The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1885, Image 3

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Im v 5
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.. tft'.WK-- 3
A. C. HOSKEii, Pufelisier.
Thi MS ot" thi- p,. in. wh -h xi..-nrl lor
imc Ill's ttr-: iijinrof the pr-f.i t-Mturj-hu
! . h.- Ifwn foiut.! in tJe Miixijih
f Mie ICmvmI (oleir-of Siriri.i m Jfs
r Jh rf-: ttutitaxi m-Kon. xn 1 i. Lie
ieo "! l ! f-ura:.' t ti. jfjjf
lOrno.. fop Irttnoratioti it x nit d - onion
mtm.on taut every effort - na!- n
wm the au!Jcr. n:l b-
iH Ir a. ! ! m n-r j -f nitj- iroin
ro ior hturmatttt that wiibi rti-o''!- H
ortcfa. Tin athor pnirri lo. iwni.-olti,
au. H is ok x, iut w9r ! ril-eot en).
IteholatiiMrufci Tw k VMfl
Mk ;rtlMTtl Hfilrtt (nil.
"11::' iiiur.. v4 to l.Me romott,
Tb i-u - rrmn Tboturfet awuorMot mmC
A tto Iv-will.fittr v in flll U e i,
Wtit tin i mi 'rt itar -nir $ r
Ar hfr- inr j. tfur tot . f-r,
Jim ,t f' 4M- imrv ul htvunl hrp
nut kw brMM mmI Knr "Tf :
iiiii ti.ri ikh ht k, 4iNAa r x4
If tw ta ) t4i 'rt rmiOKi.
IJ v. th .. L.i- ai tMl.
!:uf tbr-tj --frt kind tf lnwwwt,
fj.- ; lMiii -- (tMTri-r brtat
V :i n mi mhi w wnk Mt wtiW.
" J n tb brf'ir f-arrru Iimjm;
Ti i - . if( mt,4 tt.wlMt UmgXKf.
V Ul ,i: - Imwy it di-4aiiM!t
i: -. ! ti V riu- nu M kMrfie.'.
w 1. 1., -i."m' narmbi Enrtuij :
h . : ! in - flnjffv !H tb 01101.
t w.i u t- fTirn4 ruuV fctmir
1- trt 1..- tm k or ! je
Mi ' . 1 1 i" IK . UV i U IbH.
ilu' I t t. rff' J'mfh tWy wmghi.
M .( ( ibt-nnfwrw btxiMjrtet.
'1 1- hu4 - u rtobt-r uu-nl aM outtai
Ttatt 4t itaH (ttt Weutti Mod ftuoo.
Atai!? mrhMbrr lf ir sifKl
Tm-- iff fix Wbf ditj in1'
Jf JrM ih' . f IU- lh-r
To k rt.j: i hi bumble steti:
If tmtU-w - ra.ii) ttritf tify ; urtMl.
And l !; t VirtiM ivlurwiu"
Jt - f., h ai.Tft v'Hi hirt! rl.
Atii tr U' !b ;! m tit- -k :
Doacripiion or Oje Ilorrors of
Groat n.MJ.;i Prlaon.
.( iu kltit(lt I'Jic Mi4rti.c4 in
IrirrM nf M. ritr iiwl at.
ZmiI An OHtrsiKni
I- .;!. therr apprwlHi hi the Jotr-
. m . ,,....,..;....! s.... ,...,
ita f! Irtrr-barp corrcondem, m
wnn-n ji wtm saeni uhivi Utat onr : ih. i
c!.i: paT4 wbhh are till ori'a-
i: i-:.iir paT4 waa-tt are tui ori'a-
-.'until, t 're.ilatcl in Eumma had b- J lhil in ie of every precaution pris-lis't-!
a sliril a,-aad mut fearful Jet- j oner-, do ofca.nmaliy contriv- to com
IT. p::rporim;:to.tHrtttt.n l.v -an in- "" wili iWr fnend. A little
1...1 . r a. , ., i" -s immi'v in Ku-..ia jr e a lowj wav. and
i::!i.: nt oi inr cMttiae. o'cr:iinr ; . " ,
t ten tnrnkev-. J:ae Mtmet.mes liowel-.
!.. honor lih pner xnmlin'
. . , . , . i t ,
tra.ep t:.. o.! loMhTtH umlen'oiu the
: 'rtrH. of St. IVeter nrl St
1'awl. It
will i- reut'tuWred that
lint iV.nee Kra-i-1
,. .e ,. . ,. ' i
o'k w ronft::ed in
..... .. .... , , ..-,, -
u.alf. i'ut he had lirca neither trh
:n r rnicucru. ami in lair of t
Czr. ra.l m oriler that he might eon- ,
tin ne hi- liter rr labor, he enioHl in- '
oitd U :h.
'OMT.-i'M Mlfleivd -0 UHH
was' :'iu i nae ji en me laic o;
frieiMib- and ob-.ntre Let the
babltan: of lie ca.emat " udl.
litit rtrl of ail iUMlhiug ihl
liatui ol 1m ar. tht. mterno of ,h
ot..m. it budding of lerrilde m -morjii.
defiled In jtio.e JMirror-. ev n Shan its'
tamom. proloUpe which the p-ipul we i
f l'ari-. tiearlv n e-nlury a;o. l-v, ietl ,
with ihe irr irml. It bhu-. hi iiiu :
an-! dal tdeil. and .iiriiH:intl bv a!
t .in and tajw rin Mire i at looks like
th.. ..ilit i Mr..'. !ii..r.,.r;... .... .
r.. f....ti-... i m. ii, .?..,.i?.r ..f ,... "..
aad tjc-s th.. e:itil palrtce. Dunn.'
the tl. v ... hi p'nit a publa- Iboroo-h" ,
lar . an I iK,Mle pitv. throueh a u-trnnv
deiteoi gloomy an i lorluou .tults,
wit iv lu niily-nrmedseiii'm.). mnri to
and f i. aid on - vaitit in nieh s J.uM
aloft burning taper.. I'miI at nightfall
al! is ebM' I. ami when tlarkne.- evi r,
tin capital and i tc (pin of tie .'-v.i
are all ai'iotv gits-light, th- prt on
Imt- dlic .letl ! S. 1'eler ami L I'iiiI
. - 1
remati. slirombtl In glHim. like souir
hage uniw. evtir :eadv toswalhtw up all
thai i. let ! noii.e.t ot the uuh.tppv '
ld iehu-h il eiir.... wet. i. ,..-.. ' I I
H-.tindthe tortr ,vits deep si.
lems!-. but four t mes ui ec-y bom- the'
b.i chck iu lb- fvnnge-hjtped ii n ;
- --------.,-.. - -. - i t i ai
chime-, a jaim tune in prr.i.o of t.inl
and the Car! No wonder that m -n
who wer- taught in ;hei: childhoo I th-t
to ditlcy lht potentate wa. ,t, di.
honor the Croator should have learnt to
dete. the one ami repudiate the other
a t'ltts.VT akmv r mi.i:i:.m;i.i.
If those hoarv walls
of the iJ;t-
i...l;l. ......m ...,b ui,,. .!.. .1 1
rs" --i- -f-t, -,- t l(fV
g pu
tire. n was tm io cieaiu uv onter ! i
he-fathor. Hut for well-nigh one hua-
lt...r. .... 1.... ....:.t '
tried, by
mjio.Mr the aecv.sio,, t ,
.i The Itirtei. .....rl.r.
o wu utrouc. .o o'erthr.w t
and osutlmsh h, ;t. .d
n .-uavHKtiuaal regime. In hi. n-i-tt
.u. .-. kmI.. .... .1- -.. -,...
"": : ....:".L:L"i .. : :.V- ,: ."
Kepi u iiu.nmui. win -tgni.
i ... i .UMri. - .i.- .. .
ui e- ih- wwbs-w ..i-s.f,.j ,UKk j
x-ic!d t death, and the whinwiml hf
owed wa. rened bv hi vlW. 'ii,
e f
fortxvss j ow lillrd with uufortuuntr i
lhirsag the last twenty years thousand-
hae entered it- gloom portal., and a. '
fast us thc Hrtsh or uetart the gnta
arniv of tnt.crables i ronfors,tl
Ltl by j
i.M ftc
ire-h xirtims. 3Itt of tlwiiii rrma
:i titntt. vuther in'ml ng their trial or tui-,
til tbey are remoxed to a central prtsot, ,
or deported to itMna.
