T g ? i :1 lit i k r r i N B B' m JT THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. THE WOKLD'S D01KGS A. C. HOSMER, Pubifsher. BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. Kussia has planned .in expedition to the North Pole, starting from North eastern Siberia or Jeannette Island, go ing afoot on the iee in several large parties, with large food depots in the rear. A STt'UKNT of New York names finds that Taylor keeps :i clothing .store. Brewer a saloon, and Baker a confec tionary; that Keiter is a bookkeeper, Sellers a salesman, Bayer a buyer, and Scholar a teacher. A Summary or the Dally IWewt. POLITICAL AXD PKIWOXAL. IViLLiAJt P. D05WOODY was lately ap pointed o member of the National Hoard of Health in place of Dr. II. A. Johnson, who resigned lately. Aldekma.v Fokd, of Kansas City, has become the theatrical manager of young Walker Whiteside, the boy tragedian of Chicago. 1 heir season is to open at Chi cago. JaQUEH ACOCSTE ADOM'UE KlO.YXER, the distinguished French philologist, died re cently. Thomas Magchie, a well-known news paper man of IJoston, and lately connected with the Herald, recently died of Bright'.- disease of the kidneys. Mi.ASKA STATE NK1VS. Lathi: developments in the Nance Count?- trag-dy ar- that th motive which actuat-d the murderer of Malr ami the I'er rival farndy were different from what at lirst supposed to be Letters found. w hich the murderer evidently forgot to de- retort by gome cvnty bone belonging to Captain William Cottrell; to Loui Martin, of Mnbilo; to H. 8. Jirown, the Pittsburgh millionaire: to T. J. Moon?, of California, and others. Arrancrments arc J being mad? for a apring meeting, at which it i expected step will be taken to make it wuc j mc mvs, popular iruciu iu wo - - -- - . , - - - - Tjnon troj on the eve of hw tllght, put an en- t the t.rtsHy pam. a Mthtn.Ued to tt Do-rrcx.1. I avsoy & 'c.kpso th- well l,c,y t,:'trtn' fac" ur th a:f'"r. aH' Pewtafy of the Navy i-:cnir I: er known .New iork bankers whouinde! . of .... .,. .,, KfMrmh an! n!! .,. ... J ,(1,.,i atM, tW , IT. 2T f.iirtn' fh -w..ff- fit tmvK r-ti?nc.! . - . .. - . 4mf ' - w i.wwaaai '. ----' -,--. --- A FKItSII) STOitV. in Int-rrtlnr lipirt from rramHtor .chirr lin III It IXirf i:pii tifn. WixoTtf, (fc-totVr n.-Tkerofri mt Coatttlore Wmfieitt s-ttit Nlan, of tlj ?xpedilion niKier hcmnmud for Hw r;ir( tJi .....f imni- hnvu r-tl?n'l i . i . i . . . , I .. . . .a-a ....... t i . . . . J K inumercr. "fsocame ;o . merica awMil a rr i warrant qi ;te eett of Ur wr-tr. bal n an. i orr!, i ie ww m - aco, had Uen in this country for a number . itr far the ni iMNstms t.vtw ; Ui- Tattfl StaUt f I Ih. Tl wh IMriT.W. THAT. lJwjlt- n In Tar t. o ct f" l.- p' -a;mM:r't Krt Wmttvt' Wawtoje. XttT 2-.-Tfc rrtr?r ' H Dfc (tow k ajfMMvd :mxim4 te KukiKM. He -Vr-" n-K t t what Um pabTfO f ki tt I. H I 3c0Hw -wwrrtsr. U 1-? Ik i1 f. buiiness. The Ancient Order of the Knights of the ilystic Chain were latelv in Pittsburgh. Tliero were thirty delegates, I one in England. iVrrita!, who wa adven- aUr xj foUox. thj impt --,! p vrar repreientmg twentr-five Stales. . uuuu.- ai.u nau pietity ox inonej, came U "H- urreiy lnt: IfuOmnt ,rtwir wn of year. The letter-i found are said to t report h th; tiwnbitur :. attrarr .t session at have b.-n written to the murderer b otne i nwnu of UreeJy ami hi- rnt-a. S-fer re- A rnu- -n rW..ntU. lH.rvpH .Hrrin- ' ':C -'a' HHeiJitllu: to rtllt a lrre cntt-e leuiMl n ht-5 (ItVlMi: t-r. ha b.-J fer4.r-J " . " r-?irli fPli t??-f- It. (!-- ti, tl-. !.- Uu- f.-L- -rl -.l k. w i ... m m. . . potatoes near .Maysville, Ky. After dig- V ; V", 'v ....-. .. ...t , -""; r , w rr-mw: n ic: rw v ging them with cr horns Kfae t them. i .f.? :,"t.ln.ll.rH row,,lr" a;. l" Ul-l .?-?. W " 1U, MtiL - i i-i i"i k:iii iik ai inn -. rt . titui iii-i iimi in iii niT r-'ui -. - v .. Fkom recent etima-.es it has Uen found ,,.,. t-,,-,, .i,man tttlfl Si.nt i.iH, ,.;.'. w ,,. rI.u-.- ,-.4-r ... i,- i-!i ' ..t 'l Philauklphia has 237 carpet estab lishments, which turn out $22,000,000 worth of goods annually. Some 12,000 persons find employment in the-e fac tories, of whom over 1,000 are children and nearlv -1,000 are women. Aktkic careful inquiry, the. Moravians of Uethlchem, Pa., have decided that the Esquimaux of Alaska presents greater obstacles to conver-ion than any other people on earth, ami there fore have .sent missionaries to them. It is no joke that the Mayor of Ilraincrd. Minn., has iued an order prohibiting Mother Hubbard costumes in the streets. The girls wore them scant and thin, he says, and, as a guar dian of public morals, he felt bound to interfere. A significant incident of the recent votcin Connecticut on the Constitution al Amendment providing for biennial sessions of the Legislature, is that Hart ford, the capital, voted 1,472 against it, and New Haven, the ex-semi-capital, 3,250 for it. Nati'icai. gas is now being used in brick kilns near Pittsburg. A more even temperature, it is .said, is secured than when coal is used, and the bricks are baked to a uniform hardness, even those in the arches, which are gener ally vitriiied by coal burning. A talking walrus is one of the cu riosities of a Philadelphia dime mu seum. It utters a few words with great distinctness. Heretofore the power 1 articulate among beings oth er than human has been supposed to be conlined to birds of the parrot family. Hugh Simpson, who seven vears ao was one of Atlanta, ( Ja., leading com mission merchants, having as much as $-10,000 on deposit in the bank at once, was recently sent to jail in that city as a vagrant Excessive indul gence in the flowing bowl was the cause. Tiik Kuian Covernment has sought, thus far in vain, to bring about the general use of coal in that country in stead of wood, in order to save the for ests. As though no such thing as a good .stove or heater was known, a prize has been oll'ered for the best ap paratus for utilizing coal in Covern ment ofliees. Waknf.i: Wilson deliberate! v ot drunk when about to die, at Vernon, Mich., because he had observed, throughout his religious experience, that