The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1885, Image 1

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The Red Cloud Chief: Vm
NO 28 -ja
' 1 I t
tvKitvprtinAV nv
cry. n yea . - SI M
In ci"7. eix mor h. - "
.r. faar aii ith. ... y)
4lrr-'f 3! the 1 ofttfilee in Red Cloud mat-
eliabSe Furniture and ISiidertakingioys
Ilti tAfet taftaaaW oafe4
K aJtaaK ". V V
; .-a
f f T
f 0 V 7 OFFJCFItf.
John I. Knyha, ('oiuity.ChTk.
'Jliat. HtiM-iioK, County TruHruror.
M-o. o. Y-itr. CxHniiy .Finite.
J. W. Vrr.Mi. SbentK
Jlia. V. Sjrinr, Httperintcmhjnl Ot
I'uUlw liiHtrtM lion.
C 1. Kiulutr, (nnty Surveyor,
'."if M'-ii. Cmty Curouur.
J-oi L. M-iliT, )
Jim. Mc!IJuui ' County Corn.
1. II. ILiitijito'i.
tz--- - - . - --
'Opposite Postoflke. Mv stock of Furniture and Mortuary Coods,
j the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the
the RcpvDl can Vallev and my prices can not fail to please.
Business Directory.
j XO. I J. ST 'nsKIJ.
I'. S. Kxiuniiiini: Hnrut'uii.
)j'nrr. Opp-ii KlrMi National
r.Htik H.hI M.)U..
? K. M KKKIiY. M.
Land and Abstract
One Door Worth of Chief Office,
Bought, and Sold Exchanged,
'!N,I),?'IT!":l':oN: Complete and only set of Abstract Books in
f vf.t til . Hiit s ilrmr -ton',
Webster county,
gKm l W A
W twi r a f.U
i1: i,
"rt(anuHi. ?ft
irrzn yrt-U- jrtr TL ' iii ?. ( U U
iJ iit.'Qti. nz -sr , . 4
i jfar 0t It
WM .'h ,
i ckl wv .
Yi h luiw t( niJ t
i v Mt Is tfc htitJf fior; Mt jir;
IT r- I f.4 tfo a4j a (, lWt
r ttn rwteit4i nftdt Hr tM on rf-
toin nw4i I iBr U twil i CCt
ft.? "5 P! cai M M nKJTH k vna
: p
iri'i"it I'Jrnt ih
JIUv Ihm.i lrMii !: K' ii. in.. : tu 4. ;iml 7 to
p in. I,i -.(W-m :i lii.wk veil ( i nirt oiis
ti in i.'i ii. . . . m:iu:aka.
DA.MKKMLL, M. 1).,
If -i Cloiul, Ni'Knkii.
OrnK: 7or the ur w posnortico.
Kol Cloiul, .Nil-ni"kii.
Onion In Siiiitii l?rt. law ollic;
I. H K M.f Y. .1. L. Iv.M.KY. Bros.
HKD ci.orn, xiist.
Auimu-s tor tho l. t M. U. K
finprvetl Farms ud Unimproved J:iiicIm
The agency of Improved Farms and Unim
proved Land Solicited
Deeds, Mortgages end all Kinds of
Instruments made and Acknowl-
cd Promptly.
Christian Unsectarian.
Five Courses of Study !
Academic j. vears,
Normal 3 ycarss,
Musical Course,
Business Course,
: S
ti.- .-; ir..uf.-
' ri j" tvjH ;Td i1"'""".
i WTi-vif v-vvcr'y;: -w-t
tv:- v r.v . .rr-i ct'
cv -. xm; . : ir.-rs.TifSJtx-iirj '
, jnc tnc4-' : 4ot r m 1 f . t Her?
Y' st oir hr w" I mkr
j tr.h Mir i. !Ar a a) Jr awsj r
, pi.iini - ;M ppiL j j
ru' U to u-it b-Hj ii ,; i)Hr rii:uj .rfc3?rss bria tarrir t t wi:l
. b lm.1 uiwi(4 i-x. tH ?n. !hi j "Mi MTNitt krr. tUwC rUe.4,f f
maa i a h hrtel !Tw I t,.,, tor cfc- j sNi i!j. W.iwm Vr Wr.MtT5 rffKt
ma et nkkt :( & W fxw tt f-orl ' Ukftrumrkh, al .i.ic Vl -1 Iwr
. I iwiii (t r. I mt tt" . at ? rri Mm Htek k-.. tvftf a Jati i
I ; l m4 Il Mi4 wts rioaitw. Mc : tmtr iwt lwr iu;-n V
ft " J is k ' imJ.. M rniAn. ifrT n. f I V ) r xff-Ti. M n:l Ut iT
- Jt.n u. Hi. rr NtfMMtt lMf toiHv , m? mftffp v.( nl m nlw --.
u. im. W U t .- bj tl v- ..i , H4. klr-,U 4tiwm. tt. H W-. Wj , ,
tk iaj Mrm wu! f; -nukd .( irr 'tl fTJ t't.
r 'wlrrn. n--a)t W ,. .w iM i., a-- .mM'WWMh l-miy . !, Woatr,
f s r AKTV.a I n . . m : . .r""-." -"" -.-" r..- .
