The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 13, 1885, Image 2

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    Pp1, "$ fie
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9 -
i C. KOSUEX, fitter.
4 Summary of the Daily News.
Is tho Senate on March 1 a communica
tion was received from the Secretary of the
Interior in rvupont-c to an iiifiuiry frorn the
itenate csIJInjc for conies of certain retorts
f JnsjK.-ctor of the Lanil-tiRicc. which rein-iris.
It va stated, exposed jm-at land
7raul In Nea-.Meslco Involving the integrity
of the Itcsrlstt-rof tho Lnd-ilhcm Fnntu he.
ami persons in Mill hlsrher place. The. sutidry
lvil hill wm report-! and immediately
taken up for consideration, am! the -"hole
4ay dcvotcl to the hill. An amendment mi
sntulc- appropriating f W1 for h pul.lic build
Jnjrat Fort hcott, Kan., and after midnight
a tiill vm read a third time and pa-st-d. A
conference report on the Indian Appropria
tion bill Has Mibmltted. , In the Hou-e
lfr.I(atda11. from th-Committee on Appropri
ation k. n-ported by-It the Naval Appmprta
lion bill with the Senate amendments, recom-
cndlnir concurr-nce In Mime ana non-cui-irrence
In other. Mr. Mill moved to mis-
pend the rule and nnd urtotit tne rctonuion
that "tho committee appointed to urrunjre
or the hinuiriiml reremonb hnintr de
clined to xr! veto !fejireentiitives in roiire-,
their t.roie-r place, we will decline to take
part in uny of wild ceremonies at the ap
JUil." Thl provoked a lengthy dlcundoii
lint was voted down. The Iowa contested
election ae of Frederick h. Wilson wui
then up u"" the ,un commence!.
.After dittimr until four o'clock In the niuru
Intra rc-c. was taken until nine o'clock.
The Senate on the "A, in session of the
day before, rt-f need to recede from it- nnicnd--ments
to the Indian Appropriation bill and
also In-Med units amendments to the Sun
dry ;ivll bill. Alter further debate on the
indiau bill in relation to the Oklahoma land,
the b' liaje adjourned, nnd the legislative
!av of the 3d commenced, and the General
bvjtleiency bill was taken up. Tin Houi-e tilll
continuing an appropriation of f'WI lor
river and hurbor Improvement-, wni slightly
amended nnd pa-M-d. A r solution gf thanks
to Hon. (leorve F. Kdinuiid. Pie-Ideiit of
ttie Senate., uas unanimously adopted. The
cnalc then agreed to the new conference,
on th Indian tell, and adopted the House
provision in reran! to the Oklahoma lands.
Thl provision favor the opeiiittir or the
lands tn settlement. The Mou-e bill for the
rrturn of tho Oilue-e Indemnity Fund was
passed without debate, and the .House
pcnfin bills taken up for pasture. In
tho House a new conference commltteo
:im appointed on the Sundry (.'nil bill. The
?nue ieft2od to concur In the Senate
ainetidment to the Post-olHco Appropriation
bill relative to the ocean mall transport.
The report ol the (.'ommittee on the I'cii-lon
Appropriation bill was adopted. The House
flmtlly receded from its dl-airrecnieiit to all
Senate amendments, nud a- tinally agreed to
the bill appropriate., fui.toj.uo. The Ic
tfaiciicv Ajipnijinntlon bill ni received
from the Senate. The Senate amendment-
were non-concurred In. nnd n new commit
tee appointed. At midnight the conference
rcpoit on the Indian Appropr.atlon bill was
submitted find niriccd to At two o'clock In
the morning the House was still discussing
the dbngn emeiiL ou the 1'ost-ollicc Appro
priation bbl.
In the Senate on the Ith a committee
wns appointed to act with n like committee
Irom the llfiiise to Inform the Prethlent that
the two llouftc wre ready to adjourn. A
nio-oure wiin n-celved from the Iloue that
that loi! had pacd the Senate bill author
Izltijr the I'nldcnt to place one person t(5eti
Tal Cratitloii the retired 1M of the armj.
A communication wn recelvtd fiom the
1'n-aMetit uomluatiUL I'lve S. fSrani to be
tleneral on the retired IM. with full pay oT
mi eh nink. anil In open Senate the tiomiua
t'ou wan uiiiiiiliiioiixly -iiillrineil. The Scn
ute recede! Irtiifl amendment to the Post
office Appropriation hill, the llotiM! having
nirtecd to all c.ccpt one amendment. The
final conference icport on the lieflclency
bill was iKrel t. The Preident
of the I'nltcd Sti-.tex, Pri-ddcnt-elcct
nnd Vice Vro-idrnt-'lect having entered
tliechnmbt-r. tho pirldinr oillcer udiultil
tcied tlie oath of ollice to VIce-PreMdent
Hendricks and adjourned the Senate. Mucdle.
nnd Mr. Hendricks huinedlatel called It to
tinier In extra se-on The liotihc. iflter
Ik-Iii'Iii Mission all night, tlunllv agrce: to
ull thcappropiintlon bills ou wnich the two
liotise jiail been ill-agieelng. nnd after pa-
Incavotool thanks to Speaker t'arlNle. the
1111 retiring (Jencml (.rant was called
up am! pa ed. '1 he Ion a tontitcd e',ctioii
-ne was decided In favor ol Frederick. At
twelve o'clock the House adjourned Mnc die.
n.vrtct mmiiv.
In extra session on tho oth the Sennto
unanimously confirmed the l'n'-ldent's Cab
inet nomination. Senator Van Wyck offered
a resoiutlon that the Secn-tary of the In
terior be dliccled to lul'oim the Senat
whether patents have been Ismnsl for lands
irmnted In IT1 to the New- Orleans. Ilnton
House .V VIcksburg. popularly known ns tho
Hack bone" Kallroad. it -o for what uuiu-lK-r
oi acre-. tt what coiporntlon or
individual. whoe receipt was taken for
the h.une. when shjm-d. whether un
iiMtnl liM-an;" were u-ed to ha-ten the
pwparaf Ion and evt cution of -.lid patnits;
vhether the clerical toive emplo.v ed w orked
night- and Sundav o thev uilghi be com
pleted before "March t. what da they wire
remly for the 'mit-irc of the Pre Idei.t.
wliti ; nece-'tvexi-ted for iinv -"jieclal exer
tion to -eeure the r completion and -Igna-ture
bcforelheJthdaj of Maix-li.nnd whether
nuv thing wn done to protect actual c tilers,
in their right to such lands. .Iso whether,
pmviuii.s to ttieith of March, anything u;i
done or written i.i an other un
i.irncd land grants. The resolution went
over to .Muudav. to which day the Senate ad
O.vtlio Tsl IVesidcnt Arthur ordered Ocn
ral li.-ir.on under nrrot. also orrterinj; a
Murt umrtinl to convene in his case. It was
understood the action of the President was
precipitated, by a recent interview with
ttcncrnl Hnen, in which (tcnornl Ilnzcu is
reprcsentcl ns placing upon tlie Secretary
of War the responsibility for the lo-.s of so
many members of the Grevly party.
