"."y Xr- v f -. t ' V - ,? .r ,?; ,( I 1 J I Tffl RED CLOUD CHIEF. A. G. HOSMER, Publisher. ira cloud. KEIIRASKA CUBRBNT COMMENT. i i ' i he gambling fever rages more vio- lc-ly thun ever before in Paris. The elbs are thronged, and play goes on if Lens of thousands of private houses. woman's gaiubltng club was recently oken up by the police. A good authority calculates that the x leading nations of Europe have tandinir armies of about 2.700,000 en, with reserves which could lie rough t into the field within three months of about 4,000,000. Companies that insure the lives of children in England arebecomingenor xnously wealthy. After a few payments a large percentage of the policies are allowed to lapse and the companies nrc called unon to meet very few obligations. Dki.vkino habits increase so much In Germany that in many places there is a liquor .shop to every thirty-one in habitants. In Hamburg the propor tion reaches one to seventy-one, and in I'erlin one to every one hundred and sixteen persons. Tamils I'avai:i, .son of Senator Bay ard, who has been engaged as an engineer on the West Virginia Central & Pennsylvania Kailroad, is teaching Bchool for winter at Fort Pendleton, in CUarrett County, Md. lie is thoroughly self-reliant and fond of industry. Atheism pervades the population of Paris to such an extent that from cer tain reading-rooms and libraries, which are open especially for workingmen, that good old book, Kobiuson C'ruso, has been excluded. The reason is that il contains too much recognition of God to be acceptable. THE WORLD AT LARGE. A. Summary of tho Dally Kcwa, misci:i.i.ani:ou. IlAnTii0I.OHrw IJj.sns, the En;;lLh hsr. mnn wan n-ccntly dojjoaed for settle;; drunk. II. C. Wx.ThToxjr fc Co., hardwood deni er at St. I'cul., Mfun., recently idacd !crer their property In tho hand of trustees, j year. Thre bend red and niavtr vm Their hahiliticfl were !&)JCM, nnI their t wit, whirh is llfty-lhre znov than in ln crewju Tbt number of ilual.iwfn tho yar cxceJM -j Ivrecty-tlir? tht number for the yar pri-jr. which nercnty-ono more than r.ny rtii3 yr in the the hmtory of the T-rtr. Th nsionnt of projTty mar4 iru j3JKS,!SS0 sreAVcr than in th jccdiac; yaar bet :J amount kl wui 3t,IRt J, ukil Ike amount ved was ;,t.-StffW mora. Tfee ut ulttance rendorM during ihe yr la the taring of veulft nnd ccrjoti hai Lew macs than in in car irviett luuictK $I),000. Tlio head of the Umi thought tho eniliarnuuiineni would be ltit t;inioriuy, and naid tho creditors would all be taid in full. On a recent Sunday uijrht. after preach ins; Kev. James V. Lindsay committed nlnir;;- MAHASKA STATK .NEWS. T )3rsl CovJt. Til fo-'V,' .B.C to ic 08-.l Tr4 fC GT. er'f . rati-"i by th hV Board: Ctpcvng. f 9 2 o 9 a ) p r r I T-i. .VAt OiPTIif. i t ? Atjae-.. .. 1 t-ii. BOOW.... c. a.... ItuCwJo ... the precrdin;r 5"r having lxa worfcI ofl xvh-n "trttniel. reiMxire! whJ ! j;l, I 5w,r Ii!oteI out of daneroo ilac ami simi larly apitl by the station cr-w. Thnrn wore Ljiden -40 inAtaacK, !!." more than Iowerful jennon on hyjocriny, the in the irecJjn year, wbre vcln ttvlk Bart il nin into dmx" of atranflinff'ero -warned lary at ItuHh'ilIe, Ind., or a ruiult of which ' nit by night sinahi of the jUroN, iiMMt of he wan ent V jiriwn. them lein Uitu prolably saved frota ar- A coi.usio.v occurred a few days ao ! tial or !osl de:niction. letwwn a north-lxiund freight train at j Six bcsiiHJ,sh3M;8 af U'biMiaH, Ora I'erdido, on tho Jlcxnphla fc. Mobile Itail- j County, III., were recently dtroyod by road. The engineer of the Passenger train, i jr at'ft fJts 0f 2i,0i. Janica Duffy, wu burnryl uj; the lireman, j Tiiikty Hockin;; Valley iHner vctk a neKro named Toriy Mcliay, ba1 ith b.-jcs ' lately orrctel. Co:irrjMnau ('.v-rM cutoiT. The mail mewsener va. hurt and J .Aaji r,.tame.! to de.'en 1 thwin. (JoveriKii burned. Tho UaRae mater and ejcpresi j Hoadley denial that the tr.p- xwre or mcKsener were unhurt, but the expre j ,iur,.ii to le in readiness to "o U the vailev j Tin: King-Van is the name of the of ficial Chinese paper. It was started in the year!) 11 as a semi-occasional jour nal. Then for some centuries it was a weekly, and at the beginning of the present it became a daily. It publishes three editions, and has six editors, with a circulation of 1-1,000. One of the South American fruits which are to be tried in Southern Cali fornia next year is the melon shrub. It is described as an evergreen, with a beautiful purple and white llower, and bears a fruit shaped like,a rilled can non shell, about four inches long by from two to three inches in diameter. The anniversary of one of the fami lies whose ancestors were hanired for witchery h:is been celebrated in Salem. The houses are still standing where the judges of that famous time lived, and on one- of the principal streets is a quaint old gabled structure where one of the supposed, witches is supposed to .have resided. It is now occupied by a corn doctor, who sells witch-hazel oint jnent to the credulous. Suicides are on the increase in France. Five years ago the number was seventeen to every one hundred thousand inhabitants. Now it is nine teen. Among the self-destroyers the past year thirty-live were under six teen, thirteen were not fifteen years old, ten were in their fourteenth year; two in their thirteenth, four in their twelfth, and two had not reached the .age of ten. Suicides are most mnuer--ous in April, May and June. Cakkyixg building material around theglobeisuncommoii.butthatiswhatis lcing done with the stone for the Flood znansion in San Francisco. One of the papers there recently noticed the arrival of "the ship St. Paul, 1,"0 days from "Hew York, with ;5ol packages of cut lirown stone for the Flood mansion." These stones are all cut, dressed and marked in the quarry in Connecticut, sind. when landed are placed directly in the structure as marked by the architect. car, mall car and eontnt and the -cond-class coach were burned up. Nobody was hurt on tho freight train. The engine and Komo car were damaged. PltOK. Ha.nijKKS, of the Agricultural De partment, accompanied by .several ai!