The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1885, Image 2

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1 C. HOSMEB, Publisher.
rpTJT WfYDTT. AT T A"RPP I poaMtotAketh-GoTerameBxhiWtB dow .NKl-KASKA STATE NEWS. I HtNORICKS WlTEf.Vli.W2
Hill WUXtlJJJ ill ltfLA'JJ. ; at w orleann to London in a jiaUJc j ---,. w.rrM.i-3t ..
j vea,el. eli-k L-cUlalitp. AUt rJ,UtoJ-. I- ,r lt
7I BJC2AJ?0.
A Summary of tho DaDy Nows.
Celestial Yan Foo Lek, who car-
Tied off the Sophomore class prize, for
English composition in Yale College,
turns up as the beat chess playe? in
New Haven.
A St. Helena Cal.) man died few
weeks ag, and. "as his heirs, were un
able to find stay trace of the wealth
the' felt sure b-i owned, they have since
been digging over the yard of hi
troNC itKs. i on A L-
s the Senate on th ilh petitions and ,
bills -f.-rc presented and tbon lhj calendar
Emma II. Wallacx. o( Ohio, has cita
rnencod uit in the New York laltsi Stat--Court,
claiming one-thirtieth part of the
eatatoof AnnefceJaruu
In a tight which occnrrol on the lib l
twe whiky ellr and Govrament ofll
cri at Lexington, KyM a man Barasl
Tun S"iii- wa eaJled to r!T a it
hh at ixn j U-titmt ftov-raor A ---.
hrnaia Iit - cb--ea tir rarj - r
r !' amil'T' rf "f 'a 1jC
Jutie l ot.b Mr H.f. f NMiikv
l-; lr-Mer- of tie re.t.' t a . d
SUncfmlK Mebae. of lirl- " L
Mr. of l-!.". . rrtar? w
M e .c a1 K . L-t -rr- -rt-U4 -
I ltat vrTrUri'. (t W LiwbeeXer
j TtL5 0
iJit r"T i- ma r-..
I... Ui,i f-- - rt" - - .
Yk-Prcd-.-ect Headr-. mtJ iaCrt- ! tb fa 4 m- l
at thr !lirr H-ap U4 rtrtnJtt tt : ntitw 61 jrt H M
cuVEUA?on i.uc:
A :riroMiK:NT Washington offjeiil
Knys tJiat vrhen in New York a fr-w
dayh ago ba learnel that live phy-i-ci:uif,
had been call.l in 'con't.ltti'ion
'to (famine the .state of GfiieralGrf.nt'.s
hiiidth, an I arrive 1 at tlrfi condition
"ihxt the fleneral v::i& completely
broken down physically, and required
n tirt:-Iril with. The Intr-Stat' Vntn
infrcc Villi nat tnkrn up anl iIIm-ii'k-I Rt , Joxav wai kill-d.
IcniM. Aft'rr-.t:.vinK atnHK-froiathi-l 1'aTXastik (JksuciL lUxitKHTrR 'k.A? , Jlr I77?Tt j,.ha
hrrwt at- r
Ho alot UMat att; oa prty
Mum C
U44 ir
mhcac rw
l Utmm 4MV4
kit tw t i)m r
i k tmmm f tin ii fer
MTBMl 4 li x "
tta AJiMr
v Maub it. . - . . . . .
rfcp ; TW kwcwwww . - i - ?Mft.
- -.i i s l" i ak. l m fu.p r:t-vtt it r"-i' r;Nt .rt i - ' i sr nv i evbui imm lbaihk.v - m. ip pwml " khi oti -
rul-and (.i ih bi.i iiboU-hi.. th-in- Kunn rtbqnaV hock. cr fJt on Jj r ;t Uiim. t .JUm Mr. rrlT. f Ulotool iamlmul ki t- nlnillt .m, x,m Mt
rs. nay.. 13?. 'n... motion to ....,-n.l tt- tvrral hou er .ian.acM. I i;"""'.. ""vaiw" Wtft rrill i cfcxU nrfn !., U U .tr.f.l f-
nil. -sun.1 ran, u,. j.kfi-- taM.- tb- The Unn-r of rra-T. AdnuHtt Co.. I -' rr"cn . ' "-.L ' , . t-, u Irtaral M'.Wci.. IH; iMt .t u . . tf
.-..-. w. ...-......- ..--,. -- . , . --i - -i- w-w mm mm, -m-w'v ,-,- - --,
rmtk- prtr tU '
A cOJtKKSi'ONnKXT vritc: "There
;i.s nopr-ttier girl in "New York State
'than Mirj 'Talmage, eldest
daughter of the ftrodklvn divine. She
Ls of z pale, cvas.sio, blonde type of
bcaiiti. petite ra stature, very vivacious
in manner, aod stylish in dres and'-
nppcf ranee, l!Fidc being a lini?hod
ehol ir and a gre:U favorite; in young
oci y. It ts aUo alleged she po-scsse.
all ti'e literaxv t.str-..s of her father.'
I.iNKKim,rtf1s Detecrive Agency tfi
feCted the arn-H recently of David 11.
Swan at .Si7tons liay, Mieh., where he
w:us living 'nn'dcr the alias of 1). T.
Edington, und'had only been rccenth
fdectcd I"foecling Attonny. Swan
vas the former loc.'il cashier of the
Northern 3'arTfif: Ilailroad at St. I'aul,
and by ftyrgery !ucceed'd in embezzJing
?fl,0)Oo! the-company's funds, which
was lo-a in sjicetdation. 1j disap-
pcared last July.
known tif the J.nHl t'U Thf Mi-'.jipl
juvit iinpTJjvfinuni inn ji ajijrj-riui'- .
Iifl,(0)i w lh-u Inlrrolui't.M, uul tb; JIou:
UIIJOIirn-1. T.ii- W.r.aP I tnt.. IlMV-trtTl O
I.v tle H-uatc on the Cth tbc Dre-on CVn- ciOH,l oa lnr fth.
tntl Lmk! horf.-itun- bill . .imuo- t The trntl.f Ma" 'ln-i !!uu. for
I.n-tb an.l tlnallj ,,h I. u.i tu-r ox,,-utn .- h ,,K,M,l!V
5..InlIlntlJoItKl Intln-!leue '
the Mil iii"-l Hiij'.ypnatle.v t'AOii rir th ' coiiiiih'IH'M at i uris on th.' Mh.
iipi-rt of 1 titut IihUjuj tn Mdiituna. 'I h- j William for?ian of a cement
Hon-.- tlt-ii in J ominim-- of t!w Miol-rii- ... .. ifil'.-.Ui- In.! wa- V.Hlt-i n
M.IircI the ivii-ion Appr.pr1atK.n lull Tli- '," ' -. lf'-, " k-j r.
bill tipirpriat" J.V.iCi.w. 'r fZ.i' U ! cntlv by a iarjj pi-- of rock buin;; Uou
tlinn ti.i- f.tmiatf i:'r n inn? uim-uioii. i tc, .,,
Ad- -'
l b4 ;aiftwl tuat tn
..r f
'Ih Hon- alM. r-fu.-l to .o.;irl $S),if. .. .-..f ... ., ,.t..n. ta ! jiarUd c D
th- rulc-i nI con.i.IcT ii l!n.-jptry bill. Tin: boot riMpartiBrnt of X-w York hw ! Iw.-.i .-,,.... i u t:.rtuiti ul intsMr Ufcrw
recorreI HT.h ilauin-c for dock r: ,jfHtl to u - tb ier-r tt t jmsit UWi Uttil h br crcOlUnJ W uin i ii
...-. C 1'. Huntmjcton. :TS.?'!L1V1 4C I' r'l SZ Tii h. tor l-rtr l-l tM o. . ..r, -
i - ii.i ' "-'
iui in k:. uufuri- iu-iuirt njr ......
