S -e - K r5 ,? df THE MESSAGE. TrVfcat Govornor Dawes Has to Say to tho Legislature. .Htate Finance The Statu Debt I'ub- lie XuaMtutlnna Educational .Mattrra Affrlcnlture and Horticulture Tilts .State If iattirlral .Vic otjr mid Other Matter. Gentlemen of the Senate and Hoiimj of Ifep- ro-cutntivet.: It I re.ulrcd by the constitution Mint the f.t.vornnr ahull, at the commencement of j.iieh cwion. nml ut the doe of his term of i -otlicc, give to the Leglslitturo Information by mes-ugeof the condition of the State, and fdiall recommend Mich measure an be shall j tleoni expedient, accounting alo to the Leg-i Mature uiid accompanying his nn-Mi;'f v:i& .statement ofull money received utid p'ifd out by lilra from any fund! hiibject thl onler, und at each regular nwlim PJieiit estimates or the amount JLilll'Ily-'" I" ral-ed by taxation for njl pTfrpoTe.s. In eom jillunce with thee pcfiVilons, I .submit the j'ollo.iintf mcHsat. SVATK I'l.VANCKS. Vour attention Ik, In the llrst ln"tance, In vltcd tf the highly Mitlsfaclory condition if onrSJaTc nuance., as sdiown by the reports (itrlieSlatfTreunureruml Auditor of Public ?ccounts. JJahtnce on hand. .Vov.3), lHS.',wu.f Clll-Vl Amount received -,7W,70.' Total amount received . Total amount dfoburacd ..?.i.n:.:r.ii it . . 2,'.:w.."4.I. Iiulance in Trciwury. Kov. 'V). m 5 442.91WO The amount on hand November 'Vi. IfcM, Is credited to the Keveral funds as rollows; Stute Kfiieral Hind f 4'J.tf.isjri Htatet.Inkiiu,'fnd LT.oi7.-il Permanent M'liuol lund Ah.VlM Temporary school fuinl Itt.'Wl.Tii J'ermaner university tiiml Z.VWJ'A Temporary university fuinl ,;,l!l."J HUite bond fund bi.751,15 lu.-ane hospital fund ICS.'-Oi 1 Normal Interest tuml If.iHllI Normal library fund '"Vi?'5 JVoruml enilowment fund HYI-El tateeonvlct luud -I-'K Stutij library lund i'! J?t:i$e I'undiiur luud " Salineland le:te tuml 3.wt.1 rnlveilty library lund '.C.'i.u) OiplMiI building fund Il.7il.07 J merest churned foil lit j- Treas urer fi.77.-W Jnteier-t oti surplus investments.. KI,.VIU.i Tuhil as above ? 412,riHt..r. A: will ben-en liom iheT'ea-uiiT report the balance of ?iiTi7.-niu:ei est eharged County TreuMuier.s und the balance ol .i:t,."i-'H.i"i in terest on MirpluK investment are umiviut ill and should lie tn:nferiel. hTTi:iii:T. State Indebte-ltie.s is represented by the following bonds: Mate relief bou.lsilite March 1. IsA'i.? W.i.m titateluieliugbondsdiieApril 1, K.f7 44:V-"7"i Total State debt '. fWoMr ny Mid act of 1S77, in the matter of pay ment of principal and inteicst ol Mute relief bonds, it was provided that payment should be made from tin- sinking fund, and In older that sa.d bonds may be paid promptly It is recommended by the Slate Treasurer that the balance in t'ic State bond fund, together with the amount hereaSter collected, be t'iuisTcric.1 to the i-iiikiug fund ami thus ii mle available lor the purpo-o lor which it Jo collected. uuvr.M'i: AMI TVXATION'. The iis-essr-I viluatiou ol tin taxable I ropeiiyol theStateui Ix-'A was $lli,ri::.i-!l..r, uud in 1nc4 it wa ?1SI.I1."i.s,H.a"i. .showing an increase ol ?:t,,fti,.-,4j:r;. The rate ol taxa tion lor State purposes lor the ear Isxt, was 1 4-10 mills, anil for the year v, 7 .ViCkNH mills tin eaeli dollai valuation, and there ha been collected during that period the .sum of $,:07. !.'.' ft, di.stilbuted as Itilloivs: 'tenecal lund Sinking luud.. ? ieil.ur7.lfl 7li.4:H.7I uumoii M-hiKil luud University luud Total l.:H7.1:.a7 The levy of ps-l will yield the follotvitig nmoiiuts: 5eneral fund. I rM0i mills ?.7i',.:r7!.4s linking luud. ks mill '.iI.MI.'Jl Coiutiion school luud. 1 mill li:;.;i."..s". University fund. a mill 4i;,:i.r.'.i Capitol building lund. j mill I'd.siT.'.i:. ilcrt.riM fcliool building tuml, U mill :n.'."CI.'.i'; Ttital $;.'il.S7.V(M Vour notice is directed to the Auditor' ytatemeul showing amount of taxes dellu iieiit. with the hope that you in your united wisdom may succeed in devising some plan tor the better collection of the revenue, and that without imposing unnecessary burden-, upon the people. There is a general demand that the law of JH.s:!. making taxes delinquent .lanuary 1 ot each year, and providing lorn penalty of live per cent., shall lie repealed. I would cite for jour examination the revenue laws ot the States of (lino and Indiana. The law of the last named State provides that any peron charged with taxes on the tax duplicate in the hands ot' a County Treasurer may pay Ihe full amount of such taxes on or before the third Monday in April, or may, at his op tion, pay the first installment tin or before uch third Monday, and the remain ing installment on or before the tlr-t Jlondtiv of November following. pro viding that all road taxes shall be included In the erst installment, and that in all cacs ivherc the tlrt installment shall not be paid on or before the third Monday in April, the xvhole amount unpaid shall become due and be returned delimiucnt with proper penalties tuldcd. This plan is that ol' -emi-auiiual pay snent a dhxsiun of the burden. Taxes are JetlnPd a .icing the enlorecd proportional etuitribiiti..!! of per.-ons and property, levied by the authority of the State for the support of the (Jowrnment and tor all public needs. Applying Miia definition to our own ease and xve win agree. iiai iiosi legislation upon me matter d 'i.xation is that which, while it Hluill meet "he wants und needs of the State Government, will at the same time, as far as it may w ith .xalety be done, lighten the burden to him who so contributes. In relutioii to the present management of the public institutions of the State it may be naid that without an exception they are In excellent hand. HOMK :tu tiik ntiKNiibi:... The act of 1SS1. providing for the erection of a Home for the Friendless, was curried into effect by the purchase of a site near the Oity of Lincoln and the erection of a build ing thereon. The government of the Home xvas assumed by the Society of tho Home for the Friendless, and it is now under the active -care and management of u board composed -of earnest practical Christian xvonien. who w!th well directed energy are striving to nake it what it should be. The Home was opened to receive inmates January 1. ISjj. and sine- thut time has received, adults to. rhildron 1X5, making n total of .s. There "hiwo been surrendered to the Home .. chil dren. and of this number AT have been placed 3n good homes tu this State. An appropria tion Is asked for by tho society in charge for the purpose of erecting and furnishing addi tional buildings, and to aid in the mainten ance of the Home. In my judgment their re quest to a reasonable amount should be irrant'td. It must be remembered that the title to this property remains in the State. A visit to this institution will convince you of its utility and worth. TDtivr AXD ItUHIl INSTITUTE, AND rEEULE MINIIEll CHII.IIKKN. Organized in April. 1SS. this Institution ha since that time received, for instruction 211 pupils. For the last biennial term there has been u reported attendance of 141. The health of the students has been pood, and the methods of instruction the samo as heretofore reported. When we consider tho Available means and accommodations at his oomnmnd. the condition of this institution tinder the present management is admirable. Instruction in the trades, printing, carpenter work, sewing, fancy wort and housework, is still continued, and funds are asked for to Tdnec the trades upon a more efficient basis looking to tho power of seir-support upon tho part of those receiving instruction. Your attention is called to the deficiency of JR..riO0 in tho appropriation for this In stitution by reason of failnre of the list Xegislaturo to make provision for the year ending March 31. 