W..i. Kr :.!.t ,,-, .r, A dtlZTU. 2 ' S4 t' w .hv. -icm W.
ia do irr
The Red Cloud Chief
..i.., l zw j AtUiiMXti PMttmm wmM
At.1 JVr a iJm
! Iwj te,w4r
H is-:
Y lin.l! CMNH.W.
Writincr De
o. '.ra..
Jai. .M-V-
Case Sc McNeny,
f"i W ill ir.x:iot in all hn '.-Miri. f thi t1! it
atil imrllirtn ICntin. ('llrrtMiiiKu w ell n lit
i - I i.tiinix rrclullrnn ciFicifiitlv ntt.-n.J-rl
t )rrn:rA- t'xtsx. ilmtr onih f N-ittoiml
It .i.k.un mm. lti;in;Ll'0. NItK.
Insurance written in solid comtanies,
lections a specialty.
Healthful locution, S,irrouiulinj;'
moral, No Saloon, Terms Hoaioiiuhlc
Library, rhysisal apjuiratus, Geologi
cal Caiiinet, Jtcadini; Koom, itc.
Instruction 7 h
Kor Catalout'. iul' rr?s
lieu. W. .llam,)toii,
Arthur 'f"C'U;l lktck."
'Yi-s. I Juv icm you i.vtiI t!m . I
hv K'cn Hvi.Mats hnH uln .U'hrcruif'i
nv.ay. I f- Iiajj!cr ii k:iTlu; iha; hi
cam; of hiniI I Im one friini. n-'nr im-."
I pr!.f! lifr haiiil. -iin u;i," I mltj,
'i!. v'n tni! Iut-. !!' had crown wiarv
of in-. 1 m alwiiit IiaVu a r.Jj (J. 1 wj
In lu wr.y a tnmSlo i lilwi."
I?er M'utnftit arcont a.i -lie fjMikc !n
d i-i'li.tbl".
i'.iil. !'.. J l inijipi: I crmiird. "had
' itm. h.i .. a to do tii U ilmT'
.SIiu rnid hrr ImimI on mv mm. "More."
riiYFriAN A .vi) seircKO.v,
ul'. y;hraka.
IVwA'.-.-iounl alls jn
Oi hick; At icieleuce Cowls.. -.f,l
Furniture, Coffins, &c
Red Cloud - Nebraska,
A Fino Lino of Parlor and Kitchon Furnituro always on hand and will
bo sold at remarkably LOW PRICES. Old stand, Just north of tho Rod
Cloud National Bank. Como and aoo mo before buying.
Drugs ! iJrugs ! iss.
llrugs, faints, Oils!
K'otfps, Wall Paper, Ac
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
k.n d ' Lfi.n ' f.. . ..,....! L,k
s-.rrk inc. Mr.K-'K m ..' II,. n.rMd m nnd ! J ",cn' " Uke ."" an'y- ' ,,,hr l
.str'.C. JIM-1 II tali, did jut vi'i ttntna iiihh.'"'
I thrfflr ii.t n aiia-. il . himrt va. (n I
m ni-i ic iwu, of iift Vw-
hfmd 1 . a mn .r.uir. Ih Ilk ttnu:
w.;l-t Vr Miijm FVrrid. rm,L
"lit- I nilit b' r- ravp Jur iJwin;
M-? s. I j..;d Mr.. 'ii8j, irt-r)U.I,i.-'M-if
I f'tiril ih"
j h- UMtxvijint t tliot- nv. 1 TtHHid
i tta.- no ih.4 r: H-m nr .t Hiu,.
jrd ti.r :tt-cvr:Mvts,ra; ia tmrrtneo. U',t.
