YmmW' I S -jmmmmmmmmmmmmmAv Jr J9BF! (0 BED CLOUD CHIEF A- C H9SM.ES, Publisher. RED r:.ouJ). - . :;eiuska DEAR LITTLE HANDS. Hoar J!ttli htind-i. I Jove them no! -n.l now thev f lyinjr umliirllif innw 1 i.iJ'-r tin- -now, m coi mill wh.i.. J tan not mi ihi'Mi. or touch them to.tiijr'it. lay n'.in,.t imii j,u!l ai l..t ah me llow li:iri ami rcstlcs thev u-'l to he! Jhit now tlwy win never txlaclt up tliruuxhlhu mow: Dear l.tth hatnl-, I lovc.l them so. Hear little bum!- 1 mls lle-m Fnl All tltruiicii th"iliij. wlieiewr I so -11 through tin illicit, how lonuty It com. J'or no little limit! wiiku nie out of tnj lrc:nni. J nls tlniii nil thnnu'li thi weary hours J ml- tln-ni an othort nil- rinil:liie and t'liifcr; liny tiin. or iiirlit time, wlnTover I o, Ih'Hr link IniiHla, 1 mlii tlioin . Jlottr Utile tmuils, iltcyhuvo koiio fmm mn now. ." M.it!i v-in ting rt on my brow Kt'iiTiipi ii Miiooth hr -orrow Jul fur.-, INevtr tl; in" in a clnbl Mi embrace. And now ny J,rc!ic.i uiow nT.n&ml -.villi cire. 'riiliiiciinr of I'ttle Int'ids oiiee re-Unx then; Itut 1 Uiioh in ii Ilili!--. Hcuvcnlicr dune. iJcwr l.t'le liHtiils. 1 u 111 t )h you i-oineUtne. li'-iir 1 ttle li'iiel. when the Master "hall cnll. I'll tulcomc tlie summon- tlatt com to in Hll- Wliin nir feet touch tin trident so ilurlc uti'l o euhl Ami I ii It my llrat j'l.mp-o of the lly of i.ohl If I Mtij :nv c,es tleil on tin H'-iiil suite, liter tin- tidn where tin wlnte-nihul one- v.ait .-hull I luiov? you, 1 wonder, union:; tin- lirii;ht Itiui'l-. "Will j on li'fkon me over, oli! di-nr little JlHI.'l-.' Isntter'tUe ( Vno Irri'tiTlfU. C(LQLTKItKI) AT LAST. A School-Touclior "Who Vaa Too Mucli for tho Boys. I think the woi4 -et of !ms I eer heard of wen the Hiekory l'nint bo-. '1'eaelnT after teacher liatl end -avored to t-aeh the ditrie' school lhre. only ti b- either whijijied orlia Igen'd to that each was readv to iriv up lein' i lMOtiilis had p:t-ed. Tin; b(y fought or ii:t!:n:datetl the male tei-her-i. ati'l aittiovi'tl th femali teachers, until, un- ncrved atid utterly broken down, the; 1-iok their deparl ure, shaking the du-,1 ol the 1 k 1 1 1 ::om their feeL The tla; arrived when no teacher made applica tion for the ;ac:tnt school, tttni the Ilickor; 1'oint parent-; were aavioit-. and di-lut ! d at the state of thing-. 1 dtuil know what we are going to do ;ilh 1 iiiii boys of otirn," Deacon done- -a:d to Deacon i-aaie "Tucy aint bail lojisfor work, ntr for play ing, but the moment they ".et on them cnool beiiche-, with book- in thc.r hand-, the very evil one seeni-i to gel inter Yin. All the Point boy- pattern after them, and a ;ery bad pattern it i-. r a- you know. Ptol.er Savage. They eein to be de'ermined not to le in any school, and I'm worn out pun -hinir Zaeh. It don't seem to do him ai; I That is so. P.rother .lone-. I'm -or-ry tor it. but it's -o. Didn't I puni-h my Abe ftir whipping; young Winter, and d.l that make him anv better? No. dust think what lie did to that list s'iiool-maam - that Id maid. M:--. rov, ii. Deacon Jones, if he was a deacon, had a keen -en-e of the ltidictou-. and be laughed aloud. 1 declare. 1 can't help i(!" be said. "I laugh ever, time 1 th.idv ot how that poor woman earn into iii. hoii-e. with her false lro.it all MUgedsoyou oiild e bald spots un derneath, and the hair behind er:-ped ami -niellij g like burned leather-. Ju-t look at me, .Mr. .lone-" sJk cried. Ju-t see the work of that ini--a Ide Abe Saageand your -on! They came pretty nigh burning me up. -ir. M back hair wa- all in a blae bi-t'oie I knew that it wa-on lire. And t u ju-t laughed. in.-Sea I of putting it out- 1 demand -alb-faction, s.r. for the out rag. Well, we did have to pay well for that frolic," Mr. S:tage an-wered. dolefully. "lJut ic was too iiigit lemt'ered and tc!tabie to be a -i hool te:.c'her. I'olk- that arc alway - thing into piece- can't manage boy-, any way ." We've had all kinds of teacher-, lirother Sa;age. It i-n't the teac'.er-. but the ;i kedues-of the boy- Miem-.sehe-. Why. you know we've had good and bad-tenipere 1 t aeher-. young and old. mild ..nd ro . and how long did :t'iy of l:. em -t i; ? I'm di-cour:igcd, and -hall not try to gi t another t tch- mr cr.umu.iuay.aj.iUout an eitueiuou, apf nnu 1 11 glvWlfecariS Und a plow. 1 he don't work. 1 11 wlin mm, and that . a reputation, and -till m.ue sorrv to he ; bee ed tostrt .slipper or the -en-ible ; it i. c;iilent from r.ll ti a I ectihl learn. , ntrtr.,tsi th.tt I . ..! irj... t . i i ... fntbtl to re-iMnt! U h t are-:b, ami ' , - ww -.. ." all I can di." ' ! obliged to belevc th.tt you de-trvc it. j walking -.iocs of the l-'ngli-h and Am. r-1 t. at -h- wa- a superior wni:iii. ! !nn; data.oa tbai oTrrfcaa a Most, of the pa.Toits at the Point : Now !e tne -av here, at the tart. that ie.uis. proclaim their n.ttionahtv to the po e-sing all the trait- of a true and uinne. nnn.-:tiic t a-pr. iwiv ninth" torn, me in tb lUce strain for tbrer da. , 7. rTfH! ' r1, adop'.cd this plan. lV boy- were -et I am going to exaet ob.d'enee from tyr.i. An amateur might not leadily m bl im ther. and that -he left an im-. """J 'm .'V,V Vjlf lh" '"' i,,n-t sny a won! to bim a.oit ray , j1-" rM . ,f" ?IJ. tfr u to woik in the lield.s, tim "harn-and the j you in cvcrylh ng, even in trihc-. and recognie the characteristics of didef- rc '.on for good upon her young son 3" vrnuiii7. r'V ' " i'rr fient. l hr- ! re.olutina"on the whky qneta j jV. iT ?i v """"w A." stables, and kept ste.nl bjVtSt it. The; ' the lir-t act of in-ubordinat'o:i I .-hall I ent di-trict- within a -ingie nation, hir v. inch l.e never threw oil". not th. ktii ot.js: . m z wnj to jotir "All that dav I tmokel iucfwnnUv. j . V r"",. l, , were allowed no holida. tMid no rcciv-I pun'-h. I wouhl much ratlier deal the practiced .le-'.gner mu-t kno.v tbat Thomas Lincoln and wife were o ' ' n MI twfe. f mm &i.;nal ttions. and before six weckslind ti . e 1, they b.'gan to look back vvtth r.