1SS5. in the matter of wages of employes. Attention is called to tho fro .queiit applications Tor tho admission of "fee ble minded children" to this school, a class -who are not tit subjects for a deaf mute school. Bv reference to too census of ISSu it i shown that we had at that time 3.16 persons clussed as feeble minded. 19 of whom wore tirucr twenty years or age. inc ciatc uu undertaken to care for the insane, the blind und the deaf and dumb. In x-Iew of these facts, together with tho experience of other States in this work. 1 am prompted to call vour attcntton to the imjortance and nrgeu 2v"of their claims, ana tho advisability or making some provisions in Nebraska for this hopeless class. IVST1TUTE rOR THK ni.IXI. The totaVnumber of pupils received at the swirutofor the education of the blind Trom Se dSo of Its opening in January. ISM. until hSSlMi2?SSSSdcd toaccomrnodate M..t?nTi. and there. has been an attend- Wrt3rtrSSc PUPA durin tho bleunial ncc ?f Jffied Of those who would be ad ' ronnderthc rules, and residing in tho State, there .arc iw in the school. The inie..dent n0.ar0ne of general orospcrity. termisreporteaaso0 been oxcel- Tho heaUh of too stud " mcnts of study lent, ud lni?tnrlryusical and industrial. con8isliwrof"tcrVin becn m&a SgSSSffiltfSSSte literary depart- mnt will compnre fnrnrably with tho of Wee character in other Stat--- AH n-aefvc musical lntruct.nn and the work tn Mil de partment Is becoming more thorough each year. An exhibit from the industrial 1j- iianmi'nt huii Iktu mmiI in the New Or.t-an 5 Exposition. Tin; appropriation made uy the j lat Legislature have lecn ample In every rft-t.vt-t.jtml In thu Item of living cxtK.'n there will Its a small balance returned to tin; , Treasury. Appropriation arc asked tor. covering tin; mutter of water supply ami Im provement to building- and ground. In addi tion to the general -upport of the In-tituu., and should lc granted. noriTAf. run tub i.v.i'n. This most unfortunate cla- are entitled to ourib-ep"t -ymputhy. and to our constant cnn und wntchfiilne. that -o fur a may n polblo their condition -Matt . iinprovci ,1 OI k until xv. reMoretJ hi inviiini iieaun. ; sixty -tune were much improveu. -ii )-u.e-..- uniuiproviti. narm.es ami incura.n-. -.- ; returned t. their Jt.untle. to maeroim lor i recent caes; forty -three have tiled during j mi- tn. f-nt-. .-.... . ...- ...-!... - I vember:. lsM.rV) patients which ;-n.st . the utmost capacity of thejirenl build ng. At the nift if increase for the pnt two year.lt l estinlated by the MiperlntenJent t!.t not le.s than Ml) application for tliead- mission of pat:nts will be made during the , coming two years. Additional room mut be rurnl-hed by the State Tho Superintendent recommend the building of a new Institu tion a preferable to luerea-lug the i.e or the present one, and udvle that Ihe new hospital should be as lare a the one we now have, and that It be erected a a w hole and not by sections, as being more econom ical, and ror the further reut-on that It ill be needed by the tune It can be completed. These recommendation are concurred in by the (omuils-ioui r or Public IjukI and IbiildliiL's. and have my approval, as do a!-o MIIJIIIM-I I tmM III tf'l". " -- - lie reipieststor sjiecial appropriation for ceded improvement. Vour attention I flu lie culled to the lame amount due the hospital from the s'everal counties having patient chargiable thereto. In many cases the de liiiifiieney being or long standi inr. It has been urged upon me that our hopl tal I. a it name implies, a place for the treatment of those who may be sutlering from temjMirary mental derangement, and not a lunatic asylum, a place for the couilne ment of thu incurable or chronic lu-aiie And it Is further urged that in a new Stute like ourown the counties are not prepared to care ftir them In a proper manner, and that special piovlion should be made for this class of patients instead of rctiirnu-g them to their rcsjcctlxe count fc to make room for more recent ease-, as 1-done under the pre-ent system. The thought Is sub mitted that the cine of tlie iii-ane I a bl'r tlen that should be assumed entirely by the Slate, for the reason that proper care ni-d treatment can not be, or I- rarely glxie them, in what are known as county hou-e. that i:re Intended more -'pot!uIly lor tie care of the needy poor. STATE IlKl'Oi'.M SCIIilOb. I'mler the law regulating the management of thi institution, boys and girls under six teen years ot age found guilty of an crune except murder or manslaughter may Ik re ceived. Thi school was established and in tended, not for punishment, strictly speak ing, but rather lor education and reforma tion. A place ol restraint and correction for those for whom such treatment may siillice to rc-toro them to an upright lite and tit them for fuluie iietulue--. Standing be tween the youthful offender and the in-titii-tion prepared for and which hould only ie ceive hardened criminals, the Intel est of so ciety deiu lid that u liberal pollc. should be pursued in carrying out and promoting the objects lor which it was created. The school has. at the present time. i.xty three inmates. In Aegiist. ls.t. the con tract was let for an ndd'tiotial build ing, at a cost of ?.'i7.41tl. This building has been completed, am is now ready for use. and I am informed that applications for ad mission now on tilo will exhaust the increased accommodation so rurnished. I would im press upon on the great importance or the work we luixe iiudei taken in the organiza tion til thi relorm school, and would rec ommend lor it all reasonable support and encouragement. STXTi: I'ENITENTI HIT. Needed improvement have been made at the State I'euiteiitiarx during the past two xear-. under 1 lie direction of the Warden and Hoard of Piilihc bauds and ItiilMiiiL'S among which, and wortny of special mention mo tl.e erection ot it lire proof hospital building, a more perfect water supply. and a tiioiough change in the system ol sew erage and drain age, greatly Improving the anltarj condition til the prison. Discipline is thoioiighly maiutained. the government being K;m!l. jet at the same time firm. The medical su pervision is excellent. and the tateot health among the prisoners is good. I'mler the con tract system the convicts are furnished .steadv employment, and their want are well supplied b the pre-ent contractor. Warden Nobe in hi report of November :i. Is.'