The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 23, 1885, Image 7

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    ' !
"little by littles." the Tempter fnS.l.
A u dark uml euiniln;.- mure he laid
..... y,r tlw '.'. unwary fit.
'Little by little, dav !vlu."
1 will tempt tin curefe mmiI away
jto the ami t'ouery wiij.
'Jill the i tun ih made complete.
Iiltt: lv little." mi re ntnl Flow.
Vc Insldoii our lntiiri'iif tillf or vvoq
At tin- -.reent away.
Our feet aiicliintiliiy mi- -txirway l.riplit,
I Jl till- llvlollot endli-i. lijrJit,
OrKhdiiiiriimviiuMri Into tln-nlidit.
" Utile by linlc, anil da l. day.-
f'hrUlUiu ('iitoit.
urADilmollifT Mi"-y f Hmr Sli
le tlvi'f
aim- Hit Io..ll!i lrar.
"Afraid to go ii-t:tirs in tin dark."
said I'o'j .Morris: "if that isn't ju-t like
a rlrll Now, that's xvhat I call real
Jewnri'-ht -illv!''
Toor Uettv's Ho. I.e. i.mi.r ?.r,.l i
graudm.i, M-ein there was iiootil to be
ii ahower. .suid:
"V:I1, now. children, Jhnt remind-,
ru" of a story."
I"rovn ami tear- alike tli-ajipean-d.
:i thuchihlren jjathen-d around (Jrand-molhi-r1-
Chair, in delizhled anticipa
tion, raid -o she U'an:
"When I w:w -i little ;irl I wa- very
foolb-h and silly -indeed, :i jjreat deal
more h than Ilettv atnd the evening
- --. --.,--- - ....T -.....
was -ti time of zrivat trial tome. My-
brother and M.sler-were all a irood deal
older than I. And we were no mmuivt
";atheied around t tie tire in theevrn
itifr. than they wultl bein to -ay: '((,
N,, run up and .'; u-, -nine eon: 3o
ioji! lriiijr me tin -lippef.. little one,'
rir Mlun down au3 iet us -oiiie aj.ple-:
there's a ejood jrirt!" I wa-, an obli";jjijj
Jitlle thinr, and bud not the heart t re-fu-e.
ami so i vouhl j;o in fear and
Iremblni";. and eotne tunning b.iek
pale and luvallilr : for all of tlw'fiaik
placca cellar, anet, lonjr -badowy
hall anil bedroom, had Ihe.r terrors for
"I had nnrr told my fear- tst any
one, for my mother .a too busy to
have much liiueti. talk ipiieth me,
and. as for my brother-, and sister-,
they would h:te laughed uit in
"That dear old kitchen! 1 can ro
ineujber ju-7 how pleasant it tanked in
tie winter rveninr'.
"M niidhei 11-u illv -at kifrrtinjr or
-ewiti"; by the he;ht of a eandli tit a lit
tie stand, and the children jrnlherd
around the- hearth, popping e ni. eat
inr butlitniuis, roasting apjilft, and
telliti'j; st'ie.
"To all litis 1 was obliged loay fare
well at -fen o'clock preci-ely. Our
I e lro mis meer knew tin- warm'h of a
lire, and the ban- painted '.lour- were
onlv correil here and the.. with a
.strip of rar istrpetiti"; lor a rur lla
iujr said m praxers at ni mother's
knee-, I bumded u the narrow -tair-v:i
by th- faint lijrht from below, and
pnuij; in?i lieu. I he door w:n. ten ,
open a 'littie cr.ick' until I -a::- -up- I
posed to l.e i.sleeji, then It W:(s cluvil,
and all oiicutolll Chtldren
hae their 1 rial and d-scipliatf a- well
as jrowu people.
" And the door was -hut.' "! many
ear- I ncer heard that portnin of t'u
parable of the fooh-h virgin-ax tii mt a
iid pictuie of that lnv-iih- with all
lijriit and warmth, ami the ci!d sen-cot' 1
banis'imen' eotn'mr over me a- them
"About tin- time 1 lead a -Jorv which I
1 took -Iron.: hold ot nix fanex
I do not !
JV fiMiieiuivrlhe title.but it xxa-aliout a box
xvnVxVs. " natura h timid, and xxbo deter
mined to C-xereome hi- fooli-h fears and
b--vcrx bra "... -he xv.tx in which all
" hi- hoiiroblins.smcited into thin a'r. or
proved to be sonSt objivt- seen
m a nexx' lizhl, wluhe niareb d up to
them, xvas xerv amuiui; and eiieoiiraj-
iii";. This story made Na deej ltnpres
.sion upon rae, and 1 iv-jlved not to be
outdone by this boy.
"I now be;an to diseipHttV mx-elf 1 1
ao about alone in the dark, awl. if 1 -a v
anythine; iHysterious, to p) boJt! up to
and examine it. N
"There xxras a closet opening otii. of
my room, and one niht. after I ImuI
none to bed. I ixv that the loor x':?,
open, ami jut inside there Mvmed toHvpu .d. d ju-t like the clock.
b Mamlimr a tall, ipieer .-haped old
xxoman. I iiou-jh 1 xxas ven inuea
f lightened. I he.-ituted but for aTnotneiit.
and then jumped up and ran toxvard
the elo-et. thinking xvhatexer she might
be. I would .-lam the door in her face
and .shut her in: but as I came near to
her, 1 --aw that my o!d xvoman xas
nothing but a big pprtlv rag-bag h:i:itr
ing from a 11a 1. oxer this hung a -till"
log eahin m bonnet' xvith a Jo:i0i:ipe.
and beneath the bag protruded an old
pair of boot-.
"Many a laiuli dr.l my brothers and
si-ters have over my old xvoman.' xvhen
told tbem about her. Tom name I lu-r
-Mrs Tnpit.' and -aid he thought -lie
xxa.- femarkably xvell tlevelopi: 1 for a
ladv xvho foil entirely upon 'cold
"A fexr cxporlenees like this pive tne
great, courage, but the xx-or-t xxas yet to
come. One xvann summer uight, I had
been out to play xvith a friend, and
oomii-j home late, had gone to bed t:red.