, t l :.U r-njr I tlnnir' at rt. h mw
, then that I na !: w.f... ,V. .m-kis
It f ih-ji i.i r. To i.rr I At,. 1. ,.i. i.-i
I. . in . d.f nr lr. -at'sl tu lutt man
I l iitinr can ri-nr.i. );. Hfi.l Itninl !$
t ur mcm m -n nlionl f r
1T the rtK tlm. I.i:l j- wm, m
lit' duirn. Till i.r tj. cuirf rWnrartr-
Ut :- of li'-r nifo.t ial N"n mi
nnd :nt;rr. X-.w, h.',r rl. f for :ho ttw.
j a; lKntd tu MHp atAV rrv otber itMto
! turn. h p: or ol tiroVr fr i her. I ,m-
j dvrr-i toedtn her loo mttKihrt. AU!
1 n lilt c I nmld nay ir do u. zi. fnM
i .Sin? i-nr,l hMliy nnH d.otKlincv mi tH
anil, mm lor a .'n;i hH u. inJXrd In ..
I-iir... Atl.-itslin Udd mo lirr h. i na
! ch-r X hand.
"I.'-Tr .. nilllpiKi. I vtld; "I hII n,.,.
in with you and ve thN hidrnltii wImhn
vou re tAltlc. I Oiall trl! hir I an ymr
hrothfr; that fr j-'n :!m- I h.r known
how Miniurtilly yiwr humid hi,tNtiH!
yon; and tfal now. llh r-ir tli ,,,., r
tu.KU lM' in Hir rointiuitehiM ur nut.
tiinttrr nott mr. I kiic . kft. Uini
of r.i;' and bi:: mi si. -A.d mi Oic.hi?
thi-. linn' in .tr-si rather tiian my w tf-: '
I eapil: ." :thrr :n.- !o- i.or h-r withw
f uld st p tn:.s une ifjT.arii fr m p."j;
rr. Mps.
t !prtJTc to !or frf-. ' V hi
1j yiMi think ito you imi-; nr
Oily this m rn'm I Icanifd f."
Mi-'t rwa l.-ttcr toward m thnrxv It
with a require of loni'.kini;. a-. on thrvi a
naiiwr.tis ri-pt k fn in one'i haml. I opcti-j-l
it jiichanlesllv.
"Vo.," ,-io af "jn lr,. -,: hi tblnk-
A fW Ul t.mti-
Head I
c,:o. i khi:h
i:. n ui
IJh.oiti.). It At. I.
ReaiEstat j Agents
KKP n.oi I), NKi:.
n. .V lst.Tci mil fncii K -il CI, ,i, jo I
acru triiivd. v. hit uiulor i' j.m,
it-ainc iurnv, MO.WI-. iniiiii' imrn with tti
. -T-...-.H. -,, .,I I'll!.' -.-.
.No. .It SSMxflVS JO llillr JrOllI linll Jilld. Nl '
ti.s KwinhI. i;;, ui ,",Mi
H4Kith tuiiil. jrt i;,. j
Vo. Wl 48 aiT"N i', mil,. tnmi K-l Cloud
tM..s MH1HT nlHV ilf :. prt U.'iftK
N. ItW.-tU Hf rv at lnii-i!i'. oiimll fn.i.i !,.,....
veil ami four ai'io- wndiT 'iiJtiaiiH. irKvn
lf iihit. " I
1 I
Ki: Ub
I tetfjK-yr
, man t t",tit .-'in!fiii
' I,s drrrt!oti. Jo ratiiKit l- nnr rll
i rmr to rv4. nwlmff him.
I UNrd. U ti ; U r lusd aa If
' a&'ntinc to my p:"an.
I "To-morrow." I cioUnMod. "Iic b'fure
; that wrrtch cotoo lure to jvolon ttm rry
lr wr. hrciitnc. 1 tAll iinr and trie u yn.
; Kir.'y In th- morn m I uil! 'ut my ,r
( aiit for jmir Juccasf. Mr.-. Wltjon may
Know me ami ms mBil j,y fjrt. I rmlnuicr
m dltf .ri.!K. lltr.ri) m-l tr n comntal
inwit. Von arn tree to romo and co. Yoti
ii'4 I ha,. f;l. it .-.v. 6o low ti; I w.-rt hnv.- , ,.. o f, ,-r. nH Tb'-r-'day ntorn
wij..e hrc.iiutfi.MMiil inc. So Urn that I ! lac w ill J.v. - tm idur..
. a .
!'. : uv ror?lvc:i tlw i . rn almoit of
i:ioi.:!.-;h Wow. -vrn. Uii HiaL5
im t I tin tn'iru.r h- -.vim. my hiUuMf.