-t-ants, left Washington recently for New Orleans, where he will put in operation the sugar crushing machinery which ha lx"ii experimented with successfully in Delaware. The appropriation for tlie conduct of the machine at tho depart ment was obtained last year through Senator Plumb's iiifu'nc. Tho crusher gives feigns of revolutionising tho growing of cane in the United State for sugar pro duction. The gentlemen who go to New Orleans will place this machinery on ex hibition, also a flno chemical display from tho Agricultural Department. A conflict of authority recently oc curred between tho J'ope and the Jesuit College in the Province of Quebec. Hj Papal Highnefes issued an order declaring Laval University the only ono in the Province, and commanding all colleger to nlllliato with it. Tho Jesuit brethren re fused to obey, declaring that the Jesuit or der was under such rules regarding edu cation that even tho 1'opo could not inter fere with it. AVaii has Ikhmi declnred between Jeff Davis and General W. T. Sherman. Some weeks ago tho latter referred to tho ex I'residont of tho Confederacy as a con spirator who had schemed to secure the dictatorship of the country. David came to time in a card denouncing tho allegation as false and calling General Sherman a "liar" in saying ho wished to destroy the liberties or rights of States. Mr. Davis wound up by challenging tho hero of the "March Through Georgia" to make good his statements or "wear tho brand of a base slanderer." General Sherman, in an interview, took occasion to say that ".Mr. Davis will get all ho wauLi in duo time." Tun National Cattlemen's Conventional St. Louis wound up its business a few days ago and adjourned. C. C. Upson, of Texas, was made Chairman of the committee to urge tho trail question on the attention of Congress, and tho arid-land resolution, which had been ponding several days, was adopted with some amendments. The newly-organized National Cattle and Horse Growers' Association met subse quently and olectod permanent ollieers. Colonel It. 1). Hunter of St. Louis, was chosen President by acclamation. IL K. TiiomI'So.v, a disappointed Texan, who had lost heavily by tho recent failure of tho tirst National Hank of Monmouth, 111., tried to even up matters n few days ago by firing live shots at 11. T. O. Hub bard, tho defaulting cashier. Ho was jailed at once. Two Chinese gamblers recenily quar reled at Fort Iveogh, Mont. One beat the other over the head with a stool so he died. A i00,000 "kind" was recently discov ered among tho lato Duke ot Hnmswick's effects in tho shape of an old iron safe, which was generally supiosed to be empty. Fire was not long ago discovered in the Mechanics' Hotel at I'ottsville, I'm. Alarm was given and tho guests made their es cape. Tho llames were subdued before great damage was done, and it as then discovered that tho fire was the work of an incendiary. Suspicion pointed to John Kelly, a young man of bad reputation, and he was arrested. He soon ndmittod his guilt, and Chief Iturgcss 1 Ire honey started with him for I'ottsville. to place him in jail. Reaching an unfre quented spot in a back street of I'ottsville, and espre ! the opinion thnt the civil authorities would bo equal to any emer gency that might nrivj. Ux-Shnatoi! Brcce, Kgiter of tht Treasury, lately returned to Washington from bis trip to tho We, undertaken iq the interest of the exhibit inuded uj show the material development of th col ored race ut the cw Orients PI x position. Tho public statistics, he Mtid, conveyed a very inadequate conception of the subject. K-pecially notable waa the progress of tin colored people in the matter of manufac ture. J. C. PrsKV, Clerk at tho Kansas Stat Penitentiary, ha.- absconded and is re jorted to 1e a defaulter in the sum of over .!,( w. For several months pa,: he had l.-cn living v.-ry fast. Women and wine led to his downfall. CaitaIN D. L. Payne, tho famous Okla homa leader, di-d suddenly while .seated at the breakfast table in a hot'-l at Welling ton, Kan., on November is. He had de livered an enrst lecture ujon his favor ite theme the night ie-fore, and up to the moment of taking hit sent at the table appeared to ! in vigorou i health. While eating his breakfast ho wai observed to lean forward and utter a sub dued sound as if from slight suffocation. He then dropped from his chair to the lloo? and expired instantly. The entire of hi death was supposed to l heart disease. A COAl.-imr.AKEH near Wilkesbarre. Pa., containgllve hundred and ten tons of coal, together with a lot of machinery, was de stroyed by tiro not long ago, at a loss of W,""0. Vjon.ANTES recently descended upon the premises of O-tnan ISeuson at Burlington, Dak., arrested Benson and a couple of strangers stopping with him, and took them to parts unknown. It was supposed that the trio were wanted for horse steal ing, but it was an open question whether they were hanged or taken to Montana for trial. JAMEf IIyax and James McCarthy, of Hyde Park, Minn., n few nights ago were going home with a team from Hammond's Ford, but stopped on account of a severe snow storm at n, shanty in the timber. While they wero asleep the shanty too!: fire. James McCarthy barely escaped and rescued the team hitched in an adjoining outhouse. The other two men were burned to death. Donohue was a bachelor, but James Hyan hail a wife and four children. TilK steamer Malia, from Genoa, with l.tHW immigrants, was recently refused en trance to the port of Buenos Ayres, which was open only to steamers which left Genoa subsequent to November l'J. TiiitEK brothers named McCarthy, promi nent settlers of Union County, Ore., re cently left their homes on a short pros pecting trip and could not bo found. I: was supposed they were murdered by In dians and their bodies secreted. Gkokge W. Haiitma.v. a detective from Chicago, arrived at Indianapolis, Ind,, a few mornings ago with a warrant for thr arrest of A. B. Davis and his wife. Flora for stealing .S'.M worth of clothing and jewelry from Mrs. Nellie Bradford, of that city. When arrested Davis had in hii possession between .f-'SKI and :M.f00 in cash. Hurtmnu said Davis and his wife lived at No. .'