-gn t to their dete-tetl school-da; . ul to w i-!t them back again. Even tlieir ringleatl i'rs tlid not hestitale toct nfe.-- th s. I .lon't have a moinc; tlor anv kind ot tun. ADe ravage gnrnmeti. -fa - , always at mv heels: and wken he t.sn't I there, ma's just like a W: tck-do.:. It Abe, do this.' or Abe, v& tlo that.' until I fairly despise ii iyitwn i.auie. Why, even Sunday, if I v-alk down the road. I'm called back." pt "They're treating us ii tSis way just 1o pay lis for making it;infomfort,tble lor the teachers," Zaeh 3kl. gloom lv. say in .said ins: tre JH 14 11.1 1 U Utt.l IIU1U UU... 4TM-1-.. " .II.VHII hnt..r..i -.. -i:.i i.o.s. s-iai-...v i i. linli.in.-. " " &t "l's-nY.l nn teiol,ne shSd stav l.er.. that couldn't lick me!1 aih 'cried. frnwnmo-. in. l". ..,f-. ri.r hi,i .... xkuow ns iitu. mom. ". " i ..ll " u-:., t'e un omnrom-inir re. lv. ! l lt rn-s n-in,y cio.ii ami i'".v . . "" . -- ''"- 7"'-l- r ' ." "':r-. T:.,',: i tvcovf.7 a wwc . ,.. ... .,,, o. 1 Jut I don't care M m not go : , ,.. , i.,.1 c, ... i thn::!: mine-, furnaei-and forirc.s com- - hrM::in !a:tti. the nope oi tne ; nn-- r ;""' 'V" ' "" ." :: " : .r', ' . Dh1 mt xonreraTinir fir Hmior con- "'""' -, r -., .-.. S back to school." ' ii ...... ,.' ;.,',...,' i..s .'..Vi.' .i:;s , bine to furni3!i nail or wire. A hundre I tian life, and ibe joys of the Heavenly rio n.ti-Jnff -ut the nwttcr I-O...I4. a t.aue for oAic tme" Jmurnnt tnere at te.t ,r an ryx " I'd rather have the U :er.s." Abe 1 :".:,, "..,;" i ', '',.,! of i '-'ii i'- have been invented, one of , Kingdt in to wheh .-he xvas go:ng. The ?,mJu ia -I think not. It wi. a moral , w-cH . rno,l ""! Uf lfe". S'rt lo " : "for if thev keen th iSip. I'm go- , ; '' . '?T Z V. ..ii " V. " xt" ! wh c i has th tn-e.l the whole cour-e of . en i was at hand, f.utl.tul wa:. ..-rs at - "" 'JIV '-,. a nhv-ieal ovtirturnin- m mv ca ' ? swa nary xrom inraf-iwe. ,n to rim away. Xow.?if-oii hadn't 1".... . ":V L.u . ! ' ' :v great industry :.nd prtv,luced lar-e the bedside of t e dying woman felt the -I --nt nr. cncasln? tut-rHr in the That ; the t-ett-r condition to w-hch I r annr I. IW ca- l rtniakieii ated Mr. Jam) in the w vou did. '"" M-. . CIt!KS. Throu-I, .-core- of moc-e-. sh.i low creeping upon t..ew.;!is - it was J??i'J?': Ulrom,-). fflciM.0! nin. were trX ur ntm.nai. D-Me mi !.... i Si.i tf ...t ....i "Ul couise vou nave learned i.iue or .,...,..., .-. , . ... . " t .,... , ...t ,. -f ,i,. .,' ,,.. i ., , ,.f ,i, ':rj:'"Z'r"" r:..lr. ... ". '-'tr ." ,... i t.i .. .,..: over IJ conrv-uon- trro irtm- - ------ --. . w ,. y- . "'. juy word. Jto man shniWteohi ami ferule me who isn't strotip -if ' 1 am. if 1 can help it. You am slmw the white feather if you chooSi fj.tt 1 reckon I ban hold my own and dr "em away . if all the boys do play cojvaAl-" Zachariah Jones was thh. rmader in the Tevoulof the boys against St'ol authori ty. Ijie was a stoutly-bui pov.trful Jad, nearly eighteen yen tm old, who xuletl'the scholars with s Al of iron. Kanfly a boy dared to opplN him. for ie wasas -ready with his Ihttias he w:is "with his words. " I- let he lud some mther. twerous mi- inilses. Ij xvas a stnuncl'lpriend, and if he whiprvd the weaker! Ip's himself, lie would allow no one -cmc to touch them. ' t In strength and boldness be Savage nearly mat him, so t. re xv:us an -ofl'ensive a: efeiish'e alii i j between tho two was uk-l mared for -A-be's defec ana wax m - m !;nant at it. J "I never thought you'd be the one to give .n he aid. l)'u I fay I'd give in?" Abe sji- swered. shan.lv. I aid I'd inn away, and I reckon it will cora to thr.t j at Ja-U " I'd ai koo:i o to .ea as anything el-e," returned Zaeh. "I don't fx-lieve a .ailor has to work harder than i do. Ixjt'i go. Abe." Now Abe could not even ;ail orer the lake without beini .M'a-icl;, and that Ttlan tlwl not meet his noproxnl. He- .-ide-,. he was a prudent or. and i though he 2ri:uibld and lhri-atenvd. i had really no id-a of running av.ay. i l..n-ii li fri.f nrl ; 111.. in.ffir. ti . throwiiijr'iiiiilf upon the world! " j " We hiiven't a c-nt of rnoncv now," ' he -aid. "ami we'd bettor put oil run-! niiir awav for awhile. The folk-'ll get ' t?rel of being o strict after awhile. ' gui. it.ties. a tnooi-iiaciiir mav . come, and ha In't we better let him tav j a -u-Wf'1 j If he can whip m. ye." Zaeh -aid. "If he can't -no! 1 ain't fond of ! st-idv. anyhow, and if work get-i too , hard, I II run away. A few weeks after that there was a meeting of th" school director at Hiek ory Point. A young man with high J recommendation-, a college graduate. appueii lor Hie vacant H-itiou. Hie , farm-r-i of that ne.ghlwrho'Hi were ! wealthy cuo :gh to pay an excellent !-1 arv, -o the school was only nominally a public one, each head of a family con- tribuliug to th fund. 1 Mr. Allan Winters, the young man who wished to become teacher a IInk- j ory Point, was a thin, wiry-looking ;oung fellow, with verv -mail hand-. I ..... . .. .... i bright black eye-, and a urmth entirely concealeil b; a hea;y black niti-ta'-he. If you could have looked beneath it. you would have -fi-u that the Hp-. were thin, and compre.-ed and clo-ed a- if with an iron clamp. in- attiire-s was ;ery jiieasant. I otn ; ouiet ami courteous. He was at once en gaged, though he not it .5 tJje directors looked at him in a pit; ing maimer. ' stri-t discipline. Zaeh. sitting inouni- "We are willing a-id glad to ive you ' fu'Jv at an ojten window with his head the place. Mr. Wintei-." s nil Dea'-on ( buzing. and feeling -traiucly con Jones, "but tie que-, ion i-. ho.v Jong j fused, pondered iiruinifully over dec-t will you be willing to keep it? I'll i fill app.