'.WS - ) c?i?V r ifytfitr'T -'yj r j -.: L Ir" .i-i -if ". f. - Jy S!A, . ifc' s -- xr-, '" . rf Ti 3V.i tr 5 v-aW .Mae5 -- --et -i .? J&&S&i '.it -. "$.' -,- .?-. vjE2e : ci- 3g iv:- w : iy ;. " ' V ETHING MEW. Honest Tea is the Beat Foli 4 N :C. L. cutting 1 WMlLETSOMf Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Tigerettes, Sardonyx, Hft 4 V or Ptxhtx x -v. SKSSiigaaiBaaatt-- fBHft Tig . : i v -- - -' , . -- - SUCCESSOR TO A- LINDLET, la now prepared to supply all parties who ere In need ilry Goods, and Notion 4 tf, ? CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, gas all kinds. .0 OOTS AMD SHOE S o ) It! la ,V. -c- -2u- . y j I tr X J'. F: ' B -WS rues se G2 s m !9 3s ill t: '9 lTv5 rrx Gh ixiis Varnishes, Perfurnca, Bocks of all kinds, Albums, Autograph Albums Stationdcry, Inks, Proprietary Medicines, and an ologant line of HOLIDAY GOODS, &c. "Will carry ono of tho heaviest stocks in the valloy and proposes to Boll them at such low prices that all can afford to buy. Having had years of experience in tho business ho fools warranted in guaranteeing tho best goods at Lowest Prices. Your patronagcrospectfully eolioitod. C. L. COTTING. Watches. Cloi Thimbles Silverware. Wrighl& Wallace, rfco cloud. Channs. Broches. Chains. Spoons. The Red Cloud Chief FKIDAV, JrX 12. 1FM. A. C. HOS.MEH - - Proprietor stim.wati:j:. C A To.il is huililiiit; n lmrn. The Cnwier boys have started out to shell corn. .Mi.-. Mary Mrlnlyrc's school is out, in district '.',7. She commenced a three months term in what is known sw the Taylor district. Slr.s. Fannie Thompson died on c-'nt-urday the Gtli, from hemorrhage of the lunrfl. John liluinu is building a corn-crib. He is uho having a porcii huilt on the front of his house which will improve its appearance. S. Y. L. II KU1 LAND Tl. KANSAS. Fine weather Grandma Lewis is on the ?ick list. Corn husking about through with in tin. neighborhood. Wm. Gates' fattcningstecrs are look ing well. Some of our farmers are hauling their wheat eleven miles and selling it for thirty-live cents a bushel. V. Williams erected a small frame house for T Lewis last week. We wonder what has become of all tlse agents and pedJlers for there hu only been three agents and one pod dler here this week. Some arc using corn for fuel, they think it is cheaper than coal. Iay Hawkeu. KI.3I IIIJ.L SOlll II-WILST AVKBbTKIt Fine Aveather for corn husking. Chas. Fish, L J) Mouse, Joseph Ivachendrfer, and others go to lied Cloud Tuesoay to attend court. Isaac Cowley is building a large cat tie shed. The Wheatland school-house is rap idly ncariiu; completion. IVof. McFann. ol Ijiuu Hill, is teach ing the Little JJlue band at Weils. 'Hi3 social at Ira Flagler's last Wednesdav ni'hL wns nil cninv-ilil oil x jv uuuaru nau is ucing erect eu at u l,:in l)0-vs w' U:lvn a l)' danco "sVS A I. hal.1 :lt We,ls " 'ho J8th Fine weather for December. There is a cattle man comiug on C. ILassotiV farm. He brings in to this county 300 hid of steer? to fatten. Why is it that Cwles can pay more for grain and sell everything cheaper than Ifed Cloud or Illuc Hill. C Hasson had sold his farm on F.lm Crreek. Curtis IJe.il has sold ins farm. Farmerd look out for a fclorm, thi? fine weather won't IaM Ing. I am agent for Webster count' for the Ottawa heller and the Marseilles Adams speller. The.