"fl -'jaw:-- -!ssM?-riiTt'?-' :i i-iy --3,y - ) Ifi ft - ' l'V. a 5 - ZJt V i t- r t r r? i f , v. rz-U-S,. -v.. vr - rx j h w IS ,1 -- .( OwBS i i A- ( ft I 1 --f n &s V-Si -?- l 'JJi&IDEN'rs MESSAGE. ynll Text of Prosldent Lost Message. Arthur's XXis Views mm tlie Tariff Oar For Men Kc-Jti-a llome Affairs Hil-rrr Colna- American f-ary, Md Other Matters of In terra Tt the ronrroft of thn United State: Unco thn clne of your liul o-Ion, the ninrifuti poop!;. In tin; exercise, ol Ihcir Juhest rUchtof wiffra-r. hare chocn their Chief MnjnHtrnU) for the four yearn vrinltiif. WKn itironic-nlcrod that at no iwriod in XiR con utry'a history ha tho lonsr political srosLcsL wMnh cuntomiirily precedes the i!nr it tb National election lcen wuircd with frrraferfi-rror find Intensity, It In u niihject -orconj-ratuliition that after the controversy t tho -willa hum oyer, nnd while the k-tit preponderance by which the f-wrto hod licon detnrmlnnd wat an yrt tinru-certainod the public pence mirfered nu (SlntiirtMtnoo, hut the people everywhere -f-atfiontly arid -juicily awaited the reult, (:iilnjr uld mon! strikingly illustrate the the. lomi-nr of the American citizen, hi love f order, and IiIm loyalty to law. Nothiiif--on-Id moroHf'-riiilly demonstrate the strength -ainl wisdom of our political Institutions. Xu?htyen--i Iihvc passed nlnee u controversy ooncornlnjr the result of n National election titvarply called the attention of the Conj-ie-H folhe noeoaslly or providing more definite r-ruItion for counting tho electoral vote. IlIh of jrrait importance tliat thin question 2: solved tiofore conflicting claim to tho 1-rwiWcncy hlmll again distract tho country, -aruj I am -lerMiadcd that liy the people at kurgo any or the measures of relief than tar fjropo'.-et won Id ho preferred to continued jaxctiori. Onr relaiiotiR with nil foreign powers con tinue to 1m; ninieahle. With IIcIkIiiiii a con vention hun tK-on Mi-nod wheretiy the ncope of prcM-nttrrntlc has lieen m enlarged an iowcure to tho citi.enn of eltlfer runtry. -within Uie jiirindlction of tho other, epial rtliU and privllcKO In the ae(iiiitlon and s-JiftialUn ttt property. A trade mark treaty Jut al) b-en concluded. The war between Oilll and Corn Ik at an end. For the arhltra tionof iVocrlaimn oi American eitlxcnn whn. lMrinr it oontlmii'ncc. HiiiTcred through the j ncf.nof the Colliaii authoritiuH, a convention viii hoon ie ciegoui mmi. The mute or hoHlilltieH lietweou France mmd (Siiim iii(Iihi:.s to he an eniliiirrai-ln-r Ic-uturtt of our Kantern relatloun. The 4thine- K'lvernment han promptly ailJu.Ht V1 and paid (lie ciaiuiH of Auiericnu citi riiH whoi:e iroMrty was de-drnycd in bo rewmt riotK at Canton. I renew the Tfrtmunciidntinit or my last annual uu-.ac yjiut theCtttiUiii idemnity rraud lie returned to China. Tho true interpretations of the ti'x-jhu treaty with that country permlltiuif Slie re-trietlon of Cliinesc Imml'-ratiou in likely to hero-atll Khiihjeet or your dtlihem Xhmn. It may tie Kiinoiixfy jue.slloiicl wrJieJher the Htnto'es paxsed ut the hist ?. Kion do not violate the treaty rights oi cor tahi ("JilncMi Mho lurt this eouuiry.rtth' n1 Jarn cert JllcnUn valid nudor the old law, and -which now Mn-vnO c debarred from liiinN infromalacrror the certllloatos rooulred jr c now. Tho rocont purchase by tho l-niteil HUIos of 11 large trading licet heretofore under tho Chinese ling has srorwddcnitily enhanced our commer rfml imporfstneo in tho Kust, Ju view af tho larjro vcrhcIs Imllt or iiuiuim-u j ycuionciui ciiizenK in oilier nsountxiea, and oxt,'Iu!vely einployed lu legi tirnaxc Irafao !Kjtw,on forclKn porta under Abo reco-jnlrrxl ptvlocUon of our line, it ratKiit oe well w nrovn'o a. uniform mtn -.r lhoir reglsi ration and nociimenlnf inrHn th.it ho bona fldo properly rli'hts of our citizens tisercin snail be duly ovlirVneod und properly ,ftuurtkd. Fursunnt to t- a1 vice of the Aiat4s at the lost kcmsIom-, I recognize! ,vm nar of Uin Intortiutlonui Av relation of. I wm cotiko us that or a f rioiidiy '"'teriv.rit ut , itTujding 10 so uuing uny iirojuuKi'iaw'.nt of i;wi conmci. 10 intoruaiionai ciuiiu Lu that ion. UIlfnllently in exc pution tho cxproHsed wlah of Con- I Appointed a conn ercial t for thu Congo basin. Thu I Inport- of tho rich tiroapoetlvc trudo o valley lias led to a general con l the ictiou ntKhouhl lie open to all nation mual terma. At tho International upon "onfer- 4M Jfor tho consideration of ttil.n s libject. t-allt4 bv the l;miK3rorif (leniianv id now in acWou ut lierlln, delegates are in ittend- oima behttlf of tho united States, rvrtdfeiw of the conference you will f tho -0"duly -adflMW. 'iliftSevtw-timentof Coreit has jrci: rouly .Mlnls- tiidml tiw cffortM of tho UnlttHl State! tor to iMtnro Hiiltablo pronilsos fori tho ti(-c 01 tiio txatfc: rmutd tion. ah mo ooniiiuonn.r ,u,,i,i. uro witli Ka.sUjrnyv,1ti,,,.i tho legation Prcinb-l-.u . ,...,. -1 ly tlio; OBontml power. 1 n,i.-iu,,ti,..t ..n aiiprtjj lnliomtiJororth uI(,t,0 of -f.GojPajCtncnt. Tho Uni LSsCsisfiiJPjWSTiiTasos Tttl liable prcm- .xnisi tcASJ, iscn a .Mo roc orns cut. irom 1 nc suitan 01 h stated horeufter, they have Jnu-.ly rtte a similar irift from the Sla rot-No GdC in en L The Government of Jiv ndy to present to us cvxtonslvo ran stiinM STOIHIlls ttt ' 1U' buiMUUr .10, wnurenu w erect a suua- tno legation court house and Jail, and 0Id r privileges can probably be -s-eeured tax. nu and Persia. Thn ownlnir of such nrcft4tvvroukl not only effect a x'ery liu-Ko savin Mt present rentals, but would -permit of rke-McaaaortJon of extni territorial -riglttin thMH ountrie.s.and would tho boWcr .v.Tte to rrttinlHin tho dignity of tho United :Siatos. Th Itjiluro of Cougres to mako -n-ny appropKiaJfenforour representative at Juloiic:nuu,fjp Court of tho Khedive, lias jjtxived asorteoembarrassmontin our.lntcr-coui-M with Bfyft, nnd in vlow of tho neces irv iiitiiiiiic.o4lfplomatlo rolatiouship duo 10 thetuirticiftln or this Government an Aitcoftliu tnvftft wors in all innttcrs of ad Tolnistration iko iy aacctltif, lights of for tho revtoration of tho vi-nicrs. I dfi. funncy and .Mt' ato-General at Cairo on Its former basis. o not conceive it to tic Jiio wish of Count that tho United States should wiGidruw J m Uie honorable posi- sion ther have kit no ucici witn respect fn tho KlusliYO.Ort t tho citizens of the He- -nubile sojoiiriiinvit gjrpt should hereafter Be without tho aii protection of ncoin- -iwJent renresen vvun r ranee 1110 Xnuiitional cordial lationshln continues. Thn Hartholditatae f "Liberty Enllghten- 3iVT the World," th4, f4frous gift or tiO two pk; of Franco, is vnfe Hfcd to reach Now ork in May next. I . that Congressional net ion bo taken in rtrtnjkn to the spirit which ban prompted this fUland in aid of tho timely completion ofttiodestal upon which --5Tk(o 1h plaood. OBrjiolatlons with Gcr ynaiiy. u country wrsWocontributes to our --wn some of tho best of ciUzonshlp. csfMvtinuo Ie cordl 10 United States th sovoral of tho wo oxtnulition treat German Slates, but bytw ovation of tlioso State v rwlc. Uio applicatioa not as unifnra n of the confed- cr tho Imperial such treaties and com pro Tw-nsjra as tho inttwt of tho two . thorefore. ouutrir reaulre. I fix' so oDon urgououons for At Ie convention of extraditions to embrac tho territory .4 the- Kinnlrc. It affords Ml easuro to say -ftWjtt our intcrcourso Fwi Great lirit- adn continuos to bo of a mart tiT- The Government oCM endly char- all has lndi- caled lis willingness to cottti --.vsnt-K U10 nrovisions of thox, xor seven X roclproc rlew of the iiy treaty. Kuch continuann, -relations of that country to. ..s!tnm nf Rtnlo. Khotlld In UMT American cnt be -Savored. Tho revolution ill 1', -ko tulilish(st Government Mt against rminated. 'While it was in progress It becsU-i necessary nrrrn nnr neiltralltV lllWl muting vessels These ccssful. iwtceedhujrs against individuate r.tarired with their infnngcMM -prtrsocutions were in all ct.saa.4t iluch anxiety iias lately bi-enMh) .