LokiI i:hin;iri(ic Hamilton, reer ntly
an attstho -cf the UrilLth Legation at
JJiumio? Ay re ?jeak.s very disparag
ingly o5 the yrgentine Kepublir. He
say.s its'f'ovcrnnieiit is one of the very
vor-it m the world. There is the jar
gon btr, not) tie reality of libortv, and
justice is practically a ilead letter, going
invariably to the .ide with the longest
purse Tho fudges are openly Jxviight,
and tb-re is t .state of tyranny not sur
paM'd in desjotic Hu;ia.
Vr3XD com '.s from Urail that Dr.
Doininigas Ftcire, who has been experi
menting witii a view to ascertaining
the effects of. vaccination againstyellow
fever, has been practically illustrating
his tb.ory mm himself and .-omc hun
dreds of wherf laborers and Kritish
peamcti. It. it noted that not one of
tho mon thus operated upon by atten
uated vim', his been stricken with the
fever, though it has been prevalent
xmong their un vaccina ted companions.
Mil Henlei, whose death at the age
of niaety-onchas just been announced
in Kngland, was long in Parliament
the most typical representative of the
country ".xpnrearchy." He was not
eioqtr.nt, and Lad a horror of even be
ing suspected -of possessing that gift.
'Old as I am," he said shortly before
hU retirement, -c-even years ajro, "and
- O
half-worn out. if I could do nothing
c!m when such a charge was made. I
would lie on any back and halloo
Fudge!' .:is loud as I could!'
Tiiratu is a new beauty in Washinir
ton -suciety this season over whom all
.are raving. jIr. Horace Helyar. wife
of the new Secretary of the L
jiation. is a blonde of the purest and
fairest Saxon tvpe. She is a vomi"
womtn. tall, slender and graceful, and
the pink and white of her perfect com
plexion is as delicate a.s an infant's
She lia a pretty ijxtt7dav..liiiir teeth,
and xuiawstbcratic littnose. while
jyiahr blue eyes goes a JBja- of tine.
crinkly liair as bright afopuu gold.
With her perfect kin -ph.frtjcan wear
pearls by daylight, stand fiml of a
cross-light or reflection, ani'Jler fa oil
itc gra broadcloth suit onlidiances
her delicate coloring.
Paymastek W. IL Smytiie, mio dis
appeared from Savannah M-'fi1. five
thousand fivu hundred dollars fc('ov
crnment funds, appeared at th3Var
Department at Washington. revMllv.
and voluntarily wirrendered hims iJt to
the Pavniastcr General. He tued
over five thousand one hundred Hid
the committee rouj ami IL bUi vasl.
I-i the K..'nfiN on the Ttfa Senator i'lninb
pr"-'iit-tl a p.-tltlon from thf Oklahoiaa
.oMli-rs prot'-stln? a?hlnt the crjftty of
tfcfir removal b tli troop J-eimtot I'ltunt
mikI It M'cmed t iitiQ the tlin' hnl come
rh-n Jiiiyn'ss sjiottlil say f,i fr iiii to the
pifstlon if th rtrupaiif of thee lutsd bj
ihite kettiers. Tin- Hou-e lull appropriating
f. ).( 0 to relieve destitute IikIuiii pit h1
I onstdeiittioi: of the Inter-Stntf nmtucrre
bill wai then niim'd ntitl the debute con-
tinned until the ejiute is cut Into eectitje
he-sum In tbe Hjii' a eomtininieutloii
kii rcci'lti-il from the Se t tur .f thr
TrMsiiry trnc-inltUitp-an estitnnti- from the
Seereturj of thNa for the appropriation
of k-.XtVH forlln eietionof .iron loutidr
ami th' purrhn-e of steel lor niHiitifaetiir'
f heavy ordiiicnee. The Hon.- then i
sinned eonsjrlet.ttK-ii ot the Inter Mate Com
merce bill. The d-bate uu continued at
le infill. vch the bill whs m.d i.ide. Nlr
(iibon oflrrrd q resolution ib t iariii.- it tin
dutv of thi" tUinuri-ss t enui-t llh lawninifl
mail mm'Ii appropriations it will enable tin'
(otcri.uicni to voiiiuifncf at n tin con
struction of u iittiy -illtab!e both for ollen
"Ue and de.tMslvc"purpose- in tune ot war.
The on the Sth was inniiily -n-ffiiKitl
in debute, one of tin- feature's beieir u
tilt betA'jii ri;tiator InxalN and Alln-on.
mid an 4idore-s by senator Iipham on the
niibje-i of (Mtinincrrinl treaties. Alter iec
utive K"-loi. iidjourued. In the House the
bill passed crantinjr th rlht ot way to the
Fremont, ("khoin A:Mi otiri Vallej Ilailroad
across tb Fort Knbiiiwtu Illltay Ke-erva-tion
in Nfbraka. The Hou-e re-uuiMU'on-hldiTJUion
f the Int r-Stnte rouutier.-e bill,
which lift.- tu it her debate n tlnallr
jiau-fl. l.V to 7". In the Ahibanui conlt ted
election ci'c, Mielly iliein i win unseated,
and I'niljr ffccp t d'flared entitled to the si:
and svi.rn i n. The Houe then went into
(onunltti't of the Whole, mid then ad
journed, I.v the Senate on tho Ot!i, after onie
routine vvt'-l.. consideration of the Inter
state ( onuuTce lull was rc-iiinetl, and Sena
tor Ctnlauu up the Hoii'-e bill on the
same mibjrct and the debate continued un'.l
executive region. The lions- by a vole of
i7 to Ml refused to postpone private hir-iue s-.
in order to.:ike up the Naval bill. A li.ri;
number ot ptivatu bills ucto reported ami
jdaeed on tbe calendar. A feces mil- tnKi-il
until evening, at which session the lion-
pa 'ed .tvi'iity-one peilou bills. Ail
journed. ii:kjon.i. ano I'citTiTicAi-
T7IE stvjidin(Irs of tin Muncie (Intl.)
National hank lmve dirMed that the insti
tution shall ro into voluntary liquidation
on the 'JSil' inst.
thecillicotf Governor of Now York un the
Ctli and 2.ietitenaiit-('ovcrnor lltJi was
fiworji into the ollice.
