The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 28, 1884, Image 2

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k C, HOSMES, fitiisher.
II. De Lessei-s denies that he is in
triguing to obtain the cession of Pan
ama to France.
Ten millions of hares and rabbit are
Ttilled every year in Great Britain.
Their value is put at 1,100,000.
A monit3!ENT costing six thousand
five hundred dollars has been erected
t Santa Fc to perpetuate the memory
of Kit Carson.
A gentleman in Ware, Mass., re
cently let go a tame deer in the woods
near the town. All the young bloods
immediately started out with their lire
arms in spite of the protestations of
the deer's former owner. They have
as yet failed to bring down the game.
The price of meat is higher in
French towns than in Germany, Italy
or England, and workmen find their
wages insufficient to meet the cost of
living even with severe economy. The
Ligh prices do not bring much profit to
cattle breeders, who are continually
complaining of bad markets and
making demands for State help.
A continuation of the great wall
along the coast from its present termi
nation at Shah-hai Kwan to tho Taku
forts has been undei taken. The dis
tance is over two hundred miles. Part
til the foundation on the Taku end has
already been dug and looks like a great
road over ten Chinese feet wide. The
object is to prevent the landing of an
enemy anywhere north of Taku.
? Bismarck has a new projeet for bet
tering the condition of the working
men and counteracting the influence
of the Socialists among them. He
proposes the establishment of trade
committees in all the German manu
facturing centers, with a view to regu
lating the labor .supply according to
-the demand, and ascertaining where
labor can be best employed.
The natives of West Africa are still
somewhat given to cannibalism. In
18.01) human flesh was exposed for sale
on the public market at Dukctown,
Old Calabar. Only a year or two ago
a chief of the Brass district, named
Ixnamy, killed two Acreeka people,
"who were sacrificed lo the manes of his
fathers. In Brass, as in Bonny, they
cat all enemies taken in war, and they
put forth, as a justification for this,
that devouring the llesh of their ene
mies makes them brave.
A giceat sensation is caused by the
rumor that the Earl of Durham, a large
Jand owner, an incipient politician ami
the bearer of an illustrious name, is
about to bring an action for a judicial
separation from his wife. She is a very
beautiful woman, and it was only the
other day when all the town was talk
ing about the generosity of the bride
groom in making her a present of o0,
000 worth of jewelry in addition to the
heirloom in the family. The cause as
signed is the discovery that the unhap
py buly is mentally unsound.
The methods are in use in Philadel
phia to prevent chemical obstructions
in the water pipes. One is to coat the
interior of the pipes with coal tar pitch,
which does well enough for I arse mains
and keeps the passage tolerably clear
for more than a quarter of a century.
The other method is the one called
bower barill"," which consists of sub
jecting tho pipes at a high temperature
to the action of steam or air, so that
there is a film of magnetic oxide ac
quired by the metal. This insures a
clean surface for a long time.
Ax importer and exporter of furs
gives this information: 'The house
cat is one of the most valuable of fur
bearing animals, and .when thev dis
appear from the back fences they often
-find their way to the furrier. It is an
actual fact tha. in 1SS2 over 1,200,000
house cats were used by the fur trade.
Black, white, Maltese, and tortoise
shell skins are most in demand, and
are made into linings. As for skunks,
250,000 were used in this country last
season. They come from Ohio and
New Yoik principally, and, as in pur
suit of the tiger and lion the bravest
men are required."
Calcutta, "the home of cholera,"
is to be put in good sanitary condition.
The British Medical Journal thinks this
can not be done a day too soon, and
cites the condition of Jonabagan, one
of the wards of the city, "The ward
contains one hundred and fortv-cisht
people to the acre;" in many places
na drains exist;1' where found arc
"mostly out of order;" "forty per
cent are choked with sewage," and
wmc are "merely chains or cesspools-"
The soil is "saturated with
excrement;" in many places "sevrage
runs down the sides of the houses in
large and widening streams."
The oldest and most celebrated
dealer in wild animals in tho world,
Mr. Bernhardt Kohn, died in Kassala
at the beginning of August last, in his
i seventy-second year. Mr. Kohn was
the first to import animals into Europe
direct from Nubia. Quite lately he
had procured a large number of .giraffes,
lions, antelopes, ostriches, monkeys,
etc, and had them brought to Kassala.
For eight months Kas3ola had bovn be
sieged, by the adherents of the Mehdi,
asd since the death of Mr. Kohn, the
Madir of Taka has been in great em
barrassment what to do with all the
wumals. It was thought probable
that they would be slaughtered by the
inhabitants, who were said to he in dan-
jper of famine.
A Summary of tho Daily Nowa.
QUE Victoria, lately conferred npoa
Sir John McDonald, tho Canadian Premier,
the order of tho Grand Croa of Uatb In
recognition of hia eminent public service.
Sin Geokoe St. Patrick Lawrence. K.
r I
C. S. I., C. B., tho famous Enlleh ofllccr
whoso uamo Is so clouely nsaociatcd with
tho Afghan war, and author of "IJminlB
cence of Forty-threo Years' Service in In
dia," died not Ions ago.
The State Canvasser of New York met
nt noon, Novemlier HI, all present. Secre
tary Wood announced the footings of tho
table oh follows: Highest Democratic
elector, Priest, :?,,VA ; highest Republican
elector, Carson, .V.,W: plurality, 1,14'J.
Lowest Democratic elector, Ottendorfer,
663,048; lowest liepublican elector, Harris,
jo61,!7I; plurality, 1,077. Highest Prohibi
tion elector, ill Her, ii.CKW; lowest, Klls
vrorth, 14,!M8. Highest Butler elector, 17,
Wl; lowest, Campbell, V',,TJ). After the
announcement tho members of the Board
signed the tables and the certificates.
Ciiixa lately arranged for English and
American vessels to run the French block
ado of Formosa. The Chinese army In
cludes thirteen German oQiccra, and forty
more are- expected.
A COMMITTKK of the French Chandler of
Deputies lately reported in favor of the
abolition of life Heuatorxhip.s.
The residence of Mrs. Alice Fowler, nt
VincenneK, Ind., was entered recently by a
burglar and several valuable articles sto
len. The intruder wan detected and he
grabbed Mr. Fowler by tho neck and al
most chocked her to death. Tho same man
entered tho residence of Joseph Schmidt
and stole .f 1.7) worth of jewelry. He was
chased over to tho .swamps in Illinois by
Marshal Kullcr, but escaped.
B. H. Black, Sheriff-elect of Lamar
County, Tex., was called to the door of Iiim
residence a few nights ago, by some un
known person, and shot dead.
Secuetaiiv McCullocii recently refused
General Adam Hndeau's application ask
ing for an arbitrament by tho Court of
C.&imH of tho Government's claim against
him for $12,000 in notarial fees, alleged to
have been illegally ret.iined, and the Solic
itor of tho Treasury has been instructed to
begin proceedings to recover tho umouut
in dispute.