I d the Iri'n. ltril, ilhlyoM w- r Imtu a
lnuuti PmHuva wwtM irrao mr rxir
Mttc( t r .'tr- n,k-lt ilr. l ) i h,l
j pffMf3,ir u f .r rr omrnhnt. etP
! rRaW j nWH. fc4. MNrv0rrr
' a fnitiNKMl otw. NV: i-at I vtml4 hT
j tffvMbittit, -mn 1 nt Hu mr .kM,
Ht ,-, u HntMj! 1 hM lmfa t MHn
t km( U tufntarrr -h rta, lrwU tx
m wtMiM jrnrt fair siMRM4aitfm fir
. tftr nicM
! 1 4NMM9rwl tv iHil cwn I trdtt him
ibi mr niiMMf; ,n a vu.i w ine;
t lit: ..ic nmild 4if r t-i?itt but thi
iuoS htrt) wiKMtM 2 Hrtt) t-tro.
H"iiW tJ and ievuk ftft.r tit kov m
I It! I tntwmol w tt htM nrocrtfc wltrtt
tUoKtHM. W.iltem Hoifnt m mt
, iU-. I 4 I KmI hlw IMt, ppaatloin
fr ttMi n,, nc f mi) iV and few chiMrvK,
i He fl'd hsf Mtlcxi u 4if Hirt ft( tj,4
d,.' iivk afci wnU4i layB im HU Ni to
tiitt my tv)wtciti4Hii.
Hf t to nr k In hU ImtrtitrtUc,
mWHif-aJ. Wh tat)) Wi,T tol rhulttp'
riMm ijj trlin. A tii as thu wa dotir.
niwl tko iffliN'twl ttoWHvr t.idnvy ami
titfaT-l,Mviiur, toll Hun v li.rftf a bnr
ad crt .w-h l mM fiM tbi httfs!o
fmiM 5r, W lin'm Me ni o miUloit
m nutM? vtwtwy u tfet ht hi eio
j tor Ihr iua.-, nU, k if nV 4iy hd
, anr Btr-MAs tn -v.
U'liUaMi ntm Jiy ! hnwrv tlirt.
j hr iHd hi p uifam-o titKm lMt-. I
! ' a, dr f . t w . ttM thlh l
at 1' lilfip't ittrnnt t kr-p U jnmK..
. Till Htm. Mim,iit I fead birw tid nl ti."
- mtbus Uri umI M ibut Mft?r U h
: ut'ght. bpon rlin fil-' . rind Ui
rNmintlu -), -d . Jof na Mti. rfvr
"1 o. vild p.,i Jj p-i. drrawily. "to tkm
r.r I v.i;il.-ac 1 will '-txn t yow. Ut
Lwllf euiw a;.. . la th ivolo:!;. Hl
flWcly, wltett n.. it will Unow w;irn I Imv
Pr.U.KH l.V
was a "bis: show ini ,vr,.
A town, but that show w-asliioiii-r.r.ANk-'ivr.s,
notiim comnarftcl to tha u-inrs. combs. BuusiiEi
x - -
snow o:
Heating aa. Caking, fa.
At the store of
Morten & Fulton,
.ill s
all parties wishing any
thing in that line will
Save Money by Callins: on TJs
At the Boss-town Hardware store
(Iihi.Is w,. luivo nnd soil wo inut, oithor for Oa.h or a Tru.
And ovorvthui" uatmllv kept in i
cl.-s hoi.
Two doors north of 1ft Nat. Hank
J K I) CLOUD. X ti!S.
Trunks iS Valises.
AM" rKl KU l.N
j j;klki:s in
Pumps, Wind Mills, Well Tubing
j And Everything In our lino. When wanting anything in tho Pump o
I nr;Mj.:n ,? r. :u .. .- .
umiwumio.wm py juuiosoous. uur Prices aro tho
Lowest and Work Quamntood.
u?i ; OPPICS--On Thlnl Avonuo, Oppoaito Minor Bros., Store. Rod Cloud
! Nobmska. Don't faU to soe us before buying. ow. fteu uo
Home Grown, Xtirxcries!
rjursery Stock!
A. i nave t!:ui xni .irrlHrt In the N,,rr
"miwn i iiiiiik i can itiniistiyott tvk to
vtir vliiuato ftxini
LviM,in Ir.I"n. i.i 'i trN?r. 'w frt
i:ott. V s'drfy. ia'r.
J no. K. Slurey, NMt.iut . ahifr.
U hi National Bank,
RED Cl.Om. XKli.
Capital, $50,000
3pcial Attention Given to
SH Oarbcr.
R. I). Jovtt . F.
Hon. V. SniaiT.
I.tri Moor.
J..f I r.-M! I e'aor.-l a K-r Jn a'nrrn.
. h. 'r-d:,' wltti a ! tfxirrivh ,. v Unvnt.
