The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1884, Image 3

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-" J-v-"--' wAJww vm.n-ix
A. C. HOSMES, Publisher.
4vlhnr of - TioeXnr Tfurne.," Framlu Pardon
wjo," " It he Pnjtrnjmyr' I'l&ntaa Finn.
the Iriah Memlr." The Warden."
"Jiarchutcr Tovrcn." tc, tc
ITc went to his club, but the first
person who came to him was Mr- Whit
tlestaflf. Mr. Whittlcstafl", when he had
left the park, had determined never to
see John Cordon again, or to see liim
, i ., . . .1.,. ;
v j .... ..
oniy uunng mat ceremony ui me iuar-
nage, which it might be that he Would i
even yet escape. All that was still m
the distant luthrc. Dim ideas as to
some means of avoiding it flitted
through his brain. Hut "even though
he might see (Jordon on that terrible
occasion, he need not speak to him.
And it would have to be done then, and
then only. Hut now another idea, cer-
tatnlyvery vajnie, had found its way
into bis mind. Jind with the ob:ect of
carn'iri"-it out, Mr. WhittlesLatr had '
come to
the club. "Oh. Mr. Whiltle-
stafl'. how do you do again?"
"I'm much the sitine as I was be
fore, thank you. There hasn't hap
pened anything to improve my health "
I bono nothing may happen to in
jure it.
It doesn't much matter. You said
something about some property you've ' lias bade me do aa .teems wood u mo in .peuk
frol in diamonds, and you said once that " to you of my love
. . . 1. ,', tt. :. "ilut. Maiy. liv -hotild there In- any mock-
you mu-t go out to look after iL modeity or preieti.- between u,.' When a
Itlt I'm not going now. I shall .sell man and woman mean to bee husband
m; s i.'iri! in I it; milieu i am 'fiino-tn
eeo a Mr. Tookev about it immediate
ly." ''an't 3ou sell them to me?"
"The diamond shares to you?"
"Why not to me? If the thin"- has
to be done at once, of course you and I
must trust each o'.her. 1 suppose you
can tnit me -"
Certainly I can.1
"As 1 don't care much about it,
whether 1 get what I buy or not, it docs
not much .natter for me. Hut. in truth,
in niicli an affair a-i this I would trust
you. Why should not I go in your
"1 don't think you are the man who
oujrht to ro there."
"1 am too old? I'm not a cripple, if
you mean that. I don't see why I
shouldn't go to the diamoiid-iiclds as
well as a young t man."
ft is not about vour ajre, Mr. Whit
tlcslall; but I do not think you would
be happy there."
--- ----- --- - - - -
nappy. l do not Know that in'
state ot bliss here is erv trreaL
If I
had houirht vour shares, as you c;
them, and paid money for them, I don't
j-ee w
by my happiness need stand m the
" You are a gentleman, Mr. Whittle
staff." Well; 1 hope so."
"And of that kind that you would
have your eyes picked out of your
bead before .ou had been there a week.
Don't go. Take my word for it, that
life will be pleasanter to you here than
then?, and that for you the venture
would be altogether dangerous. Here is
Mi-. Tookey.' At this point of the
conversation Mr. Tookey entered the
hall door, and some fashion of intro
duction took place between the two
btrangers. .John (iordon led the way j
into a private room, uuu uiu mo oiucr.t
followed him. 'Here's a gentleman
anxious to buy my shares, Tookey,'
said Gordon.
" What! the whole lot of the old
Stick-in-the-Mud? He'll havo to shell
down some money m order to do that!
If 1 were to be asked my opinion, 1
should say that the transaction was
hardly one in the gentleman's way of
"1 supposo an honest man ma
work :.t it." said Mr. Whittlcstaif.
" It's the honestest business I know
out." said FiUwalkor Tookey; " but it
does require a gentleman to have his
eyes about him."
" "Haven't 1 got my eyes?"
"Oh certainly, certainly," said
Tookey; "I never knew a gentleman
have them brighter. And there are
eyes and eyes. "Here's Mr. Gordon did
have a stroke of luck out there; quite
wonderful! Hut because ho tumbled
on a good thing it's no reason others
should. And he's sold his claim
already, if he doesn't go himself.
either to me or else to Poker & Hodge."
"I'm afraid it is so," said John Gor
don. "There's my darling wife, who is
going out with mo. and who means to
stanil all the hardship of the hard work
amidst those scenes of constant labor,
a lady who is dying to see hdr babies
there" I am sure, sir, that Mr. Gordon
won't forget his promises to me and my
If you have the mouej' ready."
"There is Mr. Poker in a hansom
cab outside, and ready to go with you
to the bank at once, as the matter is
rather pressing. If you will come with
him, lie will explain everything. I will
follow in another cab. and then every
thing can be completed." John Gor
don did make an appointment to meet
Mr. Poker in the city later on in the day,
and then was left "together with Mr.
Whittlestaff at the club.
It was soon decided that Mr. "Whittle
staff should give up all idea of the diamond-fields,
and in so doing he allowed
himself to be brought back to a state of
semi-courteous conversation with his
happy rival. "Well, yes; you may
writeto her. I suppose. Indeed, I don't
know what right 1 have to say that you
may or you mayn't. She's more yours
thau mine, I "suppose." "Turn her
out! 1 don't know what makes you
take such an idea as that in yoar
head.' John Gordon had not suggest
ed that Mr. Whittlestaff wouhfturn
Mary Lawrieout though he had spoken
of the steps he would have taken were
he to find Mary left without a home.
'ihf shall have my house as her own
till she can liud another. As she will
not be my wife, she shall be my daugh
ter till she is somebody else's wife. I
told you before that you may come and
marry her. Indeed I can't help mv
self. Of course you may go on as you
would with some other girl only 1 wish
it were some other jxirl. You can go
and stay witji Montagu Blake, if you
please. It is nothing to me. Ivvery
body knows it now." Then he did say
gooci-bye, though he could not bo per
suaded to shako hands with John Gor
don. Mr. 'Whittlestaff did not go home that
day, but on the next, remaining in town
tilf he was driven out. of it by twenty
four hours of absolute misery! He had
said to himself that he would remain
till he could think of some future plau
of life that should haye in it some bet
tar promise of success for him than his
sudden s ;-heme of going "to the diamond
fields. But there was no other plan
which became practicable in his eyes.
