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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1884)
Trur ,.' tIT- . TJs i. - 5 .1 cwr "; issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss -v.sssswsz: vsssssssnsssssss: tk-ts ' I u rvi. i lfc' WTOS W1MMJF5 aJ. j-. -- ,f- r W- -J. . r j&"3z at - ,-. jSt- - .w - -t-1 1-- ? k?-. fc J-"Jr-r ?"K2. IW jp rfr f'li.T v? rJiTSW v " ft. liTTHE Red Cloud Chief !a. C. HOSMER, - - Proprietor l i 1$ &" f '3 f " FRIDAY. ffi V. 7, im t,- ' " '- -.&"- Z - - r:rOCV-SSSSBW VBBBBBB1 -SSR" "rAt ' -f 7- -? y - . -r in i "XLjE i ii ZJ3S50f ars!vl'atiJ if i Trr. F-f T3iS3B s ' -- --- --.' vvji 'j iJ A r,PCKY UJGACY. Toon Tom Collins, law student. liad j ist come hito a strange lnheri- I . tanco. lie iaz solitary in ma boarding-houso room trying to realize it. II the poor child hadn't roc." ha said to bhuaelf, 4,it could o and apply for admits on to soiiu Institution, if I bndu't it, 1 could but Lord! that is not the Idea. I must decide what I am to do." Torn had a olexnnly promised to care fur tho new-born babo of hi only i ter, w:io had j'.ut died. Tom was Interrupted bj a knock on ihu door. It was followed by a cry of mingled entreaty and coramamd. such as only hungry babies know how to exult- I've fetched the poor little dear around, sir," said the nurse, brandish Ju" her charge. "T tcrcl there! there! It'll got wxniithii minute, mixin' milk. Havaryou foun-i a nurse, sir? And baby Wants co:Le." 6hc dropped her shrieking charge upon Tom's bed and started toward the door. On! oh!" gasped Tom. "Do aot ol In tho name of mercy, do nut! W fay lo you sav 1 want a nurse? Are you no', one? I am. sir." she said, turning confi- dntialiv to Tom. "a 'monthlv I am J willing to st:iv w ith you while I caa Ttm. .r. mv summons may come any ---- --T 7 i:iv or hour. lute. II wotk for you hut w!.n my cull comes no earthly tiling can keep me." Ca:i vou." sid Toni. lookinir gloom ily at bin now silent prize on the bed. can vou irive me anv arfvice?" Airs. Pnmmins placed her arms skim b'j. 'Jom fervently prayed for light on the me iilations. "1 have it." cried Mrs. Priinmliii. ll.ilviuy got lo take it!" ",'.t'i our dear soul!" responded 'Joiu.'s the very one! What i .Hl.'tityou huvu for managing, auutio uc:iu" J . rre was Tom, his very Belf ! He linn ui: on exactly tho right compli incjyuu pav tno old He was Bc:Wll fl Viing tlirough life ou this iiiniuici he had for saying the most p i;:tani tliiug to every boiiy. Mrs. IViinmms of .th tuingn desirwd the rcp ' u.auou of a maneuvcrer, as it was, of roiirsf, the one of all others she did not ilwrve. Y:s," she cried, chuckling, I can in.-rn e. Let me alone! And first t.mig in the mom ng I'll go there with vou. Now," said sbo seizing her c.i.inre, who was beginning to squirm, "now I'll see wnat's to be got out of your iamilady." Wink ug violently with first ono eye and then tho other, she started to go; then, with a sudden solemnity, she re lnorted her head in tho doorway. If I'm summoned," she said, "it's above all else. If I'm called I mast wvVk .B B P gjpjp J-tk m H Wn ff FiHum V- ial-'Bag'?4K?.?y.?ur..rag iz!?x.m2& for Enfants end Children. "CMtrl .t vj vel) Uplel u chOdrr OuU IrecoraneAc! liaa oa1or