The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1884, Image 4
f5-aTrf 'T -V .--fi" .. -V V1 S t. 'n-vis,yx-- : - 'fi-t v ur i. . :a - . L' fA ST " vt -C.&t -y j? y c.- rc fK M - S3 ?,i PI s J I H i f l: n-- su v, K ri - V i - 'Oijbz. .. The Reu'Cloud Chief A.C. KQ3MER, - Proprietor FRIDAY. OCT. 31. 1884 WARNING TOOTER& Despairing: of success, end driven to the wall, the "fusion" leader nod conspirators in this, the Second Congressional District, are prepar ing, it is said, a sort of "Morey let tor" Poster or flamlngChandbill, an nouncing some sort of pretended 'startling disclosures," intended to reflect upon and injure the republi can candidates in the pending olection, and specially Congress man Laird. "We hope every voter will be prepared for this conspiracy to deceive, and treat it as was the j "Morey Letter" forgery or 1880. l"ace Stickles the CoBfaslOBlRta. The fusioniMs held n meeting at the rink on last Friday evening, which wan addressed hy Mr. Stickle, anti-monopoly candidate for congress from this dis trict, and Rev. Colonel Prtcc.of Lin coln, candidate for lientenant-governor. The meeting waa well'att ended hy all parties; there Wing a general deaire to hear Mr. Stickle and compare him with Mr. Laird, with whom ths people of this part of the district are, all fa miliar. Comparisons are odiouH, but in this instance they are just. Mr. Stickles created a very unfavorable impression, being neither an apt talk er nor yet an average thinker. His epcech contained neither wit, Heme, nor logic, and his manner indicated neither culture, refinement nor ordi nary intelligence. In brief his speech waa a complete failure, being poorly de livered and as barren of idea as hell it of Christian?. On the other hand C1. Pace proved himself a ready, flu ent t:lker, a little too bombastic per haps, but abounding in wit, dash and huncoulhc, and view from a democratf-ic-anti-monopOiV-mngwump stand point, above the average. But like all iicli speeches it was full of misstate ments, false logic, and sophistry, cal culated to catch the unwary and mis lead the unthinking. In attempting to refute the charge of demogoguism lie convicted himself out of his own mouth by showing his ignorance of the definition of the term and giving his audience a practical demonstration of the same. In his statement that the democratic state treasurer, Sturde, had been instrumental in having the railroad assessment raised he lied, us any one can satisfy himself by call ing upon County Treasurer Buschow and examining the record for himself. In his tirade on the republican party for its lailure to pass railroad legisla tion at the las"t session of tho legisla ture, he showed willful ignorance for upon examination of the House Jour nal it will be found that of the various bills introduced some were so loosely drawn, and others being declared by tho supreme court unconstitutional that the House instructed the railroad committee to draft a bill in conformity to the constitution and embracing the other bills, which became House roll No. 2G2. on the general calendar, and upon me tinai passage oi saui nm in the House the vote stood as follows : AFFIRMATIVE. Republican 43 Anti-monops 1 Anti-monops Independent 12 1 Total . 43 Alwent 22 And yet this buncombe orator has the effrontery to tell an intelligent audience that in a senate and home composed as follows. FK.VATK. Republicans 15 Democrats 11 Anti-monops 6 Greenback 1 Ull !'l Total IIuUriB. Republicans Democrat 1J Antimonops 16 Independents 2 Total 100 A republican majority of one on joint ballot, that after the anti-monopi had voted almost tolidly against rail road legislation the republican party i to blame, and yet claim that he is not a demagogue. Oh ! ye god, how braz en! 8. To Straight KeiiBbllran Voter There is a movement on foot escort ed by a few chronic "boltcra"' to slaughter the Hon. J. L. Kaley. which we think deserves the condemnation of every loyal republican. These