r r j- V- rrzn v . f .- J, -J . -. -.' - -SSrt-- . ' ' , . i. ;, -. ?. ---?.' i-r ;!. .i..f. JV , !. - Zj .?W 4 V ISS- !?-- l . --. i ,. sa '?,"'"& T-- '""1S' - -,.KC ' j- -" sr- - ' -J I W- i - JL "- . L V- V&i ' '" -rf " ' '15rC5;j:-' -3 . . 1 -:? ' ?, . ij" -' K " Trf-A lit p v -k LOUD 1 .. w. V S.J(f , j.v t s.- f J5ML -& . ,-wi " v TPji ETEPAL VIGflLANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY' AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. a.. ". 1 '!' ! rjg-ai'jaaLiag -' (" , ' VOL. XII ' W da , RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FPIDAY, NOVEMBER 2-1, R&4. - N0i8 HJ-J-eiav uiJMfcj.. JuojK;ja3t,TTrrSTvuiaisi ttvuai4ju.ateajuMiiMeofu:MLrcssaiearr WTiua'iwjijM,iJ,jbp .in"M',.'-lJ1.'J" -lln..'.j-JialJ. -a.lniii.JM,'''J fll!g&,iati''i'iwfti Mwiwgl.MiwaMtj mW??SSm7xi'V& :?rr ,--"!. ss .s5A-.s,v . & 9 "-ii. - ' ? '- .- .Sb ..- . - - a .-. J&. '; iiF?1?,-- ,...--. .. . ,.',. " """ il'.nfeiu- '" U "V ," . - -".- . -r . ..rxz ;ii'' . -. - 4i ' J -r -.-.,. .., . j-H ,c. p- Tj1 Pi I -t M 13 1 it I J Bi ,- Xy.-Jl. JL-J JJL. . fc. - . . . V J . a . BUY YOUR GOODS A.T THE OLD f " -; nrzmli BT r frB ; j HH Ked -ow CHitri "JST1 i It r I RED CLOUD CHIEF fivsEvrwiuv nr A. C.H0SMER. KATE3 )P HUnSCUTfO.S-: copy, ono yea . - - " &1 &S -trie cnpy." six mor h. - - - 76. 4, 5ae copyvfour a .th. - - - - -.- Entered n't 'thft lMlflce in Rod Cloud a mat lor of tho second clats. .sr: COUNTY OFFICMKS. John T- Biiyh;it County Clerk. vims. Uuschow, Comity TrtMteurcr. 3co. O. Yciser, Counfv Judge. J. Vv. Wurreti, Sheriflf Mlias.Jft Springer, Buporinieudant of v- rwblic Tnstrucfcion. u. P. Kinker, County Surveyor. . t.lf. rosen.t, County Coro:r. : - J. E.jjSmith, ) J:iqi L. Miller, V Oounly Com. . ' Jno. McCallum- e.n 8SfiP2BriS !J:ii llgliilg. iraanita L' ,3 2 r, H ': L' !! I H a 0 swi a v- t d a y,9 IflsfTiMfiisfiiSaBiy iBnnA isieiffta .dAsBllf 8ySiMftn 5a'i-2k7d ttdittaiSfisa'HaS tts? Opposite Potofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, n the LARGEST and MOST COAdPLETE ever brought to the . . rhc .RepijoLcan-Vallev and my prices can not fail to please. 5 L PNKPP r? , tn?i - n? mH h ----- ..., -- trr, s,4m ' V . F IS iWf Wy f J rrifiAT. yW yf 4 j rf l . t r - " "W1.-' V-' " "t.iVC rYiA.-yi":5.f;'fkft. fi f t a oil i .. vyi, .inuia.iiifiL i n .Fion i . I IN III! MH tttmtgfciS H ; OiVEfJ AWAY i j."s r t5i ru : BJ liter iJk -li j . . 1 , rjntim rtMrtata &A. IB us: n ess Directory. i TNO.B.STAKSKft, AU0TI0N13BU, -HICKS- - - - NJ5BRA.SK.V j V. TULEEYS, M.D., r homoeopathic piiysiorAN, 1J. S. Exaniinin Surgeon. Opfics Opposite First Jfutiotia J3tnk, I?.ctl Clou (1. Q ii. icKEEDY, M. D., PIIYSICIAiSr AXJ) SUIlOEOy, kOKFJCK. First door wast of itk's !rug nfarv, .lfc liours from; to 3:1. 