:m who-e late i uu nior.
terrible. I
'I here are pn-oner. who have never I
UrCU UICU iiuu mi ..... -v. nuu
xvotura. who are kept iu prison general
ly for yrars. often tor life, simply by
order oV the Czar. One is an ex-ofceor
if t'sr imtHirial guard bv the name of
. heltclu it xs am inai uie tae ru- j
. . ,. ? ..i -i : .i.i.. t-
itoror made the .sister of Chcxitch hi.
iniirus, and that the voting ol!ieer
rpped out of the i-auks at the rexiew
and oried to the tyrant, like Victor I
Hugo's St. Vall'er: "Sire, you have j
done ill." For this oi!'eu5c ho x-as I
doomed to lile-Iongimpnsonmcnt tn the
iUcji. rax-eliu. and ia now a ravine;
dairtici that wore vr niil to iiiioIIm " coiuuion iiiiiiei.icioi.. wi-iwni iii"U occup.c.i. i am uevei nue; in
.n'.,rr. Vet he .,.re,i .rnllh. slj -"-; .' o: !;,'.. l h-ir feet an-. fa I I have time to he ,11.
It- w ill net rr. lei h m In e a. Ion-1 . he ' u r'W ' m rMs" Kv "" ,'V ! "' ,lc',J '' ',,f ! U ,,,,M ' w"" :) .v, '" - "mn , ' , 1'
mnv. recover from lhe ollort.soi hKion- - lv,nt,,r !'. c,,. ::n" ls'1 'M v:rMl' I ?'r t ""'"' "dai-'p- J 1 ,' I
me' r.era! on in that fri-htful .ii.n,s,7 'vt -ulheient y: at least i ,e in ;1 a.- ! bought a hor.e. and 1 h:iw not had a
llitt if ,,.. .L.n,M I.!r1. i .-...I . ...T ,. MKUfd for the purp'M i iiiHtillieieut , he id.tehe siiicc. Kvcry mnniliig 1 a-Le
..... ... n .. .. ....,. ...... ... .... ...I.. .4!- . . ........ . ... ....
...gat UAV Since i foumlatmn the ! ZuuJTZ ' Fh 3 n c,ul r,i abou?aV nutei ,A . "'"' r " " J m Co,., arV n r Sa' h. S
lomcs. ha. Iwvu the ehn.1 pobtieal ; . .' jJ, 'ZZ. imilM Mwe in n,rMba!iT.--.V. j ' ohwJU of fast dawf ld- ev
n,o o ihe Kmpire In jm.t '-! J " " , ?1 n-M "w laaiw. r-,i.' .Wrrr..-r. f And when 5l,c ha, :h. Wdache n?- W.-laroj.v aad KrWir in thenar th
1 Ik inmates were court oUem - ! , ,ul,M m " Ap suti.n. o. i.ui. uoxl think-of imtsdiag it -a woman i ?...,tMI .. I .,,-.; ..' 1 . ft .'.
or. on thiur wav to Silieria or lhe ,; .i- "J T,n"Tr.TTT 1 aiwav, h.ii.g the hdarha. Aad if 5 . , ZTLnLrof'
....... r .. the mini, trs.mitiiiie- ..f tl. ln.iii. 11 .if wii ncATc -l . ...... . ua- iwrB no RtaaciTOi ani
.scnUoKi tine oi ine was the - "' " ; -, V V ,. -j.www.w. &; i- "nerx'tm- enough to av noinxlv Ti i - ,,-.! .... ......
ii.. f. . w iiKa .hiw I'mf ouin ti tlie litnltilitv -- ... mat iii rs aiiooreti sm eca 'TIl. ,
;s.. -he.! Al.'M.. -o:i of l'.t..r ,1. '"" .no t.i.o, o .li. io mi m.iutiw ' .aid. thi iUir nv nu iilnr nn.! n.iK .Iv ... , . .
," , , t l theor-'nii.Nioe-fo-m their fttnefon. (mmoi;iij- Viliirlt Iltl t Fin-t c ' ""' , , V , . -. jn,lK or cnep-r. otOf rue-. hnWvter.
(rent and iter ptv-nrnptne to the t;-" ' ! . ntdT S ta m. -. tuck. her or. the lounge w,th a ihawi t , w t tfHh frnm H-
tltaer ,Mtor :m Mill .shown the I "V. J" a )" V",. A h1 ni ,oti.. .,f,f,i her or cwWSr brr lo dth a a j .-Wh or .Ier.h m. .bor.. Tarn
.. I S-.ksA.
t l . . "i ii "( ill'I
..-t-.. ,.i..t . ,. .rwat -...i t prnvtuioiier.
r.-.. ...,.- .. r ' 4"Hli4.... i.-rdK ,- ,m f.i,.. ?.fr.. ii. were sianuing on Mniiniieid street, ami wv.v .!.,,. uv ..-....,., ..
tin- begmnmg ol the century te 1 'V' ,- l on, 'V 1h,'oiv 5 cnmh i'ft.M'Aiir if tbrv w-,-i i -,-- an c.i5V umtr of iU wx. j.Mt let h:m p n
th.- 1 tre.s pr.son w a. cIomsI. llu-n it h?: -?"l! :i .v"un? "? wUo:u . , ' ';,n"f ", h u iJ; n a j;1!ul f M. hk.r and -ot fcJd
opeucil to rreiMvc the HeeemWrtst.. the ' r'L1' wlarnH. rendors -o l::md j caa.-r a ,air of mid -at "Wildcats T .lr . ,.K XQll ,,. a p,,,,.
tlowerof nobhtx. wbtihad l-s ran hanily feci a pul-e or a a j remarkts.! the gentl-sm n in eh.rn. a- baVk r.-r.kiru an ! lo a woman hua-
Junntic, WavfanT who pv- by at
midnight oniftinn himr hi- irihiM
rno- and maniacal lauzhur, ami th-u
lh'y -luidilT and iialctj away, for th
routitl on which thv injad HcHr-fi.
in aoolluT catnntt-. d, jnjf -oRt!mt-
tln. :- a woman wlor uiniiiij j w t
rrcal a ny?TV a- the maw ; th '
iron :na !." Si'JnT th il-r nor hCi
fi'' kiiiiw fith-r hur i:m
or thf otr' of li;r cnn;. h i. a
n:il"T. amf ijoUiIji iiHre. AVbst a
trrilk trajrfdv nnt-i lh hidd(,jj m Uat
woinsa- h. an if il ilJ n-xi.
r?r-N-. wnitm t i.u.itr.
'fhi "Hiatf- an c"l! tire tjari-
Ion- am tin-e ,y,al M aha! imnajr. .I:v wir . oobummOj Uh,. j j ..j, o,. ihjU kt. . niM wtt r- J- i
TiiM and a half ftjt by foir and a half drtj;nr Jrom tbfui. ami ta thy bock V1 , . . , lofi (hr t rmoirr hur is rfv umc
fat- d-u m wnifS alltllr li:hitrij:- i roor- Jarr Si'k- har Ujrn h-fi v ta wnnKi " f""w ''" tH wori: be ii maVjoc f Uu- Vkb ,
rh-throm:haMronly-bnrrwr.Hi. T'M'. irr adtutKKi to tbr ral In tbvv tb U .ndrcd. wbrn in a i probabdi- lbr j, bf .-htUlm. ooiy, f J
tvall nip-am mol-itur. for :nr- .arthlv brlh ar- immurrtl tbr primmer ' b f'tccb-a-l U wrioitbtl by tb IomI h t-aSt rm ao will tc tat- car of k. i
n.tarti in- uiUa-nuiit rta n .-Irawr mat- t kairt! o! Uir I ma iYamunt, the aa. m? naa o: oi ijaj: at m- war g. tbroi it hit 'br rcirarr of tlb?
tr- awl a thin ?Mt. a jti'. t' jrajic Amh1 U death -jncml in ibrai tb lat nbra tbr rojlW' ;int lrmg eooojgb. , -cor b. aad wam it in jnjrt lr
of a rami, and a iai! .xhtrh rri- for lor-of t3ir !rf. i'nr rat cntrr by A -ro:uajt musX xUjw lr i roL'aaLr ami ac- h. 1 will et4aia fcr '
an iWo-r4 anj remain tar. uar an t
nrnt- Ini-airof a i!a-. Mireay
of Uiv darL jdau-j. of tlu: yerUi. ir-
id nf'm cold and d.tiu;i. :wtft Jr un-
pa kalh fotd. I'..r. rca wor- than
dttjtt!j&, a.l fiuln- and jriMii. W.
tbr Mlitudc to Hhiob tan jirfc-mrr- arc
eaodcmu.jd. for the fortreM fn ornni.ri
on At; riect c.-Hnmr -y-m. Kvcrr
jk . oc .ri'-auuo:i j- takn to prevent
Ihvm irom rcmimiti.raiiM? with .-ah
fHJca-. 1 n.y n....r im-t, m-rr j;ea!.