G. A. Saveii, formerly Private Secretary
for Henry A'tllunl, has iny.steriou.sly disap
pi'iirtl. Ho kept a eiar btore on Cliatlmiu
street. New Yeirk.
U. 1'. Jr'K.s has been elected Pr'irlcnt of
the itonrd of .Manayers of the Iron and
Steel Association of I'liiladelphin.
Ht. Re- John Jackson, I). I")., IJiV.iopof
Indon, dieil on tiie(!tli.
I'ki:sii)CNT("hevy has ordered n nWlical
report uj)on the condition of Lonisj Michel.
Juooe J. V. Du.nlai, recently appointed
to .succeed Judo JJlnck in tho Circuit
Court, acodentallv hliot himself in tbe
thigh recently, at JCansas City. . he
leaned bach in his chair, the pistol in hit
hip oel:et exploded. Tbe wound war con
sidered dangc-ouR.
The health of Mr. "W. 1!. (Gladstone, the
English Prime ilinister, was rejiorted ini- j
1)E Coe.NELics IL Aonew, of New York,
hns resigned from tlie Hoard of Indian
HenkyC. Haaiistick wns elected Presi
dent of the St. Lou:; Merchants' Exchange.
State TiiEA.sruEi: Wiucirr, of New Jer
sey, died on the Mb.
(iLaii.stone will irobably retire from
Parliament at tho end of tho present ses
mou. iJoitMonouE NcTT, the midget, was mar
ried at l? recently to Clara C.irlield.
("ENEi'.AL (JiiaXT has v ritten n letter to
Cyrus Field, declining proffered assistance j
in iiis tinnucial dttlicultie.s.
Josei'H H. DrxLAi. of the Intec-Ocan,
has Itcen elected President of the Chicago
Press Club.
PitixcK Alrert Victor ov Wales, heir
presumptive to the l.ritisb throne, attained
bis mnjority on the Sth.
Paknei.l, tbe Irish agitator, was pre
sented with the freedom of the city of Clon
nel on tbe Ptb.
Koiieut W. WnniHT, an Kntera jour
nalist and magazine writer, dieil recently
at Cleveland, O.
General Santo Uominoo Villa has
Iveen elected President of tbe State of Pan
ama and duly installed.
The "th of Jammrv, l-tng tho nnntvrr-
sjy of the bottle of Nw OrleuiM, a
clbrnlsl in inatr." Of the ctlhu of the
Tin: City Marhn! of Hotntr, I-a.. was
sbt and killel recently m a :re't row.
The Grand Trunk Kailro.-.d lej.ot and
liagfrag'i.s rooms ul Uudiay. (J.,
burned the other day.
The passeng-r aent-. of Eastern romN
bavf iiiaile the round trip rate from Chi-
-.. iat) ,prr U sMitiag aVot the CMr Hr
t thf a . .r thr drK ,4 & vb-m Dut3ls5totil t lf-
mouI 'end in a: t-r" to-nmrr.
ijr kl thrf o e'lic-X. Kfvv
nn ta' ! rnsf)lr4 t
1 .- . ... 1 ... J ..... ..... L-... If
Ih- clo of lf Jo.nt !Mott the -.J.u JW Wraa Of 4a
wmi nto .-ifutiv.- s-ko t .s.nartn bj. "iiwii vbal!rr. mm aM, "Urn-.
H.inimi-t -4f I j tH i.o-vrriwr. ' craU arv d.truit vt BAvla UiHa:t
the tMiUlit..ii -I C : Nl . H-fslrn fgiUoO UW t Kl4-t .
The Hon.-- rt. ci.l t. .rf J01 l ?fitl s;'irl t h AtU. J-
tvt the t-fcubtr nJ pnK lt lo ri. U-Kcra!. TUat t? aU I kf.
,tiin l .rrV. Hu of Vi:,-r. -..n.1 A Soih Sl. ? UllT
l-tutit I terV. Mls a; lJfur.Wlf I .'r... j "1 (Uat ttW"
mi; lierV. l M Krnr.-tT. I.wwj" ' x .a,l Iwu tWet AMteiBkrOU.
t.etfc.. IOv n ri-'t. laap J. K k I-s ,,,,,,..
rat.. viMnUiAroa; uttir. or I'.... nll,iu""m . , ... , t . v
lhM.r.fffr 1tn.?iHlcrsalh..ri..lto "1 sjauttltl juagr - At kt, I laiftX
u;.H,int uirlit isrr- and .l wlbfr ia-f j. vuUj, 1U? till uUwrr secttals, lil r-
I oiiimi:t-f lo wlil H ! rxn:e aixi u"
nimr wt rf ihfti njipomtil Af!r trnM't
miit lniiif f it ieor in.irnc- re'e" w
taki a ui.til thf :t rfWKiH. la lb" rtfrB4 H
the SjH-ik-r aiiwouto st t.- ?. )IM'
Mtilituielit V II v-teii. lo-imn-ifr
tm-thtmi 4 !u kra. Ub-t fm
nd ! tfUavc t4' flu. tt
Vj &tr.Ma Un wrr:l
Wraw! taml wf N fcu
fcai U tt'-tr 4 araoit
TttrUA Bkxo ttf x mm! ff N
' tar1l am to! avMiM Dm
KM-I a Bwrav iim Hint.
! pnana. ! mlt trmm w
! HeAmt Vm f.aat.l Ub
OsjU Ta aaaa u) a a t
v.MfedrfUiC al ati aM Smw
IlW AbUHt UW- Cttl -TViVrOl',?
I think Cleveland H!
r Mv; s "..:, - :z r 7. -.'u: :;r tun u .. .i io t ku. r
- '.... . .- - - - . -- ... .. ..
i: 1 iuIihhii. Mail .iirr. II (. lKrsf. u- - ail L tour 0.utws a saw
... 1 . .1 1 I. ' IIOIF
.n.k Tn ilh 1 . i.i.r.ii'. int. i nriTiL-iirii - 1 . .. . -
"h" " . r,.--- - -, - (imIIhII I oHl'lilll ' rM.i,. jimr. ?irn-n !fCt'
w... !. I'.... ....... ,t...C - t.t 1. , i.. .., It. t! Iltfiii ! .M k l!if ' '
HJH ', ii. lllllllil ,V . TMt.lV', .." t ..-, -,!
tHitt lioorki 'mt At thrc a t-
hitrt '- tnua AaJ UtaMi f
!-'. Tbe 4tw lanaalal aat U
rnl. hat -ha m ttaat ! Ua'
aM mJ atlM mm lMAio kMl It, Ibtf bis &l to- , stmmA Ul ,! 4fvrBrt. 4U
Corrn-ii: bom s -l.ii) foHJifvU awaai. twriw4 h .
atuuasar. iawl b bi b-4 fca awa
V " l' ! , . NjaAa ! tm
rb.Ma, ta I rtnutwiAiw
a raii t t via.
