The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1884, Image 2

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4. C. H0SUE3, Publisher.
7k Paris, an electric lamp f-I with a.
portable accumulator has been selected
and rendered obligatory for use in
socking leaks in gas pipes, it is proba
ble; that many disastrous explosion.-
will thus be avoided.
Tiik only organized church among 1
Hit: Zulus of South Africa has adopted
as one; of its rules: "No member of
tills church shall be permitted to drink
the white man's grog, or native beer,
or touch it with his lips."
A crazy with wine,
crawled under a building in Santa
Cruz, Cal. He remained there two full
days. When he came out, all covered
with dirt, he gave twenty dollars to a
young lady, requesting that her brother
.shoot him.
In the public schools of Greece the
lour (lospels of the New Testament are
used as a reader by the children ui the
.most advanced classes of the primary
department, and the new Minister of
Education propo-e-, to extend their Uic
into the higher schools.
Tub number of sheep in the United
States is .01,000,000. That is about a
nheep apiece for us, but we were obliged
to import during the pasf year over 78,
000,0(K) pounds of wool in order to sup
ply the demand for home use and what
little of manufactured .stuffs wo are
iible to sell to outsiders.
IJkai'TIFi;i. fans are made entirely of
the plumage of tropical birds in their
natural colors. A web of feather cloth
is formed by gluing fhe plumage, each
tiny feather separately, upon silk fab
ric This jiives the. texture the precise
jtppcaranee of a living bird. The tops
arc tipped with ostrich feathers.
A MAN who has traveled much says
that life in the Northwest in winter
ma he made as comfortable as in any
of the cities of the East. He linds that
the places where one suffered most in
the winter are in latitudes like that of
South Carolina, where no reasonable
preparations are made for winter,
Mks. McEi.koy. President Arthur".-,
fiister. who presided over the hitter's
liousehold in such a charming and win
ning manner last winter, will again be
jnistrcss of the White Iloue this year.
Teaching Washington from her home
in Albany in time for the reception of
Presidential callers on New Year's Dav.
Tiiekk is in New Grenada a curious
"vegetable product known under the
jiame of the ink-planl. Its juice can
lie used in writing without any previous
preparation. The letters traced with
at are of a reddish color first, but turn
-n deep black in a few hours. This juice
silso .spoils sleel pens lass than common
Fifty thousand woodchueks have
3iccn killed in New Hampshire during
the present year, on which the State
jiays a bounty of ten cents each, mak
ing a total for woodchuck killing of
455,000. lleckoning each woodchuck
to weigh live pounds, the total weight
of the fifty thousand will aggregate
otic hundred and twelve tons.
Ckkmatokicms are not the innova
tions many people seem to suppose.
Cremation societies have been in
nee in Loudon for twenty years. The
corpse of Lady Dilke was burned in a
crematory in Dresden, Germany, on
October 10, 187-1. :i!:d her husband. Sir
"Charles Dilke, is President of one of
alio English cremation societies.
HorsK rents in Arabia are nearly as
low as in a deserted Pennsylvania oil
town. A French traveler mentions his
taking a comfortable d welling at Hcrev
Jah, consisting of two large rooms on
the ground floor and three smaller
ones, besides a spacious courtj-ard sur
rounded by high walls, for all of which
lie paid thirty-six cents per month.
C. P. Hcxtinoton is the only rail
avay manager in the world who con
trols a railway reaehiug across a conti
nent. His road extends from Hamp
shire Koadsto Memphis, and from New
Orleans to San Francisco, making
practically a complete transcontinental
line. He also owns a steamship line
from New York to Norfolk and New
Tiik largest organ in the world has
fust been completed by Walk, of Lud
ivigsburg. and placed in the cathedral
church at Riga. This instrument meas
ures thirty-six feet in width, thirty-two
feet from back to front, ami is sixty
five feet high. It contains six thousand
eight hundred and twenty-six pipes,
distributed among one hundred and
twenty-four sounding pipes.
"Gkog boats' arc sent among the
British fishermen oft'the coasts of York
.and Cleveland by enterprising Holland
ers. These boats are fitted out like
English barrooms, with all the modern
improvements, including barmaids, so
that the sailors and fishermen can "-o
on long sprees without the trouble of
going ashore. These grog boats are a
nuisance. They are demoralizing the
toilers of the sea.
A Koma- Catholic Priest, formerly
stationed at Havre, France, by name
cVL l'Abbc Le Mesle, was married the
either day in London to a Miss LoiseL
daughter of a wealthy banker at Paris,
The wedding ceremony was performed
py special license bv the Rev. P. Aider,
sumbent oi the French Ansrclican
.the. intention of the
ith Pere Hva-
lolic reform in
A Summary of tho Dally ITowc,
Tin: Senate m on December 1 at noon
an! w&Mroinrtlr called loonier. A con.-
jatttc.' was apjioliitc-d to wait on the Irel -
deut ami Inform him that the Senuti- wa
ro:wl- to receive 11 message The crcdeti-
tial-of Senator ?hofli-id to llil the vacancy
cau v-d bv the death of r.-nntor Anthony, of
Ithodc I-lnixl. were presented, several Mil,
wan ready for biiIne-. The mr.-asre un-
riTI-lVlll, ItllCr UV rt'UMIKK " "Ultn mv
IIouc adjourned.
t v 1 1... K,.r,i i.,i ti.f, ,! Mr. Kliff!I-li!. the
new Senator from Ithtxle I -land w a hwcni
Jn. A re-olution o!!ereI by r. Vet. direct-
iny an invc-tiKatlon jmo the Ieaej in the In-
dlaii TerriKiry lor gnulng or other purine-.
calliil out an animated debate. Th- matter
tlnally went oer one day In the Houe .. .: ..-1..H...... Inlr.l.
ir. rmii-i, a- in uoinpu m iihukvi " -
tie am
duc-l a preaint
1 resolution directing
an Inmilfy into the conduct of fatted .Vate,
Mnr.hal Wright, of the Southern I)itrJct or
"',,,,'-1fo,;,Vr",1" !.in.,Lar!,i",',',',!i'U.t,VHrnn
hliaNln ( incinnuti at the ctoler eli ction.
many of whom were "notorious criminals
and men known to have vicious and brutal
habit." etc A lively debate followed and
the reflation wuv adopted with..ut dlMs.ou.
The Inter-State (Vnnmcrf" bill win then
taken up and Mr. Keairan otfen."! hi- mibsti -
tute known as the Heagan bill, and addree,!
the House until adjournment.
