The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 20, 1885, Image 5

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'v ?
(Hr f'trrtgn jni.,crWr irt.7 fur r.i .."n. J
JrS --'.' r'twripttOTX arc cu! OJTcA thf?p'- !
c',on o' thr hmc p'lidor. M zh-inni !"
fyeurd to hate all T'Wu- tit vnr
------- .
3. fc II. Tinio Ta,b3.
i i pt.i;.u u..n
B l'l'jT1 awl Ila-OHTi TJ
i ;... witt" t li-tl.-r
T til-ptii. tOvrrt! via.
t 4 .. tow!ji
f i mil'- i bull" J hait-a- '
! V25m
i-rm J.m .
7ji S
.u.. ui icu. I
VP"JW " J-tw I
l miL.i
I . VHI .
7 .: aitl II.iJinr t ir and
f Jf- I
i ChnNf .!'r..ttri fai...
:'. rf. u-.J i. i..ri '- r-ti ia ur.rn
a. J. Vi:n, iw-: A;;trr.t j
Jt c nc'.'Kk- i t't i.- mi ite .th- j
)iit t'4.'.n Arji ir h ,ii ri !..r i.-;rj
ttccit it ck' u '.! T-.-r.i .f.t i
- . f
'Vu. (Kn P. ,.,,,, fiiitci
I..IY I'KU im. H5 ;
CITV "rcrvrrc
TiidiL' be another nu r.-.ica-rKt.l
fct-rU-d i'J Hed Cloud iU the Hi-r
Mn Jha.iM !.icx:3iuui wife wilt
- .x..vl tt.fjr 2it'h aomrtTBarj' tm nest
i. udnV.
C. U" Li ItisH r.d fimily, of Ro
" j? i. C ilomd. ihu Ufestd uf 1. A.
ii r-ie, thii week
pVm O'ati-3, xho
Cloud meat I
laan ha- put
line mtri-.r
. ..iijt'-r in his niarkot
.Mh. 1) H Spi.voo!.e tnil Mrs Ceo. 1
j.prdd Abo havt hueii inlinq in the -
l.hi for litre" niuitlb- hast, have re- ;
tt.riH-d home
s O DaJvCK i- now haviuj; hii hand
?d! in j.. '14 bnildma He report,-
;i4-.;u; -II job-, to wrejjxJe wuh In iLe
x.eit few div-.
. .. . , .....
1 to. .. ma - and will embark in -ome oilier !
b itinesi. but of whai character he ha, t
i.ot a- 3 'l -efericd .
Mr UiRTiiuLU. working m . I. L Mil. i
ler a harne-i un it, ban -ouie lixiu peci- J
nieu's 0! ore aud previous iupUii- on
duplay in :h front window of Mr Mil- (
ler. i-toie Tney are b.-autfi
, ...f ii ... '.'..p i ,.ti ..r .,..! rnedieai t-.Ii.---, has huen elected pr j now prop-i- to -ell. and lake the pro- j im-noi-in lota of buncombe. Thr , ,ja ,n j-.I CT.K.J ra Imu.1 at j ir liuet - mkwsm child hm hm
w " 1 :.I r i.: ..t !i. .. . .. ..f.9 .....J. f.. ppmp.p.. ..... ... ..v .trrjtmu ..-... p.pfi..Al..p.r.p ... p.up -...if..! Lo! . .i.u tlu.j i.a .1 .k. . .. . . i . i .. k . . .
,- ... .. .. , . m M.'JJU 111 ills fil. I4C J1 Hll aiii hCnOlar. " if.pjTi n' n'-i ... v...... . niiiuiti- v ..i; w. -- .1 ii -iiwuiutuu i 4kp..- - -i.Hr .ii. ! .- . ?ti nil.'! lltf OtUIIUMPrMl. Mil KTVCVIW
v'i ii :. t.i "..l v. eAlOi-r i:cr Ie-J un: - ..-,,. - - ! . . .. .. .
.. . , , , , . I Mr lJe-k is a brotiifr jf Mre W. ). The fo'lwin-; comuutte? 5: appoint- f their iej.ort, Uu it i- ?ale tij -ay that Hnoy kUJl.;er ami planUT .at i to?
... V, Ihu cdtiitAl on iiturdpv ; " . ...... ..... , i i i n..-u. -- i .......p r. ' ir-4ier r Jiie
" . ... ! As-:r..rt!- .on-mnco .- .,.!, r nurclia-- ol trie u..l irriniRU- tie iiaiise- the welUre ol the -tale lm been nrov- -..- . n -.--.. .-,.,..-.. .., . ,,..... .. , , . rr
arnvea i IU- ir'jtxx ,ew ori:. ' ' - . , .....,., ,i , . , ir-ra in- Hen.fiwnu. - .... . . . .- . .
ie i- c u.w ii ww..s a iw. ; "fi"e-fti H d fti i -' ;,.l!Tr.,: ,';.: uuon-u r.. i "I nnu nr,r "'i"? H: :::,,e "ier utn;el' i T" w - " -- - ? T::r u, n ;rz: s
.... 7 xnor-- thf no,tm .tf-r uoifttini i-nr.iv i :i .-niiui, i ni' nwcw w iui um-p. iiaiiv- :nt-ec in jkiii - eve un- umc tir ... .i r.r. n. idl f. v .inn. . . " . '. .,
1- .. i'ill .. .... riattft . W i '- M ---- - fp-w--.-s..-------1 - . - .-- --,--.- v -.-.-. -v ..-. . ----..- . , ...-. -.- aB - - - m h.1 I .
I M T0.Mi.1s. ot Araiiahoi wit, in I -hall be ?orry 10 Ioon hmi from u eb
'.w.i C.oid Friday niht. He wu h.-re ?ter county.
:or the puijHr-e of bp'.Mininjj acquaint- Orn demo- ratie frind A (' ay.--J
rtiUi li.viil Arch Mu-onry. He h- find- Jim Miner of Ked Cloud to !
X'kIc the oit with j;ret digmn ! an hon-.t man. and !? he may be
Mr -its AmiIpRsON v Co 1mv ftart- j
-ii axctuiiratilftud lutstii .uwl one
j.o. eas. ol Honry CookV dru,j store
W hop.- the gentlemen ai!1 meet with
.! 4.-B. Th-v
certdtnlv Imuo eoi-d 1
pro-ptvt-. j
VVt respectfully call attenuon to the j
n.i-.c!li-.c:ii'Mit ol Ir Suitlh'ts puhhc
Tned.ietor has snnc aluable i
propel ty whicit hv
oiler, ou ctt-c
l-jrnir. Ttie .-ale Will t.e p.ace m too
Tl tnniiaeri of Uo rihk have de-
Old ol loir i;d an .utter m tsqurade nt
ttie rink o.i the -M4t Jte-f otiteruuu
xiif-tttf iire creiil.y enjoyed by the
yotin loiki and are partietjiaied tn by .
u jjreat m.iv people.
liiv Mu. Mi.LKis. of lawn, hte been
iceil j
inolett to in pastorate o uu- i .ww--
. , .. . . . .- .1. . t.. i...
ion an in this city. Mr. Meek
iu ia an able divine and will build the
chuxch up. He will be here m a few
we:- in all proliabilitj
F E U ,mt.K and wif-. and t3rley
lifui-ber Iff'. -"MiturdHi msriit &r the
fc'jtttty Smith wu re V.wy will take in
the CenteniiUt! EpJ9iloit and oliier
MjThis of the Civ-cent City, at, nuai-
ertis other iauiifcp ofuitert-st.