Iktim. Ui-i JaaMar a
1 Aprfoe of Uk i4aUoriaj vUih Je- , free- fee nt fmat !. Uai
T,.r Inwa Staf Vu.H'or s. 'U I si witb the ' "te appeunM iiud the two Hou went, "iPT"f --"-'- . rra
. . .. .ii." ... -. ------ i - " -,
retiring treasurer at lies jioines on uie t. st.ite, alter which
Tth, touiitel his funds on hand and founil ' lourtn-d.
' -
! B
t- in--a..
jl l ftfftJ v;i t .
i ..-.Am vm va i mr
lV-t Sf Jatlva ! -
j, $ jw s'aV' aT tfkM mm
Jtain, - Smm. v '
uW ; aaaS
4 " i
Jo-itf '
v, hjBu m4 a .
rr$ -
lit r 44 r'-
vaJ- ol ." -
4 ,. t' aft ? "
Vi !- a a'1"
tfcj ta a 4 I
wn -v aW - .
,. altak:? -
. 4 alarv r-a;ar a.
I'rtiBa -- ft p
.i K4fT ' "
buth ltouse nd-
liftv dollars of the raonev carried pfi'
by him and his pay for December, t )
hundred and lift- dollars, and one hit v
drcd dollars ' w:is paid for him bv 5
- . .1 ., l, . m a ?
xnenu, juastng me iuu amount, jiajon
Smythe says he went off on a spree
Christmas and knew nothing of his
actions until he found himself in New
York. He then telegraphed his clerk
he" would return immediately. He
afterwards, however, concluded to go
to Washington and report to the Pay
master General.
all correct to n cent. v hereupon the olllce
was delivered to hi successor. Captain
Twonibly, who gave hi receipt to his pr
.bcessor for rl.MMLfrJ.
The sons of the Prince of Wales will
write an account of their voyugo round tho
At Clear Water, N. Y-, recently a West
Shore freight train was derailed aud six
bnnd.s hurt.
The liixhop of tho colored Episcopal
Chtin'h at Philadelphia bas le,-n arronted
J or forgery.
A woman named Catherine Vatines.sen
was burned to death in r. lire at Pittsburgh,
Pa., the other day.
The proposed expedition of Prof. Nor jold to the South Pole has len iost-poie-d
until l.ssT.
The Scott Luuibir Company's planing
mill at Merrill, Wis., was burned recently,
bnuiage, tJi.i'Wj no iuurance.
A lir.E on the morning of tbolttb nt the
dry goods store of Henry itoger.s. New
York, destroyed property valued at $7.",
0Jl. The Pittsburgh glass manufacturers have
originated a movement to clone dovvntveo
or three iiiunthd earliir thin year than
l.T i'.iNf; the pn -ear "TJ'jW iiiimigrnut-i
arrived in tin Province of Ontario, of wl.".ch
number ."ks.s;. came to the Tinted States.
KauthuI'aKi: shocks have been felt nt
Euibrun and Chamburg, an at othtx points
in the Province f Haita Alpcs. France.
A gooii ileal of unensincs-j was recently
fi-lt at St. I.oul.s i;i railroad circle?; m conj-e-qtience
o the instability of passenger
rati'S at Chicago, and a general war was
apprehended union speedy re.storalion was
Germany's, intluence in Samoa has hcii
lnrpely increased by n treaty concluded
betwen the German Consul and the King
of Samoa.
.Major Charles It. Hrapy, subscription
clerk in the St. Louis .'u' ollice,
committed siiicidethe;.ber night by shoot
ins himself.
The Spanish-American population of
Nc York have raised a considerable .sum
of money for the relief of the suireror.s by
the e.nrthuake in Spain.
IlEViiY M. GriLH, late teller of the First
National Hank of Cincinnati, committed
recently nt the residence of U. IL Tudor,
bis brother-in-law.
General Wolselky telegraphs tbe
Prtnc of Wales that he will march on
Kbaitoum on Jauitarv 2 1. He exjiects
heavy lighting after tbe city is rtlievtsl.
Myiia Clark Gaines ilietl on the night
of the !'th. aged eighty. Her litigation
with the city of New Orleans waa fimiouj
for having lasttsi fortv years.
Piif.lan, who w.s so fearfully .tablel In
O'Donovan Kos.-a's oi!ice in New York, wn
rejvorteil on tbe I2tl. to be jirogrefsing to
ward recovery.
An ticcident occurred on the Pensacola it
Atlantic ilailroad between Chiplev and
Honifay. Flu., on the loth. A number of
persons were seriously injured. The train
broke in two. two Pullman coaches bing
left oi: tbe track, when a freight train
lashed into them.
An EliJibetb. Pa., special of the 11th
says: Ity the exploioa of her boiler the
steam tug Mike Dougherty was completely
demolished near here at ten o'clock to-day.
Two of th crew were killed and o.bers
' .ily hurt.
HAMarito. the cotin'y s?at of Ashley
County, Ark., was almost totally destroyed
hv tire recently.
The Louisville vt Nashville freight and
passenger depot at Nasbv ille burned on ths
10th. Ls, l7.-.(.""0
The Senate was not in session on tLt
10th. The House, after debate, passed tbe
Naval appropriation bill.
The Hank of England has noticed the
O:. th ,mIi th- Senate adopt d a rwsolu-
llon to j.In the llousf at three o rliK-k to rr
cf f,l the ;u rtior Mlc3Ae ninl wUB-
th inauirnnil cereittoaie. A can'ttte oi
three was npMuttl to invetlKRte the
t hlltves made rti'U ll't the lllSlias.'. mctlt .f tilt
llospunl tor the !nBie l.n uie Haul dover
nor hM intrMlucsil afti rtbe J.lnt
sion and U'. his .fKt u Prt-sHleiit of tbe
Sennt Mills -weri' introduce!. )Nn H
Min!ed ami the .ciiutr inljuiriesl uiil i Mimi
duv In the House, aft r routiue bus im-.
thf eiJKte u's .iiiuoune U and tiiterttl In n
body. A Jo. nt ( oiiiuntt. wu H;.Hnti.s to
wait on the i-.v eruor and llilorin hun lUsl
the Jo'lit si-un Hns rendv to r'fflve btln
the l.ov ertu.r and other tnlf l!l',rs then
enter ! and tie mciiire wa r ad. arter
whchi loet Justice t obb iidMtinistered the
imth of ollli e to the i- rr it State ltie. s- rtwl
the Joint M'saion dlssolv isl. Adjowrno! un
'11 Monda.
"M lri'llin-ii.
Tiinnt: UO:i. I'.fi school children in NV
braska and ill,su5.7l in the fund to edu
cate them.
Gi oRi.c MCuis.i", fvCounty Ctiiti.
tiiis-stoiter ot N.uie CMini. recently :
turned ftmii New Orleans with the dead
joily of liis voting wife, to whom he
inarricd only two umnths. Several h
:n;o Mrs. McChesiiey and Mrs. J-Ve. of i'ul
lerton. sr.irbsl foi N'ew Orleans, and at .!.
Loins were Joined by thtec sisters of Mis.
McC'iesiicy. Tliej Visited Uie Kxjmullon
on D.-ceiiiiKT "JT. .Mrs. McChesiiey to
tu.dtietl at the foot d the st.urs while the
others went up in the main bunding. She
was to wan for them, but when they re
turned she was nowhere to he found, ami
her ds.tppe.araiice caused ipilte a solvation.
