIIUI WIIMII T MII.--IHV.s- 1 ' V " X. ' a '
nuttlle atfalrs. As a nn-in- to thi
end. clv.I service reform should be in
good faith enforced. Our citizen have the
right to jirotect.on from the incompetency
of , ,,,. (mp,i., wnn holll their places
solelv us the reward of .urti-an service and
competency shall ln n-cognied in-tead
of ,ar,-v "prxicncy and the surrender of
notu.u patriotic belief. In the iidm.n stm-
tion of a itovcrnment plelred lo do equal
nt Ilea thnm tr ll the r'r'hts .lile to thnt re-
. uur.uul '? rv ' l'. "-Sf" LJ?: ,
ius;noii- nppucai-on. an inieii'irem in-ivi"
tion of the chum, of public ortice. act atre
"'la nnu dcterm. nation by unlitst action to .
fSure f '?. alL. ,hr. sn1Je Lhc V"'!
fn r Jwm rrfr vouch-
-afed to man. ami let u- not tm-t to hmntn
ing n ine unier -.itsxroe ami now ing uiJiun.
"d: " an nnxv brepatpti to take the oath
rrvscribtii by law. !
a !,. r-Kt- i..:. .. .a n.tmist.t '
.1... mm ii, ,. .;..r,.w,... ..i,.r,wi .-i!n
. vi .. asTa aaw"v.a.i; a-aix.. . a 4kaa,a
i LtcTrianu aiMi uim.i a Dime, liv.1 i.ira ht
oath xras administerpil, tb lTesidr:-U"Ct
Lssjc V. ed ,0 7he cVecutu'e imSrhrf ife ,T' . rehnghuv .,. M-, in ,IC p,,...,,,, ,lf the IUa....- Iwasnra-I '- ! " mt.iMC th Na
Covernmcnt. but hwiio lakes'iV,.. oa,h Vo- I.mnd.i. Chandler and leller. ', .,, f Ma,m. A splendid luum'r of tiaCa,-t..l, xxlUl rrni-IIen. ,sunt ot
davtopie-erve. j.n.tect anddetenil the Ton- ostmastei-t.elieral Il.ittoli. l.ieut.Mtant-I h,;u.j. .,,, j.ui,j ,.,t,.,j UVf.r rm, m,.u 1 the Pte-ident and we-PioHieai, M
-titiitiou of the I lilted States only a nine- .Sheridan. M.tjoi-I M'liiT.ll Hancock, r ,.... iii""t be ' (M.ib f fritff I thuikcil bv UtOttMtts and cMibletl:s. Thl
the -olemii obllgat.0.1 whieh everv patr.ot c Daniel Manning ot New York. Mr. Vitas ! mJ'" Ul"" was iot.r Ions bv ;. fret in
. !. , ,rs .Vr V.Ve . .verV'wi.'i,. U 1-011-1,,. Mr. htidtcott fif M-hi- ln W!T ..... ... ., .-llr. ' , .,. heislit. Uip larsi-l -et idere exer tttl in
entiy witii the dignity of their official fimc- ' ,'.'...." ". " :avis Iem.fnuie Club ol I'lcdtnoiit. ;..
tlons that plain way ot life which among their ' tnem back with their batons. 1 he leview . y;i ;11J(J 1m Vatiinul Veteran Dciu
fellow citizens creates integrity and promotes . lrotn the I'le-aiential stand was a gtaml ' ..... ,.,. . A.... .,, , ' ...., '
tlirlft mill iirii.iu.rlli. -...-. .. ' IMTJIllC ' illll Ot I IllCagO. I ill elViC Of-
inrif i ami prosperity. sight, and it was generally the ejresse, ..., ..,;,, -....i.. ., .,.r,. .?,. . ,ilw.
The genlii of our institution, the need or I opillion t,at MO 1ru biilltant pa-'cant had K;M,,",U '"' nI,,'l1' . ,l V . U ", ' -our
ptop:e to their home lile and the atten- . " ! . ,.1,, , ".,! 1 jdav atul were highlv couiplmieiited by the
Hon which i demanded for thesettleiiientand , vr I x'i. witnessed in tin, ...untrj. All r,.,i,it.iiaj patt ... The mem'iTS of most,
development ot the re-ourcc of our vast the organizations gave a inarching salute 'f ,i.. ............ .1...--,.i..f.i ti... i.....i
lalso lmMiny It writb hbi n--ht baeaL The I whieh ther ta?at sarchutr tiaiai ux tin airow w m ircsvo two, kw ii m - .. .. , t.--. C. tt-i
-- - --- . . - . a s- a . ? a . f
of thl Btblu used is a aall MoroccvxxvreJ, gilt- i HiIt ireaienx. srvwc itau w rer - "T;.-.. .. a"1?. . P'J. 1TZ J ,i,u M-.fte. Il- b? h-
. . .. .-. . - - ' . - . .... . . . . - i. tl K .. . ...TT i.i. i.n. " -'-- -
lUi I J volarae, prelXy well wena. Il U . the xa by aboc'. t,a fmo. M tr; TV' ' i.-f "rT-T.", Y7,Z2 i VZJZ -itb L- i ZZZ,
wilt ef I tt'We wnieu Ctexantr xBottar gave h.Hi k atis: nais ?9"b ovrro a c- - -?rr.,VT.'"T .' I XI ZTVRnV,, 7 ,;JT
nrriu. a Mi bi t-ft bun ss a vnutir bur. asd At t rr lac cases, lisawatw naxitae aasa aer- . -v c...c. . fcur.., .,..:- r ----; . ..
hts sia?cial request the coaas.tte bad k ia aide the aapivach. at the tVja.y IJoc- rofitiated uutil a tt.!5 boer, xd H.o ths drat. 4W"J 'j, W'
rthcr xjrfiVs far the rtav. The x.ard I rary h6ejar tbey wc-arii2!e. HtUe appear l rcry Jar eBaaie a-r X2 Meu r rurx w . -i'.
