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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1884)
ri.r" v - . ""- --irrm "--, TI " ,. -V---,----53----m"v? V" -'.' - - i. ' sjt.!r f-SL.-C- -' -'V v . -. r .. 4- if "-, y?r M -trSU KTi. ?1 M :$i ? tx" fij-- -;. - .al "".k'?'" 4.' ' tS-2 'i !ir t Is 1 11 4 '(. It 4 -. li JfKr T" Ja smK!HAi,v :- -if 3 -S tMiMMS iM AeM-aa-a-aa L-fc ' FfV - t WAUtVkw DAY , "7 '" - a. ,,..-. .-41 Cift fv Ak iaaj ly. kif i AeStFee. ' --,.: - iWrttSaiiwt .frees the V Maf ftettr Meeeiaw. efcer eMVB VMn 9H Hlli syMCTeW f. - eaam mmm hi awawaeaaar kaubm apa 1 ' . Uffcer. " r MKtfc MAriTML bbaa Mr hBmBbK FrM4 fTMB UM Mcvit prim 9f IM Bl(fc(, itffc Mwwwafoiii ope Kt MI1I B0 nBB NHf ClNiO UatU ft tketHMuU rfctafcows Meat ia om i ortMuoft- mi toe kicaws of tae the The clos4, la tf tfMHieur t Or, liimBOhih irkwy, WB0T8 at Me Weet tergvoiM paggaat, cokl with tarosirtbe aotmurkle, j, mtaer sMe by tkk we leMiy aiouiiuuae lie sou! of Beauty hsaatf both heavca and SaaTOi The very air to life aad joy give birth. The nodflJay geMen-rod ahince where the dunt Theroed-cMe araiM has whitened in tie sun. Dear, faithtut Kowcr, sUll its bloom will trust Though Nature's hour or b:osoialnir is done. "When Winter's frosty inter's pluck its SUH Is it bright to smilo in Beauty's arms. And yonder plume of sumach. crJnmon fair Eco how It burns beside the mossrown Will Hw Twill iflow till, hushing all the frosty air. The snow, heaven's frozen kles of pity, fa 1: nVill nod and bow, till, clad with fadod leaves. Death our the plain a bome'oss wanderer grieves. T"ho froHty cUctnuts pour In rastllnjr show ers Their LursllnK wealtli upon the leuf-strcwn ground, And ih rough tbe afternoon's swift Uylny boura The eiiouta of many a merry seboolboy Kund -AH, hopny lrilMi, unknown to want and care. Would 1 a laughing child might joui them there I Itlrb. ripe and bcanled fnlls tbo yellow pniln. Where rings the reaper s scythe at break o" day, And nlloJ with fr'adnesn is the honest swa'n. Tlmt ho:novurd guides his load at twilight ijruy. Tlirou.'j dcv.y iancs where bleeps tho bloating fo'd, -And shine $ the early crescent white and cold. Deep in the vineyard, on the timet stem The elueiored grapes hang purple with their wine, lach praoothed and roundoJ like a chiseled eoui cn woruiy on sotnc queenly brea-'t to Hiune. 1flll. A imwiiai Bwectcnarms each fcason aroets i:!usa: llhtmmii end In Leautr fuller trrows. '. it. 'The birds huvo Co'.vn to sln in Southern sklus, Where Summer hold3 eternal blnasoralng; where heaven's pure dream or growing biin ilgbt 116:4 On earth a Kftly or un nngol's wing: And whore the streams sing on with music rnro. And entertain tho wild woods unaware. But though tho birds havo L'own, and on the x'n!e Their 'uubbling songs of love no more are hearJ, . YctharkI a thousand voices IihUi tho gale. And each voice seems the echo of u blnl. The reeds like llutej breatno bwect aolian sonKB, iiiiu io eacn stirring twig n tongue belong vtaavaamaoaw imw ammc -immaT ammi trwWrkw Bmmrttl of HilMHd mm! la Um iMNgt If ifofea dowm abokii q aianitr a wavy mair m; rywKforth tba Mir bomM mot be oeajpl B ppoatwt bad ft t i toe serpentine eKn.itl isms uy jus ircarfc ac; m, ib tke eonobUn; jjpu ing b seemed to in kie wrinkle? and m Quickened by tft 1 wic, toe vague Pllli came oacic, ana pn tke somenow loomed flk c t of the cay be sH'ws b auy himself, cr on that a grate! community could ins assumption of even the possibiliti political preferne1 proof positive that wzi likely to bo a4 cument in the mat that nothing bnt ing of native plr such a corabirmtk reasoning hope. ambition taken del by sucli means m fiy it circio oi me me aio ig UUU lilt' vtuv io tiai. ot noblemen t, there f. ior i lei man m':i kirn is tke and fair to in the future Lurdy-limbcd beaTT nana merrily the ibbatn oay rch with a John Dorn lewn hymn. tntentedncss upon his IVjBg K15S- littfe girl l re wnicn uis- for so long a op through iding out to water, and )f thatfeel- inbiirn and wung again. n awakene'I )f earh life jirage that )lue surface id incident- ill the bon neting local LTnqncation- ablity, or ire social or i son, was distinction inn, the ar- ln eileci, disiieartcn- id come of less and un- )hn Uorn's and .sought ftlie narrow water, 4Hc1hm of aad or (raacket of aeaweed. - Between kirn and ti ciuHer of wiM flowers was Dead Man's Creek. At low tkk it mi a oozy bed of soft mud, witk a tiay streaai of water trick ling dowa its ceater; at high tide a schooner might have floated in it in perfect safety. It got its name from the fact that a man was drowsed there several years before. Upon the slimy bank of Dead Man's Creek John Dorn neither stopped nor stayed. With his eyes fixed confidently upon the cluster of gay blooming flowers he strode down tnrough the eel grass and out into the mud. Had he been lcs occupied with thoughts of his tirt born son and vague speculations concerning the career likely to open up before him, he would have noticed at nnrc. with the e.xnerience of an oh! fisherman, that the mud was very soft j and hci.vy. Almost at a run he pushed J forward. In the middle of Dead Man's Creek ho stopped. A shade of vexation cross- i cd his face, for he found it impossible to cross the mud mj near the main chan-1 ncl. think of a better crossing further up the Oir Youg : Betieri. MY LITTLE HERO. I ksow a tfttle hem. whose faca h fctewa wfta to ,pjr that aahc K the tittle tan. Oat throoch It sal t be boy a teas: . A J-4t ,. a-,4 rrlr. Will tO WW m vii I, m wm0 na1, It doewc rood to ieok at aim aad watch hla day by day. He te?k me that hit mother 1 poor, and scs for bread. . " She' uca a k-ar. good mother. And tfen bt rn those brifhwrr-CoJ west tbelltt; tnan! ., . .