EO I1 m I tf v. V 1 THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL KabxniU HN Aniiti.il Itrpnrt, Cnritnlnlna Mu-.y Valti'iliIfMissfHtlfiiiH r ICi-foriii In I'r.wiir IMore I ulteil Mjtm Court .T:itlcn:tI .Vitltciitiury ItroiuuiiiitI-ri tu an KcoiiciiirM:iHurc. V.A-iiiM.niN, J.C., November 2 Altorney-GfiK-rcl Urewster lias com pleted hisnmiu&l report. It cuntaitna num ber of MiesUoiis ami recmiitiicmlrtUoris looking to in-w legislation aini-iHlatory of existing statutes. Our criminal procml urc it, faulty. In criminal cases the Ilealinsft .should be Minplilled, a uniform system of dial lenses, provided and the l rials sliorn of tin technical objections and nuinberlt-s'. dilatory motions thai can now be interposed to prevent a speedy trial upon merits. In preparini; indict incuts for offeiibcs against the I'liUed Suit'H it isnow ncresKiry to follow th coi'uijon Jaw forms of "the last century with all their technicalities, verbosity of dj;scriplioii and repetitions., so that what j-.hould be a simple and conci.se written accusation, becomes a Ion:; and confused mass of descriptions and allegation.-, v. holly unintelligible to-both defendant and jury. 'ilh a inv to reined;, in the evils, nmissjoiis.juid defects of criminal pro feduie, Mr. ISrew.ster submits a number of e:nef,dly prepuied forms, and lecorn meuiiK tlt;ir adoption as jreuora! laws for tlie conns of the I'nited Slates. He recommends that the statute., authorizing out.'oiii"; I'n.ted Mate Al.ir.-hals to ee cute all processes in their hands :;t the ex piiuUon of their commission, be changed, so as hi rv'imrn i.'jem to turn over to their Mic;esors all nnilnished business. '1 he present law, Mr. Ure-.Wer mivm, leads to confusion and conJlicl of authority, a.s well as delay in the settlement of Mar shal's accounts. He recommends salaries for United States Marshals and District Attorney-, 'J he present fe" system is an expensr.J one. It is estimated that it costs the fiovernuH nt &ln in expenses for everv dollar of th- M:i rami's emoluments v.hicii shows Hint it would be to the interest of the Government to gie the Marsha! a fixed eoujp'-ii-ution, s as to remove all inducements t perpetrate frauds upon the Government and frauds upon the cit izen. The same seasons in favor of salaried oflicers apply with even more force to United Stales Attorneys, who examine the accoul.tM of Maishals. The emolu ments of the Attorney ouht not to be contingent upon the amount of business done 13' the ollicer upon the correctness of v.hoe accounts he must pass. Mr. IJrewstcr recommends (hat the Attorney-General be tiiven authority to ad just salaries of Marshals upon some basis to i.e fixed by law. On the subject of United States pris oners, the Attorney-General favored the unction of a 1'eiiitenliary centrally lo eated and controlled by the United slates in which to confine its own prisoners. It is not aiwa;s possible to secure such treatment and discipline for prisoners confuted in Male and municipal institu tions !) st calculated to affect 1 licit reformation. United States piisoners, as a rule, ate of a better class of men than the aeiane conict, and are capable ol jierfonntntr heller woik. If a Govern ment prison were erected the comic!" could be employed in the manufacture ol supplies exclusively for the Government. This would keep them employed, and should render the Penitentiary almost self-suslaininin. It also would avoid any objection to convict labor, while the tax-p.ijcis would be relieed almost en tirely of the hurdmof supporting ihem If Congress acts upon this recommenda tion, it is suirirested that the 1'eiiitenliary should be erected at some central sunt where there are ample mil road facilities Jor the transportation of the goods manu factured b them. T;:e Star Koulc chil suits, the Attorney Gtneral s.i3-s, hae been viitoroiisl.) pressed. In fourteen cases instruction." to hi inn suit hae been niven, and