The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1885, Image 7

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    MM -fc-e! 4l - -i V lAlHHiHiHMniWlf A
,.m ,T .. lm g
map Wl W rrrr '' 'i:,, : '"-'-: ? '' iglK'''"1' Tm'WtiF fiT5"?
, W 'r
F. .
r ip
TbHioy that lllrs FjirtriB or Summer or Fall
Better tlmn old Kline Wliitrr
Jul wrt of a ba wimkI xj.llntrr
igrft itu3. In Tact, he n no boy at nil.
Sitrity fn:n the Move. nn! look out thcrol
JuMt. on ' t ec a picture fait'.
Bj.m winter, iroin mountain u nam
Mpt a lH.irt'ar lit all hl train.
C w loky oiu iiump,
pilku uplift M.iin.i;
Jno Ih In ermine from chltn to chin.
p flic i.tlirr no lamb cm br-tfln
I' to look m wann aim o;t iirui inn.
faouxn up to it yc In i rlnkl- or wool.
l-o-olil liinwi rost villi her nhrhtcupon,
Jlul.mi Uurli In hor nljtml with tho whlu; nap
Crubled otl Bachelor H.ih'e
Win re. now. lc liN prickly flsn?
Ami scriunrv olil Gmti'Mr True.
tClmliby u thnhby coul 1 Ik.
Mow h hpr .iI hluivlf In hi" uniform.
Lonlltnr Hour the coM uuil tliu utoruil
y uininer ' Oh. j e-, I know hv will ilrc-ss
flli-r 'liiinly Ui lovislltitss:
lint Winn-r tho KrcuiuRil t.mall,
Awn-l.c-iiml wdy, ull
HetiUloin no line, you tvotiM think eacn ono
m Tin irrninleit jn,-r-oimxc under tho kuh.
t AVlw. U ntVi.lil l.i.'ll w li'f t tlfntli
Uyn Monitor wliloli blte-J with nothing but
There', more renl tnutitiooil. thirty to three,
In tho lilth clilcks of a c.hlc!on!'-"
Ni-ter wti merrlfr en-atnro than they
When Stunner is liutxln N of mill away.
Your -Ut ItMlonrif, bitsn-ood pllntr.
Ktiouh not the Mrht tiling about Wintui.
A IIk for your Hummer lo,
Th'-y ie no whit better than toy.
Give tin the htip that will otr to town.
When the wind in hlnwlnjr the ehimnoy down,
When the bnruttrt beml and nar
Like lin-akeiN on the hhore
Into the fcnow-lr'ftfc, plunK'-l to hlrf knee
Y, In clear up to Ills can-, if on please,
Kuddy and ready, plucky and -lions;,
I'ulluiir liii little duck K" aloni':
Tlie road i" lull, but he'h tiound to ko tlirouh
lie has business on hand, and lHrfid to do..
As jinder you hue lilm bnMkinp.ttliH for tlie
Fo he '11 be on I he lead to the end of hH dins:
ne of Winter's own boj , a l. r.i it he.
Hit bus wood tneiu. but t'Hl hard hickory!
Jtiltn lltmc ' hen u, in St XUhuUui.
The IUlTcrcm e in the W.y In Wlib Ii
IVnpli. I sr Their OrRSiiiH The
I.inhy" and the I'liluckj" liny.
Did it ever occur to you what a dif
ference there is in the way in which
i i...: -i I .1
l)CO lie u-c; LJii-ii co. i no uoi iiu.iui
- . , .1
mat Mimi people vpm.,, ami mjiiiu uo i
not. that Mime have s-hort -irIit. ami
.some long sight- Thc-c are nccidenUil
dirt'erencc.-.; and the people who can not
see far, sometimes M'c more, and more
truly, than do other people who-o vis
ion is as keen as the eagle's. Xo, the
diilcrcncc between" s eyes lies in
the power and the habt of oiccrvation.
Did ou eer hear of the famous eou-
jttrcr. Kobert lloiidiu. nho-e uouderful i
t neks and feat- of ma;'ic were the us- j n the r.t-e Camp mila by it- ' ot.tnieal
touishuiciit of ICurope : few years ago? J title, he did as -oon a-st ie p- d if de
He tells u-. in hit autobiography, that i -eribed the jiectiliariticJS of tin- Icif and
to -c e erj thing at a glance, while I blowout. So M. Selves re -ngfr d huu
M-eming to mi noth ug. is the lust j to be hi- guide -o long .is h --im1 in in the cduntioii of a "ma- ' the rcion. and iirc'd tcT pi It m l'ii
gieian." and that the f iciilly of notic- j irane- a week. And Tofliei ird ! i.v
'wj; rapidly and exact 1 can be trained wrung her hand-., ami excl-i.tnci un.r
like an oilier faculty. When he was i.jcou-ly than ever orr he bo-.'- -dS
titling hi-little .son to follow the same ' Jui k" aiul his coin-in'-? so r.or good
jirofc-sion he u-cd to tike him past a I fortune.
jdiop-uindow. at a quick walk. and. One can never tell I ow r. "th-iueo"
then ask him how man. objects in the may develop. Prof. SyI'restMu t- well oil
window he could remember and tie- I ami Kind ot heart. Ra.ln'd no children
.scribe. At first, the child could only I
l collect three or four, but gradually J
he ro-c to ten, twelve, twenU. and, 111
the end. Iti- eye- would note, and hit
memor. retain, not le-s than fortv
tirticlc-. all caujrhl in tlie few .second-;
which it took to nas tl.i window at n
rapid walk.
It Ls so more or lcs vilh us all. Few
tiling are more .-nrprising than the dis
tinct picture which one mind will bring
:iwa from a place, and the vagne and
hltirrcd one which another mind will
brinic. ()beryat:on ks c,nc of tho valu
able faculties, anil tho lack of it a fault
which people have to pay for. in various
ways, all their lives.