-.!, Aad ho aridtd; - 'Caute I lo her I help fecr ail 1 can." Ah! theft the thin to da. hojs. to prove the lore you Uar . . mru. To the mtbt-r who feat kept you in Ion and kirinff care. . , . Make nil ber burdens lighter: help every T you cn . . , To pay the debt you owe bcr. a does my Ut ile man. ... j. -JOn ;. lltijord. inS. 1. Independent. J B1B1-S TKOUBLES. rt ..M .it i,i.;.. hive troubles. He stood still a moment .trying to Anvhojv who ha.s ever been a baby of a better crossing further up the . i- , -,i.,. i.. nt,nnt doubt the brwik. He turned to retrace his steps. I Uabv fiuillemot has more trouble and hat was this? The heavy mud held ' ,:",m, ,i., v nther kind of a b,ifi n-s.4 fc ata j w- him fast! With a mighty cnort he I wrenched free one of his legs and tried ' to struggle out to firmer ground. It was impossible. He but sank the deeper. Then like a tidal wave the blood rushed back upon his heart, leav ing his cheeks and lips like ashes. It was fear. Then he laughed aloud, a hard, hollow laugh. Why should he fear? Did he not know every fool of linhv. its troubles begin away back in the ' time when it is onlv an egg. J o under stand nhmit this and its other troubles. i s linu-nri.' till -Il!il 1mmI1 HaUV IjUJI , lernot'- stor,' at the time and Mother Guillemot when begin Father house- a 1 JLtia fnnrui ..- l -i l - 15 v ; wroeii Sfta 4 arops ef spray t0 -j j, VT.0. aad fall be MJa her. There l.cs safety for bet little oJf 501 kclwwo ber 4 xhtre lurka ! &? alrvadr threatcniaz tbeUba- .en now tb zul n-ftS rccdv ey9 .nd snapping beak, u raalt- mg aooai . voiou to n'ca the little one fr""nj It mother hack. To late to rrtu rn. ujc ,ni k resolve I taken. A sud'u ftng of the rnothi cr bo!. and thr av trtlcd baby. hak. ! en from Hs sea. l tk wn into tba air. : where witk uselevi wfo it fall hie a stone toward the water. ow the gnll : with fierce joy swoop urxn it, but al really the lovjng mother ha, folded he: ' wings, and w dropping bv K.T bbj side, interposing her body bc"-!n' il and the irull. until the catrr is n. chrl. when the bafPed robber iLubrs ira t waves only to jec th re.curd bato dart down with its happy parvsi .nto dd ocean's bosom. Kor.'atrangetr raou the little bird that can not tlv can d?Te like a frog. Coal like a durk.'and wii I nice a tisn in the water it ha- acr , never before ?cen. And now the worst ot Habv Guili mot's troubles are over, and urvlv the : ought to be. for it has hat! more" than . its share. The other trouble it ha rt no more man any other bird mighi nave, aim tnereiore neetl not be about- Harper"' Youm i'cojtti. " K rtnipenuKe. r r ."-"."" 1-. - '. H m .M"-7v'r.-7. .. !Mrtri W WWf lf F'r Taf J5 MSA OX. Xa Twa. 1 1ftk ywM, tHa rJHXywat' f I v Xy cUMm ctW fwr t.t. Tcf w rJ MI i rI If rr hfitT tv T5 ; t, 4&H&. Aai Ut h trsrVd Bvek Crarl for 4 csrr tt rsrrd tor m sa W; Ot sHfct t Ajrrrrt4 fctss trr; What cj-J frt t mt 1 H-nJ ty lf ta tnrT f" . tqitCHt' r" Ai T"JL. It. -Us. ror fc tl. mkr Imws lt(r! Thry t f r Jtw 1 u ' A4 iii ttirtatir tnnc I rv TSirJr fcm. tmkri . "T! trr' tafi hZ b? prt e tr Ttrtr iiK thrir o- uxi cr1 Tbl W !&. r-&. T. y p Way i ttftt tirtV no sre I hTMTil htrr pwrrr; It mI,?t xt. J t1 tfc pi 4ev, R.J BTi i ar t rrvrjc nr Xr fert. N tttr t br ji4 I'wa tnnjr 4rk tJwa aad ttwnr jtx Smr c i tr drinl sjrta I -riu. Th'K I) U INK I Mi 11.1 HIT. MtWtilVx "urk. Atttfluc IHSrrrnt ccei1at Um w4 h t H t-r Uir iktl4 ff ttaip?rKw9r ef aUroc W SoTtf f id slMsvV er. tf fT wr la Jfc firction after k db&eb A K S o tntrsJ xciot iiKtrcrfTfr frim bat. TV? cft of thl U na auk tWm hv xdty. aa-1 wba ikW b o ti do award rafrT i ry rpL A I ial tkr k alJ dstfoa will drlaV aatUb, aTwacrw at ay tio. or at aayt?a eijxaw If 15 oedy proml fbtbe tdf Ar of tkn, tltiatateiy Mf U to dUcl a wojkboa. or a htwpitaJ " tWy are nr In a Inaattc aymta ihy are tur oiT. or pthap In pria, Nncti a ta will ip it f tb 4r..f..t. nai -. k is. ts4ck la a fit (4 I driirtuci tjraieR. A a rulr. tKrtvat- ' : crittw xaunU'r. ikodbJ d kNkc-arc nl tmroHtN; by lbe fr- . tbrv are trs Riub aWHxl !a told Keeping. Although stronir - grounds fen and shore along the flreat South re to carve liay, and w.xs it likely that an; harm man s en- should come to mm in sight of his own have been ! home.-' It was weakness to think of ind willing such a tiling. I he long-delaved arrival like anv hands from the great crityjriiose dusky of his son had unnerved him" lor a mo confines lay but a lltth be tant view of earth ac sk stretched out to kchi t wayfarer-over unkao n w tue goat oi uis :wd iti best John Dorn'sa ml formless as the nigkc. tnd mg as his wife's iafe io: a raylcss gloom, wia u no uuiv't piirposeie. c; auu liiu noweroi gewn i iw less waste. W. .... -w AH the tendeneias of-: against John Dorn-b it: blitheh" on the widen a song brd with feathers and other bird, the guille mot. which is distautly i elated to the duck fatuilv, rerv much prefers the water to the air. "indeed, it is more at home in the water than the li.-b that belong there, and except when it is re.ndv to to lionekcei)tug. it spends all Us tiiiie lloating on the bosom of the -..-, i iiMiwv iin u 3TiM r iiuuu With the energy of desperation j inlo lhe watt.r's d-pths in pursuit of lllioe Ulliei - il- i nr I'lmni mr mib-S atltl 1111105 UP " " - I Jlii'ii tlin t t, II lllb He would put wrench himself f ind the dis- . ment - that was all ni'-ht hae i forth his strength and insliuctlcis free tin lead he iried it once twice but at i.. ,. on was as i in ins eyes, aim ine lines oi unexpressed :., I .....n, r.,:il ,.l ....I i ,.t : IU) . iUIII SlUV'l 3UII, t-Aii;iitn;u. I'l'ar Ml Olie i ..,,, , .....n I ,P iwi-lsl About tint beginning- of April is tb ! t !