to any proacnpti&c kaowB to tte. 1L A. A acHta, 11. D., HI 2a Oxford 8C, Krooklja, H. T. Four Htorncfc. Dlarrfcax. Eructti. KilU A'onnii, pc lcrp, J njuctm a :eruon. lajttncua szzs 5 Aji -'i,'.rr,'WXl .bftolate care the Back. Barns, Galla, &c l relieving and Healinp Bemedy l i3 &3fi5; iWmmw3WK1w'Mmi rnmMmmmn for BhearaatlsM, SprmiM, Pmis im H Am Inatteoua Pais- D It ifi injpossiblo to calcti k for you whi'e lcanf r. liMtHmm-, UI-XIJSI1 nnat could a porxect amg or a man mean by t&ikinj; like that to her? Of rnnrift hn could not mttkn to marry a little scbool-mitrcs only homo on a . Vacation? vx tfivw? Torn acted queerly. tov, whoa alone. iaWJil u fn hl room. He took a nanor and pen cil, and figured and calculated. He maJfc a lint of all the littio properties he possessed. He added them up and ho added them down. Then ho set down a list of all the things ho wai accus tomed to soond muner upon that could be di-jpensed with. Then he brought out a book on economy, where It tells how a man can live cheaper with a frugal wife than ho can alone. He was astonished to find that book ao intense ly interesting! The next day Tom went again to see . luebaoy. had seemed to JJoJiiG Gl'QWll J UrSCViOS! him us though the afternoon would AND UnALKJl I.V G33KiEiBAi Nursery Stock A? I liarh;ul omc xj'frl'ic In the Nur-orj" I'.ua.ucss, I JJ.ii.K I fin fiiruMi you stock to mi ft our climate from 040OuW'&'ur Cr-O 0O0O4 ' For the Fall Trade ! 4 zSj&& C-OiH 000t o O-CS'ChO- OO C ' 3 "TIKffi vlliCK, int T 4 ailoarl mmr JDt i , 1 M '2iaaruiK iV ?8 A W" PMf P W 5S K ft ;; sa i - an I l8Ubi S 4 !CeM MMtet ft lWtfc W teds, Meltons, &c., SUITS. i FO f , . low k own TtWia, Crtiii j-I:iu Mt4 yt-MiMUo Vk tk 4UaUaUaJ. 1VC )U U. (ill ah4 tt ImM Wt jrw wj G4 Wutk tl rr frifw. 4k Old Stand, Everybody is Invited to call at oooweooo-oC4M:--d eOOHMM004H000C OOO' And see his large stock of s.Q-..&o-&-i-e's eos't'eovc-js ? c- u Bed Cloud, Neb, UlMia&Y HMUI$? s&iM&-iS-0'ai-04'iS-&aS' fl"DC-C-i5i"4i"J? f. . BMOWJf fKOI-WlOfc. t BROWN'S MARBLE AND GRANITE WORK: 4 H OFFICE AND YARD.-Opposite Watson'i l ifer y stable. 4 1 i 1 i jock box, 3 22 RedClqud, Nsb- go, day or nip;htl ' Certi'iniV," said v. sam lorn, mucn iub- Eled, "Imt you won't be. auutiei" as the young man walked abroad to get his dinner ho felt impressed with aa almost mysterious awo of the old uurso. -To think of living always with leath prinninj: ono in the faca like lhat!"'he muttered. In tho night Tom's dream of peace Was arain ulspellod. Auotiior knock at his door. Aru I under a ban?" prowled Tom; what's the mattor now?" "I'm callod," said the rolce of Mrs. I'rimmins. "Mv summons has come!" Oli, tho devil!" cried Tom, lost to all 6ense of tho importance of concili ating the nurse. "Go to bed! Hold ou till morning!" In the morning Tom. who, happy fallow, always slept soundest under a sense of depression, did not make his appearance until 9 o'clock. He found that Mrs. Pnmmins had actually dis appeared for parts unknown. In the arms of his hitherto stern landlady ho fouud .his charge nestling. A now li-rbt that of lovo was beaming in the solemn woman's oyo that woman. tn"Hht Tom. who could soo any of hor 1 r t-s i arvo and rot tor 10 cents a iuV i! I