bolt era are trying to make the trade with the tlemocrata by telling them they will support J. W. Deary if the demo crats will support James Laird. ftNow it is our candid opinion that a better ticket from governor down to commis sioner could not be placed before the republican voters of this county, and it should be quashed at once. No one who heard J. L. Kaley's speech on the night that Senator Manderson spoke will doubt his ability to fill the office for which he is nominated, and it is an acknowledged fact that the Hon. Jos. Laird will be returned to office by a larger majority than he icceived two years ago. There is not the least doubt in our mind but that the renuMican ticket will be elected by a big majority throughout the entire state. These chronic "bolters" who are a lot of sore heads, are always ready to bolt on some one he-caue they are not quali fied to fill an office themselves, and be grudge what is offered a gentleman fully capable and qualified for ilia of fice. We think that the legal voters of this district are fully able and sane enough to use their own judgment as to how they will vote without listening to the dictates of a few fcrank bolters. Men who will bolt any ticket regardlts of party should be spotted and sat down upon. a small town in eastern Iowa, the voting men of the place have formed a club for the purpoae of obtaining each member a gold watch at an expense that is hardly felt by any of the mem bers. Each member contributes one dollar per week and then lot are drxsrn and the one receiving the lucky number i entitled to the watch and o on in a like manner until all have re ceived a watch. Now, L H Wallace, of this city has made all the neccAsnry arrangement to furnish watches at even a much smaller expense and without the fear of some dishonest per son falling out of a club of this kind and making a double expense, on the remainder. He proposes to furnish watches to all responsible parties at payments of out dollar per vek and in this manner saving ail the expen?e or forming and maintaining such u club, also parties do not have to wait their turn which mav not be for px month. Call on him and let him explain tliii remarkable cheap manner of procur ing time pieces. Yl -U -. A Kun ob a Draj; Store. Never was Mich a rush made on a Drug Store as is now at Henry Cook's for a trial bottle of Dr. King New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds. All persons affected with asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs or any affection of the throat and lungs, can get a trial bottle of that Kreat remedy free, by calling at above drug store. 'Regular size $1.00. Honest Tea is the Best Policy. j 9? w&rwft tifssv aem. kMm ra na v t-a jr'a rm i w ww mulw iMmma jbl. JOHJA a Honest Goods DEALKR IN Unfix' CJIyccnne Salve. The beit on earth can truly be aid of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, acalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure pile, tetter and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only 25 cento. For sale by A. Lindley. ftackteaa Aralea Salre. The best naive in the Morld for cute hniihes, sores, unlcers, salt rheum, fev er sore.', tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give 'satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 ceuta per bottle. For sale by Henry Cook. Dry Sootls, and Notions! CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES ! Groceries, Q,ueensware, &c. EEDCIOUD - NEBRASKA Free Delivery to of All Purl City. AT HONEST PBIC i c THE jSTEW YORK Grocery and Queenswae House jLf jw AT THB o p. M NORTH-WEST WKHSTEB had a few cold Total .-. 62 KEGAT1TB Republicans 7 Democrats 7 Anti-monops 15 Independents - 2 Total 31 Absent 7 On motion to take said bill up out of its regular order in the senate, the same being necessary in order to in sure it passage, as the session was drawing to a close, and it could not be reached in its regular order, the rote stood: AFFIRMATIVE. Republicans 6 Democrat? 