-.i tvtiiMi -ill inwiil riiiI!i!tllOtS Stt In such ; yet he wnild not cry out. People might lint i..iG..i-....i.Cnr Tlsnv have cur- -"-" - . "" . ituwiii 4via 7' x. v ' -- wittr isdiseourag- anxiety deepened across his pale lace. ...'- .. .-. -' ,.VSt. 7' -V ,'... - --- for light i laugh to know that lie was stuck in tne ,..: iom.iv i..,,.!. ;iH gin about . - i i i i" t . ' ' ' ZT - iiiiiu. :uiu w was prouo in ins way - : j,j.rj, it0i.p cjiijvjt to uhjCh they always pioutt oi ins Kiiowuvlge oi sea ami i ..... ii.en thev 1'ock bv the thou shore, proui ot lus abil.tvas a sa lo He would wait a whil wear out hisiaslvould uch a track- id ature were i, worKing , he sang a h ,ov. ljie a'iiist John hoped. In id that this moiiary or is the wind. on guided a ofiener he mat in the in a raro -v- 3or have tho rivers, firlittcrlnir iu tho lijrht. ,1-orKOtten that wild minstrelsy tboy know: TIjc rills purl on as sweet to Autumn brlRiit As o'er they ranjr at Summer's hour of uew: ?Nor havo the Inlets, but a wnson old, "Their merry uiplng oloscd because 'tis cold. Hut now. fray Autumn, thou who hringest death To Summer's frcntlencss. thysolf must dlo. And front thy halo and parted lips the breath Must Kteal away in ono low wintry sljrh. Farewell, O Autumn! high amonjrtlio stars Jfalo Winter watches from his icy bars. ,Farewo!l, the last dear bird, the last sweet t, flower 1 .' Farewell, ye rustlln? wootLs, yo pleasant dalosl iTVluter rocks earth to sloep in ono short hour, t And rlnps tbo knell of Summer in hisfralcs; I Tot Winter hath a glory and a grace, ! And wears kind bcavon's sml'o upon his face. 5 raet l'. Shurtleff, in YouWt Companion. A JOHN DORM'S SON. .,r j K r- .N-' y v5 The tide was out in Groat South Bay, Xong Island; east and west like wavy . fields of green and brown, the Bell more jnnrshes stretched away in unbroken (loneliness to meet the dim beauty of 'the horizon. The wind bad gone down, flea vino; tho broad bosom of tho water as .still as a mirror upturned on the level sands. The sun, shining through count Hess leagues of haze, cast tremulous shadows toward tho cast, and, rising up with shaded brows to meet its rajs, :John Dorn, a cheery fisherman, stood out in silhouette against tiro skj Fast mingling with the purple and gray of the fee ward rim of sea and sky, a lazy schooner winged its southward llight, and when the duskj' distance closed upon it John Dorn and his weather j&eatcn old boat aloiio broke the change less monotony of marsh and meadow. l.eft high and dry by the receding tide, the old boat lay bolt upright in ,he soft jraud, as taut and trim as thoughjnoored in her inoss-grown berth at Bell more landiug. Her sails hung limp And motionless against her mast, aud -jibont her shining deck a brown-haired .IKllo girl roiupedand laughed in child- oshxgtee. H yas unspeakably lonely out on the wide-reaching marshes, but as honest -John. Dorn shaded his eyes with his rough, brown hand and gazed seaward. he gayly whistled a tuno. that he had learned up in the little white-steepled meetin-bouso ia Bellmore village. It did'Dot seem lqacly or dreary out there, ibr to liim it was home. The blue sky above him and the dimpling shallows before :him -gpoke only of Tiome: the marshes had been his playground in Touth, -and tho meadows behind him wereas,well known, as the little garden 'back: of his own modest cottage among Kc clump of distant trees. Even though '-rihe marshes Bad not been as familiar isisUjeJ stubby fingers on his weather- 1aaten hands, and had the sky beeu Liack with clouds and driving rain, John. .Dora would have been just as liappv aadfrdblrom care, for up in the little-house amrng tho trees a son had Jjeenjjwrn to bless his approaching did age. A daughter ho had already, and another slept beneath the sea grass in Lisgardcn. but untd this day a son had Iceii denied'him. It would not be fair to say that John Jorn, had, grumbled at fate 'when grave :mldaie life came andvsaw no sons In his family, but somewhere down in the tepthi of his stoat heart he argued that, altkpugh girls were good enough iu -their way, aud perhaps were necessities " of van all-wise aekeme, vet only a boy jcoma stana mstricK a tnewneei or lj'01 that filled his ioi 1 chances in life wrj Dorn s amlulion, ana 'efc I simple truth it must No ambition, never who ly delimte, chauged afk( he Sometimes his muca-h vedi stately ship to dbtabt se sang cheer lv in alif . bin Great South IJay,ia' while he stood within the glare to discuss the lui mo iiour. iinvajsvic 'as .tap ron not tiio painfpl, waai v meafB. that this ambition touched ap u ; alwlvs results, never the process if i.ttalajteent. The viviscctionist is rigjkt, hofMft cold aud unsympathetic, tharie 'asflpe hope lor cither .John Dorn athi i son7 Clams were pleiin I toflfc dav. and John Dorn's broad; ( at iatt churned more Again o, and there sand and tens thev of thousand-, until even kirch'ight's r isciiixj T O -'"'-" vr. and )a 'ilak them out of the th than usual rapidity:. anu again uie wickvt to tbo waiting boat,' captured shells, until, ceased to run out and dipped angrily towarc iiuJJfu-ith id aase. basket returned pilaifhigh with wn the tide Shegyestern sun tnar na.v west. and trv again. But what was t'lis creeping up from the channel? It was water. The tide was coming in. Ii:aiiictivel he sought tht' high-water mark on the" bank and t in-a-tiied it with his eye. "It was fully six inches ab ve the too of