ism& JT -a."-, ir" "-" tf,iW '.-rWTS 7 "v JJ5& tf ' . V.i .XS v rf 5 E- -J-i-9-v vIa jr ' j 2 tA "iv S." J.T T-fl 5 - n4& -I rtfeSw-US '-!.- .J -i BTJCriS-SS.Se' vl "--' -T .-J- Lva&gapi T . , . GVV - wmacc f&T- i4J , ayf! S r. c . 1 "T jsJ - a. v:sa S:3r-saS. li S-J- t TJZ 1 ''L,ar-' i-s The Red Cloud Cijie? A.C. KOSMER, Foprlctor TRIDAY. IAN. 30. ISSii Learning To Think. ?l0?t people in the world arc too Icr.y to think. They are content to let a vorv few do all the thinking for them when by a little mental eliurl of their own, they might pave many co!!ar and much happiiiCM and comfort. It begins villi the lazy tcholar. He wanLH the tcicher to show h:m almost every step of hi3 lcFon, only ltrmtt,' what the booki f-iy and that jarmt like, without undurUindin it. The thinking pupil htiiiiie nut only the book brt Uie rubj'tr, rnvemipitori for litms If, works mh a vili mid thinks ol more than the iwk iclfe him uii the euljceL The lazv teach'-r. work- m :i strove, lie m.iv read a ercnt lcI 1 '"it he dori- not digest what he reads li adopts other teachers plan.", tbink ,;it no newmethd8 ol l.ia own, w a 1 !opyist( has no originaht;. , nd nence j Dbldoin nltuizifl to more than mediocrif v , 1,1. prori,,,. Th. ...inlln, t.,,:!.- or avoicw routine, n.wjs aim jiiuiu u.u motbod-5 ot olhor?, and improves upon them Vtiih his own thought. Ifn t-cho 1 a not dull because he gets his pupiU to thinking and thu- keep thorn bu-y. He believes that every man a a debtor to his profession, and endeavors to leave his fellow teachers, t'ns legacy of his thought and ex per ience. rfuch 1 co;:rte brings him to j etninonco in Ids profusion. The ame is true ol all and e::.pln--menlh of life. Thinking or not think iug makes the diturence the man whom ue yay i- huky. enlerurii'inL' skillful in manaeiiiL' hi alfaii and the one wlioin wenvi.s unlucky and thriller. One think and then act, works lo good advan tage, and eiicccedh; the other works diligently poihape. but without tliink ing, and then wonders v. by he does-n't succeed. II wu ww-ct to tmiKe unv-1 tliiug of oursehes we nuiMt think for ourfehes. We eaunot gtt through the world Kuei,("du!ly by lorrowing other people'.- brains. Think fur lh:slf vn jrorwl li'oa, llllt J,l.' til tbi'H' t:U. li l-"l! r.:;Mi . (hud'H.liil Iruiit.-tS 1'iom '-ias Uy i.:hr- ?(Uii, C L. K. ItiMKMMKit ou can buy winter golf at lower prires 'ban 301: ever did belore in this e,unl i.t the .-ijuarc dealing one price Golden Kagle. Commteaioaora' Procooclinsra. Ki.i 0.olL, Nkii.. .Jan. u, ':,. Uoanl met puisuant to adjournment. Jacob L Miller. John Met'ailtun, I H Hampton, Cotu'rs. J 1' lbwha. Clerk. Board ajtpointed li It Kherer coroner ot V.'eh-.ier county fertile year lSS.r,. .1 Ji Miller, Com., was appointed a eommittcc to look after the rej-nirs on the bridge aeios the Hepubli ain river. ItitiwirL of K(J IViker .1 1 Guide Rock pre inct onleied to be returiiftl ! tohiiufor bill if claim mentioned m ! ----- f -- - . . his report licport ot T ,"I Cochrane presented and appioed and attached claims audited and allowed lei sistixl. hereinafter ! The following claims wero audited aud allowed and warrants to be drawn on Go Gen'l fund for lh same. tSiNiO "eivr. Co 4'e5 l'mtage. It It Slit'IXI 11,'t'h'lilr- IHIHK,T f i"i..l m titt.nru lv .1 Wanna s'i-iiJi , 1mji ttn. i'-r ItiH Jvl nwilf ie-.!n tjr tit; . 