The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1884, Image 5

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i-Hli RbD CUHIO GuifcF
FIJlIttY. OCT. 31, 1 88.
a. c.; -
Sjirrial Notice.
October 25. 1S4, the people of tl
M.nte.o Net ra.4:a and Kansas are co
tiialiy invite '1 to attend a grand open
injj;, three doors south of aherer's dray
More in lied Cloud, Neb., where you
will then 5e on Hale the finest and
large-1 Mock of goods of all kivbi kept
in a fiiT't-eI:t! jewelry More, to he
found in fniihern N'brn.ka. Yen
don't need ii buy mi!-P you wih. but
come and see the display of the beau
titul. L nttl the 2lM I will be found at
my old stand; then until the 25th will
be on wheels until the opening,
when I will in pleaded to pee every
man. woman, or child who like. to "ee
good jjood.s wold within the reach of
the potte.-'t. lemember, everything
warranted a- represented. 1 have the
exHti-ive eontrol of the white crystal
lent 5pectacb'.- the bes-t article ever
phieed upon any market, from $1.50 to
t'2:U per pair. Also a cheaper grade
to fit every eye. at 2f cents each
lfe. Solid gold ring-, lace
pin?, f-ets, bracelet, collar button.-,
t-Ieevc buttons, ear rings, chains,
nati-he.- of all grade and prices, lock
ets, bangh'-, neck chain.-, etc. cheaper
than anybody. Quadruple plated A:ue
to ahtoiiihh the uoihl in beauty of de
hign and quality, and fco cheap that ev
eryone nm h'-reafter ?ct their table
with silver. Don't take mv word but
come and fcee fur yourself. It ip a
pleaMire t hhow the goods whether
ou purchase or not.
O. II. Mauyatt.
Fraiiduleiit Tickets.
Nebraska republicans everywhere
must make it their special duty to see
thnt FiiAUiiui.ENi Ticin.TS are not vot
ed at the polls" on Tuesday next. Dem
ocratic and other anti-republicun man
ay.erri have been concocting a variety
of -chenics for the purpo-e of cheating
republicans of this rotate out of the re
Bull of their political convictions. Let
every so-called republican ticket be
examined with the utmost care. Ex
amine the Electoral ticket. Examine
the Congressional ticket. Examine
the Suite ticket.
To Tlir runners
We will give Tjh: Ciiii:f fri:e for
one year to the pur'y who vill bring
this office the finest disfeay or corn,
not less than six ears, between now
and December 1. The merit of the
corn to be decided upon by three dis
interested partie.-
Come right along.
31 rs. Wiener has returned home.
Jake Sellers is a happy father. It
i- a girl.
W.v Vis3cm. r will soon move to
Belleville Kansas.
-Mr. .McCoiw has opened his drug
store near the depot.
I he rink has been sealed and other
wise vastly improved.
Mrs. Brailey, of Iowa, is visiting
11 r. II. Knisey and family.
Mr. Letso.v has been on the sick list
for a few days, but is recovering.
C. W. L.v Bash and wife, of Feoria,
111., are visiting friends in the city.
TiiANKsuiviNG will soon be here.
.Turkeys are already beginning to roost
Don't forget that J W Tucker and
others speak iU Bed Cloud on the 3(Jth
J. B. Skinner, our candidate for
senator has been looking over Web
ster county in the last few days.
J. D. Leach recently bought a tnor
oughbied Poland-China pig. It has
the romantic name of "Bed Cloud
Don't forget to votp bonds for the
county poor house improvement, and
thereby save the county money in the
Bead the article "Let it Die" in re
ference to the democratic party, which
appears on the last page of to-day's
Mr. IIerrick's little child swallowed
a pin recently which lodged in its
throat, and could not be removed with
out medical aid.
Gates J: Bohanan's meat market is
being fast completed. It will be a
splendid business location. The Chief
wishes the firm success.
A. W. Miller, proprietor of the
Blue Hill flouring mills paid this office
a pleasant visit on Monday. He is an
enterprising business mail, and tnere
fore successful.
Ot'R friend, E V Budrow has again
embarked in the livery stable, business,
having bought his old stand, recently
purchased by B F Waterman. Bud.
ha our best wishes.
G. W. Hcldkedge, P S Eustis, of the
B fc M, General Manager Perkins, of
the (., and another gentleman were in
Bed Cloud this week. They were on a
hunting expedition.
