k.", 1-AvTl "VAvaW.Ttf-j. . ?. a T V .,afe- 3STi 4 LSI-.- V- . , - k. - . v - " A . jrffrt-W d. jt - .-3&-s.jk : N, - .-"-- " ' I 1 'rat . A- .Tv1 r jew A v-- 1 y -aw mTTX' TJUTYDTTl AT1 T A"PPT ! the South to the North, wa. hca.ed fn lilJj WUXlllU ill lliillVJli. the Comilrce Committ-- at Wash.astoa NKISKASKA STATK NKWS. 7r!E LATE RAILROAD V.'KtCK. EASTER".' FfUSHc.75. a ca:y sc THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. C. HOSUER, Publisher. t ' and defeated bv a very decisive vol?. Kot i: mon wtr ki.l-d in a Art- at 12-' ' ' Cbe.tnat tr-et, Phuad-lpbin, on ihe lClh. Nbrk l.cUItnrc. I. tho Senate mi th 11th lb jK-cil or- 71... 1,-xt- Diiut'tnn tl.- VlrcinM MOIUmt I . ne i:.rn .tt-. ..tic. "T .- - -- U.llro -!- P-r... Kll.l a.l i.rt U -tr. H.. , " W C ' 1.4 ( M.ll M.ti.r. I .Nfcw Y..KK. KrNunrv IT Tl. N'offlfc C A t. '. Fr V v.ki.. tun. Fefrnuarj 21. Tb Lil: F-rr i htftw tha U i m brn fr wi !h vl. !! tit t -.. .- K tf .-. -. .-.... V !-r tlr.y :h- ra rt fr- ;H .'. aj ! tVrn u;i ryl I irl a 'mta.!!r- of th Dl- en tii - J f-t-l At !Nr !!rnn'8 1 -. i. is th ' -n.i b.1. n !. !! t Th l"s- aniounl-d to :."... . P.EI CLOVlh - KEUI.ASK.A CONGKKSSIOI.. Thk Poit-otllo; Appropriation L:ll was laid b-forehe -nnte on the ICth. The I Molnei bill Tra temporarily laid aido and The lirannt block, at Chicago, vx a. d iroyed by fir- on th- nibt of the Hah. The los xxa report hoavr. a; i'tKiT M.!c maV- .1 rrUtathAt ftv ii5 t . diOW-a.t foe ferrt brxl U fc , II 1Mb A rlr I 1-Mcth aifl PnH :y pul un ihrl r4:n- ; wwe i.ijp,! au m n hAfviv AS Ue - m. ,sf. akm? Wc trt nor tfca rbl CURRENT COMMENT. I H. M.iey aai J. H. Britz, uVem-o, ' bndr s - jw 1 i ocdrrt.n ... "nsTrs, xr.ctily to nftb. tf1 nots ttvt a tWJrd. "ioain.' twif i i urui imi''i lite Hill lo nnim :ir imuri i . . . . . 1 , .. ,iJ iM 1 t...t .. 1 .-..- I . - .1. .1 . .. tt . - . J fkHM! fahml f -4 vht ?.l ' ', A a fhcfi r .! -! i . . m- . a. - . .. k . .h ii Wim M k All hMtfl t.h M ' y i p5 S h 1 V V, u ! - ' , ti !.'.. r jt'Jri i iw ' Harrlsv Sotmil. i Thi.i:k was a .strong Jn(lor'iucnt from Arkan'-a. in favor of Colonel K. ('. J.otnhnot as ('ominisionurof Indian A flair-.. Wjjii.k lillin a vatT tank in a pa.- n-ti'OT car at Ahoona. on; dav la si tvfk. .-ni: workni'-n found in it a Iroiit '-iht ii:ch-i long. .Mjikhi 27 and L'H. St. AiigU'tin. lh5 (.'!i-tnut 'ity of Anx-rifa.will r-l-bratj tli lhrf liiindr-d ami twentieth an-niver.-ary f its founding. 1'it.nt m-tt- from ranama rejiortd continuou- uproar and lighting. 'J'ho ti'hcls and th- 'io.-rnni-nt fore--, in turn, m-':u to ha.f the jijijmt hand. An infernal maehine was recently found in the l:iemeut of N. I'nujk'-i building at hturgi-. Mieh. The fuoc had been lighted, but failed to burn. Cui nr. petroleum is now used in the F.rookhn l"ire l'epartment engines. Mill the eot ii said to be le-,-, than onc liftli that of coal. There are al-t no jjiarks. Iris more than suspected that very many of the -nake bites c.iu-ing dtath in India ate eau-ed by parents desiring to put an end Jo -uperlluous oll'-.pring in a manner whieh defies discover; of It wa; stated that the lutetualional African A ociation wa-. -non to be ronverted into a limited liability eom paiiy. with .Mr. Henry M. Mauley as tnanne-injr director at a salarv of iM.OUO a year. In th; Canada Commons the other afternoon, l.andiy. the member for Montgomery, eowhided Charles I,ange lier. editor of the :7.7r, and bndher of I.angelier. the memlier from Quebec, owing to an article respecting Landry. Si:i.i:m. car-loads of Kit iau lla- ccd have been sold in tin; New York . . i .i . .i.i.... market during the past month at about one dollar and a half per bushel. Il will be uei! it; Iowa. Dakota anil Min nesota, in all of which -ertions a good deal of attention is being directed to llit culture of lla mainh for the ccd, which ha- been bringinggood prices. Tr.XAs i paving ninetv thousand dol-lar-a ear in pen-ions to i hundred Mirvior of Sam llouton.s command in the war of IS:'.;"-.'!?. New application-arc coming in all the time; four teen were received in one day recently, and the Legislature i- Irving to repeal the law on the ground that one-half or two-thirds the claims are lraudulent. now being paid At the instance of Anthony Corn stock, ni New York. aOidaits have been made and warrants in irrrest been .MTved on the members of the linns of 1. .1. Craig A: Co. ami WiNon A Mc Xallx. of Hamilton. (.. for violations of the state lottery law. They are tobacco manutacturers and advertise a distribution of prizes among purchasers of their tobacco. A ni;w motle of forcing tin payment of wedding fees ha- been discovered by Siptiti" Stodghill. of Sparta, . l!eing called upon to perform the ceremoin for an eloping couple, hi held the bride as a prisoner until the groom went out and collected money with which to pay J the bill. In about two hours he re- i turned, greatly to the relief of she bride, who had fully expected to he seut to jail herself. Mlr.KN scientist has discovered i that mental activity enhances phv.-ieal beauty, thus controverting an old theory, lie say-: "A hand-ome man. or woman eithet. who docs nothing, luit lives well or sclf-indulgentlv. grows llabbv. and the line lines f the features are lo-t; but the hard thinker 1 has an :ultnirable sculptor always at work keeping his line line in repair, ami constantly going over his face to improve the original de-ign." A i:i:ii:-CT l'bibubdtdiin utieebtl fn.m , . ,, , , ,, " , i Muncy alley sax : .Joseph Habereker. , ageo ionv. nts vviu", agcu tinrty-etglit. and three children. Marv. Henrv and oivupailts dragged live hundred feet. ! when the horses fell. The father's neck was broken and the child Hi-nr: , had both legs cut off and ditsl horth . i after. The wife ami the remnim:,- -s cniiuren were liiougn: to tv tatallv m- jnroi I. . ...... . -. ... 