w I'sr , ' f& S-r& - - - ,4 'Mie Hsd Cloud Chief I - .CI?AERf - Proprietor FIDAY. DKC. 5 IKS4 ISOri'ii CHK ITK3IS. Corn fi'.skiiiir all the iro. 'J'hprrfonietcr iown to zero. v Litnji y nnd (legating wiety on;a!i vcd Jitrcrncv Crrrk. School rlo-ed there hl week. Miss 15v-ie Wnlk trtUgljiJhrc months .i! vis uelllikcl C hul S'efhens is on the sick liht. 31c h:J n hi pile of corn hu.ski-d. HHiol commenced at I'lc::int Dale on ?.l7ii(Jay, Lorn MoHruie, teacher. II E Simons traded hi.j Kainas farm for the' or four hundred fine Merino CAVPJ:iht wc'k. Abfv pas3od D S llclvern's -hcep rancj a few dy- ago we noticed some "finc.vcthe: which fie jittitii; in good phsijii for the .shninbir--,. I) .S has kiiiic enjfinc Japanese which averaged ?o nuclei to th acre. Ji'enry Stefiun lo.it three head of fat cnir.; siren. Ion fchultri has shedded his thresher in Ftevenh' cornfield. W1 1 1 Kiu-hn shakes Ins head and p-.iA no morsuperw-or or athnai-ter for him. G. U. E&sagais. J 17 1 ISO N Corn gathering is ne.irly done and the farmei arc well pleased with their crop" whit li is turning out ah u i.fy iiiishlcs to the acre and wheat from iV and 35 yet farmers are diK:itisfied with the low price they get for their "rum Thorn w-Ai :l tmrtv at Mr. Moiint- fmds on WedneVday night, there were :ili(ut thirty young folki there, Mr. v.'iliams jilayed the violin, Miss A. linlvom nlavcd the organ. Mr Mahler. hoiiM; w.is hurnt 1 ust week with all the furniture, unknown Dance at E Walners Friday Had a good time. Mr J'. Johnson's team run uown C'jiuse night. away on Kridav and threw Mr. Johnson on the ground and hurt him severely, There will he a meeting at the school fcpM-e in Jhstrict No-90 known'as John Hnu'a ."i-hool Iioum' on Tuesday night, live, 19, to arrange for the Christm.is T. U Kear is on the sick list again. SCO IT C I' Ttinker, who is agent for Mason and Hamlin's organs is doing a suc cessful htisiness. V J) Mt-ICinuey and family have 'ji:oved to Kansas. Corn husking has hegan. I he crop is great. The memhers of the M b churcli arc flunking arrangements to huild a church near Scott. 1 will now comply with the wish of l!Mis. S(arah) w. Corner and wiitc ahout the nartv at JJeacoii Harris Joiie s. '1 nree young Indie of the Noble tiihe made an entt-itainment for theii cousins and friends, we had molacs candy, pop corn, apples and lunch Mrs. Hollman, who lately moved to J?cam.si!lc, Kansas w:vk our surpne guest. Dear Mrs. Corner, I thank you for your interest concerning my health, I kept my mittens on my hand all the time while going home, hence; took no rol.i. 1 intend to keep my mittens till spring. Now would you have me give any friend other than a mittened hand on such a cold night as Oct. J 7th. Bi:ka. cowles. Mr. Wright and family, of Cleveland Ohio, rel itives of M. P. "ifurd, arrived here last week with the view of locat ing in this vicinity. L C Bennett, ol Iowa, has arrived with a car load of hor.