Sr.iAi. meetitu; A FA-AM On
Fr.dH e'.eiuti". Feb So. I S. 'irand
Ma-tei J J W emple will be pre.-ent
. 11 1 . .....!. ". ., .l.r. 1.1 m i
niiil mere win in- hvsj. " .
free. All Ma-tor Maoo- m jrood stand
inc cordia!i invited to attend.
Jol-i.T. Makti.n. uvto nine xmies
-outh-ca-l of KM i:iomu, win -c.i uit
... .... 1 ..-it ..ti t.: .
Ptixk. farm implement-, etc. . puouc
auction ou I'conJin -i a
... n. 1. .. .
number of hor-e-, cows. eu that are
bargains. Term-, ma mouth-, al tcu cent., with approved security.
Vk learn that the uia-quoniders nd
looker.- on had a od time at the
Guide Koclc rink SaWirday rremni;
Vn- r..iv w,rr rr-oirnirtH. in their
, ...
quaint and cut.ous costume
Fotcler. Mrs. Spoketield ha the hr-t
1 . ... . . rt "r-"f .V. T t'iBr ' rillll'. a V i It tiVl -.- bbb.t . -l-- .---- - . niT.i.1 -tuT I" -k . ... ... . J . - 2 . I It.TI . 1 ... I .... I ft I ...I 4t . -. Am BfH. . B-p-r- Tli.i VM . t .(- -bw 4B I IMBI a bib- .. . r
: 1 1... ,...,..r o l.i- wii-e ca-h. . over f3.liKi and UiHc st.iCKiM ami im- ,,-...,,., 1 -c ,-, ,. , WJd Mt'dred Smith. Fretldie Hor-k.-i and see him tftiyine. I-t.j - . u.i .-',.... ..---1 . . r T...
and never Mild a word. He did not j proved. He ha.- aIo .H buslde-. o: corn 1 Wal .,ro.nmoal wars in whloh .be 1 Jo;.h N-w Ch.y Atund. ilhe Hop- . Us !A T-in.-viay ntcht kU. the j.v . e-i it v- iwy ami jb. att tfM . au. ait-tW th -pto-i-irr m m?
hwihv her ou -ee. in her charm, j and .i,K) buvhies of wheat, and other rnj-cd Slate- to-V na-t beid-t ! "5i N-",l,l "m,ui l-!ft';:-Y ,. ' Irdian cave the Mir iao-- of rbid joctJ. J .,. a--r t ommw of -- mr
xecocnui lu r. ou .tt.. ...... .,.. i ,,,. . "JKU a'u lo): -B't btiltlrs ;ee,nc .-evond Oeitartment-Annette Par- . ., . , rr& , rri'. -, ,.,,. nrv. , Marned. bv ih- Ker J 1; Arm-iou. ' ,,, fA- u, rr-wtb i mm ,.! ,
i:.-: peasant costume. F7 V-' W "u- tCnhxc- nece,-i-v 'I,ecot:a:r-v frw --A-- i - ;-;-; -Nt Tn rolled. -. wbol T r,,.. windcd ihe rJy f on Thttrlay tie liU. Ae.-t kUey u . ot
Mia. S. F. Simk ..smut) has purclins- crib-. A... He h.v Lie pluu neiu a.) to one of the men important on the numlr of day aexdnce 9.-Jj aver- he . whrn tnc ft iM Crrv-Fofd Ufh x'aH,; Tp.
..!:h.-milltiiervliu-?tne--ofMr J-.V. to make a .-uccesi .t hie and .vul ; ,h - . , ,, 3ce ailr atter.tlance 49 tar..ine-.- j v , ainu. llodi.ntuel -v in . Wt ih th a?W rtK UkwrIi LAUKDI'.Y
t T:-he-oiThe Chief lor MtcctisS sua
iH-V' pro-poritv in the millinery husiue.-.
and we believe -tie will receive a larce ' !':; ' --e i urc c. . ..'- . . jon.i .-.prot.
r ..... i...i.? i:...H'l,n,l ' e.rr exercise- and uicv were not taken D.ile WKntUNG. Married at the: " "
r1 U?C .I.."", f Mr J A F-w. i m. for the concert wau Crand succor rcidence of Mr and Mr. Jnh Graves ' . 5 ih- S00" Ti
lr- wl'o ha- bcn m the bu-une.- lr in every particular. U here ail do well ; Miuday. j-i-brunrr 1, l-c. by Ker. ! u a: je ptl-orSce.
t-oine vei- oa' will tie -nuth we u- j it i hanl to discriminate, but special j R. itron-n, their dtuchtcr. Mi.-.- Alice j
1" . '' ,1... n.r future for u-r mention U ceriain!v due the cuoir ix ! Graves 10 Mr John Ru-ta.. and Walk- The lr-i :c a-rir ;n to-rn are at th
aim aiiisi-oi.1 4V-4.44-.'. ...... . . , 10 rent ciirar in 10T2. ie uutKio
f.r the
OfR friend M. T. Cvai. who
1m-1 few tnoiith? m- Non en-Mft-d a j
.1 . .;.. ..!... .I.,!.!' hfc.r ha- IMir- i
ri.i..."- 1.1 .-; n n.p.24... . - - -. p.i
chased the bakery and content, oj
-""-- ...
tmployer and will hcacef jr:h run the
btuine--. him-elf. Mr. U-ivai win --
... ... .- .-.t-.d M.:rrh 1. TiiK C'llLr
wi-hea Mr. Covat miccc- and pro-perx-..
a.trl r-in -A-nh ctiiitidence reconi-
tiied him to toe public a .1 th-.rou.-h-
coins; and enterprising l.;i-ni nit..
aad worthy of tneir patroiw-ti.
A A. 1'GW: hm ou the nek Hat one
day lar.i w ..
Tiii. H k 31 nav ear made th- railroad
foys lian palpitate with ijladncr-. on
31 rti-i.iv.
Ik.i'miv I' -it: LEV wi-hea to an-
rKuJ of ie-t quality on fhort notice.
' O;; Mwh 4 whu'h i- nearly at hand
"" "' - " v "
I'r'iii.l:xii--iect '5e'-!ntHJ wiii J doK
innlK'tlrulwt T'i '.rorVH pufKin. .
I.t: jrpnrHti'j
, ..,Ar. r. .i, ,.rf
"-.ii, 4.i.l- J. '1V !..
':." r-'ondHV !a-t f.jxrtcr1"
w hkl ai tli" M. li (.liurrti. I
x i'-klr 'u'ljihcr dHnri two
j Kino -er.:ion- tj tnsi occs-i.m.
u.v Fridnj, rch. 17. Etdrr A.J. Cud-
i;.v.of Kromont, Klid EUt 3"Wcoml
Wj dehnte un th question of whethor
ruodav r dnuirda' the !!! duv.
rt the Martia .iuoi hoo.-e.
Iftt DuyKY yf i now in ."bin
rcjKjrit an exteiir.c tntctire iu Pi'kirur
'lui neaUtvti Chinee is r. in:ru.iar
donor to heal la- -irk mui.
I. Ii. iJjji s.ft.rmer.y of uM cit and
at pr.-snt a .udf-nt i the KejkuV
i upon what Urouiid the romnlainia are
tuuulfftd lirothor Knisbt iJ reruinlv
a trood ilSi-r
Mfi Van Hoiis, the W..-ie- ttreet
lt.Mi-ona. srurtt ha-jruAttHllix, barb.-r
h1j, opjrfjhite il" r Jr-.t National Hank
and would bo pleased to ree all who
w.tnt :i firL-ciiti3 bhuvo, hair ent, hot
or coid bath, etc- ('all and soe hun
when in need. 29-2
".I t f . r . . t i .-..
v. . j uiiQi'.KHtt'i.emu iHiuy, oj nor- j
viiLitT. 'u:hbk . i visioni' rnj :niiifr
t , - r - ' - r .