. irave the number of prisoners a LVd. Since that time there have been dicluugcd PS1. the number received being 17s. f . total i number confined in the penitentiary Novem ber '". IhSf, was -iVJ. and tit that number twenty-three are under sentence for lile. Peitiiient to the subject in hand, and toxvhieli I wiil. in passing, call ytmr attention, are the questions of the iiuual ty or sentenc-e as proportioned to the crime or the cireunit.uie. under which it was committed, us we have so often seen: and that of Indeterminate sentence, the ad vocates of which proceed upon the theory that the purpose of law being to reform, we should in all cases, other than those meriting death or imprisonment tor life, take into consideration the antecedents of the criminal and his conduct alter entence. This principle we have in a measure recog nized in the enac'ment of what is known a the Coodtimc Act. ami I may add. that legis lation i rapidly becoming more liberal In this direction. l'AUtlO.N.S, COMMUTATIONS AND ItEMISSION 111" EINKS. The niinloiiinc power invested In the l.Acc- rromthere,w,rtoi tuer-uperiuienoeni j.r ( :uwX,t ro.fiiat'! -V: the neuter wmkiT the biennial term ending ovt mlw-r .. !, .OJ w, Hr wt ,.ntfaswil ,B teaehtaff It appears that, fii th.- date or lat reMrt. ) f choj, ,jf M. Strti-mU-rSMW. there w reinaiiiiiur in Ths, ch,JO, ,. t.r,M'U.ti::v xroin- In publte thi- boK;a1-.l patients, riiere hao Men , f fcf ntte,,daiMe r.,r the i,t tHuar le mskinir a total number of aI t tint J - . lUrn i hie .efl ip-nti-niiinnir this pericl O. the f fl lloltar, jor ,rh tud. tit I piacl In litrilii-r treated Sit have liven dlaChutvi u. I ... . , .... . ... ,u.. s:... utive has been exoreied by me in but one j prize tor their display ot fruit. The Airri instance, that ot Jacob Smith, of York cultural aed Horticultural Sociefle- dc-crxe Countv. conx-ictcil for the uiieneot snoot ing with intent to kill, and sentenced to the State Penitentiary for the term tit one year. Kntering upon his sentence February ."1. Is.:!, and a pardon Is-uod the -.Mill f September, of the same year. In till case, the provoca tion to crime was great, and while it does not jutifv. jet it serve to extenuate, and my action in the premise was based upon the petitions of a large number of the citizens of vud count '. fourteen members of the E lA i '?"' ".V.Y...Y.V.. V V.i. l:.. .'.'I ing Attorney and the District Judge who II I' 111 if irVOIUIIH.U'IHieiu li' m- vaa passed sentence upon tn:i The power nf commutation has been used by me in two case, x-iz: ileorge Hart, under sentence of death, from Hall County, and John H. Polln. under sentence of death from Cass County. In these two cases the sen tence of death wa changed to imprison ment for life in the State Penitentiary. My action in this matter was determined by let ters tiled by the JmlgiB of the Supreme Court, who were unanimous m recommend source In the matter of the remission of tine. I have acted in but 00 instance. At the Octo ber term. lS.. of tie Gage County District Court, one C.E (.iflord wa fined one hun dred and fifty dollar, for the crime of selling Intoxicatlng'llijuors a-ithout license. It ap pearing later that the facts were not fully understood, and that he wa entitled to re lief upon the merits or the ene. the tine was remitted upon the recommendation of the Judge who imposed It The pardoning power is to be ured prudent ly, sparingly and conscientiously-. Manding lietweea .society at large, the ieople of the Mate, and those who are under conviction and sentence for trati-grclcui or its laws, 1 have striven to o act ar :d r.:n rullv Justified ring that "the attot-' in this connection in saving State, and the Judge 'Tho. after hearing the evidence adducett upon the trial of a raiiM? IlCV Who prosecutes ujmiii me par. tu mu pase entencc. should be slow ir.uetu. ... . .... .. .... .. i... e nncr ! pcwuootr .... -.- "' ""r; tiun wifh Mm .111! th'nt I "vvo'.1 .1 'not be vvar IH.rt. v'f this -otvety could not be had 1 Jn ec. of tl.e outlay made. with the feeling that 1 would not be war- ,..,., .,., , vstiti ti.i.n u. .untMivr.NT. nnmim- In ineh'nner and from "licli" I 1 lhl ',ter ,r 1'r.iitins and pu.ilis.iing In ad- A.".cn.!u.cn:.s to the constitution 'if our coming in such laanner and from miv.1i "..,. tho ..mount nnmed tor Incidental ,.-... e..n l. suhmitted to a vote of the him in whose hind this now-cri t leeed. and oiille general, iniciiis-enuv coniiucicu. wn jc m uiu M.i..r.,iu - """i-"- ---1 . " VI .V.; ";ln. r..u 'r.! 5 r.,T. ..,li.iL.i,m. . branch of industry ha proven uc-c-lul such provj-.on a will enable- the people to inn iniinunirr:iax 111 :iin iii:it;i"i' nit t.iv.i.wii i ui uvitvun'i of duty the ole respot.sibility rest." Uin II 11IIU ill IJ kUIt - -.rv unuavTiox. Nebraska Is justly proud of her common schools, and much "ot ticlr eiTiciency 1 due to the wise planning and well directed efforts of our present lie Instruction L'sent State Superintendent of l'ult- ction. The fo.lowirg :utiStic! vil! be found of interest as -bowing t..o develop ment of our State in the direction ot her dearest etlucat.'onil Interest, the common school: Total number children of school age. .A.U.'..: boys. 1 Ji.w-S: girls iiU.-i Total enrollment. 1'fT.OlS: boyu. Tl.os): girls. tiV-C?-. Total numtujr of teacher employed. ro-Vi: males. lJk-i: romalc. -1.144: school houses built in lS.s4. liXt. Total numt-er school house-. Safirji Total vaue school property. s-iTsii.a-5. The present permanent common school fund Is as follows: Cash in Treasury Xov.uU, 1SS4 $ State funding bonds lfegistered county boaJa Mortgages. ............... - . L". S. 4 percent, bonds Claims in hands of Attorney Gen 4A.ftV5.ts 3.107 Ji Tti.t uj 4.UD.W Jj,(.OJ.W eral tor collection 21.RVX00 Notes from sales of school lands. 2.J1.4.si.sO Total .F3.K7.ilti.79 The following Btatement of the temporary common school fund will show the sources of revenue to this tund. the amount upi-or-tioned since December. lsJii, and the dates of the several apportionments: Balance in Treasury Nov. a 1S2. .? 170.-K7.-3 Statetar received SS'H'ivl Interest on school land sold saMXL.a Interest lease of school laud 271.610.73 Interest permanent iavcstiuctnu. 1U0.U1S..J t GJlb'-r r property. tsrr Total rrcfbed Paid on Auditor's warrants.. W3Ijs .? IW.O.7 . 17u,.C l . ran.; 4 b-2SM.T-J 3 I.H.X. JJalanceN'ov.-JO. W Ik-cetnlicr, !v Junr. 13 J-c--inbT. 11 June. I. December. Ixt Total tlJUil.IV: Legt-I.it Ion l needed to ecirr a irrt-aler uniformity of .tea: hook in our pbium tef.ooi. and if uch rtult can lv esrc.ed. t will prove a ofrco of great bciteSIt to the people. !.T ITK iHtt.MTIOOU The attendance of the Male Normal -cbosd luiinir the tu: two Tear ha toeon . , i .,,rRr.. , ,, .,a , .,.-.., ,.., u. I rHIJ, (, tin.-.SorjnatCclMMil Hon L . r fc w - . -.nature upproprtuiing tb- tatmey m. j )nU th. TrvI1'.ury s n,te.-r i.-ywlr ,uullrt,,,. u,r tiit. ,,iiri-,i- luteifle!. Ttoe library at this time nuin--r ovi-r iwiht n trnri.fli.jy M.u.,-t.! to.um.r-. ThemeM y llu.r,.MH1IIir atieiidt:ce crf-ate h m-n-- t It r uililii:uiial rt.om. ii ml an at!mfrtAiii u-ked Tor that purjHff. Tra-itri tiwtrhei. i . ...I i..n........ ift.i.r. 'JL If U ttfftlll lhv ,.OInt. , t.mtuct. Thi chHl I an a iMirinnt aitl to our common t hotil-. It - jeet ami purjoe being to educate teacher. The beneficial result.- of Its work lire fot among the common svhool of the .-tale, in which the great lKdy or the pe.plc are di rectly inten-teil. and for that icaoa r. should receive jmir abuiHlant care. STTE IMVr.lCslTV. 