intoxication always aroused him to es special fervor. His acquaintances say that he was sincere in this, as he was deeply impressed with the solemnity of tiie occasion. Jn subduing a thousand women con victs in a Spanish prison, of which they had gained posM'ssion by open re volt, the troops were ordered to use none but blank cartridges, and while a noise of mu-ketry was being made at the main entrance, a hole was battered in the wall at another point, thus af fording ingress. A question has been raised as to whether Ceneral Von Goeben, whose statue in bronze is about to be erected in Berlin, should have been represented with the spectacles he habitually wore. The sculptor has omitted them. The St. Jamcf Gazelle says that Von Goe ben's glasses formed part of his physi ognomy, and ought surely to have been borne in mind. A max is living in Switzerland who takes all of his food from the end of a stick. His daughter had been in Mar seilles as a nurse, and returned with all her clothing. She soon died, to gether with her sister and sister-in-law, and the old father has not since passed be3ond his little patch of land. Per sons who wisli to see him at his bound ary throw a stone at his door. TnE Chinese city of Foo-Chow, made - interesting by French capture, is sur rounded bv a wall thirty feet high and twelve feet wide at the top. The streets arc narrow and filtlry, but from a distance, in consequence of trees and hills, the place is picturesque. The in habitants excel in the manufacture of ornaments from native soapstone. The climate is hbt and enervatiu MI.SCKLI.AN KOim. Uv n recent fire at the village of Car thage, X. Y., over two hundred houses were destroyed. John Fox and "William Worden were killed; Henry Johnson and Michael An derson fatally injured, and a numb-r of others .seriously injured by the recent ex plosion of a boiler in Ihnac Wehrinnn'sj saw mill at Ten Mile Creek, W. Vn. Twenty thousand people were thrown out of employment by the closing down of cotton mills in Mas.suchu.sets during Sep tember. Anumhep. of accomplished Eastern burg lars were recently working Eastern Texas towns successfully. An old man named Stneizel, committed suicide at Trenton, X. J., recently, by hanging himself. He was suffering from temporary insanity, caused by sunstroke. liv an explosion of gas in the Dorranco shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, near Wilkesbarre, J'a., the wood-work and fan-house wero greatly damaged. Condy McCall, a miner, was seriously injured. The body of Patrick Ash, aged sixty years, was found floating in the Arkansas Itiver, near Pueblo, recently. He had been an inmate of tho Insane Asj'lum for a long time, ami was discharged n few weeks before his death occurred. Tho old man had loft his coat on the bank and had tied to his neck a largo piece of slag from a smelter near by, weighing about fifty pounds, securing it by means of pieces of ropo aud wire from baled buy. Ho was not known to have 0113' relatives or friends. At a recent meeting of tho Grand Lodge of Masons nt Louisville, Ky., Grand High Priest Farleigh bitterly condemned Pope Leo for his decree against Masonry and his insinuations that the tendencies of tho Order or either iufidelic or nt any rate anti-Catholic Ho announced all tho charges as absolutely false. Thomas Whitb, late cashier of the Planters' and Mechanics' Hank of Peters burg, Va., was recently indicted by the grand jury there for making certain fraud ulent entries on the teller's book whereby Thomas White, the teller of the same bank, was credited with ",irJns deposited Jan uary JS, issri, and i.'i.lj J as deposited Jan uary i!l, 1SS.-J. Thomas H. Evans, a journalist who had for some time b o 1 on tho Krooklyn Times, was recently arrested for embezzlement. Aliieut Zimmkuma.v, aged three years, was playing with n loaded .shot gun re cently at Allamont, III., when !t was acci den ly discharged nnd killed him. William Johiian, a watchman at Oak wood Cemeteiy, Chicago, was recently found dead in tho cemetery chapel from n bullet wound in his head. It was sunpoicd to have been an accidental death. Engineer Cole, of Galveston, Tex., re cently lost his life by drowning by jump ing into the bay to save tho life of a young lady, Mi-s L-iurn Lanair, who had acci dentally fallen through a bridge. P.-ii wero lost. In the United States Circuit Court t Providence, K. I., Judge Colt lately ren dered an opinion in tho famous ca-o of tho Caiionchet estate, Francis D. Mnulton vs. Z-ichary Chaffee, to secure possession of the property purchased at auction sale. '1 ho estate is at South Kingstown, the resi dence of ex-Governor Sprague, situated near Xarragansett Pier, and was a portion of the property disposed of bv the trustees of Chaffee. Judge Colt held that Spnigue's right of title and interest must be shown. An immense firo recently occurred at Milwaukee, Wis., by which the mammoth dry goods establishment of T. A. Chap man & Co. was destroyed. Tho building, estimated nt l.K),00, and the stock, esti mated nt SlW.OOO, were entirely lost, but were fully insured. Stark Pro., who oc cupied a portion of tho building, also lost SIOOCX) by tho fire. The origin of the bkizi) was a mysterj-. The Western Freight Classification Committee which recently met at Milwau kee, ad journod until tho fust Wednesday in February. Over one hundred altera tions in freight classifications wero made, to go into effect on the 10th of November. The Postmaster-General recently re ferred a number of Star Route cases to tho mat ia orange crop ri Morula lor im , tu. alI r,.,,.-1,.:y ur.wi nm to Itiak,. rHMliUon ws mn W-i.mir and rnUml. year will exc-ed three tnddon boxes. ; haste and dis;tch them. 'I he authorities He was cold S tin- ki ai! M-MUtun o Miss Klokk.nCi: Gikahd, &c'.res, has r5 ; of Nance County are believed to be m cow- hunger cone, aud tvs $ fcle. d ait-st gun a slander suit for ilSftl, in tho ' mutin-nlton w.th English authorities 'With brvathle-.. Hi-, ,.)c iv nl lutd eta.-; . Supreme Ojtirt of New York, against Mi3S a ie of exposing the pdot. atl uxk-vd hti rat,m rh Oku : Carrie Turner, another actress I II. II. IUloki: was recently arrUd at ?N W,U d,I.:u,t '" wl tJr (tma Jehe Dcn.v. the oriz-.