VKS: sxirve4jscfectslIjBia the iava j feavaakrd tora hi Ihrht xx-rrt aad aitt ( ataaxter perwex pmcsl nUhaiIrt qalsua. the trtmM U fe ulr t
ata cereatoayef aasaiaa$Vhrisc tee eath. xraa im h, perrjlsye cues rsth Ckxxtiaavr sm'ua Oavccstm rtc( rrrwt, vawar matatxurr, t-, u. btix xthrn It was rncJud-d. ard
President Clcxeland bM .Jottv the Ilinh
f r reverently kls!ng it. cud shook hand
te iuef .Iuuc wiio w.
n ' the
!5r: to concratubte hint, thrr
checrrd loudly anrt lonr. Kvrri
dent Arthur 'tas the second mar to
c)nratulat' the I'r-ldrnt, ami thru fo!
ov.d(.h:ef Clerk McKumej ami termor
Shennan. I're-idmit CIee!aml was then
introJu'-I to the remainln; JmI;e- of tlr
Supreme foutt.
to Lieutenant ftetioml
I Mien.Ian and b Ucncr.iJ liatorl IJ.c
nthcr rtrroii on the platform then prrvwd
forward nnd main
hU hand.
re-entered the Capitol he v.a acnm rirt-tetl
" i -?
eniav wh-re he Iir-t came into th twrld-
mu and entered a -arrias; to tm driven in
the pnKtssMon to the White llonve.
. i-
The tlrl''.
. i,i .
Tii two ca
d"l rteta
! I're-nient He
in" two carnage- uttieu cmtatiiett rrr.i
laud, ev-Preddeiu Arthur, Vk-
nlnck- and the .nate Com-
I .. - . . . -..
". avenue Detore iphxiii? me line .xir.
. . . . ., ..... .V J . . '
I eiu ai uic Miiiic ii'MiM-. aiio wneu everv-
t m . -
I tiling wa In rci im-s the entire jM.'ty in -
i .1 .1 a.. !.. I. I . I la . . a
.v - vv"aaa -. a x. ' 4-
xauia avenue, diiect.v in fp.nt
; ..
the mansion, and the order was
1 "
given for the line to move. The
reviewing -tarn! Ind been profusely d.sir
ated with tlags and ami pic-cntcd a
heaiititul appearance. The I're-ldent ami
ex-President were jilaciti on a jirojccting
inaitorm vviiicn wa- covered witn tings .
as to make a handsome canopv and a"t the
. . .
'" il,r,r" 'l 'l'i"--
; uiiub-t! lifted view of the jir.H'ess.oti. hx-
I President Artlmr s:it on bis left Vie...
j icsiiiciik .Minor sal on Ills leil. I !
i .. . 1 . t a
iTcsiueui uemiiKKs ami iiieinuets ot in-
1 household oceujued scats to the right and
just back of
the Pre-iileiit,
while the
families ami
friends of
the Presl-
tent and ex-President
.sat in the
inmi row on tne ngm. .xmom: tno-e
' occujuoi scats on me 1 11 -iiientiai
chttsctta. enators llav.ud ami (iarlaud
Colonel LamonL Major (.rare and ex
Mayor Cnpcr of New York, ami a large
uuimVrof other etoiiH. including many
oftlcvrs of the army and navy ami members
of the diplomatic iiirrs. Theiu were a gteit
naiiv I'ulies on the stand, and their rich
costumes added hriiltancv to the scene.
It is estimated that thcte were on the stand
about 1,000 persons.
tiii: i'i:or i.ssio.s apit-.m:.
it was ten m.niito j.ast two o clock when
the PiPsident escorted by ('client! Ih'i ret,
of the Inaugural Committee, took his jdaee
.t tlw. fritut atr.tiil ? i.f fl... t.pv.
; " t a...i t..e i,;.a,i , .., vr,
cession started fiom the comer of Fifteenth
street to j.ass in review. Tlie I'ipsideiit's
. . ,
ajijtear.iiiee was the signal for a gteat shout
from Un; coiieottrse of wojile who had gath- in iroiu oi in,- siami ami i.i:et lite
streets for several humlnil yaids both
ways, he I'resident .puetly tajwisl his
acknowledgment-. A good deal of con -
iiis.oi, causeo in uie vicinity
ot the gtat.d stand by the efforts
of the jtolice to clear the .streets
for the prix-ession. I he
work was lin.tlly accomplished hut with
greai i.tiiciuix, iiiouiueu ponce ruling into ;
. i .... . ? . i- . .
.. - it..... . .. I a.1 ...I A...I I .
as inev 11asM.11 mo grami siami. ami ine 1
i. .:. ...... - ...V .t , .'