17ils Institution is to-tlav better fitted for it work, and 1 filling it pirn e in the educa tional s)tem ot our MHli- with more of vigor and general eincioney than at an jire mil ume in It history . At the meet-ng of the Hoard of lb-gents. December I-. l".f. a Chancellor w a. elected, his term of office to begin January 1. I-M A much im-dcd want was thu supplied und the unfortunate controversy, standing ror o long in the way of the l.et lntere-ts of the Cnlerity. tut been forgotten and the new era of pnrp nty wh ch I the reult of l.arinony of jure I etween the I haiueilor and other members ot the faculty. The attendance during the lust term In all departments uiisX In accordance with the iiiomsou of ".n Act to !-.tuhllli the Cnivcrsity of Nebraska." approved rebruary 15. !", a oiii-ge o: Metli fine wits uddetl. '1 In re are at pre- i eut tlft-Iour student In attendance. The College or .Medicine should Pe well u-talnid ami ussnoj) a nuiy lie praetu-ut'ie. provi-iou I should be made for the addition ot a colleg" i or law. a contemplated by the organic act. I The Industrial ollege has been reorgan ized throughout. This iiepartmeut ot me 1'nlvep.itx w.ll now take its proper rank, and in poir.t el rchit'xe importance hotlttund ,1 t :.ihir An ex penei-.-.-d stock- grower and farmer hfl been seen i-d as ..,..i,t, .mi!. .ut or the Industrial College run u- rm. Ihe management of which had hitherto been In the hands of the faculty. and the change of sjstemhas abeady pro-.cn hlgn' ben. ficml Tie- turioii lectuiiiiieiidiitioii-ol the Hoard of Itcgeiit contained In their biennial report aie referred to joii. Their re.Ut-t for needed appropr.ations should be granted. In all matters relating to our educational In terests the Mate should bestow with a libera: hand. ESl-IlE VTEI) l'TVTf It Is provided by the constitution and stat utes that all property that may come to the State by echeitt shall be managed by the I'oxcrnor and Superintendent of Public In struct on and the proc is thereof placed In I-the permanent ehoo. Iiimi. uuicmi nonce wa received iroiii the ouut .lunge tu Kearney Count V, that in the matter of the estate of Peter Anderson, deceased, pro ceedings had been closed lu that court, and '.'tut utter diligent search for kindred by I, Mention and otherwise, none had been found, and that atterthe payment 1 the jiit claims against the estate, there remained in his hands a balance of ?-.'4tJ.rm. which iim ha been turned over to the State Superin tendent, and by him paid Into the State Treasury as lerpiireil by law. the Treasurer's rcceipts'for same, together with all papers relatnn-to Die settlement of said estate, as furnished by the County Judge or Countv, rcinainlng on lile 111 thi Kearney . dcpuil incut. SKCHBTXItY OT STXTK. The Secietary of State calls attention to the need ot increased clerical force in bis department, made necessary by reason of his Mutn as exotheio secretary of Hie m-v-erafboaid. ANo recommends a gradi d tee in the matter of tiling article of incorpora tion, together with many other valuable sug gestions relating to the printing laws, icgis I ration of bond-, and matter of general in terest. Mmiir.rrii!: ami itoiiTirnrcui:. Agiicultuie is the leading and mo: lin-poi-tunt industry or the State Von will carefully guard It- interest in all matter that may in anv manner allect them, or that large class of people whose ocation it ; to till the soil. , , An examination of the report of the State Hoard ot Agriculture, which gixt- a detailed statement of their proceeding, plainly shows that their work has been well done, and that the aid given this b.iard has been well bestowed. While the prices icceixed ror our farm produce are not a- remuneni tixeaiit other period in our hi-tory . et speaking in general term-, our agr cultural Intcnts. 11 hown by ciop tutit e. were never in a more prosperous condition than at the present time. The hortictiltur.il Interest. of the State are In a nourishing condition, and it has been established beyond a doubt that Nebraska Is a ti-uU Mate. The matter of successful trult culture is one that eiitt r hugely into the economy ot home lile. and I am f.te in a ing thatiMi one thing has done more to at- I tract tavorab'.e attention to our Slate than the magiiiilccut dl-nhiv - made by our llorti- 1 cultural Society at the ditlereti' competitive exhibitions tn w titeh. in the uiajonix ene-. thev have lece.ved for Nelmiska the tirt your fostering care a niosi serviceaiue ' agents in developing our Mate, and a aids 1 lu placing her in the nmk to which she may justly apiro. NKllftA.stCA STXTE HISTOKICXI. SOCtirTV. Hv an act of the Legislature, approved February iT. A. U.. 1.:;. the Neiuii.a Mats llistoneal Society xvas iecog:ii.il a a State inst.tution. and liy the terms ol s;nl jict it was pro nled and made the duty ot the Pres ident and Secretary to make annual report to the Uovrriior. s:d report . ..,,. (o contain the transactions and cv:- i ncmllturcs ot the organ nation. to- 1 gether with all historical addrc 1 read ....I . tir turn -lusl as lntoncaI matter, sum reports and addresses to be publshi-l at the I expense of the State: and by the terms of this act tut re was appropriated annual y the 1 sum of .Vn for the use ot the oeety. to be ' used under the direction ot Us officer exelu- siveh in defraying expenses, collecting and preserving Iii-tortcal matter.data. and relic lor Illf ociie.il ti tin; .mo- . 10- --i 'c - expenses, mucii viiuiame mailer naving ih-imi collecteil. The acquisition of the society a . a I . are becoming eon?iaiiiiy larver ami are in creasing in value rapidly, (treat care -hould-be taken to preerve what lin In-en gathered at such expense of time and labor. To the end that our historical collect. on 1n.1v be- come Mien a -ource 01 niiraci on terest a it of right should be. and In- a room without in the Capitol building should further delay be set upart for their u-e. 'FISH ("OMMISlN- The work pertaining to the ofl.ee of Fih Commls-ioner i in practical and economical hand. Noedetl Inipn.vemeiir. at the tfs'n er.es. in the making of new )nnds. spawning I race, and repairs to the oiu point., nave largely increased the lacll.t.e-. lor success. nil handling ine maiter 01 mockuut inn ' stmuns of our Mate vritu valuable T.uat tisQ : prngivssing lav.)r.ibly with a ctmipant- nveiy --.nun uiu, " .... ... ....v. ...-, "- I Imilnn nf ti.i in oriva ' " "- .n K for tha r mTiifnn has been lll.Ult- ..111V- "IU a.a-U -...-..-,--,------ I--".- . ,.. 1 .. . 1 .1.. a - t - and profitable. All raeaures calculated to inereisf the food resources of the people are entitled to great con-JderaUon. STATK LtBUAHy. The number of volumes In the llbrnrv. a -v..-.n-n l... ihn li'enniiil rrntirt nfthe State I ijbnirlan. covering the vcar- of 1-M and 1. i wa t.. i?- .pje number of volume m the ithnirv at tht nresent time, a give in the . bienm.-ti reHirt lorine years , .... j.s,. .s I S5.rts. -.salens nn increase for the last two I.r. . ' .l- .-..:?-. a ..... t vears of 1.S21 volumes. The library is m good order, a catalogue having been completetl. and many valuable additions made. For a statement or !: man tsgement. vfattts and needs, you are refemsJ to the librarian's report. INSCICXNCE Or STATK IMtorKItTV. Bv section six - of chapter eighty-three tin-of the compiled statutes, the Governor i nuthorized and vtnpotvcred to insure the public buildings and other property belong ing to the State liable to destruction or in jury bv tire. The Legislature of I.t appro- nriatetl for insurance rf public proper.) the tended Iv my pre- ation of ?liiXi is sum of ?I0.