--..u WuisnueRii Governmeuta. at yed by sneci-aboli- -oil v by tlio Govornment of Italy, xo tion of our import duties up-x --t tr. is well to consider rks of bother 4L. n-vMusnt cllsrrinihmlion in faTO f pro- j..JtAi.nr American artists abtroi not Jikelv to result as they OicmselveMO ,...U.ii-- to iiolievo it niav. in th t Lvery cucai exclusion of our painters and sculKbaf rom U. t.ili fl..tll4 elds tor occupation, -huh u ia- ..-l. !... I..,,.r lllliOT-li milOVOlli x,nHMniut.iiiiti ti xonir Donduiir rTit i-j r.ireltrn treses of Japan uiar-c .imiMi Mt 11 11 jm conference to l)4-li Tokio. Wiiilc Uis Government filler- tj Tiw.ui tim rsiimt and indenendent SMtk junan In tho community of nations, T w not oppose- tbe general adoption ox s.r-nK T rnnuimmiso as .lanau max bo rwiyt to offer in furtherance of uaifc xJOevof intoreourso with western Xatit 'iJurins tho past year tho increasing1 rt -will latwtyn our own Government ana tl ,r Vnviiwi 10 l..w.t, i.nmic1i -imnifafli- .W7V. tl MM mere baof aton al at r$ Said farr Tliis trostv of ciimmenul roeinrocitvfeCOi v vltidecl Jahnati-ai, lsst, has been ratittedaa X- 3iwalts tho necessarv tariff lcgislatloac Si xA tvsnirres to ticoomo effective, une icmhi it. be among tho Tit our attention. A "fall rco uaxigjition aad much to be desired have reaon to bel:re the Mexican Government stands rcaay cludo. c-omc embarrassment has ncsa nod by tho f aim re of l ongress at 111 on to provide means tor me uuc ea itho treaty of July:.'. !&, for ttsa the Mexican oounuarv ami xnfr tho boundary monuments, blic of Nicaragua a treaty has which authorizes tne con- United States of a canal -. Ittrtr. -n-H-W Wi VI "I tho terms of this treatyS ixcr hun Juan as well as inland sea Xorty miles in tute a part ot the pro- LThi covers for actual ixcnteen miles on the y-six miles ontheAt- tates. wnose ncn xer for the ordinnrj- pur- acauy cut on from with Atlantic ports. tat advantages or be oxeresttnated. treaty is laid.be- PJ XX Jrn will. 1 doubt no "5 Xfe jncirsuixiS to claim y af vfevtrcatr of commcr 2x. VHoonsular rirfits Is 4K bm1 such a trentv I bbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsVbbV bbsxbbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsW sasasasasHA UsasasHL '2ty lisEL fore yo the JuUc nd lilxrallty of lt provllon will eommactJ unirerJ tpprornl at home and ahroud. Tt-f. death of our rep recnuitlvcln Kuxls whDt hiiot at St. I'etcmliurjf affordml to tbo Imperial Corcrn ment a renewed opportinlry so tfJfy tin .ympathy In alaarlnT tellintr the Intimate frlendllne hlch bo erer inark5j th lw ti'rcourito i f Jhe two rfiuntrio. Tho coup,-or thl Govrrntneot In rsllnir Its representation at Uantr KeV to Uie diplo matic rank han eroded from Hlam evidencv of warm friendship, and auirui well for our enlarged intreoup"-. TlieName f-nv-TU-mrnt ha preent'.-d to the United Stute. comtnodiou manIon tnd ffro!nd for the occupancy of thcIe-ration. arnl ujrirrt that by Government re-oletion. Oiaxre-s attrst itn appreciation of thJ jrenerou Jft. Tlie Government hu morn than onc been collel upon of late to take action In fulinlltnent of it international oblitratiou towanI Spain. aifiuiiion in tne tnjnna or uimi m me r-pan-ih crown havinr l?'"n fomented by peron ubunin the sacred rishtn of ho-nltaiity w-hlcli Our territory afford', the oflicern of the Government have been instructed to u" vitrilance to prevent Infraction of our neu trality laws nt Key V t and ut the other Milnlnearthe Cuban coast. I amhuppyto nay that in only one nianc wen thee pr-, cautionary measure huccessfully eluded. Tlie offenders when round in our territory were subsequently tried and conTicted. The ! jrrowlris- ne-i of a cloe relationship of Inter- ( course and tratllc ltw-4-n the Spanish An tillas anil their natural market the Cnlted States Ji.tl to the adoption In January last of a commercial aj-rreiin-nt looking to thut end. Tills a-freejiient has since Ikm-ji superceded bv a more carefully frame! and com pre hen- ' Uru one which I thall nuuxnlt to the Niiate for approval. It ha iieen the aim of this neirotintion to open such a favored re ciprocal exchange- of pcoductioun earned under the Mag of either country an to make the int -rcour-e between Cuba and Porto Itlco and our-elven fcurcely less Intimate than the commercial movement be- tween ourfloinestle ports, and to Insure a re- moval of the burdenn on nhlppinsr in the Spanish Indie, of which In the past our hlj owners and shipmasters have co often had caue ti complain. The negotiations of the convention have for a time -iopnncd the prosecution f certain claims of our citienn which w-re declared to lie without the iuri dletlon or the late Spanlh-Amcriean Claims Commission, and which we therefore re-mitt-d to dlploiiiatlf channels for adjust ment. The apecdy settlement of these claimn will now be urged by the Government. Ne gotiations for a treaty of commercial reci procity with the iJominlcnu Kepuhllc have been successfully concltidtn, and Its result will shortly be laid betore tlie Senate. Cer tain questions between the Tinted States and the Ottoman Hmpire still remain un solved. Complaints m behair or our citi.e:ss are not satisfactorily adjusted. The port has sought to withhold from our commerce the right of favored treatment to which te are iMitJiico tiv exisiing coueuiionai siijm : latlou. and the revision or the tariffs unac- i-iiititillslioil Tlie llmil ilistKisItiod of tietul - ' lug UeMion with Vene.uela ha not as jet - "- ' ". . . bi-en reached, but I havegool reason to ex- I ;i..T ;....,. :'..f .;k. J.m,. ....,. tjwf i4ai kiifr iiiiiittir u. ri 11 iri 11 nfn tMn .,. .- T7".. ' ' ", ." ntrnri 111 .lltfm-lnitswlt B till eV-Bre.dCfl iliw .......... .......-... . . ... ... oJ-n-nrCon-rre.sn and which wlIL ieeogine the Til St Ice Of CCrtUitl Clal'lisaprefernsl iigalnst Venezuela. Tlie Gent -al and South American commission npKiut -d r author ily of the net of July 7, l.--4, w II soon pro ceed to .Mexico. It nan beeH.fi.riiWpil with instructions which will be Inid before jou They contain a statement of the gcacral pol icy of tho Government tot e ilanniug Its commercial intercourse with Asjcrican ouiici.u;raiiiiiiiMiuiiiT.iiini.irii.iimiij I the issuance or silver ccrlillcate-i lie IIs- . r.r-parinjf for their responsible iMk-, tiy pcnj,.,!. nfrl- likt-ly at no distant dav to , holding conterenee.n In the pciii ilpjicitie. l(T,Jini. ,,r t,u metallic -tandanl The iiu ini-ruiuiuis 111 1111; vviiim - ih:cmiiu 1 ,..,i,iinri-hil r.lst nrliiitiee mill me liiinalruieill 1 mericau iraue. Jiieiuieriiauoiia mornuaii of t. -atioiial credit that would be thus t,c. conference, lately held in Wiia-ili a, toft Upon ,.ioned can -curcelv be over estimated. I the Invitation of tho Govern.nci:.' Of thv ' j,,,,,,, tMUt the Seeretan's Migge.-tion res United States, was coijiposed of te rfiita-1 p.