The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1885, Image 5

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-TfV-TIW' 1W
. -Ssr
' rl
iAr"i t'W.
mr"- f'g'g'
I -.
i he IIiMCloud GhIef
A.C. HC2HCR, -
I lllDjfv. JAN. IC iSltf
vTjhutfkjf,t :j a lirt- la j.'welry
etah m. j)pnf. And that i not all; lit
sills ;.'. i (cheaper than union eit
of any :.ule,-y'i h ha the rH';ph of
3.d (' J m ;-i tjity lo lacfc ' thw
tatemjt. Chere jr- many ca-a in
I orj j v. :, re 5' lis,- ."dd go!, eheap.
it:kn :;. Mjea i' r' ex.. J-j th. He
iutrurit !.Jj:2p 'ins up, and by m do
S:' s .' cgrj-"dft nd uLe !"- i
i'f Ii--u.F or young or id TnS
f-asoriui' 'ft of ?' ii ..- outblitd--meat
n, riniy itunK-rito. M'eiyih'mg
that the iieurt could wiifi tiwi 'i"ni'v
i-ou'.J lu' He ia-i!rit & fp"'i!ty of
fiusxiz kpicut-'' (uvunif!' and oven'
pilrvttninUtA p.rfecL Hxing retired
xhc9 r;ic&..fMr. ... F. .Je!fnrd, a
r-i:i'.i wit'hiiiAker lately from the
F'gin r.xtT factory, he i- prep.iru to
do it i finest and uvxn diflt 'ilt a'"h
'cijiTuij, iiui ail wort warrant'!. A
hue lit- ortmu-ical iiie.trux,n i now
added to Hi Mod:. He give every
one. rord'il iniiiaiion to .ili and see
Yfhotbcrtljjy pur.-luw or no,.
1 .&?.
"imo Tablo.
. !.-4 noufi o fr-t
J ' n n U1
S r I'll w(l i!.i-'iai 5 .
i . iiii;tji.' ' V m-r .
7n IJ ij-!' Oi'ir ' ..
f. ; . tO X ( fjuti in i il .
f "i iu4(l )lt" to k?!IISJ "
9 -i
7 ("una
10 jnB l:lr,p
u eo a..ii
i- fi(f wi'i tl niif tci l fr-ti
nu!'M.e 0iii: - ' .i :il it iti.. iiilic
: U I ini"'n Jitfinu.! tntia.
ilitii.iKi.1'jl if il tn in br'api J'.itilKt
tiua i'Jiici;i( lo Jf -xi-ris8.
v f A.J l ri'ii, TfcVet Agrat.
H-,fo tc Yut'N.'; an .i1n olTiTiiiir
iodu ine:Jtn to lnurs Vt protert
liit-ir ! fiom rhiU liy ;ivrif U ceiiJ
;ivt C'ndj msirki't prir- for i-vlc
hrou-ilit to tlu'iu j l"din fhiy, J An.
Ill v liicfi lia' not hocn oiiillfd, but
. hwJ not oVer fur dys o!
to In lined tor iiioun.ttDiiV
Ovrlfoyiin tuhtTibrm trill har in mind
i?t it all r.ti.rr;.tf- art' :iU ofl nl the trjiir-
-x'jm h: irt p'lidfvr
H should br
pjjitfij hate all muw at once,
BILL'S JaOBMOS Id 111 id.
Don't, nak j
him why.
Tub oust is,iy ciiitTif-'I
j;Odds $? y sxTJorT
Tiik board .! .'...inly ioiU.,r.-io.i..T?
T'ere in n" -i.'i tu n k.
i'i in IJ.'i.sit .md Mr. r'r ilun bun
arrived homo fiom CruU.
Mil. M b JAi.i.A'fi aiiiJ MUe irtve
gone on an extended vifcit to'ew York
31a Javcs Andkhsok and Uisnius
Stenner iniido 'J'hk Citinr u call tiiis
Fkaxx Bs:dien'T and his rirter, Mrs
32 Youiij are both ill with tyhotd
Case t JIcNksv ho nieved into
their ne7. rooms over the KiipI iNatiou
r.l Bank.
ilk. J. II. Revshkko's brother from
riba't Koad ThisI
Hut if v ,u do 'J.'j't foucK Chat 0 II I tl.r .,t (ie.rii.
m i
inn I..-1 awou- nt of lad.- - au J ,
I Maryland will be m tJie city in a few
days on a iMit.
1 JiKiuos it IIcvmsi. have tjken the
, contract to build a 24x36 dwelling
1 Lou -e loe Mr I VH art.
J J. il. CiiAFri.v, of Guide Hock was
a.dmittetl to tiie bar by tlie uistnct
i court at the J.uiuaiy term.
Aliw Wii.uam Moshck met with asor
iotih accident on SairdA'. She-hjed
mid sjintined her ankle severely.
'' IlKXMncu you can buy overcoatb
p.d winter, good of all kind? nt a ttreat
reduction from former prices at the
Uoldeu E.igle.
Mks A J Welch, wife of Jour a liable
nnd courteous I Ji. M ticket uent, has
rone on a vint to Var, Tut-eola
county, .Michigan. t
Our friend M. Ihrney, shop fireman.
nd .Mr. U. 11. Alden, off Greenwood,
went to Akron, Color.ulo,'on Tuisdav.
hunting antolopc.
The expense in the Joe Cook case
rvill be iiearlv $2000. IT cost the coun
ty $500 for jurors for the special term
hold in January.
