Ta -r(i r HHV &$- fc-yw , Ih v is? ; ,.fi? C i - Tjtt T . r JK - tl - U k. .- ifv "v "w -i'--'-f'i. '1 V T .si-vv , - .Arr- '"rl KB . . -.Jmafc ' .v.- " 'i-i, " rf. 1r J7 Ja K T. . . JS. k . A F , CT iS.4 , flR w -, . j- i - c 1 ,. JC l r B ii" RfN S" prp sr a :?'! - -t-j Cloud Chief. ED 'MS I i WiXSKji (iGILANCE IS TKEPRI(OFBEHTYVjtND$1.50A VEAR IS THE PRICEOFTHE CHIEF. , ,T'X"I RED CLpllD, WEESTER COUNTY. NEB.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER i2, i8S4. NO i9 r5 BHB . . ? ' U'Wfc. mb r rH prs-Hb.7 . h. . ' r z, feHLMiHKBr thc w-'-y- j. fS mm .-.-H ..r'V.flH.m. HH . I H . M tt.H.b.VB. q.M-..-'- RRRRWivv R7 TrTHfinMir "St?' jdtefi gRRTRRTRBRBffilBrTf-dr'BHP!. RRRVk44j5fiU Jr r'iv?Sl' fPMS -Z3 RRRRaRX' RRsSMBf sfe vvt-- mmwmmP' 7"s. " -r- ft ( ?RM 4 . it jsp ttlftSIil ' TW f if RRfirrs?sF Wm? " V I I I 'J I !" Rr VArt'HdRl 'rrf- '- f ; H B" sX S ret- h V i WWbim.'l4Ps - " is, tj "ETERNtf rrr 9VE fc " -vbSwg- T "" mLnm" will,1,! . " " :;',.-., . - ',,'" tt v i4f, -f' i. v IF I fl ? Jl v: i ; 1 516 1 V'! wl t ri r - . l .m-. - i ggLOUD CHIEF ;avjr sj V.2T1 VO IVIJITV. ATW gwckutiok: tit'-? -iT". - - 1150 75. 80. Red Clond u et iimMm4-i'l la gqdl'NTY OFFICFJtS. 4rfTrBiivh..Countv Clerk. iM.3wdToVv, County Treurcr.' e.70.JTt",er"CtM!nTy Judge. !.l.Vrrn,.Shnir. 'I pHJUifntttrtM'timi )erintendent ol pHJJwfiioi riM'tinti H;9T.Rinker, Ci)uaty Survey or. !,V.'IVRinkr, Couaty Su jS'if. Jfownt Coti"ity Coroner.- Hieob L. Miller, v County Com. i. -J But!nss Directory. X . X jo.irSTAV m, AU TIOI ER,. ' ICK8 - - - 3KBRASKA W.TULLhYS, M.D., yEOM(C0PAT(1lC PHYSICIAN, U. D. xaiuiiiui; curuu-nn. )mai Opposite Tlrst National knk. Red Cloud. Ev AlcKEEIlY, M, V tTOHYMCTAlf AND Fl'KGEOX, ml mcE.-Flrstrd)r vwt of t k'3 IniRr lore. tfiKSfct)irsrrapyI:-j'-in., j t. amir to x i. JuWtutt, afhxJto vc&t oX court Iiotise. )CUUI). 4 ' - JfKBKASKA. nauvD' rM. D., I ir'-v. f'T :riaici AND SURGEON, Jt?': . i.i ..J -k-.1.5. . I. . IteU i.10Ua,.JCUHfKH. bfiHK he new poeilfct MJtrrrtJir-WTfruenew yotiifCB. " -m.' r, . ' :hk ui-i-: --T ' iimAMJtRfCkAUDS, .ttorneys. Rc4 (fotf(I,lLKbiiru5ka. tf'KCE-rluSmithBros. law office. W. Kalct, - - J. L. Kalev. vp Si; .TT" -- fi LccirtH lor the B. &M. R. R. Lands kAJL'.Omc. i- JM. .M.v.T,v r - r? t rf"- M vCASEy&yMdNENY, tORNKYAJt COUNSELORS AT ImW. tjt 1$mt?M klltke Cnmrt or this State t))ra Kitlw. OoliaetiHf)ii well n lit l2ioifiif M ywiW'irtBotentlr aileud- JTj'vrj.." nrn wir- niu ui .i.i.iiihhi .