The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1884, Image 2

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A. C. NOSHED fiMislMr.
A statistician has found that the
average age of men in the past fort
year has advanced three yearH. This
is partly due to the toughening qualities
ia the modern adulteration of foods and
liquors. .
A tunnel 5,000 feet in length has
just been discovered on the Island of
Sam os. It was constructed about nine
centuries before the Christian era, and
Herodotus says it severed the purpose
-of providing the old seaport with
drinking water.
The citizens of La Grand, W. T.,
Jiave posted the following notice:
'Tin-horn gamblers, opium fiends and
-stranglers are hereby warned to leave
this camp within twelve hours. Their
dishonorable conduct must, will and
fehall be avenged,"
At Michigan University, when a class
election is held, the meeting is gen
erally humanized by the presence of
the young lady students, and the princi
ple of "woman's suffrage is confirmed by
he election of one or more officers
.from the fair sex.
In Alabama is a chica tree ten feet in
arcumference. Its top was torn away
lry a storm, but six feet up the trunk
two more trees have taken root and
grown as high us the old tree is. Half
way upthc trunk of the original tree
jMiaeli tree stands out.
House railroads uro an old story,
Jrat a camel railway iX? the merit of
novelty. It is announced that camels
arc to be employed as the motive power
on the last section of railroad recently
lmilt by llussia through the Trans
Jaspian desert toward India.
It turns out that the newanxeslhetic,
TOuriato of cocoaine, which has been
found so useful in delicate operations
on the eye, was formerly used by
specialists to blunt the sensibilities of
the throat. Muriate of cocoaine, by
the by, is muriatic acid combined
chemically with the active principle of
the South American cocoa plant.
The pet aversion of a Japanese is
the fate of being buried at sea. The
other day Kido, an attache of the Jap
anese Legation at Berlin, embarked at
Marseilles for Yokohama. To make
sure that if he died at sea his body
should not be consigned to the deep,
Ins took on board with him a handsome
coffin and everything necessary for
Mk. Gkokge Lunt, the old poet, has
'found a fig tree growing in the sea
coast town of Seituatc, Mass., probably
springing from the seeds of a fig drop
ped in the spot, protected by a doorsill
nnd warmed by a cellar. The tree dies
down with every frost, but for five
summers has sprung up again, growing
to the height of nearly six feet, but as
yet bearing no fruit.
Left-handed penmanship is now
taught in a number of American
rchooR The method of instruction is
to make the pupil write his name in
pencil and then go over it with a pen
held in his left hand. After doing this
for some time the writer is able to
-write his signature without the aid of
the penciled cop This is kept up until
a sufficient degree of proficiency is ob
tained. A few days ago some dry sage on
the battle field of Missionary Ridge,
near Chattanooga, Tenn., took fire and
the llames spread with great rapidity.
A stump soon blazed up, and in a few
seconds a roar like thunder reverbe
rated down the valley, and the stump
waa blown into ten thousand pieces.
Investigation developed the fact that
three shells were imbedded in the
.stump and exploded from tiie heat.
An eccentric character has just be
queathed to the French Academy of
line Arts a sum of money to be dc
Toted to an annual prize of two thous
and francs, which will fall to the pain
ter who has taken the lowest position
5n the competition for the Prix de
lloam. It has been suggested that the
jnry will probably have to consider the
question "Who is the painter?" before
admitting the candidates who stand
lowest on the list.
Immense schools of herring, which
-were evidently frightened by dogfish
.or blucfish, were driven toward the
seashore, near New Biddleford, Me., a
few days ago. The number kept in
creasing and when the tide went out
3eft a place of about an acre com
pletcly covered with the fish. In some
.spots, where there was a depression in
the sand, the fish were piled in to the
depth of four or five feet. The farmers
in the vicinity flocked to the beach and
secured cart load of the herrinjr to be
used upon their lands as a fertilizer.
One farmer obtained sixty cart loads.
A resident of Itonkonkoma, L. T.,
possesncs a gold watch which formerly
"belonged to the ill-fated Marie An
toinette. It is about the size of a trade
dollar in circumference, and is open-
faced. On the back it bears the de-
riee of the French Queen, a eupid on
oud, worked in gold and silver.
eaiurcs oi the boy god are nearly
by long wear. The .legend the
es is that the watch was the
uecn to the architect of
ho shot himself thronjrh
ay following herexe-
jfifBjiitiohists. Its prcs-
ear relative of a
et, now dead.
s possession
from his
-J- .jS.rT"- -Ta. 71 "
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A Suxxupsry of tbo Dally Nowi.
Tiie PrenMcnt ha apjoIatcd Thurwlay,
November 27th, an a day of general thaaka
givln throughout tbo Unltl Ktatea, and
recoranicndcd that It Lc o observed.
Rev. Ciiaulcs Bauxard, a well-known
Unitarian clergyman of "ewr York, died
recently in his aoventy-jilxth y-AT. Ho
hal been Iv feblo mental ad jjhynical
health for aorno time. He took a very
prominent part In the establishment of 1
ucational Inatitctions for the poor in New
England State.
Thk Her. John Aadcraon Neleon, pastor
of the First Unitel Prebyterian Church at
Caledonia, . Y., ilioil a few day ago. He
was In his forty-second year, and wa well
known throughout the country.
Thomas Bevekidge, a prominent lrrcw-r
and a leading Jlaaon, diwl lately at New
burg, N. Y., agel geventy-four yarn.
Okmskv Phillii'M, one of the proprietors
of the Pittsburg IHpatchy Pretddent of the
Board of llanagera of the West Peniten
tiary, and ex-Mayor of Allegheny City,
difid Muddenly a few daya ago of ner'ou
mi.sci.i.ani:ous. Hennessey, wife of Captain
Philip Hennessey, a young man of Cincin
nati, who was ahot on election day, killed
her.elf .soon afterwards by shooting herself
through the heart.
One of the saddest sights witnessed for
somo time waw the recent flight of the emi
nent trigedian, John McCullough, at Chi
cago. Ho went to the deiot and d .-manded
his baggage. Ho was dazed and would
IKint to a big black trunk and say: "There,
my trunk is like that one; find a trunk like
that and you will have mine." Then he
would run across another trunk which ho
took for his and claim it. On investigation
it was found that his sole baggago consisted
of a hnt box and valise. He said that he
had an engagement to play at St. Louis
and had just an hour to get there in. In
duo course of time hw arrived in St. Louis
and was taken charge- of by friends. No
one seemed to bo taking any special care
of him and ho wandered aimiessly m here
ever he desired to go.
The cotton crop of the United States for
tho present year has boon estimated to bo
VJKi.OOO bales. This is somewhat larger
than last year.