There weie once two pea-ant boys in
France, who-e names were Jean and
Loui.s Cardilliae. The were cousins;
their mothers were both widow-, and
they lived close to each other in a little
illage, near a great fori -t. They also
looked much alike. ;oth had dark,
clo-clv-sh.lven hair, olve .-kins and
large, black eyes; but it ite of sill '
the'ir re-cmblances, Jeai was alwax.s 1
spoken of :is lucky," ' and l-'iuis as
for rc:uous a Inch you will
shortly sec
wi-tlu' 'wi bovs WcrciQit toirether. 111 j between -'eves nt,lQo ve-' ad.iiler
the foie"t or t'dt-' 3tul'-xaillUM ,m.: antl al
aloflg cjinte d"flerentl. s .orti-r "dawdled :dva?liBiHiiiiRi( "',c. iu S. S
in a -on of loose-jointed rot, with his
e cs fixed ou whatever luppeucd to be
in his hand a .-ling, p-rliap-. or a
-tick, or one of tho-e Snippers with
whicli Itrds :ue -caivd awiy from fruit
If it were the -tick, he crifked it as he
went, or he -jumped the mapper, and
he whi-tled. a- he did -o. n an ab-ent-
nnndeit way. .lean s black eve-, on the
contrari. were always 011 tie a.ert. and
makinir di-coverii1
While ,oui- -tared
Mini -utekered hi- lh.s ui) hit the Mian-
per or the -lin-. Jean woud note, fin j
con-eiou-h but truly, tie :Vrm of the j
clouds the look of the sk)' in the rainy '
west, the wedge .shaped pocc.s-ion cd
the dus through the air. :nd the way
in which they u-ed their wm's. tnebtrd- t
tl -1 , 5 IT ..... "1 .
calls in ine neujje. lie v.i, ipucu 10 j
maik a -trange leaf, or an tinned.-1-j
lOim-u 111 ngus ..v 1 .e pan . i aut mii:ui .
w;ay. Once he pickwl up 1 titc-frane '
piece; once a Mlver penedcase whic:i .
belonged to the cure, who vas glad to
t..j it i.r.iuj. juiil ir;ivi .lean tii smi- lit- 1
.. . .. .... .--, . v ; v., -, i
way cu rewaici. uoun nave :ikcu
ten mius very much, but ion.eho lie
never found any peiieii-ct-es: and it
seemed haul and unjutwh',i his moth
er upbraided him for the "act, which,
to her thinkinir. was ratnerHis misfort
une than his fault.
How can I help it?"' he a:ked. '-The
sain:.- are kind to deau. aid they are
not jrind to me roiVn (otttP
"The saints help thoscj who help
theiuiclvcs.' retorted!ier. Thou .
is o .-trong. i 1
"There! ' cried his motlnr one day. j
xvhen he came, iu to -mpjrr. "Tny
cousin thy lucky cousin has .'gain
been lucky. He has fouuj a trttiile-
bed. and thy aunt has sold he trutllcs
to the man from Paris for a huudred
H....1-. .x ...i.i.... a.....vm7. i ...w; -
long before thy stupid lingcis c
in earn
the half of that!"
" Where did Jean lind hlic bed?"
asked Louis. r
In the oak copse nearf
he brook.
vhere thou mijrhtcst have ft unci them
as easily as he," retorted hs motlicr.
"He was walking alojr with liaudot. the
l 1 .... '.. ...x ..T
touci-cuiier s uuj tvnose uoiucr was
a truflle-hunter and Daudot began to
point and scratch, and Jean suspected
something, got a spade, dug, and crack!
a hundred francs! Ah! Jiis mother is
to be envied.'
The oak copse! NeaV tic brook!"
exclaimed Lotli.-. too intlfth fpjveited to
note the reproach which cdmuded the
sentence. " Why, I was thtjre but the
other day with l)audot, ami !l remein-
bcr now, he .scratched and whined a
great deal, nnrl tore at the ."-"Oiad. -
art a look-in-t he-air. dcat keep-hi-, tnd4 in vers-c 01M .- : w luc 1 wvre --n: j
eyes open: he hits wit, and ie notices." to all the roi'te- It vta- o .1;. the J
l?nf Mich reproaches did not help mistake of :v "frd. I nt .t ant oved him j
Louis, or teach hiia anvtluitr. Habii ! verv much to it l i 1 01 c of the line- !
- 1
didn't thmk anything about it -lWt
lime." " I
Oh, thon little imbecile thott 4a
pid!" critl Ins motlicr, auf
There were the tniflli- and tb5 Jik
chance was for tiicc. Didn't third' tirv
thing ab'iut it! Thou never dVt & iil..
tliou never wilt. Out of ray i",h aid
do not let me see thee again untij hi
time." F
SuppcrJcss and dl-conolat. I por
Ioui .-ltink away. He called I)fj4t,
and went to the oak cop-. r si sited
that if he aw any sin of e.cil fi'rt
on the part of the do;:,' to fetch a d
and instantly bejrin to li. IJut Cufdo
trotted aloujr uuietlr, a if tlu M'T"
not a tpitile left m r ranee, and tfc i
wa-i fruitless f j
If I had only," became a fiYfin'e
hentrnce with I-oui-. a time wjift on !
If I had onlv noticed llu--. & If I I
I. ...I ,..,!.. t. ..,,.! l...,i ' tn C,(, I. I
! 141 v rKytK.-i Vi4" II. 9W
phr:ics are apt to come into tb'ij&iirid
after ftouiclhing has lc-en xui-cS'llrv not
noticing or not stojipiiifr, .olthe d-
little ood ti anylody. i M
Dili it ever occur to yon thitfv.hat
peojdc call "lucky chanc-,y Ui mh
they 'pciii to come suddenly are in
reality prepared for by a lon"i n
seious pro'esi of making read or n tf
part of lho-e who protit b tt m '
Such a eh-inec came at laf Jo 1 -'
.lean and Louis to Louis nope- to.m
to .Ji:in; but one w.ii pivpari'dl for it.
and the other was noL f g
I'rof. Shestre, a famous na'ur-l t
from Toulon-e, came to thcfirS-' ',
I age where tlie two boy-. lived "
summer. He wanted a boy '1L! vu !
him about the country, carry fifc- !.:it
;jues and hcrbaU. and hfJp mi ni
.search after rare llowei and bud-, and
he a-ked Madame Collot. the2...Ji oh
of the inn, to recommend oe. he
named Jean and Louis; thfr were
bth good los, slie .-aid. 3
So tlie piofes-or -cut fiM t!i m to
come and talk wth him. ' J
' Do oii know the fonst.rell. and
tho path-.?" he aked.
