The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1884, Image 5

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    W. w
?-3 -
' sJ3Fftf. 7VSMBBBfBBBBBBHBKwcrsZ!vr -1
FpEBSCv??; ttJ6aH eK&4ranBBBBBBB
W ' Ji " t tr i r in i w ii m m ininni inn mi 111111 m nmnini ! 1 imw rim ifii 1111 il ini 1T' fftfi t r ri M iMBK M Q , 1 1 .' j' JEBwBKffBdfc' ,m '., "J" .JWina
1 JL"-
In. oalr
or inf-
fria br
f Jijrh
;or .
Ami "
' -.w-ffyr-i
B&r Ianl -f & Htatoi'.
j? ttfrjyHjdit silfew grand uotukvy
A BitoTK&f 3frs, A. L. Funk is :o
toe eity.f
1 TV.
'.iy a
. W &JWA1&&&
S3 f:fl?i w.v-w?
n& " SMI
C. L. Ccrrr.Mc, the bookseller. Al
bums! nHwi. 19-3w
After Icmler 20th, the, day will ni
begiVto i?rmger, '" - I
CHiuyr J Gifts' ChrWmas Gifts at
v right ifTallnreV.
. UkEHT hn'da v tdfia ni. tho
Etfgle dMlnnk Ktorct,
llofrW & Moulas;, district attorney
was la e city lv week.
ifiw- you eett that big pipe at
Htt-.-ilJoolr's It's a curiosity. i
F rub of the prominent citizens o
IilcfjJiH were in town this week
H f r tale 1j? tnorftt A Uii?T:rTCotnrr--TIidLtn?t rain
fertile Mh juiiici diilnri. conre! i
LOOAi. ponrrens.
JH rtWHlfi
f Jft ' "
Cat i. st MwIht tor tarl or haVk
Or Jtil! fiatelin lrcwlli! T lvr a!Ar ' fc f
w mort.y occurred in riin:: h KoI!L, 'of! rft. w. '
uoUj, impann..tiff tnc cran.l and c)UtJn .SVWm-,. 1u
two o'clock .n Wiwdv Uui j:rand,lvanc'tm.w.a,,n,,i- Ur ymt
iorr rnnJo thir Ri.rvrtrnnre in irt ' "" ."" '" -utJ wi rr-
trtitinir fvrr ttKlictrnfat. After
it riviiM?llMitKil tin Honor mm werti t
.nmt.-.-i for tbt frm. At 5 oViorV ' ai. trnw' of oyJcr At Mhf tit
Joi fVvi: ivn brtijjht into court, aim! j can or "w1 J91v
flto iiulirtiitt nf t4 rratw! ilirr rliif.'. fT H Titbit. t.-. 1. .inJ.. . tl-lt
ili-wimnicrniiwar.iKaiitwMreatt nUIUT rr.afoa- as Suvrnv',
'irnweai to Omitba to aU V ."',- -?-j ,-"," iff-n ami -cwo,.
I S ST ' K. .
1 .,1 m
r ' 'ufiw worn
l j'lrv' thi xfX
3 two atxI uifrrilr
1 '- jaiua;ie fc rfon.
az.,1 r. oi uoiots nocK, vra. a
t Uu-r on WnttJav.
i i.7ky ami I) T Nowonmor
; .
JS it fr- lfr
Owlr- fmnrtr r . v '
-fcfe4 .
"( 7
tptf mi iuWiirtm t ,
tnrinc b-rim; us tho ilcf ai! nckl
j to tin? WKff.
(h.. iiM H -
U. UMa A44 1. rMHNt W t'lM J
H k. WrtfW. H M t S4W ik
Ur t ! Trry.
UL V-l W k4 lite bm ioi
aat ill IhuU on )t in tt rjwlwc
un: of iba
Kovl Arch
Tmt: Ijadlcji Aid Society rnctts at 3rr
. Funks this Friday 'aft erhoo'ir ft
SO. IT. Maryntl, the jowcler, bees to I
. i . . . . ..'it 1 . 1
'innounce mat lie niw noon appojnieu ;
A lunks this I'ridav afterhoo'nv ll
'nsiA XrciJ feli at the rink on Sat:
im afternoon and sprained hf r arm
'iiKchoiccMt stock of cu.-Atnc! o
v ryllrctor at the Iln-ktijt
H:iutifui in iIeiK'tt hJ ikis
r. lmirjihjv.
(t V 'r.'.Kt.Y. Ik htHf sn ftriMt-lv
f5 " ! r:iniUNi f tlio stomach w
jijn ji"-i'i.v ii(irinii):.
J Till. ll)A.-tU
t" 'link
foulit to Ited Cloud, dtoryv
mlc a-jcnt. for thiseitv and diKtrict. for'
,u-sale of the celebrated Ijc .MareVfF r,. 'vnr.1,,1.1 -n.. .
'S1 .L -iQti1 nrA llrttftiti -urnifn i"ffil?- . - ' 1 .,
.vn v...,.,. ,. .uu. ".'-Kettipr mnuo us a pJeasttnt ca
V'.1V,V"W" '"'. ".'v.A...v, ..,. "yi-1(:!iv.
u unc 01 me fame 10 sun. oki. mt.
nc-nr and wuok siditi?, in white cokwft
- m . I
lined :um1 smokol, mounteu in eo.i
silver, nickel and hteel. J'-nnnent
.. $ fMihVlw roi'nnunnnd nm nrrwrilif thmn
.Li V n einlTHrine all the menu refinincto
r- k constitute them the befit helps tohti
' 4 inu.Ke. Every pair warranted wlrive
J the desired 'satifaction. IJarfalftO
ftk nocuroA tho latest and beat iiirjition
f j m me: "The jrraphos topic opketer"
ior iiiunfr Fipni acourarciy, . cui.;
Jfyouwish hollitiav iirtvents'fl.pelook
over my stock v.hile it is coirjjp'-c and
Ct the first choice. In phi ware I
have the very best good oii.w market
.Hollow ware, all fully quaiijfide plat
ed, and every pieue wanatcd, and
the most hcantiiul desijrn. Ittomo and
f,ee for youri-ulZ Clocka cjb'very kind
from one dollai up, andijppenduluin
clocks warranted three jm. EarriiiKa
in endless variety. blcr.. pins,
jiuriie pins epincUun ww, sieve !nt
toiH. collar buttons, still5 charms, and
rlocketa, neck chain- in the latest
styles, bracelets ui.tilryou can't rest
to O.Ml. IfAUVArr.