P. N. FiTzr.KUAi.i), lately tried for treason-felony
in organizing branches of the
Irish Republican Brotherhood, was acquit
ted ii fow days ago.
The Franchise bill was passed to the
committee stago in tho British House of
Commons a fow days ago amid Liberal
There was lately a movement in Wis
consin in favor of high license. Petitions
in futheranco of such a policy were circu
lated quite f reel y.
The Norwegiun bark Naura was lately
wrecked oir tho Carilou Islands, and two
of her crew wcro drowned. All on lioard
the schooner Emilc, which had picked up
tho passengers of tho wrecked bteamer Tyl
gia, were lost.
The Duko of Cnmlierlaud lately ad
dressed a circular to all the sovereigns of
Euroio except tho Germnn Emperor, in
which ho proclaimed his right to tho Duchy
of Brunswick.
Late advices from Turks Island stated
that tho brig Julia E. Haskell, Captain
Paine, sailed from Wnvassa October 11, for
Baltimore, with guano. She encountered a
hurricano October 14, and sprung a leak,
which rapidly increased, and tho brig was
abandoned two days later, and the crow,
eight in numlwr, took to the boats and made
Calcos Island, and, in attempting to laud
the lont capsized and all on ltoard, except
tho Cap Ui in and ono sailor named Grant,
were drowned.
Ali. but six of tho law students at the
Naval University, Montreal, were lately
expelled for not submitting to tho regula
tions prohibiting attendance at theaters
and political meetings.
An earthquake shock was recently felt at
Salt Lake City, Utah. Many people arose
in fright, but no damage was done. The
tremors lasted alout ten secon. At Par
is, Idaho, six shocks wero felt about tiie
sumo time. Considerable damage to houses
was reported, and people wero affected as
by seasickness. Tho lirst shocks were from
northeast to southwest, then a swaying
motion from north to south. Tho succeed
ing shocks wero from east to weit.
A rand of Indians lately attacked Deputy
Marshal Mershor on his return trip from
the Indian Territory, and liberated thirty
United States prisoners. Two Indians
were killed and several wounded. Mer
shor got into Fort Smith, Ark., with nine
teen prisoners and lodged them in jail.
The Muckay-Bennott cable was lately
rendered useless by icebergs off New
foundland. A max named E. Poppethawer, who did
busiuess under the firm name of the Boston
Diamond Cutting Company, was lately
missing with diamonds which belonged to
various Boston firms and private custo
mers, valued at a large slim. Poppethawer
was trusted by jewelers of that city almost
implicity. It was his custom to call upon
first-class jewelry firms and request the
loan of some diamonds, which ho said he
could sell to good advantage.
The Austrian Minister of Financo has
prepared a measuro to restore cash pay
ments throughout Austria and Hungary.
A Northwestern association of archi
tects was formed in Chicago a few days
ago, and a permanent exhibit of building
materials and specimens of the latest im
provements and patents of interest to ar
chitects opened in conjunction therewith.
Diphtheria in its worst form has been
prevailing at Oil City, Pa., and adjoining
Governor Crosry, of Montana, in his
late annual report estimated the increase
of population in the Territory during the
year at 4,000, and the present population at
about .000. He said tho cattle in the Ter
ritory numbered over i00,000, and the
value of taxable property, which ho said
did not represent one-quarter tho wealth
of the Territory, was between 50,000.000
and 420,000,000. In other directions Mon
tana is steadily increasing in the value of
her material resources and she will at an
early day apply for admission to the Union
as a State.
Chief Salmon, of the Bureau of Animal
Industry, lately submitted a voluminous
report on tho subject of contagious diseases
among animals to Dr. Loriug, Commis
sioner of Agriculture. Tho recent out
break among Kansas herds was attributed
to ergotism, due to eating fungus known
f ergot. I he course of treatment winch
r. Salmon laid down for cattle afflicted
with the disease will be consulted with in
terest by stock-raisers everywhere.
A few dozen working days will see the
"Washington nioaun.ent completed, and
February 22 next will witness its public
dedication. Standing T20 feet and ten
iniOiM nhnvn ita haao. it now mnV n th
highest structure in the world, its nearest
rival being the lofty spire of the Cologne
Montreal, Can., lately underwent a dou
ble affliction diphtheria and typhoid fever
the result of defective sewerage.
A train-load of emigrants had a narrow
escape from destruction at Con. wall Stm.
tion, 2f. Y. on the Sew West Shore Boad;a
few morsfBg ago. Tfee train broke Is two
and stopped at tie wtAtlcn, bat tho train
men neglected to id back tho daagw Ig
Hal and a heavy freight which wax follow
Ing ran into tho rear coach. Tho rmlgranU
aw the danger and caped In time.
Near Hnnptttad, Tx., a few morning
tools and by pulling spikes and unfatning
the platt-s arranged the rail to yield tc
tho pressure without, however, entirely re
moving it. It po happenel that the pas-
singer train having th right of way and
being behind hand was the first to reach
tho scene of disanter. It struck a loond
mil. nml tJi nnnlnn arifl rr. nrr
sttfelv. while two bajrirair cam. mad and
express and two Pullman sIcjkts went
owr the thirty-foot embankment and into
the creek. In the baggage car, L. Cardoza,
traveling passenger agent of the New
York, Texas & Mexican Railway,
lrowneIt together with E. F. Ixiris, lug
gage master, and G. W. Iwis, jort.
Some of the wounded were fatally hurt.
News recently came of a most horrible
butchery in Guados, South America
The Doxey Opera Houe, at Anderson,
Ind., burned a few mornings ago. Lo,
i&)fiOi). J
The Joint Executive Committer of Trunk
Line Commission in New York decided re
cently to restore the east-bound taritr ratei
ns adopted last July. They will apply to
ull classes of freight except live stock.
Each road, and especially tho President
thereof, will be held strictly resjionsible for
aey cut hereafter.
The steamer Ilodorn was recently very
badly scorched at New Orleans, I.n. Dam
age of 1.1,000 was done to tho steamer and
VK) bales of cotton wero destroywl.
P.e.vjami.v Shortkr's decapitated and
otherwise shocking! v manglel lxniy was
1 .. .. " .....
found on tiie railwuv near Herea, O., n few
mondngs ago. He had money when last
fcen, also n revolver and KcketUok, nou
of which wero on tho lx)d''. It was be
lieved ho was murdered by tramps, robbed
and left on the track.
Edward White and a negro called
"Punch" Collins wero urrcbted at Santa
Fe, N. M., a few days ago charged with
being implicated in the attempt to wreck a
passenger train near Socorro on the night
of OctoU-r :W. Tho train was Hred into in
the hope of securing a large amount oi
treasure in charge- of the express company,
but this was prevented by tho courage o!
tho engineer. The prisoners were lodged
in the Santa Fe jail, and ollicers stnrted in
pursuit of tho gang, for whoso capture n
reward of ."j2,200 was offered.
