The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 30, 1885, Image 2

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tj '
vjr t i
i C. NOSMER, PoMisber.
South Carolina has ho divorce
IHJj WUlLLIf Al llAHlJll. ,,,. In cerd -xitL tee and crew, t.
A Summary of tho D&U7 News.
' num'-d.
The general nf.n-nT aj-rat of tht
Katrn trunK iinM. hit o proirncr.-o. iu
CONG i: !t ! ON A I-
I.f the Senate on the l'Jih l!r. Cok
If the Senate on the iah, la accordant-
with a rt-olut.ou adapted IX. V sn'to --t
1 cut.:on at Chlcaco on Ui 2Lx, faild to or-, appointed S-.n.l Attant ..rsraat--
rive at mr ay-re-raeat for th- -ixi-tm? paa-1 Ami and a-urncd to th .iMr.a! cotaitdttt -
... i j t rt . i ' tolntexi-ratcter.aeorhod r,d A tit, J
WBXT ratw, and ad journal indefinitely. tbe bill lJ.xn-lured were To j.mrot th s L
rta IXIII to I'rwMhlt ,llm l'r-m ttaltltwr.
I ntl Woman u!rras- JIcutlo
VrAMirM.To. Jar oary -I lleon-scata-
v Oate. of the Cuniroiti-M n laWJc i rni Wo,i.ty. date I Korlu. Jarwrary
Land. :rcwirti a rex-jrtoa the 111 to rtrt-
.....i.. ,..n iiii.,..n.i., ..r iw. ...,.-,.. urotxTtv ol jir. man, xae Americas .... , , .... i n .i. t ...,-i .... .. uii. .i
.ilLlll 11. llll. .ill. 1111' I V r 1 1 AU-ll.Jkl 111 a. All V 1 1 V IITflllllll ' "I.ailBlBIF IH1I SI SB T - H J I M 1 II I1ITI lllf Ii:iMII i "r B-a I1B II - i-um
-? . i..i- .... 4 . . . ti.iMir.fir.iri. !n the 1 lr- of Skve. Thev Wert ... II,...-. . n,.'.,,!.,. ..r .-I-.! ... ......i, ... ... ... i XV- tV-Af
iw HU-III.-1 .uiirii- i min-Jui-"i n .......... -. . -- ,':-"""T"" "' ''" l-""".V I ait!. Iia Ti.rfrftI In Xhi 1U
Tt UrUUh rntrr thr ' nirr
t.. I'nrrri of I I US!I t'I .ftr !
jvrrkt i;ncC'mrnt r socrtl.
VF'- A'1B T " - -
to- rTrl at the War i&r fnwn (icn-1
f, ntrl ! th $mrm um.1 l.-
. .. .. ... ... . t ""
ami wJ.tJi.X ci.ri. .wr ail Jftkj. I ""- .- .v,-. . .mv ..w- -.. ;f-t w.fV Xa
t r nj.j.',:.:r.l rii nj.n jt.on f Mr Ns- ' iivommeXRlatkin that it ra, Mr. 0lr ; The rrN4 jwh
;Mk jv m. iiirti rva-t snlOAiitJv . M- tmttf. b er-Ury I "Utr t
roracfwrtit t1tn a rftWia of Ow MahH" ! frlr. (. J toUi A .
tl., Ab Ka r .. jumx
mrtolM from ltWt t wr eetmMym rrMr wi
(iiHU(m lu ri-k'arl lo liiv !i-atu of si'iiator i protnitvl in Il"w ctiun by inti- yx vrn
Ik. . . f v....... i. t. I'fmirf. .l..tAM ., . I.. . ...!.... .. ..!..... ta - . . ....... '&.. !. . 1. ...flfcilaM ra.f.
. . t . .i-rfi u i I-tmi. (.'nriHiid. InalK mhJ othi-r- ih Sitw 1!ot !trorti. arclnnch oorinrwi 1 Brluit-1 thnx a. wk- of rmrom f ihi I n- )0n. rtmm,efl &KJinM i.j ""T " ihiii irft w ' rWk U waMrtiri
AN Abcnlcca phicia !e-cn!M-.s a at olJliUm,, ' u, lht. Mouw. lr rillfua .,0.nlivJn Vorthera Iutlv. la tn, ln.,lluu- ",u" ,rt"'1' i :. tkcr u mn icamiiuUo ccstat Out: eeruin WcaH V rT ?Ji IJl iim. W"4 wWr M,n,,7.
oJ.,.rfw.orJftff.vf.rin acanarv Trfi i n-oiutlon mjiinn.- f' '. w,wra Z"' ,u lw' ",s J ,tot.r s.nnctii. ! w,....i a. j--rt..a , Kllt. . Min,1I(,!iv r..-.! Kit r it Uy I- UML H4' ! lln Mt tt effort trunt v-
CJUH! OI i-canet. XC r in .saii.u . , tnr.. aU)nr. two iiuri:rel hvr wen- lo-st. u...,n...nii.,P,ill,.!r tk. , r -...' ji r.u:or'. muKiiixUy ji.Mut-i. at .. M .-i.i rma iMr to Aebt w w-
, ' s oi niz John I'orxtT. with tlif ucconijaii)n.r Tho crv vi th? -ntmih'i cooM 1 Jw- -cho.I LiimI-. : tltv '. nml li-mtn.lmr a J ic-rjulte! tltr now own in tJt xzgtrxMt (,-twtal tw-41 tw tto iUttKMH rf Ja ! mi "" vww r
Tm: mwrt era,- is to collect mil Kmr, -mrtly hr.l in wmrof the rlllai thai . JrSS"u u" SlOPOwn arrr, in thv .thrn. :.r 14 C Non ..n tv,.Ktl c.trle. S " "
kilitLi and sliapcn of parlor laiupa. tk. llutiu' coiihot all oorrvi-puniluacv rt'Ja-, were taulfw!. Tlotiaad of oIUir u rr. i 'Joe tntrtiuciiin-ii tnli loliowil. Ju-n i i,ute. c ltave lift ut!!c.oi iufwtiutu 'vt rami vn hi itfrt M mochinr -inxl UpH M
1 - to Jh- cHi-.l OUHliom lanU In Hi- ! aS. wo, k i-ndfavr.nn- fi reach the uahapio ! l,,1!,,r,,,C.''mi " rrM,'Vt: n, .hTih " 'o tato in u tho ot.'wt ia! :rMr I- ' frW ""'" dr tiw' npK ""L ii CUry. 4rtfti ?A.- I '
- lii'Mun Territory. ioixh-r with Inronnntion . i Rloj.t!. tt I'nir i V i !!.. au ln M n...? ni . iai irw . . Uj j jX v.. " '
Tin: famoin ahfll ntad l NVw Or- to xh- pr.--jt rou.Jitlon of xh rntrf-1 P1!'0 ,. . . . . Tlioina- ! K.T.nunl ami J. w 1't-srmuti havt I , jrartant a Jt 1 ci-irrai:i-M in ., ,---.-.i rt -inior r, !ta"l ' ifc '
-it i i -r-Kroufnir...toI the nitcmi.L. at thi-uc-' GesukaI. Hatch aarroanded tb- OUla- -v n oux hj a:.n nnI . rxl. ur: I it b . . , ... , -L!,i r'li onwr . i w llr I cltnl MAN
3eaiH M :i liowlfvanl f almost .nowr ruimtlnn nr uch !nitN A ftrromMMrlla. j . .... iaien at t-'tilluittr on th. N " 'tur -f mnmuu retort. tht j aml.r tM!irx. Jhteabns v i .i-Wriit t,r,: jwart tM.crl win a fc , ,ar lt. HW r I r.eJ iww
ivhifi.n.. tif.nrlv ln.-fi hundred fe.t i""try .parriUj.'. xhy Hou. u'Journel. ! . , . , ., . , . . . .. ' nt.ft-; : .nr.- -u- M w.- m- ' owmTM;- i.!. In thr ront i.i t ait. Ica.' ti.. i. ;ht. T rot tm u; ft ftrH j
mvhikiils-, io nunurcu ic-i ..... ,i, !, Mr M,,mi, ' i!d, with the tnU-nt:oa of tarring theis !! .t h ,.sl ti.mrn.t tw r nh th ' ' , ,, , . ... , . m, T ,K. Btw, rtr .. . .' k , .-,r m-t.v iUl. .
v.fu...rt.i iL.Mta.i. i lumi " Fv-' . . .... . .& &
". r. a . . fc . fciai . ... -v.. .! . ..w"t..
Tiik Ju'p .salt v.fll at liay City,
Mich., completed Xn a depth of 2,.j0
feet, ii e.j)ected lo produce tweulj
threi; jails of brier- per minute.
A voiN married woman of X-w
York, who ha been addicted to paint
ing Imt lips as well :ti her cheeks and
cyfla.hej, it now under medical treat
ment to redncxi the j-ize of her lips,
-which have become Ji'rribly enlarged"
by chemical poi-on.
TllKt.'i: is but one place in the United
stat where gun cotton is made. Until
dx months ago the navv was obligl to
depend iiion England for all the gun
cotton Used, but a manufactory ha
lieen erected at the torpedo -tation.