I.v the. SSenate on tho -".l ilr. JIc!'liernn
introducetl a bill to nuiMud the coinage of
silver dollars. Mr. 'efs resolution calling
for an itive-tigation Into the U-asM kmd in
tiie Indian Territorv wa.s taken up. djeued
and agnedto. itlll- were introliicel. and
the enate adjourne! In the Houe the
Senate amei:linent to the House bill lor
letting uufjarned laud-grant? of the Atlantic
.V Pacillc nallroail were non-coiicurretl In.
The bill making a temporary appropriation
for the naval service wax paseI. The Inter
State Commerce bill was then diKMisned
until adjournment
I.v the Senate on the 4th Mr Hill Intro
duced a resolution deelnring it Inexpedient
to dNcoutiiitie the coinage of llwr dollars
and gave notice that he would call It up at
an early day. The Senate soon went into ex
ecutive M-sson and then adjourned In the
House Mr. Morrison ini reduced a bill to ap
ply any surplus in tho Treasury, abovr a
certain amount, to the redemption of out
standing IkhuIs. )ther bills w ire int rdiiecd,
when the House took up the Inter-State Com
merce bill, anil the ICcngau substitute whs
supported by a number of iiiemtrcra. Ad
journed until Monday.
Tiik oflicial vote of Texas eamo tardily
but lienvy. The vote was, Clevelaml, :hi.'!.
t!0S; Blaine, KV-'; t.John, .Vll; Ilutier,
:,'ll; Helvn Lockwooil, 'J. Cleveland over
Ulaine, I.'M.S.m.
(Jov. Cm:vklam said ho intended to re
sign tho Cuberuatorinl otllce Jiinunry II,
1SS5. As yet no nieuilier of his future Cub
inet lias been deteniiined ujm.
I'raxcks I). Mol', of Hfechcr-Ttltou
notoriety, died at his home in New York
December ."th, of of the heart.
He had not been well for jomo time.
A i.aiiok niiiuher of nominations were
made to various olliceit to bo conlinaed by
tho Senate on December "A.
Tiik annual report of tno Chief of tho
llevenue Mnnno service snowci mat tno
relief work performed excelled that of any j
other year. They assisted -Jilt merchant
vessels shipwrecked or diKtreseu, vaiutMi
with cargoes at .sT.OXI.Oi).), und saved many
whose lives were imiierilcd.
A SKitiors jilaguo lately took hold of the
swine near Wheeling, YV. Ya., and made
serious inroads nniong tho herd?. Tlio
losses aniount(sI to thousands of dollars in
a few days, and should tho present reme
dies fail the losses will be incalculable.
Tho attention of the County Court was di
rected to the matter by tlio County Health
Hoard, which urged the iuiK)rtance
of immediate action. Tho disease
was a contagious enerie fever nnnlo-
and resolution were preeuienw jietiiueiiio v iXAtirri. erpJo.o3 af ami-1 ana
(aire wrh received, atter which Senator . 1- "' j-Jr . li hort
(inch announced the death of Senator An- i gunpowder occurred reialljr at U
thony, and the r-enate adjourned Th 0f Stephen Vounr, m SlafliraN-'f KiSbt
Jfiftise wa promptly called to order at ,,, .....-,. j,,,,,-! tram t af Ji t. Mr.
noon, and a commute appoint"! to notify , F3' "er '"-H-1- ; f -"'
thostiiiintiit thf l'r-j.idint that the twvlr I oiing way having a ueh lac, s- aapnew.
gous io lypiio... ,everiumaii,a:mis..iIuwii!1)0pn COIirt.reil in several murders
as hog cholera.
(quarantine will prevail
against it if strictly maintained, and the
Hoard of Health was instructed to inaugu
rate perfect isolation, while the Court en
acted a severe hog law. The disease made
its appearance on the farm of J. Yv Nich
olN, in tho district, and rapidly spread in
every direction.
The Hotiso Committee on Rivers nnd
Harbors will endeavor to have a bill pro
viding appropriations for the improvement
of rivers and harbors, rendv to report to
the House, January !.". The committee
has decided to make, as far as practicable,
an appropriation of twenty-live er cent,
of the estimates mado by the corps of army
engineers, and to limit, if possible, the ag
gregate to iNi.OOO.OOO.
Oliui.v A. CAiU'ENTKn.onco charged with
the murder of Zorn Hums at Lincoln, 111.,
n year ago, but subsequently tried and ac
quitted, wns shot at recently in Lincoln by
William 11. Hums, the father of the mur
dered girl. The bullet missed its mark.
Mas. Jonx Haokhty, aged sixty years,
was run over and instantly killed a few
days ago in the Wabash yards at Jackson
ville. 111. Thomas Hrunk, the yardmaster,
at the riskof his life pushed from the track
a daughter of tho deceased woman and
saved her life.
A surr brought by the Public-Debt Syn
dicate against tho Egyptian Government to
prevent the latter from diverting certain
taxes from the sinking fund to the general
Treasury was lately decided against tho
Ax explosion of firo damp occurred in
the Monongnhela and Peter's Creek Coal '
Company's mine, near Coal Blutf, Pa., a
few mornings ago, and fatally injured two
miners naniiHl James Miarpiess ana. Micaacl i
. . . . .:ir. .. . 1. a. .1 $
Hovle. The dav force, which numbered '
about a dozen men had just gone to work,
and Sharpies. and Boyle were pushing, J
when the gas ignited
from their naked '
which :
L4-. 3. -'
rates to Missouri Uiver tioints. The new
nouncement in favor of tarilT. reform, par
ticularly his recommendation for a reduc
tion, or tho abolition of the duty upon for
eign raw material, was lately tho theme of
.:.).. .1? : :.. ..i.K. .Im-liw . U'nclt. .
me uisiusdum m jiuuiii t-i.-.-- . .
lngton. Republicans denounces mevie
as rank treason to their party, while
Democratic revenue reformers were jubi
lant that Mr. McCulloch practically -endorsed
the principles underlying- the Mor
rison bill, and vindicated the action of
those who supported it.