Secretary McCuu.och of the Treasury
received an urgent petition against tho im
poiiatiou of foreign rags a few days ago,
signed by many prominent citizens. It
was so urgent and so universally signed that
he responded with a promise of immediate
consideration. Tho following is tho petition:
We, tho undersigned, recognizing tiie fart
that there is great clanger of the introduc
tion oj Asiatic cholera into tho United
States through the medium of old rags im
ported into the country and coming from
European ports, do hereby respectfully
suggest and urge uton you the neces
sity for immediate and decissive action in
reference thereto. We uro prompted thus
to appeal to yon because of tho recent
removal of restrictions on tho imortation
of old rags, and it is our lirm ltelief that
this threatened danger can be averted only
by tho most thorough unci S3stematic dis
infecting of old rags coming from any and
ull European ports. Trusting your honor
able department will see tho urgent neces
sity for speedy and detinite action, we bop
to subsciite ourselves, very respectfully.
Here followed many distingui:.hcd names.
At Trenton, N. J., tho Rev. Henry S.
Williamson, rector of St. Paul's Episcopul
Church, was lately found dead in a lane or.
the edgo of tho city, by two loys. He was
lying on the ground with a bullet wound
on the right frontal Ikjiio, from which
brains and blood had oozed out and become
coagulated. He wore a pair of spectacles
which wcro blood-stained. IJy his side on
tho ground was a brand new ivory-hnn'led
Smith H Wesson revolver. Only one
chamber was emptied, showing that but
one shot had been fired. Tiie pi.stol had
evidently been held close to the forehead
and it was no doubt a case of suicide,
though no reason was nssigned.
Edmund M. Perkins, aged ninety-nine
years, a pensioner of the war of 1SI2 and
for forty years a resident of Quiucy, 111.,
died lately of old age. One of the last acts
of his life was to wall: to tho polls and
vote November I.
Major-General William S. Harney,
the hero of three wars, lately set the
tongues of the St. Louis gossips wagging
by his private marriage to Mrs. Mario St.
Cyr, his housekeeper.
An International Inventions Exhibition
will be held nt London in 1SST under tho
patronago of the Queen, the Presidency of
tho Prince of Wales, and the management
of an executive council composed of emi
nent Englishmen. It will be opened in
May at tho Royal Horticultural Gardens
in South Kensington, and will remain open
until the end of tho year.
Captain William Wilson, of Menomo
nee, Wis., President of the defunct "Pioneer
Lumber Company, lately made an assign
ment of his separate estate. His affairs
were in a confused condition, with his as
sets and liabilities unknown, though the
he former were estimated at $400,000.
Imposing ceremonies wero lately held at
the Baltimore Cathedral in memory of the
Prelates who died since tho last Plenary
Council. Archbishop Corrigan pronounced
the etdogium. Among the Bishops spe
cially mentioned was the late Bishop Folej"
of Chicago, well known to all the members
of tho Plenary Council and others present.
One hundred and ninety-one new Na
tional banks were chartered in the United
States during the past year, adding a net
aggregate of about :$ir,000,000 to the Na
tional banking capital of the country. Dur
iug the period named eleven National banks
have failed.
There were two hundred and eleven
failures in the United States and twenty
five in Canada during the past two weeks
of November, an increase of twenty over
t the receding week.
Arthur H. Jancary, Deputy State
Treasurer of California, was recently ar
rested, charged with the embezzlement of
public funds. He confessed the theft of
3iC0, which he gambled away.
Dan Holcomb and Judd Crouch were
lately indicted and placed on trial at Jack
son, Mich., on the charge of being impli
cated in the mysterious murder of the
Distinct shocks of an earthquake were
, lel a le aa7s S ai -!;: aim
Kingsville, Essex County, Ontario, find
similar shocks at Concord, Kopkinton,
Hillsboro, Bradford and TTarner, X. H.
Services commemorating the one hun
dredth anniversary of the consecration of
Samuel Seabary, the first American Epis
copal Bishop, were held recently at Trinity
Church. New York, and Christ Churck.
nrri t.Kc twvi tA fvmtn An Via Xi
& Texa, Cantrml Hallway wM wrecked J r&totaa fcV- ,S d f cottil "" ,or U1 ' " ' ,rwa f aT., tthAi Xi"''--'"'
and eight people were killl outright and not aU ax rcrU icnmrnnU, invr:!- t fear, mt that at the do oi Ur wl ttnm UtJ for Ue jr "v , WWJ n - Vf JJ "
8ffn woundd. Prompt In ve-Ugat Ion bj fUon ljwt Ual U cl had Urn fcar c vn fcsf7$ pca4o&rri oa jm o2 x cwJtr4 wilh 4,S.-S W Tk BUMWWn m -
railroail authoritlea rovealM thr ftct that shl;l to aloux tT.r. Tc!.ram wret'Kw , ri-!1! follow- SlO'th rrar iv. $1U3 f t- JTt . && cni a M? nW wmr tm
a dialIIcal work wM don-by discharged cnt icFioox City irul NcIh w umhiL hc TOl P - r " wltoiV &J SUiV trill Wnttb m .
employe and thiri in tlw viclnitv, whe WULln twenty ramuU afU-r arrest he Jot ' jnaj intalld; ., arr , i TT iitti ju It U& iAaiLolwrev&l && th mm
uought to wreck a freight train for poib d tilled hlnvvrlf. It ww Uusht titat ; minor chlldrrn and dejcmknt rrUtlro; J. sX0WiW ttt be twifcptli , ttfcCtufr c fir?iA )& oi - tr
eontaine!. After breaking Into a section w' otnrtldng cl: brhlnd tl ,fii 5 nivy Invalid; l.3s naiy wWo, . rat ai ?. T rn of u ajy lmprfvtlT tmdWil. d t i
w "- a-VMa 4a mj aaMa- Mfwf n th .vaLj fr-TI iftl
Sometime in Stptes&cr sas by th
DABKiot W.J. Xclvxi, with hi wfc od
t?JnshteT. located at Lincola. icntc! a
BtfaM! and bocctit quite a lot of fcrnltorc
for hon"-krKnr. As both vBd to be
in ewl circtsmvUncc lhy were irittcd
to pay for the cood
hondou)c bal
ancc lefL
? A oritj of Mr. Coolttv a trfrl sbout for
j yar olt, living in the northwest frt?i of
llh wndr TlwmoUier a prepannr
J m v-, t,tt .joo auj ha,j Mt a jj ut
' hot waiter ttudini: in front of tiie tot
nficli ill.' rttw nn fnrm -iW, 1 rmcr.
ward and .el! in. and was scalded in such a
manner that she died In a short time.
