The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 06, 1885, Image 6

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PTAB) pertoa who takaa r paper n-tna
Urljr from the poM-office. wbethar dlrtotUsl ta
fcU name or whether he l a tubtcriber or not.
to nxponsfble for Ur pay.
Tae courts havu locide3 that refuaJn Ik
take nowipaptm from the potKifllce. or ra
ffaovinr and lxuvlng them uncalled for. to
ritaa facia evidcuwof iararJoaAi.nLaaai
.Around the he-art h when raving Morni and
littr wind do Mow.
"' o!ili arc wrajiod In
t'hroud of v-hio?, uiuw.
When lo-r to alia doth his roir Ihn i-IilTur-
Um outcast dravr,
WliodreiiHii notof it alnjr'o nifal, and prays
hut for a. thaw.
ll!e on nion.' loir; the; oriichtur that our
chcry-lK-arJh doth iiluvr.
The nmro our leuit shall wnnu to thoM- who
no Mich hlr-M.uxs know
Ah lieurth and li'-tnt. and kith und kin, and
' love of hufnnri kind,
I'oOr wii.tdcn-ra. who on this earth no Jot of
Joy can tlnd.
"Poor -e inny lc, -t not ' joor hut that a
penny fee.
'u have fur Mich: and know, o Lord, we lend
it uiitnTneo;
Who nliluth nt hl brother wln-n ho kuockcth
lt noun of Th'nc: for Tlioii. O Lord, wwl
gruclou-i to th; r.
I'lle on morn lojri: draw closer In. O prund-
fire, iruy nnl el 1;
Climb, WxMIIiiiriliirlliiK. to his knei and lay
thy liwks of Kohl
ujni hln brci-t. ut:l Hiteti h;iit tin;
lulo ho tells
Of Uie I'.lUn Qiic-n who hold lur court atnld
i'ow youtliH and ai;t!!eiM.onead all. In sweet
liortli- tJlilib eiiu-:it;o.
ftnlkil on upiuovinly by thoe who own a
rlM.-r nue:
Su liariu eaii Injure those ttiio Mtft; lit the
home anchor ride:
ICo worldly pl'uut't vhjld l jwac' that Rllda
Ihu hoinotlroiidu.
'Our own llre-ilde, mir bright flreMe, there a
- iiiulu in tie ound;
Heart Miiuhlao Ju each w-l!-loved face our
iniiiejfimipcft unut.i;
llIe-TliiMi. littl. that llreMe dn
lr. tMat it
may liami, l.
iJltic i'ery bl'--.iiif ve enjoy we ove ttuiL
boon to Thee.
CliamUenf Journal.
Mro. ButUror Tolla Hor Huyband
All About It.
" I haVc hid -.ueh an adventuro,' e
C'lnimed .Mrs. l!a.ler as lie i!ottueed
inlo the Miiiug.r'om, isauk into an e.tsy
ehair ami .i.ped for breath.
What k tJie matter, my dear?" in
quired Mr. Ii:ul-r :n he laid down his
nuwjiapur :tud prepared to listen.
"That is a nice way to Apeak to a
Woman after alio has jtisf si-en a -.hdit
- thai curdled her hlod. Oh. my I " x
vlaimed ilie worthy .l-.tdy :ts fit-' eowsed
her iiink face with her terra cottairlove.s.
totally ob!iiou. for the m'tmeiil of the
XjicL.thtiV the two colors formed a very
inhannoiiiou. ! can s'-e it
before-me now. I d m't believe I will
ever forget it. ever."
' Compose yourself, my dear, and
J,:il me a.J a!;our it."
iiuil .h me way wilit you men.
r,sp ndo I .Mr-.. K-ideet :u ,h! removed
h-r Jiands Jrom her laeo ami 1-ean un
button ii her lov.cs. Vou have no
, feciin;;. Vou don't know what senti
mem is. If you had passed through
what I ha; to-day the lut iuLutatioii I
would have, of it would be an tmu.sual
odor about your breath. Vou would e;,
into a .sa'oon just as if nothing had
happened and talk the matter over with
a irieud. and by the. lime you eot htune
you would forget nil nhmit'it. Compose
iny-elf. indeed. , I know I shan't recover
from the .shock for six weeks, if over
Hire the excited matron paused to
billow her lii.sbaud an opportunity to
u5lrrnpt h"- jtg.iiu, but that individual
win-lv icfraineil from taking advantage
o it.
When I got through my work thi.
'lioon - you know w'o had company fir
lutieh? Mrs. Sitnp-.on ami h rd-tught.-r
were h-re How I det'vt that woman!
I ktiow -he e.tme here on purpou to
imiko mean remarks about hor new
silverware. By the way. Isaac, that
rilve'ware i wearing erv badly. The
plating has leen rubbed oil in three
places od our coa'ce-pot : lrealy. That
eomes of buying your tabl ware at a
tea-store. 1 knew you were no
judge of Mteh things. Th next time
peri aps you will le' me buy MulY for
my own house. But you always think
you know mi much about things No
one can tench -jun anything. If you
wouhl take'y'imrwife'.s 'advice onei" o-trt-itv
n y ear. instead of that nifce.nhlc
Jim Vifsons, ttw'duld be better for you
:ttid mo loos 1 .suppose now you will
go :iisbt 41 that od'otts m:in ju-t what.
I v said. Tnat is the way you alwa,-
do. " on know you do. 'The lat ttine
1 told you the truth about him you went
right oil' and repeated it to him like a
little, leaky pehool-l-ny. Vou needn't
try and deny it. for Mrs. Wilson came
i'.' here the next day and made the
most scandalous Mn'emenrs about you
I eer heard, and I know she only did
It to e;et even- (Ml. if I was only a man
1M h w you ome things that you
ought to know."
lb-re Mrs. Badgi r stopped for breath
and glared across the lire-plac at her
unfortunate bu-bantl in a wav that
would hate chilled the marrow in the
bones of a U-..S experienced Benedict.
"Well, my dear." Miggesied Mr.
Badger, with a faint sslgh. "as you
were atmut to av. Mr. Simp'son
Thai' tight;" MiajpedMrs. Bad
ger, vieion-ly. That'.s right. S.pee
you were down town and saw the ter
rible sight, suppo-o you linish thestorv.
That's right. Go ahead and tell me all
alout :h ,Cui impatient to'
l didn't intend to interrupt vou. my
dear." revj:ond. d Mr. Badger, vvcarilv.
won t -.m tlear me. ir. rlc:v-e
ton :. en. s.uee you don t know
:tny thing about it and an willing to i
-ll ! . a. . I
l-si.jn io tye ivuue it. I w:ll coutmue.
lrs. Simpson and her frcekled-facetl
3liss S ntj-on came to lunch. Wo had
pickled sr.lmon. hot hl.-cu:ts you know
what delhrons b'scuiis Marv makes? It
i.- the ouh g.-qd Uettg about the Lag- J
bare- S o doivs vvervthing els ter-
ribly. - troKe tiitw ,this
is'ofning hile'she was trying to lL-tett j
to w: at i fir'as av iug to you abnt Jen-
ttie Vanyns. .white' we wore in the
pantry, t thiuk I shall discharge Jtvr.
ihe is to - :ittless f .r any mo. bn: then
shxjis cIu.-npiindk!.ovs o.r ways, and
IKuweu Ifdows what 1 should o with a
uewgiri -iut I suppose yon would be
g ad "to have a change you doa'thaw-
ni:v of tl?e work to do. Vou men are
oVcilisn. 1 wish I wasa man.- j
" "So do I, my dear." observed Mr.