3 to o 1 ?-. :. XT. V tt t'l I'iMfiSnin iiM'tvvr iijr JL j Trennt.rer Bu- how made applica tion lo the boanl 111 writing for a ndli- lent Kiuouni to pay e.tra eleik hire. ociAfiuned ity tl e ruth in the payment ol taxes in the Tivapc.rers olliw durii g the hitter part of the e;.r. !.'. and i ftntinue jor .1 .)ort time Mrbtoaid in the extia v.i.rk on hand while pre jMii'tng f r bis .-emi-annual etthsnifut. lioaid gr.-nto! said a; hcaticii on cuttdUb'n that (.'bus. Bu-cbow 'hs.ll leUiin the execs of fe s of h.?- office if Hint til's ito nut execeo the Mint o. two Utmutth the centre )( the old distrirc. ! No 'M. Lomnienciag at the llepublean , liver and itinning south, totbetau 1 line, each raid district to be eoni; -ed I tf alt the land? from the llepubli.-an ? river Miuth to the stale hue and Uo j Kiuea tu wuJth I he now nnnl di-tnct -.n iho wct siio to rotniii the uumlicr l!4, ami the 1 t u iv.ail district on the ivit .-uii' to Ic iminltcr 40 nnd the jiropeny "f the rij;uml di.-trict ami lujids ol the -ntne ;i hocounllv dividtl 1 :d.-d the iintehtitltio to be eovm'dv di- vhied. hotwocu ti:e two ncu :ond di ; trict!. The follouiot: l.ia hir nook?, hlnnks ami ?utiouerv fnm Mills it CVi , Geo. It Lane. G":U;.t Miller it l-hclwrdon. Hctvj lVintttii; .'.mjiinv. GaXeite !lX. LU AUlill. 'Hie (hniiim Kepuhliain Co, (iooJ Warren and A (J Ilosmor. heiti" cn file in the Co. JM.I .. .,11!.... .,. ...x, . , 1 ! ' ,..., , , t ..' ,, , , , ! i-vi f-iu (.M.K11111111 i iiiv iHtnni ajHi i nuer due examination and cons:dnni. I - tion tlio contmetf won- nwrded nq -- rtllo-. Totfo P.ct Print Mitf Po,1' Oiouha, Xeh ; rovrd topK?. To Geo J yVrren and A C Homer. Iveil Ll"tid NeV, hUnl.s and stationery. ow mi ihi loth day of January, A P. 1SS5, Uiu hj.irtl, m ami ftr i etv:er j county, -lute ol Nehr.is4;a. to hereby ; ntiiUe ihf estimate of the ntv- J cssan' oxpeue for Weh-tor counts . N"jbraka fr the vcar ISii. a pr j it-mis nnd amounts hereinafter set 1 forth, to wirt ; Kercouatj xitcmtfw;.; Far rvWJitv hiV.iti f aA bVr uiit' rua.l I Jiut . . Kortsaltyb.:' fl F'T VHUliy Kill inii IhM.1 IjtXtl. . KVr twaiy swu; bnJjw mm. It Ctrr ::vKmtl Yoc tia.ile Kooi iusiuoi NajU :ut.t rvo to , SAO oj ' ?o r J L Miller and I R Hampton, Co ill, VO j "iini'rs wenj HttiiiitHt a com hMmhei. and t.ftv tlollar-. "i ur pre.-eniopptriuniues v.ui mn ; tuo--,; j . 8HjSifiV. Petition ot . 11 Toiub worth and begone, and thw under yrmr rare FI-.PS.'ckS 3 QsfLftS 2V Muen ouiers. iotuiuif inn iu: roai: ,,M nwu'ivu-u .-ii w sii.v 1 :;' v. a- . - m di?tnct No l?4 in Guile U.Hk precinct, up into mauho hi and womenhood -;-;' r5 1 ft 2 wa;ranluirtbedividine hue runtime ! Gone out into the great bu-y world tvfcx.l aWmj jMSpsp . -HK)K utter piling ur ui viotui ; 1- bniigcrv- the Kvpuulienn r;vor jtwi -Sl-g, ..ri?hoi-if d to nurtim.i tho si:n- ii . - - , . . :-- anxHUionscU to pur. . v : Cnnuft nmsVidn to ilo so aid all STi V P -, se ' term 2i7t MVWIW "J' j,...v t .U 1 t1.ililtl Fit ilit.t 'I k'laai "bt-,- " t ... .. ..,i,,iii i.. .....' it ; f r.r-!n ti rbcrav4 in:itr " V " --sB. i g -i - a m a u . "i m - - - j-. . .