" w. p, (
.N.r. K. IC OreiiHixl, ne o: our ;roapr-
ou- farmers, liviiu: near Inn. ale .Mr.
Orchard x- a proxnixiout --.k dealer in
Iorch.-?-r He p tid Till: CiHKF a
i!eKMt ail n Mmday.
I'o-T-si vstkr MrNin ha bfen in-
p-tnunM by the po-i-oilice department
t" proluhit lotiiixm Hmund the po-t-of-
i t
Tin- order he ivill be hound to
...r ...! 1.. 1..
. j
othnr will uike iiotin- and loaf on the
'tr-'Ks instead if the po-t-oifi-'
A "l.l.T5 and family of Cowle- have
deci.hul u ino. to Kairtield CUy
eounty for the purpose of otlucnlinj; 1
his children at the eolktre m tlxal ouru
Mr. W. II- 1- axnomj the lir-tsub-crber.-
of Tin. ('illLi in th-- early day-; and we j
next pre-ddeiit. a: !ea;t thinks he 1-
jutt ivrapnhlp a- Cb-vdaud or any
.ther man to till th.-oMce. Mr dire
wu- n Rood war dem..erai and heiiev
in irood m-n fillint; ifton-ible ofibv-
(jvn delinquent pulHcnher? will take
uonce tht we want money aid can
.w t ..uVird in earrv th.nn loiM'er than
nn ,.,.. '.n,..,..1..r .nl..Tir,!in,, ,.
" .- "
.lri,.lv m-v-Wo in ,h.nn. n .rnnnr.
.... 1 - ..... x-..-.. t
" P,.rr.-.!..r fd in -iTtire bnl- from name- :or the notliin-' of an ulriniiii n:rf jurain-t - runt.:. f -' l -v .I"5 H " "
liio eiti2.xi-nf Ti.Avaln ?j, in.itT. ?n wiiK t ar. . .V Kiehardon, .J. I- exi. 1 ne a!iant Dennis hal be-t load . .- ..!,... .t i V I Wmw lal :rit
", ,'- . ir,. . Jthejurv would probable hu.e i-en
ftl rub- in evry infanec. If you ear. 1 J. ' . .. '.
ln.Ui.avaIl.haV naru On or about
.MKrch let -hall mail a -taiement to
eacb de!inq'i"i; -utcriher and -hall
xpert n prompt au-wer.
I Dieu, at Cathert ut. l'Vb. 11, infant
so (,j r jujJ ir, Uoa- Cowley. Jut
at dawn uf morn ur little Uiv wa- eal-
i,xj frt,, our oarenud care, that bind-
.... .
..y kittdrHl l.-hhi -o near. w rule w
wep for or b-.y we know that what
ti .ir !i-s K li-n ?'- joj ; hut ail th-
luinc we bear ar
ab-orbed tn thi-
one romJ
mf.M-t, Um Jesus will rare for
by in hOAven above, where all
our bii
A Fa: KM).
Orn A time v- laitorcr in the print-
inc busmen in lIl.uoK Lynian H
jjin,n 2MU.;V of the Coon Kapid- ila.
F:nisr Ue i;ireha-ed the Storm
ij.Ve 1 In Tnl-. ami ha.. H---itmtHl
ront.-ot of the same. We thnt
under lu pii!An'? tiie paper ha- al-
... t . :..i.l .. .-.,...., . ...-.
reiv 8niBi-i u. -Bnsmi njip,-ni4. t.
The jie.deof -h.iiti Like are l be
rtmcrttuUtni in M-rurini: our worthy
mend a, etlitor an- 01 ine
. - . . 1 - .
1 nbume a- Ue l- wuie-awaKe ana enier-
pn-uns with the neces-ary ncw.-pnpe.
1 . . . .
aunty to mate a gtou paper.
Am.vfrtst Itviuc near (atncrtnn
who ha- resided in Web-ter county for
-ome five yer.r?, came to Nebraska i
j from Worth county Mis.-ouri. a poor
iii-in witxi -carcelv anv mean- with '
wnich to expeci touiakc a livinc How
.ofr h harti work and rxreful man-
. t.., i ... ...... ;i ,rt ...;.,nr
i -. - - --- -
j therefore -et rich in the near mure.
! .. .... .-..-w ,.Attpo'....iiiin u!nni!.
j a
ed the Baptt-t church last Sunday eve
! their iwrt. both tn -intrins and instru-
! mental music. I'he recitations by the
Mis.-e Brewer Ernie:., 0-ven, Kei-rle
were erv fine and nicely rendered,
I pp . ...t ..... ..t - J. a . ....
- .
( Airs. .Arinur .viinc.i c-a ou i.i4t.-4ii-
elv- ?:ret c: edit-in the part they per-
I fornio-1. Mr.-. Dodd sans a .olo :..
I -ood eti'ect, and Master Freddie Brown
captured the audience with the olo,
"If papa was only ready." Tue little
' fellow aan?m a rich, clear voice, and
Uto .utribuie aud CJproion could nut
be botlor.
Tin: F.,iu.--The Wetotcr our.ty ay
rieukura. Moiety met at Kaley I4rt-.
i law o.!ire on ls.t SfUurdav for the or-
poe of decidihi: th- matter of the Ioca-
ton of the fair i-rouod The
wa. cxl to ordor by 1're-iden:
J "
i t
which the object of tb- nief-im; w
Xnlivl Jk-hfr,-ti'm iK intiimi! r-
--. -..-.- -.j-p.. ..p- .-.,.......-- ..,.
i Mrtiit- at rh trivii;- sn-t'ijuir t UxV
: .i lonatjot. nd un- projritia-
' III. t cmtYfH t r? .!!' pi(1. Kit l.lfl.
! .-"jporitd thMl U.-y had -ecur.i U,.-.
, f .,, ,, , . ,
i On" rojn YA. Vait.. unotiier from
i t- it i -ii r
John K-lIo?t:. aiMl -i!l Another from
.lr. s t-uor- xii UTin-' on i mzui
ttt .
fiiue ufci .f th
;.. Ti, k.,..,
thTnjoii r x-.IjJ
. .. v
I ter am! aU: conoid eral! d'ru-ioM
f..nrloJed Ut acifpt the proporition of
i MMlor- whwh cr.lkd for 42zi ucres of,
i laiui hich lie :.-oi)0-ed to let ihe
j -oi-'ty hare m $',o pr acrv. rayiK.o
c-i'HJ down ami httdanre in ooc eu.-.
!" loraiion in :he mind of the ioti
: . . . . i i
murh a-ier rltf-d up and put in eoc-
ditton for a -uitah.r f:r grounds man
thf ir.-ent -it which the coni:nitlO-
f if,JJ Wl11 -TUiiily pay :or Uie new
! wound nd put thorn in pKxl hnpe
I --- .4
for the coinixii: fair .vni'h ill bo Uie
ino"t imiorunt '.xhibsii-.n ever h-kl
" lhl county. A J rui:-.-. U 0 Ca.--.
and .lames C.dham. were apjointe-J a
J cuiimttte.- "
while E. II Jone-, W. A.,
and (J. MeCtii; were ap point ou a coin-
ni'ttee on revision of the premium list
I axier which the nieetint: idjonrned to
I ...! . !.. ...TI . !. -.. .....
