The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 23, 1885, Image 2

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M?'" r-v
A. C. H0SUE8, PiHistar.
A silveic lialf dollar is the only ad
mission ticket recognized at the New
Orleans Exposition.
The American fteam brake is now
in use upon nearly all the railways of
both Enjrland and France.
General Dkim says that during the
lat live years 10,901 soldiers have de
serted from the regular army, or nearly
every other man.
P. T. I1aunim, the showman, has
offered General Grant 8100,000 for his
trophies and testimonials for the pur
pose of exhibition.
Suksckiitions for the Hartholdi
pedestal fund were being taken in Uer
lin. Each subscription was limited to
one dollar, and the list of subscribers
was said to be a long one.
Advices from Buenos Ayrcs state
that the Government is seeking to
overcome the financial crisis by decree
ing a forced currency for two years in
favor of the National Hank.
An electrical instrument that will
register the temperature of Pike's Teak
and Mount Washington in the Chief
Signal Service Oflice at Washington
threatens to supercede the army of
signal station men of the counlrv.
Fkedekicic W. Spkacim:, the New
port prophet, who has been publishing
pamphlets for two years to show that
George Washington was Christ, has
been declared insane and will be taken
to the Rhode Island State Asylum.
The shipbuilding industry in Maine
was reported to be remarkably de
pressed. The present year, says a
prominent .shipbuilder of Hath, prom
ises to be one of the hardest known to
men of that business in the State for
half a eenturv.
Dit. FwtiiES, in the proeeedin'rs of
the I'hiladelphhi Medical Society, de
scribes an operation I3' which the ring
linger of musicians is liberated from
.some of the accessor tendons of its
extensor muscles, and thus acquires
freedom of movement. GottM-halk is
said to have undergone an operation
of the kind.
Tur. Universih of Pennsylvania has
started a "department of physical cult
ure." Dr. S. W. White, who will pre
side over it, states that his duties will
be to examine each student, note
wherein he needs physical develop
ment, and recommend the proper mode
of exercise to induce it. If his back is
weak, the rowing machine or boat is
advised; if the chest is Jlat, parallel
bars are in order. The ordinary trainer
generally picks out for the boat a man
who docs not need it.
The Shcygya Arabs have been led in
the Soudan by a Joan or Hoadicea. a
daughter of Mahmud. one of the Mah
di's leaders who was killed in the last
battle with the Madir's troops. This
has always been a Soudanese peculi
arity. At the time of the iirst conquest
of the Soudan by the Egyptians under
Jshmail Pasha in 1321), the Shevg' a
Arabs were also led by a woman, or.
at all events, a virgin w:is put forth as
the ostensible leader. M. Waddington
tells us in his -'Journal of a Visit to
Some Parts of Ethiopia' that to the
present day the signal for attack among
the Sheygyas is given by a virgin,
richly dressed and seated on a drome
dary, and who is held sacred even by
the enemy.
Several decisions of importance
have been rendered in the Court of
Claims at Washington. In the casu of
the Capo Anne Granite Company
against the United States for additional
allowance on measurement of irranite
furnished for public buildings at
Boston and elsewhere, judgment
was given in favor of claimants for
fifty-three thousand two hundred and
ninety-five dollars. The petition was
dismissed in tho case of the Eastern
Railroad Company against the United
States. This was a test case involving
the right of the Postmaster-General to
modify the laws of what are known as
the "four year contracts" for carrying
the mail. Court sustained the action
of the Postmaster-General as strictly in
accord with the law. In the case of
the Choctaw Nation against the United
States, which is a claim involvinjr
about twenty-six million dollars, court
overruled a motion to strike out cer
tain testimony without prejudice to the
right of defendant to review the
motion on trial of the case.
A CHICAGO paper says that Statis-
tics of the lmirtlcra pnmmittod in this
country during the yerrl8S4 show that
Ohio leads with 1S9, Texas following
with 1S4. and Rhode Island and Dela
ware having each 11, the smallest num
ber. In the Prohibition States of Kan- .
1 .
sas, Iowa and Maine the number of
murders were 7S, .S, and 1G. respect
ively. Besides Ohio and Texas, the
States having more than one hundred
murders were Kentucky. ITS: Missouri.
I4fi- Tcnncs-ee. 1:17- finnmi- ,0.
New York, 125; Pennsylvania, 120; j ASIIOCKING crime occurrcl at Frankfort
Michigan. 103: and Virginia. 102. Of J 0n-the-Main recently. A Police Comnits
the populous States Illinois makes the sioner named Rumptr, who had Iwen active
Dest showing, having ouly 63 murders ! ia the prosecution of Socialists, xvas found
inthc3car. As compared with dead in frout of his house, staWiei iu two
the murders in this country have more , -
than doubled, the number in 18S4 be
ing :i,:77. Of these 315 were ravste-
rious and remain so. Portv-eight j
children were killed by their parents,
S3 wives by their husbands, and 12
IiUs-bauds by their wives. Only 103
.legal executions for murder occurred.
wugli 19 lycchings Avcre reported.
Summary of tho Dally Nowb.
CO XG It Ess I ON A I-
I.t the Senate on the llth a petition wa
tire(entel from liclvii IjOflrwood tiravlnir I
CatiKTV to pc that the xote cast for her
in the late I,re!(i-ntJnl election l- countfl.
a urn wm rcponw lavoniwy irotn commtt-
t-e authoiirjntr thf Vn-sUirni to u clvjj
ami num.-irjr iorc to rfmo anu i.iroy
Uli-yal ff-nc" on puh'.Ic ltiml-. A
public ltinl-. A lotijr
aenuio was hrouKbt. u w Mr. "a-
resolution calling on the lreMerit for
cf-nain uocumrni rciaiintr to mw puuur
lilftto' rr the l.xciitn-c Iepnrtrant
ol tje f onfediatc- MM'-. IJeliij: ruiK-rH
The matter flnnll)-went over. AilJoum!
In thf llou-i -ev-ral IfK-al Mil ia--l. and
Mill were Introduce!, when the lloiie w nt
Into Committee of the Whole on the ' ouulHr
and Diplomatic Appropriation Hill, the !-
Uicuiin.ciiGuiiumit-! ur.i.i a-ijournmeiii. , a oc,miotlVt. at Jiubuqup, lova. wn fcCCl
Isthehennto on the 13th Mr. Dolph, d.nlaIlv struck on th. ual Wlth ,,,,.,
from the Committee on 1'uMJe Itixi. re- , . .. , . , ., , ,
. , . , i ., tt ,.n n rol in the hand of another Jinpiovr. innl:-
ported favorahly the Home Mil repealing , , , , ....
the Pre.e,npt,on. Timher Culture and Desert In-n t'iUi ?ah and fracturinr;thel;u!!.
Land net,. Mr. Kdmutid- lntnliic-l ti l.lll , A.v Anti-Jfcfj.h riot occurrtl at Vilko
aiithorizlntr the 1'iejident to appoint and wir HUsia. recently. A partv of imnv
place on the retired l!t anv ten wron ; , , r -
Iromainonjr those r.ho had been (.eneral- recniib. made a fenx-jotu. attack ujn the
commanding the annle ti the i ultei Mates
or tteneral-UH hlef Hi -aid iirmv. The fen-
I'uiou Pacific Katlroail. ANo u fominunlcn
tlon from the Secretary of the Nny a to the
chum: of the death of Xaval Cadet
The communication .stated that there Is no
I enroll to believe he died Irorn cruelty. A
number of bill- pnM-d. one belli'; an actio
c.xtand the laws, of the t'nlted State- over
certain uors.'anicd territr Mtuth of the
State line of Knn-a1-. Mr. lirown, of I milium,
announced the Midden death of Schuler f'ol
tnx. formerly Speaker of the llou-e. and in
troduced appropriate resolution, which the
llout-e piied nnd then adjourned.