(. as recotnicent! dwcsir. An apnropriatioi recommcndcil for the ensuing two year.. Ss itt) of which will be needed for renewal of existing tiol.cie before an appropriation bv a succeetlios Legislature will ie available the lialance to he ucd in placing insurance unen the central or main portion of the ! Capitol bulldinir. and for such additional fnsiimnee as mav be deemed ad vis- able upon other State property, in j the appcudiT. submitted herewith miU ha fount, a full snd accurate statement ol .. .ii.i.. z.. r....a.w t Ka m-M....- Tlmf fVin- t-tnplative insurance vrill exhaust the small balance of appropriations heretofore made, ) Hon Hie .11 n." i ii-a-j ! .v M .!.. .'.. ........ la... ..l..( liil.H1 ttVllllll.liWI Tnt. ...... . a r.. ... ....... n. . . .rt.ll T.l.T Yl..rrV MtUTtA. The rreent corxlttsoa of th NHcak Natloua iiuanl l cinrif Sn tr ih "Tj I full repwi if Adjut-iiit lirfi'Mi K. V HtrrK. ' Kheh einlfU tfc rrx-rt S Ivrtnr enerl M;r KraaVMn ."fU Ouarter- MatT .etrrai ru s Hulrti. binI Lmmartl , t olliv. 4fkr-! rt-ixtnuOiUvt itri ll3r- moiit. aI a r r ffia tKr urwe r'-j'rl. tbe rtij.iil in rifOTdt . 1 anf ba fai-ni at irofHwrfJ oKa K ; htgh fnlrl of cRM"-tcr A t rt'ttt coatltutl the Mrt: rcunf-! "t mo rtimpuaie of lfantr) a t " art'Pvrr '. Tae ja rju-r.: x that eu r-titmmirttl tx li4.1 at V'w uttw la r jr hut Ven I csrimftb H. aae-aoTjt--b'Wt .n 1 KiT) r-t' t a Ur- !:'. '. h!se bet j held at i it.. .rlif..la. Au.'u.l Zt. lrtk iJul ' eoUo-et rr I 'nir la . Taf AJJutar.i tK-owrul rptmTHH that ' itroia hn.)l tw a4r fwr U bwMlmr nf annual mniBipni'-Bl'. ai tlMt vh pt prtatn.n fr th upprt id re.otoire of lb "stat- tai.Ua UuS Vn lat ra"i t iisett&"U rinaiini. ae rrmsl tl I ctMtfully eJM:, t.jrt.B Lkat .t i for tli ! : laT-t of tAc JHat that ihi onraauatloa Hnl -" ruirajrrl al treBtheo4 !lf'nsr4l, rvtni- lfirtber.-.lofa !.rMMrrtartdlfNauaeU i unnnl fi.m- iipiHiniiiiinrn-!L!i-iri ...- i aod aie piaeloa lb-.r talUtia nfn-a a pwrtra- nont lun. iK.nul nar t baiikl lkm i In this matter cirmit. whjisu. The contract fr th trr-tu a atal -nt-t-u nf ttif mam buiklia of :! Catl -. artr tlu!) attertu:uz a ruire4 b Ur act or Fef txxurj t. IsJC. prvidg tr - tttut . std b.; Id In if Hfxl ih its j ot .n-half of txf mil. om Hk dt.itar. aa4 ar.Mial.n of tae mooe; artng tna id 1-vj pay for -aid bMlldlr-X. awarded the tann. r Public Iju-.sI- mm! Itutrdiox- on tb 'i duy of Ju!. lsi. to W. II It .-lu Ir the -urn nf ?i..l'7:5. theliuigund-r th tenn f the cult ritct to be totupU--i bf the ftrt da of lsreint er. I ! M'W Inii't.ir rtl.stl hl lMit.it m ihr .llHltlf .'XluLllli. which w upprote.Py thw t.uxerat.t araf j the wort Kb. et!teril UI.n under te I plans hour I. architt and -iclf5tat.M atlortl Uj tha , awl tiiri'ihil by W.ll. Wileor. ihr t of the p.an for tht? east ud v.e-t i wing now itiietl Willi u ret Ib duty of making an appropriation tor (he coiiunutiuie of the work ti:rs. Ytnir attention I caned t thenecelty of pnlug a law h:-1 prmtduig mean fr Uin urjMise of earrrlng tnti etlect the Jrt x i-ln tif sit-tiMii two '-1 of arttcle three -a of the constitution, in mutter of 1 c-us. wherein it - made the dill) of the la-l-lu-tuie to provide tor an t-itiiieratwu f the inhabitant of tin Mate in the year l.i. and every ten year there after. Ite-ult reached under tho pr -elit law risiuiMii: preeitict as-etir to make nn enumeration of the total iiuinbertit peru ii-sxltug in the ,-e.ernl piti-inct in eaeh ( '011 ut euch year, aie far from bung sti factory ltet ie-ult will l richiJ by the Hipoliitme::t ot special nnne'Titor, him! to tin .r duty as -m-h might tie adbl thHt of colleeting-tatl-tle-of a geiera! nature, such as would lie ol iutere-t and uuportaiice a showing our dexe'.opiiiei t and ri-ouic-.. st vti: 1. n l' VTtuN. The Attorney liiii-riil n hi report make n dctiilbs-l statement of ml ea-es now pend ing and thoMjdi-po-ed ot in which the Mate I intere-tid. The -cleslules hereto attachett and maiked "A." "l:" uel -V" will -how the exact -tatiis of the s, era! aes. I would call special attention to the report of the Attome l.ee-r.il a- to the need tit tho law depuitment. a well a to the Ketieral iccou.mciii'.ation therein contaned. Nt!iil. MM'lil N Mli.M'MENT. The 'lovcrnor state-that iis-cording to act of the l.eg s'uture he had tora;sbl f.'iioto aid the conijiletion of the I.:ncoln tiioiiument at pringt)t Id. III. MOM.VS UECEtVril. The (uivemor s.j.s th-re have been re ceivid from the I inted Mates the following sums which wete pi. ici d to the credit of trie perineiieut chK.I fund. In September. ls.:f. ?11.74fri7. tl"e jii r cent, upon tho aie if CoM-riiii'-ut lands In June. 14. ? 17.1a.'. 1 11. five pet cent upon the net nrot e.-ds of tin--nit of land In the mouth o November. lv-S. t4s.-, upon claim it the St. ite for expense inclined in uppre.ng liiduiu hot:litie. 1 i.xim vo INr Till. STITE. llefereme i- here made to tho claim or Patrick o Howe and that of T P Ki utiard. State Agent, for coniiiiiion on money col lected from the (eiieral lioveriiuieiit. The Coxeriior continue. lu view- of the entne record In till matter, and without dl-culon the question a to whether the contract uii.or wa not a jirovl dent one upon tin Jiillt of theSfate. 1 velltllie to suggest that it would belli furtherance ot the idea that the ol I gallon ot the Mate I :,o less -aeied thai, thut of nil indix Idual. as well as being in the line of economy to can cel thi-cinim in full, simulating. howeer. tor a toll aed absolute udeii-e fioin further obl.gatioii under said contract, and 11. 1 1 on tracts wiih collection agent, a it would eem that the time had been reached when Nebraska, through her M-imtr mid Kepn entatlxe lM I oligli ss, collid 1 fully protected ill her lllteicst III till regard. M.W ItifNTlf.s OIUiAMl.li. Since the Inst session of tin- Legislature, the liecessar paper luixe betui tlbsl III the xecullve othce. n-kltig for the oiganl.alJ'in ot the counties i.r Louf t S.eiry, r.row 11, Dundv. Ssoex and lit -- ProcIaiiiKtion In fonu npilred by the statutes have been Issued. pro tiling for the orgiiiiUitiioii ot the countle nam' d atnie. drgaeiat.on has 1 u pvrfeetiHl tr I-now in piogres" in till ac.wni xcejiringthet otiiitx ot Motjx. In which county the parties com-m.s-ioned as tempornry tithct-r- having te f Used to serve a -uch. and no tuither ae t'on hax mg leen taken by this dejiar'ineiit. thet ouiity of Sioux vein-iin- iiiiorif.inled roiiM tios r ew ui .nti- ut ror uxist- IM. It if Ml lis. Pursuant to the pur. lioti- of chapter eighteen, sections ten and eleven of tliecoiii piled statute, relating to tae form.it on ot a new county out tit one or more of the mm existing couiit.es. it ha been certitb d to me bv the Honorable the -ecret.iry of .state, that oil t he s Inlay ot Nox ember. l-l. the majority .f the eletttir of the county id W heeler at a general election then duly held, xoted to iorm a new county of said County of Wheel er, to le known Curncld County, and tlmt 1 tin the 4th day of Nm ember. A. D. 1 1. Mt a I general election then duly held, the umjorlt, , ol the elector of the County of lttin 1 voted to form 11 new county out of said County or Hrown. to beknounas Keya Pahu Ceiiutv. I Tin. .oustitutionnl and statutory riulre- meiit- having in en fullr compile'! itn. 1 have by virtue of the authority in mi vel-u , bv the -tatute of N'el.raka In -m 1 t-He ( niude Mid provhb!. l-sii.l my proeln.