stfiifc KB- -' faracr?;' v ,' '.v,---r.?3, : JSNtf; $!? . "; V-rt"S t'&r &'.ili.'i i . A- -n';i v '-41 l . RSPHBHBBMMJvi? ..r -...,. J' '" j: - s 'waa-teww '. - . - . 'mer' - - r j ";U-if " 5 r..' . 4T.rft. ''.'' fe hv - - -p a?- -mj. i-. k t Kr?v- ia pft- - & tr -3r --' - . ' ? Lt K -Nn jt- ; '. is.-..'Sh -u J 'itTWiJ.AV,.i. ' SXTU'VTICKKT. rT J -T "- fl.l if I I I fij&F:&urj$i'ti UMauutUM. 'i ?J" 9. vmUer ?3I. ,n JfiSvTj pf3Ikssippi; iJOttr . nm WmiA&HTlY. of Gutrn. H,8ptUjElofecHhir. Sol ,rCHiJicMbii 8 ., J HSTICKLB, of Tlmyer. WalVSTKRfJXG MOItTOX;,of Oioc. o'ai&3oVkffSor,? Jabfe-'li CPACE, of Lancaster. - mux, t C W CLAXCY, of Cuming. Alitor. w!f GUSTAV BENEKE, of Douglas. Evcnrtory of sttc. 11 E BONESTEEL, of Knox. Attorney-General. C S MONTGOMERY, of Douglas. Commissioner of J'uhllc Ladil, NELS. ALBERT, of Clay. Bupcrintcittlent of l'ubiic Instruction A N DEAN, of Franklin. RCKClit, V P SCFIO V1LLE, of Th.-iycr. For It(ircstnUt!v, T N RICHAKDSON, of Webster. J V DEARY, or Franklin. For .Sfiialor, S L COOK, of Franklin. I'or Coimnihsioiicr, JAMES DUPHY. Clffar-Smoklrnr. During tbo process of purchasing sonjo tobies and lijrhtine one nt a cigar store, nearly opposite Municipal hall, yesterday afternoon, the proprietor be camo'communicntivc and imparted to a Bhpatch reporter some facts concern ing the quality of tho weed most smoked in Pittsburg and what class of men usually smoke the best cigars. "There aro more tobies smoked in Pittsburg." said he, "than in any city of its size in tho United States. Smokers hero smoko poorer ciirara, toq, than thoso of any other city." "Who aro tho best customers, or rather who buy tho best cigars?" "My best trade is transient; drum mers and the like. Vory few people lo Pittsburg born smoke anything bet ter than a 2-for-5 cigar, although I have some customers who purchase 5 and 10-ccntcrs, and a few, very few, who go oven higher than that." "Business men, such as well-to-do manufacturers and tho like, aro your best customers, next to tho traveling publio aro they not?" "No, sir. Most of those smoke to bies and 2-for-5s exclusively. 'Neither is it the mechanic, who earns from $18 to $80 a week. It is tho dudo c1itk, on salaries mostly from $8 to $15 a week. Many of these smoko 10-cent cigars. How can they afford it? Well, 1 guess thoy don't smoke moro than one or two a day." Horo tho convesation was interrupted by tho entrance of a young man, stylish ly dressed, who purchased a Havana for a dime. Following him came an ordinary-looking, middle-aged gentle nan; who bought a niekle's worth of tobies. "That young man clerks for $8 a week, and tho older gentleman is worth a few hundred thousand," said tho dealer after they had departed. "Anothor curious thing about most men is that they smoko bettor cigars on Sunday than on week days," ho continued. "Now, I often sell ono hundred 10-cent cigars on Sunday, and probably not as man moro of tho samo kind during tho balauco of tho woek. Whon a young man drops his working clothes ho also drops tobies and buys a 6 or 10 cent cigar. Then, again, 1 can also toll when certain oung men aro going to seo their girls, for on that evening they always purchase a much better cigar" than usual." When asked how ho know Pittsburg smokers wero