I.v tho Senate, on the 14th Jir. Allison,
from the Committee on Appropriations, n
ortcd n bill which pned providinir for the
compensation and expense.- of !-pecIaI elect
oral meKs(.jijr.r, to be sent to Iowa am! Ore
foil lor the returns of the late Presidential
election In those mm to-. Senator Edmund-'
bill to place Ceiieral Ciriint on the retired
If.-t, with full rank and pay of General, passed
after a Miort debute; ea- V.. nav- V. Several
Democrat -poke in favor if the bill. The
Naval Appropriation lull al.-o pn ed. 1
bate whs then re-timed on the Inter-Stute
bill, when the death of Mr. Coll ax w a- an
nounced, nnd the Senate adjourned In the
House a bill piih-ed appropriating $I,.'JM to
end u t-pccinl menoptiKer to Iowa and Otepon
for the electoral vote of those Mate. I'n
der special order- the House proceeded to
the consideration of bu-iness reorteil Irom
the Committee on Koieln Attulr-. and ihe
Trench Spoliation bill and Chinese In
demnity bill piued. Adjourned.
I.N the Senate on the l.itli Mr. Miller,
of California, introduced a bill to Increase
the pension of the widow of General George
1 1. Thomn f rom &M) to ?l.UO a jcar. The
Senate then proceeded to the coti-lderatiou
ot bills on the calendar and then went into
executive e don. and Senator Sherman
spoke in favor of the Nicaragua treat,.
. ..The Ilou.-e. under special order, pro
ceeded to the consideration of tho Mcpher
son Funding bill. Ilel'ore reaching a vote on
the bill the House adjourned, which it i-sald
is :i practical defeat ot the bill.
I.N the Svnuto on the Kith petition were
presented from cigar-makers protesting
agaiii-t the ralliicatiou of theSpniil-h treaty.
The Ititcr-Stnto Commerce bill was then
taken up and the debute continued li'itil
adjournment In the Hon-)- Mr. Cobb
reported tlieconrcrcucedl-ngreenieiit on the
bill to forfeit then lib rl Atlantic A Pacific
land grant. Mr Cobb -tilled that the differ
ence between the two Hou-es grew out of an
amendment placed upon the bill by thereu
nto. The House iefu-ed to recede ami an-1
other committee wa- appointed The Senate
amendment- to the Oregon Central Land
Grant bill wen concurred in. The Ilou-e
then went into Committee of the Whole on
the private calendar. 'I he committee re
mained in se-slon -evernl hour con-ideriiig
war claim hills, but no final action un
reached. An evening se ion was held lor
the consideration of pension bill-.
died ntMiiiikotn, Minn., on tho l.'Stli. He
died of heart disease. It appeared that lie
was on a lccturitif; tour, and after arrivtiifr
at tho Milwaukee depot in Mankotn, he
made a brisk walk to the Omaha dejiot, half
a mile distant, hntering the waiting room i
ho leaned ngainst the window, breathed
very rnpidiy, and suddenly fell to the lloor,
and after a few gasps, expired. Colfax
was tho s-venteenth Vice-President of the
United States, in (j runt's first term, ami
was born in New York City March '2'A, ISKI,
his father emigrating to Indiana in lSli.
The Tichlioroo claimant is coming to
America on a lecturing tour.
(lOVEHNOit William Hale, of Wyoming
Territory, died on tho P-'th, aged forty
eight years.
Puok. Benjamin Silliman, of Ya'.o Col
lege, died recently nt New Haven, of heart
The Earl of Aylesford died nt the Cos
mopolitan Hotel, Big Springs, Tex., on tho
l.'Uh, from inflammation of the bowels. He
was one of the largest laud owners of
.,., i. v. ..i4 ,,,.,, uu L'.vuuui I
enrcer. j
Patuick James SMYTn. who recently left I
tho Irish National party and resigned his !
seat in Parliament for Tippernry, to ac
cept olllce in the Home Department, died
on the Pith at Dublin. He was sixty-one
years old and the author of several books
devoted to travel and history.
Jcdoe James V. Duxlap, recently ap
pointed Judge of the Circuit Court nt Kan
sas City, by Governor Crittenden, died on
tho l.'ith from the effects of a pistol wound
accidentally inflicted upou himself a few
days previously.
Senator Z. 11. Vance xx-as renominated
by the Democratic caucus at Raleigh, 2.
C, by acclamation.
A serious strike took placo at South
Bend, Intl.. recently, in the Oliver Chilled
Plow Works. Tho strikers, who were prin
cipally foreigners, raised a riot and several
persons were wounded. Many of the
strikers were arrested.
Seven buildings were destroyed at Rock
port, lad., recently. Total loss, $W,000;
insurance. $20,000.
AxTnox v A. Kelly, of Fon du Lnc, Wis.,
has been debarred from practice as an at
torney before the Interior Department,
because oT fraudulent practices.
Earthquake tremblings were again felt
in various parts of Spain on the 14th. The
storm it: the southern provinces continued:
tho rivt rs xvcre greatly swollen. ThesafTer
ing ot" the people who had been rendered
, homeless by the earthquake was intense,
i' Tns Mexican garrison at Ensenada.
Mexico, mutinied recently and murdered
their captian and several other persons.
A terrible tight occurred the other oay
j at Portland, Oregon, among a lot of Eng-
licli colli-! f ) or trn rrrt fnfnllv- i-s-
One Dimick, of Buffalo, recently de- j
frauded the Uuioa Insurance Company o: j
Philadelphia out of rO.OW. i
as. eiexai-or .uruexi ai iiS aac, u. i..
receuuy. iw,f.xw. f
fS... ... ......... l..?T.rl X. .... v..vnA.? ..
IHU UIUU "Cli: K1IIVU U Ull CXllllfSIUii
of dynamite at Sotr-rset, Pa., the other
,15es - 1U i:,lu w" u"Kao-a; ,
iiiomas n. iiiLiiiAji. i-asuierot ice rcu-
timore & Ohio Works at Mount Clare, has
has absconded with i?10,tt3. '
The Secretary of the Treasury has issued
a circular to custom officers, restatin; and
modifj-uie; for their information existing:
reflations relating to the Admission into
tho United States of Chinese persons other
than laborers, so as to ba in accordance
with the recent decision of th Supreme I
.,.. .... ....I .11 .... ...! .1... CU,.m.
