ff. :f ,' s. k 'HT aft.'- &". Vvf "i'a- riv""l rjirmgMatg-xawijWfc .W iasgaaBBaKgwgr' 1 5Pr-'5S5! "" y -T 3S5?2ZZZZ2 trrcv- ?i - v-vf S BJBC & u !. :f 5 Si ft&2i 3 it K t c v a im .S L ;. A DARKDAYS (Continued :om First Pag) ciiAnr.T: nn. J read the f"an If'ttr strain and at-sin rend It wltli ffilhif, in nirn Joy and d! (fast were ntrantioly uiiiisried : but the form er was the rrrdoinl-,.t nation. In the &1Q&& $S$ v. - 'f r" i. j " NeXkB first plsce, If Mr". Wi .jji kept her prmnl I of vcry. it i'trincd to me that all daru-er j of mjicion fa'l ? fjrtt roi.'pra w.u r j moved. Ihtrc wouio tw no or.e else toina"e fnowntef..ct, that ny' the night of r HVrvyn's d-ath a wrou-rl, distracted w. man left her horn-:i woman whose lit happ'.nei had been clouded hy the villain' treacherous act a wnmiri of -.front; ta- idom, who In her t-ui.r.ir.' delirium muht ; cafity be turned u l.c- !! vengeninv U,r ' w'dcli I, at Ins. Ii-ld li'T q ilte unarr vtn;- j able. If I could hit frel .-ure f th s., . of tae one p'.n i whom I dreaded, wb ii.';i: i even rctarn to IiR.Nn, ami f-ir nothing. J j wavered. Af'- all titrro i oiiH-t!iins; c n- I'-niDtlble In tl 'lit. . i i:ld 1 trust to Mt. j V.'Um's pro-.ji-r and return '.v.th my -.:. i jiiiulous by tl, next loa: from BouIokm? o, a thousand times no! riilllppaawrr Sic vfJ31 VJS IL . S ; Iferf MM -JIL' for infants and DJ-WTjERS tff S.L hUdrcn, ' '9 f -"n l wen ftiaot to chiWrrr. timt I t IroC(2jsindJttir:r-nrrtoar.-rrx...'3 I -l '; !La Akan.-s!;) I'-",,1,."'J MI So, Omford Stt BrooWrn. K. T. TTlttu,..; ic.'a X E . . - -, . , - rrA, (rca J-p, aJ pruckbtM J lied Chit J. ' ft :kW' SJSS&Ktf e' Wf 4a5 3Ac SJh t" ra ? 'r ru . -. 6 y.SI TsrF-) t' kT V - ." r.rfT'T- ML r M ilnilsii ETC. uric u tncvlicacm. 8nmo" At! Komi) 5 ? J v 1 1 y i "f 'l ,,r , r trH 3!S&galS 'VITIllagSli: . ,! 9W 11. HI Ml 1 f S3 fare i far l'j r. c on. to :u to be trutrd j (n:.t!i-- wro'ufs . If: 4 P . 1 tu the hand- f one i xdtnMe w( m woman. mtr"ov-r. wlto hxs of her own railing for v 'ii-:uicc. Ty-inr-row her uii:d ui;t ciintiK-. and inftt-al ef furtlirriir our fety. 'n m. y be urgm.; on lie pnrnuit. l.-t me irn-t m. one nav.: my- i Kr my love'n .ikr, 1 ni ovcrjoy-d 'o ', h-ar that. bUpi!tis the wman'H .n:e inent and d.ttr rre c-rn-rj, i'hlllppi w:i f the d'ad man' lawful wJf-. .Vot tha: th- fact fur one ui in nt p.nliatid the c;iiiif a absotuto zurc l tha XJacJc, IStxrns, G rKliovicgr and licalic & i . y y' 'llcf't'Ta j I jm m- -- v .. . t- :r.Zi ;-.-- r --? for Klienmatlsni. Sprains. Pan in L?, : SP-Pf '. Z? -2.-ti'--waCT alls, cic. An Iantsutaijc-au.H Palo-H rfr($ifc'B &$& S2S323SI322S i i asss&smuaS&rss rrt5 !.- s ! t r b-arvri (f!.: -. .; . .::i." I rr M MV ltr J, IbTTT 4 I --.'