io.-ach oth.r. arenotirivt, allows! to
cxunoHzcao mut ;M-r-. a , jj-tir , xajt-rtuj. if at all. ami th
warJc i-:r..Wra -vrn- jn-nal-, .., . OB hi-b th-v lot j h4h
k .i o rolj a jwun. wiwmrr inuaii-
lHjjk.',r1an.KVBt. lopi-nrni hirnfmm
obUMmnfAvorort:.f rt-Jiiata.n.iitlHrhj
ca olcry or collitm. lac iur:iLe ar.
male to lhe pjll t:i couples, and
iu pr.-oiifr pr o.itr irom d::i!iiitn(i'
tKrti cjtcn o her lv kiioci oi
w.dl. cAcn- nltrrn ..!! w flW a!u.
d or occupied by n
gciMlarmc. (J-e a tlay the door w j fr'o-rcd nrc.i Sri (.jviH.n-! a ' R an U" "" d,v WrJ uuh :,li ulv'f '1'h, Ja
opciiwd and thu waid.-r -inif, u in- t,m' w,. tmm a c-aturv lM-himi th-- Sl,,,i k""l' lui,'u J. Jlc-c smile, and , eaten nw The jr-oj.w like be.t b WHAT ARE VE HERE FOR?
iaksbiuat by a ,.,.. thu: it j, ib i .,, , f , 'hri..ndom. tb. fi-rrihlc -trr tI"9 3CI n";4,,t ,ooks:. 'n,,,T.v nn' tvtt bl4Ha R,ld fal T"- " " ' . urM. !., u.r ak.-... ... h,i.i
i,D,,fi rrH".VTT ,S.,,V,m,-T l-' ri5Uhntcto!ila, lott-cr appvar. t;m .o;.. than o;.-n slandr. clotkw. whuo rc m-hM np witb an ..,
from hi Httlc I.h1 and Jol lows h tsi-:.i ,- i .... tl . . It a Irrna th mr to lo an ftl.i iniini iorvi Ottr s.1 ..U nr.- muld ,. . .., , ..- . .
lodiniu mu, b- narrow van!. " ' . .-n, ,. n. ui.U..w. ud bat for m" d 'T ) k'"' ' f ' h" of -Mil bom .. ad arc 'UunitV ,w ,wK h.., ,te .
licnuii'Ml m f y hirli wall a- lo ...! i;. ..rlriwilant vatch-do', of tlw 0,M',,, wh" c arr.e I to lninketi j d,, U hoe tb do ar v.n tralaeti n ,H ,K " B- l" 1inih
liKo Ilio bottom ol a well. linre lit; ' . .. "" r T ..i.i ... .ubad'. and who manuiru to ottarrtU . ttier nrv dtlveu wit!M.ut reiiM. -!' W bat t hfr worth Ua it
Tia.-c-to an.l fro for th allotl-1 Jnno. L ,..... ,. -u'-i ., ;.. with tb-ni -i days out of .M?vn. will . Ih.ils of mr coentrv am atnd aim. and if a. bat u that aim? 1!
tti --'lit I t
w...... ...... ., i - .... ru-
pl.j. yet Mr i.. err inhaWtxnt ofltscao-
I ..drt. - .. f"l . ... 1 ..-ll .. t . .
inai. n.-i imuHiih, .11 ra.eniirt ami its
! ciiriai'to there U tin i-o!:tt"on of death
i No 1 ook an alhiwc 1 in this Its ui-il
oitttnde. not even the l;:bh If a ris--
! m'r "'n religion- eono!atini he may j
look at lui ai'!t anl rnis- ht-. Uionjrhti
th a men inunnred in thee dark phut
oiHctinnsf ;o ma 1.
j:t i;li:n At.ivr-
So h om.-, to o,s i., i. (,. ,f i).
ettr from the inhahi'ant and Mime
other letter., which 1 .hall de. -ribe
laler on. that new from the ea.emates ,
doe. o(ftiou!v reach lb" outer world. '
i' iii in n.iiio.i ix' eaiied a voae ir :
' the tomb, f it thee men. like tho author
, . , ....-, ! r
ol the 1) Mil: of that name (redor i
hoMoxe.-kv). are iinried Alive." 1-or
"hthinir the tni-iner have the r.i i
l t . e . i . i
Him emiMA7..cii at mat. llencetne cell,
1 . t 41.
are :dwav. damp Water slrc.tnis ;
the wall, and lr-eze. iu
pools ott
liif Cold
the tliMir.
thai when
so infuisf in j
the tl. rector .
. I... i.: .. i l .. .i ... ii ..s
iai.'.s in. loinKi. in- never iaie. ou n;s i
fur tloak. and .hiver. even then All
that the premier. have to project th mii
selves from lhe terrible cold ar a com
mon -J,o p.;in eoat and cap. -neb a.
worn by the moiifiks Tie pa.s mo-t
of their time iti Inni- what eie can tliev
j do. pour wtet dies? --ami even there i
tiiev are wcu-ui":n iroeu io tie u;i. ior
bf.itlcs being in.utlieienlh clad they arc
"M,',-y Uh ,'ur. l,n' -,,:f sr- :l- ,or "ttK !
1' ,r- lh? J,:!V "J"-- "fwarin xvater and
:l lwwh uf ,,1:u'k ,,r,'a ' :ln,i ,,,ut',r; for !
j iiwii i iii- iijt- ;ii-u i iijis ii .j .-ji- (
j baev Mitip. a take of buckwheat bread
' I .... . 1 .. ... . 1 . . . 1. I
.1... ...... ....... ...... ...... .. .... . .. ... I
nin a Hi o, Kwa
a sr: of 1h t tiiatic
of wat j- mixed with bla-k bread and
lermcntisl. Twice a week tliev have
pea .oup in.t a I of c:ihh..c soup, on
Sumlny the oup is accompanied by a
morsel of me it. Ntir is the lood. cantv
though ii be. gotI of its kind: the but-
I , Jcr is generally rancid, the nieut iutrid.
J .. . ,
til illtkei
and th
nreatl oxcep: tlie eru.i .
d that when thrown ngaiut
, , , ,
wail stll.ks ,Ko im.rtar.
M"rn:i:iN; TO'M mTiivi.
In .summer the prisoner-nn little Ivt
trr oil" thau in winter. It i tluring the
warm months ihat St. IVter.burg. built
upj :u asinatie niar.'he., tlevelop.
its ttnhealthv ijual't'e.. and the hygienic
J conditMUi of the fortrc... the ghnmi and
; dampnc . of the cell., the bad ami in-
JMtlliciont diutary. the tloiru.stou aning
Irom siiiitar' coiilmement.
... , . , ... , ,
e.erv mtinvontoic in.iuca c .inc. renuer
are the
mo-t fortuuatti. I he metl'cal
.ax. the Inhabitant of a Case
is .ulnisetl to aa tctogeuarinu
who is . inttrm that be
1 i , t ' T, :i,f , ,u , i:"'Mi Kn,i. wlM-rr there i. no jnihU.
lfl wk to his den a., hileatlv h. he was .... .... .., ;..;.,. ;.,., ;. ...-, ,.f .i...
1 - t r r , 1 Tlta I lit tM ni.i -t nti thot klft.a ' '
! tl ?li., .-.-. """ ... . i.vv. it. ...... ..... r I -..-....-..v ,.,,, x-- ... Jw, .vl.ll.wt l. !.- .. .-.-- . . - - .
M'-wmi. i y.enie y i. ai..lrr tom-l:h
'" eOH,miHi. ;iiHl ili"n ran jaiail.
v . . ,
? "T " " " V4 lw 'm4 l4' J "''
' ' ".atr m !naitv or tenuinate
li by setf-nwrd r. Js.h. one of
toe men Who fhr:e-e I the bomSw for
,. . . . "-..- .V
4i'tT-i oa 4.J-W- t f; u nir :iir i
.., .. ..,,., , ., : '"' .". ... i
die 1 in thi. wrv cnwimitf."
I - ;
........ v.Mi, ,lrT- JH it. c,i nL-miln-.
fRKut-1 r.N a vlsmis.
borrlole as j. the condition of
l jo-ner
that of tbr women j. -till
won- detdorabb. Albeit, the ivardeas
"' nt .sunxed to eater the ciw
abm . Uto wotihra are often the xnciints
of bratal xinleare. Taetr liiods. 1'ke
tsS of U :nfe.Je tri.on r-s.
s--n-b-d every da by the tmkex-
lint thetv areh.w, UHirrvnvr. th .rc.H!. arc always I
fK-n. Nisther the nieii twr the woatca i
hx-r tbe nght to po-srv. a co:b or a!