Oa the afternoon of the very' next day
J-00"00 was n longer bearable to htm;
ana as tuero was no other place but
Crokor's Hall to which he could take
himself with any prospect of meeting
friends who would know anything of
his way! of life, he did go down on the
following day. One con so ,ueoce of
this was that Mary had received from
her lover the letter which he had writ-
ten almost as soon as he had received 1
Mr. WhittlestafTs permission to write
The letter was as follows:
Dkau Maut Iilo not know whether you
arc punjruttd by -what .Mr. Wh!ttio.U!T baa
done: bit I nm o much o that I hardly
know how to vrtjt to you on the matter. I f you
will think of it, I have never written to you.
mid Imvc inner b en in n portion Jn wnicU
writing h''in.-l to bo iKM-itic. Nor do t
know ii4 yt whether you are awrc of he
bui-im-m which has brought Mr. WhltUesUtff
to town.
" I nuppovj I am to tako It for jrran'ed that
utlhelelW ijjj in true: though wun I think
what it 2s thiit I have to accept-and that on
...., l... i . . . . .. .
inc Moru or u man who I not jour rather.
n. i mi n u iicncui "iraniftT io lac it uoai -
c.em a, thouirll , wcn. aMUIn,nr frf,4l ,1,.Itl.
And y..-t it l no rn ire than I akcd him to do '
"I luid no time tb'.-n to ak for rour pjrml
rion: nor. hnd i uVc-l for it. would you have
KrantcJ Itto tnj. Vu ha! ld:ed yourfcclf.
and wou d not iinvo broken your pfodire. Ir
I nked for your band at all. it wit from him
that I had to nxk. How wid it be with n o
if you shall ref ue to come to me at h: bld
alrne'f "I have never told you that I loved you.
nor have j'ou expre"ed your wUllnirnuM ti
recel . my love Dear Mary, how fchu.l it leir
Xoilouiit I do count upon you in my ery
heart uh bolnic my own. Aftir this week of
tiouhk-. it s-cnn as though 1 cju look b,yk
utxtn a former tune in wi Jen y.u unl l Had
taiked to another us though we had been iov
eiii. May I not think titnt it w.m so.' May
it not Ikj m? .May I not call you my Mary.'
"And, indeed, between man and man. as I k:iv. oiilv that vnu are not a man. have
j I not a nht to assume that it It eo' I told
I him that It was ho dovvuni (Yokcr Hall, and
!he did not contniiict me. And now ho ha4
l.'en Ujc tnot Indlecreot of men, and hiia al
lowed all your recreta to cw-aiw from Iiih
tit-ti.f lf It ij In'if ttir t lui t Vfill I tV, tfl miff
i Micir !iriri".!n I am Mire of mv Iov for
"'-' -" w ...- w......
yii, uud of my earue-t lomrinir to make you
iny wile. Tell me am 1 no' rlt'ht in counting
U.on win for wishing the same ihiu-c
What shall 1 nay in writing to you of Mr.
Whiule-tatll Hut ho contrive to do so in
fueh a way that I can take it only in the ex
tee'sioii of ills regret that I MiouM be rniud
to he .standing in his woy. Hm devotion to
you Is the most bMiiti!iil expression of elf
atineva'lon that 1 iwuo ever m-t Ho tells
me that nothin.' Is done lor me; but it ionlv
that I may understand how much moro i
done for you. .Noxr to me yes Mury. net
to myeir lie should be the dearest to you of
human lclncs I mi Jeaious aitea iy, alino-t
Jealous ol hiSKOodnes. Wo-jI 1 that I could
loo iorward t a llio in which I would bo re-aid-'d
u hl- Irieu I.
"Iet me have a ine from ym to sav Unit It
is as I would it, and name a my in which
1 may come to vi-it you. I tha I uowrouaiii
in I.O'id.iu only tib-y your heln-sm. A- for
mv lultiru I e. I can n-ttle nothing till I can
d teu.s It with you. at it will bo i our lilo also.
Ood b.c!s you. my own o'ie
Voura auVctiot lately,
John ttouiMix.
"Wo are not to return to the diamond-fl-'ds.
1 have prom.sed Mr. Whittiostair
it .shall be so."
Mary, when she received this letter,
retired into her own room to read it.
For, indeed, her life in public- her life.
' that is, to which Mrs. Haggett has ac-
cess had been in some degree dis-
turbed since the departure of the mas
t ter of the ho'ise. Mrs. Haggett cer
I tainly proved herself to bo a most un
reasonable old woman. She praised
Mary Lawrie up to the sk
i only woman fitted to bo
y as being the
her master s
' wife, at the same time
abusinir Mary
for driving her out of the house were
the marriage to take place: and then
abusing her also DccutfeO Mr. Whittle-
1 sta.V had gone to town to look up an-
: other lover on Mary's behalf. "It isn't
nvy fault; I did not send him,' said
"You could make his going of no ac
count. You needn't have the young
man when he comes back. Ho has
come hen, disturbing us all with his
diamonds, in a niost objectionable
"You would be able to remain here,
and not have to go away with that
dreadfully dninkeu old man." This
Marv had said because there had been
rather a violent, scene with
legged hero in the stable.
the oue-
"What's that to do with it? Haggett
ain't, the worst man in the world by any
means. If ho was a little cros last
night, he ain't so always. You'd be '
cross yourself, miss, if vou didn't get
straw enough under you to take off the
hardness ot the stones."
"Hut you would go aud live with
" Ain't ho my husband ? Why
shouldn't a woman live with her hus
band? And what does it matter where
I live, or how. You ain't going to
marry John (iordon. I know, to save
me from Timothy Haggett!" Then tho
letter had come the letter from Mary's Mr. Hlake.
lover, and Mary retired to her own "Don't make yourself such a goose,"
room to read it. The letter she thought ' said Kattie Forrester.
was i erfect, but not so perfect as was "O, but 1 am in earnest- The great
Mr. WhittlpstafF. When she had read . est joy in all the world."
the letter, although she had pressed it j "1 su pposo you mean you're going to
to her bosom and kissed it a score of I be married," said Mr. N hittlcstafT.
times, although she had declared that t "Exactly. Howg-od you arc ntguesa
it was the letter of ono who was from ing! Kattie has named the day. This
head to foot a man, still there was . day fortnight. Oh, dear, isn't it near?"
room for that jealousy of which John ' "If you think so it shall be this day
Gordon had spoken. When Mary had fortnight next year," said Kattie.
said to herself that he was of :dl human "Oh, dear, no! I didn't mean that at
beimrs surelv the best, it was to Mr.
hittlcstatt and not to
that she made allusion.