-. .tiBE. m.... ...... ...; i wtes uirectory. . ' iikEr&.z. SURGEON, LXeWiUikA. -, : 5. t . . proiwjjuy alien oca. fcjc i -At rexideiicfr-Cowlet?. 8:51 NT: ward: T W( s5 Fillk, CiiTmieir, Id Isto ui le XSViiKX - - NEBRASKA. :&r v , g.-it ED CLOUD, MCB. sj. i O!0 t sored "L sS&rv ,?i bTi0i anu - . 0j&sgi8irlfeiucii r ri r . rr.7 . - -: - he-?ill:pay: the TMs S r rftJ.T if; ?i V1 IHEST PRICES i Ujia - ' . "-- ;' kMUMfsro y sH, K ffll fir yew. LOfRM and Yardsi Tax3A . ir- t v - - fc t t- fc -V , " - . 4 -. 4 JW t l f iBSfe, JLR'X' K VkVis - A P WAV 4B VT Ww ff '. ;'vb.a:'w . (. .-.i EW .1t '&. ? 55?tfV-5 X PfVil kMi '-. ? 'i. fHCc-4 " T6. 7Yvl 'J. . - '". "MiKfc'Siy rMTMEiiuam rv.v". u?Ai KMnMHCHiMPUlillil i MB JP'BiBI KA vi- viiii:k i v . ui u u n i raiivTii ' . ' Ll!TfiE VKmrnKisMI IAgsiisife irrJtJr iii.JUBH tot JterrtjB tffcttftjfey . L lie W ' .i. . r flum.i lAr f j: Reliable Furiiiro end tfiMuipeyss Opposite Postofflce. giVllsrockof Furniture the LARGEST and MpST COMPLKI I; rhre RepuDhcanVaiev and mv prices cafl FINE CARRIAGES AfiDf 0ADWAG0N3 $$$ VelliCEgS - i - .b- Of Every'Dcscriptlo The Red Gloud mmm Works -a steeoer,gB'ag:er, Tj ' 'only tliclicstmntcrlal thj n.trKut nflil iittIiaiii.iiiifti'tireor oMrHilrrsnil themliv liavocaltH-d :uv.ui sprtiid niiHl.i lonlft'ij'iotl uo;k. II:vln,' worked n allfe-tliiiL-attholniMm. i-fwl:tiii cdhfct.iniiitini;viillrcll- clll '"a SteeDer,!Mai ager, We u and Job Work and itetAirine . florse-shoeiiife;, Flow Wo k &c, at the most reasonable prices. AH work war niipinyeu. xoarorderjsiirfrM.spveUiiv 'jlicnul. 3T WearenowIoKitefllnOUUXKWBUKK 3UlB)IN'C, wlicre v.e will le K-t'i to see all our friends and patrons. gi GATES & 3CJBANAW, f rno,KiETfii:s op RED CLOUD JOS&T MARKET. First Door South of Sher cr's Drug Store FRESH AND SAL MEATS, FISH POTJL1RY Oyster s, t Bolong-a, &o., Sec Alwayt on and. Ou. auu koc thorn whenovoryc a "want the boat t nd the 8wootost meats. Wo F1 -DEALER Furniture. Red Cloud, '& A Fine Lino of Parlor and Kitchen! be sold at remarkably LOW PBIC1 Cloud National Bank. Come and eo i sTT ? s Thee towA Ji nothiiii Is Sav k- JMoiiey "by all mi; tKi, At the Boss-town: Goo1 we have und sell wc muft.j B Sun i I iu4ntlTDt,lmauiiitt, AcAv-jiejiriBeaKiycIalty. Ukia! 1 " Macklae Kfalrs. Msd Cloud. .- Ne Acme" Pulverizer Lk-1 BUTxlYOURGGODS ! SlT tjhe old . .f R. Li By lanttfacturcd bw in 'aiitol. Noii" ttut tl;u lo-it wn. I Alum. RED fiit-SV?J CWNiVii cn im&&zm 5t5o7(v.tvv'cwi: r rca&'is Bc,.