A noiiRiBLE murder was commitxea a
fr nirehte utti nt Vn Rtirpn. Ark. 0
seph S. Houck, a township Constable.
endeavoring to arrest a desperado a
John Williams, and was searching for M
at the house of another negro when Wfl
lionis stepped up behind him with a douhl
barrelled shot gun and blew the whole top
of his head off. Houck died instantly, th
head being- nearlv severed from the body,
After doing the shooting Wmiamsmouat
Hoack's horse and escaped to the wi
He was subsequently capturea y mi j
posse. WLW
lamps, and nn explosion followed, which : bought. The greatest interest i Je:ii he :tP -to kill himself witli a j tjjC )nnj antj was t04" .'' ffl
terribly burned and rendered insensible -I m the extreme northern iwrtioa of I-ike 1 knife. AltMii,y ,nrt uis wouruls ! nnni" ". . .
loth men. Fortunately the other miners ! County, adjolnint; the Canadian bonier.! were not fatm r4vU tatcd tliat lie msr- ! f," , L' 7" , "f a. '
were ia a different part of tho mine at the i The largest ami most promising tleiiosit? i ? n !fcl !" HHnous and lived f f'V ; i" J janla
time. t5han.lean.l ltovle were resciKsl i have been found there. The wav the gold 4-aM'"-y l!Wt ot tw'ni' -vcars- b, fL? , ? v hf t 1
soon after and everything jsible done to was discovered, it was sa(1. was that G. .?, f i t! .o"- Ji!f tl ,.?r U
alleviate their suircrings! Steven., of Michigan, ami George A.h, of iHl? T " I bohHv tddlK hi ml If f
The general managors of the Missouri Daluth. went to township CI. range 7, sec- I 'ut ' 1 j JJ ! n,l fe ti
River lines at a meeting at Chicago de- tion ?4. and found considerable pvratesof l!ir-wi. leroc at Blair. "j- -J anil. " ncrefl chetl
:.... ...., .. .... Ai,i 1 -rir. ,,...'- : A.v, ' 1 i ,. i,i. f. i..... die of the stream h Tai"tl ht-
i-iiiii . j -r : t- i 1111 T-r-T nv-ft n r j w.- ziiy trur. i (nn mill -iv-i t tkv &aj t t nm -.k triia jj . ,i ( , a u4kA a a j r a i iji r
rates are ?10.."mI to the river points and tho further search they came to rock which I Vt ,.7. , 1
arrangement is that these rates are to run -?y fos certain contained gold, mi"!,-'''"-!
two vears. General satisfaction was ex- Samples wero brought back and , .?,.,-'I'-rVf ' '
pressed at tho termination of the war. sent to aa assayer of tastTawa., Mich. The J i - . F-,j,
SECRET.VHV McCCLLOCH's recent pro- first speime.-i assaye.1 fTSi to the ton. and rhrrrf t H M
aaaT! j
A teagedt occnxTea as fPRa.'uoauadtr
Jfc hftac. deai
;rCi'kw Law.
j recce, Loth well-know
SfTke tilHi
I cnlty grew out of the
;tj i B iJiaj
, debt- Slupaoa iirnl flwt,'' ti 1 jaortally
j wounded Lawrence in UfcaW-5- -air-
freacJilri thr.'hhoU, ajill ta"ajj effect,
' - " ""J'WS;
l-reacc cx-drcd w:uahaer 4-r
! shooting. sCps , i- ,t.
, Kt.cxtTr.EX Joys lateljcajK'l te
i Houw of Ilfuge- at IiJaa'rrill t -y- by
i , i , . rAi..... ? tlato-
- ". e uMtti -
. Uct.
j George I'.. Young, of LweM, wa. lowing
how dvtiamtte
nite charge. b afeeitHl when
l. tlodal
ne extilo.1
j the rcinaiadwr of the fartififcMi two
kegs of jjwder. The Iiijur-rrt tIlln
j voting, (jeorgo Young, a:naJlTMii V'tarry
, , n-,,,.-! r0 a dau -hAAf Yiung.
; nn'1 na,n;r l f, " 5 - i
; MLs Sniho (treenllehl. of felHl "Tf and
. . . 2-, ... t t
'in'o wnoe iiaiiti were nT-ace laiuwi.
j l ouns-n unugru-r ami iiarr.
-TT " C1-.
! olhurs were .s-rioU.slv inJP4. Tbt :0USO
" con'wnta w,re burned toffc.grtua.
; " , ,
j A .srrr for criminal iirgligeacewu Uikl agniant. the James OaaI .Hfljns
. t- . . ti.JiJ1i ,.-rtw..
Company, at liuontouu. ?Z M
j work. fourt.-xi j-.tsoiu MTvWlJt- ' a
' rw,.. ,.x i0 ,;OI1 & , A
; r' ,u K Oavm. w - j
Konixio.f Kki and KlrnnaA-'JclT rn,
two prominent rharaetern of Fort MuJh,
j Ark., were plarwl on trial tactile 1'd
Slates Court a few days ago, chargfed 'vfth
murdering, a man s-vtral viarigo. TUc
I ... " .,.-. .ii,i
j was an interesting one. nudore than
tweutv witniies were in ntt-nJjUlC, a'
there was much excitement.
TliK Toleilo. ().. Produce Kxchaiga tatcly
sent, nu addrens t tho ralway uuStj:."
of the country urging that freihttjclSu"
are too high, and that in tew ofjatlii
crwuscl values of WYstUrzi proiludb th"r
should be a reision and readjustait 3
rates, i nere rn'iiwi u w utvaj. ,,- 4.
over the matter at Toledo.
f ' 1
A few mornings ngo a fire in thejkb'rp
of the Hill!.' Spring l'a.s.s.'iiger i&ilwi y j
Company at Ilalliiuore, 3M., coinplc-tjrjl -
stroye.1 the large buililmg, togeth
manv of the conitmny s cars an
horses. The Humes started in the h
and spread so rapidly that only lift
the horses could 1 taken out and on
( car was removtsi. mere were mxiv
horsej in the .stable when the tire u
covered; seventeen were nscued, alt!
badly .scorchcl. The fire starttsl ov.
front entrance, and after the halters frer
cut ihehorst;s rdui.eI to lw led frouinni
buniing building. Ten -nr.. were burled;
Loss, .VO; insurance. sUMW. U&
1'KiiSoxs j.a.s.Niiig along tho Dcs JIj
Iliver, near De.s Moines, la., recently, fo
the foot and leg of u child pnUrtiduig f:
the hank at the mouth of a ravine, u h
it had htcn buried by wMiie unknown j
son. The bank had been washed a.
e.H.sing tho limb.
A Yot'TH on tlio farm of James Wa
kins, near Liberty, Ya., wiw reen'
standing under a tree, t.'dkin;; to .somen
gros. The hky was .slightly
vivid Hash of lightning, foiloweti iustantl
,,y ., (.hJ, (f ,ii:,.1(it.rt Martled the part
T,e vou.,, fdl ,,ea,L Hi3 d.dhing u,.
,ori t,, t,1ji IlUt t10 j,t:i ,H1 h,s l)ttl
was broken i:i only one small place.
John ItiMiKli. a very'slesperate Moatnr.
cowitov, who iniaiiv snoi nans mu-ae s ine
time ago and maile his escape, was reet nth
eajdured at Lagrange, Ore., ly oilier.