Theue are two Mornwm miitionaries
diicoursing on Joe Sniith, th? grtiat
head center of the Lattor Dni Saints,
at Ple:isant Hill school-iAiuse-
The Golden Eagle oilers siniu big
barsraiuf in odd coats, iiinl will eell
them at a big sacritice iBriiv your
self and hovs and keen warm. N
Dox C. JhWKK, who rnk sent to the j
insane asvlum some twulvc months i
ago, from this county, esea'ped mi the
6th and 1ms not been heard of s-.ticc.
Out; worthv freight agent, leJ A.
Durne, is ono ot the mot ufucie it and
accommodating agent on the R & M.
Fred fully uuderstand hi busi.ies.
Our friend S W Fulton, oj Weiis, was
t duly initiated into tho mysterie of the
. "Degrees of the TempSe" t in the
.JCnights Templar Comniandry in this
' :'iy ,:lst Friday night.
: The stock vards at H:v5inr havo
been closed for want, of aatrouajge.
.However, hipping from tbiai point is
trunning full blast. Shipments are good
lor this season of the year.
H. F. Ki.vsev, our genial express
t;ent, is making strenerous 4tTorts to
b:ve the cxpres
ess tariff corrected. His
lKsistpnt.eaorts m tuts maUet
will benefit our merchants who
haeVlealings with the express com-
MrIBex Lossixa, proprietor of the
ValM house has been busyt 0f late
repatriW and returnishing ln house.
Mr. C 1 Seely, wno has- bee: -n the
cmplwof Miuer Bros, for a loh time
pfist hi severed his connect,, -with
tbit link and engaged iu tl. hotel
businesf. with Mr. Lossingj'Srifuder
their mcagcment the VV tjiouse
will be a popular place of resf62JT the
iceaxy triveler. The Calf Hlshei
thm tna
HkkkY Cut ttEf at Cotttnga.
I 13S.1--S ff b'Cifit bacon for 1 at
Hacker V
OvCH"r .t- At Ut-y. tbin cst a re
dt:tioj of 25 percent. xiLct?on'3.
yim. Kaitov, of I'emisylrjHiU. it vi?
loir.o of Gro JIAt'iri
wiTrMjiiVe len vi.-tU
uw of Hiileui. for a
fcir dnys p.Mt
JcToi'!XTii Km Kx-Alty. GonrRi
Dilvrortb, -f I Stings, .ittendod ilislricl
court 1K Friday.
Oti Jirjina tnile rut'A' both i tonf
rihJ by A. L. .r.trln;H.
cbirj? rras5iiaulf.
Jrv. '.r. o Vjcii-KR uaited in rnjrri
ttr on .T-inuary Id, llr. JuIjijh 2sin!ron
tn i!Ms iphi Nyiir.ot?.
isis Cl7L!:KKT-of, of IJro'A'nriH. is
rifjuo;; h'r Miter, tin vifa of Deputy
County Cirk port, of this city.
Ik Aiiotliur column of lo-duy't ppr
will Ik found the pric list of meat at
Mojer'b meat market. Head it.
G X M:Da:;ikw on l.vt Hturday
naiitoJ 70 Khos on l.orf-e. This we
blif.iild judo A'osild keep him busy.
Little JIi Bklikvt, v.1o lm been
truglin wi;h typ'ioid lever for sev
er! v;eki past ii rapidly co!ivlpinc'
Y, V Watkuma., ve uncerrlind :ro--?
tc fcUrt a livery t-lable in 3d
Cloud foon. He iu now running a feed
A n'ev.' k- front h n recently lieen
put in on the north uidc of Way- hard-
ware -Mrro'iiii jii;ri-; ij jw.nui iUki-
for their winter v.-rk -hop. , M .
THE rorni-t li:ind t-erenanetl . ImrlfV
I'httt and ivif Thurs'day ni-'ht.
boy-1 r-put :i very .social evening with
Charley and hi etiiu:ibe w.f.- If 1iitoij' v ill Infill a
serits of meetin&l.i t.o audience
room of the yplt ch-irc'i ncu Tues
day evening, jiie public are invited to
at fend.
K If ArtarrH. f.niirly c:tshi-r in
the KirjtNMi ml It.uik. has acepto 1
a powiio'i viui II V. More, ot Lim-oln,
"euraBk l. where he v.rnt this week.
Mr. A. has out bet ii.he-.
" li i 'i.. ......l..... i ;.:- ..;
ill. Jj. I Jl'l ".5 il io iTrij;uc-i i jiuii-
.'j - Ilailway Ittal Clerk on
I av u:.:l .fjor health cud propo-?'.-
j totvi'Mt' in K(.:neurcup:it;ou uhere the
dutiefl an U'ir- ardiuius.
SM! i.ftht-la lies" of Ked Cloud ar
,r ,M:j:n,r a (.,.0Uig rlub. ul.i.-h prom-
-- to 'l.-i.'. -h a nuinti'T
:ieiit dunnL t!' ".ear.
oi i !.er;a:n
Tiii e sue-
lit'b ciio.iui, ftUkiiioimblu in thu east.
On: friend. Thus, royncr Co-hum
t Whitney's foreman t.n Ui um ranch
near tlii- city, while working v.ith
some water pipe let a piece -iljjon hi
hand. Tom it now carrying his h-.fid
done up in n ?lmg. I
Tuos. Bl'.AKEKIELI), of 4li6rm o!
Walker & Bnikefudd, ulii. ffiit'ie a
pump for W N Jtichnrd-oif, tft'.e:sii
live feet of pie fall on hish .hl band
which injured that membei aei: i-iy
The coixl brother will no! tf hi- h-i: d
for. i few day. t B
The telegraph brings the Bd news
of the d-ath of one of Aint 'IMh fore
mast oratory and .sUitenun, "''J !,r
Colfax who is reported to ha ejeropp.-d
dead at Mankato, Minn , th .' I'
is supposed the cause of tl iJI.-i ldn
death ws- heart disease.