in six or eiuhl process has been issued and suits commenced. The condition of the public service. Tdr. lirewster says, so far as it rel-ite.s tc oflicials in his department, is jrrc v im proved. This is due lo the act he ciforts of the present administration in checkhej irretrularilics, correcting abuses and punishing fiauds and exactions com mitted by Maishals, District Attorney; and Commissioners in a number of dis tricts. In e erycase where these matter, came to his attention he has done all ii his power to remedy, and in some case? has succeeded in the com iction and pub lic punishment of such offenders. In these efforts to improve the public service many dilliculties were experi enced. They were resisted by delin quent oliicers and their adherents; but tiic useful and purifying effect follow-in:.1 com iction anil imprisonment was soon ielt in the whole service. In order to continue this strict super vision of the conduct and accounts ol court ofiicer.s, he reconuneufls an umph appropriation by Congress. HOME, FARM AND GARDEN. How lonjr an apple keeps depends rcry much upon how it is Kept. I'edsteads ar now made with oval 'InniN on the footboard, where some, arnmnetit or a work-basket can be yt. An exehanj y that all ou have ot to do is to plant the cnbbtjre and nature will come alon-j after a Utile v, hile and mil a head on it "COMPRESSED WATCH." If So. Haw f TTirrr Karti a Thine, and liar Ir yirir About th cz.r IGJj iraiirt Bacoa experimented in th quUon a.s to whethr 15 ji.KI are compressible or no. He filled a small leaden -pin-re with water. hTin.fHv sealed. ami Axpo-vd it to a very high pr-sure; and the rt- Nothing adds more to the comfort J sult of J,? 'P'meat wju ch m to of the occupanU of a fann-houe than U-' v dry and clean walks about it. Thov are liquid. uur.on iiKJi-peiisaiiju :roin .Noyernlwr till May, and do not corneam: during the other five months. Xo process forgathering apples h?s improved or hasten d the old and slow one of careful hand-picking. With self ttstaiuing ladder, and low heads most of the fruit may be. easily gathered. One advantage of low heads is. that even if the fruit falls much of it will not be serio,. .iy injured. - JYeparc the .-oil in your jarIeji in the fall. Manure well, plow deep and provide drainage of som- kind, and then you (".n pHnl as soon as the frst is out, ar.d have the crops growing while you are planting and sowing your lit Ids. A garden is themo-t valu able pari of the whole farm in propor tion to iN sue. V''V I'tirmrr. Dcheiou- breakfast: IV;. s-veral lieei of salt pork lo a crisp brown. Then take live or si: large potatoes, pare and -lice them, drop them in the hot pork gravy, turn them on both sides to brown, pour over them three well-beaten gg- S'irlhe whole gcntlv to equalize th portions of i". Then O.Maud be haiun. Tolulo Iilml A goo 1 va lo prepare cranberries is to put three pints of washed erauber-ri-s in a granite stevvpnn. On top of ihem put three cups of granulated surar and Ihr.-e gills of water. After tnev, begin io ho.I cook them ten minutes, clo.-ejy covered, and do not stir them. Heniove the -cuin. They will jellv when ciio!, and the skins will be soft and lender. When a fanner got" his land w to the point of fertility that produce large growths of grass, he need not fear to turn under a field of the od and plant it to eorn. The truth i-, the graces are nature's great restorers and renovators, but no one need expect great gras from a worn-out soil until the land has ben enriched, either with manure or bv plowing under a few crops of clover. Chifd'ju Trihiinc. -An Knglish farmer who has been traveling our Wi stern prairies w rile home: The ordinary 'help" on a farm will build the hou-e and bam, dig the well, shop the horses, and cook the din ner, and a thousand and one olhei things which would require plumbers, smiths, joiner-, masons and slater-, in the old country, and they not only