. Michigan avenue while i:, Chicago, but ft there September .", going to Fort Wayne, Bluffton and other places The party returned to Chicago. t4ar OMftTJ...... Oar t Htl I tttr ... I .... .... ' Uwi:;v ......... '" tj Dcjwir I nMOr. ..... shrank tin KruMiJer rarans.. liar. ... i:rackL. Hfpr , .rrirr Hamllioft. Hmim H:tciKXck. !fK Hocar J-Ceroo... Jobtotoa.... i.earuey Ke.ta Kan 'nitcr Uocota ..t. ...... .., Modioli V'-rrtck ........ .aucc VemahH .VuckoUs ....... M Iitwa' I 'helps ' Tx4a -m i'btttw KJ.hard .... 10. 1 Wjtiow,... "Hllne arj'y -.o.nt!ers ,-ewanl 'lu rmaii Mfctiton... ...... im t r . . . . .... . VnlfeT WaiiavtOH.... Wavi.e V'dter v heeler Totals 1.5- U?1 UH, V& IJMT' iZ wt tm J.I!', ijgr xh ' . - lpB Wwftf H 4M8 fMs ilM um ijtm T B sk m M-t iUM r,a i.rsts M 1 !l ?? sa ljtll LSMM ....... lJEPt VKC fl 94 t I to .......i ijm itq I o H ;wr ij v' M' I r tsi s& n ,:xv sj&g m kt, j is&. ' Pit, IJWfffr( .'.I kJ U j aW I ULT. TSil i W UJf j LKil! 2.IS1 t Tt.' ' to P , i w , I M! U i vn, i'. aa ... n v KM .. .. i .. 3 . 1 IK X... F .. afc .. .. t; . &.. m .. "n .'. - - IK,... " 9.". U' . a . l . v . "8 X nr n'tvi U m tt- Wn UtcriMT-stxrt ynat m SV. INK, TUa r 0tt I t,xnmi rTri W tk iitaMtia lai f Mm R'LVtnyt SfCATa'eS. mt tH- .tA. Jlmm. f ?r.f - t j !.., Wt'. '. V nA' Vij j TV A TC COWftJ fw .fw. ;tt m fnw4w l I WMU tuoMrmu. a tvtam ij a'f.tajnr Itrttor twiyravrifU : Wiatvn I - w im i ilkv thr wH tmtmmmi at ttm TMmm i i ar TW tammm 1m - t GAHfl, l ,aM lk( wm fmnmmt War tk i Hfciwwwk .Wiu n7v . ... k rmm mm vtMm m mm m&m 9m aat liwaiM b I linHiil ti mm m,., i , , ...taai ftM. If t tmmi rti Ja fa f-w- law mini 'M.Ift.M 9 ml mm . Ua xratMU r. auiAa mjjmM : Wr. "I k aw rym.UUt Z. ' " . - " 1T L!2l2t liu an i - ' aw L f mm ha tkSL fl niT T'kMi itiiii maJ mi to titmmsK ijiiiaaK ml s AflMt '! mwimUA Ike mm t 4rtRV :; mot ra Inaaa ta Trmarj. hwt cut4. a4r ta.'- of rr t. 2kt MAtwl- OBn. Ut Lhu MtdL-d IVltr :r;-n 9. ,) faai ttwl atf fnr tn.aMta4M in arv rMtaol t fw lfrtaanart 4rlaf Um Ivt, rnw taN asMl prtr j . TV aaanaial rrrt- to itt. Tk M'r'rauoa. :t - Jar iHXlieKr Ja . H. a ft:rri MUJtmrr MjtlHtaaM kraal aui Military AtaUraii Jt.Ti rItr aorif. tarnastaar rfirav aa ,wat .Iron" faava ( !. rtt rr yz.ijiij aniawwaiaaat-iwnv ; Mat aar-fcaaow.. a4 M.OW l! fiat - j VaMeiuar an aiiuaaii iaay ,, i-fwt aaraH. lm Imimtmm uftitu f Ha t a h-4 .StaH kaa aa timrit ct-aM lW i W Tnawbri al t n f Um &arftltMft. A atofcirat miUlmm (car Nrfaa itat M M. 9Nkrral Wiaan s tailawM TWaaai kaaaaW mml aaadkaaWa Sm V ?. ; aiaai ia tm mm f'a vaaaaa aaMaa - ifair i aa a W I"" saar ara i'ap i laa l - - T7 i - mm - - .a a aa 1 .y. .. - ' ftaacf taai teif aaw taatu aaaaaaxa Waan i aajM 4MB. "" . 'V a -gfaaaa aa aw BBBaaaaai via aaiaaai saar an- JNtiiai aatHaa 1 1 waanaK 4 a wutt ' ai'fii at laai aaasMM Maa aat taat -. f .. - . . kB.. . .. ; aaaaaj w aaaa t, aanaa a u aftaaat aa laaaL mu aka aaaaat taaaa - MMkA j aaaaaj al JIM aai aaa aF apv aaf av $ t - - 1 - taatM&bl faK al a . . aaaaa f- sha s ak awa,n , - . --. - - - - - - m.b. a -- - aaaaaaa ' Irtaw l!tl.Tpw ""'""" " "Vr:7 . pwaaaa. najaj al aaawa aa Jf n i aaata, I ft. aakJ Mkaa Saat I in I ana Mull I M . - " . i.r).! ! . -. - a akaaa) aa, MadrfcAaa. aa tiiat juM. A aaftCaal t a 'w w mmm w hm - -. .. - - ittaiMkf la aaawi laaaaaj iraaa BHaraawa ai waa naaaff aa at, ). n3 ""j r.) ii e Uni! i.av (Oil iCi IH JBl . v I aiw I.1-4U MM, r.i lCj Mil, IT a ni! ti . ..I: IJ. 1R ; . 5 . XI . a : V f B,a ftwj-. - M aa iaiILTZ. T-STr-1 m, tvi t vai.3 m iiv f-w.fcMa 4 14. Tar. Max Tla IT' :-ukK.M4ii ajamaiot rf rtK4 Mfe4 aUa .Tartaspa Tr tar ae: ra .a-l , j,, ,. -.V,-, - - tmm aiSi ttr . l-aa. rariaaa Uj Bar ar a fMk i. s 7,rjL; 7 ' . ,,a - -. -j I tt la-bMai aaia. ..wiBMi MMi. I " ta l" la .iiX:t.iaJ t laH. aa 7T n. b-,. 'la xs) ' - - - a- . rf fWi wn MUWarr u.bttaaa4-Arr : u-TaJ ttjaa 4A ilt! ta 1V. Hta ! " . fTi . T am Jiiittaxy Ac4aajr laSM7:..1 ' - .... , ."" - - . ,-. . , ri ft- ! a isarr m ra. rMe WiHrti laciuatny rttrr j r "'.'T"T T VTl Tt .1 -- k tOkat UN faraa...! rta, aaa harbor iaaTrovabta. ana s -waar i, ia. w .uff-aa. i- - j ,i,t . &. aca,. w .rttattofe !.: MB rratailanamaa4 i X'.tiX m tmm tla & ,?. ? .' " MJaclitMma objact MUt a . ituD;a aa taaa NaM aaaa j K - taMUdlJW ! """ -aw.a,aa r 'JT-TJ friMu aa-allaa al rtTATB cx.jia s y allvtf ran araia i a ataaf V ff aaarainaaa aa Tk rIlowtnt- ciaisa ae tHa racr4 at; Lali! ; larrra, ft f. 4 U Uw . ? .. lm !. tat Iw-partaint. fK- a-..,-.. aM ta -- - -- - -. Hwa 4 talaaajat aawttf-t l ? i, . .. -v 7etrat,a. .s member r:. Ian . . -jNt to fw !Va.lA la 9l M aaX la feat ... . - - ., -... , ..i .etatfa, JHta. , 14 r-aijl it arluai'f oaaUtaaatHX 9t.M7.tU . artajal "fcfL 21 a- , L -. 4 ,, Tr .. rl lulailtnMif. Julr a. iMKt T1 at . i . a -wi - .. - -.4. 1 , IM W aWJ ta4 I I' ---. . .,.,., tMa. ... oa..jfc t vmr mummmm .- ur eoo. . o etaber , la .', ua n TMK tMY. IJutMaa( (iearrtU 1. 11. fnertttaa. etta tomtttlinz the Army report thAt mm ta Cateof toe lnl rrtri ot ai ttaontiair tra. 4wer. liHiwai . r. .