-. . 1 m wvt. . 1 Mk. 1 r i- t;- i.i-viika . k. mm. a m - '- - - - - mmr,mrimw a " - - - - "rHls iitJMO- , ,.,.-. Itilornoil JyrtsOlti,cccbUcbfT f- -H? 'uR.!'nl idi.iUrUtd tO MulUhlV 4tfb(U J ,vvurtit?pt,cc tc1r-V."iirarrf. Wfil- . 1 Act " ' 't.-arleJJc.iJhlicriAaiWbUaod.iafcasU: fesaFS ' J?hr. 3u. 1NS . , .. . Uhri i M :b auis'Utisa cr v. ic- RS'l,? - -A vii. i ..' 1 iht? tstcJ ad nervrt. - -I .X-. .T-. .-'' c?'f'..s. .1 'V . c.j . - : . -... . ,v,i v,. r . . -7 -- - . .-- vr -. -r.. ..k.... .11 imirillUIC. L.s M'V.RJMX.UlVUi.-vl .."-- , iS ..- " -" T - - .t - .BW. " - RED Cl'Jl'I) i'tlU'IT. ! tmtiina o!snmon recently nreaclicu liv-K'r. Geo. H. Hnjvrn, in the Baptiu church :it Guide Kock. Tonic, bur- T xl. HI Ktoj? 2M0, And a thy frr&st vra lmy hre and there be T.axne. Hyrla. wjii arrayed againl Israel. Two battle1? had Ik en fought in which the Israeli tea were Victorian. Ahab. iug over the ten tribe was irwlrucieJ by a t.ninhft nf Clad in tiirnrlv d?trov ihp Svriin 'in;'. Uenhadail. At the 2nd battle tins b(K waa capturetl but tfw let o on tlie promise of restoring to Israel, Uje citic thnt his father, iL-tdad had taken from ihern. A phrophet mt in the highway and re!ated an in rider.t n? apph'in: t binisCif, ttntin tr;.nt tl.e man plxcd in h:d care tu u:ird at the peri! of hi own life na'.l .-rped. The king pronounced jude mjit upon thifl ad the prophet to muYd the rn-k .md turned thu worls of A hah lnrk upon himelf as a warn ing fir letting Heuludad, the Lyrtan kinij :o. The wordi xjmmI in this warn- ir. are the word 4 of ihe text. "An thv wa- oiifv hr and therr, he w:t jrone. t Ihe 13 suzgt-tive to US in nr:iCtir;i life. fe. and using Ahab "- ' i -- .... - !.-- -- -- -. mj ft. ft -4' r v. i I't l". lwliu-t there k-soiis. First, as Ahnii , choen to give no qtmrt"r tt hi- enemy. So are we ealied np.ii to hold - KH ri n;ur wn. j ovi wlt',iOUt h..jng m-re orIe--indu- M.etl. iud theref rc led w.iy ly it. It ir trid of a young man of high standing in Home that he refu.-ed logo to the Amphitheatre to ree the gladiatorial contests. Iteing forccl there on one n-e.tniou bv tomradts he resolved to fchui eye am cars to all .-cenes and ounl-ro. i'!e. 'j he people touted and clapped their hands and he heard then, thu temptation to -re count not j,c j, -.itel. lie his ee, he W4- eutriinced, captured, for he be came a frequent visitor ever after. So with .-m, if wo look upon it with any degree of allowance, we are in danger of being cajitured by it, and destroyed by it. Wo inut .-hut our eyes and ears against this enemy of the soul to be .safe. Second, as Ahab was assured that God would be with him, if obed ient. .co have we thi-j as.-urance. The ilestiny of the soul is the important thing of thi life. We may be busv here and there in many ways u.-eful. but we should be most concr-nwd about our future. What we ma) enjo what it u possible to sutler is kiMVvn to (bd. hi tlu-1 knowledge he h:i? made provision. Wisdom in us is to li.