(lovEr.xoi: Wii-SON, of U't Virginia,
was inaugurated ou the 4th.
Dk. l)orc;iS, of New York, .said on the
5th: "(leneral flrant has had a red letter
lay for hint. He has eaten heartily, has
been out riding;, and sec'tns considerably
improved. Tho condition of his throat i-
o In'tter. howcvir, and the progress of the
h"ai.e has not been chocked.'
lKRSincNT Cleveland sent to the Sen
ate on the Mli the following Cabinet nomi
nnrions: Secretarj of State. Thomas F.
JBayarJ, of Delaware; Secretary of the
Treasury, Dnniel Manning, of New York:
Secretary of War, William K. Endicott. of
Uaiuachttscttit: Secretary of the Navy,
"William C. Whitney, of New York; Secre
tary of the Interior, I. Q. C. Iitnar, of
Mississipi; ostmaster-Geaera!, William
F. Vilas, cf WUcou.sin: Attorney-ltencral,
A. H. Carlaud, of Arkansas.
At the receat city election at Champaign,
111., license nud anti-license tickets were
in the field and a victory was achieved by
th tenipernnce party.
Lord Mxyou O'Connor, of Dublin, made
puidic apology for threatening to haul
down the !la from tho Mansion Houc
"whea the Priuce of "Wales visits Ireland.
AT San Francisco the Supreme Court de
cided that Chinese children umt be ad
auttd to ths public schools.
The tOrifce oa the Misouri Pacific lines
ia Texas wm seriously interfering with
traffic ou that mad. At Marshall, Tx.. on
tfce New Orleaa division of the Pacific,
vr three hundred shop hands wcrs out.
Freight and passenger trains were not al
lowed to pa point in either direction.
TK other night one of the guards at the
Jackson (Midi.) irioon saw six convicts
raaaiag of! trow the north wall, and began
tariag his gan. but wirfcout effect. The
taaael thnagh which they escpel was
ctarted under the floor of an old lisued
Jblacxsmith shop and was fbrty fe lone,
mmi tkey mast have been at work at it six
raevra mouths.
Ttac United State steamer "Galena" has
lcftjfew Orleans for Central America to
kcau destitat Americas railroad
Jaoo Dajj-T, of Danktrk. O., was killed
ato waatis the other moral as bv a tree
JaaUac aa4 crusaiac his skulL
Tta ke ia Whiteside Harbor, L. L, broke
Jsfitiwolkcrslfk Early ia tka soornias
th tide carried oft tho st-amlioat dock
Imdily to the sound. The damage is $5.W).
Numerous Teasels which had been fast in
the ice were badly damaged- During the
night a large schooner, the Lottie Mciston,
was soak. The crew were saved.
The formal setting of the comer stor
of the now capitol building at Auuin, Tex.,
took place on thetl.
Captain Cocch and nine other Okla
homa "boomers" were arrested in Arkan
sas City, Kan., on the 4th, charged with
Inciting insurrection. Each one waivM
examination and was placed under a bond
of i.-JXX).
Tiik New York Daily C;mmrrri'il Jlnl
lr tin entimate the aggregate fire loss for
February at $10,000, fifty per cent- more
than the average loss of February for
years past. Including January tomc-clV
,V,000 worth of property have been burned
up thus far in ItSd.
One of the last acta of Secretary Teller
was to issue patents for Iuisiana land
granted to aid the construction of the
New Orleans & Pacitlc Iiailroad. These
lands, embracing about TOO.OUO acres, com
prise what is commonly known as the
'Backbone grant."
At New Orleans, the other day, gven
prisoners escaped from the jinrish priso:.
The crimes of the convicts ranged from
murder to petty larceny.
A Chicago special from Winnipeg, dated
the :th, savs: Fanners of the province
! met hero to-day, many accessions Jiving
1 received to the ranks of the necesnioni.sts
and annexationists. Resolutions were
passed denouncing Iremit-r Norqusy for
failing to secure concessions from the Do
minion Government, and calling for the
redisricting for seats and an appeal to the
The Ohio College of Dentai Surgery of
Cincinnati, at its thirty-ninth annual com
mencement, gave diplomas to twenty-six
graduates. The gold medal honor wat
taken by Carrie Lloyd, of Indiana, the only
woman in the class.
Gkoiige Hazkn, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
has lieen disbarred from practice as Attor
ney before the Interior Department.
ATtheCity o Mexico on the lntof March
there remained a cash balance in the Na
tional Treasury of ?U'.41C..
FOKEfGNElt at Ningpo, China, were re
ported exceedingly nervous. Threats vv ere
constantly leing made to innssacrothciii.
Pa ci. Daceu, the proprietor of the
Hrighton Hotel at Coney Island, N. Y.,
who had pool rooms in his club house op
josite the hotel, and aid to bo worth .S'V
UW, was recetly convicted of jiool selling,
and was sentenced to the penitentiary- for
three months and to pay a fine of $7.7).
Inspector W. C. IlAtnti, of the Post
oflice Service, arrested at Memphis re
cently James A. White, colored, mailing
clerk, for robbing the mails.
An explosion occurred in a colliery at
Karwin, Austrian Silesia, recently. At the
time 147 men were in the mine. It was un
known whether any of them were .saved.
AN Illinois Central train collided with an
express eight mile.- south of Grenada,,
recently. Doth firemen were killed and
eight other persons serioush injured. The
accident was caused by negligence on the
part of the express.
iJnow.v, thesuspendod State Anditisr, was
arrested again at Des Moines. Iowa, tor re
fusing the Governor aecees to his ollice
books and papers, but the case was dis
misses;! as not a statutory
Ohio miners were reported willing to
work at a reduction of ten cents per ton.
The Ohio crop report for March, for
warded to Washington on the Wh, shows
forty-four per cent, over the corn crop of
181 still on hand; nnd wheat forty per
The German Reichstag rejected amotion
in favor of the establishment of a bi-iue-tallie
.standard of currency.
The total enrolled voluutsers in Great
Hritain at tho present time is JI."i,WJ men,
the greatest numlier yet iittniued.
Faii.i stKr for the week ended March .":
Cnited States, i;W; Canada. :2: total, J7,
as compared with L'SI last week. Three
fourths of the casualties were furnished by
the Western, Southern uud Pacific States
and Canada.
TnE French transport Tonquln, formerly
tho City of Paris, came in collision with
nnothertrunort oil Malaga, recently, nnd
sunk, carrying down twenty-four of her
crew. The remainder were rescued.
The Denver Chamber of Commerce
unanimously adopted a resolution recently
requesting the new Secretary of tho Treas
ury to pay out tho silver coin now hoarded
in tlie vaults of the Treasury, in order to
stop tlio contraction of the curreuc nnrl
thus relieve the business depression of th
The clearinghouse returns for the week
ended March 7, showed a general decrease
of '.V. compared with tho corresponding
week of last year. The decrease iu New
York was AOA.
At Staunton, 111., coal miners to the
numlier of .'X) to 400 were on a .strike
cgaiust a reduction of wages.
A special from Mouut Vernon. O.. of the
7th, said Bishop Bedell, of the Protestant
Ej iscopal Church, was dangerously ill.