OnjWoreifm Hubacrm will bear innrind
thnl all .fubscriptionmS cut off at the crptr
ulhm of the time p&lfiir. Wc should be
pleated to have uUr&cw at once.
5? Ri
Tho Amoriapi Agriculturist and
Tho Chief onyoar for 82.50, in
cluding Tiio Tixnily Cyclopedia, a
useful book flf 700 pages, tho book
alono boin? Worth more than tho
prico of subfbriptioii. Come in now
and leave our order. You will
novor got fbothor offer llko this.
Tho Ajrjcitunsi; is ono oi xno dost,
papers fafarming, in tho country.
MBv .
till.' In
r him
wSg1'' ,K'U'
J S.itur-
if fr-
ill rdc t
loml IV.
i in.
js and J
Y Wall-n-nV
DisTrJ ; court this veek.
TiiEfilre about to build a rink at
Tr.iw-1 west is quite heavy at the
Sumiive "Waiuien was ' m - Lincoln
this reek.
fn rink is now receiving a good
a pickled pigs' feet call at losh-
c&s marKeu JlKJw
1'nEASfitKR Buschow was in Ilas-
lugs this week.
J una B presided or the dis
trict court this week.
Miss Cone has returned to lied
CloudTroiii'Xew York. &
When are we to have tho sidewalks
built to. the north end of town.
5W?(tea. v'0"1, wi"i m tiiiucu iiiitiuurux
- ' .mionaraiiaii, is,,in J.eU UJouU.
TirEiusiT!!Wftoateinnoranco social
at !Mrs. Bfilkefielu'd itiris- Fridav ovo-
Ajuevt many of the citizens ofv
Webster county were doing Cloud
this week.
Father Clkjiy will hold services a1
tho Catholic church, next Sunday, Dec
13111, 18S-I. that Christmas is at
liand. Make your friends a -present
and lie happy.
Pay your taxes both person:.,! and
real estate If you don't you will have
to pay a penalty.
A coi'Pi.E of fellows the other nig'nt
wanted to ride into the rink on horse
back. They did not go.
Kead Wright it Wallace's new ad
vertisement in this issue. They arc
ollering immense bargains.
Theke ought to be a bridge across
the ivepubliean above the lted Cloud
mills. This would be a great conven
ience to the traveling public,
1 he ladies' of the Congregational
church wish to express their thanks to
the citizens of Ked Cloud for their lib
eral patronage at the oyster supper
last Friday evening.
Mu. Arnold, of Illinois, has been en
tertaining the people this week with a
magic lantern show. It was one of
best entertainments of tho kind ever
given in Bed Cloud.
Tiik Gardner House came out with
a new omnibus this week. The work
was done at the Ked Cloud Carriage
works at this city. It is a line piece
of work and reflects credit on the
Those who attended tho Congrcga
. tional churchy last Jjunday morning
J.eard a sermon on the probabilities ot
map, which was calculated to ele
vate the scale of humanity. Come
and hear lor yourselves.
,A good many cattle are dyi.ig in
this section from overfeeding. It has
been said that when you are about to
turn your stock into cornfields a per
son should first feed them corn-and
millet for three or four days- so that
theyiwould be used to the new diet.
Mrs. Fannie Thompson, wife of K
One of (he freaks of nature o
the other day when Jerry Orm
cow gave birth to three trnlves.
Mis. A. T. OrmsijV and wife I,
turned from New York whe
have been visiting for several jf
Freight on corn from thi-a
Chicago has been reduced 5cj,
uruu. . in corn advance, no?
Mrs. Levi Moore fell olT
crossing on Fourth Avenue
day night and hurt tier arif Jry -er-
The womnns relief cot$
olhcers for tho ensuing ypj
Dec. loth: All members ij
to be present. hi
A !.im.ra.. reduction o
on ail overcoats ranging
upwards, at the Golden
store to reduce stock.
Mr. IT. Dedrick ha.
from Bloomington whei
completing a contra.;
He is a good work mini!
jo sot tun in seJjij'
grand holiday diSplfr
oalurday, iJcccmhcrjl
3.fR. CharlE'5 Hasf,
is reaping me ouncifi
corn contract, unviif
els to deliver at 30 f .
A. N. Wright oMj
. x r
the senior memueni
lacn, Jewelers of tWfi
Cloud tins week. J,
Remember th
more the irrand ?
on at me tioKica
To secure a chifVI
there. ,
x'lease rcmip
new arnggmi, i
tie also sells m
sets, toilet c&?t
mugs, dolls, .'