The probabilities are that Dr Milter.
oftheOm.iha7J.-r ill, will b -appiote.'.
to a cabinet position by $Pu -:dnt
Clevelmil. This would sutjini.'v oi
ourd,intcrii.s in this part o "'Nei i:ek-i,
but is also true that a large miuiber of
them object Dr Miller's pro dot .on.
Maplv l'ERNLnjfiH was up
If is Honor, Judge G'aslin, .Wtbe ui
triei -ourt, on a charge of i jcci'-y '"'
lingintoxicanls. The couim v.m
pretty well crowded, and t) ejnj; "fll
mg of the iurv rather diffii ult rm-iUy
the cie was readv for tr al and the
examination of the witne proeced
ed. The evidence was insufbieM to
conVu't and the jurv let th J wr. oil
with a verdict of not guilt lm
The following item is ' atten from
the Atc:iion, Kans., Cuiiipo of a re
cent date: ; JM
The B. vt M. Railroad) cgjnpany is
constructing a temporary Jir..l.-( over
the Missouri liver at Rulo r'u t.urtv
miles above. St Joseph. It wjl bo i.nn
pleted in a few days, wheujt i a rt
ed, all the Burlington trKn let'.ve.n
ICanors Citv ana Dcuytrlfwri ::
through ?- Joseph and cr.JtMl at Rulo
instead of Atehiso
Geo. Doud has s
sold hu njw-'r t iut-
I fit hi Mr 1. r. Cr.ii.nm' oC S.i'.l-.l..!l V.
Md. We unherstand Mt liitmb
making Red Cloud ajsigpermaiien
home and wilicngngein thretl e-t.ite
business in conn"Ctioii .ffi"" lc ab
stract office. Mr E C BaJ ew. t V -ur
teous and elticient abstnittr toI re
main in the office as her !.' "o. Tnr.
(,'hief extend a cortiialf?gl' mo to Mr
Graham and predicts l nJ.iiit pru
neniv in his new venturiS
The thirteenth session oj1' t'
Teachers Association wttdt,l i ..t Has
tings. Saturday Jan. 10 ! &f. (' -- ii
Prof. C L Kluush of Rot-Jlfr 1. 1.
an excellent paper on the -al,-, : ol
"Morality of Education" S - re
cievetl with an iiiteresUigj'd .-x .nttd
di'cusstor as to how we WT t tr.i.-r.
morality and tcmperancJ tlie
i -
when those very schools0 -s'iiportett
by tho saloons. followei Th next
meeting o: tne assosiauiaitini ie m
Mav next, V
The other dav Judgl
- -
:ng tired of the legal
lin, bov-om
r.itg am.-tej
the attornevs inlercsteoj
tl.e C -A
fll n '.M5r-i
trial, suddenlv arose Ai
l .
that there would be n
rt i.i : xt v-
iig" in that court, anf j
lox -T:b-
k:uw tha-
g he means
iStxl a : r.-
S!lea at once, ltiej-j
when the judge says alt J
it. The announcemeiSt!
of laughter in the cowl
Ills Honor squelcheviyLj
Jio:u .v.l l'.h
Bare-vatic remark that l
'court was
so townrueeunf
', -- ... --j
orH. I M
Tut ai
' if-! rvjfj'.y vilJ mfft ai
., ,1 m
3i rn ji
JH '
r . Uy itflcr'toon.
J'2tjfj' ' i k' ' !(.ii.i hvi 1h
wJitci'iS vr-n' at I.Hn'i. 2U
i it t
IT.- -- '' vtrnor U':
''!! j6''Jn' " f ' &' - iaiJ of
thit u )
:.x .-;
c w:v
tv . i c.nftr;.id by th
.gui'ilni" .- nu '-t m ue tjtir
Nora lib- . 'rJ
w! ?
.u r'X'meJ friend
P1K . ' ' '-" '" ' -'! - i
rvfill.J' "'I'lt-y ai .i jrirfti'jk.
"Jr j' Ufc- h ,n" j:' ry and p-rtt-si n
:!'ir(- nft iur l.-;t xnd is prjpring
K:!Ik H- i'ip.o'.v.s ill preach in
the 3at.t ih:rni at tiu'nic
Sun Uv, Jn.
M i
H:h. inrnin; aovl eve-
iiirjt" lie mII if present at
naiUai-"' 14 . iturd iy
the cove-
LEri- v -till culm to the :n; the
biliTi:!'- of iw in ibe-Jiiepublican W.l
Jcy j , prixt nr Kft Kiidw, btit
ii.5g f tM-'. AK H-.ranteetl a repr?
ser.leo. Don't fail toi'O to Let-on v. for
te. jj -
WM. Dovr who ha" be:i en;fd
in thv- rber b'inini in thu olac for
-0 nl past !u.- remoied to Guide
U icX' A! J- a j-ooj workman and f.v
W all b.m Mi"cer in lib new field of
Ji oo
Rt Jko II . U-tow.s-, of Ked Cloud
t. i i pre -1. i:i the ac' 1 hoiibi at
C.v.i-. S.i viity. Jan. ! at 3 p in,
ii.!- a l:ir.??.r.l ii "wee; -in) down
r...n t!. twirili nr the ,ehool hutnc is
in.-otnfor.b -
Mu. .imis sh-pped Fi Cr? of
-heej, tj on t!:e 1 1th. Rt d
i'j... r.ii.K nit a if..wl minv car u"
-lock, and all tlua y,vf to fhuw the
pro-penty ofher citucti. It' better
U -ihip tiie er i tun way man in bulk
.Skkvicjc at the Ji.iptm church in
ld Chi'id, u""ci Hu'iday morning, and
r.iil ctusi-j of uig ai 1 liible re.uhng
Sunday (choo! at 12 a.m. Xo touch
er-.' meeting and no fervieu in th
evniiig. Temperance Sunday school
at :;-3).