- Jichter. Ian- Fremont bv IWal Iii.iMi.tir John Stem ti vm'" mm ,J 1,r- ' A guishes in the Chicago jail, charged with j sending obscene matter through the mails, aiding and abating a pr ze tlghL He can j Thk Empire Mate .Stook and Dairy Coin not raise ti.e $1,'J0J bail n quired pair., of 1-remont. recently filed ir-s arti-h - . - -,.. -. . . .va. . wm-.-' -an -u iiiK i oca i 1 ui-e o: me jiuani r.xpres, 01 incorporation u 4xn me aecreairy 01 u:'. it n was in Ivi! wtr tti V-udt tri at Woonsock.-t, It. I., was enterel recently A Woman bv the name of Mr. Push, the e)es f U- iwi:?.t ai oul( i during the night by burglar-, who rifi-d living m-ar Creigl.ton, went insane rts. ntly no W,M stoo.1 aNm: thewon Uir miri the safe of ll.tvO in coupons and bonds, and while being taken to the Insane Asjlniu ful errand of relief. Serge.inL Itm.iKvri and rJ.O-JO in bank note, IkjUi packages Iw at Lincom, stopped at Pierce, and at a iwr- ni"' Pteiercks ami IIop ul M(al lltw longing to the Woonsocket Sa ings Iiisti- ' mem when l.er attendant was not u-.kuig detback were exti-ine!v wrak and hartly tution.. The doors of the r.flice were all ''C .-kipipeil out and has not been heard ot able to sUnd. The wer :h. hmstr ablf u found lnrL-...l in f l.i. inftrnH... nnil tti.. ilnnr " S SUpiMll tDat allC WalHlerfO Oil "- "-- '"" '""' ""! rK I-OU, . .. .- ....... ...w...-..n, ..--...- w- , -- on me pr.une ;::iu u:ei in a nt 01 insanity. Tiikkk was a destructive fire at West Point the other morning. Thirteen hor-es and a cow were burned to death. The fire started in a feed stable, wjuch w.ls en- velojK'd in ll.uncs before the aniinaN could "HH. itr murtMni tm eaaal imiWr j ti pt taft a k brt u nHfctr t twuittrct mij Ptu awt;atxk hJc mj hr Wo khmksaI te :&4f jtem mt st" SkmK- lvrprtaaml Iit HtnVr k. urn r pKnfWOMm o' t-Mft.C40 Water Utm an" ti" - tm krf a aiitMj. Inptmma ivn M-ntama tut !. cwitTi ttmttj M r-tsf ic It i tna Uwt tbo tmttrv t inlMi U atiiriae u.4wd rtdMh xUm Um nmt U Um jMrrttd nutui Hhlrh Umf Colaibtoiw Gcwiwut a -ealskm. nor to cdhvt hrbeito. uur t ee: the -blimp- Uon uhw-h the had to (tpeit- to a great extent . t. su-Uiti life. 11h It fan, hand- and limbs wtfe -oJle tc M.ch an extent that thej cj!hl not K' rve mzed. I his mdic.tUsl that the nM- ti of the fcnfe, an old fashioned one, was found closed, but not locked. Tho thieves left no trace. The total value of tho bonds, cash, che ks and notes stolon from the Adams Exprrs? office at Woonsocket was stated to be ?I0",OX. At Palmyra, Harrison County, I ml., re cently, a party of thirty women, disguised in men's clotnes, rode up to the liquor sa loou of William Pott, at a late hour of tho night, and demanded admission of Pott, linrs.w.fa.l.. BWB.t a .an !.... .-.... !...,. ..1 -I...! . I . m Biiuionuiau it in t-ue iiuusu mi um were eitruii ior mo ensuing year: wninn anotner jusmsi away from autotigst thetr snloon. Enforcing the demand with drnwn Patriarch, Isaac Oppenheiiiier; Grand High tcirever. l'r .'-ergeant Eili-oo 4s foiti4- revolvers, they wore admitted to the house Pi i est, J?. Ik Still; Grand Scribe. I. A. in ln.s sleeping tug. where he had and at once set to woik and broke all tho Cline; Grand TieaMirer, Samuel McCIay; lain helpdos aud hopeless fur uiotiti's. with decanters, glasses and other furniture of Cr.md S. W.. S. II. Hall; Grand J. W., I), his hands and feet frozen oil. Mrappcd tc the bar. and knocked in tho bends of all "-"""&, urnuu neprcsen;aue, j- ii. one 01 me slumps was tonnd a snhi whi.t him Ilia tau-s had iinM.i.) huhikn.i j- tto rvwm, xm MtXtwrnt Hhkrh m rtet !HilsatingawlhisNWi.atVt.r, um '? "? " ' ". V -This Wider v-e,e ,,r the lN-iidtw. bhu U U kii ! UM FoKh x4 fainistw,! oWer ctm-.lmc his dim: nw. ' wii ranu: tav k, tar o m . . . ...ii . . ... . . - .. aA. tfXHlatioai to Uiai hl tr no in i-wcitms i Tb uxMwatr mt ih C4mtMae Ktrr- tnenl ha xrTU4 to 9pimilkm t aquKitaMi M Ue rhrtMs lj Knn ay ' : 1 h .Wanrta ( otnwn Ufcs out ataMlord , h'w- ot MNT-ta. What ft I in rata- , patta!i UUMto wTiXi as n-rry thin ctunriM mih th NrntratftMA CajtvU ha 1-m, aol $, rMpMH"rs r .t Jitdtrlj U. Irani anthn iMt it tnn the $lm , nor to piifjKite t!H:r simple Jit of l InMri.t. Tlw urr-ror of IHifc .wia. can. and tn indim.. that ! 1mi st Uh, .-, h . t. - w-ss ui.nai HMactAlns; i bant A CSf "! twMtr.f i- i n i , fnMrr f ! RithM-aia !- I wr J, fN .f tr. Ptt. On tk rrnixz of 5wHt. CVt 1$. J scrawl rsefff " g r iair ; ,SU 1ml. Ii. It 5 tmK TW J-alkwtaar fc wlva Mr. . . 'viai. ua flr I va T raiajla ta ,! ft tT r tm & mw a . .fc, . a ,AWM.a.i. a.m m..m r ) raatf n iara' aavn ham err TW H ai aa air ta-s aata A. W aaa "" i mA4L r t 4at lata wramxri iiHiiianwii ai taw pr.mrr lcaan m hmmtm in Mrs.r9 M fm awn aat - 9rmmr a-woa taint Tk- mrM. mm ar 1 1 mn rm fe aft)ti4wai ftT -t:.f aiatw tfcr iMafr mi a ! W ftns m m mm la mm rm - at m . mt ' M i t C . 1m ttwaB frm , , thM,t ot wm- I 0 tortaai -, r mm imM rmmmrm. m4 m 'm o l aa mmm tr tmr t a Waal arr ,-l w Im iw. . i m l ami aaa4 t ltuni'T M -tl ar a M t uy a .war pat trf jr 1 m t tr-w awtJw lr Sm u waa a- tw ap t itr t Ifwimr to aaa - tn ai wfc- mt iat tvtNW ' a- 4 t..lSKr lwH ftn tiav t -! - ni a- pa a tmi tlwrac t trWi at llitta Ww t 1 t . ur atr i alar fctar irn tf TTi' k x w mtf rwrtu !- I lks 4 o irtaa'tafctai ataar l f Ma st ta mtmtr aarttf m ir ar t tmii af taw r.M aat Ksra to aa yttaw a4 mij . (M-n v r jr aya 4t t t.r taara hm bm W mXm m a4. tM 4 Ua. mm rmtmt rnt, I la aaaata . Ml a (rrl n tat fii tt arttra TSottrfur MalkU(a)r ii r IM SkKlllatl.JI b fea. jfc. la a. ..uaaaW l t u aLi -. I 1 frar aaa I ataa 4a -.aawf atatftaatl latatk Miit. ,. "-- " .i.w .-.J-1V..W M.. ... ...-, nati uui a snort le.i- or life, irhhiv no4 "" " i s wwmw ww.tf w. ; : -;-- t-iti - .--- t, . . ., t he warehouses of Thompson ,t Co.. impic- lllore than fort I'urlil Innirs at ti.e 'itn-t fcn"H lmml- Ilw n PKU irrll , 'JJL r lTT!Tt4MW-V" iiieiit dealers and Lee A Chubhuck. hard- This fact was r.-c.n.ed bv theui all atta lumi V,lA J '- tf work uo Uie lf , t. y - t. t.