-i 9 ffiris, Sc. r; jj ? ' M ibraskn, uro always on hand nn'l will otanu, just north oi tbo Rod eforo buying. ' t k 5J '- ii, l fas a big show in Lt tiiat snow was compared to the snow oi 1 ssi ore of Fuifon, r-' ;rwishine: anv- tifliatline dll Hlino: on TJs udware store Lrr for Cash or on Trut. ii. AMY'S Itrl tlo-s n farmer eor.tmti-rj a ITOUwl flelll M-tlll SWtlvfarfmn- lie (u'y U Anil Hs-sluif nnd tbore ! ur nr,r Ji t a iurrow -icf natcuclici! tcnuv e Yin- nut ;"te k-wl. and ;hr-e r d ;i!lIl.' ilrrni l;if n 1 . t. W tl!t .-oil ami -l tMf.re t: f lk.-.?, riT iiZ 1 I. 1 f - ..v-. i... Tl Hl'MHl It I I i t k I K flK f i ni mESBmz i Mm- w tl3m4 TmwML f mmmmW mt r mmMm IpairShop W xMortuary ( oods, is Kvcr brought to the not fail to piease. TINKER. iPklRONIZErlOME. ., i Patronizing Home you can always get At Same Prices ! t you w;u have to pav for . c . . i . J intpnnr nrrir! cni?nfH llllv.1 1U1 dUltIL MUliULU from the east. All of our Buggies are Warranted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS FRANKLIN A A RBrffl mu api: in Lositei it Frisklin, rrukliQC:.,!?. Christian Unscctaria n. Five Courses of Study ! Academic 4 years, Preparatory 3 years, Normal 3 yearss, Musical Course, Business Course, Writing Deparmcnt. Healthful location, Surrounding moral, Xo S.iloons, Terms Ker.;oi:n!lc Library, Ihysi-al ajp:ir.itt, Gcolci cnl CabiiK't. iit-.u'.inj; Kooni, tc. Instruction 'i borough ! For Catalogue. nddres. Ecu. W. flampicn, n.v,6 Principal. LcIMoore. Prr.ilt'nt. .Silas liaruvr. ice-Prcs Hoti:. V. .sjjirvj. C.Lsh'.cr. Jno. 1L Slilay. sslstant Cashier. U M Hatid kt ' RED CLOl'D. XER. Capital, $50,000 Special Attention Given to Collcc . tion. ,., . DIRrioroRS: S,,i Grb.er T'eri Moore. iL D. Joccs. F. E. Uoble P.ORT. V.SniSKT. .Buy and sell Exchange. Make col-ertion-. Discount Notes and do a jeneral Hankinj; Business. I merest allowed on all time deposits HMwstiaaiftHNTueTwm irn MiMiiTni mni witt Mplrstloa. bos bo isnid for ; Jp- Sffl,?KS5Msffi5S? latolatUalftcaacaL IiiiIwigfctfc.fewtatiMfMy dlutodjoaesbT ui"" ""' txxiV. The crl!nl letter from -t!ck t!w Nts tt cxtimct. lad ererat heodrea ctler tiprtMcjf . .in k..iinnti r ase OiUsf tl OCT 03KI 11 wbo hosr Cat UU lnierwita U. Batter rlMa HARRIS RMIEDT rfriiirii I te4t!aei'i W RB W lH DO YOU K NOW THAT LOERILARD'S CLIMAX PLUS TOIACO B'!!?Sr $11,950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of BlackwcII's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. LA a .B -k -.