3j"Wport, and now produce-, all that i
rejuire! for Hea-going men-of-war and
Somi: ten ears ag a French emi
grant named Farre landed in Truxillo,
Ilouduru-, withotiL a ( 'iit in bi-, pocket
or a second coat to hi.-, back. Tin only
thing of ain value which he owned was
an old siher watch. He sold the watch
for four dollars and began life n thi
capilal. To-day he U worth a fortune
and livei in tine stle in Faris. He
made all his inoiiev in the impoit and
export traile of Honduras.
T.v Harbadoe-, one Sunday, the caj
tain of a vesel from New York saxv a
very important colored lady, gloved,
j-hocd and parasoled, walking to church
with a bare-footed colored .-ervant car
rying her bag ami prayer-book. lb
vasatoiiishivil at the lady of color being
able to keep up -o much .state, but wa
told that the couple were .-isters, anil
that if he would only wail until next
Sunday he would see the .situation re
versed. Ni'.ai: the mouth of the Sutro Tun
nel, in Nevada, theie i-, a Miiall lake
thi- water in which is kept'coiitiuuotish
warm by the hot water that llow-s
into it from the mine. Kecently
the mine .superintendent sent to
Florida for two alligator--. When they
arrived the temperature of the place
was twelve degrees below zero, and the
alligators were barely :ilic. Upon
being put into the warm lake, however; l
tliev revived and are now growinjr
Fkom the reeonl d inundation-,
which have for ages been the -courg."
of Holland, it would appear that dur-
thirteen centuries one of the
Hoods has occurred on an aver
age; once in .-even ears. About sj
hundred years ago the ea broke
through it-, lv-training dkes and
eighty thousand persons are -.aid to
have perished. It. a .single night in
1 lM. eventv-two villages and oueliuu
tired thousand human beinjr wre
w,l)t away.
one leavM who dt sired. JVc
-t.ttiik. i.r ifwi i tl. tn.i.,. t. Tnr. i ilrinc KMIl) IK fiOIlP.
ritomitK-iil.'iiliiiinHl.'M.i!. h-i,u-.1 l, the rT .. - ..i..,.t-.i f Pl..!r..?.J,.l.f.. t,t tx.. r--iiJ clultus uri Ixtli mi tht-m
" " . .'- --- A 1 .- - .... ....-. b.. . ......-..rM... ... fc- . ... .... t, . ... . .., .. m - .
... tu, J.i.i.lll ', ri ,(tivi ,4. UIK'I V
v'm'M ri nX th- , P n ( xrrt'Hu'it lt
trtitrt jtiatters ttrfurt lht !! u ..
niifc- no upirx,j r l ti f-r fit- .n nx l
Urt of
l- .... !..... .1... .....I ...I if ...... ..........
TM-n-o-i-.' to M-ttiv Oicreon. i.m! ' l eniMVlvanm ltailroal nitt n rtt j cnitxeax Jiin-clu-tlon i ohta.m-.! as to xhf
n-u-on- for the -ii-n-. together rth any I l)uad fr.i;Lt rcUi, buttliv otlicIaN mv th p-iMlty of ihc-v .-a d t-ti rontnu-t- A Ml
other infornintliin in blr io,.ewon ;ariDt.- ' rf.mimav w.iuere!vaien2iineiilt I'..'.1 ?,..t',,.,T.r: .,.r.!.' ,"' ' l"" i'' n l
upon tin- eiiniiLr eontrover-y a inn wn- ' . -.. "" " uj,-uhh-i
x!th the l' Intrrests ami Jri-e Mifit'tKn.-
of the I t t.l stat-s. 1 f c Ji t.! d:&n ful
la Uh
ttftiir-- I " -.'
-trwirt taijra fl tl -J' XU -rty n i j.a -a tWlM
t.i ih'm- attv-.ia i:. i-ut :h trixd biBta Mb'it m
rotie, l.-t rrl "teftXt Tell tvll fcl ' H,-'
reiHirXril fatorutiii from the ( ominltti on lV "tuf r lin-.
1'iiMIe IjiiiiN muktnif iniid the jnri line of FuhdsnaM Dx-rrra v.v. a wealthy fanm-r
inimr- vriijiiirji ii iriuii uii-iiniif-ri'enAiii t-ir
I The tivnxt' was not
.--- ... tf& -SIaa & V & k mw m9 W Bi bV . B, L.A1.. 1 . TL i .. I
The'll thru iiroct-eded to ,pk "' "'r ji-m.-nimi utoi v hivhv me lonoum i-..i iri-rr inir:ioei 10 pn-
eon-ldenttloii of hill"- on thi- eah-ndnr on the othT dav irv malrtn,; ta dollar coua
tldi-ratlon it the lnter-Mat- hill was th-r r
irevnJIin In th. Govt-rn
:tl and aIo:i. Itu--s:a
oi M-iMtor iiilioin to tiikc oui a-i , ,i,., ...... i, ,.KVs .,. i s,,.. i.r
i.ff. -r Hi.-, iiitf-tiinj-rlitn-i-. biili.t.tnle tin- I A UIHIL IIIA K? p1 .31 MX j, L.X
henate tilli. IVtnllnv netion the M-n.ite w nt ( CoiiutV CJerSc H. 1. .Scot ua arrest-dht-t'
in hf.,-fon on the t " Jur ,:M,ir- taTr sr"u v,!l JtitllVr Ul"n
the tura ox ti-sitaou.ix oi a ropwt Hwrrras,
ttf jjMi'..ition and u.t.lh. an-1 h
The II'Mi-i- hi Id a Sort -it u. when i
siiK-ration oi me inter-Mat- urn wa-, iu-r r- rfi-i' is..i -,
-limed The lloii-.e (e--nfi Mil wra-- taker ' vtlv "
troui the cateiidiir iuuI read In lull, and! r-auivk wa pr
a lout' delmte followed on thr- motion mentj of Archnnt
Mili'furH f(ii. .'mUit'l w:i n .' ml -ur-c
. ti aun ;.d tin initwintl u-de. to a tint .5
I h-csla;i'Hi. Jue cutifcrteil ujon ali-jti
c . t.i aun ;.: tin initwintl it-tie. to uinet it 1 .';-' i-- i-jjo ij-i- i ctj,'"
art net to provide a -'-ti-ni of ivvimhh- to j b treatv stipulations, CM:umotx tan or the
j.iv-1.1 e,.mpi!ed -Utility or 1-1. r.-.atmj.' x liw r ,witj,.;is. T1k Mil herewith reiorti d
to t'rHieh.MM.n. reread a -e.oi-d time r. I un-.-e. as n Jitt of the fotel-;tt jtr) ot
trrd to api-roprmtc eoimuti e - and or .this routitry. to opernJe ial,
detiil jiriutett The r-hit on rdMt'nrMc- ami, then-furu, not lutr-h.-. . U, preVettl al
i-Iltiit! friifii uriiilr.iii' titli- to mil! iivviiIiil- I i i ittii1 i-liil I nf ("d'niifl MiiiiImhi. ol
laililntheliiU-.lMiiti--4. lie IJoue tliei, ' n-n,,,lloro m Ml Qllt ul :h,. UVJMr Unrn
went Into ( oiiiiulttee of the U lime ou thr Iti i
din n Appropriation Mil, and pendlnsr d-l.nt
iiiiiilie lii:ne-.- wa-. supeiifii ami in
ilriie pToeeeili d to pay a Iittlnu' trih.Jte to
the iiiemoo f ! hite .loiin lb Kmois. nt
?outh Carolina Knlo-.-lstle dilre-.i-, were
maile and the oi:-i- uiljourned.
I the Senate on the -Jlnt the resolution
of Senator i'liimli In r 'ard to the Oktahoina
lands went over one dnj, and the Senate jiro-eerili-d
to the 'onidertton d tie- calendar.
The hill to f-ta'il-h a owrt of Appeal-,
u-a-. ron-dered until cut otT hv Iimita
d'M'i. a dlstiiiice of thirty feet, and wu
fatally injured. Uiios. &. Co.'-, colliery nt iJrtfton,
J'a.t has sa.-o'ended operations on unsyunt
of water. All piitnjis aro in netivo heivu-e.
It u ill take nearly two week-, to remove
the water.
Silas M CAriin.vrv, apmmincut farmer
living a few mile.-, west of Vmeennes, Intl.,
was kicked to death rectntlv bv a frac
tion of time, and the Inter Mate Com mi ie j
ill taken tin, mid the deliate eontimieil until tions liore
a im-MKc WH-, reetixed from the Hoii-ean- ). thr Narrow faue Iladroad, hetween
neiii.einir n.e action or lliat i.o.iy on the , r - , r.n,.v.tI,. Inw.., A A. Hauul-
ili-utli nf l r Kl nil fif llllth f llrtillllll ll. -f i T '
the .-emit"., adjourned In the Hoii-e Mr. ten, a l.rakeuian, while in the act of placing
Kelly, irom the Committee on Way- and u MUtcK pit hi foot eailizht ina fio. uud
Means, p ported a Mil toantliorie the i--tati- , . , , . . ,, , , , ,
lM.tnenx of an export hiin-im tor IO.m-o "'-hmer limlw were horribly maiiplwl.