.Bad'cr. "Ten 1 might possibly hear ,
the end of this story"soiue time this .
Veal. .
- '. !. -v. ..K At fl.iri(iTiirr when von
!! . X ILili. 11. ..... .v..
jibi,9i- -."'-- ..r.....l M
As I was -saving, wuhu---Badger,
afier five minutes of
SSi scewed w her like BHth,
cant t?atniecritclIvatuV neglect me. j "Dearest I lov Tltafs the- way with you I magnificent life
"- i r
-men. I luvve. agooa tutnu noi. u
-.-'.-'-- - . . ..i
the storv ,af all now, just lOTne.
At th& remark 3Tr. Badger pieked up
ami resnnicii uia imuiw..
when Mrs. Simpson andMIf Simpson
Icfl tho hmne I put on ray cloak and
hat and started down town to buy .-onto
groceries that I asked vou to order
several day ago, but wbfch you forgot
as u-ual. You always forget Mich
things until you .sit down to the table
to rat. and tlieri you florin and rai-e a
row lx-cau-e vou don't find the article- all
cooked and ready for vou. ia silver
' .... . . . .
covered utnhe. 1 got in a red car anu
started down town. The car didn't
top for my at first. I had to cros,
over to the other side of tho street and throorrli , r.oo! (if ivrttj.r. Imt I
don t -uppo-e it would have made any
ditFerenre to you if I had drowned.
After wadinir nearly up to my boot-top
i iii.n j;ui ui--i nnti uiw.
wa-n't anv vat for me. Tlie car wa-j
ttWt iTiil Tirfrtrl f riftii iiuH'
" i"-- " '-' .-' " ...-j'... -
crowded men and women. J here trn:i. to ;;nir ,Rms j tunf in
wan t a genri man ther . It a p.ty . a;lIIO stvle a-id in even brtt-r lira- and
the street ear compaui-i don't run j r,VIUt. dliilx u,,, rvnderinj; of -The Or
cattle ear.i fortius brutca who ait " , " ,lf .. r,,il .l0n,' I heurd iut
wmie l;i(Jte htaml up. lucre was one Our tril Ie' MJ7.7.irN. as u-ienlight-pnlty-fa-ed
dude who wv.-n't read njr. J Pn..(j ,i0wn-K-:iT- s'netim.-. t.-nn
He didn't dare look :ne in the face. , ..,., Hri, .....i ilV ,.nI lf,ihr. u, loll
He fumbled around mliu po -ket-s and
tmllel out a newspaper, and when 1
looked at Imn he legan reading it up-
si.i'juunii. ouiim; iu.ji oiiiu uo uuj- j Ia.l,f ' rtn,J there 1- jits'. frO,t
thug nither than stand up and let a . Blli ,, 5 (mr w;M;t.r3 to turn the elm
lady sit dtiwji. I hen the brute of a , V;lVs roi,,.n. y;M M,m,ner dn.uths or
conductor a.ked me if I didn't have ; lv-,ltJ.r ,!(M1, ,,,ri.a4i ,lev-t.ithm over
.-.mailer change when I gave him alivo!.,,,, ,;tlU, :lIul ho.)P. of our h.,baai!-
.I..I1..M 1.711 i if .. I I I !.... I I . . '
li' IIIU. Ml UUIII-V 1 llilll llll I
wouldn't give it to b.m after he had
-. . . ,.ii,
iiHiilted ipe In-fore the ir full of peo-
h)le.not tout, I cared for them, though.
j ncn ne i jom-u at tne inn su-p-eiou-iy .
and carried it out on the platform and
.. i . ... . t ,
:iumi me unver it u was goon. He
flu. li l-i.fif tliriii'ri till jiur tnil .i.L-.'il
everv man if he had change. None had '
.v.... " .,'"'', . '"""- -
any. of course, and hi had to g.v; it
back to me. I hope h. had to pay my
fare hmiaclf, ju-t bceau-e he was .sue i
a icltish brut:. But hu wa- liko all you
"At Twenty-third .5tnxt a v.omtin got
in ilie car with that lovnv dre.s- pattern
1 .-aw on I iron-,! wav lat tall auu waote l
, ...
you in miy mr in . oiu you mw ii v..
too expni.btve Mie had .t made out.
and it was perfectly beautiful. I kiic-w
it didn t cyst her over lifiy dollar.,, and
it was worth twice that much. 1
w.ll sec how much it co.L, when J g.-t
in, new ure-s next moniii. ii".-s goo is
t - - i. T
nieai. it nas mici iovciv wmttows.
n..yare plate gla-s and reael, (br the tore, at.d are tilled v.-ith t..e
greatest bargams I ever v. 1 V now
seme of th. lace that thev have .narked
ooy.,. ui uiiny-iwo ami a uau cenis
oiun i cost one cent le-s iiuin mimv
cents. Well, right over the top of tho
building there is a .scaflbld and there
were some me.i woiking on it They
had a p'le of brick- and a who.o dn
goods box full of mortar. I met Mr.
.limes there--that plea-ant gentleman
wilo eo:nf,-u"re and talks so heaulifullv
about Bans and the late-t fa.shions.
He had h1.- charming little pug dog
with him. and the moment hestw nn
he bowi-d and that dear little doggie
barked Yo t know the la-t time lie
e:rne here I jjave him your slippers to
pl-iy with. Ifc is ueh a cute little fel
lorv. He nearly choked to (lea li. you
remeinber, on the heel of one of the
slipper-. But you can buy a new pair
for two dollars, and you know I nevr
liked thti pa r, any vvay. Vou bo tgl t
them without consulting tne. He sa:d
he was coining up to see us to-night."
"Who?" intciruplud Mr. Badger, a
he started from his chair. "Jones or
his dog?"
" Mr. Jonivs, of ro,ire; you don't sup
pose 1 would talk to a pug dog. do
you?" "
" Well, my dear.'' continue- Mr.
Badger, as he buttoned u his, "I
.dial) have to be out this evening. I
have a business meeting to attend to at
the Windsor Hotel. I am sorry I can't
at ay at home to enjoy the so':ety of
Mr. .Jones and the Jones pug. but 1
can't neglect business you know. I
must go right oft. I haven't a minute
to spare."
Vou needn't run away to avoid
meeting Mr. Joucj. He won't lie
But you just said he was com tig?"
" So 1 diil. but he won't. Wh'le we
were talking a whole bucketful of
I bricks fell oil' the seiJlblding and .-truck
him on the hea 1 before my ey'e and
flattened him out bke a pnn-ake."
"Oh! shu Idered Mr. Badger, "tint
ten.s horrible. .No wonder yo; were
shocked. I wonder wh t i"r he leaves
a widow and a family. He really wasn't
-ueh a bad fellow after all."
" Leave a widows What do you
moan? How could he marry?"
" I don't see any reason why Mr.
Jones -Jiouldu't marry."
"Mr. Joins? He wasn't hurL It
was the dog that wa- crushed."