-e oods uili be sold on libera! terms anil condition'-". One price to all customers. A. A. Porn. TEST YODE BAKMJWDER TO-DAY! nran1i(!TrrtlC(l m ljolutrIy pure COJVTAIItf VTLT TVI Q3V XA. THlFTEST : ri3rran topCotrnon Lot tae until hented.thra riiniTu t!ecoernn 1 ineU. A rhmtt will nut t rb ;uJroJ tudotect the jireioiicfl of ammonia. sr- TJir VQST uTliitCZ. MADC, ,. .. -" - -- l I ' - -- r" .'I x & Receivers, I 6 l: Tea Sets, I $ II Rings, I o r If Christinas I & III Goods- I r FX 51 -Fl QC? sssv -.y DOES NOT CONTAIN AM3I0NTA. rn UKJILTI'lTLStSi IU3 NEVER CE JltS1IOSID. In r. ml'.'ion hn:ic for k quarter o & ctntury It tiu luod the nmi-in:n,t!i' reliable tef t, THE TEST CF THE 0VE3. Every- 'bo.W;. V'ht ot the band th5klni l,llyors at Wells are pavimr Don't W.r m:irket i)rice for corn. whenVu,-f,?Ur corn to nh 1IiU Wells. yet l"o cash for it at M Krsric. PltAlUtKHOME. Election is ovoTTt m the chair, but in 5 S Vlftnd UCS still hanging on '( ," en ?;TlraBd huj to SL John. 8 apcl arti- W. Smith lias been wet nnii i land His report of the cou'mrv If"1 W aI Ricker lost two cows htrfv The season has come 'then the "in tiyes are nightly serenaded bv the mi" '" un-ow.li u Hiui-ii cohmsu of no les-i than three or four dozen wolves, whose howls, barks, and whines make one . lliink a band of Indians are about to take him captive. The Mount Hope literary is pros.ru ing finely. Everybody seems to enjov themselves. Mr. Erickson's new ivindwill loo:n up jn thp distance. Innley Hale has completed his resi dence. It presents a line appearance. The question is, is he going it alone as m former days? Mr. Orchard, who bought the Mead farm, is fencing a good pasture. Bee. PLYJIOITH HOCK As news from this part of the county docs not ol ten appear, perhaps some would like to know where P li U If en let them ask the people around here mm iiihi oiu. The farmers arc all busking corn and feel sorry it is so low, but slad that they have plenty. The U. li. minister sent to the cir cuit has not made his appearance vet TEICE ILUIING POWDER CO., kahe.is or Dr. Price's Suscial Fia?oriDg Extracts, Tb ttnm(tt,9utit drlltloai tai nataral Rer kan,ti4 Or. Price's Lupuiln Vcas! Gems For Light, llrnlthy Ure.vl. The Best Dry Uop Yeast In Oie WorU. FOR SALF. BY GROCERS. CtilCACO. - GT. LOUIS. EALIIIY BREAD HH2UT to Uiiiil til y a V 1 .W'cfeiSC! t" dill i t "S mm1 MS 35 3 V The best dry hop vcast tn tho world. EroaiS fetstd by this yeast Is light, whito and wholg frae UVft car graarimolher's d.HciJus faread. CROCERS SELL THL-M. Price Baking Powder Co., f u l li L,i w. mss's special Haunts euthcs, '"-io III. St. LouioaMo r,NAi. ri:ooFMTKi' i.i i fJ,a!aP ;(! ttlcrhi,j- r lis tntcntion in im. . nii-.i ,,JS?r it4 - nS Tor KS & .. , Proposals for Bids Vanted for County Printing. Orinrz Corvrv (i.kkk Wi'.hktek Co.. Neil, i Kki Cl.OL'Il, rt.ii. Dec c. H.