1 1 i.x.ii.1' ii-iuip weiu tne oilier morn- i ing to the residence of H. M. Kno i who lives on the etiev of Ti"e Hhitv . . .. , ,- ,;., . 7, , .. . ' ' Ark., and Itadtaj. k.;e family absent . tnterext tlie iioum atui threw himflt mi n Kr.'tiiii lirtk:..i,l -jo. I ;...?, I..l ;.. I ... .. . .-....-. .. ...... ...... kkkk.i.i.v v. ... , ....t.. .1..n.i... I... : . r . . . - this repose, he repaired to the uantrv , ...... - ' and indulged his appottte :o satiety. J i.im.v....j, .. w.x .S.......U,, iu i.e B --. k"t .- i IAtl . .-Wl I kll.X k.. .. ... tl... House i:e lniuitgexi in a utile martial , Lim lodgeil lit j-til. where lie awaits the " .-- .- Willie, aeeil restiectivelv tiftecn. twelve ' A tkomink-nt railxx-av o:!icial .titu.it hirhvivniMi kIhI.i lu.in nmr.v.! ty s.n hun thai h unfaithful -i- had ta n J'JinH , craped . -r. .,-," , ! .i,.,in,. it u-...r'..i,i... .i... ,. x... . t ... .... "! ..".. ... !....ki ..A!i...n.M!A cir.)i w ith ail hi tatxht to ertrseate :nm cigui. xxcsii sieiguing m a large -.-- .-.... ....w. v.. .... ?.v. ...a ..Ht-nni imm aiiy.in. ynirwi lueir iiiwiny "" m-e-.- . ... - -. .te ilji hat hi atn lie then two-horse sleigh. On the wav home , UU,,HK '" twn" :an,x lR,ru ";'ot -- wtommvanor t o female r-Iativys. ioniaR jn aer e-. - -re. u Jimr Mtui0i. the horses took fri-ht md r-in ,-,v i .' ni ,irin -"v-1"' ;o '"" w ,.. -applied them wtlh m,s Ther ; wilt a waiur lormeny e,wyi ax - , 8rf b rtte4. A ... . "- . JOHN LHAFFEE .V i. o.. ctf n factors, of .-hot I nited Stat, s Marshal .o-i lux dead hotel- , ... boor' work the bry l ne sietTit xx :is tix-eriiirneii mn t r... v ii . . ..... ... . .... ........ . . i . :. . quixotic exercise, making the old fam- Crvinaa did not .hcover the can,e until bo xx arde.1 w;th a poaiuoa on the road. I JlhTjX 4-ZZ "'J' ? ll'LT J tSj , " - ws -: ' """-' - ih clock the objective -tratcne point, i hn,! craW down :o :ht :'n,!er a4- ' At tbe Chang i ock yard the otbtr ' a-.ta.t--heer-.lnor f.w- th- aoea: of rh k" Jr ro".7' .T . ' ' H-r kvek lee Ma. T. C. w:hieh bv the explosion .the" -un th,? Cab' whtfr ht dlve'i - evmin? a ran- of lal-Yt-r on tbe Berliap- : "--vr TTa-taily 6ppr.-pra-.ti. caW liv --. ? nr?rtfaiJy Una, .rfc se,. . sj .-, & rsw. M aeaw- - hull, in tni, x uoston o. ttix - I nwrj. i).jMe, fa.Uy injtimL He bad TOn track stkted a:de to avoitl an u-com- ' rtshtof-xeroi wairrd by l- . ;, .i ZStK iXc .-. ' m rne mZmmwtaa. tv:ts broken into a thousand irapncais. : UHka trttck oa :he Lead Lv a pla.forn, a. awv? , , -w ., f.jd katkM ooa droU?l .. . , v ,y bee T:TT.ZlT TaT - eZT The report of the gun arousotl the at- j - .-r tank. prereatex! theta ,. the outzotn;- Noni- : C17a!;- .'? "!?? SS - ,-s- " '. tlataS-.J totttion of Mrs. Knox, who was visiting .i.--eha, Bt.-i.k.r.i alvando-tl Gabat on w:era tr-un. Michael Tc-jmev and Jiai "-:. atoas !' anteiaw lok- froaa bias , - " - T tra ! I awa-- - '- - In the Itei'-hboritOtHi. Sfcehumeiliatolv' he -1"-- fallB7 to Aba Klea. H n-.-ninwenj killed, and Frank ScAilh, vLtire-doiIarrodp- waib :b- -. io ff f IrS.rft ' C' " .rTl iT--Z!lJ -aT iiosu. captured the scoundrel and had Tr ,-,,, ,.,, , ....n.. j- ., ..,. ma.n."'e'ra :.. I 7 .,...- ,... v WruxiMs.of the .Sot-on iSraw:-. ! off aa n a-aiMJTr after. TbrteVil j ., tf. rittay-e-W rHriaa k a e ef Jaafcse penalty uf the l:vr. ,,11oRli.w aiiKUvrrrt.l to tb.4r.f,:Awl ini,v)il. r-niitof Saw. -r. from th (. Oimnit '' .. '.... t-- on post unic-t uni ' nmo,. r.-prt.-: I a th- "VuIiKl-. i-uiiv tirio-.i bv Mr. I I ?"ry to :b l'ti!!in- A:;Tpniition u.a. J i.K-niuvf "ininn im' mouv ii.fi :n t-f.n- i fftfi. i tlnuution .f Fr.dnr- --.1Uh hJ amnli- nioiv m.n! iiitii i run.! tt... r.'th.. v.' it.t. ,n ! tin. ) ct.t.ttiv.. Aiir n.rir Mtkmi In.) Cnn. ilrri. i bl-prirf-.waniH.!" Wh-n th cowinitw-I rr..-. thf. Hoiiff aJ.'i.uraJ. nnJ th . , of MniHUy ln-f'tui. ''Vif .::. ainrti'liawit- ' to th' Anny Aii."!.r:tn.n bill tfi- non- i nny Apprpr:tn. c-infi;rT-i j:i mm a fouifreiic' cuiiimniej' I nppouiteit Mr . urn, unu'-r lntmet.rii trom th. Mlittarv o:mnitJe, inov.-j to -u jm-ii1 th- niie- n::tl f the -nat.- bll! tjr the Urit titii !- by tne em,te. nal ie-t- i ::.! th tifuiie of the utiu-t-r to ! r-i.n-l. Alter it loiu' lieUte tht. moisoti . lo,t by a ote oi .- a to Per nav not the nwe- me ri.rfni-iii iii ni'in-riti oru:ii idi ni f-ary tuo third to -u-peiil the rule. The Iflll to ri'vu.it:' the .ettins of mini cuatraet arid the lUI appropnat nx Z-ZsWi foi the ereetioa in Wn-iimx'on of n bm 'dint- tor the j liiniry or tlie Meij al lJepart;ai-nt . f tbo j ITU. thccwifereaco L:utei tate Arrny pa I;, tbo S"nato on the rejKjrt on the Ii.tric: of olumhiu foil was nzroed Jo. and the 1.1.1 uiithf.rU.nsr the sale of part of theWuinei.ayo Indian land in Nt- j brii-'r.it pimei 'I he t.ili iii t'ajr title of cet j Her-, to Iie Molne- ltiver landi wa- further i ,i, i i... ti.e .vmi h,r... c..t.tr.t ... ... --..- .. -..- ...... . --....,-. ...-.. - . I.aor bill wh. ljl I efore the teuaJe The let.atf on thin t.i!i .,:ilii!i;-. uiitd aiourti- merit In the IIoiim areoiut on wa a-Iot- etlf-rf.iitiKoiitbe fe.n-uiryof the Tr. u.ir;. for uiforiiiHtion in n attion to the mnye ami j imieii irHine ot me v. t-u ni mhi-ihi i rr.