undertaken." said the land lady, giving Tom a smile such as ho h.ui never dreamed could rest on her features "I have undertaken to go with you in search of Mrs. Primmins niece, Malviny." Several hcurs later Tom Collins sprang from a light wagon in which he j UaU UCiTCU IW M1U uuui Mi. m (lion., wit tage. Wo will make one last effort bv in quiring here," ho 6aid to his landlady, who held the baby. Wuhh:s usual impetuosity he pushed ; directly through Into tho littio roar ? k.lcheu. Tie lunnjt overvthine excep A vbung girl, plump, neat, and rosy, stood with round anus bared before a tubitj. She was assiduously occupied in caressing with white hands little lumps of dough into shape. Suddenly she turned. Such a dimp ling smile! such rosy ombarrassment! Toiii, great black-haird. jotty-eyed g:an' that he was, thought this littio p.ump blonde an angel. Tnought? why, ho w;.s bure of it! After a while he came to his senses ini tnid: I'm looking for one Malviaa Bar ic never come, iio uiu more wamu v do at the cottage, for Ma'.vina's mother received him, and she did not appear. At last his impatience spurred him to ask. "I don't want you to see her again, Touug man. I will be frank with you and t"l! the truth." "Oh. Mrs. liurkcr!" cried Tom. "She's a simple child, sir, and is in danger not to understand that atten tions from one liko you can moan noth-. lug." I "Dear Mrs. Barker, you mistake me entirely, I must see her this once. , I muiL, indeed. If A souds mo away I will never come again." I Tom conquered. When ho explained . to Malviua about his small income and j consulted with her about its sufficiency, she told him that ho ought to be ashamed to waste such heaps of money i on one. nc saouiu uuyj auat usu w the bettthen. Tom's incjino has tltU3 far hold out better than when ho single. Young man, try it! A Dautfcroui Auirrlcan Tendency. Arid would .ink 3 share" of tli" t rte FRANKLIN m M I i m i im ii toft Xs foffltt t:m toud at j:acV.i, frKsiiiMihula, PI WbW2 Christian Unsectarian. I Ladies' fine Underwear, Elegant line of Ladies' Cioaki 0-SO',Q'5i'Sl?,', TiSE TO BU 0 vears, Five Courses of Study ! cadeinic 4 years, Preparatory Normal 3 Musical Course, Business Cours Writing Deparment. y earss, w r -C r -D- H& 4S C?-? 't -e-tr P C?- I t4 Cheapest House in the county ai .Largest stock to select from. pXATT & 1 HEE, n DEJLEKS Ml COAL LUMBER ET Red Cloud, Nebraska, v 1 1 3Dr -J. S. CMIGHr DENTIST, HO CLOUD, 1 IMtMU. Fi'w 0)ice Woik a Socially. I Laeshtn n Jy CkwU Nsttoi A Darwinian Cambridge professor sends us thu followiug: "lhero is one of the Yankees which throat' ens to d vdop a most undcairaiile char acteristic It Is tho habit of yawuintf. ApparcuJy it is rather more aUeotod in- iifimlM of the Cities. ebDeciailv bv females and the more talkative of the rcaios. Unfortunately it is not all con fined lo them. N aurally enough mo j tionlcss jaws become tiresome to por-i eons who ordinarily kocp them movmg. j It is amus.U to watch an individual Mimlivxiatincr fish, while tho vorson op- Library, Ph.V8ial app.irutus. posito involuntarily so s mpathotio C;l Cabinet, Reading Koom, vtc. wo are rapes liko a boa-coustrietor, T . , K ,,-U sad is imiutod by another and another I llStrUCtlOll . horOUgll down the car or through tne aumouee. ' But thoro is a serious aspjet to the case. By tho laws of use and hcrodity wo aro abnormally developing the muscles which ouen tho mouth. If this is allowed to go on, by and by rrritn live!cmmint of thrt tnuuLh-onen B..