-ten to what God is saying to us about the matter. Some ignore God's v.ay of salvation, G01I is (sovereign and the wisdom of these tvorldly wise must come to 1 oujht. Third, as Ahab was buuy 'Aith hi plans and purposes, Gnu's favor -.wis withdrawn and he w:l bi ought down by the cnemj's ar row. So with u-. if su busy here and thtre with our earthly transient a'fairs (iod'h spirit will be gone. Toe Milli liter v. ill re ended, the harvest p:isr and the ?oul uns.ned. How many example we have of busy peop'u till deatn overt.ike' them. Through a life thev iound no time to look afte- their aoi.l's interest. Tiie years have tlown, they are gone and unsaed Fourth, he was gfne. No more mi;ve words can be spoken than there, "he is g'iu" We look about u, only to ,f people bu.-y h're and there and what at? Things be'.oiicmg to time, and time onlv. Busv here and there till G oil's favor is gone, till d"itc is gone, till ife is oue and the s-oul gMie into the shadea of everlasting darkivs". When the spirit is tthisper liiij ''give ne the praise." of thine heart the labors of thine hands, the devotion I of thy life." it i well lo hoed th calj, ' or lie may be gone. .Some people are Iiu-jv here ami there with tra:o wen be diligent in busings."' I tit ride will not s.ive the soul. Some arc busy with household cares. ICeep 011r boiirP, but ho;veer well kept it will i:ntsau the-Tinl. Stime are bu:v with r. ..flit li.l-k Jrfi" n lit'ifirr it lu li.if.r.i.. i(li I4IT, MIIHTI . ft.B. V i l'fl'i at!e out the farm will not save the oul. Some are busy with pleasure well enjoy raiioua' ainusemerits but in nil tne rounds of pleasure there is no hope :or the soul. t friend?, we should not be so bu?y here and there with tins woiid that we lose sight of the next to which we are all hastening leath will iMino to us all and when it ei irus ail the profits of life will be bulauced up in this ht or saved ij 111 1.0-, n-i, 01 r.ii;u. , iimday .'ehool lynchers, in- j ty4uth, tho golden momen s , V: rent-. Sundav S'JliCtora of lf Ktect its temptation-, to ovcrtome " e- d.wn in the battle of h:e. I sn well yocr time and talent to prepare hem f r life's b ittle. You have ha 1 neuds that you might have hoim ftv means of aing. you ne-ieeted your uuty ami now tne; are gone. 1 011 v.-re Im.-v here and there and now thc re litoml yur rcich. ion mnv think of so::io in etoruitv vou :n:i:ht have lj uot nnd they lel to th Savior you did must sticiul ctenitv in 'utor darknc-. lat. There are utuav ed one; nil around ou, perhaps in j your own home. Tnoy will he 20011 J jjone. mw ir your time to t::y our i mIT with thjir snul'f interest, try nnd ; lead tiien to Chri-t and votir regard will be reat. Itn'H and pcralehcs of everv Vind mrel in 3u minute hv Wnolforda wiinitarv Lotion. other, This ! ., r.:i, ..'.1 1... i. i i.,., .1 . 'i " !;. ; V" "ft "- " ""'- i--i-i ' - . I .!!&! I .lb 5 BES7T3K& ? T!ilj nadicine, ccsibhiia? Iroa irth jmra Crr Ipryli. lJIrlo3. rrkrB tBti Ncatmlcin. I is in caiciUs? irusi r Kati of tt 9 a!!bo nad I.Ucr. w .Fi."tsy. A-. it b SO !