The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1884, Image 7

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tnijtwuufm t
A Spocch by Hon. R. B. Harricon,
of Connecticut.
tie Shows Tlmt Tlicro U Not a Symptom
f DUliono4t.r In Mr. Klaliie'it Pub
lic MicTIi Spoaker'i. Opin
ion of Carl Scliurz.
tcrmMMMhiV,nn.iVffl,lV 1.1', not ulil'
lale'Ilay' wili'mo' "r lAi .SX. "l
them, umi yet there muy be umonir tho?
opinloiiK.-otne who muy bo led to reconsider
their Uei-rininatioii.
What hiifl been nhiirvfwl mriintt rr im..i,.-.
jiv: 11.1s
- - n ... 7 imiim.
man is ehur.? He is ant to hnU-.-i..,,. f 1.1,,.,
totay and utioMicrtliititf to-morrow, iieonco
was a ICcputillcMii and -leiended tha", (teaerai Unmu Then he decried to
4nu uuumy, vi leuiru airain. He L.i
joineu me iemoer.iUe
tor thtr cc'jinl
... . - . . . . .w..r .v
I li f f- t .
.11. i.iaiue h ia er. in wiiieli the writer stated
that he show, d not be a deudiiead in the euier
Jtrihe. Want rhrht had -Mr eh;irz u eharvo
evil motive 10 .Mr. ll.iiine What nplit Inn
an,' one to my unit when .Iame.- U. lllaiue
hays tualhe .-ees various ehanueliin which he
cm be iim;1u1 to the eoneern, he urojioses to
iite his pattomtire to lurthcr ttie enter-pii.-o.'
.Mr. Ilbtiiie al-o exerted himself to
rairte futida Tor the railroad conipany. in
this there was not an exercise or olliutal
power. He never attempted to ute o.'heiul
power In lchuir or that ente.pnso.
Theie wusuo intimation that .Mr. Ulaitie at
tempte I any ashis.anee to the bill. WhatriKht
has any one to hay that beeaue .Mr. i.iaiue
mane a riKiiteous decision at one time that he
uudertoox to do a liRliieous thin lor an un
riKli eons purpose." No man ot candor can
accept the intcrpietnlionihat Mr.Schi r. put
upon iu Well, tnere were a Kreat many .lul
1 Kn letters. Hour many o! ou have re .d
tuo-o letters to see if .Mr. uic
his iu.iueuee lor an impr per purposi." 1
have lea 1 them njrain and airain, and I fOand
here and ahsen tuat hi all tnoso 1-tteis there
Js not any oiler made by .Mr. itlaine to misuse
ins oiiieial power lor any purnoo. There is
liot in iho-e letter auy Buirtfostion ot iisiu
his olbcial power for any purpose at a.l, uood,
bad or indhterent.
1 have thus lar taken a defensive attitude
concerning Mr. lllaiue. I now propo-e to
lake theoiteiHne. 1 now piopoe to advance
to tin' very center ot the citadel of Mr.
ehuiv.. 1 propoHi to brln to your attention
n i-et or laeis which are absolutely Impossible
to contradict- if 1 can break down Mr.
:chiiiv. 8 ce.iterwe need not be troubledabout
the wings. In this line or tit tuck 1 will not ixh'i
u:iy testimony ot .Mr. Illuin . I ptop e to
oall upon tne i'po'isi!iiu autho s ot mi-, ac
cusation clip'l uiiioiijr them Carl .chur.
Mr. Itlaine wu in Congress eighteu.i y aw.
for m y-ars as Speaker Tnere weie uiirui
tiiat per:ol pending bLrore Couu'iesS corruit
measures 01 011s kind or an ither. DuruiK:
tiioe eighteen years there was notauhoui
when Mr. limine, had he been inclined to do
wrong, would not have been tempted to do
wrong. Wiuit was his record during
eighteen years." Mr. Schiir. has o.Miiis iu;J
that iecor.1. Everything tuateo.ild have been
hunted up auaiiist Mr. Itlaine has been ler
retvil out. Outing all those eighteen j ears oil
Mr. Itla lie's service in t'oiiffress ho fM.e
probably hundreds of voles. .Neither i:irj
M'hiiiM nor any one ehe has ever dai"d tl
charge thai Mr. lllaiue ever once voted lor ii
bad measure, or aga.nst a good one. Mr'
ehur.. in your g.ea llrooiiyu speeeh. whv
ditl ou suppress tins gieat liiel." During
those eighteen 3'ear.s Mr. ulu ne ma lo a good
many speeches. Mo one ha; dared charge
that, ah those yenr.s. he made a speech in la
vor of a bad measure, or against a j:ood o ie.'.
by did Mr. fcchur. suppiv-s tins I net." Mr.j
Itlaine was a gieat parliamentarian. Car.
Scaur, has notcuarged thai .lames U. Itlalticv
everiuail.' use 01 his parliament try skill to
help a bad uiea-uro. or hurl a good 0110. Mr.