' iivcmMit ;it iii" iiu it tin: iiii'Nucui.
In rc'vi.-mi; premium li-t the com
mittee -hould -ei that ev.'ry i:-,efu! or
! ornamental a.-.ui.- has a jilace in the
t h-t. I'her" are iiunv thin:- that
-liouUl aiper in th- pamphlet that
have heretofore been omitted. Tnere
hould be a 00 1 premium on fine c;-
t. , tie. thorough-bred cattle, horse- v;c. of
WYIpiIpT count v. -o th.u it will be an
inducement for our farmer to "xuibit
1 tiieir-,toeknnd ul-o loimnrnve it. I UK
Ciiii.F want.- to -ce the nest fair A No
1 in every r-pvt.
That ilAieuiT From the lUuellill
7"ipv. of la-t -aturd.iv, we learn that
the hnhhet whirh w.i-the iti.-trumem
.. . . .
with which Leonard Kail wa- Htf-rnHv
hut-hered on the nnjht f November 1.
l.-M. bar- been found. The 7i. -av-
found until Mondiy. when it w a-piek-I
; l ul' linu brouaht to (hi- city, and hut
j neen vteiti uy mimireu- 01 p'-ojue.
I Alter laying tnere ever .-nice the wretch
committed tue horrible deed, e.po-tnl
to all kinds of eat her, hair and clot-t.-.i
bUHal 1- plainly visible all oer the
"1.1 r.i 1 .1.
"'lWiP '" k1"' ll!1-n-
I f tlit- had been
1 !,mufl Wur" ,"e lr,ttl l,IU v,-rlcl M
, ... . .-.., 1 ,1
I ''"'-- d.fbront
; Tmk k-41-laiure vvill adjourn in hIkhiI
i ten day.-. 'Ihepro-pect 1- that there
j will be hut little railroad leirs-lation
enacted although several ;oih1 hiH
havf been introduc-th in all proband-
i itv the nulwav
eomnii-siou will be
tin ed Thi-1-one aten in the nehl
, . . .
direeiion. A.-tar a- th" three cent
pasptnper rate is concerned the bid
ha been literally -el tlo'air on m the
-enite. The hou-e p,4d a clean cut
, three-i ent Liil with hardlv a d is -ent in-
j vote and .-ent it into the -enaf. That
body h,ve chanl the complexion ofj
! h bill win- h ui.doubti-UK' will fail to
: receive the .oncirrence of h hou-e.
' The people are eutilled to -ome wh..!e-
' 'une railway leci-lation thi- term.
The Cmikk :- plea-csl to know that
Kepre-entatives- Kaley and Newcomer
i are found on the side of the people in
j tllli r.l.'if..! m.w? -4 unptini. liunl f.ip-
1 - -- - ... v, r.4.i. ....... .v.
, rauwav i. buiou.
j M m.oN .!M.Hrf-i u.tber
. kf Jr. - j ,uuj -h WiKon hrin-!
I ..-.-.,
. Hu1 - ,. rt.ap.lrti t,rr ,.,...., v.t:frh I
. m.i,om. in ;1,p-.'lol,rn.v nn t,... -rw
, -.-..-... ... . . . m-
: -
,iAV. ti,.r ... ... oni.,r . ,..,mm,.m
orate the cyent agreeably irpru-ed the !
oldladv bv -;cttiiii; up a tmrtv for the
I occasion. She w- litdeef1. verv much
, Klr?tl Mi. Wiloix wa.-bom in
Cataraucus ctHinti , New York tn
1 ' , '',uwttv nnn
1 ,.. , .-.-.. , , ...... -f,
i . . . .-. .
, je;u-r?on, the l.urd president ol the
. lH?en sn .veriS-ul onc
. event wa a verv plea-ant
hy ;hfl .
one and
. er Grrtve- to Miss I.ra Nxcbol. Tae
ceremonies wore performed in the
proence of many relative-: and a few
j friend of the contra
.ailing parues. ine
I ...... 11- .!
1 ..w.ji.p u.c i-o oi o e.;.- mos. exeni-
plry younr men, and may well feel
prvud of winnuu; two of Wefts' uirct
f c.iitsuters. At the concluion of the
1 ceremonies- and cousratulation xa
elc-rant weddinc Itanqoet -aa.- ?prd.
A more -ujovalde fea-l and -ocia!
Cthorm-; uuducbuJIv na- h-d
, si that piWuce.
...... . . . .. : . t n , -ion, hut It i-. hardlv prohnhlc that on- J - i-i ;.m j -1-...1- . iuuinir em . ,ur . itm-.- !u.m .11- .rm .- ivW mi 1 Tlr ho.4 hi
I !'l..lIlTafff.f Wlfil Ittlll'll mitt '.llie ' IT..... p......... I.. .1 . lf !!. ... ."!. I ---. i
..1 ii 1 -o 1 1 . .- ... 1 will he held .-euator kluuurt : - ... . ! . .. . 1 -..,.. 1 l ."-.Ntt
iii-..i.-i.ii o ,,., J..WU. mi-, iou.1.1 .... 1.1 -TKit.-. ("' di-ho-, .-Hrer cii- and ;" " ", " 4 ' " -- '-r. . -"" ; been o.kjWt Wt tl.
Fridav ot ht-t wek, hv Mr- Kh'iI. ivmg ' ""' " " 1 all kiwU of -iH-erwar- at a trreat re- ?- "r 'wrK a11 ' Kr"n. '" R. . now rHw the
about ei-diteen r... 1., noilii of where the'1" debute ti.-ini.iv initnaj: to lilt the a iction lor t:.'U 10 .'a;.- in order t.. , !' t- ! U .lr - , Ti,r h.ilhft 11
, , , .... . ,....,. , nail unon the head. Con-iderahle fun m.ike r.po-n l..r finel of nn wr mwi. ii" it-Huns purtnae. ofr,,,, ,Vt I- mJk.
iPr-ua try --& rr-tiTtJ.
I.tSCOLV Nui, Ffb 17, 1S?.".
Ii.huH,nc.fii rt-rv -iarthnc
character t cn.rre tui- week. On cat-
nnjav h hou-e-- adjourned ui.tii
ie mexnl
i jr,',- Klr.iour o. lh rtc" .-.x4 .rt
I 1 .. j.. ... .--v.. .1 . it ,mt
i, )!)' .--" Tm Ifmi..-"i ir n.t- j
... ,.r ,!, .- -tu! mvlit 1 ,-u xi .tl-
i . . .... ....... . . V. ..-.. i.u.... rtVl-
er-i ueiltr in rnup,, t .no ur three
. .. , r.
erMt-Uv di-i--;n toe neightr ulXair-
. ".-...
f-uie. eHvnllare J w reeit
xih! liie fur mv b-i cxjc:.J v :1
I i. i.. .i .i...t.i-.. ..r fi... -
. 1.,-uh.mii- uv.;, .. .
j xr- absent iaj: ww uv renott of -ic:-
ncsa, hut returned y.rt-rIy.
f.w omo.n.
I A bill vt-ji-introduced Jor the
i:unlucwl .jor 'lie .pur-
j jk. ol .-txuIi'Junc th o.!i,. of r
i er of deels who-- duties
ife will -runtly
nty clerk.
lauii those of ine cuti
Tiie :nuJ.i adoo about uoihin"
Pill- J" . .
rho.,1 land fraud nivtatioii.i, prac
. !!. p.p'..p" tiu. rmjl..! p.. . .Wkttt.
ticailr ovr, ati tia- enlel as it com
Kpretent.ttive Tnvlor, of Kilchcock
iinty ha intnalucLtl a biU to c-tni-
h.-d a bureau ot iminirattuu. ha.iuc
latr. ..p.ii. -.. p..u.l i.ll ti hlrl. ...
for it oly-vt th- s-eun:i; of l.trse i:n
- .
