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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1884)
'f " $!NS5!" "BW! fRI V xf - J5!SV 4 ,-'-- !.-J H 1 " ''' " . i r ) i j mi.l nwlil I m f&fe M :? iv f -rtt W"- -? Ti.j ', k-. &&fe 5fei.sSs S 5" eT ,- ft if? "fc. W fc -' --,, r 4- - - -tv.. -ssre-. aT- - f - k-- r& - V. " 7i; 33 fV S V . f L. 1 i?j 9 I L"-:ife- . ,. ife 4 dm . .1 J-i? ; j?" s. W " Vtrl! - --&- zm rr . i" Kitr-fl? tnj,"''u. . J; -TT VJT7'-. jar n. iit :RfeiGlouD Ch fejtf mislV - - raprtetM FI?IDXy, NOV. 7, 1884. THIS-BIRD HlvW trfllEtTOX' The tonne neonle rara an enter tainment at the residence of Mr. Rolli son I;gt Friday evcninp. J P Brainnrd is building a fine poul try houe for our pot master. There wiH be a juries of lectures bc jwn at J'tainvicw school howc m Monday evening, November 10. AH are cordially invited to attend, Conir. jidmrt, romc tall, there is room for nil, anu iiruijryour unliv if it does sqnlL J U I WON. i i t.n,i,jj .-.f -..t b jv uiiru-'K u ivti" acre. known as now Grows for Nebraska and the Stato Republican Ticket. The Entire State Tlokot Elected by 20,000 Majority. Hon. Jamee Laird Returned to Con aroea by about 2,000 Majority. A Blifniek du mm oil one flakes. T Bvan ha thrashed 875 bushels of rye and oats the pat uctrk witb K. VVnlner's machine. A Cook h;w hnd a trip to Graham county, this etate and lucatod a piece of land. Wilbur YitX: hn? returned from Thcinns county where he hiw locuted. SJohnron lost u valuable heifer. Cause, blarklcg. Blifnick took a load of not atony to Burr Oak and got 40 cent- per bushel, j isw. m m- ' ' - GAKKJKJ.I) A lcautiful dav for the election ves- . . - . I ffr1fll iltlff III linMMiut Atf M,e mrr. Y . - I j f. iv ilLiMlvb MMV VWk 9I11VU -. . j, ouiuu iuuut itopro-i me precinct was lormetl, .-eventv-two aoniaixve ny 441 Majority. Just As WolGo To Proes Our Bird Begins to Orow for Blainejand Logan. T TW ttrmrn We will jtive Tt Cimct1 free for oxe vnAS to the pary who ill bnn thi office the mesr nuruir of oolv. nrt lew than kx eanft letween now and Decern her I. Tlie merit of the com to be decided upon by three die iutcrcit'.'d prfrtici. Come'riht altmg. A Raa en llrujc Stnrr. 2fcvrr wa stich a rb rnnde on a Dni Store n. i now at Uenry CVikV for a trial bottle of Dr. Kin;? Sew i.V cover' for coneuniptiou. roulw and colda. All riersuni ntn.ct eil with i n.-thma, briii(;bitHf boar-enes, severe cought- or any inflection of the throat and iuns, can t a trial Inittle of that Sreat remedy free, ly ih'tnc at above rug store. IJejrular Axv tl-CH). .vrJl Revrriil. A liberal reward v.ill be paid to any narty who ftili urrnbice a e;ui? of liver kidney or ri!mach th:t Eirc:ri' Bitter- tvjll not Fneeddy cine. Brinx them along, :L will cot you noduntri if the medicine .ih$ to cure, and ou wul ! rewarded forvour trouble bc.-ide-. All lllool direai".ii, biilioMMK.-r.-', huulici' iOilin:ttion. and eennral dftilitv nr quickly cured. SatLf'itinn jrurantofJ or wtmcy refunded, l'rice only ;t centt? u bottb. For nale bv JlenrV Cook. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF or.ncit to itOW caik wjrl itt r. is. ? tf U sij t n .v j. . ';v " ' - --.,,.i- 4ii- ;X'TO'l im'rfl nvygn ,.-z : f n a 19 JtT SSa? TKi tf-fAw wfiii in tii n i rirwrtT. o it -a.w ; swv.i .jrtr Ufic4 .vTTT7- s-t tern. rnntKs AeKTrf ,r -' " r-T ii .-. ftftf. u ,Z ' ? ,,l;v,, "" ft 24 I I ,"f'Trf,r''r V9wt v!; L2Tr J 3 "rt t t " t5r J-" 4 iter t -iv? . MrNt-r. A f : tr J Ytr . u 'fflfiswiv ff IM.1 fW iStf l ... ... 