The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1885, Image 5

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The Red Cloud Chief
Vll I DA V. M A R. 1 3, 1 835.
Honry Oook baa just rocoived hio
nWrutoaic of tv ill paporB, tho fla
unt HfiUtoUon ovo- brought hero.
Decoration. Hi ados, and all kinds
of wnll pupor trimmlnKH.
A Good Bargain.
A g-d botol for Hale in a growing
and pro;icrotM town in Nebraska, on
fcAty term, or will trade for young cat
t AiidrcM! all inquiries lo or call on
4Vu. Ciiii:p office, Red Cioud, for furth
er particular. 30-41
Notice jk hereby given that there
will he a meeting of the Democratic
.-entral committee of Webster connlv,
Nebraska, at the court house in Red
Cloud, on Saturday, March 14, 1S5. at
2 o clock, P. M. It ih desired that there
hhnll le present nt that lime ail" the
M met committee man, as businessi of
Imp-irlance will come hefore the meet
ing A.S. Maiwh, Chairman.
Ui.ivku Downs, Secretary. 31-21
A L rt'.vi: hat-: boon on the eick liht
Jhih week.
.1 R. WriMX ifc now located in Chos.
-Pottur'H oflii-o.
Mu. H. F. Mvnus has hecn on the
hick list thin week.
Mil M W DictnithON waa visiting in
Inavale this week.
Ri:v. JJhowk has been on the .sick
lint for m-veral da'K.
M W Dickhusov was up the Valley
rJ week on business.
A cuti. baby is the latest, arrival at
Hen Van Dyke's residence.
IIok. J L Kalkt w in New Orleans
taking in the sights of the Crescent
Wk invite the attention of our read
on to tho largo advertisement of A. L.
ItCAD Mrs S F Spokr.sficid'a new ad
vortisniont in another column of to
day n paper.
K V Kunitow will move to Mankato,
Kans , on, where he will live
in the future.
Mil. ko. ,1. Lisio', brother of Mrs
F.R (lump, arnvud in Hod Cloud Tues-
day evening.
Thkrk will be a Methodist social a
tho residence of Mrs. A U
week from to-nih.
(I. It Cu'KV and wife have gone to
housekeeping in the residence lately
vacjitod by A. Lindley.
W.IVasck. of Inavale, .old sixty
acres of his Stone farm to our friend L
X Kd?on the other day.
Mkksks.Johk Kkllooo nnd Dr. Mc
iv'cby are the j)roprietor of the Web
ft or county abstract otlice.
On the 10th Rev. Ceo. 0. Yeiser
united in marriage Mr. Tho?. C Fngg
and Miss l,uath:i K Frazior.
D S Coomiis has moved his ofiice tur-
nituro into Lawyer Chnney'.oflico, and
will hereafter be found there.
( OS Wednesday Will I'arke sold the
William C Moore place west of town
to Wih MsDill, of Wapollo, Iowa, for
Harky Feight has bought N. Long
tin's interest in the Parlor saloon in
this city, and is now sole proprietor of
the same.
C. WrriiKRAto and wife who have
latoly returned from w Orleans, are
the gnesta of their parent, Mr. and
Mrs. S F Spokesfield.
Mrs. Dr. Pakkcu ad son Guy
started for Cleveland, 0., on TuwLiy.
on account of the serious i'.lness of
Mra Parker's mother.
C. C. C. will play at the rink Satur
day night. Even-body should turn out
The company is above the average
and is well worth patronage.
Mr. H. IIuntkr, of Missouri, xas in
the city this week. He is going to build
a hou?e on hi- farm a few miles from
Rod Cloud, and Jack Red has got the
Oi iend C Wiener has been mak
c r ncress&ry changes in his Kore
i recently moved his shoo de-
par nt down stairs for the coven
ience of ladies.
Jacob Seixeks, who has resided in
Red Cloud for about two year? has
t;one into the meat business in Rloom
ir.gton, ami has moved his family to
that place. Tkk Chikk wishe Jake
success. He is a Ko. 1 butcher.
The board of directors of the Ne
braska and Kansas Farm Loan Co.
have ecurod tlie room in the Red
Cloud National bank block lately oc
cupied by J R Wilcox and D S Oombs
M a law ofRce, and will transact their
Dewiness there for the present.
OCR friend T J Wright idiowed this
office Jome coal which he found on the
Mrs. Fisher farm near Red Cloud. It
was a quarter inch suriace vein, and
we arc thus lead to conclude if there is
a quarter inch vein on top of ground,
tbeie most be greater one beneath
H 6
Painter VisaciiEU is in Bcllville,
Kansas this week.
Staioiit knife cutters sold at bottom
price by A. A. Pop.
D. F. Scott and family will move to
Red Cloud in a few daye.
Ai.aba;tine for cleaning ceilings of
all kinds at Henry Ook'a.
Wild ducks are lining to fly in
Urge numbers alone the Republican.
I -eix the Avcrv fpiral knife htalk
cutten-. th best on earth. A. A Pope.