I ;n.rati.Mi to the -t.ite The bill ask.-
j tor the appointment of two eommis-
ioiier- and an appropriation of 1'J.KJ i kt Ev.vv . now frepar.! t fur
to pay tle nee-is-ary e.xen-e-. rfu.h a.- the very 1k--.i -and for pla-tent-i:
i mntinj:. adverti-xni;. etc I
f :iuvtl.tni:
U of int rest it i- eerl.unlv tliematxerl
. . "
ofsecunn- purcha-e.-- lor '.hr immeuse ,
I rlr f liitl fi.tki' It'ittir uf I.. utiil tlfi.
.' .. i '. - Mv -
productive withiu iL- lmrderi.
Anions the visitor-, to the capito.
dunni; th pa-t few
davo we noliceti
.i... i-ii .....!.-. ;.... i?...i
"' ' " -'""' J'" "'"
CI..!, rihi-nir Warren. M .S Marsh.
and the qentlemaxily editors of the
.ir.i and Cm ikk.
Kf loRM -Cltool.
i Tiie hou-e have p.ied an appropri-
I ation bid "ranting ? 3 -J fr the crec
. ti.m ol new buildinj:- and repainni; the
old one.-, now m u-e bv the reform
1 1 , .- ..I," t, , ;
-ch.ol at Kearney. I hi., ought to i.
MiUicient to ciiiildo the o.'Iicial- of thut
Li.tiiiiiii.iiiiiiai4i.mimiLi -
! in-titution ample facilitie-- fr the r
l .
I ' ' "' " '"w "" '""- '" '
the Mate.
There is -om" talk of an e.xtia te
Juda Helton to ,1 V ilud-on.
ne -t. 1. l. wd. $.VJ.
v,r .
. r ,-. I
M Toiler and w lie to ti , .axmrc-
.ink. n- or 3J. I. VI. wd. SlfM
1 ....J .... ... ..
M n lui-cn to n A WiUpCIUs. pt nw
qr seqr 1. . 10. wd. $.o.
V A Wntkui' to .1 I) rearson, pt nw
qr t-oqr-1. -1. 111. wd. ino.
J Q l..iter and wife to V Street, nw
John Ite.tiic hamp and wife Tn C F .v
J H Kem-h.-ri; -eqrL'U. I. 10. wd.3.H
1. t"n -. b mill if"B ?fi V" If
i- .,;. . m t ,, . .V
rv l 4 . - "44 , 1 1 , ... 1 4 . - "4. ' rj-
f WCrarv and w.feto EJit V V.
i x.-Rjrfi,.i.
! Van I-
1. -.r Hi. I.-., wd. $10(0.
Iluren Maa-ami wife t Alonro
. . k
Tob,., -wMr ,, . 4. .. wd. con SI,,
U !I and wito lo 1 0:er
! n'n " " ' ''
r W Kaley and wife m R C McCann
n hf ne qr J7. '1 II. w.i, con i&lo
Harriet K S.edmtn to J E -milh
hfnn-qr 15. 1 wd. .on -14i
W A Stetlman rt al to H E Sledraan
w hf. nw qr .V 3. q-d. 2f"
IT -I tft A tt.lrf.1A Knrk-ifIl -f nr 1
IJ. fr con 4.
V S to J.i-eph (Jrave ?w qr, 'Ju. 4. 1 1.
fr. cfti ?1
A T Urxn-by and wi: to E A el-h. M
w, .. ti.n ...Kp-.1 f- , -
month p'odim; Feb 13
F.r-t ILpartnifn; No. enrolled. 49
whole miinU-r of dav- aiycndnice. -Ji.
; avrrm:e da; atlenJarce. 41 nMinher
. inrd:nes. 'J. aiimlv: i-iur 2. Roll of
iionor JactH .Manc.eomum. Atanne
B 1-.I
Hnpka, Maud Wu--n Herb lripa-ro
it 1-1i.-1r- 1: i.oll ot Mnor- ll-t-rv
' Kick. Ira (.rn-on. Maud hoon-. Noo
,e alker. rreddie AManu. i hom.
. . .. , . . M
icChire. Alice v iLoa, m .tis sproai,
j li0": 0i
ET seed at Harker's.
Wall I'vrEit. C. I. C-ottmr ha.- pur-
... , . t ..t. ff.i
vw-. - ''v -.-i ... ..-. .p.. .-. ..
vt nd
ot- -iaiirt- ano ":xiure!p waxen
w open abo.t MATCh I-L
X-n aiWil. J1A.IH l-V.
... ....
In-a hrv sy5 r n:i iwr? a roai-
pie:-- -ft -h" m.-iri,tnery for Un&z v.
tiuin-j; tubular wolb..
- ;!..... t... I .1.. ..l...l I..I1 . u' I'ik.k nt-r l.r. Jl li' it. Jl I !.t.t I oM" lC! r I .?... Oil W niCIl W "Hi i nt..p. VV-..l.i. .. I.-.W..
tinr i"vvi . . - ) t-- .'tw . Ikl it" --,.,. --- "--,
nj 11.1.111 1 'i 1 1 t-i iba riiBrifii' 1 m t k a .-- p- 1 - r.a j- t- xa m aw w- w w ji hbb bibl. r natr
,.,i.i . r 11 ... nchi v. w .olace 1 ... ?-" trr -( k. Itt4tr fKriwinc
wild -till there more to follow - .. n,... 1... mrH.. f-. l.-r . .. . ."".
...-. -r- ... t i.ii'i on March 10 on tlieir twlf,.ii . ' ' Mr .U
. ,..- ir-u-i, ftn:uiI tour ; Her --..t illi.. . ipitn,t9' F--r p.w-m
1-or the week ..m-r, lebruary tl fl,,-"Vf Ito-'l V U K-v-1 U'"'Pn'- H wiu.Mnr , sl ,
hirni-h.lbv I.. C iiraham. ab-lracter. 1 n r l.i I tor... ,u A. H. Kl-. , A.,r.UMul .-irtt i44in om A Ur
Il'Hitd la. n IV. it uau.i. sav-J h .i want the cheapest uit- of ,. ' j-. Suiit-dar L'tvA U nrt t4 iy hL h -lH
? and 9. b 7. Kaley i Jack-on 5 ad i. , K,.v . . ' J. Z' i 7Z o loc turn mh Tb- fH . r-,-1.
.. 1 itilil I - H. VII IIHI.-Pif ... . -- .-. a . .
"''V'''-'T- ... . .. lift. fr.. n.ftn I IT Kn.t . t-wn . . .,-r.t t- ,lt .. 1, a lull t . . r irm, n .-.. l OT
r m-i tiirtirr Hi c 4 l ij.iw . , , . . . . . . ' . .b-i i aBrtt m ii ruin I 4 Umv
." -l.r. -.. .... B IT . -r-o..... v-i BWtOk -.-. w w. - w - s .- - i-r-BB"F---. ' . tp ' "--. bb-- .
i i n . i "!- .. ..i a.-ZB vi " -!-. ic---i -p - --. -i"-! fcTT v' - . . - -
1 -i-.-r'' """.' "u;:. . .. rpfpt!,Hnr1tfth, !---,.. A htllo , . .J .--V .aU.-- ar nJn.n -k 1 o4 U vrh ,Ahr i'.r enmrmm
Lli Purpii ano wue to . xi ;? ; y 7. . ., . 1 "" ' . j . i Ml -U 'bint luni. au mix k
1 ..... ts .- 1- t. m . n fever iind lot. of cotic"! F.ut he fxnect- , m ui-tr -r-p-ci' :lfditn( u mmIcpw - 4--r " l-r
npr. "h-i. 11. ii. ii. i.-. w, u . . ... ... ., . . -,.... ,.....-. ' ..' i u- ' i. - tiu nt)t--i 'bv4 wlv-ii Uwr l
CJutde K.pCk. Ad. con ll-jj. , . : . .".- ". "-'" - -.- - Wa-. . ..., 6 k.-..