-'rHl. bet. a rrtMr br n-HtktliKnMi I ;.- cr.-r' a imt 4.i WL ;4 t.r " i !!. .ir. . .: .r; !.: hvmp hnT ) -j-i-'-I :.- w( sih rI fcr.,t it far !. Jf" -r Ua u .lt.r fl"t. ' ii tar rvur f. trrnkt up tjir Ip. ' :tiMr-4rtii - ;tt : Hit t. sil rt4 r ai'j.1 r.; ' jf v. .t- h?t Tl U' a.i-lf,.-. . l.-t. fw t, (,i)t MT lTrr4 .. ff.! itiUniK W ! tJr oora t aftwr- tr. Red C?oud, Nebraska. LJLJ-j U JNd. JJ U z7 JJtzL-L;. gm - 2.jr: f5S5W MM "Psg n vr r. John Boesch, Ambov, Neb. hi', intention, m Jei-n.-d the contemn: .uid ' A If K J fU iT ... J 2 ;- , jk M jr hatred I tN.re lovwd Mmi: not fa: Hlf ffil fr5 ft$ g E RfM SlYA5fi 3 H xn r ira v Srss tmkht-m i.ki!(iiii. Xlsirrifd or iiiitnurrietL to rii? hn . vra nil ;lmt n woman eniiM bn. T!in-i a G"OOCl StOCil Q-HCl work is our mottj Mackiruanl tctatt had wmihtu; what wo 'ii . ,. T-r i r I belH-rshamo h the e-i of the ivund. I ailO. priC3S tO SUlt tl!9 tiI1103. If 111 1160(1 OI though her ImihIs w-ro u'irouciOti!. wii ' J iiiioi.iaUvwo.-i.toia.-.iiwasi.ur.!rta axivthins: in our line do not fail to call and! $ T ' n P ' ft 8 Iy 1LILTDL:DW OFFICE AND YARD. Comer Elm St. and Fourth Av. RED CLOUD, N Vi'i-tiil. !n?i(w.ii . m :i ftniil J Vet f..r h.:r si kv the w-w iUvlAw ai-. ' p-y-o m "i IT HIT T "PPPI rn P"H I kin-wili.it If iv. r thf Uiae .nliould -.-uit: , OJLctlilxIi U UI XCIilClo. wlnn 1 could place i-roo'ji in her hand il.nl she lJ a W:fn -:li:il .lm Pfiiilil If dii r Mije. bear her v,urthl"4i hn.li.trnJ': name, and JjOCk lOX, 3 22 , i.ir-0 t!i( wo: !! witliotit f.ir of . n. lhj rt't'iiatio!i of her nt?5f-r'i"Ct wmiid orm --- '- with It a J(y '.vh eh onK a woman c.u. n,:ht- ' lv comprfhfiid. Ami I ril'hiia, wltl :U !i:r ! 3 i I CSl I pride and passion, waia true worn hi, fr'.l j 9ftP i3nP CuV oi iiiu iioirni ami Ufjicate ureau or Mi.ime 'which chaiiic:4-rZ"s the bf-t of hr -ex. Yet when should I !. aMo to ie.l liet" WtieuefiT I did so I miiit a!.o rrvil t!ie f".ctof Iir hmbaml'i hel'i dead. m.d m d'dr:g $o mint brlni; the whole stn. h drcthJoher km.wl-dije. I trcmb'.'d as 1 thouulu whatthN inichl mean, huie'y 't drauiatlo min.MindinH miMt upj:'-t fim'"- iniiiiC to iini mm l must tiring o.u u :n i Wji-rt will le found wr t'uu tn the ro -orv Itn, iu h ai Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, a sgg; in --'-1-'' t Fruit e, Bacon, iam, DriedBeaf, I louring Mills I ihub nub. COLUMBIA & CO., Proprietors. G-uide Rock, Webster County, Nebraska ARE CONSTANTLY MANUFACTURING THE FINSET GRADES CF oixhtnmt its horror; imist, la Iri. it-1 her TomilTT QTlH YJxi&Yiim TOTT? ITiCjl what she Lad done In b.