Tp.eam'RKi: 1Juchow and Assistant
Zerwick wyre in Bine Hill over Sunday
Y&rii'zn re for a large emigration
in there part in the next (avr week.
G. W Ham. deputy f herifr, and our
fnend T. C Hacker were out weat this
The dxm at the mill hai partially
gone out from the effcts of to much
ice px.wg over it.
Canto Clipper plows, Norwegian
plows, Eagle steel and wood harrow,,
old by A. A. Pope.
C. A Owen has secured the contract
to paint J. H. Remhberg'a dwelling
aio Mr. Del fart's.
Call and aee Storey for your grco
ncs and flour. He sells flour'from iM)
to J2.50 per hundred weight. 3'Jtf
This is. a good time to plant trees.
Evrypropcrty holders should plant
tree.- and otherwise beautify their
Uaknet Meiers one of our popular
milk peddlers ir: doing a first claM
business in that line of industry just at
A. O. Berg one of the enterprising
Guide Koce. merchant was in Red
Cloud Saturday. Ajidy reports a splen
did bushier.
Married, at the residence of the
bride's ister, near Cowles, Mr Horace
Ball to Miss Ara Crisman, Thomas J
Ward, officiating.
A "hioe" time and crowd is expect
ed at the ball on the evening of St.
Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17, S5.
Everybody come.
Ol'R young friend Tom Ferris, has
accepted a position with Hcnry Cook,
and will turn his attention to the com
pounding of drugs.
Two span of the Inavale bridge went
out on the night of the 6lh. The river
raided so high that it ran on the railway
track at that place.
Mr. Tkimki.k is now fitting up the
room lately occupied by V D Forrester
for a restaurant. He proposes to run a
first class est ibhrhment. We wish
him success.
Lou Merrick advertised Iastweok in
The Chief for a girl to do house work.
On Tuesday he received a reply. It is
a girl and tips the beam at about eight
pounds. This shows what advertising
will do
Our friend, W D Forrester has now
settled in l..b new quarters. He has
put in a large stock of notions m con
nection with his furniture business and
proposes to give the people bargains.
Call and see him.
Dr. I.kck, who recently graduated m,
an M. D. from Keokuk medical college
has decided to open an office for the
piactice of medicine in Red Cloud.
The doctor comes highly recommend
ed. We wifh him success.
Tin: Nebraska and Kansas Farm
Loan Company are getting everything
in readiness to commence business
April 2. 7'his institution will be one
of tho most flourishing business enter
prises in tho valley when fully under
Thkre was a washout this side of
Ouide Rock Saturday night and caus
ed train.- to be several hours behind
tune. The cannon ball came in bi
ll actings. However the track is now
all right and trains arc making card
time as Usual.
Mr.Umes Broom field, formerly of
Crete, but now of Inavale, made us a
pleasant call bust Saturday. He has
just returned from Canada, whither he
has been after the young lady who wi.i
.share his future joys nnd sorrows. He
ordered The Chief sent to him.
Our young friend Charles E. Davis,
has returned to Red Cloud a full
tlledged attorney, and counselor at law
and in some western town will soon
stick out his professional shiulo to
the breexe as such. Success to him
wherever he may locate is our best
Wright a Wallace one of our
enterprising jewelry firms have leased
the oltl First Nation! Bank building
and are now refitting it for the pur
pose of moving iuto the same. This
will be one of the best locations in the
city, and we congratulate the firm in
securing the place.
The Gardner house under the skil
iull management of Mrs. W. W. Gard
ner is Incoming a popular resort.
Thev have latelv secured the service
of a fine French cook, and do not pro
;o be behind in any of the necessary
adjuncts that go towards making a
a first class house.
A Home protection society has been
organized in. Red Cloud with a good
working membership of 60 to 100
me:nlers. These societies are being
organized over the state andhave tor
their object, we believe, the putting
down of intemperance and the Cause
bringing about the same.
The Iuavale and Guide Rock bridges
like our own have succombed to the
ice gorge and are now calmly floating
upon the turbid waters of the Republi
can. Bridge building across the Re
publican has been a failure in as
much as the br idges so constructed
have not leen built with an idea of
resisting heavy ice gorges. A good
bridge wtth more expense to start with
would be much more satisfottory in
the end, as it would not be washed
out every year or two. Let's have a
good bridge next time.
MrxUET seed at Hacker's.
Waiter Sherwood is in the city.
Mas. Hickesbottox died last Satur
day. W. H. Surra of Minden was in town
this week.
300 bushel of pure white seed oats at
A. L. Funk's.
A. L. Fwc and wife returned from
Lincoln Saturday.
J. if. Hem-hero is building a new
house on his farm.
For boot- andshoes go to the Golden
Eagle clothing store.
A. Mr Into-ii was in Chicago with
two load of cittle last week.
I'RtiRiE s.-huoners are to be seen
already en route for the west.
Misr Weed of Superior, is visiting
Ml.- Geitie Brake field this week.
A. L. Fr.vK has Japanese wheat nd
Millet for rale. Price. 75 cts. per bushel.
E. C. Balew ha- resigned his position
with L. C. Graham the abstract man.