- tone- A his! wns tM.e.l :r the ert-ti'tn of a pul-lii: t. ml.!, n t Wn-h ta. Kan. io com SVM The .Nu'.Hl Apprr.piiat.on iil wa reJMirted and the "t nati- :me"ii'linent to the lii'liitn Appropriation bdl n non ctnieiirrfJ In The i oin:ii.tt on PuMic Henith r-prte! it re-oluiioii p eoiiimeiKtiti an appropriHtmn t t.V.Oo in pieeii!.t.v Jh introduction into the I llHeiJ Mate o! AMItle cholera. The Hoi.se then hi n: Into eotnaiitteo on tht I.etf'lHtixe Ai.tiroi. nation l:ll 'Ihebid was I llrm'lv reiw.rteil to the l!otic and JMe. unJ I the Hiii-e took a n-e until next toot niitv In t!t Senate on the 1-th Mr. Iavi, , Irpiu the ('iuitii:tt e on Indian Afl.tir. i pfirted the ordinal bill to tnalile the pre-i- dent to netrotlnte Mr the pur. ha-e Irom the I I leek. Seminole mid i'lierokee Nation : . Indian their reiniiliimv uiteie-t It. I .- i called Oklahoma land- Mr. Van Wck in trtnlueeil n llll api.njpriittin f.Vi.oo tor the Itlltiioxetiieilt ot the Ml--(.lirl Itixer iiH.-lIe .NelTltsl.ll I Itv lie .riII-or- i ... . .... . . t eitru ontract l.iit'ir bill ua then lurlher :r;.!;Vi".:US,. SriL hoZz met in ciintiiiiiation ot wc:tie.i.t -, eiou and nu'ree.1 to the conleteuce report upon ll.i. Illtefft j.t Ci.jiii.iI.'.i t.lt iito flu t it)l. ... I llllttee .if the Whole I lift her debated the i Ittver and Harbor bill, pendtuif which ad-1 T;,:;n,nmtee,:::i.;.onV,;;:, rriS coutetl . n-e t Mel.ean ai;niii-t Ilroad- head reported a ie-o!uti oiitlriniiik' the title ot the latter to hi eat I he Hon went into I'ouillllttee ol the ho.e on the' Hlx t and llylmr bill, and the debat. con-I tinned until adjournment. Thk 1'o.st-otlice Aiprojriation bill was reporteil to the .-eliatc nil the Ktll. A Jo'llt I i-.f ..it t o.ii . t.tn it I in. im e.Oki ti. iiifiiv -' ' tl i ......(... ..f tl... ii.i.ii'Mir.11 eereiiimile I un p.iet Att.-i a bnet cou-Ideratio:: .! the lie Monies Itixer Land bill the I.-xa i ,.,.,,. jllM,, -(.rt,m,r.. iu xv lak.-n and alt. r lurtln r debate tliia.lv iciul a third time and pa-el, with onlx twoxott in the I lie'lltlXc. Hie b HI lor the lllinio. etll.'llt ol liaixeston Harbor ua bud b.-iore the -c,,. ale bet. ire adjournment. The Hon-e met ' in continuation o Wt dtichiv' t-ion audi went int.. Committee u" the' Whole on ihe! Itiier and Hai bor bill, w huh wa consul, rei! I tor some time, when an adjournment was carried mid I hut-sdax sr.ion commcnced-l I it i lit Ivw a coin, steit case ot 1'ie.Jeiick- x s. i Wilson the loliiiiutlee reported In lax or o ' iit.icricK. i ne iox er ami inn nor inn atrain r.i iii and numerous am.nduieuts wee I otleied ami xoted tjowti speaker at lisle j (Wild had be. II ill tor -cxeial Weeksi took the ! i i'll.tilt.l l. I. ri ..'..I... I ti'.tli li...i.t. tii..li..k bv both -ale or th- lb and" jralleric-. . The N.ixal Aitopri.itioii bin was th.-n taken J up and discus.ed until adjournment. In the Senate o xlwnh th- House bill. with atni nduienl, tor Ihe protection of lor- , . . i . .1 . ., csLswa tcporled taxorabl) troiu the ( oiu-i ,tt ,.r.....iin... r...ni..K..n ... ' mrieed tticallltiLTou ihe Si. rct.irx of the In- ' -- .-..i........ -'' ..,-., tenor lor intm matioii w in ther the sub.s:dl7cd : i'hciiic liiuiwaxs naxe ciin-iuirtni anil at. lerence r.poit m tlie tonsillar and Diplo mane oiu. Ai'cr pasniir sev. nil -peeiai ap- i propri.illoti luiis the House in i'oiiiuiittce ol the W hole took uptheNav.il Appropriation bill, and the del ate continued until ml- jouriiiueiit. At the cxctii!i fion nit pen -ton bili passed. rt'.ISONAt. .M POI.tTtt.-AI.. An eir.irt taade to verify the statement that Senator Pendleton had written a let ter to the President-elect Mronsly favoring Thurinaii for the Cabinet, resulted in the discovery that no si.ch letter had been " ntten and none xvas muiemplntcd. Tilt: House Committer on Elections re- cently c.in.sidored the contested r lection ' I rase of McLean (lb-publican) vs. Broad- bead t Democrat I. of tbe iMrsi Missouri dt- I triet. and decided t reiort iu favor of the latter. Ex-ltovr.UNnu Mosi:s, of South Carolina, waso.iivtcted in Boston recently of obtain- iuirjrd under false pretenses ami 5:itori-ik,l ta mx mouths' imprisonment. im. i.(iiMii.uiiiiMii winwi uiyti on mo ''th. t.. ...: r.-. ...sxt........t.. -n.i;i .i O'Doxovan Boss.v xxa. discharged from i j ... . .. ' T' lncenl s -Itai oa in.. inh. MAPAMt: HAKI.OTTK 11. SAINTON Doi.IIY the eminent contralto singer, diw! recent! x- She wasNu-n tn Indon m InJ:. Ukv'EHaI. STKW.MiTdie.1 at Itakdul Well on the Itlth, front the etiect. of a wound ! rtH-civ-ed at tbe batll" of Abu Klea. . Thk Pope is s-n;ror;ui; from a renewal of the intestinal complaint tb LliU Inuch .rou,,K. recently -ave ! tXrKI.I"KfS. -ics. i--;.-!..; aset retior.etl at 51.71.- ,;L uo cause of tbe a-stciiinent was sattSl !o l :l" f!nl,0!,l,l":' tm:iaxli-t rt'hrslt,a on ,a,wUe 'Pty. 1 HI- r.kM.kf TV-?V- ikn! I.-....- ui fn 111- ,-".. 'Jl . .l' V :.""'" x. ..-ni, to u. in 1.1 ki.e oxMies o; me victims of the recent .-now ,hde. rvtwri that alto- petber thirty persons were killed ia tb ! fatal avalanches. . . r r - ...... a mm i.u. irum x.irara.sxiiie. i a., ay: An explosion of pa occurrci at Packer-.' coUltfr3 0- Jaaies IjTerty.of Gtrarxls- villo. xvas fearfully burned. His partner, Danif;1 Kurxvsck .a few dav before. xx3, c Ivadlv mancUsl that bo car. not recover. Tit'ix-vr -r-ni-.r V,. .... .w.. ..-.- - ......-.-.-.-, -..--. -- -t. . nirli! nil k.tvl tSi ri.ii'Hnis tf . r.tn.r i-t-- t,..,.n -.f ji v. ,..,.i i V"- ," . , j... .... other valuaWes. . srEClAl. inm nu Pjl of .. . , . - . . jsja .iay.s: a train ..anl itirouch the city at a ni?a rale oi spetssi. to-day. Tbe teodiap; from Tt-xa to Nebraska, ovr which Texas cattle tnlj-ht be drirea fros imnn.ainuur and operatlnuMheu-own line..,, , ' , " ''T'.. " "V. " "V. . .. "'""I" .7. "b, u ' on thiVd rt-ai Ine am he '"T. ViJiX..... t.r! ----": " - .