A. T. Stille, our new lumber man is
now prepared to fill orders for lumber,
fcc. He lnis his yards in full running
order. Mr. S. is an old lumber dealer
and means business.
The Chief tninks that the Amboy
rond bhould be fixed in some way. Be
sides being dangerous it keeps trade
away- from Bed Cloud that would oth
erwise come here. There should be an
effort made to have the road graded
Cupid has again visited Bed Cloud.
This time the parties were Mr. J A
Tulleys, a prominent member of the
legal fraternity of Bed Cloud and Mrs.
Anna Stover. Bev. C B Lenfest, of the
M E church officiating. It was a very
quiet affair, and only a very few knew
that Al. had jumped the broom stick
until several davs afterward. TbeJ
Chief the happy couple much
Peksk potoflh e i- dH-on tinned.
Ma, A L. FrK har returned home.
OKXTS dancir u.oe at the Golden
Engle clothing store.
De. Baikd was in town this week.
He will open an office in Alma.
L II Hut ha. received his fall de
livery of fruit trees.
liKsnr Took and family have
turned from Mi-ouri.
M it Junks, of MaMachu.-'elU, was
Red Cloud looking after his land.
I 5 B.Li.ARti will be a candidate for
overseer of nihwavfi lor this district,
M)si Glrtik Bbikkkield 1ih4 taken
a position in Maryatt'.- jewelrv store.
jr.'j. aiilb nnu we entertameu a
few of their friendc last Saturday even
ing. Mei A .7 Tomlinso5 i visiting in
Quincy, Illinois. John is a bachelor
I) S CooMJis has opened a law office
in Bed Cloud He will be found with
Judge Willeox.
The building boom is commencing.
A half dozen new houses have gone up
in the last ten days.
Prof. Funk will -oon be comfortably
ensconced'.in his. 'residence. He is go
ing to house-keeping
The W CT U will meet nt the resi
dence of Mrs. Curt Evans, Wednesday,
November 5, t 3 P. M.
Will Gee, night operator nt the de
pot, has returned home from his ex
tended visit in the e?ifit.
Next Tee-day will tell the tale on
presidential problem which is now agi
tating the American people
Mi: 1) IlEFFLEiiowER'rt little child
which was recently injured is recover
ing. The Chief is glad to hear of it.
A fellow the other day who want
ed to bet i'.'.UU on Cleveland's election
did'nt want to do it when he got Ink
ers. W I) Forrester has been offered
$1500 for his farm but refusesit. He
thinks in a few months, he can get
On the 2Sth of November the man
agers of the rink will have a lady and
a gentleman expert skater give an ex
hibition. Mrs. B V Shirey has returned home
from Lincoln, where she has been lor
some months under treatment for
granulation of the eyes.
There have been about 175 house
built in Bed Cloud during the twelve
months just p.i5eu. rretty near one
for every two days in the year. Not
so bad we take it for one year.
Hon. James Laiko was in Bed
Cloud Wednesday, shaking hands with
his many friends. H we mistake not
Mr. Laird will be elected by a h- Ma
jority over the Demo-Fusion caiuli ,ate
Prof. C L Ebaitgh. of this city, will
read a paper before the Central Ne
braska teachers' association which
meets on the Sth inst.entitled "Moral
Education in Public School-," AH
.teachers or others desiring reduced
rates on railroads should write to the
president, B J Barr, Bed Cloud, Neb.
Is has been suggested that efforts be
made at once to oruanize a volunteer
fire company. This is certainly a good
.-1 .v .v ...... t-awk,ti uv (fut tlltw 14- 1
.mil Ked Cloud needs one yery much I
Let our business men take hold of this '
matter. It would not be a bad idea to
have it come before thv business men's
association. It i? certainly an impor
tant subject.
On Sunday theB A: M. made another
change in their time card nd added
another train on the Hastings division.
We now have our old time number of
trains and the -same faeili'ies. The
Crete train instead ot running to Ox
ford stop at Ited Cloud, while the di
vi.ion train run; to Oxford. It is a
very desirable change and will be duly
appreciated by the traveling public.
Ok Friday night occured the
third anniversary of the Ladies' Aid
Society of the M E Church at Mrs.
Robert Mit-helPs residence in the
north part of the city. A large num
ber of ladies and gentlemen were pres
ent. The evening passed off very
pleasantly, and all can testify to having
an excellent time and a grand good
supper, which was duly appreciated
and especially so by the writer.