Itlaine was Speaker ol the House lor m.v
yeuis. Neither Carl beliur. nor any otlier
enemy ot Air. Itlaine lias ever charged tnat
Mr. lllaiue ever male a hadriilimr. Tuey tac
itly admit his rulings were pure and 1 IjIiL I
hay that, as sirong as every one of tiiese
tacts J-5 when wo are e uisideriug the publiiv
lilo ot Mr. Itlaine. their strength as a whole
is inei eased by c intimation, aim the res. lit
is invsi-iible. T; e resint i that the
reeorl of .lames G. Itl.thi is abso
lute 3 without spot, stain, blemish op
shadow. I say. and I ask any candid man if it.
is not true, that 1 have met Mr. Seji lira's
line of argument at the liout. and tl.c accusa
tion is bioken down 'I he sinowe and the vile
1111-t which they have surround d the.
true lllaiue disappears. And Mr. lilainec lines
out iu ttie light ot the noonday sun, cc n.r lilt
ing his enemies with ibis brilliant teeord iu
Ins .hands.
And yet. s spotless us has been Mr. Hlaine's
reeorvt. how awful has been the uttacK upon
linn! lie is enrieatuied and lampooned week,
alter week by thit ynrperV U til; . which
eaneatuied Abraham Lincoln as a drunkard
Kvoti the leputation of his wile and ohildrea
have been attacked. All ether icrorms shoind
wait 11111 ii there has been a re.roim in our sys
tem or Amer.ean politics. I'nlcss the Amer
ican people shall vindicate men of honor tint
hhainetuliy attacked, eveo' man in public Hie
will lee trout pusitions of trust as ironi the
VestJlutice which walketh at noonday.
Democracy is Chnos.
The country can not too deeply pon
der t lie fearful signilicance of the point
made by Mr- Blaine in his brief speech
at Toledo. No more weighty utterance
has been iriven to tho country siueo
President Lincoln's pithy speochat Get
tysburg. Air
T1iiti is not
Itlaine said:
one axcut measure that the
ItepubllcHii patty has adopted, nor one great
step the p-irty has taken since the inaugura
tion of .Abraham Lincoln in ISil. that the
lie noeratin partv has not opposed mid has
not considered unconstitutional. So that to
dav to remand the Government of the I nited
States to tho control of the Democracy is not
mereiv an ordinary change of p irtles. It is a
titU.l rh'tril of Uw c tire ilic i fiat i:w dis
titninshedUtc fa'ccrnmtiit of the United Uites
MII'C lsTd.
Applv 5lr. Blame's point in practice.
If tne Gemoemtic doctrine is true, thai
a protective tariff is unconstitutional,
then an importer has the right to nulli
fy the statute and demand that his
nods be laid on thc wharf without a
eent of duty- Kvery Democratic Col
lector in every American port would be
bound to close the doors of his custom
house, aud order his clerks to perforin
no other dutitis than to draw ott
Treasurv for their salaries, for
all import duties are unconstitu
tional, s nee there is not a duty left
111 the tariff act that is not in some d
'Tee protective. The simple carry hur
out of this Dcmocra is doctrine for oue
dav would end the solvency of t.'.e
I liited States, reduce its bouds toa dead
loivl w'.th Confederate scrip, destroy
thc value of greenback and Xationa'
bank note-, and send gold as measured
in paper currency not meiely u t.i' I
as it. was AVtien Grant defeated the.
Democratic parly on the li.tpalan.init
would scud golJ as measured iu fed
eral paper, up to 2.S0J. The Dem')-.rnti.-
nartv h:ts never ceacd to de-
nounce thc 'abolition of slavery and the
thirteenth, fourteenth and Itftecnth
amendments to the Constitution as un
constitutional. If so U1C3- arc void,
and no legal barrier intervenes between
the backs of o,uiO,(Ji0 blacks at the
South and the lash of the man-owner.
It is hardly necessaiy to carry thc illus
tration further to indicate that if the
Democracy return to power thev must
either eat their words and abandon all
their fundamental principles or resolve
the country into chaos. Chictqo Inter
ittf&'The echoes from Grey.stone are
those produced by a man hammering .
the buuxiiitp a barrel. Chicago 'Inuuiie j
iin.5.CimfnCnV,,Ji,,,riJ!,a,i;9 ,,M ma'Ic n lm' I Ji-f1' A1',.,?c,,, Mai3" Fr;,nce,j and tin rule was to farmers none nta" kn ,lc irap..uis to anlemn- in th.4
nriiXS', of them, however unfortunate in biuf- 0uulry; they have 1ran.formt-d ihr
hits ujf-o :nudu an impression upon' many or ' m UctOD';r. 1- nes. would apply to a cowmwion filiate and suburban ground Imni plot
ouriSmiTmthu There arc othorji or 'J no new colored cadet at West in bankropu-v to be icleascii frm his 0f hjh-jjrown. Uinzktl ra and weU
believe not nswciio. arc 1 wo'rtby 7," our rl- IoinL' ',uli',s Mitch'U of Soulh Caroli- obliatioriH on makinir over his proper- to rpis of emerald, ituddeti wuh
hpeet. 1 luimit with them that no corrupt na w .fcaid to be a good .scholar, but the Iv. A fanner generallv carric3 his ac- 1 ri'ht jeweK
im.RcHSuS affiKiWSm uSt ine blrV:kt n,an thc-v havtJ -vet hatl tht;re- '"" in his l(C;a,, "Kba,"cc j H'ce Wallcsr To one cupful and a
riKiit to ho.t is uUo theirs. The pciiticliienio N' lUcr.tW. at the end of the ycarm his P0::kct-j j,a!f of boiletl rice add two cup'nJs o!