AdmiiiaoPeyko.v, the French Minister
of Marine, lately put tho steam transport
Iscre ut tho disposal of the French-American
Union for tho puroso of conveying
the Ilnrtholdi statuo to America. Tho Isere
will leave Havre for New York early in
May next.
Timiity loaded coal can; were wrecked on
the Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroad at
Perry ville, Pa., n few mornings ago by a
broken axle.
Ci.akence, in Hnverly's
Michael Stragon" Company, while plnj'iug
at lies Moines a few nights ago, received a
severe cut from a sword on the knee, ami
was laid up at the hotel
Tin: friends of the Hennepin Canal pro
ject will make a vigorous otfort in the
Forty-ninth Congress to sccuro tho neces
sary aid for this important work. As pre
liminary to this end, tho Commission was
reorganized a few days ago and new offi
cers elected for tho ensuing year.
Finn broke out in Patterson, Juniata
Countj, l'n., a few mornings ago. Fight
houses, occupied by eleven families, were
destroyed. Tho burned buildings com
prised tho Post ( lllico and tho stores of G.
W. Wilson, W. W. Copeland, Joseph Pen
nell, J. It. M. Todd, Samuel Strayer anil W.
M. Hamlin. Tho loss aggregated .(W.OOO;
insurance, $10,000.
Uecent advices from Soudan were to the
effect that General Gordon was unsuccess
ful in a recent attempt to dislodge the reb
els from Andcruirn, a short distance from
Khartoum, on the west bank of the White
Nile, where they nro strongly Intrenched.
The exploring expedition to Lake Mistis
shiny, in tho Northwest Territory, British
America, lately returned to Quebec with an
interesting report of its experiences nnd
discoveries. From this report it would
seem that there- is a large lake in that coun
try, perhaps as large ns Lake Superior,
which has for a hundred years or more
been under tho control of tho Hudson Bay
An inclined plane railway car at Pitts
burgh, lately struck and fatally injured n
workman, jumped tho track and adminis
tered a bad shaking up to tho passengers
Fouu .hundred hands nt tho Branford
(Conn.) Lock "Works struck a few days ago
on account of a cut of ten percent in wages.
J. Stauekeu & Son, a prominent mer
cantile firm nt Canton, Miss., recently
failed with liabilities exeeedinir7a,(Wi).
Exclusive of specie, tho exports from
New York for tho week ending November
17th were .fT.OS.'t.OOO, against $5,54:1,000 tho
week previous.
Waiimeh. weather in Paris revived the
ravages of cholera. There were thirty-six
deaths on November lJth, and many peo
ple wero fleeing from tho city. Notwith
standing this remarkable fatality of
cholera, typhoid fever was killing moro
people than cholera.
The otlicial vote of Minnesota, as lately
returned by the State Canvassing Board,
is a's follows: Blaine, 111,0:23; Cleveland,
70,14-1: St. John, 4,091; Butler, 3,:S7. Re
publican Congressmen were elected b the
following majorities: First District, White,
2,G4.'i; Second District, Wakefield, 10,104;
Third District, Strait, 1,41S; Fourth Dis
trict, Gillillan, 4,434; Fifth District, Nelson,
A switch was recently left open on the
Lake Erio itoad at Pittsburgh, Pa., A pas
senger train ran through, threw some cars
topsy-turvy, and gave the passengers a
general shaking up.
The eighth annual Convention of the
American Humaue Association, met at tho
Monongnhela House, in Pittsburgh, Pa., on
November 2Sth. Delegates wero present I
from tho principal cities intho Union, in- j
ciuumg rresuiezib iiuwin iee isrowu auu
John G. Shortall, of Chicago; Mary L.
Douglas, of Washington, D. C; Samuel J.
Levick, of Philadelphia; Dr. John E. Smith,
of "Wheeling, and Henry Bergh, of New
York. Joseph G. "Walters, of Pittsburg, !
delivered the address of welcome, and
President Brown responded and gave a
detailed account of the work done by
tho association. He referred particularly !
to tho improvements in transportation and !
taking care of stock, directly caused by
the work of tho societv. After effectin"-
organization, reports were presented from !
various State and local societies. Presi- j
dent Shortail, of the Illinois Association, '
offered a resolution which contemplated j
reorganization of the American Society so .
that the National body would have juris
diction over the local societies. The reso- '
lution met with considerablo opposition
and the matter was finally laid on the
table, after which the meeting adjourned.
Between1 1,500 and 1,S00 men were
lately thrown out of employment by the
closing down of the North Chicago Rolling
Mill Company's mills at South Chicago.
According to the late annual report of
the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury the
growing evil in the expenditure of money
by tho Naval Department has been in
creased by a disregard of the law re- I
quiring advertisements and contracts for
purdaajHW. Among other 1ac1k cited, It
wai Utd tht $1,000,000 worth of ojwn
and exempt purchases wjw made of ix
iadividual, one of whom rendered an ac
count fof over gffifff). SJupplica
wwe bought virtually without coaip U
tion, and over f 19,000 wai paid a commh
sloe during the finest year of 1K; to
Seligman Brother. London, and nearly
$7,000 In Interest. In the Auditor' opinion
the connnIfiion were atoot twice too larg",
and the intrrct wholly unnrcnary. Th
recently discovered irrrsnlantic in th
Bureau of Medicine anil Surg-y, It wai
fctntd, were mortly comniUtrd upon the
continuo'iM hospital fund, who? large, un
exfK'nded balance seint to have proved &
peculiar temptation.
The National Cattl Convention, which
met at St. LouU November l'-th. and after
ward, was the wealthiest cprivmlloa over
held In tho Union. UaMKtmpany alone
represented S),0OQ,000 catt
A Boston bip the Alert bound from
Nt-w York for Shanghai, and carrying
400,000 gallons of kerosene oil, woj rt ccntly
struck by lightning near I'ernamluco and
burned. Tho otllcem and crew were saved.
A recent fire at ilaverhlll, Maiu., de
utroyed a hotel and lieveral btore, and In
volved n total lo of aUjut $,- A
girl was fatally Injured In jumping from
tho hotel windows, and the Inmate gener
ally experienced very narrow escapes.
An unusually important dwuiori was
rendered recently by Judge S'iipmaii. ot
the I'nlted States Circuit Court. New York,
in favor of the Government anil aguinst tho
Lamar suit for tho value of a lot of cotton
confiscated during tho war.
A few cases of yellow fever!-. New York
afowdays ago created no Iittl xcitement.
Thomas C. McCci.uch, a well-known
boot and nhoe merchant of Nah ville, Tenn.,
was lately convicted and sentenced to mx
years' imprisonment for settir.. fire to tho
htore of Oliver & Co., of which urni ho was
u member.
The existence of n conspiracy to kill
Orange D. Douglass, tho detective and
Deputy Marshal, who was tho principal
witncMH ngatns: John E. Stearns, city side
walk inspector of Chicago, and brother of
Mayor Harrison's wife, William Clingen,
clerk of the Harrison street btation,
nnd Frank A. Owons, of tho Union
League Club, with illegal registra
tion of voters, was recently claimed
by United States Attorney Tuthill.