. -i'. ..... . . . I. ..: t.....t ,iHA. . . ... .1... i al I, Inv .! Atf Thr ihrw. in rnv-nnl t i .
iflivi resolution wniCI! nnail) pH'weil. ion- lucuui, uu .-r iiiciiu-u i-auiv w in-.' lumuv - --- ""',, " . . .t i ! t !a
Mderatlon of .Im- Inter-State Commerce Ml, ; aa(I ,, lh,, riolcr,. li7JI!lV.lVrS -"V-TJi XS".! t L -
iii men re!iniei hum me ueuaie ,. ,, ., - , . , .-...-.. .. ,- .. - t r fct-ito
continual until executive -es-lon.. axii:i. II m-T, on of the men injured !,,",4ir1 '''.' ," ' .""," r CUial
j ne speaker nun oeiore wie noii-e a im'f- ; nv tuu ! unsiiiii ill me niiiv nun ni n- i. ...,,, . ,, ... i-r.Jit.. Mb . of
fokc Irom the I're-Ident. tnui-inlttlii the I ,...,-, .. ,, .,. ... ,,.. j, .v,w "":....':":.:.":;.' r'." IT" ." " ' Io
ri-lidrl uf thi. ('.(viTlllnciit II rii'lnr. uf I ii. ' "" "- ."..i...i -tu.r .ru v ...,.-.. - i f-
. fZZZZXr ",slntK
The (ntnoa London bnkinz botuc of
Glvn, JIjIU. Carrie fc Co., about tab ln
J corjorat' SL a johu iock company x lib
a capital of VJ.WJ.
AT VitUliurzb. on to- ltu. tb arms of
Oliver Hrothrrs I'lUllit", and th- Olircr
& itobert t Ire Company lOfp-nded pay-
" nnt. The li.nbilttie re ahl to amount
i to STiCOv); a.t- larsi.
A Shakc Jf. I'a., ;rtal urn the Kirn-
. ... .,.,, .....' i
y . " ' . . .
t-ral wtrvs ao Im?coua or anauaaj
truuWe. ha rc.umed
' , ,
..M .-. . -k- -" ' - J
vear. nainel Joanna Wnklev. wu found
tf j fa a bj,anlur2. Md.. r-
i cently. eridentty dvin from cxal ros k-
capias; from the Atove.
r. Mauksii. an employe of the MUvrau
ke A; .St. Paul round-houee. while ujhins
, .lenisli re.i;ifiil. One of tlm lattrr w-
, ,..., Ti. ... ..... .. i. ... ..... :i
t tiia inu iriii - ii u f v vra i.i - M7 uu ii
feared that Augustus. Itetrcliiiann could
not atirvire.
A Yor.Nf; lady of twenty years, reidint
near Mnyfi Id. iCy., was almost in-tautly
killc! by being; -truck by thr; engine of the
fnt passenger train on the "hesniMfnlce A;
Ohio at Cairo, 111., recently. Her nuine
wan llettie ICates.
Till; well-known banking lmu.-e of John
J. Cisco A: Stiii. of New York, failed on the
l.'.th with lmbiiitiis of !..7M.riiiO.
(JovKUNor. Knott signed tiie death war
rant of William Neil one of the jwrpitra
tors of the Ashland murder.
Miss Km ma Bom, the victim of the ter
rible outrage committed tuu years ago at
Christian County, 111., was reported dying.
TtiK police have increased the reward for
the capture of the murderer of Police Com
missioner I'uuipf, at Iterlin, to --V"''',
KliMCNl) Yatk.s, the London journalist,
lost his appeal case, and surrendered to
undergo his six months' sentence for libel.
He would rank n a lir.-t-clas.s misdemean
ant, his impri.iO.iiucnt bring merely con
finement. Theiii: were no failures reported at New
York on the li;th growing out of th Cisco
Fiispcnsiou. The accepted reason for Cis
co's assignment was that the daughters of
the late John (J. Cisco, co-heirs with Cisi-o
of the present linn, insisted on having tho
estate liquidated and withdrawing their
funds from the concern.
TitK annual report of the Department of
Agriculture, now in press, makes the rec
ord of corn production lor 1n-I, I.T'
bushels, wheat nearly .M'S.Utm.buU and oats
.!::,( M),bOJ. These aggregates are the larg
est ever recorded. The rate of yield is .'.
bushels corn: wheat 1" audoaU J7.t. Thejo
were the figures for the permanent record.
A dispatch from Fort Wayne dated the
ICth stated the N'otibb header" strikers
on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne A: Chicago
held possession of the railroad, refusing to
I allow anv frei lit trains to move. The
strikers were organized and threatened
violence to any force attempting to dis
lodge them.
FaH.cuks for the week ended January
H5: United States, ."sj; Canada, :!S; total
420, n; compared with :i total of 5.7.1 the
previous wee'.:. Tho figures were still
unusually heavy in the Western, Southern
and Middle States. . m
A SEVERE storm was raging at Nice on
the Kith. The sea had overflowed yurii
Midi and the promenade Anehiise. The
cellars of hotels and even the illus were
Hooded, M.i!ei,.iM i ti.i- r
4l(L"VV,&'IWli41tlllT ! llli.ll t . IFI
the St. Ixmis l!'pullic4in was incinerated in
the crematory at Lancaster, I'a., with
Masonic honors.
The steamer Cuba fron Galveston for
Bremen, arrived off Dover on the I."th.
Tho cargo in the after hold was on tire.
She nuked for assistance, which was sent.
A dispatch from Paris to the London
Exchange Telegraph Company .-ays that
an Anarchist plot has been discovered at
Lyons. The plot contemplated the seizure
by night of arms belonging to the ritlo soci
ety ami an iinmediato proclamation of a
David Claim, son of the Into Senntor
Clark, has been sentenced to one year's im
prisonment at Milwaukee for counterfeit-in-r.
A thousand cases of measles were re
Port-' i Now Bedford, N. II.. recently,
Tiie .-tenmship Benxvell Tower sailed
from Baltimore for Liverpool on th 17th
and returned next day with her caro on
A Mocnt Pulaski, 111., siecial says:
Priest Sz Gordon's elevator and mill were
burned. Loss, $,Wn; insurance, 5l4,(X.
All the private tanks of the Unito
Kint-dom will liortly folloxv the example
of (Jlyn. JHlIs, Currie tt Co.. nnd will In
come incorjKiraied r.s joint stock companies.
Is the Senate, on the" 17th. Mr. Slater's
amendment to tho Intcr-Stato Commerce
bill, prohibiting higher rnte.s for short than
for Ions distances on railroads, was defeat
ed by 32 to II. The discussion in the House
had referenco principally to tho reciprocity
Mrs. Matthews, xvifoof Justice Mat
thexvs of tho United States Supreme Court,
was lyiuR very ill at her home in Washm---toa
on the l?th. and little hope of her re-cox-cry
was entertained.
The other night Lcry Morri.on, a stock
man of Vernon. Will ar-jer County, Tex.,
was called to the door by some unknown
party ami shot doxvn.
The Colfax oU-equies took place at South
Bend, Ind., on tho Kth. Tho weather was
unpleasant, a. bliizard prex-ailtns.
The boat of tUiio: steamer "Moorsom."
wrecked by a coBision oil Holyhead, xvhich
contained thirteen persons, was still miss
ing on the 1Mb. " Txvo men were killel try
ing to boanl the "Santa Clara." The total
.,.,,i.-' 1 1 1 1
number o. dead ami ini.sstns. mcludinj: the
captain of the ill-fatol steamer, wo iix.
The "douHe-hcadcr' strike on the Pitts
burgh. Fort Wayne Jc Chica'ro ended on
the ItSh. the brakmen returning to work
practically on the ur-ii9of the railroad
John Lexehen, a prisoner in the countv
jail at Providence. IL I., axvaitin-trial or
- a indictment, con:niitte,ls-;icide the other
mornia - ;. Oa October last, after a
drunken quarrel with his mistress, Mary
t intham, he ioared kerosene oil over the
woman nnd set her on tire. She was
thought fatally burned, but recovered.