I The otl: day Chris Schleer. hU brother
j Maltz ami Krank I jwrcnc started from
t,ldr iu In Omaha to go hununs. I'aeh
," cameu a uouuie-uarrcira inua
4.v'mji(i ri.ui'ituti. a 41. j rvs iw-a
through South Omalin U I Ian or 1 Iki
where they stayed untit a little after noon
nnd then startetl for home, nhen Chris
m f ii hi hi iv hriiii w in iiu t- v w n nu v
Schleger took his run from hi fliou'drr,
and with the butt doMUvard, tivl it for a
, can r. He had gone only a i-hort dutauce
when the gun was dlchargii. tiie contrnU
lodging in the right ee and causing in? tant
death. He was eij;lue;n years old
A panthkh or mountain lion is said to
be helping himself to steers on the ranges
wot of Mdney.
Mi. CoNi.KV, of Fort Kobinon, ofTer 9
reward of two hundred dollars for the di
cover of th remains of lier eight- tar-old
Iwy. wIjo, about a year ao, wandered a a ay
from home and lias tteter teen heard of
, since. It is supiHwil mat lie go: lo-.l and
j perished in one of the camions of tltat sec
I tioti.
Tin: otlier njoming lcwi Angidsh, the
two-year-olil son of E. AnguNIi, of A ra pa
. lioe, was thrown out of a buirgy and
I. .1.. I. lit I !!... .1 ...!...!
Ma nil v kuilni. i ne inouier oi me oov was
also thrown out and severely injured.
Gi:oitr.n Hkniiy. :outh only seventeen
years old, was recently arretted at Lincoln
and in default of bail sent to jad for
forgery. The forgery consisted in present
ing a forged order to a clothing store and
uetting a new suit. He admitted Ids guilt,
and said lie had done the same, thing in
Ion a and thought lie could do it in
l.v the trial of ex-Mayor Chav, of Omaha,
indicted for having levied blackmail on
gamblers and contractors, tin jury returned
a verdict of not guilty, as the refusal of ex Guthrie, now in the penitentiary
for the same offense, to testify against
Chase, rendered the obtaining of necessary
ewdciice. absolutely impossible. Colonel
Chase's friends- ue quite happy over tiie re
sult The boys of Genoa had a good time on
election night, despite the uucettaiuty of
the returns. They had a Cleveland-Blaine,
combination jollification. The first news of
tho election came mi contlictingly that it was
too awfuily suspensive to wait, so. as the
tirn diepatches showed Cleveland ahead
and then the next indications were that
IJIalno illicit be ahead, the, boys 11 red the.
cannon first lor Cleveland and then for
Maine, and built their bonfires togetherand
had a mutual ratification meeting for the
next President.
While away from home I lev. Unlet, of
North Bend, was recently burned out, los
ing his library, household furniture and ev
erytliiiig. A Yor.vo man of riurifch appearance re
cently victimized ntkimllord at Blair by get
ting him to cash afnfty-dollar draft on New
York, which was afterward found to bo
bogus. He took the tiain to Tekannh and
on receipt of a telegram tho officers there
arrested him and took him back. Hu gave
the name of Llarrv II. Pratt, and said ho
had a wife and child in Chicago.
In Washington County, the other day.
Perry Mills had a dipute with a hired man
which terminated in a row if considerable
magnitude, and in which .Mr. Mills n-ceivel
an ugly wound near the lower iKirtio.i of
the abdomen.
Klmioi.imi Doun. Secrelary 3nd General
Manager of thu Western IIoinr and Cattle
insurance company, 111 umana, nas uisajn
I'Ciiieii. it, wits iej7iiicu unit uic ni erui oi i
Kestli County had a warrant for his arrest
for complicity in the Keith County laud
frauds ami that he consequently concluded
to change his place of residence.
Kisino Citv Iwas'a of a new elevator
with capacity of l.",0 JO bushels and a ton
horse power engine.
Miss Mookk. ofOgalalla. was lecentlv
quite serious y burned bj the explos on of a
coal oil lamp. j
Gkokgk W. SiiAr.rt.i5, a well known -citizen
of Omaha, went down town on Fri
day night of election week and n maiiied '
toine time to hear the news. Tiie next
morning he. was fouml Ieai in his cvvn
yard, having, it was thought, got that far on
his return and died suddenly eitliei of con
L'4'Stion d the lungs, congestion of the brain, '
or congestion ot the heart. The deceased
had ilone a grpit amount of offlce vork and ;
had been continually bending ovr a desk, '
and had complained a great dc-il of his
lungs of late, hence the physician thought
the theory of congestion of the lungs the
most probable. j
Thk explosion of a gasoline stove in the
ssore 01 narry nig.iiy, at. isiair, recently ,
came near causing a nre 01 no nu.c conse-,
The morning after Halloween, at Madi
son, ipiite a change was noticeable in the aj-'
pearatice of the town. A saloon was doing i
a general insurance business, w Idle the 1'ap
tist Church vvas decorated with the follow-"
ing sign: "Fresh Milwaukee beer alvvavs
on tap," all of which testified to the fact 1
that the bojs had a "high old tunc." j
At Grand Island the other day. when an ,
ouicer arrcswKi a man Dy me name 01 j tow
ard, one of the swindling gang in that local
ity, a throng of fanners who were, or thought
they were, his victims, made a rush for
iiowitni. tiopuiK in j;ei tracn. uieir iniiiiey or
i...A i.. . ... ... fcs -... -.- - 1
send Howard up the iroUIen stair. Howard
paid back their money very rapidly, am!
then the officer took him before Judge Cald
well, where he pleaiied guilty. dogs infest some localities.
........4 w.... - ..v.-. . muwiv .....- nnf c-fiijii.ti atAii L'vnciuirai rsi- , .n fjfen ixrrrt r.w v -,-,.--- . ,v r rniiiri iiri uw .--
" I" J jJV wim u-uio.-vuit wai-
Thk Union Pacific Com pan v having com- ! "
pleted the Schuyler briiige, offered to turn Gulag to the 3Ilnr The Canadian l'acifle.
it over to the Colfav County Commissioners. roaruucn, Ons- .Voretaber Ii
and that body not being ivilliiii: to accept it PortIaIjd wa:i TUrd-r pieced in tele
on contract, it was closet!, and will not be . . . ' , . ,.
opened until the matter is settled graphic communication with the Fsra
A ii.v.v was recently drowned in tiie creek , Stitcs by the completion of a new Hae orei
near Adams Station, Lancaster County. He . lh" Oregon Short Line,
had taken all his c'othes ofT but h shirt, nattcrin" report bavin" been received
dived down and h-Id to some roots tinder here frora Onar d'AIene mlne5. large
tiie water, ne vvts about twenty-two years ; . , . ., . ..
old. six feet high, weight about 1C0 pound. 5 uoubew of men are leaving daUr for tlw
Mis. Ed. Faix.vxsbk, of Fremont, at- j mines. Ibrtfcs coming la from a'.onj;
templed to kill herself with a revolver the j the line of the Canadian Paciflc Ilallroat!
otlier day. The bullet glazed her abdomen J f5T the road Ls being rushed energetically.
and lodged iu her left hand.