-'etnrg the withdrawal from circulation of fives from twenty-live nations. Th cl r-1 ,!h. ,. ,j0lliir and two dollar notes uiil ie enco concluded Its labors on theJs ofvNo-' t.,.Ut. ollr ,,,,rovaI It Is likelv that aeon vemher, having with substantial 'U 11. ntMiU Mdera'b'e portion of the -iln r now In the agreed upon thl yKiaTTCf Grcn. iii . x-mlt, f tu. Treasury might tlud Its way .tUttu-Jjfi point whence longitmii tn-e ---- eiirreney. While trade dollars have computed thtough ISlldegrees oantvaiil iMsd (.eaed. for the present at lcat. to be an ele westward.aiidou tbe adoption fot.al PMT-. meut of active disturbance In our currency poses for which it muy be lotinil coevrnidiK of a universal day which soaM beglaal uiW nlght on the initial meridian, undiwhoM hours shall be counted from zero'i M t wMiitv-four. The formal report of thair.itiKs actlona of thin conference will bo here.nter-' transmitted to Congress. Ilils (Jovenji.i n Is in frequent receipt of invitations froM irj. eigu stales to particlHito in international c. hililtloivs. often of great interest and 1 111 pot t uuce. Occupying, aa wo do, an n I vanced oosltiou on tho world's pr. -duction. and aiming to secure a proilt able share for our Industries In tin general comiMstitive markets, it Is u matter or serious concern that the want of mea for participation in thetr exhibits should so otten exclude our products from the udvant- 1 agesenjoyexinythoseotiier countries, uur linrthu past year the aUentiou.ol" Congress was drawn to the formal invitations in this 1 rcganl by the Governments of hngland, Hol land. Uulgiuin, Germany and Austria. Tho Executive has in some Instances appointed honorary commissioners. Thin Is. however, a most unsatisfactory expedient, for without some provision to meet the necessary work lug expense- of a commissioner. It can effect littlo or nothing in behalf of exhibitors. An International Inventor's Exhibition Is to tie held In Lomron next May. This will cover a field of spocial importance, in which our country holds a foremost rank; but tho Ex ecutive is at present powerless to organize a propur representation of our vast National interests in this direction. 1 have in several previous messages related to thi subject. It seems to me that a statute giving to tho Executive general discretionary authority to accept such invitations, und to appoint lion oray commissioners, without salary, and placing at tho disposal of the Secretary of Stato a small fund defraying their rea sonable expenses would bo of great public utility. This Government has; receiod official no tice that the revised international regula tions for preventing collisions at sea have been adopted by all tho leading marine powers except tho United States, and camo into force on tho first of September last. For the due protection of our shipping In terest, provisions of our statutes should nt once be brought into conformity with theso regulations. Tho question of securing to authors, composers, and artists copyright privileges in this country in return for re ciprocal rights abroad was ono that may justly challenge your attention. It is tnio that a convention will bo necessary for fully accomplishing this result: but Congress shall by statue fix the extent to which for eign holders or copyright shall be hero privi leged. It has been deemed advisable to nego tiate such.conventlons. For this reason the United States were not represented at the recent conicrcnce at ticrne. , AFTER TIIK DYNAMITERS. I recctnmend that tho scope of the neutral ity laws of the Uulted States bo bo enlarged as to cover all patent acts of hostilities com mitted in our territory, and aimed against the peaco of a friendly nation. Existing statute prohibit the fitting out of arm-i ex peditions and restrict tho shipment of ex plosives, though tho enactment in the Utter respect were not framed with regard to in ternational obligations, but simply for the protection of passenger travel. All those statutes wore intended to meet special emer gencies that had already arisen. Other emergencies have arisen since, and modern Ingenuity supplies means for the organiza tion of hostilities without open resort to armed vessels or filibustering parties. I sec no reason why overt preparations in this country for the commission of criminal acts, such as are here under consideration, should not be alike punishable, whether such acts are Intended to be committed in our own country or in a foreign country with which we are at peace. The prompt and thorough treatment of this question is one which nat urally concerns the National honor. Our existing naturalization laws also need revision. Those sections relating to persons residing within the limits of tho United States in 17 and 17WS have now only an historical intcfst. Section 2.712. recognizing the citi zenship of tho children of naturalized par cn(s. is ambiguous in its terms, and partly obsolete. There arc special provisions of law favoring the naturalization of those who served in the Army or-In merchant x'essels, while no similar privilegea are granted those who serve in the Navy or Marine orps An uniform rule of naturalization, such as Ike constitution contemplates should, among otherthings clearly denne the status of per sons born within the United States subject to a foreigapower (Sec 1.OTBJ and of minor children of lathers who have declared their intention of becoming citizens but failed- to perfect their naturalizatioa. It might be wise to provideTor a central bureau registry wherein should be, filed authenticated tran scripts ot' every naturalization in the several Fedcra! nd State Courts and to make proxi sion also for the vacation or cancellation of such record in casesTs-herc fraud had been practiced upon th Court by the applicant umsei. or wnere oc uau removed or lor- . m v 1 " -I a - eited his acquired cituenship. A just and UYuniform law in this respect would strengthen ho hand of the Government in protectintf s citizens abroad and would pave tho way r tne conclusion 01 treaties 01 nuuraliza- on xxita iorcurn countries. A coramumty of sixty Tslluons 01 people oura ue adequately reprvH-meo in its in- rourse witn ioreign nauons. The project tho reorganization of tbo Consular -er- or for recasunsr the scheme or extra torial turisdietioa is now befnr vnti. e limits of a short session will not allow ft U consideration, 1 trust you will not fijto make suitable provision for tbe prcs- y 3 ot ine service, it aas Beet- cus- toi define in the aDBronriation acta of caek diDlo-aatic oftce to which -. atBAcked. I siursest that tki course otMd. aaa taax Kae.ielt te the tnti wuirthe ad-noa aaa coaaeet of the toflxfroBtitae ta Uate Ue plo- ef tae BgarawataMiea of this eac anroaa. as aty a4' twins made aowssassssissnrTor nt ol s4Usux-ajaV"aT to tae re- C station, .ti- a s-asAScn. of our finances and the one- rations of the various branches of the public service which are connected with the Treas- ury jLscpaxu&ca., xj vx-ry uuy weeussea la t te reprt of the S-cTTrtary It tpxar that , the ordinary nfeoueti for the ncal J'r 1 cndd June ai. L-ai. were from cutn r;.-9,;: from lni-rnl revenue. CU-. cn.il; from all other sourc--. fai.'Ut-. total onlluary revenoe. fMfJ.Vfr"X- Jc for clril rxpt-nss-s. frrUJ: 71. for ioylira Int-rcoirs-. JIJ3.TI-3T; for Insliam. f.---.-v.vzt; for pr.lons. fiVCsJ5: fr the miUuiry t:ibHhment. Incluinr river M barter Improvetacnts awl arsenal. W.i'.-frj-M; for th- naval r-tbll-hments. includ ing ve-ls, machinery and Impror-mrnts at navy tanls. l'fi.ti)l W. lor mlrlan-sju exp.-nditure. Including public ba.Jing. ligat houes and collecting th- ree-, nue. f4.X'.cf,T10: She ejp--ndlt,ire- on account or tho District of CilumJta-f-XVT.r-t? C; fer lnterei-t on n tne pub lic debt, S-Vl r.fjr.i s; ror thir nnini fund, t1wX.. total ordinary ejjK-nJi-ture. J'l.'diS.is-t. leaving a .urplun of .. riX, or a compared with the precl li.g ncao e-ir there was a net dec-ta-e ri tJJ.Ui.UJO In the amount of cxpetidiiurt-s The aggregate receipt were le- thn tho of the yrur previous by atxJUt f4,'ii.UJ. Tlie faliing o-f of revenue from .-u-tmn miwle np nearly fJ,'i of this deicienc. and i-Ujut ZWWQ of the remainder due to the diuiinish'-d recelps from the ntrrnal taxation. Th" Secretary eslimatev t ie total receipt-s for the tlcal )rar which ends on June , l-Xi. at f::w.(ii.ni. and the t ital ex- p-iidltures ut f-iO.Olid II. In hich are in cluded the Interest on the debt and the amount payable to the "Inking funi. Thl would leave a surplus for the entire ) ear or ( ..I...... -m muni rii.. rnhin lit rxirts from . the I'nited States to foreign countries during ' the year ending June rth. I--M. wac a. ioi lows. Iomestic merchands. . --;V' '""" roreirn merchitndlM-. lVs,T7; to tal merchand.sf, tV)2r.t.rtii -pecle. t, f'i7.I.TJ,-vCi; total export-, or mirchan ie and tx-fii- tMr.XtV.MfJi. Tlie cotton anc cotton I matiufacturen lncludel In thin Mitement , vjre va!uel u: t3,,lU:n tlie treadiun ui J fl.l.V-44.:i.'i. the provision at 114 it-..., ana the mineral oils at ft..lM'- Iiuring tbe ame period the imports were Merchandise, j tA'.w t.OS I; gold as follows: and silver. Mor than Cn.i-yiH: total. f7ur,.iii.u'.. iiiietv.tlire tMTcrnt or the entire iUn of iinxjrted merchandise consisted or the fol lowing articles: Sugar and moIas--, fim.