Let every republican beware of
fraudulent tickets next Tuesday.
Many devices and schemes will be re
sorted to, to defeat the republicans. An
effort will be made to elect Deary the
demo-fusion candidate for float repre
sentative. This the republicans should
put their heel on. It is better to vote
for a republican than to help into of
fice a democrat whom republicans can
expect nothing from. Don't vote for
Dear v.
At the rink Tuesday night Charles
L Franks, the Chicago roller skater
gave an exhibition of his skill to a
large audience. He is certainly a fine
skater and his various feats brought
forth a merited applause from those
present. A large delegation was in
from all parts of the county to witness
the exhibHon. The managers of the
rink are : T congratulated on the
success of tne evening's entertainment
which was duly appreciated by all.
If Stickle and Rev. Col. Pace fUiv'J
speak in Red Cloud again, Congrss
raan Laird would receive at least I no
more votes than was anticipated.
Stickle's speech was & complete failure
and Pace's was very transparent so
thin that it would npt stand washing.
Quite a crowd was out to hear Pace.
They wanted to see what party he was
for this time, having belonged in the
last few years to the democratic, re
publican, greenback, independent and
prohibition parties This time, haw
ever, he spoke for theanti-raonojM.
Mcs. Pj:octo&, of Charieton. Iowa is
I in the city visiting her aisier, Mr J H
Remembek the prize offtrc-d to pur
chafer at the Golden Eagle clothing
JJitf. JPBayua and daujeher Eva
have been vieitinj at Piattsmuuth for
a week paat.
Kubbcu boot? and shot- for men,
in i women and children, at the Go Id tin
j Hagle clothing More.
! Vol- are ?ure to get full value for !
j your money at the .-qure dealing ooe
I'rice clothing houne.
Tiikke will be a dime mc:kI at the
nouse 01 Jira. r. a. n nraer, rnuav
evening. All are invited to attend.
For Sale. A few young cowi
which I will sell on one yearV. time
paper i. well secured. A A Pofe.
A-e your grocer for The pride of
Blue Hill Hour. U he don't keep it
you can get it of Wm. Letson, S. V.
Ludlow or W. B. Purse!!. 1 1-tf
Overcoats for men, 12.50 and up
wards; suits $4.50 and upward; scarlet
woolen underwear, 75 ct and upward?,
at the Golden Eagle clothing store.
Bev. E E Webber will preach at th
Congregational Church next Sabbath
at the uual hours morning and even
ing. A general invitation is extended
to all.
Married, in Red Cloud, Neb.. Oct.
?,0, I8K4, by Bev Geo 0 Yei-er, Mr.
Norman II Tee!, of Frontier county
Neb, to Miss Ida J Shirley, of Web-ter
C. S. Potter, a carpenter, cut his fin
ger on a piece of tin a few days since
and had to have the diseased member
amputated. Tt was the ring finger of
his right hand.
By the change of time on the B. k
M. Joe Garber runs the mail service
from Hustings to Oxford, and M. L.
Thomas assume big old run from
Crete to Bed Cloud.
L II Beck, brother of Mrs W D
Forrester, w:is in the city this week.
He will go to Keokuk. Iowa, soon to
take a course of studies in the medicnl
college in that city.
It will pay you to go around the cor
ner and buy your winter simply of
clothing, boots, phoes glove-, under
wear, hats and caps, of the Golden
Engle clothing store.
I am agent for Webster county for
the Ottawa cylinder sheller, and the
Marseilles Adams picker shellers I
will deliver at Guide Rock, Blue Hill,
or Bed Cloud. A A Pope.
Saturday Nov 1st, will be on exhibi-
; tion at Maryatt's jewelry store a large
J assortment of native jewelry from
j Denver, which will be sold at whole
sale nriee on that day. Be sure to sec
these goods They are the finest ever
displayed in Be' Cioud.
It is reported from Guide Rock that
James Harper, who had lived in the
county about one year, got killed
! while going tv Missouri the other day.
I It seems that he went to Norton coun
ty, Kansas and there contracted and
illnes that 'eft him in s; ch poor
health that it was thmight best that he
should go home. He finally started
but met hi fat" before reaching home.
We could not learn the exact frets in
the case.
Voting: piace , Wabat9r 0ounty
WoK -kt. 4 -lao
iou.t iuv. -, l-l X.
Guide Rock precinct, at EO I'arker's
office Guide Rock.