Douglnfcs was waylaid on Center avenue
after dark, not long ago, by i'o masked
men and beaten over the heno iiti! uncon-c!o-;-,
when ho wu lelt for d. He lay
by the roadside until morning, when he
was discovered nnd taken home. His jaw
nnd shoulder blade were broken and his
countenance pounded to jelly. Mr. Tuthill
said that he heard thnt a conspiracy to kill
Douglas had existed since Stearns, Clingen
and Owens wero arrested, but he did not
wish to say nny thing about it. Ho stated
emphatically that tho attempt on Doug
lass' life would not aid tho defendants in
tho prosecution which tho United States
was conducting against them. It otily in
dicated how desperate was their case when
they attempted to kill tho principal -witness.
An acquisition was made to tho Balti
more & Ohio lines recently by the
at auction for "i0,000 of the Pittsburgh it
Southern Road, running from Pittsburgh
to Washington, Pu. The Baltimore it Ohio
has operated tho road for nearly two years,
but its recent sale for debt gavo Mr. Gar
rett's company' entire possession and abso
lute control.
At a recent session of tho National
Cattlemen's Convention nt St. Louis, Mo.,
a committee was appointed to confer
with a similar committee appointed by tho
Chicago Live-Stock Convention. A con
stitution and by-laws of the proposed as
sociation wero adopted, and tho body
will I to known in the future as tho
National Live-Stock Association of Amer
ica. Its general object will be to promote
tho interests of tho live stock industry.
After a long debnte a resolution was
adopted praying Congress to open a Na
tional trail from tho Red River northward
to tho boundary line between the United
States and British America. It was also
decided to ask Congress for an appropria
tion to aid in tho suppression of pleuro
pneumonia. Several other resolutions wero
read and referred, and the Convention
listened to a number of papers on pleuro
pneumonia and other cattle diseases.
A ijeficit of . 1 .100 was lately discovered
in tho accounts of Row J. McKenn, Post
master at Boise, Idaho, by Postal Agent
Brannnmnn. The postmaster was sus
pended and his otlice put in charge of his
londsmen. No explanation was given by
McKenn or his clerks.
A fund of .fl,200 was raised in a few n o
ments nt the National Cattlemen's Con
vention n few days ago for the relief of tho
Virginin, West Virginia and Kentucky
drouth sufferers.
Degression in the sugar trade lately re
sulted in tho serious embarrassment of tho
Belcher Sugar Refining Company of St.
Louis, one of the oldest nnd best-known
firms connected with the sugar interest in
this country. Its totul indebtedness was
reported at '."0,000.
Governor Hoadlt of Ohio recently re
ceived a communication from the Trades
Assembly of Cincinnati, demanding the
removal of tho Pinkerton guards from the
Hocking Valley. Tho Governor, some
months ago, stated that ho had no such
Congressman Tucker, of Virginia, was
lately appointed guardian for the miner
ehildren-of the late President Gnrfield.
South Carolina planters have been in
dread lest the scared negroes in the Pal
metto State in their fear of re-enslavement
would emigrate and thus paralyze the
Southern labor market.
The late annual report of the First Assis'
ant Postmaster-General showed: Number of
postotlices established during tho year !,
r14 an increase of 101 over the preceding
year. Number discontinued 1.200 a decrease
of 301 and a net increase of f22. The whole
number of post otlices on June 30, 1SS4, waa
50,011, an increase of 2,154; number filled
by Presidential appotntment, 2,322; num
ber filled by Postmaster-General, 47,004.
During the year 11,953 postmasters were
appointed. The net increase of postoffices
during the year was much larger tha
any increase for several years past.
The only decrease was in New Mexico.
Comparing the number of post-offices in
the different States in order, the six high
est, Jane-30, were Pennsylvania, 3,540;
New York, 3,122; Ohio, 3,707, Illi
nois, 2,1(2; Virginia, 1,932, and Mis
souri, 1,968. Of tho Territories, Da
kota had the largest number, 817,
exceeding in number in either Massachu
setts, Maryland or South Carolina. It rec
ommended that the free delivery system
be extended to places of ten thousand in
habitants, provided the postal revenue
of Congress was invited to the importance
of erecting- buildings for postoffices in all
cities of twenty thousand inhabitants and
amounted to $10,000 yearly. The attention
There were two hundred and forty -eight
failures in the United States and twenty
nino in Canada during the week ended
November 22d, a total increase of forty-one
over the week previous. The'increase was
mostly in the Western and Southern States.
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll recently
lectured in the principal Western cities oa
'Which Way," his new subject. He drew
large audiences.
Tnr. wife of J. h. Jre, of InroJn, r
"enlly attempted ohtV by throw! i2 !
Kit h4 fcr?t into barrel of nlewaicr.
In her -traxsle the threw the fcurrel otrr
aw! hrr life. When toaod he wa
unro.vr'ocat.d tordical a;d w umajottnL
DesumUt-nrr, cancd by Uic Intemperance
! of her hubandt f amrd x the cas
Wood Hivku ha a lurwtra! new Cath
olic Church. It will wrat -ry c-nfrt3blr
four hundred and tvntr-fire txrrwm U-ltm
arxi one" hundred ai.d tifUu In the cxlltry.
The trlterior U unWwd Ha p!xtT Iarw.
The circuiar ceilti.c b arched, up;orted by
oakm tm. Th irs we of ,
trfifitua! with ttslriu!. Tbe aiur b an Imi
tation of iL Peter's in Itauc ad pJcata
ip!cnd d picture of that famou buUdmr.
At Mine Hill. Saline County, twenty
Jam?. .k. littler for the tnnnlcr of
Leonard Rial, tno months 4&cc - uket
from th ortkvr by a party of citUt-u and
hanged to a '.rind mill in the outkirt- of
the town. '1 In man wa left .-uj-cHdrd to
the tn-ain ot the and the crowd
quietly d si-rrd. Ten mintUr. latr lh
Sheriff, apprtM-d of the occurrence. haUrrd
to the scene and cut Use body down. Life
was frunct to lc not totally extinct an I tho
unfortunate man wnA roiiitatcd. At !at
Aih -r he w as -'till lit mc. but ;t w thoutrbt
mijiov-ible for him to survive, a the tTit
ble trani:ul.ilnn to which he was subjected
induced fUl hemorrhage
A Ilot.T Coimtv bride and groom lately
miw Uttnzly ot into a "xi of trouble.
The iriooin" got a marriage Iiceiio In Hull
County, btit wnt into Kno County to vet
married. It walnut until thej had enjujed
wu-nil flax of illegal wedded bli- tliat
the couple found out their mistake. d
-pettlily were married b one having author
ity to ktral;y ta. the knot.
'I in: number ot school d.-tricts In lirown
County have increased from nine to tifty
(r in a year and a half.