-urauce . Mr. Win'' :- called frank, and tell ;ou we've got a bad lot J him in and told him to rereaui aft -r :ht n 1 ... . ol Hoys at me romt. ll win UtK a jihieky man to conqtier them, and you ..1 . a. . .iroiig. I :n air.tiil it will be 1 low do ou do?' and -Cood- i b;e!" with vou b"fore two weeks have ' pa,-e 1.; Mr. Winter-1 -mile was an but he -ad. in a ouiet ;oiee: nl 1 one. ; Perhaps . my looks deceive you. r.ut 1 -uppo-eii j brain- were needed in a .school more , titan muscle." I "You have not taught at the Po'ut. young man." Mr. lavage sahl. -hak ng id-head. "My boy i-. 1 am son; to, -av. one of the wor-t: but it's oir duty i to tell ;ou that oii have a hard tow to ho..' " Mr. Winters laughed, and his bright eves danced tin rrih. r.o .rlo! w.-i warned me. though ;ou imts n't think ' lin a lamb le I to the -acriliee. The truth i- I heard of the character f mr! bo;s liefor I applied lor the situation, i I know all aooiit litem, pared for peace or war, ami am as th ; pre- f ma; cho -e. No weapons, ;oiing man. aid i Deacon Jones. nervou-Iy. "Wo can't have any doing-, of that sort in our ;ou don't look :i, if vou until vou "must do it with the 'switch, or such -eiiool. ii u loti'iuer tlie i o;s - ami agc'ieic- :ts u dure ha - g ven vou. You ca-i make them oi edieiit in that wav if ;o:i can not in anv other. u anv oilier, and we will uphold ;ou Jut uoweacons. sir." , , . i , i- ...- I und'T-tand. laughing. "i ou , . , , . . , ,7 ., need not b afr:rd I shall ,..,,; other agem.ie.s than tho-e ualure ln.s given me. fee (itnte .-ure 1 am th verv ...,.',,., , , man tor ties school. At anv ta'e I scent to be your torlorn hope, and it you f can not keep me. you will not !. likely i .i ..J .' 1 . to have anv one cNe. . ... . . ... , l oic on; iFiiii i.. on. iii in... i, -.mi 1 . -. .. Deacon Jones, approving!;' let. with a -igli. "one or two of the teachers had pluck as well as your-elf. 1 wi-h ;ou better luck, mv ;o.mg friend b t- Iterluck." Willi lii- ii.il".it" tutli AI Witili-j-s i .i ,- t " ' .. . i ... .t. ma.ie tin' mi; i r " i" :i.io ,:; .. ., .ii- l,-. the -atne -mile, presented hmisclt to his asscmblcil scholars the ftdlowing ..ii....-;...- - day. "lie's got no more strength than a cat." Zaeh whi-pcrcd to Abe. con-teiiiptuoii-1;. "Ju-t look at tln-s. woman'- hands, will you? There won t be anv fun licking him. or driving him awav. I guess I 11 let him have hisowu wa. for a day or two." "P.ov-." .-aitl Mr. Winter-, tapping hi- desk, "before we begin work. I wish to -ay a word or two. I have heard from good authority that you are the most lawless, unmanageable -et of 1 oys 1 . in f'.i. stit. I -Mil siirrv Vo!l !i;i i slicll ! il:iiiiii"-s'in. of tne ijlll-ll the llitrii- t 1 .. 1 u.ici.n.l in ti.-O loittilili -Jihcre .. . .. u. ..- . .w..w i ..Imnuit l ll inanm.- vrVir4. I W.I j. i - "Whew! hear the bantam crow! muttered nst.uii-hcd Zaeh. his eyes bla.ing with anger. "Talking to us a if we were niggT.s! I did intend to leave him a day t r two in pea.-e. but I reckon I -hall have to bring h;m down from hi- high hor-e th:- v. ry morning." "Zneh. this is b-tter than" working in the lield." wh spered Ab anii u-ly. "Let him stay till the fodd r is pulled: th:its -ueh hot. hateful work." Then he's got to whip me. tha s ,. .,. ..-. 1- noth.ng. with tne school in t .e comli- tion it has been in. I'.l begin with s.m- pie WOnls-Siie'.l Kl"phatlt." ! v"'h .:l sigirlieant look down tht- ei:i-s wtucii w.i.- ,.er.ve:iv un-ier-iouu Zaeh. who was "K-1-e-f-a-n-t." at the head, .-pelle.l The word parsed on. each loy tran sposing a letter in a :no-t -killful man ner. The "Point" bovs were adepts at th's game, and the observant teacher 1 with his keen eves tixe ! upon each sch lar a the word came to him. -aw that it wo. :; tr.ek that had ev idently been played before, lie re.aini.it las quiet, imperturbable demeanor ana smiled, saying calmly: "You are reallv greater dunces than I i expeeted. Excuse my plain words, but before I've done with" you. you will con clude you have seen the animal himself. Do vou think x-ou can manage to snell whip?"' " Oh'." screamed the boy next to Zaeh. he's piuchin me. sir." point ing to the one below him. 'Twa'n't me, teacher, it wa, him," pointing to his nearest neighbor. " "Twa'n't tne, it was "bini," each If. . i".. .. . UtbUt "1 - ll'l- v tl J - Am-m. kindly w.th you it you will allow nit ioi m tii" i nite i Males. ior in-imce. your do-o. but if you pre.cr a different j North ruer wat.-t-h's -hoc conifort.tbl . course, d.'pendttpon it I -hall maint:iin I neat an 1 .-tyli-h: the Southerner a-k-discipline no matter whi still'ers. for -om 'thing f-uiev and handsome; the boy shouted in tnrn, iml'cattn tlic one next hhn. and this .aid by very toy ftnttl It vr rtojl flti Vvkftrvvv r-.f flirt stl. ich W x?rearntn2 and shouiin' 3. , . llll,M',4 kiW AiVUi tuv vin.-?! ; the vurv toj of his voice. In the mil.t ot all the no-e. Mr. m'er flat vnUt- ' Ut. moving a muo!e. Hi bright wen hs-i ntthr an amud look ai thy ' pa'd from fac to face. Ttiei when ' the noi-e abated a little, he ajKAe in hi suir.i 'ju!vt. eeu Utm-. f I think you have all ben picrfcer--. -o I'll nitui-h the v.hole cUn.t " He quietly '.'.k. oft" hit coat, aa! tJwa iook. I op a larv -witch that wa-t oi his d.;.L ; Vo; Znch doneJ. ouii'i me lr, i fv .. 7 - mnvlu no with an fetokaS ' iauirh and a deliaut wagr"r. Mr. Winter- rai-ol tin switch, his k..e oi ,'txed watchfullr oon lh Ikit. li- f,r it defended. Za-h aiuied a Move j at htf lac. 11 vll K. aau the nei ,.- moment th voting tMig.lK wa .' , j " i in an iron grn-p WJmh it relaxed. Zaeh. blinded Sy rage, (.truck out rihl a:.d left: lt what wa- hU brute foref against the trained skill of th utoi t i iitiitMi fitkli.i.. wxf imf Ctitri l illllt lit fcifi a ui iaiui ,' Throe times Zaeh went down like : lor. Tlii"! fourtti tim. bruieI ;. Hie fourtti tim-. bnI j jy. he could not rs- to hu feei. . Hu;e you hmi enough? Mr. U in d'uy . .