-s4,-74; wool and sxdeu manufactures. f.VI. TA22X1; silk and it. manufactures. $4;-.h:.12: coffee. f4'.,ftsn.7u"i; Iron and steel and manu factures thereof. f4l.4-il..V,.i: chemiea -. f-'tM.-&.": mix. hcinn. Jute and like Mil stances unit manufactures thereof. f.''1.4':i..'Ets cotton and manufactures of cotton. ?-' .4.V..4TU; hides and klns other than fur rltln. I.,-:i'u,.?-i. sn.vEa cotN.r.j. I concur with the Secretary of theTreaury In recommending the Immediate Mipeiisou of tlie coinage of silver dollar and the Issue or .-liver certlticates. This is a mutter to which, lu former communications, I have more than once Invoked the attention of i ,j, .Vational Legislature. It appears that an- J i n.. . u i . ...- if,..,.. !.. .. ).... t JHI.4II 1111 illf- ll-V .--i t1 -' - n ... .. j ,.tu.d, m compliance with th .Cl il ri-ic i twellt seven i ruary . l"7s. moro than 1 . . . ii tni. .. .... .. . . ... I """ . .V V .""""...' IV"" ""....-". "V . siamilllg is ii'Hiniii in ine .-i-viriu - " - " - . . .. i ....i ........ . nil..... ui-uriy iiiie iMiuiii i-i nun -iiiij -11 1 - uuiiimi-, W.,,.of mtle more than forty million or 1,... ,1., ,..,,. tvvn ..er eettt lire in ai-lliul . elreiilation. The mere instance of this raet eeins to uie to tiiruih or Iteir a cogent ar- 1 gunicnt for the repeid of the statute which has made such a tact possible, but there are ' other and graver conidciation that j tend in the Mini' direction Tho ! Secretary avows hi conviction I !.... ....tn.c tlu. ..rfl tifti.i. nviil lllllfc lllllf -- till" v-ri.lll ..- , ,,,1,.,,,, ( provision should be made lor their surrender to theGc vernment. iln view of tho circumstances under which thee were coined, and of the tact that they have' never had a legal tender quality, there ' should be offered lor them only n slight ad- i vunce over their bunion rniue. 1 tie secre tary m the course of his repurt considers the .propriety of beautilying the design, ot our 'nibsiijiury siiver coin, and of o increasing their weight tliat they may bear their due ratio or value to tho standard dollars. Ill 43onclusloiis in this rnganl are cordially up 'Broved. jUiiin nnuual message of 'KI I referred to He abolition 01 nil excise tuxes, except niose ntingto distilled Iiiiuor. I lint recom- illation is now renew ml In eae these ,e shall be abolished the revenues that still remain to the Government will be, opinion, not only siuricieni to meet its 1 easoii'ible exxiendltuie. but win atlord u t lrpliis large enough to permit such v TVIIIl'l' KKMVTtOJf as ajay cetn to be advisable when the ry u Of of rcenut revenue law ami coinmer eJa Isyiitles mll have shown in what quar to" Mik'e reductions can be tno.t judiciously ctv -tad Oroatf the gravsst of the problems which appmilto the wisilii-n of ('(ingress for solu tion s the ascertainment of the most effect-ivo'luc-aas of increasing ur foreign trade and -HUM relieving tne depression under which OBT industries ar now langiiMung. Tho 8fc oratory of the Tri-nsiiry advise that tho da y'af Investigating this Mibjeet le en trusted !nthc llrst instance to H comjetent co.rt-sl4Mi. While fully recognizing the cnnsldo'4t4on that may be urged against this con -S0,1 am nevertheless 01 the opinion that upc.itttthe whole no oth-r would be likely to r-Mct speedier or better results. That p 'Ttfon of the Secreti-y'n report which coi etsrns the condition of Mie interest cannot fail to command your attention. He emphatically recommends that lu-m InceSi tlve to lueatment of American i-pitnl in American Vtaauishlps. the Gove rum.nt shall by liberal jraionts for mail transpvrtatlon. or otherwJie.llHiil its active assistant- to in dividual cat etfrisu. and declares MkVlief that unlcs.-vt'tat course be pursued out tor eJgn carryla" 'trade must remain a it . to day almost' ixalusively in the hands ot ,ir. cigners. Onpha-c of the subject i no ,. pcciaIlvproavaaBt in view of he repeal. jy theact'nf JuBt3tl-l. or all salutary prov.i. ions arbitrarily 'cam pelting American vesn-. to carry thoivaHs to and lrom the I'nitiM States. As Jt.ll-mccoary to make provis ions to compcantta the owners or such ves sels lor pcrforMta thut service after April IS. 1S85, it is hopv I that the whole subject will receive early OB laMeration that will lead to theenactment ot lOJch measures for the re vival of our nu-rciaat marine a th wi.sdom of Congress mayltlse. The three per cty. t.bonds of the Govern ment to the amouc 9t more than ?1.!J.UX). Om) havo since myji stannuul been redeemed by tho Treasury. W ha bonds of that lue still outstanding m count to a little over f3W,00O,0U0, about ti le-fourth or which will bo retired through th operations of the sinking fund during thecoming year a thce bonds still continue.tiia hais for the calcul ation of National Banka. The question of how to avert the cyBtraction of the cur rency caused by thch retirement is one of constantly increasing! apartance. It seems to be generally ebneeded that the law governing that maitar-exacts from tin banks oxcessivo sccarHy; and that upon their present bonus depcK a larger circula tion than is now aiiowt-a -way ue granioo with safety. I hope tt at .the bill which Dassed the Senate at the Jaat s.ssiou. p-r- raltting the Issue of not4, aaaal to the face e value of the deposited bBi M.wilI commend tga in ltelf to the approval of tl o-Mouse or Ke- delivery or all ottis- ttljdj ulutter Thl- l an rctHjntatives. i v"- Mnmpiafity that ougtit no louger to eAit, 1 In tho expenses of the a-ll-partmeut the ; approve the recotni.-n,u,u,n of the fo: Sccretary reports a decras-4ac more than , mater (.eneral that yr unll of -i0tfht in 9,090.000. of which rcductfr af6.tJ.UW was , the raxing of first da-, CTattPr should be one effected in the expenditure f rivers and I unce In-tead oione-U). uuacti . now. hart)orx,and70u.086lne-rWbireforthe) '" view ol statiic tumi-hed by the De- Sjartermaster's Departmaa--naOutside of partment it may well bt-:ou ,-, whether the at department, the annual tvpan.-e-. or all ehang.. w 011M reult in .-,,- j0 f revenue: tho army bureaus proper ..aBB io-sibly :-t it would greatly .ruluote the con the ordnance bureau) aft aafestar.tially vemence or the public ., tevond dispute, charges which cannot be nsJU-sially dnnin-1 The free delivery ytvin b, u.n ia.c,j Ui ished without a chan-re inTtrtafcnniencal I''cl to ave cltie. and ta totHj mimtK-r strength of Ac army. The aKiWjturv in the (juartermasicr a ueparrm be subjected to admlui-tra ." . . 'n .. -m -. - lit.. readily reUon. and it is reported by the of War that as a result of exercising retion in reducing tho number cf d niinals in tho array, tho annual cot lying and caring for such animals USVS-J less than it was In iiJC. 1. 1 3-.- Tho rcDorts of the military i.- show that the lastyearba; been for iKs. it entire freedom from Indian In denancc of the President's prbc of Julyl. ISsl. certain intruders a-. !tion to rnaKe sctticmenis in mo jnaiau rj.-.- Tbey were promptly removed by a. ment of troops. Duritu the ivast S4j.; Congress a bill to provide, for aii tiro nrcvof buildings for the annvfci museum and the librarx of the Sursrfcci. (erai's olfioc. received tho approval. Senate. A similar bill reported favoaat1 the House of llepresentativcs by on. committees is still pending before tbat I Jt is hoped that during tbe coming the measure may be taken to secure of safe deposit for these valuable coIIeBii now in a state ot insccurny. The funds with which taese work fatfe, - - . G .li .1 m k..lu.a. l-SlJCUl .U."--ifc Ul -4-U.9 AUU UAIlAlia )- prosecutea aunnj tae past year wc: rived iron tne appropiia-.ons or tae Aurrusti. 