miti.ponrM7n -It has been fibred that in St. Louis hook. If he has no outstam Iin- notes. ; , oar niix it wjrh milk- The latter
,w.m !.. I, n...1,, u,,u ,0. IO tlmrf. ;B .,,. ,.,...",. .. i:i.. :... no -lor, b U or o'lier oblijrations. but a , t . M.,r tMM-nr t, .
v..u... ..,.,., t . ijiiijiiiT. 1111L I Hri:tii TtitT (i u4j ----. . .. wviri ta .& nam u.iTr:i minis-,i fimrki it i 1. .1.... .. . . . 1
-'-W"" VHIUA.U ItiLII II.TIIILT II IT 1I-F--1HT - 1 . .
man. Chlel anions tils aceuer.s m a man "i i n nu;vaPIC published at the Sati
rcT,i,Jiu.ll,lu lMiM'r c-lrl fcciiur. .Mr. .-emir:, tec Aentw. Neb., under the mi per
Is asuy 111 treetleetive than thoe surround, viaint. ?.f i, ,. k ir- 1 r i- rt
In him. What he has n.t Bind ujraJna. JWr. ,M?" f V.,S.V' A,fr,;,! L,' "'SS"- 1. 1 bero
JJI.iine ean not be Mild. .Vow. what kind or a nr two editions printed, one in hnirhib
... --;". -- ':"-" v'.i.ii.ii iKjiuiiiuu one 01 , ji Jiumot. .nmn, -. i.. uh iait, o -,,!- n,l tr,,5u -ini tfter a Series OI I -" caikhl.ii nun ! . iia.u noni"
;s sr.'fasss'jf asays ,v,-r,;,?1r.' "??. ""-?' ,! th. dv tt . . iigs ii u ' in . ... . b .,.i t.'-.m
.Iiiiiic t;. Muiiie. Uut Mr .-c.mrz win n,m'e Wn,Ic ? he sights, strayed avay nK.t., ti,0 liemands of his creditors, he until it is tender, thicken the gravv !
iii-otiiiil all niit, and will iiKiiia im for udm.s- lroin his father, who rushed around for ,..,..,1.1 .:.i .i;ii;,.,,it m ,rvo :i verv ' w th lour, and season with pepper and '
iiiiii. 11111 riir. iniiinii. t. I....I. .I........ . fini , Ar.- .... v w .... ...... . . . i v.h' .t'.i
toncertamrunVor "irSnin H)T',nc lime ask,n everyone he mt. ' sjnisfactorr reason for his failure. Few ! alt. aad put in enough butter to Hat or
chiinis ih.a iLwu.1 u piuhUmtion of omtiai "Have you .seen my boy.J" The re- f .irrn,,rs c:ln f,;Ve such an amount of ;t; then make a mcu cruit like b.seuit
S:,ieu,0:vor:, tau.o tC.K.t",?, ' U,"n T"?-1 alu" took ! was tiieir a:n, ors,0,: a, WOBi,i 1mj of any dough, have it when baked an in h anil
im 01 jiiM.'vuHhk-ii is due to every muiiwiifii very an ecti ng. rrcat value to one who was about lo a half thick. I ut the veal and gravy
iV-n'V'.m1 t!o.itu.tbi:;,,k? M,r-,,;",InV llot- A doi paper is responsible for ; ene in the business of fanning. Very into an earthen pudd ng dish and eowr
IViiimmin r..,i. ."V.'!! "l,.,, M, a the foliowinir: As tin- i sbii. which ear- f.,7- ,?n .. n.l 1 -;i I. ,,, v- r-nnrlerHble do the dish with the cniat- Uake and
A man by ihc name of Husband
was married in Hartford. f!nn?L. the
other da;'.
J Joaquin Miller is to become alccl
urcr. His subject will be the "Ignite
irt. r't
i mior Miizo. uio;t?n now a rcrv
old man, b till gels up at .:). and write-
for nweral hours every morning, eland
Hi' a, a Irgh deak.
-uirce Aincncan noew, J noma!
,t . . ....
vA lo evcr3' four"K,ople; in New York,
one paper to a little less than two per-
sons; in Chicago, oue paper for everv
two inhabitants!