The south infirmary of the Illinois East
ern Hospital, Kankakee. III., burned oa the
inornin-; of the lth. The budding was oc
cupied by forty-five patients and seven at
tendants, of whom seventeen xvere found
to bo tuts-sing. In the ruias were fosad the
ren:aias of thirteen persons. The loss
amounted to about J7,X, and the fire was
occasioned, it was thought, by overheating
the flues.
Afire at Dallas. Tex., in the second
.story building ocenped by Isedore Rein-
aardts clothing establishment daza'T?d
the stock to an unknown extent. The stock
was v-iluud at i.OOO; insured for $fc,0QCJ
Tire Senate mt at focr o'clock --a
; -,;, -n,., rvMcsi arwiM-rl tbt I
- - iutiw a a a BA k u a. u. a. a-vs-v a
wOUw ;.wl an.llmr t-nww.r.-. ife- tot -
toins snornit),- IM.J err r-l a ich4
Jlmr t rvfrrrl 1 ;. ln-r.-4uc.-4 tl
t qk A re.lwU a-Unc that nimmi!-
or thrr; te apj-uintr-i froa tin !! :o .
' w i nir mJiMT .i7 r - . m-mir .
arrange fr the prrttna f the ienr (
. .... ni...t.rUii..r,y.h.mM .- i
(Inn innt thsi ininliin w mHtn u. '
,nt'.,.. ,.. n,MtA -s' ,, .wp
Mwakfr Jifitnliil a Urh nvr.nitffir tirr.
llMint, f..t fUfbhtn fflkll -vk l.f w - 1
Hro.,nP tbetr. .a r? i 2i m.Hn to-UrJ
,i nm.Piirrr ini! on ni.rt tkm- r i
l u t t Ma i"ui "--i ' " t-i rs i w..-
, P-r mile, to r.-latr Inthrtraa-
,1ni. j. thrn.t,r ,n ,mKHt -.iat.ful
i tatut- n:atiitf u, Vlrt . of Ju4 o
upfii.e Court and Ite-.-t-Bt iT t aiertj
' Adjourotl.
Sii af tr the ienate w callr! to orlr
on the 13th the i'refa!eat iM4cI Ike
:.indtn? rMnm:tte. Th CtV4?rir' pm:-
je orier-l pnaiei in ii j;bx".
tilTUUII, UulivMMn. rUit UIHl I 'HO
iNntruae' It(lt vere Itrt-twrwl a!
, -nuU' tMl. a ree until lo clcV. At
i the aft rjHwn " a we.1' n r'
crtn-l tr'Hi the liue that the re-;ur'
, had pned that a H-,tal rtmiiNittt-- f trtf
""V" "" " " """ "1 . ... "'. ..ZTZ. Z
i iiiuii-r men i irri i r crii iiiii - ik inv v '
ier In the House a Inn. utiwtorr
of bill- ere iftlreiluccd and a ro ,
taKoH until the afternoon In the HtteriMMXi i
a retluU'H p4i-.el that n cHiiirttts- f i ,
tn the Ktrt of the l!otif t- Hpi-inlet l. '. '
! th- -i-nate to icttalte iti.
lea-.rr .r - lid Uul- mul tlmt tb ttTi::il- ;
ti' con-i-t of thiee ltepuMt-an- aird three
Democrat. The p-l.'r nppolHte! ueh
eotnuotl'c i Hifi.teiMl. Merlins, .-wnh. lunn
'rok and lb. !. rtb. Th- thrte firmer rr
Ib-puMlciins and the three latter j
I Si If wrff retitt a cihI time mul referred
ninl tin Hou-e adJourii-I
I.N th .Stnute on the lUh a resoiutK
ils o'.U-rfd that a committee of nte t m!
Mtutfd. coit-t-tiitg of -eimtor- ltr-wn. Mc.
Alli-ter. -pee-r. PulilHlit and Mid-. t In
fllire into the laets Uith leleri'liee to the
rate- rliargM b the different ruilrotit ein-pauie-
tlirwi;teo the Mate, arid to return
the tact- follitd to the eii:tte. to reH rt
whether the r;itet harge! Ir trw-Mrinti u
an uiireusoimb'e ainl exhort taitt. and
uhcthtrltic rMilrtNul- tun ! re.-ulati-l l
law uititout the lobiiitloii of n rulluu chh
uu .-ion -j, stem. A resolution wa al-
ntlopted plot tiling lor a eiUiUiIlte of ce!i
to lux e-tigate the lea- ng of r!iim lmtl- -tlii-commftte
to net u :th the Hoii-e eoinlt
tee I'lie I Ini'r appoint! d a- iitl coihiiiiii -.
Itiiekutrtli. Milt-. M tu--r. I.-1-. Me'.
Ch rrx ant! N'orn- In the Uou-e bill- wen-
liltioiliH'ttl and bills read a 7eond liiue iiimI
...r i.. -i..i
iriritrii .v iitrit m-tmi- r(ttiiM i "o
motion toil -'harge thccointnittef appointed
to act with the -atiate eiinuiitti to nix tt
gate the -ale of -rtiooi tainl-. aixl apxiut hii
intlepi-uili tit eoiiiinittee on tin- part ! llo .
House, but the xxlnde tnKtter a table!
Mill-were Intitiiliiftil most l of a local and ,
pi iva:e character, and the House niljoiirteil
The proceedings of the Semite on the ,
l.'ith were of no marked importance Mr j
Itrown dei'liiM-l to sirxe on the Itatlrond
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r x Committee nnd Sennit r ('larV a
appo nted in hi- place The reiuLng of Ml'
occupied the Senate until near noon. M helf
an adjournment j had mil I thr'- o'eti.ek !
The proceeding- of Ui' aftTiion xt ,
mo-tlv of a routine character In the
lloii-e miinv bill- and resolution- were t tt
trodiiecd Mr I oh, of Ad.i:n-. Iiitioduee u j
resolution that the Cniiiiii tte on Kailroad- !
b' In-tructetl to tepoit back to the Ilon-e Hi
it- eurlie-t iipportuiittx a bill
lure- and freight- of all railroad- In tlo-Mate ,
ofNeblM-kJ tr. tide. Ill lutMHlitcllig hi
lesolutioii. shh In liinl exery la.tti In the)
ltailioad ( oiimiittcc. but he uiinliil them to '
act -iedily. I ecail--the erx of the i-iple
ot Ito
Mate wa- for railroml ndorm A
lively debate loUowed antt th' reolution
xvn-adopted b sn to . The reading of bib- .
followed until a rece wa- taken until haft !
pa-l two o'clock. Tin procedtnB of ihe i
iil'ternot.n -e-sioii were unimportant.