his head. 1 ti a sudd mi frenzy of terror hu beat the sft mud With his hands and shrieked aloud. Like a madman he glared at the little sheet of water wain.r in from the swift channel like an unrelenting fate It seemed to mock him. Sea bird- circling overhead heard his cries anil soared avv.iv; Lttle 1'attv cowered down iu fear. It was iifit a. o,uickaTid. He did not sin men iy inch, lie stueK last, an 1 i row strip on: ?he breast, and then sit be ame as immovable as the bed of mud ; ,OWII so thiil ihc ,.,, touches tho -bon'tl it-elf. fries, tears, prayers, alike-were t jn, :w :it ihti s:imi. tm,e ;s COTCr.,i in vain. .N. one heard, for although (a .j,,. silics !n the wanmlown. Th the little hoiie among the trees was in I ,,.irt llmt ,xvs son ,ie rock is nii t.It plain sight, yet it was beyond the nuige-jout , t. Cold. however, and one , Of the human Voice. mi.rlit nmini. tl,.i. fb ilr.ivn tv.hti.l. The tide came in slowly and after j ha(7 ,H.Jn ofl- wouhl be plawd .. .. iu iun;Uu mill aim u:iuiui:u up umlvr tll.1t Spot.. Hilt it IS IlOt: ib IS ins iiuipiuat iu-.i itiiu iiiiuw lui liiiiiiiuuu of the sinking sun into his bloodshot ledge is covered. As they are obliged to ttand upright, like so i.-san soldiers they siiow their pure white breasts, and the different; ledges of rock look as if they were covered with snow. Almost my other ! ird would build some kind of nest, but the guillemot is a very odd sort of bird, and lays its one solitirj egg on the hard biure rock. The bare rock, of course, is anything but warm rn in the northern regions when the guillemots go. and therefore j the parent btrds are obliged to invent a ,' way oi warming me epj: on an sines. I This is the way thoy do it: Thoy. pluck ' the feathers arid down from oil' :u nar- uoun lvorn urew nissDi owwarni across his heated brow and( s iidhat he had uoneenougn. amuin; coatenteilly at tho slceply little girl, le aaid that he would go hoipe with&t te Jmw tide. To go homo? To whoaV: jt the baby; to his son? Pcrhapi I' -s time lus wife, rememboringpr jvioms conversa tions on the sublet, I adHamcd him. .o ? Vf o earn an oueriuir tm" ... V - O '. child, an ottering Iron-: that moment, it istiu '? R xStir&i .Mka Dora wan - ' - -- .! iinaniHt' mi i rWirH-- VS . Li in a ue of mad. .some oae to bear kirn sileat pibirkaianes to aad the a-rster Bads, aide ,the oki alooi out kWMHrT.lwMUfTMitU 'T "rT.TT'' "T"' wk??1:1? IV (T iinu wouiu ne answer .o ti fashioned name "Jahi It was o!d-fashionclf i the paternal name'. many gcnerations.lbu it honest waj, and tcr ae uing woman in tne lit I o. the trees it would iii-. oc . ... . tl ' s lion. s ! Waiting for his bo.t t Dorn spattered the :t4l merrily with his bare hide-and-go-seek ifith All resentment over, tne daughter had vanSh d. father nas haupy aiwl pi both daughter ana sons things even, he though : tell what the futart Then, as no stooil swinging his foot to an i water, an idea seemed to' take possession of his nit desire to do somethii" f U son who was to bl had, in some unaccftrital mulatcd itself into ata ugif he tried, uusuccessfail give it practical form awkwardly enougli t fessed, that on tUiSid.v-: .. . " an ottering mv uc nard-working' wife ten, and his first newly-awakened ii radiance liko tho g sky. This seeming appeared to him hard-headed reason the instrumentality lus WLfe. that lus was to be realized wife has. been witl and had not been honors at his hands. able, therefore, to! thought hot. An, oflerTrig from not hard to find, at Shells were throVns sion, and shells ah sulorcu the time-hoac the tea. ohells wejfe their way. and smtnNc w iif nnHn;ir- intpppstrb' it) w. w. j -- cj,. the lirst son seemed ao e : of more -than usualffii Dorn's ambition dcaia mo e. Just what tCsi tional offering pu souic time. At H face beamed with sa it now. It was flowi "Be a good girl, sloop till I come straightening the kii aud turning his ,fac ows. Doat be afr be long." Then he went alone, turning backl to: time to see that no barm. Soon he I ever, and walked oi the right nor to tl me wanner, ha ward aduster of abgkbormg baatc 1 oay. bis: oae au-akabebiar.., .- -'- aarj oowbMaa at t u ej'es. It jeered at him and with trem ulous lingers reached up to grasp him by the throat. He struggled ami 'creamed until his strength was gone: Then he stood still and waited. Higher 3'0L climbed the green tide. Dumbly ne saw a sienier line oi smoke rise up- irom among the trees, aupper was be ing prepared for him for him ytio would need it never again. Hesawuhe flowers nodding in tho breeze. Thev might wither and die. His hand would never place them upon his baby's cradle. Faintlj he heard his daughter Patty calling. "Papa, papa!" Did he hear his wife humming an old tune, or was it the water gurgliug in his ear? He raised his arms, still struggling fceblj. A moment later tho onlv o -icct on the still surface of Dead Man's Creek was a tangled tuft of brown hair. lloat, John i mingled with tho drifting seaweed. It was high tulo in dreat South Baj. Boston LtultjcL Earning a Dollar. lour tongues will all some dav." said 1'ne'e Dick. The children laughed unea-ilv. Teeny felt the tip ot his tJee if it was still in running order. -1 don't behove that anv more than anything, do you. Moll?" u whi pered. It's only just some of I'ncle Diek nonsense," 1 guess,' said Molly. Umk ing at hers in the glas. "Anvivnv. not till we're real old, nud then w ran get false ones. They have Yin nowa das; there's false teeth and falv lmit ami fale noses- ami faNe even thin".' !1 .1. .? ...,., t ,.. " vsii. ei. p-iu. men. :tiu it-cm. "I'm not going, to irv aud ave iu any . ' So