O.N' Ffi
and a very.
uieut was
Mr. L.
the aTicul
witli a bee
Inst ycar'i
two potuv
for yoiC
ing bt tl
be cob
the pry
Tl... :...!:. . I .... r .1
ro4int-. u. estch of jrh-h J- plead not ' , ' kfJP .kv'
.W.... . .... ,T ... V-'- ..V....... ...... r,.
it and with :be exemption of a flight
flush of the fnco anoenrisl nerfcri'v
nlm. Hi trial wa ptponei until j
Jj.iutj.ry 5. ibe curt ap;otnttl
Ol Ainhnv i
a btst vearV
!i)(u--and luisli-
per hu.ihcl.
iriton Iowa, and
bright .t Will-
bitv, in tied
otnrijod Mondav.
only two week
te-Tisun'in" comes
;Ie CbiHii' t-. re.
luy ybur goods
r that Cotting U the
ssor to A. Jjiuttlev.
, alliums, porfuuie
cups and saucer.-,
luornue on .-lcat; t the
t-t i.iyht wn. a crMtid sue.-isanc'
w i ti e ni'-st novel alTairof theffWiM.ii.
V V GiMunrr L- now .-oh' proprietor
."fthf.ij baiber in(i, having louiiit
- it Hsirr Hanncr. Wc wijb him mic-
(Jt'itj: a little bit of excitement oc
enred on our streets lat Saturday
niI:t. Too much tangle foot was
what did it.
In re-iding over our correspondence
we notice that several f our fattnurs
are losing cattle ny ovor-lueuing ol
The. perial car' of Mr. Calvert, con
taining himself and Messrs. McConiif.
ltogur-i Mnd .mith was in Ked Cloud
one day this week.
Having received an over supply of
album-, for this market I am ollering
them at a ureal reduction from u.-mal
prices. C. L. Ostling.'
The oyster supper of the congrega
tional church on la?t Friday evening
wn-. a complete succe?. The ladies
luade con.-iderabIe in noy.
(.UANO-MA Huitn, aed 7G vear, died
i..,. i...:. i ...i , ,
'lolhlnir i n,,"i :it '-owips. inuring nerre?
" ! ulence in Cowlcs she hud eaincd
ui.iiiy friends wlio will mourn her
returned lk.aU). .
i ti i.ecn ;. ..... . . ....
ni.Kviciis ai me r.aptist (Jiltircb at II
a. in., and 7:30 p. m. At the morning
service Itev. Ceo. II. Brown will tlis.
eoiirae upon Man.-ions, Cottaires sutd
ItKV. J W Osisorn spoke to a large
congregation at the I.iptit Church
Sunday evening. The sermon was
impressive and instructive and calcu
lated to do much good.
For, the last few days farmers living
north of Blue Hill have been brinL'iii"
Mr. Cae fc CiIHtni a counsel Ar
the priiuier be wa.s tak-n to
A'Zin on ThnrsIay. W'c -o to prfc-
Um ar.y to give a deiAikti account of
tb court proceetHncft afull re.jori will
appear in next wcekV Cninv.
WK mvnpY aivt Urn bv Wrine
VMr .iil-inpj.m it ikf lVi-sv
Cut. nn I mr tA. .--V
Wnbi ,i UHttws
C M- ?nr lt. tm. .'-J.-..l
.inn iln , rubl. Itfvl- tl... w.t .
. ..-,.. . w-r-, irt INirnf
Iow.v ! Tirwn ' tWvn ' ev iW trir
of floor at ?tfriv Ootir m fl jrr.
ClJOirE fnfU.rirtrv nn.. fi M.i. 1..
! of i-ljtnb- id fjnrr rnrrr nl ?f.v.'
China WcnriNOOn lat Saturday (bw4- dobi.r.t m tv jn rtW riiv
eveiiins Mr and Mp-, .M. W. lhekeron ' ff" of ch)rx. .
relenrated the twcnlutb anniver-ary M.rvv u.n, k'ni fkni'nt
of their niHrriel life, at their rvsidnce er'. Try it. Tii lw.
in thi't city; a lafje nuniher ol irienu"
.t titer
Mirt.c errnp'.
of the family in attendince. It
tt'ii" one of the inot pluannt and pocial
ex'ents of the season, and everything
"went ai3 merry in a marriage bell.'
During the evening Mr. anil Mr Dick
erson went through the ceremony of a
a j-ucond marrtige, this time the knot
Itoiiif ltid bv !oib the "Imv mhiI efW-
pel,' as Prof Funk termed it. J. H. Buck, 3 mile
fcrnnt at
RFVKvtrft that r wi M mi
ccn-.. grmdr itii a .pariiv iV t:,
to twelve tifbef. per boti, fw !,',, or
a belt jrrlider of -amis cwrwi-bv '..
i- v t.
.Ii-.ll.... 1. , A .
"."""' " " A A lHi
P'nuSuv -J.1 tlmrrm.'b-brM MfH'io
iKril ,f 'i-l.-. Ad-
evening the Ladies'
for'h ; V H Bmuns
;te croud wa3 pre':it
Kant evinmg cutertmn-
Msri.Ai) has r.resentel
il e htor ot
at brats the
ion.upoi-- bi'iti;'iity-
I'Kl eight ounce-.
g t this is the l;i-t month
it a ch.ince itvpri.e draw
ihlen Eagle. i.ins wid
1 DeeemluT 25th; 0ne
earest nuniher laki?soneot
inc. tin..-
big beat of
.!...: i...i ii ..i t.
iiit-u i iiu m ;ten iioikj. ii seems
that our grain men tiere are paying
more for corn thin even II i?ting-.