Ltsnsspekers havo been very plenty
since Xew Yeirs. That's right, let
them all come and Mav
We have !
1 0.1111 fur many
md more tins better !
O ir -huuld shnv Mich p'eop!-."
every courtesy possible, giving them
even chance to see and judge of our
county V met its and by every honor
able means induce them to settie.
At the lat meeting of I'ebeec:
lodge I. O. O I, the following ollicers
were iiiFitnllcd by IS W ! meter.
MmT W Ilaflii'ld.'x G
J!.- VD !.ifii:ne:i. V (J
Mr Will P.irke-. See'y
Mrs L M urth, Trea-ure
h,if M W DieUer-o.i, (JoTiduclor
Mr T W Hittii-il, Warden
MrJ G McD.mieN. I G
Mr.l S Pitrk.tXi
Mr. A. T. Van Horn our genial ton-
ori.d fivn.l from lona. has. imrehaseii 1
the parlors formerlv oeenriied
HuU'hiiivm .v I.orr and ba-; fix nl I
l'e uimii". in good shape several
niu"h needed improvements. Van'
motto is "cleanliness next togodliucb
and l.c propoo to give his eu.-lomer
clean t mels. clean sbaies, sty!i-h har
cut-j. hot and cold Kiths. The Chiei
bearM'y wishes him 'icce-s.
Bed Cloud Lmigo Xo f.4. I. O. 0. V.
i:it;i!!ed the following ollicers List Fri
day niirht.
G N Mt Daniels, X G
M W Dickcrson. V G
Will T.irke?. See'y
G W Dow, PS
1" I) Hummel, Treasure
A J .Mean-, Warden
J S I'a-!:-. Conductor
F I) Hummel, D G if
Tun representatives from Webster
county are appointed to serve on the
standing committee-: of the House as
follows: Hon. J L Ka'.ey, Judiciary.
I'ui he Lands and Buildings, and chair
man on committee of school landr.
Hm D 1' Newcomer, h!ixm. deaf and
dumb, and in-ane ay!ism. constitu
tional amendments, and chairman of
committee on federal relations. All
are important committees and v. ill
give the gentlemen plenty of work.
Business on the railroad is pickimr
up. Freight trains are all large. Jis-
seaxger c.iches better rilled ami the
festive drummer with his tov.?l trunk-
can now be seen around our deut. 8 I
the by, the ticket ofrice at the de;ot is
very much improved and is now one
of tne handsomest, nn the road. Busi
lie being hvelv makes live!v work
mere sometimes and lwth day and
night men are kept br.ay showing 1
peudetlic diSVrent wavs of "-oin- to i
X-.. . .- ss.
ew Orleans Trier -ivn vn ihi!
ctioice of twelve routes.
IIosEord it Voc.rc's centeanial in
cultator his blown in and is now in fail
blasL The little chicks aro expected
to make tiieir appearauce in a short
- - - - ...TV -rf- WVI
ui.t -m Mini uoutvUixs- t surprise:
when they ;ind they have been usher-
. . ... ! - .
cu into tins coiu world by a patent
mother. The incubator is a genuine
curiosity. The heat is prdueei by
-ommon kerosone lauins: during the
rhatcLin? nroces the ee--- r I-.. t
-c - .-(--
a temperature of 102 to 10G degrees.
Fsrenheit. and requires from IS to 21
lays to horch. The het i reguiure.:
by an aritmiaii; attachment wirtch
prevent its ri-:ng alKv- the proper
teiiineratur. Tii in. inMtor now in
use has ,i 3jvi egg capacity.
To Farmers If vou wi;nt a time
!'. .-.-- r. .., ..-II! J I
- .. T .4
...w. , v.v..R w. ...mi:, yd tMiiuu -;
t.....,!t ... i-:..i.. :. -."i. . . . .t
.v.. um ii ..s.ii a, Rtifice. :s uit
propose to sell you t uums iu tliese
1853-a!n:A C y veajfor 1, aCilacV-
n th- f 'lrn j;ic if you 1 uw r, ami .:s of th im4MMt. ""TI ..., . . ' .r -Jc rn . t - . ! f
J..' ,...-. f -i .... li. i.-i,..;.. r.-.-i.: T . ! "' ' ' " ,r"' v" "-.... k - ..
rati 5- 1. t- iio'i fh'tfts and Tt r-jct-rfitr and bis rmarki r-omratind-! . , , .. , ., . . ,. , " '- Imr .-r o . .rr r t- rr
', i , . , . , . , . j htrh hUAxrl K'rm t-l K)V(i .U. !vn..- i t. .
nwrvt Itsi""-. ll.c-e hurd titne, . the !. a;te ntion o: tho Mfimr ? . ,. , .. ,.' .., ..
ron i in - v.v:--lf. tbroucbout hi . nura aMf esa. At Uk , .. la t.,tij.hvc- tt' T. t .!
LIurd'iri!.le .3ocor.l Drrto
I -"-.l. -r".. ilnn-. t rrtr
J yj"Jt ibUUiiut j - v.
Th? crAX icunhr trT Or Jo ph
OmV; ..h,-hJ,rrt;H U f imf d ZiW
awrnt r,mn f r Mmt'Hit u;rk
m to a 5ul U-nr ;uatoo en itnr
uiwi,ja-ipnn:7ii wiIt. M. ,
t U PridaT ummift, a.prW i.jTtJt
r 8!.ii WTt
i lrhif if to n " i n jwrf
ti irnyr-vi
i DwU'tct Aii
j at and ft
". mi '
ttome nhteu
Wii7 Mi; marf?