not up to those of other cities in regard to taste, tho dealer said: "Becauso I traveled for a wholcsalo cigar firm for years. It is almost im- ossiblo to got a toby in tho east, and a the west nothing less than 5-cent cigars aro sold." A well-known revenue agent, now coanccted with tho department in this eity, but lato of Chicago, where millions of cigarettes aro manufactured, was spoken to on tho subject of cigarettes. "1 used to bo a confirmed "eigaretto smoker, but now you could not induce me to touch ono of them,'.' ho said. "Why, how's that?" "Weil, it's because I went into a large eigarotto manufacturing estab lishment in Chicago on business ono day, and what I saw thero sickened mo on tho imitation smokers. . How are they made, and of what? Of all that Is vile and injurious and mean. Ciar butts, picked up from the street; barks of certain kinds and tobacco stems- and refuse aro heaped together in ono filthy pilo and then saturated with opium, which gives the cigarette that soothing effect desirable to all smokers. I teii you, sir, if all cigarette smokers could see, as I havo seen, how one of "tho greatest firms in Chicago mauufacturo cigarettes, tho trado in the samo would soon fall off or cease entirely.' 'Ftlts burg Dispatch. - m . She Wai Artless and She Was Kind. Ho was a marrieu man, blessed or, tho opposite, as the reader may de' terminc with an extremely jealous wife. Ono evening not long since ho seized a chance opportunity' to do es cort to a charming miss of sweet six teen, whose blue eyes and dark droop ing lashes exercised a glamour over every man who happened to como within range of their charm. At last her homo was reached, and as they paused at tho gate the maiden turned lier lovely orbs full npon him and said: "I'm s"o gratelul for your kindness, sir!" "Don't mention it, I bejr of you.1' he ejaculated, gallantly. Very likely the unsophisticated maid en misunderstood the motive of his re mark, for she quickly answered, in a reassuring tone: "Un, l certainly won't sir, as Ion J hxt if j'ou don't wish me tor Lowell Citizen. '- mi J&tee3c a book agent -went into Dudlfjr., Fowle's furniture houso in DotiotV nd Mr. Dudley was very busv. JJifem," smiled the ajrent-witli bw nd a greasy smile, "can I spa th ptbpristpr briefly?" -Yes. sir. I n rftt.otlIf proprietors," replied Mr. D vl"I.t-. U?. n. .. - T jvtkyimf, u9 vusuiiucr. "x ni Trr bosr, out wnat can I do for von" t 'A i T liAVTn TA.k?A ."T . . ik4WelLiM advis vou to ro and se t ,.jgpBl itJ HATTERSON, of Chm. MliaiClfIXI2S, ofGrcclcy. SCHiCK. of t!cn'HrdL Ad I'-JTj-i.-- .n )1 'J ITV ... . Bjwiawi ou ju.r. u.t leic tn gft ttmading with his mouth open a jrjisjuug tor urraui. jecvaHt Jk - . '-'" "- . ' m WgWWWraWWilUlWlMlIWBWWWWBWMHMHBPMMHiMiWWMlrWirWlMWawMBaWBMel',Fya,?L ' "2MPteB, ' '"mmm,m9mm-'t-' ,u "IMr?5'r" "' y 9 iBrri r B ilJK? Bv Lr--0fO4?4"!t - --- it hA.'BBBaivBAtrr -'f-r, . for Infants CatorIa U ro -well adapted to children that I nxozupeul It m mjpcr.or to coy prescription known to co IJ. a. Ascaca. 21. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. IUET! Ws.iArrTJifAirMl 1551 m An absolute euro for Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in the Back, Burns, Galls, &c. An Instantaneous Paln- H relieving and Healing Remedy. "i 'i WAW'-'J!' Pi f" -- I in , Somebody' Pride. BY CLEMKNT SCOTT. Piamo on Ills helmet, and word to the shoul der, Sound ilift ndvancol N"ver call tho rctreatl feVme ureas fair, not n mn can look boldor, ItcJninjf bis cnarKi-r, to rido down the Mrert. Un with thexvlndoiTS, the rejr'mfnt piuBC". (Jlorjrirlli cover the old couotbat'iroop; Iajv hhfi hc eyes and tbo lips of ttie litii- Somebody nods to tho PrJdo of the Troop. DiilU on hlKhelmet, and Mrord tlntt Is broken; S unci the recall to the FCiiftrriuir men; Victory tvavcrfl, with death for Its token; Hundreds return to us. V'hcro aro Hie ton? Lono In n chamber a uinlden li nccpln? I'yiHthnt have sparkled with sorrow can droop, DeHd on the hntt cfleld heme are !-epInjr Homebody pray tor tho Pride of the uroop. Lnurcl on helmet, nwnrd that le rusted. Gather the women i-nd tnnrthnlthc men I Honor I du to thciold!crB wo trusted; Cheer tor the bundled but weep for the tcnl Out from the crowd i younj; mnldcn is lifted, L fted on shoulders that ynl nntly t toop; TciirH ate foi?oron. a"d sorrow has drittod, Scmobody kifScs tho Prl:e of tho Troop. Homo Ch:tnus. nHBcmaangma Millions in I'ctrolotim. Thero are 20.000 producing oil well.i in Pennsylvania, yielding nt present C0.000 barrels of oil a day. It requires 5,000 miles of pipe line and l.UOO iron tanks of an average capacity of 25,000 barrels each to transport and store tho oil and surplus stocks. There are now nearly 28.000,000 barrels of oil stored in the regiou in tauks. This oil would make a lake one mile square and ten feet deep. The monoy actually in vested in petroleum since 1SG0 is" esti mated to bo more than 425,000,000, of which $200,000,000 was capital from New York City. Since 1880 more than $12,000,000 have boon used in building iron tanks, and nearly as much in pipe lines, all by one corporation. Tne tanks cost on an average ?,8,000 each. A ilo.OuO barrel tank is ninety feet in diameter and twenty-eight feet hiirh. There is a lateral pressure of G.000 pounds on each square inch of a tank of this sizo when lull of oil. There is 100 tons of iron used in constructing one. Tho speculative transactions in petroleum represent more than $400. 000,000 annually. Tne lowest prico petroleum ever oroug:.t was ten cents a barrel in 18G1. In 1859. when there was only one well in existence, Colonel Drako's Pioneer, at Titusvdie, tho price was $24 a barrel. Besides tho 5,000 miles of pipe line in use in tho oil regions there are in operation l.L'Ofj miles of trunk pipe lines connecting the regiou with C.evoland. Pittsburg, Buffalo and New Yori;, and lines build iug to Philadelphia and B iltimore. In the lino between Oiean aud.RiW York 16.000 barrels of oil are transported daily. These lines are all the property of thu Standard oil comp.iuy, except ono between Bradford ana Wild-uns-porL The Standard employs luO.OOO men. Tho product of ks relinenes requires tho making of 25,000 oak bar rels of forty gallons eacu, and 100.000 tin cans holding live gallons each. The iirst Ameiiean petroleum exported was in 1SG2. diaries L'lchart, of Pittsburg, sent nearly G00,Oj0 gallous to Europe in that year and sold' it lor $2,000 less than the cost of transporta tion. In 183J nearly 400,000,000 gal lons wero exported, lor