- . T - - ww itcr.UO Id oxit tortner innc,r.. ' . Ttje pmalusu Mil tU.I. eox3t ho Ciu the nuinUrr of Lao nturcoS sir U- Vr-' A - . t,L r. a. w ...ct, ra . Ju - Uxi. jews mr-cu -t f UCj. Iccn tniljr. J ji. CHOI. lTii:v tlS Ht . 1 hl in u-ltMl. mw.j fii,iujvu iruu m..,.. .. . :.-t l . ". " VCaaii Voac (caoiaa 1Uoot 4rtarc of IICX-L act. Mm rm oat cdts tf.rvcTTiaccscn. ; W 8 S DirBCforVi I N JZj VV O i Uii L . Morhart & Fulton, MAN i: TAI.HII! . A HAHD"vrAHE Store ' AT "WELLS. rorthi.fl.T.,..iin.HU..of the !" f IbM icin. ih.' an-fair jntMii..i t.ctu :.. v.r.nt in tiy tttMioi XlctlUWclie, rTiTiTro v& 1 StOVeS, I . I ll'On, JN ailS, Ami In fact rrontiilne nn !' frtml at our 'tore ... ""'.in-umu- 'l,ut,rti.cvcrffMK chc in lnrl. We v.ntil.l In-j'lr.tMMl to have .,r rU .:i m, t M;fc,i ;, . . ii.t .., -.. 1 i. wl.cn In nrr'lor linlMn. thir prlrvs vIH ,l wn J''fiHl It WjW tilt 0118, JUKI II Sl,w,MhVK.Hil;ITlL,V,,,,B''1,,, w,h ''iRjriking illustrntion of the WVTS'risiitfftl! MiliitMMir tnulr liiins! Irti". Jpfcfthrwo vnAyA In tills tlMt It Will l.roM- U-.Mfi. ..tl to Nvth. .MlAtWr wl.ilM lll nrlM.nii I..T I!. K.niMn.M.n HtrK. will ' Mr .1. (J On .ilu:ti I" f'H'tnl n il to v .i.'. mi i mi THE C5TY torts-fl 91 ..Off dlOlB n !,., R. R. Sherer, Proo. yourbn for Pub,;" I ' 5 in t ; OILS AMD DR C3. I v. 1 .1 Proprietary medicines a Spoclnlty L SeOK5.5fATi5K2?.Y, ::d PSSniKB ! A n.w nut! rari.1 !ortnint of I LAMP AliD LAHPFIITORES JCST HEIEITLD! - i H1 (?lnCOO Sinn Ql iiDOO ilUU. n ' J. L. KILLED Pl ll.f't IX ARNfir-S rOLF.!i-, SADDLES HOKSE-BLAXKFTS uifUN ru'.IBS nilL'SHES. liAHNKSSOlL And everything tonally kept in i nrt i:Ijls5 shoj). Two doors north of let X.U. Bank RED CLOl'D. NEB. JSff Sj JB syw ! Jl J.-U.i?LisWt; W JLZ22iISS f.r.o. V. i isri !M. w.r.n tal'Tta & Co., Real Estate Agents KED CLOl'D. NEB. Xo ; ii an-ps t ml ("tra l.' rkaT. f frr fenced. K rr t:n"srr rnmSJi'i. ri !rr-.c hMis.. a rroim, frrw Hani wlih Mone ta m-t. lr acr prw pjm o S2. 320 srr l inllrs Imm Hrd 0nd. 0 vrrs fi-twrrt. r w1 fnBnwwn,wj pw yrt 5.V tv acr tv. ml- Iron lirrt Cloud, m nc-cHunnrr'-w'MxatKai. prv'S-?' Vjji-VrM?' iniuir. ituui imm iww i ell snl 'four a--rrs under rnttirstkn. prKSt3 ler acrr. HENRY COOK. Drugs, Paints, Oils C otions, Wa II Fzperf Ac. Red Cloud. - Nebraska. IE3STTJSTRY! 