Two years ago there was le than 100
settlers In lirown County, and at the late
election the County 1 .000 votux
Tin: St. Helena .VonjriM' ban no ymya
thy with the petition which b bmg encu
lated asking that the Commivioiicr- of
Cedar County oHer a reward for the apple-heu.-.on
of the men who iyuehed the man
who !-hot Captain l'hlllip-. Tlw latter is
Still alive, but his recovery Is ooiwidered
Tiik well-known Klamlnrau Club, of
Iviicohi, has been reorganuel as a milltaij
)si: night recently, while walking In his
deep, the son of Mr. Cray, of Harvard, fell
low ii a Mairway which had no iiuling
around it. and -pllntered his elbow, broke a
b ue in his wrbl and wreiiehe! lib shoulder
-o I hat he was. a badly used-up boy.
Tin: Omaha 'vays that the Hist-o'Ilce
in that city Is being Invaded by rats and
mice, a1-is evidenced by letters and it"W
pajers that have been partially chewed up.
and suggests the employment of a Demo
cratic eat to clean out the invaders.
A rrittofs and distressing ease is re
ported fiom Omaha. It is the sudden db
appeaiauee of Mr-. A. M. Colvln and her
young child, and brimrs out a story pitiabit
in tiie extieme. Abiiit eighteen mouths
ago Mr. Cobin was a pncp.ioii.s bti-inevj
man at Co'iiiubus. S. C., but failing in health
intl fortune went to Oinali.i with h.s
lamily. Since that time he has constantlv
failed in health, has been iin.tblo
to do any work and finally reached
such straits that the family had for two
or thtee month been living in a tent on the
outskirts of the city. "1 lie climax was
reached when Colvin's wife, and child mys
teriously disappeared. Theie is no clue
to their wheieibouts, and the man discour
aged, disheartened and sick almoit unto
death, was found in his tent. Colvin's
telatives in South Carolina are said to be
wealthy and well connected.
In a late decision of the case of the A. it
N. liailioad against Miller, the Supreme
Court held that a rule or custom adopted
by a mil road company concerning Us con
tracts with its patrons for the transporta
tion of grain, cannot operate on thosi: of Its
patrons who have no knowledge of the ex
bJence of such rule, and such persons will
not be legally hound thereby. Also, when
a carrier offers to carry the goods of a ship
per lor a ceiUiin price ht car load, and the
shipper accepts such offer and ships the
goods thereunder, the carrier is bound there
by and cannot be heard to say he will not
abide by its terms: and if a greater sum is
retained by the carrier, upon the sale of the
goods, it v ill be required to respond to the
shipjer for such excess.
Tin: business house of Steudennorf fc
Nestor, at Omaha, was recently partially
dastroxed by lire. The building was a large
one and occupied by several cMahlbhniciiLs.
The los on the building xvas about 7.000;
fully iiiMtred. The Cunliehl Clothing Com
pany was one of the heaviest losers.
Kiu'iikn W'r.iH, of Cherry Creek, xvas
found dead in bed one morning recently.
The day and evening previous he seemed in
good health, and his xvife noticed nothing
unusual during the night, and was horrified
in the morning to linl him dead. It is stip
jKised that heart dbea-e xx-as the cause.
In the neighborhood of Creighton, the
farmers are doing more substantial building
this year than any one year previous, and
instead of the sod shanty and log cabin can
be Men good txxo story frame structures on
nearly ex-ery qu.trter section, xvith good
frame barns.
D.vvm Sherman, xvlio disappeared from
Linco'n about the 27th of September, has
been heard from. He x-as at Seneca, I.a
Salle County, III., where he had been sick
for some weeks past with brain fex'er. It is
supposed that he was delirous when he
wandered axvay.
An officer from Dakota recently put in
an appearanre at O'aha and arrested C.
W. Hubbard and William McDain, the
Sioux rails granite contractors. At the
term of the United States Court at Yank
ton, Dak., Hubbard and McDain xxere in
dicted for trespass on a section of school
land belonging to theTerritoiy, upon which
they had been quarrying granite. Some
xvecks ago these txxo defendants were ar
rested and taken before a United States
Commissioner for the offense, and after an
examination were discharged. is now the county seat of
Phelps County, haviiig donated a site and
agreed to build a court house.
William Winn xvas arrested in Grand
Island recently for obtain nr goods und-r
iale pretenses in Siielton ome wctk a .
Lincoln has an O. X. O. Club.
At Grand Island the olner day. J. M.
Stewart, a carpenter, while working at
Sehaupp's elevator, fell from a scaffold
twenty feet to the ground. He struck on
his feet, breaking the txvo bones of his ankle,
and sustained an injury to the spine.
In an affray at Wood IUver, recently
John Britt, a citizen ot that place, xvas shot,
probably fatally. The trouble grexv out of
a contnwersy about the value of a check
given for some steers, and two cowboys
figured conspicuously In the affair.
A Mcthgmst Church costing 40,000, a
Congregational Church costing 20,000, and
a Presbyterian Church costing 25,000, are
approaching completion at Lincoln.
Anduexv Jackson, a notorious thief and
crook, was run down at Lincoln and given a
rive years' term in the penitentiary.
Wihi.k recently returning home from a
neighbor's, Dennis McLaugh in, of Stunrt
ville, xx-as attacked by eight or ten persons
and beaten almost to death. No reason is
assigned for the cowardly act.
Recently a stabbing affray occurred at
Elba, II. K. Vandecar receiving serious
wounds front a knife in the hands of S. F.
Collins. Collins is under txvo thousand dol
lars bods.
AtI-reraont, the other dayy a young girl
attempted to drown herself but was saved.
The perfidy of a young man was the cause
The old conrt house building at Omab
has been condemned.
D, Crims, of Scotia, was tailed by -th
accidental discharge of a shot-gun recent!?
Oln!c'f ?UUI CUim Gt9
rll i t Lt Tt tUc Wl-
-r. Lt.. Mov, rr:cSTtZ.
The ErioUlo bulldlnr. ai:T
J month' quirt, present! a Urrlas oca
ol liulcc" tfci rsralsr. tiw prcitr-'
; lion for th Cattir Co.Un drew xo a j
i coodnkn. TW ca.t kail ol Uw laldla5r.
: ihe cailag cau:Uy ol wkSch U ahovx
1 3,C), had twrn sally drcoratcd wltij iic.
, covcriaj: th wall aed the plllsr aJ
I ctMlri from tie callrric.
from th r!!rricj- TSc
i wakrr Urid at llc Kth rtal of tic
' flass atl plant. In Xhn ldt of nkich
appc-ami Hoxxo cattlo liad-CJiix. ad
'the Ubl t-orc a load of flywrr
Th Arveaal haad xa potetl latlwxtii
; allerr and th lt5UfK:r ol the -are
Mccatloo wans froaj tfaianj
' through one-half Uw hall, the rvtwiln
fpocc bcin given up to spectator. Iht t
lull to Oft bv alar o'clock tofe
xlltor. a wrcc nttwbvroi ur N-ig
tewns tbcm, ami at len o'cloci lir Cwl
oraihi ik-lrgatkio, :foO tnr. mtirrhrl s.
athl took their po-Hkm. Olhrr drier
tun Mioxxisl rajl-lly, and all xr ?.