Stillwater precinct, Mearns school
house, D No 56.
Oak Creek precinct. Ran ney's school
house S 1) No IS.
Garfield precinct, Stone school
house S D No 70.
Pleasant Hill precinct, school house
.3-D No 15.
Elm Creek precinct, school house S
I) No 13.
Potsdam precinct, McClelland's hall
Blue Hill.
Line precinct, Kuehn's school house
S 1) No 34.
Ked Cloud precinct, court hous
Red Cloud.
Batiu precinct, school house S D No
Glenwood precinct. Prairie Gem
school ''ouse S 1) No 68.
Walnut Creek precinct, Kennedy's
school house S I) No 3.
Harmonv precinct, school houe S I)
No 12.
Ina vale precinct, Harvey's yl'i-j!
house. S D No 11.
The following is the report of the
Red Cloud schools for the month of
"I ",L- 2r' 1 "- E
r : " 5 5 - 7
lk-rtha Owen . Dejo:
Klla IntMiani. . 1st lrv.
Myni KrewiT. ..l J'rv.
Mi.s Woolley. . 1st Int.
May Limlley ...'.t int.
Eva.l. Kim;....:H. S. .
Gi 61 Ki .91 51 13
60' 56 62: .93! 10 10
5S' ,v so; .in: it 0
4 41 3f; C .1 0
SI. T5 T(V JXi 52 0
4! 4S 43! . 17 0
On this roll will be found the names
of those pupils who nave been neither
absent nor tardy, and whose scholar
ship and deportment are 95 or above
in a scale of 100.
Depot School. Arvilla Rudd, Ctrl
Rudd, Delia Lindley, Nellie Peterson,
Nellie Hill. Lma Kustsel, JdAud Rudd,
Lee Phelps. Fred Zurkie. Jennie Rudd,
Anna Wells, Harrv McKav Harrv
First Primary .Harry Bentley, Rob
bis Seeley. Roy Seeley, Arthur Downs,
Gertie Kaley. Myrtie Ki-ley, Fred
Brown. Edward Bentley. Fred Bus
chow, Eddie Gates, Pearl Rickerson,
Horry Letson. Lottie Parks, John Pegg.
Second Primnrv. Beatrix Miser,
Bertha Brown, Curtis Gate, Ernest
Brown. Carrie Ruthrock, Alice Beroo
berg, Ida Bayha jAnna Proskve .
First Intermediate. Carrie Xidd
Lillie Cassel, Blanche Reed, Louis
Bayha, Louise Moore, Blanche Gates,
Jl innie Graves, Jessie Reigle, Homer
Second Intermediate.- Lucie 3Jc
Keeby, Ida Kidd, Mattie Ballard, Lot
tie Sherman, Minnie Peterson, Alex
Bentley, John Watson, James Kidd
Kvd Clatter, John Tullevs.
High School. Ella Bemsberj, Car
xie Miner, Hugh Miner, Linna Owen
Laura Remsberg.
C. L. Kbatjck. rrinc?;I
. ' rrmm" ipa-
.rt ad Vwt it fcti-Airkt n
Tout more dy and the ironendior
rolitical ttmrrln mU k- M, ,i.
sle iH b upon the
A rr.ncan people. The Ciiiet UKcret
;b! on tlwi dy a deci-tve battle will or ,m 'cHt and re thru ittStj
uavt !-eu fought and won by the re- cOC ' kehx-Jon.
imlj.uznh Ail ovr the countrr cem - - KaJ-IT.
. the cbconnj; nt-ws that the rx-ooJe are
I in rrm-L ?n tViix nt'1i. ,... .'.. f-..
the nice- of the pr:v Ut fur the
benefit of the wuntrv. Th- dro-
... v--...-. ... ....... .... ...rt w I 1 J
cratic doctrine of free trade am! the rIU' pjort of Uie prt nt Wri:rr
probable fatal re-wlts to Arnerw-an in-' m' Frank hn countie. He : a fn
dustne would indeed Iks an uafortun- j ewn o bihty arul will rtp teat
ate turn of afTairs. after ?o ciur var 1 l Jpl n manner crtsi.ubir to
of prosperity under republican rule,
. - - i
and therefore lads us to teheve that
the people ure atill on the tide of true
I roniililirjni.Tn n.,,4 .,.. --Iif 11..
. .
aroiiuu our oannera on next lueadar
witfj the old time tigor and patriotism.
Ni man can successful! sa tljat the
I i; . .... . . "
repuuuean sianuaro oearers are not
men fullv equal to he resiKnihihtie
that vould of necessity fall ujon their
shoulder? should they receive the en
dorsement on the 4th itisUnt.
JAill O. BLAt.VE,
Whrse name is known to even Amer-
lean citizen, man, woman and child, h sms: " mean a vote for the dm
one of the greatest and m t pro- ! tcracv, and wt dont ln;lic.e ih rt
found thinkers of the age. and a true ! pub'ic:i fee! deposed to tcrve tht
statesman. In fact the Plumed Knight ! lJrt.v-
stands to-dav without a peer in the i
long hue of noted men who adorn
the fair name of America. A fit man
in eveiy particular to occupy the pres
idential chair with credit t- himself
and the countrv. Vote for Blaine.
JOHN A. i.ooa.v.
Who has been designated to fill the
second highest place in the gilt of the
people, i a brave and courageous eol
ilief, an honorable and citizen,
and the soldiers' and citizens' friend.
A fearless and outspoken man and if
eiecieo io toe vice-nrcsiiiencv will Uo
honor to the country. People can
point with priue to one of our greatest
modern soldter.-i, in the person of John
A. Logan, and nay there is a model
man who never betrayed a tru.t, al
ways brave on the tield of battle, and
never scorned a irienn. ouch men
should be elected to off-ies of truat, and
we feel that John A. Logan will be otlr
next vice-president. Every goed citi
zen should cast tlieir vote.i for him on
next Tuesday by voting the republican-
ticket straight.
james w. Dawes,
Our candidate for governor of the
great state of Nebraska on the republi
can ticket is a gentleman of marked
ability as an executive, and has ad
ministered the affairs of the state with
great credit to himeelf and conlituen
cy. The republicans may well feel
proud of Gov. DaweR. We can fully as
sert that he will receive a hearty en
dorsement at the polls on Tuesday.
No man can honestly say a word
against him. which is certainly more
than can he said of the democratic nom
inee is said to be a railroad l'hbyi-t of
the worst type. One thing is certain.
i-v. JJawe I-. Morto.r- rU,Jenor in
whatever position you ma place him.
Thk Cmr.r ea:ne-ti hupe- tiial the re
publicans will not allow titmsclve- to
be misled by ml-e rumors set afloat
by unprincipled jiarties in relation to
the governor, which has only been
done for political buncombe by his en
emies. Vote for Gov. Dawes straight
on Tuesday. Our candidate for lien
tenant governor. H H Shedd, is a gen
tleman of uni-uestinned ability. Ed
ward P Roggen, candidate for secre
tary of state, is very ably qualified to
occupy that responsible position.
I'harles H. Willard, our candidate for
treasurer, is 11 justly proper man for
that position and was a wise selection
on the part of the republicans. II A
Babocek, candidate for auditor public
accounts, Wm. Lee?e, candidate for
attorney general, Joseph Scott, nomi
nee for commi-ioner public land and
huilding. W W W Jones, candidate
for office of superintendent of public
instruction and Lenviu Burnham are
all no-id men and eminently fitted to
pTform the fii'M iou of the various
offices which tuey hav- been n-iminat-d
for, and eacii nd eve-y one should
receive the support of the republicans
on Tuesday. Vote for them.
who has the nomination for congre5-
in the second district at the hands of
the republican party, and whose labor-?
in tin last congress was such as
to lead his constituency in -riving him
a hearty endorsement bv a second
nomination tor congress is able and
well qualified to represent the people,
and much more so than his competi
tor on the anti-monop, demo-greenback,
fusion ticket Mr. Suckle. Mr.
I-iird has leen a zealous worker for
this district notwithstanding the harp
ing? of the freetrader-: and fnsioniata
in the district, and the raving--, of the
Omaha lirt, which have time and
again been proven false and unprinci
pled misstatements. There is nothing,
to be gained by republicans voting for
Stickle, if elected, he would not and
could not fully represent tke interest
of this district, as nearly all will testify
who heard the speech last Friday
night. For thesuccess of the republi
can party in November it behooves
every republican wi.-he his party well
and crowned with victory, to vote for
Laird. Lay all prejudices aside and
look to your party's interest. Stickle
mtans free trade and bard times to
workirtgman, while a vote for Laird
means victory, protection of American 1
labor and industries and a rebuke to
free trade bereaies. See that your tick
et reads James Laird for conrtw.
Don't he m!d.
--. -. ' . .. -
: ditt for .vnit- f tK. -. ,.. ,. -
1 . "
li.rnnfi ... l..i.l i.... I -.
,., -.- .,4 ....... inwirj !:
1 yrmxa Of urkotlt coantr rl -
the uniniinous ch.Jic of IL bama.
! e unanimous cb.Jic of lb coarna
- - -, - ., . , ,. w - . -
I JO1 Erer? republican bou3d
cxnAl for float reprrentasiT it as
lW C3UZC41 Of Krd Ootid S.rtur
----- .- , .,, .- ..
''':, ir nom:niti bj it r rft4-
' v"n :u -oUc-f tboM rcc-.c ihr
himself and for the benefit of in dis
trict. Jak" el! ktiorn in the dv
trir: ml Ihc briiftrs that hu
? nomination f ho tiki h.arllr rn.Wi.
il . -r i - . , .
j v" "CAfc "j. no oain
fc"lil- Ererj- rrjHibbca.n tbouki rote
'K -Je and nvehtui thrir entire ui-
' ,.. t .l 1. . -i ii 1 ..
.?"- -awiMj oc u-
! countenanced if there tc anv. l
wnicai irue reiHioucana win uo . aa I
tiie !Ucce of the ticket will be ia.r
greater point to be -jamd than it il: to
Btil.erve pergonal motirt-s. ViKe thrn
fcr J L KaU'3, and rote .-traighL A tc
the candidate for reprc-entalivr of the l "rie i'1"' Mardtt is t cry biy
30th Strict i-a man whowilldohi.'!''.'!'!- k ,t . i
l lirlvern h iic - fifioto
-imost for the Micros of any pn.jHt , ;HM1 t,( n, bra xv-dy fi- ih- Um.
that will be of benefit to Welntur o-hih- j I'mlf ili!! Va Dykr rsti-j-Ut .
ty, and we venture to ta.y will keep hi
eye open in that direction. He wja
the unanimous choice of the conven
tion at'd we feel hke urging the rcjHio
liean. to tick to the ticket closely and
Aid in io election. lie will mate a
good officer and will be a good roprr-
t. B. hamito.v,
who has been nelected by the repubh
can-lor Mm ullire of commwioiifr
o . , ,
well knoAn to the people of elstrr
cour.t, and needs no endorsement
from tw. If elected he will be a good
officer, and one that the people can de
pend on. In abort for the huccms of
j L"C party, both county, mate and ua
f 1 F s-r
tional. Let very republican nick to
hit ticket and not allow htmaelf
to be misled.
Thf. annual meeting of the M. E.
Ladies' Aid Society was held Friday,
Oct. 24, at the residence of Mm. Anne
Mitchell. Nature .avored us with one
of the finest dayi of the year, and the
ladies took advantage of it, for nrarh
all of the members were present, be
sides quite a number who were not,
but became so at the meeting. A his
tory of the society was read contain
ing an account of its inception, and
among other thirige what has been ac
complished by those ladies. In the
three years that they have been labor
inc together they have accumulated
444. i 2, which has been used to help
pay 1 ne enurcn uent, aim to maKe re
pair" on the church. The officers
elected fr the ensuing ha'f are .
.'reidt-ot, Mrs A. C Hosmer; Vice-
rc-idents, Mrs Herrick, Mrs. Dicker
son, and Mrs West; Hccrrtary, Mrs.
Dow, Irensurer Mrs. Forrester It
was voted that hereafter our meetings
-hall be opened by singing, reading of
the Scripture, and prayer. The next
thing in order after the business had
been concluded wa the mipper, for
winch provision had been made by
the ladies present. An invitation wa
previously extended to the husbands
of all the m-'inbers to come to supper,
ami of course tli cy were on hanu for
1 hat important affair, and about forty
prrsoni did justice to the delicious
binds, after which the people both
young and old t come for the
social. As the editor was present we
-hall expect him to report the affair.
E. IJ. KxiGHiy cretary protein.
What It Cwt t Sapport the Poor Uatler
The Present Sjatcaa
t.Joods to poor I
B; lis and overseer poor
26 00
20 0
3 44
2G 25
CI 26
Medical services "
Pauper's coffin
Goods to po")r.