1 he Red C.loi d Chief A.C. KOay.SR - Prepttetor AfJor t 1 errr. It. ;ird4rrt yfTTw Jan.i Wave aihI the abf-n Mvtt tyicttfc "( tU h', I t , t um pcffnmm io vip am Wj.,1... ifcM-- U 1 i. h tin tV"Vnll m m) Um grniil M lfvrri'ot T ltl Un art llftJHiffMH li-l hW UU w luuail utii tfc, a , . frmbirl Uw i n.r MHtl iiki tho- ttctmA in xht SLt bnr t lrn w enrttul tfi- tt (mewi Junc . ctttist, if rrfif arm rt, m !i,o wtittki knvo Jj. -iUl. It-ems tluti cmit! xk- ii vlil tr.e i in tW env a UrtrotiT ni .." -.. - Nfc nj(Vii ( r ju nnp ws:IAv?r, - - fllr: j ' .ii.il lii.U..iiC3Ii-iui li. n,vi',!, " tu ?. ;? tij: work tntnled with thie nl mi ttupoctcMl of bcin;; Implicit- cll:,lIIV,,cM;fri upiun tt) cf the Mo.tCrtn, ana u- Ul. , C 0Br ct, HbjlJ,t hpM, 0Wu . tt4j im Ip10 fu, viuch iw cam, and ''.' let it out tint ho uu ly, ,M- (fft? Irtc WDt h' caetllril J"'1 ft1' W"COC Oil llltt Vtti; Tins cr<iboni ofymp.thy, 4a it eaid, Ix-WiJiin htm and ht companioitK ins a.liijoiH wliioh will be UseJ a 0Vl ' ' m t-nt them. - (h v1 i u9ivt mi, miu wlil't! l! ,,ot J, eciirl the proof n j'tiury to cuUttfh hit Cftae r are 1111 vKtlto my. LynchtU); rnuot H d'fctkd b) n Uk abiding Cltixti, l' - " ' ftH ?". Of which there ; bus o Srto4t no exctne, go un w.: i:lfcdB.lenwfl Bfene.tUn i" just recicvwl from the jmh ! r Of with Uto above tunics! li f )rtl4unH atalbilrut table o! i pr.i aijte for iuuchme. Urmert, in banker, botdc. keeper , and all cltiM of worker detriment of litiman elfort, n catiuti of f.wta for raly ft vnnotn nubjccij, Kt n ur :;;:;r;; i4iie Ikhi!c lia ever beun Jtjconlains no much infor illi110 CictJral value in everyday Hantly bound in Alligator iiiC-",wmi oitt srsmp. will bf he,4ttwvld.lrrs - pml paid nn rt?- h'npup, .iUfliyaE0.W.OC!!A'IE. Hi.Liflkui!3rjLAKt5r..CtucAao. III. I' lh Hot tltl'A.I Wem -Cm you koep yor rht nd clean? 1C you find ,iue DvItudV oda, which lt Ullll "t' fi!'?' re,lt erit;in olhe r de partmiS Is exceedingly utfut in ti.H urBPn. IKxeltol Tkwm4 All ovcSife land are going Into cU- iy" t. Ktnsn new lMcovcry lor I'OIKUI mii. i heir Mnlooxeu lor re- the timely ue of this great joined y causes them to tto o r. I. ft i Jin It prrtisc It U guaran lively aire severe coulliwr, l" ' r-!i t - S i..- f..... r.... i.m.,,1.!.:. Of iwt and tndsM. Trial lml .rte uiKftiry Cook's. Iire ie f , !Kla(CtJt Xaaktoa. fttmctf whenow nwftmtera : In til are 11 rd with patent ibesean? ail' -. -w j vert M, it is gTAlifyinc f know ;rocttr tltat will crtaialr tv i. ,t tl cure i i orJ , ., . t!,.a : i re rou o oiurkiv a KJv ln, j: U TbejCnrbSe-iiociif alt u.anl ?i can ie h?4 Jor only fjRy e of Ht-urr Ook. CCnt.i IM