which $60,000, QuO wero returned to this country. US! Wishing to make room for our Fall and winter Uoods. weo'Ier the following prices on goods named until further notice: OZZiS. Black Oil, per gal. - 20c Colden Oil5good, - 35c Machine, Castor, - 75c Ext. Lard Oil, - 70c Our entire stack or Drugs at astonishingly low prices. HARDWARE. Nails at $3 7o per 100 pounds. ' Door Lock, good, 3 for $1 00 Door Hinges 21x2 with screws, rents per pair. Door Hinges 3x2 with screws, 10 Milk pans. G ot. nor doz. Si. in. All other snelf goods m proportio: Also.-carrv a full line of GROCERIES? mi Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Gent's Furu ishing Goods, Notions etc, wLich we oiler very low for cash. PEAK&LATTA, COWLES, - NEBV k H iij. w . . "" -e.twlh-icccre III KilftUIiOfc quires a knowledge of tb- value of Bsvispapcrs. sud a corTeorv dreplnycd art lo secure such mfcri-aticn. ln)IAI!d f pniPfisv a ars sr Tsneaan . - ZTT 7 " "" - -7 J." 1 SEE I J f4w H If I f -J pZ -----. -.. i... BM.MiViWBM and Children. Caatsrfa can CoHc. Cosatipatlm Sour Htoioich. Diarrhoea, KrucLrfUon. KilL Worms, gircs fcJrj), and jtromoMa Without injurious n-tn - M. -i -l 1koo. YR1HKK. R. I. VKlsKJr Oes. 0. i :;'ir I k aP flsalEstateilgents RED CLOUD, NEB. Kave on our books SeveRal Hundred Farms For Sale. Improved and Unlmjiaoved. Town Property, llusincss Houses. Kc-iddonces and Town lots. .Send lor price list. SHERIFF'S SALE. pVVniTUE OF AX KXHCUTIO.V HIIMXT c d to n:e. from the dMrirt court of Wcb-der county. Xebra-k:i. on ;t Judgment renc'.rnd l Frank It. Ciunp. :i Justice o. the I'eii'-e, hi ain't lursiiil cHiiity. oiLtlieritliday of May U-V. a pt of wiili-h n:..s dniy lilfd lit the oflii-i of the clerk of the dllrUt court In and for said oMily and .ilale. in invor of .lames M. Moocun. ta 1 'iiitift. and Wnliam 11. Del uieey. defendant. I shall 'lf"r for sale af publie vendue at the east doorof the eo;:rt'!iotiie. in I'-d t'lottd. iu alc' ouuty. that bc'in,; the place where the last term -aid court v,e lioidcn, on the :tAi day of Oe iobcr. 11. at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day. I he fol- Iowiim ib-M-ribed jiroperty. to-vlt: 'The eat hall (s)cif the.vutln'tcpiarlert'i) of section tweutv-tno (22). township two (21, rjnge twelve 1.) nest. (iiven under mv hand (his 25th dav or Sep teml-cr, 1H-1. .Ick. V. V.'AaitK.N, Sheriir. (J. It. Chu'iev.Attoraca l.KCAIi NOTICK j hk ori:i;s ok vi:r.sTKFt county Xo'inislca, are hereby ucdSlled at the ecend c-1- 'tion to he he lu oi J he Ills d.iv of N-;-xc'iuher. lol, l!;e loHoi ieciu-dinn wll he uo nulted ly ,m ot tLv of (he lM:rd of county rmn i.d.-nitfrs of Veh-tr, adopted at it. m . :ingOi:c!Mr'lh, 1HJ4: "Sh::!I the comay eoajniNsionPr.1 of Wel.sSei county. Xelira-ka. i-suet he bonds of sa d eoun ly as Ntion :t may he after the-:th day of Xoen-h-r. 1-s:. in the s-uni of three thousand cl.illar ill de:i inliint ons of live tuindnd duil.trs ac-o d ited .hinuar;. 1st, 1M.: due .I;:n-:.r 1-1. - vil i eot.iMHis for annual .ttarl I tc eae't if said honiis t eve.i iter en I. er an on. js.ii;e on the l-l i.iy ol .la:::-.ri -'. . . -a.u jeaV there.ier u'itil !'!.. :mi sell l.. ; ni -" ' ;lii.t tne iiroe.eilsthcn'of iimv Ik :; d tt N- ereet:o;i -f hi.ildti!;;s u.m'- ain! otiiurt. j",v'iii ti'e jcr Farm of H.iid eotflity A..