-irapli.an. uiietiier meaKe aie tran- ,resiieiiw nave n.nii.11 a cminuiM! n. ,.",' ",,,- thert 1. .-d detlicatlru: "" . . . 1 tfMiW 1 lxexe feet . n e! miu.,1 tor II persons ,..,., d,.cri,,,!,,a- Na,dC!, to solicit orders for works of art . 't "ltV' "bincon, M" the V.LluZ ? P' ' to " A,wit . 4, .,V k lu. uM , ., .,H "; taken " .n" Hu! 'nas-e. ''lludhe 'Z-inxi I J'l "-mnin unsol.l throtili the absence of . hu.ch: allowing p. rsonschar.l wltheri.ne .lisakeU Dr. It itardw, ber,.w ne refuel fc was taki 11 up .in.l pa-ed. iiti.1 Hie "-euate , tohax. nfteen itm .-" at the expen-.-.d toifie him Milrt al --. ami Nbi ". we5f loom bn.et - , i:kloV,. 'bi "nlknnV e or' "L,', S"Tr" v..t..r. n,,u.,t ot tho cholern bt-j.aw ,..,..,.,... deda-Ht,,, lot-in U Intothelf.- j,,.,,., ;tiai . ..rml.nt Xtitoru j ami ev.nt feet wide, aw:'.".,, , cits or ,.., , ol f , ! IllKSxv,,si::,.lesrathlin.sre,oh-KluIH, i; 1,rel,: . t., , b.,,1.1 ami ."-.":" t-l w ku,. of hi, bi,iK art the tire, but thm .. mtui was retained at,. 1 o.,.dc,able debate , the whoh.,:.le cxpuls.o,, fn:n .Swderlnnd --" -; "f -- --;-''; 'l ;,d,,k, l.c did not Lunr of it m, J I(irr, fBr .. l.xecutixc M'-.on In e.iiit.miiitioii ot i0f f1vi-n Annrt-hist. M th- i.eti.ri.1 Appropriation bill and d.s til the uef day. Mullen w,ii l.ot plaretl lit ...... i.v::ndHa;Tcr,!:il!H;-,!iarVs:::.,;;c.i;;:i YMuvnKtorv.viv.i.,umrv m -ituX,..) 1-?"' - -'- -'rr . T l n m.-m-ed and th- Hou-e ttg.,...i to tl i- ,!-... tne tl... I.t! s.iit.s. :.:. i-aiir..!,. ' ' :r.T. 5 " v", ',. h. " u.u. Htttiea attaint Sebrt-tler. Natilne . U-rdm b.i,e wa & - I. to v -e ournuk. nssiueti rec mix-. L.iatll- ani wonn-leci iteoutv- U.rili.l yunnmr. I nno wiiiMianiiars. i U. Ub m kiitx-Gf van at .ca. - II .IVa. ---. p. i . M.a.wa aa a av w-w J au!' MInn- J---nt.y, Ml from a thin!- iUr-.' w in'Jow. v iaz to tb brri;Snr of th ; ' - ftpira:u.-. The ii!Js wf Loth were fmc- , SJrl latally. Tmk Kulih Parliament umUl on ,i, t.., t , f :..--, ...r ..ni.n... , .. .- . r . ... 7 ' '""T? !'-" tbe E?vUan tr'ut-l- d;I aot iiifr from! .-l. .- .l..l v - i;:-. cr..t i ,. .. ' . . . -' o',t prepare! a vt.t of cmxare. birh wa t h: dfbai! at a oariv dar. Tii!-..- --- . .n.i r-n, t.v f .- Kalish troop in Egypt. Orders wers u- i .... t ....i.. . xr..ti I . ,, , v , . , , ' j.. cumiwum .-i ... o vio. i the bill jrxTidin f or o vh.ppiag iol for .... M.sr, IT,"' THE Arkaoaaa Houeebra uirg inajor.ty haa dfeatd tb bill ral.taz a coiutittl- ,.i . . ., "" - . As unknin man, as! aboui afty years wlls irl:U iodvat iIrbeC,mU: , . nlh cear Dearborn, i The Txaa I'acif. Land Grant Furfei lar,? hl" wa9 P " " n '' r-- iBe.avai Aj'l ration om wa andr conaideraUoa la the Hooe. t-, . it ,.!.. t .m. f K I ill At Irtoria, B. t ., in the ilouae. tae LiH to admit women to ro.Trt waa tarowit imi- ,y jof, . ". . . . . .. ,.. , . Awi.l- intr fdaee. in the Jtibian House avoid now drtfla by euntiurt . ; , -t.. -.i..a . "--'.'-..'(,"-.-. The California A.ieinbv re--n:ly a.da eontitutionaI amendment pro v.dinx that railr.mds shall pay n tax of 2'. jer cent. n the cnxi tarningii. The pulp uiiUaomneeiI with Conreas innn V.iilim A. Kuaell Hn"s pHT iiu!i at Ijiwreni". iias'.., iMirtitni the other niht with vaiunblo tnaihiitery. L, '"' iTo.oKi; fully insured. Hlt.xY ISrhtiiers. jrinin and commission merchant-, of San IVancisco, hnvo do.el their dtujr.s: liabibtte.-., :,; net! f?io sajno bU iol . convertible. .,.,,,. ,. , .. .. !. fil.l l. . "K n-vis..l veisMti of the Old Ic.ai tent will h- jublisli?l ill Easter 1.. th" Coroner-. t::jtjest on the victims of the almshouse lire at Philadelphia, Jo- seph Naduie, a negro lunatic, confessed u ,., m iMMii.s. and t,t he ...t.i...i.i.... i ua.s inii,;:uei m no it n i cier .i. , j,.,. wj, WJl, ttt.d to bear a Sliroe- i;nid; .'laiilst 1 r. Hll!a f.l.SOII. I the Hoi..se of I.nds, on theiiith. Earl " i--t-i - -- calling out the reserves and tbo inilitiii. mIK ri!road nccid.nl on the Virginia .Midland, between Alexandria and Wash ington, proved more disastrous than at lirt reported. Ono hundred sucks of mail matter wvredestroved.nlso u lare utnoiint of uioiiev, e-tttualel Itcixxceii -7.,)''0 and .f...MU l- I I... -l .. -: l .',""'' "iimil nanus H";i.p kiiicu :i.v,oio. in the tire w hich resiilte.1 fr-uu the collision. Illl t'.fiklt .IihI'iIiiI lt-rtL-..ii '..i. T.i. I III. I'l llllll I-.'.i.i... I IT -l."ll .ir ,ii k .. . . .. ... "i o.-U, .January -''.lor J'ort-moiitii. i.njl- land, bad not arrived at her dcstiim- I. ,. , .... ......! . . ... '' n i-crmirj sun. x.reai niixu-ij xxas felt for her safety. , .,,. f , , . t t i .t A iioTTt.K ot j:u:im.x nor e.vji.Hi,k tlie other ni,,hl n.-ar the 1'arlinuieiil House in, ,,, ,.,rniITO wildi is used bv : , - .-icuilier.. liariii v. as caus.sl by the ox- t i!-,i( No clew t the lui.si-rennts. .p.,...,,. . ... .. i .... ..... i.:i i, ! "'",lw- nnn ,,, children xv.-re burned out (it St. Michaels Orphan ll,, ,,..,. ilt-lnirli I'-i reei..i?l-.- ' '... ... . .-..'. ..., ..... ....-i-. '' Cnion Depot at Meiidota. 111., wo burned on the moraine; of the ,:ith. Lous, VMKdi "' T .'hx . nwoli iu St.xv VnrJ. r. .. , ., , . -..- .. .. crntJv of the directors of the Northern i'h- - citie Lailroiul. a .sale of ?mmt.,iim. wortlt of hr.st nioitae Ui 11U t a syndicate at par i xxa ; njjivtnl iijh)ii '57. Mtal 2's). comjinretl with 270 last week ami ."!. tiiy xve.