.MicitKTAUY (.iiwiiixit lini received a
cuauetinication from an American reMdeui
mannlaeliirers and allowing drawhuek- on
lmMirted and in niiiinitiictiirinv ei.irieI
f i ttttWSt. Will lit fhtl.lflffl(ll llll I tlI f It tt
Appropriation hill, piililie tni-mi .- "f Nice, I'ranee, sayiiijr the ollicer.s of tlie
pemh-il and tin-ilon-.e proeeeileil to the eon I I'nite.l States steamship Lancaster w re
-Ideration ol tin- .-enatu reholutlon n latini: j . ... , , ..:....! ... .1.. . 1.... .. .. 1 1 ...1
lothed.ath of Senator Anthon. ol ,,(,. holding hi'h carmwd at that place, and had
l-land. Kulot'l-tit addte-t-. weie delivered I roundly ahiisid the Secretary of the Navy
and the House adjourned I U)l j,, !n;. ordered the vessel to the t'onyo.
IN th.-Sennto on the lJd the Oklahoma j T,c SL.t.rctlirv i,aa written Ufur Admiral
resolutions of Smators e-t and I'lumh I ,, jj,, vtm'ul,.lwUliir the Lanca.ster, foi
eame up for action, when si nator est witie 1 . 7 .. ,. . . , ,
. , ' ,...,, . 1 I iiifoimntinn on the .-abject,
drew hi-re-olution In dolnMi he took occa- j ...... ,, .,
Mou iohiiv there could he no dotihr whatever 1 At U tifhiiitfton. I'm., recently, n wa.-
, ,4MO
offeri-d a rr-iOlution that the rn--Idr nt Pe
r.-oue-.tiil fi ltilvlor. 'the mite 11- to the Irtlt lr-t
.11. !. n t.-ift i !ie.t.- 'aul lir. a.!.
t.m" atex and iVnritoriev" Hst I CO
. . ,. . . .1 . . ,- ... . ..... . ..... t J 1
T.iiir i.r tii- 1 ior.rnr!!ni tieteioiore i.v 1 mi iiwrw, i-i at- ,u w-.-i- - .
wardj. aJin-has beMi charad.Vriiel byjereut I Su" r-flfhat 4 smi mmtd I j.j jr.
1 hUerulit ai,d the d.tfetert -Ut.x ea hart '' tr l lonxanl ..tji,c '! 1 . rM.T.OTVT
fuie itt tl.e I.e. of a , wrr. AM Uw
in- wor o fiK. Tnt ltr(UM ry
j---e-'. ittottad U.e riwu) '1 ttx flaa. hare
tac tltrtti x Rto aUarl or Is- Hjit-x u aa
Lit tiyitvi the the enjoye d , tur Ihnrtuy ataJ a ll ff
raiiuuu enrarre HHUtn
a Hrrtiraivo t ttt
from oir turn. ih -twnir - anforta
iMlrSjr i-etu-timl.-l ahuwt tt letl rnr.
n hru ra.r and mat I trcimrn; t
into irateeutivi- -1-.011 In the IIoum- a wj'.h embezzling 5l,JJ of the ; prIrtitn om , ,t rU to d.-fnii the . h i -. s-olutcrl' cituenor sitbuvb. of uUnr x.attoa.. i txttion hj 'Jrt wrfatbl of tmatthfrv
Mil vra, reported from the (ommltJ'e on 7 , 1 1 .- . r .it of the state at the , w iir.imt, 1 i.-.tln J , ., . . ,,. j Onrl V.dV f rkral -ttvwaix
1'iil.llu Liolds iinihlMtltitr bIi.-ih and for I "ixutv. money during ht.s term of olhce. . ret. rred tothe. . mmiiiee of the W ,.;. ! so lone a-thev adhere lo d triaiu tWf ;Timiwvl.t. 7!., . wl2
and made a -p..-'al opler tor Wi.'wsU) 1 oJiesiaiH-e to oilier jtowrr-, inmi aoiuinns - nni otw riw w
A.ljourtieil until 1..JJ Monday.
The moot important L.1I- introduced in
xkc senate on tlie lHh. .ic, auu tHtlnir et
tl.ui ! of the iinititiitlon. Joint re-., utioii
and meir.'-rml to Coiure-s relatiiiK to inter
,ri.4 ICUtti
IllMtia- titU
Mate eoiiuneree. proud n:r tor n -tat.
ie As linn nt .Nor'olk IS.- wer
m hs inarr
n.,. ....1.... ..r .......... ..m ,. tfi.i., ti... i...w. a etMiimatiitwr. aat taw ax.
.iL..f...., ,.1 ?i... i'n.i..i s.).K w- I n-ii U br ataval uf Xh -lIantr mhI I r.vppv
'a .' . - j iintifiit -.-.. . ..
1 i
a - mill iimi
and rt I. rrel A
en- r-H.I
wa- uitoptecl ituHir- lurtht- aiaeii.iejent-eto--i-d
to the Animal lndu-tr Mil pius-t-.f V
ont're . and tin -e!iate.!j,.irins! I nth
lliiu-oa nu-ohitjoii wa- ad pl.-d Hint a com
mlttee oj tle In to -t! and n
pott upon i!ii 11 nil 1 '.im nt the ,
)'ui;n (till- wi to mtrlue.-t to provide tor
takmtlieeen-u-: to aMIsh an xhoii !.-r
tlie lii-aue m th e. utrai p rtionot tie -tat..
j to reiMilate tin- ps.-niT fare line taritf 011
rrt'iioau-. to prevent ute-priveM 1 inievTiou-di-eit-e
ainonir diuie-.tii aniina - tml mauv
otln r- Me r- He!:. I C it . :i. Holiirt-ou,
lSurulutm and Nlelml were apiHiiuted bv tin
Speaker n a committee to i-t mid ln-pel
the Airr.i 11ltur.1l 1 arm djourtHsl
Tux: proceedings of the Senate on the
.11th were uuimport.iul. Itlllr- ur n-ml a
tlr-t t'uieaud hill- tiom So f.s to -,', read f
-eeond t me .md ref. rn d. win 11 tin S. nnte
went into omuiittee of the XV hole ou billi
on fMe, alter w hich ad'ourned In the
Ibu-ea r -nt on a-kiiii. tlint tin- mm
f'oner of Pulilii Laiid- be in-triii Ti-1 to
lurui-li tiiu ilou-e with uiime- ol nil 1 1 -011-who
luive h ii-eil land- ln e I-n n
adopt, d iiiiiiii.' the bill- introiliii 1 ! w ere
To ieiiiie 1 . mm 'I"iea-urer- to ill.- t.nlam e
-lieet.- 11- co'Iei..(ii-. to make tailron.l- t ta;
tolal uaMV IbMl
Vuxrtra, kxm Wii H
that, a- the law !ood, the Oklahoma land- j struck at the Hounh Well at a depth of ami umlutalu -latum in town- oidl.lo-Cvu t .jlt. I'hob- V. Ci.tu :i- I.Vv
were not at thl-time -uliject to s,.tt,..t I t.. th.. -rert I ' v l:.ii:i - hav tut- p. piilatlnii- ..f -'Ot 1 M!v ,.., nr..-ii t -ut s.,N,., 1, ,!,..,,
b white 1 pie The Pn ...! nt. th.r.-toie. , L f'; ' " " aimoiiM.ur ,,..,,.. , ,,nn ,,,',. r . ,,, llt , . ' P ''" At ad ;o..l I itmvvai
was umibietoilootherwise than liehad. lone I well. I'nliiu wa heme; coatiatleii rail tave-m lu-taiimi nt-. to ex nipt pel - oner-. I :u,, '"tun- hoiuit.irv tee-l teidetit Iron
euator I'liiuib s 1 --0I11 ti'iti callinir ou tin
I're-ident for 111- v lew-on the pre-eut statu
ol the Oklahoma lam!- was then atfieed to
Senator V et then otreicd his resolution dl
reel nit; tie secretin ot the Treasury lo a
certain ami report upon what terms the
1 reek and Seminole Indians would surrender
all Ilieli n maiuln rlKht- to the -aid laud
Senate then went Into executive -e Ion
In the llou-e Mi. obb preeiitt d the 1 outer
enee refiort on the Oreirou Central For
teiture hill. Air reed to. The llou-e receded
fiom It- illairreciiieiit to all the Senate
amendments. The llou-e then went into
Committee of the Whole on the Indian Ap
propriation bill, i'cudlnir debate Mr Kviui
olleted an amendment autlioriiuir the Presi
dent to open ueirotiations with the Creeks
the flow was mcreaslnir.
ll.n Lihertv Fb-11 was taken down at Phil
adelphia on the 'S'A and escorted by five
htmilrtd policemen and citizen-, to the 1 nil
road diMd, fiom which it wa.- neat to New
'1 leans.
Ax ItuUan named frookcl Toot win
killed iliirui a quart el at ClintiiU'ilniu,
Dale, receutlv by a man uniinii John Ilader.
F.v 1 i.i in:-, for the week ended January
Ji' in tho Tinted State-. .171: .(.'anadii, in
total. II I, compared with a total of A') last
week, and 170 the week previous.
TiiK I'inte Indians were -aid to bestarv-
Semlnoies and Cheiokee- for the tiurpo-e of
oiienimr lo settlement lllulei tlie lloinest.ii.l
law- iinas-ltfued land- ln the Indian Terri- inj; to death on their baireu re-i-rvation in
torv ceiled lo ihem to this I nlte.I states tthe ' .Nevada. Not a cent of the Congressional
, .Kiiiuiiiiiii iiiii.i-i. tiiii'ii , ii- iiuiiiiieii. 1 lie
-ommittee rose and icported the lull to tlie
House. The previous iiuestiou was oidered
and the bill pa l A1 jinn tied.