John Gordon
About three o'clock on that day Mr.
wmmesiaii came home, lhe pony
tjarriage had gone to meet him, but
Mary remained purposely -out of the
way. She could not rush out to greet
him, as she would have done had his
absence been occasioned by any other
cause. Hut he had no sooner taken his
place in the library than he sent for,
her. He had been thinking about it all
tho way down from iAindon, and had in
some sort prepared his words. During
the next half-hour he did promise him
self some pleasure, after that his life
was to be altogether a blank to him. "But it is good; is it not? We two.
He would go. To that only he had . and her maid. She's to be promoted to
mado up his mind. He would tell . mirse one of these days."
Mary that she should be happy. He -If you're such a" fool. I never will
-tVould make Mrs. Haggett understand have vou. It's not too late vet. rcmem
that for the sake of his property she ber that." All which rebukes and
must remain at Croker's Hall for some 1 there were many of them Mr. Montagu
period to which he would decline to , Blake received" with loud demonstra
name an end. And then he would go. i tions of jov. "And so. Miss Lawrie,
" ell, Mary, lie saut, smiling, "so
I have, got baok safe.
"Yes; I see you have got back."
"1 saw a friend of yours when I was
up in London."
"i have had a letter, you know, from
Mr. Gordon."
"tie. has written, has he? I hen he J
has been very sudden."
"He said he had your leave to write."
"That :s true, lie had. I thought
that perhaps he would have taken mure
time to think about it."
"I suppose he knew wiat he had to
say," said Mary. And then she blushed,
as though fearing that she had appeared
to have been quite sure that her lover
would not have been so dull.
"I dare say."
"I d dn't mean that 1 knew."
"But you tl:.dy
"Oh, Mr. Whittlestaff! But I will
not attempt to deceive you. If you left
it to him. he would know what to say
"No doubt no doufct!"
"When he had come all the way from
South Africa on purposo to see me. as
i he said, of course he would know. Whf
should tbcra ba asrpreUaM
-Why. indeed?"
"Hut I bare not answered hiaa wA
as yet.'
There need b no delay."
"I would not do it till tou had come.
I may have known what he would say
to me, but I may bo much in doubt what
1 should sat to him.
You may ay what you like.' Ho
answered her crossly, and .the heard the
tone. Hut he was aware of it also, and
felt that he was disgracing himself.
Tbcre was none of his half-hour of joy
which he had promised himself. Ho had
struggled so bard to give her every
thing, and he might, at any rate, have
perfected his gift with good-humor.
"You know you have my full permis
sion," he said, with a nile. lint he
was aware that this smile was not pleas-
.nt trii net ailrH tiilw HI u'n
... ....... - --
such a guide as would
make her hilvi)Y. Hut it hd not signify,
i.'.n u. w-i &nnn irv uttrlv abal.
. - - c .....
ished. then i-he would be happy.
"I do not know that I want your per
mission." "No, no; I dare say not."
"You asked me to be vour wife.'
"Yes: I did."
And I ac opted you. The matter
was settled then."
"Hut you told me of him even at
first. And you said that you would al
ways think of him."
"Yt'A. I told you what I knew to be
true. Hut I accepted vou: and I de
termined to love ou all my heart
with all my heart-"
"And you knew that you would lore
him without any determination."
"I think that I have mvelf unde
more control. I think that In time i
a little time I would have doue mj
duty bv ou nerfectlv."
"As how?''
"Loving you with all my heart."
"And now?" It was :t "hard question
to put to her, and no unnecessary!
"You have distrusted iuc bouiewhaV
I begged ou not to go to London. 1
begged vou not to go."
"You can not love two men.' She
looked into his face, as though implor
ing him to spare her. For though sdie
did know what wits coming though
had she asked herself she would havo
said that she knew yet she felt her
self bound to disown Mr. Gordon as her
very own while Mr. Whittlctn..f thus
tauialized her. "."o; you can not love
two men. You would have tnctl to
love me and have failed. You would
have tried not to love him, and have
failed then also."
"Then I would not have fa'led. Had
you remained here, and have taken me.
1 should certainly not have failed then."
"I have made it easv for you. my
dear; very easy. Writ1 your letter.
Make it as loving as you please. Write
as 1 would have had you write to me,
could it have been possible. Oh, Mary!
that ought t; have been my own! Oh,
Mary! that would have made beautiful
for me my future downward steps! Hut
it is not for su h a purpose that a
young life such as yours should be giv
en. Though ho should be unkind to
you, though money should be scarce
with you, though the ordinary troubles
of the world should come upon you,
they will be better for you than the
ease I might have prepared for you. It
will be nearer to human nature. I at
any rate, shall be here if troubles come;
or'if I am gone, that will remain which
relieves troubles. You can go now and
write your letter.
She could not speaiC a word s she
left the room. It was not only that her
throat wa-s full of sobs, but that her
heart was laden with minglrd joy and
sorrow, so that she could not tind a
word to express herself. She went to
her bedroom and took out her letter
ease to do as he had bidden her; but
she found she could not write. This
letter should be one so' framed aJ to
niake John Gordon joyful; but it would
ue uupossioie to uriug ult juj su iu iuu
surface as to satisfy him even with
contentment. She could only think
how far it might yet be possible to sac
rifice herself and him. She sat thus an
hour, and then went back, and, hear
ing voices, descended to the drawing
room. There she found Mr. Blake and
Kattie Forrester and Evelina Hall. They
hal come to call upon Mr. Whittlestaff
and herself, and were full of their own
news. "Oil, Miss Lawrie, what do you
think?" said Mr. Hlake. Miss Lawrie.
however, could not think, nor could
Mr. Whittlestaff. "Think of whatever
I is the greatest joy in tho world,
i all. It can t bo too near. Ana vou
couldn't put it off now, you know, be
cause the Dean has been bespoke. It
is a good thing to have the Dean to
fasten the knot. Don't you thmk so,
Miss Lawrie?"