. - bb.. - . 111 "ii lii .in- iiiii-i'. . in- .i:iL 11; Ari;;i - m r- jb --r m 14 i . rm i-p-r aj---Bm ji a. be - .,.
?. . i
$56. W re -eH No. 1 ten b- Mae ftoc Aio '
diU mr liar rive iinlp. Jtst . Wcb.e lie stioJ ya aetl. CaB
loll ycfj li-red- Sp
-Ht7rl A a-l.
Slt.i.- t Hacker .
Cf'Viyt eed it Hcker.
".jixi: seou at Hackex'.
Frw sn rnAihtar f fcH kutb A.
. L Funk ;.
Org-. ool and book xi Perfctn
1 A. "'
(IrrJ iiryv. h--nh .rd aad iK4e
!-. H l I iVtii.
L.Vn " OTWCU "oU l
' tval.r U)fr; at tO'l.
, , . , ,
' -w cu. !. ;cd", reJ. rv-
t j IlArTCc'-
. m.. n -w.. .. t-.-. .i.-v f...
" . . ..... t
i ?tL iK- tn! !.. 6r
Wn. VV
wn and . hiMm. t Iter Ctoi4n iC?e
Tuv M,p..L. . J" W..II. l -t r! V
., ,.. .-
,..i... '.,.
i u.fir rm...-A tii i f-..
TfhMP pnrn'p. rx-mil.
! '-. rlt-h. ni thj i
I ww- " "p -.,.---.-
Tp-TT li
of-"i- ; H-'Utr'.
Tlicxr i!l -r s riMMifKtrniti it at
'.PJ.. .! -. I ll"' -P"ii, I p.
, A Rr Piin,Ml; .j, "
1 H. i't -ir .f ! r
; ."rvKRt f imrlmM-i-. m-u n-nt io
, .....'".' . ww inihp mieri of rl.e
J , .' . .
. -- - -. -- -
Tl loll alii .t ittt if flivliA- fur It-
ilM1"lfM. ,..,t 0fm .kin- th. -t- :.
KaN- - -tme. Hv r;.itd
i I,r,,'t work' ' u "J V l,a,,";.- uo
i n -h..r: iiiili-i yjfi Kim
.. .. ., ., . . ,
l)tt H -4 il'n: iVwdr- Are Jr I''
, tunA , dm? .-lore, 4M -ra-.t quan-
. ..i
, kii.if-
t'oMi'ARt: mv juice- with llio-e
"viht urm- i .iii uv vimi I-. mi: 4:i
.i , i. r .. ..( ... r . t
u t
nlv t:.e iier cMit on Mtivllune m I
. -
i xnv Ine.
n H. M.vkv.rt.
't'fjf mp,Ur. ..f lf 1 11,.-. I I.J..- 1
! - " " -. " v ..p.. ..-.,, .
Q F. uill.itt..fid.i meel.t '.( ih-ir
l,rrt;iri.,i at H.a HiM ..n U.e tir-t Mon.
: d.iv m 3Iarcli. The anticipate a mnd
For i:o.d j:-mkI nnd hnrjaiii. in cro -
certes i;o to Perkin-V Mitcnell.
Hkkvim:-in the l'.-p:i-t church n.-xt
,-.... ,.. 1. i....,n 1 - N,
in. and 7
; r, ;n .-'utidav -cho..I .a I'J N
I .. ji.-iot. . ii.imoik ro it
ar -chool at i 3i.v.iui- folk- invited
t to nastor - HibN- cl.t--
o pa lor tsio. tt
I :Au- of.e.mler, -eeds at Hack-
! cr "'
' H tvi: m h-: v..ur iouto.- Jack
J Fro-: .-ntert-d the cllar- around
. jind nlnved liuvnr ith . ..! a1,!..
i store J away fir n- A- he i n.i re-
"- --, . ... .
chr-iti out nn entire -toek ot cloth it ::
ti.r. 'f.r tiuri'Hin. .mi .-It ki lnri.p n lit
ano overcoai.- ai cwi. iney mus- nei
.11 .
so.u - .1. wf-U
,..;n 'nj,.
tubular well, at
' -
r... i r ii,.,i.i;.. p i.p.-w.
I III. V.'HI- "4 .ViiUIUin ."1.4141 V V t I
i . .. i i .
tratnereil at their i-nwid caitinl ehatti-
T' ; ,"7 Vr" Tr' if ,n.trU'
ilu -'d i .ur I'l.cnin- -.17 1 (- If wot.
: M irl.v Ivl Ib-eker. and John,
' into the n.v-teriou, mllucnce of the
45tn d.-v-re.-
, . .
r-Ki:i-. -eei;. eei. xiennfuar;er.t
for -e-d. ut 1'p-rkiiif .v Mitchell's.
for -e.-tli-.,trHrKMii.v Mitchells.
.. , . ,
' VV , ' ,K- tw",M " . p
, ine 11-ni wnwitr i npi .moihwt
ai-ititi f r wu. iinri -. i 1 1 r 1 ri l. 1 - i
. "V"' . . : - r ...
"'r..r, "
. n0Uf U - V4;, u Ur
' hsoid-omust ladv in the hall. Alien A
' (
' Otirsi-c- rli.itWK' rf?.tro' !rv4 ?pohli
I X'B-.B-- .-V- -- -- .------, - .' -
j ed.
i ii.& ......
Mn. J
r-z'A Gravis ha iiHi-h:
Har.-v Feitrhl ?
more to K-d Uood Mr (rravo- mU1
' l.pj 'ipm f...a- f.. t iwrlfin rnr.n.llr fn
! TfiH-iU
He pid $-J.KJlor the me
' furm whfii he lvct-d near Cath-Tton
four vor ao Thi.i is cextamlr nmk-
, mj inony ra-y.
.J - mH.: rea.-otAbie rnc- If yon
.- r a-a--.----.''..-.-... .hmln r rtffi i s-b .'I
....... m..-n mnliiKrfr
p-H b "Tfc "t. --- i-'v-'Vr .-' wntPi.iM'.
i or small fort tree- for timi-er cmuii.
. "rs'-ry crown, send in your or-er id
- llK ,K ,r,c-
."... .. .. U.L. . I .
-v n. c-x-.i.twr iwr.ri..p---j
fi.-. v-ep the -.ery U-: line of my
.. .n .1. .
- i . fW .. . .. . . v. . .- .. ?.
ftl'JH ftr J' Bj-BPt, m-sr - -n -w .---
, .. f. .. ... .r .. -,t -,
- , f orotf-rtion their -calr- "- -tiki
ornaraer.: the 1p1: ot --otne brre i-vi-wr-
the x.At .lay. It ws. rcpor-d to t:
:tv tmnSkiy
. t n v-. . r. :. ,!.. .,. ... ......