Plows, Cultivators, Harrow-, and
Hay Rakes for sale'by G. W. Dow. 32tf
Elder Rillv, an old time Metho
dist mimatcr wa in the city this week.
A. L- Fc-n'K sells; the I Haworth.
Brown, and Standard check rowers.
The old reliable tongueleas or New
Departure cultivator, sold by A. A-
The Tennesseeans held forth at the
rink last Tuesday night to a large
Iron, Plow teel, ingle-trees, Neck
yokes, and Hafle chains for sale by G.
W. Dow. 32tf
Mr. A. U. Becker returned from his
trip to Wisconsin and Illinois the first
of the week.
E. House has moved to the city. He
will go to Hitchcock county in a week
or two to live.
M. Birney'h father and mother wer6
in the city last week vistiing. They
returned home Saturday.
C. A. Owens has rented the old house
jut wost of The Chief on Cedar street
and will use it as a paint shop.
How about the wolf hunter running
down a cottontail with twenty-four
dogh, mistaking it for a coyo'e?
F. M.Hamakkr, agent for the Hicks
and Miller Tea Co., of St. Louis Sun
dayed in Red Cloud with his family.
Car load of standard cultivators,
planters, check rowers, rakes, and
mowcrsjust aeceived by A. I Furk.
Mr F.JE. Goble and wife have re
turned from the sunny south whero
they have been sight-seeing for some
two weeks.
Read Mr. J. W. Sherwood's advertise
ment of houses and lots for 'sale. He
offers several and a good farm for salo
at low figures.
lxf Vance has accepted a position
with Wright it Wallace and and within
the near future attempt to master the
the jewelry trade.
Sprino must be hero or els-e why is
tkc sninll boy permitted to play his
favorite game of marbles with all the
various attachments ?
A. Wells will sell 40 cows. 30 brood
sows, and 1 span of roadster mules at
public sale on March 26, at ten o'clock
uLhis farm near Cowel.
Have you seen John Deer's Sylvan
cultivator, the new tongued, tongueless
or Canton baltnce frame steel wheel
cultivator, for salo by A. A. Pope.
A. L. Burton, formerly of this coun
ty and now of New York state made a
pleasant call on Monday. Ho is visit
ing his brother B P Burton of Cowels.
Another wolf chase occurred on
the bottoms Saturday without much
resulL Tlie hunters routed a big gray
wolf but did uot succeed in catching it.
C. Wiener proprietor of the square
dealing one price Golden Eagle Cloth
ing store leaves in a few days for New
lork o Ulncago to uy his spring
Services in the Baptist church next
Sunday. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m; Sunday school at 12 M; temper
ance school at 3.30; young folks invited
to pastor's Bible class.
Remember if you need any thing in
clothing call in and examine the stock
and prices, be convinced that C. Wien
er will beat all prices even those
claimed to be clo-ing out.
Mrs. S. F. Spokesfiei.d has opened
her millinery store to the public and
iavitcs all who are in need to call on
her. She proposes to keep a first
class stock See her advertisement in
another column.
Ladies having silverware are invited
to call on Wricht A Wallace, and re
ceive a sample bottle of Wallace's
Magnetic Silver Renovator, the finest
instantaneous compound in existence
for removing tarnish fron silverware.
Mrs He5KY still continues her
meetings in this city. Each evening
the church is crowded full of caccr
listeners and manv can not obtain
seats. She is a very pleasant speaker,
and backs her statements with sound
Everybody is cordially invited to
attend the grand social ball to be given
at the Red Cloud rink, on Tuesday
evening. March 17, St. Patrick's Day.
Good orchestra, good floor managers,
supper at Lauterbach's. E. G. Cook,
The Chief in the last few days has
nrinted a creat many sale bills for far
mers in this and adjoining counties. It
seems that farmers realize good returns
from sales, and when they have a
great deal of stock to dispose of
ofler it at public sale.
To show that oar efforts are appreci
ated over the country in giving the
people a good county paper we will
state that we are receirm? a great
many new subscribers weekly to our
list. We appreciate Lhess favors and
propoee to pre the people the best
paper m tkc valley.
Is Where the Bridge Eat Goce
That McnUj Spooned tf Be-
In the history of tb oldest inhabit
ant there has neer been known to
have bees as disagreeable and cold
winter weather as that which we have
just experienced. Coniequenth the
Republican riTer has been frozen to a
greater extent than ever before, and
when the warm raya of a March sun
began lo Kftjn the congealed water
people began to urniie that Bad havoc
would folio to all bridges that were
not high enough to let the gorge pass
under. Their fears were not gtmnd
less at has been already observed by
those conversant with the river during
the last few day. The recent break-up
caused the ice to move and all the way
up the valley came the new- that "ice
war king" and vr ?weepmg everything
before it. A dozen or more bridges
have been swept into the stream leav
ing the wayfarer on the banks thinking
of "sweet home, and how will I get
there." Three bridges have been ear
ned away this week by the ice, which
leads us to ask why it is that better
bridges are not built and thus save the
annual expense of rebuilding and re
pairing. Enough money has already
been put i.ito the three bridges, viz
Inavale, Red Cloud and Guide Rock to
have built three good iron bridges that
would have taken ages to wear out. It
is the opinion of The Chief that the
tax payers would rather vote to bund
good bridges at one than to be com
pelled to pay taxes to repair wooden
and worthless bridges every little while
In the interest of economy to the
county good bridges should be put up,
and the con'inual drain on the county
exchequer be stopped once and for all.