-.. ... ii ter-jl-jKwI mm. .siemiy; -areyouwui ing to oli!y?" " Vo t're the k'H man." Za"h .-aid, faintly, "and I atippo-e I'm bound to give in." "Ye.-. I suppo-e you arc." aid Mr. Winter-. "If' not "now. you oon will Ik. Help him up. some of you, and let him go to the well and wash his face. Now. voting gentlemen. I'll settle with you. The awe-stricken boy- looked at him. forone terri'Yd into gojd behavior. There he -tood. :t- cool and quiet a beforc the light. He .-aw they wen. con-pten'd. He ptmi-hetleach ot them, b'tt made the putd-hm-'tit as light a-io-s'b!.. The; took it as demurely ft- if -! school had t.e.n alwav-uniie: -thoid w;ii dismissed. "You fore 'd me to rc'rt to sti"'j harsh measuie-; thi- morning: 1 at srrv tod -o.' he-a:d: but you know there wa- no help f r it. I could no' do an; thing el- and rem tin te teller c ' this school, as I propose to do. T'U skill ami streiigfi I acquire! in tin ! . '.. - ...it gyninasmm ai coii-g i am in i.iiiv a-hamed to u-e a a prie-lighvr wou'd us. them No geullet:: m would d it miles-, forced to in self-defen-e. Thi 1 ha;e done t .-day Now i-t me ta you into my contideiie-. I heard il th:i school it otic re I a good retnuiie i- I lion -and I am a poor man and n d lac .-alary I can honorably get Here. As -oon a I -aw vou I knew what wi- i before me. In! I thought I -aw. t -. ' " .v,' 5!,:u ,,:i" ,,' i--I' command your respect- u wtiuld b niagcatimioas enough t-. g'.;e j me :i. more troitoie. imi-ed. l wi-r tci be Miur triced if vou will allow nn- to DC. in hand. yen5" and he held out ns 1 Zaeh took it franklv. for he liked the -pir't of the teacher. "I am not mean cio'igh. Mr Winter-." he said, "not P tcknowl dge when I'm "'hippe I. am! I don't b -ar ill-will, i.u j ' I.''" ''' ;. how vou can giv ut o stiea ii ts witi mat mil natui oi yours, lltoik me so bv .stirpris that I went :.,i,i ,....!.... " . .-"'.. " , , , , : -Mi- u mi".s laugnct ami pm.c.i up 'his sleeve. ll:s arm. though m.t large ( . ,, , . 7 was a liundle of iron mu-c.e-. J ... . . , :M.S(,.. Z:lrh ,. , . ' ,, .. ,. .. , , , -. -. ,. ttvat o:iot brute firca one i-them-an , , ,. . , , . e-i o ;.iu .i i his .s i ii.it' .li.i.k ii intiiuat'd. 1 -hould have preferril in- I .... ......r .!.;. . ..1.....1 I..- ll,.... .....I I. t..r I ... till. ....". . II'HM . "'I... t .....I ... '..... i ... :. : .i ; . . .- . i i. . means, oiu u is in ia-1 line- i ooin-. . .1. ... . . . i : he s:ilil s!llll:!li- 'licit I shrill have " '. -; ..-.- to use me Ktiocit-uowu argumeni Mr. Winter's victory wa- thorough. The Uiekorv Po'ut -ciioo! lo-t it- bad reputation from that day. The scholar- miiiii leurne 1 th u'ough'v to rt'-pei and ' love their teacher i. for his kindness of v ( , . , , , . . , , . heart and for hi-gent em.inlv ipiai.t.e-. .,.,..... . . , .7. , ... , - ..,. ' ,... . I ltllII' "I s. lll-ll !-. Ill ! ,11 SI'IIIII II ...... ....- ....... ..... ..... ... .... -,. ..,,.. ind Mr. Winter- m?.de the nio.l of :L-- JoMfi' Cvntpatr'o). f A PAIR OF SHOES. I o ,f t:st. .xi..st Tm.Ic.1 i'rinlnrt nfliul em tielustrt. .. mI . .... .... I ...... '... 1.11. .1 scale, 1 11 draw the lish."' Had lie been a shoemaker he might ha; e -aid. "Show V l1-.l.tt H.lf lf.l''. ..'It. I st.f.11- 111.. . ' me a -ho. I'll tell the wearer." The!" sandal of the Arab, the tinv -ho,, of tbr high-lire 1 woman of China, the wooden t . .... . agricultural We.-t dein mds -olidity. futlne-s. and an articl- stott' to break th html f0j n coming population A jiatr of -hoe- i- one ot the nin! .'.--' - -----. .--. - - ; . . . . .. .- ........ j .... . niHMIlK IU'- -.n..-ll-il ..- "" M .s-ct. . i ,.- a- .!. ir. . .. .....-. ... w .. - .L. . . I .-.. I. t.-t T.. .!. tvp'.ca! prod ids of m idem indu-trv. j ened ujon her. and her life was slowly , u.ent thai it ral-ht !- 1 fee tdrfon in , wa, ft hopeful u,ilinu At nton 1 ate To make them the asrmal kingdom j wasting away. Day bv day young- juH-n. . M eontr.butes fr m the herd- roaming t-r. ; Al rah a in sat by her bcds.de and read Uiat niiioinonim ?ht arr vein a wisvr t J night I stowed awav a veil ma-d!n-We-tern plaius or South American to her for hours such jfrtipiis of the when tuincni uuzbt tmt.r awHunr -e n That vra. b-t of all; for when a paiiipt-. or from the barn-yard ne.u j Pdhle as -he de-iretl to hear. During " " WB1' ,1. .ntj f wrjor i ilnmkanl can eat you may conclude at h.im : the ;e:-e:abic. from tlotted . the intervals in reading -he talked to u m a ba;v. undatc) noun. rami. im written ! .hut h U r.t h- In tnrr dav gnve- of heniloi f hemlock and oak or from the est- -t 11 left to us. (Jrea. tex- " "'I. great tor I'll . - 1.4 .. ir.111 "l -111-.' icijinrc 10 or ug itiein loge.ucr ins (M operation of ttfiy men. women and chi' d;on. the div.s-on of 1 ilsor i- nttr-ned to the ut:not, demamling in turn for its suc'essful maintenance he dt-per-ion of jrodiict the world over; until, a- a re--tlt. you. well-shod reader, can buy for three dollars what would have eo-t your forefather i.x. A- the reader buys a pair of -hoc- hi next pair mav at t e -ame moment b tlolg ng the la-s j of the vowoo; " on sonic far-away plan, or perhaps lv its . proce of -laughter :.t Chic-go. The pt n-haole b.et promptly reaetirs Un. market, and one dav -oon vou d tie ! from a fat, itticv roa.-t" little thinking as you smack your lipsatter dinner that the line, pliable kin which once pro tected the delicate morsel may at some time contribute to your outward com fort. Stranger things have h:r.pene.L The skius or hides meantime are salt ed. and the buyer of sal'e 1 lude- send part of them. say. to Peabody. Mas., to be tinned for upp. r leather, and th re-t to central New York, to be tannc for sole-leather. . M. Xcwhali. Jlarptrs Magazine "" ii i .