( N the 'Sll the Chair laid lie fore the Hen-
oppropriatiou (i7,i"'i. secured by Senator
Ilawe-., of Massachureltd, wn reporte I to
have reached them.
KittTltiil o:!' s'meL-s: m er,- ft ii'-nin 1111
ate the memorial of the Woman -s ill; l iilture . ., ... . , , , , ,. , ,
, ... , ., ,, ,. , ... . . 'the'JNt, at Milaj:a. Loja. !. and nt
Association of the (tiled State, and on mo-. .. .7 .
! .Mtuiecar. ."some unmade was none nr tue
ll-.ihli-l -oldier and lav allds irom perti rm
lilt' labor 0:1 thi h'fh;is . r -o'utioii tc
lli -t nif tlilll tin -eiet:ti of tli l! ,ird of
Id ..' nt fiiri'ih tin- llou-t. a tabulat d state
ment of evp iidituia- lniule b;, the Hoard,
also tatem nt (f pendlture- for Aviieul Tartu ior past v ar, was adopted. Ad
I; the Senuto on the 'jlut n iiiuiiIht of
bills were r. poi tsi tavoniblv I rnu comm!
t' s A motion to sti-pend the ru! - and
Hull ol Senator Heck, a if solution wn-.
adopted eiresinr tho hlirh nppreeintioii hitter place.
and thanks ,,r th.' Senati- for the .irorts and Hi's .-ilk mill at South Coven-
-ncce ot the woman - silk I ulttiro A oci- j . .. , ... .,
atiou. In Shcir puti iotic purpose to ameliorate tr- v omi.. burned the tuher ni'ri.iti.
tlie iiiilu-tiial condiiiou ol tlicir coiiutrv Lo.-s, pjt).ioi; insurance. lii,iH.
women Si-nator v est m resolution In rev-unl
xng the
Die. doiix HrciiAXA.v. notorious
three years ago by issuing bogus- medi
cal diplomas, was again arrested re
cently at Philadelphia together with a
woman calling herself Dr. Kebccca
Kuoll. who claims to be Buchanan's
business partner. Huchanan is again
charged with liaing isued bogus dip
lomas since his rclca-e from prison,
ami further, with forgery, in having
Mibscribed the names of some of Phila
delphia's most prominent physicians to
his bogus sheepskins.
Ixtliecarh part of last summer it
was known that a Moslem teacher
with ttftoon followers, all of whom had
K'oii converted to Christianity, entered
the City of Constantinople ami began
preaching and teachinir. Within a
week they as suddenly disappeared as
though the ground had absorbed them.
The Sultan's otlicers deny any knowl
edge of them, but the belief is M
tdrong that they are concealed in some
out of the way dungeon that the Brit
ish and American legations have under
taken a search for them.
to tlie Oklahoma lauds came up for action
and senator Plumb otfered 11 substitute re-I'ue-tliu:
the 1'resldeiit to etiter. Us speedilv
a- poiiiic. into negotiation with sneb, in
diau tribes as mav be in possession ot inon
A Vik.vva correspondent .:i s it i re
ported the Italian io eminent is oraniz
me; a force of twenty thousand men to
occupy Tripoli,
land than eiioueh to jrlve each head of a' ('hash, aired stxtv -three, lineal
family one iiiuuin-il and ity acres with . ,,,,, f SnM1,K.i fhas... one r the
a view ot usluir ueh surplus lands for1 , , , , , , .
actual -ottler onlj lvndinir delmte , Miners of the Declaration of Independence,
on the matter the S.euate went 1 was latallv burned at Annaindis. Md.. 11-
1..,. .........a!... .....I.... f.. .1... ft -
nil.. -.'i hum- i'hiii ill llie 11. ill .- .,,'-
a resolution w a- adonted -imllar t liie om 1 tem'.
jeissfij tij the senate, neeeptiim a hun-onie ; taKiu tin-.
1......I..I .... 1r. II..,. I ... .. ...I. 11. I
lion, offered ,, preamble and resolution reeit-1 for the adoption of u treaty of commerce
from her uijht dresi accideatallv
in, ,, in,- ,.ii. 1
Itnr a hati-ome t takin ' I
. . .. . .
! air pre-etHeil liv the Woman - silk ( ultuic . VrooTiATiovs wrre tin ler s)n,Merntion
lii thai certain bills appiopiiatiiitr iiionev . between I'eriuanv nud theTrnnsvacI. ilcr
Irom tho trea-iiry and oriirlnatimr III the iM,rt mri.i- on lh tnrt of Cerni-mv nm
Semite, are now on the S.u liter's tnlile inul H rt i-IMlian .v. OtlXIl" part of lit rm.ltl , .1IK
directinjr the Judic ar.v Committee to imiuire Hoclaret and III l.Iand. for the Transvaal,
lnt the power of the Senate to oripinate xrere coadtictin r tho negotiations,
hills appropiiatluir rev eiuio and report to the
Houe at anv time This brought out a lonir
debate, when the motion uh., laid on the
tnble An eveiiinir oIon wa held at h'eh
tort.v -seven pension bill- pas-ed, ineludinir
AititiTtoNAi. iiir.Triii:5.
In the Senate, on the I'lth, .Mr. I-MainmU
one trnintitur a pension ot ?.VI jer month to introduced n bill dealing with ilMiauute
r if tonilUOdore S. Hiltllt I. recti, i-oiisoir.-.tnr. T... bill -n tir..,.nr...l bv th..
. .... ........... ,... ,
the widow
T111: Secretary of War declined to onlei
the trial of Chief Signal European (Jovcrmnent. The House vent
e charges preferred I v into Committ.e of the Whole on the .c;ri-
l)enrttueut of State for the ptirj-o-e of
1 i-eveatiiiK the Tinted Stat ls liein iisi-d as
n base of operations in attacks tijnm
r. court martial for
uittcer llaen on the clir.rires u
Ltetitennnt XJarltuton. and has decided to itrni Appropriation lull.
take no further action njrainst the relief . Tux: cns. of e.v-Ti.ited SUtes Mnr-hal
expedition. 'vViHiam Spetice. who shot and kilhsl hid
VoonilKES was re-electtsl Senator for In- wn-iix-lnw ex-Marshnl K I ward S. Wheat,
liana, rcceiviu- a majoritv of AT out or m Nashville. Tenn.. March 11. Is-!, for
14.i vote over ox-Covet nor "l'orter, iiomi- w L,ch rri,,R' h w as seutenc.-.l to In- linnped,
u.ited by the Hepublicans. was otiirmeil by the Supreme Court.
Wn.k-'iNsiiv I'u.i. wns re-eleet.-.! Cnitisl A coi.t.lsio.N ix-cuiTed K-tween two train
walls, and that no ..-. eontructor. Ion
man or boss sia!l heteaittr work anv con
vict oiit-ide oi the prison wali-. a- Io-i
It 11 wiie intioduidl. lead 11 -eroed time,
an I s.. eral bill pi!-.... mo-ll to. al The
oiut re-oiulloti t amend the constitution In
telatlou to school lini"! brouirht out all 1111I
inali d ib bate, afti r which the senate- ml-
Jo'.rned liiilhe lion-i .o 1 r-ior l-ur-
(ss ve-HHrl tr!aj lo tnV ITH:
'ixrta taesc sHutttr.. kW; UHt s
tnxdtlt te Atarrtraa t- t
tsrltar Sraianr ! oi caiijlaf u
KttlvmlWg diflaU nt !!
tafU tal tH tltis
sMN AsrtBa la KrvHalw .
ri.matv. In Xttwtrna vHass f :
tfota Mn Laitra at
- - -r . -- . pm 1 aaa,Baaav-a
tlut Atuermiii -a.1 idiouht W owtttsi e. ta . 1WimI 4m a! Hnf iKX) ,.! ',fl 4" '"T . -. - - .- ,
stvely by Ameneau r.tuetis. Pet haps .4 . "I" aton. iHr !- ala - 5"T"' -
J.-cium mav tie made to tho MU ihi the ,tttasrtuj MHs-r k.iu-i aa ax ",
.....1 i..' ... ...... 1. ...... 1... ... .i.i... wouinli-il a.iJ & in 11 1 oMiiMtMiliaiii I I "
1,-1. lt-1 . 4, i.-i, if , . t-- r.f iii.,rr - -- " . -
a. ., .... .- 1. . ..fflSjfrb. K.l , M. V. Itk.1 KfM.t ... M, t i ft
1 HHKii cap.. .11 irum iiiti piimi';. 11 o -.-- - .-.. -..., -.-. ......, ... ,--- . -! mi aix
were we are not iinte sure anv iieriiMtiot.t , wauitutau rt-nrrat .-iwan ii,.rai4sM pr..c -.- ,"- ' J ku
. . . . ...... . . ..r .iu.. vi.i . ,0 1.1.1 u-i. 1 1'. 1 imitiM.1 .s.fiS.aa ItttMMai ut .!
