eHBHBaBBaBagaWBSWESSJSaaaBSS luj jiijj7 '--S3WMP53BBWWP $&' Iv Jk ? 3 A t f SSil'fBa ': i wmiiht ii li The Red Cloud Chief. ; bx: "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. MlllJMI 'W.M "?lVgSgr.,Vl-i ""WSTT- m4m4VWUWk -wMWiWM 3QsvT VOL. XII. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY. NEB:. FPIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1884. iWNii'imM m N0 17 fr & I if ( I i M V $ I- it $.- ,-? k il RED CLOUD CH1BJ EVEUYFRIDAY HY A. C. HOSMER. JUTES )F gUBSCllTIOK: eopr, ooeyei . - fl 00 n copy, six mor h. 75. 3ae copy, foar bbc thf. ... so. Entered at the 1 oitofflce is Red Cloud m mat ter of the second clan. . - COUNTY OFFICERS. John P. Bayha, County Clerk. who. BuMcftow, County TreaMirer. 'Aen. O. Yeiser, County Judge. I. W. Warrei., Sheriff. Cliag. W. Springer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. P. Itinkcr, County Surveyor. J..M. Mosena, County Coroner. f. K. Smith, ) 'Jacob L. Miller, -County Com. Jno. McCiillum. S y Business Directory. -.- - .i i. . . . J NO. B. STANSER, AUCTIOI KB. KICKS - - - - NEBRASKA J W.TULLEYS, M.D., HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Examining Surgeon. Ofi ice -Opposite Flwt Nition a I'm k. ttnl (If tid. Q E. McKEEBY, M. D., 1 HYSICIAN AND MJHGEON, )ffhk. First door west ol (ikS d'tij; store, Xlli c l.ours f n)in n to 12 u. hi., 1 In4, and 7 to 8 p in. Ittldfiicc 3 Mocks wist of lOi.rt It!-D CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. J DAMERELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Orncar--Over tho new poBtndice. (JILHAM & RICKARDS, ATTORNEYS. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office In Smith Bros, law office. C. W. J. L. Kaley. Kaley Bros. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NED. Agents for the B. & "M. It. It. Lands 0. 0. Care. Jas. A!N'nv Case & McNeny, ATTORNEYS t COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will practice in alt tho Courts of this State nl northern Kansai. Collectioneus wcllnHit Rated buMneaj carefully and efficiently attend d to. UiffiCK.-b"irt door nouth of National Bank. ui stair,. RED CLOUD. NED. Cowles Directory. V ' N ' iii I I ' )R. C. CHENCK, PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles, Nebraska. Professional calls pioaiptly attended. Office: At residence Cowles. 8-51 TJ. WARD, oi&77 Public, CosTsrancer, M IA& and liisurauee Ayeiit. GOWLES - - NEBRASKA. Has B. & 31. Town Lota for Sale and Fanninjr Lands. ORGEW. IiAGER, Blacksmithing, Repai rir, c. Promptly done, and All Work Warrant COWLES - - NEBRA A. WM, gates, DEALER IN LIVE STOCK! FED CLOUD. NEB. Is now fully prepared to buyCATTLE and HOGS. foT winch lie will pay tlie HIGHEST PRICES ! See him before yon sell. It will pay you. New Office and Yards-2Tax a. Cloa.t Cxe. fsy. MORTlUTTURIST AXD DEALKR IX CxlkK jEMiV Ma Nursery Stock! As I have had some experience in the Nurserv Business, I think I can furnish you stock to suft our climate from Hoine Grown, Nurseries! lad wonlJ ask a f hare of the t i-adc -Ottawa1 anl "Vfji.o fU1 AHd W1ia J!n hpita. 