Hfr wonl foilowrd on, a i:!ht n.tb tfad-
Ion? rapidity. Uot -ho ct!d worwir at
, thts m mm witli n vkumati 'to ha! ncti a
1 w roiu to djciari V Me ptrcw cal.n Icacnth
J mv rtu'v.
I.'l. Ih Mkl. I.t'lr..lnc y. "Ah,
Ji!! I burn fal'tra low ; ho: n t .j low aa
Mir buri d h-r .'? In licr'kinda whlbi I
opui a m1 n ad tlu l.itrr. ll wa datct!
fr in I'uk ami ran to'.
"A. ' r.:i t m ;nat wi? can't "tartly
Id: ,t II t;-; ctiifT. I ;hl.i the f:, ,i,iu Ut
fr . Tin unrit way to imke mr
mai.t iz ri.-ar i tcllj r,nt hn 1
inT.'-dM- i nnd a wifd a'u Sh haa
d.i-! - .c ttteii; -nd 1 (Urp m. it vi wo
miaa,Hl to cK oti . , u tr;i tisr. 1 ihKiki
ii iv,. 3m.-i jnu u c w'-jjcn m4rruu :
ri n 'Tictf niirr. Hiwrvirr. tliln' '
ar- iio-.v. . titpy ttsd ict;rr tn. Von hr. j
:u M'.utarton o: Kaowrn?; taat mwa.Iy ar blani'If.
"If. like a scri'iWe clrl. yoi are rcaIv to
scrcpt ;..e !tatioti, 1 am prrr-l to "ac:
emeu tLilr. and do the jish: thu?ln anrtiy
mat ten. As 1 hatr ti have anything ham:
iinrovcr in; ttiXM'ttliil. nnd do no: car io
trul delicate ncpt '..- to a tl.ird partr, I
f-ltall run r.cro to Knsland and ? jo. I
,sha:I rcrh IbniJnc on WtiincyJay "eninr.
Jo n-jl "-end to :h station to tne: aie; I
wouTd rather walk."
Tlo h'lt-z was unsJcned. My blooil boll
cd as 1 rul it; yet, in i.te of my rare. 1
Mt a crm hnraor a I the exrjnbito
cy:knm ri byc unicr. Here
;va a :nn :k-nJ s fool and recreant bio v
i gon.
Huy nnd -'ell Kxoh.inre.
ottn:i. Discount .Votos
Uoneral Bunking Bu.-inc ".
Interc?st:iIioHoii on ull time deposit
Mako col
antl do :i
i wa
J at a woman whtm he once loved a
And would nk a -bar, of th, t ra,l
Atteut:on Teachers.
Notice i hercoy civeo that I will r?raine 11
t crxMi wtHiu.t-d(trv to offer thc:u'vlv s
t-aiuliJat-.H for trAchers of the comiiwu .elwJ
, f u tiivorilct in kM Tfid !
the third Jsitord.v? of each month. KxaiidnatbM
vi r: t',,
n. JL CS T-. i o i-onituvrtrr at a a. nu lVuot a.V tor
vXtV trV iPy m J" , amm.-Mion.. k jjft -y.K
mWam.m- le. m.iry ' v.tmni -utenutemleut of nuMie Instruction
feir A mf??2zr i'ousuttiiiiiii"iM
zmiMMiwk --4r .vvjup".
Aiucis&!ct uus BH0A0 CUIK citena
MOiT parser ooosns stott
2vcr ojlrt'd to the public
ncKsn v.t
in wu .T.l, BtaX. Mai U4 kM.-.tP.
lmftrmrj. 0i H ti iwi . tatie5 ri
rtwau Iknkx. rittUk Sr- JJ ma tsr
iTcC)r. r-f .rmrr, Tvji. Call er wr. fc- Ut
(rt- alrt frfl XajdntkHU 1. Ums
faam "r. r. U LBtkWK. IW wi
Cook'fe Meacham
Cow!e3, Nebraska.
.. . Drags,
Etc., Etc. Etc.
PnrinlJous carefully coattwunded
.ita'I hours.
tba? wtrt cits-h h-r to the earth. II
'.ronl- cc,.:re h,m a rojur. a b4m t: and
yet he can sj-alc coolly tont m ocy f.r
laaiicmcnts; can even enter Into pcily tii
vi s coneensipj: hi at'ptoschinc nsit! II
cz t b without Jin.. mttbfMi: rrmnrv;
a vitlaJn. ahviiuteiy heartier!
1 fo.ded tlw iei.trr and pUcrd I: In my
bte:. i ni-iicl to Kn It. that I rnT:
tvntl it aai- x,i ajram during uie next
t.vwi:T-fr bocr. Imic h'r they won.d
-- T .3 irVvr v-Md.! Kni m - U 3 .e th ts
j p'- J'uipa made no ocj'T-.-wa to m
j efj4tc it. aac a: icouunica.v JT"
clo n: ir latn 'he r.