' V?,U,:I '? ' m"?' '" . v' ,."'.".""v"1 "
l.llslMg Ills H.I.. I IIP tirst IIIV I
slon. coin-
iw.sed of n'gular I'nited Slates triMijts and
IKal militarx organizations, j. resented a
V I" "
.... ',; .. . , . : .', .,,... . .
il'e Piesident saluted the I hlef Marshal
and his allies, and eacn of the comjiaiiie
niarchetl in particularly gd form. The
. rf;. :. 1 .. is it.mi.i,ed etitirelv of
etOmt niVlSIOIl Was COUlJiOsMI till Ul IV OI
brigades of the IViuisvivania National
('nurd. Then? wen atoui7,.'i00 men in thi '
division, and their good jnaichiia am! tit.,
militarx' bearing were jmti.sf d on all sides.
Covenior lkatt:son, of Pennsylvania, rode
at the head ot the division, bv the side of
...x-Covenior IlartninfL They were recog- j
. . ,. ,.v. ,,,,,. ,1... ...!...,., .,.,.,,1 . l
and loudly cheered. The President ami
Coventor IaUison exchangitl salute-. The
President also raised his hat as a token of
. ,,..,..... .i. ..,.... n. i
1. -i-. v ... 1.1. .............. ...u.-. ... .... .......
teentli and Kightccnth and several other
regiments of this division. ( '.eueral Fitz-
nugn commaniimg me tnini nnismu.
i ti ia ii rt iitir i.i wiuiin uitri. 'mil iirii iiiv i .
rvceixpti an ovation from the crowd in and :j by his brnther. Hex. Mr." Clrvclaml ami I a hiirrVane of fb-rx piojecxib-. and a .b-tu
around the President's stand. He Itowcd wibr and two sons. Mr. Hast-j cloud of suioke.thniigii wbirh ombloi l
to the iTi-sidt'tit and the latter raised hi- ing. his nephew MI&- Hatm-s dimlv i-ii the white iM-lr.U MiifrBT !
hat ill leturii. I he President paid the
same comjiliment to the
'regiment, Kiwhauibenu
Ninth New York
grenadiers and
P.iisch zoitavis of St.
a,u. A gaj be-
tween the third and fourth illvl-ions gave
the surging mas of humanity around the
President"- stand an opjwirtunity to close in
again and obstruct the line of march. The
jMilice not being able to keej. the street c!car
a detachment of regular tioop- was sent to
their as-,st,iuce. The united efforts of t ho
soldiers and police only siiflictsl to make a
I narrow jass.igu way though the den-e
thnmg ami various organizations which fol-
ing eliritel much prai-c from si-tatrs-.
New .Jersey -oldier In their pJnln
unifontis with rcl blanketa r.dlr.1
above their knapsacks al-o
blue suits, who are old favorites in thiHty,
were warmly welcomed. A sinking ani
form of olive green with Mark plume
which attracted much attention, wa
by he Clark ("uard, of Augti.-ta, (;a. Ths?
New York Sixtj -ninth Kcciment wat in
thts division, abort t'rOO stnmg. cjiA it- tinr
band and prellpiit marching fully taet the
expvtatioa- which had t'ii ra:-eil x to
the aj.pearanci of thi reg'in-ut. Tie- (.ren-
, .. . l i s- r t
anters. i;ornan.ovau.oi .ev iw. wi-nrai-,,
wef! receive I. The Htwh Zoiuxi-s, of M.
IuK wore the rao-l elegant tunfonu of ita
kiml in the pn--ea.ton. (.ompany C of the
Sixteenth Ohio National (.aards. in showy
nuh bwrkorT dnb-. art.ti a an e-ori tu ,
tlte New York omafzauor.. After thexn
came MX Indian bravo m wrar pain: and
fihriv K'lriii? TatBnaflr " oo a nakioar
Kinnrr. The Tamaanv aten. who nrata-,
-..., - w .-'a
carryiu? tonx rold-hcaded .om, with
-. ti i;.tri . rninm o-rT-r.n- craiariv ixnaisi. ise rarre itaii w; iuiw-i.. -lw- , -- -- --. -- , ,-r. rmui w m rra' apiMA u
-.'Cn A
wronzttf la sllttf cr
? pb am! gold blsrc.
of their era's, r
.! ....... T
kUU "UliHI, fc -.
on lU- lajt5
rprrvjtl tnti ;
branch of tbf iriv York Iwraev. j
Tin .llny thxhutx. nuwl-Ttuc irbty i
Hitrti Th.ft-t n um -l ... k-!as.I 4i"
af, . i' . A " '
Inc tbo
cniM. The !tatfaM I-r-
atxl l1c h,t;. fcrottcfet
ar-t bc1raH-. la tbe
i Wwl Ih dark nwit
lm ;t- rvar .t th
f -rHl bnca.V of thi Utvt.k'a. Iaonl t
k. . .. -... .. t 1. . l. . . . ,-rri.l .ll.r.r-. ..f fir. .. t. In .!. ... .
troi riaias. wnn vvui.e ir-Axrr po rr- .-.... ...-!.- . . ..,,--. ... ....-. - r(ri naiM;-iox aMilCT mmiv nmm fm-
( rvinx silk nmltrrlUs, The Kinc ' Hity u wa Itke all dt4ar f Of wxvrt-v hat It V)C?tn U1J b. welc.fai b het a
I I brw -racx had al-rut J3j aw-n m line. . ntoaM. -,.! ivi.-r i 1 adi.1 t W-vr.- ev .. .... S
I . . f" ..- .. . .,.-.- taunt. IX Wtfl r. iJLXm m - mnt narnp.
