The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1885, Image 3

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Jgmwifr a
J- .
r -- -
& K.
t.f fcv.-:iftsiKjejs
;.i rf
W. Jh0?Ljf.1x - - vjerf.ResV ww. r-
-,t-i -1 r
- " - :sus--3Pv ,-5 , , - - a A-rr
' "" ' rmm. jf
.. Jt;'V-i5"- "--' " " T"t'J -J"wTr ---f. -' -
a ?- frVlMk .
Vi T "Vf,
-4tafr dife.x -"ta. amat""L 'y'j
Hluyj aaaVevja'OamJUAwa.
t A. C. HOSKK. Pcblisfcei.
ki.i :rn. - - m.:;.asKa.
i -.. r tne,
liru'nxt' r "
I'K.fc 111 01 r
k i in i-a
J f - ?' !
Is.ti i-n more
Tlaa I -ion"
'4 i'l i It r r. m
I'- nT '
! i ' r tl'-UCl
i u ' of J' J
" Mt I ; k
ii. !r . ;.,.
'". e- k -
Vii'il . .
I- ., i ! .....
1 tf tin !' .'i
TfM' ll.V !.
1 t tit-,.
'. U 1 1 .
' I'' Uf.
t- "iintwr!
' ".
;t. i !
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l! "'l
I 1 ".-' "I
' If ? . tt Ilk
!a i i . .
1 1- "i i l.j "ir
i!.ajih n.r.r. .
ft' iru h'it.4ii ..
! u J ..(i
H t t 'ts
(! 1 - tt r I.
In n-fit' r !!.
I'HK H Ollt
lMkiiMT 1
!! m tr pr.n
.ll iwlHiW tli rt,
T-tif , 'l'jj-r'
If. In -.
W'.mm.. in Itirwjli itttd.
! -
1 !
,H j l.
mm f
A 1441 Story with a Moral tar
Youxuc L.adioa.
. I-, ii i 'in tnksU shor Isii
. !, ... ; u. - of r.uflaio S n-
1 .i k I Jr.i h-id tak-n tlw j
s i .it ' ii ; ,ii v. .'ii h t -'u'H Thnd
5 - v. . 'I . . u.ti' i;iihi'Z t
I I ; . i ..j-' , Jli l :, j.-;. h,-to"k
: i'm ,! iiu'iit in :ii- t la to
i ' - v ' . c"i! - o! l.aiidkfr-'!;'f'.
. - -. -
, - .t1.. :imI tlitllHT Uil I -U-
.. 'i I ..It II hi- lh.1'1 hi-
.,! ii i i in i.n"i l. tb ' .;n
, !...-..-. '
:t v 'i . J. ui ft ,t I"-ii tiiarrwtl.
t ... h - i.u .. r.Mtli!. j
.it ' r!a' n t 'an
; ..ll tin ta-fl Ii- -n!lMiliUJ."
,:m '
,i,rw" !
In- . ! ' futu ll- v i- i-a,i
!i. :- in ir ; ! Imt. ana suv
.1 in. f, i til- wfii -nain'o. Wfii-tiii.Mi i
. a - i
"5. itn.i itH w.n watm; "air s
.... i
... i ot f.!t hat. but h.s la a (
! U ii . mud a iw w-pajr At hn-'h.
. y ;. n, m- iini-imhu) h.m. ,
! . ti.,- i i.-i .!- m K- i'i( .lut tbt-ti. t!MiM-ttrit-iMk n.
k . . ti a - i "4 ifwM -I ora! and Thud Ik rtfht ora :" for th" lad ',
... .... Tt i l.i - i
mi-.! t'.it -n-plf.-l at an at,,.- tuur ia .n,. V. Sl,i..llwtl ' h!(l
.' .tn.. m.-lw sm l.hL.VnHM ,.., ( -u tJ ,., ,.,.r t!:iv,.j.llir
ji.mi iu a ij.'. iiri'H.'i .wu i
j.M at that iiifiu-nt -!,
i-hti.'-.-h iuil-l t th- titt-i-
i . s'ni .ii a -nnd. th. tikm what
' . .t'.iK'wa at I.-a-t rid'. hnr'i.d
, ii-il In- h .iidknhif to bfT fa to
. - i In r 'm ! I'f hai- it w- t
... t hi- ii mouth that "th. ;itit !- (
".:im put iip In- liatMlkfr.iufl. t.iit it
ud Itk a j,-.,Hu-r t . FT.i - . ft
Tfcf jriitb"Wau'." f twii'kJ-!.
'. If r -oisd-'d t Flra' -tinn' nt
, . ..fitly inMd at iK-in eanht. H
. !- at on. . turoifl hi- -at. m that h
nih in a pt.-it on to - Fiora w.Uii:t
i- iuovtuf nt n hi- part
ihr -hik r.'ddftif.l Shp lo-d.fd j
..: ..t Hm rar wad w. Imt in a -hor: . t.
t :ii!iT --again imt thiotbTffs m I
.!! la !
ilw cTTitloniaa" did arv .tarenid - '
1 Ur 'tupy. glanef.1 a mom-nt. and
j.t.-.i t.uiuI tho rending of his .ap.r.
V- h" d d thN. Flm-a t.N.lidiU allowed
. --.-Kin fvamiiM hitn m .t f I,.-. !i
I -o m came t the co3.eli"on that .
v a- a .er. line I okiu and a er ;
n'leniatiU-amieiriti- man. Itefott
-' had full. olt-lud-d bT MTtltn..
I ow.vf r. th- br.wa ee- i:i the mirror
. a-rain li'ted. and loct her-, r-be ! turtKNl berlieai! uukh, and i
t '. tiuil..f jrrou!v. The nioeni-m !
. tid tlx -nl.e attrartcd the no.iee .d her
Wh it aiuu-e oa? -h.uke. ean-
l.ra ' simh! lmarl h.-r. and with !
tit i-ami a Pi -ami .ace lau 'b-.
-1 d- -t h 1 wh t bad o cut- t
ttT-i j
ou miHHl.
-ai:ir. be ;
it v, a- i-r. funny." sae r
.ni -;nfs 1 caum win vawntac ne
. - trusi.t'i'tl into the irla-. aud the .
: -h twinkle in hi- eve- is verv
.. -. t
The imimdeat fellow! exclaimed
! . d -iT-'. twmin'toard themirn.- i
n.f -01 int hnwc cessbere fiund ,
1 o f i.nac VMojie in h t f.-ee h-
....! uiuy mi- iwm w ta tx- ra., n. thf. ,5,Mir mu. ,.p ,nl i:. A
, r .hi .4 an atlAui: d gnardjm of un- j.u .,- XVa- hamh-d her. addre.-ed : "To
pt-med 11th tb,. Youa Lid of lloom SI. TitVt
-Iimi -buM att no? tea a straare nmK..- ijp!,i- the l-t:er into Iier
man in th way ! ' be siud swerel. It H.kt. , hc. caii,.a lo Mini, ia lite drc 5-
- ttr improper. ! mg-room. -1 11 wan f.r .m ia the
-Why. ttr-n! . fnu ad then err- ,,nrr." ,! hurried aioiig the cor
iinl can mrt te any harm m it. " ; ndr jv-i,,.- hn!f-giu!t. aad et ex-
-..l FhTtt. -1 a sur- I -! 1 1 b-, ritpd aad tniriOU. . , k:ioU u the leter
-. r. ami ne oaon sraurBMir. ,
lucre :-harm in :t. said t a,.,,
rha I - U "and ytm Ji wld at once
., ,., i lookmg fa ti.egia ,
1 1 a pi t of wufu a- l-iora ex-
. : . m.-u Hit:istiii -- ny. i rant
rx my "- withott kniking into ilif
-i--. fMiviaUv -Hiea I in cou i.u-
t'e r,tt',h t. ia the r.S. are '
;. .-'.ng at ntv
Wed. i uiu-t tot do it. UV .ma
p. - l!ou-" sud Tbad- .:e.