Fitl'iTss, vegetables, meats, etc.. cook
ed in the Domestic Steam Cooker, and
.retain all their natural sweetness and
Ibtvnr and may be kept perfectly frc-h
and dilutable for hours afterwrrds. Xo
more necc-sily for cold, dried up din
ners. The grand jury found three counts
against Josviih t'nok for murder in the
Leonard ltal. case to which he enured
a pbjft of'iiot goiitv." Cook then ask-
...I t .. .!... : i
uu en itjHiin'i, which as given him
Smith aet.l as the handsome grooms- dress. II JSiikuxv, Cmlf x,
t'inii anil Air. J-nnih as bridesmaid,
Ilev C B LrniVft performing the cer
emony assisted by Judge We-t, to the
amusement of the guests. At the con
clu?:on of the ceremonies the twain
were .armly congratulhted by tiicir
friends, the hippv couple bhibiflg
much the same as they did twenty
years ago. under similar circumstan
ces. At this juncture utter was an
nounced anil the guests turin-d to and
done ample justice to the lino colla
tion of eatable'. The Chief congntu
lates Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson and wish
es them many returns of the ha.y
occasion. During the evening Vm'f.
Funk, in a few well choen words on
behalf of the donors, presented the
following souvenirs ot friendship to Mr
and Mrs. Dickerson, which we benjto
append with the names of the giver:
China tea s-et 56 pieces Levi
and wife. O H Marvatt and wife. .LI'
Ilnvli'i urn! wif.. If A '..t-r... .....1 ..dr., '
..... ..... - - . . v. . .. ..-. VB ....... ...l ." . w .. .1 m . . .
tl W Dow and wi.e. S. We,t and tvi)i. t dvnrM ' W,,J !'en for -5- ("K"" nl
A C lliwnu-riitul wife. A L Funk a ... j?,,, A A ,,u,',:-
wife. D (' Mver-. in. 1 wife. Roht. I),i a-' Dr. Oi'KEv'-' reineilies for catarrh,
re! and wife, Mrs. (.jibert. , ! throat, bronchial and lung alTeetmits.
Chamber -et. S pieces F M Dicki---1 f-h '"w and differ from all bthers. this
oin jnd wife, S V Van Horn and wife. 1 1"1 why he succeeds: and bin cureil
Ci!K.M' wheat makes rbi.t lloijr ry,.
notice th-' eelebriWe! Tind "wb
Lilly" frt.i Uel t"bmd mi'-. jHrt.v
down to l f, twr tuck. TM i ttt
tiding for tb.t huiisrrv. z-i(
Xi:nxvC !eirkw?jiU .: Ila-'kr'.
imitoos crackers ami coal oil at
Where do you buy your whaIi Imnrxl
soap? At HaekerV.
A OKARKii roller grindor with war
ranted capacity of from twenty m
thirty bushels per hour, for ?J.r.
A A Port
California honey and Boston brown
bread at Hacker's.
Velvet and other fine slippers for
holiday gifts at the Golden Eagle cloth
ing store.
Dolls that sleep, and doll that don't
sleep at Cotting's.
I have one l)avi ewing machine
ritiac fitos t?mit
nd yvrylifrf t k l AkikJ tmtn
moti rorw cn4 wJ. IJ-t-l th mtu
f urif 4l4y. rvMi hrm
raiMM. brrvMu tnrm ttxrm Li Uw.? mm
! mtml titbor . vorv .tmh in t
tt - . t
ty l J A lm ia4 lMHkt M)n '
s report lMin l4 ar umr
Thu ttTmr l Ilict mnp '
rlnrtinc btane &4 ar W Iuk4 j j
tlMi lv id IkM Hltf tf lK t
h bwTwd h M-fn bh4 NUmJfty
lURht hhW rrtum tk mm im
w.HiUi hkm AtMMhrr Mi tmtu3m tkjua
C C lsnb; i viaeaq( 1h birdb mi
IIuirt 15.
Tb nib. n K F Ht!t 4 U-4 weA p.
joil mt ctuitl.-. c.i Jo
m rmner hki tm nir mi
I & M &. t A k. .. . .
t --, .....I ox-- w m our m
p.-hI mi trUflwuriiij- ftocrfM lb
dun f pttbitc trik4 UI hm ito4f
1 fiotbbnty
1'wnrt li r rUinn' clnol. b
u 1,
And Raacl Thoso Faw?
Intoxr&sdxiu Linos.
Th epla cet obu y&oo
dsi sat He nr yCo oks
lStr T"1 jHoh as th o!a r gost
th . mlst ocki ntho cit yo iVo
d Clo uda ndpro poee
tose lltli omoho ap er
tha nan yd ru gfir min
th eva lie y. I nC hr ist
riasgoodsh ohastho
fin ests to Cki n.R e dO
lo udan ditishost
completeineT6rthi nl
l.rf Mill
Mi vi .Mimi Frrty k- f4i m acktM4
t Piunvin-
Jlih lrnvtM mmi a wlMbW
bipt k.
m lyvVi 1mi4 -ntne rV ftw I
ebirkte wbich h fWircktrd HI ltt
lor I, III. i
J(4in McCnliumV tWtNtK-Wwi bt.
shiipe.! u Htm froii CtMc. w t
III Ul! givi by X. It4rsUt w
onr of tb crrnnde; err tUiwwl m
this prt ib. rvontv
(Jrm IHikbiwt liiw rmrvhl a and srtjr bw will lMt, n, ,
think lw will h Nurtitti Uihm prrt4
et l ni fiobHl r . -m IM
So MVi 1Va
rifinr.nthi nr
A Liiuterbach and wfe, Miss Bona
Cashm.iu. Mi.vs Clara Dickerson.
Cn-pidor - J WWarrcn and wife.
Fair egg cupL A Bli.-s.
Fair vases Mrs. Kin-oy, Mrs. For
rester. Majolica water pitcher Mr and Mrs
Hanging lamp Mrs. Kmma Parks.