! c.r tMAces nr a ir-.v tttumtoA lM-r the
UK- lor the op.atm: f U
! Atelfxen o'clock tbe ltaMl jia)rl a
-election xthfch vx..xocUrroftly xpf4aMJ.
. cd by the cattle hk-b, and nt H- ctfr
, .-ion Cohmrl K. I). Hunter, ol M. l.wi,
! sU-pped to the IKa.'r" d-k. mppirt! il
i coiixi-nliott to onhrr. and alu-r a trxr
j xxord.s of xxvlcome to the conxfutlott l
j troluceil .Mapr C. C. Italnxxiter, o! M.
l.oui, a ti-mpomry CBairmaa.
'lliotiia.'. Murre, of Wjomlnc, a,
t noudnatt-l a temporary wcrtan- by cx-
.cnator Dor.-y, of .New .Moaico, eloctwl
ami l.Hik hi M-at. CIrnrral . M. Cnrti.
of ixv York, x a made abtaat secre
tary. 'fhe apjKlnt::ient of a committee on credential-
iH-c.-ime the .-ub4 .it of a number
of rc.-olutiuu-, counter re-MduUim and
amcnditu-nt.-, and during their dlwiilon
a .-harp tilt between euator Dorev arnl
Judge Carey, of Wxomlng. The latter,
in alluding to the great .-tar-router'- for
mer political experience, drexx trtitn-u-dou-
applau-e from th Conxentlon. 111-,
uiotinu ujon the manner of apmtuu-nt
of tiie Committee on Cn-deiitiaL-, IwM-.
of representation and rv-olution k'cu
pied overau hour ami gave to -ome
little acrimonious Ulk belxxee Ka-tern
and Northern member. U. K. aKle-, of
(olorailo, taking ocea-lon to announce
for the Western delegations that they In
tended to niloxv Nexv ork aiid t hieagii
but little voice in the Cuxcul!ou, an as
sertion xx inch xx as greet d xxlth treineti-ilou-
applau-e, and yell of delight
Irom the We-teniers. In the midst of
tin- speaking, the Chair announced the
uirival of the (Joxernor of Mts-ourl ami
the Mnvorof St. I.oiii-, xvho appeared in
the hall acctiiiiptiuied by ex-Coxernor
Fletcher and tieneral Sherman, ami e
cortid by the Treilxxax ItitU-s. .Major
Kwing sjKl.e very bri. Ily in xxelcouie
of the Conxentlon, anl xx'as followeil
at considerable length by Cx
ernor Crittenden. The .-junker dilatrd
upon the subject of cattle b.veding, ami
dejighted the conxentlon xvith some nexv
facts, suirgestlor.o and opinions about the
business, xxhich th. slock men reti ixd
xxilh syuijmthelh laughter now and then,
(ioing into stati-tics, the sjcnker le
elaretl that the '8,oo),00() cattle now in
the 1'iiited States "are the offspring ol
one bull and one or more cows brought
oxer by Columbus lu 17'J3." An aj
proving reference to the custom of
Ixnehlng cattle thieves xvas received
xxith tteuieiidoiis applause, as xva-also
his indorsement of the International cat
tle trail. Loud np!ausu greeted the close
of tli2 speaker's address, and deafening
cri-'S arose for (Jencral Sherman.
The old xvarrior arose as the uproar
became louder, grexv red in the face and
then came forward, and in his usual
hearty xxay extended a cordial xvelrome to
St. Louis "to the stockmen, xxith a compli
ment to them and their great xvork and a
word of approval for thecoxvboy.
A motion xxas made by J. 11. Niching, of
Texas, to give each I.lx-e Stock Associa
tion a representation on tin three com
mittees on credentials xvas carried xvith
an amendment by A. K. line. of Texa-,
granting to each state or Territory xxith
out a Stock Association one member of
each committee, after xvhich the conven
tion adjoin ned until three o'clock thir
Ail t'nclirl-tlliin Aet.
Tokonio. ONT., November l.
At Thorn Hill, a little village nine mites
noith of Toronto, on Sunday, Duncan
McCague, a re-jiected Catholic resident
of Nexvton Crook, nearly eighty years old,
proceeded to Th-irn Hill in the morning,
uccouipanied by his daughter, as xva
their xxout for ox-er a quarter of a cen
tury, to attend the Catholic Church. On
entering they xx'ere surprised to llnd their
pcxv barricaded xvith a jiiece of board
nailed iicro-.-. Mr. McCague iiroceetled
to remove it, but Uev. Father Lgau, xxho
xx'as to olliciate, proceeded to eject
the old man from the church, using con
siderable violence. After a severe strug
gle the jricst succeeded in dragging Mr.
McCague to the door, xxhen he thrcxv
him xxilh such violence on the threshold
of the chur.'h as to fracture his right
thigh, and inflict other serious- Injuries.
The congregation xx-as so surjiri-cd that
they neglected to rescue Mr. McCague.
Mr. McCague xxas immediately taken
home and his limb set. lie noxv lies
in 2i jtrecarioii.s condition, and
it la fiared he may not
recover. He is xvell knoxvn to many resi
dents of the country, and Toronto, and
has the sympathy of the entire community.
It appears tint a jwxr Catholic xvhosc
pcxv xvas directly behind Mr. McCague'
xx-as backxvard in jaying its rental and ac
cordingly lost it. McCague told him that
he could have the use of his pexv until he
paid for the oL'ier. His arrangement did
not meet xvith tlu approx-al of the prle-t,
xxho took the above means of showing hi
Alive to the ituatlon.
ALnxyr, X. Y orember IS.
The State Doard of Health is sending cir
culars to all the local boards, notifying
them that they will be held strictly ac
countable for the exact performance of
their duties, and that no neglect or eva
sion on their jiart xvill be tolerated; alsc
that experience has shown that the chol
era poison doe.H not extend where no
filth favors its multiplication, and lha
the only way to arrest In inarch is. to re
move all sources of pollution of coil o
water. In excremental contamination e
penally lies the greatest risk.
QnlrUjr anil Complacently.
WAsiiwcToy. D. C. November I.
Mr. Walker Blaine arrived here yester
day. His father, he says, will very prob
ably come to Washington next xTeek a&J
remain here during the xvinter, workisg
upon his book. Mr. Walker JJlalae i re
fwrted in the Evening Star to have said
that his father accept defeat "quietly
and complacently," rud the morning
after the election ""he .".at c; in his bc3
and xvrote on h! history. He knew he
x-va-i defeated, and went to work on some
thing else." Mr. Jllainc says hi father
is satktlcd with the management of the
campaign and is not disposed to blstnf
V3j sue for luiamacascineiit.
ratri tnml rf
ruM m
1 ktSB MM yl'Wftug
i oh la i 4tr m:ZZl
fTWftU "J
.4vt mt M
rr- ZL.u, iifc $- vit
t .. m. -
cpim,n n t trr
r tfttmi ,
J t; 5 u
y wry ,t . - -
t- n-r "
n r4Maa ti -f- -
UM cstiJ tmTr y ftm
xn. Lpt .rj.t.