-hrrain, ia Ana kM etij tt attauvt eiOii!e rr.l inta ar tle Be)t 0H'ntUon. hut laat lt lrr tfutitf. e.n-iinjc ut Hxupc!na ef po: iihm tbo tratier of ( ana4n uJ ot MeiJen. and tuUH mar ImUiuii Af;octt. lit.' pruteviiott ut l::tlwn t-vrx ttou. an.1 ttie cuiir:ii? of tae Indian 'lrritliy fnia lntruM,i. have tieeit JjnjMjrtaitt uiid laUrV fu. '111.- ri'tirt ut ui.ilr reiumbt)i-rt itamnaaa. l.-VaiX laa , an! a.lty iVaif rcatMal la BiiaaMra't J. ; liaM, HaaSIaaxaa, HBar Ua Ttaaaa 1 un a.iUI ? I iXU. MW. CM tala aaauaml I :. t -a.M veai t(r riiiaalOaji af aivat , j cvtiUVaben wtUUahftt. i aa aaaaaaM ta nrrulanoa -vrav iW.wM.U, alsrai tt ' -; (vttl. ut total rutaac!. A aaaal Uaa Bvaala aalal ka tMartal aata aa .-,i a .1 f 1 a ii at raa4 laala, .4aaJio w aarn.vf It,am,Ma, aa Baaiawa at ka4 r.,. .-T.n4- 8.K5 aa :t.iKi t.w, VOTK KOIL l'itltf!Ui:.T. I I'.lalne elector TO I'lurelaiid electors &iXA i. John elector- ",?. f't.NTITni().AI. AMIINHMBXTS. Tor I.'irNluth e l;epartineni .M.la ?:::u.'.t I.e;ishitive Department 17.77'i Majority for For I-'xeeiitUc Departnient Against Bieeutlve DepartmU Majority iignlnM I'.it: ii.NUiir.-ss. Fir't District A.J. We)iv.T..Vt; rtiarle H. lirown. l'1,'?.': K. J. O'Neill. I.IL'4. Weaver 'er BroMti, JCi; Brown and O'Neill over 'AVuver. 4!'. M-miid liltriet Jamof: I.nlnl. '21.1: J. II. Stlekell. K.it;: It. (rabK l.ljil. I.alnl over Stiekel, lljif,; mitjorltv over both. Zrth Thlnl Di-trlet-C. V. K. linr-i-v. .',,.',: William NevilK iv.tr.l: Albert Fitch. .'.?-'. Dur-ey over Neville, 5,.'il4; nuijority oer both. 4,74-'. amount ocUtamfta acHaat Uat aaaaat tnttn: in Iermt-er, Ih It -wtarl it. tajo tnw. an acrrrcaO Avvur t4atu iartaL The ev-rr Uj J umi a Bc4 a (taavt aa how mi unnitl.-nil uuiet nuui..- Uii I " la- im -..j --- - ItMltaif. ih.r.- Iihmh; Ihm.h reprt.M 4unuS I 'mr ol 51 aa.! ?- tt4, m aa rraa-a- M :ne kRMatul waa wvm.tll ctvmt rMtairrfMta thu tettr tiu liturbaiie to cuwe tbftlrttip.il ' tl n -.!. iiui-k.t. Ih.- r.-ie wi ,na.M.u.t , t'nn :,e uariiaUu( 1A OB what 1-caiie.1 the Okiatii-mai -euntiy. m the ' . . .. 1 1. ........ 4 1 ItHlian It-rntbri. bv Intru.ler- .lei. .miml u. , " v aaounttl So ll. m ttte iimoi luiMto ther.t. la .b-au ..f Ui ' UVUvte-l ilttrtUjC ' aaf. A a ami of hvecume r tittnatiuu. ba iu itirn- of tua UwUmIiI)' ut I lb 'I raaaury tiire.itn-ieiuefitn..; of c.n.iderni.o itum un,W ..iTiar irrlie to bp rttawr a:at Wllat or Mhrt rruftrat. la tta taOnMt! with the Neu VK rU-mj ,n laataa, aij' additionai. insrATCims Gi:onoiAA nn'. Josephine Conwny, s!s Theke arc about ninety thousand i welling liouses in Paris. A recent municipal law ordains that lieneeforth no Hats shall be less than eirht feet Tiigh; that in streets twenty-live feet -wide the heighth of the homes must 3iot exceed fifty feet, in streets between twenty-live and thirty-two feet wide -the height must not exceed fifty feet, in streets between thirty-two and sixtv iive feet the heigh th must not exceed sixty feet, in streets sixty-live feet wide Hie .houses must not exceed sixtv-live :fcet, and no buildings are to have more lhan seven stories, all included. Among the best known of the em ployes of the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad are the "Whittakcr boys. The family is a notable one. It contained fourteen brothers, eight of whom are jjow living. Six are in the employ of Ihe Delaware & Hudson Canal Com 2any, four being engineers. For the first time in twenty-four years (he eight brothers met to gether in Oncota last month. A sttmly lot they were every one the picture of health- Their combined wight was 1,730 pounds, the bight and weight of each being as follows: James, lx feet, 25G pounds; Charles, live feet ten inches, 21S pounds; Thomas, six feet, .201 pounds; Pierce R, five feet ten and XHvfonrtb. inches,il72 pounds; David P., five'fect ten tmd a quarter inches, 177 -ponnds; Eugene five feet nine and a "quarter inc"hcs, 2S8 pounds; Oscar, live ".fee&H." and a quarter inches, 237 poiinda;v Osxper, five feet ten and a, -quarter yienes, 221 1-2 ponnds. The -children .were bom at Staracca, Pa., the lather being: -ix. feet and six inches in height, of heavy build, the mother weighing about 220 pounds. The only 1storof the Whittaker boys lives in jQrte and weighs 240 pounds. Kelly shpped Ins handcuffs and dealt t K' ters, ngel twentv and twentv-two "venrs. chief a heavy dow, felling him to the ;at Ntnv (Jrleans; t nieces "of ex-Mavor ground, where ho was found in a dying jConway, shot two young men on Canal condition. street a few nights ago. Ceorgiaua shot Alexander Faunum's well-hnown lj- !j0h:i D. Logan, son of ex-Alderman M. D. brary of rare books was sold at Brovidence, I Logan, and Josephine shot Joseph A. De-' It. I., a few days ago, for l.l.OiK). The vonshire, ex-United States Deoutv Mar largest buyer was tho Lehigh University. Vunl. The voting women claim ed to have The most valuable portion of tlie library been seduced bv the men thev shot. Lo-an was the collection of Thomas Dibbius' was shot in the back and face, probably bibliographical works. Of these Mr. Far- fatallv. Devonshire was slighilv wounded num possessed a full set. Three volumes i the back. The wome:i and their brother of "Dibbins' Bibliographical Decameron,' .were arrested. The wounded meu were published in London in 1S1T, sobl for 1,(M. su,t to the hospital. Six volumes of "Typographical Antiqui- Tue jewelrv store of Daniel B. Shiftier, ties," by the same author, sold for j-IlM. Jat Uowmansvilie, Pa., was robbed recently The collection included some rare audbenu- i,v a Welh Mountain gang of thieves of tiful editions of ltuskiifs works. ' $Xt worth of 0O,,s Thp thieves stole a A coai.