t rm - 11, a ti. mr in.iriii w-m ito . nil t mi., nil as J ni m. .r,rM vbb .hi a .t-t wmmm -mmt 1 BTr mar- v- m -
11.11 111 iiiuiiii a aaft. .abi 1111 11111 . 1111 ' rn a - -- -- . - -,r - - .. w -- -- -. - - . - .Mottit-ice and iuml tx.tid ' 'i Itattiabv the fi.!l..wftst rf kt.!-4
held bv aliens w.iw.d . j w t.m.eiullv tin ' M:" Taruii-'.arl. t'.ftft I.k4rr.. 4H.t
Itaucd bv the law ptoposr-d. Thev" ate . AtiterUm. 1 Ulh lmc--n. .MJu
deeils ot tnt-t and ran be lorcfltvc... ami ' Couch, ltvil lrs.ios (aXnin Isr
the lands. o!d 111 d. fault ot pavmeiit bv the ley ! Liru'.anaut !. I ...rt IK
iilien holder a-s well a-by acttuou: nclthet j chi; UutHnit W .jU, . nt Ctn) -d
can. accord tic to law. bav at h.s own :, ' !. utrtwat Pimdl ax-l lW-I.4..r. NttvaJ
Uf-iiM ot the coittlict it httetc-t with duty, Br.-tade. Unl ViHi-itit mid 1-rd it
.unless it Is -o 111 the contract- 1 uere wottbdeil 'Hi foflmvias iwrtat
and this Iviiu known, ran have no othet ' (,t :u' orr.inent i Kivmi i) aootlni
t-llect iiiui futuf toieicn investor. 111 tlui .. "Uben U Huanr .Kt- tmrtVMl or securities than to ma-..- them .1 iittlt ' ve-tertfov nn.Hjtcnc that th M-H htd
moie careful and not to tcl ujhiii the ptie-.! e well tlte UtiUsli t.nte jw.jpti) f..tiasl
It-ct of altiina ov net-hip of the land inort-1 W! ,"ti awl a4vaar.ii to the wrlr.
caced." I ' M Kuatd ma:rir-l to tin bft f X
mi; i.Ai!j.i.s. I s.ihiatn a iVaxy totf iu th isattv aal
Tliu Natloujl Oman' .smt.. wifi-l Infantry at t. r.sfct. 'It
tloii he!-x it second -octet suoii to-lay, ! "-.uiiia hnitwl wdh'u thow ttnont
Mivs Aiithonv presiduic The follow iu5 J ' well, hut ' t' rrtVl, -.How.!
oll.cers wete e'trtvd for the eiisuiiic vitir;!"0 "Zn ' xwinoi. 'Ihe MrH!h
Prc-,dent. PMr.tU th Cidv h'tanton: Vie. ats ft U trfujtft tn-i .umI rkwMins
I'resldents. Susan IJ? nthoiiv fatlfil.i w-nv ..m-. hi ftoal ui tint oaniaMk. An wa- loraml hhmmhI Um tvas ami
.'inn- nrX.1 Itli 11 itoittAt.e of T-O jrardj
etet-Uil as MMitiooAl ; itr, i mn, Iu In
MTtetiiono th rnewtv's iup w iX'tf4
four mlb-s float oitretu. 1 1 iaatM tatl
turns :.sto!lie future v. oik or the aoekv numeroBs 1,-ni.s an.1 npt-nur.l i to
ton. Mrs. Stanton pics,dcd at tlie after I 1 aiui will 1 oi.tti IM.
noon mectittc. which latcelv atten.hd At slx " lU" ,'hi Ihr eiH-iay f'ml
leiler-i mid teleL-rams rout tmn. a l-w strv sln.ts n.l the itiM4t
"-" " " "-- - " -- -.----- . . r . . . ..
tep.tiii wuii soviirui -aiuis. i tw
ctieitn rittittniied wriu tho-u.-boot PrltUy
liiitht eansiiic "tlU ! :..'!. t rualt ('a
s.1t.lflt4) I Old M -OO tiK- Ct.rttH riHHHtrWid
tot: in two UvltM.v e.u h atta,tH-rltx
(XH) men g ilriittis mimI wnvin;
w of lama .-rr tvrml vlft
.. I titles. The UIHIUI) OCiMl-MUl.T aol4i it
c.icii Mate ami lorn o-. le-jwuus ani
lettcis vver. lht n lean. p.-OM'h.ini. ucct
friends wishlm; success to tin
inovemenl ami o;lctiti coiicndu
l.itloiis on the mat Led advance of pulr
lb- opinion 111 tcspoit of woman's uf
adopt .1 res,,ut.onolUre,l by Mr Clark lliat I ,,.,..,.. s,,,,.,!,,,., ,.. ,ade bvMr,Muah M. ' wdttinrMi:
the llo.tnl of Public Lund litul Itutldluvr be 1 ,,,,,, .-.. 1. " 1 i... 1 .w.iMe . IM
diieeteil to is-iic it rultnir tllrcctmc that all Peikltiv Mrs ( l.ocr nud l.Ilei ;" .
convici sliall in-1 outlue.t wiihiu tin pri -on I I'raiici I'm r. Keo iition wete teHil huh "...;. i
. I u... . j. ...I .... in..!'.. I,, rl... ...... . I ........ ....... .. I t
lll-l US-l-,1, T..t.l ...411 1J I.!,' HHU Ill'Il.Jllll.illlk I ' i
III.. r..?.dotts do-Mlins fij.-bl.n- tlml .,... .n ! TV llC to I'l-tSiVOt the IttitMt (iKOMItU
was-aiilitteithoii'-ht III inutlnn h.-r ev i MeaMMhd.- tliw rtt.Jl w--r sU-mIiIX ftv
itiirortiino. mairl.icea tsmdltioii of sid-ir lrnxf fia the rcrrptioti f th ieel. Tat j yiax Mr Mt V Xi.
ttiiialiiui and matoiiitt .1 curse, a .i.ntr.irv S"M' n -lre. the arttlb-i- Ih-i. afer.i I JJJ '-'"'
to the aw of Cod nm liie i.te.-..nt ..I I we rrniw am- iMnti .. iw ,
Christ, .md In vititiir tie co-opi-ttiou ot
l.j .- ,!. -.ft
t-a- rtMi. H. m wmw mmm
squill AhmmX- foilif alraa
irtrrtcsl -i! lit alati !
mo. ssntant 5. it, w Ariicai.
I pniH loal rra-svaxi m-&gm I"
(rrai.ttaVnase l twl rvmmi ttp
jisat Uttrvjnmn M" t x4WW -
vt-Uld tor futklM P-mt
brow Kunp iUm ! taroprm
otaclljr, f.r Js-util arrlrai rtr s
utrrtra. Iu lll .MUi
PivdurL- fr l TMtrd taw tt
t allrd Mate, triilrn aiUl Ht pi--o,r
Hr"'- U v
OV nduaua" ff Kurfar ltxU 1
xrr btti lw t.r 12a lri4u x?t
jtc Atwar-ran aiHlUt X hutii v
A flr l XX itt Hi Vte. Mf !
iiltt-tixt lr lrUti- V,r4 IJtt(i.i I
N l'4.iv.a, lK. JsV.
Ta MMprtao JUjFrtlrAu
IatrX4bas trulttal of tUxfRlXut,
at tor r laliN-r. TV' 4ity a
ton w.U re o t4 iu nl4U
(MtrtMrUus 1 b a Ut, wttl :
nat Tar drx mm .! fexafw i
ntry feta, and wan mm lolt .
I. Mi lXi wr. aaiant t
1 tr fttiMrta t Im - tfrwU ntMtft, '
u?. iImi i.rt.ilHi) mlmkr immm
I'u..l)r''ii9. l M -a tt
MrV- I. !. urn iaitM t
i m .) . tt iaVns M
t a. M4 -i m -r h 'my A-ma au-lr 1
wa- Inv.fid t apj mid mihteu t lie oils toachef in M-i-ntiii lerirC'litloii ot
nieuibets us to what tilt -title has done and ,,- c; of our cfce.l that In trijr 1 kinvnl,ci f !!. fttt f r.
it doitisr at the New orl. alls r.xpo.ition. I , " , ,, ,.,,.. ......ttier m.le n..r feiiial.. ' dteV Hi t. it dtm-tilt r-WXHl
which he did in a b-iei-addre... makimr It 1 r,l,,;"m U ", '' m .t.i. r m.b n..r ft iiibIc, . . ,UI
phi u Hint ehrii-ka a a state I maklny ticl'.er limit nor tt-e. b-it all are one twft vt. m ii--ir
the best show ai the ur at cxhlh.tlmt ( The disCUhui of th' was ions
or ,1-iv Mate in the -Istcrhnod. Tie aiilj sj),ntfil. and without uHmii It Went
bill appropt ettitiir (1 .! for the evin use ot .' . .. .. . . ..'
the slate at .w or.eaii wu.s ad b .. t.on- I ov,r ,ur "'" ai:iliiiei.t t muiK.W. At
in Committee of the w hole, ami mn mr I'vciniit: ""viiii anuii-,i- wi-tc iminr n
mended lot pa a-e. A resolution tiip.lrlt j Matdd 1 Kev Ulvmp a lliown and
IhoMiUe Trea-uier to turili-h a tat tneiit . 1 ,. Ii-v.-renx; III tfce
for use of the l.eK i.itiin -howlntr ti . l',,l,K le xttK ,lMk'-
amoiint of inonev itvlvol Irom 5tve ji. r 1 Kvil- ol isstvi 1.