The lnjd Odlic, which means 'the
ooa-Larner," is the name of an In-
and one ib Indian.
a orttwamer ageu one
j and four, and his son, aed ei
arrived at Liverpool, N. S., th
A ordwainer
thc otlier
rietl Mr;.
to these shores
jf men were tils-
ncared port, a grout) of men were tils
cusjinir their lellow passenger. Said
one of them: "Well, before I came
aboard I had heard hard things said of
Mrs. Langtry. 1 don't know whether
they are true, but I know this, that if
she fell overboard there's not a man on
this ship who would not jump after
A Parisian daily paper claims a
circulation of TbO.OOO. This is proba
bly due, chiefly, to thc fact that l'aris bf
the very heart and center of France
and Parisian news and opinions have
therefore special interest ami impor
tance. There is no such centering of
interest iu the United States, because of
. t r .1 . ... .1 .
the wide uxtent of the country and tin
number of great cities of a metropoli
tan character. If New York was to the
United States what Paris is to France,
there would be 11101 e than one news
paper there with as large a circulation
as the Parisian journal. Current.
Some say that a man who would
"beat an erg" would be so cruel as to
"whip cream,"' "thrash wheat," or even
"lick a postage stamp."
Is an ocean view a sea-saw? Worth
making -A loan of 6'lO,(H'0. The
French are read3" with an ex-queues lor
driving the C hinese out of Tonquin.
Tcx-ts hiittii'j.'i.
- A la'l fashion item says: "There is
little change in coats." It is the same
wav with pantaloons. J'h
lit flu "change" in them. 1
tho pockets. liorrtstvirii lkruld.
- -A man out in Miles City, M. T..
bavin r a balky mare, put a (U'tiamite
cartridge under her and blew her up.
The liend was promptly arrested on the
char.e of being a filibuster. St. I'uid
--"Yes. indeed." remarked Hose, a
mies of lifteen 3"ears. "we lived on a
vegetable diet entireh' when we were
in the eountry last In fact,
we had ham ami eggs all the time."
(Johli'ii lhajt.
The embarrassed coachman:
"Coachman, coachman, when shall you
Coauhnuu, cDiiHrnai!. why do you tarry:
V, by do I tarry?
Ry tin old Harry.
There be ?o many it doth me embarrass
Out of the swarm to select the right holrefls."
Louisville Courier-Journal,
A lir'tish sea Captain and a Yankeo
skipper were sailing side by side. In
for?" " 'Cause I saw him bite Mabel's
music teacher right in the mouth, and
sport, the lormer l.o.sted the union jack, . Wh(,n !mj -arli .lcs are in.l(K. it u vcy
and cried out " J here s a leg of unit- -... os,;imIo. their cost. He !
ton for you Ihc ankee unfurled tUfrm for mon a(l he , or ,oss 5n
the Stars and Mnpes. ami shouted back: lho ,,u?iness ic:xs;)Y ascertained. Tl.c
And there is the gridiron which broiled lRMlcr s w buvs n(1 S(.1s The di,r.
11: 1
ma, way 11111 you wnip rreuuicr pr,Ce constitutes his pro lit or loss. In
liccnuse he hit Aithurand hurt him. ' larming there is nothing like simple
my son." "Well, then, you ought to -oiatiiifaeturing. Even thing connected
. , t ! 1 !-- 1 l? . HI I
I know it hurt her. because .she put bet ground is often in preparation for a cer
anns aroutiil hisneck and tried to chokt tajn cr0j, several years. A field is sown
ban." hostoti if'tnic.?. f to clover for the purpose of raising a
Asninetv-nine out of a hundred crop o: wheat two or three years hence.
As ninetv-nine out of a hundred
young readers prolabh have learned,
an archip-dago is a 1 luster of small
islands at sea. But it is clear that a
certain old sailor on board a United
Suites man-of-war does not fullv under
stand thc meaning of the word. An
officer heard the gr.zr.led tar, who was
sp nning arns to a knot of j'oung sail
ors, speak ofJ going through the
arches." One of the 30.11 hs. after a
while, said, with a nuzzled anil sheep
ish air: "The arches of what?" To
which thc old salt, with a look of with
ering contempt, responded: "The
Arches of Pelago, of course, vou lub
ber:" iV. Y. Uiuphic
The delicac3 of English wit is
somc.h'ng that thc Amer.can mind
fails to appreciate. An English weekly
offered a prize of 1 for the cleverest
original nuccdote that should he sent it.
and the following secured the mone3:
"1 was out at a small dinner partv one
evening recent h. A bo3, evidently
from the green-grocer's shop, had been
engaged to do the waitiug. When he
placed two dishes of tarts before the
Hostess, she, probably thinking it not
correct to know what was coming,
asked 'What are these. .Fames?'
Vv hereupon thc ton, pointing first to one
t!sh and then to the other, replied:
Them's a uenin each, and them's two
for three lialf-pcnee.''
Didn't Like Short ?i!cn.
Miss Ilijrhup to th?
widow .Jackson, "just see that great
tall man! Aiu't ho awkward?"
"Yes." replied the widow, "but. he
can't help it."
"I know thai, but I hate those long
men. Don't vou like a short man much
l don't believe I do, when I corao
to think about it."
"Gracious me! I think they are
charming. Why don't you like them?"