Two dais later she was di-o,cifl in lilt
house of a Mrs. Kemper, on Washington
stret t. and although coiisci mis was ut.Atdi
to te'l how sl. got theie She was Liken to
her tcninor.try reib"iu-e and simmi aftet
died. Her friends believe she was :lte vie
Inn of ton! piny, which unexpectedly ter
initiated fatally.
kM Marttaat ka4 frtaaat W -
country m.j for political arrvKe. I w ' in ib laiut otatit aa tarnl a4 p
1 m-ver asam : see uclt proacrlpU.Hi ftr j v. mi . wits rt ik a itt t .
j poisticsl upinion as 1 linvr eea Ut .- Bad cot rprmB4 ttwn U raaa. tl f
; end y-ars jnt. Lra ta thai it.t a- , pnmi tbat u ot hi!" la l V.
1 LiKW therr vrre Rsul mra la ofliwe al 'lint -i ! U.r n4 4 ta tpavrt) !- 4
1 .ci l, ioi-ht tn 1m rrLitncsl. Nunc , bi.llr. IraavB 4M Tr KalM
r),.ul. rt-UJnrd r do have narv! lb,tr liu . l a na a-
olUcc? for .dilict purf"'" j be b4 UtUXT'in u ati
llendrtck. -salt b. ho,sl Clt rrlaad .ek. aU vBseo Urn pmkmt b'aaar'f
would dI.vtr an in.Mgiinu a.lJr.- that j b?t ata.n i UW tira
Hould st all of mir-t la lU IVft Hmf4 out f ua aw. 1 t-
busucs world ilea- and mspln-r.o- lra mm bad iravml tao anhw
d.-txc -ad aotlv uy tn ..tumrrv wl U Wj ; w " -" u- Jr" '
1 lb U nw et4xit Una! av U -
I fruna 8lly Ur fii & t.aa 11 -j
vft Utbaa to Um iuaalar caaaaaai
? MrtvL
.-W ,
tsftr $mmtmi "
..ft'u aa.-ir " -
;m ;!, ir-si -
saaat srwra, o4 '
I i a4 ; .
)..i. lai-av. i a
1V a .a; .. t
Hr t'. 5'a, a
' "e baa a
ft I lfc IU-. Brf
(r ? ' ' - i a-
a 4 b '
ts,i ayi- - -
.tut !sat. ...
it Ut ;um4
-,vsVr.f JVt I " -
m'u truaa :. i "
, tiBf k
laaa.l . h
r tVa s ' ;
u. at 4itaaa '
m "lt- tl - .
lr.n K -- iaaiUial - av-
i .tit r -i aarait 4!-
m-i i -r iiaap aa
i '. '-.ff. fTM iHaMOaaaa
til : a awnr. a i i
M .
A Ir4imil vt VlUatfo Whioa
Teinouatr. In ii llr(.-h of l'riilrSM
lliTs, Mv.- Jiiir t.
JauM-.s Deshsin. a uiiUlorwire tact
broker, i(ed eigbiy.avc, f.r thirty year
prominently known on state street, I
Art fSriirpi,l. !. . m !
Nr Yottk. Janaara a Te -
th afthtua at Nra ltutBn.
. . ..... v M .- k - i .
M!el lor oi,Bniamae tor oreacn yimnlmmd. uu ItUtmy at fUa4 I . u by M"r. LUtuut H. Walitrt, tt . ftmi rerrto f lata fraan toriau - "
!ks.!hm. Mil.., n vriitow I IbirtT tears. tl routttr. bimI una tl.t tr .- ', t,
w.-. nuwi i .f a ttfitlthv ftaiiiiM.r fain. JLt o.a. !.: t u rart t
Uy. anils hisblj educated and a ti!
pushed, .she noirrUsJ at rl?bte n a suth
rra "itb-niaa, wai dl d sou.1- vear ao,
leaving her a cbUiilr Hido s .e n-.
Iiiovid f'om P.altlinoie l V v Vm. . 1'v.
Slid III tet CAIII to lv.'i'l H i i' .11
si nUt at iATfi: a Mt
l nk-i l, "!.'' ' ,J ' '"otr
vi h- lives at I ir lon d u t
f, fl e f. be t
!. ! . ltr I' 11.11
f1 OIL OJf Tti
4 ' wru i mi Ataaaaaa taw
'-t H, !. IB Mw i-
lis. -. .mil -
a . h
' t- t txBabaaa af ffaavgan - -
it mjf,wrf MaHt ta
h. r 4 lUarf V taj. -
ar srre.l a
B.JU. ! '
. f a ,t. ih j
" ' . i a si. .
' i . . .... ' 1 i;i r
I i no.J w
I "
J . f U Tfc , A
I . , ' u a t.
i .? a
I , . - t ,!
ill nu'rn j i t i a l mt4 4Bw itatnrw taiJira
!S1 -J
l.iv.i aUaAtlArail rrittfH-U I f.Mtff LAVt Ll
vv , ., ,-. ..,-, - - . . -- . j . sj
.... a . - . . i,-
nduced cirmmsumes, ., icuUt with I untncdUloay iDKBai mr i.Aiae . i u , , H a "ai
reUltv. on Heacon li l uftd !UjpOrt-l itto'k and ctal f naaab ta Uw- . rVt t t Ufg
bera-l( bv copvlwg. p.. :itlig. draw tug and rnltini. It UM wa-ainta, i a. a ,.,.. ,d iS,i iy.
ilpsiines usmw mu mwi p ii i i i. ''Tr
diwo.1 lii a hre ar aa iiaiaai i , u i t i,( bit l
KHiIden ntTitrHltoN f llaa . ifo
vvntiug jwrtrx lr t.i
Dcshoii nut her
d 1
vvite. A hwk !;:
laaunce, and soon
ue aa at) nt " - rlln the mi miner
t2 sh' c'js. t o Ik oint hi".
9 8 jM.i it i weu-
davck wan aeMMtat bj a 1
ling he It II sihi-b . v -li and th- mar
tinge was Kslponi'l la-' nurMil biiu I
thtoiigh bis Jim. ss. I'fct t'jc da j was
Igilli -el, but jusi n iv .:lfj tore Itr. nr- !
rival he again ! '1 . ' uV laJr Uvv j
John Thompson and Llzlo lIOKaril . ...(.niw- sumIi1 ' sn-' bc inded an a-
have been held without hail, at Omah.i, fot .d.nwllon. Di-dion t Ifbcr i.i..t he could
trial foi murder, the charge bemirt' at a few Mll keep his eiigsg. iaMI Ileia-e the
weeks ao they del'ber.ite'.y jtoureil oil
from a lamp upon Nettle Howard while the
lattei was asleep and drunk, and -l fire to
her e'othmg. causing death from the injuria
thus mthcted.