-l. j nr.oiosAt foi: suns to imjunihh i Ihi'iUs. Murki. rih! staiimiTy for tti' t--r-;il I'm ntv iilliii's tn iimi fur Wrl'itt'rcoiaity. -lrask;i, forihf vi-ar l-'s v. ill In rTt-ivt'l at tli roimtv rlt-rk'-i olllc" of said -uiity. tu to 10 o'i Uri A. M. if Milnn'ay. .I:innur 3I, n-i. The follow hi' n l;c-.lof the irohabli: ;ro.HH amount of l.iIcn waniiil: '1 plain ami prliiU'd dtt-d recenls, 8 qrs. iO lb Iujk-i' to ream. 'jpiaiii and prlnti-d niortKe rxt-ords, 8 qr. 40 lb. jj;t.(r to ream. 1 town plat biMik. H qr, lb paper to ream. 1 road plat b;ok. 8 qr, 40 lb paper to reaiiL 4 Jiistht-.s dockets. I qr. 1 marriage reeoid, or. 't doz eua.as coer.- for S qr book. s poll Ikmk-s en-. 2)-Ii! w nippers. 10.xx tfsal blank.s for all county ofllcc.-i, varl- Otl l7.tS. 4 do road overseers' receipts, books of lv each. a do? road overseer' reeonl and returns. .'I lo7 ni.nl laws panip!i'etM. lf letter hends, & not'-heads. wwleal number 0 envelopes, U03 ltR.il num ber 10 envelopes. X reams legal tap paper. ,'aYi ticiiriiii: tablets. 4(Otux rveeipts and duplicates, books '.00 eaili. Jfitre:i?t:rer'sstatemtrits. No. mi. .Mort:eeipt for money paid M-liool tn'asiirt'M. 2.V) recelots for money naid nt;Ml overseers. l.V) tiKiorMraient ;llps for jiar. pay on war- I.lIllM. 4"io eounty treasurer's tax sale certificate?, books .ii eaeh. 4ii redemption certlflrate, books mo each. I& county tre;iircr's notice of delinquent taxes. 1 do? qt KtMialm AnmM's writing fluid. j dozqts p-nuiiu Arnold's copyiiiR ink. lqi lHttleearmliHa ink. 2qt bottle IliueilNKe. .1000 bn.ss pajK-r fasteners. "T." 1 do. l-'abeiV.s ink cnwis. 3 ureal Ki"0"S rubber ltand.1. S do feather dusters. 5ro.s.s nxixiul t")l Cillott's pens uro, Turner ai'd Harrison faleon jh-iis. I kio.ss Sjiein erian f-oia ein. a uross No ' and a l.-ad peucils. lllds for books, blanks and tatfonerj" wi!l t't-' re-elv d sepanite if desired. Hoard eounty eommi.ioiters retain the rlsht to reeel.e or reject av or all bids. t:-iw J. P. It.wiiA. county clerk. NOTICK FOIt I'L'r.I.lCATlUN I-indcfllecat Hl(Mir.hiRton. Neb- le . Jhj. N'otiei b hereby :ii-n that the lollowlnK nam cd settler has filed notice of h!.s Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and Fiat said proof will b? made belore clerk of court, Webster county. Nebraska at Ited Cloud, Neb., on Saturdnv. .Ian. '.'4. 1S.'. vl:: KLl SdKKN.SK.V. IM entry No WU. for the N K S K H rr.'. tp 3, r 11 west, lie names the following wiViesses lo prove his con!inuou. ru!'lt'iice upon atd cul tivation of satd land, viz: Alvah T Reed. Ihom as Anderson. Die Hansen, William Kowml.all of Kcd Cloud, Neb, v S. W. SwtTZon. lleglstr. NOTICE FOIi ri'BLICATION'l Iind Ofllce, Hloomluuton, Neb., Nov. i, tftt. VTotlce Is hereby civ-en that the folk 1 n:uned se' tier has tiled notice of iilj i.ouiomaKe nt.al priHM in suport of hi and thHrail proif will be made befi clerk of ec.urt of t-l5ter cout'ty. at Kei NcitnLska. oaSannlav. Deceml,er.7th. JOHN K. DUS.S. on preon:ntiou l no t.", ' r the E .ai-tKit of Si:--ofsc ti.Ti l ranw li'wst. He names tL" follow Ins e ;o prove :i-5 oomii .;--; ;i- residence :pMrmut ruiiivaiKin oi, v Maylsud IMluts, all of Ked Cloud -nnvliHivC V .v.ra tr I ? i? ?? O :-e-?V &iCcrC&QCrVir63!trt, -jt vrv4T6. I For the Fall Trade ! WIY-DOWN m8 Eos VI :o:- Everybody is Invited to call at AR il p&&&$$&&&0,& q-0-0'00-e'0 Ce-r -0 And see his large stock of i !i? M is t:!l:: M mh ii Ikis ! I ajdies' j&ne UndeiiArear adies' Cloaks, i Elegant line oJ s HK0M Prayer mcetinj; every Snndav at school 5 Jnd singing Friday nights bv Prof AVaiker. K la ?X"; " wrzw Ve anticipate lots of fun, and more of singing. Spelling match Sfondav ni"ht De cember 1, v.hcn the school was spelled was full but all seemetl to enjrv the ' spelling when the "trapper" would first j ueup. uien nown, and scratch his head, and finally go down on -pomegranate," andfr. Grice go up on the tame word. v Surprise parties are ouite fr.vnnf One at Mr. Pitney's and one at Charle Gather's the same night, AH had lot of fun, and every Josephus had his Jularkus and was happy for a time at least. Loolc out for orange blossoms hefnr" Chriitmas, for Cupin's darts fly thick KI.1AS B. GOELE. 1.S entry No. n r. .w 1?.. IP north k iV wV IleS' Ihu'u ii li ,V !l or "sM laud, t - -r T J!v -:?'irs:v " SrCa.C3PIT-v.-. OOI : - tfr-J inches, with over Sbfnlll pn5 dtrtt to coastal rmJSI personal or -?-. ifc'"tV Iills 'lOtrtr i-Ofc. .'T give3 erct crythingyou eat, wcar cr with. Thr-y Krwih rvMiinin inr. . WvalnaMo tho markets of theVrilf11 ?.e:in?i from rv FVr .- ..i- - j j ' e will mail of the p3siase-8ceatiCSSTai?arccciPt iron yo. wEcp(vtfuli- Cook&Maaciiai u?itb, iieorasica. DEALERS IX Drugs, Paints, Ons, THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY. Shejapest House inlhe countjr and Largest stock tl select froma Groceries, Queensware. Ac. KEBC I OUD - 3S EBEASB Fre IKIIvr.v t f All 1'nrU Clly. 13B the isrrcw YORK lirocerv and uueenswae Houie iv - r o E o few 0 9 L&rgsst i U ! Assortment. in the city 9 w 9 Pricta, tha Vary LOWEST. B. F. MIZER. 0 0 3 O O o Honest Goods ia AT HONEST PRICE I 4 J AT 7H Square Dealing, One Price, Golden Eagle, Clothing Stoi State Bank Block, Red Cloud. Overcoats for Men and Boys. Suits for Men and Boys. ioots & Shoes Selz Make f: or Men i n. rp Wome: and n 1 'K allllllllllllV bIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhm . 4bK' flV li bbbbbbbbbbbMbW "Lt P B BaaawBB"?rl W i f fes&ai. Childrec Woolen and other Shirts 1 JW.1 -il"g8yja , Woolen XJTWlferear Gloves and M&tens s Fur Caps and Hats , &c. Trunks and Satchels, Etc nk I The largest stock afd, bottom prices. All fgoods warranted or fioney refunded if fou nd upon eianiiuauuii jvf u uiinerenT., iis a special inducement offer tuyersa chano to win 5o, a5iu or &zmn gooas, i ft Oloud Rfisic House. Pianos, Organs, anditowing MacMnAs. rQ1.i-r.o- pp.kard SiPeerless Orani tuiA.