Mrs. Sarah Parks, Mrs. F. Hummell,
Mrs f. M Mlilll liwiliilmni if l...ill. Itv
Uecca Lodge No ID. I O O F.
and after consultation the ca?e was ? Meat dish lr.sA K Allen.
po,tpnned until January 5. Ss-,. 7 ltl' H.tatrTnfeis
TiiBpeoplu-of Webber and adjoinf The following are the trim
store and
a l'. iter cent
... ... .. v i'm'u. j m t'i iiii wi lil
justly gained a wide rupuuilion
periontv in this section of the c
thodist brethren on
ve determined to build a
ml the Rev. Geo. Hummell is
ged in raising funds lor that
He has succeeded in g.ttiug
scribed mi far.
nut ! Cut il out !
Vright & Wallace's
11 rcc.evo it as a 2
paVmout on all goods to the amount of
three dollars or less. Cut it out! Cut
it out ! 1?,
We are indebted lo Mr. C. 31 Storey
for a sack of Hour fnnu the. Guide
Rock mills, of which he is solo agent
in Red Cloud. Tin brand of Hour has
for so
on nt rv
The other night one of our young
men went out to see his sweetheart.
He was inxited in and sit around until
ten o'clock waiting for her. but he
waiteil in vain, as she had gone tv bed
ami left him. The fellow felt hist a
little sold.
o culinarv department of a well
regulated hopehold is complete with
out a Domestic steam cooker. For
boarding. boluses, restaurants, and ho
tels it is 'iidisppnsiblc. saving three
fourths of the fuel necessary to cook in
the old way.
We have received the first copv of
TJir iVrrtwr, J. M. Pryse editor. It is
a hand.-omely illustrated paper, and is
a credit to "Jeems." It is on tne or
der ol'Pttak, JitfiiK Jutlyr. and that clas
of papers, and i published at i?t. Paul
and Minneapolis.
REsroN-ir.LE parties who Are willing
to work and thire to engage in pleas
ant and remunerative business will he
given exclusive territory for the ale of
Williams Domestic Steam Cooker.
For particulars inquire of C F Wood
general agent, Rett Clend, Neb.
Rev. F. K. Testek, prestd-nt of the
Nebraska Prohibitory Amendment As-
ociation uid s:eak to the people of
Jed Gb :id Sunday evenings December
ing counties should be verv thankfu
that they have corn to sdl even at 1
ctiiiLs per bushel. Ii has only been a
few years ago that corn could not be
M"-urcd for one dollar per bushel. In
all probability however corn must ad
vance in the near future.
BKNjr.itN iJEiur nt. another member
of the iil-tate.l Bcdient family, aged lt years died on Uetlnesllay eve
ning about 7 o'clock of typhoid "fever.
Littie Hi (as he is familiarly called.) a
brother of the deceased, has been verv
low with the same dread disease but is
now recovering and his phvsjeian
thinks he will pull through all right.
CfR young and genhl friond, Mr.
John 0. VejM r, who has been wrestl
ing with Black-tone and reading the
VtaiooiY' under the tutorship ot Case
A; Mi Xeny for the past two y.'-ars, pas
sed a very creditable examination, a. d
was admitted to the bar at the reeent
term ot court. .John is now a full
Hedged barrister, and i endowed with
the neeess.iry vim to make a success
of the profession which he has cho-en.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for in the post-office at Red Cloud.
Neb., for thy week ending Dec, 8. 1844
William Andrew, Sideon Baker, Henrv
i.eimcn, OC.-MC J.'aVIS. AIlvS au
btennedv, Uharlcs I
SwekI" corn crackers for twenty-five
dollars. A A Pom
I)R. Qcken, the specialist treat- all
cases of Hemorrhoidal diseases, such
lbe dt-il t-,
i So ei the lirlls
j" con, nn wuw i Ifft-KHk.
yl initbitf tMt. mxl lnf b htg to,
and when they wan! U kttuw ivhnt lW
en.ntion w. tie niwr hnll I, bom.
Nor. 25. to W. A. Cr.MiiT. a U.y Mr
Cramer cal;i htm ('Jrt4aiil himI u
Willi uk to p up i ijf J-". t4 attending m hotl a
Plaint if w. Mi- Niurue Fr.unc. r0.
J P Br.wna I .s ! nig a lanro eat
or rupture, and tape worm. No cure
n pay.
(Jo to Mrs. Newhotise for silks, satins
and velvets. Isif
I sell the Buckeye KSfjtho Nowr
Model fead mill. tijmmijjTgrintlrt
the Enterprise grafier. k Cotton's
n-ller inn's, all v.oFjntod. " A A Pors.
the transfers for' boT A pnirJS'.f silrer ?pectaolrts.
tthe week ending Dec.Gth 1SSI, furnish-' The finder will f leaso leave them at
ed hy J (i Uodd. this oilice f$ .
James L Miner, et-al to First Nation-p Wi kv Qtf'N. physician, oculist
al Bank, Red Cloud, part 1 11 in hlk 20 ' R,Itl "fc!t W.6 for many years lias
wd. con $500. I made chrtfpic diseases ot every ties
J Fred Peterson and wife to C G Bid- j ription aVccia!ty, his practice han
en, wd. con $4S'() lots 32, 33 and 31 in been favy.vbly known in Lincoln and
hlk 1, ICalev and Jackson's audition. . LanciMftft 'county for a quarter of ft
W K J .ekson and wife to Susan B ecntuif Ho will nhke a vwit at the
Claim, wd. con $500. lots 7 nil 8 in blk H ollMr.Ui louse in Red Cloud Decom
osee. Klihu Marvin, W M Mnrden, 2,
lenry Waggoner. These letters wdl
e ent to tne dead letter office, Jan. 5
S5. if not delhercd before. In call
B Thompson, of Cowles, died very sud
denly last 5a tin day after a brief illness.