I .-V. X .W..4-I. I .-- l.w vy. - -..-i
ock of dothtj t -UuK&nnf:
T-.. 4. . .-...11 . .n..l p-.p.
nr ....,--.- .-.. - -'---- 1 -wt
r04 ipfu ia.. j -w vm -fc is. ;
.. . ..; .t. ." 1...
Ulfii.3C caeapr-i aortic-, ia
this t-r -ytrue
ru .v ' fii uir-? ui cm
--. .
lie Tfce I'-raioulft KA-xr. ftrwli :
! '.V ..Tv""
fc ..- lupin v.
e of -.a aat
Ur brir Iber
.1 j .... - .
:-..- .v x oinr-
j .-.m of ut? p-rvpolir fa
I . ...K.n. Oa V, -t A..itft .
I cootlxne the -everal X'--l
. .. . . r. -- , -. -
I -il-K io i-hr rhsekfQ- L- Wardxi
..).. u,,,;,, ,-1 ft
...... . . . .. . .-- . .-.-.
; .-mr, r.ioriv gatorv-l met. V.oi
1 ?ter- Jt -K.t iArd lo -.k up md.
1 sd lie cotiv-.c.c-i. Sfao;le X Sgts.
. . . 1.. ..a... .. ... .............' -.1 . 11 m f.. . . 1 .. .-.-. ..-
. 'iiky are i- .niniir. In. rrnnnma. .....-.-... -. -- - , mr. u-Mrr t.o,.. a
IU.W imo. niiviti - (ninal. and ivill h.. t H,i . V'V m h" !'iX'1' . . .. I K-n- ' t- ofdrif l- ,
. i to -rtn iva i.'-rK Mr an no are in; Hurt. 1 "
luU Itl T4A ia Um nonMMiclKMi
fndir. x few d.xy.
hit brxr. Krr V i.rtttfO f u
nd rtii !..
J.-pi! Hfcdy ba? htni N UfcT ?. t
t iii
H -f'ra hn .- tfiHBl m.rr4
t ry ot -jf ld Kvr Ijux
I ,
I HI3Iii-AD iP.
a .?. r: . of
lu l Mr ?m (M-atii ; .t
inh M.iimui!!
' lUi Cfllptl
' t !- I !.. tlril .MnMT p4. taUlt
Ww- . d.n-lV ua-
I .t.!? . .L.t.n 1.. .i.lrw nl.. tat tea
m m. r m i mm m " " v " wmm p nr-
.h.,.iMikrmat Mttci l.ou L-rwirM
.v-i. . .
- --- -,
.;n-c uir im -hci" uum
I . ' .. . . .. 1
, "" .""'I' - " ?.-v- i-w..
I, .. "VI . im . I .... .u . li- t!
j fur tim - ! J-m' Cjktmpiil lM
r0'v ni-ht - a gmtii mk,v i.i
U:x) jtp-ll iati.-l-irn3i h C
cant W Kwil.- Jt HiviRtn.
' , .,, i
iIr jrjllK..r ,,te
lo N Virjfini.A
us mirtr MlW l4 pri
.... .. .,
le nir.inj; c1oi .it -..
h x.
Mt- Liwie Mcintosh H U IrtM-h t
.Ml Hope aiM4hr Jrm
.11 .
r.-pfr- playevi ha-htor thts
: wiftf wite -oKirniux-m Ki tur lrt tHoe-tacr in tl.w nmnty.
Cloud U' hitnrj cn-ltwr, if y ald . fM umk-rtt hiahc KrdMuir. -y
brtVediued ith IM.V. ttont to- ir foturv W Wt a.f m-f
- - e.iu'rti-ir
BA7IN f J li A.t agi. jd ii,. iv rJ,
Ulien. 0 --hun uU iJk -pnnr, x..- , (i Cbh,, V. wn4rt.H ibif w-Geiith-Am,,,.'
r.Wr?ll. p.: hd .... mm
.t i. 4n-p.i i-n.p ii-!.pj v Pi'
i r..i.
i -
Mi- N!!ie Arnold ha .-rcr--d
fr.-Hi her -i kur-.. uWil h.u
..! -. .
IV, .,, . ...p. ,.
j IVem-pot A11....J. of Kawhit .hiii.
j Kan.. , ,. un- h- Uiuer .-3 C
1 Vi-i. He . i a rood
county hut li..n- uri-tor u ti-r
' x J t u alkor ol IJIae Hi:;. hs
; teen -nrriiig on a -eri 01 me.iu.c
ll "" -"' ir,N,7 -.
I m 1 It .. h. . I I ... .Ii
, '- ' "-o-v. --..... - 'jv. -
l.a- Ifi-i l.-w-til lf.v..jj hi
' u"n'i Ml,; t'-'-O" or tntxly -
w -"" - t '- .....-......-,,
. have timtMl with th-rUwr. n
K Mj H yjt
,.,.. ut Kn (Vt.k
I.-hkc Liruv iot a !iuab't lwr-.i 00
Frida in; tit. FRoRtiw.
....1 .. ........ l".. ...p
.. i . i - i .1. 1 ..
i -,,r i.u oaxpor laiiiiiv navs
m Ar.t. t.V- r.Ur.i in t 1.1
rchool room a;atn last Momiay. nnd
-choo' i- in pro-jre-.-.
Mr V..ltir. th enno, in
i Jiinwift ini-..-Mnjiiiiv ,,.;.
I ,.- . .1 t 11
Y h-ivf loro rumors of a wiiiiriti;
.... , ,, ,
' K-v M-,ru.. preach-l hs farell
. . . " . ,,, .
: ---- - l"" -ontiav na-
IT" l ":1 .r.t V
' " . 11 .-..-. '
! OU. 4.4 4 . . I .' ...
Tb.- -MpU Itell- are again Wri! af-
l-r or short Mtiwj: like hHl of witU-
. . w. - , .. - ,
i f M..u r....n.wK. rb-I
hnml: lt te U. br W nd Mt Ida ItnUo . aud
- . "I";.":??"!' . !S
i Leneflt 'f tin- -
i ..." ,
rw"Wt ! V
. . u t b . - ..-. -. k - -
irff.f.r rrktiffBB iriii ?- nnrwfii it &
, 4,'r " T, r u-ji. '... 1-.1 ....
. " - ., , . t...... .
I .-n to .! DritMp" mim .?!-- i u.j
:r tut ki!
I ! !! -" - . - -
Cthertxt ai:tt
ttr-4-cl.t. siorc
and jhp-an
U 1: T- PmliK tm I Ma. Iuac
1 .f,... L.. -r r,-..!
1 ...
1 vt OIMIC. T r t .
I - ffiSlf f r C -.
n ..KJn
I t.l- .. u AiiBf 1 iMrl tlHI-
' th- oopt--iitI4. Wii.ii Jacc
TVt.p annw i. '.otll all rtfi Jind
. . ,.: .i Ulipf.
oi TK. -aiar- t Fumw ire mil
at - - - - ----.-. - - - -- -
......u cw iaf x .aH tifndi (t
itC4W' foo.t-n.'f w te b-i rvHcvtt4
! trUi 1 rUn; ox lh- joai: j ia z-
nai .ibct. -ith tht-i m-rcuti;
eTUtn el- of thowsHtlr" jwn4 .
! rs. oi to Knack -t tfc?tr r-tMn-MA-rOn. ,
- I 4. 1 I
-koxreitufsc Ool nub-ari Uba t-1
7-ana uai woun-i -it-wts wt-w-: -
. fe?i lfir i--Tp- -KJilt'' to
re aoUj
t .nrf.T w rnrht
. p .. ' t .-. t t B.