1 1 LL ALS rLiiilii dP 4fc Honest Goods v 1 AT 1 HONEST PRICES. TheJlProspects Brig-hteninff For a Grand Victory. The Republicans of Nebraska can feel justly proud of their work on Inm Tuesday.! They have Hgaiilly defeated the combination of democrats and i'iuiiujj aougruicgaicu me com binKj force to the rear. Especially are the republicans to be congratulated in the second congressional district on the election of theillonJameti Laird over the mugwump Stickel, who was unable to carry his own county or precinct. In the 4Iet leginlativc'diatrict :tho re publican achieved a greit victory by the election of the lion. J. L. Xalev A (irntle Voice. Oti rent reprizing druistlus sort ire J good ai d true men caHtinq; their Yotej? the ngeney for Dr. Bigelou i Po-nr-v I frttw.HatMB , rut stuck Pcfee I F. M. HAMAKER, ! Stock Auctioneer ! ju-iraiiHf fca;wfat:.on. OnJrr-i 1 trailer t.mph promptly sttvndd tc I3io2ie; Ujc 73. livtt" , m 4tlir KtiMTrr Attention Teachers. v t w i ii" r i m rw mr -i - -- - - - TJI AHfn TPM rrTFw'f?jrj -fU t lStimr - "- .ww lauAinMkUtml. i brc were two enndidatelfor tbeofiite of Jtfceyfor, c4 H Warner and it Coon, both good tnibty men , and although Mark writ? the favorite in thej morning, odd being offered on him, tiic bofi came to the conclusion at night George was elected. The republicans and aiiti-monops we are told run neck and neck, each hide working hard and both anxious to know the ieMiItri of their labor, which wn about equal when the vote? were counted. Farmers are busy picking corn and fencing up their barnb in anticipation of winter. Susan Jane. r..- .. i.:..i. i.-- - . vuii- iui.i imr. uij aupenor lore u , colds, cou-timpiiou, whoopiij eoislt ami all throat and lunr diseitf ii prove to you it ha no equal ci'l .it ? linduc b orug stoie and free. bokle Set u TflET STA5D ALOSE. M1MOT T-t Miking Powder Co., U LMit, M. m? rits'i Cream eakfer rovtftr ir? ,- pr Price's Lnpulin yCrt8t Gems, j " a- 7 7C -- !! Ti xcae cxjc rs"1 ooc: Ease V iUX Jt'Jt Uf R CU AUTT. PmmS 4 9w &aw ffa m w. i t.. . m - . ftk fc-f-T -P - i -. - n-srwn fcr -fi r5rla,!roHi4, il ' "" ' " i iMT wii' mcni:y c AT TH8 iJHtrnbynIcti' HB!i 'Couuty uivi -.tX t.tutt0t V. 4-s.t c( rUK utrtttm. FLVAL I'Mqp'IXOriCK. . -v , IjUiu OO . CtocntlNCtbct; tfiT.J' K irt? rii -" H.IIH !Ht.p. tt. i"!tt TIIK Kho'receivexl a majority'. -of 441 over Deary, notwithstanding the eflbrt to defeat him by the opposition. J. B. Skinner was elected senator by a good majority. J). P. Newcomer was elected representative by 5G0 majority. The republican national ticket is veryjclose and many doubt have been expressed as to Blaine and Logan's election. At this writing there seems to be a great. doubt as to the result of New York. the pivotal stale. The republicans keop a stiff uppcr.lip and a:o hoping for the beat. The! following-are teh majorities received by. 'candidates in; Webster iu Webetcr county: HTATJE. HrpuMlcaa Electors ;..,. r,43 ittir uorenor Secretary of State .. Treasuier Commissioner 8uicrintcndeut f-cJiwils.. .. .. .. . Attorney-General Regent Unlreraity CO.'GRSBSItCMl, "Raines Laird cmciAL. W.SMorlan 1343 1 LK'.ISLATIVB J. U. Skinner .,-, t f 1.-..1.... OJ: t n V, 'M tj.r. newcomer q COUMT. g I.B. Hampton y. IWirUOUMlNlDUS Jstf Later-Just as' wo co to nress " learn that in all probabilityJBiaine ai, iiogan have carried New York? TjA. will nivp tlwiin lm uIa.), , .t &"i o " ww l. Ai ftf 14 510 V.0 674 ATI M7 Xuh 377 Struck n Now Lead Mr. Miller, proprietor of the Blue Hill Mills, has been experimenting with a now jirocc.