.She was a most estimable lady and hor
Ridden demise has eist gloom over Srolr;n fl& Kjlv
i. . i. l - s- m-M -w rwM mB t- nil iiii 1 - - -
Kieisiiooj-iiuw, m uw.s.u oac froin.iorSib op te?i
13 at. the Metho :it churcli.- Prof.
Huckins will aeeivnpany him nd en
tertsun tb aadience Villi llis fine
singing. All are cordially inlitetl to
be prese'it. " J
School Report. Ueport of school
district No. 5S for the montlg ending
11.... HVt -v- I . . .
tci., ,. jo.i.i. Auuioer enrii:etl ' iu-l.i- x-: i..
Average dady attendance. I lie wiJf in tho ri?Jr S??1 ?& ?
following are the names of th.f c r,ip N ; v ,Z ufbT? d on the south
whose standing ,s 95 or .veLob, "S"" lh.Se!l" .?2d?-.w.h
Barber. Sylvester Frisbie. :: .T-Tu.. .?. I.1" " .V'"1 ine Dr.,l,tJ
le'IIe- ; ;.. . . t " , r"" intri
bnwnr .v.rM?...7 j.e. room lO UHVC
',,'" utaur,u'wlMi
ing for the above please say advertised.
Geo. W. Williams, the inventor and
patentee of Williams Domestic Steam
Cooker started for Chicago on Mondav
to perfect arrangomenta for the nianu
tacture of his -cooker on an exten
sive scale. The demand for them be
ing s0 jrrent tnt it ij? impoiip to
supply it from the smaller towns. "The
Domestic" is destined to make as great
a revolution in xiokj,,,, cjrcios tV tliX
sewing machines have" in sewing cirv Kvery household needs one. J$
On last Wednesday a board of UnuiL
states pension surgeons was onraunrdd
m this city, composctl of the foIIjbc
physicians: Drs. I W TullevsjfC E
McKeeby, and J Spicklemeier-irhe
board will meet in thisritvon Ve5bg-
wa oi eacn weeic lor tlie transact
I, Kaley and JacksonV addition
W K Jackson and wife to Rose Her
rick, wd, con $100, lots 10 and 17, in
blk 2, Jackson's addition.
Wm. (Jares and wife to F M Him
akcr, wd, con $s0;), lms 22. 23 and 24 in
bile 13, Minth and .Moore s addition. if
b't'o Gurbr to J S JJuthrock wd, m,
$350. lots 13. 14, 15 nnd JCin.;'3
Mnith and Moore's addiiion. fir -f
J S Ruthrock and wife to M.ftflr,$im
mons. wd, con $s(j0, lots i.r Hr.rI0 in
blk 5, Smith and Moore's addition.
Silas Garber and wife to Jt,V Batcr
man, wd. con $300. lots 1 aftft 2 in blk
2, lots 7 and S in blk I, Garb'dr's Ist ad
dition. Jf-
S A Giichell anil hushar.d to Caroline
Real wil, con $1,200 q&7 and 8 in blk
3, Blue Hill.
t in Mckenna mai wife to V E
Adams, wd, con f 4.IHK), lots 1, 2 and 3
in blk 10 Blue II ,113,
C E Perkins to SJL Gitchell wd, con
$40 IS in blksBfaeHHl.
W A Watkinf?i Frank Gitchell wd,
eon $150. 1 I Unfile 1, Buschow's addi
tion to B!ue;Hin.
Juda HeltcVto jrartha Camaga, wd,
con $00,.tfbf "no sec 20. tp 4. f9.
J I) Fulton and wife to II E Coates,
wd, comtjje, part se qr aw qr sec 5, tp
Alzbcti Wavricka to M Wavricka.
wil, erfir $1, a hf sw qr sec 24, tp 3 r II.
ir5.Spickclmier and wife to F A
Vm&'tjto, wd, con $2,400 nw qr sec 10, tp
M A Stedman and wife to F L Cor
troll. wd con Sl.OuV). e hf nw hf ee as.
-p 3, r 7
.. F Smith and wife to CC Chapin,
wd, con $1,600 awqrsec 20, tp 2, r 12.
'Catharine McKinney and husband
to,H Conger, qep, con "$40, partae qr
sw vrsco 22, tp I, r 12.
C B i Q R R Co tp R inToncs, deed,
con 5413. nW or sp 31. tn 1 r 11
kio -.. -f ., . .,
berrlTth, 1884.
aVinu retired from the iowelrv bus-
jfl in Reil Cloud I would sav to my
irusnus aim cusiomerR inai tne nusincM
will be carried on at the fame place
aud I cab A.-sUrc vou all thai von will
j have a larger stock to nelect from, and
i f you wish square dealing and honcM
gooda would odvlso you to call on
Mcsaw. Wright & Wallace.
G. S. Albright.
ot bttsuifasss and all parties wishing ioKqk Cook, the alleged murderer
ie examined should bear tiiis in mind. wmM-this city awaiting th action.
i ne toiiowimr will be tJ. ntii..N- cf tbeVl?5ai mm w..m;Mi.M,
I T..II .. 7 s , V7 ...wv... -; "-s;-. J"V - v..fc !-.
i. line's, rre-Hien;T severe-iwiraicae. Vr Parker was call-
Dr. McKecby. Socretarj. ed t extr.K'tvute0uble3ome molar.
ijr. ipickiemeivr, Ir&urer. CI:hi-s sirawindmiH have no
-..- . v.... ..... j.nt; ji jjreai ueai 10 , iot"i t jr mi ue wenel 0vre-
uo, a applicants mil be sent hers the dentist and th
a piles, fl-tula, ami. etc. Also hernia, tie fhed for ur j-lin.f tcf. lie U
co'WMpn I r Immi miwlianic
Mi-r, Glllmm and Ca.o of IUhI
(loud, wer at John McGaHum iun-
Neal Brfrtlelt has lost Qveml head of
cattle lately.