Trwt ffcrv u .xmU
!. w .rr. A y rt
Im ufc t tfc. J wi -
, U & w l it rMl-H
j - JT. 'SJTTi'ii: U. hV
A. Hvo m m r- r- -' - - .
tm tslM mnnnnwi) ? ',
V r,x-
nM Ml O " "w ,-jm.
Ul wlilw pafc H. -7
tf4X I UiJ . '1
t.tum ma rmL K Wj
1 roskl m . w. a " f-'
VZX iSJu-?
l bfc
mi Um ramiMuO
m i immm
OMMlt mmrr mtmmm, T-T
taivr cvklmrf snl ".
4H i ium utwv - --
-m. 1. I A . i.Y VX
toin ymt: I uwi i m
it, xr ti m4 jMm Um - t
n f. 4tftUf ) Uf AttT KAt Mt
ai.Huc -ttn ilm-m) r u-4l -,
cm 1Vk-..Iua . .. s t .
tat tbaai.Jvr tttl nliHUl ib04)
Mtr iu -. i.t-r i
hx-k K.. .u.M Uwrknl t t '
ta... U t..ut'. M-r " j mm-.
It... r-on.1 HU lllll-1tlfl kr
a t ttr4t trow ri "
Akr t i u-.mii i - I
a. 'H iMt i) x.Vi i
Tr r ft4 let Ikr -A,u. trf t) lrM .!
tnw i to iir irf ( . ir-
). ata i r,i tTw ?
ll HA it aJ H t to rU 1-4 -.
rttHbrlit v.tWr ft-4 !. . !
btJr lrMi tkfir utUtMO iow ;
lu i Hutv tl4r mux-, uu4 lw t Ka)
J'llnijl alrl tn f" ! i ma4MM'tki
r'aiiUUlK wjr i-ra4 rrjrulal n
If National lulr I -
:n-tit lor lur Hni4n.H rar in ! t&l
ttt-ri-N mrw..Tl t pj-asl xrt4r
tb Xr.t In lixt MatflWnwt t
Slatf. that tTrUl.r ll tt tt4 bU T
lH- Allr(Cl u m K,tvti . ' i -
cini . m(Imi. wh hi nmX
I &ll(rnla. tlif iteH wb auhC
xt UtlU tlutl ll ft$io tle rUA o
lu ine 'h! trtuMii!.
Tim r.vrihK riTJ: vTt.
Sor hM I Jaiio my t I4ii
If t tHilrt ti UwNk t,"r
.iM)in -tl w rntuvki r-l my
iiiuiiurnx-ni. h-I oMttr.
lu lnu m ittit Rtvl ! innn ntwt, nl
Xht H;r ,. fiitf twltle tl4l ft .-" t
ott in exrry ihMMl iel a
jjixen u inn x u-t) in H' l4'l,
u i IiMmT ot Pule iMr !!.. tt
hux. irHHIfrrtii Xo ru. lnMt. f
Jrvry uuu I nic iirwt it thv lt-tI,
kHHUItrl, uHtl wuwkt MWliUf Ifcr .tM-Xfa M
MMel a -.. t3 lint -via M
Ineoiupirtd l( I -tot.ulf In.! to r--
flx-ttMl seui.tlr rvMt Ui l
iMititi'-M. toti immit4 litrntM .
w their rarm-M urt. brvtiiik4
irHM ll ithiI ' tri) if nrt tli4
In ti n .e- im U I r n'iHl m U.
-ttfu te lrfuirit 4 ju,nH vt
tl-r ".un tn !- wi4 tt"- 1'
IlMlt ol UH( rle oM, m Jrtnl'. M r
PHset! tw ! I ill urn. I thIMk. tw ' XtnrI
nnr. IhrXcrdifin -4l-. liitHMWll t
eittot .Son Xurs (Ml IVfix'H) Irw t ,
eint. -lattom-! tl- UralM rnumm in a
iiiHrity l iHn Hum .,. lwft ltvf r
iMiUiot. n'lcl. Mul(r xu. li e !-
Ol New rk l.lHki)t tin-" tr.r i
.t-n;:t! nul mitiMhi" .-U th -I ath
mtl w-r tin.leiixe -ften ttfcrti rw u
tlmt tn tin u ruxrm ot t A i
Tin: Mtutt koirrii.
Sjeal.lnc n . i t hI h Ujf?att enn
ilMiitc. but liiil H. u kt)it UH.I tlrvtitrtt
Ainertean, 1 tlttiik tir imn-lerol ! )-iu-'tl
jiuurrol tint io-riiuieil t tin Mt4i u
f:reHt Nutional ut fitiine. Il iiibHit4i'.
ieeiiii it lnir ut ! Hit el-uwHt .nKii run
not iimHrr l.niM) nnd tiMrity i s
people, lt"iii ii trHi m ii tif lt pl
l- in.- rule of m mnirit). 'Ii.' iti l-4n t
of U.e AineiM an (-lUMOt) t4tlt tt riytil,
4s,unhl ol pnxilricf. t-uultt ol ptt4ul
power, tlutl tsUHlit vlin h etrr it
l II liHr VOt"' li k !. " Hm
leutinl tin th- il'- of ix ..iiht t.-.
T'Hit enn nt ! mhI t ! In the I uiImI
-tati1". Thr ruMiw ot ittir- N tl wti
Iim-. iri u I it thw jxtlttlettl jHt-r
more ttoiN .iiJ .urn ettt4 .
and lin- trnt.u rre! it ly N''wi'
to otll'Tx. !) frr9tot-nl
l.lerfor tire nMtitru lo th hmih on
eount of tieeolor-l jIriti. Kt t Ut
eolnrwt topMl,,,,,ni un inrv tnn i.Koto
Irnl xoO-. liuxe Iwen nmiiib t ! u
kiiiKb i.bHior. hven lu I.KH- sti rw
tliey Imiro ii niujirlt of iiMifi timn Mi
tdex .eiedeprltl i frt'e uKnoi' nnl iferlr
rli.t., i'li-n' trf rfwO. r--to
i!t-r loot. 'Hie eleven Stot tlMt rti.pneI
Hie iHifl Conleleniy ba-l bj tlm ceti !
JIT00 Mhtlp,!oItlH ft ljtjktrl
orl iMpMlBt4n. fhe eotorl mohuii
liilllO-t t H MIHII lr t tlo III'
pitMUau imrt). but by a Mmi of trucl In
tltnl.liitlou Kti-1 !" xiolome nml mufl-r.
xxlienrvfir x ol-aee Mini uiurdtir tire thmijtiH
ui"-,fry. tliry nr nlMiluly 'pMnxl of
nil Hltti nll poxier. If tltrsi. iopp-l
ttii; It would l IhoI enouKli. but t ! n.t
hlop there, lor not onlx Win ntt tnt
teri n-Inmeliil, biit the powr brli
riyiitfMllN nnd eiitltnlMnlly Umt t
tliem ! t"rnnferre.l tothwUMe pointful,
enaMliiK ti xllte populnl ol U.e titn
lo ciort iim eluctoml imtnenri- fur t-) !
that 'ert"l hy the miiii iiMinber of wlt
peoplu in the Nortn.
av iM.rrRXTiox.