Wrtd5tmSw. indinit Ntkr Hktpion'f m th wor1i ttli cjrkcs. ri.re d TtiH lwiH live lutf(f if tJrv - ) Ktk cure. wkJtlt hv Dr II d'lf i cewtuerp onah.C9fta, cmi impi i - j t Fory kJJataL. Co?tinjfa 4mf Urc i LfiafecxtM? trie a irrM Wj r-f- T?. plf of thsf jr4Ifii th (! IT" l! JC aM iHH m -aW)c Ihfc iUi tJwl tlw bc IWfiiKIc Mnn Uke 4 io l CInr Twic It cure I iick U " t h n aarr wruuM. laa k( app'ti ICoj W WMfP KfKnl cWWrj; RrT Iy H ym kMtk. Tnt ttiiftMfcftefce LUterl tiff fmm mmmm 1tMMmVimf wmmmm W fll RfRRtfRRsRJR RIRj' 4r1 ARdLR lit auAAl Crf Lutagj 1 lMr JWK MNNK- BUli 3o7rS;rn7liW'M,U miMi llir.t Cr : Hfttjo ore wlwut, bJI e?ii h'r irntic'e, orfrenrrally de h?tek doUjshc in the woritf iw Hmttk u tvM, u -v- i . h &..- kifH df U W4i fet ; mams t jmw ffmftws t IfaMnf 44 JMMlllJ "ttX tiT . ! I fc.-.r..m. f&.atT MMH 4 Mb f" 1 hv !' "-- - W ' t !" '" "--' " " ' IwIh. I.r, ) IV. I roift w r 1. m7. Mft.l. ii itliAil I- rrn wr i to & riMiK kW y i l ewty 4fta to Mrjr wy Mty ii hi nr - Hr ti fltor MtllMM lHlf 1W ' i.1 n.i.rv MftUii A mmi tKrJ wto to i f-wrkw $Um im Wm W ! - - .i. - iT c-..m. tiBiwww '."ij. , . DooBtrV Ulrtstrfarsi R-.siin4 ffetti !HtcnU r Mulne l ty prrt iirt ofChjUtttia hrratrrj-t mtf othT eH written And tnlvrrURK nU rr on varlotl tihwt. amUjr". Am OH! :irt Wt of l, A C&tfitTttiry hkiii5, n Dve An vcll I,4lufr,H 1H tf iy tfHftjr; ami the household itiesttUt Rrvminftt ly ltnctlt m! UfoJ. Tlir iUtitr ia tion Ait numefou. numnj; ttrli t a fmo hntjrravtuij of tb Mwlf tMUro . of Dole. Fur !K c r fivtttlinl a MsrU! by )U. hitt WrU l!m. wk! ani4hrr by Mr. Ciwrh Hmra, 15 wt.ll m ronny ncr and Snurctlit( fc turtd. L....W . TH TOLKDO BLADJIi (NA8RV6 VAi'IUL) Cimiltllott m.tOfh 'Hie UratssV irciiUUot of any k Jy nHp4Hr hi the Uitri Hutr. Tlie liwx"l Ppcr inihUh4 l U? UnUei tate at on UlMr pvr yrir. The Wt papvr Ami the chp4 t p .... . . .. ..tt , .i. . bv letter. tl 1 h UUd onr, Si V ppr TMfJ wWi J witerburv wU:h. tS-50: wltti ! en- j latutL' oi' I'otfriti. uiuv-ttsw I Mu e S i! snirtng), t":W Special term to chili ralT mdn known on applinttloo Any rrk"t jHsue of the iiad? niom"r r Wf j:ait in cheap book. picUifp. U We; want rverO!y t tnO, pital curd to :is fr a -h tm rvpy. It teill tell U nun Mry A cohiwn dvcrtisdirtnt would not affiftl rtw to dtfcrib l varioo 1 rMrtmBt and our annoWiKfmenu tor tu cmn ,tji filo enii the 4,ddref of all ynr TilEiBLADK. TJed, Oliio. "X purefy tiAtianal rtpr drtUtiiC jil evgry r tntr. Th OhJfcf xd Th Totodo