On Wednesday it was decided to
commence work at once to rebuild the
Red Cloud bridge, and in all probabili
ty it will not be many days before it
will be passable.
The ice was so thick in the nrer this
week that it forced the water out of tho
bank, and for thrco or four days the
Republican was almost a half mile
Hundreds of sight-seers visited the
river in the last few days to see the
immense ice gorges.
When the river overflowed the
wolves on the bottom began to "pull
for the shore.'.
As Important Patent. The other
day while one of The Chief's report
er was strolling in the vicinity of the
depot, viewing the recent improve
ments in railroad circles, his attention
was called to a new and highly import
ant patent which will interest railroad
men to a great extent in every state in
the union, and is the property of our
esteemed friend, M. Birney, master
mechanic of the B. l- M. shops in this
city. It is simply this. A patent car
coupler that obviates the necessity of
trainmen going between moving cars
to do coupling. Mr. Birncy's patent
makes it only necessary for the oper
ator to stand on the outer edge of the
car and work a lever which throws the
coupling pin into position and the rest
of the work is easily done by the mov
ing cars. It is simply a self coupler,
and one that must and will come into
use extensively, and will no doubt do
away with the od style man killers.
There can bo no accidents with Mr.
Birney's patent, ard for this alone it
would save railroads thousands of dol
lars. It is certainly simple and needs
only to he seen to be appreciated and
the greatest wonder is that it has not
been thought of long ure this.
We see by the Alma Tribune that
the fair and entertainment given by
Van Meter Post No. 94 G A R, was a
grand success, Tho object of the fair
was to secure a relief fund to help the
I needv and unfortunate comrades of the
Grand Army of the Republic The
Po3t secured the services of Comrade
Lew Ginger to take entire control of
the fair and under his business man
agement the Post were able lo place
several hundred dollars in the fund.
The 1kvs were fortunate in securing
Mr. Ginger's services, aa he had suc
cessfully managed a large number of
fairs in the cast, and came well rec
comraended. We understand that the
Post here are nej-otiating with Mr.
Ginger and will probably arrnf-e with
him to come to Red Cloud. Should
evervthing be arranged the Post will
give a grand two dys fair and enter
taiument buut the last of the present
mouth, due notice oi which will begiT
en. Comrade Ginger will meet the G.
X. K. committee :u Hcd Cioud Friday
evening, ui it A K haiL
""pari Wkddisc BtxLi-On last
Tuesday evening occurred the first
wedding anniversary of our worthy
Xriends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank JL Gump,
at their residence in the south part of
the city, ll was one of the most pleas
ant events that our reporter has had
tne pleasure of attending for a long
time. X Urge number of invited guests
were present and the evening was
pleasantly spent in social conversation
until a late hour. At a proper Uaae an
elegant repast was spread beibre the
guests and dispensed vjtk. Mr. and
i -s. Gumn Iwere the! recipients of
! nrmarmia and costlv uestnf from
their saaar rrieode. The Cxzbt wiahea
Mr. G. aad wile many retaroe of the
Itch ad scratcaes ef every kind
ird in 30 minutes by Woofford's
I Sanitary Lotien. Us o other. Thi
mTer fails. Sow y av soerer, arup
bt,3dCkd. 2Mj
ukWJoaw. I
Tne annual meeting will be held cm
the first Monday in Anrd. During the
ten days preotdisf .the aeeting &
director, or some person authorised to
do so. sbouldtake the census of ail per
ens between Stc and tenty-one yean
of age, married or unrearried. Scholars
moving from one district to another
during this tune will be enumerated in
the district to which ther mOTc Men
and women are equal before the law
regarding the right to vote at the
school fmeeting. The chool l-oard
should be very particular in their an
nual ".eUlemeuU The lreAurcr should
have his report fully complete!, bal
anced, and be ready to prc-cnt any
and all vouchers, and after the meeting
is periectly s&tlsfied . to it correct
nesa, the director should put it in hw
annual report correctly baUnceJ and
eery cent accounted for before it is
sent lo this olfice. If directors wilt
read all the inntructioas on thfefr re
port it will save much time and confu
ion, and obviate the necessity of u
pertntendent returning the report for
correction. I did not put in the report
this year the amount of money on
hand at the beginning of the past year
but it is expected that the refort wil
show tne same amount a; was said to
le on hand la-t year, if it is not io it
will be considered wrong. The stte
sujR'nntendent makea the follotving
ftntenient in his last report- The coun
ty hUjKirintendento are guardian
and are given power to investigate
ciioul accoenra, and to reject incorrect
accounts and approve correel ones. It
consequently devolves upon them to
lj extremely cautious in the discharge
of this duly. The sytem of keeping
accounts is simple and the majority of
otfieers are accustomed to it, and thu
evil should be made to entirely disap
pear. C W. Spinger. Co. Sup't.
rio of Vrtcraas.