Poor account
Medi'-a! services poor..T
PiHir account
Services to poor
24 75 1
69 24
20 20 I
ji -n I
32 71
S "H
16 07
18 00 j
- - 1J5 25 I
24 G7 j
22 61 ,
34 45 I
12 47
25 00
6 2h
32 82
10 34
12 72
121 33
Medical services poor ...,
.. a
Poor bill -
lOtal.... .............. ......M.f1035 54 I
(P.-or expense for 138. 926 65
iUUi t-vKci - w --- - o?
Grand Total
-w& -3
Strsek a w lA
Mr- Miller, proprietor of" the Bine
Hill Milk, has keen experimenting
with a new process of grinding asd
bolting fioar for tne last tr ree month.
With a few new invention of hw own
he now thinks he has the iril! working
to perfection. He claims by bis isi-'
provea metnoos or jmnuing, ne can
make frcm three M) 6ve pounds more
fioar to the buahel and of a better qual
ity than by the old j-ysiem of grinding,
and he further says he will challenge
any miller in the "state to produce the
same amount of flour And of a better
quality from the same quantity of!
wheat either by barn or rolle. His
trade lias increased so fa under hi
new methods of grinding, that he will
be compelled to rnnd dar and nis-ht 10
4D 1e Ofdsw.
- - - ,. n t. j. H-uti i. i
I . . . ut,ii . - f
OW i Wr tr lrT.
I tiT Mf IR S3 RW piW 1
i a t - v ... I
i JrtS
- , ,
. V" i7 ? ac?v
A!&: in 5iUJirr ?r
otlS j.
ih RTitxe iJ 5csr i '
TV p" ira b hcW at Txix i
daoot bHJf.
j Corn c!Ur one H ccaTi5ec4, U
' ' JmiS ! Ufhti . the
C ite 9 fttrolx 20 trrr lorr
T Kexr, S. Ktr anl fr bt
kxrauti hrtr. Ticr irwn Msart
Tlrr ui diner at S C JUnrf.
lat Krdv nnrt.
Mn. !o.irl s upni'.) trjr
; t ;4tt a U' ezm
f . MBlt Hojf ldav rfr4Kf4
I ch-rd
"V ii Hrrtl U bor. jatifrnr '
com. H- n bvf 3.t-0ri Wu.i-cU. lir I
far t4r-l.fnl iTfr
ljA luhH- vf
J it .a v-ar
Jhn Turner Wt . Trry fijie zrdn
Uf.frr ! .tirxJ."
Mr HrfttMt oit a Jinr tkree year
old roil Uz fl4fl 1-tt -trek
A Mr'VII t-uiUt a ptr ff four ver
od colt-- Ut ?240
J.iin Hat krr i trk Hre ritltiiij
h oJl itrtbori ilU hrndqMnrr t
John rn
CI" 7k M',' h ertltVd about 44
li-trhn of orn thl UH
of tin- hd iiihhI iHim.urT m k
pumpkin jl'cU U ihUv a -e
u bo t-i ere l4Niltis fMuaplio- uimij.-,
corn and t!j-.lo- la tinr w-ii
unhotit o much ftirii; thant
Wp H.niHorn rail- it roiMto"
mt it agitl and wni-h' 7 jhm1
'Hi'ihi is Paul and wife Mr mj rt-lt-itie
their oii-n-lw. ( V Hilton aim!
are alfu vjnmj tlieir old mihbtr i
lAnr- prertnrt
Jfcph t- ! riitic amonc friund
aiMl his father-1 nuw J M Mdd
. ...- --- ---., . -- " ,- -''--
.Mes-.. Jom- .0O.4.I- h.tve lhor
i . - t
new farm ho-i-m nln.nt tmruplrtrtl
which is ornamental & ul u-n-fui
tit. 1 1) r. koc.
There will b n festival at the riuk
Wrdnraday night for the l-euAt of the
M E Church
The republican? will hnvc public
I. . 'i' 11 . . ... i
ipt-HKing ni 1 moots nan Minr-Mly
night, which will be the first and U-i't
for the present campxign
The Ited Cloud bae ball nine and
the Superior nine did not come out in
full force last Wrdnem!r for the ga n
to have hrn jilayed here on that datr.
But tin-illy fmir of t!ip Hnp-nor and
live of our boys played a tnmlt; up nine
trom Red Cloud and came off fir-il Ix'-a
The new school house i tirocre-inc
rapidly in cour-ie of ererticn, and other 1
new huiiuiogs are going up Ainoiii
other" a new house by Dr Pntten, to
le u--d i h1o-ii. the lauldiua. now
j on u-o for lb at jurp-c t bu oovnrto-1
into a nrst-xid-.-f restaurant uo will
then have im hotels and throo r
taurant.. What the r'xiult." of the coming elec
tion will be no one knots, but it i
honed by all truo rcptibhcan that r
may elect our HUitiu and lxrgan, and
entire f-ute ticket Tne Omaha Bee
na no doubt done ui great injury
during the pan fo month. It w truii
tlut Mr LainiV reply to that journal
ought to forever brand fto-Wrtter with
bein-1 treachous and clf-coudemned
poli:n:al rogue. But hundred- of the
readers of the B'e have not seen
Laird's, able aiuwer and will no doubt
vote in the interest of the Itosewuter
faction. IU-C-cet.
ina vale.
The evening dews are turning white :
and aa we listen with sober minds to
the mournful chirp of myriad of in- j
wefts that are whihng away the lal j
few days of thetr short sweet life. !
basking in the -unh:ne forpcrhap for
their lal time lefore their great eter
nity, we begin to realize for the fiil
time the beautiful ihous-ht in thfe
word" of scripture from that j; od man J
bt Jonn.
"The melancholy dy have corno,
Tlie saildest of the year.
Too warm for whiky. jin or mm.
Too cold for la;sr U'er."
--H-yeral new arrival in and aruind j
the city, among the most prominent
are Mr. A L jray and wife, of Orland.
Ind , who are stopping for the time!
with Mr. Gray's Mater, Mrs. Hulcomb.
Mr. Arnie lUng. of Chicago, who is
viiting with hit uncle. A. Anitson,
thinki of locatinr permanently in thi
Mr. Ked Gray, of Harlan. Iowa,
mde his uncle A L Gray a lying vim
laat week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and their moth-
Ar f 1"r.m l-.- . ..;.;..
reiatne here. They intend settlin;
at or ne r Ked Cloud, aiid Mr, Arnold
will go into the blooded stock btmnwn
L H Luce has commeucd buildinr
what will be when completed, the fin- j
est house in Inavale. He U a hard
working man. nnd has seen his share f
frontier life and hani-diir. nd now I
proposes to take life eay, wluJe others
nave moved out of their log bou- and
dugouts in a few years alter coming j
here, into shaky frame buildings. Mr.
L has stuck to the old log nntil able to
build something worthy the name of a
E tJ Palmer h-ui fnllrt--rf th Tira.
t-iI of tntnc nf hi nnvhitrir m.nA u
present hard at work on the erection
01 nne lame bam. lie u acccraa lat
. inz a goodly fbare of this world's
gooot? ior a single man. ana we expect
to hear alaost any time of hl taking a
partner to share his earthly lot.
David Groat, hat-rag sold his fiu-m
and stock, wiil caove to Eed Cloud for
tha winter. He is one of the oldest
settlers w the comma nity, and we ate j
orry to Joe htm, but as be oie of
those men who can read the future we
suppose it will be to bw benefit to lo
cate elsewhere.
Elmer DeLonfj bas returned frows
the mountains of Colorado. Thus
they return one by one, when the
leaves besin to fall." Tow s profeaWy
the last time you will hear Irons
X.X. Areixo.
Cacapwneat make cheap fear. Wt
notice the celebrated bni "Wbisa
iLOlyfron sted Ooad aiile is nvarktW
down to $1.1J peraaek. Tim is rlss
Kow la ifc tk to ft ro 3
in cctjt rooolvintf hln Holhly Stoolc
which for varloty and ezcetltmoe
In every respoct beats acy lEne of
Jcwc-try evor brought to thla cltf.
otnbmooA complete line of
Castors, '
Cake baskets,
Toilet sets,
And If yoc d sroto poreb a fin
precast, or cykijftd of a -sftemeato
for your frls-od, mother, fetbor, a4
terorsrweebesarow la tbetlasa
to do so wham my sjiook im Isw i
CrtAt TtafWCy of ! sssmeser of
tbiasjs to aateot from. He kaepw
WTssry tklD tha oonid wria-a or tie
tl osotk lotbs
ona DooBWist ot;thb
b r
Jt fr r,r1t PK.
j w4fif far tbf hungry. ltf
" K
- ji" '
f- -
-f Si
f-5 -'f