'ilfi -rs. . F . l '. ' u.l V man at.' . ni ' i " fie TtrKn -:-.-;. S " - , t .' u:-, : 3b.-i- . V" ?&' di A .-.i ? -S3' -:,-i:v , JJ ! ."."'i'-v ..- i.J?i LV jT 1 ' ' 1. ? t -T iC-2?--.-- J '- T4i -5j i 'tT&iKf . - -r fefete r , ' -SfL' .as-.i.1 .s5 &!JgiS3SgS5 -"'ZA ; jirjpiap; aaarw BUY YOUR GOODS ! AT THE OLD Reliable Furniture and Undertaking House Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, is the LAKGbSl and the RepijDLcan FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS Of Every Description Manufactured bw The Red Cloud Carriage Works, "a Sleecer, Niareger, Wc ie only the. best material tha narket aflords In the inaimfr.'tiire of our vehicle, and and thercliy hae pined aw tic spread reputation forpxxl work. Having worked a life-time at tlie hiednesM, fc-el warmnted in truaninttfiiijj entire satis faction. Wc:u1 U.ho prepared to do all kinds of Job Work and Repairing . Horse-shoeing, Plow Woi k &c, at the most rcasonalile prices. All uork warranted. Non Imt the best wciiAinan einployeii. our orders are resiteelinuy Mtilciteci. 1ST We are now located In OUR NEW BKICK ISUILDIXU, where we will te jlad to see all our friends and patrons. G-ATES & BOHANAN, PUOPKIKTOUS OF RED CLOUD MEAT MARKET. First Door 8mth of SIht cr's lniK Storr. FRESH AND SAL MA TS, FISH POULTRY Oyster s, Sausapo, Bolonga, &c, &c. Alwaya oi and. Ce4. buu tef. them whenever yc a want the best t nd the sweetest meats. -DEALER IN- Furniture, Red Cloud, A Fine Ijine of Parlor and Kitchen Furniture always on hand and will be sold at remarkably LOW PRICES. Old stand, just north of tho Red Cloud National Bank. Come and see mo before buying:. fs&m v3K.jnnal iHBArpJl1 ill mflm 5xj5ci55S?C?i3"' Sav Money by Calling on TJs At the Boss-town Hardware store Goods we have and sell wc must, either for Cash or on Trust. Gun & Dealer in Bnn59EBTflTsrs9Aamu&iUon,Sswi&gMachiaes Ac, &c Uepalrinc a Sjeclalty. All kinds of Sewing Machine Kepairs. Med Cloud, - Nebraska. Acme" Pulverizer . - -V7 fr -S '-x E. "WtJ MUbi (JUMl'Llil Ii ever Drougnt to rne Vallev and my prices can not fail to please. R.L. TINKER. I I RED 4 r r " &c. UOTTmS, - Nebraska, ok I c JHryBBBBfenrMMMCvsg BMr MBPBMf yfcypVfftj There was a big show in town, "but that show was nothing compared to the show of Heating and Cooking Stoves ! At the store of Morhart & Fulton, all parties wishing any thing in that line will W. DANY'S Repair Shop ilonLriirely do?s a farmer contemplate a new W-harrowed flelu with sathfaction? Jle walks ow it anu-v.-e8 here and there eed uu conwred: here :i fnrmwii,.,i i rr. fS.SHffi ""L J ttereJ level- and nm.i i.iv7nvv;.':.r" "t " . ot even lepth i :ind without WTtte. But the fanner who nses the -Acnw" rulwrizlnc Harrowrclod criteijcr aud leTeier has none of the sadness and dlsippointineiit, for his fields are JeS S mellowed and f ipfithed ami the rrHi nrnrvriv , 'l . 'yflHK tbapM tlie soil and eed before it fcr W. uZ sh:kes his head there w-nsTa u.utuw mat lftuum uo tne work jcriUjj ,.5 h- ,;.,urvai,lu5 "P oas. . V "- ; r-V. . v;,-v t ' ": 3?8b'' .-vr .. ., v.V.i" 5j, . -3JS, -42 yAa?'