The ex-Ktnpress Eugenie was reported
seriously ill from a nervous shock, being
I lurown irom ner carriage ar t-nrnuorougn.
The trial of fhe Trappist monk. Gnnin
hut, for the murder of Mother Kallcrich.
legan at Paris on the Uth. Gamnhut con
fessed his guilt.
On the Mh General Grant was reported
ns having passed a restless night, but was
better during the day.
The strikes on the Missouri Pacific, the
Texas Pacific and the Wnlah were rejvjrt
od extending and the situation somewhat
alarming on the'.tth.
Wallace, United States Minister to
Turkey, has resigned.
John Tiernan was instantly killed nud
William Foleny fatally injured the other
afternoon by an explosion in the tonedo
building of the Winchester Arms Com
pany at New Haven, Conn.
OitDEits have been sent Sir Peter Lnms
den, British Sjwcial Commissioner oa ths
Afghan frontier, question, to direct the
Afghans to evacuate Penjden. on the with
drawal of tho Russian forces from Akrobat.
Baron Staal. the Russian Embassador at
London, promised the Russian trc-ps shall
retire. The london papers generally w cr-j
for a declaration of war if the Russians
did not retire from Afgauistan.
While Lord Mayor O'Connor was at the
Dublin railway station to receive aa Ameri
can deputation with the remains of Rev.
Dr. he was vigorously hls-.i and
groaned at by a crowd of ,CX jrsoni.
Geuuge M. Mrr.RAY. one of six convict
who escaped the Michigan State irxsoa and
was recaptured, was under indictment for
the murder of O.liccr Burnham at Laasing
barg. Y October l!l.
RaVa.ri, Wkitaev. Endicott and Gar
land, members of Cleveland's Cabinet.
were- sworn into otHc1 on the 7th- Later in
the day Postmaster General Vilas and
Secretary Lamar took their oaths of office.
Thk fcrst official act of President Cleve
land was the nomination of his Cabinet.
Tke second wa to affix hl signature to the
commission of U. S. Grant, as an office on
Uie retired list of the army, with the rank
ofGeaeraL '
l THK arm oi vt . it. UsaiersHl & Co., drr
poeds, St. Louis, which sospeaded
soasa tiasesiace. w&s reported as kavia;
resaaaMaaatbasic eC CXtj ceata ea tac
dollar. "" '
NrbraiL 1 c!ltar.
In the S-ntc oa the7th proceeding
wem motly routine. Amos? the blll ,
acre: la relation to the Jhm.-of mort4riise! j
or pledged jroM-rty on execution: to punUh j
the crime of embezzlement coroiiittsI on
railroad train: Joint resolution of'. to
Robert V,-. F u rna- for hi rk t ewOr- ,
leans and authortzlmf the pun.bA.-e of a ?oM
tnnlnl to be precm e! to ntm. At the after
noon s-Ihi. Jn Couimlttc-e of the Whole. ,
many blll wen- f.vonbly couiQerl j
. In the House- many Nll were
favorably Mprt-! and other sdvancM to
third reading. The WiJ providttii' that
farmers In a jriien number ma bnd
them-elves together for the protection of
each oth rajrn list lo of prop. rt by Are.,
hall, etc was .ndctlu.lelj jK-tponsl. Much
of thealternooH was p-nt In t'oiamiMev of
the Whole. The deba on locotlnr an In- ,
ane Ho-p.tal vif lenpthy. After much (
Xlrmi-hmr Norfolk fliiASly von the locnium
and the Ida was ff niiult) repfirte.1 An even
Iriir se-s.on heW lor con-a!ent:on o.
bill In committee. Adjourned.
IN the Senate on the tlie Omaha
Hiarter bill a--I on third rcadlts.-: bI-sj .
the School I-ind bll.. The Senate, fn om
mttt4'e of the W hole. eondered the Gen
eral Appropr ation (.ill. nnl the blU to pro
vide for tho I avmenl of the of state
officers. tc. At the afternoon seston the
General Appropriation lull airatn taVen
up An amendment w.t- added apiinipriatimr
fnj.eaeh to the tun e detective- who foiled
thu attempt m-ub- that dav i February -i to
rob the Mate TrcaMirv Tlie bill via- then
n: ominended for passage. In s on ceneral
tile were then con-tiered In the Hou-e a
mot on to reconsider the vote by the
Senate bill maklii- rniiroi'd n--jor bit for .
llljlir toe-ip'oes b reas. of the ticsrli
e tut' of eo, had lx-ei: ludennttely
j.ostpotisl. wus lot A discu .ou ensued
tin a iiiot-on to advance to thlpl readme a
lull making an appropriation of $:() tor a
n-w iiuivcr-.!) bund e The House went
Into commtttce to conider the bill and aTtet
makhu' lh- amount ?ai.n the bill me
reconun-tnlcI tor m8i'i-. In committee
the bill makinir appropr.ntlon for the pav
merit of miscellaneous Item of Indebtednt-s-was
cous.deretl. ami eib-d ami Javorablv
recommended. Adjout sied.
IN the Senate on the -d the voto by
which was jobb-d to the appropriation bill ao
appropriation of v.vjcnihto the three dts
tectlves etifratred in pr ventlm; tlie late at J
tempt to nib the State Trtasiirj. vus rtcon
-Idi red and tlie 1)111 was nmended so that the hould be dac--d n the h.uids tif thf
ii.ivt mor t be u-etl at his tlescreTmn The
senate in rommltti ef the W hole. cm-:d
ered bl"s on K-r.t ral file Kthteeu bill
pa-sed i.i the aiwniwin es-iou. The I'enl
tentlno ' omniittee ivported. The Joint
Sj ec aU'ommltlec to luv estimate the Hospi .
tal for the Insane made majontv and minor ,
ItVteport-. In the House bill- luis-tl 'l'c
ntiieud theini thHl of amending the t'tinstl
tut. on: to amend the law rcuititu; to jurte
and t abolish the fraud Jurv plan: t
provide for the 'ta-iij und Mile of the Statt
saline Iain!: compe.llug till tt acher- ol
ttii -c,m.oI to be eMimilicd ill phVsudo;
and hv.'ieiie with special reference to the tit
i itlt'otiol on the human the annua
coniii'.-eoiis disease bill: to amend thet'onsti
tution relating to the I.evishiture, reulatiu;
tho i .iv of members and tlie number of d.ivi
of the's., ,ons within twr
m'les of citv l!iiiit-: ls.tles othei
bilN, uio-tlv unim)oitiiut. Adjourned.