3 Ant - nonops 2 Greenback Whew, have not wo nk'hts. B 0 Burt, of Wheatland, will rooii receive another car load of thorougn bred cattle and pigs. John Burnett, of Red Cloud, will build the new school house at Wheat land this fall. Cliarlev Lindgraw lost a fine horse a few days ago. A. Buthr and wife started to Iowa last week. A. Hoffman is building an addition to his house. The CJ A R'h have completed a nice dwelling for Rev. IVf r. Brown. J G Potter has just received the finest lot of dry goods ever brought to thi place. G W Boyd is very glad tn receive his girl that he had given up for gone. George be cool. Girls are plentiful. Two professional marksmen went to Silver Lake last week thick hunting. They killed more than they could car ry and came home empty. They are going buck after them. Boys yon had better sell your guns and quit hunting, or there will be no ducks to lly. Our blacksmith has all tho 'work he cm do. Rustic. Mr. UK t-Vrgaioii Is now prepared to give lemons in em broidery. Hhe teaches plush, araene, sumach, and many other desirable stitche. Trices reasonable. Residence thrf-e doors south of A. J. Kenney's. She also does stamping to order. 12-tf Ik another column of to-day's Cm kf we offer a handsome premium to all new or old subscribers. It is this: We have made arrangements with tho Collage Hearth, a monthly mag azine, one of the very bst household peiiodicals published, by which we are enabled to club it with The Chief, and from this date on we will send it free with Thk Chikf to all subscribers who pay us $2 for one year's subscription. Read our offer. II !- I 4 3 H O O W w w GQ H 3 9 Largest and Best ! Assortment in the city 9 Prices, the Very LO WEST. B. F. MIZER. c I? Q W K W m Q O O 0 4 n C s (J mrt t C. B. HOSFORD. 0. M. Y0U50. Hosford & Young, DEALEIW IS Poultry Produce RED CLOUD, NEB. Highest Market Price Paid I Notice Regular term district court Webster county. Nebraska, set for Oct. 21. 1884, is hereby 'idjmirned to December 9, 1884, at 9 A. Si pursuant to petition of att( rnev.-j of said county. October 18, 18S4. Wim.iam Gasi.ix. Jr. Judge. Attest J. P. Baviia, Clerk. t2 TEST YOOB BAKMg POWDER TO-DAY! Brandt MrertlMd a absolutely pur COWXVAlXZV AMMOXf THE TKST: Flaaa a aaa ton down on & hnt itim Mt kj ramuva UiooTeraa4 small. A cfaemiat U1 at it t aa o saiaci hi praacnoe oi ammonia. A SPLENDID OFFER '" ""d upecial arrangement with the publishers of the " Cottaoe Hkartu " Boston, Mass., to club with their magaime this jear. Tha Cottage Hearth it Square Dealing, One Price, Golden Eagle, Clothing Store Ml State Bank Block, Red CI jud. Overcoats for Men and Boys. Suits for Men and Boys. . Boots & Shoes Selz Make For Men Women and Children Woolen and other Shirts Woolen Underwear Gloves and Mittens Fur Caps and Hat3. &c. T'r ! tvi r c rir- JL X AJL LV..3 Ml , - W hr-ic' "''" is a FIRST-CUSS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. WEST 1. a VALE. Total. 12 NEGATIVE Republicans .. Democrats ... Anti-monops 1 Total 12 Absent 9 On senate file No. 149 a bill similar to House roll 262 but originating in the senate. The vote stood m the sen ate on final passage. 4FIKMATIVK. Republicans 14 Democrats 6 Anti-monops 6 Greenback i " Quite a little war is being carried on at Kivcrton between the tenierancc people and the whieky men. At laBt Bro. Burr of tho Enterprise has said something that nuns the whishy guz zlers. They threaten him with al' sorts of things. Tbey say they will not take his paper nor advertise therein. They propose to starve him out. The truth hurts, and if the Enterprise will fire its weekly bombshell against the saloons, large numbers of temper ance people will come uptoitssunport Let the light go on, and may the Enter prise be the last to cry enough. Parties and dance are getting quite numerous of late. A certain" young man is invited to three on the same night. He is in a dilema. He would like to meet all the