1SSS togetbetSarith such few ances as were ot. haad froia nrevious asBK. priatioBS. The tKMZxce la the Treasury itii iject to requisition -tuiy jl. issrwts aiajaw BBfS The asaouBt SBDronriatfsi durinr thv ai-al -TOM T- IIBi-. m ctrt toa -n-- -t - - ----- I amount drawajron the TrcasrrBrlt5'r the Cecal year was fSL9mafea.ing a balance oi fie-aALiar-A: xrcasary. subject to oty 1- inm. HAKBOK DEFXNSES. I The Secretary of War submits the rcDort of the Chief of Kr.-rineers a to the sractic- abiuty of protecunir our important dUwon the sea board by fortifications and other de fenses able to repel modern metbods of at- tacx. Tbe time nas come when such de- lenses can be prepared with confidence that tnej wiu not prove acoravi- aad when. Che t X s-ocsBt im gm'r fBC HsBiJtWl iKinri BB:-t"l mt bbsI .ltM IM dameb- ifltiie st'tl -BPl. sS 11 iBH 'I- raawt aas. t-BBv-- peitV nr-ult of delay in making -cli pr-s. paratioas tr considered, delay ---s ttrt cuxb'.e. Ur the mo: ic-pcrtant ei 4, tboe bo- dc.tructlon or eptur ftiM fci it 'atiooal huralilatlou Adrsjyajr lr f , Inclusive of gxiav may t taiylr by tle zr ualexpendltur of 0. H-j-j. a tin Mt , ihn a victorious nnr cotiid Wr jr contrlb-'tion. An appnipriatjoa of txu one-teiiJ of that amount akM to t-rf-m the ork. and I contur with Ike s-,srT-tr -f Warm urjring that it I-e grat-lesl Tbr tJf iM-jiarttnent I pncee-ltug tb toss -.. t-r-ion cJ ten inch sunmth bon- guns mj rtc;. Incb nSe. lining the former ita tatw-t of forget or cobed wrougb jr-.a Utty gtii wlii tbu b converted c.bin te -r Thl. however dw-s nit obvtat ittr nec-s.rty of providlni; means for ts construction of guns of '.far hgaet p.-r. Iioth for the purp)s of c-i d-fen t4 for the armament of war r-s.ts The re port oi the (ub Foundry Kourd apj-""'! April -- ,-- -R pursuaucc of ta- cvt t.f larvb . l-"-l- tcan-'nitted to i uc;n in a sjx-cial tc-sage of 1 ebrxitrj ls.-i In my ' of Mnrch 1-!S. I .&. led : tlon U) the r-Tommettdation f the liar! that the Govirnment -hf.i. 1 eos-'urag tbe pnluctlon or oriiate st-t'I orko! tftf t julred uiHterial tor heavy cannon, ami it has rvci-lveU Information hKb tn!.rat- that there are rt-sponsjtie iif-l isitufa-t'.r rr in thu country ho. altbuuv-a hl-1 ru vlded at present iti the n-ee-jiry p.-mt are llilng to construct tne sau aod : make bids for contracts wan tbe Got em inent for the suppl) of the r'-juisl'.e aatertl for tbe heaiest guns u!j i-.l to -xl m uarfare If a guarantee order ff uUk-J-i: magnitude, acrompauled by a jK-sitne a shail b: made bj Cn-re. ;i doubts 'as : the feasibility of th- piau t--fng tbu r moved. 1 renew mr re-'ommrriatk'n that uch action ( tr.V. ti t-y oiign s wj; rnt: the (.overument to construct it on rd nance ujMin its own territiry. and so : j,r lde the armament demndnl t,j cuihxiv' tiuus oi Nattoual satttjr and tumor. thu xvr. The report of the St n-tary of th- Smry exhibits the progress vUlcri has be.-n Made on thenew tee cni.sern UtljorUsl bj the acts of Augut 5. 1.-. .nd Man h J !-.. of the four vessj-ls under contract Tbe ""be cago," of 4xi tons, iuo-e than half niifhsi. the "Atlanta. ' -1,nJ ton-, bus i-.-n success fully luiilifhtil nd ber machinery s imw tilling, the Huston. uIo or J.1111 ton, is now ready for latiuihing, and the Dolphin, a dis patch teamer of !,.' Ions, is read fr -all-lug. ertaln xdv-rsn irticiius ujhoi the deign of thfe cruisers re diseussl by the Secretary, who lnsi? that the n.rri-t-nis of the conclusions reuchisl tiy tae ud orv board and by the I)eii.irment bus be 11 demonstrated by recent development lu snip building abroad ltj- mucbioery o ' the double turretisl monitors. I'liritan. Ter ' ror uml Amphltrtte. ciintr.icte.1 tor i:ld-t the act of March 'A, l--.t. i- in proce or in struction. No work ha been done during the past vear n their ar mor for lack of the iH-o-s-Kr.) upprts pnatiotis. A fourtti moii t..r. tint MoimmIo nock. still telualus uutluislied at the ua v I iar.1 in Callf.niia. It I reeummended that ' i.,irlr t.iis l.o tiikeii tn i ..t,.!.. it,... CliriT -irps le III Kt II ill .lipil'K IHl" plete the-u V - si-Is, and to provide aio an it r iiihhi--ii t lor 1 tlie monitor Miaiitomoiiioli Th- re oiniii 11 ! dutlou of the Naval Ad. tor Hoard, a li j proved by the l)ep.trtuit-t ! construe tlon of one -tet-l n nt. iiiiprle the riiter of 1. i tons one cruiser of .'!.( 0 tons, two heavilr aruii il gunbotTs. one long enil-iir; gntilsiat, one despubll vessel aimed witli lltilrhkl can iidii. one iirmorml mm. and tlitee toipmjo boats. The general delgns. ul! ot whit h are calculated to meet the existing wa'iis of the erviee are now well advatieed und the con strue tli'ti of the vesel can be undertaken a soon us you sintil gi.int the iiece-snry an t liot it y The act 01 1 ongress itpprov ml An gilt T. IsjCJ, authorled the- lemoval to the I 1 lilted states ot the bodie- t Lieutenant ' ( oiuiiiauder (ieorge W. llfl.ong and his nun I paiuoti ot the .leautiette evi ditlou This ' removal has been ucei-lull ai-iuiiplishm bv l.iebleuauts Haider ami - ln: tz The r ' iiiiiitis weri taken lrom then grave in the I Lena de.tu in March. l"-"-l uud were detulmd at Yakutsk until the tollowltii winter, tbe season being trio tar advaiieml to admit or tlielr iinuiediate trausportatitm They nr- , rived at New Vork 1 etirnar '. KS. i'hey j were reeeivml with soltatu'- hooor. 1 In pur-uaiice of the Joint resolution of ongitss approvid February H. Is4, u naval Vpedit.ou Mli lilted out lor the relief of" Lieutenant A. W. Grcclv. I intml Mates Army, and ot the pint vvhn had been en lrauml. und(r In command, in i .entitle ol.- -ervat'on at Lady Frank iv 11 llav The Meet consisted oT tlie steam ealer Theti. iur- lia-ed in Kugland; the Ib-ar. punlia-ml at t .lolin. Newloiindlaud; and the Alert, which wii g-neroulj piovlded b the Itrlt h (lovernineiit. Preparation lor the ex pe'lllliiii were promptly made b the .-cr--tar.v ol the Navy with the active co-operation ot the i-ecrctiiry or War ouimaiider lieorge W. 1 otliu wa placed in command or the Alert and Lieutenant W II Lwing in c(muiaiid or the Hear. Tho Thetis n en trusted to Commander Wlutieid , ( opelv. to whom nl-o was as-lvneil the uperintendeue ol tin' entire expedition Immediatelv upon its arrivul at Cpiienuivik the tlcet began the dangerous navigation ot Mi .Iville May. and in spite of every olistacle reaeh'ml Little Island on June .. a fuiiuight i-aiiier than nn.v vessel had before attained that jMilnt. Tlie -nine dav It ene 1 over to t'ape Mibiue. where Lieutenant (Jree Iv anil the other siii-vivorn of hi partv wero ificovered. Alter taking on board the liv ing and the bodies (,r the dead, the relief ships sailed tor St. John, where they arrived tin July 17. They were aiiproprlat.lv rr celved at i'ortmoutli. N II . on August 1 and at New York on August S. One or th? bodies wn- landed at the lonner place. The tithers were put on shore at tiovernor's Island with the exception of one. which was interred lu the National Cemetery, were ror warded thence to the destination Indicated bv friends Theorgaulatlon and conduct or this relier expedition retlect great credit upon all who contributed to it succe'. HIS LAST MKSSXflK. In thl. the last of the statml m-'iiiyri that I iduill have the honor to transmit to the Congress of the Cnltml States. I cannot too strongly urge on its attention the dutv of lestormgour navy, as rapidly a j-o-stble, to the high state of efficiency which former Iv charactenml it. as the long pence that has lulled us into a sense ot faircied ,-virttv inav nt any time be disturbei It l plain that tho policy of treiigth.Iiig tin arm or the service lsdlctated br eonnlcration- of ue. or 'comnnv of !iit re-run I for our 1 luture trauiiuillty n ltd t a true appreoa- 1 tion of the dignity ami honor of the it- ( public. The report of the i'otmnster flrnenil m Vinints you with the pre-ent neml- of the Wstal service. It diclo-es the gmttfvun---"t that the loss of revenue from the rmluc--'J in the rate of letter po-tage. tecoin-"-tilled in my ine-are December. Iv"I. nnd efto.