. ,
Mi.e-ll.iMeotis. j
Noirrw Bi.M has been having a soft o I
social upheaval oxer an Incident which has '
btought home ti its citi.en- in a ery lorci- ,
ble manner danger from lireaun- in the
hand- of joting-te:. The aecidenfal di- i
"liaig of a iexoiver on the jht-oii ot a I
youth in one of the school looms ha- shown !
p:iicu-s that thcirchildiftiarc not -afexxheti '
liable to contact with hoys of such pto-'liv
Tmk population of Custer County in
creased (;..':. during the last vear. The
ll " llflli . .UF.. l..ltf il..JVr'. I 111-,.'
weie l.llt-i land entile- made in the countv.
leaving oxer half a million acres of the pub-
lie domain yet to be disposed of In the
loiai population i-tinxx Unix ii.ihiu. I here
coltntv. earh all of the !'2.17y acres of
sclusil hinds in the countv are already -old
or lea-ill, much of it to iin-i-ru-Mi'iit -iw.tu- " -. hod Lntid- KW. .Who!. THrtK How
latois. nnl. I.Mni. Co!... lbrlan llare- . Irrtii
A.k (.ravki-. an atteittl.itit at the State J ,.'!::rli?',V,'io,.,il,'li.' ' .',f "rrV:V'
. .i i . tt I biir. ( iik L, Itootit, Jitelru, Marbie Mc
A.-ylutu foi the Insane, at Lincoln, xxas l j,,'
jailcil the other day. in default of S:t,otM) . m nt. MrArl. i:xrett. r.'Hmtielt. KM
h.iil. to answer to a charge of minder in the ' w,r- w h,!r- ''''n-tead i orr. Tnx'lor. Tg'art.
second .1,-r.v. The Mimlay morning pre- , m." 'l!'TIlT'tZn:Kr.t'-
vions (Waver wa- attacked by a pitient
pit lent j
uaineu i.iiH:oeK, xvuoin ne -uirtiucu aner a
hard liiriiL Habcock xxas taken to his toom
ami died xxithhi an hour. An autopy
shownl that all his rii:. had been broken.
, ,, .1 .! .... I .,... f
some of them in two or three place-, the i
end- st'.ck'iig into his vitals. lb-ulcs this,
he had been kicked m the groin and ahdo
men so -avagvlj that death would jirobably j
have resulted from the kick- alone. i
O'Nkii 1. proL'tecil favorably last vent
and put out cw-.i,u.'iiiiii iuiproxemeiit.s. The.
bti-Iiic-.- amounted to 51,000.000. j
Tin: ther inortiunrthe di-sectnu: riKini of '
tiie State .Medial Oillese at Lincoln wat
broken open by .1. C. Corbui. xxho found
there three Nxhcs. One was of Jerome.
a xvell-knoxxn mcrclunt of that city, xxho
died a fewil.iv atrfi. Another xxas that of .1
convict xxho uicidcd at the IVmten.iarv 1
last ttintit'i. while the third xxas that of an S
unknoxxii niAn. Corbui Has arre-tcd aim! j
will 1. prosts-ntetl by the c lece fai-nltv.
Hi- object xx s.- to prove the tru:li or f.litx
of the charge-of jriave-robbini: maIearIiit
students of tiie ti-titutiot;. ami xxluc'i haw
driven the (HMtple of L.ucoln nearly crazx".
Ni:.m: Fairfield. Ihe other day, ifob-rt
Hobcrts xxm- shot and iu-tatitly killed. Txvo j
Ikiv unimtl Taylor, thirteen and fifteen j
years old. xvcre arrested. One xvas -trim
up and confi-jed the crime. UoJ-ri.s h.-.d j
ix-n Liktiu brush from land claimed by '
wie 1 :n .or oox-s ia;uer, nuicn et to the
Fori: years a-o there wa- but one bui
nc ho ..-e in Crehrhton. xxhere noxv there
are near y fifty, and the l'bmcrr leliexis.
that in town in the Slate of the a-e and
! -ize of t'reisrhton ctdita n- a uianv substan
tial ami xvell couductcxi plac-s of bu-.ttes-as inn.
Ixthn-kly cold xxcathcr of late.
A report x-as recently current at Oik
land t'aat (Usirce H. Wteren. livinc txvo
mile- out!i of the little toxvn of Crair. in
t..;.t couuiy. Itad shot and mortally xxoiui,I-d
hi-wife. The rit-anon tLeil xxa- k double-
ill-wiie. me viea
im-U hot cm :
m,w rlddlrd'i
and one of thn woman's
into s-lired and her -We
pc forateii uit-'i IioL I hey are Snclrr
and arc known to haw bad .-otnc tronblx j
but the liiL-Jtatid claimed the -hoo'.m? :. '.
Ii tic been an accident. j
Ckntiial City comes up smilin: ultli 3 j
su!vsUtitial.-hownc for the year, amounting !
tu9l!ii.0i)). Included Iti tlii i a ji.VK.-a .
tloantt mi! and -J.s700 e.ieadel in the I
construct. on of brick b.ock. f
rx . , . T- r-.-.r- .wt r.. n,..;n .(....L. '.
that pcriiiiar j-rno! tht her paj-ers are !
plea.-el to call a "dearth of cnnie.7 ,
Tin: other ntcht while a paitv were i
ctia-ttnc at Omaha, an accdear Iiappen-d '
in wlrcli tt'ilbani CUrke, a;ed 5evente-fM.
i?-.l .' ritx broken and n-ceivM evcral
bad cut: Ciiarh-s Garke. ared fifteen. ,Vft
, , -. . ...
i;.-r;?CK f " J - I
fiieak thieves are ct?ratinir in the toxrus i
albnr the line of the Union rUc-fic. Thev j
wound np .1 jewelry --tore In Sdicrler to the
extent of twelve dollars.
is all .oaves and old prices J: Is U
renders a bread war at O-tsaba Icauiucn.
ann oniKrii 111 twopiactrs aii.i mcm; col 5 oJ jg , . u j
about tiie head. Gertrude Clarke. .x:ern. j ,. . ,.. .t". . t
Ludlyinjare!: ElU IWerand w tadlr.-- -VC'. nl V . 'a"h - Wc
i.i.n ,t.i r-.. ...,., -. . ....r .i.L ; range there is uij(.-d- Ibv.-r re
a xjim).-. VtV - awftt 4'W :
Tfca Mi Who Kir-"" tir s Of
9t Oal f tit.
Yattotmz : ili taiw.lte.e tsiUc
, " NctocX Nr&ilxtrf lml .--j.
, . , !!!, .
!. Vxltafafcu iari4.
ai- ur u--. '-'.
Atic- - t iwfTj . M. rt.
s.,ik. ,nut. Ini
M-a. .n
ll .- . . nrim w jtit-wi.
MlMt.n ASp-MllU. ftw.
Lr Hnr Met
.. -. . I 1 "-,
M-fNl A S ir Mc5W-
I'Mk ld. mmI Ihiii4ii
? ii-trr. l-.u !.-w. f-rr.
VviirtMi Air-MJMkvrvrr. X v
M-ltofT rAi-
nrv e I lit)
llrtrrn! f n tnjnit-Ut.
Sihmr -
-..- .. i- . M....k .
?-. .- mwwir n. .-.-. --. . .,--
Itwral HH
. L)v. rfA,
IMUi. ?WUtler
PuMhr l'rttotiir-?r.l.
Zimi. Ml
J "
.Nrr.. Itua.
I!nrriM and ttaruil IWitw"lhtwL
Hr M. N"I lkrMi latn. IA Vrrj
(oualie ajwl t tiKl & - i-
I1 mo. !, !(., tw
.M h- awl M4nrra.- IMmw. MwJri V-
i A. -u r. i mi. 1 .
K.urll-rNr. -ui,r. M.-.
mtUn4. lfMttlMr. Sril. PUa. ,
liters, St4HMrr. X1U. Wo.
jmI Hn.nx . f TKlrn.