" " -a fcnr-a- tjie sizn'f r!r3i: nasi and
' W ,,LJ Lai A ' j r i rn.rv !'. i,i ! The rr 1 tlw rfe. jr
All xrnnttny rxe nuu VIUJAOS or j (. i, M,,. wti -!. h..i .... ....'- . Ll. . ----- ,-.,-- ... .-.-... .w
w..,i n.,-i-vi." uiK. k jfjiMMianiC! I-
pnciv, arc conltaltv
n-,vk xvnrr.intotl.
witoil to cull. All
. with KM Tin Tar: Kwltf nc -at chTrtnc:
i.-;m iii'ii'ur i;cs. I'm, ottn. auo c7
1 crcU.
j arc t bo. ?iK ch9v 'i'xlt c
ABZk r.i o ;jaf axticiai. iMfl ! kac.
ti aoct.kjc.1 an titlM sl ar9-UQMtr
aruo 44raOca. bat as !xari fan te . uwet ttMsx
taca sickta aw fict ti t wi yiai rsQtaccroa n
ffrrraterUi3STai:-jr.xa-xj. I
LKrtaaoraatk3. 3:a.arlw
s Iaec: 1 riiid av Ifrth. arxt ;H
; tiit thrrf xrjLf a trzc t.UMi tbaa ex -a
: love. Tba: tasn ami 1 iser: u-ntvnoTr.' I
to.! mruit uMty.
"UjI too j-iur of a eW.dr I iaid. tcra
Inr .o ruiitmn.
-I: i dt4-d'al-Ia4 r Ht ervi wttk
aw.; ja'jsV A ftcl: aro St iL
Ir-c : 31. rf uc: mr i y u-t!ay I ivc!
I ?ia . a vissr: :-wrMw 1 skaH ;:
tha. m iTuar Wu, ta ns fv,' wjwi t
"Itiit how w-eh UettT thai I lnMd tafcr
yv awj o;riil) nrxl In UroatI rftttliKtU. a
u br :hr oubl lakn a ljr T
'. I ii! cm- lt ym. Ym will nt
mlnu w tUiti,'. H i.T. Th r w MKMiar I
mttKio hrt. irur?lMi? to t4i t-mr-row.
JVinoU.nii: to Ini d; jwi'. am l tw
en. What t it? who u M I n;i: rft
! lec.M
J bhe nid lu.- din rd bM on Hr
, brow. .Si,f pM.h.d &,i- hK bnl !Uit.
j and cjVi.-. ira of p"-f at U tt the l."n
j air on h"-tiuM. i'.rirt: afur twt
i ' al tu4t d i:No ft. hu ywA"r
If-rruind rofansl to recall tHr.ileti1n4
ltty arran-emetiU to U :aaib bfrH alwt
jc te. .S)cei?: Uio crrtalaty of ty i
symn.hy and preu?c:n wxh mo ffnM
rvatoro ber r-tlorisr mKrr.
ir-.. .- ..i.i , i
t jm j.,, jiiiiiuil-ii a ara.n ami Iran
nrce-l her Socbantc Ur rclti.i. alic waw ttrm
I in her r"olio to com to wvalott. Atktat.
j very Mwlantly. 1 vu oWlgad tu sir- vny
! on tht totnt: 1 I v,-a loorrutnod t w.
I tb.. ilrs. ibvjn to-wrhti n nfcon v
' reachofi tin; how- 1 ot-ro with l'Mttjpn.
I I toW her there w: mo onraaa for hor
; to be jrewnt ut rny JatrrvKw whh tl
: ho:es. She looked ,'rvcKifaly traiy. and
at my a.xwtJon wint &trallt to her rr.
i to retire for lh nic- w 1 '' vn awl
' awaltM tj- siTottt of Mra. V,i.a. Mm;
I sor arr-ore.
' A woman A tltt fire and thirty: ""M
i trot plainly 4rM. A I r!are! at ler
jwIUivif" airo,ty. I drtsidf that wltrt
: vnon h iho. aftwr a criaki fi- of
blow eaitty. .' ? !? -xtreiuy rWrtlHC
.-.. . . . .... ...
"" i Biori; -.ismt irn ji ; uiuw :mn
ca.t In an araUln mold fr wfelrh.
MriO a Ue W.jh of it , jU:.r Uij
ira-nrt tref U r to tk"wo lvis.
a ra!. sitarn ?ra..l. Himsrr. a .rr
k-tji KaaT-r ihm tmm' eJrm
mirht orc ha-re lcn. ahe cocI now txivt
of TtT- few.