Soon after the capture itiiidet uimle his
escape again after a desperate strugglcr.nd
iled to linker City, intending to take a tram
for the Hast there. The Deputy SheriH"
and a posse of men surrounded tho desper
ado and compelled him to surrender. Hin
der wns brought to Portland and hcnvih
shackled. Although only twonty-thno
years old ho is very desperate, and has
Hos Petehsox, said to be the leader of a
gang of burglars at Decatur. III., wns ar
rested ami jailed a few days ago. He v.a
charged with being one of the gang who
went through a leading dry goods store
not long ago. when several hundred dol
lars' worth of goods were hauled away O'l
n hand car. The goods were subsequently
lound in the timber, where they were hid
den. A movement was recently on 'ftot in
New York to restrain tho eminent trag
edian, John McCuIIough, in an insane as -
lutn. His wife was thought C be the
:.. ti... i- f .. ''l 111 11117 lillini'. .111. .111-V, lillllttl .
mind hns not gained its accustomed vigor I
ti -it liii .: '
ami no win pruuuuiy ui-cuiuu uiutiu
The last Kvssion oj the grent Plenary
Council nt Haltiiuore came to n close w ith I
great pomp and ceremony a few days ago.
The long expected completion of the
groat Washington monument obelisk took
place at Washington, D. C. 011 the after
noon of December (Uh. The ceremonies
were very short and simple from the fact
that February "Jd has boon reserved for the
full clcbrntion.
Ax lmperinl decree requiring the poison
ing of tho French invaders was recently
lKstol in Tonquin.
The Cuban agitator. Bonachen, with a
band, arms and munitions was captured
at Kingston, Jamaica, a few days ago.
Oiieat excitement exists in Daluth.
Minn., and other places in regard to gold .
and silver on the north shore of Lake Sa- 1
pcrior. between Duluth and Pigeon Rivr. u-, ieor nea, aim xm,enuy-
mg. In the past few months explorers!
nave recti traveling all over tiie region ex- .
ploring lor precious metals nud over .,-
,'J ncro of Government land have ?eo
tho presence of gold and tilvcr. and atter !
the seiond the extraordinarv fiimi-M nt ,
WO. No day passes without sew entries of
land ia that region. The country is rouh,
rocky and Lroken up by " Inninier
able small lakes, and extendi ti-oi-h
j everai townsmps. The new Uivover-
les are oa a line with Rabbit Mointain
j from which large quantities of sil'ter ore
tave been taken. butHcient is ka.wn to
show that gold exists and in probablr
payihg quantities. The samples Uken to
Ann Arbor, Mich., assayed from 41,CS to
51J0.642 a ton, and others snt to fj. paI
assayed from 40 to 4XM a ton. A Couer
d'Alene excitement is predicted bV manv.
Captaix BiOiTuurr, Chief of be Hy
drographic Office, Navy Depart
ment, has just completed a larte chart
of the Arctic regions, intendedlfor ex
hibition at the New Orleans Exp-yition. It
was made under thesapervisioa otLieutea-
ant Greely. and shows at a glante all the
explorations made hr the Greelj expedi
tion. The chart shows the most recent di-
roveries, incla
Sbos of the Rilarts ex-
iTialdia BaflaxpcCj
Cnlr- . ofXr
, r' 1!'-"" .' a.- .,., 4 .w auiji.i . - - - aam. rx -"- ' -
j. - i t hi -... t ai
A. tcsnnrcTm: fire TiHel Srfiajkr the
I.T uJt. It tsa ta Hashr' Ifrrrr
suhJe asd iwenty-foorfcorKsi were lr;
Tltence itiprrad Ui the Ih1pm ftrt 1
barbed a tcirter r Use b'oefc rxcl- tt
rit National liink. -rbkh. bdnr built o!
bricS vrxt sxvett. The Js w aMst &,-
000. and Jfancewdv S10.0OX
The Utiou Pscifc btrJy IvtaMl a circa
Iar civing notice of a rcdarttoo of fivcccit
per one hundred pound from the pvs?eat
rile uro- a!! kfntbi of cram from all kta
tioa oa tl.ij Tnlon Pacific ystcai In NV
brxvka to -St. Ioab, Chicago and Toledo.
The bhrriJ of Catninr County rccmtly
rr-cftil turn IvnithrT named (Iror'i Slid i
Aiut Sludenbor? atOwala. The- svea
were lmllctcd at theUt term of the Cum
Jug Coun'v Distri't Court for ohuinlu?
money ui.lcr falw preUruiew
Uv the decree of the l tilted Statc-k Court
Jn the Uarilngton Jfc illvsouri Und tax
cav-s the treasury nt Anlcloi? County will
be strengt.ielicti wlUi 513,1 W.IS.
TVLUtt Cotuixof lately left Omaha un
der orruuistutces taat caused many credi
tors to in iunu
At IM-cola on Ttiankciving night a
tough ci.ars.cter ttRncd Smith, wJto had
been co:nmltutI to Jail for threatening hU
wife. "as rc!ca.sed on balL He immediately
cot drut.;. Soon after dark he weut to his
hoiie w ih a rifle and ottctiing the dexir and
.wing hi wife b the stove, shot her lw tht
Jeft hrea.'t. a mortal wound. The
hrute IiMiicdlately ran down to the nrt
mid htd tti the weeds Intending, as lie Mid,
when hehetnl t! at his wife wa dcul t
kill liltns(df. He was found soon after and
taken toward the Jail by the SherhT. On
the way a mab attempted to take him fnnn
tiie ofllccr but he was lodged in JniL. The
crowd gathered Around the Jail and l.ean
making attejipts to break dortn the dwir,
when Hinlthj knowing hat was meant by
the noI.H. cit his throat with a knife uhich
Jic had taken to his cell. His wound, ho. v
ever, wa- net fatal.
A FitAir. unman, Nettle Howanl. wa
Iate!y fatally burned at Omaha, a id It waj
rejiorted at the time by the accidental tij
settbig ot a lamp. Uefore the gill clietl hc
regained consciousness nnd accuseil a man
nain(sl Thompson and a woman r.dinl
"DulcJi Liz" of ...atur-ting her clotlun;
iMtu on ami setting iter on nre. tne ino
.tive lor the deed was revenge.
At North Platte the other night, D. W.
I-nzier, the night clerk at the Hailroad
J lot el, was found In the dining room tied
and gagged, and the hotiseiad been robbed
Of about $'JC0. One llnrt was arrested and
Identified by lazier as the man who robintl
hiui. At the hearing Hart proved an abbi
aid was discharged, and a warrant IssiitsJ
tjr lzier's arrest. Just before it v. a
sirvtd Izh-r went to his room in the hotel,
diuw a revolver and fired a ball Into his left
bMSt. Ho died in two hours,
"tl'nr Grand Island patters pay their res
pects to a quack doctor who skipjtejt as
soon its ho heard of the gathering storm.