tU. these things, but lheydolhem well. While Cake: Cream, one cup and half cup butter. Then add two eggs and half cupjnilk.'al-o heaping teaspoon ful baking-powder in two cups Hour, a id lasth half teaspoon ful vanilla. This is a most useful ieeipe. as by leav ing out the vanilla and adding currant and raisins or spires voti can ma,ke a new kind of cake each time, and by b-iking in shallow tins win have a Wash ington pie or jelly eak . A nice recipe for chocolate filling is: White of one egg. one cup sugar, three teaspoon fitN chocolate, half teaspoonful vanilla. Tin Jfuiuu'ioltf. - PUTH'SgOM FORCED TO RESIGN. tt Att:iriie;.--;eueral "Uiiler, of Whiiilpes: Ito qursteil to It sin ty the Dominion Gov crisiiien! lit Hits i::ic"i:. Winnii'i:., M v., November 2.I. The ircssure brotmht to bear on thi Government by indiumxtion at the Hog jiing of Prisoner McCormack at the insti gal ion of Attorney-Geneml 3Iiller, ha been so meat that the Government ha been compelled to demand his residua lion. Miller will leave the Governmen in a'jout a week. General approbation if felt at the action of the Government. In the full court yesterday Attorney General Miiltr moved for a rule cull in": u:ou the Hon. S. C. liteus, T II. l'restou, and C. W. llandscotnbe proprietor, editor, and reporter, respoc tiveh, of the Winnipeg )nty .S;i, to ap Ieai-aiul show cause why they shoutc not be indicted for ctiininal libel, foi imbiishing an article in which Millet is accused, while a Superior Court Indue, of aiding a prisoner win came from the same town as himscll lo escape justice. The prisoner was ac cused of theft, and money was found oi him. The rule was granted, and the cas. will come up in a few days. m m The Value of ji 1'oot. 4 IlnooKr.YN, X. Y., November . Tchn Coontiier brought action iu the Kings County Couit against George IT ilanis to recover 10,000 damages for in- juries which he sustained while working on the West Shore llailrcad. The de fendant was a railroad contractor, and i en.plcyed piaiutiff to work ou a section between Corn wall' and Kingston. He went up just above 'ewburgh with a gravel train, and while helping load cars a bank caved in crushed his fno n badly that it had to be amputated The jury gave the piaiutiff $3,1200. FLOWERS IN WINTER. IIor Tttev SIio-jlil He C.ircMl for, anil V."i:it Kim!; Thriv? Hesl. If things look desolate out of doors, why should we not have beauty and cheerfulness within doors, even in the humblest horn ? Am-mg th" pleasant and delightful things to look upon noth tug is more aUra-tive than a stand ol growing and blossoming plants, which light up and make fragrant the room, and are suggestive of warmth and lift when nature lies cold and dead tindet her winding sheet of snow. Then. too. a few plants can be bought so eheaj t'tat Ihev are easily proem able by all but the very p'Kuvst. The chrysanthe mums are coming into flower ami will bloom until r.earh Christmas. Wo find almost every color among them except blue. The;. Ilovvcr very lively, and those of t lie Jap-inese variety have im mense 1 looms, from four to si incite- i-i diameter. Tine plants can be bought from t went;. -five to seventy-five cent-. according1 to size. They bloom lot a long time, the colors growing more intense, and cost but lit t K care and trouble. The varieties ol the geranium are numberless, and one is bewildered as to choice. Tin. plant is such a favorite that every om who grows tlovvers is sutv lo possess some one or mmv specimen. The liorist can best tell what varieties art good for home culture: but, surely, m one would be without I he scentcd foliage geraniums that alvvavs somehow remind us of summer days, or nosegay sent with quivering heait to the object of one's late.st affection in the far-ofi days of one's o:tth. These plants can be obtained for a very few cents, and will brighten a dull room amazingly. Why do not more people grow car nations at horn.? All