Tt mu-t have been in the middle of the
nighi that I xvoke xvith a start perhaps
Irom a bjil droain and saw a tall,
white object at my bedside. In the. lim
starlight I could not di-tin:uish the
outlines, but it would advance and re
lirst nnpu.s- xvas to cover my read
xvith the bedclothes, but ta:it lhad re
solved never to do again.
'N'oxv is the time ti be brave! I said
to nyself, and though xuy heart seemed
to stand -still, ami "I grexv eo!xl from
fear. xe: xxith a resolution xvhich even
noxv t look batk upon with xvonder. I
gjithcred niyss;! up and sprang at the
object. Whatever it was, I rfuturufne 1
to do battle. Before. I reached the tloo.
the mystery xxas made cb'ar to mc
There xv:is"a terrible crash, and the
xoie; of my mother from tx-loxv. calletl:
""Mv ch'ld! xvhat has happened?"
jTothinrr,' I answered, I only fell
oxcr a chair, thai-"- all."
"Yes, it xv:us oily an old high-backed
roekiug-cha r. over xxiiich a s leer, had
been laid to air, and the smumcr night
xxind had geutly .waved its lonyTolds to
and. fro. and out of this my fears had
conjured a i-trauge. and gho-tly ligurc
As I claiibered Hack into bed. fialf cry
hg with, the pain of my bumps and
bruises, and half laughing m the ex
citement of triumph, 1 re-olveil that iu
future the darkn-ss should Lave no ter
ror for me.
:Ad hoxx about Mrs. Tripit?" said
Rib. "
"Well," said grandma, "Mrs. Tripit
,acd I xvere on xery intimate terms for a
log time. Many" a piece of faded rib
boa.for my dolls, and many a Sprap of
bright calicc for my patch" wbrk, was
furnished me by her. And I ioon came
to regard her in the light ot an old
familiar iriend. But one dav, on rav
re-ura from a .visit, I wasini'ct bv Toni
cede, and then stand still. It was a visited the Kinetumahe:i nu-me-.s xva-inyst-rlous
appearance, and xxell eal- in" full blast. If hgjliad called about
ciilati-d to frighten a child, and my i midnijlit, for instat . he xxottld havi
with the announcement that 'he had
very sad wx.- for inc.1 Tom xva-i a
regular te.e. and I knoxv by iht
twinkle in his eye- in -pite of his long
face fiat it xva- nothing vi-n -crious
"Had anything happened to Bella?''
(my doll) J inquired.
. y. . ., ." . , . - - , I
-m. .-i-, nu -:im, -uiemniy. " il 1
Mr.-. Tripit Yon mu-t Ie prepared to
. .... t.. - ;... ii.. 1 - 1 i.- 11 .1
w. per greatly changed. It- all tie-
fault of that rn-cnl. the tin peddler, he
f-ame here 111 vnur alseri-c h:i 1
stolen lier hear' away. And. now. alas!
-he- hut the xvp-ck of her former -elf'
" He (eorti'd me t the eIo--t dior.
ami. -tin 'noMzh. there was ior Mrs.
Tnpit, Min-bonnet. boot and all. but j
. - ,, . . .
lier onee well routined formus 1:1 a
-tale of collapse, ami she had a forirrn
and d'-ji-etetl lik. It was :noiir;ful
atifl et laughable to m-c
" Never mind. ii." ,-aidTotn, -Ii-"11
pick uti and i-otm- rutiri'l airain. if he
j ha thi- nzht kind of diet.'" And -villi
that w -lammed the door, ami ran
:twa la"liC heartily-hard-h.airled
.1 - 11
cluluren t we were.
"And no.v. m dear-., it's titne
vou in o t Led. '
(rti. dear: i., that bII?" iI the
"Ye-,." -aitl rrainln:a. " that is the
li-t I retueuiber of Mr-. Tripit. and
with her f.fded a'.ay the la-t bugbear
ft luvehiMliond ".'. ff mi Hurt.
llutr Little VI a Trmj.trrf to TVII a
ami IltlJll't.
It w:i only a friil-dih f white china,
uith "dt bands arimd it; but little V
admired it r niucli. and called it
"mamma'- 10M b-i-keu"'
One atternoo't Aunt Kmily came to
make a call, a -id mamma brought in
the ba-ket lillcl with nice lare Florida
orange-. After e en body bad eaten
an orange, and Aunt Ktuily a ad jr'ne.
-i-ter Anna -et the basket on lb" kitchen
t ible, and tltat wa- iJie way the trouble
Little "1 "xeni out there all alon.- to
tilav with
She cha-ed her around am around
the room, till bv and by kitty, .rrowiu
tired of the .purt, jumped into a cli.tir.
and rot upon the table.
"( 'ome ibrw n! come down!" s- id little
Vi. "You must not -in II th rauire-
with your nose. Com down!"
Hut IvUtx did not come: -he x .;s trx
iiitr to tleride x hither the beautiful
XoiiH"; ball- xx'cre Joo.l to eat. 'I'heii
Vi eaTiirht lr bx the tail and pulled
her baekxvard. " She did not do it
roughly, but -omehoxv that "old la-ket
"ot in the way - perhap- kitty's p:nv
touched it. perhap- it xx'a.s Vi's arm:
bu at atix rale, the ba-ket wa- oxer
turned, and down it U II. broken in
pie e. iihiu 'he Hour.
Vi star.ed in inrpri-e at the dreadful
ruin, and then -he -tared at the oranges
rollinx. hehcr kclter. under the ,-tove
"Who d-d that? IIo-.x did it fall?1'
thought she.
l'.ut eJ moment it c.-nie ox-er her
that she her-elf v:h to blame.
-Why. 1 didn't mean to! Th.-.t pnt
tx. in-ctv h-i-kii' What will niai:'i:a
Little YV forehead wa- lull of
xvrinkle-. her eye- xvere full 01 tea's.
Mie .-innd -o -til! that you could almo-t
haxeheird the lly on the roll r .oxvel
-era j e his xx-ins.
"I'll ";n t -11 mammi I did it. :.'id I'm
-o -i.rry. Xo. I'll her J.tttt did it: I
iru-s k'fvd.d di it. Naughty kitty!"