11 shingle conveyed the intelligence
'ioy-as ready Jo cure all the ills that lle.ilt it
i-lr to. He inveigled a cancer victim, and
. !)iict'il linn to give a note and mortgage
i'il.'iO on the promise of a complete cure.
i le jiold the note and departed on the pro
S -eas.
5 Jy excavating for a cellar nt Omaha, the
to h'T dav, Fred Wieitnan found at the hot-
Lti m of an old cistern a box containing twen-
:vtifeo gold pieces. Ills joy, however, wa
ftf tlw duration, for close bv was found
&lu inoulds ..nd utensils necessary for the
ir.fCiug of counterfeit coins. The money
jjait fools bore evidence of having been then.
ft)! siderable length of time, aim Hi thought
ta . nnve lain there for months and to.-
bly a year, or even more.
4 f .
p A 'if.vr town nauied Pender, aliout half
;aj 'halweeu Hancroft and i'lticrsoii, is by-
ng tun out.
r T- l0tt nrrtTzttl tt Itlttf.t
cro- 5 tiie South Loup on the Plum Creek
oad. t
Tan DMrlct Clerk at Wahoo N obliged'
wcrkUncht and day to keep up with hi:
jtTjjH estimated Hint Far') County farm
!Mrejosi 01,001) worm oi iioss during
K i4our months by cholera.
lM. lLi.r.v, of Hentoii's I'iid, hn
iresbt Punt 111 bushels of oats from seven
and a , m acres' yield, an average of fifty-
live bit i iels per acre.
ivk af.M.lirass band has been organized at
Vypalme It Is called the ' Cyclone Hand."
.iiMl'tiu cbauces are that that section ol
try vjll lie blown up in a -horn
E Wi
t Point Heituhllran complains ;
of marricl men in that Inn-..
re abundant.
1 son. weighing nine pounds.
te to the homo of H. II. C!uou
a-'iaraiso, the other night. Mr. Pat-
".( w
of Ilayiiiuiifl. was on a freight train
.vol oils of hogs. The train hacked
douritoi.eIcpot so that the caboose in
which! btva riding stood on the bridge. It
was fuw dirk, and as Mr. Patterson at-tci.tptad-f
tfp from the train he fell to the
ut eight or ten feet below, and
119 in an unconscious condition,
ifiof the woman Nettie How-
anl. at'
is ha, is gradually coming to be
1 1 Hie light of an attempted as-
1. She is the woman who gave
J orbes, the McCIellan bjj-s
s a gang of burglars, and it is
r.:il otl
a their gang tried to:et her out
ef the
of t.u
y ; taking her life. A neighbor
IB Fuller gave a startling storv
0M','ion leliig asurel of pro
ta Violence. Several ariesls have
lecn u..i
h.vitlgatinn lasting over two
weeks to
rac,d- Jury at Omaha brought
H?,'.aV. N. K. Gnjos Colonel
K. "arkcr, P.M. Harnw and L. I
k ' atv are charged with con- j
.Will . II
K W ice
.spir.c ti
eniiti n:
r. iM the L lilted SUtes
I at
islt JSbale of the land beB
2"llg AC to
. 1 S ... , , :
be of Indians. The ;
appeared and gave .
v -w inoe
pro itatiy
bond f r tl
ft '....-.. Ck..llT . T I
coin C .ntj
$ J"1""'' sibiu wi io-.uie
as laieiy arreiieii at 1
Oma..a fi r
5l. Tu, , . ,, t ,ar" I
T" '"etl
or curruoiiap: young
m says: Our i
w) well mat! in
It half tiie evi-1
Swedish Lntheran
recently. erioay
injur.n ;: .ve
fau:iy. Tue ::
ie. It was feared.
Ithe raea were C.
W3ab:orer. Be:
and M- C Barr.
Stover v as la a 1
OXAliV vs.
ittd at New Or-
exii bv rVt-1"
the high .school
I building ar.l
ambient place
and strtirture Ui '-
Oxlv ttventi-t.'
for the civil scrv.d
iUgh atOaahx
instead of the one .
Ce-vteai. Cnr W
a atroae twit
to secure the tror-
Collece, whica
the North Nehraka
establish. Bids ha
psope to
"wetTed fraaa
sereral rival towns.
ilnhaaai beaaa
A Sweiis girl ed
a hotel at
--oviiit. came n
-wenuy. The accil
the raaais of
ovenujj a po cl
eently drsr-.! his w
left for rv.- nntrnowi
DMhsaj not onlyl
ciothta bu; with $2,'M
The disease anong '
reriJ Chk.
PtHitltv, com:
ajaira -.
OracnAaprrlatlrc butc
V&muitra-u UftuiU,
li-orire: ist. a :
writrr i a baaJr Tolnstrl
haw. :
xc&ke sttro that rtor r
jsaitto bvxls. lhtute?jAtti
A miad-rwulrr ffiv a
Cfl9 t. .
batch of dudct lh othe jy, i
uirewr up mo cncigt'nJE dtgt
bt-causfl he hadn't v.ilVioeit taotcr-i
to work oa, Chimf Trli ft-,
I dctv: argy agin a uicu t'd
rtctuuj U ani: "whn I i rattt -
naix. hl tck.air
1 I tir olT to the M: as
oi a hos
and uft ( !iW .
s-lf that hoi belong to tharVst x.
"The New York market nlc
.siryly supplieii v:h forett . "
We thougnt our father ra4 t.JlJiu
foreiirn yolk for good morH t talav
hundred roar ago, - Trt-
"- 4
A solemn old int J jntel ike
fact that by bathing the ft-i n S
piii water a man could )fo
circulation, and aiw all thv((:Uoni
are having lanLi tlttetl to ;ber oilier
A thrilling adventure l tMK
criWl bv a bov iniet: 'I
A cijWy tttit- iter 1
Wi rrabt'l(L; t a tub. I
A obai Mifle brvttr
CMe hj to htlp Wer rl:
Tiie cthttbUy lUtlr brutfcar
He fell la. ilfc a erj .
TSmf chubby Mttt r
sImtIiumk hUn H to dry."
A gentleman whom it would
jtuiicry i can iiomeiy rninrKic a
( hilil at a hotiM when he l visiting
"Well, my hne I my, what do ou Uillk
alout me," eh?" Th ehfld gags Jbn
self with hi lingers and remain! i
Ient. Come, noxi-," ay the vi4or
kindly, "why won't you tell me tlui
you tliink of me?" " 'Camo I iJu t
want to be whiptKHl." i
- Admiral Dunean'.i addres to lh
ollicers of his fleet, when they e umAi I
ouaru ins snip lor ms unai lutirjcuasie
previous to the memorable engagcmfni
with Admiral de Winter. wa. ciueljcd
iti th'j following laconic and humonn
manner : "Gentlemen of my fleet, yf u
see a very severe n inter ist j
proaching.aud I have only to adv
you to keep a good lire."
