&.T itaa- V r ' . - -j - yan is -T '.L-..!- iV..M'V- mi-"-? j ... a". IVTi. 2a '' -.- i - mr- rr9-''? . 'I '? V aB3KFW& ..i S.-S J r . :; -tr : t-& .rwi 'M .3 .ttfej .-- " f. s. Ti-. - Uv I Y v ix V , '-. r . H .i it S-4"' " .-a , . . 5f SE - . ' sC k'V a r yA-ilbr ?.wi'i?l av - sk iz tr .-? lS. ii ysr, t--'r? vt --? &i J&XmM4KttJJZSVU U IX sJtt I tv e rjjjP. HOMIWv ,.., - PrpriMT liMfcjMr-fXJl - - - -ii ii ' nwxrr pec. 5. issi YORK. .'Jflftt en la illwery BW- MaXMCwn. V ? - curled IOTtfi3HOFKW 1 wl. . .- j j- 1 1 r r - . -"alewlr upward from the month of su six &' .lwniil avvMjtmi . nrn-inTl7ik.d jiVTi;.wrw - to""" 4 ' E,W la ttowerv aaioon last nignw fane kail a, cw in bis hand, and i&rf fcamedlVJit the loose-trousered ,, . ., S2St.a WtVnil. On the m w lie r.a Tiist enocu. vw m iwlli wern pictures of aptrewft nnd priee-fighters, while over the dirty bar ewung a work of art which jniq;ht b& Uken either as a portrait of the pro prietor or a rcWrkably poo-1 dikcncsi of tho chlwpanzeo in the Central' l'ark erjagcri. Fire of the boya wore tight Jej raiment, and tho lower limba ft1te xth was attired in a pair of sky- mklibnrH, from whiek wandered two ' afapiQfcfc. Standing 50W feet from tt tabi f& a youth on -whoHe diir.in- nfive fonniwas errayea nngnx, piaiu hovM naid vonnp' ner.son. and called him "Pet." Tho party represent "the little toughs of New Yoik, the rising geoeratioa of orirainaln. When the colored balls were corraled into the shape of a pyramid, the tallest boy laid his cigur on a dholf where none of the others could roach it, and made th opening ehot with re(k!e.i energy. Then a low-lcgcMl member of the p:ir ty (tquintod aleng tho tois of the bills like a civil engineer looking through a theodolite. Finally his cue nhot for ward, and a purple ball rolled into the pocket The player looked at Fete, who laughingly remarked: Good. You're comin' on. Dat was ringer. Flay der seven-ball across to der side pocket" Tho bow-legged boy squinted through . ; '.. .i . .1..!:... n;n on.l uie imaginary umuiiumo ' shook his head doubtfully. "No crosa, no crown," Bam and suggested Pel. "Dat'a what der bloko with der rkXrWf WW VVt fc,r-ww- white neektio says." Tko cross-Hhot was attempted, and proved to be a success. Three balls were ent into the pocket in succession, and then tho player mado a mis, leav ing the balls in a" favorable position for the next boy, who remarked that it was a good "leave. NutlnV but leaves," observed Pete, as h accepted a cigar from an admirer. "Dii onacientilic play makes me sick. Now, dcre's a shot anyone cud make, andit'll be missed, Fiire." The tall boy bet drinks with the next plrlyor on the shot. 'Make it for der crowd," said a thin little fellow who basked in Pete's smiles. The suggestion was received with im- mense faVor by the onlookers, ami the better reluctantly consented. When the player missed the shot, Pete drank brandy. For three hours the game went on, and at the end of each contest tho bar tender distributed green" tickets foi drinks to tho boys. They lounged around tha room, drank beer, smoked eigars, and listened to the decisions ol Peto on tha technical points of tin game. Then they discussed Edwin Booth and John L. Sullivan, for