"Well, because during thc life of my
husband, say about liiteen years, he
was alwa3s short, and the wav I had to
skimp along, make over clothes, warm
over victuals, and catch up every end
made me vow I'd never have any re
gard for short man again, even if I had
to wear mv widows weeds into tiw
tindom come" J&rcfloitf Traveler.
BcA-lircpl8 fr F
Much lias been written duifag tirt
pat few yeaw in adrocarr of B plal.
nt thc tame t me coinprcncnihr. sys
tem of book-keeping for thqvaw ol
tarmcry- It is olum s(atcl t
I cm are thc only clas- of pcopl
1 vnw'&l in a bo"nc53 employing a "coo-
. . . ' 1.1. r ,-...:.i .i.; .I,. wl of books. It i a rule in
thc Hankrunt court in moat countries
, , n, tP-(j.r ...1,., 1I0M not keen a set
... .. ......... -- - ,
of hook ran obtain hU discharge. II
--- --. . -y
con dcrable sum of money m It s 1 ock-
wu iiiuii uviitit .iiu'Mb "- - -,
t ?- 1.
1 1 1 . l.n ,rui nrr tlfa.
stork-rrnsin" has been the most lirouia -
vock raisiu ii.ia .0 nnc.r 1 t.p
ble he is not able to answer, ii ne
. .", . ., , ..: " nt f,rmiii.rmtli
r.tartel in the btHines of farming- witti 111 am
rree of accuracy what kind of crops or
what class of livestock has paid beat
during a series ol years.
It is claimed that farmers have more
need to keep books than traders and
manufacturers have, because their busi
ness is more complicated. Some have
held that an account should be kept
with every lieid, o that it 111113' be as
certained at theendof each year wheth
er the crop produced on it paid the cost
of production, including interest on the
value of thc land. They also held that
an account should be kept with every
animal belonging to the farm. The
would asccr'ain the worth of the food
to each, and would carefully e-.tim.tto
j the .r:iin jn weight of the nieat-produc-
I I"1 . . ." .
ing animals, the value 01 ttie young
they raise, the worth of the milk given
by each cow, and the value of the llesh
taken from each sheep. Uy adopting
that course, it is claimed, tho relative
value of each animal can be determined.
IJy referring to the written record it
111:13- be seen which animals are profita
ble to keep, ami which should be dis
posed o'. It is held that remarkably
line flocks and herds may be built up in
that way. Some have gone so far as to
advocate keeping an account w th every
hen in the poultry yard. It is general
ly a Imitted that farmers are poor busi
ness men, and it is believed that a judi
cious system of book-keeping would im
prove their business habits and render
their business moreprolitablc. Seeral
systems of agricultural book-keeping
have been proposed that would apnear
t answer the purpose. As a mlc.
et. he naluraiiy tor.cuiues uiai nu iuvr f e,rrr V(jn H ht ad inn,.,,, lri lh(J Ja
and capital have len proiitably em- . biatunff it thorougblv. Uako in '
ployed during the year. If. however J n.a,fe.:ron5. f-;Mfoi f.S: . ;
lie has no cas. and is a j Delicious Hot Cake for Tea Heat '
to pay dobts con traced dunne U.c3tar I txro Jq a w
he a.-,certa.ns with out npphi n o tn , j
expert accountant lf n r"! loIi our cream bStt l!f a t.a.poon'ul of
in"' monev liistenl 01 marvinij an. 11 T , ,. , . . . ...
"V , J, 1 .i-,7.rn m- soda dissolved in boding water. Mr
asked at t!ie close of a prosperous ea- j ? -r ,
rktuiili.r- lib. r.'irf?ll
..1 . I .- l. A &... ...1......
' r -,SnVct-V however, they have failed to give gen in errj atisf:ii.tio.i. The great majority
of farmers do not turners and ho'.v to
keep a set of books, and those who do
not are not willing to take the lime
required to learn. Some who have re
ceived instructions in the science and
art of book-keeping, declare that ihey
have no time to keep books during the
portions of the 3 ear when there is tho
most to do in the lields. Others com
plain of the cost of the books required
lor keeping farm accounts, and at the
"rent trouble in making the different en
tries. An exnert accountant
n-icns if ni lite
opinion that it is impracticable
" . . .
ll4.0 IV J 1(41
farmers to keep such a set of book- as
will furnish the information desred
from them. He states that it is a com
parative eas matter to keep aecoi.uLs
lor a manufacturer or trader, but a very
difficult one to keep them for farmers.
The manufacturer purchases materials
and emplo3s laborers to work: them up,
erence between the purchase and selling
plicated. Most of thc operations reach
over from one year to another. The
crop of wheat two or three year
Implements arc purchased that may be
in use a lifetime. Land is underdraiued,
not for immediate effects, but with a
view "to permanent improvements. An
orchard is set out that nm'not produce
fruit for a dozen 3ears. None of the
operations of farmers resemble those of
the trader in being dimply buying and
selling. It is true that the farmer"bftcn
bii3s an 1 sells stock. But he generally
keeps and feeds thc animals several
months before he disposes of them. It
is e:v-w to find the dillerence between
the purchase ami selling price, but quite
difficult to estimate the cost ot the caro
and feed during the time the3 a-c kept
on the place A foreign agricultural
society recently o lered a prize for tho
best svstem of bookkeeping for farm
ers. Several systems were submitted,
but all of them were condemned as be
ing quite too onndicatcd. It therefore
recommended that farmers keep simpl
a diary and cash-book thc first to con
tain a record of important occurrences
on the farm, as the time of seeding and
harvesting, and thc second to contain
an account of all the purchases and
sales and all expcndilu es of monev for
cvey kind of labor. Chicago 'li2ncs.