Rumor rayn Mr. Grave hat oM hi
farm and will Joavo Wlntcr cottniv.
We bato to hue him, as ho i oito of
our thorough going farmer, and a
Mrong supporter of every good move
ment in the interest of tho community
Tho corn crop is hulked and crilibed
jtnd is of a very gotHl quality.
Pleasant weather Ull continued.
The caitlo aro dying in thin neighbor
hood John Gachry lo-t eix head In
ono week. Scott .tTrunkcy lwt four
head. The caoo is aid to o eating
corn stalks. Upon examination the
email stomach in found to be clogged
and the victim dies in a few hour Af
ter taking ick.
A literary and debating MMrtety ha
been organtwd in district 15, and tho
befeated candidate for rerreentaltv
downs them all in debate. Th iucf"
iiuu nuu mu ufAumizai ihitvis
will tu!e on neoil Friday night irifc
solved that iutcuiperancQ ha oasvi
more sorrow than war.
llcatant lltli hax wnio newUlrri.
Mr liswiit has bought tho Gumpp are.
Mm T W Bakor haa iKWght.UK? Mou
farm. Mr. Aultman hasrenWiitbrt
farm, and Mr. BurkhamteifnUHl tho t
Joseph Swailen farm fr.Kycr. Ah
of the alKJVc are from Ip. A few
more good firms are y$ Jbr -ab.
Plca-'ant Hill will bt i'prf-vnted t
court by F N RichanJUfb, C HJackon
and Mr Chance. , .
Tli o carpenter Hpn work on tb
Ambov toilU Mojidty. Work ba
been ifelayed oiTftCs'1"1 " material
not arriving ajfaf?ci.-d MeAr. Kel
ler fe Bmoike in- the arl:t4tct.
P. 31cCcckAJrl 'ot two head of eaUlo
which wcrifk bit a few hnttrw. F.
N. RJt&arkih bt one by UrkJ?g.
News UlfiTttier arc at pro-irnt, as
we haVQ.kSbrth. deAibs orrnarnCfs
to rep6ffc!thou3h wn bavc oin mvtr
riagcWR person A loth t.
JMt Frrnch haA moved intobii tfsn
PMcnce on hti farm nenr town.
Sam Foe h imrtv (rrmt hit farm
jJ . :
Henry CoflPs
I refer to the following purchasers
of mv feed millt:
Wm Arnold, Blue Hill,
G A Olmtead, Guide Rock,
K M Merrill. Red Cloud.
W J and A Wilson, Red Cloud,
W J Harris, Red Cloud,
A Pope. Red Cloud,
John Wilhelmson. Red Cloud,
ps. m ui
M Kvan?. Ked Uloud,
Charles Teachworth. Rh1 Cloud,
Charles Gnrney, Retl Cloud,
Barney Meiers. Ked Cloud."
George FennelL Cowles, Neb.
Wm Horn, Cowlcs, Neb.,
Henry Stohl, Salem,
E Crouch, Cowles,
C Edwards, Catherion,
ASadcIek, Batin,
D S Helvcm, Rd Cloud, ar.d forty
others. A. A. Por.
For Bent.
A good house for rent. Apply to
18tf Mrs. F: Newiiqcfc
For Ront.
House and five rooms. CJood well of
water, good cellar, and stable. Inquire
of h. Bapm. 18tf
Cow for Sale.
A number one fresh cow for a!e
cheap for cash. Anply to the InaTale,
xusi-uuiccah once u)t a uargain.
' n'
vSomcthixur Now.
W. T.4pqrrester, the enterpriser
Red Cloud furniture dealer ha op4Tw
up a new branch of industry In ton-
ncciion wiin nis business. Jlyr.ow?.
For Every One Em-'
jlvbracing all the very 9
xaiesL noveiues,
viz :
hi new roidencc in (nrls
The idcatim: nak U beta); bcilt tMn
wek. t20 22x?a
D-vrbl Orr lilk of Imiiding a resi
dence in Copies soon.
The two htratar vanil bore an; b4Jt
trom botti Jvans:is and Nebraska, for none 1
rt" . t .-. L. . . ..
;""'. vw - ll,e pension otuce a
- vr VM1KUK, uu 414114 linPlll EUiHl.U
e openuiMas pot- jk
-v &nep iorK.
vrrrL'fr,!CT1Vp,,TS0ff,n"gh grade SpMwWerino ,
a5 for the month ending .Decich I WM trr vrs tim x
A hole number enrolled 2.. Avera;e imT"i u iltiifT V t iLli
daily attendance 16. Tne following; SIAlwdwJte
proposes tolrav and sen nfhand , Ln ' "f T 7r .,fof
furniture cf all kind and 3eJr! -,n.,. J l",mJa tl(n" ' l.
Any parties wwhing to. botffse',, or t (, , & M?w',t,,, "ro ' tr
excoMfurnkuremlfeWnent-iho!,!,'t: , v . ,
rtl hr-Hrnr-nn b?r - biia,l .t. t .- Dr- "-chencc and wife bar; ! on
J . ......f, ...... -.. .pw... CVui4,U I
mr i
a team.