Last Wednesday evening the young
men of this city, who were sons of sol
diers organized a camp in this city to
be known as H. S. Kaley camp, No. 25
with the following charter memlers
V. B. Fulton, Jno. R. Wilcox, M. S.
Marsh, F.J. Reynolds, Henry Ludlow
Lee Tinker, Irving dimming, Paul
C. Phare-, Frank Spauogle, Will Brown.
The instituting officer was S. W. Cog
lizer, Colonel of Nebraska divisionons
of Veterans of Weeping Water assisted
by E. L Taggart Commander Geo. H.
Thomas camp, North Auburn, Neb.
The officers elected were as follows:
Captain, V. B Fulton.
First Lieutenant Frank Spancgle.
Second Lieutenant, Floyd J. Reyn
olds. Camp Council, J. R. Wilcox, Henry
Ludlow, Frank Spanoglc.
Delegate, J. R. Wilcox.
Alternate, Paul C. Pharc.
To the patrons of the Indian creek
chee factory: I hare this day sold
the Indian Creek cheese factory to Mr.
H L Luce. Mr Luce has been in my
employ ever since I have been in Ne
braska. In turning the business over
to him I do so knowing him to be per
fectly honest, straightforward, ami
competent to handle the factory in the
most satisfactory manner, and his
greatest effort will be to please his pat
rons. Thanking the patrons for the
patrongc they gave me and the confi-
dcncc bestowed, I trust you will si
the same good will toward my licen
sor. I shall continue to feel an inU'ret
in the factory and Khali do all I can to
increase the interest and succeas of the
factory. Yours Truly,
J.O. Chambeeuv.
A CHRISTIA5 convention will be held
in Red Cloud, Saturday and Sabbath
March 14 and 15. beginning at 10.50 a.
m. Saturday in the Baptist church.
The Sabbath J-erviccs will lc held in
the Rink. Revival services in the
morning becinning with a social meet
ing at 10 a- m; at 1 1 services by Mrs. S.
M. I. Henrv: at 2 p. m. convention
topics. 3:30, Band of Hope hour, with
chemical experiments by Mrs. Henry.
Services in the evening begin with
sonx Berrices at 6 o'clock, .sermon by
Mrs. Henry. It is expected that Bloom
ington, Franklin, Riverton, and other
places will be represented in the exer
cises. Various topics will be discussed
SI '
Hayiko purchased the Indian creek
cheese factory of J. O. Chamberlin, I
desire to meet all those interested in
the factory, and will have a meeting of
the patrons at the factory March 19,
for the purpose of making arrange
men! for the coming seaaon'i work.
II. L. Ltce.
There will be a meeting of the pat
rons of the Inavale cheese factory, at
the factory, Wednesday. March IS, at
2 o'clock P M. All parties interested
in last season's work, and the coming
sea on, are requested to be present.
J. O. Chamberlis
Xottcx is hereby ciren
to all who
expect to teach in this county the corn-
inc seaaon, that I will hold a apecial
examinaiion at my o&ce in Red Cloud
Thursday, April 2. ISS5, commencing
at 9 a. m. C Wr Sram gee,
32t2 County Superintendent.
Stkates One wmte Irerr suica
cow, anth red spot, brand "V" on side.
A liberal reward offered to finder. Ad
dres Thomas Andcrsoc, Bed Cloud,
eb. 22 2wp
Focjrr A key. Looser can haTe
theaasneby calling and paying for
this item.
eo "
I Dort claim tbe larjpeat stock in the
state, but have ecty of fresh new
goods. TVe latest i iaererythinf
kepttrr trfiancssavjcvelrr estabiash-
l ascct. v n JaAaxATT-
Jerr Waca i o Happy t liuV thai
we new have a democratic drotw
tratorthatbe hardly ktKw hotir.r
he's afoot or horseback. Ho L n
prernely happy.
Sect at Hacker's.
Fjuh oyster and horse radlsk at
Mother market.
O H MARYATTt ho rtfbJcaae
eading )ewdcr of R1 Cltti.
W vu. paper at Coti".
TiMLia --e3s aaWfer wotts a.
Spn-M- A SoV
We hat e Utr gotnls ytnt need. OsM
and be conviiicvd. rpxmrzic A" Sen-..
!kTOc Vroan bread nnd baked
bean, at Hacker't.
vekyoiY sbottW har the C C C
Saturday night in Vaa iie VtnctaUa
Loretto Well? n te of the LkM aoL
rre tht ever wicl fcl Ooeai.
WixihjW curtain at Cotttag -
Ir you wk-ti tro he Jii imo of
filagree and tnaaotc jc wiry jat from
Mexico call nt M Aryan's jewelry u
within the next le dys. Iir-c
lection packrge jnt rociuvod k t'l
at cost.
Go TO Hacker's for Umothy sttotl.
Li dies, attention ' Fxcv, a bottle Of
silver polish at Wright A: Wallace's.