I irr-s-ii in IUIK WOP -riV- Ir- Tlill-
.-he!cHn. of Wi!:niiictoit. IM.. the ftrt
j .il-if-i.n r'ub. ami w fH.fd t the
j ? . j.''
1 f.irt) n;n'i:Utie of the inw, (liib
J of
J'hmisii. utul
the Coullllls tl.. t
glee Hwb. djc ti in gray anal nwntag
minhiterv bf.-tns tut the tar-e! of Ibrtr
con;. ( be-i.f tlu mt-t autlnx- h tie
he wa.- twl 'f the Club f
Ctm-innaU. sistlag f a U;ht vrrrt.
dark trou-Tv hieh while hata iwi tM wl
.. ( tmrpUf lutiti-s. I btr wxs 4 a tinrr ki
I .mil i-niiii-i niiir .tl -.M-. .'J.IJ.-WI rVIi- ,
,.aS amu ,.jl..vx kid,
' hundretl mumNis o: the Atuoiean t :ub. of
, l.1i..,j..t..u Tiu. s.,.-i I l' v
f &X.l'a. ' -""t i
. ...,, .,,,.. nf i.i.ii..,i...t.b .1 1.1,1 Inmh a 1
1 "" '" " - ....... . --- (
j . iiiial number of men in line The Mya-
inetiMiig Legion, of niil.'dc'ijia, hail"""-- "" ' ' tJ--V ..-. dte-cd in ltrnvn I l' uilrttaPMit..nt. IV K 'Jef
anil ml. The Waul Handali Club,
of l'hil.tili' lKtc a Bfasuiti cut banner
of blue jtltis'i and gold, with an excellent
portrait ot the patron of the club.
ne bund ted men n-jic-ciitis the
j 1,t.n,1111.ll"' i,i .',! ,!,T""ai4f Til Vllt
I SS.V .ivcrcoBis. im.ii rv nai- alio ris mik
badges. The 'alumet C lob ..f ILtliuuom
,,.j4., ;u, excellent apiHMr.iitre with :WH)
' . . '. '-.-. ... .
t eiitml t luh ...f ll.irn-bmi;. Hiev wore
' ,,i, ,11,,... I ....... ... I Tl...
l' ll HtlltlHIMlll Ml MIH.
j Flambeau Club nl-o made a tine appear-
aiu'e. The Cook Cuiiutv Cbib of Cliieaxt !
tiiintsl out about tortx men In grav ovcr-
' OKit-. sib; ha's mid badges. This club and
the Iroiptoi- Club of the same citx. were te-
reiviil uitb inarkeil f.ivor . it.-
tri ill LllaV 1
Ilistri.-t ..f (-1.tt111.l1e1 in xvli'el. tliM
... ,..w .. ......1 I..' tl... .......a, -..a..
vot.-s ot tta- Mates that furnished IVvi- 1 nw'- '"": a-1 lhml t..uMnet In the
land'- niajontles were rej.rc-. bv hots,--. heavens. Ilhmiuiitcd Uie N., .-4b
.me tot- e.u-h vote, arranged in Mates j,y ; m He of the numiiep who wltm-.t tba
color-- Thev were b Uie Cleve- ! "reworks would ho tnilw.thv iw Ml.
laud and Hendricks Club of Lpwih-viIJ-. ! f;": ,',,,,1,', ,Ml' "T tti,m ;M th"Mf
Va.. ami by a number of mounted clubs, Hip duuttv of th
wearing o.lored sashes. The last btlgade , umltltiidi. when jsu'ieivd in ll
was com..'d of the Vetcnin Km.. mik, xlihh xva, iiH.nwhM all m.-s xxiwl.
Xssociation of New York, drawing ,,dr I H'"" '" th a s,,,lde all.ui ar-l eas enough
l.' .......t... tl.M tllwttf.t I l.....t-f
.....i .. luitnnoie tire couiniiiiv utlier civil
)..,....,,.,. i(l, n. inu. u..r.. tj, tr-,,....,.,-
: j.7g,ccrH of New York. First New
' . -. .. . .
,:l;wl;;;l .j1?-;,,,;;
,j,(," 'rXstt
Wj(., ,j.
of N'oi
Coum-ctleut Club
HII. uiv ... .-. I ..111-" Ml ...--. ..I. .1.1711
, nf pliilailch.Iiia the Hancock Veb'iau s-
, H-iatinu tit Young Mcn Denioenitie
Pattl-on A.s-oei.itJon
,;:,na,inI, ni iia,lclph.a,
..,.,,, ,.f. I1.ita.lelnl.ia Thinl
It.hia. Thinl Want Court-
..,,,, ,-,,,,, ,., .iadclphi.i, .la. kv.n Club
1 of ',ii.uh!i.hLi .Cleveland bib of Phllatlel -
,,,., First v-in, ,;,.nil!UI j,,.lmratle (iub
' f ,.,,,,,., p,lhl . Alm.,,eus( lubof Iteadtng .
I T.w ,,,, ,,f i,.,,,,,,,,,,,., Hem.M-nuic C.u-
,rI As4,M.Lli; nf lialtlmore. Ibmoer.itie
I luh of Portland. .Me. Firt
Flag Kscort ol Mobctlv, .Mo..
t ...... ...