-r madness! Itifiei ' UHlj CtHU JTciby.li.0 X1 iU Ui , lVi.di , tiian rick this. I uuict lui hercontlnae to I bear the cruel welv'it of what she t-iowhtj K P, H ? T) ',TO . -7 O tlfiP ft.1llffti f t fittti ttktlf lta trt fn tl rt In . - U) ( lUIIOi J H 441UL1W '- 1 Jtelieve that .J r .Mervyn Frrrand h atlU J From t alive, and trotib'in nothing as to v Int ha fwconie of th woman whom hconrj f.il-j.l awore to Jove and cht-rbli until dna.li. I c-irj-d the wre-tch't inemoty n I ihonicht i-f him. The pending of I'hlllppa to live und.T the charm of one of his own drardcil nntrei-i-i wjs but another proof of the uia.iV r vt(Uh;; cynlciMii. .Airs. Wil-on's aeocidnm s .f th. charge sluwi-d me to what a lrvrl a woman nuild ink. It told me, mrrovur, that in Kplte of her letter "he was not t le trusted. A w. man who could lend h relf j "T)!!1 0" to her foim-r lover's purposes In mv'i .i j Lvo::") waynsthl.H iimt li-vejurtid with i-vny atom ot pr.de. It tieemed to m3 that the wt- man and the uinu weru well matched n j baenfas. , Still her letter llft(v!a Jovl from my ;nl:id. ', I fe!t that for awhile tin re culd ba no pur- i ult; yet 1 rc?o!ved to nk nothing, but to i hurry om with nil K)STi!!t ped. Only I when we crowed tl:o frontier of Spain ' honld I Hp-ep in peace. j All resnmehe. with a v!e;v to obtaining , eOd-rcaof the iirit Ladv F'trand's death. 1 iKtpoiiod indpfmiteJy. Nmie day, if till at all hutm. went will, l would return to Knh.nd nr.l procure the dfCunuMiU necessary to prove ! -1. .. I! Il. ill til . " me va.niiij- oi iimijijiad mar.-n'e. iioto was no p:e,i-i:iiE hurry. As to any monf which should b2 hrs, never, with my c- n wnt should she touch a pmiy which had belonged to the dead man. I'rotmcted in my meditation) serm on pa- per, they were in reality much longer; In- 1 teed, they wero not at an i-nd when the bout etecmed In IJonlone haihor. I went I In fcaich of my companion, who, I wa plad to find, had borne the voy.nce well. We wero oon iti the train, and, without a:iv events occi.rr:n worth reeordins, at el,;lit o'e.'ock stood on the Gaie iiu Nord, 1'arN. We drove tbroui;ii the britchtiy lit streeta to the Hotel du Louvre. The talns of trav el washed away, my mother j:ivp .i Ji;h of MtUfacliou as she seateil hen elf at the dinner-table. Like a sensible woman, she was no deplser of the cood thincs of this life. There were other lato diners luthezreatcof-foe-room.and many a head wasturne I to look at the brauUful trl xvho ?.t on my right hand; for cvety day which brought her new health and Mrcnsth.broueht ako tmy love an iuMailiWMit of her fmiucr rich beauty. In a very short time he would bo to all np p'ar?.iiceb the l'hlllpp.i of oUL "How lou? Kh.iM we tay in ParU, I'.aslir' asked my mother. "It Is now half-past nine; our train tdarts j at 8:45 In the morninir. Calculate the time." I vcry boBtnin.torinls, which thoy cro wholciHnprto tl:o tvr.ilo nt hard pan prices. Thny rurirnntoo ihoir ilour. oepondoncosollcitod from doa.1 era in Nobrcslct. find Kansas 3 . ! t: at. iii ri Zi mmwmmm CowJcs, Zebras ica. DEVLKII-S IX Faints, Oils. Eookp, Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. j Clid-e and Cracker?, Tol.acc.i.