In the Senate on the .'id th morning ses
sitm wa- devoted to the passage of bill
none of general importance. Most of tht
nf lei noon the Senate was In Committee ot
t'lo Whole A Hum'" r of b'lls lece'ved fa
ir.i!)!o recommendation, ninonif them tht
.. i-ioik AsV1iuii it ii. llieMtliue l-tiitl bn.
wa- recommended to pass. In the lloiist
Senate 1111 providing for the e-tabl stniienl
of a Hoard of itailroad t'tmim!! oners, to b
tine and piovide tht .r -nlarles
was t.tkt ii up for -oiis deration Ai
amendment to piovide that the Comml
sloiier-be irlven the rurht to establish and
regulate rates uud fine- wa voted down
The bill a-It passtd the Senate was fltiallv ,
onleretl ti thin, readlnsr The bill to c-tnb
llsha liureau of Immlirratlon was pas-ed ot
third rcttdiiitr. The eommlltt e to liive-ibratt
tho sale of school lands made a majority uik
minority report. The former lelnted tlu.i
tlie work had b en thoiotnrhlv done an.
that thcie had been nothing wroiu;. wlnli
the latter thous-'ht otherv. -.. .t the even
In' session bills of minor importance pu-M-d
I.v the Senate on the -5th among the bill .
piised were: The bill to e-tablih an Innn
Hospital at Norfolk; ainetidimr the -viai'ii .
land act: the Mtuk yrrds bill: the salun !
landt bill: the civil nhts lidl. and the hv
trJetio bill. Attlieafterii'Kin s(hioii the hd
pennlttii'S" certain corporations to pi:icln:-
lands beloii-rii'ir t' the State pas-ed. aNo th
bill chaiilucthrt meof SHt;iuiiiii!rthisclioo
ve-ar from April lo.iulj AIo the follovkln-r
To prevent the piead of infectious Iisea-e
amonir ilome-tie aiiiiiuil-: amend n- tin
mime law. A ho-t of bili-. mostlv ot l.ttb
k'eueral Intel est. also pa ed In thellouf
Mr. Snell's railr md bill, which cuii-cd c
much liscu-. on and manj unit numeiH-lr
t ho Senate, came up for third n-adiu am
wa. pa-sed The major'.: v and tnluoritv re !
port- nil he Joint touimittec to Investljrntt
the s-ilt ot sehod lands uen- pnentetl. Tht '
nmjoi it v report wa adopted At the even
inu session the bill to provide Tor the sab
ami leii-mgol -ehool land- was toti-tIered
In commit! . icportcd to the Hou-e and rearf
u third time and pa-cd. Ailjouri'ctl.
In the Senate on the ."dh the bill appro
priating 5".J.'1 to the School lor Peebb
minded iu--il. Al-o the lollowint.-. Tht
General Appropriation bll: the M -ceUane
ous Appropriation bill: r.pen-e approprht '
tion: amcndinsr tht t lect on law; l-irislativt
Amendmt-nt bll: tirieiiding the mdttarv
code; iclatlnjr to the mil t.r A ncmbcr of
other bilN pas-ed. mostlv of e loctil t.r uu
imtioriani nntuie Ite-obn.or.s o: thank
were adopted, pre-t nts made to vur'ou
tnembei. .! the s'4.i,atc adjouruisl -me be
In the n resolution that the chair
and other pioirtv l- placed In ehanre ot '
the i.t Arm- to pievcnt meiulve
ajpropnntl nr the s-jtue n tabled, ibil
wer tu-hed thrtnis.-h on thlrtl read in vr. iml
the on llls asned ti The bill ,
cttmpeiling r.i 'cad- to ctnnect tlo-lr bt.e i
hen pmeticnblt wn- talltsl up and pasetl
The nonor iv conference iepr on the bill '
ami iidinvr the Mitciim law wasvretsl to. ami
further consideration of the bill was In
detlultelv po-tpoi;cd. 'Hie Speaker dellv
eied hi- vak-Pctorv. the usual rcsoJiitfon
of mid about two ttcloek Hi
the morti'iik'the Hou-i adjourned -Inedlo. -
Ml-rellaneii. of tie last net- of the Senate was tc
pass a revolution that "it is the siie ol
this Senate that the law retjutring an ii"i
Iztsl list iv ith vouchers of all expenditures
made from the appropriation for the cur
rent expenditures of the Government
should In complied with: that allowances
for lal-or should how tju, nmount, numl-r
of persons etnjdoptsl and where and when
verforincd: that nccottnts for npphe
hotid fully explain the tjunlity. quantity,
price and use made of the sari-, nnd that
all thee ituis if expenditure .should le
priutetl full ami complete in the biennial
report-: made at the .sesion of the legisla
ture." Hans Timkk. a Omutn. was kiilcl by
the cars in the R. & M. yards at Lincoln
recently. The deetfatl wa employed by
the conqw.ay ac car pairer. wb forty
five years eld, and leaves a wife nnd one
grown daughter.
Rv n late collie i letwen tiro froir;hl
train-, near Ai"e. a jas?ngor nameil
GrifB.i. from tt jh, received fatal injuries.
.-.v for on g jdowmr.
Iveh .t (5aWp, of Omaha, woo fed a
large Uenl of cattle nbea: lx mile?! east of
Crete last w'nter. hsv pcrrha.sul a -tock
ranch iu Kr-a-ajt. aLoet twanlv-Qve mibr-
wuth of il-jskleman. oa the 1. tt JL, ami '
have or-n- - company with a capital
of ?-"V' vvith v.-hich to -lock their ranch. .
DfaiNC the closing hours of the Li.s
lature a i cml?r of persons qzietly assem-
bled ia t'.e otHec of the Secretary of Sta.
when G vernor Dawes, on lekslf cf the .
State Ovficer?. presented Lanl t'omtnis-
-loner Kendall with a haadsom sjlvr !
water pitcher, the cot of which wa $73,,
and wa- the gift of the Stat oficerv. ,
The YiEspar bill for einaIizalton taxes '
failed U become a law.
The constitutional amendment paAK-;! '
loth Houses of the lwegiilatnre and '
will be submitted to the people. I: matrs
the J5sioa longer and addi conIderablB to ,
the compensation of meciK-r. Now the
entire ccmen5atioa of the -s-sjioa u only t
12X i
The bOl which paed the Leislatcre to J
incorporate detective aociation and de
fine tne powersond ucttes ox member of
sach incorporations, requires detective to
give bond La the nra of $10,'OX This,
it is fcoaght, will have a tead-scr to cat
oaT urresponsible detctivt-
tfsxjtK tlf rs ar so bold aad aastrass
la Cret? taas the residents ar? Txltiag of m
graad road-ap aad bocace. -
.-. uciinL soncrtw
To lino tM traV. t Jt Trratorrr Tra
tralet! ltjr I!. W'lm t.lvr the Hnp
Aw-)"-Onr of th ltoWr KllletJ and
the Otber CatarU ly Irtrctlr tjlnjc
la Walt,
Li.ncol!, Nr.n., Mircb '1. The city
3s thrown Into a I ver of cx-ttement
cs-U-nlaj afteniotm t r one ol the moat
iarlng. though ua-uccessfnl attesijt.s a;
robbery that ha.- ever occurred la Llu
;oln. Had It not been for the services of
l -stool jjigeoi, who gav-e lnlormatlon to
Jbc detccMvo vvhlle acting a one of the
hlcvc-, the boldness of tne -ciiesac ami
he lack of preparation in tne place at
lacked vvt,uld hive iitjdoabl-dfy ennvoc.'
lie crime with -ucces-. The thieve-had
j'atmed well tneire-cipc, but ovvins to
he work of the .-tool pigeon the otlicial
a the Mate Treasurer'.- vMzc were a.u
itc-H j'rejvared for the cspectsl viit.