that they require him that water (and other he added) were aoti-comjrc-i- ble a view on the subject that v,a adopted ami adhered to by the whole scientific world for -ome centuries. In modern tinv-s. and iv rmani of mot careful ns-cgrch and very elaborate ap paratus, it has been found that Hacon's law i3 not strictly correct, though not very far from the mark. It is now e-tabli-hed that liquids are -uceptible of a certain amount of eompre-j.on. the statement of affairs, in the ca- of water, being that for a pre tire equal to that of the atmosphere water epe ricnr e a compression of 0 00U5 part of its original volume. In other words and the fact is of iniiortaiice as In-ing t the one on which the laws of hvdraulics are based and for all practical pur-1 pos-s water may bo -aid to be uon-comjire-Mblc. The above being borne in mind, it i with some men:.:l perplexity that one t trns to a paragraph, that has H en going the rounds of the scientific and mechanical journals lately, descrip tive of an alleged French invention in the way of a machine for bor ing with 'compressed water." The iron .ae tak'-s notice ol toe m-it- ter. and s-tvs that a Mr. Hrandt. in the piercing oi me .-st. iiotfiam. invented a special apparatus in which compre--. d water was substituted for compressed air. A variety ot figures as to the construction of the machine are given, together with some account of the work that it was applied to in the St. iioiuaru undertaking, an opportunity being taken to commend French inge nuity :is exemplified in this particular. We could uuder-tand the whole affair and find intelligible, if. in the paragraphs we have alluded to, a typographical or other literary error has been committed, and for com pressed water compressed air should be read: and we could understand it on the hvpnthesis that the idea spoken of is one ol tliose extravagant ami wild things that one hears of the I'atent Office being from time to time aston ished with. I5ut we can not comprehend it in anv other wav! Will some of our readers, who have made a special study of the laws of hydraulics and the properties of water. favor us with some expressions of opinion as to what a compressed water" engine would be. Midland In dustrial UllZ( lie. tagBgBjSiflMfcfe. (M &( -&lgln i I t s ""bi i , " a w - wiy. ."l f . nisTrTi' xUL-y&EZ lb N1J-4X ZThTJ For Young People and the Family.3tfi Yean yfjZ 7 (-.CC:t JVRn,' JoniAH Davis, North Middletown, Kr., vr.tes: ' I am now usiiiga box ot Hi:.kv' C'AltliOl.lC Sai.vi: nnon an ulcer. My ulcer was caused bv unci so v 'ins, and was prrr uoiinced iueurablo by mvdoetors. Hk.vuy's Cauuolic Salvk is" clloc-iiijr a cure." Tun artists vv"o emhellish this rity from time to time with brilliant coats of red paint never use water colors. Luiccll Citizen. I'liasTooTir.vcni: Iaors curolnt mlnutec. (I'lnm's Mi?;7i:ir .s'.iji liuals ami benutllles. . ;; kkuan Cu:.x" Ukmovkii kills Corns & lUniions. "Wiinv n x'onnj; man is finerimj the rafch left him bv his vjiMiidfather can it Im; said he is rovclins in his ance-stral hauls? MtoiiKh on Oirti." IV. As'j for It. Complote cure, Imnl or ton uor.is, wurls, luiinuiis. Wur,:; is n farmer bows a corn-patch. a tailor? When ho "Homjh on CouL-lis." Troehc.rK;: I.IjuM.2fic, for Coui;bd. ( ulil , S'ore Throat, HoarSsJUus.-v, Tiik man who "keaps" his word never speaks. "Itouphon Pain." Porous Plaster, for Hnck ache. Pains in tii I 'lie.-t. KhuiimutLstu. a& . TnK popular dentist, is In everj-body's mouth. l Vr.r HJT. irs?v VvV .2m- i&?z?sct .z- . . jr ,-f sss&s&f'' LTt5piC r?oE,r.uD !ftnr,7f stNMAm mm flHYHgiijI r w v k mzjhcmz.m im faM m flTR0NS M:S? ,TT0Rlir u: .viKort.: a -.sw -s& - Travc? and Biography LZTTEES rF.OX S?AIK. bj LOUISE CK1S2Z.ZZ JCOriTCS. EU3H LIFZ iz .astnhe. Ij A2CUI3ALD F0X3ES. LZTTZSS FS0H PZESIA, by S. 0. V.'. 