Fresh oyters aud hore radish at
Mother's market.
GaUDE seeds at backer's.
Another invoice of that celebrated
Guide !Wk :lur at Storey's.
Anothm: invoice of that colobrated
Guide Rock tlottr at Surov'.
Family grt-oune? of all kinds at
Morey s. 3-si
SpaNOuLE will put down tubular well
that will Jv.-t lto years and cannot be
pumped dry.
Tcrnip. parsnip, enrrott, lettuce,
peas, 1m-H5, radih, and the very beat
of uml- at Hacker'.
$55. Wi are selling a No 1 Un hoe
cratn drill for fifty fivo dollar. Jut
what you iiod. Spanogle A Mn.
Paints ami oil at C-uttingV
O H. MARVrr"xnak- a prialty of
fine watch repairing Jnd warrants all
Have you seen the cetabrair-d
M( rnon plow. They are tho latent
and l"t. Spanogle A Son.
Clover seed at HaekerV
The middle spans of the rivei- bndgr
were carried out by the y,orge last Sat
urday. Our mails arc interfered with owing
to a washout in the track eat of town,
caud by an overflow of the mer and
ice hde acros the bottoms
Yeterday a .Mibsriptioii was made
bv citizen? foithe purpir of putting
in a tetiiprr briitge across tho mT
and tbr work n.i b done x ieedi!
n i-ibl- Our niarWet drawn heary
upon Jewel county, Kansas, and it be
comes a matter of moment lo our peo
ple that the ending be kpt m tacL
Tho quesliou whether we shall hav
aloons has bTti agitated for tho past
few week?. It i thought by some of
our citizeni that we ought to confine
the sale of alcoholic liquor wumr dm
"lore, while others think to do
would not materially lessen the quanti
ty fcOld. Kocklt.
March is marching along.
Business in Cowles i ditto.
Cowlus wants a croamery or cheese
1 here i a good opmung for hydro
nhobta or a -an "lire mill
Our worthv Justice. T J Ward. tid
his first matrimonial knot on March 2,
by uniting in nlall: Mr. Horace S.
Ball ami Mi- Ara Crimaii.
Our town is at present without a re,
ident mmi-ter, and the parsonage is
Rv Hampton preached here but
Sunday, and we understand will fill the
pulpit here until a regular pastor caii
be ecured
Jame Barcim. of Guide Rock pre
cinct purchned the lumber for a house
this wcrk from the People's Lumber
Roth of our lumber yard arc daily
sellinc lumler for newdwefhngs.
Mi AmehrCanp-rncH w spending
fw dav 'with fnends in Franklin
Mr Curtts a.kts Mr Gilford dunny
her ab-enc from Uw store.
The Cowles Invincible arc prepar
ing for a grand concert in a few weeks
Timely notice will be pvm.
Among the late arrivals rc Mr.
Endly. of Guide R'Kk, Mr Bnick. a
brother of wir cram dealer, and a Mr.
Hurd, brother of M P HurU We hat
not leamwl whether any of them hare
come to stav or not.
Lmxr. Hatoiet-
Aciministrator s Sale.
Xot;t5 i hereby riven that on Thur
dav the 15th day ofJJarcii. 1'vi. on lbs
e qr of m:c 5, tp 1, north ranse 12 w-.t
in Webter county b I ili offer
at public le the tronal efiVeia of
Merntt A Mver. dc:al. as follow-
1 tnan horcs, AW buheti corn. 10 ticaa
.- .
utock hoz. 1 milch cow. I to hore
Imrgy. 1 ft bogy harass, l lumtr
wacon. 1 new deering mower. I ulk
cutter,.! Garden City cultivator. I
sulky hay rake, 1 Hapgood ulky plow
1 law Hbrry. 35 volume, etc Trnw
made known on day f ae.
Tkos K exjtebt, Admmitrator
e ewi .
Auction Sale.
I will offer at Public Sale at the frtn
fcnown as the Caii Adam farm, three
j miles J?outbfls of calem, on
" - s .k. .ak. m
Friday, Apnl 3. 18bo.
At tea o'clock. A. M the followinc
nroperty. Ti; 22 milk cow-, 12 two-vaar-old"
rtetrr; 7 two ycai-id heifers;
I twryear-Id fcoIL liyearangs. PJo
HarroVs. CulUTitors, Com Kanter,
Mowg Machine, Hay rake, and other
farm xapitroentA. TKRMii un ot
lew than li cau. $5, or Otct, a credit
of 5 njnai will be given with approv
ed eccariiT bearing l(per cent iatarest.
10 per cent. dicoust vtr caah.
Joux H- Jlskux, Proprietor.
P. C, Gle?x. Auctioneer. 31-41
2JKD cLoro MAiutrr
JCJ&. m .-
CsUlt w
OiVrtB irr piir- with lu if
other arm. I wiK Mtc rrwi frrm lT
t :wmj $vr fNr tiynt tn .OVlbn iH
avyHixk II- MxufxTt.