thej- began talking again. Teeny hail a sj..ol. It wss chipped on one end. lie called it an engta. See this engine?" he said, "ft" 3 winding up engine- It'll g lirs" ratir. Pop bang: Away t! ginV Don't vou vitb you had a wmdtug up I'ncle Diek couldn't Wear so well :us mamma. "What was tho mim-U-r's tei ves terdav, Mollie?" he asked. L don't link." said Molly. -Jt isn't any matt r. 1 didn't :eu anv diffuitcc to It." Lmiartine!' said I'ncle Dick, sternly, (Teeny's name- wa Lamar tine. )" What, ma'am?" said, rrenv. meek- tiua of a lw which ft ml it analojt ' mUr in the jttlauH ttt ofMtnu, hahh, tubae-o nnd tHkor sarviKK!. jJ 11 urh dxtf'. without It .ilJtujjrtl. eflentt ihru rh thi ubty raa Lirr (..P.MI rmpaa. i tatiot. t tbc direct cbafrtud f triopta 1 ,n rhk'h thev ttdir ftox Mrt patrring tkorwha. Mm lt WMrimoa. ta-rirktanUr. nt lArin tv:fUir t d Uh 1. engine the talking IO llK! Uu. a Cm r oJ . ! th uenHui !;nK-turv. .mid tend br Laborct law u th- creation al an at-j and m elitu which irww fcj t.kat it lmnl Sattinlax oa." W Ul the origan ifuaauty, by Nor earn repetition. !- its jM'v.'rr t repr! . mtiHg th iu tirsi 4raing eOot', it U fu4 u . tt mnasln . leave a cmv.n; vhI twhuul. Thin -lo iaulit anl M'titttAl nnlMre drtuanlt- an hierwnr nf t:i conpnt the limtthinl. both la tViie ami mwi etitts, c. a ::re. and at tho am itnie th Hni 'tht?lad .u la tum', a tttm ao. re. t ug powvrls oithar jariiU- weak - nai one of u.-mi rvi(;' tfonp, tttiwx eiM-d r nb-ilnielv aiHulld. tttcii fc s fatal. m wru r tfay .w ittMN-dw. the theory t liw hi-ton and xw' "J rnt lh' polir-. aiii hjuprtttmwofct w sll the netoal rxiefi which mUnl lb etnunnfc or liko- huih will w TemfwraiM rrionner b'prroate ami : Vtm thrift :a4Mhratft omt khtk. deplote The tu ( pl4urt? on tho hot wife? wnkm a iar. f br Wm, r one baud. eer ttKnutitt fv a trausHHit klU Km ehMl h 't'hL iUrrtr. vry ihl V tki tt w (fl!. ba- ijMrJ-l IhM H U tact fchat tw f tk wm iWr hktibl. 4?at n- m o4tt. Tkt Kl trMk ar ntiorrrUrti in thalr rrje &s. ty 5o eristi. iihI on the other an avrrkrti tu pain, are the twinforvtM vhwrnbv tbo iuOr f an iiifatinhk bind an impr- :imi aecwjlv I ur note tutrruH tiHHrctli. to iiu. rati ni in inrn tlv !ii. dtnwlly ar tMrn.,. Wht a hon- ibotit joy- plain. old 'erhaps so. ibt, to have id through fas a good mest. plod- use among 'p satistae- cing t'dc ind idaved ; little girl. )irth o a w, and the in having It made Working with a Plan. Ea aimlessly in the cool er into and A vague tho j'oung his' life way, for- ulea. ami tiiUi' to realized, t be con- ought to die of his sea. J n Is patient. lost forgot- lilled his u witn a he western )f his wife le, lor the las through In. aud not ambition )csidcs his lauy years. td to such be reason- It is almost painful to think how much valuable time and labor are wasted in this world every day by who could i well-meaning, really industrious people ild bring? who never work according to any plan. ' cuii'u iuujju: iiiiu 1 hum, iauu;i'jie. UC- sires to accomplish many things anil make themselves very useful in the world, but they are continually meeting with mortifying failures simply because they go about their work without anj delinite or distinct aims in view. Thev are general!- undecided and irresidute , in action, and waste a great amount of ' time in debating what thoy should do ! next. In consequence, their work, ot whatever nature, is generallj- as con futed as their own minds, and seldom finished as it should be. if finished at all. Such men, while often laboring under a consciousness of their dcfectSy are in addition constant! harassed bv their work and seldom successful in their efforts. It is the much better and wiser war to have plans as far as ossible, for every kind of labo-. Ko oae realizes the value of this more than the farmer. On hs ability to do the right thing at the right time, depends to'a large"5 de gree his success in the business. He begins the year witli a plan for each week, or month of each season, -with rcasonab'e allowance for such things as may occur to interrupt, and for whioh no provision can be made. He is able then to proceed intelligently and eon tideiitly with each appointed task. He does not feel obliged to slight and h srrv through his worlc to catch up witi something that should have been done a week or a month ago. Neither is m troubled with the th ngs of to-morowt j is like evei low: He Fsurely was hesitated. igal profii- oeeu con- h'ophies of , enough in Il occasions Ihulirthof occurrence Saneo John sninotliiiiff "-"-. .., ...1 . ,.- - ... is an addi-' UU1 ,WIVI1" u,s ;ourney r i., ... . TI. iui nu muims nun feouie octree ot cor- -nar tac tnae ia nity wnat me day will bring forth. He does not walk as one who knows mav lead, but 1 thrown away, for the bird has a better plan. It turns She err;; over withi its bill every once in a while, aud so knaps it warm on every side. Now the guillemot is found everywhere- in the Arctic Seas of the OJd and New World.... In the winter tihry come southward m large parties along the const of Norway and Kngland, Hud son Bay, Labrador'and Newfoundland. Aiumbon tells ua that large numbers A American guillemots Hock about th Bay of Fund. Iin addition to- outside troubles. Bally fJuillemot has its ownsilliuess to con. Utul Willi. No other bird is so lacking iu wit. One species common in Gre:s Britaim is-even, given the title of "I'ooU ish ('uil'emot."' This is from the fact that it will sullcr itself to be taken in the hand and killed rather than leave tha din" it has chosen for its abode. But, as- it" to make up for its own. illiness. if ever a baby had devoted! parents, the guillemot has. for both father and motner continually watch over it except at -real-times. when the take turns at silting on the egg But for all their care they can not keep trouble away: for man has been waiting: for this very time, and at the risk of his life allows himself to be let down over the clitt by a rope in order that he may gather the guillemots' eggs for foodL Tho isautLs of ers are stolen from the cliff iu this way. This is the least of Baby's troubles, however, for being only an et it :h not conscious of 'what" is goTng one but in about .1 month or a little more it breaks open the shoLl ami tcps out on the ledge of rock,. the prettiest little ball of grav-bla.