-....-, - -,- -r - 1 ers WUl uccouio cuiiruuiuiisiiu ui mo American. Thero are altogether too many people in this country at presont wnohavo great difficulty "in keening their mouths shut." Boston Iran-tcripl. I 1 SU x - Healthful location, Surrounding moral, No Saloons, Terms Keunonuble OeoloL'i- I 'lv"t)' For Catalogue, address, Bei IV. Hampton, ns-.n. Principal. 1 Mf? ,,ul -s'x rnts Jor I'Onilie. and re ft fMt(lKi'ehv fn-e, a t'otlv lo tf kcmmI.s wliioli v.1!! i In :W. f oltlu-r wv, to more mutiny rlplit nunviluuKUiv tiling ele in litis world, hor tuittt :iwalt tltu uorkurs al)olutely. At once ud tlre..H Tm c Co.. Aucustu. Maine. 4jk TJKNO' lm W WMO N IMM4UMNTU WITH I THt CTOC gHTOJ Tl 7 JUW1ITI?W trwrm wwww , ..-,. That Mrs. Newhcuse, HAS THE LARGEST ST()CC OK ifie IL ww V c-t Herbert Spencer's lucid remark that "an incidental force like falling on an and un- acrirrejrato containini li&e units se-rre'ratcs the liko units and . giTiarntos tho unlike." never strikes a young man so forcibly as whon a tailor refuses to trust him for a now Spring suit. XojTistoicn H.ra'd. Tho organ of the bachelors is worried to find out whv a woman will spend six weeks putting scallops on her dress , that nobody but herself will ever get a jji inm ... "" " j orlimnKQ of. and thon run around tho no no 1 s err ana- j uborhood ,n aa oU dirl wrjip?or time except what ho saw. ' ...v. . u .., - ,f.r !. I 'ivi JJs, M hK'4 UI Z ?i m :". ,7ci :'sy& fVP IS20ELTTES2 ass- .viV nr '? fc tj &-" 7 froK ismv-M W7 6-' r H' i Xj j j jrV" S S 3 R"i .5 S if W M Wi .? KA..-S B $$? gi -a s CD Dry Goods, Dress Goods, TTr derA7ear Laces E ed Clo cl ? Well she has and is sell t.emat bottom prices. See her. ciri "Pulverizer I i.r :a r ,V '.n . ts'-iv- -. t work w'.'rt j- -: 3 How rarelT doe a fanner coi.trrij unit.-! rl..r it win! s't"J hfl' allil H 'H co.ncrrd. Iter.- a Iuitow -llir tii'Tcut I tj the tnriaff us no: tju:ii- ". " In mil of ituMrif drawn Ii.t a I !! iin f it tlii wiil :md tcd w-ffr' II I' 1 ' jIi", t his -Jirtly and t - t-1 r lJrtrro tint wi' Id do ihu wnrl .r i fr. ln..rniii.i!'iiM hrlVl t ' ' j 1 h: pulvcrlzitt? the ott. ifi U.t SicrM! bViU 0 JJ i""" . . I. TriTIl SMII WIIlllll.L - -- .-... -- "-. , TSX iivriPOLriaw r.rAUk WWW m ww r r ""--- . rail w'&&!&SL lW'y3MV fl A. . f57?niCEWMtrr.a A!krtLcft "iV 'iT. ' ZZ Jd. X.. T- c 'rfiA.U K .r '.. """Sf i Hb :v 5 fc- 1 I Ta b 1.. . J' KfciC. L A V A Tt V'SS'A' C VSf.t r x J. - o. 4 a. HHS m .r-. ' pk w bbp .-vkji jXI6 -Vjfi? 1 gfll $g?j&jkjm niTTnTnwiiir Mr "1 i fifeJ&L. KM va&MZ azr r i t MTk-- ' v j m. - -i . J?rr - rKL-Uftrt I I la -A tt""" s -j-Si .Mil "Jrrttcj t: aA. 4 AJMlTMWWr rt V tnuuum jr-'q without anv belt and overv button burst off. -Fremont (A1e.) Herald. 