Troc for 3l9
Sraral tlKmixn1. &h. caulpa. ox
M;. eCt spie Jind eottoo-wood trrrs
jhr W i raWe prJcm at Jo.
Utacr eee aile rorUi Of Kl
Oood l7l
Es'tlrs ne "atr. t
Tbe bt wJt w Uic wl I frr rttln
hmMifs nk, le-r. rimHt
irr mtv. Wrtter. rbfol band
ctu!uv r-r nl all kl otUptXrti
mi jHfiit r car rale, or to ry
rei7Mi tt rr..trsl to 1-? i-
r-tt uCrti. r toncy fefnndtJ
ince 2fr J Wi.
.sfirjl U not thrvvti jhi wlA hm
wicjMirr. A gwntkxar 4 .ltrmwill
a tuiMfc sia ''JM ia !t u-r. smw
l4 tbf tTai w -.U aft ni-tio luf hii-K
h is ."4. ne rrfttsi'J ?ts.ov It b a
WMir. -4rer - incey arrrjwe
tint lV live tMpe of a p'asft
Mt prfo ml xatet. Ja a bkat4 W m
MaJ r. ra be s-uri al k-v aedaiau
sj MDotm: c! ciangT orw nLrhl lw
It it4.-ei Ui jfti cUtne or n Nil. la
xay j, cmlitvn act atu
tr cvn ft ttt4.efTft iteiioratnaCoaa.
it s. c 4Citu-sl tn w '4 trf Unw
a4 tav a ncxl of gUiwlt; at
It tu x- it eoTrs-t. for it can't br m.
H Has jtt tsriab-l-h! a faruiry at
t 'iirnaM lor Ut manufactur vi tlm
drawer. - iks n-as,
"Hio grealer nV CvXjwW t"
cocim," ritt- Ir t. i.iti. in h
ttM.i rejxrt of tlwi htnl bstmtvrra
Asiuta tor the ln-arv ( terwl uonki
sulumt' jaiik Jir iU!unlnu. fa --
".-mc cas, kK:h tt t!.tvv!ska and
mn.c.sJ exalta!kiv bete Wa dWw
doired wirLltig of the brain tfttd rafsWV
It to risxnu the Creu,jtIv. ! relv U-Of
and :ucc tm nulk and frc tn.iV IhUj
UquHf cu-itanlv Ouo snoli ca-ci this
yar gxt rugbt pints o( milk aod ittaMS
egg daUr tor tbrt uionthv and rwr.--end
uudr ttiK ire!maL. 1 ijutin
if he would, bavn diJtut mj imUv wiy
ctLr !! vr rwlnMi doa.1 on atlmW.
sion. acutely HeJtrvaN ivtKklaul m
W and nr ro.r! tuisen. Iimt
eitfi o! ten, o much tn dcoul ty
man w -men whrtt ureI. nixMiUl Uii
abattged fur U.lL. egg aud rV
iMXifr roiirr.
Waller 11 llarr nalatlS.
llir K Harr.IrtciMlaaU
TU- dnIrtHtit. IU- I. ilurr. IM IV !
Utal 44iUU. jJIt II lrr ha tko aj SIJ
lilt J-UtlM AHil fSHHWUPU.-! Hi fMliXtn In U.t
Mx'tf tMHt isMtrf Om Miirt u4 Hrjr
t4 Mttkrk . U,at a IOKt- A tleikt MOtnill
u U' l-fert twt-M )4ltun &im! )rn.l.l.
IX-ivB&Utt HtMt J)rr Hf pteul t i.iUIIC"
l-UUon ton or l"rlrr April Hli. A t. l r It-s
&asatKtt.t( ! ftlOoH Kit. twtUru Iru.
hm1 a 4fNf- rMlrf. atn tl.ngj) IrrttAnt
0i kisHUktH4trr ht l4jjtttr! 'H lAkr lb
ilr-ml.-x nt llvMr) IUnlv trUrlrk lir f).
t Ka Kslr,rrak lWfT t1RA Uurr. 11
(b'H llwrr. le t-r'J is ri.jff n a1
raw sod tS-Hns l:i l l.tkr-tt U Ihe C5x
ut Vr.urw W Itarr Juli u Ur !-, t, AimtMci vuuuli, Cua.kKUrut.
,tmmrttrtuz t wrieK A 1 Alrll II. lta
mii4 AiitowMitnc trvtn Cm) to Ca) uulil mli tt
iUtf r t ittmrUM
Utr M e.
V4 Jw.. It. WjjxV. IlalHUS's AtUwnry.
i n THKniKTKHT cK.ut or WKtwrKK
I rwunl), r4ral.A
TUc VlOtMSfOt lsl ( Umd,
WHtlMH II .'ftrlwm. rt xi
Vntle U HOB f"MrH LrtMfc IWvjkir,
Oirtu E iVir J fi Iew.ErItt
Ctawrv-s E. ir Waiiai ItJl Jwhnw.