111., l lo4. rji!. to p.n. ltesldency y lilocks west ol ojrt Itonsv. KDCLOUI). - - - KKBitAKKA. tv- FrrfS 1 - Kxmcy. -AsX -Oi. IP mS7. ATRONIZErlOME By Patronizing Home you can always get FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS fetter fillPfi8 Of iEvery Description Manufactured b J . 'rPS. E.53 ? - WIB . 5 ! j n I - t ! 1 ' - fOO I 9 tr.o 6100 920 $to -nmmr eiajtoSM b-m' 4 f Plf WMfNM. "- ?. - a ! yr vptv m Mci h,art l- .t- HZT.,.! vfcwarr c- vt miiMWait iww Mnno. V)rWi, bt S .. .m. .. , 3d 8K Mj rrwtwrxt T -Tiii c: U -J a 4 tt tfrt&X r t-iK ;r-e f vim m - tmm i $MCr-H M Mi 4tvt m a . mv ? 77!.. ! A.rTT r mr:m -, h Im4 m lumm4 1 & -i HBHb sp Sf mmmm tw w rf rtwi ki fww - . i-w,wa ww wttpw vjiT w wrnaii a,. i, . r . . "- -- ... . r r. . . . ... t Inllall BJ mil k . lit m. .. . FW IVMI MB MM si z?iz:?zzr irJwr j; iirTrzL: t !. T;n mm u - .f i j, . . "Tfc"ZEr! lw i kwMk 1i a1 r- liW i'-iKI. Jf t. ETyVBt v" tc just tMvtwTwn . .-,. ...totw imvri -,! j . - tZ. k .. ' " k - mm m- IT" rrizr !" ..Jrr" " w uw 4 k. ; " " ! PVMMI. at i wi, - - .4 . w. j J :CT "7. "" IL! kr f Mil ' twr. - m mm li h r a ii tfN Z KinriM MartM sr. i P U ISeJfft 2n!ilfcl3! .lJfUIJU feH532'FS' u u sbuu uiuuu tpuuujftu u wi nofl "a Sieeper, s!gcry 7 At Same Prices I NEW STOR O UAJIEKELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN ASD SUItCEOX, Kcd Cloud, Nebraska. xicn: Orcr tnoaoir posiosico. QILUAM & KlCKAJtDS, ATL'OKXEYS. ffiiLv OtTiCi: In Smith Brow, law office 'M . fjLs jfZ'W' Kai.uy. J. L. ICaj.ky. fM Kaley Bros. .'' i TTORNEYS AT LAW. liED CLOUD, XEI5. Agents tor the 15. & L Iv. it. tud? We iiw' nfy t!M i-t m"iTfU th narJcr: ;'.fTiirli In th wmfartnrcof nr and thTft)vl.t.fp.iiTi. d :tv. .'. ir-."'l ivmLi'Imi; jt '..hhI worl:. H;ivhK v.rrket : litt:-ilui. :u lot h-nr.1;' r Ic i w.ir -ir"-? i.i "i.r u.tstii entiie su 3 f;ution. Wvm dim lurtW' d toilu iui kiwlb ti( iThat you will have to pav for wiilrlcs. mill . Jr m Is Job Woik and Bepairing I Horse-shoeing, Plow Work &c, at the most iv.isona!!' tirlT8. Ml work varnDtd. JSojm lt Uio bmt wrntuan. j (imf)ioyi-i. i our brum re resp-uHy souoiunt. I3ET We hit nwr IimiSwI !tt OUlt NKW RItlCJf UL'IUHNO, wht e v r i i an lnienor article snipped in from the cast. All of our Buggies are Warranted. RSerfrsFt & Fulton, i MAVK lTAlUXli;i X ct ImiaImm. i i -On tl) fottowfo iBiMriM' . .. . ; inrWiriLEa p fcor ft w hmk. 1? i Tik. -.-ZTlT J " ferwurr r TH dtS for wtw.wrii w, fci hr. zsTiijrLKr'Sc't: . ;frJ4 ImH , immmj4 J2Jjtor, ! Smmt In atfc Mr tt ih (Knt m .u t i.k u . w l'? r r w Wl WW T jrir: . -'r'jr-r: rr" fei BMt i a. kr- w. wi Ohmi Uf lim ftm Oh feifrlca Jbr JMK 94 w Mi a ( oa a fUC ta a !drt . SaT 1. '. !T7. TL! icfM.1 u t SZrViTiJ3L!TL,crT:i2 (Kil our ft-tnciU aitd pnlriHis -, . a to iRED CLOUD CARSIAGE WORKS G-ATES & BOKA3STAMT, intoruiKioiis ok TO T?T nT fTTT HTT? A rn .UJLlr.JL JLiwJ t'w' A- 3&Jb.JJL2im . X Xi "7771 -w C i fciTlsf li-flil III 0, C Case. J as. MeN'tiny Case & McNeny, . TT NT EYS Jr COU 3 KLO K S AT T,A V. Will jiractico in all tint CerU of iImf fUnte ji'lnurUictu ivansai. OolicstiA)i:it5 KKlluelii staled buiincB? cirofally ud4 vficintly Httuud d :o. Mttw.r..