-y of grinding aiid bolting flour for ttie la-1 three months. With a few new inventions of his own he now think.s he has the mill working to peifcctiou. He claims by his im proved methods of grinding, be can niaau irjiu uiree m nve pounds more flour to the bushel and of a better qual ity than by the old sy.itcm of giimting, and be further says "he will challenge any miller in the "state to produce the same amount of flour and of a better quality from the same quantity of wheat either by burrs or rolls. His trade has increased so fast under his new methods of grinding, that he will.,- te compelled to grind day and night t fill his orders. jk A libnial reward will beipaid tony party who will produce a ca-e ofilivjr, ' Kiutiey, or stomach complaint that Klectiic Bitters will not specdilv crife. Uring them along, it will fost you nothing for the medicine iffeit Ciils to In ft small town in eastern iWa, the. young men oi tne place uave iorined a club for the of J&tainjng each member a fcold watchTat .inexpense that is hardly felt by any ofthe raeui bers. Each member cnuributes one dollar per week end thla lots are drawn and the onereitsifing the lucky numb( r is entitled to tiie watch and so on in a like manne:, until all have re ceived a watch! oy, L H Wallace, of this city has, niarVAil the necessarv arrangement tujjurmsh watches even a tuucb smaller expense and without ltie.fe.4rff aome dishonest per son falling o:tjph a, club of this kind and making Mlouble expense on the remainder. Afe proposes to furnish watches .ojall responsible parties at paynienssro;ic dollar per week and in this lucur saving all the expense oi fermi'igjand maintaining such a club, also rties do not have to wait their jur'ijjfliich may not be for six months. CMrpivhim and let him explain this raaHrkable cheap manner of nrocur " r me ume nieces. vi-dt Ef 5efP ?S mm Exrylody Ktiovr I:. hvery body knows RedClo.'er -9. ik ii.i.f uvvn usfiMi manv" v the good old d'ennan wome'tifxnd rhv sicians for the blood, and'ikn vAim the best blood purifier when Troperly prepared, (imbincd with or med ical herbs and root?, it ferms Dr.;Jo:ie's lied CIovit Tonic, which U igood for all dlood disorden,topidrrtco5tivr iicm and nek he.idaene. iirc rure for pimples. Ak A. Until 0 the druggist f.r it ft,l.. r.r -.1?...: - ' ... ' Tha fcwt dry fcon ygtst In the w.i.Md rtC jy iejjuru yo . rairpori l-"-c y tnisyeii jignt, yr.ita and vrbie X. Y-the seraet n making the best : wmt like cur crandnioth't djllciem hwnri saierain aiuhtoda in the world. Tiiev surpass all iinvet.tore of the age, 1 e cause by iKes articles they assure success togthjlndies in making fine patry. JT g STJr iffil Olyrenne Salvo. Thelbe--: oh earth can trulv be said ofGjriggs' plycerine Salve, which is a sureTcrrerfor culs, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will oeitively cure piles, tetter and ,4llliii eruptions. Satisfaction j;uar n'epdor money refunded. Only 25 crnfa; For sale by A. Lindley. i .. i ., . 1ir Bncklcn's Araiea Salve. The best salve in the .world for cuts bruises, sores, unlcers, salt rheum, fev er sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no p.iy re quired. It is guaranteed to jive satis faction, or money refunded." Price 25 cent per bottle. For sale by Ilenry Cook. LIGHT HEALTHY OREAD wWfft r. msmi brd. CKOSE83 SELL THEM. Price Baking Povder Co.. CaTn cf rr. iftrt 5p:!al i7M2 inc, iceo, in. tt.Louia.M4. i . 