-vkix was lately discovereI just horse and wagon in that vicinity to carry I east ot uaiesimrg, in., on the land owned nwav their boot v. The animal was re- bytho Galeslmrg Pressed Uriel: and Tile covered the next morning near the Welsh Company, at a depth of fifty feet lelow Mountain, almost dead from hard travel, the surface. A good bod of fire-clay tin- A large posse of citizens was organized and derlies tho seam. The Company intends ; started into the mountain, determined to having a shaft sunk at once. The city now ; make a thorough search for the thieves, depends almost entirely upon coal shipped The posse came upon them at tho edge of a iu for its supply. swamp in tlie afternoon, after a chase of At a meeting of the Aqueduct Coinmis- .' twenty miles. The thieves wero four in sion at New York City lately, a letter was number, Abe Duzrard, Joe Buzzard and read from Jay Gould, stating ho desired to two others. They were fired ujou. aid tlie Commission in any way ho could. FinuHy Joe Buzzard, cut off from the rest. He asked the privilege of removing timber wa-s captured and lodged in jail, from that portion of his laud through wiiich Tiikee nuxDnnu persons were not long the aqueduct may pass,aud will expect com- since thrown out of employment 1.;.- tho pensation only for the land. The Connnis- temporary shut down of the Home Sewing sion resolved to send a plan of the aqueduct Machine Company's works, at Bridgeport, to the New Orleans Exposition. . Conn. The incoming train on Cincinnati, Ham- : Depositors in the Middletown (X. Y.) ilton it Dayton Railway, at Cincinnati, had .National Bank found the doors of thatinsti a narrow escape, a few days ago, from a trution closed November .". The President, frightful accident afetv miles from thct Thomas King, had accepted without secur city. Two meu walking on the trsck dis-'y heavy drafts by Benjamin D. Brown, a covered formidable obstructions, which ''Western grain dealer, who has since made would certainly have wrecked the train if 3n assignment. These advances were they had not given notice in time to allow ntade without the knowledge of the direc rcinoval before the train reached the spot, tors, of whom Senator Van AVyck. of Ne- Thero was no clew to the criminals, whu Jbraska, is one. The tank's capital was last heard from. ' faXUKX), its surplus 113,000, and the extent The General Superintendent of the Life Qf ltiJ loss IS UIlkao,va Saving Service in. his late annual report ' Gexei"-1- Stanley has been telegraphed said the total numlwr of disasters duriu- from Washington to cross the Rio Grande the -ear involved, ?t0.00.iM0: total value of nror saved, $!),1G1,:J,"H: total value of prop"-' The proposed compromise which Glad- erty lost, 5,4:UViSG; total number lone was lateIV supposed to be about to of persons involved, 4.-1.T2; total number otTer the Conservatives looked to a reduc of persons savedf 4,412: total numberof per- ition ia the nuiaher of Irish coustitueaces to sons lost, twenty; total number of persons 'lIease the Tories. This scheme was de succored at stations, fw2; total utunber of ;nouaced by the Parnellffes as the meanest days of succor afforded, 1,319; number of jachery. vessels totally lost, 04. Investigations held ' The Louisville Ctmrirr-JoiimaVs stall after each case of loss of life showed that correspondent, who has for some time been twenty "persons who perished were ea- ; traveling in the scourge districts of Vir- tirely beyond human aid, and that in no in- .e"inif entucfiy, recently made a Ion; stance could their loss be attributed to any "reIfrtin which he took the ground tha M WrIlaneoim. A IJo'iirsiiAX named llnrvoric, living near the Little Blue River, suicided recently, sickness made him despondent, and ho ended his misery with a shotgun. Kiipoinx from several points in the State L'ive accounts of the sudden death of cattle from over feeding. A prominent fanner in Douglas oiinty siy- that hi observation convinced hint that death was due tochamre of feed and overeating, and not to the al leged exi-tenceof smut corn. He say cat tle turned into corn fields at this sea-on of the year find considerable quantities of Iooe grain and gorge themselves on that and the btalks and die utiles attended the moment they show sjgn of sickness. If cattle are allowed iu the fields a few hours t'jich day for about a week they will get tr-ed to the new diet and the danger i-? p.tst. A i.atk lire at Omaha destroyed the stores of C. II. Fmleiieks, Stevens Bro. ami other property. Total loss was about 510,000. In-uted. Cnii:.N of Norfolk are making an effort to secure the location of the proposed M. K. College there. A bonus of at le:ist S-'0,-000 is reiju'ied. Fkank II ki.iit. a vagabond German liv ing at Schuyler, was arreted the other d::v at Omaha for attempting to wieck Union Pacific pa.s-engcr trains near Sclnnler about a month aco, Ileldt is the man who gave the information of both plots to the tele giaph n'r.itor iu time to save the train'. 1 IU object was s.iid to he to gain the good will ot the compnny by valuable informa tion, then getting a job at big wage-, iu hunting down the offenders. He was led on until Mifiieient was gotten out of him to -ecure his own arre?t by a detective who shadowed bin?. I J. S. Wood, of Custer County, in dir- ging a well, struck several pieces of wood, a musk rat's net and perriwinkle shell; twenty-five feet below the surface. Hon cholera is creating a panic in Dakota County. Tin: five-year-old bov and two-year-old girl of Mr. lliimnielberg. a German" fanner living ter. miles northwest of WUner. were re-'utly suffocated. The mother locked the children in a room without fire but contain ing a heating stove filled with paper, the accumulation of the summer, to go into the corn-field. After an ab-ence of over an hour .she returned to find the room filled with smoke and both children lying on the lloor. dead from suffocation. The children had lighted the fire and the room being locked had no escape. Tun bridge at Ognllala has been cnn pleted and turned over to the county. It is described as the le-t bridge that ever spanned tiie Platte River. On the night of the 27th the Knight of Pxthias of Nebraska Loice No. 1, togeth-r with the other lodges of that order in Oma ha calibrated the sixteenth antuvrery of the foiui.ung of No. 1 ledge, and hjso the in troductien into the State of the order. Sev eral of t.'ie prominent Knights of the State were present and the occasion was a memor able one. bers of trMt; but the intruder bate Im.,-b i a.u:n renel lie)otvl Um Uni.t ! tue ler rllorj . Mini ii iifu imJit.iry titriet hM twn on.