A Pari- correspond -nt says Mrs.
Mack.v's extravagance has been exag
gerated. She never pays mor than
-roO 1 for a dress. She makes the most
judicious use of her .nonet, not 0013 in
dressing herself and her daughter pret
tily and artist callv and in tieconitin--her
lovely house with beautiful works
of art. but it. supporting and helpLur
main poor Americans who owe to her
and to her equally kind aud generous
hearted husband "all the3' have in the
world. Chicago Tribimc.
Fecrlinjr on thc ground is shiftles3
and wasteful, c.peciallr' corn and small
graiu. Always place the drv fowl in
a high, dry spot. Nail a n:irrow siditi"
on the platform to prevent the orain
from being pushed off. Prairie
-. S
A convict in the California Peni
tentiary made a hammer which took
first prue at the State- Fair fianFraji
tisto Call.
is c.ceedinrlv com-
H1a " - m a-JL - ur T m .
If it
ItftMM f
intr.Oihu ifcaJWlir M gtrr ta-t
" . .. -.,..,., i. r m.'i..
'stomach or carcan. undigwied. .1-
I tn,t Jourr.nL
! n, ir-n.mnwr rwi ft,., n,...;
v ... .. , -. ...... .,-w .,-. 4J;"
r t..ri- nta.iL. ra bed h ...
,,. C'tiV ' -w -- . ...v
. jatton AUd a ,UtU. 5aU tb(rn 1mja. lw
, - , . ..... .....i. . .. -
( ol 3,t " "our viiouu 10 Ilia C it a
1 . , r 1 1 . .
. thick batter for gndd e cakes. Hako
.. . ., "
"gem-pans or shallow bi- -int-nan.
, r.;;M,r i., v- ....'.
.'"""" - i"r"n '"" "" ""'""
serve hot. A'. Y. I'ost.
Maturit' of stock has been hast
ened by good breedjug. says the New
York limes. That Is. a pig or a sheep
which matured at three years, or a
steer which was ready for slaughter at
live years formerly, is now reah' for
the butcher at less than half these'ages.
Pig-i are said to be muly for pork at
nine months, wethers for mutton at
twent3' months, and a steer at two 3 ears.
though it is feared that these claims are
greater than ma3' be justly allowed.
m m
rrCNCrviir Kgs.
Several coiTespondcnts wajt to know
how to pack eggs so that thev will keep '
good for winter use. There is no need J
for any one who desires to pre-erve '
ti''', either for market or for home use. I
to pa one cent tor any recipe. All the
egg-preserving recipes that arc good
for anything have been published over
and over again in nearly all the news. '
agricultural, and poultry papers in the
country, and if 3011 send monev' to au
one for a "sure method of preserving
ejgs so that thev can not be told from '
fresh la'd," the chances are that you
will get some one of tho old recipe-, 1
just as it has been published for 3ears.
or else the addition of some useless
ingredient. One man paid a dollar
for a recipe that had been published bv
every poultry paper in the countn:
another two dollars for thc salt metho'l, '
and an Ohio woman paid live dollars I
for a "new and infallible method,"
I which turned out to be the ree pe for ,
tho old salt and lime w:i3' that has been i
in wii'i for 3'cars. Sirnply packing in
line salt is the easiest and best method 1
for housekeepers who desiie to save a
' few of cjrgs for winter use. and ,
for poultry-keepers who have only a
small number to pack for market.
Cover the bott mi of a keg. cask, jar,
hogshead, or whatever 3011 choo-e to
' pa k in. with a layer of tine salt two
inches deep; this place thc eggs, j
small end down, and lar enoipj-li apart
so that the will not touch each other
or the sides of the reeeptable; then
I put on another two inch l::"er of salt,
then another layer of 'j:, and so on
. d- 1 . .
until t hr -)iiL"irrri i: tnll I nt in t ni
- as- imsvi.ii-.-w m -1 ssv. v-aa. vitu
be used over and over airain. Eirs
paeked in salt took the liist prtse 'for
preserved eggs at thc tecent poultry
show in Birmingham, England. frame
Killing Chickens.
When a chicken is to be killed i.