1,,. .. .,, .1,..',, i,,,.. ..,..1 ., . .... 1 ,.i, ....
bj rat-lllg UletT ll.lts aild CIU Cs and cheer
, iltg hy line. The live rooters which were
carried by the Taiiimauv s'.ub and county
Democracx of New York, vvete made eon- 1
sjileiiou as they jiase.I the sj.jud anil '
caused much amusement. Taken all in all
the jirocpssioti was umloubtcdlv the laigestj
as a combined military and civic .li.-pJay, j
a aa'. t
ami micsi exer seen in vv a-iiiugiou. 1 ne
lumber' of men who marched j.ast th -
I'resuleiitial stand is estimated at i'.,0(Mi.
( lcvcland
Ttit It.i.igiirl i:n i Coirorau building and Un Treasury depart
It was 10:30 oVhK'k when Pn,iderrt m,'J: ,lu iX l"- ,r.Mn,,V ,oC "'" "T"''
,, , . ...,,,. ... hied by r.n Incissjuit vollcv of explosion
Cleveland at the ball room aC ";,'.,..,!,, Mhl. r Mj UM.rtHj
new iTnsloa ofllcc building, which m jllir r,Mkets. livery memtK-r of the . iut
licatitif till v ilccorated for the ri-ca-ioo. l;
was immnliatp'x'e-port'tl to the President
room wliPte for halt an hour he held an in
formal reception, tfie tnemta-rs ot the Ib-
. ...... . ...
cejmoc 1 oiuiu.ttep aim a nuiiioir or
dlstlnguishcl j.-rsoiis being j.tescnt with
j,j,. The President was accoiiijmuicd bs
Miss Qevelaud and .Mis. Hov t hi sr
iis Wlir- Mr !....! Xfrs tt-..-..-.
tlie President brother-in-law ami wife
at Tobtlo. and Colonel and Mrs. Iunoot.
About the Mine tune ex-Pr-ident Attbar
arrivitl. ami he bo. w.-.s ayurt.d to the
Pn-sident's nr-mi. With him were Sern-
taries I.iuc.'n and handler. cretary aail
Mr. Met idloeh. A'tornev '.eueral Itrew-
tcr ami Mr. ilrewstrr. Potinab-M nral
Hatton and Mi. Hattou. S.-crcUry i eiler
and Mr-. Teller. We-President HcmliKka
arrived about th same time .uM joined Uv
Prt-sidi nt. In his room at 3ii time tbsrfp
wa a large and distinnWie.1 rnthering. In-
dan and Mr. Sheridan. General Ibr-rcr-ins. '
Hon. Ian Manning and wj'e. enafr Pen- '
dleton. Hon. Ibcnard T Mcrnck. .-aator .
Wade Ham j.ton.tcnator Brown, of (Jr:a.
.Jnti-e Held of the Mipreirir C.rt and
jeftktr ( arli-fe. Tlpf was no fonra! re- :
c-jdioa lix- I'n-sidrnt Clftrlaad but a large!
itiuntaT of jr-'ins jrt-.-rl aont hini. ami I
souse ot inc gentlemen atwtmg in Mv Itn- ( Krihur Ul'j-d tbe lTrenx'a cu.V xrto
TfrTsirT" tMUl" U" tflTto,,-!prc.pal41e.r4rUa4i-WiVa4e
After half an lntur j--al in fht aaii'r, : ' . i7
the n-.m tmiHf ad xhe:rrs m-dlt for bartaax paj-rt-fcr-i iOinji,
I'rrsient and VJrx-I-si.leat the fornipr -orrj- wiib rxeajirT umy. I.,
escorted bv -iiatir Pi-sclrb ami P.lrhard , ! h" hid -er tlw f -ner
T XterrtV n.1 tk- I .llr rt If.l-.. M an B!S-'!Se. sa of -'
ttves ratin m! S. V. Nile. Jef: -J,r r-.ta :
atvl made the rownd f the 1U -Kn. jj, '
band piaxing -Haiit;heCh:c
After the
..... . . . . . .. '
tn-ffniiizt runy aa.i icn a.- r-pj
tioa rtmi the crowil iUnne u. j,mr R
ii,tWigfi other dr- anawan tt Mr.
Clcx-dand boil Mi. Su-(.fwc near the.
renter of the mom nas N-ratr ftxywrd
coto.Iet:y &ld wiiii c-uctix kkxi4C
enmd uosxfcs-rinr xerai ihaar-l., wb3-
rota .ae fcasroxu.- u-a5js
io cow uitax Xi ejc.
the brt
cngui wmhO oi ice. .aiiirs.
s m .a j. . a ak
.r..r. w.
wrrx. Xbe
aiJ lighta
. I
XKttC AC 1
liax a torr ct X.V tAjJ-rr.-fa. re-
JO .
I a . a . ; f." " "ii.T
aV d their dc
eelbr3iti(i lc!