-'SvciX, dor iuth :' iNtiou:iJ . .!:. nv hUirs. ItiSU CLO t-'D. JV' lili. i ir K r m. fifji a j)R. c.s;;henck, J1IYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowley, Nclirnsk.u .. Professional calls projnptly Hitondod.i. Office : At residence Cowies. S-oI j T. J. WAKD. ioto Public, Gs37vfiBS8. fei fesfefe ..d Ijisnrsiru'd Vgojil. COWLES - - NEBRASKA. 11ns IJ. & M. Town Lots for Sal :ii:d Farininir Lnnds. :u:d Fnrimnr OliGE Vv. 1IAGEK, B lacks mithing, Repairing:, &c. rwjmptly done, and AH Work "Warranted. GOVVLES - - NEBRASKA. ( Wm. GATES, FlrM IKmt Kn'.ii of. HkK. or . I Tag Sutra. PBKSH AKD 3ALT MEATS, '. FISH, POITLTRT, Always ' 6n hand. Coli- and soc- tacm Tvii6iiO50S:you Want tho bjajfc and. the svDatEiefe aiaato. jgwst? -i'.Jf-Atf3n ; & VfiKS3? TTSr L XjSWL. Sf - - l' i 5 ..rt ?$&&&&&wmtf J zmmmm&r z&y :i - r-5a r -.THT-ij5.v?sa. .i.?s -;. ' j3t n,ijieiw,, 3 :?.W. twvtr' o- fiYs WmMKmtm JQ EL unw E "rli && w&i -a. Pfs.' i iLi- ar5rC'V'J'J at .wells, h--sgssssisss .. u .7. ..." " ITT"" ." " ' -.. n . n Huni 4 uTlf fc.. 4 ,, fc - - - rf" . .. ft. - ' - dfc h iiir.y. 1 uer nri ;im:v ifrrii uf am i r- - "-w . k sssB&a I!i lJ jhujV -f :!; mtrtHti ty .tmt; ui- warn m uv ua Harcl'war.e, . ' Tinware, Stoves, Iron, Naiis, Ami in Ian wrytatrt rani found at oar tbt Is tttftaJiv k-frt iu 3 lrtf--fcta Immim-. We wiHdd 1? Amm-) tn Jkitp pKpir rn ibi tat hi htMilt( h.rrtfT Dur rtiir lH alwajr be rem.U .-m.1 in kaVpita; "H tfw drhKuid of Uw Uuia. WeTy npKrtf'it?v wvtiHt yr trwla hm.ii UtAt it mil prv hi-t:. r.- .-j to i:b. MtiKllAKT I'fl.TON'. ilr J. (. (lrjid(wff. ll.-iiJIpiuartlvritrrtj. tll! aitvayn Im frMiitd j-d to mUtupfw. ytMi ?i BaWmfti v D 4fTn "T55 "K Q 51 IT?T U" -DEAJXR IJS' 9 j urniture,- Coffins, &c. Red Cloucl, - Nebraska, A Fiao Itoo of Pailoi- Rod EltejiKPuaTiiture always on hand aaad will na aold et romrkbl LO POSS: Old stftud. jtast north of the 5Sed Oioud Ila-iioiial Bask. Oomo and &6e me boforslniYiatf- 7 Wwpi ! B ! --TJIE- . BOOT 4ND,SPx0E Man of Red Cloud Re R. Sharer, Pros. Who has. the Largest Hfl9Rflfl4w3 W PSifil1 btocK of Boots and Shoes in the Val- y flas simply A s gS- pa ii Uwr titMd tfc Motet. U Mtf mr ZTTJil" "T. TT.TL "T2. T"1! iiaaainit Taal that mirth, jmal, 1 SrfT mid 500 tbnmtglt a dw) of wm4 , Wfca?Saa tW rrim.1 ', t aw a wrra-minl. a Htd nfrturte con- jtrTrLL-??! "Lrr aMawd tmit to eat it'WH wliK ; ri. f.ririii VH- VfkWw;!