To Ithittrnte Jit how It work to th? de-
puin Ml'H ' -' -. -,--- .-. ,
fox..u KitK.M.ttM III th I .! t unfed-mrr
kihI llx-c loynl stutr In th .North. jh-
Ine In ecii jectl jii the am ttuuitter of
tontl HP4. In tii" south Hit Mm of
I.otiHata. lii-tpi'l. Alalxiinn, .nctn 1
nml -otith t aroliiitt linve In the asurearnie J
Irtx el-zbt eleioral xole. TieT h.ixc I, ,
ft .uo v hite pepr nnl over stj'i -tr .
peoplf. In tif N.rti. th -lnt of XXl-ron- j
eonstu. Mintie-totn, Iowa. hiiM" iH'I ,
forum hu e bUf i-e. in the twrerate. forty '
M'it If "torAJ vite-, moJ tlo-j imo-1 ppw i
latiou of 5.'"fli. or )Mt ooiittlf that of th- .
live -outlnTii stHt- hih I Iwrr nainl. '
Tn North'Tit -tut.-ihal iretii nllx noeol
oreil population ! !, th-r-Ior, evelrnt tKt
t.u- win! men In tle southern -tntn, y
uurpni uhi absorbing the rht if eolor' I !
n:i. are -jiTtiii et locbJ- th" i-
litKiil jMver of th'- wnite men fh th Nrth- !
cm siatrn. I -dbtHtt, my rnrndt. thnt !
foirh h eoiKlitton of nfl-xir i- eitrsor J
!iiiary.nn)uxt and derogatory to thr tuna
liofMl of tue North. I'veo tiiov whoarr in '
dlt-tively opio-"l to n-ro nttmi- w.ll not '
deny timt u i r-i l"titml lcetr er
Mn"-I to the -outM by rraon of ih- ntT
i ;iidsitHn. thnt ooixiIn'Min ouirht t b- t-r )
mate I Ire- "BtfrM; In the rletion. To tmy
that clf.r propo-itton i to uurm thnt
.Suit hern n'e man In ine !? sintp -n
tltl-t to ibmble tb )olitknI i-r of a
hste inn In the Northern jke -te. It
1 to urtrm that n t onfe'JTnt" l !ir til
x---M imc the inllurncc inthe Natn
n( 'ton kiMit tun. nrnl thnt jiitial
anil eontnxi'ly Inrrwtt-ing sttjeTim Hil
' cmcf'tJe! lo the -ouihern wIU- w In
the government of th: tnion. If that J
quietly concealed in thi icen"ratlji u W
bor'ten Into custom until bndeof irl r-"f
Jty will attach to th- Northern tili mn a
oIion-Jy a- erer Sortnan noble tnrnpi It
lon .-axon churl.
Thl- nbret Li ot preillarlir I?rp lntrri
to the labonnz tnca of the North. W itn t
Southern Democracy trlntnphnnt In their
Mate and the Nation, tbe neirodl brum-IKll-d
to work lor jtit unrh ase . tbe
wuite may 0-cr-- ajr will
nino-int. n IM the ajii;--. ot lr, to a
Iare utriten,e. rz-ual in .! to rrhar
tmrty Dve cent? per Jay II arxel oert?
entire -outh. Tne wnte lator-r in ti-r
Xorth r;,t otzi felthedrttcte-fIisrto,t
up xMoai. The Ilepntlu aio bne
clearly en from lb earlis ol mi
Ktructton that s lu tbe Miih . rati-t J&e
raled to a ot rt-corapBe of the lab'irrr or
waaei In the orta rnmooIr lowered, anJ
.be party have teali!y wyrketl for tor
xner result. The tvxt-z inSoeoce will mw
be vt in motion, sad that corxlrtlon of
affairs proIccel which year ?-o
Mr. TJneoIa warned the fre3 1
bortnr men oZ the Vortb, will prvr
bosUlc to their ladependenee. aad will la
erltably leart to a rut&oa reduction of wa;e.
A mere Otflcreaee of color of kln will tot
anice to maintain an entirely Iifirrent
atandan! of wase In eontltiocs aoI a.-Jja
cent -ra'e. and the roInnUiry will rc com
pellex! to yield to the !n?o!oxtsry. so cons
pletcly tiave coIoreJ men In the Sooth ten
already Ceprtved by tJr Ieroera:le party of
their coa-ttirntionai a&d less: rshi n etu
Zen of the t sited tae nut they rearl
tbe advent o u.a? parry t National powtr
a- a scal of their re-enslavement, a:: re
affnehteU teeae they tinlt aU Icjal prv
tectiou for taexn jne.
Few re-oa In the North reatfcr bow eOta
pleieiy i-eebief of its rabetuoa ts-eld tue
political fxmerw-hiea Jaj trHciopheil tn tb
laie eleetion. It h a p-"teiUJoB fsxt that
DnaOKvritie icailors mo cosur frost sutlrs
jt4iaM; ' fatiit'' p "W!' ? -"
I ttv M a f -
imJm, itt la irf Mo tq .
4tf&He,K X t T-W ( Ht
to r . W I4iw '
1 1 v r
f0tu ? Ifim-. 'Mitt T
. tr mmm M
lt tmrnf m K ''
pt mvm' lwrwi "
fm,K l- XiWn liiiijMi
itnliJiri f ii Xu wm t
, 4 t - i
.1. nt.-i m imimn w4 0rwmm
kW4 I MM ,t
t i
t ismsitk rfcj
tf r-t
, h f - ft f9n
liWer mm h
mi i imi f a
mm. tk. Mk tmmmt mtt
m. ta. Ike UmL. tir. f
hf t M'MLWtW fMf I
L lk. - - - - - ,tJI fT t A
.- - " . M - " .
mnijfcl t M " I -
m.r tmmt tm rim
Ml, ki mM -
t tui "K am tm M
.MMkM mi mhi mmt0A
mm tm. aol m nri ml 4 I
tu j w.1 u,.lUfc Uf iWmiB
r ,awJmmt -
.. m mm ta, ij.m Nmim rm '
j M-- , 1 ulmm , IMM
7...itti.i . Html fc mmt f
9 .
"ummlrn CM
r wtir..i ?