-iuui im--i-- iii a ll.lll oi -in v , "" -. v. ..v..... .... .j. - ... ... u ;h; wi: liai ai en n-."s i .irni'i -uij ljl-3.,t.' ajMl V.ailarauOU ItJ ta? IBAII ... . .. LLXCOLVS B0VI700D. 4 - r iawnx.unu oew:a o. xiss - hi Indiana. III Jlnttirr' Hrrp tlrSW.a. IWU1 fl tJ m (;rrt I r Ur tiflnz Mlli to Cert tiltrr I'mtxti tivi jrrr IVing oa & train ot- di. la.t twuimn i (,q the nUlwity Jraim; mm J0fv Ut0rm .kpfct, in Soutaw.:cm 1 ml tuna, a ! ,,rv x, , eai-ual trTfUaKcttaisttsce r-'tcd ; lktit woftW " I"11 o1rr,, l farm. ta vking iurthtr information be iaforanl me that H r ta-j farm oH'uotl ami ftccufded by Tbmn- Iu tolu. the fntbr of Preid'mt Umxdo. m -. an-l wbrrc in. latter -: m: ot bn . . . ; uthlul ear: to: arrotl mr site-1 tioa and decided me to !U at 1 Jncnln SlJttJAtt f wbtcb lakes it n.-ime (pimm the farm) and it a f-w lwor, ami.1 tJ.e scenes 1 MUPWHIE WOH-nilMl lR Ihar to the m rl.P-d Pr-irnt. l 1 LI . t. 1 -o :atn Tlic piice t in Carmen To .s.H.Ilct.r ( OIJMiv. Iaeol .-utk hl liir nter of the Li-d: rahip. -latum 1- k- s'criI. and is now dozen liui'ding" nr a xuit,e oi a o. havinvr the . w tt-aal onconntunt- of a t.tor. black .. smith -imp and saloon Into th then wild and rough rfgi-n. alrr.oot literal'.;- in the w l.k-rae-, Thomas Un-. co'n moved hi- family. coiujs-I of his w.fe and two t-hi d.-c-a. nanus! Abraham ami .-'ran. in ii-. jte uin i.i cau.n o a km-11 soinr t'fu-en rod fniin when the ib'pot i.. now hK-at-'d Yi-unif Mn eola at thi- tiuii w.is in hi ighth year, and fr the tct fourteen y ir- thi wa.s to be hi- home. Here he i to pn- through the form dive jwrMnl of hi- ejiani tcr. 11 r. Here, m ex ream poverty ant :i.m rmgh 1 fe he wa, lead- .it wild -ceuery . coming in cm- in the ha ing in th tat with iiiture in it- mid t form without Itooks or iiiear.s of -tudv. and tin r fore left more fu !v ? the .tudy of ii I'-tir. without M-c-al udtntJg r -chools. but under th t -..ching of n good (''.ristian. di-Tt lM mollier. the foundation- of that character were laid which wi re to dev lop ft.c'i remarkable pr-eictl common micc. -ueh Miuml r a oaitig and iuilgment, and such niiai taoil.ty ami m.ivcri;. -Ktn in U.-it- mgvvith.tn ;h.pr:g the great even l win wi'icii m- on me was ;o no it rcver afterwatds as oiiatitl. Tl I I t I 1 ine com nr.s oeen r-.i;cu, ami no:hmg remains i mirk tw spot where it -'ood nut the par;iall;-ltled cellar, and a .solitary ecdnr inn. nearby, phinte 1 by vicing Abraham. I .OUllll illl .111 111.111 111 111- kit Jllllt who wa- Ab"-pl tymat.. and ft tun him learned much that wa- int re-ting in re 'ar.l to his earlv hab't-. h - earnest .......... ............. ........ ...... de-ire to learn, and hi- pa-sum lor book- wh'ch he was not able to obtain, He icad c;er; thim: lie couM litid in all the region "about: it mav have be -n tlcit tli-s ilei.rivMtiori of IimiL -iTid tin I . pilMllcauoii ill" M'iiovi;i; -iniciiiciiu iiiean-of learniii" thri vv him uoon h:- .,, . ... , ! nn .ins in ii .iiinii mil un. i iintu ii. s I Jnti Ncii m enll tle.i" lilt. rv-il. ov; ii rc-ourc s and led him into tho-e peHuil. -ulnn h .lav. ts-iM-cniii.: tin -.tt. modes of thoit"ht of iiu'iint mid apt ne :s ik1 ljensnin" l tae m-uunH-r n I illii.lr.it:on:imM..:i!nl?pUtSj;VM culiar to him. lie wa- alniiit tlie oulv ' entis to tin- utt.t el. r l'niJnt Arthur ii one in tilt' tlie vii:itv who cmM rend niil . . . vv;ite. he was noieil tor hi- kiidiies, to, . ...... .-...-..-......-.-. c.erv otn and hi- service, were fre- i quent.v draw:, upon bv the .-cities to . vvr'Je tlu-r let er-. a kimlne-s he al- wivs checrfullv ret d -red .a d the old ....... v in i ii...... hi.. . " man: "Abe wa- all r- mu -h g.vcn to! latnn . uhenc.-. r the court was m I .ssion he wa- a fn quent nttetidnut. as . often a- he could be -pared f.om the 1 1-bor- of t!ic farm, and e-pcciallv when a lawyer of the name of John A. P.reckenridge wa- to ap-' p ar in any case, ltreekctiridgc was i the foremo-t lavvver in all that legion. and was widely fitncda- an ntlvocate in criminal ca-e-. lanroln wtt.- tlnn' sure to be pte-ent. Doing hi- "chore-" I in tlie morning, he would walk to Ilooueville. the county .-'eat of War-1 wick (Jotintv. seventeen miles awav, i and then home again in time t do it "chores" at ni,rht. re e it ti" thi- d.iv fterdtiy. TheTawy.-rcauie to k:' im. Years afterwards, when Lincoln ras President, a ;en r.iblc get.tl -man ...... -i .. ii .i: :.. , l. . tim :. . cut tel Irs olii-e in the V. hit I 9 II" 11.1 . lions", and. .t.indmg b fore him. -aid: Mr Presiih-it vou tion't know til" " .ill' i.mcolii eye-i lum -narpiy nr a mitneiit. then "tpticklv lcidatl w.th :i ... - ' .. stum: l e- . --S 1 I ... .1 .... - . .. i .ii.- t f hi .ri .I'iriii j Pirtvkenridge. - .- .... . I lt-".l to walk lliirt; - was i.j his j-ower. of t.ie can bttnl ii.s of ti ir h:ird life. Although tronirlv marked religious citaracter. in. I v..r.. ni..mlii.r. of the l'.n..tist f:t:tli. .... i 1 l :. .1 1 tic.enever servite- wiiejit-uiiu ne ioj; building a mi'e di-tant wnit h passe ! tor r. cliur n. uiey ani uictr two ctruiren were mere, hut tne w.ie ami moner w.is not on"- to tie with thetll. 1 he fat il d -eae of con-utnnion hatl ftvst- him of goodness and truth, and urged J him to walk in the wa;- thereof, she . . ."- . liiviK cfiliin went .ln.vlv out the four miles :i dav to heir vou nlead law i "' ' leioK-i.i ! P..,.. ... .ll.i- 'il.il l....n-n ! ill" ... .. - . J ' u . nn.nn.l n ill I km. I tst nrialHaMi a ...... ...... .. . .. . ..i. ...... . . .... .. ........ i .......... i ... . . ,.., -.. ..... . tryuiMii ktii'w- in. t ar- m opinion- in : " " - i- --"'- , ..ti tvj l..