K net. ltMtrl. tiofhiMT. tarV
HjU?, llo-irll. ltoV-tfc.
tirux u. Mrtx. MrU-:;u.s 1m. K&mm'. H.
(i--IU.aa'urvtraUwNwrt CTN-rr?.
(.x-fttxr. (latrts. I-fl-r'
UtttT, Hrtt,
-. trt-ua-lMfcMt. Myf-. iPttn Mwt,
'7.Lutui ...1
Su'mtv IIIwml. fW. timi.L
ImtnrHttoMi -GurkM-r. fmmr. .,
PmS. H. Sm.t. ,.t !tar.trt
- , --..- - . .
I He -UmV and lirii.aa !tti. .VeWatWO.
! !turkortW. I.Uh. Maiib. -: r.lim
Medical lu'UxUcm' touckut.
Ha . S( m-.
xlr llaMoiis s.tSe,-fs - tr.
kittoiT, lljer. swiik. f Kolaa-
I'ubUe i harttH -.-kinner. Ilro
as js
Me.-ha', Utf. f -rrx. Uorhar
lu--ane Ax ium Iti-ovM. Itwrttrk
Deaf ai.t dumUaiMt Hltnl A
Ian. !. I-. -Millh. t I-arwa-lrr
Hetorm ixbI ami ll'ttae ItH" j rtar-
McAii-ur. .-tulib. t m i-U.r. M.niMr
ni. -i:.
Jutltclurx -rrup Kn.c;. !r..UI. lre-
on IiLmh, lifiniislrr. ifHT,
1'iilfni Htti-lun
. nance. Wj. and Mw - TH.. f
la. alliihan. Iltii. (.omar. tttimha.t).
-rtin Nic-hol
l . ., .'.Tttxr.. i
' "
M-iirx. I t-. of Mi'ir.t!., William. Uwrtm
ojw. He;i. filit. Itx.-nlt,
(.lellM. !Mt, lltgtr.M-
Itwtl- uih! ilrt!g's -Hall. IttMifh lit
j .'rth. Turner. Vltr. Vunn. I.HUir'
VUlllln toe. liutttHti. HllliMNi. H .
' MniiT. Keho- Itruner P i-r. Hat lM !
Public I j uds and Itu-ldit - Hi rhi Kit
; tmr Marwex. Ka. itj..Maxrr. ltial.
I o...t .. ...u.. ...w.t.-A t .... ..r l...M.
1 l.lf. Iaiil!l IC1",..!... v . .-. .
Internal Improx mini IIK-sifll. uittt
iJcmiter. llM-kU-r. .IliM-n. Ht. i u-t r
I fsjeral lleiations .exM-Nir. Klermn. '
l.le-xe!l. Wtilt.ach. Kunx. Waitl. I.ut I
I'ttgrosscd ami Knii't-l Itlll Im. ! I
I'urnas. MImIii. Atkln. t .irtv-'ius, CuuMM-r.
Memy. irrwhi. Mulxahiil. Ni I'ga
Avnl- unit KxiMutliris -JoiiHH',
ruforl. Ilnlb . Mite, Turtle, MotMnsi.n
terltllg. Ihig. I t,e. j
I .iiiitiittnal AwieiHlwt-nts - .hmx nMn.
tire. Vu titer. NV'tMunr, NewMWjer. W
per. PetiTtHM
flinty llmitwlarle. oontv ?! an.
"oh ti-hip irjraiiiaation -MhinIm. Hruieii. i
White. !'.nit. l.iHg. I otier. (hmI.. llH I !
lttiilriMl Hottm, NetltfttHi. Jimlni,i
fl(tknii. otom, lb lev. L of Iuitia
! n..M. Hottieo li t
PriMlr" Kod
ritt'.iotii - titther!ai.
l:nfn'. l(oinrt-n. Newmejer,
i.l-sii-itl. MrAni Lu .
sttate Penitent an )laen. Ituell. AltVln. !
i:tae. lluin'iam. t'allahan. MarUa. j
... I.. I. Pea! a Ittl UoiuottHd lttMe Axitti!
u ... I.. If. .....I, XI. ...
. ... : -. i.ih-i., r,pr,, ..."
'wr. liuitlnjrtoii. utheriHMl
'iBrt r, Jxe
C.r;onitKiii -oiith. olbatrh. Cop., ItbiXO
Mt it, l !. l.ieiiH
I. b.-nrt' Alain. K'uittiy, K:nrf. ?
.uf. I.lfi lean. Illt. j
t it e-HiidToMtia Nfttb'tOM. HkJteM. HrJHtt. ,
A r ,ll. Peter-on. itooth. )( t I
Itdf.t. andCiiit. oex lleia.ek. ItherwaH. ;
Ilniliei. Iltm.ird. U lute. ( orneliu. ItratiHl '
I mil wo u S-hMI- TwtZAti. PMei. Cid '
"i It tn ox. Vnrior. TbtMta J
t'n.xT. tr and .Noriniii s.-hn.l. Itett. ,
Corr tttdx-rt-nn. Jlixlrn. hosn. I.te-xeb!
Public Priiilinr IV!froti. Murer. .
! lfiekb'V.!ahaM. Tax br
n- ana xiiuenio tot. xM)tt. n,mp
-....- n... ...... .. . " ',.. I BT'IP
-"In- w"-. '" "; Hh-M. UhutHote
i -rV i.e.of ViUSS:- .tt!:..'
J ::x.te:t. I.i.bliuttlt. K he. ;.'eUirli. '
kKaad -f '...... I r .B..... lll...... . .
Manuf.ietori-- at i i.ininre t Hgfa. Htr
' ' ""' rnvr f"r, . -Pt. Wr.rtit.
s .. x . wm-mmr. itf'eneii' ' ' ''
HhIc onjrer. Miller. Sctvl!!r.
MiiIvhIiII.. Corr. Mr Speaker
J.'ereiHH bwI Ta ant. on HHt. I to art.
H.rr-lHs. WoltMeh. Kimg. llU.;rti, Uvy
vttUi, f'uoMj .
I'lirtnj -elilicra. ,
Cairo. .lanwuy IT. I).-MtHie fcttc !
hat Mexxart fotce learned there Smm1ut
imxiii from Voxiralt Wei'.. TW In
tian oldier. rnsnni tnMr ti4x-. of
Hater durun: the nntrti Ix-hxc! ih n in-!
r,V"Us ihmt. dm! mcI. h.r, M(,.rj
?,,,, t:,,?, ''" sl Bur.iaty hUu
lie ordered all raiire.
C rmr Illti llnrtrtl.
cr.vr.M:. Wv. T.. Janwrr
Wdiimu Iinle. late ioxirMor .f Wy-ntwltic.
''Mn-l here nith Kl1 Teni4ar
r :". Ti-H5'lnr xx xery m;.
!-'t flx-re xx a runt ltrwMlt t ITnl -!
and tn Irurr iHi. I! xmi ,,;, ,:,., f
la.'esl italti. -Llivrs a;:jnHJ.' 1 fnm Fr:
i: Jt.tfMtl - I'll.iHIM.
S.".ti ''.. via (.i..'k-to-. Jcnturr 17.
--The ;..urUi anoixer-ary ff tb" ttatU-of
Mraltnu x rlebra:ei e-ter4ny bi Vm't
Cau-'H. Mwrii tnb-ait. ! I IUuir
in-tn-n.f t.
irfutti intt-lr u4 t--
j ulgLl hi tie j-'az l otiicr :-Ur4ic !