-.i ,y the act of March .'I, l-. ha been "JUtt. lc-s than wa generally anticipated. f" -Tomniendutloii of ihi rsuctou wu t"-'J,.pin the belief that the actual failmr 0.1 in n-eeint from ii'tti-r poiugo ror 110 year ii-nmlfately succeeding the change of , nno. cvtui i. .t hi) on- it hus nrovmi to i 1 , only S-Stih... Thl is a trustworthy indlca L --"...-- . .. tion thaitf,. revenue will oon be retor-l to tlie roraier volume bv th natural Incren nf sealeilc-iTrwDondenc. Icoatldeiitly repeat therefore, y,,. n-commendation or my lut annual mc tB,it the single rate or post age upon dr., letter be reduced to one cent wber?Vf-ln,. .,HyIm.nt - two cents i now r-niirei by Uw TnP uble rate is only exactisl ai0I-jcc, where the carrier y tem is in operaiion, ua,i j- appear nt the iiiuwa wrr "i-tamiT.j.tcra 1 In opera tion that the incr... it, hit liiinn local let- f tei-s defrays cot. r,,,t only of its own collec- I . V"" a-5j delivery. -,, Qr th,, collection and ' '-n:ces in wnicn 11 !-nn ia oooratu-n I of ofiicc- in which it I St I'..v..m..x...i .Imu f H-iT . t 1--'- I.si-'rience show - thai n., 0jK-.ition tin- -vr proper conuition i enu-;-lV- nn u,com- uimlation to the public and - R,ivantage I lol-e postal service It 1 m-ir-. than Unit . setf-itainingand for tne nii-, ur-cl by B lJ:e t'otniater (.eneral may pro-.rjj. f. cx. i'-ow. 11 is me opinion 01 tfta o!Jcer I that it l proper to provide tn.T-,, -nhert-- bv exceptional umpatch in di-rlin v.,h ,... " ,tr in trredel.very otrice may t v.cur(sl I bv paying extraoniinarj" potas. " Thj- 1 ss-retae migtit be mane eaective -y tao CIa. P-'J.nent of a -pc-clal stamp wno-, tj -in bin w ciiEina-iu-iiraic wi;n ie -..-, of-.x:ra x-rvscc 1:1 s.-ne of tbe large ftt," o the varou- government a! eirc--a, .n chary, of the Interior liepartnirnt, u r H.rrof it M-cretary pre-ent an inlere.-. summary. Among the topics di-srviis-rV parucuiar attention I refer to b- ob-4-rr. tiunsn-j-ccungour Indian affair, tbe pr. tin; to.- 3 and timber culture act, the tai.3--. of rztlrjad coiaKinie to take tit!" to iai4-, pram-d by the (.oxemtne-nr, and theope-r-- ticLior the pen. on orbce. the-patent oaic-c. 111 ii.uir. nn- iis(-iii unm-. the ccn-u- bureau, aad the bureau of t - auci - tion .uu-ion na ticx-n n.au.- t.i tae circxja-sta-;-'e that tuth a. betwe-en dl"frrent Indian n'.- and i- between ladmn. and tbe whi:.-. tc iat year ha- been ono of unbroken ace. In thl circumstance the Prei ut i plsA to Und Justification ror e policy of the Government In Alax with rhc Indian QuetMn and Rrmation of views which were fully cx- :--d in hi- first communication to the orty-evcntb Consrcs. Tha Secretary j urrea new re-enactment of a statute for ; the j.--nisbmiLnt ot crime cocn-iitt-d on tbe lmli-.a U vation. arnl n-ccrnmead tbe pas-saci bill now pendimr in the Hcxi&e 01 itepr tatives for the purcaa of a iracti square miles trota tbe Mom both of tacst mea.ures are rovaL I concur with him aio Keserv: wortby in acvi the repeal of tbe pre-exnpaoa law: actraent of statute resoivinc tbei re&al com plication touching Und llroad companies: ana ine xuna- -ctt ai the several Pacific liaU- ( i-Pft 0f4f I 1BBBS -''.ssK 1 sBBSSSSSSSSSsP- t.-ul rrn-t si rMsvtf pMMV . bs- t-,44 vMl a-i.r , 4,,, IW , K. , r-rst mtUUam hNnk-of t t. fxctetuoc t -t4--k- mi Hbcwr .- .. irrrwri 4 .i4J ttn-r-i tV-4 4 i-iii r-tte x.i b --- 4 tkt K ran i-at - tm, irf tft a rbrt -Uu '"-, -,.t --tr.t -f to- r-ittl. ts-Ui I rat ,,f3 tmal. iklwi :a.t t o-M-t-s simmmmm rikivt fmttm.t - tn A Im r--rrtto7 04 I t. -m--v , It.- tnt-s-Mrtt of a .-...-. -. .ownia-i4j (,,-, u u , iAtmm - li- -l - it -Mai Mt-ta IH.i -!. e-rs bs.. Umi- s,-- twr,r. BkW w ,. J...J.J ut Ib4 l.virfitkl imti.fi ". 1 ite- Mf 0jr f..r--- trm. rt -. pruiv IOdn!-A ttn -r-rn. t.lr. ii eorto ia ta. tr-.-t,oa. t .r of !. pt4m HU) lh. t Xdr- r r I r-e v ia -miuiJ! -u j.r-. ;t j j. , r.iA.7-- mt 11 -jr w.-urm. , r.; .- , eW. a..! lb f !. b r -1 unr.tw. laa.-in H fci Att r"-.sniTf eui li.kSMkU w -r it Ct- Tw --: of .:.- .i w .i- imv ., - v . X4vn ewr ai-.isaa r .. .,, k, iA 4K "fur- .jM-ir ps-r-. , , ,. ,. 4U ;X. r.pBe-M ol ti.. h.r- n IfHtual uaiiti tfcAl jr - v-a r:ii-n r, . r -aBj $tuX n H-...alii.nn)ir : .- ,, , ,J-.bK-ii a r. ullftr irn..t ii.-: "sst tittwru meat ltH- ar r.r.i.rn- '. T-, hlvb tX U ou .at t 4 t ... t - ; . HJB -."llbtiit uafuvoral. r-tx-.r s r t. i, uf tbo - (ir.M.'ax a iH.1 mr- -..: iua'iBC . t--r,i-rs1 trod H n'. t.,s: , . w cj sJ tr-Uikr-et- provided f r l?r .j r '4Bt l Ur ts.nlers of lb- uiul- fru : t CM Ithlu--tri rtl -r j-r lb.- .,.im. . ,. -splpi. btM run t-e Mi!t-1 b to !' a tfr at ' ' 7s "I r . ..' Mt t tbe .'.. U nM nd tit. ...? rifii r lliliuv.tluiior ntoiui fW . . .' mm X tbe Amen, an fot'ni-t atwj t! are for lkr iHilrsJ -i.je Vltn! .Ulil.ll tKlllruBj ! j- ivtiU'v-ta th.l -c .Muxl Hlt-m b4 .- 1 ,4g r--iImoc. oriln rt.it nlur' 1 -i.lt . t. i.'Bs 'it Is to lbft tbut tle surplus p-sti.. t itf, Br Se'd. o.:r ruli! l4 our Hi.rlil . , hsX VI Sow uiwler ont-ttit ens tht , --t 'M; r : r :ti-m 11 r.tni-art.n a r ti esA r jH-iitioa y4,r (J.. ..f a...,. , .., u. u ?m t 10 Uii.i-m! lir-t. .r-oi .it r- tm tM- "i iii-ii" ! nr n unil o 1 K-j. wb.ob lnl foster Msti u uf an uab.xiMp-rMt Iim r.-mrii: . t tra (.-Olldltlon. of tae-e tft-uiles h, J free 3dluil-3 of .in h ruer-h-...i.-r rua I r - V'l. i-iuiir) a...-. iHt itrtsluri- in ! .-ri iHis-ioii f..e or umlrr Iiiint - , fn duties of our prottn- t. tne t r.. Sis 1 f i-xchiinge to nppiv on Ihfsf- gl . r r.l 1. derltaeHa.-ot Ibr partt to ll.-1 . iir. 1 T 1 removal on i.th U-s ir-.m - -.- eg.sl ot u li.niis-i' 4 if. n.l Sjti. i ;n-t. o that tbe.r v---i in., j- u i. I eiml twte-n uur mrt. lt th.-.- . ' ?r other cat raet leg trtl- thnagb -lfi. 1" 1. tnili'Ill.- 00 Hit teervf-t to i, r i'ii,h(. trade, the reinov I or rmlurtlon of lusi'n on the etMirte: product- f t?. iivnirii comma Mithtota.' It--Bi r the tr-jai.--. nnd the av ohJiiiii-i- of tat tmktMHMl i-.-i tloits Had penw.lif as mi (ir-s-f-bt batn-M-rs-it .-mind. j. the etulill-bm-nt of lk j-ows-u lar -erva-e ot the I'mtr-t .-tales on - 4Htlrt--l footing, penuitting tbe r !tn-iu4hltf-t.l ef coii-ular fee i.t oni- t-iwi. ei-ia der tbe .Natl.uirf! Hmg. but ali renpoct' ve-se). I,- the tr-Ht aw I tori, rmnlii,- tr-st elltltl.sl t" 'he tw-ns-ttts .if the lrettM-s Thlpllv. the eaas-tinent of aciouir. tt fa vor tlie e..titu.rlioii mni taointenaucf of steam iairng marine uodi-r tbe a if I b . I I nltml Mat. rourtbh. tbe etn ii-bneHt of n tiwtrorta cutrencv 1mi t.-r tb- eoulrt-of Ai-mh-hk. -o that the (iiii-d prMlu o our uhhI bu ctn-olnte .n e-iim I .tin- IhrowglMtuI the m hole - -ti inn! eniiuuoDw eallh- This vo-ikS rmjiiire a inoin tarj union .f Amerva. wrherebv the output oT the bullion pe.Mtu.-1 Ilk' 1 oitntnes. mi J I be i'lteul)(kn or those hir a vieid iietlhi r goM nor -4ivir. eon id b.- ud ju-lisl Jit (.fortuity with lbs MvuUlloa. wealth and (-omnierti.il needs . -uch. - inn 11 j or 1 he m.iiiiiro- tiifwUb i tul lion to the e-imuv -- The .Mr pin prtMiiit-'ion of our mine nutl mint iiilgbi tbu lie utibiml nasi -tr taken ti.Munl the ynrrMt rrni'inctUM tion of ilv.-r to the iM-eo-tipli-hiivac tt tin., end o Im ii toe en Nltin-I b epanite trentii-i tin ieotiitlon nlren.lt coiicludml and ! In pi.'Kf-' bvis l-n diieeiml and the f avor . -ittuh "hi rw liirg':d imiIicv Im-thu-Im 1 ei. t. .r-l nap rants lite .el: f that it titlion v.1,1 or long eiebruee h!i or IH-ur!v all Ibe eouMrVis of this to-m.s-ihere It t- ti) no until de sirable, however thai the M.ej uef cott stdeiatlon -hoo'.d t.-appliml to th.-- ui tr e- u -veil a- tie- healthful eiiiMrgetMttl of trade v ith Iuroe, Asia aud AfrUM -4ubl be bought. 1I iiKtu'i'iNo TviiMT nrmo: on sucii of these ware- n neither we oor !h otber Auierleiiii -Iale are Nttist to pr---lu,i and tiius euiibliu-' ours.