-. .. i siHce'cs at the bar lir-t m-pire 1 me nlv ilnulit.ui r-o.t t m aUer it i- 1 1 Ine. aXThcn I fullr re4l -d what a ml . , . . . r .. :.i. .i... ... I I ,.-' ai y t.se to si itu ttvia . ih mNt l h '. ... ..,.i. i" ,,.... nl d lbr cuHnred It I III I ill I1V.-1I'. Ill.ll.ll '! I" " l. . .... , . - ......I ! in tt-.w llin IV..... '. ' '- -. ' ' !" v"t .. . ... , . i .. ' tjM'ii It r xntii.ti i. in m. r iie i rem . ,,,.,,,, , " jmrifecv. w bwe ki ... . ..iv..... .... ...... !.: ...... 1... .....I iir-.ii" mi i.i.im r-i ii t l4lcti:i tHelf im irbt i ... 'i ....i.i t.. l..l ... I Iff a iIM HtHl 3 ttt. .. . ..-. i. .....t. ... temi.t j ihm.mii .o . v.i. vfiat f Hi v;i,.. ; - . - . To tbe jrioHU' -u .-..-. -i w.i .v .. ... . ..-. ... -i ii n 'linur lo in ini!rri - nut i am it. i .' n..-. ..... .-.. t .- s :imi rao.htrIutl7c.-L. Abra.iam gae wax an,nr,,i,.rM&. j rc-t--f!:5 ubit n :i to rrief that could no! lx Co J-oIed- e-m a ! r-er m'sx-frii an nt irmQAi. Thev laid I.e.- tenderlv awav in an r en- mgin t.ie timber an eighth of a mile Jr. tn No minister could le pro. last iro.c.rvt ..t tn- t.iiis- iu rv..o ... i ... .u. .-... ... ......... .. . au iites. out inpatni.-Tg ?rienii- ofTeni! up -irct re pravvrs o-r me dead. Th-simple -rvitv did not seem to the father ami ?oti tt Ire a -urn- cient tribute to the memory of the true exemplary w te and motner whtrse lo they so rtm ly fell, -o w en -,.r.r.g- . - . t.m came the Wv wrote to Elder Elkin. i Jupiter hi.- ben the -unligh: cen wholivetl nearthe family wh:; the.-wer. lcr 0( :i f,inily of worlis 'iradarto the in Kentucky. apjK-aling to him to come -olir -systetn." Hm jdanet .-how a and preach" a funeral sermon over h cloud-like snrface. Lcnenth which the mother's grave, adding tnat granting surface of the pi met s hidden. Jupiter th:s requc-t would hi to him and r.is j one thon-and two hundred and fifty father and sister a lasting favor. The tizn s as large as the earth, bnt only good man cneerfnlly complksl with the weighs three hundreti and ten tirnts re.iiest. thougii it involved a journey of a- much, and the enter L tilled with as over one hundred miles oa iior chuck: , intense, fit ry hea and a lovely day the people came from J " - all the country around and sathcrt.nl A Philadelphia, man hs s. mania about the grave, and the minister dis- j for .-rax-hing looking gl2-es, and haj cottr-ed to them the xirtues and t-sti- j broken 2.iJ ia the last year and paid mahle qualities of the departed, and 1 uamages in f ulL Pfeifafftrfpnia rYcss. coranwtifM h?r mrtiy et vd !-. !, emulation of all A t ,'vt frsrrr a. ael tb vrV 4ec MS tw Jnr koe on tJr rvva4 arosJ ib ST!. imI lki. :h iftiij Mrv -- tK berUl of th" 'tb-r. wa rwid. 'fV jrm - i-arli-l witha aljfa inw fo. and at :t kri tnti a K-uil whil ftiVjrtBr " Naa-r ItstvL Uw -I Khn 4iwi OrtoivT 5. IsIa. gwd X r Ertv-rl in I7 by a fnm4 trf iwr raaar tyrrrl q " Jla iriroa. I to foratwd. t m tb wWfr bnb- t ,' utMit waua uu4fctw.rr at .n.oUi itrtsd. lad. i mm -tJiao'B; or ia mnmrr- zr- j ia tbc forc4. tb tUo-igal enA-4s4 ;t.S 4 mm t mxmti br ikUe ttal wbo ' dmt m lytaj: tWfr nuaqrtiJkff w-u t-mrxb, rraltsr wh m IU tfeat bi bnmgbl tnU Mat 8ti' Urn ' luuNi t iPi uanu lAruura ui L,iumra j & xitm re$u ciunern ol I... " . , ,-, -." mtxierti bi4orr. a coopV ot vwtr " 1 " xure ( tbet ca to Um ealtt a mw motarr. f wh" "" J f ; J... - . -. , .J Jy t,, a tflts-i ,M i .....j. ri.. .. i ir- -x.. ,..- -. . .. -.... .- . ,s... w, Pn ,1- n: I the ritsj ma e. Im 1-v. KlclUI.s d.wJit V1 ' nbomtvjtjA rtj,, t4 rongf, ,4 hrarmr fmoraLhni-'rttvt tbe prsure laad i m:... .t- , i. . ... I Mllt'. - i'Uil lTHKl v ,-li th re. Mr. ittacoin M!d b iantt and the prrjiarnii.n wa made for la -liKM.r. AhrkliMMiutir.1 sll tkt fwttrli ,M. .. .,.. .um .i!..-i...n.i. 0,wj.i,;r ftT jj. v. Wben tbr mutruing ol th. bieh bad be.o m b-Wl for tbe.l dejmrtHfe urmed hr wa found siUuitf upon hi.- tnotlter jfrave a --p.uir, w totth er he h.td rtne at an ir.rlv ittuir in th :no-n':nx- " 1 n" "--ld m i-"r tlt tb night of .-a. in g hi- rtK'tber lMbitMi The ;ew bfMiieb'dd god and ttlfn-d were put tin the farm hjihi, the oxet ; lok ,,, Um !v nu ,bon!. ,, UmH,ln n,,k hf- place bv Oh ;tK, , ,ht. Urtm .4,, dnMf. HWR lv j old in -in to whom I ha;e allude 1 -aa i he wH renu-mb red wheu AU tart: that moniing tmn-fiaittl. -Aith bit tnt i i-otniug down only half way 1 twcn hit kn , jtnd nU feet, and addrd "I.ittJe tl.d I think he'd ei r W Prvi dent of the I'trteil Slates. " In that un- j gai d; ix-fKt-fimr youth by th" U oi the ox-team went forth eckiag a n--w ) home In the countn to tbi w. oi i th,.m Uu. fUir,. p.Jent. the lllus ;nH ,,.a(,(.r ,,H. immrUi vWtanc pttor onewhotir-l opei.tsl hUeye- it , ine vine oi miiun.ui in n nce i.ni' ,. j,v ,.nbin. fMK. ubo-e lie went ' .. ..,.,, v .t fo- murni.r. amJ nn Kn '.-and Kmperor, tv.deritia . i i,,,,,. Ul jt;, t m ,rv. What a cm j . ., M . .., ;uth ltlkl. vtMVmi.K . .' ami boj e? - Cr ('urnjo '1 n'tunt STATEf.ENT BY AUTHORITY. i Tin ,iui.-tirti' -.-iniior 2t.tto. i'ni.ii i m inttrn with rr-iiinnt .Vrttoo i,,"'",k i'mp-isi. Senator Hawlev has furnished f,,i ' ...i i- .-.-..... r'n... :... ! the litte CMiiiimistl. nn l .til .smoriHi in in- -i ....-! !. u.fi. ( I.lmaMr. 14 t 1 f j t . I i I.HKM 11 in'tn !.. if Hlli.n. I .-Mi".fl. ! ,. nii. ,,,.,, ,.ll.,s.i.4eri.iiiats.rtHin mi. it . tfttuil lb i' ittr ' pott i ut oli i v.t!i ,"ln- r-tntl cluerriilu. . i. ih- !l 'rZr:, nv m nrL mii) m AtKiet 'hi -l lwe '" '-'i-l uwa the i.r.sl-.. .lu hirtiur n tiillVer-H U 11 1 's-n e r'a.ll liieittlor.i.f tin ,:i:tts. his.i iit-.-:r MMrthi wrt i.i nlMiiit the n.- t "ti ot !'ri- ileiit . rlluir tun' the i.-ittil.i lt of oMhih.iu -oiNif Hiltltlonsi lllHICle-tiition of illttttht Hinl tsi i.;Knil" tmiit him. totli fur lire Mtke of U ri.e.