"Oh."' luplied Mr. Ba Igec :'- he
seate 1 himself rg.tin and picke I up the
newspaper. "I? taut the terru!o a t
ventureyou had?"
"Well, isn't that :id venture enough?
I was ,i) weak I had to order a carriage
to take tne home, and thr.t co-L foul
dollar.-; and you will have go with
out meat for breakfast to-norrow morn
ing unless you order ;t yourself to-night,
aud. Mr. Badger, let me say that thf
next time I tell vou a .storv vou will tta
drstand it at once.
"I doubt it." replied Mr. Badger, as
hi wife tUmnced out of the room to
change her dress for dinner. X. i
m a
There vas no Kitchen Line.
She was rr.vv about palrnistrv. SI."
ha-1 bought h tlf ;i t!).ou looks nnn
sttttlieit tne ims ant tne nioua:s ar.u
the i-lar.ds aud th cros-TS and the
1" I-!. -
stars, aud she had read lur Henry's
fcrtune time and again. So he umler.
took to road hor hand one r.ight. ::h
her licit.
"This i-i my be:trt
stid. as she traced
line, d-ar. she
Avith linger
aero s t-.o 'a;ra:
Yes; vottr hear: lino." '
"Vou ke how Well define i and strong
it is? ' t . .
"Ve. b.-hr.od. bnjt it is nqt qulie
-vr-ugh axid thfs bcrok :sy tliat tttOse
i:tt" Hnr -num'n: out of "t are evi-
t - .ce of prvv-vit a;ns."
-Oh. but thus gnut big break is yon."
"Then 'ther. rev heaTlline.'"
"Vcs. darling. If your heart were a-
level as your head f mean In palmistry
1 would not be so jealous."
-But you tuusn's read it like th
What are you looking for?"
" H :iu.iuut tiauu:uj; liit- cw.
- ir..! t!. K...t
MM ... ....U-.4.
e you. Yoa have a
lies and a splendid
heart Hue acd a level head line, but
1 am poor, and if tou could onh
show me tne kitchen fine the futuf.
would be ono unbroken dream of hap
piatos." .S raxcuce Chronidc.
""' Hll,'a; "-1 "Ow. outo.i an.ays, j. Atuii. f ( r y,.. y,,nr
think you know so much about Mien , j , ".,,, p(!l,uis mvr Js ,,-,, ft
things. , ',v j. .,j tfi-Lr roou of everv tt.ft of
"I go' out at I-ourteenth dreet 4ii I ;rK. ;rni., cubage hea.i; of full
was walking pat that new budding on ( oll ,n.i ,u:lI .., s.7ltl r;:li sc v
MMh avenue you know which one I f(ir.h ,jH. fnt,,ram.(.0f t!,e ie,-a-niue ::i-d
rh Charm1 of Till Fa-tor! fiction .r
tUtlmUy UfrrUf A Thf- -tr IHot
rred lt trthi Oarrtrti of Krn-
Uakota Is the newest, trva'cd
md grandest of the Territories of tlie
L'niou. tin garden .-pot of th- conti
nent, the imperial wheat belt of the
It i.s a more than royjl u aim.
which ' ten years ago was unex
rdored acd a!nio-t unknown, which but
five year ago was a'mst wholly a re
rlon of romance and of fable. It i- a
; pirl
t out inouei iani. m:r. nvvr
1 1 mud- thr li-hhi rn of it own fame.
(k L- th. world's tnie wonderland.
vv j, rc no ?tona- anl tivt.ti.f: ever
!low. and whiti als t'i bre v.e ai'
-.. !
, r b.tK., Iw,. Th,. Mm ..hine
' ,,..(.r vith a mellow .pl.-ndor that ealN
to mhl,j ,hr. far.f.,.nr,i UUVPy Valley of
ttp. I he Min ..June,
..,.,.. ST.. ......- ,. ..... - r ,e. -V.,lIl..t--
i " ' .-'. "-....-". ,. " ' " '
weep thoe plain and allcs
ivjtj nibbling de-tolation. -No luil
jlornii rattle tieir dc-troy ng muk'try
upon the gram-, and fruits and plate
gliss windows of that elv-mm
, fW. nn t,t.n :-t (nou,rn to furnish
. . . . .
. mesne' to our amu.t-ous young Home
hail insurant companies.
Banana-' bloom in November
voting ont'ige-i a-e pik'il the day 1
firo Chri-tmaj. Kni-ins. -triptl stick
eamly, tiu hor-e- and index rublier
dolls, ripen alway-ju-t in time for S mta
f 'laus' ped Her w'agon. with hi- reindeer
team and his " little, round -trnmeh
I in. n .-iiiiN'v mil- i ne i;ih.:uiim;.i ui-
it.... . I...I... ...J I... I -.. I.I ,....!
ul oi ;L.i;v l'im.aMl(.. au.l J:gs '-mw
.ollIaill.r,dv on Can id a t.Y.sle bu-lns
m.n svh(.r,.t ' i,;!e the cotton-wood ,
:it',i,r.f..mi.i ,n...s vi- Id brook trout,
n,.ct.iriiies and ircrsfiiiinoiH. of large
j Mc ., ,IaV(,r a f.ana,!oaii to tJ1.
"'' '
.....n.. . t :..., i.v.i- .... i..-.,
t.;.lv:i,.h:l,k llut.k, :ui,i ,.':i)i :lll
Ul . pri,lu:i,k. nr-w, f u .llsr ,ni
)( ,.,,.;,- ,v,. h7t(.h r ou wiM
, t)i .-, ,nTn..nt:1 :lj;lt t .:,de:fee fr :n
iVniisvlvania. for in-tanee. are babl
r instance, are liable to
mi-tak" th"in for winged hij'pojntami
on hike.-, nf loiewater
and ee'ogne.
Bli.itrd-. tempests, tornado'-s and
rascally political breezes come to that
modern Kd n only a- dimlv uiidcr.-tood
w.ulings troin region-, and
people- who do not know enough t
find their way to th" s-olc remaining
ipi.trter-see.tion of I'nradise in ail the
We-teni world There no wave of
fouble ever rolls a 'fo-s the peaceful
be.t-t 'III I t'le iro-perous I eopl who
rai-e infallibly from twentv-tivo. to
sev n'y-tive bushels of No I l.ard who'it
to the ncr of Ian I. fiat co-ts them
nothing and get 'l.:.' a bush 1 for it.
can ea'mly smile at Satu.'s rage and
face a frowning. b-e one les forte.nate.
world. Colonel J'ai iJoinni.
1pw Konnrki Alinnt th" "Iot TrnteI
ittnl IHotru-til of Mrn.
They are the men who make contract-
:.n I untna'ie them; who gives ad
.ice and s 11 cottn-eh who make money
out of trouble and make trouble on: of
money: who cr ate estates and distrib
ute t'lem legally; who live by loaning
money and often subsist on Iwirrowcl
capital; who hear and conce d marriage
secret.', and later drag out faded love
lctt"rs in bitter divorcs; who are
p!ea-ed and persuaded by the lucicy.
but often go out of curt branded and
di-praised by the side defe tte I a:d.
witho'.e -ode always the l.xer. and'v bo !i. what wonder tint t!
s!ur.s of character f.ill to the current 1 ji
of a lavvy cr! the smiles of thrt m rchan:
customers. 1 e meet- the f owns of bu-.;-ness
men ni tr uth'e. lortuii"i :'r.s to
bts -aved or lost, ile mu-t w in th- vic
tory or lie bbime forever Ti.i
lawy. r i.- 1 ke the bu Ui r w'.o know s
that, be it evt r so p-rf-.Tt. tii elalKira'e
hou-he ha-finish -d can ti"ve.- ijni'.e
su t the propne or.