Thc jnWc
fill the i.:att drtatt. TJ- r of
;Jv chUMUrn w the Wwtc tU hi. s
arra i Ifio . 900 arr-s liac CdU'v wy
fruwi tio o:h trwot of tan Ttwiyorr Mx-
fiitiU' inmm sti Mat' brt
w,mt- TaoMMttot iTumlt U-mn curt
U jhui i&nr wat ton am tftr j-u
. . . . . Su. -J 3. -m.
l nro ... " cut. rr
buur or itmtr- lh lrsl. n mnatltn
the NcaR htk n la Mwrnlar aitf-.-ar-aiirc
of Ui- Hfuunii: a hujat'tM rwn U
itf ttw tkn-vrk.s rorbMpr. The Ihvt:
Uiini t.f Um sfean kamiuI vittk). bat mM
aSrti- hu- dtmlv waitUnrsJ UTtr ttu- ffHn4 f
jbt rrtW-Uwc
tbcats m
dai-RKht. nl
aitTt dia-
tar.h U-k plunr. ami rvittMtvllalMX nia-
heriiu; tlmawmU f ts-ot:talt ttntni
-tars rfoattd aar er I be l"ttmar. tninn
a srrti!. a.rtb.-tu TV "
1'"' a-aa.i ww "
.! tlh lam -an.l .aiiaa.-A.t- .t -... ..
iiiswi. igcrr "nn a nia aui pnx
S r autllbtc 4 uUle a a a J ark V
lautni too. b.l lib torch l th 4rre. ami
Uk'ii the matutunib tarr In j-dnt M
white tirecncmbsl bx a ioxel tram., in r.-d
with banner- in .Nxboonl cUs fesiooocil
RrarefuJIx ah.t it. tar-: our ot
i "
' '"- llidfur,,,:, I.
' ,l;, 'l"''1 ' ' went.H.1 wit
: f..l:nv.l b t nt tl.
fu:i It. bar-: our of thn itatk-
in full tHtb
h an ex !-
' ""' I'Miiiwiii o a Jrfrt'imil 01 Me ot. l.III
.. ..r ...i ..... ....... .. . ... ... . .. -
Kl-l t.l A.. fcl.r- IV. lit- -JI !t .IM' HM.PPT.
I Tin
face of th-ntaUr jHitririi .f -Itapbrm
and unostcntatioti, wai .ro'nb ini.
recognizable ; to- inas-ew of the
! ' m"r
',l"' 'aoiC
but when the b-tt.-rs ut
In ucHta WTte iimmIp mtt li
! iiiemory was h.MH.uit to jo'ihk. d rheor-.
!.... . mA . ...
.Vlliriiea. I lie HI.H
oi ai'i'ompitsiiuiciit. i;ni u exiH-riencc ot
i tf"' ''' '"',tr l'tov.-d theooutrarv. Cairlag.
Ntcame entangled xvlth .nrb other and jm-
! destrtans wandered around bil-wlhb-iuiciif
t ...i... ... f..,.l .1...! ,..,. .....m..! tl.. ...... I. ...
! ,., ... i.n.i ay ..!. togh .,,
- ' "" " ni-h.-s which oeemicd n a hundred
No one was hint -. f iru- known, hot
' uianv ludicrous incident iwvtutcd. ham
' ,l tallies lHt-ame s..Mrate.. wlv.t ami
""s,amis n.-i eacn outer, unu jrciits lonmi
"-- leaning cniiuien iw.i wieir own
! rallH ,,f "'" to another In tl nrkms
' "uietnues indicated .ltatns or but. but
l"'"l'" "rr'' ,,,r ""' ,I""'1 lu "" u,',
i J. " laughed af them-elxes and .-a.-fc
:,", aH lf il u,r" lHUt ' Ul" Irnui.m
nir i'.i.-i.m n.uim ir mil.
' li.iilie.tli.lelx' ;. fler thai I.lMt'llr .IUiiImv i.I
Sre works iMciiir.-d the jtaiade of the Flaut
bean ( Iub. of Topekn. Kan., bw.k jdaer
iXthough this orgatuzatioi. I coiupwanxt'lv
a small one. uumbrrmg milx f-vetilv five 01
ne huudinl iiieu. It jrcrh.ip ba uttiaetea
as much attention as ativ v-.vil or inidtarv
Ihh which has si m the In.inO'
nitioti ceremonies. Ita whit.-. g-osth um
form, its pt.cisloii of drill and it? ucuiai
Lwillou torches, whoMt flame ran It; blown
tjj into lender. ijuiveitiig Juuns of fin
IX feet ill height. Weill all !1-W fculmcs It,
Wasfilngton, and wetn all tul.J.i-ta of re
matk when the chili made It firs; appear
ance 011 I'cunsv Ivnicn nvpiiMi lut cxcniuc
I-ist night ata.ut ..Hl o'chwk. just as th
ImiiH n-t 1 tow .1 wa- returning fiom the ex
1 hilntio.i of lire wotks .it White Jot. thel
l" t'l1'',' ,:""' ";"'": " ' ",nr '
order down I ifb'eiilh street I- tween
lot. the Ham
had sbni' over bis -moulder .1 cni
n bite bag fdbtl with tickets, ItMMiaiiciimlbs
rrI and green 111 Catlicr.iH wheels, torj--does.
Im!is a?l hte work of exerx nw
ffixable deserbdioti, .vftf.-h !! Rshbd
mi jwirtable frames r dtw-hargrit fiir
sheet irMi tules with iab never afarken
ing raj.Klly a to literally till thealrret wlU
' the bib inarehitig m. ierf-ct time, and th
regnJafh Inrevmit, diwlurce :
! m.i ta-lng allowed Ut InXertefi' in the Jcaal
. degn-e with 4ie pn-- Jji"a HK.eaji.iit
i Pft.jde hi tlw xehirb c4 in terror l-fn
' '1' advancing column o -rinikp ami Jlawi
j win-h was bed.-l In two .r thw hc
i bJaii. whcH 'tml fnimrverx j-artf whbl
! burst tlren and exx-ii. Ilipr.a
' constant. x am! iilfiabj Mipjbtl tu
- firsb amiumiiUiii fti a largr vtxon tat
follow nl It. awl It iie.-ir.l fiutn Pif
' teriith tift '' rrn)haaia aam.
u a glare of ml fbe. awn! ta
of ttaw. i
H -jkui atwi'
awl iJ'frMliiij
Hutt. Tt" ft arid
liaiv! rrnaaI-.
ll. Of th ia
-trlkinr irtt-u( Vr hle jrrtrchie-al
. fc. .
d day a.I tA etm, wa. iMiMwrsj .mH
IVnw-vlvaaU armer by a. lea.i yi.utw
'j.siiaa. ij..u.n.