cent oi the -.tie of public land" fnt the or- Po-ttna-lcr Ceiieral Ilult.-n sent the Choir
canizat i-n ot t!n Mate, was adopted The I man of the IIoiis.l Cotutnltt. e on I'lr-t.dlire
StTVe.'uKn ' Ma,',1- "cAuunVsio',! ? '- ""V"" !l "," W "
Work. -less!-. raw ford. Ilenrv and Velit-f. , mr uir itiinniiiini H.ncfini i-.ono-ras
ovotwueliii its fr. t eii".iv. wbo I llii ninrbt NMifa Urn
ir-.nsd a f.-yoiuhX ctott.rtl ttnnuu rrral 1 hHlvrMlaa t Mt UIt,iiBl
Th- J MwiifMirtl ot n Urtter UmmI WmM 1,
PMtioti U Ji; AitsuM, in HBara ty mr eat. H
eo j M r Kvun., otfrrtoj rTiif ?-ftvUvl
. movtrnvtiL. tLe aSttitMt diaftMarvl stttte nm nfMtMUa i awr vaAfU
Itom view bVivtu-x otWy Ufir taiabxia r l4nlHr nii!.Ht leni-tl
V'-lble. tidtlvHtfy . ttkttr 1-Ia of n-le-W raeotb-i Hill la ll-l hf Wil. 1
apjMfUt-l nI tU?loiy r'airxed lift! l!i" . U Uik'f, uu old fr)rfj. w i ,Jr .. of the Kritl-J; Mpiare 'Vtm lii.t.-4 r . md J .nines 'I. t i1tMn a - lb
pM-i w.ta a dead.r IU whft ttitf lsh-U a-Hod testutlieatitr) iViiUlir ti
were Dim Me lo w'lUid ami ihy ti.rit1 j tM,Ukj. j p, Hll U UaWiI Jaaattf
niMl -ttnrt.e.1 the left tin of uW ia.tre. I RW, unt .lirnt ttjt i.v MaMtf tf
lie hjvj wern Uidfvv h the fet.. 'inyn!" u. Mr VJrgtini Ju
iHjslnujht and loe tint lMr.iioo Ur ' ,1 klmw h,,u h (iw.ii uatt
moment, oct owlo'sir iuUoi. A hand Ui , ... ., 1.-.1 ,. i1... m.m
work, -u r raw torn, itenrv anil -.eiitff 1 '" '" i1""- 1s..,,., ..,, -,. ,,,.,., u. , . 1 1 . 1 1 . . ,.i -"-" -
v.,nv 1 ill- wen- iiitrodueeil and a r-olut ou matter or 10 wsptper- iimih-d h piddlshet- ', lu,,,, t',,t '",,- " "f"'" l"J"WM j fJIB.rt Prit j U bmf aattttfUf.
n-lopte.t apprevinir the mii-mliiii nis to th. fu,- two tents to one cent i.r t-rttiid. H ' theraukn Mil were tWti-l. I a rJr j VHJ. u.l in-. ikfUtaa
; 'V' . ,.".::,., i.. "' .r"J.r.V ' r'" "; .Molded in the. :i.ifl tlatllus rte ,.,i, naaii ire .no a wo, ..1., --, Ullr ktflr. h !.
Ilenre-entatlve in Conjrre-., h itfi the r.- not :i p.X to the cit.-niatoii of snmf.
ij iet that fiev trixe ti the Commltt e of tho copb-s cetieraHv. Si'Ltntch a publisher niai
(.eto-rai S'rwart
.us hor-e Ih-.ii
hail a ii4i row eoi.e,
mo ouai t aire t,roi r .v-eci!uiin an eo 1. ........... . ,t-o. . .. ..... . .h:ii. ,-- 1 nu 1
,!5d o,fVtmonedmenti,, 'iit'uriUK tU" l'a" j execl in mmil-r the actual . ..euh.liou of I,., j ' "I'f'1 i,1';1 '- " uf ,8r" '
-iiReor oaHlameMiment-. j, 11- Metemmh. Ibc UIU k'l-rvii l,t-i.l
IN the Semite on the 29.1 Mlln ami, r ' J , "'J ;' .f ,,.?', j, , N,-.!-IrtS I.AftUn,.,
p..,. .on, wre pre.entd.and a r "' 7 ' , .la, tml..HIu..-b.U..t,lnM.
ttdont.d that the .,ne,,,o r. hitimr to ' M- ! ,a. ??.:. ' ' h4. 'r. ".. I t.. M.U artrthwe.t fr- .1 MHemt.rU .-!
1 a... -!... .aam...ia. a . .. . iiiiii .iiiii . 1 r .a i iiii r a 1 inn; nil "
ine iii-iiifer 01 in 1 n- j-iim. i- re 1 --- - - - 1 - ,,....,..
I xetAr vt ith all riil amA ptwmmi a
IT Utrt uUjrrnlw- ltla-sjj
'!'. ...-. 1 ... . 1.
f I Mr lfl 9m mfwmvmim m Mm mi
Jk Hnrat-i.. f S
f- 11I fn f. I ititi 1-itf f r ti tlfc- idbttu uik t f f tin ." .f tillri.v f ft .tit f t4f itai fi-i .1.111 i
sub.-ett. and that thev be instructed to rr-....,,,., .1.I....I r...t..r..t1.... r' .. , I eral Sie-wart f.r-i-nH-ltI of wUtat 1 Vhi
-.-. . - . ." ... I -. ,...l... .. ., ....'.. - ..'.,,.., I'lT -
States Senator for Florida.
Cavkixon was elected Uniterl States Sen
ator for Pennsylvania on the llUh.
Tjie Connect ieitt Senate on the 'SK
voterl for Tinted States Senator. O. H.
Piatt, Republican, received !." votes: W.
1L llarnuni. Pomocrat. t. In the Hout
the vote was Piatt. Us": ILnruum. 77.
Jonathan ChasK was electeil United
State- Senator for Rhode Island by th-
follow inc vote: 7: William Shef-
ia a -ulnirb of Urn el. Roth were :ilbl
with oxoursioii'dt. Twenty were injurnl.
several of them fatally.
John J. Oixto.v. one of the foremot law -vers
of Wisconsin, tlietl at his home ia
Milwaukee receutlv. Deceased vn t-irn
in IirvHkii-ltl. Madidon County. N. .Y.. in
lsl'J, admitted to the Imr in !St7. and et
tletl in Milwaukee 111 lsi'.
It is s;n:d that 1- mie clue has t-a found
as to the identitv of the voabi-l.e n-sa-xn
thet-enaie. litii w-i-re n-au a -.-cotiil tirn
and lofernil Mr l!i.ckworfh. from the i om
1: Itt e tin School IjihiI Invei cat'on. uotitl.-d
tin .-.ante that. 1 t rliii'- Voron iitid be.-n
saitittioucil to atijM-nr before me eoininlltt -.
tint had notifId tin vr.-i'iiiii at rins that
h wou'd not app.-ir nnb- hi milentfe arid
lejrtlieiu vra paid hint in advance. Tin -t
Ka. t at- Xr e wh lft ru ted to pa Vlr Mor
Ion hi- too ami brin,r hi iticoiint before
lie seuati Ir allowance In the
li.itie the aiue n-orX in reiranl to lr
Morttin wa made and Huattaehntc-ntonlensC 1 rotutnc
ftr hitn and that the iee td tr.'Ieatre l
eiit him The reolntion rrsiietitnr Vr I.m
ka - Senator and Iu ton
pre to Up;irt the Ih-urau Into- tate ('.
neri.e t.ll wu adopfi-d I' tttion wer tire
-nted. and mures- the bill' nSrrtil ( n T.
recuhite pueaer rate .f nt .rnd in He
State: to establish a State Normal School a'.
He.l Cloud: to prev nt idluir of lntirwu
compnnie- at.l atrent: to fix n laaiimu::
eliisliilo of In irht charye 'n Net.rnka.
nod 1 rovidinr Jr r a Honnl of Kali road 1
ui.s-itm. r-, to f rov de for ttte tiiAniioa o aad illtiui- mr- AdJurttii!
Hear ll eH'rtvaii tntiou f MtelwtjM. Cm
1 m the fcprtMh of tiw
j lUtmand ! celSru (ala, mm
at!, -.' ' tm tUu
. rltn, la I'll
j Xuft, niel ht fmtrhmi SiynMn
!I..'J ea h ljvt4 nrrA
lotn (., ntl W XAc M4Wid
wltaw.- u W tir iktrt, !
loj? ut id ti l,a ar mtn 1h .