-lve to olitaiu Im t turn a better nmrkel for our -upplb- rf food, of raw material nin4 of tbe i-iMiiutue-tures in .ii- ue exiel; It eui to le that many of the einbarmsinr eleuieHt la the great National eonllH t between -rte Ion and inf trade may tho bo tuno-d to -rood account: that the revenue ira b re dui-tsl o a to no lotiiM-r over ia tb pe-- pie. th.ll pntti etion dutle mat lr ietilH-it without ls-niuing btit.lrtesome. that our shipping Inteiest uia ! jodiel .u. ea couraged. Ibe 1 urn nev lived vn a flrwi Ihi1. above alt such an '.Mill of interest etabllhel union;- the -Itati of the Auiericnu sjteHi a w!l ! of great and ever Increusirig advuntnge to tbew ail All tn-Htles in the line ol ti -.llc which have bi-en negntlalml. or uie In pro cess of ueirolltlou. contain a pr-vllo deems to tie rmtllltte under the t Uiue of the contltlltloil. ilnilWll-r to tbe Ilou-e of Kepresentativcs tbe uiitboiit- ti orgmato biil for raising revenue. On tlie tweitt--ninth ot Kre'-runrv lii: I transmitted to ongres the Mrsl aunNul r port of Tim rtvii. i:itvicK i'4viii-r. together with eominuiiK-ati'.ii- frHi tbo head of -evenil Kxeeutlve )--irtiH-tts ot the ("overr.iHent. re-pi-rtlng tbe sh cial working- ot the nw under which tin' commission had Iwen -rtltw The goiMl result therein forehnrt ml baxe I een more than reab-ml Th'1 si'.'! ba in ilv anwersl theev tn-etatlonsof hi frleusl III securing coiuiieteut ami fHlthfOl pUUlM- servant, and in protecting the appointing- oiliccr of the (iotertiuii nt inm the lire or H-rsona! finiMirlnnlty. and trtmt the labor ol examining the t aim orwl prten- ion of rival ( iindidate for pu bile tNpl) ' tnent. The law ha hud the tir-uaMne-t mi , llpport of the President Hint or the h'-sdx lor the kexernl deirtm nts sod the mem bers or th commission have performed their 'duties with 7eal and fidebtr Their report - 111 -hortly be submitted, and will !- em.- panlmi by such riK-ommendtttM.n for eainrg ' imr the cote of tbe extlng statute bai! Commend themselves to the exerutive mvl the commissioner charge.1 -. ith 1: adtniiu- xrntion In view of the general ami perst-teat. ! rnand throughout the coiniio relai roinmuml ty for a National bankrupt la. I bop- that the differences of "-niitni-nt which have hitherto prevented It enactment tr.y nX outlast the present ses-iotis The pestilence -rblch fortbe pact twoyear has tieen raging lu the countries of the !'..-1 recently made it ap;earanre in Kurop-! jKirts with wbk'h we are inconstant comtniini catlon. The then ht-retary of the Treasury in t)uruance of a orusiamation of tbe Pn-ident. tsued certain r n-u.ations r-- striding and for a time prr-hlitting tb- Iro liortatiou of rags and the dn-isi.n of bag' uusi' of immigrants or travelers arming from Inrected quarter Iest the ooiire may ! have been without strict warrant or . I afiprore the recommendation of the present secretary, that the on.-re. take action ta tbe premies. and I alo r"comr-nl the a mmlUte adoption of uch niMHiP' a -wl rx- likely to wanl off th dreadml ejMdemic and to mitirate Its -.-verity In tas it shati , unhappily 'X tend to our shores The annual rej-nrt of tbe rotate) -toner of the Dlstr-ct tt olunt4a revie-i the f-er tions or tbe seTeral deprtn-nt of Jt raw neipal fzo erntn nt. 1 a V v -r earef oi cw--iderntion of it urg-ti'n In rep-i Ic-rJ-iation I cirarae-.l. iM-h a r-ir M re-vi-lon of the ctv;i aad rrtntlnai e-4e. iie jm.i--forroance of labor br p-r-t J-c--l tt impn-cinment in jail. ib- e.:r-t-tr a4 oecupation of barxe arrioir the rlier Jrt-oC. and the erectloR of a uitabM buiSiax f-di-trct o&eer. mn -jkvt. 1 recaiaaend--! that so i-.xtpWOB S .rv4 of ny- tiraiit. hu .s--ml nt the . rmte of th rtr4 -t. al tV Prrsrt-at of :hl SmtUm. tfce 1 mmrnm c-mst upon b:m a wltaMe penart'-R. I am i-nrtntn ff the jrirr- tac t Mie Bs-reMr aol ri -xwtimat. I imv r.rf.aB--- to t-st'autrtii. r---m for - rod 's1aa a rrije . t :a-r ff as. j '-prtJtN4. 1 hcn enrtee: n-f ttb tottt -csr-?-witltrs-JatJthrgrat iit ... r--ei-L-tt- -s- fcMl The f-re-rvKioo of for". ' pmwnr eVimim. tb- grattc f (ar-T-ns.jM Ut M. - n!!iminn: , eluc-ati-n; t? Ks rnrnx m vm- ' .'. i ..ntit-:h-i. ; tr. make ffftr Tr-- ,- Pre-rfeft-Mi otee lertirt- ,. -.le-t jt.etfc rr--tia-y !- ut'-' m.. J- siJ-y - -en.-r-- wfcM-h ----TJax- r rvc--tv? yor ris cmnnmim Con, - the t-ac dra nfcrJ. '"-r-- J "- r-irii from tbe ptjbllc -m-c. 1 canno- T-irsin froaa exprt-jr ' tbe la-Wir, of tbr Naiirtui Xy-sriJ-turewlth -rt-i-n I k.-r l-ecm Irourht Uj por-onal xn. n-Urtu intercoarM', tay t.'nc-r appreciaUo-i ,.f thc-r unfaiH-iX rocrt-Jc o. their harnsotUou ccxpcratxra -.Ub tbceie cuUve in w -na- rrcasurr r.cii-tel fa promote th t. Qtrrr-. of tb eton. aaI to mr fellow ....., -n-..rl-.cl-,-'- wi-fidiTni... . -... -itifin sssWbc -: rrt which tai-r fe.rJ. ccordeI -EinitraUon of t-rrcative V- 1 Hisrrxri "ss -Mrr -k - - n rHf klB. t i -b,psa-rrx; by tb- Pr--4le-it i -rM---rt:e--! i pptr.pt-ia:ic -t.: ife- rf----Cst of stitwte ta xrmvi t b aiB-x mi IM let- Wcahia4toa, D. C, Dccr-.,P -b OAM&twN. jrxx lff ?!4 U t "iwnr frm ihxjx s-sJlBSjC P -??: fi fsrOS". . .k- juj4 hpsfrrt i baiur jrnrr xrr ih t"l? yJ::rr &rnsul ik 3?J- A a pWr can iV ri?tJMrra h 9 Ihf sAJ pf H.M tVl M 3k va Mttvn It rmuiflr atl tt tna5 sxuii a tall or rMsr! H3 mrlt tT-tt-Jv ( nrcerz. rswr; lat ? --; . nstz xa e ? gsaftKMM jr 0 (! ttrtlV;. ssjMsaa "H-nk a xou J -.- 1 -r-.(S4k la Iw-aI 1aa-i t4 Mka- t -. k , prow a ivTrxr htt- tU&-4Q. If isj r-riH mr WaMSt - 4til plant t t'ATie-i ;ta oiVrrov plants k-)i a x-ait Sl--Ws t?wt at:4 ulfccr (44 falitf-4Ms4 lJiwcT a4 ltrt, vthkh baxe a rv-jar.a.tW jHr-T .( ilr-rrlojnj: re aal turWxt!2 t& atuiutpbrr from tniaaKtt )wW-s, Th farm-f ft-s f-l that M the vanl txUut tin h-u-- -Isaut'I MlHr !s ta rrupx vr u4 jx a ptssrr It vsliiaWr l-uJ Kor aa KI b4M-ltr ti may Iw wt-H -noij;h. bwl for a nun - hax a wtic ami ehdvirru. ta frxal yanl can not l-o pn-fttaUv kshJ a a tt(r-- IIp can nol afiurxi H. .. ) ?.. I"Ju-rx t --rtm plant xt-v" - s iranleti thai arw t!fx f-Upr- ueli ... . .. , Ha-1--- -- apit-VI-Ttttt- aav ----; I jn. in 11 re that tuav U jH-a tl-n4 I l.l.l..,.. .!. .-..I .uixml. s ". .-""- --04- -rilcr i pi th-n far tvani ratrfiUv iberx i atbiar Hi-rkr ' an tvaial aj4k-alkHi at tiJ4 f uxtiurv, ioihiwxnj tli nt U lv a b . l.w.in.- Tr.. ttirtrv. m.1 -m.t. -.rsj ,-... .... ...... -. ---- jrkeii me twHirr irim h-ik VWherv clover Ua n. k XTpv,'--! allow ml Ui m.-vturn tjBV i tljiii-i will fall n lb- j-r-'"1- ! r niai.1 until liu favmb4 csrxfUinxiaiMs, )M fr Ihi'tn U pnirHt-x. Wjtli vcfj pkivxin; oat af llm iU W ."la, in ihturfeux, aal la j-u t!ss 'iijj,i to make a fa-r .tU$; On I l frv rli -wsaltni? enn U U-i-J' -I .1 H 1 riWl irjcer ur-cl tt -w n.i mtM'h el ittrx.1 spriar lrtint iar.r t 'tar Umm I mm iirt In r-..4- .turtv tMtls XT. - - '-- -,- j- ja, j hnv laiii UrJt 11 la) xrn cvai -lnib! l U br mI f riii pr idffcatiir -arly. la cWUaK x i-ojjjfc'u'ii frm vxlih i lnnl 'ia iel-t n ctw-; tii at Uaryw rlA an- tall imniUar tmtiy , ' m f enrh mntaoly. IV11 el. ;..-. k . Hi il' ' n t . tllXti p. . Ni. ,, j IhJ il .i j wint. j I!, vvm iihI i't-u-. nltl wilcn ijm tflk lu I)m war - H J i.tt to a imv1h iv in (Kto (sW a lav nil thrftirlt ( '.- ,r.- xtnxx to vary am! Th ourlol xvltii tlirtke 'i boil h r 1- W li.t iiinii i a f 1 . Iv ilf XVtllt tlicf J-s ca nun; l'antW n."iie nn ! v. r i-.u iJaXor b. a 1 atiileit U?hr .mi. n inttHtrts n ilIK ak imi'iel. t'nint-i rifiit! iM-fntf it haifi i n!rilj Hkt-sl. rii h U li Inter in . thn hav . Jjive an rxcellt : Ui s.-na v ' an tiiel-t a -li. in Im -xUn Vi nt.tH-! lino, remltr lutiKr'I l-r nut nH-l. - Th DO HOGS , ,Xfa XX bo ,lnlir ..II tllt-ltl. I I. Ink. lie I llflll Mill. I Km (.I It. srWr Htri--'I sj-," ' Soitt J-iwHilt nv Ibxl iIft pax. 1m1 nrx filthv. l .ut-f hril-, tx luli-nitiat t rrfiie tl.- rvs" . tae fnnn that iaa rwl -' li--'--I HlVr-ivi-i-. Ais Ui lb"ir l-'ifijj fi.lax, tbnl m Ih true. ipN-iHx il thi-x ar -?iwhat ttfe-r-il. but a to 1-eJBX r4liJr K. I' Whst s,v in tli- .! .svi .KontMy: i hfive MOt Umttti il -; om ths- (xwtmrt. hav Matl lfBr..rjr tr ti t tb i.it lw yr !'