A loci two o'clock, while both hott-es
f the l'gi-lature were in se--lon, three
neti cutcred the Trea-urer'- oillco in the
.apltol, drew revolvers atld izlil tc
Jeputy Treasurer Itartlett, who s:ckhI
ehlnd the mlllug,
"Hot t t P vt-fi: if vm-,"
ind the mttwles of pi-tol- ahno-t tottche t
ji- head ttirotigh the rallliu. Itittlct; a.
-wi-rcd: "What dot-s thl- mean, men:
I- it fooling or ii-inessr" but hi- livid
.vent up all the s-iitie. "No talk." tc
uirtcd a man who appeared to tie th
endcr, ,ju-t hnuil out vour money. a:.u
jc qtticV aiiout it." Uirtb-tt -sed tvt t
i package of gold aud note-. 'Here It 1-;
3c-lp yourcivc-." Two men took tit,
aioney and iiacSed tovvattl the door, in
Jnnl prcseitti-ig a cocked revolver at the
tend of the Deputy Treasurer. at.d warn
ng him not to stir on peril of his life.
fi in.;t on it M.
'Hie loud tone In which i'.irt'ctt tdd
;hcm to help themselves wa- a .signal tc
Detectives I'otiml and Davis, who were
otic :itcd In ati adjoiiiiu- rooiu, and thc
it ot'ce "sprang alter the r.-ticati'ig tob
bcr.s, who :1c i turotigh the pu die doorol
lh- ulllce. The detectives were about
ten arils behind the rob'icr-, aud orb d
Halt." One of the robbers w:s a oiip
plc, and a little dl-Utice behind hl coni
paniou. l'uatlu capture, lie turned about
with hi- u-volve-r on tlie detective
l'ound leveled a shot-gun l.i a twinkling
ind got In the Ur-t !iot, the robber fall
ing with a charge of buckshot in bis body.
A wa- then made for the other,
who was caught befote lie could
reach a horse wirch he hud tied to a p s
fifty feci lroui the door of the building
l'lie thitd man, instead of following hi
-omjniiioii-. jumped through tear win
dow and i-cipcd. Few- noticed the fuel
till afterward, and no effort was made tc
overtake the one who msue good his e
-ape. Thcie i-no clew to his where-ibout-.
and he wa- not recognized a-any
one known about here.
Th; inoue-y wa- reenveted by Pound,
tmouutii: "to about -S.'aHj, and returned
to the TreaMirer', o:!h--.
inr. itoiti-.r.r.s.
The wounded robber vvas c-.rrlcd Jntc
the building, his companion being gutrd
v-d by Da'l- in a back room. Thelt
n:unc are Jiir. Grillin and A. .Maguire.
Grillin being the cripple who received tin
-lunge ol btiCKshot. A ph-tctati vva--timmoueil
ami examined the wounds
There wa- little iutc-rn-d hemorrhage, bin
ic bled profti-ely lro-u the mouth, hi
right lung uvideutly having been .shit bv the .shot." There Is no hop
f hi- recovery. Maguire wa- taken tc
.itl. It tran-plrc-s that the plot Ins been
known to detectives oiiie time, the thin
robber, t:.ui- uukiHivvii. being the sup
posed iiiformatit ol the detective-". Kvcry
thing vvas prepared for the reception o!
the ihh vcs. care being taken that tn
'i.urm hould c nne to the one vJio '"
ttped. ;reatexciletneii prevai. s through
nit the city. IktnkA will be mor-' cire
'u'lv guatdetl for . some tim- to come, Ii
'icing rumored that other schemes are o"
(ooi by members of a notorious gang.
fin: ni'vti om".
Seme Indignation is expressed at th
killing of Grilllu, It bi lug clattned that
there was t:o chance of his cscajw. De
tective 1'otttid. however, hold- that t.'
(ttilllfi had not received buckshot he
vl'ouudi would have undoubtedly ''ecu
the recipient of the revolver bullet. Grif
fin ha-a vvifr aud several children living
in town, and his been .-lck for a cotisbl
crv-Me tune, having lost a portion ot tun.
leg a few year- ago. H.s taiuily are Irv
ing iu povcrtv. uud he being unit bit t
provide for them otherwise too tht-mean-
of rcplem-stilng their finances.
a itvt inii.
Maguire i- well known iu police c'r-cle.-.
having served several terms In tu
formattiry In-titutlo,i-. The city i- in
fested with bad characters at present
who have never been known hen: before,
and it will not be -urpri-iug If other
-chernes ol a similar kind an- at
tempted. Kvery prcr.inlioii Is being
taken bv citizen- who -.ill deal promptly
with rulllan- 'if the -afe-Vlowing kintl.
tVlui lla I".red Ilratlt it Tboii.tlid Timet
t'.tlinlr Auitlti'ic tlie ;riui .M-sens;er.
Nr.v; Yt KK. Mirch . -Getieral Grant
condition dunti"; the Ut)nnd evening wa
much improved. A constant stream o
carrlr.e-s drove upto his re-Ideiice ditr
iiiit the aUcrnton. brinsinz friends tc
whose inquiries the same ans-wer ws
"Tne General I- serIoulv III but not 1c
much jtain to-tlar."
N -arlv nil were denied .idmlion to th
-icic eSiamber. Anion: the few execj
tion.s were li imllton Kih iJo-coe Conic
Iniit and Stephen IS. KlMtis. Mrs.Grant.
Kreil Grant and wife and Jesse
Grant arc in const.-i.ui attendance
in I all that I- pos!bie i
he i us done to alleviate the General's nf
fcrinss. Dr. Fordvc Il-irk-r -sj-
while he regard- the (.teuerjl-m.dadr a-nece-sarllr
tatal, his estniordiaarr wil
power mav -u-tain lum loarer than an;
ordinary man, and he I- ifcreforc uniVt
to ot! -state the time which wt.I dap-v be
fore dis-olntion.
A Horilblr Death.
VtxcxxvR-. I.vr., March 2. John
Heard, a farmer. aet with a taost bor
:lb!f and excrociatlnz death Saleitfcij at
a su22r camp as-ar Haxciton, bcJow th
cltv. He was j-tasdlagovera larc keUle
of bo!Ht2 j-crar vi.ater when he ctJdnlj
lot iib balance and kll ber.d!oei2 Jstothe
kettle. No one no nir at lite Hoc. and
when foand be i to4!tz In the bni
tcceptsele, bat was Ufeles, and In a
mo-i hornhie coudUion. The Defefcor3
were .sickened bj the sbocslec ccer
retxe. Mr. Dcard Iciio wife and five
I'.srcel llj- IteirslAr
Pt.ocj.i, Iu-, March I. Aa tiitslsa
tioa of the ruin of Hesler farnltnre
store de?.troTed bj Urr between three aad
loar o'clock" thb xornI2. leave.. little
doQbt that it vra caused by !2cccir:a,
acd that previosij an attempt ha-1 Sxes.
cade to barslariic the .afe. The sale
doors were fooad -osc dUtanc frcotisc
afc acd bearing sins that they bad been
sihjrcted to the force cf a Jtp:o-loa.