I..IMIW .M,n ii!
... .- .......r v. ...
.art tf thfMte, rjrfn!ly nirrin all f
i'loe of Mr ilorlan -iHfh wi FHlay
afternoon lh j'iry r.-t?r"allyjand rai
fully iiitmcted by tW rcoirt, attPT
xhich tUty retired ;o t& jury it?on
f-r rootiultaUun'. 11.e result of Zlt ur
firt la!ht v.-a ll piil'y. 2 iww fSQiUy;
2nd balint. 0 gu.lty m thr firt drjfree.
.1 in toe second dgt, and 3 man
a ug titer. 3i baLot, f, Ruilty of murdt r
and fl in se'vnd dea-ree. Balloting
t.ik it4ci at iutt-rvah dirinj; tht on
tire irhi with vurio.i reaulto until a
httl1 II o'clock on rturJv
mnrnini; wh-u a vcrdii' f munltr in
th second d;ree was finally treed
iijMiu. . ft.r th reading f the . enlut
by the uik if the e.urt the prt-nrr's
cou?el afkrtl p-rnujitii to retire from
the curt rKm tor a urtrf consulUitiou
with thoir client, A-ttirli was mntcl.
1 1
l"p.n Leui,; aain brought into cour
! wr priao.ier ivs ca'ktl tin r Si'nt-
j cn'f. Imiiir surivd ly the miurt tf be
had anything Uy gay why aenU-nee
j doa Id no! Ik ) nuiounc-vt aninst him
rejdud "notiii i." Th ctwrt then
& . . . .
j Seiilented Joseph Cook to imprison
mtiiit in the .'ebraka pnitenti.iry for j
iiicionuninn naiuw uie, ami
m... id d him into tho hani of the M KaWj g. liW m.m ftjf j,,.
r.henfff.,1 the execution of the MW.Llf1-0fhrir,nirflltt cHJim.t
JtettoiKlup and bk hw mediune . . nn .,, ,,, ..... f ,, .,,..
one n iuiit man. wu.n.mi wincing. P'c-
I .....I. ... ... .
"M'"s "lw """ i'i..--'y n.oh ui-
ti:urenee lie u:w ctiii'.nU'iHy cxiiil!tru
sin e hi- arreit. Thu ended ne f
m.t intensely inten-"'tinr and atronly
contctcd criminal tria' ever rjerdel
in the annals of the county.
JuC b-
fore Joe stirU-d on h;. journey toward
his future hone our reporter cilled at
the (biriner ifoa-e for the jitirfKwe of
an inter. ew witti the prisoner which granted through the cu'irtiy ot
Sheriir Warren. .Lo wa found pealed
at .i'h- writing a jettrr Ui r.
On being iiitroduceti to the reporter
Jo.- .nro-e and gre d him in the mM
cunlia! manner. T'n two were mtoii
seatcl and engage I in a pleasant chat laotid but a hoit tunc when
Mr. Cve, one of tb prisoner 'a connsH
itppeirp.1, attting biat th.- were wtll
ati-.tied with the ms-ilt of the tri.! and
v.L-hed the matter to nl it ra. and
objecting to Jv'c ing fur'.'irr ques
tioned on accouut of tho muddled con-
dition of his min I. Tins of course put
"tr wa pleimil from .hie to know
that be wa -atiftl d with the resilt of
trial, co.iteut with hi tuture prospect- !
and very gra';fui toward tiie ntFn i-r
uho h-ive had bni in custody ine,
tii- arres- f.r their many act of kini
ne: ? and cuirtciMH irentrnent. Early
Saturday evci'i ShenlF Wnrrn. de
termined to guird igaui-stany piw-ibJe
attempt which might be m.ide to r
p&it the windmill utTtir, quiutly sUrt
cd lor li ii-b U ik. with his prwo.i r
where ho boanied the cannon bal' for
Wy in ore. arriving in Ln oln via Crete
on Sunday morninz. Cik wits land
ed in the penitentiary, where in the
future he will purxte the avomttan of
a tailor.
Tlie following is the verdict render.
ed in the L'ook uiurdi'r cae, together
with a list of the jurera aad the sent
ence of the court
vr.amcT of jvp.y.
State of Xebr.uska, Weter couuiy,
ss. Wc. the ju-y in this case, heme
duly impanelled nl sworn, do find
and siy that we fii.d tho anid JoMpb
CtHik guilty of munler in the ecor.d
degree, in tho 2nti court of this indwt
meitt, and not in the first or third
B B Ft: i ton. For'n.
B. II. Crow,
"! ? INHani,
Kd rarkea.
Wm Dixoi,
Geo IvWhv,
Otto Sjehtr,
J V, Bryant,
II IMirick.
L Munger,
G Grice,
B T Reed,
BUio of Xe.braka. Wr hster eooaty.
ss On this day came the said Jomrplv
Cook in hb own proper person alien-:
i... ... ...
eI y tu coun-ei. an: ing tulormett
by Uie crt of Hie vertiict .f the jiity,
and asked by the court whether he
bad anything to say why judgment
should not be prommncdii against hra.
thren repomled that be had nothittiE.