Tie- h'th-jrrl ni'ixcd one io it. en I
the 1
he stood -till aaui. I'le clink
ticked xvrv loud xou ktioxv h.iw loud
a clock does tick somet'ni -s and the
lly on the toxvel fra.etl at Vi. ami -he
ae 1 at the lly.
N'e, I xxoift tell mamma anything,
1 wont ";o into t ie parlor at all: I'll :o
out in the yard, ami th -n 111:1mm 1 xxill
t.iiuk kittx'brok- the ba-ket, for
1 xxill be in here all alone."
Vi took three -lej s the out
side dour, and then -he -loud -till ajrain.
and the clo.'k t eked xvor-c than excr.
It s enied a- if that clock xxv.s xxatehiii";
to see Vi make up her mind, and a- if
t'lat ol 1 lly xxa- xvatchine; too.
7i. '.. om-J- if you p anil leaxe the
kitty in here alone it will be the -ame
a-a l.e . turi. -atne a- a lie."' It
.w.i-n't the elo.'k tha' .-a'd that, but it
H it lc the same as a lie. a Irtih
& ""' "' '' And the'i she
looked at the th, who nodded hi-head
and k?Wt no ld.oj; it. Vi knexv ln didn't
mean V.i,' but it m om ju-t : if he
ine:uit ye"-LwjlLo- te'l a lie,' said
Vi, turnit.jAlybR k to the out-ide
door, and tPron r foot doxxn hard:
"I xvill not tell:ili' And xvith that
she ran into the p:uft3 tor if -It,- xxalked
.-he xxa- afra'd shuj'ht no eo at all.
She 1 an every frtcp.ojlth'' xxay a- fat a
sl:c could run. nmvMrhed out:
"0 manitna. itxiT-i't the kitty, it
xxas vie' lint 1 d 'lifts mean to at all!"
And her mainnikfc-ed lur. and -aid
she "knexv it xvas aiRp. 'eideut. and -he
nexvr had lox'ed hetjhttle daughter -o
xve'! in her life as wi i .-!ie came ar.d
told the xvhol trutlijlike a de. r. braxe.
good lit le girl; forll.e truth i- better
t'lan all the mld lrtilels m the xxorl.l.
Svjuitc Mny. i:i Owe title ;,.
How Proof-Rriiping Sounds.
Sunt writer Iia-fjJjroduc-Ml :. peen
called "Sound fnuwlhe :ineHHr." !
reads too prettj
UMil tx x c- re d y
thought that m author
1 ex ex
A m . I" "
is hen
seen txxos:ms. one rmgovi r a pn t
slip, the o he hold"
Z the copk. and
Ixvn -otn "thin;
foxvers r. ithni
the sound- would -l.i
like this. I
1 rao:-r ader ,A1
the Minshine fa'r )
lima s if ixima
a d I ft 11 op
tl sjnal mai '
ude . N'o" ma'i
- xvithout xoti eomi
b-e.the a dark -v
Coov-ho!dcr "T-
an. v
l.o f-xvalcr "I
lie a a '- anl
dismal air coin m
comma." f
Copy-hold'-r "S" "
Proof-road f "J;'
wit ho it the sunshi m
i - of He -vols -
)l tht ciain-t
don . As Ih-xvo--
lair - -en t et.Ion
cmfomd --lug -;
he in v r ju-:i-
ties tr.s line- rvo ji
i:i bf euiu na -
no worms
Copv holder "Wi
Proof reader "S
comma aud he:i
Ixarmth I -hare-
a:ul x joi-ou:
Copy-holdor"B! 1
esl Health and
vigor tlv $
tth a:ul x igor lly
fund of it xxiien
full stop." 2
That's about tho,
poetry is on deck.-i
Movies I.'cyistcr.
"Is a woman c:
ble of tilling an
office?" asks an excj
nge. Mie is, A
woman has jus!;
l inquiring tfter
some rejected manui
ipt m tins oilice.
and she filled it cor
telv for the time
being. Boston Trat
From New Xotj
by rail it is 3,311 mi
San Francisco
la an air-lin-
tne di-taccc is aboi
ICOD miles.
Latve ! mu1 1 ill-a tfkuktth do-ir
And hi-anl the anvil nil.' it v-j-r cute.
Tln-n Xtm'sl-i.- la I aw U(mi Itf C4r
,71 UdiliUlttS wvi.4 HU IAHUH J U" J W
.. ,, .. , , . . , ,
'low many an. It. Have row b-H. 'rt! I.
..T r.r,..j i..tu-r-U" u--aa.ata.-r" ."
" Jut oiif. " Li ww-fwl. mr,k ufc tuL-
Tl" Riivil turir tl iaMi&er o ju
And mi. I MiOH-'hT. tcunvtt of (1 Wnrl
l'orai rAi.Klt. ! Jt' tt -;
Yet, thoiii-li Ut wut ol l'oiiiit. V4iairk u
J"?,rV ....
Tfao RDVli I' Utl
irn tWe lMMtiwr fow
Im 11. iV. Ill LurtwL
Sunday-School Lecrons.
lPITr riM-T yCVllTEK.
Jan. l-J-nul-Inn eH Art3 Im.M.nii.f to JCTtii'tti. 1?l 1 t
rot. 1 1'mit Ml Je.-UMtViu.... Art" 21. li Si
Fell. i'-l'HMlI-Ioi"' the .0lCj,.At5 MI
Mar. 1 I'diii N t.t r. li .. Aet-t lS--t
Mr. n--lliiil iMo t let x t-t-5t. K-..
Mar V, I'Miil Mi-Jon- Airn
.rt. 5,. i-i
Mar Z-l'nul u.i. nle t
i-i-r. wi:
Mar :.-lte ivr. M r l'.-nf Nlk. MtvUonnrr.
T niTin or (.liter If-o Ma.-ctod by
tli f-cbol
A l.rz- i:ev(.irl for KHil- X litlm X'.'oin.
xii 11 ml Ho
Mr. Ixjeersoll -ay- t irt- Iiible i- an im
pure 'mok. lie n-a 1-a pa-siijre.aU'ee! to
blu-h and -ay.-- "I can't
he pie-en of this refined audience,"
and put- the look axvay. There if
much iu rneilical Iwok- that can't l.;
real in public: Hem put tho-e lxoks
When the Iiible deal- with the
. ! ft It .t .1
putrefaction of -la. xve are to see its
harm and not loxw it. The liibio xvay
ot -howhi-r -in make- xou hate it; the
Iivronic wax make- you loxe it. Mr.