Ye-, both of them kucwothe for.-'
vcy well. i
Arc there any woodpef ker- of mk-'i
i i .....:,. v i... ....1 . .i . .
;iii sin ji .i "jh i ji-i; iiu H3 o i
,- , .....,. ,i. i
ii.iir ;i tin iii j;ir jtiiiii ui"(u - -
(. WJ, .j, :m, j.,(. tot)ft f,.r (Via-
aiiila rhoubo;dalI,9.," andjilit' i.ip'dh
de-cribed the variety
Lou: -hook ln hen-i.jfil-- kn.-.v
nothing of any of these thin,:-. I'ut
Jean at oice waked up, vvitli .etere-t.
He W:iew a gieat deal :ib-.ut v.. u iiied.-er-
not in a h- enMlic f ay. bit
th knowledge of one wh )i i- watcln d
and studied bud habits. He li'i'l jmt-
a collection of lunar and oth r moth- o!
his own, and tlioiitrh he did et r.-.-og-
of his own; and he wasll' ''d. aboe
all other things, to the inN e-t of -cl-
encc. He -aw the ranting of a tir-t-rate
naturali-t in .lean Cirtliluac. with h.
quick i'U'S his closs o'--n I'ion. hi
leal iiiterc-t in iindh gou a .d making
uiv. He grew to an1 nter.-t in and
j likiii": for the boy, waich tip. r.e 1 .1. the
time drew near for lifinto h turn to in-univer-ilv.
into antofTor to tike .lean
with him and provit,oifor hi---lneation.
i 1 . .. .1 . y. 'TT. .. :.. ..
on comi.iiou ui.i; uc-.m. 111 leiurn.
.should rendu hint a ..cit.itn amount ot
:i--i-tance during -hi- out ot choid
hour-. It was, in "elb-i-t a kiml o!
adoption, which might 1- id to almo-t
any tiling; auddeair'snn-tli'T was ju-f-lie
I in declaring, osj.-he did. that hi
fortuue was made 3
And for thee, thou au-t -tav at
home and diir potat-
dig potatoe- lor fie re-i
of thy sorry life,' lanicn'cd th motli
er of Louis. "Well, b-t people -at
wiiat thv will, til-ii an uniu-t world-
and. what is wor-e.ilh' -a nt- lo.ik on
and do not prevoMjjifc H -..ten forgive
me it it is blasph 'snot.- io -j-c.ik -o. but
1 t,, not helo it! tM
Hut it was r.ei licij !. k" nor m
jtlst'ee." It wn- mtjl-. ! the d tieivn -e
J liiU.
The Ilotrn't coe i'-. s" ! 1:
Hi- Otitrancn
di r. ci-tupo-i:-
WIitc is the pr-of 1
or or oth-r arti-t
!i:tl..c--h mud
Shake -j car
Nil.. 1 i- w
,.,.,:,." t-iir?
- " 1
1 .- ' I
..1 ... . ... ......
... H Wl III V
,H Ul ,:i"""11 1Ii:f-
in th familiar
"AmI ulhy fulrl ' ' '"- " p""'Joy"
Words fall to c ;r.i I im. but let n-e
never meet him ft ! f.i. . I 'dame it
u pi. an he wiP.VJ r the ob cure copy,
m. .,u. O,,lpo . m (,r t.e c.u tlu,;v
,,.,11 ,, , .... , i.s.ii
lOl.iH.I.V...,. -
Ifsueh tlirro ' e ark e'l
For Jiiai 1101a i:-' u -ture- w-ll.'
T 5 fo . ,.,1.-11.-1 troupe in
WRlt,K w.,, lvJUimK m.. , s.,:.
. im:J-M. e- wao wiote in cf-
fce:hv xcrSv.: .'g
. . 7? .
He m M her W ! r tlu- -i'o:i: -t hi- jk). ir.T 1- pub i-he I it read
" lie MeU. hciye- r '" J
II rccoveretl aft r .1 lonir i.Inesj. ami
again wrote: M
" Ste the; n;M . r :-. tr- ln-ot of fire."
1 And taat line-caa: .: in th:- wa:
" See the ii.lciiaatt r 11 In- -Ii rt of tire-"
A votith wh Ky-:- md-I : -d to an atfit
for an aniple.'ioJft.m re-. d at her!
death, attcmptijl. ' 1 - nnd .hi- mi:i-1
which h hau"i:.i''-ed :tn c-pe;al
care annoucAir: h.t "-be had t:k-n .
up in Hta:eJ h ' p.-.;ion." ihe a I
tourdin lnJjjm-it.nn that "-he bad !
taken up to i.-n her phy-:cian." '
There is soiM'Wt.-e tor the ttacdielor ,
compositor. lYh... m -ct'inir p th" j
t j;i; nuiiw.. , .i.i.... .iv ..1.11 . i.u..i
be a savasSf ' l-t the comma iu the
wrong plao Jnd iiad i: read thu-
" Woman i'iihoiit her man. w.tnld
J be a -ravan
J Perhaps tl
w or-
piece of
,de wa- that wh'ch
J mixed up tliedr.eaion of heathen eh.i-
' dren in Cei lyd Atiica with a recipe for
t . , - . -- -
canning to
itot-. Alter anuouncm'-
the prelirie
dren to the
Kc- of attiacting the chil-
i ionaries. it pluaced into
media res -
: an'l W?t way to prepare
them is to
twipetuem with a clean
towel, the
them :n dnuinn"
nnn: -rut !l.:iL-e fill U'mtcr" h.irnTi
Free Frc&rM
M -
A Frcih :vstroi:omer claims to have
discoverot-"lthat in Vcnt there is a
nsouatai ventv miles high.
JA Jjii-' Ix-n! 1
In IJ rxl tun tb- imM- tau-kt
II. c-nl w th U .ii.- rT-- 1 1 XrKusrkl.
M. 1 with tht ini hi d-: stsr-o
I i "i i iirtilnt:u hn win,
'I-i. im wti.i-r' tr9i HMf wro vzl:
'fif, wiRf. oh r b.njr truJ !:.