-.i!, . ware dealers, were burned, with contents. had come to them trtm then exiwrien-e dur t,!MMI' " rr' r fcwt). I h? rrf- .- n o'lw. iiuM43t la ii iwef i At the late meeting of the Crand E- ing that Ion- and deflate winter in watch- "' fwi t-r o Paoa . ? "H.ti JLlvr,1 fcTl'TT'T catimniMit I. O. (). P.. the follow mirotricets in-their dm- r,.tiifMiu.m -, .-. ,... um u-hm fur anr i.dltrai aUvantorw 1 !..l ' ' 't l?7. .aiT-V i aa"- !'- was ar'a aawraa a-w a !" which Is to ts-' raimtii frtH Uw mn4rtrUtt t the ran d. and the rrinlkons N-t tii ('anal I otnpativ nnd tkn ( Uve naatiti of Kt-ota ainl Pawtiia are d.-ct.Scsllj tratid. V.W M.sT Kit's JiltUT. Pylcr. Pr an cxpilosioii of gasoline in the house some companion had jmt able him to feed loiiiM-lf. there to ' en His p thy sc;u of Samuel L ' ud, at Lincoln, the other ndition otherwise appeared to tn the b,is fis.ai fr was f l'.so ll. ntnl the. to.it . J ' ,! day, Mr-. Leland was quite severely burned. f uf the siiriors. and this ma W at mnKint distHirsl I,.'4H).:.,M; buUiMre, SI- ! mtkr tn. Her clothes cauglit fire, and when she ran inunieu to uie l.ict that each of his comimn into the ani it was only by the opportunt tens had tlolnl out to him from out thch tnii of dejw-tors foi puttir fuiuU amt n- ""i I ) ! m tfc ui lawn !' i' arrivalof a neighbor, who .smothered the s,naI1 allowanc sometli.iu to help hiuu Ur crt-tfs the diaitlnuaiH-e of dej-aUKs. at ' ,iitrXr tktStT r'tJkJn lTfcJI!t!l ' llauie.s, that s!ie eapted fatal injuries. account of hi compilete helplessness to nUl "ntl IV . Nui Antmu. ami t otmods ; Mtr.-t frs.a la 4ir rr nf ih ' the barrels and kegs and poured out the f liquor. They then cave Pott notice that if ! he reopened the snloon they would piay him another visit and lynch him, us they did not intend to tolerate the .sale of liquor in tho town. Bott began to look for an other location. Jamk.s Dunca.t, of Dallas, lex., recently I 'jm: necessity of water suriplv as a pro- a"vthnig to his own by hiiiitiutr aNnit the fell dead iu a chair in a saloon. A note ' tection from the is being agitated in PlatLv Ti-'k for lichens or catching shrinji lie Mif was found on him rending: "I am fifty mouth. " fi' red n waste of strength t tlie exertion It is renortod tint I'll Perkins is -ho.it t,. ,m,",m l-",i nil" ran-i tjiisou wa r i-n. ami s, theie will mmibttfiy ' ' '.' fenng with each other, under the nuist ib. present n-c.il miu, unlesvs cieiu re.Un-thMi I 1:1:11.11 rov is now boasting of the best j.enite ciirmiistaiices. could dunk of. are iti.p,-d 11. imi,,,: idlers twt -,jit- cliurch and school facilities of any tow not STgwiiij L-.ng was icn much niliieeil, Plate the jmmeot of tmieaice. ltiacato its ste in the State. It has he church though in somewhat better comiipon than n-eonimciided that the law forbldittf the orir.uiiattons. with three line church edi- some of the others. His olhc hunter for HuwinU of nut.-ne to arm imirH mr lues, and before another ctr the Pn-b. the starving pattv had made it nnvs Iim1 Knot ntds. .(,... t:, I h. repeli h ta tenaiis wil erect a hue place for worship. Miry to iiieieaM! his pittatM-e ol ui-i that the jar..traj.h in lb armMrulii- Its M-nool facilities are niip.niviiig. and food to maintain UU irrngtli tlial thm. foiUihiiii the ottirer frinti Uaiiin. w lien tlie new huildnig is completed Crei-h- lie might continue to Imttie tur I.hkI and hvNthe.- i!i tr transfeir hU my e- "'" ."'" n in 1 ue iinesi sn uciures ol lltetothehei.es, n this cii-e however roimt not a Uialli due nt th.. tin... .h.MLl lrtr h-. mm)-. hrsxtBva m tf . , lm fhrwtsaMa. .rwi tmnrmm l'"j ijtttC i fav.f (Jfe lfs4 frttt ! h Of Xr t-itwn W luvn Itati W lt jtsr mi the tit I -., ita &r-MOM-ndaMxnLt. oklrti l)4i hrn -oVl- i..... - . . . . . j . . irti 1 ax r ihhs u m m .. nis,.,. tx-wxxT ts. iHwaan,,,, BttJ ,,, , itenentl Ito-heer. in his annual rMHl, J a fry. a-i. m.mWm "t ns that the totai nmoowt RiUhle for the ' "' '" . mt r-t liv tawio taat kkli n u Mwt tia ir.l iliritrv' 1 nm mmrrr- f r. nr4 nMl Ilurat of tMir A . , W. III. He cotttmtit,s mi the lrent 1 U mm m IU I'mMI Si la tHa years old to-day, and this is my last day on enrth. I am tired of the world." A U.mtkd States Deputy Murshal re cently seized tho well-known Tremont Prewer3', of Itoston, for alleged revenue frauds, and arrested the prpirietors, "ell and Henry Kenny. W. J. Clair v, the driver of the concern, who had defaulted on his bonds in a ca-o of alleged revenue fraud some tune ago, was also arrested. Frank Pattkksox, of Pieehold, N. J., was recently ai rested for having forged indorsements on notes aggregating .5,000. He was a well-known theatrical manager. Tub piust-oiHee at Steelville, 111., was re cently rnhlxd of I0U worth of jewelry their re-etaMishmenL He .iIm r-tii- ! twwhut da n i ti. - tn mi Aw lliends th.il uii attttr,t.rmlU.ii .if Sirr. .mmi l I -" H iVtm Mr4l 4mmfrUn TTk- m - -..-. - . " " ! I made tor mlhase ,f oJbrers for U. llnil the kind in .Notthern -Nebraska. Gi:o Isi.AMi is (toUiblialiingafree nub- its story ni Lis wasted form. Shorter and he library. shorter jouriieis wen- made iu irood tl'e elfc-t of this continued etfoit had told be enforced and im h.ncer treaUsl at a doan 1 i-" ty a Itntn tMMn m iMM-Hlir "1 imtaal i 0'W in pstM.r ltut (ffisil r-aatt. TftWt t l 4. ittf .MkS' tre ttfutrmtHtt wti th- n of UK..r "Hl iMiarl M P tr a I hi.rHr H Hmt t warllMr tlM. m t . a;l w itititMi r , iaM' it Im, nmo-UMtl M t ia lmllHt .. la lat- maxii(N ll mthf 4 t . nrn in I qtr Im lit J lino Th'fn mtm immr) vtianrs mii r n.htornt tm, 1 ot t t irom TotHt toil ! Km . rlt-clkt-i to -Iu l Um Ittt atrf mlM- Mtth rr1tmy Iu h ,oatt t.x II., pNitrartnf lil Ih Klt M.