V . can Ua ih "iHi owpy&ad !t with
'- hack, tothe Ui:w."
Ibit th -t wtti s.iu ab-nrdl coa-
. .. -i.i . - 1
.'.- i- iron 111 . --.
Yon cer'a
r.I att kKk Kav .nor-
it wu co aoa. sitting hrp !
, . -too- fha you o aoa. itt ng here '
ai d ll rtmg stn a -faugT. im ,U
gel up. and 1 II t,m the back of tb ,
e a But narem ovr h-r sJioutdt r t
ad fcd: It tier art- men ia th
-tt ldbr:tl -. I
Ytis. f cou- p there an-, ami how
ti.ull it look for a.-to whhi on--cut, -Mtra. ..lira site -na. -mea-e
.er and rrraigv our-rhe- facia ' ' ,r-s ! d tell me what to d. 1 ia
,;,..,,' I"' " t-kt iHd that Fat ahtt-: cray '
K" t. th: time T a. -; atteat oa wa- at- " -hreaiea- to exp.w :ae." and be Kj.itHl cro-s the at-'e "To exjn-e you! Vi ho threaten, to
.. d a-sk"d in a Taughiag way. w lot: opo-o yoa'" -aid Mira. -ittiug
1 .. wei"- oux.:xrn about Ilcforc lac . wddered and frightened. " Wht m
. if '.tni wti- a'i-v. au .ne I'-ir-mwr
v. - ffuug iKHja :nd the tsSadticsor
-.i't::s1 X c name f a statitia
"ITie I
r-m s'twiHtl: '1 "hid got oil. a- be -n d
:. -iraTatcn hiu-f out: "thk geat'e- i
. n." ut. I-ft the-ar. a tiki the m:i ;
. th;' .at back ot.h two Indie-. j
I he v. V e -tat back of u- 1- .
-. :.:,ty:"" .-aMl 'Iliad's wile. ".Now we
a 1 turn "he l-n.k 0' oureaL aad Tbad
au ! I wij; .- tg, her. and you caa
h . e .'. ?.-:it to youncif xvitb yo::r back
t- mirror "
: f . J- '-
i I ,-a I l.-d -n a-. ' a
: . j.j! :h i:. :n w .;h xuv - :F
rapi Ih tak :. b tb t 3'-- -
Vi"t' 'it
A n i
. 'i.i . "i t . .
'. ' '
tii.ti' !.-
U-r '. au n" lru1 f ti '
J u.!i'-r h i ft . i: i-. a: - i ..i j -
iy u;l"i it u4 -h .Ard at h a.
K h: xi 5 'fit ?'u. !. -oi-kinz a
r. .tut -at Tnad at-tj '! hfn lit-
' !: ! ut ku rf th- 15. rut ion. and fa
! a'i f-!' ' -' ' - i. :-
You rnn !ia- i - ' l., .-'. f -u
w '
u- lit it i -i .
- w.t i to ir c- ij;:..
i i'-a.
Mtra ra iuiinant.
i :t h h r hu:tlil"-
L aal.l. Ij
M trUJ to
ill ! , -
u J to irM t bi TtiH.:
h t. t
V. HO OB' lWU -!! ! l.CJUJlip till
Fl-ira'-i'a "'T ih tfi-otln-r. hut Thai
;.. -I:.;. :;fi rou'l n.t c-orupr b.-mi.
t . . i i . . i
, and J I'im. wh')i:t ji Uat on, !tuuivl :
I hm. 1 vi- fnU Mir j. With jpj-r '
arkt.ow -1 Ki.nt tin- utK-maa
' J i ;u--if. ,
I H- :l:-n' '! at Hi1"! 'Vr..-i. a
' iw,tjk!- iu hi f4' 11 ia )!.ih-d.
a - jil-i't" !!; - d
Mira w r ii r.ou an! anjr.
! "(n- jut uj h r airii-!':if -o to t--nl.
if H..iM. . ih ; o from -f,ii
rlt othT.
n ! tn-d
Ut drnw Flora
;ilo con'
I afc
t'i. iu .ira'-io- Floa, and lo k
miTlhf fahton-lHit4. ; Uiut r Hi i
kttow rhat t luy wbrn we grt to Buf
falo." "th. I know whtt I want'" Flora
tcid. uith an impatient 'iTi: of Iit
ii -ad. r.--ntmL' t'n- iiitTfTaf of h-r
o;i-in. "A- if I n d-d a dti isa" 'iH j
-ai I to lwr- If ! fi.tik Ftu fu'.V at !
to tak- -art- of tuwlf. and know 4i-
a- wt-11 a h- djt- uhai i oroi-r or
In th- UMMntini. "tlH jr""
aid Tha I wt lalkin? atMit the time
th' u-r tn ikin. tb hour th would
into ituftaio. :.n I oth-r r .ad tn t-
j.t,- and tiin.ii -li al! th- talk thT' -r-.
k a-inl planer U-t t-u F.ora and
th- tranr.
A a I .: r.-ort Mir. - iim -d -It'
-r) dutv. llora. thr ritid"r. an dan-
r'rt-. 1ak ray vail and ut it on. 1
have anoth-T in niv -at ln-L"
Xo. I bou!d mothr." Hora r -
:"d. rttihhi a ay tin I wo an I a half :
ar.l-of brown Ut.-t 'tidr-d t.T J
- . - .
ani "un- ;. nu-man aio innu -o in
on or two in-ha'
Iff oilfiv.l wimp :
-,,.., i.f hi- arcbe I trn and and tir-t lo I th- po.t-ofli . or t nitt a:i -tranffr
i-.ora ":ini aI1,j tlM.( , tj. na.. ThN.who ruitfht LiuK-k nt U dfM.r of bT
lru?'it niorf luu 1-ar rlation. h'pp 1 .
utn".Hi-ioiiv b th- him- nt Thad.
nd iu -t t of Mira iranti att -luitt- .
Btn.rnoris:. thf n-nti"man -. f n- '
approjinaw thf jjfnti"man - jr n- '
J rfiiiark- and lo m.ik iJm r.idif. k
" -ii- i e . r"
iral r' and u ra.ik liw fvUv. i
f ,. t. j,hI iu niakiu: mr or l.
N,in,.rsai..ti with t'if Flora
Arrij a: ,i,. Ht. it ua- a tuat.r OS
I V.lia'Itt'l .tllil MlJiri it iffll ' il' JMiuj
...i.i . . i. i.......,.. !..... ik..
tr.iu. fp allr a- i h .d wa- -ttinff hw j r-t a -kiH-tl plus . un ran not -a po
:ittntitn to hK w .1'. i m! that hf nhoilld j itiih wbfthtT it i- -on! jgloti diph-l-it
Vitf I 1 tli. un. itiM.o- Thad to . t!.,-na r a -tnipl. ii-.n pi-fitic iuJlain
t mij.v t1! a-.itit in ih.- r irri ii'f . n tn WH n u. j,., to fj,.r! nlll
' h!.-b iiiihc vfd tin who!.' pam U thf
i T:flt lloit.-.