In.'ersoU -ay- tlur Iiible i- a cruel Ixr.k.
I-it? A cruel book produce- cruelty.
Where the Scripxure- are not prncLcd
the people beat each other. There are
'."'(.', MK 1. 0! Ii.b!c- in circuiation. Shoxv
e L) HI vi.tim-. show me &. or .MKI.
or SO' . or '(: -hoxv me Hi. or oo, or
10. or JO, or .: ye-, spoxv '. show 1. I
oiler "rl.ofMi for one victim. Apjdau-e.
Mr. Iner-o'l -ays the liiolc 1- woman"-
tyrant- It i-? Come into the
xvorld's jiieiure rallerx'. Imk at Kve.
-.erfrel woman: see lleborah. mighty
tor eood: - Abigail, in her beauty and
poxver. -toj the a rme I ho-t a hurri
caii'; topp.-il at -iht of a xvater-lilly .
a dexvdrop i-!.i-h'ni"; back Niagara,
f Applause. J Here i- V::-hti defy n-r a
debauched Kmir"- erexv; here i- K-fier
-ax in-x her nation: here i- the woman
.. t t . .1 I: -1..
oxi r I lie aire-: here 1- 1 ureas, me 11111
of bli fill lame ejldin her needle:
here i- Lydia. loxed ol all. Oh. here i
a "jood old woman leaning on a -tall',
"randmother Loi-! Who ha- more
xvor-lnpi r- tuan anv -axe
Chri-t3 A
xx- iirin. May. f.pplau-e.j lor whom
d.d (Jiri-t perfoim Hi- hr-t tinracleJ
Woman, lor whom did t hn-t rai-e uid allirni that the rc-nlt 1- not worth
the dead? iorthe -i-ter- of liethany. J ,. j,ri,.4.;j v j.,,,., experience.- it l
For xvhoiu was Christ mo-t anxious in ; tj,.lt chn.tiaiis are made, and if xve
His dym-r hiitir? A wrinkled old woman. I Wl)ll, j,e -,'reat in holiness wv mu-t lax
Hi-mother. Ah! the world of mean- ,. ..,., wjt t. dlM.,,,Iie through
in-X pehold thy iiiotuer. noxv uie ium'
hate- xvonieii! Ah! no li hie iu a laud
and xxotmiu is abe.i-t of harden, a xai'cd
.s'.axe.. Whx doe- xxotnan jro to tha
Itible'in time of trouble? Ah! -he knoxv -it
-ax- xx eej n; max endure for the
nilit. but joy coii.e- with the inoinin-.'- J
ill .' ' ..! . .1 I".... . I ...1
All ta:nr. xxork t 'irethef for irood to
them that love (bid. Tnat b 10k -ay-.
Hu.-haml l.xe your xvife. Why does .-he
go to that cruel book?
Look at an dli T picture -the woman b. - chaia'M r 1 rotiirht into the
pre-'lice of Chri-t. He. xvith a .-xvord
of sarcasm, -plit- her enem'es from
.scalp t heel, -axing: "Le him that i
xxithout .-in ca-t the lir-t .-t inc." Ap
plause. Oh. how the Ii:ble hates xvoin
en! Oh. xx omen, hold up your hand-,
let me .-ee your hand-cuifs. I .-ee. tho-e
gold bracelet- lla-hiui: the", xvere put
there by fatherly. I rot berry, loverly
hand-. Applau-e. Where is your
xoke? Loo-eu tho-e xxarin xx raiipini:-.
I -ee your golden, carueli.iu and pearl
chains t nn-t 1:1:1 ty put iiiem mere.
rApplau-e.l And yet when Iuger-oll
-ay- the foolish thing- agaiu-t tne li.-
b'.e. tixe hundred idiots dap the'r hanil -
and -ay: "lint-so." Laughter.
Ah. he i-fal-ein thi-. and fal-einone,
lal-e in all.
He -ays the Mory that xvoman xxa-
formed fioin
a rib of
1 man i- ridieu -
loiis. He
axxs on that rib. and ha
le -n doing ii for year-. It 1 had an
old hound xvno dav alter dav guaxxed
n the -ame old dry rib a- if he depend
ed on it for happiiic . I xvould dnxe
him axv.iy. Mr. lngcrsoll doe-n't knoxv
that the "xvord rib. tran-l.itetl.
He doe-n't know a xxord
01 Hebrexv. and yet xvould tran-late
(iene-i-. He doc-n t know dreeK. Lat -
in. Cerman or Knglish. and yet xvould
tran-late 11 me-. Virgil. S.diiller and
nuaiie-peare. 1 uon 1 auop me hum 01
-M dthexv itenry, xvho saysxvomen xvas
taken from a man'- -ide b'cau-o that
xva- iic.r h's heart, and I repr.diate the
doe' that -he xxas taken Horn hi
.-me -o -ne eouid reacii an nis pocKet-.
Ah. -he xva taken from his right -ide
that hi- go d right a nn nvght protect
her. That's xvhy a man gets so mad
xx hen you talk again-t his xvife. (Jet
out of the -tr.ktng di-tancc xvhen you
talk again-t a man - xvife. Applau-e
From hi
at his -ide- tha i- her
po-it 0.1. Do you rememlH-r the brhlal
couple killed Im the train from l n
ning'on. Vt. ? There xvas a cnlli-io::.
tin tn: 11 xva.- burned, and bride and
gro un peri-hed. Tne eor.duc'or -a.i
the bride could haf ese.-.oed: the doc-
t rs -aid
bride need
not have
IkmIv xxas
linn urn d under the timbers. I ut onlx
r dre-s xx-:i caught, xet h
from his ide :c xxould not go.
Mr. Ingerso!! make mirth of the Iiible.
I'oi't tiiink I r.m oppi-etl to fun. (!od
never made a man xvho loxed fun mon
than I do.
Itut don't giggle at Cod.
-xn there .s a b:.4-nhc
fun. Ur. t' x-r-eked tr.
bI.(-ihcmoti- -:de to
1111 tin -v vvr-
a man xxbo sa d: "Wate!i me haxe fun.