"I suppose one clergyman is just tho
same as another," said Mary.
"So I tell him. It will "all be ono
twenty years hence. After all, tho
Dean Is an old frump, and papa docs
not care a bit about him."
"Hut how are vou to manage with
Mr. Xewfacc?" said Mr. Whittlestaff.
"That's the best part of it all. Mi.
Hall is such a brick that when we Come
back from the Isle of Wight he is going
to take us all in."
If that's the best of it. vou can bo
I taken in without me." said Kattie.
in the same boat too," said
Mr Hlake. "I know all about iu"
Mary blushed and looked at Mr.
Whittlestaff. But he took upon him
self the task of answering the ciergv-
i man's remark
anything aboi:
s. "Hut how do vou know
bout Miss Lawrie?"
"You think that no one can go up to
London but yourself. Mr. "iVhitilesufT.
I w:s up tb.ere myself yesterday; as
soon as ever this great question of the
day was positively settled, I had to look
after my own trouscau. 1 don't see
why a gentleman isn't to have a trous
seau aswcll as a lady. At any rate, I
wanted a new black suit, tit for th.2
hymeneal altar. And when there 1
made ouc John Gordon, and soon
wormed the truth out of him. At least
he did not tell me downright, but ho
let .the cat out of the bag that I soon
guessed the remainder. I always knew
how it would be. Miss L?wrie.""
"You didn't know anything at a:l
about it,' said Mr. Whittlestan; "It
would be very much more becoming if
ycu would learn sometimes to holdyom
, ?- mto-VfTm.'
The writer ha had
wTtfirrluw haa wmo c-sprnenre Uaot.iy attt a robr t tli t
n,' Mlk-wonm, ami h.w fcn.aU. t 9C( up a ntd oi j, xttt jj.
ic rg to the moth. &btaiat artJi- dd u aao&or dnt fei h
j a ras
from the
friod for curiosity and ntructi"n. and
would add ttmonv to that of o'ber
that this worm Is wondorfuJy fahnrd.
and that the hmprrA.i-Ling Ch. who
discovered r uc bou!d not w forgo:
ten by mankind. I Tfcc wbolo wrivl of curw-hn
rim white mulberry, or mom aifea. ' curn, cg- al &r ia
a the proper food fur producing the promptnc It cekntr on the rr.
bet jrflfc: and light, loamy Mid on elc- of lbo in4.aRJ, whkh mttx Jhar ur
vatctl land is favorable to the growth of e jn aa iataaU jf hi, comrade i
the tre . . , . , ' bitten, the jraxJ U on ht kne ck-
crea or eight hundred tree may grow Jnj. lhe ottwJ tb ! m arm
upon ono acre of land, and n three jv or trapping it Urhtlv ab.?vo and U
years a Mngle tree will yield ten or '0w the bite, knowia- qai
twelve pounds of leave. . imtortancc of tho ir uUhoa
The cocoonery, or feedinproora. -hotild h,. ha, ..bu n pdU. ' and toreuo
be free from anU. apiders or other n bU pouch Hectplodc gun powd
in unous injects and should b prurid- OB ac wound and lo-4 not an faitant. Tcotilation. and mean for keep- nor dtH.t th(tJ TJCtJra loWft besn. n
ing the teinperaturu between antv-nvo
aud .evcnty-fie tlegrea.
For mere esperimcat, a lorg tabic
with strips around the edge to keep he
worms from falling to the t!oor. U u'.W
ciently large for two or three hundred
The egg are of a grayish color and
about tne size of mustard wexl. 'lhe
vorms, which generally come from the
e 'gs early in tho morning, arc small
black tpe-ks, and at tir.t need tender
leave- to feed upon, that are free from
dust and moisture.
About the fifth day after hatching,
the worms stop eating and. witn heads
raised r tt;r. sleep tor tu r;y hour- or
more, during which time they should
not be disturbed. On awaking, they
leave lxdiuid. on tho dry leaves, the'r
lir-t black skins or oats, ami come out
in lighter colored garments.
They have become larger than b-foro
sleeping, and their aptietito bus in-
......... .-. b. .. t ft.ja kKl-. I .. .&
eat constantly night and day lor about
ten tlays. an 1 ..Imtdil be ootistantly ui -
' tdted with leave-. ijCiuglhu st or c-ght ..
limes during twenty-four hours with
fresh 'caves and small branches.
The period for feeding is usually
about thirty or thirty-live day; ami at
length the worm is seen to look up.
l-i;iia;uiiuu limn u.itu iu ui..tti, .am
,.-.... I .. I fBS. vlakK(B k 1 .J . k .V f I I I I I
::cf, and
is evidently hunting for a spot to spin
lis iik cocoo!'.
onietimes, branches of oak, rye or
wheat straw will serve their purpos ;
but iu our own uxperiencu a pre'erenca
was aIiowu by them for little round
cells made of pasteboard.
When ready for spinning tho worm is
three or three aud a half inches in
length, showing a ven rapid growth for
ureaei su mat wic, u.a.u .Sci "I'vu- ui'i.tmg proteionai -ictll. and it w no
ings in the leaves. dvtibt omewhat derogatory to a.lm t
1 he siik-worms have four such moult- tjmt Ui becom dead drunk 'is an etJeet
ing sleeps, with a week or more be- jvo victon- against snake venom
t ween them, during their short lives. rui. quant ir sotn Utm-s ?w.tllowcd
and at last they are of a pearly white , tmder such circumvati'-es is utt-rlv in
color. , erelible. l'rof. Hnlford describes a
After the font v'i slooo the w.rms will (ifli.,..iti. n..-r M..linm in wM,-h
tnu live or six weeks of its life. UJU.U f snake poison -ould take juart" : and the moat sali-dneion of all arg't
After the worm has fastened iLsoli to i hnindv without injury, and almo-t j nnuil. lor it i one which, when full)
tho branch or cell by a loose texture of j u thout ellecU One man -a man of j grounded on one own perottal hi
silk. it began to make its silk co ion ! temperate hab Ls -took duo quart and j torv. and tv.-:d bv a eoiiMMout Omv
around itself. There are two duets. I a half pint of brandy, which only tian lite, is not likely to yield to any
near each other, in the head of the i Huh- Intoxicated him or about four its-mult. of theoretical Inthbdity nml
worm, irom winch is ejected the silken
thread. Hy the ibratory motions of the
head unite into one, and the silk
cocoon is a continuous thread from ten
to twelve hundred feet in length.