3 idaeL5 K :C'X v""' a vmutomtQt nt hi -!$lxa. an., nutt 5 hi iTv,,: rati !3Kj l .i:y cltrfc c t nsri of ri4-r vtmnt i sii Ut?.io.elJ. on saiuili iHrrtio li.lH.u.'l' VNDltKW i'UU KSliN. I 0: honiotrft-1 eufy Xa mvt. tor Uuf t -c . ipi.i'orm k i2VMt. iir naais t!ie rttmuir MfttMsuw ta rot ha, venuvvyjn rtfiKv uii- Alt ..i" ! MiltflullAt . k ft . ft J . m . . mj W . T&orna.. Atirsoit. Ue if &9rtti, S xmU r fi. JUwJcs.ajlor i:vNt tVdNcbT l- W. rtTV'TZWt. lUT;ttrr. DtvoJt!iica Xottrr. nre naruK-r?Jili hnrtofOTe i-xbtla? U-tw rc iwiurOTr ram fotx rviitTA n.'l U:l eru Huifru ty, DatiflRt Xl Clrniil, Nob. Oct.?. 1-L Square Dealing, One Price, Golden Eagle, Clothing Store, State Bank Block. Eed Cloud. Overcoats for Men and BoyjS. Suits for Men and Boys. 11 'juutMsI awat ruxo IKL.iroi:njrr J U-Oit SKiAAMng ' oaf Miss L. E. Stalker, ressmaklr ! West Room over ilaryatf e Jowel- I ry store, Bed OfcucLNob. A T &ft& .ftLft. jWILw. "Honest Tea is the BeEt'Polioy."! WM. I.IET! DEALER IX As endless Vhriets of white and red flanels at Mrs. Newhouse's. Jl-tf Go to W. R. Pussell, oiic door north of Maryatt's jewelry store to get the the best flour for the money, The pride of Blue Hill. imc smn 7 7 Bootc 8c Shoes - SelaMake For Men Women and Children "Woolen and other Shirts Woolen Underwear Gloves and Mittens Fur Caps and Hats, &c. Trunks and Satchels, Etc ry Goods, and Wi CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND if C-xi"tnCk'Ytrf nnAA-nnTrTmiA P- EElT OTTTvTr Vr a ! ?y?te?te offei- buyers achanee -- ?-' -u- J.vui..vlsjj.Xfrx bU VVXIXvPO, P1U I The largest stock and bottom prices. All a goous v-arranxoa or money refunded 'if found ;upon examination to be diffierent. As a Advfrc to Kotbera Areyoe d!jtarhel at hIrIiI and broken o( voar Doponrt upon it moUiew. thorc ts no nilstaJco about it. It cures dysentorj am! diarrbeca, rrc. aiHtts the rtonuch and bowels, curvn wind colic iwio ami energy io ine wliolc stUiii. Mrs liislow'ssooth.njt.srnip forchiJdren teethiujr Jspleasaiittotbft twle. and is tne i.rwcriptlon of tine of the oldest and brst temale nurses and Physicians In the United States, :ud is for sale by all dnipKLsts throughout the world, l'rice 25 cents per bottle. Free lleiiveip' to i' Alt I'nrix illty. 7 THE.ljririT YORK Grocery Eitrsj Notice Svrj OKTIiWEST W1JBSTEE J . ft M Politics have been very oPt with "i.1?.11' for Wc lsve hnajoiilv our ndidiift,-Mr Kalev to kpp J X Mr. J)ckerson of Red wTod mn.ln MnplMMUcall on Sioibv of InKt Kv. Hrrion. O. G. JLTrfrw, tw !Lf SS?111 mrT tne Hatfi xt Wodadnv. tMW a l.- .-UT&K '.. XIT. " "" KUWS r- ,"-3ViJrjt)oy8 will have 5vf V 13A ibttter 1 JH1 CUA.. wVvR. lmy had at the f;last week Leonard ed by his hired msu Jtwo miles west of Blue netrated the head in ffwith a natchet. thou ththe team' and has eard from. Ko further Sirs. 0 E Fergasoa now prepnred to eive lessons in m- diroideiy. She teaches plush, arasene, sumach, and many other desirable stitches. Prices reasonable. Residence three doors south of A. J. Kennev's. She also dees stamping to order. 12-tf All kindj of dress goods, embracing silks, satins, velvets, enshmeres, wool, half wool, cotton, calico, etc., at Mrs VT T . .t xuwuouses. 