Im.Iv uare. m IK D-Hd n. at imt . hu' ' M91 J"
s. -wx n.afMt atel ptwtKltin- itt ibe ,tS d fct -,
f . ... , , , . , ., Jfchtr-r Thr ta o.nd. HtHr4tlv-k In win 'Wuo, Mf UpMM
Vrre Il.-rd !m hee travel.uc throsh JHlMri, rt.h. l.If,-,tp., wu.e1p.M. a, 11- ! , Wr- ar .lr.k
he South fn tnc 1-aetftul Mann l.j.J. t .H,,.,rf uuehr d In n.- lls-a s l WBrt. rHrwc
,V I lie. Hollar M looieilrr
CCiiati W"i.. 1 jt.xx.. Jauharv 'j:k--M:
port w hot to r the present number of one I . , .,lfl,i , ,i...s i.-.- !.,. J eOeotite tu-n.
p.ove ate in ec.e of the actual 10 -.l of' , ,. - " '"- ,-. !. .. . .iIiikiI.-.! ti. iiumU 1 imi i.cmt.ii now.-. .., S..war1 formnl h.str.., ' ''" Ur. U. tar teal na
ntu a IihIuv uare. w th fetid jdrt-. tt; tw wot an-r mcki ia u wa in. ia
.... .... .r iku a 1 .m - - ii 1
cornets, unit n.arHs awi pitvi-HHi at ite -". - - -, fBa -
SeaUltle, Mr1 I iaBX lNul U I
l Hm "cit
t-lrac- itf kt a-.i
car. t. e A' Patti. Hhkli la Iiusch f.-r .(,je of 11. .ojj.fH hi kti m uw un- 1 arlf .44a br Mat lift, lo
Sloo j-r dav. His Mf,. nnd a ia;t d during 1 be fectti. O aUnbttt Xio ( os. Ibji ttvrrtf mm. Um
fr.mds arc tiiiatiM-d htm. I-tt inch:. In I er tn tier nnntjr nrMicJ f l K ! Uwww-aj nut te ric ic ,
up the Al-banm iouherM '' ' f-t Mirard ami XHCaie ?rmt. n MMtarr l - .
Railroad, be had hS car aSI.leheil to the I -' ta- ' ;,, w "-4i rt Utr tlttrV4tNi lerfianr Jat, Iiwaia
engine to srajx-the nike .- tlw train ft!ii.l ial tin Ui- Cr mtt to . mm .
iiearetl a -hatp eu've in the ral. co.ns -t p. thu iMfttt Ie nto. A wljr , u.j , ,,, ..i H i,mmmtm1
tho rate of twiij tote, an hour, twti litt'e aal iJ-ad. tlie aa ktv ir Uf tat Um tmaij w 1 1, Jmmmt
U.v were -en on the trrk fntntM-aily ami . tiatrti jpntry. .:. xm arti:r , . . mmimtmrr itt ta
walnc ll-rlw-. The en-ltieer m-UJ Ma rl r tmnnw: ttir wWrti iiln4 "JL 't .-, i i . a?
u :oppmtl.etnt n nt th .. of a cap ..-anl Aa "J la The , In ". trt trwta tlacMasti H 1
: hrulje nit rh hoi tw.i ttont! mf 1 ft-t d x4r Itrua rirx tUati traa 3 v-trtta Uw-jc rfaUy. tum! mwc-4U ia '
, bv a swo.Jm 'trirtitt. 'Ilw iw.s hd t.l We s'artziilet jn. ato wtv-w x-. Artate (Ttoflt VtUtetrt Ta J
there for four hottts la th-- v-ld.
Iioti was la en up : the lte hrjrt-
1 Ihe mttiiOtMUv Irttl'ard pv-s-wl
j dollar..
PrcKNTt.Y Charlo Baker, of .MerrineJo'. i
Cavitca. I'oi.ntv, ". X, .. who bad Nvn fo
some time visiting he relative, the Rene
I Ml -.I.! We latzti.ef J'tl. aa! " w ,Tlt9t CTtrtfli Yta.te.rl TH J
A adlr , ere tmmOf tet'-d Ihry MS M U r. 9f ,.,
at- 3td mtit"t cfe-tMi iir-B ta XV-4. la-t mu-t . . . .
,ml he r? ll.f .JI1 tiv t. -Mrt-h o h .j- , Cl-t. ttr fc
nrri.1 fr, Hi llw .! k. e-tHbalti at Xa. I MtJM-l I Ittftlf ltagtw tAl 1aat ll
ftf -uttr- .Vttiaf irtt.
1 II MiutsKi 1.1.. P.vJatMrr tiX-rA cm-r
dict fariul). near Kcanicy, was ri lil rii ' ;n tin f luiie tlm Watnra
truiir; .prejuratory u. tr:Jus - - Caltne A-.-nat.o of the Tatt-d
-ttts. l:ed X'm I XT-Mtite l-lrXnent
rarri-sl frat lb m rtttaalxwl at yx
J4est of Ihe rioulfirs pi tim IXtitti
de rv-eanMrttaur C-t twvmk W U- laaer
.-; --.. "! Ifcuti - xltr 4 4
Xrxb wnuncU! X. Uar Ha at "l-ts
: tKtckm hi
home, when a tustol slnit wa
;rrd. ami
MRja-tal I ItMtllnsltta t aaati
rnit-Max ai- kur, wm kl t .!."
jr nat-r a sirn-t hra. 17
H ataftej ha-C -Mtarawj airxM.
(TwiTa- a.aas4 to tif a f it4 1
Mte4 of ttie MnalKl ar nvf't wtt ! at VMr ! t W or fit fMabr , t 1
srrli. 'Tll Maatt ta ! fMtaaltiM j "! 9tatTii. gt Jtt tha If an
Id 1 rr-tesJ Ilk. S "
sHc tow. W twfl: part tvl Unf aaMary. 1
Tiikkk are in existence rather more
tl... f..r-,,V., .., .1...1: nr.i... v'
....... .....j. i., ,,1..,., uui i.-ns. in llie-e . Ut.,P., : zn',, v.Ws; Witlinni M
I - " - "
Pvart.s elected Senator.
.1 .-. 1 u.ti i t v........ .-' I'resi. !.?!? SiTit.i X arm. uf Kill. The 1 f I... f..'t - r-,.1..-t i,,-r. 1 1... r..,., ..! .,.;...! " -"- " .-".- ..r...r.. rf yx. (av ir
1 j r i - . ! - iniii.- . - s - si . v -- K-- -- -.---- -- r 1 1 a iir.n - a tvui s aaiv a r-i ia a - n hi iiim . . j. . . m m sr "
-.r -.-....s- .. ..,... w- --- -1 t . --. , , .i .. I. "I 1 j-.Ti mm.tX-9-K l"l I ' aTif ta" -- 7. X. . -.. ..-
Miirk.v iirio;vt.i. Msan.l son of the maker of the tin Ivx containinc the lewder ihe is Iv of vouac Raker Ivmc on the ilo-.r. i 77" . " "Z. ' ?T.. I...' iielrtimeft iraruw u ntt-
u .,,,1,, ovo,, . ,r asl- ..;.;;;-"':" J'l P! ' . , .J VZZSJiL "J ST ! - ZZZZSZZTuZ ST ' rSTI. - 7J
tator. ttieii recexiuv. l,"'"' e - " i iour a- i.uw.i. . - ---- -: - -- - ,r.R,-j Hl ., r,M rt i j. e w ... ,. ., ,. . . .,
. . . ..... t. . i . i. atelv n IniliL orer Slit eves Tircfiii-. '- " . .7 l-;c, .-'. -J --.- --t
T.. ... i...... .. .r .1... "v. ,,,- -v i- i .A.,.. iijAiii i irii i:;pmi i vt re r .11 ai rwt - -- -.--- - - -f r... . ii. . ,,. .. .M i.. r.r.r .i . ,. ..a.
. icmosi o w-ii . m-j .s-..- -. ,....-. . ,T crntw a a nwkaatM K
Knul.ttid w. ,,..-,. a .....v.....
.. ...... ,...-.-..-. . .-v,.l, .UIM1 JV.l.
oite: (Jennanv. one: France, two: Italv
xhe Huc-i of Parliament and the Tower of j
Inilou w uh ilvnnmite on the at tenia of
Gknehai. RuAie. receive,
1 the Demo- xherMth. The tructurvs vv. recousiderallv
No ice famine this vear.
iVt:iH. Saa'r ttr.e atI ilitiit-
t:vi Hfovrji."
Eke Eh
tJmh !.,.
T ... ..."-.. . . . - -
(including Kome. which has twelve! era tie nomination in Wueoaia for Tnitotl injure.: and six or n person .snjit!y , ft: n l.can a tr nraiicfi . :ii.- I :j
Stat Senator. i n:;. tae t.uiioins were xui: oi si;ris-si .s --- .--....-. .. ... .,.,
A iy:na- wreck rccirrisl on tlie Croj.'t-t '
A wK;.ntr3n' roaaufartftrT ;irt-!
in aa Kranr - lhr e-4r a I t.U
. TW s;nj-fra)'r--.b'Bt ni thr Krer
itmt It nm -titm. Vr 4t?P9itM Bf
pfcrtf i Jat jjt3 4 Ikf at"
twYrrK jia I tar rjpnm. wtv
uV 4rrrcMl. tret tmn titnl
sal wi. yrawHtiol u
Ivt4 ii e" Mk s, iu i
ifc ASt'. T t .