-amil eulied the IMtrtet f t L:hut. otiOer .ininaiit ot I olotul KJnrl Knlb, of the Ninth ( nviilry, lth u vn-w ot prt-triH tiiu u reeiitrctieo ot t ttlt ttuuMe. lutTtni Hon ntciinl Kt tho Wur l'eiitiiient tmll : thut the MiUtint leafier ol ihou Hi trurter I- tin MiJvi-aturer ho U- touml n protttMlile M.uice of moiie iumVidx' in or t.-Hin.iiij, eoHiiiles to s.-o into thr terri tor. Ah I l.i heretofore i-u;M. ihi only peaMltr tor tti ofTei- toMitulttet i IiIil; ainl tho-e whotn he i Imle- ut joiu IIH' thee i .Ionic-, is tin-Ilin liK fi :n. ! lMMie ui.ili r M-etion rll- or the r-M-e. -tatlutes, uih! the tiee emittoi .e co:',-v:.-.l; mid I ri-ie-iv my rt'oiniio-iiatioii thl hii aiii'-i.dmeiit of tie Matut t.e tiiaile prox i!ln tor tinpM-oiiiiieut. its it is l,.li-.: that -uili u piiulslitnen: Mould prexeitt his rt-iHtious mills, niid iRvr a i-ry latee;w odiiuir mm ineiirrel In the tno eiio-nt of ttiM.ps i-im plowed hi exeeittfmr the Inir The rtl!!. r school st I ort .lotine- Kiel Hie -ulr him! iii:iiii:m -enooi hi i ort 1 ementoith Hits oiitiiiulntr tluir work, trom vrhk-h It is l.w Iieei ti.at ery KfeHt koim! iumiIu to the tinny. Itlt.ITMIV r.tKur. TheSiiperhiteiMh-nt ot the Military Acmli mj at West 'i,iit reports tliHt tin re were ii.-en: ut the Aeutlein; .e.:iM,-r I. I. U eii'Iet', unl that tln-t.- loul ln-eii nil Iim-proetie-nt 111 the tone inn! ol-clplllte of the eorjs Jt Js l eli il ly the ;-'evretiii) ot r thut th" rik?iil eiitorei-iieat o! the pioldou or secUon Urr. of the lt.vl,-.l s:trttiitf-s. OiJeh j. n. hll.tt- the return l The Academy. . i Cit Upon the ri'tollliUelMlatioil o! tlie Ae.ulein.c IkiuhI. of any txlel tounl d-u it ut in sti:.e-or i-otHliiet. Iiils not !aihi to evelei-e h l-elietli Kl lllttlleiiee Ht the Aerfe- in. .nn Ir.-tniii.s ot the llteff ot the p;ovi-ioti of thnt law In Inriwer eKrsun doahte.Uy Hi:pHirel the toree or !! Ipllne. 'lM-Tr.l it iii.i'ihtvkxt. TherejM.rtof the ,iiniiihiiir) (.enenil of Stil-is!eiu e shows u total of eK-intitiiM-s lurttiL- the la-it t:Kal jeur Minouittnitr lo t.t.--i:.ti:4 .;. Then S Inelieleil in this sum '.he SllllOtJUt of -tlt.-t-teme Munis e;titH.'.. u ,y iui i-:!u er of the nrniy itho iltserte,! the n-r u e. Mini, tt is t.el'evisl. Ihsl tiMetft. The i-iii:i eiiit--.lHj t.y him wk- t l.'tJt,.', .; hihI It May iet In- impioper to renin rK In il.ls ,lnre tliMtth:ss ,elieeil to he the only num of Mimie lost to the puhlle treRsiiry the tlt h'tiety of r.nj j roii In the itolitMrv r viee Ok n rig- jmir mlniln l ration. In" thnt tui.e then Iik e lit en threy other In stances of ll-hone:v on th- tmit oi oiheeis or the xriny, eiuh Ionium fum't ot litUretit luireiui-. hut In eneh tHr nioiiej euit'ej-hsl kH-i Inll re-.orsi Ut the Trei.-ur Im fore the trul of the ofbeer ln voh(sl. ki;I i-neh olKeer ua prouptl dJs n:i'-sl from the tuiii:rr nmcw ly etl tuuee oi court ir.Hrtnii. Mr.lJll VI. IKI'KTMKT. Th" tinreon Hi'iii ml report, thnt :h to; niiiiiSer ot flcatii- iu the Mtiny in tlie Uot ttseul jeur T.'J. of Hlikli I'd were from tis-eii.e. hih! ?: troni Injuries. .No t R-Mjjiitit-lrvm uctiial wMrlur" Hie re)ortt-.. i'v iKi'iirrvw".T. The Piiv:iM5er ;.nmi h--ln hl rf;ort that his (iepHrtuicnt u tturins the lt fer duly :ietoiiittisi for I.VI-.li... He mntttn recotiitiie:i!s. with my concurrence, the r jicm! of toe liiw :orl4(tUntr Mm-tit of mih kjjo to otht-er lor irmel oer laixi KnaiiL rid. j-jnlJe-.ii.-e is riven to mii om.-t mt nur-ly to my tn mllr.xid tut t cover otlier trainnr ep.Jis,.i. kij.I - oUleer of tne r.nny are the onli puhiie nilnu er- nr:iii-t whom n ilicrlmhu-.t:oti I imti iu tin.- rejfiinl, I rei-on.wieml .itrlUon to correct It. fur the cicoter p.irt of ih dts4urmilrt ate tttniie, the ntinW rd m iui turn SUA.i&SiW tm Jatxuuy t. lsti, u 511. (TV.QTt. on Amrufl li. l-i. toll Um 4l er do4!Hr and hulltoo m hmnd. rttf)fnftnd U slHer rertiftrntes, outOMiMlliK. lrt.t dmiiiiC the snme )-f ! irm JiT.lw.lii: lm SUi.fri.l.VS'. As a tHirT 9f4ltmt U top this dntin of tfthl frwttl tin TtnAMir the A-vsisititl TttsMmrif t -NV Ymk v lustrum tl to ue in pbu to tH rlr iruc lHue I'mlrnl NUto nwtss w Uw tiut of mie-hnlf j :ett : but th Mtmiiit f ther iM.tvi )n tin Trttr, whiHi, At th tune ot the (vmkWetKvmetit of lhi mW of p4itiut. IuhI mvuuuUits;l lH.)ntMl Iu i4Mts and bus now l-vouer much irlreit thnt they are no (otutcr available for urh i mett U ati fNtenlab i ftrt. If n rv lutit to '.! livriM-r priwiKs of making ! metiVs ntltely ill chl W viU.i ntte. nhnil tesJiit In n emimom lum of rold to tiw Trenury tot mHltf up to a snfhVtent exut l trretpt of gold from other nhijiw, the! ,M tiou must NMjft ariH tut ivnii In tb tUt pHtttiiett as to vihethcr it wilt eiulluue to make in tttt or IU tepr-siniue. py tnent.s imw inJUle thr.ucu Um rhnr.m Imu. or u? In IU p) m.tiu Mlrtir ditilar mi their lejrfe-euUtive tarfitOciUiM In ant iroMtthKt to th i elation whtrh si ver 4l- lai in the 'I'i,MMtr tnt lt-!d for rrttfiru ou:tatHlttir. tr to lh Hrilau4e mu, ntnl to an evUsil .iaUr to thnt In whh-h tliry are used at otlirr ttict of tbTrMiry. Iurt!s' the fheiil year .!AI.Vi..,:i In Na tional Ihink iu4r were p vnbt for tm drtnptin, biiinff '-2.KI Jf eiL lBfe UtHit the prr-e!iiuc emr. Of the HMMt H"ntl, Ss...uoii orun.iw pr cent, emnn? from four it ! -New Ywk, Itti. Iluln- ilelphia m I 'hro. The lurre i ?U j er cent. In '.lu'aiuounl uf bunk iut- ,rv s-etited ff tiHb'Wti. ivfWli UhrrotxtlHMt of the niereaiitlle aud itumHiwy aft airs ot Ihe cotintrt, xs ktumn by trpmXm n( inrrewi ing bnine Ul:tu w an.1 lefain ebmr ig hoiiM trnitstMlm' ntwl It l a cm tinnni:oi in the e'ire Uiat Innk note ri"liiMptfrn lm" bren pttniulftx mr by )ii Inre lssj. TImc ! I r Utot iebl uiake tett erH of National bunk twH r deuiKrtt iuhUt tho act of .J one 30, lwi The xrcriiite a.mMitil of bonk ituitm jk stitei fr nimptioft dunnc Uhj b rt exiriiil In rnttnd nutnl-T a. il.ioi. nod Out), 'nry ivoru" 5 MO. 000 000. The act nil ledeuijaiou vrel h-hMt fnini thV average, lunmnx U si.nuO.OOO In 177. ami Ull.tr; otf to g:.?).