J. P. Ct i:k. of Hutfalo County, recentiv
made mi attempt to commit suicide by Lis.
ing about two-thirds of an ounce of land i
until and a teasoo!if'il of aconite. Tlmeij
rviminWtratioii of aiitid.tascount'nictsl tl.
elfei'ts of the jniisou and thus rescued hi.T
from a suicide's death.
nit. l'cshon (..linn i at i.n' w;ioie ki It. 4C attempt nt I .&&. dl,
Hi Hoiit.tni ll.r.U I imM( Tlmmeli the
Uio'erlii I......1 ..ndi'laa Aud Without
.Vlurli l.o.. V
(.u.M'iH. v January 7.
Cattle oa th-- ra-igt j rlbuury to
iib-ndive are g -ieril v Tmi jrird u be
A (moi.vr weighing one liundrec , " - "" A ..- -
pounds wls killed !n Saline County ic lVis. Mck that arr.v U,I.iie In the
centlj. j.on have enlf r t m n ,itit even iu
John Hoor-s. a German, on his way fron- i jjs, ci. the los.. s.. fr .s Iu rjj north
Lincoln to Oniaba. was recently i-nnght be i MH.ntioatag. Maid- H M io laa-U-d a
twn-n the cars at .Sp,I,,Kn.d.l ainl rtvwe. ibf.rjo( lvXil ,,.,. M J,teniKru
Mien injuries ui..l uu mini wi.uiii incm i . . ... , r" .
5 irn
the Kel Water, ha.- i
ih ! sme kv-es are r p
Sino: the cold snap frozen haiKN asw
feet have Iiecoiiie too common to rt-jsotL j loa aud Cve ( r-.'i.s ,
Two step sons of Michael P..1UUI, of Co! ' class of cattle. lVxr-o
fax County, wete rcceiill buidl.iiga hadec ,,!',;. xhos- ring- i . t
gun when tbe piece became discharged. am; . ,iTr Xs v t rejwiri ! u
the load entered the pit of the Uniach o j (,tr,j u "ifo. Jh-j ,. ts . (.
the j otiti'gcsi brother. The ttnlot tunate la i tt , - . ra.ic on i . s
line nokM inl k'tafer Uaaa v.
cauvsl py a Uny mart, Tl.e
wai nakca aaxl viaaiav rUi
tended tt. l'rl lltwnH Cbaee'.
morning aal p.k u Usa m
ald he tMHV aiHlermAcs! what l'
pU7inl hluu Nl iHiofci sf oai'
bo wundnfsl wbat I1h ak
olerx bile attUtc uWfacas..
rr A.t
' . . . i ,ii 4k H
" ' .hit-. ii,j ii " I.4W
lii iih.'l r,0rh fit.
wofiH '" fR. "
I !. A IU- ' J-l
rliMtol.. lb aaw! the haiMtaa: a lea.
On etnvrrn vltb otar jie-.ja
I met at tint rbwreh I fad 44
l Alt
Acrvrd tb! Abi-ck dtiaetlj On
ffl aWAkrlietl h) It. l"tsb.iWel )f
rniTriirvniW !aie atUarUf msmo
attention if it bad not ukwn j
Iwur on .si.Jay u.Htuinc v-ben '
son wofe aev Mr fvsiariH. t fcC
told n-4! the bk i letrepUbie Ui
. 1
rren! Stl f - W rlf llr t ?
IlilnC tlral In rl l;.l
: -l
. I.
1 tavr
t -
. fc.
J- tiiM
The inquiry into the intimidation prac
tfced by United States Deputy Marshals
iu tbe October election at Cincinnati com- various banking bouses throughout Eng-
nienced on the Tith. j Ian 1 that there are in circulation perfect
A oividend of four per cent, has Iteen 1 imitations of notes in denominations
declared ou the capital stock of tbe Wil- from ."i to .s. A iiiimlw of the C) uolc! '
Imuujou ."fc Western Kailroad Company. ;uv in circulition ou tbe eouttaent and
It A SI.IOHT shock of earthquake was felt r.t i America. The bogus notes are supposed ,
'eneva on the Tth. ; to be the work of American counterfeiter.-.
IgrnE cattle ranges in the Imlian Territory j The dispatches from Paris say tbe -cvne-s '
A REi'OKT reached Duluth from
Tower, Minn., recent that a young
man, name not learned, had frozen to
death in the lumber district near that
place. He went out with a party two
. or three days before -and got separated
Jfxom the rest It was supposed that he
Jost himself in the woods. The next
flav the rest of the party found his
iody, frozen stiff. They tracked the
;an .three miles. At one place was
seen vaerc he had fallen in the snow,
fcW eye striking a stick, and when he
"picked hiaoself tip his eye was left stick
iagto the .stick, having been palled
oat of the socket. From that place he
ha! traveled two miles or more, when
hc fell the last time. From marks in
ike hxow it was evident that he had
ialleilfifry or times. His
-body was taken by the lumber, com
lny aid interred.
fiieu aivoui live emirs n " ! 1 n51. aa! tt.
liirteen jearsold. ; . b , IH,t iti
Wmi.K George Ilnrtnnc. for-man f th , t, . jaiM. jtnaiee. t jv-r
fann fotce at the West Point Crennterv waf lu,j tti dfj,. nr- u -recently fcetl tor the -b,e;c hl Iou jj y Kowt.t.- I
right hand was caught in the machine. tw. ( p, ports cattle on ill- I. .
before it could be etric-vted was wj hti Jn lpi. uttUr ,a: r . l and inat.glc! it had to Iw a- ; -, X4ns ou jj l,n;,t ..
jiuntci aN,ve the wrisj. j Wooa-ione VI.. v. r .. v
The ladies of Fremont have ff.rmed at , but khJ re. "i
orgaui7-'it.oti to 1h known s the "IfcMcf fm Si, nMv in llae :
the Poor" society. It already has liftj . .3, 10 apea't of ail , .foL t p. m tv-..j xf
It is jnojwised to have a speHsl Nelr3ki ( itjvu sera.
excursion to the F;.isitii; at New Griffin
some time in March or April, if very cheap .1 ;., -r-iir , r
railroad rate- can be had. J jfN, . ,
Gai:iilli I- tne name of a new cooutv Oc Snacaj Franx 11
n-gan zed out of the west half tf WUeehi ' &, . jR.alt. a-tI'.i-
C uatv. ., '.".',
,. .. ,, r. . t - I raver, an attendant, k. --
Philip Ni:mn, a Dixon CoontyfanaHT
got c.incht in the revnt blizzard an.1 tracer am. Jaf . atvuit four mile-. tKHibwe-tof Knier- talat. UV-h koes k- , i,
s .11. frozen to d.-Ath. ' -UPI hiaa w ,sa t;
WtTUiN ta o w -ks U.irbe ch.idrea die! l TV rI ' a 7 ,
John IIih.1- was dm.dfuov : T , .cp,,ct , -mW. :i . -. .
a freight train resetitly at Mrun:fleiL and ' ,1 ,' 9J t
(ie.un -w-euiiv imi an e. n ns m.rii. ., i
A xti iKrf. dd conideraWe wisHiief ie
tlie neighb.)rhcl of Grand Inland roeeati).