Iyixjrjv. M:b 4. The Trw r Mr
The Nrr s, th-re , .-rrrr ---
Cld --Ui .1 wiaj-MJj e aT i-
rwii II. lUSt. I Xe ' ;mn Birn u
the ,brto w . rn.tii-. re-r. m
We t r.ei.iMa . - , ,
Laa, t ,.Jl f tJl IL :
hy t'ttpirr Wrriv asM aCrr Moeatf
th- toe . w. rrosws w
Uli.1- txJ )th " eeai X
ray Xbe a.tralre ull hy Xhrr
.-,-. .
Xr.etr laisea. ise ! er vmti nin!
tiaww- ire: af rstivtt i.vot s&ww. ;
I-Slb 1 II ! s ,.
IJA:.TtvBr 3tarrb t, - n, D5ca Waise
of .. IHIO n-'Ueta
It va
TV -. A
mJ j
rjf Cnnttt r I?,. ch"c nifart
t Itwcwwt
Th fnform: lht tkrrrtl ibl -
il to n -l4-. fT on-I
, dran Ta.i aXintt w. . atKlHaut.
and. if wrTyfl thrt)t nmM hnt
Jh pb o far re hmg. ilukt ftp ttrwt ha
, aitrartni mv a laarh aMr ntm a
. .w.. aotorkiu r.i ttsxu.1. t w
y,,,. cy
- 1
Tliw rtntrtfm of Cmp frr
.Um-alnito. narw Mtat Ik. Ma,!.,!.
l i v. ..w . .. ' T ..
nri-Mnipwi v warm w m ria wn
lainwaeai, to bnra-c if a lavtatano
tv.kii-al riMC M. a wibiji . :
ttmialV X tor taaVrfcAr w TJw paafwH .
which Mthni twr a tn lv anM
' () rather than fa taV obb-wr -in , h
uxk wfiffaa tsw r rxaru erf ttr
who pxtv xrae-orr.
tw 'Pi no;t uth. jx k txmnoca. Ir
Mr I "" nlanti an.l at surs, bat;-xa
i .. ;. ,ti,l . . , .j t - aMW..ilbl ...
p.vven it m tt atijyaat a tturai 'W
tat(t tliat tn' liU llaaht s v
Iht w ia iiotl. r ti.eir iaaiiw lltr tr.
aui they fcfd 1,. K Mn aaaa itx-u
whtarbto Jnp3g V ihtUT fitH .h- .
thnt -ivt w !m frx-sil xp"r
will rhck their latvcr Ur iiW MMrnt
TTru? j cxjle. h-t r, will m n at.
ttei with ths .: tr amp, hut,
'iiuptnl hx their 1 r-ari ainri a. !
nt tx. uitt 1 tbex ta9 tWwai h
!rtr the
j-rn xthirll
and hd! llaV
Hei nrataUx-s l th
sx-itMu vd Ir.ifl nicMi taW
ktHivvu Iti
it is ifmuV!ii iUa the linrxn
jwM'r tONintain a famintHMi atlrn.
wtti tiaspet-t to th t. kbnaaf. ortkao. .
rolcr ty it i.niv I.. nIicuir ita iapi
tniK-e. '1'hry have xKight U acv i
from tiii- pwldu mm.t. jtiat lhv lr I
l pnv.pu; .ti! it.ciMkiai W Sh" ta'i
tuity ot slaxerx. ami 4 mm ihrxr 't .
mow t siiKlir ery .atjpl"ai itl
tb. ind. -aal fraud ttMti ISm- aUaVa
tile SrtlMli iv l' tatiattnar mfviaM th
wnx'tnjr f th bi.Mkiv hirt Th wn.
eijjwr u jrnfesj. Uif fruit 4 thi rr.aar n.
tlh.enafo. jta4 as Ihvrv haxp wiUiug:.
ptXttlUtd in the tX bv ihw . arl,v
rtoiis sOiiPiii'? ui thai citf aaal -where.
Il iiiii!v l.x Um ant ! tl."
Kodeml I ulect... u Imw' lhn lhla Western
fraud wn natntrMi. 4. ami arnuS lh'
law tin. I'euiisTitu- mnrtv apfm
suitdlw. Nnrt .f ISmmv NatHal tu
umpb iitia )fieo them mua-H rvai ajt
laflU U.lll at tlw ltXt- 4 fvpeil '
nulHA tug; tbi rfnttiU' 1W th Ua m .
biiind t I' ti.oxcrful an M la tb.-
t'h.cnpi'eiiM" ttal J. tah will harl-
i i -i.... u.u. i- i j i...