-cs, implements, and household goods, and has taken possession of his farm a mile and a half south-cast of town. Chas E Wright ami family, formerly of this place, now of Hitchcock county have returned to spend a lew weeks -with relatives here. Mr. Tayton has opened a shoe store in our town, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his hue. Among the improvements talked of is a skating rink, a store house, hank building, and several duellings. The lumber trade continues lively. Mr. French has his buildings almost ready for occupation. Ed. Gilford has just received sixty barrels of apples. G A Latta shipped a car load of on ions on Tuesdav lat. Mrs. A. A. Peak, and Mrs J T Latta, are, this week visiting relatives in Franklin county. Mrs. C E White is visiting her par ents h.erc this week. Our new drug store, grocery store, diy goods, and hardware, stores all seem to be doing well. LrrrLt: Hatchet. GllUt KOCK Pr. Moranville seems to he growing worse of his illness and grave fears are enteitaincd that he may not recover. Dr. Blown hos gone to Michigan to attend his youngest brother, whose life is blowl- fading away under the des tioying, yet subtle eticcts of con&ump t.on. Messis Alexander and Cathkatie, of Superior were in town the other day looking after their live stoGk interests. The report times rather dull, prices ow,"and like the rest of us do not think the change in the administration will produce any marked change for the hnancial situation. The other night the young bloods got out on a rampage, and for some liing better as a means of amusement, carried away a platform from the front, of one of the business houses, hung a large doll over the door, threw a biishel of rotten apples at the propri etor and raised Cain generally. This mm-niiv the whole crew were as mild as the best Sunday school boy of the Denod. Your correspondent would be only fo happv to be able to report some thing red entertaining to your host of intelligent readers, but how can he do so just at this quiet season, with every thing and everybody so serene? Why, the fact is he can't chase up the ac count of a fight, footrace, elopement or common country wedding. But do not be disheartened dear, brave old Chief, for the "boom is gathering and ere vou-are aware of the fact there will be some of tre (as Josh Biilings would sav) startlingest matter to chronicle lrom ibis 'daisy "town. . Rocket. W'ji. Letson has The pride of Blue Bill -U-tt .Thr pride of ;Blue Hill flour is tak fcY. &4fhrver introduced: TV Jr LVJTifKlirmir. , IIlt.iIMM) Tl KANSAS. yt' weather onre more. Fall wheat looking f-plci.did. V arc sorry to -ay that Mr. Vincent William ha. been ulfcih.g consider ably of late, caused by a gathering in hir head. 1 1 inking corn i- the order of the day Lnt week we h,id a general turn out in this neighborhood, burning lire guard-. Fehool commenced in th;J district iast Mend, y, Mi.-d Wood teacher. Jay iiAWKKR. .. . - Never IIen ateJ SWiNitn Die. Eihtok CuihF: In your iue of last week you intimate that under exiting hw 1 have the democratic parly down fer thr'-o year-. 1 wi-h to say in reply it h not my do-irc to impose myelfon any parti orpeojde. 1 have repeated ly stated my petition on what rhmild con-titute the "tenure" of mv oflicial poition, and that is that when the patrons of tlm oflice are not ati-tied .ith my services I do not wish to nor wiJl 1 serve longer. A to what the "ci;il service" plicv of the Democrat ic admini-'ration will be I cannot, and pri'.-iime the oldest inh.ditant i- un able to tell. It ha been said that gov ernment employee-' never ie.ign a:id -c'llom die: hi coinoiiance with that .