A . 1-
ll.-TV tlifffi'Titl-'inan' took hi- bav-.
wi:h an ituur. -ka' manner toward';
Flora which madf hrldw-h. -'-t lVl1" J
i.lnio-t l -idc h-rslf w th i.idigaaiion. j njuj , a chnair fo -m. :toi ' gr-atly
aud bi'lon tln wcr.- in their imoui- ho- j cj,,t,.r,M,jr tho h.-nlh. or rtt all .-H-nU
.m with ritfd xo uhil !y to X--II H j U(J- jjr.'caltu: tk- jht-oii -; a'l'cctfil
a Hiutt'io mir.or ami "lhc:cn lnra.ia'i.' J from pn :iou' and perforin tn h--iTiinfiiiit
stnile and jrlan is. or H,.r usUai Jm c, au,j ,,..; mak.n thu
Wi'b much velum -ih- 1 lorn ro- m 'd- I ni il- and e:idea.mHi to j
Jl," liMdf.
I d dn t make - at h m -die I
id. "I tjidn t l.Kik iitimema'. tiy.
.". ,!.
1 Th .!' 1 didn't look at h m a hit more
! than Mint did. And there wn- no mor '
' harm f..r m- to look at him than th re
!wa-for llr.i. It did not hurt im 1
B -. ;
"A g'.rl oau nut be t.o raremlm -uoh j
mitte:-." 'Iliad said, soberly. ".Men j
'tun i-e-uin.' iim.i
te-t j
You j
!rroU'ili to ttv- the r attent 01
would feel rvmueh hum liate 1 to t.nd
in th morning pap r a HT-otial nd-
! drend to vi.u.
j -Id Ihuik the per-oaal. in fact slit (
wli-de th n. v,-r 1 mav. nnihoir." re -,
dre nd to vi.u."
tunie.1 llora. "i t no m.ui with any , l, a-t a mouia. ami u irn ;ne:a a
.eu v would lake ;.dant .ire f the tn- fa-i a- -oil -.1. If oth-r arti !-. are
fliurr t'ung- that Mira i.- making
u h a
m-. at out.
-r.u - .me m 'ii are made u w .timnt j
seu-e. r ratb-r I .-hould have ail ,
without pnueiple." ihad -aid. a- be
without onui
twil ..n hi- hat for the -treet. I
. I
Hut She man ol the lokin:-:is
i-n't that kii,d!" Floni ivtort.d. w.ib
r. ikk! ! triuumh.
l half an lui .r Rom was read for
.u.. ... ., .....t f.- K....,iino A- -Iw
.... ..j... ..,.... t .,.--,. . -. .
..... ii. ,,,.,. ....., ......t -aiaa who
ua in tho car- He ulnar the parlor.
h,.op,.t.e !nJlll 1 ; nlt , ... ihr..M.injr
h,. amI H llWiag che-k T.en .Se j
vrnU. oa OJt; of the lh. ., canl j r.
-Ma. Kkn Sen: meat 1- indejetHle of
unsr or rtac- -r ist em-r v- Tae te.U- '
art .our r im--. ii itptfia kfi
rVt.1 rn.litMm-' UrnukuruM V ful.
the-: eomtnuH eair". I -aal' t m Huttni- lr
7 . MTi TL "T .; ' m ",iT
na: IUm-e ofcor-t. :ht :-rt-aiH- rl
on tae Lke ioce K. H. - t.-. wum: m ,
-!-T" 1 ,, .. mi i
r, o ;, dlIre-cJ l!' "Mr" I,,,K
U. It.113i.
.sottif hour- later, whoa t je laclie.- re-
.uratxl f om iheir sdio; ag to the Tdl.
-""-e. Mira av "flora uk a letter
'',,u, Mra saw .flora Us- a ie..e. ?
?r,,m th lai'- ia Uer ,,ttl :i:ri 1 JU' u ;
ia lr lK'k : "n" ,- 04ti'. .t-, j
"-1 Ia
in a few miau'i-s wJts donag on j
'n't 'Vmtt mmuip; n tl. when .
s'lewa-a-ou-i-u bv a s-aaKe. aat -w 1
-- -- .,... j , , ... (
J J ra. tale ami excited, tn Jut sale
tin- worid are you talking about"" i
"Oh. 1 f.trwtkt iksi -..ii tlan't know!
abfUt it -ani Flora. " Wh. vtj -ctt.
t aa; maa wrote me a few lines. ' I
What mar..-"
" I--t man who wj :a the car "
" II tin! ' cried Mira "The impu-
ueni. pre-um ng
"And I wrvt- h m a few lines jut
aaswenng a few que-:itm-."
"Why. Flora 1'eatoa' Aren't you
a-hamed? Whut would vour mother
Writ ug to a strange man is ut-
f h .. .' j . i.. :-rj.
Xur.2- T-'- ..
1 . lit :n i oat t-i it t -rx'ri, V -ra i
; r ,1 "No Ji.'i',-Uli.lllt!.J
-i ii t.j.:.- he ia tw-n ioi.,
lb t.hiaa nj-,' a;uoJ. .1 K rv
'rtn! tU- nu 1 ism to b.ra aai
.b-J -L-
i u
h a ..'
r KT IC'tlh'T i
Mnia aruml u-r t itnl "it wini I
am I . ivaii tlti fi-arfui iiU Ad
MirA r- nl
.t. I -wr-X s ' I a-.- -. . ta: If '
t .-r r !,.' n t. ti!-. : b.rn ut:
fj-w.-r! 1 .!., wM tu i: 4- U. or
ti.iu. imh! .oitafi4 :i t r mnti-rv U8U
I r T" t r-" " t ri a i)-boww
t'." f - '. .1' ! i Mi t
"I n. U)t .,r M Be
V"hat 'u I 1 . al.r .t ' -awl i-lorr..
:.i .. .. . .. v r . .
il'l ) VIU I'J -. J IITltl
lrtraii1 taa' li k h marrie! nau.
He j it oulit U i- -,h t for tsksn? ad-
anta ' ! n.r m
wav: It tit
nirarj a it rati t. !o ' .'. m whjt t
I don't an; th nj ou ran Io -x-
r-jt t ta'l th" woman and f'attki
filoji- to h-r ""
I'm I t-ma uvT a!ari uc.i an in-
tT'W. Sb jaip'ht about m or wnr
thin;? !. ("oulda't I nmaia is my
r.K.n an 1 lt o i e 1t Ob. d allcm'
ow to do tin. M ra!"
?"o- ou i! hv to t k thr -rm-ij'v
! did all I -ouid to interrupt
o ir fi4ih iM'rformaoif" -
Thff w t a loud ra at the do a.
H Ih. th v sbr i au!" Flora erird
.tartin to br ir' Jk ou huntt-d.
Thf do ir wa ftm-unl bx ThaL He
wa t II what ha J inftiiTPt. an 1 nUs?r
n.tditi;r th woman lftT. hp aid
"V.-!I. tV train -tart ::i an hur ihut
i-to tk-Mirn aud ai bom. if th
wonmacJN tnfon w ! t'w lio:l.
I tdl un-t hr and if o.b!r prevrtsl
ari int-riw With Fio a. If -b d.M-
not, I think Flora ha 1 hrtvr return with
u. tnMcs.1 of t'stiujjlM'r fnnd hrf
lbu- otiJJ- trou .1 may avoid -d.
"t)U. I hail In srWd to C I "bad
not dav to r -masn h r I tan wnu
: Cora that rr'UKit an j fVfatttl im
, wit Do lt u Iav t u. 1 darp
'not ta h-iv a mo;u.'n! lon r thr.n i
wif-irt. I wb I bail sta.-d at home
uith maiiimi."
j Th- b-ft th- b t 1 at onv. and w-n-
fortnuatr in not m.i't nz th woman.
who. .t i jww.ibV. did no! i-an out
:uriin.u. ai anv raie. u wa m t -
iw - r. - a hwnu to Fl ra ti4t for wH-k
' i .. :.. .. .. ...... ...., ..u..;....
la i - ....- --.