Tie- luxl tle-tr -U ti r( ttt tvjr,
At-d tiy.j. th- f rtn t HrljiJ c ay.
lb'iUtre"! b uuntitij pH
f it. : l.i.i itian.
l! hu t tlx- (III. hswlt 14-CMMA.
I Ri,e t 3t i- eiKt jwweffvil frami.
Tlie ttler nl teot-f it-Al-i'ii?
' pf"'- t'ftj; Utxtf
; he .lo !n tiit i Ultetit. tfUy J:
Tlie - k Kjrur .th imr MtWpzenl.
Aiul ttiu- the ! c-fit) "
W k ttje bCHk. vitb crocl 141
AihI ttm -iri k h - -hn5t njf pr.
It. nilhf'.e- etr rt brK uwat.
Aim! ) at ox. 1'1 me titrrjiHl.
N'UXlit ff ty on th prupteet lraat-
T!m n lludd'm f r e.1- "(i IrnvrV. twwxr!
T'.e jHr dre l:t- 1 ' ib- ire
I i tiririi tl)-e in tbe acrel otitne
lit iii'l h!ii' cm 'iil 1 pr kttta
'I ( u 1 His tr atur. klli and low.
s, 1 BcrtCciii: p t s-ho
"Iit th .u. ' thf hwV. rrpl'e!. "rsrlads
( Hip tm wtw-n t..v ar v ctf
Huri.r lam. m Ii.oi-ar
1 in !. tiutt fjil iv lor inea'"
To whirk the mw Jlnu !. bt live:
ll nc for tby Hflt ibv r- t I slttt"
Ihy.iit. n-dn -the repi..
-s i 1 1 .t m tnte t -c 1..- must 4
Tl en U't Mbn: "Mm I th iiuiu r c-ae
'J hi- b 1,-w s t renturt 1 wouki mivc'
"llav Jiif-n-r now : eptirn mt my plm;
M le t and hii il 1 ie d to th- '
"ii. no'' the i a ' luitnf!, 'nor Uioto
Stlttlii- WT bllTi i-T to Hpi'eu-.
'I licdo'i-I .; f. i t 1 Atkl Xla
l.t-niit .! n ,i.e-l Hi :m my pain;
lh Ik-1, irsi I in.i-i "t'M-
Tt.e vti.undiil ib.. ! li lln n b" free."
l:n.l.!iii n-i..lil "M-. ! t true.
Mj X- d take: ilu-U.ii-&.all IHe."
A '-Inn britht the jn;he: cS-n-l.
Iteth Ii-h k uiel hit I d.wmiH'arcd.
T ! tms who. In I .lit arrl,
'I In lr Hi it'll! irirlnl tnoet
sji.ih! at tin- a-tin'Uiil limMha '!.
All hill' all ha.l. johh! iir tuey erteJ,
"llu.l.llia' 1 ll-i- i tl-e tiu -t I-!.
Nln't niitl hnt thmi tMn. our let
'Ih Hunt Mi-tne iil lit iliii!i I lute.
l. cm i - ltt,.i I in llian ii i tmte
Lie Mautirt i,. i.iw.i. in (jjfiiii at
The (.ulil.-li ItilN- .- I teiu;illtieil In the
A i I l'ie uii.irit.iti - We fun I.'ite
liur N.-luhhur n Ouri,ltr.
We oft. U oteliook the f.l'-t that Chri-t
Ninteu-elv iir.utie.ll in Hi- tcae'dng.
For e.u,ijdc. we are ti mj.ted to Im-Iu t
t!i tt it is im;.os-ible to lot our neigh-
boras oiirsches. and in the parable of
the good Sam.iritan our Lord is teach
ing the prneti -ableness of thi- rule of
e induct. I."t us look at the story in
this Iirht. The large s ipie-tion to l
an-wered i-: Did the S.iinar.t.iu erm
pbfv the niie'J Did he lote hi- i.e gh
Ior as hun-elf? Our Iuiifs clo-.n
tv ird shows that in Hi- pure j.;i;ht the
Miiwntan bail kept the liv.. He -ay-
Co th 111 and do lihewi-e." The nevt
pie-lion is whe'bi r the et-e i- a fair
c 1-0. Dih- the iueid-Tt cover the prae
tical ev-rv--i.n demand- t th r.ile? It
M-cin-to do so. if the htimarit:.:i had
him elf 1 dlen am mjr thi e-. and be-n
ieft lor dea 1 b ru 1 sliam-. he could
bale w'sle-d a brother to do ju-t
what tc Mniii'trittn did - no mor. lie
did ju-t what h would hte done for
him- -If h he had been able to do it. lb
saved the man. in s() far a- the man
could be save 1: he ould have done fu
m re than for him-elf. i'.efore
a-king ine nt ipie-tion. it is ptoperto
note thai in ( hri-t'.s life mean
conduct, and not ncTely the n.ot...:i
which prompts it. Love is, in Hi
te.iching. alwav- a love al work, an ac
tivity epn ng right f -bi:g It t
not a uietaph -tell conditimi which is
nie-int b;. loving our neighbor a- our
s Ives. A11 debate i- shut mil which te-latc-s
to the power, dominance or uni-ver-ibt;.
of -elf-lot e. We ma;, love
ourselves more hours in tin da than we
love our neighbor, we may do more
acts from -"If-Iovc than fiom neighbor
love. Thi- i- the natural order, -inec
-df-ea:e re.piire- nio-t of our time, vet
we nun ittteiritpt aed -aerllice -elf-care
to ea:e for our ne'ghbor.