-k betore. Nearly four :i it lis of the business casualties of the wee k were furnish, tl by thu Western, Southern and I'acttic States. 7m: Marine Safe Company's factory, New York, was destroyed bv tiro on the moraine of the ';". Lo. I'-V'': infeiir nnc -lil'i.OiX'. AIHiITIMNAl. IMsr.TriIi:S 1 S'.. hvt were lrt ut a tire tti Braver, 'and Wilii.itii sirces. New York, earlx on t the morning of the 22d. Tbe pers-ms killed j were ;h futnt!y if a ptdicetneu tiatii.'d Murray, on ditlv near the buildint; at the' time. He entered the house for the piirjoe ' of reuim the imua:e.. but was crushed to .bath under the debris when the Uiibl- in- fell, Thk cold weather at Washington on the '.'1st nnrre.1 smiiuwliii; th ceremonies at- I tendm;; the dedication of the Washint:ton ' . . .... .. -w in i;iu::ii;. n.nerxie Hie niiiiir ps.-.i otf ssicee-sfullv. In the evening IVesitlont ' Artlinr gave bis last public rt-ce:ion. The ' mnnber of caller xx as greater than on anv , prex-i ms oeca-ton. including th irincual (Juvcniin-nt ntH.-inls .-. ...-.- .... ...i.-r- I of the visit, n- military and Masonic or- Knnszation.s. Wtr.t.t.vxi E. Barnks. a ship ! rokor of New York, has assnetl: ort preference. -!?.. Wit.t.i.vM .T,r.. xxho uei the Cincinnati ' i:.i'tittrrr ft.r .' damages Jor libel, ha. oh:jitet , T-r.t;... . ,. .?,,..- v.,,.. .i r..i ! .!..-.i..rr..-.i c...?LV...-' 't..' , I Tb-latter ami Deoatx Loving. howt.v-. ' commenctl driajr. woaadia Pit. who:t4 with i.i o mpanion -zr jamped from j the tram ami look to fiis-ai, Dunns lie . k.v...... .. .,..1 ....- f !.. l?". Hr .--.----- . i .-, rramt-moleer o: j:r. iiroaa. wa xTcanti in the ' wa xTcaadd stomach. Mi l'ia Y eager. auur ' of the prisoner Yeai-er. .hot ia . :h- kie-. m. I row di-,t i rJ.- . . jaii at . lira on: el. A io crrxaia-I horiIr afterward ftw.nl lhe dad body of j p,tl '.via? in r. Ir.ne aar the -seeoe :fc. ira-edr. Tae po. ma.- ap witb Ymrer ' clch; mi farther on -c! ok bi re - l.. .-..!- i - . .h.j - ji.-i .- . . v - ..",.., ,- ... ,-k-i ... .-. L-rikj; .skcn int. ,j ,ir rirsBS- f i. . . . . .... . .. . -.. .. A .-.rsri.ii. tram o v ice itww ai;e. .i.-(-. .: tr n. . t..-. ..i rrr,' Z"Z:. M T .--. .- --.., ---- -- darby a tramp, -aa w c broken rad aad fix rd the train. Th- irsip vaj re- barrb. Pa., on tbe ilt, canxd tbe deaib of 4js j-erao-is. ff'.. t.l-1. .T A .... ...r... .!..! T. nt.X. I ....i... ... ...l ,n.. K.wl .... lhii ll.ft'tvi. rM.k ..! r.hMlf.r mvi. I.iffu tilt ttisffn fit UUfl I.. Ill 1 m..aI. ... t k .ftk.... E ........ It.- ,........-..--.... ............... . -w.. ........ ..lttl.ill-.'. -...-..- .-. .--.-.-..--.. . . ..-th. Mil ww ao..y r-t-rrM u .n Mt;- ..ni-Tiac 'f MrA.!itr. liin tnJ '. . rf .. ... k. ', IIau .. . ., .AM.ajf ..! Kt..!! . tfr. ar" a " atni t vt -- w - stsntr MH.n as tiUr In iw I(cu. r :n . N'L vharh con. n. tint.i r rs'tr - "".' '. -" - -..- -- - ( At tar aftrro.n a.n mr m.i p irtr'titir iWufl t tfce H'tn- I'll DtS" r1 Th" Jn0 ra r"md 5'i' ., thm d.MHirtrd ia CoBinltJM u! h Wnote unt.i adjoumn kU Arrcatbe ivprr: of coouoiti and lac -... ..... -. --! !.. ik. . nt .,n ib h tnt mio t -mmiitw of ito ! ob li'S :! ffenraJ '' B a rotf It to C t wt'n r-ttUl that Ornate bU! i:i. the J w nuui rriciii iii i r nt'dmmrnnra ir tndrSn tf pn.r."nn-nt The m u8 to n Prt fraSy in-:i Ka;!r.a4 nm(.n ,'' - entujrht on a drha' n wh'rh . nau.r Itnmn pi.8.e fMtru-st!v aira.nM ta attion of tbe JvHOMtr in iUet.tbtna Soeil ti. for tb bid hh b bad o tb day t-i.rr referred t a oiterlal mmltt-e to prrf.t ' itHout aru ! the ronmltti n. At t afterna.n M'.s.dn the rrrt of the t'omimtte of tae n Buir :naenotieiv ottpn,i.s ejii i.i wi adopted In tbe IIoikm- the t. 1 appropr-at- losiavtio ror the itrrorm ?h-bi o a - ..." JrZ. . i .i. ........... .. ... .. ii-w..' Hll,i Dim..; nvunmrMn-J for j.-e .stand- inx eoimuittet reporte! ant the Hou l- i Jourottd unt.l Tueiidar moro.n .Nkithxr IIooso of the It;udator wa In w-.M..ti on the PMh. I.i the SenaW on tbo l?th committee re jiorie! on b.IH. A Mi! w fited by whih lhrr.inii!at;on fe- of the Mate rnnrr- ftitv pa :nf the lil.rr funl The bill prt ridiiijf tr the f irec: ur- l .x ben1 w.-t read a third t-iiie and paed. in t mniJttee of the nhoa-I ni on L-enem; H'e were etn. si.b-r.-d and tarorable n-orT made nr a : iw,';y pued th? Ui t rati not be MSer nuui!r ..f bill Ainoiise ttse r-- innientJi i f ...,, th.. i.mmitlii- wrks tht lllxllli' of the motiiorlMi to I tmsre urott t:n aca.nt '" ..-..- - - . -. Jheca't.e tral trom Texas to ( anada In the Ilou-e b'llh were read a ectnd time himI Mtn.ronrmteh referr!. and com- tttitl.-e reiHirJi-! 'The lbii-' pent the re- tiiamder t the inreimon in ointmttee of the Whole At the Mfteruooii -eion the lull Mppropriatui: :. for the Kefottii s"chtKl at Kearnei. wa i.h.1 a third time preparator) to beimr put upon It priaae when j motion that it atain If tefi rre.! l ( olliinlttee o the Who!- brought on .pilte a debate The bill Uliallv pa-et. llj. .'4; nu-.M. The S.-nrte bill prohibitim; the triY ln or -ellmu- ot tobacco to minors under Jlf teen ear of ue. pt-d All evctllllir - ton was held lot debute on the bill pr.i ld- itiirtora ecological and ni'tieraiou al sur vcv .t Nebrakn. which was fiiia.i) iccntn- lll.