He ctrrio. thti ihetble bur icn for -elf
and cl.eit. .s in, i: d to wi-i uhaio her
have f.t led in. urge 1 to mend tie
broken t iec. of :. to d'sh c-mtra-t.
lottid to account for eonf .-iniH :n let-;er-,
a kd t replevin good- already
si'-p-ted. to ht.arh t ic eff'-ct.-" ( f a mv
!ieou merchant, to unearth fraud.i
ient election-, to rclti m encnmlxred
e-.:ate- from ve.xr.tiou- :a.-tille. to kee
one for year- .: d u'y by reto'rcd jk
se-.ons and b o en v. ill- -a!I by a
'awver'- art and eloquence'
He is f.ted from the s'art to uncer
taintv. wh re el ants tio le.-. taan
abol He v: to.y aid Lag w .-h it rea
sonanle. vvhile they know i; i- , n'v
prolaMe. By Iogc and srgi:n"nt. on
the tncory of tiieir c'uent. with the lacts
only partially .-ta;d. and tint part
deeply s lade 1. they an t e.plam avvay
thc!r de'a. if :t c. nn .n tin ed. by a
intde on the .-r sir cf opponent s wit-nee.-
acd the depravity of httniau ra
tlin. Happy lawy c--! 'lltcy are men who
live -o oi-iy. Jl ur-h -o long on :.
ts;naty of a g-Tste ut i.ole. mak" the
laws and settle the titi s. do end the
weak and enjoy the nek int ts of the
world- priss nil aim---, mtngl -l .ind
co:u:n"nl',d in :irh rare harmny thnt
nne can define-where rea ire nd- nttd
ap, rovl roaiim-acis. J. ll". o-cat.7.'
ut I'Lrr&ti.
m a
1 Contentment.
Confcmtmeul is illu t-Usd by a : -ry
told of a houso-m Uenr On a crtifm
street L a.v.ono maas"xi of
exganco. wh ch. w .h it. sronnd. o-jsi
nearly i?J..'Xl iJirceuy opposite, on
vacant lot. .s a tct, ioanled up in
jide as far as th angb- if the mof. Tie
back end of it is- pierced with a stove
p:po. aud in the fron end a door and
window. In the window l-aug a riirtn a
of co-;ly lace and in the tent is r. piano
of exqul-ite ton. 'Fbv tent Ksrif dhi
not coat over t. The pLino. ut
LoLstery. and furntiun n-ie arc ?s.d
to have cos; ovcr ?u.OV. The
pi in ted Id-, teat hem over twcatr-Hve
tcts ago. anil is one of the moder
ately successful Colorado dncrs, being
worth aboiit $50.0X1. lie prefers hw
tent to an-ihvelKng house, and say
he wuuIjP yxchaage it for WiUilsor
StiriiH' rn- .- bin om on the
I r
TTtf nlcat -a thh k anl hazy
H'bort Uio J'cadilly IaJ.r
Carrt-1 down the ere atvlOBptala Jn tiso'crt:
.n-t I th.nW xHe tiTilniu(l v.
j lor they turner. cr-r found yn.
J Anl I know they didn tcoacnbur' with ma
Oh: t was ve-y ! and lottely
When I found :ar the only
I FoiHilatin n Uivj cu.tiaed hn:
:Ju: i ve raad- 'j. l.ia tavum
liiar ckj Ittu; .-avrrn.
I nd I lt ami vf.t.1 for j-.-aplcat tho tlt-ir.
1 rnt tio t i. in looV'ns
! For a rlrl to lu tnr ci)L:nc.
; . I u: pj:.- . ct ver hamt at makiwr stew;
j Hut 1 Imx! tnat fellow Kr.doy
, Jut to Hi. : tb tnvcni t)dy
And to pui u:d.i potfsh on nty hoc.
I hav t f.u rardn
That 1'ra etilni aims lur.l la.
A the tr.iti2 I as n rather tou'h and dry:
J V.r I lire on tuu-ted lran.
1'nckly ar. and iiarnu uatanls.
And I'm roully vtr .od ot litrtW pie.
Tb rlnthe I hd wer" forrv.
Anu it uiil- iae ti-t aati rr?
' Whew 1 fouinl therautht wtr ruUtti
' Al 1 had to M-TRf. nn'I -awd "W.
...It , I.-. u - .. t f .... I V.m
TAl , o: th(. niH.tcanMtt i w,r.
I -tn-tlDK- -rk dU t-'.om
I In a tatitllt eeirin
. With tie few .tom.-i c on mal- yot -co:
Anl c t . a "mi i-arts
; A- retr--bMi,-.Uc :jrU?r pnrtet,
1 And a Utth eaa if junrUtrry t'u.
. Tlien we ?nt-r a e iravH
I lt.t. of im aad dlrtv rntv4.
i Au-1 ctiip otf 1 til -p.A)iWifn or atoae:
And w. carry Urni: -i jtr.JU-)
. I'timi) I.u.--, of h.nel. .-io-.
I Ju-l to w'Uc thf day u reb-nttW- tttttv.
If the r 1 hp- f-t awl mttddr..
We om:i u at h tiM- atHl -tul-.
For tho Ko.-t l- er tlftvrai u -oat
And t ! doar. m-tisi.1 or rttr.
MuJ.i criiuue'iilul wr.tu.?.
W'h lt tho cat I- t.iU.nv tt the drum.
We r'tln at ''icv:i.
Acd weiiMMtca n ui j.'n. .
And I i-h to c-.ll nit-nt.ii t- 1 ek
To th" lnot thit nil th" -ch'ttari
Aiecoins-t niton: tli-i r e !lir-.
An 1 i-artu-iilur in tun it ? Jt t!lr t.
t'friit "tH)i iiudt.'t' (, .4n. ' Lj KixGrttA Car
ryi. in St .VicA ln
tl:tl.lii rootj.rln!- Ublrli Cm NVwr IJ-KU'o-ril.
Koith had jtut coni" in from walking;
and. as u-ual. she hail a !wok under her
arm. For if'- walk- d:d not lead
her near the library bit Iding. they were
apt to turn in the direet.on of aome tie
miaintanut. or schoolmate, who was
re ttly to b-nd a "perfectly .splendid"
She ht-tily put o.Tln r wrappings an I
was -oon o-ilv ne tied in an easv-
ehaV. m, deeply in tin ne.v volume that
sin never not ccd ginudmn's entrance.
mu h 1 ss thought to oiler her the com
fortable seat; so deeply interested that
she gave no heed to In r mother's re-que-tt.)
put on little i'red his rubbers
and mitten-, until the repie-t was
twice repeated; and then. I am sorry
to say, Kdith clo.ed h:r look and went very bad grace, aud a decided
frown on lur blow, to attend to the J
little brother.