The thicTecot Bothlsc for tkeir re-Ja.
and probably Ired lac xan oat of xe
vesst. The stock of I Hmlturc wu coa&
plctclr cJeUoved and tbe bedidiss dr-p-d
to tbe extent of 5,tXiO. "ITtt: Uts
m ike taildia; Is IsJlj covrtcJ.
Composition of President Clovo
land's Cnblnot.
Itrier ltlCTTpliejil skrlrhrtor the ttelitle-
Birti Whom Ir-IJrnt t'tertaod lt
I'Urtnl At the ItAil. oftlir t-
The JoHoninsr esMnei ba te-n cho-a by
President Cleveland:
Srcrhtty fctfc -T-wiSMx- r. Itayart!,
of I Ma ware.
.crrUtiy uf fA Tireauavrf lMnitl Maa
ninir. of New York.
.frr!ffrf t-f tk atrrmr I- ,. C. I-a-mar.
of M lsrt.
&erUtrf of HWr U. C. KadlcoU, of
.rrrUny "f tkr .NufjiW 014am C
Whittle v. of New Yrk.
..W!W-'rCI-l V. V. Va, of
Attnc g-dfttrnt! Aa:utas H. G art ami,
1 of Artiiti-as.
v. - -- ---- -
We prent the follow ttl; liTK'f ketch of !
the (.'eutlrtiien .-elee'ed l the i'rebtvat as
hi cotiktitut.ouai r.
Mr. Mnuuiu;;. thiKpuit for Steretnrv
of the Treasury, wa Uirn in Album "
IS'tl. lis fathtr diml a few v enri after his
birth, li'ttvmg hi- widow. n and daugh
ter unprovided for. Wlnn nine year of
ae Dan U-gnn tt t arn ht w u bv mr as mi
errnnd-Uiy m the .1m t:tlce. nal it va
there that he atipnretl all hi- ediicatkui niul
experience. Mr. William J. Cas-idv, the
owner ot the .lrM. wa- nut (.low in di
ctiveTltitf the peculinr talents ol biserrnnd
Uiy, and made him a r. inirter before he
was fifteen years old. Miitiutut: aoptlred
in thi.s losiiion an exten-ive iit'piAinUiiit e
with public men, n the ,Ii-pm ollice v.s
then tin headquarter of tho Northern De
mocrats. AH through the war l.e re
jorted the procccdintts t)f the N w York
Senate, and nIo all jollticnl tsjiiven
tions ef liuptirtance hebl in the State of
New ork. At the death of (.'a .elv In
l.sTl Manning Ix-cauie the .Maiinj-rr of the
,trj7 iTompRiiv. anI liujirovetl if buniiies
fat tittle- in ,t .sktdful mnhiier. 11- a!-o took
an active part lu the innuneiiient of the
t'omiiiercial National Hank. At present
.Maiiniu. has withdrawn from tin- attive
management of the Anim and devotes
hiniM-lr tt the nmim.'iiKtit of tin ("oiu
mertinl National Itaiik, of which he has
Iffti I'resident for everal jeiirs. Itvni a
fathdir. he jcnulimllv tlri!tel Into the
Kpiscoptd Church, of which his firnt wifu
v.a n aieiiiber, and l-dh of his mih, w lit
hold ti-ijtortntit sjo.tioiis ou the Anjf. b
loug to this denotuiiiattoti. His daughter,
however, has remained n Catboie-. Hi
first w ife died nlwut four v ojtrs aijo. and
nUtiil thre months n;o he ventitrnl ajrain
on to the . of tiintriiuiiv. Icaliug ti the
altar Mis Irver. the oidv dau-hti-r of an
Altau dry-ooils punie. and thereby ob
tattirda more rot .ue;itoi!i u iu . Kitv .
A. H. OAKIVlt.
Mr. inrJand tu educml nt Ht. Mnry
and St. Jsrpn Co!bf m Kcatusity. )Ie
was atlmittetl to the rartire f la Iu J-t
in Washmetoti. Art. In lCt he nnt to
Little ltoek. He ra a member of tbt btate
Convention in b-dl that jwi.! the rli
nance of veessnn. Iit-r in that v-ar be
was elctd n meiiilK-r of ib lrtviJMtMi!
Conren of the I'onfedernT that met nt
MontRoinen.-. Ala. He wfm after that
made n xnVinler of the Iiwer Houe
of the Confederate Conres when it met
at Itbhmond. Garlaasl wa lter a
number of th Confetlerate Smate.
and wnj in that lx st th time
the ItelHlon ro-d. Hi ie"pJe In
elre-ted him to the irnitetl Stat- Senate.
He was refue4l admiion fhre l-cnue
the Stat" wa not then rul-vrly ndtnitle.1
UtcV- Into the ltilon. He made a national
reputation bv raisinc; the rontilationaUv
of the law nsjainnc Iswvrrs to take tb
t-et onth l-efore betas !rmitt-t to practice
In the 1'intetl SU-tes c-ourtx. He won hi
ca-e. nl foHowet! the practice of law
until lC!. He wa elerted GoTernnrof
ArVansa. anil Inr hi rreat colne and
judrmeat wa itifluenttal in setUlnj; the
dipiite in thst State a to whirls fartloa
hoald t-ntrl the Stat- GoTrawenU He
ws ee-ted t-i U" Unittl State t?ena in
I'T. ueeee.Ii,- Powell C3avto. 1I 3
re-elOd in lvC
wttxt.. c wttrrsrT
Mr. "IVhit&cy :thea of th Ute Gea
ral Jactes S.'Wbtet?. forsseHy a prfiii
ctia -f cot Ia MaA-imtt. H
tc?n xi Ceoway, Max., ia to ;rxd3s.ul
at Yale CVlre sn IS. ai thr tlarrard
Law sebcd in ISA, ani tha eat to 5r"
Yorfc. lWrti"M a-laaits! to t bar.
'rhitorr deroed hirasrff sritboet delay U
cttfas"ia jotttfcsc. acd thertAy beeiat
tbr CcrporalKta Coost-rJ a sffMJis
ise oa ti dowafaB of tb Terti riaj:.
Is betiam ke -- scceesXal. aad a&ads a
ows. .dcrable start towards fertc, wbea
at jn-.b3t-d o aaca s&ort- of it at ta altar.
hy his saarriaro u a &itz&Ur f Saatar
Pavae. f Oaia. tkst Jus wa acraat-
:: " ;. " , - im . ...
. r? aaaaal
a5 sv yssi NCl
2$ 0
s 1 ! Krt If
fs T
si . J00&J
ai aar was wsifatacaa
i .. tn Mo- dur-
&- hUaeSl'v 4ticl rVaof
n, . rr, .1 ""v' . .' ,.. i
Samuel J. TlWen. for
wsou. Cabinet
hanl In lTs anl inU
vr.xil.l nnd.Kll.l'sllv hav
hd lav
t!.....(Crrtitrtniiliivgrlrfl!. !! pfl'
- -- - - - - - ' . t
p-ntr tn a lon-s iw m I C"1
lr?ru'theout-t of hw career that he h
hs! n tetar tatmn U -,k public oRic for
the wke t m.M In jdiHt- he won
dvrfallv -It-T.-raturrnUiac snl prwwot
inc mB-ss, fcx drHni:. ob-ct.
qu.alttv via fcta t-ntlv in the l'hK"C
CoatrntMHs. which la!roulv nmiivatel
CJetelsjHl A h.tnev u doubtless as m
saentta! a lan Manning tn triUi;lac th
t i niture to a -acfid ue It
wa. be who nulMed the HndrieV- l-m
and he vh- t-cat i'a tth Hetttlrvck for
th 5ecoatI plate on the ticket.