' " -ivt- -! .-. a"1"
hanlh dannir t. r -fivf a lftr-r fnm
Th-m .ml of th
orv to all "in
tni? m tn
i too ap:art;i
lor m.- to nrt-!l!i.
Youths V ih-
rroiiotlaii U lil.-Ji mJU t"
'I'ttUoii In W'.'ll-Mi.rk.'il C i.
nrr manvci-c in whn-h at
thi- uttfcrta.nty nut fnt'mtir for a
fon-idorahb iim- if Ir. Jafohi
vm'wh arc furrift. and b" i- (vi'ia nly
. l.2l. ..t. ... .... .i.i. i ..1.......
. iiiirii .1 i; . in- "-inn-, t.
j-nhth-na r.t. core all in th
t re'.oa-from -itch p'-ro-i capihi-ul
rom-un:; the di a-e.
I 'I he precaution-, to 1h
taken in tlio
management of :i well-marked ca-e of
dtph'heria itr'. or -tioui.i i-. generaltv
- . .
kuonu. they have x-en puidw-hc 1 a-
circular- bv'manj lie 1th tmanl-. and
rhruih the 0 dar and m-dnal tir.-s.
;nd mav e -utmiutl iv a.- folhiw-;
I-olate the imtit nt in an ain room hv-
w ..-..
jug the least auioint vt furaititre. .
pee all that whi h i- uphol-tirid. an
an 1
having no en -pet ir cur'ain
feet id excretion- and -cret
ion-. ana
e-p-ciall tho-- fr m the thr tat. 110-e
and mouth, and ail artel'- -.o.led by
them. iromptl. tvtu.e tti- a-- yvl
mo.?t. and tiioroughly. l"-e duan. Mjfi
ras- for vci nng the dehar-e- irom
- 'i.-d. use -olution-of chloralp 0: z-nc
r b chloride of m- c irv. under t he in-
'tr.Htioa- of the phy-icitn
intit ly careful a regird- toy
or oih r ariele-which may
in. ! e e
toy -. eapi!-.
he f "i -a
the child for it-.
amu-etncnl. ol lnt
w..i- nnj in sinw; 11 iwm w mraK.
V- .. t ... - . - i 1 .1 1. 1.
J f.v. r thing t.ui; Ua- toiaaeU the pa-
J;:e:xt - lip-, or ha.- K'ea u niche I by
aiy thing th-u ha totn-hed t'w paUent .-
"P- "'
u hea ran a! -.cne- has s t m do
hea coaak--.r'tie has
not .e'd too -00a to the o portuuitic-
oi th patten: to Le allowed to -ee h -
tti -nd-or to :o ou mr to -wmr own
f.elir- of wwiritu4.- at tin-
t nu-d contia meat- Alave all thinr
lo a-. uad.-r thr ev. u-e of rv a of air aud -e id him oil" t-
ouif i1mt place t complete hi- re
coery; you m jht -eid dyamit abcuit
th- aatrv xvuk -carcelv m re ri-k.
t -end the e-uld bvc , ; -ch! ia
!' thui - w-?- alter tae atuick:
w iwo v:k; -.. h: are ati.-.t d
thai lie i cunrvh wr!. 1- a very gtKxl
II me Wile lie t- not -troageaougli
:o witb-taad the attack, aad .- c -horu
1 . . t . ... 1
tll JtoS m Jour ffT Pi Mr.'Pt the ilaagOT
toother live-nh eh the eou-e arui ila
coa:eut-jun etau-e. V a. alk.w
mpa: is.nsir.ea!- aad paya.ate-t
a-r. do not have anv fun.-ral cetv
! sJHuif- a ike lion -e. treat tW-ick-rd-K
! i ii- ont?nt- a- beia: daniertth
iafp j.j
ia J-..1-1 MIMi -,-, f-jj .... ..-
An ,j 0c laj i:rj
raa aa4 k suri, ......
od a, marl a- ion
raa aa k suri, .:,aJ R xoar Care RBj
patierns wdl Iv ue.led U xou wi-h m
olim - nr.ix for other jneatker- ol
!-. fA-iiy aa' : r fr.ewi-.cJajMto
Anxious to Sie Tidies.
-Doe- your mother ever speak el zat.
tlh. ye.-; ex-rry ni:ag."
'ra so glad.
"She say -he
hjv we'll Ix
tad vwry Haa.
Thr'-!-- It n. Kl-..c t... .y
much we'll iv vor haptv. woa: we?"
h. ma think- we ourht to ci mar
ried at oarv."
"She i- aaxiou- to have me for a -oa
in-law. i-n I -he'"
"IS'o. it L-a't that; but -he -ay-youj
back hair ha- ruined every udv in list
parlor. an yrancco C.inmwU.
-See that yoar hor.-e' bit L- neithti
too ?hort aor too loagjor ht- mouth.
.-t an 1 :.
-Iu b - ifr of KaI"H Waldo jnr
" IH IM-- - , ;'.-. . -.4ih -lt
j V- .;-,. i 1 - --k.:a--.
I: u : . lf - . ' -. . A'i'i.
: t rr.r". e ' " - - - ' " r
to a d.". t 'b k. a- i. e . nnz -
mitan Ik Ae'iiMin i-an hf- a a
-I.!--!. r !. a --: ..
iv! in tif t- ti ;..---. ! ' .?" S
d h.r.
- K- fbar'e. K itu-'. :. . at
of th- Hariri' Y :Turi'X- wa sm-I
tvfi-ntly t Mi- MxT.atf !ln--1.. a fellow
n-:oaar. ia I :': - u t
- Tb pr -j - a.- t i i u-d
the jrrrau-: kt.'ar. m q. i-- of a
philolo.rai c'.ara : fer attempt--ti
in Ja:m Ti.i . a h n - d.ctaary.
cjllrd th- -M-i.'i It V i.' wnieii w.U i
l :!.:. j'
I": . iaice f eha litratn'
I.H-- I. .:.i .riul utT- t the air of
r j-n-ivf elitor; of the -anv
w rk- TtwTf a jiar t le a grvat
a in p o;l- :n li osintnr wiio are
hu'ldm up tie- I bra'.f - - Cf-aJ.
Th x' Murk I'-ti.-oo. jak njz
of tt.e !"-.irah i of . -nd. i- !j; a
tuuih 5W kI' 1- in rtir;', tee aid
"I ihilA it mu-t hte been tie- m a:itv
-upph cdpa(er wh.. h m iI- th- cia
ie- what trey are." -Chi .17. 11 raid
Fanny Kll!.-r !ef; nn .--tale worth
cSJ . she . rait rrraphte.iry
dhscf.btl bj a Varmountf. whit,
after -.-.'.a br d me in Itoton. aid:
.shf tn a- rau- h .,uteker than lijatu.nj;
a- ligntuinj i- .juirk.-r th-n a -tone
-A Kanian alitor inform- i- 'hat be
did not attend trie late -l Hon aJ foa
e:itiou at Kan-a t'iu for the -inipie, .erv t d r-a-n. that h- had no
ra.!rd pa, and did nf reeip no
tice sn t.nw to make the juruey i,n
foot.- Kaw'l.t 1'iiy Tthf.
ItcHe Kiany. a teUe-jnar-oM
t?!rl of Marv-..ll. U.. hold, her book
up-id dwn when be r- ad-, invert
ber c.p !. and write with the left
hand, and in U:!i )- a- .-kiiifnl a other
c-hildreii with ti.ejr look- ,n tie u-ual
J0-i?lon. 1'iH rnji, Intf r '; H
L.brarie u!;i-h an neer pppleti-i-heil
In i:cw u!li'.t.on- m.a tte aJ
Uahle. bat they have loi Un-ir Iif.