-il i t t-et Httl il- IihmI mrluent ii)n t ie litt dent - t i"-nsil Iremis unl iH.! l t eU n "i-il a l -.ni I uu-iiiiH- w.i h: in .U4i u. I .iK'ikti in ..eu ; i-rk In r -T" ti- t t.. j llllll illIUl 11 K 111." I.r-. .i)iniiiiii.ii. ...! ilitl -MMtn ulii-runnl- Ht the Mlth Aioiu-llnl.-l. u hen he H-tli"n -tilling llu aji -eiel ti.n.kl. nfl c i liMilr In .mi tHH' I etui iMi'h j.nii pUn-e. in lt rewjM'v" thi tr.i" ltt'tit ii ik I sjttrt of m hut In- V. w IliCI HU ll- tollews; i erat ii . I :t ii wlltlnv to Io or sr thinx t i.it n ..-on mimI thi- iirt'iietii-s f m-. jh- t'fin mat j'entiit I jMrt'e ui?l in U. i ..... ... tii.. ' oriiui ul.oil ft tie H w l.i mi j-i.'t. nti i have Iwen an ucllvc. 2 Jiii, aiifl .ler.it. 1 j -hikI.- mime mi the i:.-ii.i.-uii ts tit t :w 1 , ;"ir.ei.3l',:rr.rfKi "" w.".11. . Jim,) M.,ir.u. iimj.x-H-. ;rl !.. ' t c! r.sht lint., taat.-t.ti t r. . I'litMifMii ever ik ll I eti-r urn c.c. i oi inrni. r. o c i- ihi. mm n wn , .r j ,,,...,.,... Utr tht. , nta tl.uM ..... .r , , ijimuk-s frieti.i. !! tulaw irt .r t ! we. mih! tir4lttt.i th --irne I tniei.t ut i.ir- th.- wiMitrntinn hMnr ihmim-. h . ' vnh.ur.lut mw ltuntl. np4 . . . . . J I l..ul. .. ..I l IM Im.. I . f.-.IA .M ..I-...1 i. .1,. I .J IIH. .1 .11. ".. ..MM.. .1" .--. ...j...' -.. m ... . M.-ii..,, (. ... .. is nitMi v.i. lM.ri ii.ti i is.. ... - . . . ' t.nue m UihI !..ri In ire, a ' i:.eu j.irtr w-mIi. l it er f ! t huvt th..-jjtrOo t ex j-tltu7 to ta. ll4Mtm,mmnvnM.,natMtht.i.ruMmmt.tM t4ie bii-in.-. managr that I wa .........n.. w.,j .- . .. - - .- ... ..-. tmlc ' "1 liaUlr wrtt it br ef tfttim: .nnrconl , mice w in un iticu. aii out i ns.'i"ii -oj . ... .1.1 . .. .. .i... .. t... ..' 'fiiat i-tntire'v viti-ftu-or. l murac! to ih- h. . l imwf" .-: n Ions , ; - - - - N tm , M.aM ; wU,; whom a c Hit Mr K.-i er ir i hac. It tr. iMknOl it.eii.aner wa nicu-si niist uiai uifp' wa- I'ircein wnm ! rrvi- . . . . lent ai.l niiout tisextlieocj- anl hi- tate- ,---- --. -i e . - en "w -a tno .ouctn. . miY Vni-sinr.-rr. I har0 h4 a piin.tnt ata-uai rrfi. tT-oc : ta.l- m th- fubW-t T- Kcpab! trnn .e: (,n..;tee irn.i ,imito: ,t u bKialrri mt ttn- to d ciiK-tl tat rli'ht tbitirala ChJ- i-r it ;b fl'Oeu'.ti-- tat Ucri-r.psr thcuv ,. , .MHli rfmoa'tra t ooof tt-v.tahtv ci - UrsuUcm tttrtt sxm after Ar-.aur -cct JSSO -e..ta is tae I'ni- oote- ac"-tair i--ev- Wr -a.u 'IIU'lrUK I tto mntn x Jo. l xca tr wiVe utot f.r ' ISC LaV V7iTtl , have ucaoc J. K. H.LrT." TEirrERA.VCE. OAUS FOR THA.NKFULKCSS, 0u4 l k t-w t I "'Vr-t tMti. t -v c4 tSrt i4mi k4 ! ta lf 1. i .. -- .. A1 j f -r iv - j ' W .tor.. im . a j j ui tvm iVm m .4 O-j I WroVtM . iw- rt Ot 'Iar4t jbhM trmm, ltk (Maw afar fcrrK TltttC IU ixirm tMl a Awt vtp a4 -vtMtiM-M - m Wiaur ftri-W a: lUUfct TW- trnnm. J W mm ta j?.M ' .r JT? 3 JTTf h inn n . imi ( m :1 ? t4k4a tfeM a4M . tm matMm mmmmm mm - ' - - - -- ----- 4mm , iSL . , I IWal TW iii rmtiir I Aa Xiaww; 1 ttwMt TWoTlmfetata - tnrn IT " '"T ' ? !"?: "I.T .j wm i aaqr PM ii - -ii i ii If M iara a4 fOrfa Mm 4 . AmI tarr a- M4 tUrri VTmU I rvrtN-r I tMH.V Te. : t vm. tw tv !ir mmmf a Vm wt ar t4 ut tW aCMiVv mT 4tHh fair .14 ta td uf -s I am r9r I If ta um aw t m fwtt -f lliil iwkiIm a4 it ilMi t tK TWtV' m0i rat4 UtMt H artaat am4 ur ta mmx va TVt h BMiiw mo ' Hr kol rrn. Tml t t rb "- f4 (MNf mm Tfcat t lppanx Uw Urnmr " Hkw ta ka4 IS mt9m mi mmm !. 1 f ll hm r p" rlMl tm mr 4mm4 A tol w4 tkB to fcWji it a a9Vnaa Im1! ' ,lelp v tH-r t m' Vmim rmmr. iaaLfwi MM tt-i tWlnrti. sd&4 .u u tvtmmhrr tkn a tr A a m-hiiut hvrnt nikitrr imrwtite tatf lltlt m. mwk r Ikr fntdrt - lfitii :. ss-i Hr i. iar tW V?.?' Tt'iL'T" fc"!.1:! i M0ry ,, ji,,. m .;,au.,.ii Mra. D. R. LOCKE'S REFORMATION. it.at i:ihi.i i:-irokMt.i -i .41. hwm u ;;. itr..eai .;wt-Na-hv ba rvfrtuei. fhere bi hmX'f b h.uluw wsl dMi! abui u He was in D lrit ;r-UTilaT, and wt r f n fonM.r f,.,,.,. wh ., .... . . cx that ut aWlineiM'.. ba wnmeJit in tb iv now net 1 hnmonit "I know it is alraMt ImrwUble nttl NM.by. "bl U im fari tbat l barw not ta-tetl alcohol in ar irm fr dgiteea month. I'm rumii'letvlT reftirm-tl." How AH I bni.n to u tlcmkitaK I.U-IH' AbtHrtlbe Urn- 1 nUaHHl mv ln ami Urn! me bat twenty per cat. of the stil-4-nitaiii of wit w eekh itr i . were to cj,ire In a week uml H wn . , mtinn lr . t jump into tbe Itrcat-h ntitl treftl a Mrianenl drop- ' Wrertnl the -erw..n of the .ituatMn nd wrn I woukl jj t rk 111 earn.-t He atd be tnttt bVe . I.LI . two iir three nal f4tns (.! the let j Nabv letler that I efwild w tile, bit I '' " ' '-her Pmler j "I had been a hard dnnker for tbinr j Vi.ai-s Hnd Umd lt tnr tHiwer of mtej- jt . . , , , ,. ! 1 ctnal anl pby.itftl tecitperntajn. "I p to alxMi IriV .e-.r- ol age I had been able U p to ld n-brtoolr drunk even niTchi ainlatlend to bime-t w tlb rea-oiinl.bi iiolnstrv ever; da; Wba thi- rii- came of whtrh I rk Um; .-w.nllowinir more than Jortv drink- I ii-tiiiinte tbe iii4itlltv m rns nt two gallon- of raw vthuky morv twimty- lotir hHir. "I coiddn't work. Aplbalbm vr out nt tbe qu-tift. 1 Huuki h in bed until tdrven o'clock in tbe morning. and on awakrninir uel m eoteitiiale my !, bn.f an hour at a tim with not enough encruy to tmii ijkmh on. 1 Hab'.tnalhr drank ttve or !v w j ,,",wrl, br,'kfrf "W1 tben at bf. t would take anotbir nip. witb a , ,,f ..t-iotk-d izg- no appetite vrniftktr iit (ajit Mitl ol -hi-i oiMti e;3f- apiieme r aw- r t. . !l I .. . -. . b:tion. Wbrti I tried to writ I couUla't mike it jo bran -lujrjd'b. d.r rt- f.'cided. and anal dit.vructkm nuar at ha"Well. .ir I w.e u jel rn,t tbe w.k that wis .te,4UIf ntf.lmt I tl ke,q, i: off. nenel... MfAr ami- - 'i -i-v i .i - no. n( btqteb. ITie lal daj name eobd. I dreed.w'eni thw n to tbmc. ... .l wnlkinr barebeatlcd vtjth mv farr ' 3fiint the breee The wotbT wa; i ;v arm. anil 1 wa. lull tt IeTr: owl I i ; M.hl imi and a; elpten o'clock went to bed. Next morning to nn great r- ' pn-e 1 wa- alae in eat a tnail pie- oi ; I ., l.... .1- t.