At Albion the other day, Mrs. Loran
Clark was thrown out of a buggy, receiving
injuries of a serious natnre.
Thk college of the United Brethren will
be located at Homer, Dakota Couny. A
sixty-acre farm near town lias been selecfed
for the site. The building will cost not less
than S20.000.
West Ponrr has decide! tlt the town
should have water-works, costing not to ex
ceed 550,000. and tliat twenty-year bonds,
bearing not more than seven per cent, bo
issued to py for rfxeai.
ILuxjxkvpixg oa the Valentine extension
is not so pleasant and remunerative as it
might be. TImj teams employed in grading
were badly affected by alkali water, and
many were sick and died.
C C Cahltox, eniployeil ia the Oaaha
.Jicc office, was fouc-J tteml la Ida rooac
Kirt ( CiwmUear t Vrm9
Vy ,aTTrHr! t-frtti
itenrw Tin- 5tnWr nl 0t f U
3(nt IVnalearr Thf Ctr. Or
an 1'otAto Crop.
Knnti.'Tflt tl r..OTtaPT 13.
CotnmUloacr of PenJoa Imdlry, la
ftive: S.sss urvlvori of the war
llsl and P5lr widow of uVwc nlw
-- m -.
M?rrrd !n that war. Durtor c J
the maw of ii.ilZ pensioner were
iddcd to lh rvll and hJ.415 were
Jroppcd for ariou cauM, teavlnjr a
! OCt lncrca! tO
the number oa th roll
amount jaW fr pen
! id ll.oy$. The
sion daring the year was V.HJ?,$37.
Since Isf.l &!:,! 4 dUabUity claim ami
SJS.1C-' death claims havr Urea filed.
Of the invalid claim 272,rc4, and of ta
death claims 213,05.' have been alkmed.
At the rate claims huve lnen &!! for thf
jast few year the close uf the car $
will undoubtedly show 1,CMJ,aX) claims
filed for pensions slnee lsl. Ti total
amount which his bTn disbursed tc pen
sioners since 1-S1 Ls CT.Jh-.Jt.
So general had lcen the complaint
from applicant- lor pension of laabilttr
to ascertain the whercabouL of company,
otllcers and comrades, often defeating Um.
allowance of a claim for want of testi
mony from thee witnesses-, ad the com
parative limited rc-ourves of the sfK-cial
examination sen tee to supply the want In
the large number of eaes of this charac
ter that the Commissioner deemed It nec
css.try to inaugurate Mime method where
by the Po-t-ottlee addresses of as large a
number as possible ! tiie surviving
soldier of the late war be procured and
compiletl Into a jermrvncnt n-cord con
venient for reference. With this object
in view, suitably pre tared printed slips
for name, rank, company, regiment and
Post-ortice address wep accordingly
M-nt out to (iraud Army ltejubl
Posts, and as early as April lastasultteient
number had been completed and received
so that their arrangement, according to
military service, could be commenced.
In addition to this the examiners in the
Pension Olllce were required to note the
names of all witnesses who had been In
the service which they met with In the
examination of claims, mi that from this
source alone some l$Q,'Mri names were se
cured. It Is expected tliut by January
next there will be arrnuged ami ready for
Immediate reference a record of
between GOOKW ami 7n0OO name.
The practical of this r-c-ord
became immediately apjKinnt
as soon a.s reference could be made to it,
and the information funiished by it ban
proved of material service in the adjudi
cation of claims, tioth as to expediting,
the work and the ascertainment of the
ncces.sary facts. Many Instances arise
which could be cited, if neees-nn, show
ing the inability of claimant- to procure
matcihl testimony for want of knowledge
of their comrades' whereabouts, which
the information afforded by thii record
relieves, mid often is the means of not
only establishing the right l. a penlon,
but ot owning the way to defeat an un
just claim.
The Commissioner observes that the
system of settlement of pension claims
has properly claimed the serious con-id-erutiou
of Congress for the jutst two ses
sions. It has not thus far hem deemed to change this system, imperfect as
it may seem in its operations in some
cases, and remedial legislation has been
promised which should take from the
claimant some of the burdens winch In
their ojHTntioiis amouul to a practical
denial ids claim. (Mi the subject ot
remedial legislation the Commissioner
contents himself by briefly referring to
and n commending the passage of the bill
I 1 111' Kltl 411 IVLWiiutKlliiaii'llT IC'Ut II
to the enate, nml placed on the calem'tr
in .May last, where it still remains.
Crop Kejmrts.
Visii!,m;to.. H ('..Novemt r IX.
The November returns of cott4iu to the
nt.p:irtment of Agriculture relate
to the
yield per acre, ami show the effects d the
long continued drought in reucing pro
duction. The lateness of killing frosts
has less effect than usual in enlarging the
yield, as the vitality of the plants was too
nearly exhausted to produce a top crop.
The drought had not been broken at some
K)ints on the itl f coast at thr date of k
lovvcr turns. The indicated jleld per acre -in
nearly every State than In the reiisjw
year, which was one of average pni
iluction. Tiie lowest rieIiLs.irennw as then
in Florida, Georgia, Alabama ami Texas.
The reduction thi.s 3ear Is very marked ii:
Louisiana and Arkansas, the region ol
most productive cotton lands. The re
turns by Mates Indicate the yield pci
acre as follows, the figures being subject
to modification by fuller returns: Vir
ginia. 10 p4iunds; North Carolina, ITS;
South Carolina, 15'-'; Georgia, 1.15; Flori
da, 101; Alabama, ISO: Mississippi, 175;
Louisiana, 11M; Texas, 113; Arkansas,
'.'00: Tennessee, 1C0.
The indications' twdnt to a crop some
what larger than that of lbSil. gathered In
UII,naiv Hue condition, of gool color.
,wtni4.,i ,lV .,. n,i f... fmm trash
4HiV.V fj fs ts s.s. ..... .... ...
and dirt.