(should not first be chased all over the
neighborhood with bovs and dogs and
then knocked senseless with a club or
stone, and then 30 should not cut its
head off and let It dance all rotin 1 the
3ard until it is dead. Then 3011 should
not scald it to prepare it for picking
casil3. When picked 3011 should not
cut thc wings off. -Then you shouldn't
cut a great hole in the brejist iu order
to get the crop out and another in the
rear to get the intestines anil gizzard
out. Now as we have intimated how
not to do, it will be in order to advise
how to prepare p )ultr3. J'he best way
to prepare poultry for table use that
we know of is in thc lirst place to
fatten them well, then keep them
cooped up for twenty-four hours pre
vious to being kille 1. Then when 300
kill them, instead of chopping their
heads off. rim a small pen-km c into
their jugular vein b3 the side of the
neck, just under the jowl. Then hold
them while bleeding and pick them
ininiediateby, picking off all the wing
feathers, as well as thc others, while
warm. Then let the head reaia'n on
and let thc crop alone. Cut a small
place in the rear, just large enough to
take out the intestines. Do not remove
the gizzard from the place, but if the
fowl is vcr3 fat. make a large opening,
turn the leaves out and fasten them
with a ssmall skewer. You will lind
that poultry dressed in this way will
be much nicer than dressed in the
usual wav. m FrancUco Chro.xiclc.
Care of Cattle in Winter.
Docs any reasonable man suppose
milch cow-, are pa-uig while standing
.round in the mud- and snow, picking
up miserable sits euancefrom the straw
stack, with an occasional armful of fod
der or :i few ears of torn thrown to
them? At this very time, when muter
is commanding a high price, the owipt
of such cows has none to sell, or if he I
manages to scrape a few pounds togeiV '
cc the insipid whi c stu.f can hanily
find a market. Now. were these coirs
snugly housed ami reasonably fed. t).iyr .
product would add no inctmsiderible ,
amount to the farmer s income. 11 thc
farmer is within easy distance of a j uv
mill a few loa Is of slabs can be pur
chased at a very low Iigure,and an exec!'
lent shelter for his stock Luilt with
them. Or. if he has timber on his ulaec.
ne will not have much difficulty iu get
ting the owner of a portable mill to cu:
for him on shares, and thns raise raaur
valuable buildings on his farm at a com
paratively trifling cosL Let our friend
heed these remarks and their eyes will
be gladdened by the sleek, healthy and
well-fed animals they frill turn out i
pasture next spriag. Corn-.stalk.s bud
wheajt straw and old. worta'ess straw
stacks caa most advaatageously be util
ized for th aane nurnbse-JiiJy':
T.. tr St
tjb niiii .; jumik
r E-
f ifciiB
ammmtamt aafBa .JBBBaa B-pttml aa'B4aaaV MMU BBaBBBa ABBaW
r.f ..-!. t.r r . " "" ' .." " -.-.... .x.u . Illllkll 1
uru m4 -
lJm't f Uv
pbynlclaa xld iW IiS Kt toft iiw 1
boor, trbm friad rrcomawadtd IR.V . l
HaU's 1Uua roRTc Lto. 8hot
crptci It a4 urprit i i4 tkt It
prodtKjp'l nvirkM cbaa;e fcrl t?Ur. 5
and bT jwrrcrt3g a imaait cure wu
Wkm It it racsrl tkt a rl-
ttKrk ha diapr-irt tkerealaT b '
fund eTidrs U cr-robtr-ai 1 Hir
tatf M'ajp- jt
For kkjcvixo Tkroat Twcjus ax
Cooott. "Jtmte1 ItrvneAutt 7ncAr
aaro a will rwpctatjoa. isild only late I
Wrii tb! trat parent attack tb vxXl
box with a llppr, b l a rerx Still l-r
fndd It lidoa'l mak him marU 7.r
"Uotijjb on rooa-" Troch.13c: UsjuW.So.
Tor Cousm. Cold, iwv Throl. Horcac.
Wht to a child. whofthrrad mothtrr
hv no Iter, Ilk n uno!rab! cooao
drumj IWcauw: it h 00 aunt, ilr (aa
iwer). IIcaoachk I ImmiHlUMy rrllerrMl by
th ue of Pio' lUaiody for Catarrh.
A rt-r-TRAr-sTn profewlonal twue ball
il' hand. VOfton Ist.
Stinidujr. InSatamstlon. all Kidney nd t'rtn
ary Compliant, ourtnl by "RuchupalUt. fL
Witrx bouM a on$r have niot discord?
When it i ftct-to music
"Hough on Corn. I5c Ak for tu Complete
' cure, hard or Mfi corn. art. bunion.
"Vatcr Ii muical, wp prem. wrhen
the fountain play. Yonkcr btaUmian.
Nervou? Weaknci. Iiriprpfla. Sexual
' blhty.cured by Well Health Itenewrr.
A vtCTORT at basa-ball U a tidu
77ic Jud'jc.
"Rough on Pain." Porous Planter, for Back
ache, l'alns in the Chest, Rheumatism.
Milk ha this peculiarity, tho more it to
doctored tho worse it gets.
A D.1 - Vin.lnft.i-.Thn milflti- tA-llirltf
1 2ojtonJ'ojf.
20. PW4.
, f, 45
CATTLE Shipping Steer
Native Helfern
Native Cows . .
RutchenC Steers .
HOGS Good to choice heavy
I iL-ht
"m t
OATS No. 2
FIX) I' R Fancy, er nek
HAY Car lot, bright
RC'ITER-Choice croamery..