-- I" lineoj.k'is:l!01ietof -aid colilitj hJ I. :.u ye: r K.'-:ii:U eaelt year thciralter :t las -'Uie-'i ir mill on slie do'.lar v.ihial:i or as Inr't n I art thereof ;e may 1m ne-tsnty to nay Un .miitlal hdefst on ahl houds in eS'eSh 01 th. fitleen mills v.hleh ile-yaie ncv authorized I ev? And shall th' eoijunissioiiets of snic eoiudy in the year Itsc: lew a tax of two nulls 01 le doiinr valuation or mi 1 true a part thereof at r:a I e nee- -:ir lo pay the :i mount of nrinci- .il Mict hih'U-t to luionie elite .lanr..;rv lr, lt . cM-csiof the lifted! nnlN v.hich said com in sin 'i s are now :'!Uhori.ed to ley?" hose v.di.ig in favor of said iiropos'iirm wil' i axe wntie'i .irjirinted ui'on UieirhalIot.- tin words "I'.ir I'oor llot:s, 1'onds." T!io.e voting :ualust said nrojKi-sitiou will have urittni o irii.Jed ti)M!ii tlieir hallots tlie. words "Aga'.nsd ViHir Hoik.e Hond.i." J. K. Smith, chairman. Attest .lOItX I. IUY HA. clerk. PROCLAMATION. Wiir-iirA.5. a join resolution was adopted h the J errWathn d tlu!Sl::t" of Nehmska. af the ei'.'hteenth M'ss'on thereof, and approved Kelirt.aryu; A. I). U8'J, proposing an niueiid u:ei:t to seetfon four (i of article thiee ."lj f thec'Ontltutloii of :.iid Mate, aud that M'le' sec.ioii as amended shall read as follows to w ; : "S.-etiou I Theterm of ofllce or members of he le;i-!:tHre shall be two year.-, :.nd they shall e:."h rveoive :t salarV of three lumiheil dollar fort heir -erviet- during said term, and ten cent.- for every n;ile they -hall tnivel in going to ani rrttniiiiiir from the'plarc of meeting of the leg!, oil the mct usual route, rrovhlrd, however that neither meiiihers of the legislature nor empIo-.ees shall receive ny j:iv or peiulsl ties other than their salary ami mileage, -ess.on, except special session-, shall he not l-sv than sixty chiys. After the expiration of lorly days of the sexfon no bills nor joint resolutions of the nature of hills shall lw intnxluecd. unless the governor shall, bv siK-ehil mess;ige, call tttt attention of the legislature to the necessity or passing a law on the subject matter embraced In the message, and the introduction of hills shall be restricted thereto." The hallots at the election at which said I'luendmcnt shall Ik submitted shall be In tlift followiiijrforin: "For ptopo-ed Amendment to ti:e roustitutiou nlatingto legislative Depart ment." Avainst on'posi'd Auiendnictit to th" (.'onstitutionrelr.t::-tcusi:itive Department,'" VitKK.s. a joint rcsn'niion wns adopted ly the legislature cf the Stale of Nebraska at t'..e eSghteei th ses-Ion thereof, ami approved rVl ruary as. a. :. 1SS3. nroiHising an ameiuUiunt tt section one it) of article five "1 of the const! tin ion of said state, aim that said section as amended shall read as follows, to-ult: "Section i. The Kxivuthe IKpr.rt:iient shall consist of :i Covcrnor. Lieuteiiant-Coveraor. Sec retary of State. Auditor of Itililie Accounts. Trersnror, Superintendent of Publie Instruction. Attorney Oenenil. Commissioner of I'uhlk I.inds:nid lluildings. and Board of Ihiilutiv assiopers The officers iinmeii in nils sec- ii hold his ofilce for the tenn of two Iirst Thursdav af'er the tlrst mary next af rer his election, and sor :s ejected and qualified, rro- tnat Uie tlrst election oi saiu oi- Id on the tlrst Tuesday succevtl- ay in orcmber oi insh, ana lection snail ncnemai inesime ich even year tliereafNT. AH . nmy be n1ded for by law. ons of tuls section, shall ! nanerandat ucli times, and fllces for such length of time as bv law. ami .