.several of th o.'d librarw'. in Xkw Vork
are tv-wTird fir an appar-ntly pat prn
cratioa. aad it U almu-t a- .-uriou- to
ee the pp ipl that go into them, it n
-aid. ax to lo k at the old bKki on
the jdi.-Iw-.
Mr. Mark I'.oxd. auth .r of the
Kenuni-cenc- f Fifty Ye..r." m -a-t
ion-tii at a S-t-h gentlem m of for
tune ..n h. d.'ath-h.'d a-keil tlie mmi
ter wheth.-r. if be left a k.rire .-um to
the Kirk, hi- -alvali.ja iouid l? se
cured The caution- miai-tor n-Knd-ed
"I would t:ot !ike to lie po-xtiic.
but it"- Wft-1 worth Irving." -JV. 1'.
-Th pn'it- of an aliijra'or farm are
fr m '.l.o to tear. For particular-
a- to how and v. h-n to plant
and rea- and ei th- crop to mark, t
irv Htuall hi b. A". '. (Irtifthf
-A wutr&n, jn-nL' hcr
:atid- Hpn a gne-l at ta'.lc. aked
"A'e you not fond of :" Yc?-."
-ail the wearied ma 1. I always was
fond of tongue, and I lik it .li'l.
New Y. rk s di-Mil tfa.'h'r Which
1- th- !-i;r '-' mountain iu the .state J"
IJov '.smff" Teacher "Why?"'
Hoy -"Fa'her weal up a ear njro.
us I ha-n'i comedown jet." A tm
"Uennv. answer me now; pha the name nv tho little b ye w .r
plavin' wid out in lb. tarred thi
WL. 1. I
want you to b limlin' out who; 1 Hon l
hate j.-. play in wid nay an' iv, rybmh "s
rhiMn'n." - l rrknnt TrurcUr.
Va- rodel.
tlnn- fr I in .en tn t a s.ieww1 trot'p mr !.
t a I 't iiiirht to tiiT vitMlrnw h.- sviUJ.
le 1 ilhir- ia t po.t soaratiieli
llr k.-.tii l r vbolc nalrtiiuMlt
Hut tt tr.t-d onrr ti ntB-e
Tnt tnmit out hiT shh-'p w nHiteifn:
Hi- us . nud r tr nt of dot boii-e.
t't. .i.' -hiii-r. tn tier leeii.' a-k i-teh u
Cart Prr.'z,;.
M k- (-omethhis of an inva"i.l -l"h-ilo'ther
-a-Oi mu-t dnrink oinin
! f..-
t tor me
blood M in share, an' how
cm tlh: nk o run. M .ik-' Mike
I-y m-Jtin" it. av pour-e. Mary-1'ut
ve caa"t dhriak hot m. ltel oirua. ye
ful . Mike t)i kn&w Hi can't d r ak
1 ot in. I ted hut it'- me-ilf th:. t can
wa:t till it cl-. -.V. ". 7"i. .
- WKa the wi-Ii-kaowa -onir, "Mr.
IJrad - Da"ghtr." wa.- haiagarua.
a lad;, one day weat into i'hiiip W-r-lein'
-tor- a T.ourlion -:e 1. N--.v
Orlein-. aaI -t-pjag up to a da-hmg
vouiiiT salesman. -ni. "Mr-. Hrady -I)atigbt-r."
"Glaito bin ton," n
pindthe xoung maa. evt-ading hs
haad. ''ifow i- your" Kt-rk-in'jr.
What's the u-e of going :o
-.ho".9 one -tre-.'t Ikiv a-kel of aioh
er. iu s-urpn-e -hv. I pick up lot -
of tHiag in -c"nol. r r m-tnuc-, I
found out l-day wkai a. in. iwcaa-.
what yer -ee in der paiMT-- ail der time. '
Wnat doe- it :maa. aihow?' "I;
mean- after midaisht, of pottr-e: aad
p. m tman- jv- morton. and that"?
rr-ach lor evening. llttrtrt Itaznr.
A charming young g rk aceom
paatcd ly her otog-aar:an grcat-graa-L
m.ther. who i-ail l at toe nam-implies,
eiief a dry-gKd or. "How
umrh 1- tni- ribtnn?" -he a-kd of the
oli e young ch-rk. who ha- hniad-1
.-Xilelr'oxer .-evera! -txd- to wait upon
.er. A ki r. an: replh-d :h-y owag
ma-her gallant!.
"ivc iw tea rard-.
t'nfi. (tradmaU u you - h- a.way--eUl
- the bj.l- wh-n we go -hoppxa."
kinijv iuirr U ft?a by an Eaitorial Orion.
We were ia Al .$jdg-tl"- ako'a-t
week. ni"iag ocr v lew- or (tereiar.d
Cabn. and ic oth-r e-yHsrr- atdng
our bu-Tne-s. when fTg 1'aker rune
in aa 1 aud we were a liar. We deated
th rbarge aa-l told him be wrj a gea
tleman. At lit- jomlns-. bud we tM
jr.:y dc-dgnd, he oa d hae ktekd
t? t!wa: a- it we- he oa.y graaed ntr
ao-e. Knowing bun t b d nak. aad
thi3fore. b-.pi- . wedarcnl ou. o!' the
-aio n aad ran to our oaV? w;;aa
much ceJenty a- or ganf leg w oid
vlk'W. and hcktrd otr he- tn o-.r
-aactum. Had wr a: th- nohy r
fra nd fnna comlat we-.Tt!d -00a
have w iped tV- floor w ita v'nag Ivaker.
And yet we uader-iaid lira: he rail-
a red-no-ed coward. We are quite roa--ar
to l mi-uader-ttK-! by -wrh ra-a.
aa I we reiterate m thi- pabisc maaaer
our ni'w 03 the ( atata.. for whh
Gr.a;o caltVd u- alar We itS v it
hould ctntaia a iiii a who will re.-og-aire
literary ability ia giving out tb
po-;-ofSce. And there is a loait-d
ho:-gua In our -asctum which -ay- -o,
loo. Ks'rar: from o Anzcmz ed-
m j 1''. nri.1'
ir to a
1 ;-: u-e
! .m-i-oi
I itM.
th-ru ii i.ujr
- 4
:.'.... ai ao-
- .- vi aad
t e r a: prt-lm. a
- ini 1
ei! a- a
'. Ui
ludil.OU U4" f it. -1
Thr growtng -4 aaoatxrd for aewi
ail to be vrry prullta.4e. a th
eed not onlt produce at erellaat
piclity of otk but can aiM l-s culuti
alter havrng been prased
(in setting out iratt tree they
h uld b bent ulightly toward the pr
railing winiS aad then well -taked. but
the stakes are I:ftsi by aad
thawing they nhould b looked aftr ia
wintrr aad pn&g aad rvrt- .V. 1".