The returns' of the rate of yield of corn
indicate a product somewhat in excess
of 1,800.000,04)0 bushels, or an average
rate, a small fraction above twenty-six
bushels per acre. The best yields are. a
in IsKS, in what ras been designated the
irreat American desert, the "arm re
' ftn. fn fh. vic'nltv of the hundredth
nieridian have produced heavy crops of
maize of high quality. That hue ol
longitude has ceased to be an absolute
Unrritrtn corn rinxluction. or ireneral
arniln The nnalitVof corn i belter
. -
than in I
SS3. ncarlv everywhere, and In
the Northern belt it is worth twenty-fire
to sieventy-tlvc percent, more.
The potato crop is nearly an average
vield. or ninety bushels per acre, and ex
ceeda 100,000,00u bushels.
and but 270 miles yet remains uncom-
ulctefi. A large, force b employed a"
titLer end.
Tacle Sam Cca rmnadry INtrtS.
Ihtladczxiim, IU-, -Vovoaber XL
3Iembers of the Gun Ponadry L'osrd of
the United States Government west to
the Bethlehem Iron Works, at licthlebenx.
yesterday mornmg. They rcturnci! las;
evening. There will be so farther gescr.
al conference with steel nanufactcrens
lbongh the Board will coatiacc to hold
meetings at the rooms of the Amerlcaa
Iron and Steel Asocistloc, for Iks per
pose; of talking with indiviiaals witfc
whom they iavc Egtdccagagcroentji. Tit
Best pixce to be vMted bftiie Peasyl
vaiiia nidi Works, at Steeltas, ca
Harriabargj whlfhsr the Board "aria s&r
Frklaj aurals;.
THfc lUUC VfUfc
m m.t Pi Hw. E,mft4' T
mU4 mi ltiwd IkiTR for i ol
t Jr ONU JOO -W. ' .
a te a.T ffrvk rrf V k.F
jj tj. trcutr i & TrrAty,
uv-l m a "tnral ftorln the ;
Unrtar tJ pt yrar- Tb CowBlct
I MiVaf Hbr(t t swpi.l the
pi ine r,e-4
: sk sirs rJKsrm
SKSU?! SES."Ti";
S&i TSf it'rri. r j
Unoas rrasiiv t.wnrrs can ftt py Ul
hoan-thi. Ilk 1COCM c0 p !rrljf ;
have lrn fofcrd httl dttrm te cm?tv. j
M!r mrhMittDf tre slajTwaU! in '
tnule tud die rrfoa! of tonjtr t exioftil
the b.nlrd pcrksK
! iuet if rrcWM fw Ute
and l?4 how a drcrr!'
from tol-icco. an incjisiw o ?r-.ow,
fn.m .pirtt,an incase 01 -1'"
feno-nUrdlHuarvadrcrcaof $l.ftti,0,
from lwr uder irr-Al-l uv ad t-raal
tics, inaVmc a total droeXe of titW,'aV
- -fc- ...
1 hr cs: of collection U? jvx jnr wtv ,-
mui. a nmtrami iui is.i,' m
Issjl Thb ltirid- Ni.ivO lor arcowiVN
stoti kc'r R'mI iTger for the last I aif ol
June. !, ha wrro mt jli owtng to ihe
a.t.infrfUiiiMi beitiiT fhn:ed. ail fw
the j-rws n-cpu cobl t prwfiortMutely
asu forre had to be retaints:!. During the
vcar 77 stUlu were seUcd ami tKTi s-rM
Iiirh dehctency W.tnaum mil 1 "" ; f . . . Aitf9mtM, lMa:
Total rXi-en-- wrre a utUf ic i. " ; " 1- ..
4 1-5 t.r crnt of the amount c.n-trd. tcr. wit at ini- ww "' ""f. i""r
c..m.,,.nPr ut lbt. ilitninu.tau of iMirtinn td iMXrtdn on port of tb J
arnv.tnl fur cue" in Hlt dWlUaUwu . f ,,rvlHn anvl of loUl dlUblv
nie CtHnmtssioner sav Uvii tejreenu. . ,
tuuwwere m.ulr in vain to Comers at IU u "Mf 'tnl tn U. Urt
last M.s.,on .gulnst the .sitley of mln, I Vl ".fa
the fier of tevtiute agents le(iw the nutn-
ber of ihirt) live Ued in t). rrttvsl stat !
iite. Onh twenty ran imw lo lesrally rm-!
pMivai!. This leaves loo man) aviimo for j
fraud e-od, ami the ttiinilloiwr )
he fiars it will rosult In much injury. It
Is dimcult for any nt man evidently to dn
the work bewm: g ti a ovie agent In
territory rmlwritig mrUiHes tJuoc or
nunc Mates, a t; never lrs thjiit two. lly
roiniurhtg die receipt,
ron inn 1 vsr ijmai. titvn
with those for tlir Uetl enr immedbitfly
prs"tvluig It, the i!ecte of tevruu- fi oin
totMCvti was ilJ,04l,Mt, and lv rouqxittu;
th4c 'icMpts with thr ris'eHs for the Jiral
car uxksi J une .10, IW!, tin dectoae w.n
f"il,3ii.5,i,C The Ust rtuipariou nwne
ueitrly showo ,'ie HM-tof the rrdnetinri if
the lav on tobiieco under the art of Manh ?,
IKsJi, f4ir the roibsrtioiis tf iImw ivv'4 flsi
ears were nmdo under the IMfeit'tu ratnl
of U. Hut this compirWut i not cojiipletf .
owing ti the fact thnt the prixlttcUun f
tobacco, snutf anl cigars for ti pAt fiscal
yearsliowi a largo incirasi over tho pro
ducti)ti for the tlscal esir 4MidNl .hiurj JiO,
lss'i. n itecrwLM) In rwinpts coiupiosl with
theti-cfcl ar S3, vvas f''i&.i chew
ug and snmklug tolwero, ?i!j7,sn on miuII,
5V-r.tlO on cigars, nml MTV' t
cigari'tltis. Then wai an IncnitM of fortt
one in the mhihUt of xm.u lisUlletler nxti
tertsl tho last llseal ), ami a drena f
cuhttvn In the iiiiudvr ojTated. Th In
Vrease lu the nutuls'r cxvur, as was tln
eaMj In the prirrsting fiscal f''ir. hi
the clavs of dtslttlerleH having snuller
capacities for tli prhedoii at
spirits. In the class of larger dfll!torn. a
very 4leciilsl t4iltejhm orcur. luith In thn
nuinlver reglsUnisl xihI the number 1 unrated.
The quantity of grain ussl In th pokIih:
tion of spin tit the jmst fteul jenr wan IS,.
yJ7,tSi tmshels an Iinnvrtwof 'i.1.1QA bth.