-hall m'rfonn such ive'such compensation a-s nuiy le law. The uovernor. Secretary orof rnblic Accounts, Treasurer. of iniblic I-nnds and IriIdJug5. General, shall reside at the seat during their terms of ofllce. and : records, books aud paiersthnv. nereln named Mian nenonn inav be requiretl 1 v law." at "the election at which said hall be submitted siaH be in the n: "For nniDosetl Amenilineiit to StYtiwiotHiTl! of Article Five 35of the Consti tution, cuUtled Executive I)enartment." "Against proposed Anicudinciit to Section One ft of Article 151 of tho OutituUrti, entitled, 1ixeet!vc lWirtment." xae ac- fi"! Article Fifteen l!5J of the Coastitntion. and the provisions of an afXentitted, "An Act to provide the manner of proposing AmcnumenLsio uie tonsiiuuion ana submitting the same to the Electors of this State., approved February 15th. A. D. t$7T. Uia: sail pjxposed ameudoient-s 1H Ikj nbm!tted t tlie-iwnfid voters ottULs State for ratification ot rejectic-n at the general ekctiou to be held oo tkch'rt:v of .November. A. . ts?4. Is Witxess VHKnEOF. 1 have herunto set ray band aud caused to be aSLxed the ureat seat or we itwe oi aeoras&a. DoeeatLincola,thl5lSthdayof Jaly. A, D. 1K$4. the eizhteeath. year of lie State. f.4 oftae Independence of the TJtufied States, the One Hundred sod tiaj Xlnth. :.m w? c.-htk' - . . .; .A31T v. av: irlrili i r k V' .Hi IIV . HiVBVi Tlxirelore, I James .Dawes, liovvnioro: Sfale oi Nebraska, de iierebv ci-e noilce. in ttinTanrsy with S-pIioti One For the Fall Trade ! STvy-u r-'JOCOAi) VW if-S 3 L r 111 i gil& b Everybody is t' f3 wa KLi3 mm.m &&i!2&x&n& && -JEnM0 And see his ly M is Full ol Im puis and Mk I Ladies' fine" Underwear, Elegant line of Ladies' Cloaks, THIS b THE tS-Sr:0;-r;&jC?-' -Si- Cheapest House in the county and Largest stock to select from. "HTT kss &-y & &2&S? That Mrs. Newhouse, . II AS TH K LA !v(J KST STDi.'iC OK 1V4J il lis4yXxdx9 UiFjjbi iiL-tS) Dry GoodSjBress Goods, Red Cloud ? Well she lias and is selling them at bottom prices. See her. c 2 5? Pa 8 " How rnrHv d. . n furnu-r contemnlidf a A n W fl ' Lf : I 2 1 S f ft"S ? r ? 1 . , uarrm, r.eM w Itk HaU-liNUc Hr At 1 1 1 1 Eg J f 1 tl "e 5 2 f 2 VIVlllV W Ht!i VI llaWl John Boesch, sv . - W t.,';s' 4"-?r'-V-se- 'r'V; ft. r- - '. , -4r- r.v u - i .: . ... wt J - Nebraska Lumber Co: DEALEES L'Y LUMBER, LATH, SIIIXGLFS, RED CLOUD, (o)- DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IX IE MARKET AND LiMT THE IjOWSST jKICKW. 984 Span ogle & Funk, Dealers Inlall kinds of MM BMIE Will, MM SEWING MACHINESt Etc. nr ". 0--G c --.- ,-. - t 04-aK O "S H?HJO :o:- Invited to call at "& V"-H& large stock of r?T3- PV S! TO iOk4j?--C? ff3 !tgas,3S , MM manj - . 2 s ) i y2&? Underwear, Laces, Etc.! walk-' over St rttnl vt- h-i iHd thcrv rl wi - j k.i.v r I; ht-jf n It:. n.. (i Hi:ltM-hrd t-m.- ! .1 ... ..- ...- u.. . 