1 A Mississippi man who writes for a runaway who describes her as having "high cheek bones, upper front teeth f out, cnpniod in one loo:, cross-eeu and quick spokon." Oao cannot help wonderinjr whv the husband didn't run away msieaa 01 tne wue. no tor- j ( tainly had provocation enough. Nor- . risiown Herald, j i A Russian is not legally a man until ho is 26 years old. Fancy a Russian i xnotner saying: "Atvirawissa, wno $k &' A N fnCT3na?axw vSSbildi tV.e LIVXnd RDif fa.nJaTOa Tns -5 t. irsrP-l. Vrto: A??tltclailli?cs- tvitli UuniolUle ad "oisdcrtul rialU. Rcdcv micUs'-a r nc-!rec-lTenn- force. Suliess ttn i-.t-i iit-iI unl!3 Hrvlu Power. -"ir "-" ." :. i.... ...i.i.x em;uK ititi 14 tuH'ttiniuia J.c:rss .v.ii JnJtn I- i W n SlC nnriUr ra. ir.Tu- rorr to "And that is mo," said the rosy lips, if as that sitting so close on tho sofa Attn I've brought you a baby' ho with you last nijrht?" and Alvi rcply i 1 .ru.'i.y. inp: "Only Chipmunkiwiski. a little ooy J toll. TO! IC a tfl acJ t crilr care, u q us a nrr aaa nra.1117 romiiciiv. Tfc irrii-fMl lr.tiu.unT : lha Talce ot 1R. E.iiTia'.',' In -x Tuxie u itis. frfftSBtitaSitrcpia tt coat.:crOlttnj.T? JiStrt to ttepot.ul ttrcfCieo'i? sii'. fjoa.rt.c:lyetrcU;-Iia j . .rr . -.ill. 4ii.ii,. n vr itt Oa Kal XjrJ..ien F "" umuui ,.- - ki-: roar sacr uiM ur. arvr rs wja . i..I.rW Mrv.fcf trar-UAXiSJt 30CZ." TnU&! trAeail rf3liaKinBei!ea.frae.j Oa. HAsrrtB'c Irom Toc is ren Sals: cr U Jl Srt - i 7 , ssbSt-:- rfr v 1 tiea: 01 astonisniuent o:m uo t p.iir of bright blue eyes ."i 'v mem ana so mere i -X at that point the n r-a auu so, a uiwiucut. 1 .is mother, called up . t-e vuieoa. siuit eonipleted. ,!t,inim. found iM;ritpiace ho had 'uuon. Tatter ho coacluded tsuuian not to go and .0 charge, in aa iv.o 01 umv u c '"'i to to oaoy, who bad at - ei tbat the moon is mors a?.! t v t e door-knob, a Oox oc : j ..u ..c .1 blocks. Then he wnt to i i .1 need potato, uiuuuj, wu . l,.lluViua"thUthknw she wat : Kotu ..v.e nights witk it, becauw .r ece were o origns. Affer tea tk moon caxae oot that wicJtI. 8haale asoon: 4- s7EIEi2 ,' ' jar . l , TW s: 3irii2iao'rv . .-vJ """ieaEssisis! -.4fe "w wnsMPvir''S i" " 1 w- :ilPaK$S'k -$- n from ovor the wav. Wo were celebrat ing his iwentj--tiftn birthday." Phila delphia CalL Statistics show that suicides are more numerous in hot weather, and that about 80 per cent, are males. It is not surprising that so many men youn men particularly should commit sui cide in hot weather. Jt is about tha only way they can escape the ice-ereaia epi leruic that races during tho season. ffarrlitoion TJrnld- Moro than 100,000 acres of Pika county. Pa., land aro advortised for ale by the Treasurer of the county, for arrears of taxes. The greatur part of this is wild or unsettled land. m-tm .- - xi. mum Am mb & nvtmcr is KS IinitlMtiiT co. nop-a. 1 ZjtottaaceofjOTrdlcla.Ikaojr.w&wf rnt h js inheUlith. wr r.t o John Bossch, Amboy, Ke"b. Ne r-V ;1 tl 55 is.a Lum :b erC DEALERS .A LUMBER, LATH, SHIXGLF3, SASH, D00H3, BI.I.VDS4C. REBRA f?D CLOUD, (o)- Chicago, Rock Island Pacific1 af Maww1 Satar th Orsat CmtnJ Ujm, affords ! tra4ra, kr gotttfcaaat, aod U Wt. Xorth-sNatt fr4 JWUwwt f road tJw Attiurtk a4 tin 4o tea sia liRA ani lifiailllWi it fMMW C rnt-dt- TiMinA Msefttl&. wartilwafai tti-,. otkrte Carter aa4 Orwfl IWa, bi Ur m.4. Xtwiu O tr. ki lTlMMirt 4 th handxa ef attlM, Htstw Mm. at Mif 'H iP "- II "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUT! y, Kxtwis