14 nlMiVi. the uoidlliit ll-ist in the lr,--4siliie
tiM-al )enr, but S, 137,7 bushels lovi than j Hne-eed nnd rottnnH)f hvlrti hkity
tin average of the last five )mr A cor tndod for um ht Um tuitk nuktta. -restxindlug
inervnie appears 1 1 tun number caM of thi'lr rlehtto In triilM, mtt if
of gallons produced from grain ilariiig lim genera! nehno in dl-tiW Man?a h
jear. 7.i.(rji.ssi gnlion. an excvi of l.tsD.-1 jlul .fu fort!opurHm.'ittoid4l.
sOrt gallons over Ihs. 'Il. quantity of !W the ehenfH-r eoni miml. wliirh r
uioIas,es for the prhietlon of nim th.. ln , ,,,. , ftwl m
fiscal venr was U,i.i". Sar; gaUons. a ilo-'n-ae ' ,A 1 . - , 'x .. .
of ll.V.70gall.M,s from the tear prevlm . 4- "f nc n. r.,iumi -U-
ami a decrease of 2.Vi.4.VJ cation from the
aveiage of the last five fear. The qunii
tity of rum dUtiilcd from iiiolo-ei
was I.711.1.'S calton, a decrcaoe of
lO.rJ gailuus fiom 1SK5 anil a ibcreae
of !.'04.f7 gallons the last five year.
A comparative staleinent of sjilrlts of
Ihe different kinds known to the trade m
mamiug in warehouses; at the rloie of tins
fiscal )ai ik;j and !; linvi that while
there was increase In th Uk of nleohot.
gin. iili:hwiiKs mid pure spirit held In Uirnl
June, 1K-M. over Uie quantity held Jtmr
30. Ifsg, of 7f3.J.Vi gallons, there wtw an
actual ilecreaie. in other trade of plrtU.
principally in boiirlioii and ryu vrhUkti. of
17.7.0,iXM gallons, or n net ilecreite of
li,W",V2 gallons of thf splnts held In bo.-.d
Juno tv. IHS-t, ncailj two third of which
was Ixiurboti whisk v. Tit quantity of
plrlts proIfisl and dejislted in distillery
w arehoiisi' during the fi-cal yeur IHsjj'wa
gnter by 1, gaJlonv The quantity
1 of opirits wiilulrawn from dUtlllery ware-
houM-s the hcal year. Is irrentcr than the,
quantity withdrawn dwins: ttie year of I118
by 3,W1,2K7 gallons. The number of gallon
of iaeh kind of spirhs remoi'isi for ex
port the firt three, month of the present
Jivsil year wmb 3-.07.3Tl, as Against 7.ySl
gallons unnovc'l the coYrrsjxmdiiHr pcrlclof
the Iat fuvral )ar. Ihe quantity of dl
tflied spirits reinoveil In liouil Uhi st fieal
year vTas y,.ws7:a cailon-. agaitit n.?J2V
427 gallons the iriTion year. Tiie quan
tity of di!illed spirit In the TnilM fctatos
except what may ! lu custom lidd
wa-eliouca the 1st of Oetobrr. Iwl. a
9C.SI0.521 gallon. Tiie t!al awsrasinenU
maile last year were 0,iZ6 "ZH. the !n--rra-;
over tle previous b-tFg Jr. !hj tax on dlv
tilled pirit remalnotg hi te warrhocse
over tlsre years. Tiie esthft of the ex
p'n of tiie internal nrvencc rcr for
the fiseal 3 ear ending Jun SO. i1. are
2St$M'jQ. The. n-cotnrnemlaU'Ki inr at
ar es of collector vu b ca die sumat
of their probablt roflection. Trie ,Iarics
arc fixel at 52.000 whett coJJectkHi art
S'iS.OOO or les, ami lacreau? on a rnukd
wstle to $4,500. where collections axe uj
wan! of $t,0oo.003.
TItmnkslTing timf.
Waiijotox. Xovctaber 15. Th JrcI
Jent l5 itjoeil tiie fol owing proclamation:
Tbo eaon i nfirb boa n is the yearly
wont of xr,- pttr S ol-Mrre day ap-pointMforthitwrx-ej'
tl Iniot a
an epeeasl oeeai jor ianaK.rins unm
balkwt eTJ'ocu t. O
ferA Arr.Iiei
lent oi tae I MUA ?t i !i-elr d-sj-
na:e a
r,taernhortajne.tvnitr. J
afl I do rectus m!
land. re,ple. vMns
occutmtloft. 4 th-n
their eTeraI feoro aa.1 tar ir nfvai
of worbfp. at,"h fceart e rtos.
liooa joriceeHiBi- ie4C4s Trocrei
Jle ha visi'I thi $zltiu
Dr. ISJtlT ,mnrr.
Xccsrojr, X. V ovetntcr IL The
weil-knowa ca. of Dr. Ira Boiler, alow
KUrirasood, convicted of tnans!aahter hi
caaslng deoUi of Lttsde Cook. a yowfer girl
thb citr.braborti w rudol yesterday la
the Coaaty Court, whercfiftew triI win i
geoktL awl Jtitts rotter then MstSe&crd
the pri$oocr to Aubura iTbea 6r six year
at hard labor.
Pzmxmrao, Xjl.. Xombcr 1J Th
jry dinrced and were dLsckarg4 In. the
ra3 of W. W. VWAK le Teller X tkt
Pkiatprs aad MechaxSes Bak. Mclvl fer
aafciftg SnaAairat ea. Whits wa
toaaeJ aa$lMbaiL
:bat lUrtrttstKMi t" nJ3le Jmm Oea cream t aM U hr eti
ifjtr their ce-Sjinl i ..i,.. 1 .i. ..., i ' . . ..
rr-u il fcofefctr t ' .
A n4- cool no hnr-w! m.
fa d&o MfcJi; ky. k ..
-Urp m no
M nlk Kea tmx
tmx4 ww
.VSu.m-M VadiWV.