Mki: troops are to te cnt to Fort S'tfamj.
Theiu: seems : 1 a xvlde sjircad -eaU
incut tbroughoo: the State f.tvxir the re-
j-p! f the s;a4ite v.hwh jirtvs tiwit a
on O'Fal
' tlie ha Uie
Librook i, j
n. 1 route. 1
out of 6
f dropped
Day do
Ittsi year
L N'ttloo,
l roudi-
rcr;k raitg-
5t !'. f
I'rom Use
!iv -, notb-
'te range
ere 1 no
rnw meter
1 lntaalc
H J, V.
x down
iher at-
IC boJ,
New Ohlkaa, La.. Jaur
tor Geuoral IJte late .OfH me v a!
work riaj and nfcrbl In the rata r '!
daring tbe Ktl Mwmlb t tl.e .t;-t :
groatid. Nr Uleater hvi U't-n jd 3 b
liit wet,' rla, ni a tort- part ( e"
roli Ave beM jxvai IiHc tt!f
Janaaty ail tr-inpk witt il a4" '
OJitHCrjiH.iWeabVelseH, i
to tow ftmrirv. TU rjw lll r a d
to bark lideldeitMtA. Ilerjt ? a a4
fr otttreat et t-"i, etrH dkl !
vseatber. WiLj fair veatier u raa
will be in linw Uae amtam rf eii" aaa.
WIimi ak-d if tbf KitUS-m$ at
trnwld fj' Ctcrs. Dlsi i-tt
I(uri.i. J1 JJie IWafd rXUttl H
rnw-,-,' - -- --.-
WW ajl
tetdimi. Tli IAfd
: tfvwn
. a . .p -a f - -tHE
LlfTl.rf (.
'oMSlhH. I 4 4 "
I-.) l'r(o4 I" rfs"' '
. Ill ls4tl tjfl
frwi ml.Jri.. r.
jp-.t.-i-i.i-fmA 1 1 -
far ' isr 7t4t
jaiM ;iualifel .
JhU;i(i .tb b atitat- '
ttf rrttiir ia ,Vr d -
rlr aii aeSjtlw . ,
t--er aaal r4aaaJI I ',
M-rtyd ! ladpiSil - . it ,
Pf "U'aA '
.4ir'ra ad V1)0 - .
At lay !$ .4 st i j4
nkH wh tWIavx $i t4 '
iV J
aal' r a t I atavi 1
-. 4 V -a' , tg
fTB-1 Ure aM b A'?i5-
s,rAraaUaa ivf flfli
faraa li a"lf
mi tbe awr V
i4IKa tar wawf ' t
I aaai aalV
. ,
i - -tai- ftavian Tpaar BaaBBB mm t aaaa
ptph- to Hisa; rtMetitrf a tra 1 --. , ia-( i O
the srat.twi 4 and tlwt lb J.ta.iMp . w w ,,14444
ne iiai. w i'mj mw .
telf vitbaot d fi tae trt.aC
Tbf xta-ata ! everjt-jr t aaa
fortaWe ad braaebt aat a eaa4 U U
Wi.f.r TV? nW-aat a
-oitioii tetfl tr in' m f J-
t'esnere far a-rlta t4 mt lo a law
efUieuA d N'er Or1aa la a 9 taV?
eieScit aa! &aiHr )M all W aai at
MtitU TbanuUr. lUwIbH' f my lot tt
Ksre th-lr vMk eaalM' ""5
dAy If ibey have )eejBr iptaiaa 5
Hrir.l Wa.p. tS.tes-Wr e.bfNTV baaa Tw ry Bwf k
la.nied, J r tUm nliM ,fJ, Arti - ' aal fa 1..bL J 'f "
.. .. ..,
iriuijcu a n. -v .
u-aib froT a-! nr,
lUrn-'ant. 3.
suarge uf aaunlcr
4tu bt
pl Uf
.aBaTere! severely from the recent snow , in the court ron: at .be trial of Mine.
sbjrms. 1 C'.jvis-Hugue.s w-ro disgraceful in the ex- ' ef five trr cent, shall ! added t
lliANCi.s Sidney, the Toronto incendiary, ,tre:ue. I txe- not paid by the fJisl of January tat - j.. T7
k. a Ak-en sentnetvl to five vvir :i t!i. ?irn. i Tur ,??;-, 'rs,, ,,- -, -;-; I iaI, rir ! -
ikaiary. . I6n jd-.gue was more geueral tb..n at . John Mil l.KK. the ex-Comal-sbr r j
f4.H4 ! I X.
The lumj9esi ta ih- : . -. -
lerda-T lr '- 1
, j s.tu-a'ini tbe kj!m" . .
recemty; cotnniitte 1 to jail for frauds on Legislature.
theN&fl Department. FaILVKES of the week endtnl January
AlVWt Macon, da., recently destroyed reported bv P.. G. Dun & Co.
-.-. .,vaArnTn.x.l pa a. . fb , Tr. t -. f.-. i-.J ,. A.l -
pt-i--..-. s-..v - . i.v . -1-.1CS. -.-.-. V-.W.... --. -u.oi, s..,. .a-r-ascd L-HW.
the associatio-'
It was repor
Gvrirnors of 1
express their di
Ing the America
London in 1SS5 a I
position of the 1
dactoof UeUait
possible occaio
Washington that the. The Governrneat of GiLralterh.-- orTered
States had written to ' 7,000 teats to the earthquake s.tTrers la
1 to co-operate in mak- j Andalusia.
libition to be held in I A coal mine belonging to the Colarabca
fnl and thorough ex- J & Hocking Valley Coal and Iron Company
lufacturra ud pro- j at Straitsville, Pau, was fired by unknown
.tea. It a pro- persons nr.e:ilr.
-jtpointed by the IrifsdcnL
DtiNr. Decetaber i-0 acres o. Jaad hi
Pbelns Corjtv were J-oW in ICO -acre par
cels for a total of SJ7..KL The coaaly j
reiar-l a rennet :Svt
"J a tirst passenger train from the East first subscrsjit.oaa wtre.boing runia- County. vk rntt-Tdrore bs wife It-dtag a wb!:. pw -
for twenty-three days reached Portland, assttsl tor. i ainlcliildteii out in tle cW. is tn .: ai ih ua.t,aal lo
Or, an the 7th. ' --- '. Senator Vest has Ln rennmicatI bv ! Araihiw. Oiicuf Ite lUUe wK t w p. m, k 1 .
"A I . I g . ..... . KJ .
Jdraffli J. Waltox. of-Stw York, was -the Democratic caucus of the MLssouri ! 'MU"'' . " ! -, V ZT ! "-aljae-1. Ta
badly fneea. " j V"1 n'ofW -- : : '
s- ....-!.-.. ---..-.. '.-.. t-- tt; ! trac id !;-. 11. :
for the 1 . .. .-. . . , .... .... . ...... . . .. .
I tO-l C.H.'.WI -IK. HPT. jfsi. p .k ( j-.s. .. j--.. .j. , .