-iatuMi i onb ring that an election le held ;or the election ot cotintx oillccr and for the b- i cat-on of a eon nt -eat. respectively , .n the couute s of i.arttcM and Keya Paha ;;iii.h;ii vi. si it x r.v. ltoi It- IiojmnI for and that taay reavUMlby be extiectisl tr.-ni a propeily maitttsr.sl gin- , logical -urvey are -uch as u my osh:oh will ! warrant Ihe neceury eiM'iWltur tor that ' ...'.- .!.. . .i ....... inrpo-e. n may oc .i 11 01 ine mn'-r .-nn-' v ing in the Miis.ippi anl Mis-nun ',.-a. aiiia.i.nty or whit li In their general charac teristics are no iiiuKe Neiiru-k.t. that with out an exception thev have uihiIc prov-ion tor -uch -urvev. and n rar a 1 am advised .nth results gratitxing in the practical eTitence ot re- demonstration ot the -ourc nerore "nxnow 11. antj uu- ihmiiht) or which 1- in pn'nt or profit or return to the a . . . a - .... ' p.copie lor their approval tir re;ecuon 11 1 ine ' runil election ut which members of tht? I'zi-laiure are t hoen. and at no other time. Propo-cd atneml ments were submitted at the iat general election, ami in respect to one of them t mav be ald that it- ndnidlon wouW have l.een forthe b-t intere-t of the Mate, and ijat public opinion largely ut:vlncd thi ! view ot the matter. 1 nwr add that its re- t jcctiou 1 a source of general regret, and. in icreat tneaure. 11 noi wnouy. uue 10 ine ex citement of a heated ivohtscal tonte-t In w hlch per-onal and party interv-t ' nti sorbe.1 anil eng-.ietl the public mind tJat Ue-!ton OI a purely pi. cue ivaitirt- w.-f- iim-.ecte-i. J lie queiion 01 a tl. I IIP (iutliun di a viiniitv 1.1 tut; fundamental law of our i-tute 1 one ujmi which the ieoiiIe In their action can not well lie too conservative, and ucb a pnp-'UHi should come berorc them In ucn manner. iind ut -uch tune-, a will enable them to jutige 01 is-mcr i-. -i.iws iunr. nn - - I heved from d-turb!ng -fc l-uc ini .. ".a ,..KI an . MaH. irantlioil t.' I vote unon uraenutaeni av and to- the vote cial election for that purpi- Drnrlilitig for the cjcts o cnt at -uch election. I rrould rfcomraemi that you provmefora n--ubuj (oa ot the amendment to section four 4-of art.cle three -t. ' itliof thecon-t tutmn. incrfa-lns.the dura- tiou tif legt-iative -e.on anu coraj-e n-auoa of members. I IMMIRK-VTIi-'N. I Tb; matter of the frequent re-iuc: of , parties rrs.dlnr in th Ka-i for pamphlet -containing rvl able infonnaiion cncerning Nebra-ka ha In-en n-;eairdly bnmgbt lo ' the notioof the Isi-latun'. b-ut thu far noact:onha beeq taken upon the rtront- , lncmlatlons maen connection there th. ' In the atisence of an, Immlgrat.cn burrau. i who.' duty it ?rou.d be to prepare such docu ment tor circulation. I woual rrtaaeml that you authortre and prowle mean for the preparation and pub.featloa of a pam phlet containing the a brief hi-tor cal and d- t -- S' a... . a a. .1 aW. velopment. n.-ourc--. and attraction of -.l anl cl mate, to be folioed by tati-tical in- formation both tal and material. akt rt-.iiii e -laiemrm o; .ri-a---v. " - pamphlet to be pn-parvn ucter tne u-recutHi ol -ome of the State officer ami properly ..hi,s,...i fr ..-! .i.tr.butioo. Thr i- a sutiject eminently worthy of ) our alien - lion and tavorabie consrtlrratlon. i:E.,trisTii After referring to the iaw gnvcrnins n-jur- aitton- for criminal vtto have ei rowavr State, ami who hare trcap.sJ Jc-tiee upon leins returned throuya innuciK-e ox ini-uu. or oiherwi. cntaiiins heavy capea-oto the 1 SI-sart. the f-OVt-mOr saVt The Governor can not adopt an srhltrary rule if to i certain ciais. o. caci. and U f pvw-rW toprrrrat :?; ai tst tui umUr ta jrrrwni ta A rtlj I' X rf throw j tS rartss o a U- ? M4aw tfeal a a.f -" riftrfa ta. f tnwrtt'-t. ait witfc latrnt t k . ' rr. sr utl tet t rm-t ftp f't. r-rr art rrmii. IS- p- ii'if f"' tkrrp1rt4UHnik;llriwlWt ' t-M"a t tH ' "t fra " k , :. u r H'f Uj ta ?t Ujt ptArr p-rvt u ui nJ a w a rutn . mctKU IT a wrtr tVJ a J w.Jl 4. tn wmtmimtm a aasatn( Uh tao rt a- U at" ra t a4aasx rr o rtrrfUMi -il . upaw t a- f r imt arf.rt. i. fwrt taa- ii,.! -h ! a- iarfrt. ! .. t a mr. - f tri ! I Mtv .inmrJ1i'. An r? rt i wxrrr-- mr? 1-rumrr UK " iAi Mid. r sr I I Hi rtA iv k fcM tfc ' v . Wn m Ikr Ta altsw s ' ia art ! Arr t-4 a.t-u : rmUot ); ? ptM-. a ' Ihf r alt ;t. aaj cai 'iajf s ta ..tr , i K ta r--smt-t Nia t aaa wtnf- ,WMM-tM tTJMfi l.f"IIf-ttSr. t . Ik Mnnlayi f .til tat rtiut I mhI I roBW..r ! rrt . .' ' Artfat- t tmawta-arf Mto am f aa aac-. to irrai tk rtuultiO A an al f ttktXm M i raamr- I a-e I . ! Naunal iMrrafl i kMM-f tl Kttan-ti ' lhuM Aoliar aa4 a rai4 the kuo , drvd aoil d-Uar- ft . raaert 4l ' tay mw lb mti bro tfc-t .m.M.-t iatnl t tm rrt i ft tav r rraj .sVintt-. -nflrtt- d upua r maw -m tivMtiwt aithiM tk- Sat. a J ?. Tbl wattrr cm a U fair t , . a It 'a r".l X ihw rat-t la-astaa to ta i-i.ijst ff N--raa laai fc j i I. -. xtt4nu-l in tat laatter rtrp ? i ta'eu tt nut ta. nm rxj.n- vnwm 1 tttm-ti' iac-f-tt ifct-MMl tn tfc : !unl:iii- Wert" fc-M al a4a ruwil jr of At U-iyrt a a Jaai aw ihf Malt Acricuttaral ait HortlruKifrai sj,.MWi vatrt n"kT ndara-e 5l."-.fc trxim Ue fuasl- a Xfctr diaai. ou los- i'k--.r . .- - ol.iMitMsd f roia !hbaMs a Ijneola ao4 at j it.l.. UM..M flu lMr.iilwl la.l. c.t nj ii . .,..,., Wfl-.v. .. ,-- ' and ihe meiatM"" ot ll sfK'-t.- uthvre liametl. f..r . hlrh you ill b aktJ ta- r vnie x lii hi huravtrn-lif ea-rg a ad rtt thus.aii. Mr rurMrnter4 uww thf yaia C11U0H or the wrk tlst la W baaH. i.a-1 the r-wlir hi work -it untir.i aal la It-llSKitlv j-rfrMt.si!. I lti-d la H-inaga.JK-ent Ui-piay of the ure-d rear-t tif Nebraska nt Ufnoi ebitti at New r leaw -a dipiav thai b called forth elM-otalum trOiu the pre- of Ihf cuitry . attrnet.ng geiwral attention, and tltellN-r f riHH tloe w hi. have im1 fltrf tbrak.n evjitc ion t wonder and H-iotiS-ameut i the great extent and xailrl) ot her re source Th: is Nebra-kn' opportunlt). nml lliu-t IK-I full to improve II T meet the ii in advanced uiei ln.rrw tt. nod It. rt the mi-esary t-XeHst or II pH'IT c.ntuet ot ihe exhil it until the t lt- of the evjm tiou. May .'I. w.ll rtspme ?b,,. aod 1 would recommctMl Mich iipiuopiiiitioii a u hh-muh-of the wi-ft etHiHoiuy. The act shtiuid be pa-.-etl at once with the emergency r-Uiue ut taehi-tl In making recommetataieOs that tm-l.jde the creating ot xunou- tMjanl I do -t tol unmtiHltul of the fact that b-tae:e are -aid to stand In the way of -uch action on your puit;tMit ttuy are iieXeithelt subuulti-!. with the hope and l-lict that wiiltie ablHttisuruiiiuiitthedtiaculty.il II In lonlily STTI. IIOAIIU III' 111' Vt.TII A ctmmun:eatioii hn been ri-t ive.1 at thi dewrtmeiit from the National IkMint of Health -citing forth very tuiiy the danger that menace- the people tif thi c.uatrv in the apprehended appearance of Aialt cholera, ami earne-tlv riietlng that thf attention of the Legislature beeHlled to Ihl siibjt ct. and tti the urgent neie-.ty of iipM pi-lute legislation providing mean- wherfby the uio-t thorough -awllarv -erv Ice. Matt and local, may be Immediately hdihiiimiI ommuiiications have uimi been ieeived Irom the Nebra-ka Mate MedH-al .- elety. through It- Cha rtnan. antl frota lending phy-lcian- expte.lng their view-, fully -daring the teitr of danaer lnm the -ourve'nametl aliovc. and ail without e t-eptiou nrxinif the duty of the ..