-, dtrHr-". Klieir. For J.tJIad a:ol QuetMi.-war. ittul (V(e'i'ry. Hnniii" hy fair dealiuy tojtner'tl'i'-hsirejof th. "ptihljcatroiiagp. Come an eo mo. IN FEATHEBLSY'S BUILDING-, Opposite he C! iraijo I.um1. r Van!. S. V. LUDLOW. 3 c. m. Yorxc;. Hosford & Young, rv V.J h5 , rf ytei&J V I iiiU ui i I . vit v " I PEALKIW IN' R. K. Shnrer, Prep. ?? ? j s rj i H 0 li c? :. 2 y ? 'A ft s.1 P i V, r ci ? OiLS AHD DR CS. Fro ri5tTV 1 t ;i i ii t A now nnl variH a'nrtment of ivo,enpttons mreft.iiy coiiipunntiuJ , lapsaND LAMPFIIT3RES IDSF REIEIVSS - v k em I"" p;it ia iif BRCAO CLAIfffcl wa 72SY BEST OPEEATIKQ, m V a (uicatSH u h u la Hi! 1 " I? RED CLOUD, NEB. Highest Market Pieces Paid ! Also eggs, in season, from High Class Ply Rock Fo'vls. crri T ?c& i a;; exact view of oun factory). The Jwtly CELBRATxID BRSWSTISi V SID2-ilAS wo inr.?c. oriroa SfH ??J v. M'o bm!d Only Ono Grade rf work, an! tJ:it of THE B2ST in Quality and Stylo. We tl not riHo tJ?- L v.v-t It 1 'J.. , I ut . ! . that ouri nr tk CiIxIjiNEST I2T TEH IVOHJ-D, u'.c Quality is Oonsidcrod. V"c uo tho FINEST M KIAJ. o?-.:n:'.bh,omj!or otilv BXPZIHTrinil COMPET 2&BCHANICS, ur! from timo to time r.ilopt all nnlly Valu ably Improvements that cfl"T, nr.l endeavor to cotiiVrtn t il.p !Lr.tef3t Stylos. Ti intun tin 1k"i m.d rnot uniform riMii!, T7o Ilory HiinTiXaoturo Our Own Wheels frctn Pinest Timber (twed ly our o'.vn mill) that can bo obtained frr m the lulls oi Southern Ohio Punou ni the Soocnd Growth. Giohory Di-ttnVt. We- htvo the LARCE3T :md MOST COWPLETK FACTORY In tho WORLD for thu ni.mufuiuro tA Light huh t. JiS J'tSWn .Jtt, 3CtfTC2! i7 3T. I 'JI.-' ' y T ?i "L ; X; r-1 ;r Sfctfe-- : !'s--9l!: .. i ivu-r tvccvri' ,ii'-.: a-' , fc &) t w .Vssr' " 90m&&mfl& J: OTJK 1 lI$ s ?3 fw Wii ft w.n5? ? a7 o i-j cs ii r.s jc mim& i '.wtVl .", ' 'V ... Ttfnv?T"Tirn AiiVlIi-i XllVli . v vv ,. ;.,o- r.tiT'i- K.A K?m v r-wrs .0T' rt c rr vr. js'sir; irvra k &- E -V' T' WILL tvsOSHCH, Prop. Mil i V??irrH .y-t.-t'ii 0UIC22JST S2LLD73 A27D ' ""ttrnailrrrlcbtticSLOOD.rcrj'efi .,.. JIE Al.ru ntl VJ'JOUcf TOUT?: Ii.n.IUioo Must B E 5 STOVE . KSiiSiasia Ever ofTercd to the public t mtr - m&r nasMaMMB lO Veuru Expcrlraro F3SI 'JiOFilETREiuEfiT Of Kcrvoud ard Cmlna! C bllity. larly Oozr.?, Losa of "c.io,r, c;c, vc. "Oh. nonsense! It Ls years fiiuv 1 have CCKJCow?n-fl?,r J - 'fs-e-TVw"- 3', Kvn In lans. 1 want to look at tno shoi. J TVtkLr1011 !?. ts !o" rniuvpa. 