-vvjrfafcg w .-- .air-Yt ,.?T"r-J - .r - ,-- .j-r-:., gs-ytfyi -, ,r - v-as, a3Baa.aaa33BBiagr- iPATRONIZEHOME. 'By Patronizing Home you ! can always get Better Vehicles At Same Prices I That you will have to pay for an inferior article shipped in trom the east. All of our irsuggies are Warranted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS Sown Th ey BoThat Is ! A. Cook. - TIIK - BOOT AND SHOE Aka of Red Cloud Who has the Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in the Val ley has simply Knocked " Bottom ! Out of Prices ! And proposes to give the people the advan tage of the LOW PRICES ! And the best goods ever put on this market. The Celebrated Giescke Boots and Shoes ! Hand-sewed warranted For Men. Women, and Children, and for durability stand without a rival and are the most desirable boot in the market. He hsis also a fine line of Children's School Shoos ! Of all grades. Gent's hand-sewed BooU and Shoes. A fine line of cus tom made Shoes ior Ladies', Misses and Children's. In fact he his every thing in the shoe line that any one could need. Call and see him at the Old stand opposite FIRST NATIONAL BANK, RFD CLOUD, - NEBRASKA, When you want Bargains ! A. COOK DO YOU KNOW THAT r tt-.- --it , '-? ioiA-Bn . -- --: m. - . . - ,-V , - - . $f1950 IN CASH GIVEN AWA To SMOKERS of Black Genuine Bull Durh Smoking Tobacco. TSU F;cUl Dercntt W to puniU OM pjww or ia 3 rrjBl&s fklir ilwrl IB uur toaff ta.uBfra!ii TS rrrwiuaa 1U t rid. so saattrr tern mznll lb- nuzali of to rtarsol may fe. Oji. f--k,tCt w - rum V Dca Kia uAr r: ttLaMtoT -t t l ! lAxatt W IT frt fT oer mpty tr4ccu to u U rrtt t UU. Tovntix. J aaKKIlwilKl .... . in.Ua.jr c.aiMiiil 1. B. CARX. Tmx , w bui.t. rw r-w r tnua Hta -I ba in aca&oUr rrt4 ef Illjrcn from roa. htrf & -Ucs0 eras ;ncta! Dentfi?r u otoK-t too ti VocrlfTJy. r A.WILCT.CMM4L ttroi bCIXaBHM s uirecion. NEW"ST0RE Morhart L4l Fulton. MAVEKSTAm.!!t!!EI A Hardware Store, AT WELLS. Kor tlu arroimiMxlnt Ion of J( itlr of lhat Iclnlty. Thry an: fully prrpan-d tn vV tht xtpli of WrlU itnd rlclntty Ju-l what Uj- wunt hi tl-e tine of Hardware, Tinware, A Stov Iron, Nails, And In fact rvvrythliie nut le ftiu nt our ton' that H iiMinlly kept In a llrt--lai Iiuum.. Wc wimiIiI U j.lfjtM-d nhae H-opp rail on u wlifii In need of h.irdvvan-. Our prlo- will alwnjo In raotinlIi ami In krrpln with thCMlcinamlof the time. Wei-n-n-.iH-ftfull Millrlt vour tmdc hoplnjf that it w ill pruA e bviietlcUl In IniiJi. MOHHAltT & Kl'l.TON. yr J. C. Orndnrn. tliKeittInnnnl rk-rk, will always he found ready to waltiim you THE CITY Drug Store ! R. R. Sharer, Prop. Edptcr: !sr Faints, OILS AND DR CS. Proprietary Medicines a Specialty. SCHOOL BOOSS.SfATigKSa?, and PEaFUi-.S; A new At.d varird Miortracnt of LAMP AND LAMPFIITORES JUST RECEIVED Harness Shop, J. L. MILLER. nr.Ai.KU in ARNHSS' COLLARS, SADDLES liOHSIMJLANKETS. wIPS. COMBS. BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL And everything usnaJIy kept in i firtt clap? ?hop. Two doors north of lit Nat. Hank RED CLOUD. NEB. Trunks & Valises. OKO. O. YRIflKI IL I). k 0. Teiscr & Co., Real Estate Agents RED CLOUD, NEB. Have on our looks SeveRal Hundred Farms KoriJale- Imprtrred and UnlnipaoTL Town Propert)-. lkln Hon. Keid?scc4 and Town lota. Send for price lit. DRIIrRUcs HENRY COOK. Drugs, Paints, Oils oton, Wall aper, As. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DENTISTRY J I f i v w 1 I Dr, J. E. Parker, - 1 r Koa itib!m iun4jat ur&EZTm, we SAV I i j .H&l BVLf uDVDnnv ri in itt i , fNow la tha'Uxav to ift yoar HOLIDA Y C:FTS! G. S. ALBRIGHT THE LEADING Jevreler OP RED CLOUD, la now rooolvlnir hie Holiday Stook which for vryioty and excollanc In ovory respect boata any line of Jowolry ovor brought to tliia city, ombrocoa comploto line of WATCHES P Clocks, Neckcliaiiis Bracelets, Castors, Cake baskets Pickle dishes, Toilet sets, Knives, Forks, K ;,, Spoons, - Sec. And if yon desire to pttrchaae a flna preaent, or any kind of a memento for your friend, mother, father, sis ter or sweetheart, now is the time to do so while xaj stock is large and a great rariety of ail maaner of things to select from. Be keeps every thins; the ooold wish or the heart desire, from ail dock to the . finest sjotd watches. Be save tot ? vkk sil H w - 9w TOtegrmI pert. ortftWaraferaVa liiae cau ana i wui open yoar eyes LOW TXNT FORGET TH PLAOB j Hu'a jj l i-S , j The Red Cloup Cmir jA.C. MOsU, - - t rotruv m sa. h iijfstf t'aCEfya OS sl ti efc3t mTl lb tf-fifti 5f?ityii W tv4 i to rU5-ifJil. U w atlnaiji to llif&as, t Lt&kfijftf. S 1ri-ti 4 m i.4 v;ilJ rnrt 41 ( rynav ils $ imni afui IlJUrie& f i4 I J Jmto. If. Ukir! oa th- " iw h4 birH a their tT4lt & J m bokjoii tit W tetr4Kol l j4trbl hi eni, S"ttmmJr ri., atwl Jwtew Uvc lh Ujiwp WSf si nrt ami turrvl f h !: ll fer ctrrtl HtilUnttj;K. A Wr 9ojm wotiW JeuttJcn Jfcr mwj ! j& xnUtlo. arranprl u m tK rarkMi cJpfi thai Ma)vr iVtstpiori Kl In tiw j Thert m a tit u,nloa IWk ia fot C . Uir tcc-Kt rMJrt kfWis, U it Jrtt-el to ill! o( fnr ol til a-rgnx . tlT wm a UirtrrtrL, lxf out U fcl I hand aol ta rf llJ0t onlr. If hr r40 , to enjor tb flfatirMi of hor nwptisri there rrc cl!M j4 thtVrt w!i- in r rtarh, if ho !rrJ t itfu)jC In lh rititlnx ! ' cX6:lt' j rooro in th HmJ torv of th Utrra ! If h rrr to challenge Xb chcrt pf c or caru. 'Major (oropton triM thru nit fllh rarjln htck, until h lxj(snhUUmi tamo of jiker lth JutJis Alfm! W1- union, a iain- ernurwan tth flowing white txin! rul tntM An rm that raru him thn atjwranr--e of a h novo ilrnt patrlarrh. Vhe huion of lb tt rnm in which Major CVminUfft ami Jutlpr A If ml WrlMnKtun tKk trt U otjjotlnn more than a tradition n Hinlonuh, for thTR ar Ul IJtln thrvc or four ninn ho at around th taMn and watched it tnrT, It U j aaid tliat at rariott t.zv Major Cotupttuj ouM f th zm tlrtirttr the caru wjut njrn uiry worw placing aud end for a new pack, but the rruit wa aiwaya the anie Tho Wild htt eveofJud Wellington, with rr few eicptlon, rontlnuiNl to orrrloom hat)d" that were hivJueiMe haWl they hal aoptlnd dtitinjf a lonj an arduous ooure of tralnln) from tara toa to Now Orlran. Mahir CmnHtett ... . . .4 Iot hU