The thir-l piaet:e.iIipie-t:on iswh'lli
c r the good .sam.tritan h-id a compara
tively ca- ta-k. or a comtar:.t.velt
dillicult one. Tie -ton is told bv our
I ord with a- many el. n:e:.t- of dillictil
tv a-we ca'i -i-dv conceive of. The the prie-l and levite pa. . d
bv on the other -u! and lett their otm
trvtnan in hi- blood. ndieates tint the
l.i-k of rel ev'mg li'in wa- a .i n di-a-greeable
one. So ehan.'Cl- left to doubt
tie-. If onl a prie-t or a h-vite had
p .-.-ed In. there in ght ha'.e I en -ome
ah id w of doubt. The lac that two
of the wound 'd man- 1 mm rmen.
im n. too. of relined fet ling and h.ib t-.
a id ihetefore b e-lt;cat'iii adap'cd to
p "tc-eite d"-'r. --. ami the fa-J t lat le
tt i- the'r countrtman. t'n ir b-other in
Abmham. inteiitie- the tiiw of the
d .'..igr. eal le eharacl-r of the ta-k. Al-o.
i. ie .s-ain u'.ta:: and the dew- were
If thev Ii el been per-ounl ene-in.'-
the ca-e could hard! ha. e been
wor-e in :lu-'.e. The .Sa
maritan hr.d. 1:1 otiier to obv the l.i'.v.
to -uccor and rehee hi- count ri"- ene
my: and -o bitter was the ho-tihty that
to mo-t dews ;,nd "if no:
ad. the p:a-rel wa- per-o.ial. The
am .ri'.au did for his enenrv what he
w ould ha, e done f. r him-eh in c:r-cirn-tance-.
if I.e had been able.
There remain- the i-nu-t'cal quc-lion
wnewier ine act 01 tnc Mimantan w.l
5 abnormal and -traitge a- to lflnir
to a ta'r or the Heatenh world.
!' we think of it a- a -uperhuraan act.
be od the power of men not miracu-lou-ly
helped to do it: We raise no "lvnit -!-.n' nn!. .,i-.-.i". r..K-
the prneti -:d one al out co-umonfe". hii-. ih..u-ht for the morrow. -Did
the .s...:nartt.i:i do -ometimi!: ir.oPc lo tl ti--v ' Vu' '" ttivr,"
than a human and manly ac' I rag
within the jhere of humanity"' The
one- ion :- no. whether men htiMTually
do a- he di... bat wi. thcr iu doin -0
he -eem- to it- to be acting -ujh raatnr
allt. Man thi: ir-are too rarelv done
xv 1 ich are -t.ii aheirether human, ha-
mr. indeed, a -wcet i":aor of hmean.ty
alml them. What th Samaritan iliti
J5h . h....r, f-.. .?.,..-. ; ti, . .. ,-i.i xr.. .
men. itaot'aU. U-.:ee ihat H I- V.r-
fettlv no-.s.ble to ir.)i:il tni- kino sn.5
ireierou-act-oa. T te c- ic'u-ion :- ir -
ri'ssi 111 : tin. hit- 1 iir.t t 1 - iw n. :
t:bl that our Lord in this epla-
nation 01 the law put- u
. , ... v ,- - r
ctK'jce to :tm
ine -pher of the t eal
lot e our ne chbors as ours
can do t.-r them in the ord-e of tin ir
u-'ed- and c':.;m an or ier of in.ini'Uv
and d:-t v -what we -iiotii.i. if we
Cm.hi Id, do fur our-elvc- in tho -anie
c-a-e. The parable uetuu's our neigh
bor. He i- a r.!Mi in dl-tre--. unable to
help him-elf. dependent on ti- for de-
livcr.imv. It i- the law of our being
that ea-h of u- -hall do many things
"" loio-eo. nun nie-e coii-usiie
our lote vac:ic care) on our?eles. It
a law of ..ur ei?t T.ce that we are
of l.fe that we tall into dwrc-si-s-tal:
aiuonir inieves - ami can lc re-cue.i
oul bv neiirhborlv hand-. The dutv
... 1
of loving each other -in the Lonl's
wav 01 iovmir aim iieiom-eaen oincr
beeomef sacred and holy Its oc-
. . . r v
ions are manj", its forms of all
no: -uthrient unto our-elves. and tm to make our fellow-being- feel oar z 4a - thut he dort not know of the drug
enforces a dependence n each other, periority and to net through l.fe ju-t ia"m..-dicine w hich can not tv prrpareC
It is further an oft-recurring vjci itu le as ea.-Ilv and eh2ant!v as we can. reck- , for um as well without alcohol at with
vsriJs Hot no man wlo rfu- iim
Jo lot hit netjjhUir a hira"!! nmv
l-caue it ki too hrd a to,k. He r-fuu-4
Uau- he chMM U pa br on
tho oihrr de- He know thti kr
coakl .u-ror lh hJrfl ' Efc'r tf
hcwovUL -V H Oirurft5n -l-ici
llr.t In V-t n IU t t Dwa-bt.
I'rr n.l I nrrrUJntu -
I"he htp ry of mfbb-N rd hl -
jdwnvts. is totoriws. VSirr A tbe r
-o.mnx oJ eur-t.g. h- n urj mm!
lunjctTs cotu' Uh-y re utoau- i;v- nrw
U U-gm W pray aa. rrr t t.u.1 for fcri?
xnd nun I hir! ' a hat.
Th r can U-ar and joui .,. ! . U-th-
wlii-timg of a bot m. hv pr bv a
grati-j xvxi. h' ieai hi fear by ti
riTor he tuak to hub X
Afr j -ri rag oat ctming to s,a
Htlors and others ruorrntrng tbi m;
ter. ( spuin Kir.erua aruM and Udd a
: bitle of h.s epftearr. in niUtnnce -
-Ab.u: U year l.. I a a a:Ior
on lnan! t "Heroin. ' iar9. t -.
bound for' . 4uth Annra,
We weri ai of th rK-numla. mo
mag under ;tngl red- i too-als h
wa- tbt dog-at-b. in ti--eaiiij;. and
a (tailor nam-! (.Hrjr atd aiu wife
on tlif wnt-h. on lUv tj-pllant f .re
cntl in the forward .rt of th- hi.
I Kb talking with him of n: earlt 1 fe.
and of th l--ons of en wich I
!.-art.M a I... .a. H- ndi ttl.-d ti.--
l.oh . and d. . Ln ! ti. t th r- . uo
(rod. a-:d rl. tlu ta. u a4 u:vra
:no.ihiai .