- ri ! Im lot.i-plrt- of tk i,ttrram't. 1 um fc tt... )(' Ik Kt-OUliMn Pt). tan4-t ' - tw HftrlHi tnrUT. na ' lot Hto ! Job Cokk. a desperate Texas highway- ' ln';, 'iC . '" s, -icpnens wen. man, who some months ago robbed a man "J.V -'y;'JIr day ami made arrant .... " . : iiients witli JuilgeAnderMin for a marriage ot his money in ,a ravu.o near the city of n,eM on,t.n.,, H arf,e ,,, )f W)flls ,.. con. ttui 111,111m men mane nun sinp on ga-ed thiee ladies' hats, a fiddler, a child I loin.i: County farmers are losing tJieii ' )xMthfr, while iu the tiopient had wiiithcr Iiol'.s by cholera. m n calling himself T. Stephens, went ins clonics, wiucii lie also stole, was sent to the penitentiary for ton years a few days ngo. Edwaud O. EiT.OKitALi), Jr., of Pich mond, Va., was accidentally shot 11 few days ago while packing Lis trunk for his wedding trip. Tho wound was probably fatal. I'haxk IlifiXBT.of the firm of Itigncy; Hiveily, Winnipeg, Mnnitobn, recently disappeared. Ho lorged hM",'JW) worth of notes. cniiiu ami two kegs of beer, made appl ca tion to prou up on 11 homestead aud then di.ippcarcr. Pi: 1 ntlv as F. W. Wood, of Lancastei County, was diiv.uga herd of sixtv cattle over theMoi-aii bridge, on Salt Creek. sit feet of the structuic went down, piecipital in thirty of the drove twentv-two feet inti ten Net of watet. The bridge was smash. .) info kindling wood and the beeves were bap ti.ed in a bunch. Singular to say, only om. animal was killed. t l.T Q,,.... f: I...M i- S' ,t . ... llxam II DPrf of AVashiugtnn r ,-r V Gemwa" 11,,. I D. t., was lately indicted by tho -Grand commuted suicide the other im.Tniiig ti-, Jury of the Poston circuit on tho charge hanging. The deceased was simv-i-MiI of defrauding the Navy Department. He 3 eats, ot age and had amassed con-idciahic was a stationer, and supjilied most of the ptopeit;., but had been of unsound mind fui stationery used in the diiTerent depinrt- two ears past. ments of the capital. His pdan, he alleged, ' E. E. Manpkvii.i.k was lately arrested al was to secure orders from a department '-''icoln and held to bail in thesuin of .sl.ont and receive payment for goods without I,,r ''" mortgaged property. Maudevilh delivering them. Kecp.ntly while tho employes of tho post-oflice at Central in, HI., were at tho fair, thieves entered at the -rear window and abstracted 4&W in no-tag stamps and Z'S in cash. The city was full of confidence men and thieves, attending the fair, and in connection with those that belong in tho city, were "doing" the town with wonder ful success. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. Gen I'.knjamix F. IlUTLF.it has written a letter to I. B. Abbott, explaining bis Talla poosa talk, ami emphatically denied that he bargained with Secretary Chandler or any ono-else to suppoit Blaine or any other person. A drunkard named Fred Shultz threw n lonm-rly resided in Kansas City Tin: other morning Leon Douglas, sixtecr years of age and an employe of the Lincoln Telephone Exchange. Mailed out on a biev cle to lide to Waverly, a distance of twehc miles. About half way out one of tin wheels got caught iu a rut and the bov hai. one of hi.s legs brorcn. He laid in the ioar neai Ivan hour before being found and takci caie of. J. II. McMttiTRV, of Lincoln, who own a large stock farm, recently lost about thret hundred hogs by a disuaso resembling cholera, but which he asseiLs i not tin genuine hog cholera, but by far a more fat 1. disease. The same dNeast; ha a No ajv peared upon other farms iu Lancastei Count. Sih:i:ikf Corkv. ff Valley County, re cently received a telegram fiom Sidnev n in that region his strength was s( mta-h im aiicd that when the joitul sign.il whisth was heard he hail only enough left to vtne gcr out In the rocks overlooking the water to see if the signal lunnl had proceeded lroin bhips tn sight. lli- ltrt i-.:tat A Itll'IKi: PIsil'l'olMMl.M. as he saw nothing. A .vn-nd vi!! lifteeu minutes later brought hi'ii within fifty .nds of the Pear's steam cutter, am! in view ot the relief -ships com ing around Cain Sabine. When the -lenni cutter ran into the bend where Lome w a seen he rolleil down the ice coiercdchif aud was taken into the cuMei. He informed Lieutenant Caldwell that the location of the camp was just oer the i iill. Iu the cast of Seigeant E:ii?on. the medial otlW'er? were fearful ftom the !ir-l time that his chances of life were ery small. As s,,o:i as healthful food was available and tin ti'gestive fiietious should be ic-cst.ihlNhed fully, lualthfu! blood ciiculatioii wouht lu-gin its dNtiihtition of new lift tt the injured arts and intl uiiiua lion would napirallv o'cur. If i'.liNoift stieugtb should incieae more tapidly than the iiitlammali.in. amputatnu of the Injured parts would perhaps save hi hie. Seier.il ' d.rts nttcr hN ieciie June gb Dr. Gre'ii lejortitl that Eliisou was threatened with congestion of the brain. The svmtoms in creased nipidly until the ir tellow Iot his ie.i.-on. At Godhaen bis condition wa so critical that the surgeon of the ep.di r-lflr ao4 atavttl at- Ici,.r , iio-ouloa- tirs..ih ta I . u- , ynr- V'i hnv. um lM o hat. It. UMr s 'Mtit. Hmorrntr tnr - mw tn HtTrt r Wasiiim.him. Mrlolwi t The fntiernl ', '. " a im m"nr twh ir inwa'iiut. v.i H.-Vr rHttrl ! t MMr tt t trl Mot iiat"'' tarotrrtlcMt TwM I ". ik -rtlrr, Ot ts latMartatt pi. il iih Motiakr. iMr aaaa atp t- la thH koit'T to l.Ca h tmm y r iMtOO )or iHMrii4 alt h.- mmm. r aiMao hi hair li.r-.4Mi lor trnir i.wn a h'w am y.ir mrt n U anitai it a ! aii-l rrft r to lawtr a M ror rtahi In htftr I a in ao t . .k'lMiMar IWaa a JS-m , ..m., U H f ntt a rfmt'y mi a mwh of Mr. Wormlfv. tin tatttotis ho(e ke-r was one of the iiHt ivtoatkable Uibuti- of reis-ct eer aid a cohired liutn Mi tliii country. An imtocn' rtowd of frietols mid adinier of the dead ittatt was a reiublcii m ttie IhM.-! ami the tre.-td otij.tr w.-re so thioiigt-d that tha j-lw hm dilltril( in keejMnK the clear for iirr.aiCTH. TW frwr ere roiKitwttxl in tho ftaloott partora of tile lHteI. whh'h wero ilr)w HlUi Mmk and urctiraU'd Hiiti lttai.y Aura! otfmitc The otl2ci.it Hue rlergjoi.ii ytijft ItVv. 1p. SiiiKlerliu, ;iin.ke and Waring, ao! caq p.w;-hearers .iUe in tuioitK-r. lrrtil " 1 nun anuiiu' 1 m iiiiLa.r nio'iiiMoni aa nii.a . -"-'- " "- i-.""" -....