1 xxill pull the siring of this -team brake,
anvl xvhen the people -co the train .-tna
they wi!l xvonder.'' "Don't do th"-."
sad hL- companion. tVu, he pulled the
string, -toppe I the tnr.n at a dangvrou
CtirxL and nlmi" tbmidere.I the St.
Louis expres,-. Crash.eame the collision.
and twentv lixes xvere lo-t. The man
had Ms joke. Mr. Ingersoil stop- the ZusLtn.
Iible tntiu. the chuxch traiu. aud he j Little things a-e often the hardest
think?, it a great joke, yet along comes 1 things. It is comparatively easx to do
death, judgment and eternity. ' a momentary deed of daring tha: will
Did .ou ever read a book. "The J startle exerybovly; it i-not -o easy .0
Triumoiiant Death Iknls of Distin-1 do little deed- of quiet courage lr-m
gushed Intideb?' Laus liter. I j day to day. unheeded by all and u:i
nexer did. T..ere is no such book. All ! heeding all. rerhaps you are not
die in stolid indifieenc. or in horror; j calletl to do the great de-ni. Liutyou
there h-vs nex-cr Ks-n an exception. ; are tailed every day to do the little
The are not 1 ke rav friend Alfred ' detnis. xvh'ch more surelv wear trci Kfo
Coolvma-'i. xvho5e list glad xvorxls xxere:
"I am sxri-eping through the gates into
the bles-cd land.' In
tlde's ncv-tr go that xvay. What des
iniidelitv Cq? In the fate war onlv
Christian rnro and - onion tinned the
woundM. not an infidel. North or :vrth..
did i There l not an l8u:ixn !
learning on earth fodl .r pr" " 1
)' taiKlei. aVc llcJl.fg. "wr
. . . .. f
I tuiirdfT 11 taught a a brtrna (rt-
1 - ..i
; tinntty ha all the otbrr. iHatirl-
it v ilt-, notbia- but flrhl t l;t4uft.i ;
I tltru- vim m nf tmritr In rle
iku cixl Ut. hi iMfi.iji:tt tk tMlftff
k UJ mttrh. Ti.e 4u:r-' U.t - U
' much -a -.hift L- uj rnth t woo: it .
: iHir tin-r.. n,ta: it io iliajTr -
thut i- too niorh. rljittcivr j
talnleittv. ii Mi:irrsii- jari. rrwi 1
iaio me uhs o; itoutJivcei?. LP
: . .k .ft f
( JaUter H Ae MOl inhdrUr hrf-r 4rr d-. 4 Uw xr hole iu hie ' ; c-mk iw ) ? u -dt.
Md it K a: wurth . l-ai .x tlir !r; uer- driv lMlt -' .t - mr aw-
tbelKirof the ter -f (lann U. . iku .nurtwiu. arilor la lfe kl- rt r ? rmiTdJr? JZ .
ent Utiu that dark alhn lo-'ttirkt Istm. tk lir Wuii ttk tW .U W 2Jt; ??! j. ,
tKored tb" tc-luir? fnm tlw br'.rii I bmul aal butter, troaifbt 1 bLru , ,, a.i.
Uttk, kiM-It a the lre fl.r. ami I mtt I) tin-Imiwas tk -huol-hou-
eouitnwled the' tint U a
lint fir tW WlMtrWH-d. b IM wf
the kunvrv. m. rnn Uc thr dead. The
,., . ?', c, ...
j . nri-i .ijjiu-. una ay wt nHBn.
; Md v tj,. Hr l.rvad: 1 wa -.-k, xI
mir-od me. I h:i in
pr. m. ami
VL-itet! me; I us .ora. aad ye i-ahrtt
me home. In-L-mueh a did b.
unto the l-aftt uf mow. yeId it nat
mi'." Frvm it h'cut Lr:urt tti
Hotr the IINi-li.lInf ol AIII.ettwH
l.Ce 1. ml. XXmhI.
How maiiv j- rtMir' of C!ol - word
haxe b e.i e i!ji,i to u ox our t.i-l
Then? is no cotn!rutal r of t s r.'f-
, ,f ,aju.lUl. , tt ca,rth.t. It
unfold- nexv be.itities xvhere all had ap
peared to lie Ix'autiful lifore: and x-. hen
forinerly there xvit- xvhat xxe thought a
xx ilderue . it ha- revealttl to u- a fruit
ful lie-IiL The old p-alni- have ipiaxered
for Us xith a nexv patho- a.-xve by
our "Haltel stream," and haxe -im!il
for II- xxith a nexv joy a- xx-e found our
captixity turmd a- the stream- in the
-until. The man x ho has -eet: niucli
1 Jlt,u.tioM wiII no, M..ulU mrt ,,1, h.
copy of the ord ut ihmI. Ano'her
book may -eein to other- to U iii-niti hI
xvith his own: but it i- not the -ume to
him. for oxer hi- old and tear ta.m-d
Iiible he ha- xvritten. in characters xx hieh
are x i-ible to no eye- but hi- own. th
record of hi-experience; and exer and
anon he comes to liethef pillar- or l'.!:m
alms, xvhich are to him the memorials
of -ome critical chapter iu hi- hi-torx.
How many of u-. too. miht -ayxxith
truth that xxe had nexer really prayed
until iiod -cut us into caiitixitx Our
wr,i,i,, ,:i, !.,. outward, "formd
.oI,. n thin-' of dutv. not of -im-eritx
I -. . . . .
an atlair. -hall 1 -ay' ol luxury uither
than of need. Itut now xve have found
out what the mercy eat mean-, and
know that praxi-r i- the -un-t and
-xvecte-t -olaee in the hour of perph-x-
itx. I In-i- iioil s "end and exiiect.i-
hi',,,," r ..ajitivilv; and when that
reali.ed i- there one anion:: u- uln
xx hieh alone that jrreatne can be eiv
en. Nor must we niiapne that (.od i
changed toxxard us xvnile thu- H i
dealiu"; xvith 11-. Iu all and through
all He i- xvorkme- fur our eood. tha' at
the la-t lie inav nre-ent 11- to llim-elf
xvitlioiit -pot or wrinkle or anv -uch
tlnnir: and xvhen-oexer xx-e are apt to
-u-pect Hun. He falls back upon His
oxvn c m-cioii- loxe to u- and -ay- " I
knoxv the thought.- that I think toward
you. thoughts of peai e, and not of ex. I.
to give you an unexpected end." Will
iam M.Taylor, tn I'nljut 'l' usury.