3E:;jAXTjr. FAMOUS AXLAS5AD0P.5 iaii Thifr Trfs?bs, br JAXE3 ?ASIt)i. Ii? TI-IS HEAET cf tho Sihirs. Irtu ! xiwatsru, dzrc a iszt la ti3 ftw. Arttia Ct :t. fcy COrAXIO.V AUTHOnS tt Ss. Clttr ' rrtpios c! im hxat of J-. rj . TUjmx IlmlT, Un. OUphsjH. i&l otic EajtUb coctrlV c'xrt ta tto Corrut.s. Instructive and Entertaining ATT IXILFS Eicape from Siberia, COL 7H0S. TV. Ki0X. 6T0HIES OF MILL GIBLS, b? Ai "OLD 0?EBATIVE." THOSE TERRIBLE PARISIANS, or the DiStr. cj Civic, of ParU, by XoIirUS H. EEOWKE. CLEVER TKIXG3 DONE by Jouraaliats; ortba :ratc-!ca cf New. (Jatbercri. by JULIUS CHAIISER3. ODDITIES OF JAPANESE LIFE, frea a J3psea -cin; ot vvr, Ly q, ARAEAWA. fMA i - - nrv "sMfc 'ir K? m QMS Wi ftJyi VI rcrs ILKU! cr .,ii . w ir Mr U ms WteK I ier ? STt rar m .' .. ;, mgr 4k oroi aHft b TUi: COMPASIOX hxi atnr zxuJ&cI s rrrV dr-,l x ociH-r Iktrxrr rr-r la Jbc utrkL Iu usv1Jt i,rji fporisIWH'T aja It corxltrtnr t' iWcrtp tW cf rreiv.,- as jti Utc ali In tbllitlw, as4 ail k rrettTt 0 ztXm lUe yJ ;-., i Illustrated Serial St A SSRIAJ. STORY fir Bey?, by 1IY BROTHKR FRA2TK. A SoriAl Stcrr, by EEHLAX STORY for Boyn ast! Girl, br A CODZrTRY COUSIK. A S:ory for Qlrlr, ADAH SUXIOZL A Serial Srory, by SUSPECTED. A Sortsl Story, by 8EBIAL STORY for Brul 3o: s, by Tta&n EtDrnio 15TEX i.r:l U?THETaIL, I nr Fvrrri t. '. ll AO.VJTKEtJ i a tia . Ii I rrr iUw oc mi m J A-rt fcasfa r SiS;SriatJ ? T TROWBHrDCK. itWu QLiniAKT. OKSI8 DAUBKT. AH PAWCJT. VTLLK TIZXX . E, srrocxrox. A. ITX?iIE3. alc of Adventure 7tV tit, Vy SZtmt ZkXMXX 4 lei X1t Clr, Vy ST. V 011.SSX TSEXtTEXAly t-y V T. tra3UTAAY. A3C03 at rrrix crssi ntvvoL c a, m?xx3 83,000. Fnzo Stoi JTcnrly pvf a 1!ioiinaI mnnucrlp!i wrc rr-it li r - $3,& ortiti f. r tl l: h Kit un v. rtiar ot iLgm t r tr . t : I'ortlplit of tlu-e, !: Ikm i avirJnL 7bfT.i' 1'rVI Otbcja ttlccic-J (a.a ibe ie:i llutustJ st, niUUa Un.t Hum i AM3N0 THE 721EGEKUIX1 (. . , i . t. THREE SKAH1 l t u i j t tr W... t, ty ap. Tis? ttcir, itt "XiC fit tLc C9UT1&. s and Other Sketches ELLurrrraa, C Z13," lj rlllO.H KE0ZO. Ilt. 1 1 iil tit tttic; Vy ' Jr. ht r tow fcjf - la iLrvi Urt KLiUi 3CL2 UDHm." W3L M- IffT&L Science and EducoQon A renarkahlosciles cf article by Tinintnt Yi'riurn k..1 La s ua JAMES ANTHONY PROUDE, ca PROP. TYNDALL, ou PROF. MAX MULLER, en CANON FARRAR, on PROP. T. STERRY HUNT, on RICHARD A. PROCTOR, ou E. P. WHIPPLE, on E. A. FREEMAN, on JAMES PAYN, on Popular So Tho Cu! Tho St'id Tho Che b: r tl allowing laLtrts : " t miuay or untonr. Jor Young Peoplo. t oc of tho Mdmory. flESlish Literature. tr r cf Soa and Land. Star CIotjM, iad Other Article. Prccfcio j Boy a in Hktory. Children feTl unsand Years Ago. School L:fo iu :hote( iUh Lako Country. N. Natural History SOJ RCLM ti &3 PSaW S i H THE SIVER WOLF, nd Other Paper, by FELIX L. 0ST7ALD. TAKE C0CKR0ACIIES, and Oihcr Pa;xr. by REV. J. 0. "WOOD. T.IE WILD H03SE and His Waaderingi. A2A3ELLA B. LUCELE7. riSKINQ ON DRY LAND, ml Other CurJotltiti ot :;atul iutory. by PBO?. C. F. HOLDER. A EHE'S BRAIN; The Eons of Injects; IccU Useful to the Furm ; and Other Papers, PROF. A 8. FACEABD. Jr. (Etiquette and Health THE HISU5E If M 'DICINE. by D3L WU. A. KAMUOWW. DELU "IONS CCE2. .tIKO HEALTH, D. JL QBASTILUL ETIQUETTE AW K JALTIL A tU of lk;f. tytloc-.. rrMlVa1.M 0. 1. IBJId. riCEED D? Elf AH AK1ULAXC2. A cradle -: artff tbftrtat etrtofbtmt Aciik&U la li K.w vo.k iimiut . AXEL WAIYWEXtXT. EdAL 0 If you will cnt out thl !li nn I .-im! fiJtlim Itml nitwini' rlillr.o nn-l (lnlr ur l'otnl Noli- nr l.c!rrt t nil you inr i iPir.iMHN i .lan. it full 5 car. .iil. rltillon fritn Hi! 1HSIJ. ;. trill tin Imlr In th oTf r .! IKM.IIIAV M IH1 It of Iwrtltr lini Inlrnt.