-.?-. f,l,l ; - wuiici in Jratf' a'.avew twrnw a -.-' - mm , t ,. . , -r-i . ureakinti ocittrv in iweniy yenr. i nai - - - - - . Uf . an1 ofi.l . fttl had a flavor that wra., delkn'oa. anv quantity ol alcohol etiuM mate 1oVdie. Isimplr didn't afTonl to ; maltha: rationally happy cotv tlitSon " "Dir vtM nerer feci a dVHrc U drink at tht- -We of the fi-bj? "IW Mv I do. Aflea-t and at mwt, along yn for o'clock m the after- m-oa: I fel a deep depression -ncrt for wan? of a nip much ai l-an I am tTi-M ilH wrn-L- Tit, naiiinl 2mr.tl- then is to stimulate. mi I h-at it down withrmt rest efTort, and in a Utile while '"Im aholitrfy certain that L' I were to take one d'rink I honld tjii fortv. Alcohol runs through my reini llke'qnlcIcstlTcr. No, 1 do not beheTe I .hall ever ro- tome. I inherited a cat-iron contito- tion ought lo hv on hundred and thirty yeart in all. hut I threw away thirty "year by dissipation, and I s hall live to be ontr one hundred. rnn? WelL no. Can't ay that a uiber rrein ba.- nnch of the rt of fsn that the drinker ha: and it mar be doubted whether many reformed drank- rdi ever eny mere physical exuteae y1 mtf 9ff0tttf VB Stop Mft MHiM pk e mmt fMN-vr t .. . Umm mm tn4 mm k itT J"T4p?E .Jtk tMk MC5 gSTt I inrMt K-r ir- m immm "- aU fr. a jfH ? tmmt r rtl 1 "-! tJI Ukt -4f Ar m4 i)tM rril I k?-4 m rmaariJ' wtirria l tmt4T y t M On. i iy ctty rf fWb 14i 4M, twart 4-JutTbtl- rfaB tlaa MrtM f TtV' irm W Vw TfC UQVOn TRAff'lO AOJACX TV lir tm. m tW I VW ilMMt fcwail la Wi ril s i' mmmrm I to 4bt I v'asiM mm vail Im Cmi Brua, a 4rmKnm wm 41 J etaM gamm tw jmi tlfcaa It 4kz v bm. a4 mmm rimSty m mt a hmrmml tint w VCa II etatMMflMlmtr car tfe'C lr mm ae rawiiif tlwa lfy rfUM fVti ims Iftm rlt Nf.i mail i"mjal Hfcarla ai mmmg mmtmm w m mw. H wai ta tmalt fcr chA lmiU araaa H fMaawlil 1 t?i'rbiil la amwf tbb at Aa oftewl tttlrT "' mmmrrmm fmmm mwm mm t9mm Ik immnii cwafc viiaii tar WfU' t4tx.a4 la-tt MJatotrs rf gtvtt xboHtay Ui4 aif bcaMl cacfcm sj -c rafata m it infiwawi UbaA III aa Jtarr rwiMn m Ke aa4 dbMi felit tanMMi-f i iateomajc ti buna, tea tithaea. wluia wttb ibi if anw. ! tb rn ia 4 mwtabU 4b mi wal I imaf! MHMf te pfrU (! i li-g raywittt. SsfaJlgv lua. m Um tac 4 all Hn fart 1e, Ube I mm-rl ('mmc4. ? aaal far war nag il b r.-t Ml i m) 4f -! abw4tS. mfu-awl rvi 1m r-immi'Wl rrir-e h-fatw tam. W.so tmmm lbs, ta it rwywn tbe Am-Ni. M hiMU W.U awt-ti i tlnen' t tW Udl ivm a f ' rbe nrmrtU e4 tb . ml AMkMC ' f DfrantiaMfta lpor trtag a fcrNl tt-mi-er lab eVt. eSanr tme 4 tfattr lata, of tbe bearl ! trtteur ' wrfbX ;'ebm-'ia UbUe mm imnreMkMM. .ttd mtlmalel iwlaiwl , fu. ..v.. JL- . ' - " - ! . a a rvm-li affala-4 ml. j Bbrrfn. fMam. vailv ! of Umm' mA fVtfKVMrMn ilfMllt 4 linn. ; ft t- akl int U ref I emiairy M urprt". aiad t mt. ' 'ran lee mibl ba hrw r-w- ' "" NBW," " " "T" 7 ""TT , h .j . K tmAMHAa , K tbttcm W. Ui in ajpfcnW lb In ueb n iwiwKiitt'l wnwor U a -lIi . l . 'in. i l.r lc nbrtrkl RrtonamnaL rb , , , . m1v irxptanliMi i Ibat a nmlnrtV ! nl tbf il mtai have a Naamey lnu.r4 ,a lb- trae rbeb . j -ii,rjtUia tt rallr mJ mU bal ' Lb.mi ! iMftonl. Tba4a4mrl bt i kll . . I . th p Iw hm I a cainut) agaat tH4.aaihnpT. etc . Mtcb a m ataaat Owtotntan tnrtb c- m rnmra m la U-mi al refnln'ra atwar ll I l Mr a MtUtor of -mryrimm tbai lite ... . ,. . " . ., i uua.il wld permH ieb a rrmmtl U In- wot Ut ta AwaMi ! tM j imnt mmtb ba ! r a'Umr-l ! . by inc tbat Urn .tba, attbtec '. fai-tber being brant ar-m tbr tMiHleet. Tb" afftialkMi ia urn rttaMitrt t mmk , m tm uetiNtifM marh (or tb tuiatr. 'Im utn iaoiiUJnr iPa(ei antaat ! j figbt aatn!. bttt tbe ptuM aHaaibo i ha Wen v tboittj;blj mtraix'd u bit the to tier ret. n tiHyb trb m& ! Inlioa a tbe rrl 1 tbr VK Wlr b tbe nowrr vKiea bie to W nwt , ami trvervuat. TtWm mmm. Let th? Parlor ffa ArMtI. Jtwpk (' feacbed tbe beact t tiimea i a ur pfeal. ta i. a um n ! a m ..m.- - I .. &. - - ' Jt t .w.----.t-w , . . ,-.. s antaua" Ami Un only ta like -ove j f .j,,., bt,a mmm4 d im j j. MgtlT. ,. ,kmn , w J ,l,!aiT " t' fT 7l! l! PlVr '' UJl1k?,?kl,r,if 2t btlitle rmiUiiiet la lb etai-fUt 4t- , ,. . . . . . ... cmnirr mr f-ji rn' ii ibe jertvaio fntkMm friemi. 4etr In .tad a 4riw-. ;UtiK- aal lmlt baahle baas tbt ace cr-pan wnr tb firrt f Ufca ra bbibrriij at Umnx bHttOft UylMT w lUt U Wtw-l. TEMPERANCE ITEMS. Tltr. ( athoJb lal AJii-anear t'nlon i of Awnca I h larEi Tntivrxnm aK-.a:K,n In tb I nttI Svat. Titn average j-ki of hVT, fr which tn or aft'en miiU paw!. cot one-ix:h of a cnt si !! ditH,r7 , Tlirur. ar alont l.Mfl a!xn In thi city They mnk an oniraj'ou pr0t tm what they kL tacTf jtrt growing rfch rnpitHT at tbe rxin-- tf tb work ing di-". cbe-Sy, w-bUc tb trudging , taxpT-r ntaln the tjn. wbtah z.-a ' ., trtnirnanitr r.-mhl utt bare Vn itr w-Jtnoit tbm J'itcaii' SmiinH. tr" 7 7 - ?. it T". ten" lk J $ -- lfc l? rV "?' raoIc fa their pay for drasfcetan--. A ownxm- awl at f meeting; MA fn4 5 mJjv b U a . tf?c ;!jw-rT. Jt oa A hi .hip : - ' ' ' ??.hc arth bia. the km ameanl u K.t). WlVn X Y " l f rpt-d rer mlml " J -r Ut 1 aaOther . fto& !-. "Jlfcot feefcn-h m&jh; -vPlaS sf crawwc-rc-m Hoar bHplijta-aiuM.f 1 wd4 rrmcdr . thi I arooU give all 1 ha ia the arorW.f "What make tfccr? Jum-5 (pi Ltm- '1) o hornhle? I r.a,vrT jh drf- talnty. and with the eonidrac? of oc who know- -drink I jn te KatJoa with cafidence. foo3icd oa 'xperixaen tnat taere ww ?a so r-mdy till n ave thee oatcx! IxotBtifiUgSf oi anas, iwtti; e ur , buiU theta palacta la 1 drink, and before the. palaces woqW t reek! j squalor, wxh Hixmr as I Kn tsrrmr. mtmmm n m mmmm a Wl "i n i ji ! : al I l f "f . i f n?l -e. , I ZTiA s. Jr1, s jr- - mj JT - && 'tiAmW J.lf.