-"-t3 Book?, Stationery f:i.t and nnmllylcftve a Pnvnc or w. r JSjtC.Ktft T . m " s. t - a - Jiore-ftnonironi . . i- rrK?cnotion Mfi,ii -1 NOTICE IS HEKkIIY GH'KN. TILT O the Jd day ot November, is.4. the folIoiT In? named pernors; Ed. ILIltord, ;. W. Fnuici, K. It. Thomson, V. II. Tljomas, C. Y. Fullrf. A. Wells. John 1 Prorni acl Samuel Fuller, bavins as50ciaed theiuxelve towthcras a cor iwntinnfortherratac:lea of a pent-ral lumbcr biir-hies In th countv of Webster, elraku. adopted and causetl to b duly retarded articles of incorporation: That tbe name of said oorporaUon is THE PEG I'LE'S LI MllEK COMVA KY. The principal place of tranacJinr its bcainesii is at CoMes. wehs'er count v, el'raka. The bniineSs of the corporation, shall be the-tran-ctk)n of a sr neral lnialcr bairC5s. and the bayms:. lllnj: and dealing geaenslly la lumber and buildins matcriaK. Tle amount of it canluU stock Is Twc Tfeon snd Dolh-r. to be paid in u the Board of Di rectors may direct. The hishe! amount of indebtedness to which the corporation is to subject Itself at mv time shall nut exceed two-third ol the rsyiui'.ttock. Tlte corporation to commence on tbe Sith of November. inM. and to continue untn Jauaxrj 1st. IMS. but the samemay be dissolved at am tttre after January l i6, by a m of mi jority of the. stocfcHolcers at any regular or spinal jneetinc thereof. The affairs of tbe corroratioa shall b condEc- wa by a board of five clrvctors elected by the i3ulers. Steinway, Weber I wish to inform tho people of ive opened a music storo on ea Lumber yard where -wffl ttK -rsrJl andJfeewihb machmes, wu- west oW "Big-Muddr," either for buying Vewhorb caU and see mo. Paris Pianos. IthafX ftr and adjoinis oo ATenaa, oppott Found supply of Orymca, i moid mm cheD ucssbobontbt or tor easy pyaait. Bipor U -t J. S. NOLL FIJfAL PilOOF NO VICE. VOTICE ii nEEEHl- cn'FN JlLiTTiy followf P naranl nbr ha titd HT. b lat-atio t " - TL .. i LH.ixMir.QMyff H V. F rw iark fenaroed eriler fca to roate filial pr ad thar slid nttnt r court of Webster cocfi . r tn rrtii: t..1 TLif L3 -c-'Tl of kK ciaisij thsl slid nreW C t1! rkfcVPNAi lnrlt . Ooad.Nc Onl tp2.&or wltne caasd aurf. H. 1 T "" r!f ti'l MSatardar. Drcewr . -- l XDREW EKirjCSEX. r. entry ot is. tor toe i. r.l . e rames u jot-i -vc fic -2if Inartt? rklife ' m.ait fcisd-tfa iitrad Lte t .-."-" 7 . . .! Awjvgue uasaest, pji'"-"! l.SS.Tt. Irst National Bar v r "vva". if iTtCUOi-AUU. IN.fc; '"-.-t a.1 JV aav'IA faavaBa - wfPv t A M2W l Cwctr Tr?rH. AU CmT7 ri :M(KMnhw4i. W 1MECTtmc .B.K. (X; WIENER. A.OUJMINGS BEST And Bo o nooTt Koaia of a. jlxd cm TisatHlftMH Bordlart IXTAMt r COM iCi : JLmoJ Aacaso4ttOiM X riMpcOy oJkt ii mi iooa WALKER Pumps, Wim has arm: " Tt . Wv aTaWSaaW .aaf ff-- 14 iijatfar iS twtt Mr' Jp B. -i :kd up a X7RA1TT i ing House, ETIIXZ'B fXV7 LtTiI1t TTATin 5 s. ... . JJ .-- - --, . U-. JCJ4'.VSfcA. hOUTB. d. r of tzt & cc Sonterai 4 3tsifi- Dooft for site sic ac "Sf-r" BRAKEFIE LHliS IX ills. Well vnatkNr aavr&fcNr so Mtuu Oor Work J3Z&$li KSmrl i fe j 1 ??$&-, THE P20PLE-S LCMEEi COk 12 . V.V.VtajKK. Ee2 ; V.fi - kVts ' . Owv 2-J wi. BBtef. -w-,j IZllfLl r . J, . v"5i i ' -, 'F-w X Uko Who. tat.l hours. J """P0 "ss m. y- -w.? BA i&r-erSFSr b -, -te:i