-I, lli I olur.l I irr iiml fii rtnl inr-; IIiU fifr r trill n t npn i hr r H5t r"tir ,1 I I MOUry :" win M1SE. nrt t Jan. Ist- !lt'KliTMA4 r)' gmtlr l- . i finar. IUC llfl. ONLY ONOE PERRY (ttASOK & CO., Publishers, c npl P!ac, Boston, Mas. Ftjy Thted nv Timi:. For Thrrr.t DsnF09, f'oMs., mill (Vuhs, l!itiiw Pto:.riiiAt. Tiummiks, havi' j.mvd tlni;r ,!lii.T'y !y it tj.t of mauy ytara. Hold only in bvzti,.' PATTEKXfi OF ASY SIZJ UNPAHAIiLEIiED OFFER! EPIGREST'S T THE BESj Or nil tlxo 3InTJiy.:iiK. -- i ?r rvous WVnkWs". DrspopSia. SXK3l 1) i i'';,'rflf"' rifi OrUjinnl St'rl I'nfrnr bll.ty.cureil by "Wells' Health Ucnewcr." f L , '" t,lu:i,.jrnvurr uml O.I J'icturr,. Some of the Floruit hotels nro piinj to put in the electric liht, .-.nd dpent" with the clerk's stud. Hurli ;jtn Frc '.". D Statue of n Xttrl Canadian, - Toko vro, Ost., Xo ember 25. Thc ceremony of unveiling: the statue of iIoii. George Brown was performed to-day jy Hon. Alex. ircKenzie. Notwithstaud inj; the inclement weather, a large gather t injr witnessed the ceremony. After the unveiling tLc party adjourned to the con Tocation hall of the University, where Bon. Oliver Mowat delivered an eulo J gifclic address. He was followed by Sen .ator Allan, representing the Conserva tives, whoalf-o eulogized the deceased sLatesman. Tho statue was then formal ly handed over lo the city and accented 1y Major Bosmil inc few apprcpriato remarks. is a roiu room and .-nm :ittMtt:oti to make them how their rratiltule with jirofttse bloom-. Their ptt'igent clove scent is d.'Heiou. we never -twn to ct enotijh of ii, and the Miriety anl 7n t entity of color is woiulerfu!. Then, tocr. after bfhir cut they keep freh foi a wtvk. by trimmmcr "their .stems and elianrinr the water. Tliev can be bought as low a twenty-itve or as hiirii as frfry cents. aeconlinr to the size of the plant. The hyacinth is a favorite with every lover of ilowers.ami notliiiiir can lv ir.Iuv deliirhtfiil. either for fragrance or beauty, than a stand of these beauties in a parlor or sit-ti::r-n)om. The bulbs are jrown either in irla-sse-s or jots. For glares the in- irle liyaeinth i- to be. jire.envd. This is not liked so well as the double.but its color, of whatever hatie. is u-stiaUv more vivid, and it.s belN. tluiih --mailer, are moro numerous. It blooms earliei than the double liyaeinth. and is verv sweet-eonted. The mode of treit- inT tMs plant to make it bloom success fully can be learned from the tlorist. or from cue ct the many books upon the subject of plaut-culture. The bulbs are comparatively costly, averaginj: about twentj'-iive cents, but money spent up on them is not thrown away. As to roses, of which the liorist hits a lar-e variety, wc would not advise the ama teur o bother himself with these, as ther require careful and special treat ment and the number of those that flower in winter is verv limited. An other bulbous plant is the oxalis. It is a profuse bloomer, white, pink, yellow and billiant rose-color, and requires very little attention. A few bulbs planted in a hanging basket will soon make a mass of foliage and flowers. (jcrmantown Telegraph m&M ri&nV ok j&jsosg Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica I.unitiaso, Itacksrhr, Headache, Toot.'i.ichr., Sore Tbroat- Si-eli!nc. Hpr ,In. EnHe Jurn, .Scnlilr. Vnt ItlirT. $A A11 OUler 2J0DH.Y 1.E;s and ACUCS. Sou. iiylinitnrf'tai.d I'ciJf rs om h re. nt:v Cccta nlsitfc Iin-iIonsiain.-jnr.-i-. th:: cixaklkk a. togelek co.. ucivs.-3rs to A.H.SLkR Jk io.; 3a!t03iore.LTJ..U.S. A. Woman's Suffering- and Relief. Those limguiil, tiresome tensations-, causing you to reel scarcely able to be on your feet: tiiat constant drain that is taking from jour system nil its former elasticity; lriv.n?thi t);oom rnm your checks; that continual strain upon your vital forces. nr.der:n;:yoii irrltn b!c uad fretful, etui oas.lv K- iv.-mv,n ti. - .V4(l VM itZ Pkt-sievs thoughts sifted. ou -lit to be well neii In ltli N"rm-'-. ! -),! rr t r -'jp, , Otitt tbll: tnc Ifco I litr to the t rirtl f'r, ;-:trn U.tr-.tMl t!f fi i lr;irinc3t la it: nuc!-, m anv o: toe !? cjiuii iar-o. Etlnlny. inHfim r.ry Couijuaint AND, "aZ&' J a-- -Tr - . ai-p- TtfRfeia "SPEC5AL $2' rur-1 I. . '. our- of uisr H.irrrj. 2lr-rti'I.riiliiis' Lmmntlon. nil Ki lPcyr.il Trin- i , .