-r ight t..i. ma, and tic wye . t.
chanea. ami ... ni.-n wrr. caiiw!
Ui pumj shij. (ieorj;. lKk a InM-ket
to gt home water to fetch the pump
s be tiling it oxer the hide of the e-.el
it caught in the water, and as we wire
going ijmte fast, (ieorge wa drawn
oerlio.jrd Iu-tmiTlv the erv a- 1 -arI
Mhii o'.erlmanl" We Hereon h lar
board tack- tbe iiis'i- -hotil, Hanl
starboani t'ie wheel" and the t-l
c-ame round, and st,MMi mUie -tarbo.rd
tai k. and coitid hear ricf.pjre c-rv-ing
in the darkne . me 4t
me Sate me! Mi me!"
We immediateh launched a boa, but
it -tote in launching, and be an to till
uitii tt.it4-r I he steward c.ime to 'ir
' a--i-tanre with miiiii blanket-, which
he stutled ill th' hole to -top the water,
and we ba-tened to the rvsctm. The
night wa.- dark, and the-ca wa- r-mh.
We pulled out into the darkne- and
follow ed the -ound a- wed as we could,
until we cairn to the pl.11 e where 1 o .r
(Ieorge wa- struggling with the .te-..
I!e,iig a girtid -wunmer ho had kept
h.m- If. from Kinking, and we fotin !hun
alMiut a ou irt.-r of a mile from lb --
s-I. drew him on Itoard. and pulied In. k
U,at half Id! of
.- from -.hefno
t....t t... ..f . ;..
to tin nhip with our 1
vt iti-r In tli.rl. miliMl
lie fell ..-. i-rlmir.! tee lull! lillll ullfe ill
.. .-.. . ....... ... ..-.-. ......
his bunk in the forecastle i n-1 ai .cni
fort tble a- we could make him.
The morning I to I'c-irge
Did ou think that the ship was smng
to leave ton. and that oii were lo-l?
"Ye-. I did." said he.
Now. Ieorge. 1h honest, what did
von do then
I pr:ti d to liod."
"I'.iit I thought von did not belie. n
the! vv.i- a Cod.' -aid I.
(ieojre replied: 'When a man is
over! o-trd in a dark night, and the -hip
go'ugavv.iv from bun. ami l:c exjieet-jo
die. a man think diilt-reut and (-illn
dillereiit from what he doe- when h 1
on the top-g.tlhint forecastle -pinning
tarn- in -alt-tv."
We heard no more infidelity or
hi tspheiliV flora poor ( ieorge. I tit he
did not recover fnun hi- terr.ble e
perienee in the water. We lett him in
the hospital at Montevideo, where he
afterward- died."
Thi- is but one of a thou-and instance-
where intidelitv has not -to-nl
the test of actual experience in the hour
of danger Mi 11 can scoff and mock m
time- of heal'h and -afett, but then 1
n strnt hifocrtif in it all. A- the man
who had long believed then was no :u
ttire puni-hmcut -aid wle-n bdlowmg
hi- plow "Of course I Indict o tii.u Til. I lit . O I ' It.
In.riif it. out I would guts
that oke ot oxen to Xmk? thai it wa
i:..-.. ;:... .rr,...t lmi:!il.v Men nn.
111 11 LUX -- --.--
iciim 10 iH-ie'te ti'i v nun .1 it- iiit-t .ic-
. . f 1. .1 1,. '
slie to. The v.i-h 1-
iVh r to the
thou-'ht: but thev would gixe 11 grent
deal Tm I now thit "their f ha- :t l'ikm!
foundation, and unfortunate!; the ant w," ,s pn uitnt? a le-at mite lu
not abl- to -.iti-f them-, he-. " j ne-s. eri-r.t mai who h a .'oilier in
The ln-t th'tr- for men to do is to ve.-:ed 1.1 a lejrit.mate Imlbcs. -.,.o!.l
turn to Cod with all the h. -.rt. and thin moIV uix-' " in .etn in; t!..
iherc 1- an end of bubi- am! f-ar- and ahwirwat f pil.t! nd Uhjc than 1
t.nceruintie-. and there is no further sh.mkl ghnt m.-r4n.e. 7W,.
nec-d of htpon- or dcce.t. -Armory. I'M'
which r.ece--itated
painful -urirical opemtion and manv
month.- confinement to hr bel. When
the iht-iciau had ltnl-h"! hi- wcr ami
wa- lauiii"; '.- leave, me pa. en .-tw::
Doctor, how long -h.tll 1 hnxe to lie
here hclple ?"
C). only oni'day at a t'tne."' wa- the
chrerv an-w.-r: and ihe poor eutfrrer
wa- iiot onl comfort lfr the annmrt. man times dnrinc th u-ceeil ng
wearv week- did the thought Jt.lx
. . . .!... ....
one day at a tin.e,
c-ome b.tck .ith it-
I think miacMil.
ijn.e'ing in.Mtencf
r.ev who
ti 11 rift n iiiiiiiM'iiiiii i.imi:'-
i . . K.nH..I...l -. ..,
" "" " "----- - - -- --- H
.. ? ..I . 9 U SB .. L.uf .h4.'I. l
-norv tscw- r.- . -.,......
ara n-t neetii s
worr : ai.
I n. wr
- ww- -
. is-er than hi
fake thereto'
tlitii'.CKt Lll-
e s
Choice Extracts.
Uv who relsra- within himself btnI
n:lc- jwi-- on-, cb-ira-. aal fear- i tm re
?.? n Vi-i - iiuum.
...a... .. . ... .-----
We are in the world. Let us
cheerful aad jovon-. Moro-e nln-
j ne- is 1.0 part of t'hrij-rianiiy.
1 ne -; joy come- .0 ;i.e -ui.
! n"- fri,ni -',-aa- cm4-i, but from
.ctori.-- ach over -!..
j --A Chrs-tiaa Io - not a-'k. IU?
sjihii 1 im ii.ho : l41 hum ' .
" "-" ' w "". IV" . .
ta in.- .-:t. jt. .- .ui --
r . .1 -T'c. ..;.. . ... .14
'to :i m. Kenn nibeni'ir that h 1.