And all through the evening, ir.ste id
of nil ling anything to the social enjoy
men- ol the f.mulv. -a' apart, h'-r
prettv head bowed over the book in h-r
ha id! I'ik-I Will wa- at the
ho.tse. and had how
ve.y much rea ling lis young n e..
re. med to accompli-h. At br-t. he was
pl-aed: for L'nee Will was very fond
of book., and thought I-Mith wa.- devel
oping a good litera;v ta-te.
Itnr tl ii ...i In. t -1 1 L-1 . I vt. itl. In.- ii1iiii
s'ai.dard vvoik- of hist .rv and lict.on.
In was surprised to find how very little
c'n. Lome nf It c f-iviiri'.. If" ivk not
long surpri3ed when he began to exam-1
iin Minn of the ma:iv volumes whi -hi
Kdith brought hoine'with -mch fn..
pi"ney. among her school Iniok-. bor-
rowed trom otoer girls, or loaned from
tl.e librarv.
The Br'i lu of the Wreck. Cho-t of
Havens Il.tll. or Last He r of Merlon,
we e not exactly th" kind of'tig
l-ticle Will thought lnst titled to fo-tT
a tine, pure taste, or make a young
tid.-id and he.t.t stronger and licit r.
He -aid nothing yet to Kdith; but he
though: a good deal of h s bright,
pretty niec. and hi- eyes were often
tiveil thoughtfully upon her, as -he
pore I over her b o'--. or .-a dream :K
giiug into the lire when the -had iw-.
g-evv loj thick to e th" png.-s tit!e.-l
viti Mjch unreal but faM-.natiug tale.
I'ne'e Will was jn- hap. a little
jf-tive, than tt-nal fh- p.i:tcular ever
ing. after Kdith was o ungrauiou- in
performing -iniple duties.
"Ilivevoi anv -iecmI enjragemnt
afn r s-hool t'-m' rro.v?" he a-ked.
w.ien Kdith baile h : good-night.
Mie lo-ktd up biightly. for Tncle
- ill -v fre 4uetl had a nice treat on
h rd.
"No. s'r. only to take bak Taunv
M -rle'- b'-ol:. an I j.vt on KHen Win
tt. pro:u..-.-d to lernl m.-.'
"I .- nd back th borrowed Wok.
ai-d the iu:: w'ait. I am st:re I
want you to g.j to the museum with
"Oh. thank y o:u l.'ncie Will! That i
so very nice." wa- all ready at the app'tnted
hour, -she had been to the luu-t-uiu lv -ye-, many tim-s ut going with
I'm-le wa- uife difiVrnt to going
wit i anv otr e.'-o. ib- r.Hd aw.iy of
telling about the beitiliiti pi-ttiresi and
sia'uarv. aad vjnous ctir.o-il.e-. that
tn id" t.:em -evn: -meihing more than
mere canv.i.s an 1 pint. an 1 marblo or
br K.7e
Anil -o to-!av thev w.-nt ,nwlv from
oi-e iepnnmirnt to another, looking at j
te W4 n h-rftti. Na.:ttful ob;et. and
Uic'e W;ll talketl -rj plea-aally ab;t:t
tn.inr thorgs. nd aa-wi-reii Kdith"?
question-clearly and plainly.
At last. thy .stopf- d before a case
..ii .r . ... .. .. ,t.
IUII III .11. ill. -.j . tu ."- t
Look! IVfc Vill -aid jij.t,.
wh it is th;s ji'e"e of gr-Ty-looking
-lon. wi:h thes; :uan mr- niwn it?
1 innot vou tell? Loo ctoselv."
- j .,,.t,. 'j'l
I do-i't think it i wriUncof anv ' n " ranmajri iw. Ami
kaii. sid K.I-n. jxeriag tmo thr m-. hc1 ntn? ? ? ---W...
ThevJ.wk Uo-rr.! am mzm they i la ". "k -". Hcal'h m a .:
mu-t tx Bni-irjA- v.t "mjBI ktsu. Iuii'L. ., .,.'" ..
&j . i. -.
can ee ;o-tjav.
"Verv su-aage.' snki Laclc V.T1L
s-niLug: "Bucthe are oalv a frw of
the -inanr -voadcrfr.l tracks ofVl as
.. . Tv-i T on the roeks. Ihd you cv.-r ,
thm. Kdith. that all A tts c-tccial!v
youiy f-dks Ike you ar.? mat.ngi
prist., whtco, lt)ce rue
raa. t long after ut?"
birtl-lracks. :
"sjrhr. Low. Undo Vin?' -MkcJ
E4iU- " .
I told yon this ro?k. wa-n oacc a -oft ', inlo which thrae jjrrai ciar .
eaiL-Jry sanlc A5 ajfe jrajJed bv. the j
amlrW harde&ei; aunkm! catlf thai j
"TSe. are lir.i-rack mr dc- The :"- -- - - c tJ?sr fvrau.a4m v. itrmtwv t rv 1 w jjtws w jk, mt-tnmu Ur
foo.--k'rk- of aoxas; gr-al fonv'l 'koffftt-.jl.j,,,. Urn lnrr mm J l-m 7 Irnl-d i,tw b. til' (
c!apri:swre,aNaprraL' , -i--Oo, Mag, r,H,.mea irrtiu- T-. "" mwstm Kn Ul h- .-
thin thai a"l.rj $o kia- ago H- f -TO-m.1 (" '? Mt:!- ft-- viat ijl w tad Uag toi Itr, fMMrw AasTtr
:shor.Jd have left trucks hhid -iat we ! ; 5 .aSflrJkfr f " ti0li H P-- - ?7 l .? -- - lhm la - ,
fnot-print wa- a part of the rock,
neier to t-e eiTac-d.
Voting K"opk': minds and hearts
are xer.lke Uie oft ma-s-: and tho
thought's the, think, tlie per-ons they
:is-oeiate with, the book- they jvnd. are
a!l doing .something towards making
ft'iot-prinTs. M evil, impure iiuaj
e!V- often throo'-h the ioung mmd and
heart with wrong, untrue idas about
l.fe and i's dutM-. the- thsngs ux
stta-iv leave the.r ugly print- growing
tinner and tinner. decjHT and deeper
until lhv enn m-ver K elTaeeI Aad -o
niatn. right, -wret. loving thoughts and
endeaor will .v- .-urcly bae tholr
iuark uvj. Then ought wo mt to bo
ver. careful alnMit the mark- we arc
making a-s we go through 1 fe? eateful
aln.ut thinsr that mnv seem wry trivial
. ,. . .i t ..n.t..
m our uiuiv nvts an-i i mk " humi-
nig which may leave deeper mark.- of
good or evi! on voting heart- than the
book- one tnav read.
Kl th- faee'hatl llu-h.-tl deeply, and
-hi- It-tenevl U her uncle with h r eye
Jive 1 upon tin strange. uncuth nmrk
L fro her.
Although she wa- over-fond of fool-L-h.
unproiitable boks. With wj a
brght, -.:isible girl, and knew Iir."Ctly.
from th" be ginning of h-r uncle's talk,
whv h" had brought her to tfeemiuunttn.
and to thk- particular ca-e.
.lie felt a-hamel. Init .-he looked up
bra. eh and -aid. with ju-t a little
tremble in her voice -
"L'nelc Will. I know what you mean,
and I will try to be making better footprint-."