A he entcrril tle r&w anl trmrrti t t
ber fae- cxr-,.l uniltiil'w) iaryrtw t
cH.ii tuUt r who iti vtrcr u. hr.
1 ar-.loc'ztl for th l.ixv ff my euil;
tKea haVcM XI her It eJ. hfc
JUtted Ui ;4a- tfjpsvttfctitiy. j
stajt. 3j cwime: i I rvvdty ;?
f arr r;yi utri I.a.1 Krjawi. It
c ar W'st. a I IUj )s?d sjrf, yrv
VUna . OMiviaor( a U w valid acr
of :e xnarriar'.
WVa I loid t t 4 Frtra-r l
testiw to p n- ixf-tf : Hrro y awniT iy
trvcn. l .liapjy lrrW. V I vtid I
tfcat ': hir ly ttrabt !rar- Kj1ch1.
j Haf fJ mint sthmm d to by t jf-fanty.
N rvrthotrai. V tlHam t,rKMt m w
j ;; wi Uieiv w iMlaljh: Wr wi ttriio.buv
nU paiknt'y trntR atie th,tr K ert?THy
f tbr.oW.
! A.tlHUKh my pU- )aoi f ffl wr
j end- ti, I Tr im( bfl tdbk '1 anrv m aa-
othor UW to b d.ii-j l -May. I t my ient
t.t t dow ,, i K ui. R4 ffoi-u f i!liijK
1 wbl"h It n; ht h Hai )-rt..rw4. f
Mbt I tm to Msh1 fpe in faee wiU
toJ b;i-i:-l-Mlrd $ rM Pxmt at
Mr)i Pitrfr
I t-utlri ut- limm Ufol Oto le!!.f
aame't rtn M(ttrtla- mr ; h it I nr U,fst f
iMratrird wt b a e at ItHaUotoof b
lfcl" Mfa. tiew m iMtoon tmn
by "whc. b rmH eow; Mifv wa bI ot
i rrwii ieiwr : ! ! m xikbi
!billl" hd tto trlHK. H imtt b
j aU. bU btr uA lif mugm h hi orUr
j to ftr oImt bst. Ti t rn n dra
; t It 4li- an :. To vifcer
m eavd . a mms mI4 Hatitnul)' hh4 fix?.
1 Mr. V..v4i'i bam tmn fcw fomr atl
fn w u" ta'MMt, Lt n- tert ftm tfc-r,i
,.t !; tM lrnU sirtvm. tnl I ahot
itrntaabiy t UH afemtl lJf way u hl
j'rra Ivwbl Ik? ilnflr, iMt I boJd
I tnrw btw. I alaunW Lko-w kM amuii-
i tlNifamV Tkrr,a tboi r bo-4y rvail
-Hlr itrr,,-i MwM. oaMfatMT . j! fu
hi w14Jy ouirtttn rvriabi of a)iUiig,
bo? : C. w Isi at otflirr way iimefc
tA' womnii vfcft lil ki mi rn day trat,J
to ha 1pkv ad ke. woubl mcf. not far,
bt Ue mvo vbo tevm tlMi hrt bl atrwm
lbt n Hr-o to I'iuJtopa Sft-d 1 raofg,
tivna w "ibiMer; H trtmhl net
till man a to U ri,i U atl
I dorM iurrrt- aibnu. fititlt
ny lM,' ! tMiHv U mtrt w hh
path; lo.ui;i .i a ad tH fttm taat W
Ytiiaioy a a .w to .. tit lumpr
( haw flr U to f r jwal , Molt p r A
my w4-1v' cod ibot 1. fH-iia IV
xltHn of lr bfahf. draaMM lb w
' .at jJar?i w,i-,. b tb- -iifh
bml ra wj bi'f. wjl. ilbc fff U tw4.
HV ka4rrfkV b-aty4 am. rTI
1 on tt H w rnUite vkJ !
at mr tit ttiaSti,of .bwji.nrwrt
ot. aMi w'w vrut iay ttnri. Tba
I 3nilt jMJi M;t fTAMM h4j
w" -J : w Jasiirf i U crV vi
br'.r au j r i: w1ib I bW?. If
tfc f-Mlftrt. I .tmmM ija Wftd, ra
iM il t - Mm an poii (kea.
Tntiy. a I st, I d lerty to ,")t
Te feet Vy, t IiUxf fcf
f. 1 n r ai Mf?j 4.
b-S l ofcj ra4. -H tM) I CJ
ftt :-;. 4IHM Ab4 IjHti&Cl.