-TZSi. &- Th jinin jc 'ft xborc trs? ij r-4 fVK jeij Ucei cn v?rtr Tait ta ether. M 1 ? IsP IH r;f III 0 ftlii 3 III H 1 i r2 " i THE WOlU.O'S t'Mdi. lSpdaI Corrrpoalence.l Xwv Orleans, Jan. 19. ISS.I. To ive .1 clear idea of trie mif -nificeoce of the Kxpojitson c ndi write a ihort dcriptiTe parraph J the contents of the variou detriment nd there is no better place to bein thtn the Government buildins:. which cov;r.rf two acre of land, contains ev ery state tvell represented in produr tion, natural and :trttficial. The cen tre iftce 1 monopolize J with tie United Stiitea nntterH prope- which takes in all department- nl Wn-hin-toa under dwtiiirt hend1:. Tlii? will be minnte'-y deicribe-l when reached. NH.ra-ka, on the ent cide, under the rommiesioner-hip of Governor Furnn.-, which v.- 3 the only grate rt.ftdy on day of opening, mV-- a mo.-t favorable appearanri;, and though all otht-r hd the advantage of hnnrovinj; on its de ei'ni, Jiolds "J'll with any and all. t!orn is king, aj on ii.-- wwli- the head of a monarch h inneniutijly formeil from diirreut colored grains of corn. In Ki. thw.-iato produced 12f,(K.0!Vj bu.-heL of the etaH" of HH-; 20. 00.K hn-h-! of wheat; I.S,0n.'t bur,e"- of oaL4; b),iiO -0 bushel- of barley: 4 COO 0 ry" ?. Ooij tl x. It h is 25 vr: iy.i I . . 1 1 1 . ' '".'' .'" - " "'OI. '" "5 o.j.iwi.- ' tJ in jrtui- it- ii?piiy ot ?pp.- eati ; iH)l us V- i-tJ ns ii iiuuiit. iii ill ijijr.u- Utv. a, its fruit tres number over '2. O'lniKiO in thi 'at'. SriPfimiMis nTnll grains and gri" grown on it .-oil are tiresented for iiHpection. In timber it -how- line quality, much of which i turued into us-fui and ornamental articles Nebraska is wrought intf let tors of hay .corn, and cerea's of all kinds f.i$ keeping the -tate that is nearest the cener of the I'nite.l States promi- nently be for1 the visitors' eyes. Shoop for Salo. I have for sale about five hundred high grade .Spanish, merino ewes, which I will sell On four vears time to any icsponniblc party. S'otes to Lear ten per cent interest, and to be well se ctirr d. The.-e sheep are all young and in good condition. IS-tf J). M. Plait. A few more of tho-e beautiful hang ing and stand lamps left at Cotting's. I'rices wav down. Stokky has another consignment ol that celebrated Guide Ro-'k tlnur whieh he 15 retailing at 90c. ee .'orey if you want good bargains. He propo-es to iv the people a chance these hard tunes. ?TEKoscopir views cheiper than ped i!ers can rU tbi m at Gottings. ilC POISON !M THE PASTRY IF m -- ".cv b. WjMfis&m w&mJiv :rr,t as?" j-y;j.u:i:t. V2lIla.J.-niiii,Omni?. e.. finrnr rk, Lrc:t:u.tf2a!uc,Cc ,at f-IIrjirlyal unt rnllratlkrl'rat: froiu Thteh tbcj uir jhhp. FOR STKSSdTH A.M TRCI2 FBUIT FLAVOIl Tiiri' STAND AL0X3. Price (taking Powder Co., Chiccso, III. St. Louie, Mo. Dr. Pnss's Cream Baking Powdir Dr. Price's Lcpulin Yeast Gems, Bi-i 3ry l!op YrwL ! MAlitf CT O.H7. QIUU7Y yGHTlEALTfireaEM SZ5 TSlSff T bc;t dry btj joaM In th w 11. tri . 1,, fc ,,!---. u ijjht. whtu and relt tw a ctir y?ndagUn.-t KSeu $.14, QflOOZP.9 5CLL THEMU riC r TBS Price Baking Powder Co., Ct!lCl9, III. - Lul, NOTirr. ok HEiiirrs sale BY VIUT'KOF A vTlX E'TTION ISM'KD bv xlie fifth jkihrlal il'itii! ronrt in !d ft'r tbecounj of Sf,tfr arl :.;: ot rLna. a:il ! me dvlrtiTt. in favor f J. X Hjrkanl. 