-k down that ever was seen. All! what a proud and liappv moment for Papa and ill aro ma Gudl -mot! They caress the little fellow, off-ir nim the daintiest morsels of fish they can find, and in favt ns all their t-'nic in trying to make- life pleasant r.od comfortable for thusae arrival. But now 5? the time when the eagle and the hsM-k and the gull begin to cir cle about overhead, for in their estima tion there is no daintier meal tihan a baby gu.lkmot just lorn. For n. month at least af .er it is hatched the poor lit tle babj- is: every moment in danger of being can.;b1 by tho cruel talons of some here, and hungry bird, who will ruthlessly tear it from its happy home ' aim iovm; parents and make- but one mo.ithful ot it. And thf n after that lonf; month of fear and ngony comes the time when liabv's co irago is jmt to the- severest trial of al!. It is fully I' edged now, and able ic swim, though iV does not Know it. ami lias no 1 ea o what water However. Mamma knows lv. "f'amjou tell me anything whatever alxmt the Sunday-school bemm, voter day?" Teenv 5clt badly, but he couldn't til a he. Not bst Sunday's." lis- saiil, cstly. "But I can" tell yim nil winding ..j engines!" ho addei miiy. "No. I thank you." saidTnclc Dick. " I'll maki-a bargain with tn. If vni won t speai a word for an 'unir, i will giVt you a dollar apiece." "Oh. wrvwill!" cried thwrhildrcn. , ,vilwei ( el and the ( hnMiaoied " You spoke!" said I'nclo Hick. ! Aiigl-bnxmi .f molern tinie-v No "Oh. wo-won'l!" cried the children, niain-r what o her social conditions prv :Oh. yon did:" said Uncle Dick. ! Aull '' Ierty or plenty, of knowledge "Now vou iin begin again " ! or gnoranre. of bari ari.-.ii or tha iiieiu., nt reunion or irrengion. sinr ue of intoxicant always jipri abi and In creates. The panttion ior uarotlc. once ffugetiflcrvd. never die out, nnvrr eepliblv but Miteh- rlvitled jv;ii th in- j U Ui drto n for eMl of temperaU- maa. Iu lhhtau f vamoiI age. ami in the mwl-t of Um -nMiry. the icwikjr e.elnim. "I will -i4 II jet acain" l'niver-3l litory. It la nlMrnun!. at-tijnt- and trririe thts dtetum a pliu-logU-al .vienre. It rwordi n flnglo ejonmple. auiidtt tbo mu'.tdar.ORH endi tions of -o.Mal life, wheio lhoe rdue-tivt- niJoi-nnl-. on e intrcHliioed, Itnie not heen 1lelj abiMd. or M'huru tlieir j Ynr hdilay. Thiy nwUt t j'wutij; itav iAivfnn aru untrtmu mIm tm- jMr irri Libit. hh u mmry I oft nt lauh he nnf-hwi-i wi te of hl ttel uta ruiUtur . tttklM i nr pvtwmfc i nlt. k Ir-Mi h 9 he I wlfrMfrtfcar. atn! Ue CHtMHifM. n tntmUte of Mjtne entAJ4r There at a ert dmukttr h1 Ulfonl lv eB- wittrh occur in 'it la- eu iMofir partltfu larlv th hr tn-ut id yw again " e won-t speaK a woni. Uli dear, there wo oko again! Uiry us this once." "Very wall," said Uncle Did. So they wont ami got their slates. " s wnen we want to s.iv any- thing just mite it down." scribbled Molly. "They say we tallt so awful mu h! I don't believe it will make a siateful." They keiit still and held I their dear little tongues (or ft fly-five intu it Irs. Then Tcenv's pen-il droppel. I "It's broken into three hai'.es!" cried ' Teeny. ; "No. matter. " said Moity. kindly. "It will last all the. longer "'" " "Well done:" laughed Taele Di k . "You shall hav the dollar,, if you did speak. It was a pretty hard waj to earn a dolla J' Youth's Companion, j ite has n-inaiiHMt Mntiotmrt irt ,!ii ' men who hvr mmn fr hi th- omnlrv lixotf point of desiderated uiodrration. j "to hfrt' a thy ej ni It; of oof. 'I he old l.gvpiinn, the pagan Arab, the J leginn. military fttudtMi: , ott. 'Ilit) Invoeed .lew. the rehned and eultured ' are probably uniun! to trojr drink, t'rk, the tmng Komnn, tJir wild : ami, ha L.g mre ruotuty ' hnn -4!om, Seyriiiin and the ancient (.erninn. all I they drink UU they Ixmoom cxdtl and in turn pa-eil through tho ovpriea 1 violent; a ctiH follows, ll.e p4.1eemeo which ban U-n ieih-atil amtoiirt the i an) knM kel about, and a 1 tlt In the c 1 ,, t tntiou l lolloped In 11 tmi dcllar line the next moraing, I hey hl rrVrtil a le.on and: irtlre, 100 gin 1 f bv any arrangement ihey ban mic w.m1 in preventing tbvtr tinmen and ddrBe being puhlihd. The$i joun ian ar neither mahr-hitc nor tipplers twr do they hablluaiW lead IliWnipfril-- Ht-. Tlnjir eM'npndr are mostly due tyoutb c a'S. uaj'. it n lonner eii'argln It-, and sporiut, thoy rtmmt .self 'vitli tfiejfapply. "wild onu" ia fart, not a wry a Itutro- To adopt the language of th-great ble proIuet. lndrti. but dllferng In bistorinn MiHudet, we luivo reai-heil ' cry eonce'vable rooect from tho -ttbHl t. .. . .. ... "an agit in which th prffresHixo ina hion ot ,.pirits and nareotieji Js-nu In vim-ihle lact. I ringing with it r?fult5 varving according to the populatioufi. hen obscuring tho mind and barb-ww- vi e tKdoro r(crred to. J nor will pntlmldy always be a certnln ntifnlrol fillj youths who will appear n tho nee ne to commit the nm. foll)e4 la tht