-ib-rr. r l'a.-bw. nc il-r:-., Kh ; tv.t ,,r . ,' u 't , - , 7 n irod lv "Mnpi i muh " tl tc-.al 'tail ; fir jr-tC.M it rr. Ir rttom w. . i ,, , ,.r . .. , -, r fron. the Majiint crtn'anior the ct5r. f -m c. i. n - t t. use of that man-elous remedj. Hop nittors. iiTcpui:inncs una obstruction of your sys tem are rclievod nt once, while the srec:al caue of -.eriocIical pain are jicnaancntlv ro moveii. None receive o lauch lieaefiL and I ncae are s-o rrofoumllv r t-..i ,..i ,,.... such an interest 5a recoaimeadinj,-Hop BitU-rs as voiuun. A Postal Card Story. I was auected with kithiev and urinary Trouble ' Tor twelve ye.trs !" After tryins'all the doctors ami patent ir.edieiae.s I eutdd hear of, I usetl two bot tles ot Hop ".Hitters;"' And 1 am perfectly onvd. I keep it "AH the tinier respectfully. 17. F. Uooth. oauiiuurj-, ican. yiay 4, 1SS3. En.vDFo::D. P jrny S. 15. It hss cured iae of several diseases, such as nervousness sickness at tho stomach, inoilth ly troubles-, etc. I have not sea a sick day ia f. yeiir, sluce I took Hop I'.Itt-rs. Ail rav neigh bors two taeai. MiU;. v UVXI gucsx. $2,000 Lost. 4 (V, Cu 4 .""i s : (t. i io .Vls.Cr. .'I4 --'. 5) if, 'S, -V.'-i.", Jf 1 4." t. 1 C-0 t im - . ri j; iu it i:n.'. 14 ' r' II A tour to Euroie that cot taa S3.o:c. dene aie less grood tuan one bottle of Ron ltittcrs; they also cured my wife of fifteen vear' nervous weakness, shplcssnes and" dv 'pcpdia." it. 31., Auburn, X.V. So. Bloomin nvu.rx, O.. rar 1, 73. Sins I have tecn suETer.nir tea vcars. and I tried your Hop Hitters and it doik me more Eood tUaa ali the doctors. Miss S. S. Boose. Baby Saved. TTo are so thankful to s.iT thnf- nn? Tific?Trr- baby -was permanently cured of a daaperous and protracted constipation and irreeulantv of the bowels by the use of Hon Bitters bv its mother, which at the same timo restored" her to perfect health and strength. The Parents, Kochester, X. T. B Xonegenulnewlthout a bnaca of green Hops on the white label. Shun all thevile.pois oaous stuff with Hop"orflops"inteirixai&e. A vioi.i.vist o-isht to cultivate hi art with ro.it tiddk-itv. THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY-. December 1. CATTLE-Shippim? Moors... S4 7.-, 0. ;i (.ntssToTa.s !j H :i i'i Native co v,-s u fo j, a .Vi Uutehors "Steers . :i 40 kr. I fil ilUti tiorS tt choice heavy 4 (V, i.isiu WH EAT No rol Hojoctcd COHN-No.-mKod UATS-No.- KYE-No.- H.Ol IJ Fanev. per Mick HAY Jjirjro baloil IiriTKlt Choice creamery.. nii:nE-Ftill cream hi..;: Choice POKK-Hams :iou!dtr Sides I'AKD w(Kil-Mis.(uri. umnhod. I-OTATOtS-Per bushel ST. LOL'IS. CATTLE Shipping -teors Itlllchors,' sienrv . HOG Henvv SHEEP Fair to choice FLOIU-Choice V.-HKAT-Xo.2rcl COUN-No.-imlred OATS-No. J KVK-Xo.2 kai:lhv UllTEIJ-lrcaiaorr , ;. LOTTuX Midtllinir CHICAGO. CATTLE Gool to choice .... HOtiS Packing and shipptcc 4 i. & . r.t.yt:ur to choice - ."O ? fi.ui. it wmtor wheat WHEAT-No. 2 red No. a , N"o.2spiin!r COIIN-No.2.........: , DATS No. 2 "ii POHK-Ne- Mef.4 NEW YOHIC. CATTLE Expo r: HOG5-'.?ool to choice COTTON Middling- rLOlU )hio WHEAT-No.2red COKN-No.2 OAT:- Western mixed POIJK Standanl mess , PKintnLEr.v-rnaed OICLY TWO DOLLARS I r"V'll Imt'i'lit-rrlrr '.' ' !. ret ;if'r. 'lr. I n! k nJ .-. S'i-1 n'vr'jtl" ariT. i '. .t.re thf S-il I V '1 Ur . -iV.m S.-l'l T(i!T'fiil fcTl -.---! rtjcVr r'vi f'.f'fr-' roojn 1-.1 -i-l! ctrt.-.at.lUf rr-r''t t ln tlrj Its vi... V.JcnrlrsDinor'jt Puuf,t7 U'hS .MYer'. Sold bv 1I .Veviitn. ati V'il xtUi: BEST HOLIDAY GIFT to Pastor, 1'aront. T-arln r. Child. I ricticl. In frry tn lii.ttnirt! Uilu k II Ml . AJt-&i? Srrirs feJ&l A WELCOME C;FT, i!Wr3STfrv(A v iJ - r- m 'WrjIBKBQjg - fSIOTICiAuf ITSELF i r I.IKI H a ji k r, t .. au r . I?I mil X p s) - n . i . l3hT am rr t .3. lit- :. x. X.IA. , a . :t. j S'NewHusie Books!! . w THE SONS GREETING, prl n rr- r-iHii-t ? at,"' m i,iiii'itiiiiiiai'itMiit, a wi fC- r jf rl. L ( tlvmruft th In v Kt wir I IUnVsll rrr.r4KrirCXvwfUfr olf!ir-. ftM mli pru.i tv ecsr J. '., tlMll I . , Ol '. ty ' A.aB . m-.m mmm. . . . And Hoy to Sing Thrn. To Vi(M Ittrrtrptij. jkdr4 V 0t!l T . Tt." The? t-Jtmt ekr f -94 r-i lrIwr 4l- l .