-llde.l to b tltdfttUltf I) MitpOllll. S. h i.n after tsseinbliiiK on the 1-th the Fetihle went Into I'ominittec .! the W'htde tot the consideration ol bll. s on the iviii ml Hie. Thirteen bill Wete dl-po-.il of The House bill aiiproirtHtuur 3? IM" tor tin Home lor The I'rielldle and the I Mpltid p ptopriatiou b.ll. lex v ux a hail mil tax. tin t with little opMis.ioii and their pn-ae r.H oinmelided. Almost the elilire HtIirniH.il se-ioll xva Ink. -II up ill i'ouillllttee of the W hole iii cons. iicrtmr the bill that roxide for a ehanye in the meiho.1 ot m-Uim. and lea-iinr -chwi land The i upiod Appniprl at on bill and the bill appinpiatui !.oO to ihe Home tor the I ncmllc were r.n The I a thud time and passed Utilise, utter tie- leJMirt of colli uilltee-. wi tit Into otninlttee ol thy W holt . when sexernl bill' n liitiin; to i e i nne ant ! taxat.oii werej-ons dcrtsl. the d-iare InMiti.: i until noon A.t the urtei ikmiii oii coui- I linttees reiKMted. Ih he bJl r.siiurin tail- ! with double ib-ck on ' road to tiiruth tar ! detiitiiid ot sIiuhm r ot s,m k. wa itcd Ills., the Itlll it iHtillir to -ll-lietl mi ot tlie ,.,,, ,,, ,fl certain en.- The t.,11 toclass.jy the railroads ot Nebraska and to etabli-h rate ot In liriit and pai-nier tar:tt ther. en J ,.,,,,.,, .r ,U!r,i readiti?. when a.iru.d debate eii-u. d The bill llimllx a-l. m . ' '!: "il -, ,V Th" , ' t" IV,,1, " x -lent of rentte pa.d. with the enic - Cr-m- ciaue -tuckeu out. Adjauim-l. I:: the Senate on the p.,, bills were . . reporlt-1 troin taodin coifimiltee Hill pa-s.d Ifilatituc to irechainc lien: pin- , t.st.n iiKHin-t the ;.roiMl fitile trad; proxidm for attornex frees; proxalin? trtr ' theiiHpiMchinciit ot ( oiuit. t"oininisiiiner: t toprexent thespicad ot inlet tloil deioa.e aiiHinr tlom'-stic Miiitnal: to prexeni tit frHudutetit renioxulot tuortarl pri rty; , utHkitikT judiriii.iit tor tlio and cot In criuiitiMl ca-e. and uimii forleiti.1 reform am t-. a lien iimiii all the real prp.-rtr of the dejeudaiu within the e.umtx Alter iwiiwnuii.ier o: other bii;ot lttib n cntl iMtre-j the "senate went into ( otnmltte ' i.f the Whole on the calendar Aftt r dl , .f the bill to proxtde forcaMtnir a conxetitioti to revise and am. lid the . "oii-Iitilt .on of the r-fate The bili H" lav orably reioricd. Ad journe.I. V ellniie.in. The residents of fJenexa enjoywl n i r markaltle ntmospheric )ihenotnenoti r- cetitly. The Ifrrinr .says: "The pecu liarity was hi the fact that Fairmont, a town eifht miles to the noith of n, and o 5itnate,l by tite lay of the round that iln I etuirelv out of siht. litit that tiKr:iinii- it x-a.- in full view, and apjmrently on thi bank of the creek only n mile from .. The picture was ttenittiful. perfect ami starl!;iur. as it burst ujmmi ns a v" twrmd the .s.rner of thj street. The illusion wa I .. p-rfect it .-earned that wy eon Id eailv , entry on n conversation with that town. In a few minutes- the condition of the at- . inosph'-re had ehanl ami the picture had vairshed." Thk LxK-beii family. of iVly Coanly. i a branch of an ancient Cermati honee. the . .. k-.i r . - i.. tieal l wjncii. .Mr. .inr.un Jnn. mf- ltrate.1 hr hundrtith aniitver.viry at lz. Germany. February 3. Th- dd lady hn over two hundrel of her cbildrun, srawl- ' children and sreal rrandchildrcn ao liv- l.,,- ..t !.Am thirty r,si.l in Dolre Cocr.- inc. ty. IUt oldest child, eirbty yewrx 9l a-, i. living with her, and enjoy. cjceeileni health. V.. E. Jovjts. jK-ipritor of a bo"! ni Omaha, recent Jy av hi wife -SV to o lo Plattsniouth ami ieiv a bill. A i-b- fr..!! to return at lh-jropr Urn-beinreliat: h mm'.tr and f.Kiivi thai h" Wad tvlynid .h.,M .ml fnrtW inr.-ti-iioti th el THtar. r Tntv-Ur- eooai ia :?-- - aka. New-apeT are pbiibd ia x- j iT-suae coBatiee- ( itw-s twTa and vJ-J li;. ia v.ai'h papera are poblubed aaaw- 1 k- .. UU.1. ..t- mr, s mr aa !a I aw .-t .u -- ":.-. T Zl7 Z. ' There are z. a paper' p" a we.-sj-'. , papera of w ai-b 2 T9 -weekiy. 17 daily. x neeai- weekir aJ are awotbly. .." Kiia. ar terrerina: Jy Dakota .... 1 ... Cocalv noa. vi 'Tew ... t p-mw- aeol drainar. !t i proo---i loeoaxttrwr.a , .x-f.xt raoal. t f-K 4-p. -n i .'ail of ihirty larb io -he aa.le. TV leaeib wnl be four aod a aaif taiie. !l will .iraaa i ,., .- tJt i-a .-id eoa abotu ?C. . . .. ... ...... i . . ..... ! Patt: rv Oaaaba ihe cold .i-a-a-r cat ; - reeeat trtp Wi. cr rerj. -rp .reaae 1,,b oiprwr serwtiy deeided i :eee,jrtr . cra-ilior proeoret tbe -r-ttjp xrae doe a bxrrr to t letra ! bv jran.-be pri-s-. aad app.d t ta ' i not e!y a Rtw-i ob prfcU: test tr, tow to res i iic--riia.Ttr. e ft . . I - a. ..... -. .aa... . ee a. a 4 "kt- -f a " - - ' -- b otul brtJ tf,i- She wcrkknt a4 ! .. . ..j. us Lm,!.,,. ii,. otwm,..k .. . 1,1 rsidim mjmW t MSWo i iMfV IIMIWI o -.. . w w -- -"" . ) ascnts rouM not chtm a. iat rwix ( liATtn? bffHi lwint it can wH now be UI4 , . aoor' a i tiff f but it to way from var;im:j ; uAtri an in :.a ! ?lrtOWX .INrt i a txnhcrf of aUttY dollar rr Uk out Of the wrtTk. b-.rwt lotalijr burwU. and tunay tmtu rre RrtiNi into t Wl cbmd. T1 'm, fn tit- rm.lntad nmtMiri u e'in ird fiV.oui. Tbo poaUl t lbcta.4 Mtjr the rolh:on caued the iar5t kia ol mad w:iet of bk-'i tijere t aav rrimi in tbe ifepartc.rt.t. p! finhvbniw.e! from the coibkm lr:o.ved th.rtxti Umnc fK tfrrrl mad piu b ctectis from New lhl Ibi.e atni othr iioitils i Smtb and dtfiet for Wanhm:o. New Yotk it i fcau-ru rdv. Tbtwa pnTe . ... kn.wn U- iiaa cwotainen and TauAbSrt. but io ht , aMmrx j . MvriAinA ! aiiuttitit can not et ta." aMvriine. Tsw 6n also de!n 4 ooo h'idre.t ark of ordinar mad matte;, a be4 tnm-elU ueHi mad vhI ' hundred and W'lhtjr rej;i!erHl letter Uketi up for tleUtrerj aioni tbe J.u" 'i ' let inc'uaed tu Um acbi. The :.t r.arx md !ot ;a".itppel to have come i:.mi Iui-.ana, Te". .Mb si.ippi and ottu : uthern SUtes It i impoilde a et t. teil bere tb b.ane for Um d Ji"tet rit,, ail - couUf Uirw anv la'"- 't 'i' mailer a: u-.i i '- .... ... THK