both of whom great respect was shown. Tho tall boy bet drinks that Grant wai sure of election, and Peto decided that ha had won, whereat tho tali boy said that Pete would yet be a momber ol . the board of aldormen, it remark which was not resehtod. Two of the com pany danced a doublo shuflle and were threatened with ejection by tho bar tender on tho ground that they were Interrupting the business of the house. One of the lads drank so much beoi that he oflcred to fight Pete. Ho was at once seized by tho collar and a cer 'Haiu portion of his trousers and as v 'sistea to the sidewalk in a hurry by the bartender. The boy looked astonished whea be reached the street, for thebar tender was not specific in tho contract nor nominated in tho bond which ho had proposed. Bj midnight tha party stood at the bar steadily drinking- beer and pocket ing cigars until ererV ticket had been cashed. Pote's "All there" hat was tilted Yery much more over his leftej-e, while with the right oye ho watched the tallboy counting up a handful of silTer coin. Just as the company was leav ing the ealoon Pete smooth'ed his plaid suit and whispered to the tall boy, and led him back to the pool table. 4T11 tell.yer what I'll do," he said, wjrfk a benevolent look, 'Til betch a ddftarj kin, beat yer in a nice soshible famottLwouldnt play wid der rest of er fBEv Most of dem are skins and danuo what honesty is." Two ona dollar bills were solemnly laid in the barkeeper's bands and the game commenced. The tall boy put . in four balls at the start by delicate 'strokes. Then Pete took off his jacket and, chalked bis cue. The tall boy ex amiad tha rack to count bis score, and while his hack was turned Peto pushed tha fomrteen" ball Into the pocket with his hand, and remarked as Lis op ponent looked around: "Dat was a hair-curler, me boy. I sa'dn't tiak I oud fetch it" Theft be missed the next shot The tail boy xaade another ball and went to the bar to settle a disputed account While he was away Peter swept more balk oa the table into the pocket with his arm. When bis companion returned , he looked stunned. Irtellyerwliat." said Pete as he shored tha two dollar bills into his packet, Hain, every feller I'd play Vwidiqrpaoney. JL chap's sure to get 'skwtifd ifheget8 ia wid a crowd of lilokea.whftt doa't fro to church nor Sdy i'tooL ril have ter bid yer g6d aighjbyfor I have Mo get up early -ttHsafrMget a shave. - Ai4 -JClrte 'assed his hand slowly arooad hiT;prfectly smooth chin as be t aawpterilfUt faik the Bowery. -Vn -''- 1ST ' r.. ' a j T'ih .,Ms.m:wm- nciaton of the tow- iai bow-by the atase man- ahar thateri. Ik funnv-tn "rrr-m' . : -. ..- ... . r.. tomoMO. ".xansi" struggung osT hlsaibilant notes and uiv.omuj a Drass noruoa pin . . . , f.; ,. . - ...... . ..,,. I anan 4Ali there V hrX v.men wm f Vs. j7 -i. '. u" '"www" " .: r,n a ( -m Sjed eloqCently over his left eje. Ono , J' "i; " with articU, of ,reat partiv.Lr I i loot was thrown forward, with li heel f ak!nJLf g,(J i:om:rtu:u. 'th. n,l vill. mv. invuiub:, lo ! ihnorthumb VfiiiUJviMpnrt.nt,ui:efc ild -ply . XhoTes of the pl;Od vt. Tho rest '" M- '' .. i I ; " .--' y-U''read,.,. :h, V, Ur.