& rrtk-j4 tjr t rKxrvit-,, grtai Lr,ltr f w Cifc' f M t frtK. cUla-' KvSI(lM4. aikw - tf4VMi OOW'S MLLECTIOM OfRoponofi mnd &&t.tenQm for w Church Crvlcc . pr )toAX M &r JsUtK'rx.lcJslT'T rs4r(VtiKft a -. itJitT ! i-r m t t 1 ai-J M.U rfet eLti:X JSTat3 . ,, !. WklrltoStwKsicuesi ?- rsrT f :- ut t IM ! or 1- . rll tt t -tof ff"l f n tmm Ct- t t- t CO., -stiiw Jle . fn anl. I RESENT rfJEE! will: -sfsrUtH )( !i 1 M, &..., r Lr ?-iC r . s !- M4 i4 s? trm it s ret &nrs-r .-, 2T. (g. fi 01 3 " Ci 4 iO 4 : . 4 .V) 2 7i t H 2T. 5 Id f'. .1 2tl 2T M 2T. ' i w Tin jn. c J! 24 U 27 blfia it lo ft ii 2.. Qi:Ei tt iu j Surplis:l fti -msll rx'-x cot w'h DKVl-crrS PATEirr RZFXRUXCS UvDEX. Tho latFt cditi n 1 - 3000 mi-e VT - it Tocabnl.iry iia- -r f i.n'l in nr othr Am. Iv. y jiotl nea-' v tl t.v t,' r.'iml-rr cf Encr&T ; , C.i. C. UEHSIAM 4.C0., PclrS?r.n5Sek!, L.iM. 3 S. K2& l f osrs mi e yo3 s ;4:ft 2TiHtX C 10 4:0 4 00 4 hi 75 (11 t: ',', 51 10 1G 4i 11 W 4 :) r. 4 70 30 :a h 10 " 2 7" 3 w )Srr. h 49,5 U TTi & 13 2T 7; t rr DRESS M&1NGS. itt: .vtrrA:".:! umrrnvTS vn n;.;virr: ?- . I CtAfHtcr-:r-a---. hlc .:r. x - . 1 taiisnai.R. Tu r .It. rrnv.'-rt . uitU'czivn. 1 .j's irr-o-xsu ftJrLiIictJ- So7ersl7-i Tvrllls, lioyil TttIIIs, Improved Soyxl T?ill, Cabla Trills. Satin SXerveillctix Tvrllls, Gras Grain srillc. Satis Clasriqu2 TttIIIc. Jhf alih"Nfca caT!iTi Itrraw !r5. SluaalLhsj! Vf -- --s iaiir L b-n a- BLACK PRJKCE TWILLS- -. ! SI1K VTION o-A Ia !i 3t-t f ic- r-"t, Vaf .' ! ciavlc:oti:XK.ri-l-L!oHTLi.Tl7Eol.rF I . V JJV7A1 -.J m 'Ji ATT'LJI C"C i-vi vriuu.j . t wirt r" KWvrG -I b - t fWJMy 'ii' tsBMMF'l13B?IWn B W H i " m I m p. rA . uinurp" S!nii3nL-s3 .'i- 1111 k'fuH wor fVI f f Pt f .i- -sx cxnicii I iTJn.-Vl ;?.'-TirX.'iFCR CCVCfUl j vS't 3KLY av.es:: 1 X-i'AY.'W'StOSiirj jJny 100 st '&!fc& 99 U y$F "". vf:eri iif rrrii TUJ ili-i0 u.tti-.ij i? s. I e 17HE MASON KW UPRIGHT PIANOS CHEAT IMPRO'EMEWTi PUREST, BEST1 MUSICAL TOfJES GREATEST ELEGANCE AND DURABILITY .oRtirrta. E5 A. J1CS U ITS FJI. Tap as wexjAiui '-thcooow: tmwi: Mffitf ri 'TTBl iv MBJraMSlB ,vi " sy Cf. '-43 E IMOCtJ urn KV?y IP' 3 fcy ArfmB. F teflCV ! ! .. n,.in'IouTlaMIaac'Kj anJ.rB-rxi.' -s -'-!' .fcr..,-. ,- jrj;s.ao.ftr3Lsf v; rwaitali'na. L'X't'l r I 1 s..v. - ---." in 'a-u- He-. 3rF rr. CATSRRH mzi is CabrrW ii. is a c:;ue 01 ice O. 1. IMima-JJC, XiUet iW KKzsrsi.i The Latest Ssadar Vrrlas Serrsaa JT cacus aeztraaej-en- ! tolilaiaebeai Fnsa ' ttl rotas !:sa4ri3 a polvsnccs vtnut a; 1 tte scaicrsaoaa .la- J !&? and throcca ttie i Rev. DR. TAI.KAGE. cyretttie orraas. cor- rapinss iae oiooc tac proiuclni: other trcab 1 erode s4 iiajerbui JHiptOIII. . TIT'S aKK HZTTB. Otaa Ea'.a is rcacUj- kcucd cpoc a ctrrcci dliraosia o &JAVbS?EFUPF ttjjdleajaadcabe .mM rfc T r WT C?Md crn. Mdi Krmi h? tn Psrtnit k BSrrnpsT cf ee Esusrct j-n:rTCsMl i .S3KJI MBrtH LMtlin t&ca f CcfslaC"! Pjpit7 .soioen. i rZrrria.x r-i. Star. ed carrret rrr ef t rk fras 2 rrti e tl ccZ. treaaZth EVERT trrg 1a THECHEISTIAB' HEUAIJ) -i at siays oFont tijtjls. VSi rr nnn. Sucre Cai trw. A-raU Wtsfe .JJrt.T!IE MANAGES. : B2!c !bsor..Vw . jluo. us oc pcoccixu zrcca ku .-vi PURGATIVE FKlT9!T nr SICK. EC Lit so Kjail. f i4 tiJ iaU to is ct. ss ua;i. R. U. Lilhrd'al tT ' I-yT lA PrZ-iJL3 , s irm a aot.-n. u KU.A ZTOSXV W'Tmi -& PILLS lyTi wwwf Mh0MH, 1h mWutVmtSJim'r ,RI ! IMUF tnwriTit3iM4 I fill Nib Mn(Mt FM4 MF 11J bartrr a rwrf i K- lrili -Vary CH9!as.saI taat : or? t-i aau cso;ox, 4 Ptac is I s.Siaw ci3SiSTSn. IITJ IH0T Higins lr:l to eotrW ilU ri el! f.C LEASN Sb ) a ns WciliS at f"ra. iSSrjSfi wwiil i .. HaMMkFME. ?i 1 ' 4i fcN t if ". -ft w.r4i n' i 13 ' 3 - " 3 r j ' . Vi , if H i t'-k iff? . "si?- I V hawSrv-