Hill. Ir" IW HI. I.Ml- Xkw Vkk. Kebroar) l. rtmate I'caron sax that amen; ibi nad loit by the biirnttor mad ear m th co;hi.n TTmrv day night oil the Yirymta Midland iUii4x, wiri ilMe fr New irk which Kfl New DrleAiis, Mobile ami ititpi:tiet tint r iiiRot the i;th: Atlantt. jl. the ttMHiume ot the 1-th; I)an".ide. a., the otetiiur of the 1Mb ami the luuiuim; ot IUh lUlh; rhatunt;;t. Kooxxillc and of J'ict- in iJt-i Tcnnc-jM'e. Vetrru Not th Carolina and Noithern tieirsia an I Alabaui.1 the lth: and .ullierM Ala btu:i the i:tb: ami the iiom-!m- t-otitaltiiiig tSlhteiwl ma'ter from Ilout.n and Stuth oru Tcxa MHitjfoner am! Middle ami Southern A'alitiua. I.nchbic ami South etn nn W't tein Wfuuiia. and t'hattam-HPi ami Middle and satlurti renncf lorinel juirl d tne h.ineil maiL I'o-iinat.jr Per stn e;iet l U re.tUe a l.t of U.e addle-- borne bj the teiciiten.l biter in a iett da-. THE PKILADE-PHW HOLOCAUST. A N". Kro C uil.... I lott He srt lire lo llir lllslltlH . llllktllllt-'. I'litt iu I iiti . l'.. lVbruatv 21. At the coiuner' ui'piest jestT-lay in its' card to the twenty vbtnui of Ilw terent lire in the tf'oekley almhouv. a leniaUon xvas tieTelojM-d by ilio conftHtion tf Joseph J .Naduie. a x on fur liej;ro. that he Itad net hrr to the buiblim;. ami ii uisbgated to the act bj 1'eter J. Sehrtieder. one f the chief attendant. Nadate i about iwcntythtee x.iar of ajp, and w.i" committed to the in stttiit on a- an ttuhy. ile, but it tUt by the jihis.ri.iiex of tle tnitutmii Uiat Urn U tuiii.il! r-iotisdie ami that he wa fre quently jienuiUcd Jo i;o hotue Uf.attetfeL Ai a result of Nadme rHt.-i4i N-hte-d-r uat airestett. dine ittitl Nhrtler had iiven hun a mat. Ii on the nll.t of the iMl.itn.tv and told biia to net the place on bre. Noline then nt to the dmiu nai and I'idim a match applied it to mim lutl.ish on the f'mr lie Utetl calteal S'iirsicr. 'ind the two. with the uitnrr ..f u .. M t II I A... '...t.k.l Yitt!t.ft 0.t..lAk .kt S..T II .l Mi... ..-...- ...."-. .- ..- .- . to fit the ptlb-nti out. but the Are icainett , hcadw.iv ihat the "' ' . ,.-. . leave the huhd.lur. Natt they were tom-d t. ne ayi ttiat wlifti I In. ttcir-o Iwinfo ii lire ft. Ihe build ilia, led l4b time :he tl.tm were discovered ami ruitMr buddui utad u..wa exiincuihe.l. tn-h.--aitta be after j rTttl,t fw . .. . ward told .Srhroeder of h. acla. bat tnt t-, , fK- j,lf. , the latter aur.-)l fcint be wouhl not report him to the authoritiea of tlie intduion, ' .Naduie H4 a; m.r nervm." ami greu.y fi.irhtened apparently. t.t npm beiut - Miieti iimi mi iiJim wwi . .-- ... .r j vv..uid b-.ie ea.m ami collect.!. Ndla ; X(, vm m0tm 4j lobl of ntany rnteitic indieUeJ ttpaa the pa- . fc tftt ,hfm mm9 t.ei l by S.II ler when toe latt-r ie ia fc- MuU tmwXk mVth gg r. viueni ;emj--r. -wnrta.ier. a..- y r tc-:. auimitou tbat lie nati uuenoeti wia3 tht inUttk.n. but dented the trwth of Na dit.e .tory, or that be had eer aanl be va. "down on Ir. Id lMfdosi."" TREACHtROUS COR.. A !in -ttCee tt-l w lf-t 'rn ltt. IU rr.uo. X. Y.. Kfbruary -!. A peett liar aerdent t-rurre.l t the Aaaetleaa (imp- k-Ur Wtk. refltia In tbe aVifc . of N.rUo.as ilulien. fl Kad h mi ml t .-..i. i. - . .. . . . nop?it wwm iw now , ; Rti btrine wa m the tdJijeh-aaaiaijf ; htaneli. to aUrtati to ftiliar: the fcbp aU j w. Hi corn. Tbee va are nnoof -erie of deep, narrow tmvs. wh eb a j o;-lI w ilh h .ever. Jsmaeuiooa w Otta i eK clorwi up. attd ihe eoatma la to efcMr them out 'ro b-low. Ia4emd of tbdot: tbi. btwevrr. It aj.pear ThM Huitrm trt,t .Iowa into vnr of the bo. Ile waa M - aaVa - afsua keaiei I t.r-i ewnn., !, """T" , , Dtir.i. Th- bio motattd I.SOO bnbe. ; ! nmn, and the cram en -teadilj werta j down eiai iuw. ha bead xod foeaaodeeJy i Wuk: U.e tbe orfir. Toe foraaaaa j re.. lte foreatMt ; fie hand anal poled I tbe aaforta- i ruaited for , bead J i fler arartv ! talls aav I N.lnrxl . l.t l .- rrrrt ejon. Ta.. rebraary ;!.--Afb j,, p,;. of taa-araJ a. ht . . ht- rlrj a WA. w fci la eoort aairaax tor aa u uoct"a to reatram t&e aatarai jr-. .. ... .. a..... . a.m ... - - a.9 Z1 , 7 JT -TT-T V" Th aarlrr Jadse bw retare--4 a aw- .!.!. ...'.m).ka m i Wto IliMl IBlBMIla. a. 1 v - . .v.-- . - , Um neonda that the a&eartt M n aayx t tbe seoeral ctao-c. bart tt.U vm-m M taam aeavr .fee aenra of t.e ex o-.-, l sto4 taade aafe w.tuja Itart. e U htwr an j atjtaaraeo wooio ae xr-i a. i lava pwr- , , tW Ot ia- itoe. r ee .- a) - n;t,tiTT,. a eoaaard-e repot- ot lac safety of the tio of lb- lie-. The loert -CC' ed tw . aei l.tal rtaMk.wr. FHli-ituzurm . P.. Fetaraasry SI. -A ifexiU frota Maory Ydey iay Ja tkic riwilaai: caak;ei zrc !aa$: to I t&tsfij UjarteL , iftc u,4 Ite nam. twf ! I . 1 w .-ma '" - - iHlat ia nii aim I vt K.r j Aon WU mad Nrmlh trw4 MHf wtf -Titer I &wdt. rfw!!. !.H 11 prrtaUettoft :d h WWW tw rt Mtf water. .i Vrv atnwt th it artwiJj ovtA lalo tfa trrC MkJ .? ot botetter in WVhnr' Slaf t r Bx-rcrd. At tt. p.' t f 1 .lrvl . erat mrtte ofr th tne Ittu..ir vn Unr t4 bm Uiwb?iI U j bm t. Tk bra r-b' " jrn Vlar to a u.WMr-i lH.raf lc I j, rNodrw Fjiel aa .:. frota tht i,, ,d 4 ranVi.n tn-' vi iid. 1 I in. tiliata How, a cartman. I ioe; j vatrr wrra fata : sn '! rt!s iet tiivf t-n iAtl. U lt blit'e: Ni riding fe'l . v fttal de a l; fre.a.ct bt g : ll r re r i if keri;e li.n at - - l ' . .- llndmrtt t..! ..tin- r' Pi : .- ". ro ttefy n-th. and i ii 4maie . .. I' .eteeak. 1l,li.mai - ..ti' tlie tias,.u8..'