same proportion, and who will H -H ing bejond reoer there fatally jHMte-1 poed of in tho am way. but they hv traimg tne loyniiaiions 01 tiin piiienl ' uotbtng in common with lli?olioacla The Sir Screen Agpal. life antl alta ntittg the race it-elf." Th .sami wriier. tu bis great wor'c "On. the ( au.e? of Phjsical Degeneraey." foundud on an exteiiHive mtvov d tb- social cnlitiori of lhe people of fr manv and France, places the nmvral j 11-e tf aleoliobe and narcotics amongst ( I tho c'lief can-" of that decay in ibo . I phjvi al existence of the people which ' j is unerringlv ind:'nted by their dliiuno- ' lion, of filature and weght. by the. i abrilgel duration of adult life, and . alKve alk b. an prorbvity to ox. - - ffroQkt f t.tujic. Hit Prabahle Future Self. youthful. moolhfaciJ imI awkwardly al I'oltot 'ourf. rolling has arrived Avhen Baby , must for the lirst tinvi venture from ! lome. Sho coaxes the frightened little 1 fellow to mount unoa her beck. en !-! tl IS Dorn for - - 7 ------ r j as one whose route is mapped out be- J knows that something unusual is ooing ' a w-atch dog? If Mme pwrs como i wrinkle 1 1 UIU "."- ;l -,",ariy ami distinctly as to happen, und his heart beats fast. Ho oer alley uc -ccy rate a wg row icL i He ha 1 keep the sail 1 c. his bodv the mead- ly; I won't t auytmngm the future may be. He shapes each day's or week's work in He wan a. prisoner and tho Vorkville vetrdnv "Mbha4 Mnlllijan." nald .IpstffW Murrj. "yu ar only ninote'in yuam old. and yet joti wcrn foumi druat lu He had six fly screens umler his arm. ! ahmlged duration oi adult life, and , ui -.iroei mi niijuu and was talking to a man ia front of a "" h " prorbwty to ' ' prw.nor inugueo. house on Hastings street. j " dixU.r. "lion t umk merry orar y-o il "lamollcrinfthcseatfittvpercent. iir homania. grace. m.d thn vnurU aWnilj-. "for below their cvd? allies.' luexplaiued. j W tbonir individuakt known a inbri- lw "lti to Ui pr-md of. Miohnttl. "beca ise 1 want to "ct out of ijun," j :'"i "r dipmianinc theie aro unfiirto- )1 frt tliat you are in donrt and "Vhcll it vhas scTon comiii" winter. ' natol.v a con.-id raWe iiuuiIht .-uncog "." ,n uvagim yoir.ilf a blontrnhdruttk und I like to know how some ifies come U9. Bci the word flij.maidao. th.gti 1 a-d trltn rngjeed ebdbe ami trembling aroiindt dei the man answered. llilar um. loe not rormrUy wc- m uian who -.leep-i in U,w guur "That's tssie enough, mr friend, but lr"i nnt to bo undcnMood. f "hiinnwl b eyer one. Uk n the liy niicvon is not the" onlv thing. , " idwivwi from the Greek wonl Mg-. 'U'e furtheT on and imagtno a gray These screens save twcntfive per cent. , ndj ing to thim Mid madnew. DipM- j haired, half-nnked eoj UJ;0g burled i f. c " manhi .gnities a mania for hint. u a gravo In the potter Held. Mlehaol. Vheir" t w hicb i obvjouily the nerso of what j J" ara Io"mg tijon your fuStin? df 'I'lioi- trx-in ?in mr ni lYJmopion io a -" " '"" " " ''"" " ' i,-j- i - -.-" --- r -' .-...... ..a.w. hou-e.M C 1 sons, drink lvcaue Ihov are tlnr-ty. A "VbelP'" i more-appropriate namo tor them, would oe uist 01 iaecnonmniac4. ince what thev strenuoKslv deire and . seek is the vni' of inbiaiXkn in i th-Tarioui stages, ami to socsn- iUn thev will swallow almost aavtbint'. I landanum. sprit of wine. "k . pn- i h'f - '."" walked gavly In'o the prion j videl it is capabj; of pro!aeig that j wait for .vomeboly to pi&y Ida tlc?. s Cfeflddion. thev pave for tbe excile- Y. Herald. j mit. the pleaurv which they feel In I it. and alywe all for the iraia f happy 1 thought which it icts up. j These unfortaate"s may Ve rooghh divided into twoelacA. TiiMwc have lhe habitual Vpplers. Tbrj-e begin ' rariy in the rocmming. TVy tcommence w wiui vmsKy ni ajoi;icnn. water, or u..c :. ) gin and soIa -eater, and they continue yon-r house if;, ,,- ,,.... ,,.. -lt .,- , .. strainvd as it were, and must therefore .,. ,. ,w, ,. , . ' A4J-LS1 f irw T, &: V 111 UJUi. I1TC - 0 -- f.ritic.'nlt l1t -. t-rratfi .m! ataaa, t ar . X C 1 ? T.f s Mnyf vIj- infnAi ; i u - iivii ($ iivivi iiuftu iT. m and bef'r- they go to fce I they arr coro- monlv oaiT on? rv-aiove from oeio' .- . -. . .. ... heipi'-s-iv ilruux. "I don't say that thcyrkeep ont chol era altogether, but j'ou can't point to 5 1 house in" Detroit provided with them ; which has-had a cac of cholera." j "Vhcll. dot vhas so." "In buying them vou help a poot man to rwu-h the beds-ide of his ffing I wife in BalTalo." ' i "Yes."" ! "You add at least two hundred dol lars to t2o value of vour place." ' "Yes" " ! "TIioa are not a burglar aliurm. Ind when a burglar tind them in tie win . i. ...., ...n.. .i:-.... .i tlOW IM7 llllll i.4 UUVTIUIilJJl.'M "Dot; vhas gooiL"' "The air which eiders be free of ch-ps, gravel, sandL dust umi . other substances deleterious health. , JEsce." -And yon will take 'era?' 3Iv frcadt. -.-hasdo-e llyicrccn like M-i f adder krrix c' gin null down In do Sitlh ward. D yo 'tA: hVd ejjd am do-oUeri tfrld? retorted Ml- bael. "Ah. como off " Murray gave a disappointed jdgb, the court ufltrer lookcti hoiked. and Mieha.4. with hi hat ovr UU Ir.nk the Cat. -une Quite art aOVcting ncrn oecnrrl at tbi visiting window of tboMaidan Ian.j .Jail tbt nwirning. A yooog rna ftliont eighiren year old m ineart.fjr sjI. awaiting lranportUon t Danne noraPriton. wLere ho H to rur a nix-r-arV entene. Tlo prioner trat a tin-lookng verting fellow. Hi faUir . . n r..l mt.',.t. l.l ... t - a wreUrl .Mjn.atKin eif .." " . -m-u toiic w r miki. oe wn iooi witn sham-rd Jmw on ono ide of the ;Tratlng and thegrluf. tr.ekea father on th other. Drin ha-1 boen the can" of the bo tmobl Toward tho laUer i . faa,cC Ple:M!?L ran--jr with ki has contidftice in Mamma. and though full of fear, he crouches be however, ! ! uie know." i -Of course sot. W atosu ot -awar years diaodaVUds soft 1 UUle,:ewBnr Erlnf; -n4 wwfc ohnwiy pOaiiMa, 1 mimutkm'm W JMiiura. As' it wa marshes from time y came to atty, how ne.ther to s preoccu- ejnrse to- ers on a nly as the evotion to nder otdi ould have avoiding owing, as laid out a straight I pools ol such a manner that it shall not interfere ! tween her -uinn-s. -.