, Us lejwal fnun a ja-lx which iaw v
ami uiivavt
bo taf. the raemj
linn Lis i.s 1.. tf 1 t.iirsl stoi.i. Mar.ii-
All iltmb! a t. tho Nimif f Ike
next tour vanr i remtix-rd 'I"ha vl
tion of Mr. Kraru frtna N.t York anl
.Mr 'IWlcr fii Colorado, inawrast thr.
!ciiibhVuu a cienr iimi onlt, WiWtt!N-i
the l.xdnt"- of tllM rep.-r the
will of t !lr i.eowji r tJt 'I ltT aM
alrMuly r!itati r ta laiaW o-r 4l lt.
jiiiblicau etiHt r .it nt 7. aaai .
l'einoeralf, without Untvn. gel
only III. with tl Httaatir Irm IW
Stnte limy w.ul. lm only .TV Jfsat it
is hop. n t l(fio)il ca ltniiaijiaiii
ih" iif.ttiitrr aim to" .-lal ark
of M'tu rat I.e;an h II txtl 1p uMgTat
fnllv rtppniii In Mp.u T)p tf?tr $.1
ill iiols gave a ilrr na orttir fair lh
Itepllbltcail. rHr and it I fWaiitT id
over i'..(JH To ib-feat a ltpMiaaso
1 tindldui.i for .v.iint.r 'ithr eWt tg
ib'tuocnnl r .brJT'atr l ti tt
half ita r.jr-.ent viKa w oat If h .,
wnuloti diilnnr- of Ch- trtar Ut
Iiicliidl-1 n Vi !Ut of tnrti-4Ma iir-j.ohlii-aii
S-raaior ar- (.Vaernj )l1tw
and Mr. Klibf. b rjf r. w?.. jadisrat ih
their aixmnnir in U-rmnTY aWaarlaz'
th KpjmiWh in ti jrar to tkm .X
tKun! ( unontti it. wh Mawrtit ayila-
Mtn to-thnt Iw-iv a- llpoWir !, atitl
Hrn r.M'iij;ta"l ami ainHte.f Ira th
f onvi-uuon. 1-..J !.ii Hiiirt l mmmtmciiit
tho Kojniblleno Na'.onaJ eatnliatftUrt
If without th. to the rtfai lie' SMwl
not m mnprntv , i jMa.lf ttWia tlw
Iboirbon I)nv- rat wtxtaVi tavr BjaMM
w-.llMigto .icrf. e nlnaoat aatl laf i
"erwre tin i o-oj.. rmtluH f thr Virjjinlo
ejiton, :&otM tfcwn U m ajs 8
uj.jrfrs kiit a., i rtairesi to jrit
woiiitl haie 4if e.J. lt y tl Ihlc
nine norrn4(--r. a c- mm .orMf aS isT
S.'aiit... lvMb t'.i two "e4Mr3 JUato
Vlrrwos th IieHjbirai- Kmrnm iaf
tSeir upjriiiU haiw athiMg t fxin
iT tdftfiVZX trtt$ U. Me r MalliaaVi
nini l.adilleUrrs'r-. mini Ua a oj(9 asr"
of thav mux-. hy I Wsav-rraAac otajM
will afrfori' e.,tinHe TJaia rumiki
lUm ol Mr. ( i"XellMJ'a apfofciaWraaw.
ami sSW jw-r u Ml md SrtfH
U-i:'lat.. r -I wjUi the iCaaMitWi
.4 tu .vM,.j. 4 r two team aaui afloat
ibnt rfn-it tli k.t fMMUl iti.. t9amf
7 I
Utt m nppnti4 n a It i.-fer
mf awtf r intl IU
X V. TrO
-rrteri-i; ai Frataa 'tlnmit m apm
fwa hr.liem. Ut t Ia!i(iartti.
r r"btrip, a Hep.iMsa aa Prtiiat,
Itjrrat. Yf- h-nrlj. m lSrri0a.
ti- tW year nawf Yrtuii. wa. sat tvaar.
N'MLor wjii ran - thjeUbrr rHaj
hi' i noieautatawt A to H i tajfir
&. anal k-a a a are ait asMi
ijnalar. ,1 at;)?.!-"'! that tlir snjajr
lontlii'i" t feyrsM-a (ho Uaara Uaw4(
&&& BrU.f, lCa-,. .
m m m
y VA .
.angj, ( tt hJaatr. Oiw f
- T1 ""m t r mW tf
I .. L. ' - . W.. - J ..
"" " - - apu'm asm
,!. Jtnlw, aft w,.
rvcfco - e efr, tJaaiU ae-nrasr tl
SU- ffwaaiX. 4M.I ll. rkwi.. .. m -.
J JSSl t ?(
.baT...fM.v - rr,... tl- ..-
-- .-- j-Tr
a a ivAti ia- jMnl wx'Kaiv
tr - sr.ra.11S .v.ta. !... t..t .t k. .
.-r -. f't .-, wu s tmii.
-THe proitMtroa oi !Wrfswsr tl La
ty Caijeil fcxb- lent xrJ? rihi
JtJ$fi tttfct. b;it twru '? CeaJ. Lsefoxr
J the aaxxlrjjKi txlucfsia ot !.j&XtiU
iB. MS ii
A Itoc CVaa?T tPi. araa?r
ehfovfontXl hK itXtSxi Uk atj
HHsxlu:- ,
c?Tr .
i -
I .-fet,--!'
!;-; t-, .
irfft. VT
a. -Jfc
.ir -. a
V.-- L
rt.. t -T-l
k -.". Ttl
v,.J .
a-s- i
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