1 tiru sure. 1 "aly ilear mot ht, the man, much more W.e woinsn. who limri-rs In l.iri is lost. It rou are r"ln elsewhere the only way li to jco straight thrU2h. or else you jcet no fur ther. I have proved this, ami meau to run no risk." .JDr.T. WIUXAHfl. aiihyanioc. Vfia. A Walking Skolitou. Mr. K. iriiser, ( Mychaniohors Viu, wiitcs: "I was ctliicted with luetj j fever nnd ahat on lun:. and rcdurcd rrT, H.. - t.l i l. -V f t J ". "4 ' .? -i Vr.,,jiO t ,:U U-hmm 3 iih &;. t-.... :K - ..V -?i JkAVS 1 SS-ton. I Vf --.-. iT3?! i OLD STAi-TD, re i-,tslA.'"r Fr? i-,tUr,? -s J ; . iiii'-: v . - !. :jiz.virir. jcr .. . - SrSZfim-- - " ' j -. --J7 yf u jzxj - : Facilities, Ifcliioery d fopilal Are Dnsurpassei Which cnailccufi to furnish tho Eost p.at! Finest Vohich dt Tiricca v:ithi:i tho ivash of all. Tile Si itafioi of iiu Otiiite Bigg Co. is Uunaliri P.r wire and exninino ih mw f ! i ar,d rr I !tr COLl'MUHl BrfKtY C. i h"rOM, Ar, iruy iinr r.' b-d ptr'tie an? otferinj inferior Ihiic clmminr; lhri:i to bo u(,0LJJllHl 8 HrOtilKS, thus imposjs: on tho tmbhc nrd rn. T'-o hiipnor reputatioa otir vehicle j in 'it? en ntu h jtptttiou jxidle atul jirofiublo, ..l'lrr 11. "r C(n!-ir'" nud l"r t ., noti will ! of iar X1. ILM18IIS BUGGY eOMPANY, F.ED OLOUD, NEB Soano2rle & 01 Son tua.cln at.! nrrv rerfivf i.r' f-jrec. caMen Hit tuirc: sii 1 luDMn rr.M i'-.w- r. ? i PTJCCTCl tJtfTit i-in a:l ecnr.la'nU i..ri-J;kk! 1- c-'i.arl.'Oictrsts wJJOli'lln cue. l!M"5' -nd lel'rij-onivilirl . Trie .t-oncejl i'iunr t the .lt.e i lin. U r.Tsi:"' li.. :i Tox.f ihai ir.ucni :: 1 ,.;i I Jtccuu. r' itl s: if o !y jildfl :. ihrt-. r iic accririi.si. jr..i csr. t'ivJi-str 1 . . St-Lo. 1.. yc, '.r war -iittKAU yoOK." fj I'uilct itrictf-.a.rj useful in! .matiso.lrtvvT Og.C'.Tr" ;ir n.cas Lvoayoja. Dealers In all kinds ' iul reutemher wo rre on'.ywoat women. 1 to :i walking .-kehton. Got a free trial Tnls poor child is far Irani Miou.' ! ;, ,,.i ,.-n- 1.-:.. - -. n- i She , .tailed at Wtl!!,.. who. eye. thank- ,Ule ' T.)r" K,nv: S C wven- for ei! her for tho nuYrtlonate apprliatlon. rons-wmpuo". which did so nnich pood "Don't ihj rat'rvius. uaMi," mUo contlnu-; tl'nt I heulu a dolliir bottle. Alter ed, "ive us at Ieat 0:10 day. "Not on. I am Jut jroinc to look uftcr a courier, o that you may trael iu all pos. ble comfort." that jnr companions wero thoroughly alarm. A. Wo had hrandy with u, w!ich was duly luimlnU'.en d ta mc Alter awhito I reoiv red, aud nlthoush tb fsar was still with me. Fat with the 5totclm of an Indian .t the utako. awaiting what :n!2ht happen at the frontier. I had dune. aM I eculd. if. at ho last tnomenL disaster overtook u. 1 hnd at lesst striven by every moans within tay To be Qmtinntd ) A rennsylvnnia woro.in hw been aent to pxioa for horse -tedinp. 