- u.t u.o to .. .mmi tto. r-ii tmntm cfiorei ciuettmi! U I O-trict of 1 n.iimhou I m mvmlm a -..I itii Uy tm- lirpa'' traoi out two ut4rtiai iss.i.ie. among ifooti too . " oi ioi)' wtn ai t moat distnigiithrd in WalonrUMi. tl.il 7 '''.".T . - - " th retnaiitK. ami niam tio hal hi.ti bn- 1 hrtarie or Mr. rinU-v' jeetioroaitv. cawc . to 1 my a l.it niatk of art.s-uioi to tlo tneiu. - ory of their departed frieml. f tivl m ta tit awl l Utif ot tCotot- t( OM!Mr h(i) tH rnl ! (, i" avftt m lai'i initr ha- trtintnH vl !! e. j a. a,, . ,o b 4lo4s4 ,y (O U-u tka rao 4taoaM wo.it iwv orrtt tnil ao-i .iti totaa fr it ttMtr ialhor nt.aa '-) hr-nnr I mt oto Itatrturi at Hi HOT miwr , aoaal Matk l nm WIKKIl II hK WILL. Mia C'lirrP- UVIliifi. V.'li. tMi nt l.oiic'a I'etik, ..ip ll-r ) iirtHiir U U ru Ni:w Vork. cto$)..r 2i- Ml Carrie Welton, the holy hn. owl Irath Up"n ' a 1 a ... . . i.ong rcn Ruraeteti s, worh at tUoi ro- onnl to teltrv tia at mtmrnt wam.ia i.'ao a4oa that rr rvariMt wiia ravt r-pn.l.ji!r ao-i It lava Mtnetto mrU mi ar.rj -itHti Mian Ha !Ot r-l li H Ma ahairrsl j(, lh.ri tta rmmH't,Htig It. tn utNplta. Il a.,Mrs. ;rHt " oi4 . TIIK NATION L (OJiMITTKir. A'l.lr.s .r tlif ;-l..t. HrpHlillmti fn,n-tlllit- It, lll Ulrr, .,( 1 1.- ChmmO, On lt-rifil l.lnl...,,7, l,.,,,,,, Tfr Trl. Tho National UcpuWl-an rontMlhtoc ltaji i.Miitl tt, fa.lL.tvth. .. .I.l.u. ..iiflv 1. 1.. Wt )... f...)....,. -......1 .. 1. n iniei ' " ,T ....., --".m, ,k ,. -rv, Mtofb.iro Ni.Uooaif SiixU-il, IO UOlHcetl iWMI.OUO atot S.'.Vl.WW, tto rln.VMt. O'aoiNnaa lta4U tn toro a rttolr .1 mm- tion after consultation determined to ampu .IO "M ''ci r wo i'rovmtion of ( rwiHtjr "- rmtr uwy tav t, rf m late both feet almve the ankle, as the onl to Animal. Henry Menrh. the lrekloittu! hnnA y "aoi ta tttil i anr tawt mm,, chance of life. Tin disease howeiei the -M--iety. ahl toIny: "Th? mailer , . Main-. -Hoi to t . ttmm. aoaVrr La rt - -- . ... .. i...M ,. ... a... ..... ..... uiumpiieii ami amid me menu scenes tnai ,i,.ii ,... ,,.. ,... ,,1,.1, 1 j . . . 1 ' ' "f "-j - h ran o iittn'-o fi had surrounded tiim for three v.arsiu th,. lieM ""V""' ' h , w btt,t' Jj flirStaUSKTf W'T. ". heroic .sacrifice, and within ti.e desolate '"," i"' I" ? Mh AimSmL Zn "TZTZfjlZZ solitude of that region of eM-rlasting K J-f" l-a... Liarily bt Ua cotttetits ? ,r ....... ,,, 1 iXi T V i5TaTS, and snow, surrounded bv his Muiowinc tlf'' l nw " M," ' hl,, : '' I -- """ v "" t- Ura,am n, ?. comrade, he pa,l awa3. L.eute.uul ' '" k""r"' "H ' :,m tTw:- . "! j TX :TlJTiL,,tt "T! Grcely wAs ph 'ically the wk-.t Mil ue lr l ', lM ', -"-,.,"? .l- "Z7 "?'. T ZZ7ZZJ? tally the most ugoious of the parti. IU 1.r,:",, ,"' lh" , ,,' 5- o- Mi- !-, m,r. rfllM wlltonrt.i rt"SS..' had'laininhis sieening hat; for weeks or U 'tHi Ima made of her mttty. 1 ;?'': V raotM4, awl ii.i- Hiniiji, iHnil'OT, Itl'll a account ot his gmdually failing strength, lie was unable to stai.d alone for any length time, and was almost helph-s, except it. ior. o A law passed in 1875 made a radical change in the management of Freneh prisons, and now all prisoners are re quired, to he kept isolated from one another by day as well as by night. Criminals where terms of sentence do Dot exceed one j-ear are lodged in prisons belonging to the department in -which they were conyicted. The point most insisted on is a sufficient number of cells to keep those who might be innocent of the charge against them from coming in contact with the habitual criminals. The matter hung fire for some time, but in 18S0 co-operation of the Government was finally La I'ati.v, n famous Nihilist leader, was recently arrested by police detectives at St. Petersburg. He fought desperately be fore he xvas subdued, and as the officers b re him away he called aloud to the crowd, who had been attracted by thestrtig glo to noti y his friends. A number of Russian girls of very respectable family were alo arrested on suspicion and hur ried to the disgraceful prisons which await all Nihilists. Mrs. Annie Logan, a young and highly respt ctablo woman, and her three-year-old son, Howard, were found dead recently in their room, at No. PJ6 Callowhill street, that port and one of the largest in tho United States. She is intendod lor tho Cal ifornia trade. The new Hebrew orphan asylum on the banks of the Hudson Itiver, between One Hundred nnd Thirty-sixth and One Hun dred and Thirty-eighth street, New York, was dedicated a few- days ago. It cost vkX,000 aud will accommodate six hundred inmates. It has been rumored of late that Tre-i-dent Arthur is soon to wed Miss Tillio Frelinghuysen, tho eldest daughter of Sec retary Frelinghuysen. Tho rumor created much gossip in society circles, but has been denied by Mr. George Frelinghnysen, a brother of tho rumored affianced. A collision recently occurred near Mon treal, Can., by which an express train ran into a cattle train at Point Claire Station. The engines of both trains were tttally de stroyed. The engineer of the express train xvas killed at once and a number of pasen gers wero injured, some quite seriously, though not fatally, and others but slightly! The accident xvas caused bv the over lapping or over-runniug of the switch bv the freight train. It is said that over 23,000 persons attend ed the recent dedication of the soldiers' monument at Waterburv, Conn. There were over 3,000 persons in the line of march. A choir ot 2)0 voices furnished the music and Senator Piatt delivered the dedi ation speech. Bismarck is taking a very active part in Iirepa.iufcAU1 mo -European International U1Ao oon-n,o ' 7 Conference on the Congo question ? NiJ ??' - dama5 loe ... boquesuon. aM$),000; insurance, $14),0O0. The private banking hr.u.- r -rr t - '. .. ' .. ' rock at a Republican torchlight procession ; questing him to arrest .Joseph Crane, win ' a silting osturc. All pngs of hunger bar! . t., . . ! I....I .i 1 t.-.i ?... .. -,..1 11;. - ........ .. -.. .. :i.t 1... 1...1. i r.i-ni. 1 1 is rtjiiii.it - .- ini. ins null was long and unkempt, his fae. nnd haiol coverni with sooty black dirt, hi bod scantily covered with woniout clothes, hi foim was wasted, his joints swollen, and his eyes sunken. Hi- first iiMjinn was it the- were not Kiiglishmen. but when h( wa- to'd we were his own countrvmeii ht pau-d for a moment as jf reflecting, thii .