'iLilntiff. aatl az3iut Jubn l.tverty. ilf-ntlint. I liavi krloil on th M!cH .; k-Ti!.-l -hU and ctattI an loc vrojcr Xy of the f.ii.1 JH.n I-veitT. tr-it- Two crib of com cnUtutc 5ix huuun! oc"i taJi cl. more or lri, n?; tno humlmt C" bnsb 1 of uat ni-r? or les. in li crana-v. all ou thr outh-nTN quir!T. Mxllun st. xnJxiu 2. rarjw 10. Wctxer county. '-brxJ:u. &icb 1 SaIl '.I fnv at ;bllc ..oJe, to tlie hhct trtddT. for cah. at tbe crib aint srairj. on :Ju Sftli day of Februan'. J5R5. at nt o'clock p. m to atisfy viiil xcntlo: ami rtt. li'.eil xLe ITXb ci.iv of Jsnaarr. 15. J. V. Wai:rkv. Sfteriff. Ily Gca W. tUI!. Icpur. LKAi. ot:ce rr HEP.E VS. DEFAULT ILAii T.EES MADE T in tfcp condition of a certain ciiai;! taortaa isaile. cxcctUcd and dellvcrrd to xr.? iKi or aboat March ifi. A 1 tf by "iUUin II. fcrur tt rayro-:t ot a cctain pre ni.-orr no of m wte of a'.d rKjrtrasr. nu-fibvibe viia WlUltai IL iroinn to rt. .. Aljnaij't and by him (Inly ao'rrst to tN: tm der5?r.:iS fr tk rrmciai t5 t - t ,'.im! doiiirraii-xxcn'rr-ir, is.;T5: Irwa fix dito lbcn?if. Tfce principal at.J wrrt arr uueruiU lUipa'd oq 5 ! trjt acd Wurtc4r anjuact at xni dale to lli suw of idnd and tc-n and .vrutcrn ojecl.adrtt:ti. !ot liTN. ia.1 said tn-.u-pac va ciren "i tt ft4 kw tng dcr;r d t-rxtai inierty. Xa-ix, CKc roapwt- t of Mini-jor'j ii'mra-ulv one pt-ciHt-LoJe cv. 000 vx. cj1 bitic; arc. utt town ri ov.k Iflc j-.ln-? r nwitraic iiily rompai!n. - con;4ctc -cS of Wtrcoertn rcpurt5. t-cariy ucrx. corrttU f -isty -ntoir. or.-.xmt nr:rcDcr t'ci Wi ron.' J' ooc Tracttcrcotwt of Itrjiy!vni. oo ilcKi-r-v InttsTiij voice?- Ratn- cr's directory. rt.r of.on Ixvs o VrJuu ioi. orrvtfitni. "o-r thtrrjurv 00 SatcnJjiy. Uw Jiin day ot SVirwv .c 1 uJJ f . .'r 1.-.- i !l In frail of Tip I one ooof. p. ia. ui " oi w : tlnar Jti-r? ol Xrcirr iocs c ! v-ntj'A.-i.iK'.iuuMi.TTtti n: &ea ikw. .rr. 1 w - . . .a m - . r -r" - -.r .. - .- n!Zht.- NrTJ-avta. .'' wjax r.tic a- x tiuo ; lb fc - "t ' wrsyh aw icvvrty 'Jbo df ribcd. or csih of t!i azo&i to aI- iv aid aniot a h xJ ird asd irx-e aisd srr- f .xdrr SUra ! tfc- of Uik..tMu. -e.5 ciK mU i.'?i rtfviTTir .irrriiirr jzc n-iit- 2ii :TSkrtkLelIra..5aL.JWTXlWs 1 J&n-J v?i2iat V ?A---;a r ', r rs. -,.-? -zs iT 1 !' 5 I? : IxW Rf" -?n a sa m r b-.r 1 j r - im. '".: 'i. v.m w Mm EV-1 3 .. 3r ,rm".iii SnsfnJrSr.ltol.-u-n r-firlns from !.ur W NK lo W'KJvw.h, 10 n,o:rr tbi tfl !? 3 W ac i.,Vi wi'!- siui '.av allb.lWU'.nUw firm. tUieof all inortKuce clrn hr t.v .-vll Chtr ifeiJ ' 1 P" A PTPnSP i!i:p The anil diyu Ji.nry. A " '- V 'V lo ' K Jarjo ,H, h.m 'Cn lo fc7- VVV HV B i$t2v lA ' m. .ATK5. tie M.J.r-cr.rtL for th primjr.! mru of on! . 1 tml&iM ladiltf H. B; la ocsy Ce 3teSr- t , - - . TVS dT1 v rt- UiiJ THE Underwear, Scarfs, Gloves, Csps And all Winter Goods. tfU j Therefore will sell all 1 which will JLHGAI2TS TO ANY ON SOLE AGENT FOR Selz' Celebrated Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Remember you can buy goods at prices which are Lower than the price of corn at present at the ONE PBICE, Square Dealing Golden Ea gle CLOTHING STOBE. C. WIENER. Iprf Q!qud Sterling, Packard & Western Cottage Organs