-aing I shall not re-iirn as long a my democratic friends d-sire me to .-erve them in the capacity of no-t:na-ter M P. MXirr. Ask your grocer for The pride of Blue Hill tlour. Jf he don't l.icpit vou can get it of wm. Letson, S. V. Ludlow or w. It. Piii-.cH. II tf mo poison; IN THE PASTRY IF EXRU X2,E Vanilla. limon.Ornntt. etc.. flnvor Cokri( (:rriinia.Fiiildlnicitrc..iia delicately null nat urullyu the Trull Ti'iini t lilch tlii nreuinCc. FOIt STUS.N(JTII AXD TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALOXE. PHtPAIttO BY TMt Price Baking Powder Co., Ch.cogo, III. St. Louis, Mo. yixms o Dr. Prisa's Cream Baking Powder AND Dr. Price's Lupnlin Yeast Gems, Best Dry Hop Yait. 1VE UAi:t HUT ON'K UUAUTY. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD '&S&: nm Tho best dry hop yeast in tha worlrf. Broad raised hy this yeast -Is light, white end vhole- fome like our grandmother's delicious bread. CROCERS SELL THEM. FrtCPANSO 0 1M5 Price Baking Powder Co.f Haa'f is of Br. Price's sneclal FlaYonnj Einacts, Ohlcoo, III. St. LouIo.MO R. E. .Voore. Trrs't John Moo 0 V. Pre?t. E. U. Atnblcr. Cushit-r First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, i""?; 5,000. . 'Pranpacta gcnoral'barKinf; business, buy and i sell County warrants. Alo County. Pre cinct nnd School District bonds, lluy and sell Foroign Exchungo. DIKECTOllS: R. R. Moore. John 3ooro. C W. Mosher, R. V. Outcalt W. N Richardson. Cook&Eeaoham Gov.les, Webraska. DEALERS IX Drugs, Paints, Ohs, BookR, Stationery. Etc., Etc. Etc. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. N'O rifiB FOR PriSLlCATI O X Land Onice, rlooinintnn. Xol Nov. 1. 1??4. "VTotif i1 hfivhv uiwn that the followinc 1N nanifd settler has filed nonce of hiMnti-n-tion to make filial iirotifin support of ht.clafiu, and that said pnxif will be made before the clerk of court of Welwter eount. at Rod Cloud. Xebnika, onSatnnlav. DeeamberiTth. 1SS4. vu: .1011 K. lUSi. on nre-omntlon I) S xo $. for the E 4 of X E 4.ntnlE4 of SK4 ofj-ec 14. Tp 1 north of range Kwst. He names the follow inji witness es to prove hi oontinuoi iv.Mdcnee upon, ami cultivation of. Miid land, viz: .John Kobinon. Mas land Points. Alfred McCall, John Gardner, all of Red Cloud, Xebnuka. novl4dec2T S. W. SwiTzr.R, Regi-ter. FINAL PROOF NUl'ICH Land Office. Rloomington. Neb.. Oet. CO. ISM. VIOT1CE IS IICKFHY GIVEX TILVT TilR LN followinc: named ottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that .aid proof will be made before clerk of court of Webster county, at Keu Cloud. Xeb. on Saturday. December 13. 1SS4. iz: ANDREW ERICKSEX. On homestead entry N"-. for the se l sec 2. tp 2, north R 12 west. He names the followiu witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of said land. iz: Swnd I.ind quist, Thoma. Anderson, Ole Hansen, Syh ester II. Brooks, all of Red Cloud Neb. 12 S. W. SwrrzEH, Rejriwr.S FINAL PROOF NOTICE Land Office. Bloommgto-. eb.,Nov. 11. 