ll4. for oc yenr fort2.S0 cfe4 byJHliUIrt thra M f;04ot Xj.Me. It cip W jjireti la a cup of rHPe ?r ttn withal llw kmwttil of the f on takimr M, f ffrJin t "11 ml p!ininit cur. wbtoer tMs pthfil U a R0'!rri drinkrr or aWiiis wreck. Thotwmo f 4nikri ht frtjcn mwl? temtrai! m ho Jt taken the Golden HtKil5c In thr v4 fee "(rtihont the!? kowhs$jr, 4 fdiiy iwlievf thev qutUnnkIti oTtf own free wU. o hurmfal dfe?- SUnrantiMwl. Clrcwlart atvl wh4- iak fet fr. A4rvt IM- Xa- iK C4nciw4, 0. . i Ammrim? fTM. Tmc AmrKH men 4 vm, fcjr lwiKn of tWtr tMX oKrHj, IwaMtifal (r-rmi tick 9CMfiixkH 4 ch-arArtcnitc mirrTt arr prJfI fe 1 H tioH. It rrfl 4 Pr, tf.A TrnM Tiuita wliu-1. Lffu - . . Umc rtMiht. f i a a m ma lnk t j tSM m Ifiifi i $" tkit'a pftpl rr tfee Itm.a Wfjr Mikaftl k!U9'4ryiftc vfnn l tl Hoosi wlJk cm ta ttraHl ai4 Ti. Tfcrtfcf v trti? W 4fM. tIF UTfWntaPfTIL WJMW ia- ft ir fer crt. hri. aMfa , Wura, wiasla, a4 all Mw Mk, wm try orw . Vifr . RH RRfcfp RiRWWRRRfc ir,4(HPW,'''flt JpHW'i"" e4 or jr rrfc4ML C4y 2S R RfRW? psWVRJ in vt FwCW P"R tWflRRRRR 'rUIA f. - gKig- RA mmmt tRtR RwPRRRAjf R ARRRnRR AmIr &AAI m aJI .- JRwim .spbp WRi RWRR..JRRRRR WtPRRrfR 5WfiR RVfi JRPf PVJsp Rf liyHpRfpR) m4 i.wiairly mm pmf m ff fMlM4 IarT4Mr4r4sMM WflrY Mf "- J" J kl 15 hv i - i: ,w l fi 7 W Mi fti t t tvmild di-u- .in xTf i , . w.,:Ij K"4 -'"-Txr: hrvLf ha cr co!TnPir- j imUtfrtrins t: - r'ri sk " i' ta Ut?: aii chap.. ni3.; J . I lM.VltU- m , ", k. . i - j ' be lR lsrt- '&&. 2 .fv.J l , RWWIRJt B ? i k -m m at.. ww jRS'R v RRr M U lentb ud T. Ijl H. HAMATTTTT J. E.arker, JtW aw kaa Rl ! sv.t j. - 'kesMS ; e.i. , ..-. , -. . ? iTr i H"fwjo:.:i rvf t ; 1. -i.4. i.Jt- JftSSS. I" . TS n ! IVVU T- 4 i , x. Jj. IJ, pDk Auqtici CLOCD: JN'E3 f ve? bhtrer ' J' r .re. jj -vfe , Ir. r nw? VJ" ?Tw p , 1., 'tJVfKWHPHI iIhJ lhju. jaHRhW inn xjJFi '1 nTt ?tr- rWi -.-i. -- i M-? jb T- Hv- ?'..-S-Cf..V-" " rw- . -.4 it . v , SS;i a'.l Mna tA,lk.WiTT. UHiR .-"' -v v - rSMrMv-;BRtinrt Acce3. !' Urder. tSSgHgggJ ptiy site . -jcr-onrtii j 7 ' ' -r. - --- - rfj-?. s ,.. . RrJ h. j: i' ?72t :'5 Al ii,.wjWir.HJ - - . " ! li com Sv.4 Humi si Ub.tRRJ4wk&ai A SRRRf , - I. 1 i?i iMirT3TTr""Tilir Jiiftl Hi tTlU . .- U.fcvrliBiRCTH B .VCi. RR .'2 rixr '? -JBdje!Ic. X i MT. A . l . . , ,fc- tkf map j.RI B-BC tlBM L-b.Bi JRRS RRKr . r; con-MStiy in RRRJ sa RF '',- V-. VV V jKK jJ rT m iJOGBCIL v JN&? rV; JJBRC' RM T RRRRRriaRRgR3RRRaIMVL- " w --Tt Hf - ,-- rr1 RRVc ' .z bTA&SBi1