-nA i,nbl nn tn il.e -! , t rw -.-.. ..W4. v - wiui ma preconcerted arrangempnts anil so throw the whole into con.usion. Th"s Geld to-ilay and that to-morrow, this harvest for next week aud that for the week thereafter. Happv aud successful is the farmer who works after a wise and prudent plan. A". Y. Observer. Charles Oakley, the oldest native born resident of tfew York Citv. died recent'yof old age, in Norwood, N. J. Mr. Oaklej was born in 17S6, in what was then the country, on the boulevard near Central Park, and lived there all his life until a year ago. He kept his health and his memory up to the day of his death. Beside his nine sons and daughters. Mr. Oakley leaves a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, grat-great-grand-chddren and even a rreat-reat-sreat-randcaai Ar. T. Sun, If I come home in dor night und de: feathers with both feet andhisloubilL ; frontdoor vbas locked and I caul get Mamma, who is not a graceful walker. ,D-U(. UO;C IJ icrcs;ai n-- Jt 31 hor Iw, x- -,nil lion Too- n.Urf ,r--.l J ' No. Sir- CO. Sir. liOW C2U TOU CX "-' 'o iv - ij utv - aiw va dies to the edge 01 the cliff, and anx iously looks abaut her. Alas! there her she hacked mil is tiojsiiI -- --- - f--w. Baa-. --. - - precious freight. It is useless to try ...-. , j part 01 ta?xr ive ussy ix-come a prey - to vario:r-4 pa nful di-cae. ch:e"y af- fe lhe liver, kidney.4 and ttotaach."-iimts hypodiondriais of a very continced chara. i-r declare it;lf at j rthr times they am attacked by d?Hn- I um trenica- or brain Suicide rad- f " a" " . V' "u w -' uu c; i vr attf-iapts at suicide during the ever- -Pn mx. poet any sach thmf rom fly screens . depdo which ensuef after tiraH J! , fa " hell. I doan t know. I gue yoc . ma!3lv nuoommo ofd child to reform while ia orUon. t rru! hl BiWe and iraproTr all pare time In diidy. "Son." on tinned the fatber. if you had the grace of Hod Jn four heart you wouldn't be here. U tho curetd grog-hop were mcpt awr IM haro leen spare! all lbl I?t it be a leon to von. tor. Th! i th, ! vou will probably ercr ar me. another direction, or to wait another day, for it will alwaysle the same. If no: that gnll, some other gull will be waiting for he: and her little one. Well, she will call all her courage, strength and cunning to her aid, and at once brave the danger. She spreads her wings to their widest extent, law-ches herself into the air, and with out a flutter darts like an arrow into space. Awav she mil. Now the black rocks are mader her. New the billows. impose on me nsd tate me lor some greenhorns. I let myself oud: und knock him so far into next Shanuarr dot 8v screens doan' keep him warm. Detroit Free Prest. The half-baked aristocrats of the metropolis need give themselves no un easiness over this 3iorosini match. When the coachman comes in for hk share of the estate they will not be abb to tell him from one of tfceMelree.- Chicago EcnliL I aad probably won't Bra your The ecosd kind are those individual ,x iwr O. ray boy. prowls m. with whom the desire for intoxication U w -Te Your to k that lght m less a haHt or a proj naty than a mad- - ol; 0'r jonaer- The boy prolr4 ness and a mania. Iliw are not steady. . 3n'1 l i1 fi11 Hi way. Cw. constant tipplers, thev have intervals . AlJn'J W -; Journal. and during long or short of eobr.etv tnese periods tney are often the most amiable, fnendly'aad agreeable of mor tals. Presently 'their time comes, and either from some sorrow or worry or anxiety, or often without any apparent cause at all. they become sileat. soli tary and moody for a few days or hours, and then they betake themselves to hub ghops which have welcomed tbea be fore, aud indulge ia frhtfil awl m- Utah haft ten thotttaad mall farrax. averaging twenty-tive acre each, aasi all irrigated. There U otdr oo largw farm ia the territory, aad tkat h owad by s compear. Ninety-fiTe thouMMd sheet ei pa per are daily co&fta-ed ia priawa Uncle Saa's iwo-m-v aad ifcrr4iojJ reree Kaaspa 'uk fafe Stmt. tWHrown faatkn to nar attata il..r.'r fvii--Mwti ir.i.j rr t. an thmg . and, to u a wmrmn MlmuUnl. 4 U - Ut of I'af.rua.t j r rr Ulon. llrt-y OT tdyi CSmy lrlirUlr-l',rK a'' N'f'-AfrtlNU bat th5ir 0 tt. natiif-c rrm u i,,,1m"- . jrft ut rt Ten mttty wrn. not rhtlogy Lti d tartly procbmiHl ; bnlniwal tippler. ho till csn mH Ik the nature ot tbat hal tual craving for t mtiI! a loading tcntperatp Hx. truaj: Ihjuom which, lng grat tied, i "I , dnak aad gtl drwnk t'hh their emlo iu drunl.etir.rx. K b an abnor- j einmxH In prtt of wmrtnality. ml tate if the wnn' av'-d brain. en and uhl twt l b rlal a -getnlennl bv the pis(rtit ue of the j briKU .. though, a a iittwr 0 t9t. aieu!.tfi' nf .nleoL, I. umlrr tbe ter--! the. mt imi InfrwtwnU. wri' dftant ----- -.-.--. .,.,---. w - . - - - -- -T ----. . w- 4; Ki'( , A l AifT n:rs?'j?.J'irj" '..- Jsf' i7 . y- - A 4 ti'SM&g'Z s. 5r S..S-J --.r .--E-. -z s-; L. i .' -. tf '-'V " I T : v ,:tfx-3f -" a ,'W - . .2 v-TT' :-,?. T?-:- VV -.' "-a.-- ! ?? 1 I -J- --. '-iJ 1 - j--h-. fM -.-f 'nSL j- A - '. .2-- . -i. . ? U ti,."?i " ;-?vs&4,-i.-vi j' : --arv k&-' 3-iSsate. JL54f?fi:.