&ue WHi in mil. Th Mggtevnte ninomit of Itnnk noUi prepn:) for rtilrntptMti Uwrlmc the jr4 v year? fi 4 ywara, m mrm ia ii;rat tC Jmif L ttt, nrfllw tmmi, tiiitmmU. t !:, 4Mhdk H- urm o mt Jmiy Urt i' mrh wwmtmt ftr arK. --' imi. ias:. ;S xm4 I?IT The SNMtintjr v4 mm tmm tltmwm T mmt V4 few Ut mmm U-a mi mm f.mt pm mfc, lit Jiy I. nrf txmtm my m mrrmtmi lj0t Ly CoafiM rrt m tmmUt tmtntm ntot oi Um pM mmU. Am rmmfinihmt erf Um IhM H fcs pmttmrtif mfm A Mitt AtU (twi kmtmx tW u. ansW( At Urn m W) NaAmbmI lkMI mt s ruiin Ut tte rtflt at m' mmwmTmA tf tvC pt vHJtKv IsMtit miimmfmmX iwmmui .' l a.nrt m wi.. iU vtM 4lIUim Iho Ntwl nnfmttmi ihm mUi mmt l- fumtri t Urm rtm Mibl i tts n th li(ut W s4w pat in Um ai mk V iUtmxtmim ymtm'4 if latfmi Im raUt n4s, ho nttiMrttW Ntlmutl Imv cJvf httm'.hm light In eumH ImmI wk III 4tmM tmr.t ttttf th rntmrn. aj4 th ntitiMCttMli t awmnt f l mm ntI dolUt tat 4Ua to thr Im4-s reUimmi.L II te fniihmt teU thai th Kwt oh th rttrllia m fcst iarrMHi to i 4t hrh tlt UMtikm U kaf '& eumMkm X n mm IttiRW nl ! the rmtnu lm nt ttrif eit nibUM hlrh a bv Jtft nx. by mmm. to; thr Law tokteg mrb rtrrit ai a rt t M tmlt mi ono mt etmL ! Mintuu., I1 ffitftn mt fc.f4MaT P W jtil bmtkiUtr )4obb b turn urrtiaBMil a prt paid H rl from mtU 4 ibk U And In ji I by mm wxwinl -n tkm tMuk If lh Ut bsf abnliatnwl. all thaw pm tHwihl h nnhl bv tb boat shmmm! mm hod. In m4Vrin ifcH mmtitt th ( ontri41rt wMmm U ttlnrtlr wvWratni-t that b la mH, m fivvor f an nu: vrtiich U1 tmm miyxhtmi. H- u mt Um opinion that tb prrvt arf ? tfrt eltrtiUtifwi. mmim up ml tag I Wnnfcsf i NaltMt limitK no b mmi gol an4 j.tr ettnMs l- mmplrn Urn all iwrfk mt hu nev I bHiinriw, luiwffr, thai a vabWn eiantiwOon of thu Nattounl lik rtfim turn, vvhkh. lthit npimmfitimm x.lmtUm. U Imminent, will tliy emhmrrm u IwainM tt Hi Mtry. Mmt lh( If Ihu cwntmrtfcm U ixftfauttoal lm ga ma It tmmf t Milt In tin rnlir i.mrtU.mur mt mmmm hy NtMMftl lnk. Ttw t'miiiHrt bMrm that tha brnt mt mrrmev. whlrb mm Ini Intro! or 4iwlnWMM to) mrrnfimttrm with the National lnv mUbt entj4 htmt mss. 4ioutd b eoatnuMt m iKvtrTvmrv l nny iUjf mm iirtltte,l br th law. In rrsuni Ut n etrreba.un IwJ m llr. tho r.rnipUnihf my: -I1mi fmmim mt h I'ntletl .Static mw hoW a rff rlmtlmlumt bmmm ujxw ;.'Trr dniLar. In antaMit imI to tnnrr Uuhi wt.-tlMrd of vUm NwUnn! bak einralntMm ' If U m tor the bswi lntm ttt the I'nitMl St to bmaa a r rtttlMtun Imil ut-m j4I.jt. Um t'owptnatt brtfcrrv thai art HfCMinlbjM ahfiuM bm n-li tto tK b.io fe-birii U4bm x mum&mi mtrnht ml &tn of Utt to ha Iw4rl4e rrnl (Mul In the Market of th notU U ita awajniaMj tlur. Th prramt Uwt mmkm th juir-rbn-mr anl euiunf mt a m mtmmumi mt aUvnr tmlinan mttnuj. Ibis m. th .mi Itn'.lmt my. ny irmiriow In lb iaiwt. a Ut aaatniUwJ arf I rtmttnad iwunrp of f i.I; laal IrmUt lw r4a aaxl fmtUmmUm baaci UMTtmn. mt tiaLrinah flm Mttmviv 4 ilHT.v;v) waa 37Ktno.Ww. while the er I o;,l'", u" hr4l of 30M aM w .jvent cite ntnount for lie Usl flYe j.-ai j jai) vi) mil lr1v lt inm rhH ot ImaV. wan hut 8.mooo,ji In no yewr of tl- lat lb,'tvlT lrti m-mCmu of five di'! ilewplli o.jnal thoy of an ! J:,,, l- "' t4mrttmm f of the first nr )oar. TIw Jarsre tedemt, , T. ' !..u.in 1Immi4 l-tle- ... ' flfTH ....... . .. -.,. , ,.ri i... .-i i auur In th June extent du; ui d-rs,-44Hi in txiiu tv rte.1 nrnmnMrntm hi ftawmrUl aI JoIt Iaic e. by tb rrfc cnhl In th Trwswiry. hut luief Iseisson. 'howi not only the t toiat numoer 01 tusasiers uunug -,..,.. ... w-. .w . u'"""C rwere4;a; total value of property rjver into ilexieo, and pursue the Indians l.$I0.7,M0; total value of propertv 1 who madc the lat? raitL "Vi j failure in duty on the part of the life sin that theulague came Irota a mineral poison and was-not cholera. Lincoln lately had a 5m.iII rlrc. Tin: children in the State lleform 5VhooI are put to rood use. They are ma !e lo work on the farm. The harvest the pas; season has been: Potatoe. 1.300 bushels; onioii-j. 6u0: white beans. 4."i: oa. 1.000: rye. S00: beets. COO: carroL--. 1 X); onion seed.f.vo barrels: beet seed, two btifrel! ; cab-bii-re. 4,00 head; cekry. ."i,0u0 bunches: corn iirood) 60 seres. A r.nv.vnn of S'200 is offered for the ar-re.-t of Eugene Ih:rdett Fry, alias V. II. McCartney, who is wanted by the Sheriff of lndianola. Ktul "Willow County, on the charge of einberzliri"; and horse steaiinr. TT ? . M s" tie 15 zwen.y-ionr years oi age anu live feet nine inches in heisht. Ckdai: County comes to the front on ine quail shoot. A local sport killed thirty nine birds at one shot; recently. "W. D. Cr-EGR. employed in the cashier's nfSce of the Union Pacific Ilail way at Omaha, was recently arrested upon the chanre of etnbezzlinc S"2,5C0. The arres: causetl quite a sensation. It is stated that a prairie fire has de stroyed the range from the Bur Beaver to the North Fork of the republican and from the B. &. .M. ilailroad south to the Kansas Pacific. TnE proposed amendment to theconstirn tion creatin-- a Railway Commission v.i3 ; rctty unanimously snowed under ic Pol-c Cotiuiy. Ninety-live votes for to l,0Su gainst is the way the vote stood. A late fire at Dunbar destroyed five 3csiaess houses ESRtri9l Ill-JlClt- T-l. . fU i. ..r ,!. I..J...