"Hello, Smith, what s up cnotl
llrown to his friend, who, frech from
wrestle with a stove pipe which had i4
sisted all effort to put It in place, sto.
at the window with soot on his haudij
and wr.ith on his brow. "NVthinjr'a-
up." snirled Smith. "It's all dovn ninH
wants juitting ti." "I ee." sa.dH
lSrown. "these are not piping t.nws of
jieace. they are times of piecing pijH.
"Ixxik heah, Kanom." said an old
negro to a vouug fellow.
I doRti mm
er 'sooiidttig wid m
1 my (laughter, but I
dnttheryer wouldn come roun' my
house Homo'. Time 'fore del.' what
ver wit5 heah. I mbttMd en water
bucket, an' de las' time de hrOlli wm
gone, an' now, vj. I has a u-e for de sad
dle. I drutiier yer wouldn't come Ip-nh.
I doan' .ay dat yer ain't honsj. fur do
Lawd knows 1 b'lebes jer is, bit such
cuis things happen- ;hilc yer in de
neighborhood, so jei ter plns er ole
man. what ain't enjoy In' very good
health. plouM! tloan' come nuu' d s
house no tao'." Jrbttuuto Trace Ur.
How .n Iint'inii Won IIJ llrltlo ) r h1u.
Hilar; Arror tli- .1IUttirl With HU llt
lliimt Tied Bt-Iilml mm.
Aii Indian named Tsi-ting-clie-ung,
one of the nomadic who bare 1kh-ii
roaming about the city and vicinity for
some time, performed a truly wonder
fill feat yesterday in the presence of a
few admirers of hU tribe who g:ithered
to witness his exhibition of daring and
strength. The hero of the tale L a
Mroag. smiare-built, gKd-hHking In-
flllTt lltlil tt fflt WtS tfc L'lllt t...
,,, . .'..,,. .......
.Missouri WiUl IIH litll liani! lied Oehltltl
him, hi reward forth!- being Um hand
and heart in marriage of a Iwwitehtng
(?) daughter of one of hi fellow
scalpers. The wonder of the feat wa
not only in swimming the trcaeherou
stream with one arm fattened Indiind
him him. but in going in water al
most as cold a- ice, with hi buckskin
trousers on to catch .the -and and
threaten to pull him to the bottom.
At ten o'clock yeterday morning the
daring fellow was in readme:, and
hi admirers, together with the girl
of hi choice, were on the hank. jnt
above the bridge, to so him Mart. It
was a thrilling and pathetic eme.
The young gallant gazed up and down
the trcaeherou stream, while tho
girl ki-yied and .ang in a weird,
mournful manner a .seemingly plain
tive love chant. It wan a novel and
certainly interesting -scene. Krry
thing was in readinu. The young
Indian, with a graceful ware of the
right hand, and amid the enconraj'ing
t snout ox tiie other mi. jshook th
:nu"l " ""'. u" cr VT u
hand of "l1 'fpr.2' for which he wa
risking his life, chopped off .1 little
t;r-latporiKina musju. in ni Mn 01 a gooo-
hclhi-if-I-don'roeou-arain air and
plungftl ini-i ihe river. yTl then went j i
upfrosi tne crowd of soWlator which i:
i ... . ' . -v. . .
eauseu the capillary i
.1 . 1 .
repononai craniti
to t-
faithwanl at the rate
a milti a
ra - - nutf. The swimmer to?
oye from
w for a
,1D10 tO
tve th-
g ?rich
be Uiid
irra and j
went straight down.
ng be
neain ic rauuay Mtnare. A-
tcrs cJoschI over hira the mai
en wno
hail been watchini? every
a Tmrot
' - j ..
wiui interei-t manilcsUxt trrea
excitement, and ju-t as she r
as alivt
to jump into the frail cano-3."
half Iauccht-1. her lover aw
hkrh wa
red wih
a carder to s of th head.
xad Km
raven lock. floated upon t
waUrrs. A he neareti tkc
shore the admiring brara.
girl, began wavlag t&cir
br tae
siagiag a song of jotv aad
reached the bank ami stood f ach
Burera, loatl were the ex
- of
gtadnes seat op from the t
he started. It waa iaJeeJ a
feat swaixaiBg thf rfnai
arm compteiTiy uiaaateti aaal
heavy badukis, aataloo ajai
witaaoboat or aatly gaanl to
paay hiau Bat Ike accoaaaii
with appareat eae. aWr mm rcj
rrceiTcci waai k aaaa w
alleLe coabwed. Tke
told ta wedaamc waaM take
the caaapiar gjymumw- ml tie
rwaatv xmlmt aarta, aext Ti
Aaaoar those Wa arltaeiMsi
arere KTeral .atraafe Iafiaa 'ar;
aw tantaa iraaa atar t
j PLH50aL AND L totAHY.
tW AjkK-i-rmn Itl
ma j- w t AfM j
-K' tx fr rf MwrrlM r titer
. . Ume aM mm WfWs
n : Umm aM w
W II. H. 3
Uamt Jh -m mm.- '.
.. i ., - k L.if.
""i t -r m t- .r. nv a
- i rr"T rr:i rrrr i
If as ami JB tteML i&&t t
ocU Jl hms td Un jpafca tf t iga i
Mf in.
H ! . HV Uwi tW mx
r u KlHrt frT.wtlK 4mu
Kmtfrk 4fwr.wiH(K m mMt.
itr i Mr JA.l. mm
A rfc- kd prrfmci mm 4
.n.m .- lrtf .lSrr 1: w..
Ua-ti mMtd. t Ik MnttJl M .k.
tkrys tar rwm - - -
1 mt UVim tfkr mm .
bjmI bt t.$ot
.. -i -- - kMi -
r tujwt-awav. wad tW acrttmdAlt
' nrtwl her haan m itmnmmm a
? caocuiuim. Hr knlriti tW
' x rp. unt dwa aW W m -ai
' Hi- .v 1UU. WH f MM aV
. - f t-miiMr) agw bf ImmmpU a4 iwl
uin V (likw.