-."... .muv. .-v. n llilii ut sv,-jl u. it I
picwoi snajv, JTie beanU or the one i
"- " . cum-. an "i
deUc?, , t.:4irerhTvS'!fnlr ,
S ".-d1"
fn - i- . - .. ;. - ;uuio.i eairn anvxv
In lIarri.oa -inwor:lis
rawkes there i a terrlbl-divterimion
of the trture" intlicte.l on the nrvh
- -- -.--.- ..
gua-ptnwler plotur in Ue Tower of
Ixtnd.m to make hhti c-mfess. t is
thirty years since I read tha: liook. but
I have never
story nor the
forgotfu the hideous
impression It tusde. on
mind. One
tlie ordeal
into a pit whbh eo:mitaieaP-i
wiZk the rivtsr aad at ihw of tidu
swarnn-d with loath-otae and h-rockm-
-(T rat. UVh tjer creature- be had
; hht a be fa. cnuW. and w
jhiIh?J up whim i na- in hJnhat
da:tr f b"iti: detofml. I k iot
think thjr do aaj-thm rtth -o U! a
mat j th fortn-s- of Sc JVt -r a4 t
Pawl, i-nl ihi-r do thitr loJ a- bad.
In tbr Tntbufcoi Ixi-tum tb"ntr ar
o-ll- lr-low tbi lvel of thi riir; bw-
rilde placet iuu ubk-h thr Mal?jrb;
nrr..T i-o-tratr-. TV -all arc
: n rnn mrr tb rly ninl Lit- the
j moT a tbiy !uej At wry wmg
j i rarly tts ar in fart a woiwnn
j of tb nauir of Takiinota. who had a
: lialn at tb lrrat. iobabUl onr of
tb- rat-hRntni -Ji. rbc baI U
, atch brr infant nih; and day to Keep
jit frota being ettlrtt alnn.
or tAM.EliATia.
veh arc the h.rwra of th Tam-
...j t,aiiliott. Tbrr tanr m loo
fc, ffilJl .., . 11 tJe j. 1 am
, Mr. ,v ft lhe tnAnWi lhjl .ji' are
, au1 -bumlAnt. l'rim-e
j Krft.Mtkhi; ami Su-pwak xfflnn tbrfr
j trwlh rtmJ iiarin' hi jier-onal cxn-n-
j ..,.,. v IMM,i,. 7 t ,,! wi,.. ....
, :. j rVmctnb-n-d what va ;iw
' ii!t.iiii ff tti ;iri rtl! Knriil.i.-Ll! lili-
-n " : :- t i r-
rfrtI ,A Joha jJuw-nV,l. and ".hi: !..-
I w ... ft ,, ' ,tu Wlth M c ,rni1rt Ul-,.all.
lrtJl- AI
ff II al JAllai Ulllt. 44tt ! - IIIAflUi ft ft-ll
, I? j., : ir mcnt.on
tha. In. Ii...rin ,f
lit iwht-)ou
llkj frir eriok. r4
i L I'-ter and M. Paul N !crhl partly
Irom Uie 1 -tier of "An luiiahit t:it of the
i 'aeiiialc".M psrth from ofn-r ottnea.
iaa .. . i i k - -AftikairB if AiaiKaf- a
llllltli'V 'ii'lr. Iteeinn
liir Self.
I'rr.eri .it Ion.
"My recipe for , i, -
crcie. 1 am a linn be.Kver in i-MTcioc.
1 will tell .ou my mode of life. 1 am a
very temperate man. anil hae nhva.
, ,, ;
and a-. I have a ')d con.tittition 1 sUih
t ...... n . ..
iccn no. i nave xaKcn care o: mieii.
joe uiiii nn; ;u;i-ii i iioi .- eo.
' ou mu- :iK
lived .o lonj:.
Von nm-t ak t!ic Almifrhtv whv I haxc
and how loiijr I aliall live.
l am ericct y noaitin aim -tionr;, ami
though I have nominally rc'ire.t frou
. , ... ... . . .
the law. 1 am ln'-v a-, von
ec from
rca.on I
morn.nir nnt!l niht. Anothe
am -o well i that mv mind ha- alw.i
i ti it
at .r
I have done .o lor lirtv
I lake
in iee-edd bath. dre.
ia a hor.e at ccii
o'clock, and ride for an hour. I
breakfast and work at mv hou.u
i .. 1. .i. ...!. .. l it i .
eictcu o eioc, wii-h i wai uow ii-i wii.
a d .lance ot four mile. 1 remain at
my olliee until three o'elofk. then walk
luune, and dine a! .i. At .even 1
sleep for half an hour, after which I am
ready for auyt nng. I retir b-tween
ten and eleven o'clock. 1 hmo dono
thi for over forty year.. I a'trihuie
mv ua:iiuiiou u nor-t!imcK-riiiug.
lla-.e I ever takeu a driiik,J No. sir.
l",'r-'.y-,'pt ' ' t claret at tl n- .
mr Like I ere Hy acini : he I imi.t have
m-v y'hiu'1 "l "H"- XN "v. bramly. I
m ;ni ii ti I. ui l.l.ii. ik.iltl 1 ui'ill I
touch. j
..... I ? . . ? . . I
.... ..... I. .. .1 ... ...... .....! I ..........
"Myadice to young men U
eigli? hour, s'eep ever ni'ht
. get
d- nk onh ehoo
tte. i-ofleo
tml tea.
I'he oimg men of to-tlav are to 1 fat.
Th-candle can not bnra at IhiUi t-mU
and la.l long. I hac never .mok.-d
tiuccoin anv .siuti c and iit-vor wrll.
. .
lo as I have d-mc. ami y
you w.Jl he
robably at
!roii Ht iu'it.. Mtnl Tir.iluih v -i! '
tin..:. I
t" .. "r-- ' ' I ". - 1
. o eiocK
Mr. Vield was at his oniee bu.v with ! tir1 infantile d.T ha. in litiplie J
..!. ..f I.i. evil M.. ,.. i,w.iuta round hah doen. And tf he
lore thu legislature, -rue Jodu." j, ..
sanl. -Ls fnvotvil bv a great numbur of
lawM-rs. Thcr.-afo .ome old lo.iow..
to be stir . who are o; p ,stl to it. What
tiiev want :. a large Iibrarv. ' hev
sivm to think that a end code i; an .if ....cto.. .Ki in- ,.i
14 ft )
metns. it 1. a conden.atH.n. and j. cal-
culatitl to av much labr and re-
"' :
i, TK... ..l.l i-u-r.. . .... 1... 1
in -w "oi , tvt.' 11 in. it -vim ti
on.. ..vr.iij.. u.i.iii-. i.vignioit. e.i Jieu
the blo.ul of a .mall party of gentlemen
ta...t i '...... ,......! i ..:.-!.. ... ..t -it ..i
ve.:erusv or -mnng up to where tnev t
M iOTCjt with a xague fear that
.. i- . , . i.i ..
the u ettaor land inaa aught have th
nointal. o,.e,W T.n.t..r hi. .itrt,
.... u,u , - 1BUtUt. I
, .: .. A . '. v " . '
. ai,V im7 rr.,m u?att - UH -l" K,H
J.t I Ot a that. I caught em tltf J3
r . . --. .
ta ten auis u. wtsfc. iftc re nt
..... .. ii ... ... . . -..
i;a r.r.iie nw. iae nir.i-j i- me xmc.1
cne I ever a m iu life. He wvtgh;
twrnty-threv 5HMtmh. and Is thr ficrosl
cat ia toe Slatr. Whew! but he's
sa.x critter." j
"How d"d vor: cau:ij tha?M askrtl t
Duaiiicr of Uie p.trty.
-Tracked 'cm into a atg boilrr pia:
tree ami cttloroiorntrd 'em. Wal,u-.
tbry wu the iaot a-unlsin-.l animal-,
viiti ex er loaketl al when rker ftmiid
tbezn-h-.v; in s ii t.- t.!" .
An wildcat. TiUntlfal up vout ,
W aX .
-Wal. re-, thar's qnile a numWr as
oni. i aau a taaie one once, ne wa
" hTd -a I
asd hcM ctl right over aad grab it at
ore jump "
.1.. t .trr.rv.X'.) s: ...... 1 .A.7v- i
. .. .V--..V-. t-"..'. ..uuuvi .11. .l.v v -
3 . Rn,.e-orx , cil I0,e s131: l
ior.x uoiura. anu ffiej .o wgara ax?
street actiastntasccs as defce-yat at
prox-ej: appreciaaoa : te beauunxl.
6arjA Diich.
- - k. MIdktk
Km f ttit TriaU tod TrlbulatUii That
tJi- rIr x-t l CoiuM-tnI to rtw-rfol
t tlr.