1 .-. . - . -
ir -n.-r o iuut-1-t.p. u , we - "s
. v tw. '-...-? .:r
.J-. p .- UPk pp Mr PW. p-p. . '.P.. pv.
x IT . IT
- ,. .
?!l--toa i oor
. .
! ,r ' t
Ara Hc-sp-srt
-srt lAtcMyt-- ou iac -rc.
.- a. T-T
. ,
Mr Row's fitaxly h hd the ban
Mr Ilamcr hs been on tbs tick
Hs. xls C Stxasa.
T -! . -bwb i . at a. ... at - -Ii r.1. .,.
iS l OIC-5 UiU llsicrJT."i.
Go 10 Ht ;4vcfg idpS
iarc i Uih crty Ut -
ttuai frw tb- .if' .'tMfta
ttrWa. d rnfxjwv. i iAtat
V ! - f rX-t aire wisac
. jxi m ir MiNwtt. .i tn mrir
' mori t a-. 4 h- I oo
i brU i i pmt' 4 -ur ,i
.?uri-t r.t
J TS- ixbr-V .jtunc :d llht rMi
j !i4nma M ..: ria t!- bru.
MT wvl Vln. A W lli-4 irintMil
; kt I m. fWir . ,
tMr Krn r.tu? rkiiw
4 rii nsvttt, . itptlvwntii
-1..... . W . . . . .-
a l u i c u k a a.h n ' m st . atr. a. i d
w, , -jrf .n,uv
t,t .-X 1 .... ..
T ('-air.. fi.J h ,--
' . .: : . r. r --r
. .mi ---.. ur jam. -J -..
l.. . T
.rw. . , . . ..... i m i . - .. ..
. vsr ih paKmaitir it -
uin wi. mi-HMi!tii
.on fu .. hmpa aor mt
i.A it apnn iW!. u. -rrtf4
; tfe ,1, .nf.rwi iK n4ri.
; HHc Thi i tiixl ta rMad 4aAfMy
i ta 9ft4 a-TvU. IIvmi thjf ----rirfil
' to th rr-iJrKOCt of Mr Runmiw m
Vivjl 1T fto-fld xml hto Mn tatl
U . -OT lOWldi- lH- lur4 W . tifeaL
a4( U tto Haul U ' -tt 'rm titt un
ir. iSstafbuti Try H nKift. ay.
In iVpmb a 8itf rTu n aasJo
itotmfri4ui.. Kei It iV
K.ptlA.4ft 4 . :. . .. 1 .
. .rw m -..
; whn i.iwwhj-w) iny r nIMl1
t lito fn!nt a Walnut
W j. J,, K.rtrr. , ht femlr
! h-v mord to tH cmnn All c-1
' th. -!. uMMi i.n.-m v,.-
( I' Itarilir kinm t.mi.mA ?.... Cpm. 11
Att,t) lnt.nort. .to. rMiif w?!
tr RUnUaal'. t..k. ... Jm
. -- p- w V"
ot .-n
. UrroNl the riLU tfc A.
. MU-Sm JVTJ? tfj
K;l, ..iVrl-niart, Ki lt. j. H. 11.
Vmit;4 Mr J. A H ftlv. amI
. m. , rrtr .s tttrti imA -mtti
c.Hint Ka5 'l",m e a ftrn t
un.e u t wml. lor if It.,
, tttJlK. A liViUg ow ity .r,o y
i uo-
. iiMturjr 1 rM ry .uf
et-.tiur. u th W'mmttt srl-pj.4 ho..
l ' 1 J 1L-L ,..IL ..
! k'-. wck i .-.'.i .
.. .1. ..
( . mrw - pp .-. . .. - ! p
w r''iHpUr4 l)-p-Mlrl in in nrauiru..
Ib i.t iOHt-4um u fftPlirHi i:A,t
tolMo-ts .iot uort u.jurv i4in Mrwtur
1 Urit.t;
jitPt hwtl pswpU;n wf
tiproitMnB Uv
wwijp-w, v Ihml tt !
bKt in tfe rootwlrtt.
tt ordJ K mm' jti
p ct tA
tip IW.
IhHI.iX tkUldf.
Mftor MMpWII1
U CoWtt!
JUWt Rlt J l,tU '
OW teav
.-, W iVnr:a
irno ru iri pulpit
5-yn-tN of crff ruM-rb'- I b P.rrt
jwi H. Brott-M. IH lhp IhfppU .UOrill
a Gimkt l&tKt. Fl. if
mn m
f TI.-. rd -ta . ilfil
iio i..Ut a nma ol awiiWtotMM
, l,iuii lit. Otm-ii
! --' fla. lit to
, Us-4ift- . Cht 2 impe. IM
I -,frtnt r-id" int- mil truth ) H ki
i th- . I 1J loth w ftwt kf tt-4.
tin. rpapf in 'rti nrtMn m nm
I bu i, Mir- -w ,
! ""--'". -nl-iai hlH- 1 t lb-
. . , Wl-u Tk- . k.M
u7te hl. hch. T w-4 .1.1,
- M-' dvirfcu- Th.
! UtMW from Ut or -. 4f
. L" ihAi IV . dhtfert ZZ:
. ! b v bbbbtbe: at -o&Bn, taa wnan.
oHiftimfi tt m HDiHt ni'Uitia t'ttt!t
- - - -- - - -
: ..nmr mi.!,: XV tt tk. rr,,
I - La.aMT k. i.amB ft bWbi t- " -
ntth ta-u.i.- m nmte U mm. ftar
. . '.. .
- ,l n v r-f r?f.mj 0 iW ptrH tin
I 19 fh t itM- it-irrMPti, .o. Mfbtff.
, A 1 f 1 BV.
Wim w- -M'y ami- to tvMt-a
(;-d wt ti tH treiJr. iMo
IKIiMWI X-f IM wiiWiW H. HM'.
if.pUf?ar.WiTpotM r; t il
. -twAl'i mt- trbtr oat. n-loi. ?'
i . t
t J W UI- ln- lli i-
-rtK'WMitPP.- Qmd tt ixjt. . Mftt b-
-9rriiLoe of uV wrk! to jfrJlw nuA
t tctl tfatucpih-tp-r tt out. imuc tlK LuttM-i
j mm! jp-r f fir w prvl-x -f htc kt
i .1 wt.. .j . Un . at. ul 4.
' f . j.
tr. ? ir.-. , S n v. t... .iJl
a . . -&. .. lmtkrt in ILurf f 1oai. Hi-
t - - - - -v ----- p-w - - .b-
'-....-1 wiJ A- L-.- Bk .
! -i-ur.e' hiT rrd W.o-,r p.craja-
nd ia iv fert-,A ri cicrjt reK-
Public Sale.
t 'mX.P.S-P W.i! ...''. WVJ ill
' . - ' ' , " j:, . r.
1 w -. Tu ijt; iiiivr. iKi vp-
rrVa, auvj thr mtJ--i j rOi ?. of
- . .. t..i. p. -v. k, 4a.
' s property 12 bar
- .Tk 1W4 4 "'-( - 4 '" ----
12 bar. IT it-.! aw
ieli flwet, ?9
ipUW "-.
t. I H. boi-lo.l ad rUn ftntsa:.
T-rM of
A --xdtM 1- wa
-aiUlrt: 39 --". - fS. - t
ptrdbr st-rw: - ai appro-.
I prttrrtr. rsil-e mj-
cwrnMip-w : lu
o'Au-. '
JaoSril iSATl.-.
t .... .... , r it ' I
t w. tvr. jtrs d a iid.
nr)ry ourv ati
I 1 !..