. mt-m
mmmi ,. f
M Uf
M4 fwlWrwti t
Mmr mrl - Ats
lmttt4 tl
i wrtM v mi0m .yfyr?
it (wtH ! wuM "
" .tt .l 4fe i -
u m
T - L M
ftp .if.4 t W W
HM , V, J
r - U I - rir
MtJ!1 . t W
ii ,jj it -. mxawiwi
, Mttii h ta4 r r'
tyus lu mU 4 -
I l)'. tM $
mm m '"'r"
rf i m 10 tr tup l tmtn
: mr .u '
ai t m ii m
: l al tk urr rt tkli M .
tmt . mt mtM
m ., ttbr
ir . i '
MMfeUi lrrn-Ut
llir.lltirfl m t- .
tntH, l
TW ammat Mrto t mrr,Ja
liUMnlMf AmctatM tH ON MTm
of l StMiAx llHi ym,tf
MHnim& lj and zmiWtmtn Mrmm
tv ibr mtJttr ut frty fr Nvvt TW
PiWUrttt, lUtittis lte ltn. mt Cmtf
lit pt-uv.ts itr t uW im4m,
31 callrd h mr'Unx uHrr. mfr
UMOfirml Wt Pftf UiiUHl. ai Pfttrftgb.
lur ykk ytr t fXm -$
Mr. J1m W nlbrr. t inTtK
wnik, tu uhMk lrrtikl & t
rfHMtJnt. jclx UMt l mm t
th t m Aucto4k. Vat
u mtir Mil.
Ik' ' K MfNNt ,
After tlM tr tt -HiNwr, tflc tfln
from the xarMM Ule nwi city i-tfc-
rr bmmr, x fnfr. ttml f
lUtu Im WetiMer, hr t tn 1 ht imi.
mu Mai Hinwim ). ,i
latrrrMlttS JacU r Utl U I4W UBfw
imkm f ri : turn r wtAltl t Uwl
(Mtrpw. ami iht mwixm l t.
ewes. Thr n purl if Tni mi i
04 trty xtHitvol m hnlHiirv mmmt l Ufc
Ut refKrt f 6J.lU.Jt. t tHi htf
Wen ntkUxi Sl.".. Krut ii hm
Item pttkl Mt vxiHtn M ClJlA.
Mr. hoUill, Ml timii, tti t !
ciiled ttfeeiM hy JX Un4 i m )
ty t r-itl if lu Urm.i, ml l t
int m-r n a Hh ( , .
Imc at rMtm lb tkhll U tmmy ut
tike Mat- ami tltv trpmMUm
nmtlm of amlMHUr of Uw .mA
hy, uhkh Ind no ntitkortij M1t
much oV(-uk'ti, te-xittle fm
thit ahr-. xev reforrwtt lo lltx,
an Itiroliition.
TItf N-tUortitl IttithrnplAjr tit It.
Itroi. tx . smmK t
The merrhftwt of JUmini hM a
U -Tiay to JUtn to riv wnU.
Umh of Ui .NaUoimj Ildtrujly Iltlt Ho
boforo 'otter . Thr Hon, jmhU
More nU that ht dlttWoH tm xntmi
X'khI leKlmln'iun In i'iK "? Un it
UutI that IJenMlcaMi xxHiil twtf9Ji
Drnvfnte itHiore and fce xrri
Uiotishl, lionrrr, Utat ih MM m$jA fce
nirt in tie eonitnic im.
Vh Hon. A. A Haiuiey i I tlmt lrt
bill wa not a purtr qitMt, yt
tfr oboixiifl tttnt tft yfm)Um U It
knd be-ti fortinh. Now uwit CkrrrlMI!
i elxtd, the Drwoert kxvy
ottkrr, pr rhnp- Ihrr will j U .
It xx III Uj umn1 If the prot i$t th
coimiry fntor It. CiHigrt U rrtH0ti
tig r t rrrtalli thw intufAm' tSJmf
Um .
i.mrl tt V. Cm murl witl hir
KaMMry lf thnt Ut iursm jtu MS
fm uW mil wx iHt ixMUticni.
retkmd. Jt xxa the bt. afHl 'ft
ihnt nrf ih hut; 4,rtrt and Jtiifci
" " " ' 'viw ii rmriMj wm.
. ....l..-, .. ... . .., .. . . ...
nepo;Miaa. l n eCMrv II f
pml must be mnd tn DmuKrai aii4
pubiicnu aUVo la the booth htm
A XX'oinan Jlirittf X.tmtl t,y XI
Itmr. lUtrjwonr. V . NvrowWrto.
.MU ItartMm Vhtyrbarr. tMttK
yTrn of an, vrbo 1t at No M Cvittajt
TtX nt sdxhirninlty ht hy fzi
lrrt, Cborle. Ut'iMtUt, TuUj rdU.
Ii4l, it rompntty wlUi a fritml, viH
lvljZ ite ereninsat ihv )ady hm.
A Howl ten o'rUtcl. & Uir luir ?;
Iraxlac, I"ifld too out hi rtifvr
to liow u to M Wj-itrrtur, xtlto .
anximt Uf mr H worketl. 1. fr
reelrI to expktln Uf jnrt hy tmtri
the rjHndcr. the cbstiiler of, uhJ?h
xverc emptr, wlUi one nett.
In returalrj" the crllnder it n
pine U hoM HppJ, SIMj
Itomtner fell opon the cartridge, diMthsrc
l2 It. !! Wlnterbsu'T threw ,r
hand ap to tv;r xizUt nUU, a3d chtmodi
"Oh. yon hJir hul wvV Tho togoic
men bu-be-I t rt. thiaklas sh 4
jetln-, 1ut the apm-araiMr olbKxl
convinced Uiem that jI wa in tnn.91
UoinU., cantnA xtal terrified, 4fJ
hi-, hat and ran for a docior. hut htmteil
for 5ome Unv before he conld Otvl one.
The ball catered the UdjN n-nl ?lt! awJ
protrably penetrated her left mm-z, h'hc
w ill die.
rt Alma C'M,t,.rf.jtJny.
vrAHtfunant l. c -oTem&rj
The ansual reporiof Chief tewUlAh
Secret jH-rrfce llrlU3 of tij Tros.ary
Dcpsrtmeat bor thatdarfa the is.-t
Tear t2 arrtt- were raade by secret
ervlce asent. The anvinnt of counter
feit money capiuretl or surrendered dur
oz the year w t,C3Q, a lare pro
ortlon ol which mi la Cah note, v
marked decreaic Is tttjUl In tb circula
Uoa of card In Imitation of Cnhml itate.
Trtswury note ad tneUi token in.
imitation of Uaiietl State coin fur
idvcrtl! imrir. JfaosfccUrer
hccoral better coalatd ntik
reqe tiMsnta of the law, fcare .
tnteil other dwlzn for the imitation 0f
sold an! ;!ver coins lor n s ktn-le
1 ne report ap the creau ol tS Zl
uanalsctunr of conntMrf. . " " '
nbich wa-i nefwt,r":::rr.r: ,ir,B'-T'
thejesrs 1? a
. cjwt;ui
Chief iJrwofc
ol opinion laal thenr U tMby i3 tS
fL? ?l Wch hate luea
. . A
--"-ruarr 1st. iam
" . i.i.-
& J? i
h - -&5 :
IrV- ire. yHB A e ,-5 T .
ft - ,'&-y -t" '-'' ijA. - "
l- - . sattjfcsrS:TfS.
k" iiSSjlrV' r
j. -a- ;M,jj.--i-d .
$!K&.-?&i1'MJiihJ& I
iirvUMBflHKWk'Majj'icVf f3m&yTMtF2