It is from three to five days in spin
ning its nest, whieh is, when finished,
an inch or more in length, and imper
vious to water on account of a gummy
substance with which the silk is covered.
j Tho shape of ita nest is
peanuL There, curled
much like a
up in the co-
. coon, the curious worm again sheds
its I
mitfii rto t in.l najtltrtuj Inn nri..'n Iu
. state for about three weeks. Then the I
4 cream-colored moth emerges from ono
end of tho cocoon, lays about four htin-
i dred eggs, lives for a few days, and,
its life work being done, it dies of old
age at the end of three months from its
Hut the moths are not all allowed to
come out of cocoons. In doing this
they break many threads and destroy
the cocoons for reeling. Therefore it is
necessnrv in somo way to kill the
This is generally done by heating
them in an oven orsmothcring them by
steam. The oven heating injures tho
gloss of the silk; therofore, the better
way is to place the cocoons in a close
covered basket over the steam of boil
ing water for an hour's time. After
spreading the cocoons out to dry they
maybe gathered into a bag, and aic
ready for reeling.
.. . Independent.
- m
Antiietes to Snake Pifln.
In her book, "Snakes. Curiosities and
Wonders of Serpent Life," Miss Cath
erine C. Ilopley writes on the nib ect
of "The Venoms and Their Ilemedies,"
as follows:
I "To conceive of an antidote to snake
i poisou in the true sense of the term."
j S.r John Fayrer explains, "one must
imagine a substance so subtle as to
follow, overtake an 1 neutralize the
venom in the blood;nft that shall havo
the power of counteracting and neu-
t the deadly luliueuce it has ex
erted on the vital lorccs. Such a sub
stance has still to be found, and our
present experience of the action of drugs
does not lead.- to hopeful anticipation
that we shall find it."
With regard" to the many drugs used
in various countries for the cure of
snake bite, it is curious to note that as
a rule, they are procured from the most
deadly plants. As like cures like, so
poison cures poison. Pennyroyal, says
Charas, was held to the nose of a viper,
who by turning and wiggling, labored
hard to avoid it, and in half an honr's
time was killed by it. This was in July,
at which season these creatures are
computed to be iu the greatest vigor of
their poison.
Another drug which is poison to a
veuomous snake is tobac o. within the
reach of most persons. This, among
native remedies, has alwas beeu
as always been :n
heani of .Us emcacv
.. - t-.,, t, Vtl
-?S .- ,T w
favor, and we have
ever since the w eed
ropeans. anous species of tooac-o 1
and itn adies are indigenous to most i
tropical countries, and" probably were :
in use for both man and snaKe bi:es
long before ClVUlZeu II X10HS lOOK COm-
.. .... ,
fort in smoking. Man more.
poiMjii iu n:s ui(uu:i tuii.j ;t ?iiav. si..
n ilit V?r.'n?'.o wrifor rtJIndinrr to n:ff-
tine. He nan roon a rattlesnake more
quickly than it can turn. .Mc.ioisoa
' . . . .. ,.. . .
m:iics inn: tu iitau
.. .1. . . i : j i.. . is ..... - M
rapidly affects a
cobra ana be recom
imends it. should
you wish to destroy the snake unin
jured. "You have.1' he says, "but to
blow into its mouth a drop or two of
the oil from a dirty pipe."
Two young men chopping wood to
gether In Virginia espied a rattlesnake.
With a forked stick one of them held
its head close to the ground, keeping
the body constrained with his foot,
while his comrade took from his own
month a quid of tobacco which he
forced into that of the snake. The
reptile was then released, and had not
crawled a couple of yards before it
wasconvulsed, swelling and dying with
in a short time. Strychnine appears to
have k similar effect to tobacco on
Fayrer found cobras extreme -
If :cp.;bl V lK fff"tWtrr of?
lArjchaiM. An ahami fmptpba
produre rxmcrfnl c!ecL. I'ootrd pa
;h Hoot of Uicr cag it trill UH veo
oohh joakr in a very fbort time. A
large Hungaras died Iti tea minute ta
thi war.
stibtnttA witii courage and confidr-no.
and in hcc lie another clement of
..uc-rjv 3! any a arc on record of
jver-mni b-ing at Oath's iit.Hfr throogb
tear alone, when bitten by hannic.
nake. but rcover ug on being aured
that there wa no danger. And other
ca-e.s are well knowr wncro bitten Kr
vo Lave died of fright and the de
pressing m 'uuce ummnding tho
a-cident, when they might po.Wy
have recovered
And now for a few wcrd about Ums
m-st popular and perhaps rao-t atutn
able of all remedies - alcohoL No
wonder the bnckwoKisman rcorv to
this, which without any chopjiug oi5"of
lingers or toes, orjHjrvjnal pyiote hnc.
or oth-r lo.'al tortures, deaden- h- sen-st'iiliue-f,
render-- him unconseious ol
all s itl'ering. aim end h tn into
i hap
is not
py oblivioune-s of danger. It
a rehned moac of tnUii'nt. nOr owe I
that rrc-vnts manv dlorttinitie-s of
. a . . m
J luo ott!o of bratuiv were dni'ik with-
. out nnv svuinuuns of intoxicatoti. and
l another of a girl of fourtfvn who
when bitten bv an
Australian stiakt-
drank three Nmles with out
fer toiiatel. She recovered.
Alcohol ha-j tKwer!ul attraction
oxygen, writes l'rof. Halfonl, oh th
. I .()rv ml the etlOUl has
. I . . .1 k
that the enom has piYxiwetl
foro t;n ,.ens a tUi blood: so that If al-
i eohol i!ii"!i"(! the ov'en a'nrhei bv
the poison, the cells penh and recov
ery ensues. lr. Miortt. of .Madra-.
sas: Hrmg the patient under the iniu
ence of intoxication as sueodilv as imis-
Mhle; make him drunk and keen him
drunk until the virus is overcame. Dr.
Weir M tehell sta'es that delicate wo-
men and vouug childten under the influ-
i hours. Another man bitten in tho
j throat, was cured at the end of ta'cnty-
fotir hours, during whieh time ho hail
two ',uarts of whisky in one night, and
renewed, as the p-d-Mj fell, besides red
peppor and other stimulaatJ.
Klllln Tater-Ilu?.
"Seems to mo you don't have nothin
to do," said a farmer, walking into the
sanctum of the editor the other day.
"Well, I have worked on a farm a
good ileal of my life, and 1 regard edit
ing a so-called humorous paper as harder
work thau plowing corn, the editor
"Oh, shucks!" exclaimed the farmer,
if I didn't have nothin' to do but wit
around ami write a little, and shear a his own soul? To have heard Jeus In
good deal, I tell ye I'd be bavin' aj the t'esh led men to nay "Necr man
mighty easy time."" Fpakc like this man " In like manner.
"I'll tell you what 111 do." said tho to liauj read tho llible prayer. ullv. con
cditor. I'll plow corn a day for vou if ' tinuouy. savingly, may well lead a
you'll write two columns to-day for
"Done, cried tho farmer.
"And I'll bet vou ten dollars you
can't write tw'o columns to-day."
"Done agin. An' I'll bet yer ten dol
lars more yer caa't plow as much as ye
"1 take you," tho editor replied.
"What am I to writo about?"
"Oh, anything, so it's funny. Ho
member, now, Mr. Farmer, you are to
do the writing yoursolf. 'lrho matter
must be strictly original."
"Novcr mind me, Mr. Kditor. Hut
look ve. You havo got ter do a good
job o? corn plowin'. Do it jest like I
"All right."
The editor went to the farm and set a
good hand whom he had hired on the
way at work plowing corn. The farmer
wrote a head line which read "hillin'
Tatcr Hugs," before the editor was out
of hearing.
In tho evcn'ng the editor
came into
j his san turn blithe aud cheerful. 'I ho
farmer at at the desk, vexed and wor-
ricd into anger.
"How do you feel?" asked the editor.
"Used up. Hardest day's work I ever
done, an' two lines ter show fer iL"
Sure enough, he was but one lino be
yond the head line. That lino read.
"Killin tator bujs is.funnv."
XWUU i XUU tnu rtM-m.
but I reckon I've won t'other
Xo. sir! I have won both. I have
plowed several acres of corn, and done j
it well, and I'vo written my two col
umns besides." '
"Creation! ITow'd ve do it?"
"Just like vou would. I hired a man
to do the plowing and I sat in the shade:
but 1 wrote while I sat there, and did
not sleep as you do. Fork over the
The" farmer paid twenty dollars for
his information, but the lesson was well
learned, and a3 he went out he said.
j ..tra j woultln-t i an cditor if i he
I ,, ",. . ;i,.,. ... ... iiiic
i could. It looks mighty easv. buu by - -
1 Jerusalem, it ain't near so easy as so he.
tin in trier senile an tvatcnin" tnex j
hand? p!owin' corn I'm a fool, an ;
ter kin say so in ver next paper if ve: '
. 1 .
3 i . . -t -.i ,w. : ,-..- ...n. ,-;-;
UI L HL .fUll LU.b 13 . il . , li ,i.C.
' . . ...... , m n-t r tr..-r
' J i J '
i uOVCniOr
Jarvis told the
' taro :nian3 :n
a speech the oth
.... l.-.l V..1 .;., ..o-r. .nmA.
, ; " -V "T.," :;: J V"' -.11 VIi..
that tJiv had cn'oved this vear
t Tniniri h -i rrtjt f,"ii ...Hirer Kin: x cii.ii -
tmngn r raore seen since tnc ' -
I atiou oi inuepenoeace. tne o.a.e w-
ernment run lor one wnole vcar wun-
,.f .i-,?nr fllinr fmm tfiP nnnfcpt
oftheVe? TiiH wa? accomplished
by the sale of some unproductive publi
iVC PUbilC
"I am going down to the city front to
sketch." said'a voung artist this morn -
ing. -Am I bothered by curious on- uow when we live aide of earnest prayer,
lookers?' So. not now. 1 always go The apostle Paul appealed to tbcevi
t n board a ship- I have done so" since dence. ot experience in the matter of his
a city front lounger leaned over my own salvation when be said to Timcthyi
shoulder one dav he weighed about i "I know whom 1 have believed, aad
250 pounds and said: That's good!
Tr.. ;. :a it c x7.-a a. 43 JfcJ 4 tj l4IHGJm A- V
7 The Emperor.- of Amstria has tb
1 finest collection of pipes ia Europe.
' -, 9 t,
ReliglOUS liUin.
ron itrs roz us mil
! ?m1 y
a.jnp; tS-JfT ti lfT.
WfcJt f- tr rti a4 UN .
Ht lc th rM wht!U-w.
11 jrvt -JI tmt y. S(gi
" la tn-Tr Vt l-tmS
T sr rsj mi i4
VlM 8il. l-itrt, trt-
Ts tnrirf4 " &? ctt 6 t,
4s ' tri . t " tS tm
1V prtmrt f T, f Crtr?
- t fFti t .
In trfri trti
,nmi ti ?-r it "rnts si
UhI vustif cx-r tff ' of dTti.
!! Jt tr, ll . u ttf J
.U;b4 tMl ! r w4 ir
1m pr- uti v tf U ukt2k
PrarticaUr the troftptt of all aru
uienl l the arumval frt Mif aB
rvixifcal rtter'jv Thi It trtw, n
.. .i ... t I t . i f
In the holv criltarr At tins ne j
t tlW or (aitk in rrrri' abo of thr pwjmph- t
list ut-cinom i ic rvriptur- i '
largiJv vout.ruie-d atd tatllrsl Uv
what tna l- alJi tmr iiwnov of '
the truth and tho snvtag euVAy iH i
th' dH trtu. .V a matter
he eareelv raw !. ial to bar ;at9l
the mwt Mtt4lartory and
demount rat tut Ur tho tuth of lh (
jHl. until wo aav reuea!h a.l
l trtal ol it In iMir w tn-MMn! wn-
fueo by an hoK'l atl r)H4thKrttl
endeaur tolitrt a.'onlinj U IU po?
e'pu. )r Sv.or rleariv rcgftel
thiN k nd of iKrpneo anf tt ,rmitKl
of i.lce, wbu II ! "If sr
man Mil do lit-- wdi. he nfcall Lmw mt
tin doctrine, wlwthr t of (k1. Of
whetlier I sjNt of .Vh "
Aa a mutUT o( logio. do twt ao
dirtnke U ay that th orkal al
ujMiintental argitmnt for
) the rioget f all It- e. idrace
rrhapa not. t ertniuly U will wot mrty
j d-moiirtJi m Ukmb who hnva nttfor
tniil it. t itiUlitr1 ant o'ettoi Mint
hkupte- are not l.kejy to letri it truth,
or admit its forre. All thnt we tt!
here a ill nn 1- thai to th-c (hrlttan miut
him-elt who ha onct literal uixm thi
I in tor court of the (hrttlnu tml. hv
n living ejMnmee of the vital prttrt
j pie- of the (Itpel. it Is not oul a ffMd
1 argument, but itrobablr the str.usftt
hkeptienl free thitiUng The question
i wa- once put to D. I- Mood, the ean
geiisi. "now no you know me r.ioie m
umpired?" The prompt and empimtic
answer wan: "1 kunw the Itibln i In
spired because it umpires tne " Won
not this- a good argument to the man
who eon d make it? What wan it but
the application of th very tail of truth
whieh otir nvtour had given to Hii dn
ciplc when He nuid: "fly their fruJti ye
hhall know them." He had "enrolled
the Scriptures and felt their iav;ng.
quickening, eleval ng, iulliicncc ujkui
lit.- own heart and life After such an
experience of good, how could he ques
tion the divine inspiration of a book
whoe inspirations he had no long and
fully tested as tho ven iKiwerof (iod to
man to say with Moody "I know It tof
t'od. bo- atine it knows me and inspire
my heart with a Iiojmi and pcaco and
joy never felt before." This U the ar
gument from experience Thin argu
menl grows stronger and stronger, the
more we read, ami the longer w Ine.
This argument every tnio and faithful
Chri-tian may have a the ery anchor
of his faith iu f'hrisL And once hating
j it, he need not bo disturbed bv the pre
vading skeptt istn of the world around.
Hating it. ho need not Iks much con
cerned even if he can not aniwur the
argument of speeulathe philosophy
and recent science.
It is interesting to notice with what
frequency the acred writers bring into
view the clas of evidence derired from
a personal cxpcricnco of tho truth.
The Uwk of iValms is full of Iu That
moit anc ent .ong-book of tho church
Is the very song-book of the human
heart in all iks deepest ctperiencc One
reason why it has had uch power
through all the age to inspire the
heart devotion is because St con
tains the utterance- of the I'nalm-xt's
own heart drawn from his own rxK;rl
c rices. It is a perpetual call to all men
to "come and worship," to try religion
by the t'j.-.t of a jw;raonal application, to
enter within tho sanctuary of a devout
ami holy life. "Oh Uastc and sc"
cries Datid in tho thirtv-fourth Psairn.
"taste and see that the Lord it good."
"('"me ye children. hea:ken unto m 1
will teach you the fear of the IxmL
"Ch. magnify the Lord with mc and let
u exalt His name together. I iought
the Lord, and He beard roo and de
livered me from all rny fears. Tim
Kor mau cried, and the Lord neard
him and saved him out of all his
J troubles." What an experience of the
eznca"v ol prater, and wnat an orr
tlenc? of the goodness of God. to the
heart of tho i'salmist. wa? that A
himi'ar experience i recorded in the Psalm, where he tell wt of the
deep and fearful dHtres through which
had pased; when "the mjitow of
death compas-eI him and the pain of
hell took hold upon him; when be
1 took hold upon him" when he
iml nothing bnV -trouble and w.
v." and said in bis bate all men aro
liars. "Then called I upon the name
oi lcc jro, vj, ia)tv. i occcca jscc
Lord, O. I.oru. I bececa Jhcc
llin.r mr .mil )'
And rT. fml hr,!
j me and delivered mr oul from dath.
' 5VU" .A3 i. UIC i HfJiUJl 1 iilUf B
! were n TvndalU and scientifi nrarer.
- I
. - . - r-V"
- " " J"
"-r ""J . ""' , , i""-"'
--they now are. to shake Ujc confidence
g a PS ? who had paid
-""u5" .J,i.l.l.v; v ,: Jl cwutc
inn ?rrrr!rr nf nrnrxriw (Zs
t " " "--''7 . . - Z V"'
I Dav;d rw -not mistaken when- 3fter I
sacn. experienced, he sai: "Verily. God j
, ih heard me." or are c mistake o I
a persuaded that He is able to keep
I that yVii1 T tm MimmWtu4 TITn,
that which I hare committed unto Him
j against that dav;" and also when. In the
lmxteaiate prospect oi raartvrcom, ue
said: "I have fought a good" fight. I
bare siihKl my covne. I bare Slept
, i . , ., , ... . ... i U-a; vrtf am ( taw jrah, asl
budhiv- aal af dav bfe It rxfttaUt J . .J; 4 ., h tf
cf n-lirH l-iiL t ur l artUan fa.!k. J . . ., ., ., . ,i...
n IL ultttualu la4. rrl k)umVhi j. , .. . , .,
Vorth i rnine eVH Irom tcar4 ana rar feet from ' rejwtt mo M- WUU
T. . falling: Iherfore will I call upon Him J continual torm. hath annotated th
' " - ; .. i. -, I :- t t.i.1- s 'church for a. hln. anil -r!U- ., i. I
i UH w
xh LrtU i& rk99M $&& h&il
i frp ssh i & 4,f . T Jk Af& ttk
?rI cw's,Nr ?? V&4 P &t
S ma1( hi fvkl Hc-
Iii t iMeW mu IM. t?wt 'Vt
Uw y ) ty iw wtr iIJ
r-tt )is tk s.w &4 is tJEH p?&A.
tirr & Uo H. J5 ht
U th ,u 4 Unj 4. Xn4 etsm
a4 toward jc33.
tl., ht grAl ffcj ttfiM hi rt
i icfsatAl v-$dftr "& & 6
aJtcd rHM lii. Tt Mt
jittc 4 iinS
-J usta
tJU IJtat aic ty Ut (H'l?p
i milk tt "0 tlMW tiUlt fe
ttvn,t fron 4aU WSr !lf. 4J -
! U o tW lMUtr llrrr Umi
. . t. , , .. .... ,.