- j .rf , W. n.W rirHnt rennet to this BWdf tO tllf V allrfof i.o.oi ;i.i ;, p, kV ..... n. .,.., ,.. .. l TJ. y . '-. h..- .' e-. .' - .- --- -- rmm -hhaiTphraseatothft tM2'1iiwrJBwavIt'is ridTculofw also to both "Call the se."Bot?he children, jour v.Whatw)rlt4ffi shall be made i?mJ&iiial &Mvisinn .- Tjfc eiaif. GalltlHi31iactr--, afnien. vobt: ml . . : .awr ifci '-I'Sl - JNMi-Jliail viruitA-iLas: .li.-jLms-i.i J-r.i; of Oil. For at mo s "'rneo at io 1 A princmn! eo niioal and vc;;o tl j nnntaicj of tabic oil itij mineral oil rnd cOnif rtlf tlii Krst and fnao r Wit lor me uyo jni;m anilr. of ' c ir? Vsnktul i -knr"Kn train (or in? nsn'o:i5-rti ewi ??) oil Irridi Irjin'i irm tho f blul'bcrof tfcc (a larco "liio ,.perand whr.le ,nu Ti.di!tg fcl- j 1 1. ... -...v ! Jy thirty ton c blA resenting r.dirJ y i lif r wh ton znp- Irid'd jradon.1 VV' Th!? f to"f Vf :"' r,r T'rw- ! wha Jo, ron1Ji .vcrjit the (ir-odind j whalo in thcv &ntM nt :ti co-jtrdm- , of r- dinwTb!nlc.It3e.'Halar--aimi ikinoi'n: of sperm-oil md I o o! .forinaoolK Of the latter doa if pro!:.:c!, the head alone oftcniTj 3g 1 orrH. i-lI i:; f:-h come ltt JktJIVUf I wiu jawijiuw, irii the shark, .th.' -jeaD tl 't liiii. i-.'' f i - - . v tho cod. tlio Jyr riu?, and olh r n.ll Ofnniuiul J itswari buer. fallow, lard, gooegr ja i.oa 'vf(ot il (jro wared frotmth fctil of oin. and usfi I f tf i uj Weiv rlal!1 ware Av ,-rea and W( nfirtSli... wl. re r. nr.dti- ' tude of lioree ,artr,i? ': ulv --: T.'ntvre'i - - -- -- - m- M w w .---- " - o -? .. I rmollv iriii A W Itr .. fnr pni.sh- ing purports aunir i-iort.s of nil arc j roughly va!hv d atrii.C'W.Ht. Tho ex- ; port of tee- UfrmIndon. H-i I. and Liverpool.mi 18W, wj.i li.50d.ljo gal- , t m Under the leaef of "rd.on rank lin- I seed, cottrin .eedaiitl e.isior-o:l. Col- za-rnl, also, bcai'id" Ir.jin tnuiiaru. hemn. radii' . rafc'. turn'i. and o:h'f ohve-o.l ur.il al- i nf s ft. r i luui: ill jiuiAi :irKKi ' : ' tin '.. .' ir4-. vva .aunair. A.aMtiiiiis ' .4j: PVHIS- XUV O.JI riiiiid. I ff - a j-1 ft- .. . .I i fii v Western Afr eaSho palm-nut of tho oil-palm, an I otti of grouud-nuK f)r use in fine maHiinery. From Singa pore and C!..na receive kokum-oil and vegetfch o tilloy About fourteen thousand tr is;iI roton-oil aro annual ly imj)orted foEtho use of the wool-dres.-ers of Jritiii. Ilesidesf i lesir o fimilior to our selves, a'ftit. st ef ory country has some specialty in oil. Thus, in .Southern Kussia.'tobc ccoloil is largely ud; in Itidy, oilbf grfc'-st mes; in China, oil of tea-seed; inlr.'h.t, oil of nutmegs, of seeds of therrambogi tree, of custard-apple eedjfof cashew-nut, of car damon, of eaijt, of margoza, and many others. Brazil too. has a largo num ber of oils, ootfi animal and vegetable, peculiar to itsMf. - "The (HI S7i)ply of the World.' inh'ovuJur Science Montfir ly. r 4 Lord fjjMon' fjove IiCttcr.s. "Ando:they dresd my poodle in white and bUftk? Uh. zoo darling! How like r .poAlIe! And had oo oo's bootifnl en TSiBrled nicely, and did not all the jiU pyM',g,, rtin after oo and tell' oo whatSu dating oo was? Ah, mo sends oo;n nctlhillion ki--es to be dis tributed -3 follows: 50t.WK) for oo bootifnl Jioutt, 2V,000 to oo right eye, U50.000 to oo? ,'t ee, 1.000, WO to oo the rest to be equally dear neck ai divided' 