Pi.r Kntrm to Ibr MBW otf k
t!'.i - zi i an pafsf u utarwM
ii . )vnr 911 a a mm-'rrifi
Jt- t'-il Thm far mm rvtmr- 1
3.U. ud a4 ta totrtatttr nt ta
pr s. ,j tttifMrt h Nfiwf a ta4y II
pt. .hr ihrsr iitta. mm mm m
w! t. r. wt! a einulMaoa wt IM'
M.ra lArakar Tupfr. vaok
ri.i if.hiaff Irmk ta ai i MH
COJ ..f ki "PnTrrh.l ItiUki'
lit Vnier a. vt a oJKf4ag tn-m W
ert. .11 InlMi U wil taann aw Ka
rhi le ih old jt twkl rtritaa
sols .n lor hi rvtWt. kr wuntttl L
eiia I to tenl ki UuA tim ia ua
fort ' xmmt
Had Colamba" a rritn by
,Iom".i HopkiajMMi ia (W anar at
I7lh. nnd it a ri ratW tfc !..
dent Marek" It ,w alMa,- Mian
v hen W hmjfi.Hi raM ial ta lati.r.
aud.o i. of Umo ubjrs-t of Ha wrttR -the
u'tatjta f a palrluiMr plrlt
.nmong thr w)tf( 0! U mw tvymbur.
A J" 'irixfJitc,
Dr WdlHw Wrll. Itmw-n. a lnm
abolitoiitsC lik WUl.iitu IJ.d t;arri
m ll. ' .nt. lij; ualik ktm in rol
r, dii-l nl hebe;w. Mawk.. a Iw Ua
ago.. Dr Itn.HU w bir a iav. ki
K!entuL. ta lMtl, m1 at ih $
twenT) six enr U-! 10 laa Krl
.Many" a lujttn.- ut(Ud by alta
lo t.andi.n nbons. al & mri
iiiugjit;t-m0 in tam
I -
I , -NojM-rson want
WtnU Oil tSe e. tf
-trnw vprlt hark
nt aWH,
I - Prank hatdr.oi. jh arto-. Irt1! a
kiiadrexl .ind t thouaal dutkur to
iftitrif A 1 hh
f-CilfgirMl yo'ing belle rvr U 11
ffrad luVil 1- ." .Jt e-l horiaotital aar
fit. -IP-'." ,r.'i .i.'.VI .
-"W irr " thf " Wa.'
iiI Amjti - M i!:.s "Yra." anil
Vk 1 lights '--A r-n. nv- ail eaa-
I ktt Ta .-.; ti..iM tekL ."
Cw Oerri .
i-J little up la K- Yar 1mm
a :i ingriii t e t H "KhHfnra." U
' 'ppo-H.'l titat i!k tail te taat hv
ai'the pei'!t- go th r U aa da
fait"- Ho ..' HUt.
llsrryiii ; i nil nat," rvtntrktt
who d att- nttetl r-raJ rr4-
lately. ut it U ta riimr ta
ne win. ' 1 ofjrnn (a it k Um i
t epcr st "ti t Jmi Kanw
a mm I
Irnntt r t
ter her : .ndm.itarr aad cla
lierag.MtI m
wan ojeheanl t
ImhIv is rrriM In
and Jlnht doll
woniltr .lw) it'i'
i ti--. Wtl amiafal!
. .-. to artf "Htrta
t.:- r-tai: 'taint m;
!r..l talat kUtjt I
U'iryer' Matt
(liidi ny girl a htv '.
never ft l)t,g5: ' I".t wo-infr! '
That'fcd eryw- ' i: ho W uNtu
thiMhilk-detl pi'i nt A h prV. U
whatViK) !e ring :.r ' mr i-
now. -.i t'rti iat. .
-(lMrmake ; ptaWit ar m
pay hfTu--her' I ' "why." ha.,
if I paal ."' a U - f.'-ak fur tatan,
it would? U miae, . ! I -h ild I Uaata
to eat iff man !, n4 to 4ta
ofThkofn uWtav! l-:-L" Cairwpa
, ut roam-. I "$r aa ph4
yr bi an oi! rm4j Um
' ' Patt rr, a Jmmr.
for. Pat.
like th
will coo
it r-ght; an-! ari, aa
n-tteh wit Hiaat t !'
I got it t
Esthetic f
phttx Call
ir. mo d-Hiat."- HaiaaV.
V we. irtj;a i L'arlfj
John'" a
.rati '"in. )amar, who
wa rega
d a tie' -mart mj at tit
i. utwr. mhi i nan any 14
a fooiih
thought j
.t-VrtiK" 'War. ua-4-. I
hip if" tJ4; I ! a
. in tny
HtX., ..-a Maw. t
- I aU
ial Si '-.II -trkJ oar. Ill
was in if e
o aaafl ' r r.ijh to-rr4
It." -Ian
t rpo-j-1 v -4-oaW a-
uv a brtitol
Hir lilt- ifat. Ioa't m
thxk it brut
pj- 8ik'- " HrxtrmJa to
I 1K? ' Jaet ia lbi
. el d WaiMw."
wantonly k
ca' the lil
When a
r (?! ! i
to inuon J.
. 'x- axJfiMf
for joking h
f fOSa- ' rh 'l ' fw.
C "ajis tV M
- to ! $-', St r pa-
rtjsSd : -i '- laa
- ,
IJ. "Ihapt
tfenvia tuer.
kill tio binl
ta h turn : I
ranrek Trtm
-&& A si
r?aaai n -H'-lar
Wbv t
;v T sW " mm
ksow ur'
sot ftithatnr i
It t iMK ra
UVmi a-r rf
-Wl -.r t ;ar
lrKa a.J"aaw
the North Pd
John Fraaitm
tain Nsrr-i aV
M Vhaaa ;l"t ajd 1
it hoar hot4.i I
tv. wJHr ts
Smith A Lri-' Waaairj L -rr ta-
tottclrdfr te did
., aFfl--
I trwtywt ia1 wrsk a-jr d.
cie6ce4idra!w-r'Mr 'iJ
Icrr" jsaid Mrs. ft
V . a Jtixrr -ad
thaae2ror at I
.?. at
yjiei -wdl
a tifady
wu&vxL el
k cetac
raaa ya-arwrif. !i
-3dpr e"Tta-a rtr-
i m aaCiaJLaiA-aai-aat -aar tar
VsUoWfaaVJaBrVTaa a Ja
-jirar yttiAc
to to
tm. aav M
coHL I l--g ot
LhaaOrr. wiaa
tSB,rrc. ni.
tears, 1
a! I prwti
canwatlr arka
;s. a- -1
preaaeal th iai
saakr ka ccreaa
i-l lrtl his.
sli rata'i.