It is tnercfore consideree aod aitjurfg
ed by th? court that tin soiI J?ep'
, Cook be cociie! and kept ti ham
AV ia ;be jtcaitemiary o th -uv W"
;,eiriiska during his natimd fife. &)
pay tie Ciists of this pnsectijion, and
that he remain .im! be kepi in tho
custocy of the shniT "o:til ibw jjdjt
ment vs carrw! int exectntioe,
Wm. GaU!i J it., Jutige
WniGKr k Wallac rill lfcr extra
j iiHhhfcoenls for he a3U 30 days; io
bargains fcr djeks t make rnom fir
Uie Urgent stoci ever bronga in tiia
Ou-NBIa ik Co . :ni iict- ot Cfctide
; .. , ... r .j. .
tiucj. nave .tana ijuw uorst i-"-f
. . . . ... r
i tnat thev wi-t ia ulia. -.
wishing to use power wH do weH to
nail on thtfau-
Jlr4 ?- m;m
QMi J M-O'.jli i IM. M
I .j,-- (-'T Tu . i JWrirdv or
.. .... t. . . t
! W o-mrn u nl wr Hio HtJl tit
1iw W r "
wv. vw -.-,- ---. -
i tst ti.- . ... t. ..:. . .-
. tttdr d:1 tak i-ret-, n4
'" l ' "1,,n ? ""H ' w """, "
!';,'( O'On'T. '-r-H
" - F-"i' " .'
, " - - --"
tarTJI Irt erM 0 ft'-
. -
a B rr i.c
tow -A rrt- cusu? trt tea .
T3f! It appear that EoWr ww ;
haufihfft biadof brtth frorn a r4'rui
j -!tion wtn U Tui-s claimmt, tt r
Lf&& aUvkflb'm. TbT hai m. f
ofrti, bat R at fj t pr -. j
cel. When rfUtrn.n's -ftto K- km1
h fi tlM to TaVlo, r-tc-
t.e'v tirrt.a and hflwen var m"
r.iturja'i anoct l.- tiiiarter" a
mile fr n tK re4 of IVa !-
nicbertpp?otie tf taem f',t mit
nl bl Ilhru doad. rpturt.rd t t:e
rf-ou od dro rapid y way. 1 rrt-
iui ' n rw iuv ".'MiirittTitiiu
eUrte.l for th .tw When they r
nvetj at the gne Itocrt w dd
Uie b'll tet striking htm iube m:t ?
thetolHv tere arretted mxti &n
now tnjil at tt.. i a e
Thk propriior .: the U4drn JUc'e
aim always to gir f ill value fnr the
money. Many f ! Hubie! hi
rUMintOi in Ke-1 t' hut hta ! -
a up to !'imjrti placed tht biud
a doubt.
AcKicvtri'Rai. Wm3ii.. 4)n Ut
Mooda) af.ernM-n a !.in; nttmlr i
rt.n-kWdet uf the tTir Aar-H-t.-n
.irwM.Ilt m..lw ju ,uif,,bU wanner, i
r- . ,
Ard ,h ,.r(,t,hlr cta in piehn:. .
i..w ... w..ltn.4tl -.fMbl(....t I.A.f .., Yue Preatdeitt tJnraih cai nl
tiie inet'tititf t order. Mr H B Ful:ui
t !: V 'ttt'tt. t.V, tt'ff''t t Vt 1 llt'l
tift'i tt-cn over t'ic uut er un i a,ui
found it iupraticlle to tit it up :tb
out coin. to a ureal exoetia. After
co'wudi-rahte nfg':metit pr and c'if
the en'! of the itteenn wis taken m
n-gard to changing tho bcation rni I j
f! that the oc'..'y v. ii.betl to do ?. I
l ...... i ....... I .U I .1
t W . wtl.I li-- tl-IIiS .' ! UW
nrotvotioo ( iMbtne-I witb Milv
- .
lo dl-ienting v.U- The CtH- j
tiiiMep wnf gn "i more t'm" t. at on
Uie pretii'si wi'h pwer tocal! a met j
mg. TllK rii.r.r h-hev3toa4t4 much !
vaioaol time tiA al emly I c 'i u I
up in tiii r'lt-r ftir the ginl of 'he
aciety, ai.d ttt at the next me.'ttVj
sn:e decifiie action rh.uli In taken
cither to rtjiinl e pre-eut pTO'iud- or
proenre quarter?. If the d-by
i'ntiuua we ill be jnt in the s.nw
kfiaition aa lat year, vis. wi?U:t
suitable j:rirtinhi fur tho fair. A htth
ffiort now will aave a nnt deal
triule tn the future. Let them le
soroetiiing done at once.
. Wk ail! cloae out oar stock of c
tcrs. p.rkh? dtihea. and cite i:fh at
ct to muke rni P-r net 50m a. fI!
and get a hargiiM. Wntrht & Wallace
VooiiCT8.lh tiin! arhn wrecke! th?
'Mtimm ball i. airt !t attmmtsr r&e
triil at Bellville. Kinaaa. and lt
Fndayfmtnd cuilty f mirtler in tle
e'mnl dgree 1 1 wa at nc sm-un-d
lo tirty yt?ap,in tiM tniteittary
It is aabi utxm the lira ballot Ui jury
a;rxiten for conviction and t
w-i I-"r
. ' j
Btiiuiln.i llm irnr.ti. t I iiUBAH
pnrpaM w viy. it wonMeea as :
though if he caue4 th wfrk he 1
.. - f
I .W tf. . . - . . w ' -J "
hoold He held lr munler ot thif- " '",l,t- r- l'"1 '' ifr'" un
tu'i- 1 .! t . .Ntiifiri! !! mi U tJ- r
on ktKeti and if h did n4 cauae it i
then he hoali go free
It ii intamav
ins to note in th:4 conaerttoa that Mr,
P Lymn, the cmlo-toc. &fti A!t.