I a 'Jrradfiii li-rfhrr to I a wooacn
3SI do tr ba4act j j rd hap.
!o tbu Cra plarr y m'rr ot ; !m
wrl!. or eL tob'ti oobo!, A mas
uaar !" nrtr so kowtr ami ;'iJ b- fo
alar. Wnkkr- ocrrr u lfc ot t
bi, fa. ,.i U br k a hi- mHKh w-
l-o ly Mo4rsL. :u ami if be dk wnaLU
usm! on bt f(rulMad bi frirttb f-k of
ki mnnv ran?. m1 k -fHifM? Ji.-
orurr. nrr r.a r tnn jjh- i inxxra
nttbmcjri. a-ta-btoQUrmnod?. anditi
mu povir if br ba.- a vhiaiaj: -kU:
riad bV m4 Manage :o lo-k t.
no nuitt'-r bow ar -h ma fx4: h r
' dr mi: bang jtMt .. a:d imr U
mo, aiway-s Le jntb--. an1 brr b-t
bntt.j5 hi-a in pl?Mr. acl Vr Unjir
alwa.- rk-aa and tboct b nm n't
s ""' lr trumo Ir- . :
?U. nor :oW wni-n br mad.
h can't i out alon lrratr bwlie. j ,fr wo ar not timi to th t. for . -m4
l- jrotrrtod: 4c enn t jtt any- ih nk f t'r wv an areoua ibrY
aberr wben .t ri, U-j-aui h-r hair j wonJ 1 not be st k. ' j ha Imt
o"l -ay fr r.u- and -h 11 jret aud ur i. Wa' -oxXAvtrs k lat- It
an br ieitM-oa'. and thinjr; hr can't ' t, .-r-. nmurliz' : war. 1
u' ' "ca,w; '
t'!I their : aril w.-nbHh vi! 1
fcwr n hoc: :h .oa: nii srrhmn.
" "? f mat'- l-".c that would
b- i an I "o cMtrt mr. U-
raiir-f th t
wonid not U' wouianh.
! ." ;-' l' ;'- '
' '.J it i-. n.-ti ;-iIob tin to tai
l;" iu an aiimr of .-pirst over th
mii 'h? woman am! caJt her that "poor
ohJ :' L"
A woman intK niarn rich or he
dor. n't marry well " And to many
ttcH" is tlie cml and am of a worn n'
cM-tenc". juljnn from the view which
warmer - t j:o i cuotin ior mm.
(There i- noih'iiir -aid alkotit hi-, bo ntr
... i . t . i
pi d cnorh for her. ) And the en-.i-
ei-e me oi.ape oi ier iioc, ami r-"ite
anec lote. ol how laz her randlat.ier
f wa.. ami lowhirAuut .aily uc! to
e and buitermilk. A woman
mii- w-ilNo. L'h(oL on No. S feet,
, pcupic ih siiinai aar i un- iwumt. ; enouirn trom Lin -now ami tar iw make a point of protHnsoir lo hi ta
il is rvc n b h! buj.lie.- whom a daUimr we do mt like -the nabvh: ' nin ... rl.-wi .!7.-.Jl j. i ,
! woman mam ,. IVh- whole n.,chU.r- Hll v ,ke our eve. burn hkr ;(U " W uf ' uI
Ik-xI put Uu-ir head together and talkVv..ohl dro out of onr hmik 'iVe tllisr,l poao-Uiair !U thm luirr
over the pro and con., and decide' Wo momh. twiiirht U the motf nb-a- " V'bnt h yowr cottrifWiHi of a man'
ami -ne iiiii!i miiiiage io ore-. en on jirm. M.orl arm-. tlHT Were, ami pe-Miventy-Jire
e nU a wek. and -lie I f uliurfv Ill arm- of tlie !;-
tlllUIll Ikl t HUI ! k.i4i fllllt Iki L'llldl '
ui she imi.t be kimi
he imc: -o n-j:ul rly
to the pfnir. and
io i e ewm"; ciesy mceiiu;r-. anil ne
lea ly lo dre.. doll, and mnkeudic and
: pmns fir ehur.-h f.iir-. Sne uiu-t ! e a
good coik, and -he niut be able to "do
ip" her hu-band . Hhirt. . that tie
Lhinoi-wa-herman would gttun with
envy and gna.h hi- teeth with the ame
u ihoh nu.-ion at -ight of th -m.
.she mu.ta'..vay. have the ma.culine
button- of tlie fami'v -ewel on .o tuey
wi.I neer come oil while m ilo. and
s'ie tif.t kii-p the hosiery o
th it nob nl would ever tut.tru.t there
Wt re hole, iu the .tockmes while they
were o::. Mie must hoi. I her.c.f tn con
.staitt riutditn-.. to hud u;ury thing her
hudiitmi h !: lo.t- nm!
a in:n never
know, w here to find any thing He will
put hi. lionts earefullvaway on the
lor s.ifa. a:nl when he has hunt -d lor
them half nn hour he will b nly np- j
pear lo hi., wife with a nnn :!
iM- .t.i n-ii"iii" niiun iui i-uiniii ;
' "What in thunder he ha- done with
hi. boots." She ni-.i.t shut all the
dooj aftor her lord ami master, mid
t: .: .......l i .:......t
bkewi-e tie bureau tlnwer.
ri -tl man neier known
for a mar-i
to shlll a ,
drawer. It would lv as unnatural for
a i
hen logo :n wimui ng for recrcathm. j an. i,..hop.. areh-prie.t.. priest, den
h must go t. be.l !lr..t in eld , ,.. n:ul ,noflk.,. jjie ur.e.t! an all
- 1. .- . , .. .... oil... !...! .......... 1 . '
we-.ner. o as i. get yie teU warm.
Her hu.lMtnd. if he be a wi.e m-11. ,
I'ernsk. hit 10 no ins. yn. no. nm j
''" '-j lu" V ... ,' l--'1- "' l"' 1
Il,-r- ami wads twi .c mis got .110
",l,,"l, lo n f0,,rtll,, t"mP,"rai""'-
?." "-'" ". e 'r. " v "
kiTit r- r- irritii iti-otit-tt-i;
in the trade
of living
together. I
to take i
",""i"' ' -vi -
.. ; ... ...... 1
, ,.r .... t.t... ....... ...
win 1. in oiu niv mu ..-!
HI'-- i
doujle. up the colic or t rials ofjchur.h
Lcwttttig twin. . r mc neces.-ary ev lis 01 ,
niump. and ni-asit.. and wt,o--jmg-
f"?n -ri-.crer anu rasp sm
'" V ,' ', . , .
' tre leg. and p.nss-j. king into him ami
too inueji iv ami a o in lemner. w ny
1 . a 1 . . !-. .-
; s,..,-,.. .-..- , ,. .... -v ...n .
J-l -he w.uhi try aodstiiet herbaby
. mi -i 0. 1 Ta&ii 1111 1 tn- a. -...i
ar.'i ne .a. 11 i .. a 11 :i" uumgm -or
t . 4 , ,
was rspoa.stoic ior h uring in
i unisfano-.
W might
on indr.nit dy with the
tnu.s t
leuig a woman, and ' k
elf and -cti how
like- it. .
Ch-r rn.w.m. ,i,. In the u.od
.' tern.l saons
Mi? lai Krarrr i- an fetrlllgeat
little Hsijaiiais trookau. twt-aiy-nea
yars of agr. She relatr- thai .&? wa
bora ia tiie a-rtbera -an of (ireciiaTd.
and hed A ere natii ..hs wt ritvi
vrar- oi age whin nrsMrt- Isariag
v ". . t
W;r flttalrT o I
calgrated there oa a deg-
rearbed her fntnvr of tbe wsr-r.
elxTtd. the fami-
dcrg-Jcd. Irtair
ber tav oi ivr xear- ia IxI-bI e
. . ,V s. -.wT .-.i .t.t; ..i -
anJ learned, among other ih-B-. of
j AXTica aad ber p:t:
Having a great d-sjre t
to satisfy her ;
cunos:v concemxag as. she caxse xi-rJl
f Icelaau u BrifiA Aiacr-
-- Ha,tcrn cowl
pia bo ! hoasi s- aj cxai-
iry. We pre t i-bow r-Jo hard
bricks andhxriid a tcor-shated ha.