-. . K f 1 x. .'"..', '!""'. "-':"-"", A'-' ": "" "'" rlin' the Un.inri! an.1 .-,l . llltlll.li M-Tli iVlirn ill lll- HI MOTH rt- - ...... ,., , , i -it ituiremerir-. lor tlie tiefenseof our i:n'ortatit. !. awi u CftiqMirai.Tely tnail it , , ' mm imwm im sou const titles. ih1 iu his comprehensive. denrio:i in the laat four yejf s ( H.M1 1 s.m 1 1 w ',',, ha 4tuinx th my h.j aitn!Mitel ;0 the iufurr itnrln- ! ,',,l y" Uml lUtA Uarmh tiejie er frow the etlerts of that panir "et watr-r lnnm4 '.ieir baiitm the in-tMKsJ artitity of bn.lnM ami the l L Zotd lariaWina: Us- ., o! tt.4U.au. I-ndU MUetxIintc the frUM;UoM of paHr ' , 'mpiHflto? comt tttta th tmpmet yHl ;i iiwhU. The Matures of Uie t rmu- I ,i)9mtjn " mmft, X mm ttmm "" i r"-ipiisareliivarbfcT aBi-rt . " . . -- .. .... ., ,M immmmt- e.1 by buie trvona, lUmKwm: n aprlns WMt amonva. xhn tralr . rtlv--, and in .u L.tK lo &.. tA a. -a 1 k , ....wt. IH Him-wiHUT ant MM-fimror, tvnen trscc J uoli. urgent reee-.-uy of txrinninir the ofe-ive wtrA wliifh canuot te impro. i-e.j, bul their -uiiiil co-i in coinpflr.son with our National re-ourt es. teel forts jtii turi ts to rett irim uhieh run -n! ir,sr.l. vreo-tolt-.r a tn tnrouth stty tee: ct nis:. ml nltich thf-ja-elvt", mu-t have like runs, with -teui tiitc.;:iier to load xtsl mnnipu.'e them, run no: Le H:U tn the hort ttine hoh vrouiil b iriv. n : y an enemy after the fecns4on of i'ip!otiarie iiitertur-'e: rml, h .n hy the l Sue: nf l.n?meei. "The csonttibuUon h nit It couM te ievisj fro:a Nv f,rk Ua would pntiaoiy ay four or ne-toil t cot o" tl the fortiUeations of ihe Important hr!rs- of the countr-" I trut tnt the eurr-.; attentmn of on:Tfsa may t-- In- lit-4 10 this Mii.jei.:. and that aoevjut apf-ropna-tn-u- ma t-e ias4)e to'earrr uu', t'e vrt-i, jf the I hlof of Kncinccra. The Caarer to lh efic.eney of the "tornado sj-. tem without the rouctructJou of I.!:neal roc:n :nl e.lle ?Mlkrie ha.s hem rfuoit 550:1 in lay previous ret-orts. V.!i-n Klion. jrenhis an'! inventor that iv j. hai give.i two week of hii vnluab.e ttine to iroin up and do:t on the Xew York KJ-v:l Uarroati trr inir to discover what csum.iI i aoi arI a cure for it. It jrave up the tb. Then a hule woman took it. She rtnle O". Ike ear three tlays, wr denied a piaee m ixa: on ibc rear ple'onn. lauirhet! a: for her curio-it;, ami p iltteiv snuhb ti br conductors nad pasnjrrsl Bnt she dwororeti wha; miulj the nols.. iavenlel a remedr which vrns atentd. xml hv tras pail the m of 5?!0.X) and a royalty forsrer. Her naraa is Afrs. Mar. Vai:on. and ahe hves in Xew York" City. Wilkettorrt Journal. nk- J f"UoH,f ' t mt Urk utmUt Snvr A prominent lawyer no'.rpractican" :n this city t-!!s tju following: An Oid oarker vras umler indictment for some trivial offene and was without counsel. The Jude appointed me to de:ecd him. I vra- young and vtrv fresh at the time. s.nd it was mv rir-': ca.-e in court. As 'I went forward to consult with my client he turned to tho Judge and said: -Yo Uonah, am dis de lawyer what am depointd to offend m??' Yes,f was ths replv. iVoU.' said the ohl darkv: take "kim nwav, Jedge: I pleads pid.' ,5-.Y.i. World. A Iturelwr f.i-lit. TfM.xiK. n Disceaaber 1. A borriar n tere! a hccisr la ttie xvirrn nat t oi 'Jr r iy oarly etefdAT jnorniar. I54a- Tenil by the police he m hot ttrwv w hile atwnn0n U erar. hm arrwUW h rhvo the tau.c of Charts Vmnk, mt Hvv (rlrs. He M tint barfly hijorod. Cozxxnt -. O.. IhtmtmhfT l.The Ikot. t )s jweraiied for Mine day Uiat a larce nuir.Ujr of rfrlklm: m.nrrs of Hcktog Vay vouW hetjlit work Ui-mmnur If 'Jiey ha,! any tcare their ntm am! rrf-s,tT noM& CodartetL In viTr ot thk rJr rt:zttof .Veioft7iuV, not Alt'Tlly tow red xs MHiers. or curator. fcHal a tivrU hxz Saturday and adod r.4ntWt tlo ic:-ittnrpeaon awl ptedch,: mpfmi U th cnfcrciswra: oi fatv, sad jxota im le Ml cKrens who dearer to work. Fifty caplirs of the rieAoiatiof wtre ordotcv1 posted !a town. I elal trafcttt of May, I'm. Ttfrtf of Jfr. r-. ... . " " .-sunrart, wm tttmmmmr vrht i..t hn$f $tm4y Mtrmmw Urn w levhr:r ttut YtMtUmulh .. 4la4 ;wnh. m 1 - Il"ll l'r ntii,n. Mttt iomk. iwmbrr i Jm v U v rxe: the mol sr. mnn j.' . " t i Knmk :ruo Smtntdzr c 1 . .A... .. M t tmm.. lhs TMomV. --. ilrxlvt' i'r-Unc. WjLaxsonr. XoremJr . With ref erence to recently puhlfehed aiicrtwwr thai American interoti ht ilexir arc In rrx: Jcapordyoa account of Uie hauetl earr-taiiM-d hy tue peoyle of thai covntry t.waid the Unital btAtes sujcu the war of T, ik-nor Ilomero, jlextcan ilkiKUr. ar; The .Mexican are. on the contrary. tt? sslco hly deposed toward thb connlry. tha: the interests of fortrtcn'jr In 3Ic?co, AsJrt san Included, are :n no icore danger there titan they would be in the Untied Stales. particularly under Uit adeihitarallea of General I):az, who will protect with a turn Land their lives ssul jiroprrty, and that Ikt dia revolaticns are no lovger iw4io U Jlttrlco. - Oa the iTwmtoc of e?. GfkWr!1. of Xer 't'l. M ei i th bifcfaM-t Ubai the dmy promd ft "1 ata fuiuz to U ptt. aa I aw eift-fir y a unCkery that ( hil -a ersta fr,tctill t-ii'. vrim far wa r-j; Jofc.1IXJUI . - '- th liar amUi it: a mm Wt r;f : " r , frs- J.J- -..f ('. -.-! v m mm -. - - . . A - . w I Um Mtyettk T ' rrj was hfWd oi d Uip aiYr moz U - nrautorn.- . i- ii 1 - Astern-' .1 jj i jMrot o a Lnl 3 Ci "lt' a pottr m-.rl hU own tmrc-S moaev is it.tr tocA vou'd kco-nr hkn borac" ! and it' echo U h - H The sa& 'Satlnaal 11 inl Amrrica for this docs tl iiS.tr .. m "thl Z U M T vm j tioas c$caai 4 i . 1 1 A I fcTt: ;LJ -L KVJS!SmmmmmmP k