1 ..,( 11..... ' 1 11111-1: nf s';iMtVe ilr..n into u iK-xp lwvtn' dniLTed tb- il m.d 'M'(rf It U rdv Hr s!ytk- hw !:-i.ti .idiv w:d Wi-tlfi Urtx- a lsrim thnt vui-M ifnbc mnrk jrrictlT: lfi IK Ui' rih i.'jvc T'-aklnr np ' f. wid r.ot mlv MirVeriziitif tb 41. 1 ot tomliuc 14 t the .-ted -'cd . lwt ! 1h iR t.nrrtd t u even dtth and u.tlHHit wti. But Uh- !nr r ? who i'? Ihf -Anne" iti?verf7lK5 llimrvw. t !itl t cni.;if r ;na k-.clr low now-of the Muitie w-rf j dlMtpKMiitiHrid. ior lit. JtrMi n V-Hm! ' iKeiiiiivcd and -iiitlnd ami 1hr te4 ttl'h i covrnd. Kani'!mc' stnii.tep',!lly U, iwro'lt -.vfrJc which :siir marl ly md hjo J ilH nrcl ni ;;.- -prl- g yViwint: T!H !.- U s ? CI c:.rt:x-t.i -m'tl . 'r fc ObOY- tr rr .sa" iy Amboy, Neb. .SASH, DOORS, BIJXD3 AC. NEBRASKA Hi CStHf ithmtj'iwii .in i iii r inirw nr dV if " "" y a. n c aiui1 : SSya Da8ca--Uifci.i t-wi. Kco; on hn4 a Oassimeres, Worsteds, Meltons,&c, FOR PINE SUITS. tWkcu.. I'.k K - - wu Ui Wocfc anJ Fr lnc. t ; Old Stand, - JLJL B BO IKY tjontirnit. AND vml r ri f r OFFICE AND YARD.Opposite Watson s livery stable. . RedCloud, Nsb- Lock box, 1 22 W&iMm & WBOBXM 1 JXEJLEJtS a-v Red Cloud, X)r DEO m - Ijmshtax 1 &..-! Jh ! f r ' WIIO tB VKACQV :rT2t VVTTK Tlia 6CC V SLiAAUiMQ J&fk? rS w5 & l& jj5f fam, VJfSi K ggrBErCTTT: Jcrl cT ?-yTJl ri--1,' ;xr " 11 jf ' t. ' uJ ;:w4U f..aawfcf:.iJ(f '94Ni Wins , rtM',','y';'JRCr Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'Y, GouthAt, aal tM Wert, eruimt itrl SotxihtIau .crtoat d of rood wfyTi the AtUntio fcad tho Paific M " " or pnaap" " iwrMSTzTtZXJ? rne. Anbim lEiiur,; Dv:t, si-.itt. vhmn xv riTr'Srir- e xuiRata". iv-rv . .; r .-";:t: V . "r JCWb SrfeiariS Mrt Kaw Ctr. hi 2SIMri. ,r.i th. hnr..t-M of U.. vtui d uku ti aGREAT ROCK A. J Hrla-. atHW Cww d Cm ZlUi fc oS TSSl fcnrf KmruMUi Cir. k ;itiH fc 4 .. 11 1 .iz " l?"n wto, Caaerott I PUJ-Li: y Ut t awsarrM-l tJ laaudMXl PAAr?i? vrA5?ieir' i; b- th inxzG? nun xtpo:. aity koad k?thk rarrvTi?" J r0 S5S T&V S lV tsrsa CHICAOO ai the XIBSOITXI xfvyjt ALBERT LEA ROUTE. -.. ladiaeoto tad L Fiyvtv,. .ujd iaicrEaji Tisrcs! "iti. w Tiory oovrfntetr a. faH. -.v t.-Zw l "T ."" nfKsfl -Xhrouefc ?,i; . JiriS.-'""' woU TIdkt. at an pnl Stekot'S toS-SS sSaiS'cai sea, or ef 1- ' R. , CABLE, Prst & Occl CHSCACO. Si "5XTSTTr W G OKALEK HARDWARE ' Stoyes, G-asoline Stoves, Tinware, Nails. Barbed Wire, and the Largest and Most extensive line of goods in the valley. Tonr favors respectfully solicited. Prices to suit the times and ;IBKNER, j. rtl-T m - M. Call nJ Wm nlta rou ted Uioua, ss eo DC. MEYER roiitotA.1. WN'S fiRAMITE WORKS ETC. Nebraska. ,T. R. KMIGH, DENTIST, CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FinaOflit'C lib7 a Spacialli. ia nln.K litn.t. t'Rlrif oTor Iti. C t kM llmn! Iluttk. &, &ysWb. m&i SiS !fei5. CrOCPPHY OP THIS COUHTT. W1U. TAlli MAP, TI!AT THS "" i'wiimiwi r:r y. ana xook z.iwkj. ,--tassK VX:r.t' '"fU'J. ron. Cotteron lat"11 W ESLAND ROUTE " CcuWJ D)a2 St. plSTS-nrfS E. ST. JOHM, wl i iltt 4t A Jt A IN don't yon forget it mff-m toSOk wU !& bv?jJ fc.4L E&Um i 1 H ill V o -JtZ. siv?.v.l?-fe-5 3ig5r XHU ?,iimCi : ArrffT. si.v:rr it K..", fi& iisaisaa 'rC?Z - ? " 5t CiiCA i5Qii jwf ins'Vy' r - " - - - f . i iCTtJltTN s-ie. -' i ? V ( s'rfi- -. Jissr. - j --uj .r -o . a:- . -- ' . " ftt-' ?. -. -., fefejg1 J, .JV IiKg; . ;J?-