W. f. CMtCTT.
Kx-Jo.Sit Willuas Cro Miilebl Kadi
ettt wn fjnrn U Mvletn a!tit 1--5T. His
father wets WitlUm lutwiMi awl
bis motbe-r Mar. . tUaitaW- ft Hon. Jeb
Crow Hhibl. w b w n HreseHUvtive in
Ctmffress. IU ltdd tbe Salem coU
nnd graduated fn to Hnrvrt Ct4Use ih
th rlio. tf 1MT. H iarritd bl ihi. a
thm-btr of (tnrjse l'eal-dv, tvl at
two cbiblrH. n mm awd n dnOihlr
Jllt!itt KntllCittl ktifbrd Mt liMfrsrd
lvw Si litnd ami rvatl law in ti
t4lbs of th late NftlWantel J.
IrI. He va attttotteil to the I ar t-it
In'si. and a few tnir later ftwtel a port
ner-hip vth the lat J. W 1 rrrv snt.
continued vith him MHttl hi app-.ulmeot
bv GoveriHH" Wnhburii t n feat te
Snpi eiue Item k in !. This jilea he
held until lHs;. wlooi U- Kil '-ti Vt
count if hi lirulth. In 1- he ntn-b an
extittlt-)liHtr tf the coutlneat. He wa a
meinlwr of lb- SaIchi i nfiaem l uf- .J in
lki. Is.V! and lsT. heii he n?e.
I'renitletit tf that bMttsl. H va- iv
SolutUir from l.-.".s t iNiS. He i n h.-hi
In.r of the Mnftfhutt Ht-f if-al -
eietv anl ttf th lUmrd f irr of
Harvard C .llee. Mr Kiio-tt U a
diret t !tvtcHleiit Inuii lvtfrir J"tin IUi
tllcitt. Until th Jlell ml Kvrit raiw
palKti he w. nn tdI-hne Whijt. At Uwt
tune he went Into the IeMtM-nttJe party.
Asnlnvvver he ha lw vrrr tbtwstsra
and iu pleading a iiuk very dk aia4 A
a Jud-;i lie ,txHl IokIi In mat. Me k
iiver IttMju prtiiuinfit in poHtH-, bat ea
the noiiiuiee of th I it-mocrNiM- ttvrtv f
Miuachuett.s for the (;uvirturlup lat
7"tA r. r cy vt
Mr. llnvar! ta l.let in .-iwum
serrlest itf tie IefMi rst. Set tlHt. He l
now serrias bl talnl tnm aa-l b Ie-n m
Xetr ftr miImi )mr He . MdJ
ht father. He the tftirtl in din-! Umm ia
'vw VHini t r tbe -Hk tf Oea-tber. Uil
tall, wlta r"d, H'l-n-Hlled-otil aMre. tl-
th-m-li h. Icr a- MN.i ?at. H .r.
tH frettii selr of mum wbo Jl-e. talHty
nal kiatpir. od Um alert U"k. W ft t'sw?
mail f teMlV-ve. Ill flte- llM-lltira
to br km;, tbila kw feaiar" are aacalar.
HI (M-eitead brood mid loch atl rt-
teeta tteJl ? n iir ttf keH 14h rr
t no is n larxw It urtna. His fare v
mh-tvven. bvlas- br" ltt p4titetl
rbia and (trl -Mnet! jsw(. H bn ry
even, w ltlt teih. t hlrlt Hticht -til ! the
envy f a aa thirty yeara ynuntr than
he. He stnava drr wltlt xfnt aest
Ht, atfl t- emrtrf til tn llo bUi o bi
stores and lt tb HMitt f Aibtoantde
ymiat ma. He m a tn of rerr lur
orSrat rettfl ! f tfee highest-
ri. tortttae of L.VuJt) t S'JJI T1S
U tiM rnsaf. f tbe tara fr-.- .f tbe
tnbttritaare left him br hi fiJ4r He hi
lwo!att'tir so I tbrt-e wm, Jk r
erown. On f lie Hta tncerj ti
teblnx a etmiU s-al In 4arTiHi.
Mr. !tayrl wa. Ura t UMilnr'ot. IM.
He reeiTt lui Matattatn at the HutloHic
Sehool. vbieb t a htzU rti44 4 tri
utaadiHS. He bcl no elbaiaU -i vsJln.
H- mo early ilotUftel tr mereartib pur
it. at h-rtsrred tv-! H d -
mtttfl t tfc-l-r ia UL !! watiaaI to
rtftatu in W,bnt-x..u ia the prae Vr.f
hi prtfe!. wua the exevptin of fw
wtr.- IHfti ctt-t e. - TbU & fiH u
tatv4r45.h- He not ;Vd -with the
rvtsUttfiu r3erje, and r-trd at
tbersid of to '. rr u .T itauton.
TbeMsly 0f" ta-at bTT bll h-Un be
-, .4eete4 tv tbf e-SMt Is 1P i- tsV
otStrtraf lHiret Att raT 4 lvrar.
si h oQVr he WM fra iC to J-. II
raated tuf Hs be Sawyr f
hii". He ftt tbe tasMt rxnlr
of S waalttr tn a aUerxlAnre ofwi tbe .
hS tb Secjete. TaT U no AbtsV o
3' w
tail st u 4rte oat Mr. Bayard.
of the Senators b rtT
A.. .M f..- - - " - M.t C tt.t u.- ..
fallT ua jT-tt mist -rf dry ttc-vbe,
Ife u m o? va b ofrr jM Hnior M
th !fT vrTlk.if- reiatiae ta tt
:c ad alvis tf i-qo.
afc Rilir lW
- Sex-1 'fllV
Ci-.. ---, s sl1
P;....- L
V- . -l " S -d-v- - "--a .
wTtjjL&x r. vrt-s.
Kiniaat Fr-mm Sas U
trim aa iA Eajjjlia -UaCy.
" w off elnallr Vdbr. sajr haric n Jh"
bWlr rrd. of iV mJ H.n? III ,
,i Mtrrantioai ( nr aiiriiU no (
he las hve broo;bl l its-wiva.- w i
tferousn a -, n ,, ' - a
- J VtHr. tr, v- .r. .oa. ,
JVir. thp elcnt-ntj rsi(T -
owr abivt. luW'-s.t air r
Vila In the Sfla ceft. tr-m -
central rtcr. He . im !
lr.ux CiotT. Vl, Jiv . l
fsther, Jutls? 1-M ! Vila. n n-e -of
the Vrrnwnl Ieib.Uir :
nd w rt he priia rt-l-wBw..'. ,.
cin of the! tr-n MMiia Sa W .