I TT ' "
IjWmnd family have the sympajhr tt,miJlin-lodw:iM?ii frl
f's?mf,-?any m boilr"ot of tho yanl t.,aor:ier the ei
;sfcks5fcy Tt " I turnod up -n MrJS and ?u
l rr - - A?''e"vvere shoi a hand-: throwing him ttjrtrfegrour.i
, (.m one side tuwers a blutr40 tn so fvt I
r . a n wtnie on the opposite ai.iG it i
v s-1 soiiie 30 iect down to tne river. When
,---, v nis point it seems that the i
Fi-Jp ' .
ba nortrait of Miss Dora
Lir twAvl. rnrjiie.rlv of . Jtrsd
mel-liaiui of Mrt'Sturgis
. m r-r-.. -.. l:. t.
ersanousKy, unio. ii
f the finest . crayon
,v -ever seen, and as
ill. Kverv featuie is
s eeL- 'It is surWv
- . -. . .
ft doea trfe sd
,tJ "1
i 5
the man wus
If nart nunUng lor game and w.-l ir-ilbbvr t
Hvxi bud , ahead of the team. He. saw.wninwh.a I
I v, . . -.... ,,.....- . -iiir . it,. - .
Men in ant nreu, tns report scared the bones jv" an-i inmana returned to
would wiMcn began backing uc and tierbre u,l "ly on liiesd.iy and wdl sgnm
ao-nt during tne month. Anna Mar
ker, Fni Marker. John Marker. Daisr
Wilson, Delia Wilson, Bruce Payne. "
Fannie Brooks. Teacher.
Mn. G, F. Weed, the genial and pop
ular passenger cosdn-tor on tne HJc
M. who has been on a have of alvseibe
tor the pan mon'h vistung fncml in
v I. ,
w v n r i nm t s vti v.twm.a it n r m & . .
..uum....,, y " i-mHiiMt, they coubi be stopped bucked over the lHK n5i. regnhir t-r betien
"V, '" - P7 m I- vlllaprtcipicewunthe folk's iiu the wuoou tCSouaand Denver. V
redge'sscvei. or old son Wifr a , rBhL n ,. .- tu ...... '. ".?:,.. -r:
torknodwMh die aid of U ft X -Byi7f . r"- .":.T:.-.USU! , "op 1IIAK.--Thft nnA
gent'emanf succeeded in ;s l0 e JBBfaKw' Z . V'l' V'1 ",e U5!N lo re.tum 1Ijeir heartr tha
himself fron, hw-nerilonsr.ifcis. n?'-BBBr.rBBIor..V"z."; "uu -saw.- to uieiieopie of copies for ttr
r nJie.JK.M ..s wu
Ma. imt
s pcnioasi ,i;f -, , , . s x.
I .? IiFi T
receiving two severe rrounas ?.,. ;. t a
mply a and l&incrotherwsse con,.!'? 1
fJ'Krcat j braised anutMh?.-' shakfrtlun a' p
I aiiilAe. V. - "ifeo
?5iw SM e
tier arm umtrct uttentmn .-,
-.T t T . rr
vc-neti oeMiies.. me lre;ivement.
. r
uiHl puaeu the
he movers on
Mrs- FiufcagJ
cured. Thi
in good coaditiou.
are all young and
V D. M, Platt.
Or will Exchttfffe for land.
Weil located livery barn, 363130
good frame building, rent for $3) pr
month. ?.ice50). AUo No. 1 res
tdenre; six rooms irell finishfei inidA
and out, two bus. fenced, renL for$isl
permonus -nce. sion. aua -i
'rsigned 1 nearJy oDDosite. 16x3f with Laomm
uks j rnnning water on Iol. rir.i ik m
a - - -w- , 1-- .1U
Ji 1 ner mouth. Pnr?k!iv -T5 t,
sympathy m tair sid I rtv h; imir.mmUrui at-;i u.
i i i -, V" Vi. . . ' " --' u '"r
joriamin m ette.r or Ked WjlJoy
coaa,ue- Call on or add re-..
iJ. F. WATEteaCAN',
ratuer saod'-n depArtareof theytig
Ldy who fwmthri tb? "Big Hatch
corre-pondentre to that iMirw?r- ? ?rlv
thp .-iek lit for few dy., but, 1h1
are at arcseai able to Kp ot,
Mr. Crawfrrd bs als been ldk hot f
i grtun: JifMr
Mr. Good but bon at bora on a I
viti Kr few ".
G TCbrk pwt Ust Scoday wittt hk
Tk. tU t& t mwtm .-...-J- . 1
..v i"-.-i ..t liTO mKJitj itr JH
met by a new "Bis ILitcr.rtT who t
we mins, prov io tti folly as bright
and sharp m the former one
Gntndnvrther Hard. afr a ftrrd?
iiln-- did on Friday U-t at the are of I
- -i.. eJr..l if., iv - 1
w 2 v-. vjijvwjwtjjer uuni i m Terr
poor health at prcnt-
Mrs, Fannie Tbotapw, wife cf R IJ
Tnompson, died on atoniay last after
a short ifine of bemorrhae of the
Mt Amanda Huffman gas retarned
from her prwracd TiifwtUiirrU
tiv: in lndtnx
Mi& Nefilfr Arnold h- bxn hc
ccond trm oi school hre-
Wagons for Boys,
Wagons for GilsT
Books, . ,
Toy BookS,
Doll Babies,-1 ' -'
4 Toy Horns,
1 Albums,
Tea Setsr
China Sets,
Dinner Sets,
, Tool Chests
Toilet Sets
&c &
Come early and
your choice.of f
finest g
the ci1
'f-!1 Wfcij
fW n
! M
f fe
r Mi
?iUi VTv:fc4
ru tz z:
7 i''-o
J Mi 4s-;2',
3UF' 'iBl '4U
3r' JMki
-s - 'diBBBr BCjtaAM-.jB''B6b:BBBBBBBBBl
saw. ?tff .
. . wl
. v.A
'.JTlr ---
. Wjf-
.. T-WSiT.-C.- s.
-A . '
a vr