-aid: "I am g'ad to -t-e The condition of his camp was in !! for tmn liithHJ.I Jfobita iK totals -- .... Tlt.O aal H bOM iMHrWa.M. w i ' itOn too iManjKrut Imtlnr.l a... to her ! m-n-r UW 1miM kvuol .oi.,4rsJ votemTaW vha: hi iiiinriiiiiftr.M. iii A a.. .1.. . . 1 1 ii.iii mill iiii I'll r ni'-ir tviiiii!- t 1 . im Court of Claims for settlement. -: Su.,f ,., u ew nays ago, ami ";.."" .-.--" " ";" , "' " .- Tiirliin Riii...rtf i : nit a mouuteu member of the club. He "'-'.""" "i " "it : .xonnwcsi. .xc nnTlJ 7L lnt in ovpE,, 1 ? ; l'y n m"hi,S Jolice!"" . i" to save Tn ""thing very stran.e in the an aim is tno largest ship ever launched at 1.:.. i:r.. - nnunrempur. lhnr :i .-..fit!....oi. r.i.h. ;.. Mil IIIV. " - -.-. ..-.... - ... Lincoln whose wife. is visitiiiL' in Scotland, but when it is stated that the gentleman re cently vi-ited Omaha -and lo.st a package ol letters trout a yoiunr woman who call- him 'my own darling." why then there are peo ple who will a&aert that matU'is look a little queer. IKh... ... tnr,.. -i..w -. w-s .-.',. . -,- . . -....l fr4...l .. .I.i .. .... " -iTrwimmn r....... iimiki mi n.ni,,i(n i, .tilrt ' Welton. aial liavo Umt kiovn l.er in.-ntJoiis win in reran! fortune. Sb. nw fxUrwlr food of all ! 115"" 'Jt"1" "nmi r1 ""- atoi to tM mt unimaN, hut ,.s,,ai: m, f hm Sttc JS ZxCZ ,?a7VlH77rUS; va a uo. cnwofwl and inUfil hor.-1 Ma- . um nt iai p .7Fr tl, "j wotnan. an! rl-UjjiiiI in i-,o-4r uin a-r-' t,v " r Wt mt . wii(o i itt a -iv. 1,-wt week I mad n rUit to Water- j mm7m.im'"rr2ZTJ.Z; L'V iH . bury. Jli Woli. home. mi taadc ar- a?iV 71?, 'JT " !TT!V "TK ................. ,.,,. i...- .... . . .... .. . . - . -" i.-r.--M. ,,- ... ,i-i iui iiiiin lenwim hii the radi. g f th will, who wJ m6- xbl take phw .mr time ritiritn: the irt- i eiil !:-" ".'"!" ' "AfWt !hw fauvtj U thr et:rt ' P" I Ak I f.JI X... I h...... ...t . 1 . . ........ , t.w. mttu M.f-n (Wfras ini lit iritorm my'll of tae ctmtnite f titc wilt. a.l n a- a.r a iaw4ro. Ii , oa v ,tor o4lr k-H Xalnnoi. -to "ti awa oi i ia MMrrr- I a) auaaa. - ir M-r of ta.oo Pa,ruU y rr M mm a t -r - . If rr .tM,.tr. iua f lrrj larr fvsiMr mt ini .. .. ... - --" - - f 4,TV1V ff. a t atvlkln Ta "iK pnuio oauKing house of TT. T) Cooke & Ca, of "Washington, Dt C, re cently hung a notice of temporary suspen sion in their window. 1, i-aS learned that their total indebtedness was $1,700,000 of which $1,300,000 was fully secured. ' ATOTJNG lady giving tha name of Julia Lee was lately found dead beside a fence in Dallas, Tex., with a bullet wound in her breast. She had been there but a fewdavs and hailed from the Indian Territory. She had evidently committed suicide. 1 hiladt lph a. Gas hail been turned on and they were suffocated. An empty boule labeled laudanum was found on the mnnt 1 andthet'ieoiywa that he mother poisomd her child firt and then took her own life. Stains of laudanum were on the lips nnd hands of the child, and a towel was found tied tightly around tho woman's throat, and her cu-stretched hands indicated that her last act had been to lighten it around her neck. She wrote a letter stating that desertion by her. husband had determined her to the act. Her loss was greatly mourned. The four-story building a- 10$ Madison street, Chicago, caught fire not long ago and the interior was pretty nearly gutted before it was extinguished. Three floors occupied by A. G. Spa'ding & Bro., deal ers in base ball outfits, guns and sporting material of all classes, stock valued at estimated manufacturer of hunting nnd fisbinc suits. occupied the fourth floor; damage ,000, hii; with the .scene m-ide the tent. I. -f r- :irn tit.ii iiiviiiiii iiii i'a-at a. irarri'inir no t itui imi:TKi..v years ago Mr. J. II. Mdbrd. - o.cr which the wild Ar tie Wrd woufcl lmt l Uu" " f""d far Hrtknta H: aalt UrnZZm,imV of Omaha, was appomtc! guardian for two j.U ,-, xhe row of grave on i!.e little rfcUtf '.Ti TTal ," " trrtHV9 UV"7 "' ZJX7m&.um'l V' r M"- boys I here wa- an c-tate left to tins- om. ,midr, fe.. awa ,, H. irMilZs ' " -. we bar ,r r- ,X ??,' ??'' Ull'l bo.s amounting to -I., oou. and this w. s ,lc3lI am, fvvt of thl. ,HttJv Ul,n, R eelvd. idtltouet; a far Umr mmul will Tr .a., ,at ... fcmmmlirmVi entrus.e. ito Mr. Millard s Care Ihelm-, hut -der.t witns to the In'ilv iucu-nsinz I T'u ,cnmt U' fU4 irum m,,ht'r H'- ' 2 7'' imh .i'K were well oared for, given a goil education u,,lkllt of tllt. ,iU;(. lmw f inil,ir,. U.c U"' ' " ' Jhl P, -k j t! rCJtft 1 vsZmJm V-'- and are ,,.,w fitted to make good bi.Muc-s ,,,.,,,, ilt,r HarU.rs in iIk. ,,(,ow u. ; ik,w 9l ;t;;uyrf alTrulM. men. I he expense of thetr living ami edit- !mv w Wl it .rkeii w ait iuvwKhI l water j . ',)L?0,, ';T',e: 'U tht? ,viH 111 - -1 J t - H ta rt. ...i. canon uas ih.vh pa... out ot t.ie estate. I he from ,h(. lucl. Knv aH, w ,fyVt. j; . u iVof T-L rTt?:p,'f ",HW, T i boS having become ot 2'e. rwentlv tr. . .... i.. .,.- . . ...i. . .. I carBfUv hor' ttoir aa! I bat.. -! " f Ir"" ",T,.' o 'o MVmai... . . " "" ----- .-- - - llAfVITIMaf HI'S III IV". II l'IIItlIHIIIIllll b ri"i K'llOI I1T1 ' "' - a-- -. afc.--j-r.ai tM ,.a I - .-- .v ., -.- - i'a vvsa .... - Aal - nw aicaiBAB ama. . . jl -v - "W aaaLBTa, raBBava nain ai.r . . . .. . Tjaa r-iillilulli 1 a 1 1 a . ri i v - a .-. x-fBfr. .uni.ini uianc a eui,'iuent wuu me court lht. Ice t,H. f,X)I t,in. rt1nflllKM. Uie wretched ami p.im over ...1.400. the amount to winch - j,,,!- for cottkins uicn-i!- imiroVBl trv tho vl.-,000 Ind grown, after pat ing all the :)lt.In jj, tiu.r -ore di?urs,. hardly deM-c a expenses of the two boys. . f. fUm.. ,m. Ml ,IH Hvn . i cJothes and sleeping bag.-of the dead; the ab-ence of all UA. sate a few i-iipfni.- of Omaha is troubled with fire-bugs. A i:i:gi'!.ai: band of hor-e thieves have of late been committing depredations alout Lincoln and the .surrounding louutry. Their late thefts have been so bold that otti cers of tne law have adopted organized efforts to pursue and capture them. boded seal-kin scrap-; tilt wife! and wtnrd scene of -now. icy snd cl-ci-rs o-r4oking ' iu:e.l xfi HttejtUott. 