18S4, MOTICE IS 1IEKEUY GIVhX THAT THE IN followim; naiiied settler has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, nnd tli.it said prf will be nunle be fore clerk of court of Wcbter coimt: , Neb. at Red Cloud, Ntb., on haturday, December HO, 1SS,Y:. ELIAS B, GQBLE. D. S. entrr No. 7163, Tor the north-west quarter sec JO, tp 1 , north R 1 1 w. He names the iollow ins witnetses to prove his eontinuous residence uiuni, and cultivation or said haul, viz: Joseph Bennett. Howard Deisley, Richard D Jones. Frank HufEer. all of Rod Cloud. Ncy. aguJ ' g. W. SWiiZES.Eesacfin. i i '. ' ft TJSSOD. W$SB 'A yr V Kt"'tm'"l'";i M ftr3pJ S?jti k VERYBODY H COM And Read Those Few Interesting Lines. Th epia cet obn ygoo dsi sat He nr yCo oks Hell as tli ela r gest st odd nthe cit yo fre ' d Clo nda ndpro poses tose Utli eniclie ap er tli a nan yd mi gfir min tli eva lie y. 1 11C hr ist ma sgo o dsli eiiast he ; fin ests to cki 11R e dO lo udan ditis tli emost completeinevertlii ng. ory Ooo HOLIDAY CSFTS ! For Every One Em bracing all the very latest novelties, viz: Wagons for Boys, "Wagons for Gils, Books, Toy Books, Doll Babies, Drums, Toy Horns, Albums, &c, &c. Tea Sets, China Sets, Dinner Sets, Tool Chests, Lamps, Elephants, Toilet Sets, &c, &c. Come early and get your choice of the finest goods in the city. Cook. u K. SOMETHING NEW. C. L, COTTING SUCCESSOR TO A. LIKDLSY. Js iMTw jroj&j-t-i t t -jr'y rvll pnrtis Aho arc In nood r Ttfrff laSg Foisaa5ara.i VarnlshB, PcrfvSicr, Books Of all kinda, Albums, Autogmph Alb :roa Stationclcry, Inks, Proprietary Mecilctxio , ar. I izi oleiiiit lino of HOLIDAY GOODS, &c. Will carry ono of tho heaviest stocka In tho valioy and proposao to soil thorn at such lov." prices that all can afford to buy. Having had years of experience in tho business ho foola warrnntod in fjnarantoohikf tho bast yooda at Lovost Pricoa. Your patronnyejroapoctfallj' Holkitl. C. L. COTTING. IllEy For the Fall Trade ! Everybody is Invited to call at &!r442-- And see his large stock of :r&r:--tS&:"5 Cc-f -CrC?r-pCp m Ij to is PallR Dress im m Mm u n. , o . -r-r.. j jaaies nne unaerwtjar Elegant line ts !S THE "TIME TO BUY, Cheapest House in the county and! Largest stock to select from. j Hen yono iysiD Pianos, Organs, and Sterling. Packard & Sfceinway, Weber I-K-ishto inform tho people of Webster and adjoining counties that I have opened a music store on Webster Avenue, opposite Piatt & Fre63 Lumber yard where will bo found a supply of Organs, Pianos andSevrinb machines, rhich will bo sold as cheap as can be bought west of the rBi? Muddy," either for cash or for easy payments. Bofore buying1 elsewhere call and see me. The Bcysss' Gcidk is issued Sept. and March, each year: 224 pages, Sx 11 1 inches, irith over 3,30O illusUTitions a whole picture pallerv. Gives "Rbolesale prices direct to conrmers on all goods for personal or ffcv familj uie. Tells hoTr to f order, and j gives exact p? i ccs CT" ervthiegjoa i j c drink, cat, wear, or RS.p have fan vrlth. These mS .invaluable books contain information pleancd from the markets of the world. We trill mall a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 8 cents. Lei us luks from yon. c Respectfully MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 87 A SS9 WibMi JkTeaae. CUtu. Ut E-tray otice To whom it may concern t Taken ira about Oototer lt t$t. onES S'-K 2S.T .H to nest, one black ro.v p5. about 12 UKititlui tM j;b h!te l?t, vl.Ue strvakln Cat-e. ant! slil in ri?lit ejjr. Ths owutr can have anie by proviiic pro IHTtyand iwyinpall damages, irect dalaicd will V !ipuved of at-nlinc to fciir. W-5t u C, IL Jackson. Araboy. Neb. J&&& rn - rn rf K-i s- 1 yrT dzJbaSBMton S UUSj clSitS X)I;3 .sr?vp?Jf $ r?2 irWicrtfVV - - "V - & v-rttM? of Ladies' Cloaks, Sewing Machines. Peerless Organs. & Paris Pianos. J. S.. NOLL. -i NOTICE. "VTOTICE IS HEKeKY GIVKX. TflAT Ov J.N the iM la. Inv ol Norefabr l-t. tl- toBow- itis: namotl j--r-?n Ert. f.Htforri. O. W ?rairt. -V. WvJN. J'"i 1- Urowii zaJ Snarf FaJIcr, hav!nra.