And I Tilde Will held her hand tight
a momeut, and they let: the nm-cutu. -
Mrs. Lucy Itumljltik i'Uimti'j. . . i
Times. j
Thrr Tk- 1 hrlr 1 WT - :- with Tti-m ,
lli.iv Tilt llnr Nut mii .jiftlltti;
Harry's papa i an oliiceriuhennuy.
o Harrv bx,- in a fort out on the
He .-ces a great many pi-er
One day he
aw -ottle Illdic.n-
moving. Indian- be in wigwams, and
do not have any furniture. Thc do j
not moe from one wig wan to another.
The, move w.gwam and all from place'
to place. They do not have any
vva'ot-', o they have to carry the'r
things on th back-of horses. The
rode on hor-e. with the pnj
kiov'i on th"ir luck- and the half
gr -wii children siting before r behind
t'n'iii. The sin- and blanket.- In-lung-iug
t ) the wigwam- wete tie I up. and
I lw. litlllilli.w 1 i.ri f .1 1.. ill.. l.r.t.t'U
j f j)aa-hor.s.s. The l.,d4e-pole- were
J r.J Ut tju. ;,,.,, 0f ti,.. horse-, -o that
one end id them dragged on the ground.
The Indi.tM- -topped a few bouts not a di-t.ince from the fort, so Hal
went out With the -oldiers to see them.
Tiny were fr'etiilly Indian-, that 1-,
they were friendly ju-t then I'erh ip
the net tune they would see them the
Indians would be readv to tight alout
suiu-'thing Hal thought at l:rt that it
would Ih, great fun to live like Indian-;
but he -oon changed hi- mind When
i he . saw .-till more of them he wa- very
j certam he would not like it. He wa.
Mlr' ,,11' wo,',, n,,t 'U"V --:
! Ur l ,,rSv k"H '-.--. or to eat
""'ll f,,",, a.S tlu'? iM ,
He-moving party Hal went to ke
were cooking their dinner. Thev imd
built tirt-ts on the ground. Thev cooked
their meat on st'eks over the fin, and
-tewed a good many queer thing- in
large earthen pots.
tine of the ollicers told Hal that the
! I,.",:ins1 "; ,V ,v"r' "wl 4,i ,M'7'' '' l',p
pics. iiai iihi uoi kiiow iM-wier io ih
I.eve that or not The Indian) idl
'M'11 thfin.-lvea out of the -ame dih.
J7 --.eeined to think it imile right to
'ip h;ir linger-in aud ttsh out the p,eie
th -v bked best.
Some of th-little Indian-were a!mot
pretty. There was one came up to Hal
ami looked him over. He wan inter-e-te
I itl hi- clothe. Aftr avvhle he
went awav and brought tvo large
feat' ers for Ha! to jtut in his fiat Hid
stuck tie-in iu anil laughed The lit
tle Indian laughed, too: but tin;;, eottl.1
no' talk to each other, for '.either could
uml -r-taud what the other aid. The
Indians stayed near tin- fort until after
diti'ier; then they moved otf toward
their home. -Our I. til lints.
Tho Ciilturril rllr a- s,.rn Tlirtii(;ti lt-.
jrtrll ..rt-'lt-s.
It i a great ml-tak'- to imagine thti
-.pectaele. I'luto blue vHN and Io
heel- an the charai-trt:icn of I'.o.toit
.'omen now. No -nch tkiags. they arr
r-onl solution-, of French oqii.-trv in
r-ctangular molds. Tor the women
.-..-re are so thin! Bui the upper and
Ibe lower do not ;nc-udo them nib I
vi-h I could trust my pen toKtuin for
tru.-oui'j one or more of thi Bu-toti
girls V mmonwenltS .- n:
or Beacon sti -t of a pleavitit aft-r
nn. They are not to 1- eqeah-d
nd ntnetnlsr tl at I am Impart'ai
. uougi. tor i-'-:on gin are not m
preforunce a. a rule. Not "Kri ?. w
ti.- wom-n of tnarvel.jiin rtnp!-ini,
t-t with it women of
tound-d figures aad dark -ye xud hair
not Srw it woman of graec
ful carru-g and etiy uncon.ciotn.nv';
lot on-- ot these rtin show on fie trp
if a l-.vul.ful Ito ton girf She b
..iat hair that loiks as thongh it (
and and sunshine mu-rwofrn. that
cbiir complex. on. iingcl ni'.h red that
mak-s one think of a l-rry hri-d in a
IJv. no" and mouth, the lo-w
(reek fore4v-al. wrtij ih lur bnih'ij
i:f :u the iJtt lack aad r!;-itsn-d
-bmiblcr? of an Kngli-h girl, xn 1 th'
nervoii-. t Iiant taov nvn! in RrtKin n
an athlete: heriJeanml play, t;.aa .
I ssiai' :inl sirootj- vunWim--. arwl ea:
rie ab ut with 1t a fn-h-otr kjad ol
i'rii mnaidv'a-av-sia r i ! rr. m- ,. vsraa .a rwr a
-"-i - "-.-- - -
Hngrmn hu aerrt- 1 ngi" a ..-w net
, . .. . . .
b: 5,M.1 ao " VlU Tiolti "
ol"lt1 prJ,,;S. T t
It r hos-
Hatful O . han3 Ctiv nmcu
la San Fraaclroa fiTe-doliar g-irld
piece was gives a b-gxxr jn mi-trik
or a "SJekeL The doaor drniaaded
the chaagr. but the beggar mlaL
Applicatioa was njsd for a -amatfor
arrr-tcf the aaeadeaau bet co
:atne could be leund to cover the
" crime. ' aad the reUl prayed for wai
refvscd. -5a Frmcucm CtL
. i -. ...i. L. a - - a 4- a a. . m . a 1 . . a , - .
We hII V- Thf aM) t.
ac t f. :wr Unl on .
itut utt ux;i,uk: w riHMt mh
lUnirt tvml
1,'nto u TTt hnrt tpvti.
Ao4 In tal mC Ki tYtar:
Ktl; our r MU hart t :Mn
Hrt V Wnttt
.V ttiraoart!
F w 't T may inttd,
And M I ' m. O jinLjtt'
Al v jrTt 1ie ly TS
tUftrt to Wavtt
No JKr Aprt
(t v; U5 PMtil frowa turt9t fietf.
lirtUi ihv ' ?alnr t .
Ftuth that huM.v v!-- nTli'
)lMtrt to lRrtt
NK furajxit!
(Jf- u- ltt-o that smite HMt
JHds ts ftttet aut. Utt e-'wtt.
TWU nsr a kc'.c
M art : trrlt
tttvi- u- Ii-t inttr ktK'
. Alt tfcet uor - '
t'ttlo tlMM Iki k .' -
IfcMrtt llntrft
Nt tkr aart.
t;rf un Ut, htir 'war -TV
to or.j ! n rw
J t.-tit.. 'lVati at tartw-
.N in r apart'
TTMI Ma4is4 MMtv M" be,
TlKMt w tlk -. atnl wr h ah TV-l,
.'.., mid thMtirft ltiuir'
Hti fa Nvatrt '
NS iwftf afntr:
liH tr$tkf. m ' .s". 'Utfuiik'
Intcrnatioal Sunday-School Lessons
! -'IM' c UT R.
tar 1 lal s;jnt to Vott. .