.t. At t:ii:.c C tf , N i .4l.u iUiuje wa .. .r I ape Ma. repot t a tesilul M14111 - t u e e"-' Ij.. bibt atni thw tBXfbinc. A ' - stone bu.w-rk were et.: t! . drie by Uw rtu:u ,; tiit V ilm.rKbrttk, .rl . .Matx M ttiowued in attempting : . Ib.n. The treet d tb . .ui:ar reporta are nwete t Tbe etetn tiitoti 'Ii,. waadeiUetl todax ol the t.. t it t. it ti umber of Wire, betwx-rn tb ' .1 . wtiere. A lrmf wiml cau-el t.' t e rit to At unusual berif. an I ttV '.r ri.iti aboe the inul.ttion t.t.e em. f ; b rahhei UBtlrr lite North lav. t groiuld.' All tifes eonuectett With thR UM, inf were thus rtmdered uwl aiUl tti. title rrtedod. M:iT huh lt.vi.iiwuut.. February 1.' A heaxy rain storm viiUil the rit hortl after mid mubt an I contluuetl titt m-atlx notm. Tlie heavv Ult of ow kwtrtax obtnctt tbe aonace bv fd. and the u.-'te rMd ihi-iuii of tiie ,-lty were mw-aml. t-n many strceta vxaikin: i out of the i;e.ou. ft the water it newrtv two fret deep and tawny celtarn are tt..'ei. A noltbeat witel dr-x the watet up tlie 1 at'aj. v Kiet aad tha i. le ro ertrn with tlie lock. No .rtou daiuae. lU-kU HI!... Tnr 4TW. i. .!.. I'ebittary IT.- Ittfivjr tahiMoim this tnotn.ti raufit tbe rier tu ti- ami great damage to pr$-ertv l teaaet al.uu the liver frnL Sexeti aaill art ' riiMcd, owltiK U fear d Hie btiiSiilu:. j l;enrti ffota l-ainhrrtudle. liifril. I'rrm ; (own are! of iter point up the 1-Uwai.. tat tlie rtter i rttloic and fearful f rb-t 1 appreMcliL ri murn b vin-tii:vi. NKWittti it a. .V J rebtuar 1? ' teri.nr raa..tonu haibeen tithiif. Thenv.i i rapidly r.nte. and Pete 1 ef pit ' pert of a repetdba of the j;ret firhet .r iss.x Tbe kw In .! n t ha not )e". I2iin to nuee. hut t Km.sl at lrtln dock. rrejaratWti are mjte for the r- l moval of taiuable front utorelionaen m. tmtnufaytof e TRICK 1 FUL AVAL AHCHt. A 't'.HIi In I lull iter ti-lM-i Iff it -JtMtvt stteo-,'tt9Mt IVf..-. IlilttHl. S.VtT LKk I'f.vW. Kelif'wrjr IC Tb. jdartlin new came fto Alia, in I.im (.'tbtnaoi toiav. that tt,r tull a f , , . . , """ "" --- "' - 1 "". MW ui' tiNi a.;-'-,. nlt! ftteeidUiren It bar 11 !. ' a bolai rru -bctL Tlie Vib W ird r a - 1.. i V i t Me fttiry & Tucker ami W . 'mrn) injured aiicht!$. I'oj- A ' ., ,M y,. ! t,.i:,t ru! a larae awt . wrJW n y lmti w, N mtmu Ut twelve In tbe snow, and afthaw aeverml 4tiet who ran not he deOoiteiy he-ate. The lei Uwiax ate the i.w m tm pki: Xra. Wmh aaai rht:d. for cfcrdreu d , i'A lUiloo. !4atti'j Ifirkey, Jaeae H a -itt. j Andrew .t Wbt. Jrry ferfrt. Ita'oey . t.dxn. faif I KvwK Tim Mahrt. Ire.1 ; Cubaan ase-l tarn f maihea. A fore of ; wn a buv dtn out the baetiea, A ri with Me.w ww aoU e-rte woi so to , uerin ' we -rmru. ... n nK'U m.twm mt . ute acene. eaaovrow ofiuc tw meiiMi. , w .-.t;tn utn, trtfrr rrn'-g. ---fa- ire rrpfTftrd ., awav. Tbe Ium on f wrttec" itatei a. fc. -,, Min'. brewery i.JW Yibf in. Jrwaaa- i'aae hmum V00 Jr- ,j., atore. tMI. HMt rntr :&& J.4a mr-fcS. -.. Jeoea, bi; ebtr bmel nga fMa. --tac i .nt. .r V..im ftd-eearT t - Kent l-aawit-. were ten from the , f ef the Aeaeyvso laaaia fVmtatijr m eeeheeT '"at. K aery effort a awtx aaaee b orae at A d.a e U net aareCre eftwt the toJeaee are rter.e fMm uar MMenea are a: j jm be e-eaerte4 wo earlaiaafir or m or. j emu Lo of 4 wawatler. tha tbo eight nt the rObteTT tear m I' he aa4 froea Bay Clweaer to the ) j L..aar !iao4 ef. U la leaarteal taaa m-tmm tit fwa Eavtitatt e l4M ttenr alteaitaa. ta Uae c. A tatMilHBrtwr tr. tVarror, fetartairi If -Tbe ilmabf ate tmur etdaaaoa to the hUor$ Mel jom mi Km. IX tL HaK-aw a u- bo boa eaereeaje4 to awtodliac bnnaaoaf 4 fdaw m ta ear aod w 4tf . U va j a !iewa toeo-a f oa She m j .rd in b ber 4.atet "iber araiaeeaiwinx aaisrre aaat ; ,T. wt ra-4eee efetatet tteae ,-;. r, Haoaaaa the wea- e Rlr, i. jv. 1 4aax feaeTty a Horra-rwj ear ;immmt VaroS, aots. the fireaiej t ?.). to be- been eaed u, rraro bart - . - brtur&t aaaaa Was b baa iea tar' fbe i il lean tea a j-aO .-eteh t. lmrs. Jata, Fear awry W.- Haeuai t.i at. rererLbav Taaan f .Y. C lrw. .SeetaatkliL Mea. vat taa. t-'ti V:-- to - tfceer -oo-fy aeinoaiyee. U r- i rwliTrftwL , -- . nr s i ir . it " 1 . , r v i , I v- : . ! r H ! I). r ' 1 - 1 0.1 b 1' t- 1 I t 14- t ' I li-e M Bt '. .-,- .. ei wa boa .) tareurtsi ' MneuMtO. iwi 1 1 in - - e CXTHAOlT lttwli lo trlii "v. 11 i.i 1 1 1. t.vMK.t iat)MM sti.c.w. TTw . . f Ve a ctt be tfathetl tbe ttaditam trt ami t reaf bt : te-l t tlie I -tn i...-i' , tl.. 1I1. .j if , t! .: ?-. ie' it., ' . t tt t i . . 1 1 I l. ii' 1. ' .! . 1... I-. I I it! ma; th- OA. 'i..k tt W lH t V r Mf ): r I ? . m ,t W i u be. ar. ! I I! : lb it - i' ht f i'i t. ' mmIk -tfm. "aeo eaar 'm j . le ' 4 the lnim t'tolafftfl aou ' aretaai q atieMA. 4" tte enttma. p. mm anltaed io eeae v t U Xf refert t .tire aa iber art "nial rLr-r.-m Tbo Xtd of If we at eat me i "vrvartwi eea-ta. 'eo Le-vU il rrda4en a bat Um m r- $ rrhteew ether tlnnlt.l the Ti 1 evt .ai ii tmik oaten. hftiie aoat Ueaa-ra Unn tbe eart.a. in a be. Ift aWteM 4 frnoin.il r. ebr b joe te-ee4 bore rtauua teaar tea feo?leaua ttad. try -, troaara wtr 4,. n t a rlaV re. Ut.er-4, atat.iuo vf Jm it evexi fe xiiiht mi mm tajtfifc . -i beita. fttajBbbji tac. to a to arri it rat,. ..aaae craeaeat . tbo rear of t f oaai "oteiy rfetejatW. V eua Sector aaat JMeo4i I aang in fc. - .ta, t a '! ott.xiJ. Ji., Vbrr f Voja Ita-ttax tot c-ebe ne !.4or Jawttra Hrte fheve were at: rtuare -HaaaaeX bias, aeet u ae a fc-rsjty in., dUx atet "teeaS aeaeejaatac to eoe baadre.1 aaarioaa.ea ua tbe euotti ei.r SMw. lie w.ii o4m etmigi- a -raeat x eoj. I traar-oer aaaeor -aaa. 'v-tst xaruawx t ' baa n eeertdaai aoi iartati I rjmszxrt taetaah-4 t ,t$ iaaj Mufcaa. .be ieoaVa! iatarH, -wet. waw ita; daoerroca. K.! s 17 ,.