pianos, Organs, and Sewinn Machines. Stmway, Weber & Paris Pianos. I wish to Inform the pooplo ot Wobitor ncd adjolohur countioa tht I havo openod a music storo on Wobator Avenuo, opposlto ?Iitt & Froo Lcmbcr pfird Ahorc will bo found 11 supply of Organa, Planooa and Towing machinos, which will bo Knld as cheap as con be bought west of tho 'Big Muddy," either for caoh or foa oosy paymont. Boforo buying oleowhero call and soe mo. J. S.NOLL Disoolution Notice L.Mr-1 Iif n-bj-ctvpii thit the rfp&r:nnliti IhMolatlon Notlrr Kot! I h"M'y clvn thnt th rrvjuirtn. hrrp:ftftvcWtr.e-ftnfn K K'"iJ W M.!Jrr. it.)'K b'iiliie uudrr th Jr" cfvjuirtnrr5h 1 1 anq r. narre f Kndr-r ft Milicr. ' inn a j .ii -J";-; i "" 'R : .. ----- ,- i,. .. . f. Tiiuri, ' ni" " --. t. K Budruw UiiO rawing from lb i. .... -- LirtKini will J.nn. &'.' ' V""V "'IT. w.iivt imj iinT rui aius am; i.-i" "" M.itiv.f ! tii altbilli du ih rirni Y.V..V M. ," 'J -. . ,, i.mmriir Ew'miii fit. Datdl the lXJj ilay of Jacuao't -- ' ,S8S- FINAL PKOOF NOTICE. Iind oCice. IHoomtaptoti. Neb . Jan. , ttV 70Tt n IS HKCJI Y (. r THAT TI!K 1 follou1c: chhI "firt-hm ftkd soticc of fcl intention b xnnXt-1 J. pff in urtrt of lu-vclahit. and tijj: itd pruof viJIl- men - .., . l v dnrT I m Smt Cloua. Nd. on Monday. IcbruiO 32, IMS tix; HKNKY WIHIMANV, H'd entry unUr rC2. fr : 4 a H. f ni, ue H ws. 3M-. H- aan the fouow-inw!tiJciv-topnni?hi coc.Ur.ia rrlnc wpon and ctdttru'lon ot aJd land. ix - Grrtiard Ohtnt-d'. Jc-bA lUrr. Jti.n scrirscr. Ditttxic Votor?. ait of 1U . V. rtwnzjui. Islur. XOTICfc TO CREOITOE-5. OTATEOK NHBILVaKA. rED&ThB COU o r In 1-rbatc ... In pcobjcc cocrt in ami for aid Hate and couutv. before IXv U. icicr. jsqz- 01 court. nottc is i'errby z1t thai cUira and -maali of a3 pcr-a araXs: Jofcn 1 V aoc. d nH.v :ia!Uir vl.Ure of ti r.ock. tc rtM:ftrcaEXy, Nrtr.Vs. HIr rerrxved. rz- cjl3 ani ad;uJd br P"-, hraiitv a: Uw: rcsndar tr-n of Jd court u t- brl4 ia red pt .old rncrsty ssd tx: I a: tb.i oS t ;rK? O YSrr. rtyun?" Jtdr la i o-;or!-:rt-coatty.brasx. ',-rx-t ia ibe un i1t u Jdy. x D.15. blc Ji: t XNe zz;., 7T.v?. v ?ai 1. vatv- vs9. 10 ' pcertit tiscir'-ciauB u j-5 -jirotnx. & aoid cocrt tw tsixruiaa aJ sMwa - rccIou. bited Sttl Ckwd, Nferato. Jaosary. l U3. CxiOf.T. E.Vrt'-. Jaa-3 fcyC A: Kcmy. fcjr ailorco. MWBATE XOTIO: 1 orxr HHrrrer i: rrs thit TAnrrii. ; v, Mi o-ac . t i 1 t j'c In Xi "" .r": lUz. t . . ir..i;-i.i-v.. T! iu:r a.vit . i. i m win cs.j - '- i--r::: 'zi rrr . z. i. i v:. tvi.jLi.1 afrTxii.rxiA7r ic luct r.&if .m i'v . rr r. . i i z . a ., i-Jl.JSi, Tr- r.sT- ftf' rrtrrrkrr .-i. I fur Us heart; Hi xul ta. a -r?tii ti m 'A j'--3 . I 8 t VTcTr :-r- .. . -. r- j . Sto'riTl.r: - - . t?Sf j f!5 ?!f S-irJS i f . -- ' - -nf (f f UVU -U.1VJTT 1- .- S ssjsO it of our ffoods at prices niako them fl LftiM. NOT1CK, UTHKRKA! Vr.rMl.-r MAS Frv MADE in l!t! urnii'Rl of arrru- fluU-lmortr. r ilal- Jnuio' ?UJi. !-. aal HJ1 m Uwr rti hJrMtrt .ini!.1flfi do'!Ar. wl'h t-n t-r rrat. k ,.i tiiXrrt from lat Uscrf, Tl!; trrb c :al and !:ifrnt no ivtr ard m.;all on fl tki ;nnrit st th' dit f?b- in of or hundrtt hit. -n jii-i 'I'rft lotIa-v SaiJ ro'r.tazr r. js -Jti on tb-' f-! ue d-crttcI rrr ) y 'T'Tti ' vw't 'Hi rrdcow. xxtnizjirj.rramt Iv )jn. jrold.oTe rri cow rrur old.oor . - ..