.Art a. tM
Mar S-!nui lW-fr' I'el . ..
i Ms.;
Ur. IV l-iiul lifsn- AtrHtA. Arta M
Mr T- Iaul tt.l.Nte! v A.i Ll
Mar :t- ltr .rv . - efof . Vi"nrt.
'rpujir.ov wr utht-r 1whu tUt.Hl h.
the iChlnJ
rif i.iitu rt- Ti..i s iirtrii
illr Itl til" -SMiil-IJitrilt'H
It If.
It h.t-softon ol-ervud thnt Uww'j
ar. apt to b tuor dipnet.n nut nt-
uder-bh- than the n-ittejt trial. Men
uceu tub to frvL- ami women whti have
earned then:-e!v- bmv.dy in the pr -
ettce of real e.nktiiutie-. Hwvv doT thi
happen I'robably thwy lnue tbruv
ii'his to tiiuet the lrttir bv sunituonbig
up all f!n:r n nonrr. (SI fortitude
anil pH'ti-nee. 'VWt lnuwr i- jalabh
and -enoit-. and th-y prepare thi-tn-elv.
for It m adfnitc. Whru the
erv44 comes, it- very magnitude
t hi in with a ort if h r4o fidth
und reMKiuvtum
lit gimeial the .or,st
trouble- are clearlv inevitable, mid thi-
fnet of ittcv It iMenes enfrets a d-gre
of qtltet suliltl.oU Keftl cal-ltlllties
have. u.o. for the mt jmrt. an ntithen
tie. providential clutnet"r which, e.
j-eially for the Chriituui. t a uio-t
leru iug and tddutiig eiretiiu-lane!. In
iMiarrehng with them he !- eonchUs of
lighting iieuiii-l i.ixl
Muali trouble-, on the other hand,
cheat t'teir victim bv their ry Mualb
ti'-ss into th" fauey that they tevd nut
! guanled against, and ar IuiI"mI
uti-Aorthv of serious"nttiou
The r iiirJgmticauc'' eucourag'" the
belief th:. a- thy are not iminoliut'dy
ahuming hi thHr efret. so they ran
!- reiiiediitl or suppri ed rt nnv
convenient -e.uoti. 'Iliiis th.y nre
iillow.d to nui on until they l'-uilie
chrotiM- and incurable.
However it timy l ticeonnted for
tlm: we Uhave Iw'tler under hHivv
alUictiott-. than under wtty ill, it U
ce-ar Unit the latter are our most nitt
" ' '" ' " '" T "
lent and tormenting i.-, I l.e. ;U ,.
wound- ujm.i, th- h.-irt wbh-h are kept
iu n ion-taut -UU-. of ImuUoM.
mg cries ot pmn ami "tttir. o; com
plaint 'I.iey repine- p of mind.
weetne- ot t jnjer. nod gentb-iit- of
maimer, with linhtiial fr'tfubn und
buteni'-s of thotfht and mh li The..
small ills of life mr" th" little io-- that
hjMiliith" vin- in the oul-gnnlr Tln-y
are the lKrrwlng that c it the
roots .f plants ijmt wmld o:ber-.ria
li-'ar pb asiat fiowMn and f nil u. 'I"hy
are die Imne of our bbijj:. the jM'l.o
in our cup of lintplis. Not hie g ca
b- more pitiful than to a inau
joving nn evi-,.w ,.ln-i-isnt. and
apparently rv-h a aa u,-ir.l rU
into 11 jwrj-'tual fury by r,-uU n.r.3
a tits
'I7er v . jor i.'nt 1. fur!'. j
I'.ie d a;h of his father anu nxthrr V
wh'm Jv- wa devntjsll. . llt oV J
mintly tlaeh,ii. hS liwe tnli mini d jj
nity 'Hie btig. hard vittrh of j-n-rvv
which m.irk'd tu erlj ttrcgl-i Iwt
accepted with lit e.-stre d j Uetwr
n( f il'.innl l.ttiniit Ik- -if "111 ml
mm' 1. . tr tiirilinar mrtA . attriiiln I
- - "--- -- r
lnisit-r.iine. th" btiraioi of Imt in.ijit
vript ki.'ory of lint Irt-jarh KanohtrtK'ii.
eoiil i u t bn.." l-s ior. ItenriraUt
endur-d lint nvir ctfipjratiT. It pI
tr ''. h- h'!-I nad HTiil with all
the k k- nd .,-Kti'.M uf u t4"fi
chbl ib-nlJ h' tov 'It kua '.' j U,. t ,e fs wing 'f a ';'b'vr
4 n mrtM-nUT aw tit
U.o hot-... tar him int' jwra-n-maof
rag-' ami c-mptemt. 1U ta.-aro U
futt'jl s-m tk-H. h mornnaa til twit
hav,nva of a v rr ite r & ,
-or- la mMl-as tfct- Mtr. Me fc '
t'-:np:l t bVHiaT' thi arer-issmv '
4 i cant and rtutiii a arMt-Iitiattbtsr, I
Oar hr4i jtwlgaarat t .trlMU ii
erd. howler. bTi wr 4. "at' i
u. oWr-v--tad rri U it 'iofb fs,.r.
Uvla thatvr s'W btra t-u :tj:nnikti
Bg-tif) Ijts -utd t;K-riiag
fradUr. 3T A nUor?akigiM'
owa ond-Bota
Th- rnrr nf ikU rU. U totll . i
not far u -"k it t hapty U Rrf
1 .... 1.-I-.I1. . r a .J t 1
praeV- al c-.nrr.' ifctMi thar ;g- '
b.-.t to g7a:. ad ikat t- .-ra sbrv ,
pbtmUi - mnre -rf"i,ifT -ali4i ..'
Stmrtirvl aeata. It i'tAM !? ta 1
r.rrv .JrtHrt oi him Um prraUmUj
lira- Vaal tit-- jrrsiast. TW Swnr
W rt3t!T r.itr:a-: ! Uer CMtm
fa: rn l. anau-r m mI ur I
.kyta of tinw aMdr iatJ
we orr enrxiall? la anr m '"-xra-f' or I
oiere-asi Kf i t t a aat to
aratehiBS aad fightisg agjta iht-. ,
U wdlbevrry isad Jr to pr
'i . , . 1 .L... i. .. - . .
r V :..... ...I.ti-U
cmr prr. - - -s . .,. v
u i. bji Arv &a riu. wra.t r-
UK tS 4sjfc . s.vr . m s
.10 .J...t lttrniA linf lOX- ! a '." tori ."""" "' " .hjm at
of tltoa- b'tfrTa hlrh Mr. Fr.. l. j mtV If 1ar " $ -bvtelv
given to th- r Aad rt ' bh atul)ifrit. x. m 4r
w. I...1 u. (MM Ot- icr ,.' !rfirai-r It ) ' f lbir U-trrKUvw- o- t
lhrr pr-sw-a-sr. aaal I'm rwd frgiitful -M?J ue -rnhT Tir. ortt-o
asl-irh. trith ---Jwrh they- tAratrn mii. . M
otircwra -ar ad ;.Jt oi aH Jlc. w yrt U- reUoouamect ,t
Vlioa e "wr a-"w.:n-vi. a BiBr fcOTCe
rTlXTw .-ir ,1 j ' P'flttwijK aiur all Uiatcaa
feaaai. -- -t --j-- . , - u-rirB'tOoti r,r wv.t
feel nnnhrf-l wl-s r- jiof -r
tiK'Und l.'tl i-rii- t.f if: .