It often co-ti one ipiite a -truggle to
do hi- simple duty: and xvhen one docs
hi- -implc duty in -pile of h;s temptation-
to do diflcrentlx he de-erve- credit
for hi- doing. One has no need to lixe
Ion' in this xvorld liefore linduig out
,j,j, jnuj,. a bright little boy about
; ,wo :im sl j,aIf xear- old recentlv
1 sj,u,.d that he apprehended it. He
1 v.a-on the eve of do'ug -omethiug that
j u..lx Vl.n tempting to him "N'o. my
j son: xou mustn't do that." .-aid h
j r.lm.r; . it(j,. fallow looked a- if
! he xvouhl like to tlo it in -pitc of his
! !.,. nrohibition: but he ir umohe.1
! ,nt.r j,j indinat on. and aa-xxe-ed re
olulelv "All light, p.ip.i. I xvun t do
it." Th -re xva- no '-mh1 there, and fie
father turned to -oinctlrng el-e. The
bov xvaited a minute and then -aid. 11 a
tone of -urpr-e.I 111.p1 ry: "Papa, xvhy
don't you tell me: Tha''- a good by '
Th father aerep'el the -ugge-t on.
mil commended h - -on accord uglx A
, :,t ,vl.0i::tion of a ch.hF- wcll-do.n
1 :l j,ri..,t,H duty, evi n though the
J (.j,jid- xvcll-do ng ought not to hinge
j () iui.h a rc-ogn tion. And a.- xvith bt-
. .1.. f.,i- n ... , , :ir -..r , ,. .in-t coin
meudat'on is exerv one- due Kxei
our Ird himself It 1- promi-ed to -ay :
Well done"" to everx 1 cil one of Hi-
j wj,n fjCt wc. .-. 7 ( fi-.
A little key may ojen a !"o in
xvhich he- a bunch of key.s. H .hum
1 Jso ea can ilroxva. no -:onn can
xvreek. 110 abxs, can swallow up. the
cxer-bx-ing tnrh of fo.l.
A.s there i- much lfia-.: and some
devil in man. sa there i- some angel
and .some (tod iu him: th?bea-" :.nd the
dev.l may le con',uereI. but in thi- lite
nexer xvholly ile-:rviyel. .". T. Cv't
rtd ji.
I have found nothing yet which re
ijuire" nore eoursgi" and indej-ndenee
than to r.-e a 1 tth but di-cid tllr a! e
the par of the xvorl l'xrvmd I ".-ilj?-!"?. n?aier
I . .. . , , ( HEKK rut! crtata
u-. 'Mire'x. the xv.-.y in wh ch xve com Ei;ii 1aoice
monlv go en i- not th'; xvav of clf-d - 1-OUK Hero
n at "and wriPo and c?o--be.inng j sSjH"" '.:.!."
which the Ne-v Te-tann nt talk. o. 1 L.ttD ""
! ';'' -"'
.i . r fi- 1 .. .... u-..
1 OM Knx''v "'v :1 't:- oiiiicus: t
1 b- xxx-elv canntatle. to do gooil wit
out mnltiplxing the -ource- of ex.I ;,,. Bul-er- xr.
,. , ' , , .1 HfHi- It, jr.
11 knoxr th it to pve aim- .s noIi!pg siiEEI'-in-rtHclw-w -un'es.
xou gixc though: al-o: aaI ;h 1 I KUI"k-h h.c-
the:cfore it is xvntten. not '5k-.-ed '. i-f ! vA'vlN 2"i
1- he that jcoieth the j oor. iu: , OAT: No. r
It .wiiHl is be th-- ctn dfre'i Th
:h or. -vim xou Kaoxx- tiia: a 11
J thoug'it and a l.ttlo k mine., are oftci
, xxortli more than a greal deulof money.
and .strenjrth in the long run. lte glad
that yoa are called to this; for thi -the
hard r tak. and he xvho i faithful
here will no be unfaithful in the ca-iex
great tlxlrca- ? i. 2iuizs
A WrU A-t Tlw WK IJI lx.
a; i'oi itD' u. ()., a ti?i t" uku;
w'-r n t .riBt. w:otiMl4m
to , , rMs a w m,Oi u kt 4tii
A srar vkl lit
Wu 1 !
rwl v frtJT xmi itxUh h ,
tM - H w t Wowc- Ub 4-
; J r nmov.- jm! iromt yuk vmr
.WoUrr IV- .. b.wl boo vttti
rtU Ldr cf
Mp omi4
... ... ., !
loo far ofl f rtun ktM-a w tkr HuMnra
I . . t TL V
ralTe tllKJ rndrr 1. Wk
i k.,iM f-.r- tiB-r iirir imaiav
Mr- ad Ana Hoyd trare a (b-.
.:pp.d on ur t rk.-.ii xl itum
tA Hoxd 'lh Hrto-rt kotJ- mkI
the ;H-ro errtl pntwer- i tbr iUvc
TWt .Ine Httdt. ttd Woe Umri'
I .1 1 M . . ,., ll.lw
tk.-e cve full -;rat.icU.a IV
Jjrcal eral w.n kc: vylr froufni
bv -lr;k frum Albanx. "rr plum.
tS oMt.-Hle so,:r " aid Waitiult
eolnred ami the .mU. ,l .miV
or xhitinjf
-uutiaer. but
H.-xrefoot. d nmrs. in
t'.e htxttl-iker Hmtlmni
! hou.i- tu hotiM im the fail m! U4r
our khn--. Hon plaait it H t
waieh the work on our .Jm- i1 t
tlcJtmte the titoe xb-a they wwiUl bf
tiai-hed. and then put the preka
th,nSs under our pillow the tlr-t m-chf
l'op-runi. uf abler, witl-tlen A buttr
.. s. . -
nut. jewr-hax-- and kitis, mbl tb plar
ad wereprobablx (putea- efjjoy bb
the thou.-und kJihU of ts o4 the
pre-ent There were eijjbt children in
my father- family tben. and my mother
made their -locking- ad wialer c-4il
mil trousers from wool to ciwpb-lni.