I m m .. '
Aet.r. ; I.
l'-":t. Jsimuy 17. U.ttcbei of Tb- '
diy from iUnoi. Towuki. -tt- tJMt rrUrs
efri art b-hr mJe , mta.. u
imiistx. eiiy for a '.trwarj tnnTi wn nt
f trMj. .H tw Him ar- m vclji'.
j ml.:. on.
A novrf uhjc decoration Ii,xTfl
by a Nxrxv York llor wo.- a rmnfeiiitn;
fore-t of -prucc. ptjn. lwmlijck aai
otitfr lmncbas. heae-illt which wm
calteril ia. n-cdk. coat-i. Ierv4.
riHJ--s ami tw.g. - in a natural forr-t:
and sTclyd nno" thr folii' wem
ar-ridec-. Mjuim!-. cwIk. hawk- sad
o; fcer r'vmlnt of fon-1. n..
.. , r"
--reft" jwopir nav any Idex of th
'' of lh' -tp" ' li!ir ta IV
flia-. T..e Cfnt'-na al naiB J-jU! at
l'tilailpbtei wa. roa-MtrnaJ aa enor-
nVMi . .Iriv tttn bat tt ! imVA tiA. I " .
Icnnia! tnild.t-ail lojrtbrr cwttbi b
-.! v -iort-d 'v .nth" aasin kx'l tti
Xen JT!ns. wii-fa
cotcr Wrrrtea
thir.y and forty acre.
" - . .
In the rborif-noj of IvontKt.
r-i nkm: -.n., hfimlr.! -.a.1 fl..- .j i
inoit-R3a. o: scrto; -ieHni-ji tami
that w-U never be clearvtl of rAis. iru-
lr bnt-h: hence apncultac i
. , , 7
me inorc and more tou of CL-
ionits- a'ef iadntr.e:.
-Tboruas Laher; a tcQ-voarId la i
: Haraiiton. OnL. ha. U-cn -eatcawl
m $rc years la the j:s:Ic3r:ary f j:
Jiabiltial thieverr.
t M
-.-. m .-.ii K.tiMb.
Cr --4 ifc v ! ..
, ciu. w fci ra 40i.t no. TW
8r 4 tfc tV l t
; .., . .. mJlur .- . ., 1 - il
t ! II M. .. - '- - . '",
i -
.kraU xmcmOS. U wt
Uvitkr. ! oSecn v Uh "
"ft hlitrtl U
ISrwrtoaJlT lio liUlku tt Ml ta m
.." 'i WAt" l WW
lUmt Apif fc iijua t
ki. rlit l nm..rri nrrrtl tif
i .-- w j . . r- v - rf
imwit !rv iW K'tlr atv3'
a . ftfftr ytl ta 1K M.t !
nst MH f
I; Hf th tahsi IwmMmX
tr fartvalv scturt
win fey mm tU rsrMnt
. ! -"1 V
I. IB wntH WJiI . W w-
fvr44a tvtmmmti) iMtA
j vi
Cwd tr MmtOmI MrHiHMwl tteflBC
una utjr 4om w f4 ln
rUNl .itc, i IM Us4i.n.
? ,th lrjiuui -liii to Ur IW,"
I nmUlf
t. V rwrpfc !.
Tb Pr l mMnnnJ M
1 . . . . . .-., .
''. ht 4lrr r WWW), .
Jt r. frtlrl MMilm ! tftft
urvwr tMatt-i.
(" the trfl wxv A!rs46
Whn ttrrxrataal tiaa MvoU
Tk .'lj trnr(c rrv hm jMtn
t imiraac ! tSn-ir n aji! fimnpiit tn
.Blbll - ,.. j f-Jt bllMJl IJb
!ii 1 tk UM Kr I . aWtv tttrlr -1
j crt oi.t ! rlMitcl) ?rNtol.
av rniM.i ,b ma wt vvna jiau
. - .. m
" tka "
ijK, r)MU) tikMM- iM.t tJixnxtlj UrHl.
' Jwt "here W;is mu s.lU-u$t t CWtvtJtftg.
Tb U4l' lrrr, Hat IJta-rv wwi (
I tr, Wrrv Imply gH yaMa . tM l
nunWr ut iltUMr- tt rr w t. UUi x 4-
U4r rxboxr iter w.4, rxrMt wxlr 4
slrftdrr xlMtaltJfr-ointiie, all tito 4 hatt
rwn ttom a U hr iraio
in t&e .lois rUt ntm xtor Um
gttrsU pruoruAel a tr Ma mt, 4
tlHf blue rtioMt. Ht. rrtto- I'loolwit ra-
i. ixrtl tbrta, Ukrrr - mhmm. lot
dlxrrsltv f l'-vmtlMsI ipd !-. atr
UMrsntHl taNt"MM kwi'st. umi4 K
aoy sot urps -l b th? mmi, itvm
tuuAifrbx " of I.m j;
'III Hw-4-fKHtu w,i t Ut frwMi ftla ff
til rlrtrn imIikI, bjt at h.ilf-Ma4 lM.
numlMrrtea rtila r ttlilarml
Sflle lrtll ( 1 1 wo. .cIhiiIt ."! f.i l
K.ktltntt Mh(1ii . totS Xnii .
riI-lHlllt'Hl -ltrlaS t-4- III
Xixxitis.i ., Xs JanMr U.
Tb Huw. NUujlsrf i'.lti arji
! u cl v' ltow u1!"'! at winaw,
i Muo at lo.3 ta ui(ttiax. n .rtl
.MttU)H l i.s tai uxfuiox. n mwi
m .j rhtexam. MilanitaM 4 m, IVfti
1' UPUh. Vt JVVf. CVlt. -Wfc VIH JMBW WH f
dewl to ft brvr ttat-- TW 4uctor ays
b iIIm! lruto kfrt Aimmmr.
gu.xjx ifUtKrtMicrr.
CM . IU-.AaMry
Mr. Colfax w- a IhU vilT ln-4 wmV
lcciMrlne nt Ui Mtrwp!liUi !
iH-.ii Colto. IWtorw a krs anOtonu, mt
"Uml-urt; of LtV' Itt 4 Uh
that s-nUw . 1 I tail U-rtmv tor torv
sitolMel hi- wrir eivl. Pbc tWf vf .1
nation." be ivuU Irtmi hi wtwMtKrt,!,
' n Its vnUi. It- hmm, d wtfi.
f fc ,WU
h)M," ,Mi
" "
' all It rtrt
I ..
Wtlle of hlV tttHIXw Hr iinft,
mwrlMg iio -t-ii'tw Mini- wltft
!-rfM lti. !.. Jmmmmty H,
Thr ot tbr lwatli of Hob .Nrfcuj'ter
Collo at MnitUito, Mis., )etrdbj
I- rvcwlxe! xxith tbe iltrpi rrMX1
lit Uil- rr, itlbtn. II va kUrbir
teemed tr nil uf South Hrnrt riUikf
xxbo tuoitrti kirn n- lfl.oxx-itiM m
will n a diUosttlw.-i man. Mr. Coat
fn wan luttirwil ( her hM-tian )' .Isfjit
br Mr. 1', K. MnklMUr, by ttWaaa u.
smH, antHin-lwi lh xil wrut h r
cciveJ. M xx."f Mt.Mr.i rrrrr'Mwr, b
.ube.penUy ro.rr( hor llotrul
aM'l ber lo Urt fnnttniJe. , !