Tsu' ww4 C O250p?ft JlSa5? TXT OAm. a4 dXiaf i.t irviA 7i w frmt mi KlmUlWTbm ooa. i WAi4 Jfc-iA' ""?" JliSlSSUi TmV (Jntn 3 . m.. n 7 -w & r. 1 k im - - - im. m-iiAm mjm ajm m a no t T" . V "tv r "7 mil Arm mLMK9lM& 1 jj -'""rr JTZTiT ri t M d Jta. a4 UljriJfi onaaniffis.T-' "K r. CflVxl mx1 i "w" . r. H(MiiaM 4t TWOXKAUTS PATJXs-rtat ayi ovm iflrM fftf 1 way TMX for tf. ALBSRT LeARpUTJ. v a jpu yjilt"'"M WJ SS .aMML - - 1 1 rj WaMHa A MHMH W XVW B y. M Vi .KKhtrf hr hulrtdlTT Br&dachc 1MTVMMI I rpv t TTxrTtFP 1 5Tfp.t ATTV TIIK BEST IX E MARKET JW M. vy i.i-.... - vs t .v.. .- - j .tAT. AT fas LOWEST KIES hlladL Its w ib cm t. So. Htrth m s jpai mom I rtfeat H5 lt rtrft ee aood that I ""? Ictolastotfleaac IwilKiStb.ebtolobrttiew Ttie orirlnal 1 ur frotu -whlc the aboTe ! aa extract, cd eYeral httndreii tihen esprewiBS g lmliar op'.tiicn,In ciaillr-troBC ternj.c oo l And will bs shown to moyooc calling atocroltcc who ho-9r3 ttt hli tatrrcstla th wxtlttr xri'zz yarelj-&oadlrevfTmIaTUjpao3. 1 KARRI3 REMEDY CO. Kriscnuit). Marttat awl 8th Ca. ST. LOUt. ? O . JL lrtea &nwi3ii7 CASLK, ST. iOHM. CM1CAOO. ii A ladv entered a nymoutn store, saying that she wanted to purchase a B.ale to present to her huaoand npon tus fipproacnxng uiriuuaj. o w shown wliat she wanted, and. bavin ' .. I made herselectlon, waa about to retire, ! Oh, s , she suddenlv romeaibored aom-' Tom, , tu;.r!--. IlaTuTout)larincadsfr, i aj;9 xcars . LHQME TRECTKEHT smEjA-Gl Menroua and Seminal Da SEBs t!nt3r 6c't -Baa of imw Sfemaort 53tt TwHtirT KKri frBU-Tritc9t SawTUm 1 Mj. i4 ir Qatn. 2XXJ&. J3r. T. TTtTiT 41f. Hi wavkee. Wit Afuw.'aaaMUuaa ' jiod wilh 9accesrs ' - ; -l .1.1 "W..7-b wlcrht nnt . ". 1 1 i.:M...,ta .. ! Vfl 1R!P or iu "h "- rrjVLi-ir; ." noPKe?Pe.r"a!rt. "r't. iu ftUfCKtiaE-sre.'- U r yw OT" "rc- , isr ,r taaa heaven-- tij- .elected two packs. row- and ail was foingout ao old gtatiem: .rk.t That's Plvmouth n As aha ImivIIm swaet-r taaa ro- anu mu oinn-out an old saaUeman re- v2T? f . i . l.7i. i.Tl..ti. PlrmniHd T15r?A ' . WhP.tknr wariailCalUT weat at .n wrn,, Bible and two nacis rf 6PK mil f T.if4t FV' !B. ftTPrf! CtCUTCO. 34ITT-. JSJ!!:JJaSg2ftSSI.Y tncBri-imwuijKu)i7iii ,K. V 3F Stfir l CRB r THOMAS .13 Spandgle & Funk, Oaalars InH kinds of hm mmm mm, n SEWIKC MACHIMES, ill i)lQUU ff. n P. WAi VtALKMlX HARDWARE a.vmi onifn Stores. Tiawaia. N BaxbeoT Wire, and tlia IWft aad M . extensiteliMjp)ciii.theTaUyJ 1 1 Yoar lavbrs raitfaoliottad, Ri LBI r r"-T"Mt' JBfejg rk yP as-fi-CsslsBs' KLMBfcsK ksSbsLbV- ttl ;TJtt JvpVsLwl' HiV sUBal laUa41IJ JkiL ""v- JRsWJstafW BSSSSSSSm SSBV7' e i .- ifcTT t j. -m ' .. ,T " jMlwflnBBBBlSBMC3BKB9HSBMBVB i ill ir row iaa Mf, raTdV-r5aton 3T":riPt tUdT. 4 - i iR J-" I Sr.'?. l?!.ml! 4 i-v v. - Yli.: bf" v - - Z: .V ;?v . ife-'V-AS V s1 d - "i- cT.. .t, - V .frv .v' e' -v. " 1 "( " , .'.. 'T r .1 , :"-w I .US - - ' t2AT. "a. - &' bK L ? ; -?-." ks,Sr?!Lii C--? T -"-5:' i- -VC -i -c-Sfc v-. . -rt-'jji. r"j. . - X'J. A- , ii i.' - V 5JV. v. -sSw sJ I. -S v-iTt '.----74. ,. BL. ssfsteSfii'JS tfe-y vj ;l'ji -I "' t i. f 'r". fw-irv SSEriBTi ysvjt 4, lt '.- l i -. z. i."1 . , Va.'al.7JU.""l,-Z-?JL-.-. ' mvW? L 'i CaAfei i.JV-i VUwucj, Mi. Ji...