Mrl II. I4fir -ir oi W
jt KWs Mtl JtAKvm U.;.11tM4
to H4 wrt winxklMc juu rlt.iti ui &4i4
lul" lH-rt4 wiMl.HK--c lUtA m thtt
Ma Ha '4 Frbrtmrr Ue- n s !U4 I hJ fill
tii.Vir lb !trHswrt' VeUr sstuuty
4r hri) if Ir Utr mtHxAUxt to Hi ir.
tjrt- iliwit ut feWf'to! toi ibat joru at
ttlkmHiUKlrt-Oi: AUil m Hlrj WtlJa-
v MMiutu Ut lti i -i " rwttut
lHMt vtnl tlUn fi I- ffU' 1KI &1
( Atrtl l'i.
Articlon of Incorporation of the Ne
bnuOca and !Iiuiiuui Fans Loa
T at! whom tt may sicTn
lirr. THE 1 MUlWtl.NEU. K. II ft LTOJf,
tiwi lVBwt'w Ww. 0thitlt. Wi.
CkUHT Y. M. kt R ! Jan. !-! Mtmjt.
B. .hir It 1. 7 'ik r A I-aiCrrUarU. H
ItntUmt J ATlir 'esw J .rr. HUa Ur
Imt I' Y lUWUiMl A J Wfc. Tm W,r. J
IlU'4 J I. Mnr JMmMcevr. WIt r
t . ; 1 ftjb. A MrJrt. J Wr?". A A
I,--.. II M rUtt, E i ttHtUi. T" J Mrirr u
I i Mvirall. M;v.ti at B I'nttJ tr f
Ai"rv-, mc dirwHrf UYr: a rrra
tan atdt U prP1Vrt if IU U lt
f N4rmkj awUmruwsR Um ! l
1h4 rnlr ff,. ! i-
cur!" Ueb tu4r I' w ! el Ui
1t TV (WVJritf -l d rnvwr
TV aim Kskt" Yrm jmnt imf .
;ut T1 tnpel!! t trwrtH)e tM
lii el owjui k - l IUsi t &
M U tiuntj ot wrirr "torxiJu. ani n
JTlnrlfuJ o&or aOt hi nt inkUr UH !
wUl Urrt. ......
J4. Tb tmfj '4 ud! nmnni hS ! tt
nyin jI sHMw; U wiplT ft r afl UA
ita-i. ad mmortfrn j-srttU-s 4 klM. il
rSwrttor of li w r t it&t tu.r
lfrtt: in fmJ Uvt VrihC f-Ww u4 tiitth
ttotTt- nfUlVmuM tjbrt, lo I !14 In
n 4lrclI tj P Ur4 . llrltrt uf ail
TAK Ttx tytrprmUun hAjl ronxsrw1 c
Uj S4 iir ef At" lc &4 Ui 4a la
rtittarr mx lAr itpi 4 Ut jr
ttaMW? U aSK-fc 44 rnirali' T '
U ) -! a twl cei&tz !
lbtet nf U- -ftJ k r?uSt ri Is IU
T?H TV Sr t t turpKmiUXi hll fc
f?MtorVt tf W tfew -OtrtAfti. E.9 of
mUe S : LAr X s3MSS fc Vttr
Ul " Ust S.lrXi a&BCiJI tvil 9 li
XfckVyfrfcr fey Vaf iW uf&l&r, fi
eF- a; J"a ' i a m--m s j - - - --
r Iwcsk ?-r ccUJ tsxtr e.r a
nf Ut ti rf ?ira 5 &- ssm -e-w
t jf a prelrti:f rr-yfiAzA rT7.?
irvk-srrr wt-- As&r Aa 1"? jfc"""" lT
O ttsrw r SfrC-. r "Js- errant
juttf rtj" y Ujs ti nrg&i 3Mfi
ooraMrsar. S-eir aorsrt n iKS J4
K2i. Th7isiar&-.T-lV& 3 t--ktt
r4 & vsr3CT iH Ut ria-S 6yO
t.r4 nywitT Irwa aawese ttr ym sav
tr bl'fJ,6
r?, frees aeabf TJU i5n U i fcf4t
CiiXi Bayr,
Xesert v jedrry.
OC Cm,
a i'rSjmt,
J ATwEn.
fJ Warrrtfc.
W12isr CaCr.
J tHatV.
t r nirs",
A t-ViVt&3,
A A rep'.
w wirr
Ti.9&7i JSfrrkA. VTtcr rway. t
(fsC: 4yt r&rarf. lt 5-rter w.
- . f.. -AkMr.2ji -WSf rvtmsmi
aasat-i -fcr.arjaaaax Ja i
rmpSf s&fr& ts jiw
w a?Trt;. R V Jets K. r". y
XXkf Kiiaaffii. It
V J"i -
arr JiTMA
-rv. t 1fi Cm WsrsM.
nf. . r f . . " - ' . . - , t ,.
J r VaUHtfQtACr.O Cf.
H JUSW5.-SX. A &n. & A Lr.
turn wb iima a2 rt!ia '
eu&mmK Vt am t mst waaw? art
if", i-tti ut adAi& rti -at aW1
It. J C5a. i hKm( Warfr1SfSfr
O0K. d Tteiry feV
L.4- r
V a
3 - -Iss: