W vSiV -2-,i 7 JF- , -.- .. wzm. 1 i,-i..--v-l . 9 r Ci V4- -"V '"V . i S' '" ', - IK --- . i C" J L J fc i V 1 Hrl 7 1 Ihe Red Cloud Chief 'ri. FRIDAY, OCT. 31, ISS. a. c. hosmer; - y I , Proprietor zs ANTI-MONOPOLY TICKCT. Tor Fresldint, B. F. BUTLER, of Mnssnrhuactts. For Vice-President. A. M. WICST, of MiifcR-ippi. . Presidential Electors .1 M PATTERSON, of CiP". PATRICK I! INKS. tf Grucley. R It SCHICK, of ft.-wurd. W H AS 1 1 B Y, of G:ijc. HS ALLEY, ofll:ir. ForConifrMsinnn J II STiCKLK. of Thayer. For Governor J. STERLING MORTOX; of O'oe. Ueuteiinnt-Goi cnior, L CPACE, of Lanc-usler. Tnsiiuror, C V CLANCY, of Cuming. AudlU r, GUivTAV BENEKE, of Dor.ghw. Becrolary of .State. II E BOXESTEEL, of Knox. Attorns (.Yncnil. Crf MONTGOMERY, of Douglns. CoiiiiiilR.-5or.Cr of Public Ivdd-, NELS. ALBEkV, of Clay. BiijHjrliilondent of Public lust rut Hon A N DEAN, of Fiunklm. ; DPSCriOVILLE, ofTh.iyer. For ItepicsontalUes, I N RICHARDSON, of Webster. J WDEUtY, of Franklin. For Scnnlor, J LCOOK, ofFmnklin. ForCniinnlBsioner, JAMES DUFHY. LKT IT IUE. The Democratic Tarty Never Can r.ml .Never Ouht to Win Another National Victory. The recent presidential election 1ms shown that there is an invincible rea son why the democratic party can nev er win a national victors. It is that the youths of this republic are not democratic. The sons of the demo cratic fathers have grown up republi can1. Ko long as fdavorv and the war linger within tne memory of Ameri cans, the youth of the republic v. ill be remembered ns long .up the public school system exist-. The public schools have slain the democratic party with the text-book-. It is vain for statesmen to declare that there were a manv democrats as renuhlieans in the union army. It is in vain to nflirm that the war for the preservation of the union could not have been carried to a successful close without the aid of democratic party. it ij idle for phil antbiony Jo Mijreest that the attitude ofth.it party toward the war in tho be- gming was a humane one: that it was inspired ny me inirner aim iietter uhu that the caue of the conflict should be peacefully removed, and ihe. -pilling nf brothers' blood by brothers' hands avoided. The democratic party is ideally identified with slavery and dave . ho'ding. The eptibhcan part is ideally identified with cmaneip.-uion and the war. Therefore are the youth of the country incapable of being deni ocratic. Therefore the deinocratic party can never win a national ictory. Its old men are dying away. Tin- hovs wlio catch tho ballots that fall from their stiffened hands are republic-ins. " This fat" cannot be denied. It will do no ood to quarrel with it. All other causes which have operated to dimin ish the number of democrats and in crea-e the number of republicans are in-i;nificant beside this one tremendu out and invincible fact. The ctue of slavery luis-poi-ened the blood ami rot- ted the bones of the democratic partv The malediction ot tho war has palsied its brain The young wife who held the baby up to kis the father as he hurried to tho top of the rr.uiinent has not suck- led a democrat. The wearv foot of the gray haired grandmother who watched ! the children while the wife was busy ha not rocked the cradle of democrat- The chair that thoM.ldier father never came back to fill h'as not. been climbed upon by democrats. The old hhie coat that his comrades carried back was cut up for little jackets, but not one covered the heart of a democrat The babe crowed for bis return, and its unwitting ann unanswered notes were not from the throat of a demo crat. The tearsoibl camp letters which the mother read aloud in the lonu, bitter evenings, vhile tho bovs clustered at her knees, did not fall up on democratic ears. The girls sobs, blending with the mother's weeping did not make democrats of their broth ers. Perhaps their father had been a democrat all his life! The children go to school. There is not a democrat on its tienchec. The The first reader contains the portrait of.Abraham Lincoln that kind and sturdy face never made, a den -it. On its sitnp'e nages, in one or two syl lables, is told the story of his birth and i iii-Hiii, uiHL Mory never piaue demo crats. In the pranks ot the plav ground the name .-ilences the frolic some and makes the jollicst grave. The name never made a democrat. In the pictures that light up the geogra phy are the firing of Fort Sumpter and the death of Ellsworth. Those pictures make no democrats. TIlO ill-of n.in f ,. !.:. . .. ...ji j'.j,i; in wiu iiiMiirv contains a representation of the surrender of Lee at Appomatox. No boy gazes on that and ever after avows himself a demo crat. The strains of martial music runs through the readers, and that music 4 makes no democrats. Sketches of the -great generals are given; the brave deeds arouse the enthusiasm of the lads, but there is no democrats among them. The horrors and sutlerings of the slaves are toldr the maddened blood that mounts the bov's cheeks i not democratic blood. The curse of slavery has pursued the democratic party, and lias hounded it to its death. , Therefore let it d"e, and no' lip will be ,yw. iv .-.4- j, prayer over the grass; on its grave. The late defeat need not be attributed to anv other causes. Other caucs were a't work, but the v were incidental. The tariff was one. Sectionalism was a second. ' Lot well enough alone" was a third. ThcOe " topcr'failure in Indiana was a fourth. . - ,A11 these were trival. and together ('""could not have accomplished the re sult. The result jvas accomplished be cause the youths of the republic were not democratic ihe party is, there-j fore, without a future and without a I hope. The malediction of the war has ,-t .a-,of -rfc bra:n I . "''--0 of bu-erv , ."va o, invpry K. J.i:rjT.'sl Gold Proiinctlon. Tt bar been shown oy several nf the K-rit?r that up to the year 1818 Iho world hail outgrown its supplies of the nvnttrtfia Tnnf1 imf flifit rtTrt Tfturpn f uivbivuo .u.., unit .. v.. i j WM iMgaMn for lhc wherewithal to ! aujnat the exchanges ox coxrnnmnlics. Previous to that year the principal sources of HupwlywcTt South America, i the west coast of Africa, Ruisia in Europe and Asia, and the islands of the Malay archipelago. According to the calculations of M. Chevalier, the total production of both gold and sil ver from the scu.ces Between 1432 and 188 wras eqtiil In value to 1,740.000. 000. 'Jho importation of polci. howev er, was small; and the lotnl stock of the metal in Christendom in 18J8 is estimated to have beer, only .rCO.O00, 000. The production since that year hns been very remarkable. Let us look at the figures. In 1818 California begatt to come forward; and in 1851 the Australian ne!d- were opened. B--tweeu 1S19 :mi 1875 the production of the world is estimated at 010.000.000. bo that in twenty-seven years tho htock of gold was more than doubled. Iho average annual s'ippiv previous to 1818 was 3.000.000; in 18-;2 the production was SC.50'J.00. An Australian au thority ehlituates the iell of the eolo- U91 tons, tqual iu va uo to 1.4 4.'. 359, ObJ. Dcrmg the s: nitr vfar the pro duction of silver was 1 91.711 tons, of the value of 1.710.463.795. On tho basis of the last three years, the aver age annual production of gold in the world is now 21.500.000. Taking 1881 as an illustration, the largest contribu tors were: U. H ixwwn CbHI AuttaaFlh.. rt.ri.r. OJ0 Co.otnblu... JtiifclH 5 7I0UIJ Atiotrlrt.... .Mexico 107kjO Venezuela. (Itimnny ii'M Cauudii.. .. Ommbcrs' Journal. 2.'. iv,aO Tho Tradition or the me:?. Wooden Nut- A correspondent of the Detroit Free Press At Mobile, Ala., writes, giving an auecdote about wooden nutmegs which strengthens the conviction that tho manufacture of them was, in truth, ono of the infant industries of Connecti cut. He says: 1 see you discredit the wooden nut meg tradition. In 1828 I heard tho following from a gentleman who had just grat'uated at itowdoin college, so that it dates somewhere in tho four years just then expired. Among tho medical students was an oldish practi tioner from New Brunswick, who had come to rub up his ideas and to get a genuine degree of M. D. He happened to bo iu a crowd, whero some story was told of some sharp tricK, at which ono of tho company remarked: "That beats the wooden nutmegs!'' The New j ',runswicker blushed, and in some con- fusion ixclaimed: "How did vou hear of the wooden nutmegs?'' lie had f-iven himself away, and they mado dm tell the story. Ho kept a small stock of drugs, to which ho added an assortment, ot spices, etc., as is tho wont in country drug stores. During the war of 1812-15, some of these got quite scarce, and with the return of peace tho smuggling peddlers made a rush over tho line and did a profitable business Our doctor took the first op portunity of the kind to replenish his own slock, buying, among other things, several pounds ot nutmegs, as he knew there were none in the country, and ho could dispose of them to other country storekeepers. But before ho had dis posed of any his wifo took occasion to sample them, and found them made of wood. Ho hushed the thing up. hon ing, as he hud bought tho peddler's whole stcck, that it would never bo heard of, and had so far supposed that it was the only ease of tho kind. So far as tho college catalogue shows, my informant is still liv.ng (Si I. s llaker, of Standish Me.), aged 77 years. Kato Field is very augry at Felt, a Mormon older, and has-iidsoiu round terms. Now we presume Felt feels as I mad as Kate Fiold, and if Kate ' feels that Felt feels this wav, wo must all feel that Kate Fields should give Felt a fair field to show how he feels in tho matter and in this way tho public may arrive at the cause of tho in-fccl-iug between Felt and Kato Field, and uttiuu w uu u;ih uio ngiib 10 ieei mo most aggrieved in this Field-Felt fcel iug;. Lowell (Jttizcn. SEE US ! Wbliiiu; to make. room for our 1'alt ami winter Uooib. we olTer the fellow nitj prices on jjotuls naaiotl until further notice: Machine, Castor, -Ext. Lard Oil, - 7' oc Our entire stack of Drnpsat astonlsliuiplv prices. I-IARBWARB. Xnilsat$3 75 per 100 pounds. Door Lock, good, 3 for $1 00 low ijoor Hinges I'd-tli with screw?, tew cents per pair. Door Hinges 3x2 with screws, 10c. Milk p.ms, G qt. per doz. $1.10. AM other snelf goods m proportion Also, carry a full line of GXtOOEBIES, l-5 s7 Boot, Shoes, Huts. Caps, Gent's Furn ishing Goods, Motions, etc., which we oiler verj low for cash. PEAIC&LATTA, COWLES. - jSTEB. TO ABVESTiSE: d mwtxrltb srec;. iluc of ncttapcrs.aad a correctly ciim!a-cd advt. o jeeorc Mich itifor-atxin RPrsn a AK.3itn m nntrtHL-a Lr.n-a lf f tV 5i--i!! enable t t i.3tlvt-rl,;f U ! S U I iiiL f fjJC!"i7 5 ?n: a -rVnif n A files from 1851 to 1HS1 as 277.00-J.r0; Lj gA rTO and Mr. Hogarth Patterson gives the htf TFZFiFhfZQ EJ SfoJ1 i total produetion of the world between , && . W iLii H&AKJerJvOfcl ' The fitaiist.ui.na-. of tuc Uuited Statci " - r.--r. , mint estimate that the total production ' hC g TAl Fi&&F?&J$i P $ of gold in tho worddui.n- the four g-l SjMu(ciilti 11 hundred cars eudiuc in 1852 was 10.- r'-lin -!! ...i. ., M U op!. C t-. n I loliowiiisKirni: ".-or ptoposHl Miuhdment to DiacK. vyii, per 2ai. - 2oct,,"t,,n-,-"or,Rt lesiat...-1, j.:.rt- C- , ' ,r i meat. A".aiu.t proposal Amendment to the nlnfn Otll rerrA n - r "rt.s',''tionlel.'5til'toIe-,slallel)epartulenV, vJlUCil Wilt UDfjn. O f , Wlivnirw n iivint rKnltitln.i - ...l.,.,....l . ? .u ,i.' i :.v. .". :,-. -"v'v":'-: """-' .. ill L-J3JRVJ&1 JJJLSMLSX.WJXXBB &&J&&&&SSiV -s," .-.-: - :x .- lMWi J iji p w ri itiri.-u Klia IiM frf, a n't c lr !irti. Wliat ctirti thtir coS.c, Lj!U iar -tp. Catorl.-. Wlmt fjuleklr n-rt rotJrt'fWJkr Sour Jkoniach, CcU, Iwli;:r-Bt;.n Catir.n. Farrpll tlin f 'o"7hIa Crnji, Ctor Oil Ui. J i'urtvri'-". UiillCi'tnrit. " CastorlA i to well tiapttd to Cb!Wrn that I rtcotanif ad :t j nrcrior to sc7 eH s!ue known to me." II. A. Ar.caxa, M.D.. Ill So. Oxford ?t.. Brooklyn. N. Y. w w I An rJbiXrnto euro for Illioa-' znaticzn. Siralua. Pala in tho t. Eacli. Burns, Galls, to. Anin p? if rTi4ntj.nr! Ir -t-n k? S P1-. I. WAWW-t A IMM- "UHU.t U-. CTAtatf JJriJrtfeVWffrf AS fl-VKIffl KloKlJ statements RED CLOUD, NEI5. Have on oar books SevcRal Hundred Farms IV.rKa'e. Ini;tro'.el am! Vnim'-norcd. Town Pio-iPiS. I'iimik': llouhes. ite-titlenccH ami Tow n !it.i. Semi for price list. M'CAIi XOTK'K Trill-: voTKits Xt'Jjrask.i. ar ok wi:usti:i: rorNrv hcn-tiv ii.ttilii-d tli:ir .-it tin C'Mvia! flc -llou to Ik- iu-lI on tlc 1th I of "So- emhcr. 1KH-J, th"- foIiowji-Kin liosi will he mi' lailli-d ! an orilfrtiflli' 'm.e'it of ctMiiity eom-liiis-iuiit-r- of Welisti-r t'ouiuv, atloj.tcd' at Us ineclum (Molierrtili, iv;: "Shall tic county ri)iiiiii!sionrrs of Webster county. Ncli.eka. 1 u liiebouo- of said coun- I t" as soen ;'s m.ij 1c rite- the 1th 1:. of Nou-ni-, Ier. IPs. !ti thi"-iiui of three tlioiis'.m 1 dollars in (Ifiu liiiiiat'.oiii ni'thc bumlred dollars cadi. ' d t'Mt.Ianuary Isl, 1VX; due .I;tiiu:rv Ht. IU'. ' ilh ci.ipons for :inint: interest ;itt.:(-hcd to en n ei s-oii uoiwis ar seven per ecu., xr an iitiM. riy:'i!e .n the ist day ot.lanuarvl;. ae each jc: r thereafter uiilil Isim. and m h t- -I'liie so uuc me inx,eiMjs:jcrroi may lie apitlud t tia eiei!oii of build i ess, iim"i and otnerwe-i itip!oiu the poor f.uui of -a d c.utntv" "iiid s'mll thet'oiuii w i-nm ri of s,ml cn.jntj Inv In tl.i . ,ir !: -oi :! si vir ftiervn'tr a t. of one i 'f null on the do.lar v .nation nr is I- rf' a patl :m t'ot .e in.n i.e m.--su to pav tie niMiu-'l u:: re-t on said bomls iu r .,.Ss if ii:C 'if'.ecn nulls ulin-ti h are mow authorized lo le? .nd shall f'e commissioner- of atd oi'iity in the car i.a1' a t.i ot i.o mills on tlt dollar .tliiat (iti or so Idi-e a pirt tlureof as may be necessaiy to pay the amount of pinici- .!! miii urn r -.t lo l on i u- .lanuai v 1st. lv.m, nie'i.stof the flttccn null- cinch UM-sioners -ire now :iit'iiiri7eil to l Hit !- i hose vol in-i in favor of said iitono- linn w II have unlb-ii (rpiiutcd upon their ballots i!r .ords "For poor llo'isi lio'id-." Tho-e otitij; Air .list said pnj.-iiH.u will l:ae v.ntten ot miiiN'iI unoi their ballots :h- words "As:.i.st 1'oir Jhi. ;e lUimls." I K. Smith, chairman. Attest .Ioh.n T. U.w UA.elerk. PBOCLA'MATIQI-T. WurjsFAs. a !o:nt reol.it!o:i v. as -itloj :! by H l.eSlafbn-of the Stat,. .f Ncbr.ska. al tl; cljthlet-nth session thejfof. and appnid r'ebntarj 'T. A. t. !R. prope-ln au :uiieml-iui-:it to section four it) of artule Hint i.t r theionlitm'oii of said s:.-te. and t'.at srl se.-no'i as u'liended shall read as IWows tr v. it : ""i-:ion I The term rf o.ll.-e or n-jn'er of the le.'islaturc sji-ill be ivu years, an S Vivv strill 'wljiirciu'iisil'irvof thr'e ), .nUivd iVH:t-N Joriiiilr -cniees iltniui; said teim. and tea cci.ts iorei rv mile tiiev .-h-d! trael in co'iiji to aim niu.nn'ii fn.i.i toe pl.ueu' m-etm-r of th b'K'sl.itUie. on the most .jm: il loate. Kniviiied. hou-e, r that neitlier incut ,-rs f Ui. lejrNhitur. nor ii-pi ivt - -aa'i reci r.e anv pav or ic.uis) :rs oim-i- than their -alary and mileage. ":icli 's.,, ec pt -pel i 1 css:ons. -lcll be imt less tliat: sixty d;,j-. :terthe expint'on of forty d.i - of ihe session no bill- nor joint re-olutlot.s of the nature of bills lia! be Introduced, unless the .'overnor -had ' s,m i.il me-.sai:e. e,ill the attention of Hie legislature to the lucessitv of passim; a lav. on the subject matter embraced in the me. aire, ami the iutioductioa or bills .shall be restricted thereto.' The ballots at the election r.t -aIiIc'j ab! :oiiuidment shall be. -ubmiitod shall be in the e.pMte-M Hi session thereof, and approved Feh nwn js. . it. is-, proposia-rau aiifiiiiiiie'it to -eetimi one 11 1 of aiticlo five of the eonstl tution of said state, and tl at said section a amended idi.tll read .vs follow .-j. to-wlt: 'section i. The Heeutive Department shall coa.sl.st of a ("oernor. I.ieutenant-novenior.'se.-retary of State, Auditor of PuMIc Accounts. treasurer. Superintendent of I'ublie Instruction, Attorrev t'eueral. CommisMoncr of Iuhlie I-mls:uid Ititildltiu. and lloartl of Italhvnr ronuuissiouers- The oflicers named in this sec tion .shall each hohl his ofHie for the term of two years from the iirt Thursday after the tlp.t Tuesday in January next after "ills election, and until his successor h eh cted and qualified. Pro vided, hov ever, that the firt e'ectjon of slid of fiter .shall le held on the fr-t Tuedav siaveed- :Ki!emi jsiomiay m November or 1pm. and ea.-h succeeding election sjiaij K- held at the sini" nUative time in .-u-h even year Uiercafter. All other ofTieirs that may be provided for hv law uader the provtsion.s of ihi.s secti.41. sl.all lie cjm-en in such manner and a: ae!i rimes, and .sliall aoid thetroOIces forsikh mi&li or time as inav Pe provided hv law. and 1:j! perfonn .such duties ami reeene sueli compensxtion a. mav he Irnruieii:orly law. Tlie oovernor. Secreian of Mate. Auditor of IVme Aisunts. Trea-urer. rommisionerof ruhlic I.nd- and Building. an.lArxrneyemnl. sljall reside at the .-ear Loi j,Tverini"ir (lariatr their tenns of offlct. and Keep the public records, l-ooks and papers there, and the oaieers herein tmneI IiriU i..rMrt:. su h dutje- ;ls wav U- rejiilrel bv L-.w. The ballots at the election at which sr.id amemlmejit lu be submitted shall be in the lodow-iPKfonn: "lor pnposed Amendment to MTt'ou Oik- , r of Article i-'ive ' of the f oa -tution. entitleil Exmtive Department. Airaln.st j-njas.-ir Ain-nCinent to Seetiou One P of Artule LJ1 of Uie Constitution, entitled. 'J-ee the Departn-enr. " Tiie-vfore. I James ,. jawe.-. Governor of the otaic ui .cumKa, tie herebv trive notice. In ac lonlanee with Section Oae'fl Article fifteen 115 nf the Constitution, and ihe provblons of an act entitled. "An Act to provide the manner of propoim: Amendments to the Constltntma and .suuiiilttim; the same to the Electors of ijis btate' approval lebniarv :s:Ii. a. i. istt. that s:ia proocd amendments will !e ubmltied to the qualit'ed (ss otthis State for ratification or nvection at the reneral election to be held oa the 4th da, of November, .v. v. tss4. Ix iT K.ss hki:ep. I h:-m h?rnnto set mr hand and onnsitl to be afilved tJie (treiit S. al of tli- Stnte of yebrask-u LS l)ne r,t I.ineOln. this isth dav of Jalr. I A. u. lJ-i. tne I'Mditeenth year of the J-tate, ;nd of the IcdtiKM-ixv of tix Uuited states, the One HucdrcU and Math. 7!y tne ..verPor. JAMES TV. DAWES. ' Attftst- KiAYAUDP. IUM;i;EK. mwynm .. u JCS19X&- -im. tr -T -. - mT m Infants ;nd Children lxK i). lKlHrn, K. I). h. 0. "te I k, ReaiE i i:a- i r. ii l.'ii?' iji inc .i -ni- in niif-iL"i "t iiii-t i ------ - - - , , . . - ...... - ... , m .'- r t i lilt" 1 mmwr II ' For the Fall Trade ! ZX 4tX?i IR. H. V.i i. .- ' iir. Everybody is 0r4S-?-C5- & - Ajid sea his SrH-r5s.C?-i4-'i 1 y 7T ? E3 W- CQ 9 ? iis ?) jLiik s zi vis s--3-Js 1 a ij Stsok is Fill of Im pob ul Ms; Ladies' fine Underwear, Elegant line &'3HS'53!2:-ijgfjt5;i,55.4j.45.i,s,.jj, zs.q, THIS THE 8 0SCs--- ---t -Cr00 --0-Cfc'-3-iS Cheapest House Largest stock I iQFrs Prf3 i v i z? rr That Mrs. HAS THK LARGEST STOCK OF m m r -"fc WKK Jk R a .'d V t v V ' -. . "X a ' A IV A l A. V ffJi '!. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Underwear, Laces, Red Cloud ? "Well them at bottom h & AsiSk i V f Z.rrV. s ji '( VT" -!S '"? J 5fepn?v L-J- i& rsS''."J!L'i'. 'VJ j . JmT -w r M John Boesch, Nebraska a n f? .& ft i Vvi.ii-4--'" - --: T"A- ' i '. DEALERS IX LUMBER, LATH, SIIINGLFS, 5?ED CLOUD, fo)- DRY LUMBER V SPECIALTY, THK BEST IX IE 3H RKET AXD S O Tj A S? Til E 1LO W .ST m3 ICl. S pencgle& Funk, Dealers InraK kinds of 4DLM MIII, Vim. ffill SSWIKC MACH2NSS, Etc. ST tT?rfi - ULv'ia - . U& m O ii '-r?"X?",n-? O -2H Onp. :o- Invited to call at K2 F&n 05&S: - 0040 O- CMO large st ock of 4PTt& - &4Z4'45 '- i tfis C T0 1 R1 o ? N-iy c tv ', ju : so a A r -:&F-C?-ig'Q'iz54Jt fa of Ladies' Cloaks,1 can fftW UJ SI . VU US a 3 . in the county and to select from. LJexefccuse, "ftC TT iTi m&w c '. JjllUKu. ?- . z she lias and is seiiini r o prices. See her . .tow rarely dos a -fartwr eontrmi .:' t.e-rth bsrrowrd I clit Hitb sall.i. I...; ; ' ? w i! itwr ! antt net lifif r:d Xl-v ! -i o. i rol : here a firr- .brt- uotitrii-hi l I -ji the stirfwe was uit ,ulte b-vej, nd Im-i- Li.i-ch of -lebble drawn Into bep li-i-. . itniKXeU the sHI ! -erd bcff It 'er vn' ! sh."i;.s h, head -hll a:h Hit there v.ts h harrow flint wmld do Kw work nrf( eth . k I- J tog tm-rowh plares l.rnijc'itr up tin rtfr'.. uA j ; in jM!Ccri7!"K un wmi, mil ii.ntirjr ,i t the set d -evil -j ,.' : thK 1 all nn-rHi to aa eti ilep'h and w'thMit wc- Hut tn far;i rr ! ; lr "AcifH' ' Piih er-tlns Uarrr. i l-v r.j"n r ami Ieee-r I mr ot Hm? .Mlr Jt'l disaj pon tnicut. for liK Med- are Je il ar. 1 liHllini'ii mid "tniM-fheiS and the er-l pi.w) oovtred. Ia!l plow el;rwiJ'-'"jIr-ierrt '!' jm rtclt work wh.-h i done u(ckS atxi ! .t tie n-ed of .'n-. -oriit I'JowJhk 'ihn aio porxt e ilte. . iter m Hi tti enra ! ttiOT" twih uichrs tuliei'itn. Forsanr ny Aniboy, Neb. LumberCos SASH. DOORS, BLINDS AC. NEBRASKA 9Q .l 1 J . J 1 Vsi CIFW. H EX if. m i-pTK VM PT "T ' i - VitT s- kjr) fc! CyH I V SsSr3 t T?T7?T JL.' JLJi iHju T2 a! cTriV4i f I C' tnrrimm' 1 .' Qf1 412 VJ assimeres. Worsteds, Melfcons,&c., OE FM3 SUITS. I jriT4UUclot tan wkM a' r m lwn y wnna G-M Wi nd Ftr JVm Old Stand, .d. IT. BROWX raOfKtlCTOK. ly feiA ? IMAR3LEAXDER OFFICE A3TD TAJRD.-Opposite Watsoa'4 ' livery stable. KedUloud Lock box. 22 VXiAJEW &E.dLMS IX fJHI Red Cloud, J-jtw.;.3 5WSW ay .k ambit- t -J .- r ri '" VMC JO OM.CQIJ,TO V!"H -M8 t,iIL Af Li.tl .".0 $&. A -w - iM-iw-j."'- liJ'rihrn " r i .-'-. - ' -tTrij-J! rap !c A&f ;C?I Ck2cago, Rock Sslakd & Pacific RrYf "Oflia )M Grn CitrrJ L4-. Trt-l ii trmV-i Sr re-inon of tin nfirir2d r Rraph'"! vrmiU'm, t. nV4 .-yt Ytt rxl uyrrM hn Kat. UorOim iur4 Sauthwtat, ami th Wt, Jlr-h-rwi n fr towt. It it. i-T-tUy and t4nd7 mm. IU( Um nmhicUms -- nil of th t-fr.djJ Unm of road betw4n th AtUntte vkt tr,- Ttunia &r i w-J-i lint: tcnA tmu-r .1 rtmYjm Chlntr, TYnis I".rd J vine. AhWk fttO'" . Jolt, -wi, ?tr., Vi-fc I 3.". (-)- ,Ml.o nl Rock 11 aa4. in Illiuoin. Darm-vt K- : ". W ! .KtrwT. Kfcnk. X.wvtU. f'tln'rin xRirS-d. ! 4o.n , Wi Lv'.,-. Jri C tY AUsmUc Avow, Aa4sV-m, Hj!n, OutUrt Cn$rr aad C"ua i iK-j3. m T wn, OftUatn. 7tnUm. Crtm cxd Ivir.Jin C IV, ia ZZisivuTt. uwl L-Mmnwor'H ant Att-oos la Ka, ij tho hnaJ i-l3 of ottir.3, viln.fc jnl Urjraa )nVrfsto. Th "GREAT ROOK gSLAfilD ROUTS," Ac It i Jf.-Ji&-lr 'Hlkd. fit vrnfl'r-s ui Jh 4rrjttc .nd eetnw-ts JncMr t to n. i y 't :rv , at?e br2;i. Udwmi D-prt at all ouikUsj; ttIL Pant i"rr""!w Tr n. r-,vrA M COXHODIOtJH. KLL VK?.TI LATim 'ATKL-LHKAriJD fiH.LY aHOL 17X1 D i4 ELKOAN'TDAY CnArrxsa' r Itafi of tho XIOST SCA "Jinn ?TXr KSLtX.' CTlIAin CAJLS rrr tQti ?DX.I,liA.; S rttmt -W7.-l nmt TALACK 8L2-T;;a j4 BlTV FET CAItS. ftni IItfl.."5 CA21 hat . vkv il br tr- 5rl t bn Itti F1X2ST EUV T7P7N AT IlOAO JW HK COOXTm. uut t wkJZ srerior ml urn i?t! n. th t ru' i 2ZVi VTYFXVK CEM7i KACM. TTfHEF. TKAJK3 xcb w tTrf-m CHICAOO M th XIHUOtr-kt kiwm T;70 TRAIL'S wh war tctw-Ms: CHIOAOO ajva XXKXXAI'0U PAUL, Tia the faiaami ALBERT LEA ROUTE. Tie ?rr tnd Dirxi Lise, vl Sncc. Kntat- und dzitafM. crncd for eeitlac'io V.-vtrt-c t! vrat nai, IatiJMipoi;i. atd 1. Fft.7trtt, wul iaiarrsrusi;' ptnsiA, w ntvicrr cr.nff t x4-nv t Tftroa jam Throura Cra 'r all Th--erSi ?mrr. e X wet SSgyrom Trtiaa. F- mire dctAiiwS taSomSSci. -rCp9 ajtki rllrt. vfcilj a7 V nSflnC c, or 01 R. R. CABLE, T. I. -. V irrw i gc vrsjii Xaas-?r, CHICAGO. Fo WAY hevu:i: HA RDWA Stoves Gasoline Stoves, Tinware, Nails. Barbed Wire, and the Largest and Most extensive line of goods in the valley. j Tonr iavors respectfully suit the times and BIRKNBR, i 1 01 iy -5 f WK9l Cfw K-4 or W Red 'Cloud. Neb DC. MEYER fJi!M.. rt pTT?e M li s&m! Nbf N!TE WORKS Hsb- yiUiES, ETC. Nebraska. H3i- r. S. K.NHOfl. DENTIST, RSD CLOUD, - NtURASKA. Pine Office. W'orh it Specially. &.-. -- "r ,vmt lt MhI (I'Mtrf MMM) MNMA, . m T. JAMY Or Mva COMVTJY, ". tAP, THAT THS T. od 7 rwp3rt V-an, ftlc&MouL Cosacfl JTrts-T, St. fit'aJ, XjKSMtpdU E. 8T. JOHH, u-sc-i TTt'i A yr XfX iT jn - RE solicited. Prices to don t yon forget it. ,.- i f ..IJ A sl. , !. .TsMEl !3 ?? r'v rr I V- A a - v a t v tl Clon d j-1. are 5or.es. I,ft itg - - f -f f- : ir t -Jff r-"? f':'-Ji?l'V'-al- s,,;'"V,t: , . '2. J ",- S3S2,W. I vv-. -. 5s, &?.: Si , ., . .t-r' - ?v i IV 4--' iii- i"-ji gaaaayj ""wJi. re:4 At..-l' VV. - .' ,ib:-mm M scaJ: A-fiar sl-'rl ..St- ,' -L - fft- .-,. Sefc .t s- -m vv .' PW ' .. Je?& -