"lKurrht with n pnte." lie g!dly taki
the place of a -ervant. and -e.- tot t.
j5ea"-e hira-e'.f. Kvery hmnbie di-cipl
know- -onietnlns ot the Io-;ers ex- when he -aid. " My meat i- t.. ;
. do the will of Him that ?en: rae," Aid
in oK-d ence he t.nds h.-Heacn. ,
1 Morning Sinr.
j Our mi ion is preci-ely -imllar .
wesu- C hrt ?. Our miss:on t- not to
ciuiae our-ei . e- iucre r.euij .ia o.ii
1 neighbor. to ftxd our-elrea v th rjon -
dainty and luxurious food than they
Ie---of humaa:tv- -c ' mu-erv anc
... -.- -.,.
dying groans, ana ot ine gaprajr Kei
that is waitir-r to -wallow up our fellov.
t creatures. In the awful presence of th
. pn.-at iuhi we sre cnarffei tv ine iirc
c- - : . c-r -"
1 .Jesus with a mi-sion tiiat aim? at ssv
J ir. our fellow creatures. Ezd.aas
XTSt th t.tWUW4l of flrr-;.
)lr. tt h tt t a r,i
tj I. f II '.m tlr-t t tt l
!- 31 l"xrk.l.
"Ic wtar Uhmm. of x jjn.p-fcnf i
anv rommui it tnui lb, kU troi
w t
th fr. r il tui. tfc rrwmt. tXrf
j 4 ..-'. )" th- taa'. u.jmi hit
i Ji luc . Kt-n ot' net piic
f -.i a-.. a , - tl. r Mf vxri.
; t jut? ;.ju nark tr frwa (br tau
j . , f x wlw .ji b tk a
r- trip. .
MifiMxtt bAln- ib i4. h h imI ik1
bMar. but how fc it wrh their w
tint Ilo tte dnckm. of t.S brJl-broil
llir. mi...i .-..M. . n m wrw
srtiror m'rl' IN. !rt mm j , v-. x t, !, ,t MU
t.m buI-1 c .Uft,e IS ilihalo sfeeiU-t ( M Chvr w l4 b k H? ''
thi-mx-lti or itla.- wub to trn
a-iti 1 or uian- wub to trn
Xteiorit., iK-- te m'tyrt which
, hr.Sh thrUUnf tifhS.kt
r do nvthing t.wiri fSuikl.iis
set buiDr.
toe eotnnturitit tn wbteh it la ld
Ihivs ttte ilh'jpwb mutt. iK grtorr.
.a ...-.r i ,. ...iHA.
frutn tfci . f t-nd ! fM rt-r
ma Kbu u mde a Jruakartt )ut
one tak-n from tte rl thai MpMrt
bv tb-ir iair.aai, e.en de . Uul
I .-s'
, -r .nnj a w,n f!l ,!. .ptHr
n,.a h,m ,4 .jh. mmtok
j aproiliirrr and begin to be 8 rumuaKt
, . Xt oaJ Um, ,uximrw .. fwn
j ih slMMtld en'o, lut the aesj-eiUe ot
Itfi are acnhri u tms tme apprtite
He is of ue ui the rwaiweller. antl 110
in.-ultu- upa ever hod , elite Tbe men
following reipeetable 4Mcupatio& lur
him ea ir.-lt. and what he earai. beg
or Ua1 g"1 to th 'pi ort of the oik
buins tiiat nia-le hint what be i.
Ktcr dninVrd u a los u the rotnmu
nut not o it bv what be would earn
were be not a drunkard, but Un? rit id
his m untcnanee.
And jet the ttwn wbo8 llm-s it I
to debut h bnininitt. to thu p.b tor
dens upin burdens upon the get. ml
public, claim th-tt tht hate the riht to
follow this i.iisine),. t jf'ion and on. t
the eml id the ctiApU-r. in th.s horr.t'h
tratlie' The claim that their trade.
dstruet e in it i d eter thing tiat i
good in roan and luabb in n',
mumtb-s. ehal U pro-M-ciited ttnre
stmtiied by law aad uncontn.'JiH.l Uj
the puldic.
Tlie cit f Tolwlo. with a pipnl .-
lion of -mi.isiii. ha. -h".k and b.rf
to -tipiMrt which th.- iH-ofJc pa
I.,!!, over thn. n,.
'. J iM,,?r' l att !
i figures I 'ir-eiudhn ..I i!ollr '
r,i ii ttt
' Ufcur
from the ni(rrh.-uii and e ot
the eif and i'u. e.i thrug!i tliesv hell
holes! Three mdbon- of dollar-'
list th'. -tttu. enoruiou tm il l. doe
t not, represent the loss U the citv t-t a-
-ifiiinl by thi traflie. Add to tin the
am .tint of 1 me wa-te I b the drunk
ards, add to thi the ett of th jKdne
loree. of th court, of char table .at
ttilions! "i'oii can keeo on a.ldin"
r ..
tipin-4 to thi4 ciii.nnou. um Ull papr i
tad- o. " j
Al. lb,, .. taken direllv from bt,-
mate trade Ktety cent of tins w..ul.f.
were it not for this traffic, l i'A 111 '
th" purcbaM of other ginnU in a legiti-
msL'M'it. The merchants uHild ell!
more cKds. and get their mone fori
them, tons -, ttcrtdd I- of a betu r c! im J
and tent- wotitd Im jmil protnptlt,
M-liooI eh'J.tteii hi. ui. I li ui'.rj roniiorf
ahlv elothetJ. ltd. the j ml ice f. n-e culd
be dim tiarge I immcdkitelT. iiilinMit-
rie- could ! aiuio-t cloM-d. ami lite
. , t .
criminal couit- woitll ha nothing to
do 'Hie iMi-iuc man -honld reuif-m
I.vr that the taxes for the ut-dutcnanft?
of the-e i o-tIv luxiinet come directly
Upon h.m
As it I- m loledo o it et ..r w,ere.
projtoruoii-u -i . r.uni aim eer maKe
j nn item of expense which mounts up
! f:tr .iloe .-H ihe other expenditure, of
life rfitllbinetl
I 1 this indictment of tbe Ibpior in'. :
r.-t we b.tte not touched utoi tlje
1 - "
Sllil IHI-iTt II l.riMlire-S onl tv.' -.,,' ;
, ... -
v. e na
w Minp'v made au apt cc .