fair ones but that is impossible. A surprise party this evening at Ernest Moody's. Good time expected. D S Groat had a stock sale last WGVW THE C0HAGE HEARTH Hm for Contributen, Edwtrd Everett Hale, Lucj Urcom, Celia Thaxter, Louise Chandler Moulton, Abby Morton Diaz, Susan Warner, George MacDonald, LL.0., Hose Terry Cooke, Joaquin Miller, Frances L. Mace. 8ampe Copy ON I A I I FINE I I OFFER j THE COTTAGE HEARTH Hu Each Month Two Pages Music, Garden Hints, Health and Temperance, Latest Fancy Work, "Baar" Patterns, Tested Receipts, Household Hints, Sabbath Reading, Prize Puzzles for Young Folks. ent Fre. The largest stock and bottom rriV:. goods warranted iffon , upon examination to b. vt?? vx. As : special inducement we oifer buyoJa u ciiAnt to win $5, $10 or $20' in goods, . C. WIENER. T. 0. HACKER, STAPLE AND FANCY 6R30 ir ii r APPLICATION TO THIfc OFFICE. READ OUR OFFER: We will Kad "Tm Cottage Hka&th," FREE OF CHARGE, for oat week. Hogs sold high, and everythin elst brought fair prices.2 Corn picking is nil the rage and bids fair for a heavy crop. Aukt Hope. DOES XOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, m UALTHmxcsa Kit NEVER bks ft-MTtoim. In Ekllllom bona for gutter f B tmturj It ka Wo4 tk contain!-' rlUM Utt. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., AKKM or Dr. Price's Special FlaTOrim Extracts, Or. Prlot't LiipullR Ytatt ttni For IJht, HJUiy BrM4, Tbi Bt Dry Bvy TMt la tne Wurld. WITHTHE CHIEF For one year for $2. This will be a rare chance to all who want good reading matter. Come now. Groceries 3 srczssnsLD's old :ia::o orocencs. 3 Re(j CIoud . Nebraska, Groceries. 5 choice Groceries, Groceries, pi Provisions, r a..x wannearruiis, I pi I Provis1 I: revisions P rovisioiii FOR CN1CAOO. ALK BY GROCCRS. T. LOUIS- LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD Total. 27 NEGATIVE. Republicans o Democrats 3 urecnoact n 2 ori A iSuiil ................,....., 3 On motion to take bill up in the House out of its regular order and put it on its jjassage requiring a i vote. The vote stood AFFIRMATIVE. Republicans 27 Democrats ,. 4 Autlrmonops 3 Jnifepeudeut 1 Total. Republicans. J)etuocra .. 35 NEGATIVE. I. . All kinds of dress goods, embracing silks, Matins, velvets, cashmeres, wool half wool, cotton, calico, etc., at Mrs Newrioue's. 1 1-tf An endless vuriets of white and red flanels at Mrs. Xewhouse's. 11-tf A new lot of embroideries, laces, and Jerseys, at Mrs. Xewhouses. 1 1-tf The pride of Blue Hill flour is tak ing the lead wherever introduced. Gall at Bradbrook's studio and see those large portraits he is making. 11-4 Ladies' hose and underwear at Mrs. Xewhouse's in endless quantities, ll-tf Wm. Letson has The pride of Blue Hill. ll-tf. Yarns of all qualities and colors at Mrs. Newhouse:s. ll-tf If you are thinking of making vouj fathei, mother, sister, brother, your cousin or your aunt a Christmas pres ent call at Eradbruok's gallery and set for a large portrait. 1 l-4t Do not wait to see who is elected president for it takes time and sunlight 10 make those large portraits I am get ting up. F. Bradbrook, the 4th avenue photographer ll-4t Mas. Newhouse has- for tale Dr. Warner's celebrated health cornet. Dr. Schiller's corset, and the Duplex, ac knowledged to be the best in the murkeL ll-tf Go to W. B. Pussell, one door north ofMaryrtU's jewelry store to get the the best flour lor the money, The pride ofBiueHiil. ll-tf. YEASTCEMS The bt dry ap yttt In tht wcrld. Brti wlwd by thti ytst Is light, whlf and whole- like ur grantei etbar'a 4ell!os CHOCEIta SELL THKNk rt4B BY TWt Price Baking Powder Co., ImTrc d Dr. PiIm'j t?iclil FUTcriii Enrcca, Qhlcaso, III. t. Louie FINAL PROOF NO TICK. Land Offlrc, RIooinlngton. Neb., Oct. 29, liM. NOTICE IS UEJ8EHY GIVEN THAT THU following named s-ettler has filed notice oi his Intention tn make final proof in supiort of his claim, and that said pruof will be m;ide before clerk of court of Webster county, at Ked Cloud. Neb. on Saturday. Decembr r 13. 