W-h Uv Jort p!r'a ly T?f, t4
t s: Ant rSH j4 tJairry W. wy
rrtf-.w-M tMTnl 'ri ff . I to
y Vhw M r-MN4 y cnkt to 4d fft.
I taao d aryil fo ii.i: ytrijl vj5s(I
iy w 1Wjj. Mif-krr esiiu4 r&Ji
clurt I iMa mi n a-oci fcica fer1.
Iit tin!, vbnwrirr ! t rt wiaij,
awr ic a evcufcaudi, n t O4 Uixl i
i W. r till oJ
TVs Tw-vtr7jS f r pk tmsjmj
1 loalaErrif
.. t tiicbt b X m b3rS
lrKI7?,,I "U cTB.t r,T txtare and rrcvire
a.awoupc a row (Mt
:: -n.i'tHi-,
rliM rS Ite afc-9 as caad tial I tit bC4k!
alfltactafaacifa. ii&to a3 Vtit mm ttJP fStXt
T&a r1jrtnal brtJe tota traleJi r acra H xa
tTtrafi. aa4 artenl ao4re ! trprtitit
rttritla ctlaloai.ta -tony rtrxt !-3.arc oa li
trO arUI bbovato sy t-a cxlJlsx Itoar oficrt
-ao ix- aH Isurr )a ti cutitr artcr
- . - - . - a a, .liTu.
riH watrtS 5.'3 I -J --'---
r.i-i,.n..1-.jj.. , 1 Hivan vnirRTcn KrnnyTt
!!l!.lw,.rtr in ; !fit yw t al th . T. LO'Jte. MO. i?11" ww
. -ir.n- 3b,5-iv . Af.uM. La, r. ... -1 . -.- . . .. - . I& n. m. t w.
7-' . - j-ir-ixz5: v. vnzzrzzi 1; ;r - , ----. ..--, r1
abJo;-v .
Ats?itta He.
arjj- y ct.-? "o Wi fru-fnrrofw.
A.eforcher vertla c-arr -miVn fvTer-ait
rabidity. I took txr Lacd ia raise ; ty
ct no's- born.?.
"PhiMppa. d-it. be cala. Voa -will
tSa. wis no istr!""
1 will ec torn no wor. It I to it tst-
ii from neti him sar I eae
I- tile ridi: haiir 1
as4 for a hd- iervi or Um- emttii. r" '!,w, irl TSUy iarf
asd that er ? krai 1 - M ,. h ' 4 f.ttr. I0t I sw tfcS tW
wrr-b tfvffiM br tie rm? 7 ,r'!sj -Ian- ii-ctri w? dts.
-I way ie.U.- kr aawi. r f i fir . " nt r,',s"- f -s 1 Jtf
tkvo uiis ar :U pm m te uik. "tkat ; T ' iU.i fei x wte,
j ocr -KcrS at- o? tMr a U cM TV(V s4. ' -: forrfeAa
t-. Kas fart iy ial baar t-r : !' fc.Wx4: rlsWefc t
tkteti f vMcir f tk- 2i-dkaJ ts4 5 s W a rstlr .&rw m.
vhoattetsdl hY noa-rrr tootct'"1 " f ?r
cnSTiaTni. II ha m kcr orfic ' w4 hf lf?our
' itt 1 r mn
TJieaeifrt!-raiRrrf7i ?naw J iV
5-nw asjfj cxrfl Wfey es -
ski 5y irH iric lirfaif
tsy brrt4. 4? Mt
5j 7f Tcc ttJo tfca. i i & -r .
I -: . B?r3rsr ipaawjayfgppita
. a wrci J bs-ii-Jond u Wr IM lu-
I rf o ; tat a- a j5rr. t Sure tair -as tt&-
ccoulHr ,l.ijte v kuK.ard atterfyx-
lui to ? Was. I lo cd. wJj U alarm
: s I txrnftf tacnrxai thlt j t$o&c yc.
"I ia ssyeix a. rkctr. Ht hal&
b ar cirr. I aM. Taa 1 rr.
io ywt. 1 -1 oc are r?rtJ $ Sir ,rrr V
BflW 2J-" ' . V
3 :o ak aM lr m vtw; oat i 1 rwir-.e, Mr- : ihrT I s&L
, . lass i Sfe cwpX -W&y tf:Jjifjtiiitr1fif
x tefcris " w 4" : ts;- wirr!fcVa
dt: U
- -'"SCfeftay'SflaalaaaaaaaaflllllllllfllflflBHF -'i
gf P!
HBBMMaaMaMaIiiS f.f -. XtHjM