7Wi in oo arms ami hands. "Ten!n' llili more kis-es. mv own darlingft r; ir letter which is just ar- rivexl. It is ad. and now, before it is answered, tal the following marks of kisses ay, darling shall we not to-morrow, Darling fD(N)(G)? kiss pi :tti "WcU; nyj iiarimg, pray write, lor my soul h auj iivs unil thirsts nfier vour wnteousn J3 ten million marks of kisses! :ai dlM"5- "l.OOO.'OOWH'.OwO.i.i.OOO marks of kisses,4 n y diare-t Uose. "Aly.'O". Ji,par timl uarling love and poodloi "Adieu ism own Rose, mvlifr1 of life, very pooi le.f very poodles, adieu! Adien, oo "jftvn idolatrous puppy. "Ever mjBdearest dearest dearest fondest" i ini&L bootifulest darliugest angelest JOlo. oo own puppy." Andyt t, sftter a- brief married life, they qua "rewl and wero separated. Pall Jia? XGmtttc. m "by ITo Iiefu Bronk nv ft his boarding houso and now live t af hotel. "Whu. n io you go away?" asked fellow-boarders. vruv w i in "I mu f ml od reason," he answered sulkily "OCc an you had, but wlut w.i3 it?:' ' - p' tell. von. I vras ?.t dm- ner tnm lady ie tho kie darand 1 heard the land- Ifaiter-girl talking out in "rh. t. they say?" old lady asked if I was in "Wj the diai I was m vet, aud the cirl said "tlio old woman aked if I had oat at: fen thing on the table, and tho girl fi 1 hadn t commenced on the tab kh aud dishes when she was in last: b die wouldn't like to write an iiki rolicy on them. Both woiuhn 1 lied then, a cold, ur.pleas-llar-a-week laujrh and I ant I 6 ucH wentru t rs and packed my trunk. That's Ml lero Avas to it, but I won't be iasi It fin no man's house." Mer- chart :V icr. feline Fly-Catcher. rho lives not a hundred a cat that this citv Jias for a living, or lives to It is a tiger-colored kitten. months old. When a re- thc animal bounding about e asked what it was about. Itching Hies," explained his fThat's what he does tho He has eaten nothing else las weaned. I can't tell vou 10 by tho habit. Ye have im milt, meat and other he will not touch it. He id eats as manv as 200 flics The cat becomes very ex his work, aud will spring lair or onto a window lor a i variably uses his right paw, misses his aim." byracusi tting-room" in a shoe factory m oi tne intricate macmn- ltains, the most dangerous lo buildinr. It is a rare thing h a room in a large factory lot contain one or more em- ms a thumb or finger. Some- itful accidents occur. The some- trrt mrrliirrt tnAialnil . v- U.......UW MlUUtUU thc guillotine of France, is lUing the heajeoj leather in contains arTfcn.vfeiir feet mond-oil.f-i rodijlndia ioiph poj.py- : witho-il its montijly visits. Ue are eed oil; fro-ii the I'.hn-k rn-a, oil of j therefore ghul to call our readers utteti HUilloweMe tls.g From (Vloa and the tion fu lh,. f.u.t lhat we oJicr t,ltf CoJ.. Pacific i.sles 'onies eocoanut-od. rroni tha( plofe fonid cutA roan's ,m as A Srifll olIr t Oar Iail?r ' THK CorTAOR IlKJlrfTJf H, fl JU aainc inrficntr-, a home mnnzinc,2and lho j who are acquainted wiih it. need no I i higher cornrnon'iatton than to -.ty tt i ) better than ever teforr. Kr trn yrtn U hiw had a ttai!y growth lih in ir- ru'.anon nn! lis-mrv nnuli'i.-- i.' nc.ir is x n)(r.t e3crf.liHn hw maput:.-, r crammed frill of cl ihirw?. aifir.f.