-llatutr In the emictineiit ot a law providing for the organtatlou of a State Hoard .r llt-Bllh. with ptiwer to e-tabll-h aiivlllarv Inmnlv III ich jiart or the Mate a In their judgment might -cent nect-siiry An imp. ratlve tit-maral lr -uch action ha bei'ii crealt! bv the lar.-e n-crea-e i t our Mipulatiou. and the rapldlv iticrcM-ing number ami le tif our town ami Cltie- '1 lie -ul'Jis-t Is retfiretl to IMI for -uch aetltui a ttie great UiiortaiM-e of the lntere-ts iuvolvfl won hi -eem to dictate. STATE IHllllllllf IIMHIlll.t M nriSIKVJ III recomtneiHltsl that you prov idw 5ir the oigniilxntpiii if i hoatd to be known a the Mate Itottr-l of Charit ic ami Ibform. Altercon-ultatlt.n vtith lllewhte.e loll ex perlem-e lu w.irk of thi character Jtly entitle their view ft. greMt vnaght. aral adopting In the main their uri itn. 1 woiihl -ny that Midi 11 lard hnal l-e etothetl with full jMiwer tiiMinwl lnriill that I neilful to a full under-tamltng of what the State county, city and private in -titutioii- tif a charitable or cornvtional nature aie doing Abne never brii lu the I ght. and It "hnllld In the I u -I ll 'f such a hoard to lurn on the light, and let a hi-ailhfiil public opt Hem h rest For the .tarllng or the hoard thf w-i.1 1 e -utfieieiit After It ha 'irt.vl II H-eful ncs it may be foumt exjietlel t give other jiower. but at the brt the onlv letral jhiw er- It -houid hav e s'lolild be thie tif in spection, recommeiHlation 11 ml jaibllc n-jiortlna- The creation of a l.tatid of tb charaeter will be a atep in the direetloa of securing a more Ju-t. human arl ect.nt.mk mi Hdmiutstratioii of puldn- chanty and Krret .iue. t.fvnsTOfK isT:nasT. Protection to the bv toek lntret f NelraK.H I- one ot the tate Itnponorit m Jeet th.u w claim yimr attention Kiriii gent In 1. rhoiihl be -nacwl to prvvreiit the sj.r. iMne of liircttMH or e.ti tagltai t.Ma-es niaontr our dtmiait animal-, n vv-1 a law -cunferrinr thMw f r to create and t srorce tpiamntlne Mramt thi :ntrMuclloi liti our Mate or t-atl allete! w.th the dl-i - kiM.wnnctintaipbir' jii'euii.onia. or ini-e aJfii-lil with 1i-im r inii!h fever, ami aridnt all t)m-lr an mat that ma v tie aJI-e!el with fany dea- nun i inicrinm. or isiimnnm. That the, law mar be IniellHretrtlr par r't it into efter-t th-re -honhl ! crenttat th t.Wee t.r Mate VoferMiarv rsirrtm. and al. a lio.nd of Mod. 1 tjirml t.iM-r. i t-n of not b'- than thrre pern. tH 4nt ami pt.werof -anl officer to he tfaorMtitrHii detlmsl. i.jii nnevnTvr.sjT. The vrent volwiae of lmtn t rnrted iv thi department during tkt mt"! twit yr j 1 fuliv miwI t-iearl) et forth a th. detail"' r-txrt of Hon A 1.. Kendall. 1 nmnilaafoner i or I'llblK- Ijtml ami Iltllldingr. h lade trv aiel valuable ervM- to the Matt I ere 1 not too highlv ' misend. Ill- report is slUl 1 in with ueful information. The fo. lowing statement, covering th rt ar- P.-.T mai l-4. - kll N iam1 nf Man1'. h show-in the lMtlites of tHI lmftftanf tiejtrtmetit. atal the pre-tutt atutn. afwwr land NiiwNt of nere of all land !cfjd dtirta? the year I- and We: Common tchKl W&tvv: AgrieultMral ctdlego .. H,K tnivrr.ity Ia 1 Normal chHd .. Total .:r Number of acre of nf! land old at pub.w . ale tjnring the ywar IisWaad IrH: j ( omm-pn ctwd .J'.Ct Agrlcvltural cnilc-. IZjv V . l'ntverity . lit.i Tntal SilWJK Nwrnhfrofaere rll lama tafct ut Hriralr nle dur.nr the yttar- 1-ijt ami lw: Coa-n chKI .. 3.K.T Agr-fwIMiral roib-je T.T ! l'nivrriy &5"- Nortsal -ehsxH ... tavC.-C Total . . Mijm,f NttmN'rof iert-r all laa4 rvTTttmz to . the M-ile dnr.ng tjMryuer ltaml It. Common vkflni iITSLTl Agrfuttttnti enurgw.. ran . f m-.er4:- . L2H r. nlii MSfi-M v,i uWuj VIUfWI afw-wi Trt'al ' N'nmber f acrr f all HMat tr-4ed ky ikr Plate durtJnr the ywr IMI and J. Comtsnon -". ZljM 1 Arncnliural eol.ere I mver.tr -irt iSmOt UI , .Noml cbM Total SOU i NtiaV--r rf atrra nf all Ixadv Jorjdt-d and eoKSrwol i tkw Staif Amrimz Iko yoar l&H , and 14. Coramoc clxi JEJ?A7j; Nuater of aerrr all fct4t n-a&cnf by tV Sfjte Jsrb-fr. lri-4: Cn-iamon -t-hoo-1 .,... .... Z.7tJ!r2JK Agncnltnraiceliwse ...... .HMimC TnivrrfTf '. Norm. Heol irvcj, Sabneland JA3V.-7 , reaiientii-ry ----. c;?.71 Total --' a-aa a I M Tip,,i auml r4iorf lxliwi scr.M.i3e Tir total t-r of acrw ni io4saa4tr n-crtrvt Hy - ?iaUr 1jssM aaaojat 3A1M st harr -. .-s.sai.- eat tooua -onrj . An apphcatioa Is-ot csttsirBvcJ darttwr tat- tona of thepr-- eat Cowjib. ssowr. An apidicatioa of the I-bral.a Sto-rk ; Yard i tfi ( certan .lrsert3 cater oaaty. mt" - .a . a-a. at. a- M.W I Itnar. . . I - ACaAa.r a gw-gmmtr -ajfer toad in Laa-t-e3 rerrtrd tn m fna thf- Hoard of labhc Ljttifi astt ItutVJJnx. and I retcrrtsii to roc for neb action a ywu may dt-ern for the tr-t lBtcrcl of the j-f alt The projieriy ttrlonlag to the ptTtBai.'st --hool fusd. and .txma a the l.ttbrtps propertv. t la a td cocdsloi. atsd s.trtom in.ct.ut -saaH rcveeue la tfcr Iced cofder Izf lit -zluc I irK lJm - Vf . 4 -j jrt- ti', ffa v . ! vt - lvi a T "' - f -i faiv jI 1 1 W' . I.XW.T fc V -- t tafit rf -a f rwtkviUii4rftl irti - l iran ' t. tfc-4f waia 1 tawi i?i Ik. " rt, k 9 r4ar ! r art" etat-is.tl.Mfc i"i , t jrM aaivcaaaatrtalaaa f tat t .V. a sgw ahM ! . TVtv .; ,p a-r f "4PI ,t a t , wfrva -hi f I ftJ ,t ark t r ta ? !! ai w a a-laar . a - - r 4 r-a JrtJ f 1K X Ta' an- T m0to tO H art' -f rauMt Ull -. - J- '. 4 Kt.t.1 r-t a w m atia. tot wvm - ' t V- trmr- a-'Ur t a mm-4 aa mm trvaa .iav Cm trf . mm u. 1 c tit 9mt f rovmm ret f aM iiiaww ia H- ! 't a4-l mms .gwatwi.-s. s - ! Kt witaihua .'h fw twa IV W inirrr -t ttx mrni att 7W HitotUm V tlMM om . WWtii i.al hi,t rkaUMKWtaM f" hraa tlb fatnt r r X-T laaa tmrnt tfntM Tka IjyWmtvr- Ikaa m . r tW a'luawi f 4 Th n-w- " a- ! f mut- MT flat.- It l-rirvv al rlajt 4 IW t;r f wim twi H.t -t jrt-t --s I of a' . ah IS- artwatU fsimt ifcr iii- Pm at hnw a a-w 1 aif tai year, tnai th- adaa-v ta --.-.. real 11 iwwfi rmmw " ihi 1 m. Mm. V.I ail lr ad!r4 H. tkvf akinl fa ml Kaar baa brn fot In - tat-u tbajl r- -at-aTs t. n irl wr W'r H-n hT t dut- raia f aar-t ;iii1'nf la- iMrnst "t omt i-miBwin fcl fund V fa-tamrnt ami mmlWt I -m Itv lav. ha ltra fajIfcfu.U ct-arxitrs. am Mai a snai. t-a in- nr a-).l lii ami -fcws lumt. in r-j-ttrr !"- than I6w"r f Sm blk.M U-s If Umms- lialB' rrresniibi r round for a t(Hf mm lal minitrawn of lam I rut. ln if m cm iir kun:oi dt lo tttatat 'ikfo thf m.silfr. I ' tkail wH aaajr h st ai r4. ,iiikoii i.o0it inmi. Thv iK-iri pint umbMrfa taa4ttiWiii tt. esV-ii-Ji re.-natHW maaiawaa rate charre fr tk tr..rtalmn f -eeic t-r and fr-rit om tfc dUfa-H4 raifrwd la lh: atm taar !arif m rre-l ami Mill r-f-Hlv inf-e-waaw (Nf uiatton "rtiiM wa to iwtirrit thai tit Urn had ct.Kie Sam thr paaarnftrr IrWiaXf f ,N tiraka Ut rravt hel -to h -MrfM.aa thai, with ut !u;aMitit- it. Ikr rai'romt tn prv.plr mlgbl mK (or a rtslu. ed sraBsrr al I wt.ul I. thrrt-ftTf. resjianral lk faiaaw of a law pr Klitrx f o ma 1 imam a--sa-r rale "f ihr enl- m-r mi!-, ami UM - fw t- Mhtdr aplillt-aHl" lit Ite rrJ !ii f railroad in Ihe at air wltk whi-W-la lh.-lr aMrity ! frn aaom H hii- tbr lfiia4ion alM-vv ref"ir'd tv Mill aC'-ld a mt-aaur f rrbaf !