Irjsjde xvc hne the. a-ails and ikor wi;
lasjdc x.-c hae the. wH and iloor w
i for a
d -or which ia. h:rh eaocrh for a c&2d
" 1 - k -- -r h
. .. . ... s -... . .... . '.. . . 1
uaauy raas 10 .-uaa.iu. 1 o a x.a-. wero ronea taterrsiUsa wbca nsitinr a pen. s4staad
yKx-ia- repair see ? -.-uy t-oanrx , xery anrent Ufcafc Cinrvh ia Uiro. lastiropy. -Jirw
c. u."wi .ufcrf .-. . mt , -tcarti a,-i. iTetrrrrt tsv .?ZiL.n a ior nnocrtar ir
curb! rear oW br- Ui o ia tJ rt. '
Wr banc a fr rtxrtaia u- ai ikv wp-jfo- i
iaT. WV nnkr wtr Jirv i thr caatcr ot I
U Ktw-bo- Tfc ttrr arr ma2r J
Itttt sort. il a4 lcw, lor Wv bav
un w. .v! iii mi Mutrn oot a imtrh
a caatrfc. 'jr arr arlni w it a
fesCbot A'at ar vt-t -a?rr ad tbr
man cbo om"a uttr pooidrri wU
ntf. TTk nMOBe frJiM lb tur i tari ;n
Jit; b iu xad an we r- oil uotr
to !nt orAoawVo noai -oal Htro -. j - m
. dm w Wft iur .
, .t,, tmd H u frs t oar
! fact. A bWr bt nty roooitrr Mora j4wKt
' of utL iut e Ud. b- tv Uaml. tnv k-ak
vsl ), Wc bmjtt is to rtMte:r jV
, mm mrt t4 bti mk. If k fc i
' -un.:ht iryio U ber br k KUbwl.
i far if br ; t !bban tootH u -luitl '
; hrr tbry ie tmb; bar saoii to
takr rVv oi br. .Ar b? b onrrStHi
! K,.- l0 arir b.' h-r. If b- dv.
kc i Litltnl. Wr btr no iviioo in'
mr eomacry. bt nvvkm-s a jkh! man
i will so to a rowl piaer. a bad man to a (
f d ulatv. o : kincl U iirh tilbrr.
tbmk it Mrb: nni call rpjm
U hrn a wan ilr -Uri Mm ww
fa u,. Mli,n- aal hw ;ftfr tHh bia.
; -i will explain fr yi bow wm bant
in ksv ro:tLrr. Tbr jm km wbaW
! w-Mbii-N. In4.r kimI omU. Tor tkst
8an wb -t.. W h -jitrar lni lb- ani-
i uial 'rt- th" -kiU. and the nirat i-
Of Uc- flir.-. a oho'.r lawi' klepiaea
I JK. , jr n tlitXil Hre-, aj.tjr ,o mak
j the f:ir into a -ck ami erawN into tt
' Wa he want, Ui -ip. Wr idrrji
, v.hrn we are sleepy, and iat wbr mm
j Xre hun?r. Onr niffbt-umr !afc fur
.x montit,, la:t we a'war hare hjrbt
i tuit turn:.
-'.Mv iintdi'
no UiJbr limn a
,-hild of ei.'ht It. U
fHtntry. aad tbr
to bro.or MXty yeor. of
climate.' concluded M'
( K rarer, weaken., iijr. It f verr
. warm." And md.ed the Utile lady
J worn her hev,5 hort. epoinc hn'r
i ipiiiuan men arv ittnujrhtur. tro:n U-m;
1L?u,i lllun.. .Mo.. Krarer. he.trht.-. for-
ty incho. her weight one hnndivtl and
twenty jMiiiud.i.
M-u..i .l.,l ..... ?l.;..V- ,.t it... ...u..w!
.. '! .. iitiiijv mi WM- j..-..j..
of th:.
country w hen on lir-t aw
it .-"
ii'iii ' wa. asKiMi .n. ivrar-n.
"Oh.'' .ihe teplied. they looko I -o
big they almoNt ?rae m- to death
and 1 wa much frightened when I
.jjr.. ,awn black woman. 1 thought
! sj,. wt- verv dirt v."
V. KrnT hn. sent for Iter
wh are in Iceland tojosn her. Vtn it,
tttU hn fttirtr.
--.- m m m i '
intere-.tlns lfrrlilla tr n iCellIini Op
K:itlijtlmi l'li.ii.-1-liliic In K.'I'l.
The .supreme heat! of tbu Coptic
Church is the I'atnar di of Alexandra.
who. however, live- a
claims d r. ct apostolic m
at Cairo. He
' "
ttfWiotte lliHr..iiii IrniM
. .. . .. , . . ., .. .,
N- Mnrk- th f"m,",r ,f lhl T
'liur. h. -aim i- daimc 1 a hatln- l-en
the tiri patriarch, and wh i- lirbl in
the .imc reveronce. as i. accorded bv
.!, 'v...,rTi rt.UT-,.', f , is- P.rf..r
..- --v -- - . .
The other Coptic 0ccle5iat.tit.-al order-
..jHttsl in ma-rr. lit the j.striarra
mil. u, a Ct.h. . n j, iinaM
cnowl . either bv his u-vi!rcfs.or or eh
br Jot. fnim among Ue toon of t!r
t. ,unl ,.f St. Anthonv. Tm-r- ar
twelrr Coptic Irfshoj-. aad thrpatriarrb
- .
nomtuate- ttic Aie:roiv:itan of auv-
i ju'.uu.i . n- 1 iMi. :ire 1 friin. Kiitae -
et.......t. ..... r- . i...tJ .
ftr .ll.ftlr ..,.. ...! llAM.f..ltt ..f M It ..I....
.... .Tf. ,, .. .... ..-v.-...j.' ..1 ... .lit .mu. i
Christian -ect.. ihnr principal tomH-- '
1 as-mnlate wntn Uic ol the i.atiu
-1M .....
1110 ncKiiovviiiifc M'vun o
enjoin nitrieiilar confession '
and cxtr -mt-unction. The latter 1 ad- u Lrrp in t m- i. w)toaa) Araoyoroi.
ministered not only : person- at the of a baiiTcr ."rt iadhinal tat. awr
oiutof d-ath. but J per.on xvho hart prefer. Aad U th. Jat coatplrxjua all
!oae mct penane- after di- commit ' tm-ir diaVring vrv.-i mtK Aaally oume
sion of grievou- sin. Kril spintc an a grrdr. uarupukHi nod rratufSM
exorci.etl "vvJtJt candle, with Hik ami lo. liiniM.
with bell." In orlrbrafihg the 11.A , W'uh tlie lout wofl . tar ram -a-K::hari-t
bacnci i uvd. whief I gbenei Cbristaa. a alrendr It.-
ctrcom to- on e a'Ynrl ah is au
dit fca u bapti-m ly iasmrr-ion.
I tie frwpjent -ers ie-s of the I opur
Twrrh are coadcld ia modem
Op ic. taa: i. to -ar, ia (nk Cop:fc.
wl'jcb, a though ivi spokra by te
monk--. nnd-rUod bv them all ikit
the tm- Coptie. tb- Jaaguagr i tb.
rharorth. . Htcrally a dead tr?gw.
Kthr Vaab. w vMtcd Sioot m
17X states that be tber- had tar jimr. "
il7v. of ...-nr tl. XmT t 'mi rlw
motinr.Owwl k. . l3.r-, - tot
wriot k was in dx. I Wag rikSi x'
..., , . . . .
od. ami x'rrx denf. be wo, not obir U.
giie hi. v.or mora M-.2ki! iaforrmi-
ton. 6omr porthm- of tW -rxvt? :
Hb as tbe ijwi. are Or red 10 '
t optic aad iIms; Vvwlaiani ia Arab a. at
ocrJer ibat k caWh. br OMir-iaod lor Ion
pdoplr. J
., - - -- . . . .
Natraly. the liro of tbe iaiatis c-c-; God." jc tbr ana tad bo-fcac ,4 bo
cwpy a Urgr pbv-r .a Cops? Irterator-, l was hR. romprxsc- al that i rnal ssid
aad lbj place of hirae htmor. rxt j god .a cuitarc aatl prtgrH- Whil o
U Kierxsod Virg n aad . Mark. i ae- 5
tar-tl to . t-rrg- vhtjrr ta t-K t
rral rt. tirge. Eigbsad'- s.tro -ouA.
or U Umt m! Crrort. r.J-o Lora ,
CvppadtKSa. xrbo beaded
the Arista
brsy jo AKxaadnau aad from twac ic l
fimt- snj.edjyd Si. Atiana-u. i- iot j
Whxdi of Vie two b rrcrl b- tb!
Gat, 1 caa n w. ButlknwWarri
-i-scroosl ol LaUn naa-. who. lik oar-.
-Hres, were do ng a Iktt.; hi-ag.