-' which thcro f kiwnv; " - - -- 1 , ttu':iii,s to !i:i.-o n-u in-tr nr: r;virv rm-mber j uf , f , .; . - . ' ' if our vcr' 1cct vrrnrr. it -hort Morr entcrtairunt;, lit descriptive sketched i'Wt attr.u lively v. ritten and it ar-J tide rti .irueriir and ('rif ftv.a Aubj el.-, arevf.r.eat ;nrticuii.- rnaie HpeciI featurea of :h; inter ?. nM:;.iii" nrts ii:giralurie3 a:-i p , (ms by the beat Antencim rrrittr-f, ar: 1 , nnmn u r;t;ent coclrihutor we n. tic; Kdvard Everett, Lmy L-urom, Ciia Motilton. Joaquin ji tiler, Mr S' ' an,i l-i hiSlaber. Its dopart.-nanm of ;n;:.. . .. lancv vtrn :. ricuiiurf, umon ' ' ''' I fiz:-- acd iuj( with w aes -: ' -red f.r c rfe.t solution, fn ia-1 t!.r na ,e froi , j., 0t.,:jne f,re,,iM,.. ? . .. l on it.-irjmt cover, all thn:ig!i :t3 wc'. printed and beautifully iliiitrat "1 pa.cs, in. wholesome :v.nl intenetinj, and takir- thcnmgazinc, all in a!!, wc (1 not "fce how :i f-UI,!l: CMl et :i!l,,lo I iAur. x..u. -i or :i yv:r irei 01 enarye to anyone who v.ill -end us 3'2 for uh seriptton to Tnr. Chikx one year. If you want to ceo the Cottage Hearth before ordering it we will send you a free sample- copy. iurk!r.n'! Arnlra Salve. Tho best salve in the world for cut,5 lrui.-es, sores, ulcer?, sail rheum, lever -ore.", tetter, chapped hands chiibhiins, corn ami all ,-kin ettiptiotir ard pi.itiyely cures piles, or no pay required. It is gurautocd to give ier fect satisfaction, or money rutimdcd price l!5c per box. I)rnnkrnn:s., or tli I.iiir ilnlilr, ran he rurfil !yf arfminfott-rin:: Dr. Haines Cotden SjirriJir. It c:in ho "riven in a cup of collee or tei without the knowl-dge of the per- j son taking it, fleeting a speedy and permanent cure, whitner the patient i i.i a moderate drinker or ah oholie wreck. 'I housauds of drunkards have been made teuinerato men who have taken the Golden Specific in their cof fee without their knowledge, and to day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful cHect.- re su:t from its administration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimon ials sent free. Address, Goi.hk.n SrKriFic Co., L95 Hare St.. Cincinnati, 0. Ainoricn's Prido. T-jio Amencen men and women, by reason of their strong constitution'', beautiful forms, rich complexions and characteristic energy, are mvided by all nations. Its ihe general use of Dr. Ilarter's Iron Tonic which brings about these results. As a rain drop foretells a storm, so do.e.s a pimple npn the human body indicate health-destroying virus in the blood, which can be neutralized and expelled only ?y Dr. Ilarter's Iron Tonic. Ho Thanks his Paper. Mr. EniTon: T was induced by reading 'vour good paper to try Dr. Harters Iron Tonic for debility, liver disorder and scrofula and three bottles have cured me. Accent mv thanks C. Uogga. Sx. ' 18-4w A I .i fe Sa v i n c Pr f c n t 3rr. ?r. E. Allison Hutchison saved j his life hv a simple trial bottle of Dr. fCing-sXew Discovetv. for co-is-imp- j th n. which caued him to timbre a I iarg- b.ttlftethat completely cured him. j when doctor, (hnae of erimae :md every thing e'se had f.si'.cd. A-;hin-. brc.'icl.itia. iio.mehc. severe coughs, and all throat 'and lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure, trial