- sijhi lanfiNi ixs rnaws vkuia it Jkjaa & born tvf Hi'ilr. aatd t a xxi socked ill blood, arkirh. In r22L?-a?fci!i 1- twiasss SaTairzr rvTrrr ; - . tWirkw that it mqairw' two nT tM ta ; CS?SL " ftfc -fJhP ..t 1.. 1. . . ... 1 w JErJk "w an. v.mr (Oisgn.i nw aw SWOV Um tiat n emikJ ararrly afmek ahof9 a u'Ufrprr. Our llw acsfi xstmbeA :umJ nplU with Uie uiUm Ut. "In Utf kHutuoou oum o( ih - B1 IfMkt? A. Wia twlJM Wkr TM MM f th imia m who tad iHfea ok Wi Uxr wa obafnwri : w wwi. w rta , . rnntiicp tfiW.irrJ lh$ ofmn. aod wa!k $Mf r1 1. l-ac.-' . could liMi diatlnffubb aa ihuhii om-f 1 thaai :,.. iU n , 8 uctaat Ha waa crpi.jf , ka. Ttom '?" "' M r. r. f av. ! Who wero ahlf Martatl inward! IK mu) i Hfia ' ' . ttttn t f ! ? J S K 8 fl 3 H H S S ft i i? rr i h flrinir. .uk! wp diatlnu. JmmI a Li , II '" -f' niaout..,.. i u iw -73 w tU V ti .,ltol.' .. " j. . ,. IJ1.1 A.t '. -. v.-ri. l,r 1.. !i; ' o!L3 amd nn cr.. Froprlotary Medicines it Specialty Approachm;: us tota t.k dKtaaea. Aa ill- " A ' it approswbfd tht iron wc reempOaMl tr.!nit u...n. 4 n wrii-r, ia , it as the lamu-h of Ukj TaUflfiooaa. A tfe m,i,t r'' r - th- oMir ramc tn i-xw we !sxad Jll!, 1'' tA ,'k ' " l hint U couple pv . watw. ii jrf aa : w, " (i!"K !: of waJUv.s oar'i, which mda t,lf,',,' ,ts but it waa dtel u . "' l WHa maria mi La I "Wf"' " " U'ftch. and in a fmv moni(mt a ot of I 1I w11 ' J, al h ibimutrf h f : ll crav fr.r t?iuim. iiut it nr rfW.I t. . U' ' " rnapn drift mvt t r m. . r'" . - ... t t& . .. . . JT;.a ;rUre waa mxAn oa Laa ! wr r - - rrwB. . ,wn. iC DEALER J74 , LlwElSijlilS Is now fully prepared to bnyCATTLE and HOGS, for wMcli lie will pay the HIGHEST PRICES ! v Soc him before you sell, it will pay you. Mow Office and Yards-o ssoa. Sows---'"- fefr.7 iHR P f There was a big show in town, but that show was nothing compared to the - show of iita ui Mw km I At the store of BflbsiaQSa s IsliUns all parties wishing any- g?gtgEF tiling in oiiac nne win Sar - Money b.y palling on TJs At the Boss-town Hardware store Goods Ave have nd sell we :uiKt, eitlicr for Cash or n Trrlst. M I kOoeRedlolloin! Out of Prices ! I J K. f JJ J I ROM L'H 'W' pJ & Jiia& eo v &f3f? 3FiCf3 I A W,ir,-rr--.wVT..-n-rTr, n AXO OEALSK IX ;&.' v-essuEASi Dealer in ,S lii5li?3l?ifs,ksiilioij5wliliiiy &c -Sc IJepaiiing a Specialty. All lOnds of Sewinr Macliiue rfopairs. Red Cloud, Nebraska,. -.M5 ft fviBaVgK r. YtiiLJ 31 fc?7vOr v?WmR 2idi? lJtve ja&33CI V And proposes to give the people the advan tage of the LOW PRICES ! And the best goods ever put on this market. The Celebrated Giescke Boots and Shoes ! Hand-sevyed warranted tr ?dcn. Women, and Children, and for durability stand without a rival "and ar the most desirable boot, in the market, lie has also a fine line of wwn w rHm l-i uwmwimmiiiitiM.r'Oi ij-;:-r- u- A nm nn.l rlf i aK..rta.eat of i cyncu WB,J. " " swwww. ear. sti "T-".: ' " - - - - --.. -. law rm f jii- "" -.. f,- ?