? t -ijniP- ' VJl. wtrvn- wv tv
U utsc 4 ih ae of t4. tfct y
tiioV kiK l V Iiavc e.,M m
9 n WMf vif tm lb ! 4 ttfc
s,n r (.xf M w4t it l &
kar tii and . flw4fs
f iHm cttMrritmntM iirfiiwai f Hm
(Ufxd 5r ioi( ant W it
ol U lire MfthKt It It ft tttt t)Hi
tbnuoraln sd Ik irvAk fcfefc tS
UttAt t4tiNr Hr m gtaitfctttjy.
14 a titati W amtem Mr -W. ty Wn
i K-rMunal rl. thi tJaara I
h. aini avlK fwwr tm lle !
jk ml ib&l Ikat kaMt: .! tAt
jowwr. achl ft I at MHhe nf ar)j
Jl Um U'u$ to tW HUi, llh
Uh arrntttttt, awrf Oio iliw ml
LW wit. In h nil hmtU H
wU! hn Uf to K Ttltoio Hfa od
dnnM?tur. - CAtiig f
The Outcome.
Mn jr mnek sMfitmr fr tIMr
tttdtalie, ta-ey bftv ttutkiag !r )
t-aisM o km! attd rufctf TmmMV
tnomllHon l4Ur et'! tM tti
ntry a yar riif-' wrfwnt
tmtwkatarv twm!y t Wll
pnttdwl for rdfrWn roMfinml with im
H.WoU-llve !MlUk fpntl n
rignr and tohaaeo ""
thiatel tttn taMtdn! mttllwni
of d4tar s-pnt for (Wh.
nriired rm' Ho wa ta had a
fxrutiid o( etn bmidrvd " fifty Uwhi
sand dlat r what mm-! wOrti.
iu Lod. psnl it all Jit t .
eh ofly in jrlutton, atil il MlUiwf
atol yon fur all Um dolicneJA. and oftm
had a n-ld tl3l wo. hi rot ti r tl
hunilred fr hotKtf. 'Vh"H hm wa r.
d ,eMl to nun g .lnvt. with trWtvh ho
bought n ntn binl. Wa 1 U wwkel Iti
l.t (ity In, at it, uA two hoar for W
gention. walketl h on WtmlniUr
Hridge and jtiniwd into thi Tham.
On a larg" ali what tarn ar dolnsr
on a mall ca!n. Let u- take otr aland
agamt tho extrataftne of dctx
Di not pat for thinjj w-ilf.h ar frtyo
loon ttlmii yon mat laek the neU4.
Do not put ono inon:h wag or
ary Into a rink?t. jtit oao trinket.
Keep your crelitgool by seldom akmg
for any Pay' Do not 'arvt a whof
tear to afford ono H"lixar enr
nival. Do not buy a coal of many col
or and then In i month bi out al tlto
ellMiwit. Flourish not, a oino jiorqjw
I havo known who took apartmonu t
a fahiouab!o hotl and uad nlesjant
drawing-room altachid, and then tan
I (died in tho roghu nor rvon leavtjjf
their compliment for tho landlord. In
the day ot (iod judgment e will
only havr to gtvo an account for tht
way w? made our money, but for tho
way wo jMMit tt. Wo bav got loloarti
all "tho thing that urround u now.
Ala' if any of you in tho dying hour
feel hko tho dying a trr who ftkd
that tho cak-t fjwl broogtit U
her. ami tnoii turned them ovrr with
her pale hand, and ald "Ala4' that I
havo to !ean you .o arxiti." Ibrttor In
that hour havo on" treasure In lfearn
than tho brulal trooau of Mario An
Uiineit?, or to hato hecn i?altl with
Caligula at a hnnquoi whch col Iu
thousand of dollar, or U bar bro
carried t- our last iting-p'aon ulth
Senator and Prlnco a pahlftrer.
They ihnt cmecrato their wraith, their
Uine. thoir all. to (od. shall lo bdd in
etrrlatlng remorabranco. whio I bar
tho authority of tho Hibln for announ
ing that tho name of tho wicked shall
rou hutuUvj Mtfjasinz.
CWicc S-Ircili.
He but faithful, that b allArthur
Hugh CtowjU.
- If you can not b great, iw wllMng
to wrv Gol In tiling that aro malL
h F. MntLh.
Tlie racauro of our usc t la
profusion a wj atify Gwllr.
If to bj called "My MT?sat" hy
(UA wa a high honor, bow- much
hghr to be calll "My non"
-fiod J a un. He i thi infinite
gootl. Nothing but a Hrmg. nMbt
communion with film can dlpla9
hcavliic from the heart and hed hap-
1 pine over tho life. . I'cmrmn.
- If you nro going to work lot Go-l
you mut let Him taker cjro of your
repuuntlon. If you look Uk jtmr re
ward bore you will bv dapydnU;d.
ilw reward will ccmj hcrcaflsr. -.'x-chanyc
It i not in th br?ghrf hiBjijiy day.
but only in tho oletnn nicjU that
"7, V '.
'Jr long long dbttanre. to
1 "T& nt ?;
other world are to bv cn hinfiig la
And it U In
-that wj
?r lartnirU and know ourer na
tivos of infini'v and mo ami daughters
J .. .. . ,t, , . ..
'n in MO' W "".
(i&i having in thi world placed
, . " " r. '.-
: h l. wt Uier I co n,rt hut
- ,t. ...... . - ..
; atath. Death i that harbor wbfeber
f(W hath dencd everr n thi K
j r 1 1. ,t,' ".If r.
ma ? rejt frorn tho trouble of h
oL-"rtm9 Jarjior.
t wJ W.i.
from errenre that
a temcr of Hae thakfurt. hr
and afTecUon. it tsuck more the proper
fram! for prayer than that of terror asd
dwcompoJ-uns: aad that under th
dread of mischief impeding a as I
co more lit for a cotufortfas p? rfor
aace of the duty of praying to God thaa
he is for repentance on a arcfc'hd for
these discomposures afect th mind a
the others do the body; asd t& dti
compOHure of the raind'muit aecari
Iy be a great a dk ability a that ef tJm
hotlr. and mueh rpai4.r. nraver to Gn4
beiag properiy as att of tb saiad,
of tie bodj JDmtmi &&
IV ilibi h".t&&intih
' - WNli