'Hh- motbrr U iU mc lititt hwr 2t kiw and alUvik a. ;... $ TapT . ...... - .. i--.vtt7 nmuM, oijf .cere mart , r.ow Inwn roHtoTrt! m a A .. i;x;tl.lo,i. 1 N. V.. OvUAv !. An ctpIo www nan il atv U raotnii ? N N-r tta! lt,f rnnl. 4y . , aaora Oi1.-or 7ar h r oat ti Tt mZ ol.l.l;(orW,.t,r, Kn f:-.,-.! -Xl JT. Y.IMIKK. ..-- vv ...v vs.' ! M. ..M teB.t ..w.v. ... .. ... - T I 1 ' T -.-. .'.fWHyn a ll.Thv.at n. i ... .i ..... .1 .t... . inn itcttrriHi Tnno wnn.ia t ki.. r-i. - .... . . . . - pie el a picture as sartliiu: as u was lot- rnug Canal Hawk, create g gTe; exrift. i "mm I tTh tiwl'. A . ttte. tKn.rr..aJ " wm- "a 9TtatM - - ' - -i- 3t ' f 71 pre-.ve- I lHfv nvr agam in m life to rmtit. The had iTwIettUy be lell ' i t-. i- ....... aAi. ......tJ.i..ria. t n...i .. . .1 ... car t rail --t aYav.. . - ('..rnvi-p-c .Ii-lv ot V-,T...,ri.w. n.nrr.. "" '! -" '- ..- -o -..,. --s.v.. ..l-t lemttt Ofl m tC vault mroSaiawIarnfe'l.f . ." . " . - "'T'.BniM ItN-. m Comity, recently remicrcd a verdict churg- S;;.1; -" " ' L' a.,SK'ltS; ,g the wife of H.C. Hill , ltmaster at 4 J 'SK-ilSJ fTT o- r $? "t &Kai'r aieutine. with .-trangltng her new-born . i ....,, ..... t... T temiiti to enter Ur tttt earn iiacrx llt-htJ , ta. .- .,J7lvz f ''" m Mfa, bain. 1 he woman was arrested upon the ,,.,, ,.., ,,,. if . Vti... h.i He. when thfe -.a an -xojMrfi thteh : - r.i. aarr ta.! charge of inunlc. : Si onJ" kSTtS? t rrTr; " "ff. ?- : SffirWK aJ - ? " fell trom a passenger train and was In- than mine felt full of -onow : ey.-s jlat had , r f. J lJ ?- 1 stantly killed. not Wrpl fur nts were nt, w,h , tl r il ,Tl ??? nik" K Tiik cars ran over Edward Carberrv near hi the .-oJemn.n of tlia: nrciotis lor n the L. Anwl mJaric ie painfal we not the ;;aH ri Shubert recently, bad!-mutilating one arm lues of that little heroic band of .-u2vTer, and dislocating one hip. m m The Nebraska Diocesan Council will Accidrntaiij k:::u ier.oxa- nu .,-.. , . .... T' --. .r. 4 m f..-, - ". a.-iifiHi n ifer ,,.. hw U w- n.ifi. p.rtr rr...... 7f.!T" An t ra!.rf b, .Kr.'r?Jr! ,Il: int-ti-.ait4f.a4 nt-oT OT " Put an rruUo ta- vinie.tt. ., - l 9Wm! -l.nt ,.!.. --.,., low rjs. " . . r .. w. ,,nirnin 1.'-, The building was damaged 6,000, but it ' braska. November 5. Two elections have JntntVll fVfatra m. Tnln DmrorK, Iowa. Octot-2L Mr.IarM ZTMM0?" .- o m TIU! UmnJZ'.vL: - .. . .. -.. - . . ....- im ..... .. .iTJIZIiJ Trfl M-TT V.MWM.k . . . - m- m rms.i ior riu oirvrum nr Csinn tr.p nm. aitiviivt. ii.i. imam?! -j. ai:m 'i i.m ... . . : -- r ..... .. ...w ..w..u.. w. ,... ..v.,. .w. .... -. , ii.uii.sa.ui. A was insured. J. J. Aleck, a respectable merchant of Houston, Tex, was recently found dead in his store, with his bead mashed. His Zimmerman, a thrve-y ear-old son of Charles , ( , m0rin tram at Cu t.rn- . T"- " 'i: r :.- . ri x. " -, ". t)rt,I tJirrtl..n Kt..,.. IT- "V z.iiiiincruiaii, a idnnrr iiiok iwiuaiionraia itroct bv 1 : ,n.rof th- r,M Vi--i t ,rm r.r .-". ,ir.7m,rni wr. -if horka ? a 11 -l ia1itii? . Iii-tt f hra l . va . . aNtr -4 w. ..w.v, ...v. ...... .... -.. .-... .....v.. ..-j ...- ar,Wx JJe -a, -onnti arwMir an itoor jf.r :rv - r '" . cause of Ins death. Mr. and Mrs, inim-r- ard and tr,'-..r, i. ... a.i,.. ......- ft.0- .,f.f-. ,,.. i,s.i i-ff tr,.. h.. ; ,i,-.r.. r .i.j .. .. : "- " ". "" "r."- J w. " -icivjia ....... ......... . ... -.. ....... f unconaaon coruittioo. L TaE old Bascombe race track, at Mobile, Ala., celebrated for forty years, but not secured, and the proposed reforms are used since tho war, is being renewed and Phelps, of Lawrence, Mass. fXOW in process of execution. I out in order. It will be used as a wintc' Tnc Louisville Exposition closed after a-successful raa of many weeks, OctoberSo. failed in securing the consent of the person elected. A PtSKASE is reported to have broken s . ww. m..v.. iuc .,i.u irt s..i;i .iiriv i icr- headfcnd shoulders wore under a molasses ! cinct. in Iancaster Count', which gives un btUTel, tha contents of which ha turned upon them, the whole floor covered with molasses. His poc been rifled, but there were no other of robbery. BrjRGLARS recently robbed Prof. "" entire wau laxiug eu-ct m uiu .vioerx s ne w hla r :o tDce: bb T-xas -ktkk is resorted araoug a herd lcft 3"e ,ul "c f I,je f.v. tearing the who try riaitaig relaUTia la ti,is city. of cattle in Douglas County. lio!eMdcof lnschar: aud Iieavi off. ' f-r U.i .. .".". - ; -- yotin? man, while Juraploj bjr o,,r iwuhl-u uili- -fVi'1'- coranjrnljn.lr.n la errrr o- :rvTIa-A mom..u - a-- - ir-.r-.r-"r-- or :,lL swry. prov-uoo oi " r miuniiMni . fifjr InifflBhin-' st trttrrtTr DL.h k . pon cxauilratioa I not nc-tn t, Briosd iis- aoj fore? srn ;nrrv-.Lt rr lis alaaaarfA llinnt.i i-a.B I f .v-ai ..lb - awr .. iijtiiuici .vi in ii in. ii rtLM'iu aia&irtrii ac-i .. 1. 1 .u...rj ... r'u-wiivi inAftM 1 hn..1 nnstakable evidence of being nothing less n.i r ;tia aik, ,.i -,tr Mr ,. n i ,' . . "-l H"iT'u.'ucl " werei; . -,,,.,:" - v b bvb -- ..b.1 ii a a a a a. b.b,i . b. b lti. A Mii ami bl a, . a. m uiiu i a -i f rimi. nj.- bb. mm .- -.. .. ai b a a . . at - - - "" - " t m.atB mi unim r a i - I than the blackleir -7- t i u i .r "'""".wt'oihii wieicit urzsi'ie aua a io.rtfmi.', ht-7ir- .. . I"w bi btfing "," lut- atKiPS- minitrman had been gone a short time , vnt erir,w -r.t.r,.i ir. i.- ..i. .. ,. .j :rLTt5'r?5 "r any naJ3 u thr s,ori . ketsh.d Tiik hardware store of E. T. Duke, at Minnie dLscoTVred the shot-gun over the h-rh sv,,h ,, i,t.i i.: " " '. T T? brr. rp0';.T- 45. l-. ro. b: siens . 0n'a w:w recently entered by burglars door, and see w hat her faUier had repaired ouirtd twentv stitrhi-s. 11 U - f7m I woraouCrulTor r L0.aJ.i! ami goods to the amount of 5,1 000 earned on i: tlie day before, and as lw ivas i.ftii . deiiroas aiyi vomitlr hia-aL Hi h-.L tSZlZZ"? cn ? .'aithfoTfa . Austin :,..U,er Sftorcs Were ",e saulc itdownit was acctdentaliydi-chared.thc azx y thre h no hope for h't recotrV I ; wte "ri.Snwcn:-! I "- enure ou ia.inz cutti 111 im.f .viorns i- , on hi nr ?n tr..r ht. .-. 1 i a.ill l mamrauacd ia tko ua. 2crt. yK3ii.r.v4:re:Jff. V f i 4 ?ii m fS- f