bottles free at Henry Cook's drugstore. Largesize $1 . An Answer Wan toil Can anv one bring us a case 'of kid nev or liver complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, and thousands of cases alrcadv permanently cured and who are dailv reccommedding Electric Bit ters will prove. Brights disease, diab etes, weak back or any urinary com plaint quickly cured They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act di rectly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by Henrv Cook. The sage who lit a candle in the day wisely said " I seek a man,' would not he called erazy'in these days if he done the same thing to find a strictly pnre Bakyig Powder, and unless h found Del.ands Chemical Baking Powder, might still be peering around. It is made from Cream Tarter and Soda only, no filling whatever. Sold m cans onlv. The 'Keystone of Health. How can yvu expect to feel "well or even enjoy" life whenfyou go about'with a hacking cough? The fool in his wis there is no "cure for it, but the wise man hies him "to A. Lindley's drug store, and ges a bottle of Dr. Bigelnw Positive Cure and gets well. A trial1 bottle costs nothing. Joy. Joy to The World If you meet a man who looks as lo?t all his frienhs, had his house burn down and business destroyed, just maka up your mind that he has the. dspepsiaor lit? liver is out of order. The best thing you can do fat such a woe oecone inaiviuiAiauai is to navise j Ki.. fn nn fn A T t,wllav nnl rnfa n bottle of Pr. Janes' Bed Clover Tonic wh.clvwill cure him without fail.J Also ixzvjn&zzr?M for Infants nnd Children. III So. Oxoni St.. lirooklt, 2. Y. Jl ahwiiutn enre for ilhenmatlmn. Sprai.a tho Icicle, IJtirn.-!, Gall.s &c. relieving und Healing Ite:ucly. Sggii555!SZSSS2 v. 5? ?, 5 r ,f A f' xk3 U wl task t & m t $ s S. V. IrUlDlLOW, Where il' be foutal'e. n tl.n.g in the ro rr ht:e. tuch as Sugars, Tea,s, Coffees, Sirups, Fruits, Bacon, Ham, Dried Beef, Cheese ami Cruckera, Tobacco, Ciirar. l'Ki-ir, Fcel, GUss and Queen-war. ai.d Crockery. Hnping by fair dealing to rncrita share of the public patronage. Coma and 3eu me. IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opposite 'he Chicago Lumber Yard. S. V .LUDLOW. C. B. 'JTyz-.- $v!fta'V3 f- v" rl .-r-y-- A''virIil"-5.--l RED CLOUD, NEE. Highest Market Price Paid I Scan ogle Denlers In m w mvm SEVV5RG IHACNmES, Hei Clonilj, . SJST .$?& SpzpgXtfZmS& ;f 2& V" jj kh '&& S& U23 fiT 53C Tliat Mrs. Newhouse, HAS THE LARGEST iTOCK OF MiPWOjM J' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Underwear, Laces, Christmas goods, Toys, Etc. Red Cloud ? "Well she has and is selling them at bottom prices. See her. Nebraska Lumber Co, DEALERS IjY LUMBER, LATU, SHIXGLTS, SASH, D00KS, BLIXD3 AC. RED CLOUD, lo)- DRY LU3IBER A. SPECIALTY, THE BEST IX IE MARKET AND SOXiD AT THE LOW JEST jrHICS. & D?.rsrr. CsV T ttS'S&352L 2?S5 ?f llU ' rwt fitu --7i. KZri pj 7ULjr-al Uurict 222Z2n Pain la Au Inataiitaneoua PaLa- ft ?! U ! HOSFORP. G. M. YOL'.NG. WHB BfTI fl tY STflBE W fi U3B Hosford & Young, DEALERS IN & Son, all kinds of mm&, mm, mm 7E e a .LJ mm &?&? & 0P?W JKJAI LJ ff sSaCfilSfl 3 HBaT jsal M NEBRASKA aT Esprej OMETREATMENT Of Narvoua and aWmmalDv waty. Early Oacay, Lca of tf.mmaw. Ac Air.. IrWBS fcja TTwfr i 7ilBD !