- ajMmtln 'f ehlf f lale..sl lw ibp pmvpitm nt a ara) tural Half like nur own I tia4 raa for the tmnap.M'latawn td mr wav itut- and In .tiNt Tha ttrmatMl fvr lrc-ltnltn of -ra Vtavd katlkMiif M Hh rt jtwiatn.n t.r IrruraU ate- 1 ws-n-aaL, ami thi leaaaml ationnt 10 A b- anaa--44 ty you "l"h. pwwrr phtfs-l In y ....- hand Hy lit ims,. (. 1 tt. l awl w ! ana c-.ntawa-iawi.i- ;t ti -ltl mil I 14 aat laaatir, bul ftt Mill ih H-yoor tn-at jndrmart aa dlvfava, t oii-eletiiiiT all lwnri"aU lov ol v-t. Th't tin of ih- proper adjitmn taf rrrWaa rale ta ..a- moot aUMrutl It pr---ala San. ltiM-M tarVd amt lalrMaia tkal mm na anlJ in thf mHUll of railr-4 mm nag no ut ma well httHtatf l Hf.r 4v M thrniHttrr Ther i- Uv"-1 aat-ia Ihe enat tnt of ln eaiul-banin' maal- mum frtlaht nrt la r-ln-" w Mil" r.t W Mil" iHt . Han tan .1 , Ha- Pp- , mt Ha f$r mi .. solvation km hern Irfl.'al'xfl da btM ihmmIc oiti-fa-it-rv U te iMMMm, lo aei oinpiiab lht et dta'rr-l It if la Irna thai iiiul. r utir rwa4imui eu iam at. a lMr I of Hnllroad al-ntmt, lml I have no !an It i-sinM- I t lor lhi r.if I iIi'WMnH I. In U had Ibroua; a Im, ,i-I ft .um.a"0,it 1 i- r t c.at.l- - mill 1 .oUinl alk aiir ! .imilM e cnl !-). n Ihr m-i. at. 1 Ih- ra.ii-a.la nf-'ti e.tii.a" mailer ! dlH. T - MLf-MTB v Vtnw .: . -. aaiT-ao Treii lit"! Htrt.it ilh t--r ' r .nl f. i.il. al-il 0'tll.lliK !" 1 ' ,,;" "'''' I 'r 1 V 11 It.. Ian 1-. ' 1 I- 1 Ii.-' f. 1 I Ml ... I. . . .1 mum aaa ' ..Mitui iMitimUtfhntHiHyiriMJmS!ti '!larr'rt,rnr- ' T -Onaa ! onr of rit "1. A'tt rber i.e. rrai. r FubHe lhttm!fn Adjav le ut rar.ar PrineittaJ t-tbil. I'nwsiNii ot lw5f P. iipiT.nlen4ent f II fthtf.ldent f lHa fmsant. j of Mli PeMlentntrr. ! !t e Normal i4tlHtj - nf Um CJiaraly nf thrf annual rfpMtt Ommtaner. I'tyata Arf .1! Mai 1 Iwrltawltaaral Hv and namta a part of lb 11. !-. P. e 1 1 ' I Und tha f...atn'ag taamtar ;r dueHanrml fi-ata N e :;nv.wtr .(. . Par t ' -i t I- a lUealt -riai rwi if 11 at - "f Ihelfaanrnjt 'CU ct'lfrH.' pntdla prttff 4 bilonina! I ? Mtale Urt fr ewilra aOw ndnjr eaaJst r M, VHH . rrs-4-4 fimia He at aiwi -Mai tuto Mm- Mt Be two tua 1 anaj " 1 atera -.I d rMlrti-adt H U li.tmalira mint, lite a- 1 t j r mim. ami uwtaJ a ; !, aiaij-aatHii -'ar j i,. r f tatla4 are ! 41 Slate dating tk yenft illft Bit treat a-ais: l".f j ts-tlM P-r tM tMraie. f nmtratt f m the 311 y I- i'J ht lar f MaJi. 4. hNM- f tkfMitarsia - a I 1 - tin V 4Kl taf VMN ,a '.fiMerrl' lnl-rl. MC wi.r t in Mnifstrra ktiat 1 n i I y an f rrm an ar l.-lntifTt--n. and datf .n ta of Jar Krmati 3 rflir nwH" it W h. and tha vlam j-am i ai .et-re--at a Mil eaameHf : 1 f a trrt ailiaaav ? If ' It - tn - 1 1' Plr I nT tTaa lt 1 .IrnlUHi. mar la I frra m-t fc-nntajaaal ft l-vttf thnS4at.. Jimu vr. ii4tr. rr ( -I !lT. Ijnrodn. Jcamar; 4 Is STORli otlrr 7.rfc' I. .ft in th l.arrl- ahaaa. 11 U. I A fu- .1. M - tarnty ti " (Ur - ' t had u tw tri-s-" . :.r ; . i.i. oo ' ' 3 ;. tjc... . --.y, .- snt ocrtjrrt! lietr ! Iltloit, a blcntaUn giti ot fit T lrlt pn.rJ ts ' r. .- r aJa-Hfr ,,e faMVal J-V " WJ w a Bitmtry U iJrta-- fb ty'.huif J rraiJirirM Itf bwr for Vic tnstiY if m-t a-wi4r.L Hr. aI alt W IB ffSdl- l..t .-?i-t -r ii x ai.tun t jr riLl ... r tw, .. . r ' '- a-.-rt 1 Uf ' ' ' ' f ?? 'ir.t Tt!: 'm kxd r'MVtil witi tf train that p.d at 'y tftrfartUf. iio-jf j'n roa k& P- U. J-HMasrv IS. llC Fr.. - 'rf ih'Ik' ' ,,t 'tr " . tb.. e'.y -' tlr-ll-t-l t ' n oi uwr sntf xttT llril, L- - 9isa-aau. i - t J ?M at 0r rTsirt llXard. ol tVAiirt. trtarss! ! bw r U UmX&S i ihlsk 1 ,Waaim fcilfl. ..' IfJfaV aMtTiaav..-: psi J4H- t.at.a liftr- hf ; - rrplJM IkiH , Had Mat m-vr it s l-t xtA 1 1 uct -s itwir " "r ' 9i I K! t-Ta-slnU i.t-rwifu. Ft l JaMiry I -i.vt tmnvi tve FVia.-tv ma'. !Hiiftt4 brfnt-rt. -"bJ 1 far. wctmlxsai jn-a t y intern! THr patr S t... . -s.,- !. iar Ihl trttt x Ul inrawi "- - - - trr fnrteHC AS XOt7 mlntJ f - . . v-i.. ii tbe tnaJaai - krt daBriin oo the .. Tk a ! nt rwindrU a cane 0 '?,, cooW art i n. aS i i " r itmBe iincr zil - V . .irwV ih. tnr of tb InlUaxa. sr-opi -tc to ar xsd rsiiiiS steapku affhnr ftpiflH " ?a. 4 Kt' tj ,,J. IV.aaV fa( pla t iia Vai 4M !l la ajwr ar'. i d.wr. , ifVrs im - r iw PftfcltM! r lfr m.ih m lrwm ' t, aJM a IV , It ... k. -- --.... -- jaM fw 4M "I him U;iaa yfati - . iaffara t"-4 H a ar. a; w'Kap l - h trm Tlarv t .- v wi ia lav Mi la'- " -yafP Aijw aM . ' rv 41' ismw t r r a-4.-hi mrchHk. r- - 'j grt M - .fiwftMiv. twrsni mqp Ot Miliar, rai-a ttumr. tl f n HM$HfcUf 4 I rHMW -' '' . -liarVO-td rr 1 ' If -r-i mt a- t , ; a . tWR ViUa4a kacol aVfkta tt ' avv tW m '. (par.! -ra I ' -ar'ig lotlw-. . tkr ratty laf Vitf - . aLnrtm thm ti b- ! tIT fVa.. ! r t gl, ci!. i'ii fruit ill Urn tt 4 Utai wmtld ha Ml a tMIMttll chabjSj-a af Ulayv ft m atralMPa I ii b' r t. -x ; t till ajar-Hf" aat'.my v ir t 1 r f l- ravap'iajfTaaa, r4c k Hrrr lr-W orr ,') (t0 .. frnwai, mr tt . W with emink Ht Hrft-rv rtv. Ml tif-9 i erfa mrtmbmt. 111 hi pUnta t: r I Vu mmh at.s-t gntmih ai V Ml that aprtntf r.-ii wHtttt to iur. liW.arvo Wba W U ttit a fiart n-hat Im Itttakgh Mat f' OiU-aV ttUeumwi JMM am V ! , .a. a i lr U frv'-sa h i ' j uwrmt itaj ue taVaa-f, mm I j " MUmf ! artl-i- th rt,- Jn,r -. ;, u j -I r wmfM rut-afk fcm-i .' l. i in-. tV t- .i"l C'ly I. i ;.. ' 1 lia ' 'w!.i 1!'. r ' .1 .f a .' s ..f 11 lit t ' 4-ttoi, a' i i.r -f .. I. .sTmhWB HlP''' i4tm itttm imn Imur Irrml. ajrai. i Mirt-i uf anattfar bow) iia-ai ltr ifsaftklan tn9kir a n !., M aa nwaiatiia; .! in'iaaa lNtia.J-e. H twtrar J-W . fdira TNifa-U l- .4afri aaiaVr fef ' kr ta)tlM; if n nja-vtiir iMniitt. IV lkuatra - I-aH Ut IVaaala & HI sfch ijaTr.i(V Ikaital-Haan rM r i Ikftiata ot th f W mtSi. If W tkmlvt-Hat Ik a 3i wark na !, li iMtV V inr ,Ml,I.nf o i '.. ayi'4)ia t. k,a-a t tl WMia b- &J ' t I'be vnmm kvH-a f thm tMMf mr btft at W LWtr htfrnit ttm - m XVtmmm Kavt-ai- Wi Jft UM mmmk HaaV I tmb 4igmHm md tmnmt $ Maa ttvmU vtMlljr it ataaikalM irrayitlar m-ml. u Um lk' M lowjilrk rk.biftati arm mattmtl rt-aatBr 'rv I h. tIMr tmtkm irmfmwm aifp.fc-. at as-4 & I nta, ftt 44yaaiaaV, f4fl 'Hg M ?ih waVutai lH,'raHf. sml tlwaa ftfMktMM tftfU if fy4fktV- M& " JAlr lit juMlam bo UN hai & M nrW '- Iffaam Jrf r4l-m V Th4e.afj-.. mftU-UMtM U' lltfttkMt "inn lxl l ndrtja, ' Me kf Ijjfc I )tf. h ! iVi taH -n-afftn & aflt. i 0 aij.infc aallat -fc . a.J lu U r . t T taWftmma mdia tWlTtii. Majr! .ifvl W Ik axly. Xttl -r1taw-a trmxt m& l j.trr. UfA iMt 1 drtl Mf V tth'r latawW - IV t tJlkttmf at . ol imk-v&zm'!, "" J- - mtt rrilajtj a-Wlu Ui y &M tft m. I ' If a rljlaj ri-fH-s- I M ei fajra- he. bism f Wt J f altttnn U tst r uvK 4m ' i If b nor, Utnzn: tmll . ftef fUt , fe. ,,-,, fr, ;-; hm s- j tncvtn . aWf U z i as ";' f jr J-i 4v. wv.J?troaa r4. mil ,.U - -- -,--. kt-a akmn&l . " . .. . .i ' , ,,. t. r-.ft Kwm nam a ; m cuj ? fc srnt- f . ! tA LttlJi fcv4fi h- ib- r mm& ntToa. 4 iU? rrjr Hr IsAw a UoiUe. j Jb- mA$ alkr- Hfjrt i-"H lb r fc wjWf- M4 I j m, a Ucatitm io $t att --- fXT ltllMt, A rnH 9Brj- ai 11 .li--.f -1 .f t-. tkrt Htr ftt-a i afS4-arto al- SJ Vn& d ir- rf trJt Miatl K J h"f3t tfe -Ctll frvifs I; rat-: Usr tni ksr- fla- i Tn ra ttiS sn-JrVr. tjkoasl f -wr ' - ,.... -tt .Jail- Ja-- nn-fnr w T? iftatwawF15 - - ai twzi-lttt; uo.swS pn ,-j tt .tr Mis -- .. t..4o to aisns l fcbr t't !& ter i-3' & T.J.' .. --, tr-iisa. prar ?- 1 t .r sr. WMfv- "m! tf-l j-tf A f rr ti la .tamrjwO a-ta Ik I' t r i-sr i s i V. l t ; 3 " . m J -h J&&S&XZ-. -a,.,!! Illitatapatakw 3 3-.?-V .. &mV- , 1 I I