Pretty xv el! for a mercbuat'a xxife."
em.' fA. Y f Srfituitt.
IV t.oslel Itrn.-rW. Im a Vriui X Im
Itilli-vrs In IVilratrliiUiii.
For eood. hoiic-t iiiterchaxice
- - I-
inougm. anu M-numem. mr f.umji
.1 I . 1 - --. 4 . .im .
. . I. .
man. and -eparaung the oru Irom the
v...... ... ... ...-,... ,-....
characteristics: lor etltag a pup
-trotiger than exer iu the xxax of po.M
mg hi- heart. I know of nothing that
an bring better occasion-or Healthier
chanced to you than walk tux hum bira
on the King- highxv ny You -ball
lenrn nunc ot a man's heart, bis hfce-aiidilislike-.
!r- hobble- aud ubo-y tirra-ste.-.
hi- xveakne and he stietigth.
in a day'- xvalk than xou -hall Im- able
to get by a month - ndoig with him in
1 diligence or a pothaie. The hr ei-
that winnow- your xery heart, and
-end.- the chatl'of dark and doubtful
thoughts from you. lenxiag the kernel
of true gram xvlute and clean, i- surely
an unspeakable bhwittg as you lre-jl
VOIII a iMOlIf l. II" ( I l-j Uli'l -M
upland road. Then xou haw the
bright or excr-ehangmg -kx. and
eleamingcottagehoine- here and there
sheltered under their xxanu wmg- d
thatch, covered o'er xvith golden -time-crop
and green mos, all -jirinkled
daintily xxith crystal gems of hoar
rime and froen -noxx. lieyoiul all
this, the exhilarating swing in cxery
step you take, aud the gbuiou- joy ol
freedom you po e-. combine to open
x our heart to him xxbo throxx- in hi
lot xvith you for the time, and jog
along xvith you xxith ready wit and re
sponsixe rexcrence. keeiines- of x -lot.
. ...... ...... ..I...... .1... j.. M...I lfeMfekl
and bnghtne-s of Imirt. What n ran
prix ilege i- gixeil to exerx xv.iiki r on 1
the King'- highxvay. and through Mi J
sweet, -badowy rural lanes and im I
ow-. threaded bx -ilxer -tream- d
lined xxith xvilloxx holts, leading "
from. And xet. hoxx few a !' vv
F !
gratitude and act upon the gd' w. .
nature ex er extend- to them xdh p ;
iiaiid-! What loxcly pictun- .1' 1 '
gleam- of la-ting joy tiler who do an'
go afoot nil forever. - 7! k m
A X. I .v.,r.
A rrailti.Uof Yalo (o!lc. Iv -'a
K. Cox. I. I.. I'rneilcal stil Anati
fhcmist, Wnshinstoa. I). (-. :&- t'
fot!o-.via cfllrial .tnt-wi-it T tL
thKiauiti vhos liMi in ln-jn
hrink from tlica-e of ilorj.faia and 'p in.
and ppcially to mother. vko jwtiv .r'''
tic vvil, an I at tinu. fatal JT-tI o tl''
damcrroii ilnir'. th It! .Str l'kh t j-t,
mu.t prove a Ikxih. It I not onlr ewltriK
fre- from all opiate. ji"on. and uni-Uf-s
(a thin-; which not on- rough pr-partio3
nlin can Uati. Iut it i altPtber an
original and turmt happy comhiaatu-n of
tho L-Rt remedial a-t-nl. and i a Uarni'
! k it i ctTectlT-. I la thi aun-rllr-a
on careful naly-anil RauiKroti practical i
:ets the latter in every caw rraltir-i; la j
c jeely cure. '
The Charle. A Vo-;eler Cotnpanv. Haiti- J
more. 5!aryland. ar- tbe Sole Owner anl
Manufacturer of thi valuatl r-msjy j
The Head of the Bal;inKir Il-alth Depart
ment. l)r. Jaaie A. St'-uart. one of the
mot eminent physician in America. ay.
"It supplant th-ot jectionabte and harm
ful feature of othr cocj;h mixture-'
KAMs.V.s t'lTT. Jnaonry t
t'ATTLE Shlno nc ii-r H at tt
Nativi- cow-
liMtca-r- ier
HOG S Ck1 t cho ce ln-av,,
No 3
COK.V No. r
OATS No. t
3 U)
i tr.
1 v.
4 u t
31 .
1 U M.
. to
T. fe
'Vi fc
. It
t (i
- u
& ii
4 u i
s V ".
KYK-No 1
YlJ il'it Kancy . p-r ac:
HAV-L-irre tvcl
fce". J
I v.ii u ..... Mft.M.n.
wTxaiTX-Xhm. '
T. Iri.
CATTLE 5h ir tsx f--r
4 :o
A ",
1 Ki .. Z
K iu 0. u ar-s
CsOToN Mid4hair. 1-J it -
rATTI.E O&r: 10 cb4e-r. i5 ft
HOs iaci-u2irt3Jh,tp.a-r ii fe
4 rxi
4 o
SHEEP-Fa-rUchoi J5
FLOril-VClnlcr --fat . 10 a
WHE-VT-No. rrtsj HA
No. 3 ..
No.rpnox- . .- "3-i
COKN No.r ... ST ti
OATS-No. . if4
?Ohlv-.Xir-r)trM ... CM CCU
N1xv TOKK.
CATTLE Kspor: lil &
HOGS Good to cboJc. ..
5HEEP Poor to pnese . . 3 TS .
n-UK GoJ to choice ... 3 "S is
XVH SAT-No. S ml. SCSfc.
C01iN-No.r r3E
3ATS XVe-tenx xatie.! r-its
FOKK taaian: ms ntU C SS
PETIiOLEL'M-L'altes! O CJi
!. r 3CaU.c. M3 W Tt-
rrit irv. 5 Yr. j i&
frfT at , , wW f !. jM ta8l
tiiui !;.