1 p-vfrt4 1 aUa atj
Uii h
wtctmu-i fc aaaar a
r i sbn.j
te arorid - Jaar
-jjarv -Tw-
THE rHt?KH.r-, ;t
t Tj rr it--fs- us, r
Qn ml Qm 0fS,mm
ttif "
Ui m M M to
'tmm fcrty
It M
m rMral A,
i A K mV WUtmu-
j 4 Kr todttj
A. '-A IWUiiM til mil I
W&r4 A lHIWtoJk3i -'-! -
sj xwwtjitf m e- juun
IMT WWBtWtWt m a &
afB ' Jajaaaa w
! r"
1 4 f
I f--H"-W
aas rt-wrr
$ talai te hmm
mm aj
lYhm o Wa aa a
Ml '- to
fa &ai
-m H hm
m m ia t Ht h Ita4, aati a
mm a Jr : aa Mk araai awf
waal .. ih aa4t m a
1 m m m aaa lavs at tj
- iAmtmr Km,
w isaaa h ' rf m pats ik
r t w ta t a ! . a4
ai fcPttiiBH is- w avMTf- ' ' 4. m
mm . tw3 a tin fw t w JM
aa W ajMa a..i. mm h i
igt 4
t att lie !
' nflM'ita -- '
. irf aNa i-l 4 im 1
. 4 W9f
; hm
at ll 1
Inaawa tfcai Sta
lofc i a a-'4fa 4 V r '
al aV illrt a! mmm ta s-
m win vi au aaa artrafv w mh.
ii anjiMfj a-.- taa a4i
m:.t ac arwtt ! a fM aao
tarl 19 nilumktVimmmkS
aMr, taa taa wr ft.
4auai am n wi all H awa. bm a.
anr4a fMtkm & it
aara4.lrtf rel IhvmI aalaH.
h raa m W 4gaa tma.aMaai
raar to a tl V-4 f
aart hwt Kmtm i bsi
orr It aaal t t It, t a
oitl WFa it ! t W i b
Ui a tiaarw -4', & Uat mhkm .
raart mMji a - -. Maitl i . a.
m kaa a4 a ..j4 U m rr .4
crwtar wmkn lrrtvi,v- a-- lk
W aM, tat ii 4-rt . ,: . Ur a
Ixka Mi hi ta
tank. aH jhr
Ur f taib h.
Iaaait uwl u hi
ta that awful
. .: f-,j. . vt.
a. ar WMtta
t aacn aa
fl t1l .'
a- i-i. iki .
A nurtoat jftittair
ta m ia mo-
nlMKlHrr fa ak ttr Ik Um.
axl -t alai ta gmi aar .t !'.
rL taoj-a tt g ' x 9" a. .
at ill mat f ataaa9i m v aM.
bat r taariUht 1 ryary
arjp4 a aMi aKa a.
Wad Ut atiartti .-httHMa aa gwut
aM ia .! au bak ? '9.' la
naMtr Mai .aafc U, Hb a a-aaaM-4atTr
mrhl Mka &
mm tkl aajf -ft ta teiaa oiwraa
tl lata iawantg r tW It
pr htm aa nf"'"-' Mt
km aitM4t)W Mt. f ia -. rl4
aiarm" IVraaf a- laav ?
-afMUi rfcara IMtna VaaajlL
U lift Him IS aaja t 4 In
aaiaara at'ai A afcs 'vta ta
raart t a ta-attt taiaa to a
afwt r dtfMjit to; Aa iafaa
tag rtWrtur 4 tWaf taaay- tia4
u ri ta m manataaaaa
alir mm. majt a
m -nit ia Im alfaiai, aiitart la.
i t-t rtm aal art attV al fc' a-;
tirkHrail aw a. aal aa
A rwrh attai
lb aa4 VIIaAar faaratl aN
wa l to V a ft t Oka faa l' jft
tttMra4 itarM avhfatav. Uavaa
yulttai. twaafuMiaal aa Mrra4aaaal. I
I aia dlfrarltiM b wn taw
aaJ ta a-adat. tn a
taraa la nW arofaawr, vtoaff ?-
llltaa; UU aa epr-at haa aaW
iHaarji 1 t)ira)a -u dai
5raAlJ-Kfr OAJifrlCKTil
T- lt t:jl U MnxfilMt. Jt.Waa) r4t
PJtor '. aaarr tf aJain aa
taw aw XAwaa taa wtafrf
af tlpaaa ar In ua afcayw jaaa awi Jhar
lraj xm-. bat iww W aa
a tit or a laaatiga. f iBaag
WC-t m fmat taaa WMaat. wtarr tfeay
taaniy tmvr ll toaraat n aHai
(fttj ad talatoa ar graoaf-fl aat
rnraa iaoalate wba trlaaaa4 - a
nataia ardr Ufc ppaaWaa taaK r
Uiar: aaart-ns. t to haa4ioa li.ra.
ajanrw ffla-4 a-w rr aaal Ti
ar aa aatrtaaaap'J at tJtoa
rry yaattMaJ ad aVr-fcamjt. aaU.
Mtav-r4 ha pami aaaaura fimmm'
m tJaaa. aaal rafp. a ! : -talal
i"rr 'yaaaeatiaa i a.
araat. Cfl aaVr. ar 4
Max aaatl'aT ai Uia taatt aatt
jtoaJkai laraaa a hmm m ma
aa Jmvmtf wa-
'.aal taarwa a
Ta ar fur flr
aa ar
arra wttaial aaty
a br a ?7i
'. "f -
X- I
I ii yalar -a4 aat. a -
aaWai far aaag atrrt, Iar a -
j a-wl ur gorai war. at aa a& u -
la aftaaa aj -
ay I
in ta aaa-1
5s I
cmiI rtaar lata aaa a
ta aVraaa. mr taraaat aV -
in fafTaa taalm.i la aiaajta -pa
Mad ar rt head -
yiata. er wtavf tylal im
aaaa a. wa WaV aaarb
'. aarr. T aaaaV r
rfaattaua mmxf aaaa aaraW
-rwi. a! ta- aavrr Waat-
"'l U laiaaf lil auaa.
iiWtir aa atw aaa-1 . I -jural
3wraujaU tlr- aaa9- i
asater aarv tin ta r"rr ac '
tie? frv t faat4 v Vara
srlD laws avUralt -' -i" - . "
4Haw K rida 4Vjii- wv r.
r r.1tirrr xia fr. t r
miIS l U ar-l TV - rr
aiw ria srarai 2'a s-c fc
ralLn u I- dxTsiw-aaaaaV".
thl Taa-5, tar rsfcCMi p
arttaeul &-. bwt Inr js
i.xrt'-. T r; to a c4
Ijrd 1-Tirr, fath-r -
Eari. h--a a ,
fc-l paiTf ia fl
kswas a th "Priri
loir.' sa4 rsei
o U- sc!-aw f H
fee ai ""ao I
bjt ttrat &&&
tWecf a aaa
---1 aM
1 I1
Wa V