: i.-ar ?-rfLfi.l I 00 i tr wri "T f
. - - ----- - -T " T -. - - .. .. . i , - .
- , ,tY-. --. I ... "
i, -i-Lif thf swv? , vnii-. mi..r. ! -w--..--i- -,.. - ;.r Vi. x I Ttioa: aa? --..t-
,(. AJia a --- - - ----- -ri, - .--- - .--...-v-- 1 .1J,I VUiU T W a. -. r r--4 ii. - i-i - 4 4
JaE$ fPLKER shot "' killed William crease was largely m the South and West,
Simmons A.C-ttonw-ood. I. T.. recently. wbert? failures. cr. probably twits. s
An aiuali!-nob from Gettysburg took j numerous as during ordinary we-k in
pos-ssioafat'orest City, Dak., ou the 7th is4.
and stole tliWtlic records. j Tax Secretary of War dechlol not to cr-
ARNOLD CvaCY was shot dead in Dath. der a court marital for the trial of Ueu
Me., wcentlvttp'ing tbe progress of a faru- tenant Garlingtoa oa the charges pre
ily quarreL ferreel by General Hazyn.
The Chicak-Wriving Park wid be sold ! .a. messenger from Khartoum say G.n-
to the highesljBder to defray tae uebts o: c-ai Gordon attxic the rel upon every
ri Ui
fa at
" a
Ji ra
ft cr
I3e lfcim-t !- U
Ommtnl Hmmmmvm
a.a-tal 7m? '
Ab ttl "-f
j aa-jsut iaaaaa - 1
jBMNtr-a at Sfce a-- fe
... . . . ..!..
. . f nr & c;rjj .
baalnatet imfra " jr uUba- Ii." wl
il-e r-JRTMsnuH. .- -- " --- j -" ' - tw mf&.
Wrt aani w oiae.?1. i - - 1 --- t r-
MtT-trftt. Tirrf . J.ntwy .- Tmmt'mV)
last, oh hs Jlvffa lOnmr.
ami 4Xty mle iei- b-. a -
ewnetl mj a AtU'-t iinw, taw
44 vrttl b-ra
WU attl tm aa atlte
ValNf t
taw iay. 1mt
waOaai ,, 4aHa
t aad - UV'3
i Tnoa
- -
f f
tho two bT4fcpr rrri laa I t t or ! Ml a J -
U-biw. A beftt rwtt-d. aad ! in, Vr.-4.
kdfrst. Ift j-.-tar !!?!-. -rf tb
Whtleto ' W t-e-l. lJa-af bMe
jetf abd 1 at Urrw.
ejtma-ters forfortv-stx of them are UcMas Bto.uiTd
AlJUtTcr. K. V. Juwi-try --Vs!B
ijecrrw wia rWlrI JH--i er -s-T tb Asi
b'y. Cwsav"c " a;;-ata Sa aMj
(Jrarnor CTeref I tSw ly-rl.irtT fead
rieat. MreTK 3-&r m4
fod-wia; U H lciat-?e j-rtly ztu
Aa?r. ax l-XtcrTt-re Cr -er,
Jah . t-. 1
To fc- Lr3rtar
J Jereir rrgn wrr S-f - ew. r m
t4s.r - Ta
fXRJ ) rs t C j-mtst,
i entrt-aKiei. i" fjsi k mmtl
tJeieut -TS- HI (
ti,- I tmriBr- rcixaistff-n xi Jf-ri haw tfae
;feJ' ! , ... . .- e-. -; ,
p-.IU-if- - ir -, p-m -------
jisrrd tsstt TaewiAy. J--r IX
.vasts i 1 "1
Kxrtv tlbis awr-ia.
fHjovwg a healthy. sab-uaMl "?- ahprren. Cata.a
f-.r-.r- land has adrauctsl con-t.rai4r ts r
fans, land las advanced coasiii--.y
John Swain, who Iivr.! about eren aJ-
. r a ..... .---, k' rvL !
inuuicajiu. .-...--..-. ........- -.. ... ;.. . .j.-,, ,x ,,,
i . .. l- m i wim.. ns"--.aT tMir : . . "
i,c .(.w..... .v ..- --w . . -.- f
I aai-VT. and Cbau. i &u
I ClacuutsU to New or.---
tbe baas s tW ilis'-.t
j .- - vll . r-
T . . .. 4. ... t 1-., -- . iJ,5r- -u v; "
a a tiii iiti iiiu am: arri rci.-a m ai a
, .(. --. V-' ..V- -- - - j
. . .,.-... . .. . ...' Belle -brerrtrt fcxi fir
uotnc irozc 10 ue.u ieiir iwa-i -;, khi -. ...
IIIAI.II-II-1-. .-.u- vv,-.. .v. , ucjr j J-,.,,,;, j,, .. t .
renuy jam tnc ireasnreroi n-wij f-r, 3Ioorc, 8l w A.-ay. I-jJJ
C....-I- wo. v A,fa Ki-sed le wmL U r-
Foci: rersocs were frovn P deith near j h-.-- :b. cn-rnteg. rt3.rg taJ
O Xel'I &xAus the recent coia snap. j tcrgco, bstc;lss ticta to ia r.j.
ii. r if..
' 1 trtf 1 stm jm. I. Jasanrr T. TSa
i' i isM fna H'trty 0a-T 4 C. Ialr
I 43, f smtsoasU. wjiiffl ftrJ je-irf-U?- -ttt
!- I itif - f cSJLCl wsa xfaaf ceeJ-
. '-. .------- ------
tS5, f eml tx. ? is AfxcaeiMsvl or - pey r-y-Trp-
ke Tbe rc-ur i Kea-Mrr-.-et,a4 , tj
. rtj rd5- C-er ja eft eStSA wilt aSs
l4f Iom aTthia ti a-rU ; f-f J72. i4d
, r - avP-.
!-. . H"'V"""
A W7? "atv W
di.v alx.U ba t - W
4 -e JtXk -Z ?
tbfm tLll. A--' - f-'
U MH0BB A-? - "f ',5-
tAi3A t--
Tla. a(
ia4 Vw
-Mri igr
kA-fcrJ v
.Mr ).' - -M& -
.-4 tiJ2
ItO - w I
L-Bt UM e
ia. Th-j eaae tfcr fde, Ct-jry ist jw-
at- aa tbe a '! Mtf-? tX fritt t-ia t-W t&i it .
I Krrc-ae I jsef-rf s?t 3C-irti-rfir oi
Caatatan !( j-aaq.-. w -..- fcj tcsa-
,-. tbt Kej-A- CMHjBUijr fit k-aI
fli cf-T se wi -Br-ry rnj were c,r
feerml Jc a K;iA f a fwe. iir
Cn-krV 1 lactam -Oii tz x w-n
Cf-a7a-4--dSf-rM aK K.
a -;&
fe tosra 5
e i Ha srvw.
rU i-3l
i kTiA,
.tsat JL "
ft -S 5'l,
,jf uai-r11' a"
A Jt. i
4A3 V -
l-e tJr.
i ( PXfr-iI
r - y-w. -
vA a
. . '
. 9 p
-J e
r M