money, lit hore, hi wajoM, and all hit nejH hill one, hl Cody ervnut. When hi tnUfortti&n had ( rf nuhrU lh!: ',mlt th" m)or w!Jirne4 the game, rhi utt wa hiniu hflWt- i ! an'1 a natur " cheerful, Ii U , aiu mat me major aim vmtHi up m cueerful. However thU mny W. h vUlted thfl court hoM and rtrntet the paper thai cart? hU UxIyerTattt l cart 'fiii hu fitujom. JIi irU don'. Major Comptun amtrrHl Into a enr.VfuWat jdnc thicket and blw out kt Uraiaa. Gen lira wrr :!! nn JvWrrttH De vU Military I'olU'y. From (cncral llratirjjarr utory of tli Hattlc of Hull Kurt In thn Nof -bcr Cmturj, wc rjuoto t)n followlnx' "No iwonl rvr warrr for Id- pendonco with more relatito draa I tag than the ConfrJrratr and if, a I a military question, thej aut kave i failrd, then no counlrr muu aim at frt'dom by mean ot war o wrr onj in Mnumnt ai Id ir-rrltory. atart- in out. not with a Jni2j:Jlnx mji itration of doubtful authoritr. but with our andrat Htatc pjrerwU and a fully oTanld cvatrai wrrra inrnt. Aa a military qor-fiJon, U was in no wni a rivil war, 1ml a war W tecu two coti&irica-for concjorat on ono I. for ndf-pnrrratkm on tK other 'ITjo South, whh Ha jfrrsil ata trial rrMurc;. t defimsiri? mr&a of mountain, water wsy, ra!Irrd, u4 telegraph. wjl the Immr.u aiiraa- tap? of the interior tints A war, woM lc open to d$M:rTxUt . a popJ if ha faltare cotild sot be xp!afJ far wiw than br mere matrria! cmtnH. Tho reat r rrtlrclc at Us fccarf of a Utile jpl not only biai back a cvm htnaUoti of Trral jfrcat miliUry pow er, but oonquwed aad krpt terrkryj and Napoleon fccld coraMaJ Krope at the f-t of France UHhla hHini ambition overleap! itelf. It way n a. that the South had o Frederick or Nfo Ieoa; but it had at kaat x$ od coaa maadera a Ju ulTcrnary. Nor waa H the fault of our toldter or peojk. Ciar aoVlW-ra wrre aj brre aad aWK peat a ercr bore anaa: tad, H mtf for rexoni already aeatio-d. iWy hai a dtena!aatka ttrosser taaa ta eavjtay. Our people bore tevrtkm tothecauMj aerer arpac(L aad wkkk no war-akJajr moaxrvk rrer aa4 Jor kia aupport; tWy gare tkdr aITea tae laat atripliag aader tke faster roof filling tke raaka rcA44 aytke fall of their fataera aa4 eretkefm. kei the aarruw wlHury view of tke kea4 of the porernmcat. wklck Hlaetraei itaelf !a the outlet byorderiac Ireat Europe, eot VJ).(M or I.O09.O0O, feat 1O.O0U ataaea of ana. aa Sacreaae npoa .(). iu &rH etiaate. vaa equally aarrear aa4 coaqaatiy tmi4 In it caiployateat of our armies. Tee moral aarf watcrkl ferre actaallj rv ged fa ta war taeee or mea a atoral cntaiatr. bat for tke CaU cy wkick Hraon'a atratejry aa a i ence aa4 LoWao of eateratiM aa k aJlj could aerer W sreagi to riew tae waoie saeaier ec war aa poiaU reUth-eiy t far tfc prpew oi paaenaw tar aa ' tac aa raaid atroke at potat; asa waick. apaia; wkk ekarac teriAtic KWetatios, woakt pne a rJc torioaaforc rctir ferwant - pportea aaa MMCretH tMftfea, - -.f f iKtiiy K ciy s tpere sr-ir r'! .&. Wl r . it I TT3HBW- --S. V. K , i i s Hi Jr II -w. f ,i- rr-r:BKTr'; . . VJ qTBBV-KBBBBBl Si'-.-TTrga: ...-, - l,"w lJ.?PSPl,eejiajajsaHaWSaSaSaSaaal