'I ho dear erenturvvt nro e?Uar t.r rights ono aft or another, thanks to tho cf fn ts of the nt bio piutu-ervs-cs in tho (ie.'d ot agtat.ou. 3o-on Tntiscriit. u?oiti throo bottles foutitl :nyelf onee more a man completely retorovl to health, with a hearty appetite, and a S:uu in :oh of 4SUs. Call nt Henry l""Vilr ilril !nrn iin.l tm trial l. -..-... . ... .. ... w m... f,-v . turn .!- . tlf nf till irflin i-llrn f.r dtl Int.i. ?,. ease. Lare IhuiJcs $1.00 w a w x I . Hpa fe SSL.3t v K3LI f? 4 fs H O X o u J- tl - m in UBS, mil amis SEWiNG fWAOH.NES, ETC. 3K ji v rrft-f'r' iJ-'w A-r. -.' ' i Bed Iancl Wf!0 13 L't.CQOiT3 7tTM TMr OtOCHAPHy or TKI OOUWT?. RBt KT tTAW-IPtXO THIS lA. THAT T ?r Vti." ii--SrW A.' tJ Ro-Ir.oc f yTS . .--. U.' r COt.'8 iSeiTT.JAC'l. A?. $ Wi- "." MMM.VHM ll VP-I LiMn stlS I: M 8 f?r33 Ci .e. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kftna-, H5 . . . v avsr writes- i never he-itnio tn rvrv- Kl.?3ktrjr.. ... . . . ..... . ; .-tfl,.n.,;crlr3tja &--Z&y&LCa. mend your EI ec trio Bitter? to my cus tomers, they give entire snttsf.ict:Mi CiT.TJTi,5'. 5?yr -,-it?rr rn on ?-.- .i .., :.l ..1i L-i.: 1 ' - -" "" - ia. .. 4v. ! imu. r..-vi.u; i3nera wanTa of PROP SHOT, BUCKSKQT, are the purest and bt medicine known t " , , , ' J l Ut ? . .'?-. ' r re : '.i -vT- , - -. Ti l " . - -- -J&? s k 2 5f: i Q a ; vi!i. .-.rti-i -yrjCT2. . er s vv. b o h fP" -. -. rC ,JfCT 3f rl !" y " : ii 1 aJ t -r -"- r--f 'j.-t. wi -sZZs&mzjvr-tijku -4iri.;.- leb lireslcry, STORE j ir r-s. ' "T--" . w -:i '.? vi' -' ri. - ;c r ivW'-' u'4 AS Vm,'?4l Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y SjggaSaE&sa Therossan trUhman in Ansoaia, Conn., who work twenty honrs regu larly very daj. and only s ends four out 'of tho tweatvtour in&lecp- Mm-1-iod Oourant. m Ocs ftiAtly has trade all tho paper Heed for 1 ank of Knelaad notes. Its Manufacture ha- been the iaheritanca of ado.ea of geaeratiomi. . lay-re Is atid to be f50.000.00o Iu rested ia hotels aloaj- Um line of Broad war, HetrTofk. F. 5. ainl will positively cure kidney and liver complaints. Purify the Wood and. rejitilato the Inmvls. 2o family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars m doctor hiiSs zrcry year. Sold at fifty cents a bot tle bv Henrv Cock. . VnrEis i;exx!. i;ivkv tiut kti- BafkltsV Aralra alre. Ti;c best salve in the world for cut I PfCpr t-jj.,- , ik- ka- .: eiirtanSUin ii .cJ-r- ijjwtivr 2ato'T. it -. ...... t ptirrAt 5nh:ii; .