-4aj aax rttiH to i.ow Hh-HrW IB tsti par rheI at tiMxrVw r- ( m 1lfajpi bimI ini-tin-i!) nai c-wMiiat hy -4r wm brH2iti a trrf t r owrwi. I 1 HOME. rA-JT'AND I TV f t'fV Kve --. -f( I ! - m "j-M um4 ' . mr l" T JF ih - Ay 1-" ' . 9' -. JK i m IV iff ha aBi m x If It 1AY? a ix VlK i V XI r r a ?i a SOI ff 41 IIS O! tm ( insluf! to k- tb 6xirx. I"lhv' as foIUiw: Tax T 8rt esl. nt 'it I 1 , Sl B 1 toh-s -nwiit rora -ft mm r-.-- HHdiMa4-. ( I J p-r - t it, poiMt rmwrn mtfk. M ft 44 I.U-Je4 Utrmpi. Ml MUk Tirfoi fa, Ily 8T oott-Kt tli -sua tMrK ml A How in -f the auustarr ra iva-st of the lab.-, we brv-" a w aroftt oi a T 'Jb-- jiijj) wr ami ay x tburl-i.rw-i lierk-biro tr. th tLaaa btijr n irnre u ("hWr whi hktmul TWt wen tlrrd l tiV ag o-f "it ai . hnlf monUi. aa-l Tto a Ttirv. lmt-t-r at t--a e-at. j,-t p-al a"t. .Mrvrtli J'. ls-i 'IT- riffht ar t kxrx 'Hiejr fe. , -mlsI K pnttrias --in-r wt.T t:p-x it. trria-f tht-ro-jj-fclj anil allowrj to cxk-i Utr --f-rJ aMr-bs-fore (.(hnjr The s-sraitx wt-r-loi!eJ anil .1 : thna Into t trtrttrh al fisriliag tiae- Th"T wr aOna the mn;!' o" la xrnyai"l aad wf- tiia-le c-i-mfortaW- tltrxrafcli lk- umx - jernisbts bj a pl-tifn: fftlT rf rax- in one cornT nt a ! UtJiHunl t-ff--to An!. It om k)UrnI jrwa-Wr inav x taat uV profit wx u tW I high pnc ttt -w-rt rulusf a iha.', Ujav. j I npps'a! the hjnr p3 - 'mg sj-rin-: z fi tkrxirii ih -naiaur auar! I fall. vil 4rt--ss-l aad W Novewfcnf li ! I v-a. at tb-- Jo-wewt bb ni pciemm. xix . ' $&.:! -or haair--i TVsr if mmt I .L.1.41;-.-. nt wWt a-klt -will- th cer4i oi a trl l jproaa m 1 wrtLs fruca Oka ra-9 Mrst: 7 r -V Wf- str- aiM Ot !- TcAsl r-at f 2ja hwatisV M t Tb daM ol fistnt-a -.ri-. !'' f-s-r a-aK. WW sbav ii-t rnLinr ntt4is. aa as Ub- :ri xl-s Am aea aaMi 1 Uut sstistinVs Maa . mie-a ior all W TW tayi wua -r-r-iaawi ds kajrWa :.,- envr wMJ. aa! sJL t- s-s.r IsjMTt4t-t: . -a iv j;rf-ifx ri&H. . attxttea!". :- K. --J.CL. rtrr -x-rr rSbrt V ra3ilrit-f--a It. i :&. iL rv n.! u. -- '1-1 Ky i.e.eot airtvaui r-l a nj rjfp-23o-i ujWtr li aatca t- -'' " ' irr- x frjfd c a&4safv-s.,.w-n ,-- . ;- sWaa Vrs"-f- t t-j - li - I pro,:.: . ri j rv-rir r 1 I---.'' 'I ; t r T- r-jsa- rui 'iV o! L.s r -- -A Kput-ttH r repatali3B --. ' cr-va not VGr -l' ' ihrvriortAr v tUsV 3S P"m. ussBcu-A m Rh nV-i. WpTH rit I o yn'OOU " f nr--. tr.i- i- -v feT --- iT-f ijf -mHKt-nP9'9v& t -. 1 -p Fy" -Jm . I - ---, Xk VV-eJ Irt rs-H . Jjsfcjwr, klir' lsvt flMtlut-. VM -tiss4 tk-4 3 $tjl - w-a Jjj . Ss-cb ivxro -J 9. .4 Jll. ' mms- , Vr Ut' ! h V. ' vpr j s-4-ni & ttx X X4s-rM. s,(fc4 ,- t;- - il.t n wUl vss & t-. 1 itm tVa Wa -f 4 - Htm trJfc trkt tlsiA rvt . m wif- Nl.. - - 1.,-i A - , at sW(Mfiiir 0(si Vvs- TW fjUt 44-X . t i--e Ait ,t;ttrJliH 8-4 r-a h - mmyrtm j-rvxjr. tX i, -?sil -- Jhl a nasr xrav TW ft?- .xtrsi-k- " - ftkh atx? aJ Artxi x . v-4 will rx- A?al-.tf! ffv $f. tnft Bit "y-!. fr --f I i. rx-n -s4 jst-.' whr -iff" r-r A -tifa tfsja. -n- f b- It -- a-h-xx !' ix ffvx rtuniaai. b tlriev ,; b J ia krjA 4I -H' ' - -ffif xrftj. ) 1i4a lit lU 4. 'lh tk ". afi-bx -ta Sx--a na4 4 Viri4- r U fift l ir r-nt. k-xM la.jfi.V. lhv4if fts?- W.is Wv-? Vft,-' ! CX ( V4 &-&-. JM 4 m- tb( IBM -m-r- l r kHMMA-Uv'i xfVr w i. its-, xuW -rf ktf ,V"xs. rx-n. UJ tMt rbp k! tiV--is.4 jTi w - 1 a-fcla ir-m tk- rfsv!, 0 atximcx. -rax- .! -jff - t rx-j.pI 4-rx-M S9j M s-ssiV- .h. ,- ) a4jlr rtT .2tt-- W'M lt4' f. CV-S4 cf KiixVifajf 4l. TrrtWrl - 4 5xr Min. liifraia, . M-, Ar . tix-4r - .).! Mt i w.Vi Uii4f wrl f,(all iia-v xA xu aart- xrfxi al-. l-- vc W n dtiHnflt; .!, aar 4 ht Wtivr U Us jU. ttg If w -svaiHtass lh $ il-f fi-trtWr - -Wan H v-b-ifxi illiliVxatt ma-r (t H-UI b Ms-ii r. ixr tin! A4nrlai tu-vsa-Wt wh a ttotwr-- -.waii Hvm4 fcnk aWt-4 ut. t H t-m AiMtrMta x-tw4 xilONt. hint mtMrx fr"5 tae xtt -rv oa4 ai in th Mist---. v Mi u t!oiiittir xa-) -jmx jxi; in tin- iiftta- ianis-r-k. ni, lha l4aV' Uur tt-rnlnr-s xrUI 4t- ijpi- ft aolJtt )M ar si WimsBj- kt f tii atv- xrktW xti nxfti vx4 JV x a ojm! i l- tiMaa. xtak-a ar -itf-t Uit-xt A-al rthsl it tkxl mM txr-i) tm ielr-n. vtl ksBriak IfnB xtx U. -nj-Wi 4jr av. as -Hriaj:. a fva hW fc aIni tH-.(itn!.. at! It t Ui- a4. th Vai ifora4a. '! Hhiijstftf v.,!,! Mntarafty Iwfjtitf xa j4mi f Bi4v Hn!ihi-i hrtiiV .x--la j - l.. xiiul Aua-raitna aass-asHai xHrtk. U(iy.(cir ar -Ml , tin l-tt tnt 4r)it.r --. w4fc- IM ti u ir I IM tii44 nijWtl) ' la tW f am oitlj vktt Mlml rrf h1 ) ."i fmtiiil. x Uilr lUr xii-r l ttl , 4 itl lft f,tlis! It) lk-H t.i 1 J9 (tfxafan. hWh vnmUtt4 vrllJi tlti nrnJ t i th- xvt4. min ssttyVftx b-wt ix iplwuUftg- mHuHhtm Xt tc tiilUer fciMi in lth Cafif'saHfl-T Aatralia no mm uiiei)vht ar i 0 rpk.tH&Wn xim -n wrv tmricJi jtrIS rta! l-re j- .- h-i irsn,. iwiffit m o4 hrr lh. l unr-r ---BlpMi Vri lie dtl- 4 lbir Ul ' -M a im-s aUrtc. t xm. it rv-Mliix b - tlbai the tmxrVM x-4 m t h ! jmJ. a tk b 4 lib i"san, hi n naraJ f Il. )-4 a 1 mi wtmmm mr IwtitHif t m Uif t 4mT I k thl kmr Umkm, hm-h rail a lfes ffnl Imx er xbmvnt tae pmrnc m TV x""' - r a tlriHsxg saa wf l at MH uta wit tttm fr.s-r xfaa i nnif Ulr-1 w-a uV tafaa ( 1 ( h. m., t" 4ax k sv wkririi -tun r4j4Jj attma; a4 -Ms i thou, a m si fta'j wiia aI W-wv tls -HKiJrtn! 4fcs-r iilr v nil Mitbt-aa mmtt'W 4mH m- Ua4lf . U alt wr- m-a-4. B4a4 w-ifcrij ail It-. Ub -twMibi mT IB- AMtlfl tsT-r wutsV-i, ha a axpn r H jpan. f-r tit rtutta laaa artalatr t b hrw4x( vntisia a ttrjr sirfw 4r ttit SOM W tMsr x'( sb'r' ltef Usat tla tiaM hUI rw- ai hi Hbm i la xx'xr4 will t s44 -- W kxvt -M- 4mibbti alw-tt thm. 3ml irtoi) !rtH. t. l aanal tla v-cm! that is tn&mxmi mmtml iht h -44II w et4i-ss- -. -srlaiagsi aa U huhKiI itt s sUtl awtsaxl aththak i TWrx b a rmmnm -hy mmsml mtU tumid m k -s-t iImm tm s-vt xcwVa wtU tsMttit) -to. astt Uhv; io't tar m mr fmm ffrwa A Us- --sxiy Sow-. m s-aa-HNsia) - fa l -B Mi rH ars-itsxrs. Is av- l- rx-!iiT --ea ttbat tko nst-w a. -siain-is. h" wo-, -t ijri- is alMxHsrisrt li4tMi nr -- -iraic-f aaot aal mxh a4vrtnnrii who bsrt lkir a wt-'ss' - CLCAN. titrs-tis t HEAL7HY rovuj. 1a.kl-. tiiilr s .wj llbsCa. rf. ni - Oji r-4 fanrv it--rkr. aa am a ia7 r 4J - jtx t- 1xt tit-rir hi-.. rtJ--Mi afM. tb IW t;- tSs-wi K- asT-rvr r-Usvr Usa t Htw sMltrY aiw 'ii. la 4-Hfi- t k kHlMj- iki lk-i asl: aarh "4stJsj fcra-VWvIih sasfi -firt. WC . tt9 $r-x-r. fail r lis JrHkix a4 Uri. mi . Sanaa tar-yttsj-a thw umm hmU ,t a Ms m i tJspaa Msiax Uhsar wir w1j ar awtr TV trot sv ls--x! -. at-nrfa: a wtsahnr th- sA ) aa j- tsVr friaanrT hoaw m turn afl -!-. WsfJsoa arj- , ii,Mrhnsi kv- 4ix tenia- IW .--sl. Aasa ff 4s- rail -bHstj Irr. haat &W 4 ; issv a- -msmsV: w-raa.al mmlji. i --4- mtts e.tK ta-, htrk aaat BiW fHrvWs or "wxii'sil -p tomj fa TW aarxatWats i a w Wwa iiaiKt(ii ta bra arsw IftMsl lW. ax fASMf h-MH-i mj-J Sj-h-s, . . . a j sis) iWia-wU r-w -.i . .- . - -- "-7 sMaiip r .. .i s-..- l . 1 j. - k ummn w j-M-v-x-asap -pi hsttrt W W i4H axa-t aaira- Us7 raa W ro-Bral ih0h aatain.im jan toosVitiK, TWr w tsai3-- tWA- 1 fc? fn fovl. ata Kriaj; 44ey -a us jj ". ta-ersvt U- srbr-t. -xoave i,-, lvt-f W X-, J- X.- . . ' a TrJ..r'!r..Ti" .' ??- stf-il -i-5 3-TCUBl- S'2 Ji-jp t. bro A Iftwi r- iri. iv- p- -----r jt.jix, pr.Or---Uf r rxrlaiea tti riUt x i-? U krrt si!f e&--n. a - --- - I tz aii.l i- cj j o l&at t& ta -wiU -Jua-j U. A bo-t. Mtck tl! Ji w le soor. will u-mpi tor ta c -s-5 5- artii oc au it hm tiisi H rrpali M r fur- q "ff T rsf B WW a U .4sBjBt mn as- '--i l t?' 'SN 1 v- l JS' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl '-"W 'E bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bv Vi3I SBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSV " Ikw iM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV wMMMMMMMMMMMmL-i' "" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV' . . r - f .SBr .BBSSSSSSSSSSSI KSRs.- 2fl T? l 2. t: 4Pgg S'J Star- 'B.-,. v.-- 5i Wtsw Km - -14.