-i-Mt-d thvnt-Ive trrifecr a a mr j'jration f-rTle tranrtkjn ( n central hunter (niaii" li. th- rountr ol Wbsirr. Xebraka, ;nlOkUi! atid csnl to t-c dxrfv rrrotdVd arfkir of iiiwiToratfon: Tlrat the nam- r ad corr'iratlon is THE J'UH'LES LI miUl COMl'ANr. The pritx-ipnl i!a: ol transactia it balneM l at Towlt-s Webver conntv. Nbra.ka. TuC tHMina of tbr coqrs:ion. thai! be the :ranwriMHi of .i ?-neral lumfrr t'osuwo. aait tbt biiytsc -;;t3C and druiinj snrmrrsllr in Inmterau'i buiniin? iatrLJ". TJir atnouu: ol it ca:.Ul sUx-fc L Two Tboo and DoH.-r, to h nasd lr a. the !oni of Di-ret-i.- rav JJrf"t. Tac birb-J aisuant of iafcbte'Jnfv to trhleb tut- corj rtt-a L tt n!,-t !:v-c!f : ,iy tiinc sbaii nut ct! two-tbjrds of tb ;huI tvk. The nr;wit:on to comHKncr on th- 2ltk ot Nor-Jabrr, IMt. ana to totf-tinu- ia tit JauuAT l?t. !. -,: tli .ai!:i3y I-i dlsoired at say tirae after January X .ifvO, by a -vote of a ma jority of the ftckholdcr al anr xrnkir or apCTfial meeting tjtertuf. The uiTairs of :Ih? cjrporaticn shall 1- orichie , ted by a. board of Sic director elected by tic tockiio!dcr. tI 9 n n 17 fL9 v, tf is u at u vty i House. r I Vllbl X!-;V Grocerv rnd OueenswcB House L4 mi Ir H ? s 52 ? ? g 9 z 0 i Assortment in the city 9 C Prices, the Very LOWEST. I B. F. FVUZER. : "Honest Tea is the Best Policy. " WSI. LETS '0K Il V! 0 Li CLOTHING, Ory l "k n r t i 4?X CT3 ? 3lrn3r, f?Mii2C3 g m CXij a I Groceries. G,ucensware, &c. v RiOici (yi'i - m-:hi;asKV" Frci- 8cIjsTV lo of .111 I'nrt.i ijy. H 4. LI M te.?xt A 'J ?r t 0&5 le'.: WJiM SHSjVt -V EMWML3. .r M fSaxs mzF aF" 4Z2S GiiiiSC fcr5 a s n rjiwBfiai a State Bank Block. Red CI oud. Overcoats for Men and Boys. Suits for Men and Boys. Uoots & bnoes !PorMen I Women r nd Cm Children Woolen and other Shirts Woolen Underwear Gloves and Mittens Fur Caps and Hats , &c. Trunks and Satchels, Etc The largest stock and bottom prices. All goods warranted or money refunded if found upon examination to be diflierent. As a special inducement we offer buyers a chance to win $5, $10 or $20 in gcocLs, C. A. CUMMINGS, HAS OPENED UP A RESTAURAW And Boarding House, ONE DOOR NORTH OP A. T. .STILLETS NEW LUX3E3i First-class Boarding at Rtsonnblo Rates ' "Warm end Cold Meals at aH hours. Amolo Accomodations for pL I rcHpocjIlj- solicit the patroaa;? cow uuua as wiaa ooa inoais or tooi?3J5sr. dob! ror tho p! WALKER & - DEALKilS IX Pumps, Wind Mills, Well And Everythizu? in our lias. 'Whezi "Windmill lino it wia pay you. to lowoat feed. Woric GtxiuriLntcd., v OFFICE Oc Third A.van, OpiosiU iOoerl jr ebraska. Soot mu toja ua bor YOIilv L9 m I o k o i r !. IN 1 H P fl fe 3 vS "ATS, CAPS, 0 w, T TVft PPJCES. AT Tili3 lotions, rlc Square Dealing, One Price, Golden Eagle, Clothing Store, N 9&:&x-r-y,v v im m ZgKJLW WIENER of my old cuatoraors BRAKEFI1 wanting' aaTthlrj sec ti. Our Si ? uayin? 4 1 r ( V t X" g- i-- ' t&!?V - d o X s-ss J J.1