2S84. lz: ANDREW EUICKSEN. On homestead entrv No. 9M0. for the m ! see' 2, tp'2, north It 12 west. lie n:unec the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of said Intnl. viz: Srerid Llnd- uisr, ThomaH Andersou. Ole Haoseu, Sylvester S. vi. Mw-rrzER. Register. A.CUMMINGS, HAS OPENED UP A HESTAUHAITT And Boarding House, ONE DOOR NORTH OP A. T. STILLKS NEW LUMBER YARD, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Firat-claes Boarding at Reasonable Rates 'Warm and Cold Meals at all hours. Ample Accomodations for alL I respectfully solicit the patronagre of my old customers and as many new ones as wish good meals or lodingrs. Don't for the place. Groceries. Groceries. 3 rn Z Pr,H,;. ni- x ' v, luvjjiur; wgars, c.t pj Yotir patronage in r-pTtfnlly aolu. X Prnvicintl ted. .ti,factton gunranfed. ,ul,' NEW GROCERY STORE! S. Y. LUBLOW, Where will be found evrryihinx in the grocrv line, auch m Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, j?Tuits, Bacon, Mam, Dried Beef, md Cractora, Tolaocm 0Kar.. Flo-ir. F.e-I, Gl. i.. (i,wn,!0. Cliecse and Crockery. Hoiinj; by fair dealin? tojrncnt a ihnrc of tho uubuc rtronr ee inc. '. Com and WALKER & BRAKEFIELD, IN FEATHERLEY'S BUILDING, Opponito he Cliioigo Lumber Ynl. S. V.LTJDLOW. $25 DEALERS I' Ql fl. Brooks, all of Ked Cloud Neb. 12 PiMalatien Notiee. The partnership heretofore existing between Fred iX'L-iforrue and Jacob Sellers baa this oa been disfiolveu hy mutual consent. ltated at Ked Cloud. Ncn, Oct. 9. 1984. . It Jacob Skli.b.h Miss L. E. Stalker, Dressmaker ! West Room otot ICaryatfs Jewel ry 9orev Bd Cloud, Neb. Pumps, Wind Mills , Well Tubing, And Everything in our line. "When wanting anythingr In tho Pump or Windmill line it win pay you to see us. Our Prices are the Lowest and Work Guaranteed. OFFICE On Third Avenue, Opposite Miner Bros Store, Red Cloud Nebraska. Don't ftdl to see us before buying. to 350 PER DAY Can easily be mde wins Hie :i do adVM AaawVoxVow irtnjJdw J -o mot xmq tn wi ""e f aJo4 eqi jo yinoai nodn supfi xrm o 99 4J Xdta ITmAAV pf)aTijoiiaViwwn xaoq poovMi tnWMLjU smsoo tooq iqTOrMsf Jaj iaqx tptm nj ei. k Jo'am'id 'trtrp aca m B caXStxrqilx A9JO 1109 K " H PX Stf " rriny bsb jo fcsocjM f fpooi jr so immm if ptjjf waoui f it xfgMfa ;mimMKimm Attention Teachers. Notice Li Ik reby pivi tlat I will Tjmlne all pervm who may dr:re to offer theralTe as candidate for teachers of the emunsoa cbooU of U'ebvtrr county at iny oClce in Red Clocd on the third Saturday of each month Kxawinatfcni to commence at 9 a. m. Do nt ask for peclai examlcatious. C W. UrutSGKx. County saerinte&dent of public ln.trDctlcn. F. M. HAMAKER, Stock Auctioneer KED CLOUD, NEB: Will attend sale at all timet and guarantees satisfaction. Order by I mail or telegmph promptly aiindod OLD RELIABLE VICTOR Well Boring Rock Drilling Machinery W mean it and ro preparcl to ilemon-tratc the fact. Tho well xnritJ sue. c-. hljich ha. rrownei oareflort dunns the r.t fi(ti:vn vr and with erceW for our mottn, e arc Monarch of n 1 , verr count'rv?n thi world. Chir machinery ,a otfn.Uijtl.jr either and work, rvry rapidly They ranKc in (TOm 3 inch to 4 1-2 Feet in Diameter. And mill borr and drflj to asy renulrrd d-pth. T?st win knn. pu, ... an mm, or r.unh.utMnutJZ., JFIJ&J?11! te boaWervTntlne aod eoorfcrx:e nt aitd raarle to5keflS w1 J iP'1! U,x oaicUls. Tiary are ue alo m4 ciK-eltry u irci oy VmM: Qt jjjj,. t Projecting for Conl, Gold, Silver, Coal Oil And an klnd ot yilsfni. aad for iUx Arte-Uans we3 xa rU tWs. , u ar e. v?ry. of a& kladC Good live agents wanted in every coxmtrv in in tlie world. Address, WMjr Victor Well Angnr tind Machine Co., 811 Pine St, St Louis, Missouri, U 3 A Slat wkat papr jou sar thl in nZ-ly V i X f u o .- to- rwffic box 73. 10-tr aw LJ- .. . -. "i- i- i' y-a . ' ." T ' iH tJi&X r? r &.fR&s!$ZL ? t &- -a:- . . .y M,"v-. 'f"jf.V'j -r ?-. --!.' .i?fZ..s, i.rts:vr.? ?if- - --i - ni "W - -yr -"-T ..