' tiw ! .et
I'ne -,! of it .s 1 noiih, r
' -hnnld be, to .-tihst ever biisjiM-.- m m
" :ho n.Ii' Ribis; tL Kterx m i-i
conld not fill
pliT.t "
; caaetcil near the derome 'jkr Ka 1
( onr-c, New York City. Nunv-rou.
bny are ejodo til in the raei- -tjii.J.
as jock4?y, ami are a a rub. jrrowin
np in abrdMte Ignorance of eerxth.r .
ZihhL ThHi unolu life i- with th.
hor-t-. and amid the virion aw-oria
tint.- that clw;er about ti eir tnnt.-l
cxperi-nrr. A writrr in the Amruuu
de- r le-. a JMIXtX of flTC l-ttle rrke.
whom be raae itt on 11: a r'aif-ldr ian.
. 4 WA .t.k. 4rjM,v-K. 1 -, .1 ..UA - 1
-" "" it.-.. -.,. .:-. ,.
...& . ..a. . , k. .- . 1 .
" --- -- " '. - -- -
ji.S "ji ii ni- io
a . rm far bk h 1 . r- a. A. -...
.- . - ... ...
AHtts" .4 fc-
'Hiev were btt'rer
in 110 f ii-va
. -. .11 ...
:. --- ".---- -- - - -
. one mterfi nM la the 'rra-etii -t
tiat-oa. btit a the writrr -at. w th t
kr -rtvut The oc,n-mwht"
, funny u dhturix-d. Te blaiiphraj
Iwa- Mijifcitia-it wbea u;ter-d b -mo..:-!
- - - - .
up-. imr-e e-
v?tg than the--
-h)t. I te :t.i vd ihe bail. ! hU ha.
anre and b-H ntier lite? labtV. Thai v. rtir of htntrbier. n evmri.
wa :t to mi,i a tea vear cJd ot-
L'ttiArt tntn2
I r t0-t--about fw.x -five cit. per -ab
IUU 4f
i . ...
make th b-t cbjbtt of xrht-kt.
Tn j him re jcrtos onei to pT s-n
or .ttet. e-ats f.r "tt of tbi-
lluul can nake t-Ser n tua of '
the jirot.t that -oaceiolt make- o. th' r
enfortunate a(--"i:e C'-! Ir&unc
"It is raJtR'r -traasre. bat then- jr-
a mm wi cau ncer keep money '
; " Nothing -trance abont ir. He can't
, ktvp mone, Ktnu-r h can't kre;i oai-
thta-clw" -What-thatr' "S"t.r.'
;j xilicuiport lirenkfvi TalU.
1 , . m ,
! Prof. C. 'Iii.iiKXT Wheelex. 00 of
the no-iki!lful chcra-ts of thi citv.
i? Union SiancL
The Worcester Granite Comncnr hx
no-ted no!
notices that no workmc will Lc
emnioveii atirr Jantiarr 1 c-rsftinT
. - " : . -r--r-
total ac-taicers from raktacicasg
iiquorf, lisv or night
m mctri nvre .: rSI m V tJf
ok Biru. oiw o i-r i-o u ci" v r-n m a
:?m f . .rn rr0" :h ,n. fes sllsaiKsi e
T:- .!?-. i rni:a4 s riv wt.. -- -f.i nuF Mi'rx: m m 1" vmfm
-- .- .-. , - - - . fc 1 fKi BBFr bv 1 u a -.a. ir- m
.... ' " "" Xi.4 -
a iat 10 a-.i on ia ;tetnmtar v--j
, AvmmmK mL -.-, - ""rITwirMKr f
w K - . a. v K k H.
. e tMlA k.-. mtggm. ln ,r
- arXHEHBWB, - - i
Vrt- Mfc 1
i rv. i ArtVv
7,,., .. i iw. immt .
ftm iTC urmm9 i- --
M j oC Mttte ',N u ""'
Mlhw Xi-. w t4" IfiMarj
,umim. MkM, l
A v 4 ms .. 'rtr'
l viW
ctfmlW rMf
3ira i4 tM fdk. a
th a Mkt jt
i ,r tjl K.-t.
thi w m 4m Tv ii4
k, a -- T
ht ! 4 IVy 4 h 4i - Tb i1h r" "
' 44ii-iJ a4 -- ra-tac ayai ha til 11 M
:j.XJ!all?S3M ---
j. irwe i -74 M4 le- ' 1 r ??
, ,i t r-4a 4-x-io H
j lm to e ;. t -iv- r -
Ua. ? tte-laMfo?
k. Ut.
.Hast mmmrtmi-l" vtmm f Im
t4 m (tur a Wi.t.nwi' wi mm
lisi-'Y.TWrai!t"ie wn'tlitiK
m-m ... t" M-J M4 ..
USKJt "" U.MiT l
Tin u&$ lu i-
pU thetr cmtomrm, !- tl tkHf
efprJ Ul ! Im it It--
isjumj, M -u. $ tV
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1 l.rf. -It I. II.1Ul., A t ..
j I. I 1 . H.
-1 For Ghoirs, Conventions,
Singing Classes 2nd Ida
Higher Schools,
. t tUr Kk lr .7.r4 tmr ytxx tXA
b T-fc 1 m) 1 111 . Mil t JM" ll il Ml V I
. Mi ftM - " i
MM . I."' IM
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t tUr Rak lr .7.r4 tar yf, tMA
tLe ratlrvt y
hcral Worship. : ;rr.r;. zf
- . a.. w - -
... ft.. -mn ,. rf .
The Ktwol Sliirsr.
(vtiiikrUf II.... - s. 4i
'kafl n!-
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. ' . ! ! 4b t,
Song Grcetfnf,. ;.fr
K r
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r '. t .s
. . ., ft - " -0 4 s.
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I. ox .1 lit: .V ii.i,f. iw
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r t.r-v. rt'i-tos. a-4-. r,
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