A gooii pcaV for hiecough i
made by moi-teaiag graauiated sugar
with good vinegar 1 H tat give tt at
infant from a fw gra:as to a fcepooe
!uL The eaWt t almost tataataneo.
snd the do- eld.nn need to l? r-
peatod. Tote'lo Midt
The ci.rv-A"'pr affirm that a
jid pnnk!.n' f a p.nt of nlphuri
acsd. diluted w:th a pa.1 of a at r. Will
dfectually purify ptmltry tad if
pnnkled in them Dieeaae will be well
rurod and noxiou pa- destroyed It
rffectuall kee. cho'era awa
ivr a man plant any fruit -t-n-iively
he should BMertain bow ineva
rietios which be pnpoc- ti 4an: uc
:edd in his neighborhH I If he caa
not then plant moderately, -o
vs to "feel hi way " "Ih- venations
Dn account of soil aad cbmate are rery
Cabbage Salad Cut th cabbage
verv tine, and put into a di-h in lner
with salt and eppcr tetweea. lben
take two te.spoonful- of Imtter. two 1
sugar, two ol ilour, two of mustard, one
cup of xinpgar and one egg. Star all
together, and let .1 come to n loU u
the stoe l'our it hot over, aad miv
well w-th the cabbage, cover up. -1 ht
-A d-cided improvement on the old
fashioned bib for children is m tde of a
towel. Take a towel long enough to
cut two lib-, cut it ia half and hollo
out for th- at the top liy.mUkc
ait all-white towel you can w rk a
t iaey l.rder in cdord wor: d , but
In careful not to get the towel, to
aid . r tSe bib will alwavs le ier the
hand Hind the neck with white tape
aad cat titcb t ith color.
Evccllent corn bread i made d
two egg, thewhiu. and yolk- be;en
'parat-i. and very light, one pint of
corn mod. a gool lump of butter about
the -ixe of halt an cgir. one tp.KM ol
boiling milk, half a lea.-po nfui of salt.
put the lump of butter into the hot m.ik.
then while ttrnog wita one hard
scatter the meal in with the other a
little at a tune. - . that tber will be ao
daag-r of luin When entirely
-uioofh add the y .lk an 1 then f h- wh t
of trie eggs Have a ore ol pun well
buttered. iour the in turc into p. aud
bniie in a ijuifk oi-n .V. 1". .
I'li tiaH 'ln. Krnt. Loot tm sj ,r(-, '....
.itlt '.t). I.... lliH lirft! It.
A- a nile farm-r- do not like t rent
land ia high 0:1 i t on on shire, and
th- iiitn who work- land on nhare- ni
tn -t always pty. i h gh ren' f-r .t
We have rarelv t,-a a farm that haI
heel rented on -hare for strral year
th.t wa- not badlv "run down." It
would eeetn. thereforp. thvt lipro. is
-oinet'iing radically wrong in t'.- sys
tem Thp only farming that pays i go .!
farming. We mea by gtKnl fann ng.
draining when necessary. thorough culli
vntjoa. th detrue,i n of wee Is. .saving
arl apply a manure or pbmiag under
green cnp. and dong t. work io
-ea-oi and in 1 workman 1 kt manner"
The maa who hire- Ian t on shire pn.
for it in lahor "Ilie mor- labor h- uu
iato th- lmd :he big.ier n:if he pa- -the
less labor the 1 ? reat.
Thi- fc tnie. at I-a. -. a the
tenant i- concerned. 1 ie may jhu roa
- tlerabi la's.r tat . th land without
the owner get; ag awy l-aet.t fr m it
owingtojMor land or poor jmlgiaent.
or the fn iur' of th -rop fpm lnuth.
m-rts-t.. etc Hut if th lenant pu
o'i the laxr h- pa tV money
which the labor rcprrsit-, whether the
ownrr get- it or .- In oth-r word-,
trie tenant a-- :me the risk of poor ..-s.n-.
juta much a- if he paid money
rent He .jtrnklv tin-ls th out. a-d
sooner or latr ! ar. that th- b. lalor
he put- oa the le ri-k h- rui.
la p::e of all th:. w- know many ;
who have done wd! in renting farm-
-hare. They hae ikw g'Mi farni of (
thir wn all pawl for. Ia fact th-y
h tve bought farm- they foravrly rwtt ;
pd lif tO"i;-e th owner- of tho farm !
w-r. lu -ky .a tiadmg wh iea. 11
the tenant- mad- money, the ownr
mad- money al-o. A great deal de
pend on Uh mea. I ne owner mut
i libel tl. If he raa liod a tenant ;hl
; ind i-tr'oi-. car-fnl. -v;.-matic.
tnompt and for haa.bsl. he caa well nf
lord to h-ip him ia every w ay in hi
power Ia h-Ipicgthe ;-aaal he i-. of
e-.ur-e. help ag hita-elf
I a rgard to whai cr-.p to po; ia on
a n-at-d fa-m. i: - evid-at thai oth:
thing- iog e.jnI. the i labr a
crop reipi.r.- aad reee-ve- lor ii- prop-t
rr.lL. a.-oa. ;- real ou pay.
Aa i.ip orehni m Ii-nag comii
tion i- profijtbl to the ;-a.t- I'nb-.
he hx- a go ! crop o gath-r aad mir-k-t.
a ae-il -p-mi bat !.;Ue labor oa jL.
A meadow or pn.'ure reijuire- be, btxle
A c-op of oat-- or barley, r -prtas
wbeaU cost- bt bul- to pwt at o:
h lrre-t. Crop wheh a-ed ho-tng aad
eul irasiag. est uvw t?iaa wh-at.
barley. . borkvirrn at!e. tim-
thr. ri r. etc W- hve know a 3
firmer u let las I im maa u ow to
oi- a the -jnrg. fo'loael w ih wtoiet
wfc.-a; ia il e faL and t- aa.hrr maa
lad t-i jd .at so potat'- - both oa
baltes. the u-aaa: to do all the wort.
If the o- yeiaWi forty btaheb p-i
ac-. aa-f oid lor tharty e-ai-- th
'.and-owne gx s'x do Jar aaacr reet.
If tn p tat- yn-4-i-si! m haadred
a i fifty bahe! p-r ai-nr aad -okl foj
i rty cea p-r bu.he. the iaadlnrd
go thirt. do.Iar- aa arr- ra- You
wdl -a. that tar waaat xl reeeiTed
tkt-ty doliar y-rr aero. Tra. bat ht
p-a S- more lal-sr 00 the r-aci:t- thaa
tae oa:-,
The ---aIled gartb-a crop-. oeh a
cabbagr. -.too., carrot-, i--1. rata
toga, tamtp-. r-iery. etc . ail r-crrt
i-oc-jderible lab-r. aad waa rai-ed 00
-bar the laad-owar. if a fa.r y-Ml s
obtamrd. get- a hg-- real for bt- iaad.
H caa arSo'd U fnrai-h all the maonr--aad
all th- 1. aad ;a fact should di
-o, and be Lb-ral 13 I-adig the tw o
pl.jw;. cu!uat.r-, dn.U. cic If good
c-op- are oD'a.ard. both carte wJJ
do wtL. 0rutcs ai Were
IIT". - . r r.m.ti rB lutrtlc lte
I.C'--'lr ttr T-iWHr4.- ltri'-e
i j.rt - .- I d rac- ! -?-
rult f r t ,- rte:-t w n.. are ai-l-
lo t-erp aad ee Uaetr tm bnua. It W
act mtrodl isKlb peruaal of Jtat
wh. simply have a jraagitoa or arrre
center wturt tary ar uag temporarl
ly nntd they raa asord a araia.
Maa m ifore highly with
hraia than aay otaor aaiaaai Stdl,
neariy all animate rrlxa aa a trarw
af this, orgaa of or.. ua
tntea-jty dowaward. iruaa maa i Um
hrwrr mail bird, t-rpuhm. hatra
eh a aad n.-he. til at-arly all irar-st of
the bra a ir$appear in the mmptuuMs
aad dodV.
The eiethat haa the heataett brain
ol any animal. It aftea wwgh a alga
a nine or tea pound The a bale tvuHi. t
aet- with a bra.a that we:gti.. pr- t
haps, tire pound tst. great aeaLaI !
treagth te tar resalt vi ultv more j
it; an 4oaatay ia th. matter vi tcaua !