-? i".r. cwa. isan ' ' ; " " " s- ; wo wer jui)td into Uw boatt aad Ui r"' ! ' J ,tJ '' ' ' ken to the ahip. whieJj we nw4 fattt te, ft-" ' ' ' B flf . " V ' atitigbU A low da of oaifl itml- J " : ',t " 'i Jw f lap ami tadr unrAuq tturml 94 U "J' ' : t : . ifti iv- oar lrmar atrfnah. J hare nfteaj l : ' - V m f- tfwijrb, bow thankfnl f waa to God for , ' '" K '"- f "J 4 & LAMP AND LA3iPr..ITnaS3 JJST mm ul. t -in- 5 ' 2r 1 C-r 2 S 35 5i t . ? ARXf-SS' COI.LAILS, SADDLS6 HOR6&J3LANKF.TK winiSi c:ibs. brushes. JIARXKjWOIL And efrything usually kejt in 1 Snrt class hnj). Twu dMr north of 1st Nat. Bnfe- RED CLOUD. XER. f?3?nnLiEs Valises, i' 4- tX (jHO. O. VKISXU, ft. D. Yxiaex 2 tfc-UrcHiiu. reroa who hav oer ? 5fu" ' ' had iikf exprrnoe ca fofw bo kamt t'r'' ' ' of ttKt ttemble uiTcrio W aaan fiifj11 thut ondkJou: and Lhi, nrrww win f WV i ' aoharbiy niitoto the ntrrtrvrk of tka ' w Ji ? "' '- - t 4 U . Gnwh' tfcneilia. if nlacad aaitlw,w- ' " '''' "'' fc t . if t , W!:. I--. - 4fch4i ;U " I1- : : undxr sorronatiiarK. wottld nn dmmht f br a adopt tb wAwe oocrae. ".Vei Jlarfe I ' r ' rr&, . TIoTtuvoLh WIU thcSSM'.. i CVt-Y'Mf . y.r. ajp&a ijU. RED CLOUD, XED. 21 arc en our bofl&s Seveaal Hundred Farms l!ll?'i SeliiHil Mil Of nTl .-.irloa flan9 UnJ A ESBi - - j . v-- x,-'3 ii4AiVa"C W i Boots and trhoes. ASneline of cus tom made Shoes tor Ladies' Jlisses and Children" ln fact he his even- I thins: in the shoe fine that any one 1 could weed. Call and see him at the um s:ana opposite For Sale. iKiprsreil aad ttarBUuvMrdiL. Town Property. Bastas lioasei. Kaskfeattts &ad To o 1K. Sfod Jarfncc list. I B-tvt Mav. --No. --..' j .slmmfT j jj-ii.r m rv r. "I a.-o Vbnn tba Wild Weat shew wan ia ! ' !h ,- 4 ' '' fe 1 town, a b man. wtqui't a aowbrtwc J4. : j-. :- t t;w tw on W hel and a jrnMamftft aumr on the Hi msr 'r ''5 ' - '" -r Th,' kW of hU facr. walked teto a aaktett f wtwia :-u. .ia f urn and gal aoarcbUiKfy al the wcgrwta- rr4lp rrhvHo j hi i?vft tin. arehMffiaUi ni a ia trm. 7f I s r' ' -Whotn we you lookiasr fer. JohftT' fA what? 2h " J "' impiire.1 the watlomaa aKod wbk ? s1 W Kir. i tT "ii Im back to the bar. both dbow ntiaa; j . Wri. an HJi joii the cmjnajr and oe heel trpoa ' 4Ut jwqiihiite thy foot raiL Jte.Jfer W-lpcam. , -0b. I'm looking for Sonvboay," ' SZTT7 ' repKed Arizona John. "Ftw beo k5:- i lf - inv for win the laH two yeara. nTr. - , . . . , lo huntml r thai fellow from Slww- S!!fS H?11 wWl. tJ hcrau to iikiyon. sad otTcrw! b raon- cv for rme .oare look a aim. n hka that afteV caw sw4 ohraaHk ia f3uir 0 tha fi Tfarcg nc f.. Df2U e& woriw for our how-d xwor' toiy- H WJ " wAhwa i 4 bodv efce in eamp-but I can: rt on 'f " && t to h'irn- II Uai on the asbiry ifc,. bt etfcl o f U aw JWrt.'