11-tf You can find the best assortment of overcoats and at lowest prices at the square dealing one price Golden Eagle clothing stote. yMARY8YiLLE, Kansas flour at Hagk ej. Try it. TliebesU ! otlce la hereby slven that i have taken up the foUow.ce cstray. fonnil on ray premises, bo inj; the 8 Wsectlon 15. T 2, R ll west, in Wcb tr county, .Nebraska, one steer about thire years old, color red. vith white stwts star in forehead and fonr white feet. The owner can have same by ravlnjj costs and provlne property If not claimed will be disposed of accordiuK U 1v- At.VIH I'OPK Dated at Bed Clond. November i. f JT KJt ". in a m D t T. Si " 5 J? E1 KN WF W H S . . Q W P- 0 w or en . t :3 if Oueenswae House or $20 in goods,' C.WIENER. tat ul mil W. H. STROHM. A WORXKY AT LAW. BED CLOUD, - NEBBA8X1 VwU eonlte fa Eaclbk r Oaoav. nwcum will ttttirt rcrt Uiti "V j Eritray AoUee M To whom It may concern: Takea'vakpfct October 1.1SS1, ouES Sec S0.T-VR llt, one black sow pig, about 1 moutbM oMjith white feet, whiio streak in face. ad Jit-if;ht ear. Jlo owner can have .-imebV i'flK ru pertyand pacing all tlamsgea. f'. uiMRalmeu will be disponed of aceoniiuK ta'1r.'.- 14-Stp C. H. J AUXMt.f . vpy."eb 5.K ca mww 2 ZL f 2r 8 3 $ 0 $ Assortment in the city Prices, the Yes.y B. F. MIZER. 6 n p CO P O o 'I T. O.HACKER, STAPLE hm FANCY GROCER o O .n '' 3 . Groceries a owszsraLirs old s?ai. w groceries. gRed coudf . Wcbraska 'Provision Groceries. m nxi. MXC or Pi D: Choice Groceries, n Provision i c im Provisions Groceries, nl Provisions, Hrrc d Canned Fruits. r ."n Cigars, Etc.,' rov,s,on UrOCerieS- Vour patronnKe i- rpn.-tfully 0lic 3 ProviMnn. ttil. Kitiifartum guaranteed. tlUVlSIOIlJ F No eoccuse for poor bread, if you buv Lev,Moore ftwWtait. s$H u.v Xour flour of Hacker. est Japan Tea at Hacker's. Flour, bran and chop feed at Hack- , VIce-IYss ere. rjat. bucry was tenantlesa An! aid some one pp? U that has never known ad- r ;bnt half acquainted with im ih himself' Faults are p wt tmn. tdjjirka k supremely Jiappy. j i-pfuuru weigui. wnen n g oea to a "j 'ULi.'Une of Groceries at Hackers. S SfiVf'? COWLt Bcstic. Jbo. B. Hhircy. r&?v. M Ufi wilier. n m Beautiful fall weather. ;TbpiSftcf croquet has gone into -,HTPile are stilL botv. S&9S5,SlTil,J,w coanters and covementa aidad to their U kdxm mm di ya rf firwA- r ibr new buiyimr r. od ar pattuir in a rood tnrfr of,work in tlmr K; ' or 1IL ia. pcbwd ft! rxiBmt) EaM f tMiwfttri:ti t) Boots, boots a big stock. Go to Let- son for boots -and shoes, I want to sell cloaks and ladies wraps, and will make low prices. Braided jerseys, a new lot just re ceived at Letson's. Call and get one before the assortment in sizes is broken New York State buckw.beat flour at Letson's. Ask your grocer for The pride of yl' Blue Hill flour. If he .don't keep it p-73 REDi&A m mm Af capita Special Ae y f SUm OarS.v f Ciwl NEB. 50,000 Given to Collcc- 1 r jra jciJiiiViC xrti.?i?rv C. B. II03F0RD. OUG. k p. M. Y i-xosford & Young, DEALERS It 1 r ; v t . . v & m ii tv j-i n r: i -- i ll'V:; J Li ft 55S?2ai W V k- 1 Vi I. W H U W 2 M i I l( iirlbbtRi s. V. UBLOW. STORE ! a. - iT tc6o Un-ei j- r J V, n tlon. EUIUP.S: JLevi More. r. c. uooio. T. V.Shibit. 'sell Exchange. Hake col- liscount Jotes and do a inking Business. st allowed on all time deposits BED CLOUD, NEB. Highest Market Price Paid 'Vl, .