- --,-- r rcn cow 4 roan m ut'i. ucg rxij wrt on i4 sd MU lin!nl ni r.l rnk nH .,m nt tr.r. V" tM 1 - '-r. - ' - t -':-, - -:i -- janinc cair, r rm jrirnmr aui, ust&r with thr incrraAc of xil of tb aorf d?critl proj-rtr. Now tlcr 'forr w; Ja:unLT. yj lift dAT of finiary. 1?.. at 1 oc ock IV M in front of ad ClHid .VAticroal lUr.s. on Fonrtii Ai-nu-. In tb town of hI Cloo.. wefxr cuiy. ibraJca. I vhall rfl at f3illc zivtMn U Un btrbct bdr for cab tb jcott!t ayn? d-vn'-fd. nicrtbrr wiUi the lrru. c.os.:lc of Jhrr caUe. or rsoczh of tr vim.- to a lrv ald sm of one tinndred aad t!-!! and IW dofiar. aad lb crri of :n. kfrplas, jwiTcrtalrs i.-d rUisz wW projcrty Dird. ItU OouJ. Ntb. Jxnaarr. 31. 1av Fuas It. Ocir. Real Estate 1 0000 Acres B. fc M. RailvvayLanbs ! "WcbatCT COUEty at from $6 tO tlO ji ,,, TO U?13I9 Improved and Unimproved Inda .g-- trm. Svorl wa watered Stock Ranches nt bargains. n. "W". KALlTr. ACQtL Red Clotsd, Kcbt R. E. JTs. Prwn Jb M V. fr First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB: . , i. zi 75,000. s ..mmmmi m h. '-- I rf i W i bii. ? i II Ciraitr wrrsfcu AJ Cct7. Vf- Hs i rcai Uwtnct ti. ifrttiMa '. iUcx slfatcroK-K X.DW Ji. Kt. tr.wu. r.i-tei -. . .... . . t... . THEH I i tlLm 1 ioose. "Honest. Tea is .!KALhRl"- iood CLOSHING, m Groceries, Q,ueensware &c. RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA Fro delivery to nil ptrta of th city. C. L. COTTING, 'j3& 3K9h . M- rsivasS' W? JAi3; -t -rj; LC'jVlfV Mim and Bookseller . OUR PLATFORM. 1. Wo buy only tho Puroat Dnum and Modiolus. 2. Wo buy ror cash thoroby obtnlnlac tho lowo prfco 3. Wo ooll for cash and nlvo our cUKtomcrs tho besofli of or baala. 4. Wo onrry In stock tho Inrgost nnd most oomplst Rd off Sv and Stfttionory in tho Vivlloy. 5. Our PorfumoH nro tho nwootont hm tho lmxul O. In compotmcllnir Proecrlptlona woiuw 6jtilbb3 xtrnrta, I - und chomlcnlB, -which hrvvo u world wldo roputntlon for parity. 7. Wo omploy a thorough and competent: Phftrvutcbil tu ivsiit tnnt. We invite one and all to visit our store aril examine our stock. Goods not in gtcck will be obtained on short notice. iiiDsmnr ososoiDtst -:- rs Lb a l-w m. J m r ' 0--! .-. m" -1 v.i f wmm mm i mmmmmm -9r7 MARSH r Vjkc k jL2sjr jSry - ' v ' - "v & t .- m 4KCK0niH0C0f000 BR . All prices cut hard fiib i - mwn ui oooooooooooooot utot o - 040WMWAy,fL000--0 Stssck is Fill if k:i w x Mss ! Ladies' fine underware Elegant line of ladies Cloaks' THIS IS THE Cheapest house in the country and Largest Stock to select from The Guide Rock COLUMBIA & fcrtuae Kock, Webster r UU.-.STJU.-IX.Y MAXtTTAOnnUMS 53 m3ToaAi or Family and Patent FEED, Troa ttw whw! uuAli wtteh - - mvsc XJZy Cerrt&iMcoei ?lljtsi &c? the Best Policy' 9 and IIGR3 HATS, CAPS, km SHOES W .11 i k4 - fr5 r i 'H down to suit tho times OJ-V TIME TO BU Flouring Mils ! CO, Propi&tora. County, our, M ( ETC. thr L oMwKarafi .o. sj ia 21 krac d Kft5?& s-"- J Gk O. T cjjcx, tui:. Je J , . tSiATi- r&e&s&. . i rr-J '-. JL 69i n. j-i?: s:1 . L JI -..'- 4 Jr -f- -. -S, I51 1 S7! i.