- a C- - ; i v- . & Lr 'Merchant : Cassimeros. "Worsteds, Meltons, &c. FOR lINE SUITS. He dofw L -n Tlocfer. CutU SiitmuUXM ft? K.Wr CU J w.i Good Wari: td Ku Ir1c. Old Stand, - Ked Cloud, Neb .. . IlJiOlKY rji.rnjiih. BB.Q'WUVS MMRLE AND GRANITE WORKS OFFICE AND YARD.-Opposite Watson's T,"or stable. RedCloud, Nsb- Lock box. 22 VIaATT & FBEBS, -DEALERS LV Red Cou4y A vV dc.or H WHO 19 UKACQUM-'TTD WITH TK cis wt ojivumjko P. ' -t .V -" XyrrrrV" s l w .K,. ajsj Ohicaco, Rock Island & Pacific R'Yf Beinc the G-rot CrrT Ltr.. .TTrd to STAfalcol iltlon. lh kor'nl - ! ht ecuUi'Mi, ana Ue Wctt, Xcrthwt .;! It U ut7ra-7 and '.trisUr trc tha er roi bstv-cn tfc AtUstj z.C lb .Ua mJn lic ni brahfr it rvcae Chlcjwro. JWn XaHjU iu, Ab Tun- , Jr'Jt. Z., ?crtx, 0:ir. La 3:. C&o. JCUa aA JaoJi LatMbft. In IJlnol; Ds.-rmport, UuxraUne, T5aIus.yUv. Xly-k. 3tajrrllU, riat?ira x iiowa. iyr o. w,c i-ltyrtT. Iowa Ci-r. Alli-stla lta. A. KarU. Oathnn Cenli- m4 Co-acdl B.c2b. la Ixa; 0IIr uil Kacjtvi C t7. Is Ziimrsxiri, ad LoTmwortJ ar XU lh huadrwljf of ciUey, vUliso asvl tjTra l&tvraadlaU. Tfc "CFZEAT ROOK JSLAND ROUTE,? Aa it U fam'li&rl7 raUd. clir-t V tr&Tlr all li ilrulgu Mai -- - ., a..? uiiufr,, v-oj irja a. au vBJiavCMw aai ai iixpr :n r. con.voc-X of COIlifODJOOa. ' . l-U lii;ii:ii.J. i;it.Y TJPIIOI.3rXllX-0 aaA 1IMA M.9.V. r-rtO , A r.w FKT CAH3. and aiNIXO CA23 ihai ar Ks3vli;l brWaUleaii a. ba the FIK23T BUa T?ON AJiY XOAD IK TJJ COVX-tKY. ! IrTwitZ "r0IYTe,!r1w: tb. law rtUrf CJr,r.JTT-FXrjl CKM71 EACH. 5.-TTrt"-. Ti,X - w"z u-.w w w a iwvu o ncn war BRVMS UxXlUA.CfO aa MUfMMAVi 1AUI tU tfca tunen ALBERT LEA ROUTE. .i.5 w a. iii-i;. i-is, xul osa, na1r a ep4ced far bnaiuwa broa lh t7aar vrl '.-.. w, naU. Indlanapolla aud L.a FaTtia. axid iatrivliita pctst., ia nzMly bc'A 4u - wr mi .MBM2 Jra&K4rr&r 021 7m( p. aa weli aa TttkeU, at ail ariadal Tiakaa ada, cr c It. H, CADLE, Praart t: (Hal Xacacar. al TY CHICAGO. P. WAY DEALSX I HA RD WARE stoves Gasoline Stoves, Tinware, Nails Barbed Wire, and the Largest and Most extensive line of goods in the valley. Your favors respectfully solicited. Prices to suit the times and don't yon forget it BIBKNEB, Tailor t W-l ? n fcfU , k.' ftd lithrf J a ! ixstiitm wr w v t V i;C. METER. ruiaauuv B ETC Nebraskua TtvJ. H. EMIGH, DENTIST, RZD CLOUD. R1II4IKA. Fine Oi'jirc Worh a Specially. v ( on4 f nvc.t a.ii. CIOCRAMY OW TW aOVVTITT ria -, that twi trTtr. W r fata stra4 ryul ifMma tlv Vevtavawrt &cralLva. tu eoori?tiaj r jf PLct3o t&m. WJLLL YKaTTlXATXi: v HLMiytTiiT miruat. .. u .... . . T . ' - w " - " , umuAug ai i axisaOiJKX Jail Cn-l if -. a faTcf.ta wita lVrh F OCauaa la lava Uaat aXuT iB j. aT. JOHI. t ' t ( i Si ; ' t r J. -. - " ' r , lBk H . r . i r -f.'J I."-- -v aBH Ivornf ma. . . 2'J t'iapv--' ?T"v! l TT7T& f.GXFB, VS?3t&&Z&-&!ik r "" 5 Ai i3F G" rZ '-TlJji Vr 4 -.virrr v e.-v V' T Zt . .- : -.i r : v. ' X,' -"Bfi. r.'- ."s: j. :?-. " Baj5"5i ray r- :xtwmi' f --.SiUiwr, -1'a i SV c 1 afcjBKaJjkfc3awr awaawaawaawaawaawaaVSvWawaawaawaawftawjBH Xi!3aw)awl r. .; ir& &J4abt,ibJjrrrs!ammiZa&'i' sih Jta awJawJa - ',-.- -!?.. ti i" :- . V 4--k.4 aaWSB( i. v-1-5 . . ,y ?ir.;'Ari S-,.ji - "VC-"