"ttUtrft of tl FrlloM I turn tM Hj hUI
I niict ln rrmatns at I tteau, aawf ao t
nnr ttirm hj u. Vim tunvrat V vt t
The f'rxtii ;rl .f ffl
frto'l.ll t; Ir"l5 ".
Tl9 otatl-Uco ot Hlv sritM cart)i '.''
nl U jft fur tb year !(. I ;'
. - '
) dncc
bv Mr. tt Uian It. Kren. n-"'"'
KxefctMS", ar trr --: "
. .. .;.r)t. v,.i aaxlr ka. tin I'
, dcCrMMe J tiar iMl tr
f t
tif.I iittl ll. aaaahT M
?JSd hi Xht U4r. hml 0 f "
tint UW .taimrr. at kiX -7 :
tb be-in- lermwr.j !. mtimtt x
rlii.lx.'lr hr iia wwt, '
nitir rfaft trrii- "
clor ot bjif a Ufi
haHe... a.t j-r umif
! t
vrmn oirrirJ -rt 1
unfe. I be lfctal alr
tt Ur boVtommt liNl-t T ! "J
. . k.i. . i.-r . dfiit nib trM' f
i'ar.a mrrr tMt ! - 1"
ti r raa- on " -
1 .SfacJw, fwJy. Diatrt Md J --..w
.4 r.'LivO tkriran .!
j.. t-. . -.,
Matte ifK iAUm owrrtrd K
. .WV.ll . . . . - -
llan'd trj Ms
1 f-atenbj lpb4 s. , T-nr r-r.
UtH t nm nmmxm mit
Ibi- mtx.3.4 w tfti'.mtmS. '
esmtvd .SwNfctf mmmime ! y
ijmiiT aftsbt Ji bfr4s4 raa4
mrm 4mnm4 b t . r r -Itt.l
t str b 7k 7 to'l
twlrar 4um IJ Sr- Swrri f 1t
rc-tta9 tim - iI -: U
MOart mtkmrr & U t lam
JUr -n Mw . TW w cr-i4
lrj afco 3 lir asiaf K irmvtr
HIT aal itn2ni -
fHleC t f&f -ttr"il
-i$t:i. t t .JMhs-y;L
Coalit-twr of J li. -,..
y-rtt3T rzimimr fj lh Hmm-
tuHtrrroK lt st(oa 2tuJ AVl AJwiJUcX
paT k teistMM ta the x frrIrxM,3e i
sVca! .-eL' s&I JLtrae tf t-
lal3 ltnrrrB 4TiS !? tcc4
i& tc".r. ttoW-z nl rnHrr .
7 be rcoMbUfer a(csS to l-vf"- -"
;S4 s!frst COCSTtbn f IM- lUtfrt'Z ,
ii r -ta tle rtccat czwiule. twnr 4
W. W. DciCcv. tet tHWaja.WKr fcl
J'eBURJ. 1 ffsiru Jpj-rt&r lwf Uh , ,
conirrUrt- SJ1 trfl wit be kati vl SI ?
cittceiwat ol Coxeearcct capCagso u j
rATtsi'-fi lioik. j
RAfl.MO TMC W'li
w r r w KM.-. iM.r i .j
- , r-f hm hm r
Wr ' itniaj. .
y. vaaM
to ta fr w
thT toWJ" i
4mrtf tlto rtor
Ma tiar.
mt Ik to.' v
a rW it
mmiwr TW
Imi nJ '
l him m ! -. Ihf tow
rfl Hue th ttr Vr
i i w punmnmM am
LW'twiU r - Ito-
w f . -a a
ratf TWv .
4ix4lt immnmw 4ft
j4ag WVm. -ftii ftH I
a Wswtfttai "? to4t
wlwM mnmmfiment i4to -
tftlft A InaMI tWt harm
tm to?! ! I
mut ikMW mti auto iljitftW
wm tW mmgrl avi jt
( m Ukf fvirl tan
kmm m? rtkr wtmm
m ". TV Itof-
mA fcrtaaWmt. to
imU rtt H mm i
llto. tol Hr y m.
tJM kfc
ftaWf'a tmtmflA 1 1 U
! ,
JtoT Ito i .
I i
M m
br IV
! rgmbti Tieiv
fatlv nfnar
! iim Mttrttlfk .
i ""
t rvmm lit
j ito rt" IWt
i tup mUm to. 4 Uu
', bufftt tint J lk r tttlv.
a rUr imm tto
i tlt4r Itotf KlMatnNAi trV
j .inx11. mhmm &m mmi
t ;
; W awe m f
au tttMiM- r si
1 wllk ta 'ton W
j ie tiMPttt !) km '
t S If r?K '
i tltotM ti(k it n. ,
j tr, gaj nit lf ,.
, itoJ Aji4 m f i
tra" iiva i
wttoMft h -ftk.
tor. A !h
MMttHKIil km !
Mtr Mto.i'.
rM mil ttof
! rutoi ti i ;
m of her tm
' itfMt W I- X
tm rhaitff toMt
.mfrw iit-ntli it..
gwpm vf mti v t
im- rnr na p-
, tto- rnr
' 'Aft
tkmt h M m'H
ifsprifj b
j ilMrt Ihe mu. I .
imiUl 1
1 tfcrtanjfh rAfct
rpinnn mmmm' .
m 1 itt wih ii tlii- m-
mmr ItualnM ia taf 111 t rbmt .
P9m -" trhim ! 4 .
tv - ftfdmmt , p trt'tfi-'
ttW)tr ! ' lm4 I
rho il4 fMr tw-ytf mt ..,
1- r (m -tttm fw t
g) ' 'Ik I mmptmmt tm .
Kd. r if hi hmn4i
mrr mt atr iMw W d
it 4miUMr mm t.
11,1 -4 UJ JM III
im f u tkmm. pmm'U
um'" M "
V t TkmmkK i tm',l m-
4u . 1 - n k I ! .
tt ' ' j - 1 ;
JSflF'.- -w TT
SI4.m. fcili IMI tiil
q-iO hU fm mm
li t ummt, ymm k
(UtMittg im dwlr)
! ut I mm tsm
11 rHeltt & T1m' '
fwrtt't Mfem to a i
b iu t htttr. mm - . f
! tdJR wj yr ! 1
iw rwt;sI p jtit.
Of irtn. I MfM , I
IkJ tf m gm hmt. ! jf
Ur?Js l ('t -Mi
r t tixf amj I fl l r9k"
t s
1 nr i srrilit Wn
I tt- nor ll P- I
ItrftHhr. I fera t.
rsHiwer . If " t rv
. '
lV tO WCfc 'JBt
--Sya as I. I C&. six
rUlBt- W pf aj:- &'.
4i jr, vlii U&mf g wl
I. '
$ is iMvrr le r2u .-: I
"r '
. J
i i ti fifC. fe-f iis4l? !
- r l
Jfci oifatr df rSSfct all r -3
iia.Jer fC 5- 3
Mrfw9C lw,-i''''Vi-r
-xS-s-r idlk ''Fhfiseii Ur.
ir t
i .-& . 'Mfcathaasl r l
i.-U AWM mt&Gas& rau
.1 HPll-"t
! itilr HHMI
, -.
. .M MB
J"5 . r