.--j-j LpAi4t. - rtJt 1W
a, wirrm. Wi k
MrM frt 1
wfejr Nwf -
.- m. - - - ititt
. rt tex t,t U r l K. -
re r ikwh --
. ft.. i i - 1
I-U. -4 tw
j -- i
u ricrw, 4
Cmt ixui lrt-
at 1 mi uf k. mi 1 ml
mm,lUum .f - l r- - -1 - imt -
timmm - - Ur l-Vtwr'. "oiWni Vl4l is
' nrrrt " TV -- 4 (rwri m
. fcM fcV I aM4Mt 3-w-t
UmX ltm,mimmtmm i .u ! 4a. . m
, Um itmrlm. TW l(wjr ."
' jl . frari mA J-. tfc
t r- ' .2-t , - -J
- ""- t ' '-
j v, xXtc ifct -! ."
J lrMN. . k 1.14 j.t lu ki.U--l
1 A'.
4 .
" M maJ
ic -(-. Il"-I Th'..
TmVmxei ttKiT(' xi-.n
Cr U m4 ItM-lr U4wTtrf IU.t. t
tah i t l ih iUm-rmm m.ivu
-" Vi: ra'TT ,
1 t--,.- - .
U ! it littdr-Mt r-nW Al U tUm
tiu(tU-ni.-irUt mA !
r Iimmm 1 4t- rm4urUMa fc hm.ih.
Ytg-ar. tMwt ivM-cbil rMMini I r.-A m
-urr-Hl. -' U Wl JI1 Ar. at wtMS fur itliut4it IXktlaj-h.H t
To rri'iriT lUr, i" -"
n4 iive t t i4L
torzmU" -Al"t Mrrrr. TK I.Ji- m, k
a rM l -Jli. " I ptkl Wt fau.trT- 1 f
(luitari MlU"Mt r-xrmtviavf x
,v Mrs. rttih 1UmmI, M !WP.,
jijj, j, 1 h-iwl tAlr c--.0lU t-j .
i jv .tr A ; Tia - H ' tnr Ml r
Ir. It. V ln. r-urtwi i t- r 1 u .
.1.1 1.1 -.,
I '' ' -" - - - " - ' -- -
UbJv u,),,,,,, ,irt ImI X- lk- P
1 llo - ftw K-" Wl "w 1
( AniI o do It imt wt--1 ..u k
ITV Vr ! loat Unl U dull.
ltU W. liw wUk( -i.
I to Vol XXanl In llui a l-t.c
Iitc JlHyi-r'n I'.wWWi: Plas, sr!o ih;
nt alJr--il, e4f-Mi ilnl-, u-rve-- l !
nod v k-r- to lw v t4e--a, toll i V A
xx-inl'M! rrti.-vf. xarK k Hi.. I -fail . 1
Hrftla'tn i(llnl-ai. l k -
1MI ml 4t la" !, lb .
cimutrv 1 hap Jii l
I1I- rlir.
hoevir lant'. rf 111t h1 tMl-wily
er-s MlUmni xtMio. r r !-. Imi1
i-M- ii-t-t rei.lT. WurM'-. lHMrT
ix -ih; im jPaaM lor wanitt-, ww
Medical AUuM, MaXaiaHcJIuCalo.ll .
Wurs: tb- t-al - a &Ws lwwJ.j-.ri km
K-ot u-oa it a a J IoiwIt blaU
CV:oK a.m lViAaB Ta b-ri.
ikMi HbUk ln-faic ixmoluac lawa-iwtiat-T
reHrmt ly of " J"r-V Hr.mrhmi
7rv-Ar M HoW oaly la Mx-. " ri.
Yov rut romnl on mm." i Ut- U 1-cuUUm-
- rarlnil.
i Ki"T(n-TMM-it:Hr rwrctat artwuii.ts
.r.KKvMoHS Itnuit-UH .Ul K- I! ifm.
A wavI- rat)l n Hrw--l Har wken
uollttn-; tat k- v imtml.
Ir arVrf-l -.'th Mr- !' w-- I- I
lletj:MH 1 lor XXamr. lrn-vu iU K. ar-i.
rrr from 'lf, mHf nrut .TcO--.
re k. " t--i. n...--. !.
CU. KrXltk (rN XI k J" ,
Athaa. 0"l"f. rJ U CTk.u
. . .. fit.7kM'Ljis
I-tv.-Ii)-.-"!-''' -'rr'-''",--
pl-irxilrsv 'ft ' ''l''lrf.X, VS"
l-i. b tft"3 "d -ije fc
tut raiBttii t Tosrixarn-jritr.
m V" ."' - . ".
..i;..... ,t e . .
. . LYOIA C. PIHMArl-a . .
u a -f7iTr r kx rx
Alt tw f...-ri r.iiitt
4 vi x -
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rri n.r 1 on latioi
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Cotxlittock r-nr-kf. tc- -- smi
WnlViEi1 UI1 VkCnlli
nt.-tteiUD'Jl7u3.Ua C--r--n
pCDQI A U Magic Charm
a am a it e nostw ti a.
I L ll tl I H H r-st &-au-'r Jr-r.
s a m w a a m .. - -. k . .
n iixs. ix-rir r. sceisis i j wct-ht t4rr- 1
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jLr-:UiVr. ti- rv. r
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Ewrselled aad Plain HoliiJ-Wifff
Mi.U.l.l. 0 .
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" XT. Ui-i
rt-S. Iptdj llo
:. . rim
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- v K I t k' I.
For Choirs, Conventions,
Singing Classes and tfei
Higher Schools,
! Uttir SmW kw fi ta p4
U tltwv-- i-
Choral Worship. ZSZT::. i SZt
i. ,4 m m( H-c w iyi " -!
m -..
. (:,. ,fc. - ta-M mt A-- mmt
m - . .-. -.-! 1-H ( f
The Mcdftl Singtr.
1 nii 1....
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m m.i 'M tii aui
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r HI , tf . .
Son-j Grillng. ' Ul'-i ZZZ
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1 ..nlf Id " M M .l(ll
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Kit W. . . . v . . fti
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M. -.. f -3 1:9hU 1 1 fmtt -..
ri-W Wr- Sr4f' J 5t a f fs
jrlf-rfl- M'3ftl A-"" tr JK
JtM4. M. L fi " - lifc4
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DiTCIiTC Haft4-BMt
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Hani-BiHlc FREE.
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