The braia of aa adult man '. .ngK.
oa aa average, forty -eight oaacs whda
taat of the atetmg adatt woman v-ctgfcit
forty -foor ounoas. aad yet woafaa a
far upenor to maa mentally I hnv
obtained th s laformatioa trim; a lady -tnead
of mine who i& th.nughly trui
worthy. The braia im ine!oi m a boy -Jphere
railed the kuu Thi boay eaTel jp i
air-tigbL "lhe braia doe. S hat to
be aired if it is in a a-rmal -oadiu Mt
It should b- krt ia-tde the kttll CTPB
taaUy, aad ta a cm pact Horn a pos
sible, for wl-ea it 1 otherwt grea: -convcaieaec
m-y eaue
The part of the encaphaloa. we are
Udd. are the crecima. rrre-ih. w.c
d'lia ttioajttia, jm raWn. -t )ita.
ftuttJnm Any one wuUl think that
a brain with all the thing in it w.tld
not feel well. Imt with is not the etist.
The brain ha leen found, upon awi.
s'ic invftgntoa after death, to ..
tain not only the foreign m'rrobe aad
thiag- named above, but al a 1 taeri
ttons ul lance. rantal ne:Te. motor
i$it, corpu cvl'ttum, rrf4r& .'r 'a.
UuMitm. tn!--! ;udrtjtmni. ater
ratu. mr&tr rtn frmra 'e't4 aad
other foreign Mib-taaee. must
hae made life a Irtirdeu ami yet
death did not rult f.r ma-iy year
2Tothiag. Iwweer, i dtructiti'
to brain tis-u a da light Man have
die.1 alrno-t instantly aft' light aad
fresh air hate bH-n admittrd into tae
brain The brain 1 one af the moat
useful of all our orgaa. twk therefore,
we should u-e ever pr-ca ition U re
tarn it. for. hke the elf-.-v. king revtil
ver. a man ma strug; along far
year witmrnt having to ue it.
aud ye when be doe waijt b a-e it he
want it er much V e might get
along in society a long tune w.thout b
ing called upon for any mental demoa
stra'.on. but m da. vith.ut any no
tice whateer. we might bo repietrd
by our hot to express an idea, and
would f.s-l ery much e it op to adai.l
that we had left our thi.-.ker at home ca
Uie piano.
I'hysji-nns who hie never bad much
exjieripnee with tlie lr.iia. never having
had a ca-e id it in their ..wa famdle.
nor stu tied il hab;t in other -ipp.
frvfjuently make an dinjrao'
when- a itia: 1- suilenng from bran
tr.Hibl-. 1 otiee knew 11 0i1n2 doctr.
who has s ace ntgaed h f luerativa
jirnct c in onlcr t nivei- a high I -
Kponsitde Ma lion a chambermaid 10 u
large liv-rytable. to mk- a muiak"
of that kind Tae jMtitit m. sflor
mati. wh wa ua'oacious at ih- 1 re
the doe:. -r wa called I"he latt r fl
th fMjl-e. ex n mi a-. I ibe tongue, wruli
out thn prefer ptio on ddler.-al dm
.ure for medicine to oocurag- ?-!
oa the part o! the brer, and went awy
The iiner was no expert ia rate-. it kind. Iut he went at it on the
theory thai the braui bai '& aueet'sJ.
and irace I up th -ympiorn till he
-howei! th- jury that 11 w ,- a cat, of
quick coupling-pin oa the braia It
-eai thtt th patieal hadbeeaex4aed
at a mo oa A str-.l. atd this wa-foliow-d
tn ', pmnb by coma.
pniH-nlfiH and full Mop
Vi'e nhould teke great tare of tm:
bra n f we mb-m! k it It w a vrr
-ea-it organ, aad 1 pftiiv afbrt
bv ex crnal innu-aee Very little, afl"j j
all. i- known of tb I'M-atKia of varum
p irea .ioiKal orgaa in th- bran Th I
rebition Ltw.-a th.uehi and th nv '
er al organ w huh w e rail the braia i a i
!t:tlf ret It i tMt for trr. i
.. . . .
short lived, and puav maa to kaw
everyrhing Tbe lr-n boweir. k a
curi. organ. It 1 a goo I thing ia he
jdnee. Irit entir-ly us. le when n-
move I frota the r:y 10 whom it he-;
long-. We should not overwork the i
bra a. or lrin it in trymj; totiuak of '
hard word tha no on -U- kaw th '
m-aning of Ierther aould we trv to !
pre-.- oar braia in daring;
ofH-e Alcornd and gray taatt; 1
are 1 lway-aattgonistic I"t a take.
gjI car- of our brains aad not wear J
theni out try;ag lo impart iaformaloa j
to tte-e who h not -k it. Another j
th.tag that w- -hotdd remeardwr t that
the baa w-tgh- about twenty tuaM a j
much a- toe u-agne. aad. Ja,jor. j
there i- no phT-tok-gvaJ law wbarh j
will rejuir n- t t-'H all we know.
IHll .'."jk i 7V Arfun-mt.
She Probabf Fatn-.c!.
I wa cnarag up oa tL ear. yoa
know." -he raided wy." mit4 J jn
that Mr- .lohtssoa She i- J-ay- try
ing to lord h oxer are, aad I kaew hj
her Vok that she had unathtag a fa)
to . Ia afeoat a miaat- ar naaved
aloag ad r-. y- ae.
'HaTe voa got yoar eoCBmjr"
'For wfct av I. I
'For tK C.raor fto. ajpj
Jn-t lhk of her Igooraoee It
Canned me that I eouil hardly get
mx b-r:h I wu 11 vt. my taae to
dre-r her feather- . o I pot fa aO
my djgauty. rk -d my vcaW o thai all
coid aexvr. aad say-- sv- I
".No. m.dsaa. 1 m not gag to the
("ovreraor veto. hot whaa ta forr
aor'.. aae-soge ia.u- a-l&.e I Imll t
";reti Spo?" -tM-1-waaed awr aa
haad. -bat voa didn't aar axwoge.
dad v.m?
"tlry. of roau.e whai fc. ;
-h'taervrraor atiot!
trmi i'rtt Vra
-?a." -aid a t aag Iaaaary
to ht father. " here nr yoa gotrg
" To a bog-gur m atarstch. my -oa.
Wh-ii do te ho, gowto.- ahoet. pa"
srit the taext orry. I j-- l
-iuMild i. -ee-a aaid nt heard. " -aai tar
father. Ut ra aprr-tvc voa- imn-
Sew, letter, is aiaaivcript. wrr
fr!d before aepap-r wrrc printed.
Tbe Italiaa arts- fctKiis a ur-I ap
plied to tbe lettrrx aad ailerward to
the priaUrd copies.
m IIIm.Ii S-t tK.m WWli M t
lr-t th rfr.
"Hare I Ua U V.jI A f" 1-
atari. ab.wst Way eartixiadT.
don't voa know mat a maa j2wy an.'
time U talk poiita w ' boa7' Vti
d-at rxper me to g-e ' aayT
trtrrk.. of th trad. W:l. I aa'a
aot that there area't pieatv ai tnek iu
the aorae trad, bat w rahuad
her w.tb a gtA reputaUaa aad we
mrr to deal a-anrlf . r lraau ta
fanav ptaaM to gvteaas aaW otWr
sttade aValer. Wr ban. aadr a
haver oru-a aad huavw h.m cwd daai.