U,VflMf iSl,, Mll I .IM.. 1 .it ... ....!.. ...... I
X.; : ' .r... . ' ' - l TiwifefSinl.rMatthtA-MvrfaXe at the lai. The result wrs iatetrr trv!,-- - .. null nain were dtlch-s! .f XlwonlyfatrlTT i.f tl-UiHlnn Ih-Paritef 7 ZZL- u Ute Tira. ' --''
..... iw.,.i.i.v.ti. ,., (U wuien , j f h ssul.ri,Iue Court, died at nation tirtm shout, the cirillroil v.orl.l and "-- .k ",r,,,Mm.o. coa-t. tet it h nxugftil to alatott 77T " If TCTfcllu,- .rt &jY -t P1" " r3r'1 ". w--
inhgxpt. 1 he smallest is the Lepstus rur.stDEN-ELECt.i:vEL.sXXaddres5l England apaia: tie Irv-: who were It- , ,.,,, 0'n zcrxMa. .. ts-lui adxcl xt .h wo!-,wv fr" r r-a't It tfab fc jific --i ;- : f 5H. ' 4- to -
r,Xi.RI ?,, tl... X?..,...l XI.. - 1 ,- . ... .. ...!.. . .1... , ll...,- :-.. V,,r.,l ILrnl rn Xis-n Iwvn ,vi'iT-i.t tn the in. ... ? , UtnUa!iv ill :lttTul lrh and two . " - ." , 1 bv- I --- ... rW. 1.1.1 .r
....v..-.. ... ,,.v 1IVI.II.UUJL-UIU at ic;uu, inv-.unvui.si4.iiic .itsiii -..,.- .-v..... ..v.-. .. .... . .......... s-. - . ... t uw Mum. ' C i . . . . Ct' aj-fcer ri to ;- X4 - - " " - - -
which i two feet one a half inches School on the-JUh. faaiy. A few arrest w,re made bet the oJ ci?oJ w t ir4 J...::, i,,-r, !- "r. V. c H: tn -- :-
hi-h and weighs two hundred pounds was othctally aaaounosl th.-t Km-; evuleatly po-l lt lit:U I LltJO1 .i, :, M, a ceseiitat: xe ' " j!, .j!. v.S Trai.M -!xX M l!t !. '
Ihe lar-i-. ' of ,Jn 1K,rxir rI,,a,u hN" oaSirel-v -f- -owieoe of the perxHtrators of the:,-Ult. Is .;ra, r.f-rrner of CJI " ,t'f7 ' U "K x. u .--- trmm r Ua Iro 4- t.0 .a.'c f tfetr haaf
Ml , " ? A7an; his recent illue.s. crimes. Searchhi,' xav.stV.ati,n3 wre iv,IHr, mch . to N, Insd , .VwlWr,,,, cr In l ra :.ra mc rtr- -.-ot f , (wd ,Kr. -
ftlll In oitarnes at sene. the estJMi-it.-.l .i i ... t.. n,..t t .. t.TL- ... ... . ..... ...-.... rear is Wk-- I fnr. "" - ... . t , - i "-w Mtr? 9fHna n. T.
. . . .. ... .. v, .-we-., .-- -. uu'i.. i uii . riuji . innxiir ii- t-iuiait- rf -- .... , '.. i ir m ' MflNcr . t
. .- . -.- tmrr- -. -. ..- -m,
WW... M.-. I .
weigh! of which is rather more than
l.oOv.tXJ pound'
Somu time since the rumor was cir
culated that a man in Munich made a
vager that he could collect together
throe thousand ten-pfenning iiece
datevl 1S73 within a certain time, and
that ho was offering a high premium !
m m 1 ... . "t 1 '
ior mis pariiciuar com. excitement
i.vt:r the matter itermcatod every re
potx. and collectors, in their eagerness,
iid from fifteen to twenty lire pfen
ning for a single specimen. Some of
tlte seekers, who had collected several
imlretl of the coveted coins, finally
'jarncd to their sorrow that they were
Hm victims of a practical joke.
M isr KLKAM-'orsX. The W.-srem File work5. at Beaver Fali.
The Ohio L-ci-slatxirw adnptd a joxat Pa., wLich have been do-td ever.l weeks,
resolution to place the taiue of William Lave resuiutxl at a -light reduction in the
Allen in tbe Hall of the llou-e of Ueprc- waeof all employes,
sentatives at Wauiactnn. i Notices have been po-tevl ta the VaDy
The Adjutant Ceaeral of the armr it. miU aadturnace at Scaron. Pa., to th
ceive.latileVramoathe20th.lrom Br:pm- ; effort that ht worts arfll b- doe,l down,
dier Ceneral Aaur, cvmxmandins the Ie- owing to ercjty of order and tie dull
pirtment of the Missouri, announcing that of the- xroa trade.
the number of ettler oa the Oklahoma TE recent now fail oa the Italian Alp
laad was steadily tnexvasia;. Laving aa the heaviest "seithla the memory of
reached nearly four hundred, and rist- xcan. Terrible accouata arrived from tae
ance to the Federal authorities was threat- rfllac a: were destroyecL The calc
eucd. Ceneral Ausur aas instruct! to btted loss o far as known was M lives
coacntrate more troops at the ettletucat ' bs- The troop displayed moch ktroisas
and remove invaders from the Territory ia I" erTectinj: rescues.
as peaceable a manaer as possible. j A geanite monument thirty-fire feet
The harbor was very rough at New York bib, baso eight fet sqaare. will Us erected
on tfce 2d. aad few saiiiag vessels passeU j ia Lakewco-i cemetery near MinacapoU.
the Barrows. All iucomiaj: crafts were j Mina. ia memory of the rictisis of tie
coated with ice over their decks aad r . great mill explosion ia 157s.
men! of an Ir-da-trca! Co.'..n for IWe tn n-
inc of the Isd of the.r nK-r. ! A tredtling arraa 1 lo take pbtr-
Sr.x-nir nn-a'ta t;iIo aic wertr!e-!a CJtaritwB. Md . n ft-w tlafi" p I
rws., .- t..isI i Ld-wn "TT---- -..' t. Ksiil til L XeiutMirrli tx-Xr.saeil. iir I
...j v'.-. . .i.v. ,... , i.'-s . - - - T " I 1 w - i
I wanted in a asaibrt-ofrnter 3ne. j lo ifcc theft of ih tturmc llras.
l .. l"l.l. tw.m..-. . . .iM . ..1 .1 4 TV.. i....rwt..f ntiM b?.l ...r,. . .n"i
.-V.s K'Wli- 11-lilJ. til.l t"tC .w .. ..v- .- - "-'' .-s...- .
coast; of John u. rolcv. while He was ab- e-it, tkres tailt-- at tnc, to get
sent. axd dev oared th breakfas. hi chH- tj-e 1 ct ui 1J v 'renu
dn.T lud irrpaml for xl:t -Itc-v The apparel Wh a ictoralag ht trai at-
motlser N-xiu: duL the oldcsi rr.rJ. aed j i-.ct,rtLantl ao: -jIv 11- ioa-j a
moie j ear, iifu mai.v.
A CWiaacr JftdfTidaal lately walked
an Oxaaira eloUunc -tote, iilnl oa a wit ut
clothe aad dcJiert!y -rafted rdl, leaijn;
his o'd s-'xit as the. caW py. Tiw- prorriVaiir
folloani usu several Koei tot the joj.
to.eo. Ilt Ut o. -hVh be ! ti for a ft p-T U Jt ur. 1 Imtoea;.
. i .i i ! ! . ikAn4it 'kit lir-. -i.t -.,i.rrfltnrtS3rTit
wore, scd ti.e taorriajre Br-3.
71 iirgai profr.oa In tic tcj- of
.xca ior oa.- rarrH-i io izr ia.; '
i t . - ..... . j . - i
K, t! fL.h. rrr.Jrrr and thfr- 1 scijar a: zne rase i evmwa jvt t
rtveil to snoot. The pobo Cuaily i-atVd j CMC. wljrn-a. Ustr medical ha inriea-Tl
i. ... . .- - m avvr.s aaa w . -v w w s a a ai ar mr w .. m as. - m
aiBj. aca dc wa -jxxen iweaij3Tc uajs oo -'--.--- t--vT. v. .. . iw :.-., nXftr-i .."-Jr ti' tfr-t- ,.
tout arater fca Tr?chei es tie cattl J - l1- "- -.- - .. .. . . I --.-?. 4a Let. Carmt
i .... . .. .. ff .- ..... ... . - nr o-. i.p. f a,. 1 --
aaasaicTiuy ioon; t aeuu- t -v--. ... .. w. --- ,
v3kr3 oara r- .1- a
Ttc4 af Iaiass rara 1
cat to rl m hr. Ttd-raa; e-:r
ur p?t 7-Vi yttsr V. )"- Trav.
--TW nrAlja hc-dga ttr.
Ttreirt tailJWm tr Mja ar- tl .- -
tr Ir ta1 tsroe aau tiw I-rliJjjsg. e 4.
handr.o KiBr
1. - , I ' - a
IrCC aK-r3 hndrvJ .
a Oaj.
EagSetf tnat-iy hate fcra s
ittV-j-stt yuaja4a K to-1 rv
uxunom ltwc otdr-il ra
It i taou-at tVat Jur- axd crrLiew I rxrtS3rTi
aad tar r: bx Usa r!iirt-4 UftT rt t" WfafuJ lo S
crnL. twt horw -i a Ti-hSrlr taTin
t c! T tr retlt-cr! c3-iLiI,-, cat t -a
crat. l'ai;iciii-dlv ihv rsrt tf tixU
brhJrvrrrD! oa t ta:ratl b ta?
imxrr .Lj. XT."
fSTr Sctrtttie to 9Ct-1 5
of UsKnsca i rf i t-
Fa-s ' it oatf-trtJlVr af thr T '
JI ll tT
T- ftJrr-X50r
l-aii of
Jeporx ttrchitT tAat Ct t J-
... .iiMini ti. wii. irli 1
Vr jA l tis Trc3Jrr 1
TJsct Lock--!" 1 Trr- s1 1 .,.. lif ttr?ib-; ' i l
tvart-ftr UM;J v-Ultisr -
orvJcjr, ao-l sot tx 0s2 ti
do is I star.
'S-,5- '