Fhe k-sd old norsi dU :hc 1ar of
Us? : vrith chanatag toartt-n. trrca
ih khhia xrith eh-irm!o & e-
a oicc hi rjTTli!ii i?! r.ri. -
M-lJ7rprffi ,-.
. - ao mu o lit a r ..o "i r t i:'-v- m . 10
Jo iwntor . -y .
Its Urn w to al i ! kX
Tc ie iMibiatbtr-r tir
7W tpr -r r- tn own,
T lLc towtr toil' trr'4L
TV trtor b tb wh4 .
Vrb Wn itb wrt M v fj
.14 wHr a ar "& -ti.
,K utnX Hrtn k rt Ubxf jWViQXt jux
aw BVtar tor it
S4MT mmm tar hi
a ntor L.
Tort hMAoo Ow-Ur brvn tbr jhoS' eat ti.
Tor Ur laput rm ML
TVrr.WXM iTt4 oT
TW tatxotf ibrt fc " woK.
A4mk -- M mt a to 41
TW tr awnqr rorj,
(.war to tar be brirf
Aa4 a'oa a ti krr
Ab K rc om I 4nbt.
Awl 4efr4 amt Ukat .
1 -. tt so to m4 bcoa.
.vnrf fa root jot tw .
Hy aaabrr j Cb ni
la !. OfCCWi OM4 '
'm wow tocM olb ;- k
Ao. tbb-ii, mwo !ia
mo o oot ft rNttannMor
W.tb knut of h r ok.
WWb 0 onoer aoo
til orf r frooi au to oa2
Wttb mo o4 ! br OMHO;
Ao4 hu tbr Titmnii b oo
i OMi OM dr!i b IPQH;
1uma oooiotuM iib uoa;
Ht ftfr n r-r.t tic bto HMl.
to w 1 4 Wo,1 ftra to I !.
S' U. rrcrir oiurb orato
tfr row - 2I ow-o roo
AoS Ur v"v Wfe om
Mh. fii .kro.'nlm iiB
- tin a .V Fm.n. ot l
maM "
,WU life be 1ho1? 'IVm and tau-
u.r uiotmojoi an vor onratas u
1 .. .a
of our timr. Tory ar tlwHiai Hpoa
aad di ujmmxI a. arr-r befiwe. and If
tliey were alk4nlrlr now oteiHia
Wv bare an Arnntttr nronaiataarr who
pritprr ba ar- in tb wtrki
Ail tbr W Mry rttrkttto. It wald
?eem that th- mpl'. primary toat
tera. l'loap.ajf toibr very aipbaort of
kaowjrflgr. ought t bane 1nq setthd
lone ao Imleed. lbiw plain U4V
eal!ei 4' do repinl tbt thai
mbpo't- a -rttb-d. awiare t trimbbnl
!iv Nrbnt! kHtU conct'mlaj: theo.
l.t the H'ttmittiti oJ oor tiar. tbr
ppnl an-Un-rar at -eirne.- ami ktVer.
n. ; on rniliiae ut all our irN, of
J l.nolnlrt- to eaim:ie their root.. TbT
re eagerir iUvnutr in Ihhh;, tmni-
...!.. .: i . .. ' .
pai-i, r'H"w Rtoi newiipjijrr. t.tors
whthw'ere lealrd ttko. tf ma -
hatt.ted. by mir grrat lorlalbi Adam
Tb. ii-aoHi, aln. U mt frUn.k The
new r.vatarof Atbrtsiu hn bro;bt all
thi dtsturhaner and del-ate. Th- urn
lerbihtte bibr(obv. Uint ot tiHlra
fibnre. irojHci .We for thtu pirif-
lug the i-rv MMtulnte and xudiii of the
iu-maa iuU-'brcm-e. Men who rrdre
al) hi-mg mt simple matter ami law
pre obliged, of cfinrr. to icrus the
ancient ami neevjUed unnM)ii alxiut
man ami life, ami to giv Minte new ac
count of our presence. ptjr"..e nttd
doty in tbb world. It a brl tnok
Utr them, rod one wbb-h they iril.
i.rrer fata-fartorily aeooutp)ih. To
Agjiosttcum our j4aee ami boiocA in
the aatver' will f.r remnia a hop.s.
Ir-- rMbib. if tt sojiietbtat; wtaM. To
the ijtM-fttion " U bai U man'., aim h
life Agu'ttit-b'ta. s (nr as wr -si.
. u give l' mie an-overlo o j b
jtUiiMt. A-siiUMiig tbnt inaa i a aeo-e-try
erohtt on. with no hereafter
nd npon b!e tn no onr but hmlf.
be is 1 (early Wt free to folhnv lo. ovra
incliaalM-Ms whorerrr lion mav leol
'Ibt-rv . mi oao practtcal onimiito fr
aat st.trw of Atbrartk- pbikeKNibt.
am! that U the obi ir: " Ki. dratk
ami br inerrr." lJtfjerat eio4tr of
Ihi- -x-ti-m w Ik no doubt, but., rome
w iat 'dwlerrnt tunrn to pom-m 0.
erua w: tctl i tliat
( WT. the
. luaking the mo-t of onr's -( la the
-. - . .' t 1 . . . 1 .:...
hji ui itrricHHiiiien. hiii rruniiiM.tii u
.'Hi .lll. L'iil 1'-.. .l.JWfi--4 . M I tll-t HH'
tbjit genera! I'rxfrtks. tho oalarrcmrt
... ........1.. .m.1 l.U.k. ...11 .t...l-.
: imtrov-avut ol tnu rac. .4obi !
. ' . ... ... ..
tn mr raei motMn. AtHHltr w.xi
tint. rub nl atowthat tie bt thing tb vital fueioa bick have
lea jr"poe.I arr baptidy ettleL
l"l.ry arc at andrr adJ'lratb aad
beet to ib-bnte- To Iebrcr the
pbitonpy of kfe i catinHr rlxr.
Wbra the" apostle i'ani &? "Whether
wr I re. w live oaUi the Itnl. and
r.hrUKT w. die. wr die Halo the lmi."
be uttrr a sentence tkal make alt the
cir2a:wa" of Airaticim IttJ better
tbaa :br aeret rlth. Tbv W.-.t-murter'Calerbf42n.
that old document
wMrh ar verr miaor iirTfh. 14t
.NVwua. Wn a d-erring. agrs.. wkb
lal le-a k n-r the imnvrrtxl
hk4- 'lhe chief end of tnaa i in
gWiry (iml and enjy isiai firfirxer "
f tbo dhit.'oa wn Tbwwi. arlyh
t :.- tbat t nmbcilr- "the bigiie;
on-doxu of man yK attatanl CJnuttcd
to-d. e-jw.oUy tb ."rod of tb SSbb.
iWm 9 fr.. 1 ttr. ...? ...ui....-.
thot Hk. rlon aod ifl ...r tK !
,. . . . . , ... .,. t
prpcx atat aad
Um ajmre
1 - .. i
. bl ;a:n ; a pnarsjnl d order j
aatri t i.d rfaioa. z&A tra aa J
.-nd t.-os,ci of nrr.Tatkn 2. the
- - M - w -.- " " ' "-" W"W-
final ma! ad tiar- .f . !
- - . . .. .
it m daorabIe that to slorifr
the e ihrxe iM litn dsy I tylrd
'"caar-iricr baadtsg caa oair Ur rar-
aatctn! br a v(e oi nrutrrc ajl p-
townees of n Jurb ix& It tb cofraa
vjtal frse. It wJi,T--r a tbxtAd
rear iwacv. a A atcarn to dax. thai
nb eiect' tbc zral -ial' ci tbo j
; atxaran race. aa.rv btm tati-jr wo i: t
Iraioi in -Ir riJ of Jeu,Cbrs,t.
A for r rate irtxW1o. .r
srT gj?anjts n.'irvtm. aar i
iiad f-"J-wxn:g piii-J
j projicr grotscu t
jKjrpos ut
U t
tasks ti glory of GA out xi J
rad. It U ar'tfr aatol coavs to an-
drmoad the larioJabbr dignkr and
mvy-W xm-i r tL- i-i ml d
VaOoNtfktoM.. "rrsAo4 rA l . ror. j.rT ox-o!