.peMliy the chap aha dw-a"t kaow
aay more aaoat a hor thoa a hurv
ta.w about hiaa If a aaaa naaJc
know-i -siajntaiac about a aura we rati
deal th htm camfiirtabi euig. aaa
the chap ho uoJy kaow aor lah&
he the 'dam' to Oral .la. He It
twirl h. rye-gbiaara aad aah Lata!
ouawttoa lo paraiyae a ar
eiaa enarj 9urgrm. Wr an
alay park al the maa who i aaytar
hi &mt b 4e aad he aaavaer -daaay.
lie 1! uouad the horw ail . mmm
ht k-4 gk.vea irytag to oa h araMatk
for age mark, aad then cooae ta
r-ttmtoai 1 a a Ire 4n0r. paeJy
rotb- tf driven by wouaea or hjlireai
W:.l he ataa-l wtthoul hetag t-! U aa
afnud of band of muw. tm-tr of
whi-tSe' la he apt to h or kek ar'
balk1 Ia tact, he atMt t waal lo
box a cheap avorae aajrwl "
Y.U are tt r. hard lo Bai a hOTrg
combination of jpl traa. ia 1 ar a
tt i in a man Aay hr that i toaifb
and m-ubI enough fc he a tnx' driver
With JC -1 srsl at ptty are lo anew
war itttle ktak thai a horMmtaj
wool ia't mania: all t f our ao
bctv wiati aa .-alright krke. or oiber
wiar vieiou r-taat. bol home oitea
get a bad reputatioB through Ua ta
m-caae of thr driver T.a.e shyiag. fur
la-taner a here toa't aear a tarrr.-!..
a m l human lie t-U- aataralty;
Bolters aa ua usual obam-t aad axpraoamii
bx orxre bv a variation ia gait or -a
atle jump N'o the nrt thing mat-Of
drtvef- think II best l d l' thl ce i
to yell at the beast aad give nana a ataafc
or two with the whip Welk the horae
think oh. you mav laugh, bo 't
.U-e ihiak all th- am- wr!t w
think ht driver ta tightened, t..., aad
that he ha a tiudle rea to
-w-ared, and perhap rua awat Wtw
know, to mav do it the latatbu
of prituax haas. If ami driver ia a ptae
of rtvJetv' Now a ho- aevfr ah
without aotiryiajc a wat. hiul dr ver If
a raosr t in front of htm. he will thro-'
an ear sharply in tha: d rertw-o. if b
hind. he will point aa r in.ur:arlv
ba k the. b rperteafd drr. who
ought alwat U be oa the bt4ot. ai
oa.-e get readv t hold htm aad at tax
aaute tiro reaaoitv htm tth a eahat.
ixrm. tahle ward or two that he ia uondi
t . Ye-, mr. any bor-e that raa aee Is
bkelv t hy . and when an ooe t"4b
you he wdl not. .1 wdl be about aa near
the truth a that hos-lVr or waiter wac
tod Mr rVkwuk that h hurna
x oulda't h tf he va u a vaJfln
!oal of traonkey - vith thetr tail Uarat
off ' That the luaai h-rat atorv I
rer read oh. ou'tt read It, ha
vcu'1 (--.!
p.ak i Hin.biaga hrar. rioajra
te lareiul about ttng a wha a .
ho-e jou doa't kao. r how ditaVr
eutly horsea take a wh pptaf rt bk
rotingaors aome ll trevaole ! !
their pint, other- w.ll lesroni ob
Itora and balk, a spunky one w.'i )
right ool of your hnb. and ye ga
not get him ha k time eaoogb I a a
hroiirn 4g iif bead And k' a
biwl prartiee ym .tight to-a d. th
ligtitiag of those nappy parl-r .lraet
n a wbr-el-tire. maay a U-ee h bwii
startled in thai way. mk ig wa
hof-eba-k t a very bavl pra.-f tr A
falling tark from a pipofl4-.r ha
cau-s! many TvUfr brokea Um' or and
What 1 the bl odor br h-re'
W". II. that m about aa much a kfuter of
ta:e a impwrtaai e To he a b w
persoa aat a ' alieo or rtreur hre.
a the bo call them. aw do Hv want
ertiiproou cfeam-e4oe-d aaaank
Nit" hwa-a are i.bieetU M.aSb
tbev l-e-.rt-ae Iv in too'hly
w-ath-r Sorr U. l-a aad th' darker
hue are th- avet ptM!ar. aa 1 hey ar
nt-ac eayrly matehei fhaa hg: .-.
(tr. irn-graxs aad rtaa he a set
tle" reroitoa for strength and loogb-
but yoo might Sill a hgbtati vt-tah
ron e.i and traditma ab-H the anark
aa I cb-r of hoc. Sua traditam
have ma h w. igbt ia the eatamatB d
a hre. one -f th trag-t ra
V"mr "- I- a) -'
f ut T at Im. tr aia taw
J ipjKe thai adea asoi iaot lax
1 en haaded aloij- JVr oeotorto kfatw
(irie-ntal heettra. aa old llaaxtorti
lranbxioa ay
(i - la, bmf htai.
To -trr !- 07 ''
Tir- - et. vx (t -jm-m tatort
Ttmt watt l. t.s-t fetM
"'I"b Turk regard whtt inrefawt a
loekv. nave whan for aad hind fft-tat oa
'!' I ta-ak the rbppaair of kwrao
rracl .Velk H drpad wpoo law hw
aod aio oa ihe orrn-r A -oi. troog
bo; that m dnrea r piemMtre oaly.
thai eaa b gra hae fek eawi"
grr heavy biaakei aad a l-ght
a4. w .fohla t b- pt to -iSer badly.
He r-oliy de-f Art o4T b-lev mfatr
.f!ilC than an ooehppd hors-e an
eoJ wrathv aaaVr ueh in1 ooataae-nK,
1 tbxak it a aaMCike to rbp tdae avaomf
w'ortaagaor-e - tvi HmdfgL
The Ute of a Sca-f Pkn.
TV-f were pl. tag w hit m the "cank
er fae of the a4e-r wnw oa hi
fJjsre-irf a d aaaoad wa H wa vary
tarx aas v.ry arilli&ot The iafesaet
wa lha the weer-w w n shaeay aai.afr?
a ahxrkWjt A a pxrtavar wi
ihaifjaag io- a smv dal. aaa.'-her tm
aatarked -'Th a f-a pea jm xeoarT
-Ye." replied me maa. tao ia--i-
pa - for the aaoae. H -cai imraa dt
Ur aad a ttti H hi arrcsle. Yoa aavr.
x9Ac way I wnor ara a ot0t"
boshie 1 ?rar t for preothm, Ta
a? the third ooe I have o-a. m ofiMr
: wvrc toW Let aae xpbam
-I vt.i travrijtg 00 a laataava roil
way tat arght (iradoatly the aoa aa--f'?r
av iae ear I wa ta dwratdlod T4
Jarao- two ate-a b. .he arrraefl 1 da-e-orrred
that Uaaee arena wre sUtrd
ay zr? jrrsri-tia. aod I ra iwaitaaea-d
tttat thev nfrrr aVeteraaim d ' S 1
t-tk. glad, lor I had rooce tlaaa thrv?
ixmnaad tWar- ia aaav-t aU oherk
ia acy po-ket WVg l-.fl she e-je n&e
maa wa ia front of av. aod aoa? w
iv-auad. xmd a I pni4 out tho 4tr.
tae joltag vt the rar gar- both ao p-jor-ja2
lJ tal! ga.a me. A that
moment of them a ilearl lb pia.
ansi :Siak:ag JL wa- a jr-. prua. iuvl
00 thought of taking aa . ee H
ia a safeguard, acad I would not trei
wiih aluabo- A. a traagr eouatrj withe
out oac - lArvGc Actj-
1 1