,mv. vr-
Hrw! CJ toc
hnt wnmtk?r
j U &
, ? .,!
frkn d
tru oi wk;- h ?
whrtv poUlr J4rVir i
.,. - , . ,4.,
kjkssT' ar
,:.,.... -.- -- ----
hf orUa C.r f rht
prjnojpt. tiial hm N
v ' . . . Q
ven cJnph:fttm lam 7 w
maa invstiraior. and mt wl
,,-,, .. uj, k
fMfiikti inr niiitki v.", t --
lh Wn mai al th" cn F.x
crnll) lm rowro .7"
,H'rtttwt Utin. ft ta"J
, ui, cd rfovrr-Jm and rruMI. ail
! oa lart 01 up?uM jw
i.x? iiit n rRiwi' is'.
f4k. LiaU In thi wB rnMrm
(ns.vHi oil ratal vrn Utwtcsl U
1 ... t. nt tia common! n h
AVft W9W - -
; aUt llv of othor dljtetiW" itwitr
A coniprauv -- -. ,1 ia ihU cottntrj. Ui a ii
ficai Trar a ' . . ..iku unm fc Ik-
- ct. J?il'' "J tLLi. ,n l InW nftr bi tl
1 . . t . m.t. - -.l.lta a kmL I 4mMlm
- . ft - t nnnniiiiin liii un a .rm-.--..--
j pUi tn nf j4.s,et 0f x)ut otlxwKSl eK
. ! mJll.h .,,,-ntitv a U lw lU ! T
nlntr Ik rtirrveU tho rtend ! UUrvJ
ration .fcouli! lold mow or UHtif iiaik.
or both, than tiie IIrt- In wlmnis
the lUet of lin mUon. ' ftMiiwtiftr
was ttmw or inn nauinu in
th t4l of milk vs U10 jeriol of lnet
tlon alvnnTil, ami for th jfTtadniillj. I
enn4fc tftHmtwr vrllh tk a.lvurw
nf thseam two opiwisttay VmJmetr
whleli jMtrtinllv hit not eni!fry jwciac
Isan! mrh othr. Tho r!l v tMH
fftvomWe to thd irtnc4id mCm!. Oh
the second ration thin wit n vwy kt
ejaiti. which csHtld lt crtMrt!-! Ut tf J
mtkin. ami. i h thlnl mlioii n vary
Might lews In UfM. lJir ww , n
vve hoh linvr tHsptml. n WitaW x1
hi the Mvond ration, oonllnued tm tV
It will Ihi rin mfcered tiwt iJU ltn
tUm wn.i. hi mol tij tkt mUttcw, la ,
have the ntn totol id !lgt-Uh4 at:r
id all khidis in men ono; lt wh k
iopnmi lUjji-sUon f'eUur njrtmiii
with tho fodd 4I In On! mtik t
Mrlni"iit wfn ilnKhed It trna fMjt
that tho seeoii I ration iMflaiil a littk
larger total ot theac ninitMit tJtttii cfWl
the Jlrt. whtl the tklnl tiAiiiwl n il(-
tl le. 1 f n iw It h 4trHMil tltiu tn
tleMof iiillk dejHtd' ipe'iny nl
toUy on tin inmntltj d 'Ha; lltilc
matter of all kind. It b i-xplaiaW iav
.hImhii th ft no ipioniUy of milt wa, M
UiticHl on lhie thnnt ration. Ijt a In
tle more on the eeonl linn ni UrntfltfU.
nml a Httlu l on lh Uilnl thn mUmi
Att4MitIon h viry proj:wrrf tttl hi
thi bulletin to iheimj'oruiae' f fttHiitr
teui vt tJi etirreetniiwi of thW nr4
tkm. Oil'itt'ttls of a!) kiml. t
m-al, cnu Ix' r woll uatnl i the mite
ration. In thi ronmirUon U hooltl bn
further iiotieini that thetipU nf IkmnHik
a to quality, and Umtor iehl m rlttirrt
iHr, failed to how nny tmttHh&lila
ituprovemHUt on the more irxfmttm (K
mem rro.1011 r. u. r. V4iMWnc,
.V. Y. Trilmnr.
An Arllrls- Vlilrh liirrjlwitr ro Mk
ISlltlT ili CUrf Sirtltl itr-tl,
Crennt vnr1s In qnality n'tmilwUiiUj.
To uhjmssi UnU oreufn J ornwi atomy
would Im a (fmvt mltak. TUa vary
nat urn of crm obllgtx k to act ia n
hlt'r to the milk. A mk as U mnuii
gkbsjes have gnthrml 1 u a iiimh a
thev rie frrm the htttimu of U jtaiJ 1
pan ! ItTln to acmid togrtWr, the
nectsriiy ettrry upv.iihUiem nnrUxltt''
that will ailliere U tbcjn ur wldelt vrifl
arrn-t Uo4r mTR. Whrt, for IfiJf
tant . the mlJk ropy, or enntoin.
strings of ailherent matter, a jus eor
tmsei, or edl. from the mttcoM mem
brane of an udder affcrted hr catarrhal
urg;el. or thol U Inflamed ffutt aa-
caue, all thne mut nixreirJly ? eejt
niil up with the cream, filtered from
the milk, m fact, jut th mme a J
thotijvh a fine mrmn hod hern Jrawii
throujfh it and had canbt all tWe In
the in'tiihe. The effect U to chuxg lht
texture til the tiam u make it adher
ent. titr, nml. a jMne ilttirrmru com
plain, it ha 4 leathery texiwre. V.hcjj
tatlk of thi character joe it0 thevherM
vat. the cheese w,n taiaU and ba o
offeahe o!or of rottnn, 'tiitj lif
fereat frtitn the troojj nrnmonme-al rdot
of highly rfene4 che, vrhkh U du
to the change of th? ca.MjJnf ad aJbtt
roen of it into ammonia- A zlbttrao
contafn itett per cint- of astgogsn,
which i eqiva-nt to nlm?tea ttr tmnt.
of ammonia, and die&ed ndl of tn
kind tmder nojict? contain vtovuid
proportion of alhunn and very nJe?
enter Into tmtrjfactiv? ItnnnnimUm, i
the chang 01 th nfUjroa ii xtmsuj- -
nB arwl alo itlphurtttl hvdrn3 by
eomUaaUoa of tiie .u!pkur ea4aied ts
the albnmea with a portion of tbn hr-
fetuiveaad itlsi:e53t otlor. hki ik&lyi
aafc frm Ibi on of taifk. Uutt
j.a,i m SATOred whUe ffts', btil Tif-V
loon U. :, uuticror th- ptnjfotrrV
ferracntatSoa of wakh Imtyrie sckl b
ptoer i "Jr wait jtcCS. or b vrhiiain co
ajway a proaccu a well & stazaoala.
sad w :ch hutU:Tluit'MoSesM'itt:txUiT
of rol-a chce. On ihU &acnnnt It U '
very nccfiarv to watch vcrr rjtuc-iv th A "
health of the cow aad an m &tx&aa.tja7
mix the toHk ot srxrrttetl kaiotsiU wlsk
that of healthy oat. JLnt iroa tb
refc.a hrc vea xka enr of
c!eaiiais U ajiparrxt ha b aalfkiajj
ami haattifaz 0: aBk, for ere U tk
COr are ieadi thm mv jssr ha
,poaei by want U cta act Wfc ot
-3 yryjmt
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avew tirx la. iiket.
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