Stewart, the ergner, upon tit ill
Hitcd train -areire in town Thnradar
"baking hinlf mtmg Utte railroa
hoys. This m th first tin 2 thay hv J
b-n for from hoot .ac the wr.
it tn:i t some titnyet tiere either J . ...ti.-r t k. u m t -, -cn
return to hi w-rk. 0e soaiJ ' ileat ! a artc . 1 ;f p
think thr kmm l f MtmrJ. a h e' eieil b r ' l t - - '
i. . 1 ... t
,w' w " "i'n wTecra 1
. . . . :
ana uit u a gd opfKirSunt;. A J
traiu wre ifer ta t&e moa atard'T of i
.lil mnemra f k .t 1 fctl' '
iamau- bet oA, y of them ;
, . -
and detry? anh ral taWe jr'ifery
T Fabw W ill rsctnve ail
kuMfe. f farm pnidttce .i a hither pricr
than market psio in ejccttamg Jar
rfoodj of aay kind.
Wbokt & Wallacs.
9s ) Fri4j ereainc Jir. aod Mr
I H fhut, f t,n city, jcave htr m
hariey J tt iew Wide a fenuxi r-
l t-rpuou ia Uoo jt of thttr rectmt uaar-
riage A lure i.oad-r c? gwitt aJ
prcstent and ih -rveoizttfr
p'aA4itly t ia Taneoa taoae
mcta ulil a L.t hjr. Jkt a rfoper
tiie a c caut tprr aa vtrrad fbr
t:.. 1 ffoe-t tctt mm htgtkr apr-nit-ti
by ail It ra uar at tha ut
p!iaai.t ct vr.: ofuw; aaaftoe trht.-h La
transpired ia &e diy. Tte h-t swi
bcetttts ar? very afcnMMbie pei j4e t
1 ' Jc-l ti w 10 Dak. thir fttu
tel ai tuNaa Coartey sw! uia tani !
rertred Uie curtgroiulauofee 4 awl
j prtswuit, -a bo wed ii aaay r-
turas trf fit haitr occaaKnt. T
uvoftt win Jcog e rectesAered bj
thtsc preit-
InM4ixJt9i - - " "
ff i ' i
wkv .
r" H"nr
j ? fcik pIa3-
t r r-r iAtflOirMil V
i,,'w,'p - ,w" -
' l f-i t-
! f-
'...,. mrf?'
. AAJ1, - u J I. M ,.
N -.5
! r -. t Hr- kn,i
il Mr-. L iw4 I r ,
!t "- -"- - '- m - -
t Wi M X m. fK
e wt- M.R
-x" s r
r mJ. .
4' . ?t if 'A
t Stf atr lr 4!ic k u,
i. V UK-.. J' A N
1 i.
v :. . v J
u rr i W it. i
,.' M t ii i v
n it j
tAtil' r.ij- . i
n "i. - '
. i:
v'Hi , t i
t, t,., "1, f ,
il " '- .-.
t t
. 1 i.
' ...' m'i
" ,i-. f!1?
ui,'! , 'i?.,
; "r ! t: t4ii
i .1. i . I . .
-4 i i i '
... 4
a i . j t
-'" '-
; " .
. i Ai .
oun! j ,
: K t
- . . t e .
H it. . . - ( '
iT ' . -. -
- .
, ' . '' ' ' " ',""
fu.k- I... i t . v
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1 i' t 'i .) . i-WI l '
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" ' '; i
an ! 'n e-. -a
I l -.
fi i:ti. i ,
oh) be t - j'
tiey rltrt, .1 .,,
m .iHl 5- t
;CettrltOtf l" I...
t !
i a
ft .
M 1 I
I ;
. ! t,
. .k. . ;.- ,s .
1 d.i
' . ' , i V I. t : . -.
. I-:
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'- "
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.- i.
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; i e
! . f l
j..' i. i
' ', ' i
.- l:i.f
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r i
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a - at f
u,. at tt.e . i
i ... . .
...ue ur. 1 m i'l it
tO Ue 1 a mi
i I
' w jj.i t-, ., .,
our -i.ilr -
p too t
, tt llt, ,4 , tt
9 i.iliy r . .. t-.
.t HI' I' ' .r " I..
CHintr- - .
W5i : ot.! a .
tUf'i. tbi h4V.
ll ot lb . '
to 4 e t4e
i i" w t ! i .
t'e front, faith: f mi
to them, ra .. f .
w;l earn.! . i .
. A. .
i ft f i , - '
I I 1
t t
tii ' 1 : . ;
e"it .!! i
. PtlO li
a hen fath
and lover, r.
ttt 1 it
.. ;r.i
it t
4 t't . f
( 1 .
not hrin' f t
atd o, arjil nt
fur . l-it i te
)his d j o I .
And I hi :n'i
dwl not ftrtrri ?; , -.J t- r- .
iut in i to to t .r .
e.m du w.' 1 .r ..
eoftf'rt'f tl t. - i . is.
taking ujoi t,,.,
f-ti 1
m'. i
ean: .if. , t
oir tie! I b
e ia ,'t
At t
I", o tr .
i. t; r
" ",' !'.
try a id Wi
lg. e i . .
CiUthbii '
an-l !", rl iiji: i
' '' ' tut' t .
tj .
' " " ' H '' '' )
mrvi. h fithf i t i" j 1 fs j
fl- in cut. bf a .- y tc i . !
ctontry in r;l h ti.t ' ;u:i
Mtfupl f'. m ta a i n f.
fir- of 2 1 d J pr . i : '.!-' 'it a
are itiH ivhitel .rf fi-jr .mtr.
or f rj 5'if u:: rm. . orii'i
uiiik'xiiil!'ib.'fti't A l.-t-KpoMi-
V ni to J- it 1 f m
ih- drr of ti- e.'t I. ! f!ftii f
rtefrJ to ut tt t..e r ' inni tH''
'! ir-J thir ni'tk. t j 1 -. t- !