Utter hi t mi- r r 1 t ,r, ,., -
nam j
- .-
X. r
ll Cn 1V K , iManin
Oir STHMtr fll 0.4 ah ,.. t
MiMmUi !w. ! ivli-... f
ImWc UndllirM of th r'n r. Jf I -U
u It ntr-a-U p-M' nf - w -
A btW f Uf r v. HMtelr f .
i 'Vho otritrvee''f tw timt to - t '
thr k40fV 4 &.w njn.ui r -who
w-:) tftni f iiir Srmb t ,,
Wln-HfTr aad jre.r ,l
hs bta lit. th- fhnrrk h I
eoW ntrl formal. . crrar
letirfcl kcntMr b ttorvtata. ...
I t'ittm, tJu UmrVrnt 4 t -
wtMtd e d rrl It mil r. r.
-ath If w teaKe t tfj , ,
plcanJXjaa.l .arnai del.jfb'
rrrd h wr:d n Sr : -fcH
lilklv. krtet ni t.
4b N4 kTt W taw of th. i i r -w.M
; U 4d nvn i i
scaer of th Nnk'naUit U r. .
-4ifctit:r4i.m. It -.4o.
BftH n wr taw tnat tU4 '
p'j in 1U wm-i aaat t?.
TW .Ueihi, '!.. v.t pr
lb' th)CitAd hrS ( II
w,r kiN-o tke Sxhlwili a4r h1
It a uV'tgbt M -. .t . M.4
r ..rm " r "
i or t-m a m . -iptt t -
tnttsl be rullnaUNl Th t IS
-II" Holy pri. i'kat torn n
r-t' Hith liitu m ihtit
i v
M'gtl W WMlte SiMwCmU'T.
home and fa th" ho', h iw a:
Kstit and tii hr jf aH th-i
w-iUttn tiiolr fitli"w.. T r
thhf Wd uoed IH4 tr,i ilowa
prohihittMtt whie.i t ..mI b .
hitve uo rtgS: Ui d. that. TK .
-lifeguard f tht bti;ht $
U ei)tv. t hir bn n"a i t
er- within th-e wnlbv " -tiii
mrpit Hoerf hdi . i
can gatHrr and the b ln.
body, mid eHs-.-i!lv thr fmng
( oninl pttMtr.ian. that Mk
btUj .breaker i.k W ska U.
t(liw.-l bv a n-tw lbn NiJiU"
Kcii in hahiT th lwnt i
mid (tie tad of thnt titlrthUK.
How tnunv littd this trim a 1 1 .
Ui IhIh r on .MondAt nllrr t r
di piitiott! But the m M
lenrtat Ut ileiijfht hitu-lf i ' to his week-dV WoHt rf"
lvlv mill in mud I Him ' hit- bttiNt it tkrcetukl kl. .
h ; , . j , v
hs iiitellpeU rvtd it -i W -..,
hi heart
Take two Iniri ito iav In in.
Into n cn-Ur. in wth tkrr
sen a Jory uf rur jdatti. a la
;n aalrunoiob a) olarrv lt
bbmry. Tell tlvm that tirv
enjoy- whatever iu lli f-nifa- '
thtty tuunt tiiv tbrtv nil 4m
the ImV ts ll otodrnt "11. Jl.
lipj ItrntlM td tw tnak '
bun He enir tHitt dtiv ll i-
hrt for Mm 'IUi otlior ! i. -
1P. tllltbj to fi"Ml. Vhaa itnlt
u n In the eb.- I'Im rii
tunaou to him. Th? b-Mir g t.
b-H'letl Witlgs ( J-3t ft! ., '
th day !s ii-r and h vnt W fr
A v if li llnn lo - w wlk n..
and thoo wjsi mv 4.b
le.vrn that thrr ir' b i,h -II
tlitttl tho.- of ew Ahl '
the trnidng t ey ttrtnl i "'"
Imth w(t)HHit de'e( riUnjf It U
i '" .inl-0,iti ft d.lJelit tJht v,
K ,n iv ri f thi f ,.
JI ,t Uut h;.n ..tlv. .. ,u
iunin, f hoK , ,,'j Hotu.
th' hnhbttlh a d.Ileht UJoha '
Are there not h.iiur. nU vr -.
ntid Amerieu wrwr th Ktxh
kejt"-. It U the dair of tin-
Our efftru to m -t ih- r
nv hi thJn mutt r of .SvHiMih .
a nee will fn J We will Inar l .
chirm ami m- tvaa uf 1 ur !..
aadyetwlli not win an u
fr-Ngutiirot of ft sntb4ft WhWb "
kevp. Tlieri nri ! lift. -HafMr o.
twen th ptr.Kiol na I the r t . .
moat make th" A-nr.tMal tU t
1 1 .1 . .. ..
immr. nn.l a.H W rtnr H .
ttt,Uu 4, .4 ff,
"nnirin.r imii m.,iiiuii
how ihks (a i4a h,r dtw to r ,
aa! iu .n-.ry ain-t uarr mmi ti
ti- v-.u-mJ dWivl on iV iHriR
ra ait elders If w ahall m .
e dttoy th.. r HmU$n te Um p .
ad tat imp irtnitrw d kilMa-g I
'aiihtdyavd tstadi ruf It
wr prMkr-u pntn .! lat -
Marili CoiftrrnmtUm
IJ m ww hThly rv-rflkr
'1 rr ami fJl. Wr 1 .
boe ttm hm fmpui-
wi.lrti tht MMakNl. 1,...
hntvol-f thVr atntystb- U awfcl I
, i,-M.L.i-1 fc .. .1
. .. , .
I-S d bi r uai eim A- mv
j "' w aH r jmit-y u
tn '"saiitHtlM'iHfat Ukat .
JI' rr-hd aad Um aat yam,
W .Mlt ls m ,. ,i r
rr-BJf- tiKHij-a tat fait whlU
.'? . t.- tins nmf m
7 "- b Mafv. ti .
. J" tr'fr- ' t jawwr.
whk inmr . e.t-a4.4
A JrTl; lkmrl ami n y
coontan-tjv ar ntrinal'tni w .
--? --. rw &. so r
-IJt 37 m Jam tftay
'wy fiTK. bwt wtwk latat A tfc
-" JC' - VJ1 i acia.
A-a nsa,t Tr Miilrl t '
ft. - j'yt" 'f-
- i!ijjtir , hxrx uslitv f
-ma4ttaiK4 -toWtUkM
lira asj king f 4a eeutli- ij-k-
.iscr oaty. - JiHtbtn.
;. Ktir!!' ,.. . i
jjryvl wort, wdj a-rfc! "-.jtlilo- bu
aew crt word tW wi
- sfc vau ic
...... . .- -- m kj ;mw
P-ant, u ar lM k rrf l witkta.
ki..i .. . '- -- - "s
NoiJti." ..- .t..
' -v -m . avaaTi-zar. . .b. t iriaan ra r
jmjy ..--,.
-o&&gi& '