. I'd like to work for half what it ?iJ TfV tws,Jl? liP. to keep h5m. Ifs always doia oo-! il "? m&f m ffirtdl thiF. Om of th bul&iJoe jt into a Ifw ttre thfer ttiitm eW- biied the nu over a feev ad when j w f mMp aftiaa nf. o 0 ls, I wit to the esiap aad ak4 wi 1st 2 fet ! C ' fc rip Uxtj- did it. JKobodr fet so Uwt8 S444, '"inr clrarope of the bauooo Mk uo ir r jZ ww . oUr day. aad we lo5 the balhxw. 1 jf H7 wbr aaeeaw wpMt i Soroebodr forgot to feM the horses, i f, V JIW fcl wtoat bf FIRST NAT10XAL, BANK. RFJD CLOUD, , - NEBILVSKV, Alicn you want Bargains I , -. . to ?ee ioa&o4ry. ini jbijow, iKcio.;j!rK;M ht t-r JVPI rdfc n v-wi r-k rw 9 j te- c1. a. -n ' -. - -fc .. . l muiuii. am -mw t r w rm kx p . 1 . .vsa ." i . t. vb - j- . a .Arir tm 1 -. Efkl a 8 -Ij'iy 3 UCUSI fc atiwji. Alicn you want Barsa:ns R ;: TmretearAg uad costs nscre isose. f v , JBSeW", - llUldOf lJbli'- I F bsncVot .uTuwIrrn Into k SSpiSSa, JL J2;1N r1- 1 Mrnrfe Ijust VM; to Itelf --jWShv I WahSiJh121'a??fc3ettSS3r5 eflk yfSlfjlC W 'hira a rai2DU; OR S w!- r fllej ' 7"Ba?;Cr ' sIMvelma.s6mecxmjriencc tu the 2fcreert . A-t0' ' bamwthctwi:d dew.wK-j&t li- "" SerWI.a dPeVlia J happy if I ever go: x fcar rhasc t 1 ifKHLWP? ft? r' G AuslBts;IUiiuk.IcahItirnisl!youiitocklo suft tjSS' IszVa?c <etts.i UrvaJiiriqviid ISjgS3MMialaaw Somebodr." I - IjaaaPJW ttli)HI HH Hi I '-V '. - " sn. A :hs?Mliaihhl aj: rreSae a. -K-. -i. .-... fTViiBPHBt ', ,fc&5 J0 ea .he gJaaalTTTIgJ .-- I TTAni f$in-nrii'r7fic37nsef . PZh$- even eifc wl wnboct Kaste. 3?n die faracr W1E ftftlS IaaffAlAf vi f I fT?TTf keeper, msiacalingly. - &&t m .SHOTil'Wl'r: M' 1-MleefcSretnifle - JKggM-:4feS5S HIIV If . -'- know wlaorag a jjeBP v;.:,:,;: :. . W " ?Jk:&; rsv;jS1' 1 ?5fH4i -c . - . - -,.- i-?-., vfc SSiH-'f . - j-MtK 4 - 1 "t s. i t f- ri .. t3- - -ftftVi ,aH,yw WmSSrsmi:,, BKmSmwSM'm r !Ti k :oir n C'S s 73t.T Sowebodv hft the br of 5e oorrai J ? . xwv Jau aavaav avfitf r B?-4 down sad all th .oes Uupe4ert f " iarti j-b r. tJ . v rt. 1 a r - a.. . x i :u t juu KXJt'Ar j; avnw m Aa.ra,.. WWfldl i -3VTf WiKU JL !T&fl. VV 0V ? 1 , eajfca, MT VS ;a4r !sr iff I! rftmre bus f-;Wa 2 tiiiiiw iF53 otfons, Wall P-apsr, ate. "e a ' 5 'T " Mr. Soswbodv. whorv w bn, wlnt dots ppy 9eiaa4 jt ' s- wu be loak like? Ererj-body be ar ra$ I JI ' - -S? "fr to fcaow hfcs. Tt heatrd n Salt j Iwr -'; d W 4I their wv?w thi they'd got to so dovs ? Jwsapd ? ij fer - . 'fct. i btrtw52 the aeea at site tfcester 1 9? tfmj t .? -fc- t torn sow fc vl rm i jav-Aa t'5F mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LiHFni Tu r ' XflCWV ,J9T:mKr,m -'aT' f ilMM-iMB ii r . T - ' r.. -." A'HlBfliHIHUiHMB fe.-.ur J