"f lrwtt Ur -f ' ' "
tJl. . uu-i. f,. f ltJ f f
ienl an 1 ! i1. ba k t. tj
vi 11 wi 1 t 1. vjtw -r. ,;
.w.. ........ .V.i. . .... .... ..
- .-, tK- . . i .,t
w;e,- .r ;o !n a ta'T.t -e -it
w - aa? t- Mft'4 a ."" -MW
:ac .iea-u w iui a -i we
if1 4 !. rf a 4., .? li
...... ,.r , , ... . . j... . 1
"'TiU V. .. LT.:J '' 1
o Vi nat'ir ! tr -a.t'.. jjr atl t"
ptnty. ft B f't,tWi tuk ii.
Uxor t:4 i a tMtt m h rhirwn
v - -- - - -- wv- -. w...
i:ir t , 'ei'tfTt t acrvri MAtte 4 1
whicb tltw nat4u u-4y liaxawi orh
i.-nf l reat a Ufein acttlr-1
tore ti. ii wt IMt". ltl V We
ut , Jr.'ie1 ;.!' We -atit?r axi,
ttt? &. J II 41 atitt i
I a. fi. 1V -! f ae- r (;a:eo i
so u mil 1 1 f , it.e w t- fti4 i .
Ir Jc.-Ti m4fi maj 1
j SHlwrv- n v-, ., !- ! .1 .MU Vrf
wrr- ut - fo i;! -; Jit tat-
c af:cr tt ? J'4g rt-
-rj a ? (uat ;-it tf Ui
I Uii. fU-i. a,d nrh rU ,-f jo
a r . -au ie tjr c f W' .vt
a--i tHL !a : -s. l
t-T.Vr a' I t' iU'lir . t.. ;
tfl altr mi4-o'TV. T'li f Htu! t n
1 iu - V'&-M 't -. v .'
t in eHt?iJftTit avj a4.k I r
(reiii"t i ari t
fare Rtr.''tv ! f tti.-t - .
t be tM 4.1! ht- txA tpnr
h fwuhc. 4 m ia tkt?k na i ta
l atai in idnt eaarw-n ie
a-4d:r nad fefcaai Mt av.
mitm. Ik it aa-? N tavi tr?
fhrur hw Tbe 0r-4 .r.,n U-
Kmfc-i sd tkm H fUMf
Orp- surnati -cjfwrsi
.rnc prwtnto-nce to
'M siifcaSt.i;
-s i4 - v""Criwa
har 4 . f
of tr tr'
.mwi ii
T t- r lr tf-
' - e- v -- ' -
- Mj t,MMt i -
5 . - J
'me f.i Viad - l).
T" '
, i H f.V
.1 t 4! Ihm tznstmt '
W ' t"Mffc4i
A "! W J
, t
j - ,-1
' tth'fkurac rorm f
. iwai mvrfs
J , 4f
e (p.-
, r - tiat
-' Tt H MPT
Mp 4 ' u sa
t '! neis
a iLe- i faH I
ttt 9lana r9mt
-- 4.f. i
e a i yLmait,
w Ir a
' H
I .
i 5'" i"
i r
I mi H
J '
til Mr
tw fray Ury
h jw
? aff
(.' 'c t ftHVfc
1 ?
- tri
.. a
' J
. 9
.., fo
- 1
r Mf
) .. IO
' at 4
'.,! l
U n - ut4t .. M l!
H . S ,. liwtalv
a - u
. lsef KMtL'r
f . . I- mi .. f tfetf 1
ft' atflt In
; .Un Hat-! ai-
' ' K ji f
- af ' ' f Hf Mi
-ir rc.-tl !
f ee! r . -I p!tg,
4ft lH. 'k ht..r, M mp
1 si ti - '!! sn-t. jfevj )
m .n . " .f i r ? u,- t
'H 4 , fy tiiii-jp t ?
- f," ' Kcalt tMae
w ' -i mt I iri-ve n iktt,
" a in e 1-1 at re-'i.e rta 1
i -'t., ! si tu -ttP. lKe
la ?
H r ItrKf-iitia. f -. QHf
r,ra! A4nt f &- rif
.; I"s''i- -' av" t t
j. S tSi" . m tn t t .
1 1 t-. ft it -t j ., - gt Hi
i i ff K ! M r . . I.tjg. i-'-A.1
t!w-u--i ''W'ir " "
Hat; -- Oifn- l i 4ikJP?''- aijf it
' b ? a hou v 'l -aiSB' 4 la
r' t 4y ifliar fm ?
..envl t tA ih-. Vf cjR&tt
, ,
, Hr.
W tt.
-t w . iMmi 4
t'T ' lif ta4ik tMjtJla6
f-r.if olf aa nWl Xn4
. f4? fH tttJrrf Jimaaey j.
n Art 5gpett, f r,
.,.'-- 9 M iau., ? a
...:. ." r" w
i r rk
' . .-Rr: J.
i ' tr" iti-ii-v Vr J h IWiH
v.V IL
" -?y E" Ji. iiw
m J S W- , A JH
A-Wcra - J .-4.- .8n
jt ecd tr ;r
For aAo.
- jt Ifci. i 9 glai ndTi itinTrmiii
irv-a J fa-5. at ninaaw
fftfWKJ Jt ifa-ftfti tfMMaja wsi
at fafk tea. ITil n irtHiii 1
Tft l4af it mefi&-wtf Hm.
. a ;VtW i i ai .' ii, 4fn
- i taaflk
- M'Jsucr
4Lm .
Hmi f
k Ji
O 1
. .
x- a-.-..
K. L
jgwy wc t1; -- '1