-in l r .... .. .c n... (c inunu evcrtmnK in tbc yrrK-rv line, .tich aa ugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, runs, .Bacon, Ham, Dried Beef. dCm,roWcm,,jy.Jw,t, K,l, oi, nJ Q,.e,w.' Hosing by Mr dlinX tojmcrit ,harc vt the pubt.c ptro., Com. IN KEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opposite ,he Chicago Lumber VanJ. S. V .LUDLOW. t Clieeae see nte. A. CUMMINGS, $25 . T HAS OPEI-ID UP A you cast get it of Wm. Xetson, S. W Aiuatow'or w.u..rureii. jf-tf j? Mw. Newhouse has for salejr. Warner's celebrated health corset. Del viiuei a vuncbi wu nio yu knowkdgesl to bs the Birkefci , A ksw lot of embroidsri Jerseys,, at Mrs. Newh The pride of Blue Hi injj taejtjfd wherever i Gau. at Bradbrook'i tholarge portraits b lAtADiKs: aoseana Xewhouse's'in ead 1" tboroch!awV4 MUtn: It Ko. is r ttirifcBaSyTfti-3ur w 8Hes Xsii rf . s Wx.Lnioic lill., p--i HE3T3H 5! ..-"-, -. . .-. -- Liifat r:afMit; (jc? . " A i v . ?y m. " MAX-f SI1 JiM.irewl Jf,35,s' -4 j Of Hstrt eait o JU nd see K- 1W at Mrs. ties. IMf deof Blue 11-tf. ftBTrrag Gdidk is isaed Sect. 1 Jfarch, eachymr : 224 nagw, SJ x 11 iiea, with over 3.300 illustration-! a whole pictaxe gallcxy. Gives wholesala prices direct to mwsicrt en all goods for personal or . ciuy cae. Tells how to AW order, and gires( exact V m cost of er 7thnijyou H B use,v drink, eat, wear, or mfeV hark faa with. These sMsW .inralaabls books contain infonaaticn cleaned from the markets of the world. Wewiliiaail a cony Pree) to any address noon receipt of the postage 8 centi. Let vs hear from you. v BespectfunV, WWTOjjMERY WARDst CO RESTAUHA And Boarding House, to $50 PER DAY Can be made uin tlie OTT PfPTT A T-r m -v-r-r-- i Well BoringRockOriHing Machinery K. . JfMra. Prtrt fv V ,; M. and colors at 11-tf foT making youa er, brother, your t a Christmas pren-1 s gallery and -set .tr ll-4t see who is elected akes time and sunlight rre portraits I am eet radbrook, the 4th avenue Joha Xo V. PtmL sir. tsaitr . i-T Vfc X.H.A First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. Capital, - 75,000. I ssU CBty vsnrmau. .At Ctr. ? efact aad 8m1 Pictrict fceaik. ar ABi mH f oretca Xzakaac. ' I DIRECTOR?; R. . Msw. f JIb JTMr C W.Motatr. , . m M fc. 1T. EicUr4c. ONS DOOR NORTH OF A. T. STIFLE'S NEW RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. First-class Boarding: at Reasonable Rates "Warm and Cold Meals at an hours. Ample Accomodationn for L I respectfully solicit the patronage of y old custom era en now ones as w isn good moais or lodgings. Don't for the p LUMBfe YARD, as many Wc mn itiivi! im nnt.t i. .i.. .... co Mich h crown WS?JJ f 'ted sne- excelsior for or mft,; ::::: V "',"'.wr Kl ,J,ln r, nd wiUi m,rM n. i.7 " - " v oj nu in evrvcountrrin th rAem. WALKER & BRAKEFIEL: toSTffir? 3 inch to 4 1-2 Feet in Diameter. w r . d .- DEALERS IX i Pumps, b - uv aica jaa r : r. vv xx.fl a a -. . .a a it -k t r iB . t-jv . c - - n a wz. j rr rB&n arr 4L a.faBK ar . . --- ai Mills, Welt Tiiteng,- And Everything in our lino. When wanting smytninfir in the Wiaddnileitwill pcy yoatoscoxis. Oar Prioosi sr Lowewtand Work Guaranteed. ip or t CE On Third Arena, Oppoita M!nr3ro, Store, Bicisd . offlfciaii TlWTlLS!"10 Prospecting for Coal, Gold, Silver, Coal OH Good live ents wanted in every country in. in the world Address, Victor Well Angur and Machine Co., 511 Pine StStX-out,Mis)uri,U.S, A ?ata what paper yon saw tkfar m n.t " j . l kt V V s i- ?i ' i &J .v . .... r v ' iOora . JU'OwtautosKJe-usbefoceliu'S'iiMr. . I ' r lAjrrcss., i.-Z Jfiw' , ;v -v . W '- ' -A. - ----12 rs Pfe" ,3v V' V ' 5r - -"?S-&!e-; 4 r- J- -". " r ' ; - s - - ii" -""t " j I W!' 'ii .j 4 - - rs-. i ??-5 .'-- S.. . J -? i-t.. .-'." ' "i- - t. - -J tj rv jii,T. A.'St t M iV-S - . . .. I SSTHKf'- ' r' LV. 1 7 J' -.""s rtT i-v. a JO. ,-: ssr3 r5"- dMS' I1-4C