-i-. p hm4. I lanvta. i nl.a. 1 ifTfau Jr-l Itvllr ntr.Mn tn.nt. t . t, .. . ' .? ... -'".! lli:: r3 Ivtml- J rrt and ittrr-aiuttt. .r. talsibir ffcfTPii. lir)(!(3KcaL si a tot f l:ra .1Kt. w itb tra e y nl a! orr u, otber loyas a i t ant of ittrw-t' tnr i-- trmu-AD-t iJoHsr. tor pi.O :n a.- tj.-ctd t.v I 2 .-i?C r2?v . . si tr a . 1 k k I 3 m tsj 5s tJr LS? & ipotL-i&tM ooiixr. to i? r"J -n a. t2.--fd t.v I f T W ttV tvol 4 tnt'ir. W41l thlnr uai IriKn I rf rT" . -f- t 1 f price "ic per box. nrin Knrr tiiirs kff rhAum : ." ---r"" -"- " Mw..iti uataau uot- ajw t . .- - ,-.-, -.-.-, ..... .v.it ht. r r fc. 1 ... . 1 ' ' " - .. -. . ... s. A iixr j3iz &2 r.prtiri"nn r ... i . -. fc fever sores, tetter, chapped bands JVJ.r1i:; P?M & klVVV2L !-.m cmibiuns. corns and all skin ertmttons 1 hisfc?tai-itat nt iirbtm. .- it5.i.r e.. Vir.-ucV A3 iJaJ feci rtrtit -.- 1 ., i Ati,',!,;icfjxvoa is stauy ttevr lo iiwt la n fu t- 4 -a. y- xg-. -acjs ami positively cures ptles, or no par 1 ! tr -4.jhe ooe tali in- awwr rf mTSIi f 9--r. "r VA' -.. aKl required It is cmntccd to ive o t CPP l5iJ",,255,rjhs? f"4 Pw - sSSSe-, SI crrc i 'T3J1 .. Zr. mi - .- - . ,. - - --- -. - .., , ,,, , . , , - ---kTa.' w . ivxit. :niFi:ii;iiini. or ni'inov ri:ii4i, 1 . rfrrajrrLV ihsl. t -- - - 1. ..-.. . 1 - - -w-.- w- . -. h - - - ' ' m mi .y.-.j .waa . mmmm-wmmM H ( HAVRr.rABU.-j!j:jA AT WELLS. K.tity ftr ir laT, r twrlTrA ifcV Uyiiitiutrh&oJ Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Iron, Nails. 1l arenXUsz car &-rf ai . .. ftfI ?rf nrric ar rrirr- alt tw rssvuMnae-JJ ta -rr4pr M y. nt Uoiu a!kit rev tnd Lr.Hr Jtot:aArri:rrr.Tov Bdsir i 3r'vi fTentml tJw. a -ir-tt -. . .. . . rrhica. ywlUtt. Ut isy-art wvj ! m h.-e out .r afortxli Of rvt fc-riTrrrt tfc- AiivJJe a&4 .& 2tuAic "GREAT ROCK sSLAND ROUT? ?-i ? - ti c52SMj5Sr-.i5.ri "?-s2Sf 1 vi ti. 'iZAT'D vi:rn..v rr svr.r -.-. . .-? - .l '1 v J 9 t- J5 -"- - - "- -w-r-T h tw Jt .t. 'M M MjTt. J. - . A. 4 "- t Ai a k-tm tM.tam. -.f - T v- -r A--..i.V -7 1 - .. AJt f OJI COA -- --; j j . -t -jr i,.r i-,.?:: - r xrrT w -rv . . .. FET CvUiS. d 2I N't:f!rSi!l3 tlSfStJifeS?5 BX.RE?I3IO S f TirurT -r.ru . --. ... ww , ., . . --i l. rr- rvo rx ai?t L-i irLlir2if"fP " ' ximouzz : , At?ERT LEA ROUTE. sJ"iss'?V ?TZiZ LC'?S2Z. -sasWSSi&HPs Tw sura aQji HJatmlZa, -TJl.1 ?. TtnaJa. 5" E. ST. JOHN. 1 iKtuutiKf,rwrtanMiirvji t ra, Mtt..... .,..; . .m&t -s-4J.MM OITt vntWAGC. &. s 3, '.,, 3?.- -' .? C a. SaaW&toi:r.y-ft& T .. . ji?ij .- - .IrtJ'MSi.- A S. , ' -.. . . iijo HWw e 3 iipw. ijy.'ij-iy Jimwi 11 1 ik: y-n. vWi&i;. Ha-? srT -sS-. i--.?- Ja1MalaMaaMwaaWlaMllTl'T"iniaMftmf f-" nawniff'Mf " 1 Til " TriT 1 J I MWHMMMMMMMMMiMaMHMW I I'll fWJF d ' 'WlPaiMJia '" 1 f "iff 11 I I w