; .r a.. . i - - wji. a.b &. dn . bp a o. ar- -
la xic ttbo?! of Ckriw ibac ptllittiro-
,asr. ldhv-tbWtetrtaLxte!1 I ! iW fertaia3r
iWrtmjdtWa-4 of tacjWHl
py ftti a fcutv !. a4 ilTh2 tRprca-
IMPS. I aiT 3BT .TTno wi 4rl
vartilt.c "i4aJlS, liah? t r
or tmnt W hlr a ib libil pswro
ratMio. !( of nww V t B Jo ba-
n-a4 l"CofM-rv " lh ty J I
It k )aorrmlnixr obsrrr bw lhi
fcllioontr 4 tn(-o)UiTt Aim rjMtoWr
Um boosUrxl bib ao4 dpwr tW nar-
nowoot ic. TW boct Iwot of4i a
aJ f tbr f- " t-icoaar a 7t ht
nr bro tcoi i I taw &rk a
ttVtsr brjbrt orooriko aa4 txsryo.
br w bo Wm Lot Wrro a ? " Ub
9b cImomt " er oUW S- jr
Uanxtn4y s aa,iU"ibttrafKj
a rbja rott
It yt furtbrr oVMotrir thai
tW (broAia pbiboiyli of t in ( tK
'.sv tnwpbV fml out mI lb prtc.ini
werVL TW Kf4rrraa' otxu -A'Ui
pnpyrsi fJraourt" b looooojomat
witfe tbr nrrrj m bin ' hftjr
tbwy Gr ori t ur mmonawt t
Ql7 Sa jptMHi rad'p UbldrS ta
brroBi H-iloo owe
l-o. oi ott rto M b4o aoAro ba.
to Otroorr oro t o TW
-.V T SoOO)uw.
V.'aich Thwt Toj?to.
hvbyoatr Voafor- t t dooj Uytn
IkW um oohS ao fur wtoVA ywu
rf -nondbir. V.oir arlrksar' Uanrur
atajf aord coto aloo. but timi ft thifU
bo4er. UV fc jMKl Ubot u U
pv'sr'.r atbootaoi to. Wobrb xtmr
lwCli i U atl wwlooiag. It 1 an.
aairai aoroatr - aorb U. U U a
loro " watrk M. h I a brim wfcbth
ruwlrw iho vMrl bM tW brttuamn
krep ! awoke. It roa WW or It
ran ror. H ra pub' no or brnl- it nan
an dlM ord a4 -Ha-ar rhr! fi-Mmd.
Watch UhU uoafMo No oor Hot you
caa take raru of tkat toayoi u am
itr aly rwbrr. Tuur uurbp mar
bofer m. .r w tab y on rooid Wroib- a. Ihi'i
tbry ran not cU U. Va have tbe hw
rr unhk that utfturoe 'llmt loun
boe gtit voo to tiva-'-br In
ma ttW H a4n ll 1 -t tt lira ol
bi) " tt buno up pear.. hh-tn.
n-pt4a4a al bofr U nBiMt Mot
bvys. wtntry itigbo. totvHtil ee and
beaay beori. If a toon ill b Itfr
and Mir kml1 da lis b4 b:m rrlraia (wiu
(fU. aad ba Uf tbol Uh-x k mi
tfude. WaarH aWt It k tW
lory f matu It;ut4r htm
frum brutes. It wa bought trb tdol
frutn the .s.n ot (.!. Mm ufeun K a
11 to. It fto'rtdd ok lit- o-asr. m
OiUfdoyrd it ta tlrgrade otwf tad
ioo an hi ad wa. " Wateh that twtdf.iw
"Totrre k awt it wrl ta tu Uout but
b. ( lord. TVmi knv el altofrthrr.
Far orerj idJH word wr mui gw ao
auaat in th tiny uf jtidgMteat. Whal
Hill br ib rrt-onl of tbnt UMiutri
Wntch tltat tiiugno' -ifoooW H'mIjv.
Few (irUtintts have bH--a nystomalfe
Hy traiamt U give. a tbey have U--f
traiaiol to Sabbath wborrranre or dath
devotion. Hiag. like nbn.t all
kauuva art. i more r b a matter o
bnlht. UUi all otb-T prai'M'worthx
hai4t.. ',t moti N ruUtx a led from youili.
Chiblrra 4HMtbi b a lii-rtrfv taught tc
boUl a ortka of ibrir mMtey Mtrrtnl to
tbr sma"!' of id a t n:v Ui bobi
a port bm f tbrir tint- sacrrd u bb
wr4iip No man wottbl feel tuttfted
in robfaa; toI of the oa day la et
on nay o: the trivial pntrxu h uhbk
tbry mb hla of a Jot porUoa of Uoib
mc -
itT. di wr l.'llcifr. wottbl tbey do It
more frejjwratly ia tlfc? one itwr than Ir
the oihrr. had tbdr tra:aiag bien a(!k
wfNot tbr two pobtt. l"b umtnamU It
tbr Iwbii' aj-ui Of fjur4jon of glvinc
art mutt) aad eplb t 'I'he whJe xpirft
of Ur New Tameut ltffjM fr e ainj
bartt jrM for the jrmUon of Chris
tian work al tbr ran of ChrUtlan
prxir x ah tb bay ibtHnU which
r mrnbra ab of Uibf raikiw uju
th- por. b aoxy we! b frarl Iet the
rvw f g''inf fall t. re-aehe iu dtMSi
reiiga4tb;i. 'ivbU Itmtn.
IMUxbrn wooid atd Ioitc rncmtcii.
if k with tiH aa onratT lo tbrir x-ic.
- -Krp tb homo &-T rXti1. I-tfe
it fn ttmaril th rnU.rr' lurtiic
Jtxtn itmitilimn.
Sooner walk la tbr dvirk ind trt
tt a prntai f (h1 ikoo tret in tbr
light of tb btigwirt itay tiwtt -rr
dawaed - C If. wrryrt '
We arr not eatbd Ut ak the Irt
to do work wbhfh br baa JT."" to do'
l oro-rrev. IMnrr f otn lb cvli of
bxTilne aoal "WWaio M the HUbia
bbb 4a Ur" car - Intrriw.
- Tb trrtfc -1fl xtoi r-t ia tbr heart
without prodartaa; gf'd reoaltt. It
mm) bdgr bt tbr r al d4niand
tag frttiOraAtr. but ttm-- i tbr oul fi
lgj ui wtarl Ua brMMlatpi.--ir
No oar ca rd tb l(fW though t
flTy wiUioot l-rig tmprowl wU live?
fact thai it one porj-e U Ut naldc
inea t a-ta.n tbr bigaoot baj.ptn.-TM,
And tb lraor of it trjorlung a jartl
to ksMiinm. U tltat it b atta.anij by
aetiag fax baaroay wth tbr rfl of (VL
- Ontlrnl t rut wan AdrvmaU
TVi btUad asd tbe cwaarulT ptrit
1 of rtili. frerer tMliog yMi that rHi..
tbino trii!le. and hAii
not de for tb4a. ai4 that gxf tblsg
artr iwpeoVb'. attd ) oil St-4 ' !re
for thym. Aad if yo JwbeTe tbe
tb a you will a4 on.o tj. k yojsr
rot. tlast Uiey arr t.oxi& i"i.
Tac trao CbrMa Ktr .0 thi
worbi ia tlur hup tf .brrUee m
Heaven; for tb Hfe bort. the .ubrrf
tfinrof thi wfocW ar ir-rt.VJi. U
i bixtj' mar be take tnm rt W
w ? lr-'
we noaM at to giJf ut
y . -
A pewa rj w . way uj D?
""? r"1 r-sgot- hi blgb)
prnr'' stad J ,n xur JwrK.
l" tb- liSCWH Jroa if ubl&"i 4
hw-jKX tie toni-hitJfi f tb- lrtsif
tH- iamrnt of th? arL i . iw
I Wood ?rife?i:r to ta- fcili pr-
of exbor. WJkx la tb4e brarts. lpbr
Um aad tarnw ftlm a too tey earn
&o logsr tev &-. Lts knMuem
- Acag CariaJiaft o zas?l proaai
sesrr ba. l-ra ghraa Utlhf diftpttary
. tamm X T a l.i..'.i liA.0 Ait. Ci ii.Ti
ea. tasU thcx brr irs h tixss-r of
---' T. v .... .C4tV. 1-1.JP.-
'ca. aik that by crcry errry
i fcror . br rrcrr k tl irvnt. r
orrsoong tavc fUacr sj jiKa ori-
fsror. br rrcrr jtrT5 dl irvjKrit,
artu vy ma cuz-, loa ogA ta
edocav ssd lin;Js a HMlij
Thi c6-kd Hcr 4 lb Srsik
xuule raaar asorbd. r!twarCl.rKo.
r who look for Gr haatl ealy I tJoa
H-ktaicir. aad arvrrt&mJc elmU
r Coo Vo oototaKav'ol "TV oaalor oooVUot
? fa tV ..o& Tw J- n'w
i : . Oari, w"(-ca 3ttu
t m. k kb o tir k, r tm. rr ihboi to. '
.w ...
- ,
4. .?.
r t-
. - .
i-i.- &?:-,
- r