J , ho inherit ht wlir4
ihvlcl nd mental, tram h a I a
beaded anttr a ffrn'lmJ U tt.' I wrrf tv -n lv.
.'if eihte-sn. Tu Tmf U4 fc
ht dej:r of 1.1- D l tae fs.
j Schol, nl daiU-d ta .
practte the -aprt lAsarV
i Ytirk snl Wt-.tnn, al Wa s
prartK'e of hi prfs t !art
ins:iac h ib.B5-l V l- Isr
tncnlieth birthsiav. las Ota f J !
J In l"l- the r slrvt twrmm
k raitett Conima A.vkrli UcJwd t-
I taui. ami th- 3M f te
, into the Teiiv. taint Kef mnn4
j m Volun'eer InfAnlrv itsMatn fc
the wart'.Joael V! resaate-.! tb-
I of hk pnfem in !dist in rt.
, l-een rewarVat4v rsr.nil ttir1
The 3-1 tf Jaar . l. be va .r'
Mb Anna Malt? i-. damcaWT a ! V.
h. K.ft itay x
. of the p!uer ph .io af rta
I nnd (fatMnan -f mw wItb
' reputatH. CJ' t-l aa! Mr
I ihre- caiMreo uh bvta. !a a I t
' hi Uro and lt ra:vln tnrt..
t no! Vli U. aa.1 Kt atWJ et -
ta of jilt traV He l oaaof
fnM-tr I m t VT tffwaf'a J'
r trrt t V 1 - v ,srh4. tM(s a rai--H1
pmrtls. l)k.lljK asm! Ihc.
a for r Trl lai
ln tate S, . Id iiV As'
Secretar f )"- '
tile three IcStlin,' atitsfBtrt k,-'-
rwue the .ittit- f Wtwsatia
ant! -raatl Mir.ti.alt t""
toii of the r-t. i H l '
nct4Ve nsetwl-efs ! th W uMctu .
Stat Luterit l'.N-nt
!.. 9. c. u.M4va.
Mr. !.Air is lrtt-aa vasar
He ! ftaenf ttt- rbulsrof tin K '
lot- Ual. a.i!4v. l4vr rajstra '
rias tM rnit ft hli, Ntmtitwra s
)e U S ntiivr UtMHtn, oaxl I I
tlte fm-lT ( llt-tell C'U Mattt,,l a.
Mottl MttarH Inmiit. Vi
-rfl n i-aort tn la "'stra- t
mr. Ixjt ! a'b m pa't- ',r
Hi ' r t t'hnrm i ' i , -f
aur . mtiHAl rt4ii-' f t
vn -lrntt itt tlxftftl. lff n -'
nt lutMtrv t'olb-e tot tb-l ,l' J' -Wv
st Mftrin, '., ntv! "v i
bur in IM7 lUffMiBflot is-of - t
MIm. Tai b la ai J. '
Hre h Ix-m by r. 'tr,
fe-fMjr dttrlay a Utf U'M of
u- Jrt IVfe-w d talUM
nltt- tH v r s 'rtrmmr I
Kcunnoty nttl Htn ittj Nt ! V
tlliUl ki lmlk:il U taa Ft-ftv-tll
k.rxM hM 'tUwmnt ft I . H
rvc-l part -f tit" rrtv r-1
mhh lio n A ir(wl t I e -int'
Inr tht wr of t4 ltWll
Ja. a loHt-n(M. C'4o-I i. a
I rs:iint. In Uul ymr h n
' Mtai-ter f ta '!-!. .
t" l(Hla- Ur lamnr m -
lift a MO forlUMe ftttbO'tw nt a!
-lorv. lb lire nevv ast-Uv. M
HB Wlsbtiy Htmmim tmml tft,
large, '! ruiia-lwl at. Hi
lare l Uiiellly fwwnmm
Krarlli-!-rwa Wnlr Mr faWt la '
j.nriUeU nm - b ut abi fa
iutic r-41. wka-a eatrl- ta at t-aa la -net-L.
Ill fteait4 t asaa aJ
HU -ye sr brwa aa4 splY '
tMr La trMij,ai. Tk vrmt fmf
five im bidd Lr a aetlaa
i .j,- . ,. ... ' .. w. . .
,...t -, p-.rt-v
j - " ritetua.
Alt Illicit. I, itttlti. 0(.it,lHo of If VJW I
lite I tte.t Mate.
I Uduk. v-lerT lp al ?
ship if tb alnslsraU idfar la .
it ! iH.lUBHtatsU Ibat rW-tl arsap
tjrardatl tbrro wic2t fVi a! '
thou rich tnrii ar ia Jittrttpr
Ibis? ibraw tisatr etnaalitaMi
lived, braMM jforrraaaat aa1
. I
;ion t n tstxi tajr'-a imnrm i
.. . . .. r . . F .
, 'V'. Ulf"?, .1 "
. ,wlsrs. Itk m t- Hsarf h
pmtrt are graswb sift
( iere?-y Ji
nttiN sajwf'ta
MatnV. A
jrninslee If
i rmrlHi ossatr Kett
bijnsojf a pwrt of un- mymin
tr; j;avtTiknt mmA -v-dat
iurU'tti itiift to do
. .. , . .. , .. '
vrhm ,tollu " !
i 'pndtre rt irratl
tetts vtti tlsat it ttla 1
.1 lv
5 psialy jfo at a rni
aad Grj wto-hrA per
; )Kk rm;Nst))Mstar ami
Awrkaji vmUl an?
hr" TV oimst? .
art load f n)C
4 for tb rata law, tiie ,
oul tJfSB esHMStrr X'
not r tswhsrttal W -
i ft
i An Amrrw-aa n.V! .
! tmi. .u -, j i .
lai wH Mtt4 Isravla
Uit tW AmTn b-
. rich maa ancMkIv i-
; WK. f pry ! i
j bi.n s aa zlrati I
( Mr. '.VWsa lAmMi' n -j
hfrtsot-, wko txasii b f .
. tvrM. aaI will at . . "
Isee a jt isnb. jrj' J
iformaar r a a ts4uaaa
can baor. itwrUar "
f of t?o; iicataaii saaa of
rrfi!: AkMr.Wlj.
, j.roijMK. ti nstre-iai-tsav. '
ttB9 kw-t lnU ta-e L'ast
! be auftld U41 von a
tliat thr xUtx' U ratarwit
! t3er fait-: 3ST i
, mjtka. - JutfUtt Arm
1 An old tiarfetrr ia Km
j bimss-ii I oL Henry Clsty Jt
aV.rl hr hr lMu!d tfvaa
1 bi aasto;. 1$ Kjui no rlfd
J p!W; -Yrs. I fta salu
arv ia; a rahmet IJr ,
j t'otoaeL bo,, tLtt meaai cal
Thcrv an abon; a tlaj&rn'A.'. t
Otreai coble. ven of which -dpfe-ri."
or capable of ret- e
4 .Mradiasr at ra jiw tiffin un: t-
w!?' "" v
J f slk..." ;
r I . - ;
If 2x .-.;
' J l
winr. -.V. r. !.
.. & .
AS Ji -t