CHEESE Kans.1. new
EGGS Choiee
IURK llnitiH
WOOL Missouri. titnrnIieil..
I'OTATUl'S Per buhul
CATTLE Shipping Steers.. ..
Rutchers' Steers ..
HOGS Good to choice
SHEEP Fair to choice
FLO CR -XXX to choice
W 1 1 K AT-No. 2 red
CORN No. 2 mixed
' ' I 5 '
I V I " !
"ik rv . , . ..
COTn IN .Middling
TORACCO-Ncw i.ngs
Medium new leaf
3 L'.
2 t.
2 N
4 Til
4 1'.
3 10
3 fX)
t, HI
4 50
8 ro
4 il
40 ftt
1 4. Ci
s to vi
2S ft
ir ft
n ft
:o ft
H (Ui
I.', ft
40 ft
CATTLE Good shipping,
f. 10
HMOS (Sood to choice 4 to ft
SHEEP-Fair to choice 3 2i ft
F1.0t'R Common to choice.. 3 Tft ft
WHEAT No. 2 red TiS ft
No. 3 M ft
No. 2 Spring Tl'ft
CORN No. 2 T,V ft
OATS No. 2. ....... ........... - ft
RYE .'-' ft
I'ORK-Now Mess V, W ft
IIOiTS flood to choice
COTTON Middling
FLOCR-Oood to choke ...
WHEAT No. 2 nil
m. 11 v " o" "
fi () ft 1
5 .V) ft 5
3 co ft :
2 ft
IT 50 ft IT
OATS Western mixed
j PQRK-Statubird Me
.. .
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica
I4-.b-.Imot, Backarat, Hraaarhf, T-Uiara.
are Tkraat, Atrelllaa-a, laralaa, Mralaea,
Bursa, Balda. rraat Bltrt,
And AU Othor B0DZZ.T AXXa and ACHX&
SoldbJ Pmcrl'Uanil Dcmltrs errrrwhera. ITftjrCnti
abotUo. Ihmtionsla ULana-UAO-a.
(Socorasor to A.TOU-OJU-, a co.; UltiaS4f.aU..t.8.A.
For sbcrrc arnoont -aitl forward to mari J; JT
SariVl7aSWIi-LaaaisuC tan.--.-. fii
.... .-t. nvinrnf hroia ibcllf asd cainpK Ui rt
of rlean'as and lovlla? tm-i n'nt. 'i,V?. '
12,aa.1clrl. Or. 11 pr-femd. -alt n-d
t O. I. on rrcclpt of tJ.00 punSw of ecod r
lor FrcV. Adrfrs E. Ii ME3IGK9 A CO.,
Haa-ai City. 31 o.
" r soctti
ariMMtclwinan-re-rtrtTd. SsfflTJle
cents. tlLY BKOTlIEIS,rsSKlsts.
Motes. Wans. Tntkieu
Erg-xKms.Scari.iari aU Vltsu:B)eaiM
st,AIbcBT, X. Y. Ss4 JsicforUMt-.
il MaiaS Burio.K.T. Toaas Mes sa4 Wu
I&orooclUj- prepared for ISailasaa. si t-anase. Cook
Jcrrptaar. Bculaesa Far-ax. fcn-ristFil-t. ArtlnR:le.
etc. practically taajtit bj -aaU. msb for dreslarv
m vf? na
iav warM.'H.
an 1 a f ii-'
L. a. U SatTM a CSV.
Jrd;Paal a4
cipirMacr tay
RmisrsafK. Wrtie far efrcalars staaf i
ju w. luxoaajck sos.
4ff JXBKrah
"--V-jstv f 'FsJS5IBr "
ri V4W aaa
nuM a
bKAbLt . IT i ataaaai ami 1
ira-XTTfczicasca ia race. iu3
Ft.asl tSelrtreatit-M-ai. tir Vtr.
a M. Kwattan-r. T K.lTarf
aaifav Issil
aaaw am. aaaaar
w t ?1 fr ti
J- f- -Ji-K S at
If WilW ! wA)T
tte tfA riC.'.. t.'KtV'
Hniirw. IV 9tt
W" mh ro 0
T l Bt Jttft.
l ik,a t -.
Vrr Mrt(
.'. tif - tnat
!!. J 1 A- j
K."" Art
r& run -
ir 1J4 rs
.vawK'k r-. s.
M twatali 1V- I
Ma4lrs U W-fxvf it Ui ,
l"'r t-i.
ct- K ft a?.. w- v
UaJUES MUMC JUt'M.AL fiau.. fa.
flDPAIIC ':-
UnUAIlO m, ti i:::.
ltit ll9oar M il UXCAT Vl.ft-i
CXltHttXlUNa tr- rl Tr. rHi
AarrlCM Onr. A tIt4 ; f Tr CWv.
r lr "
UttarU a ocfi Intlratsrs. i -54f I J t rI b
tmprurtira!ii f nCc :t L -
is ! pre.rT Ssvl. usiU&l le- .vt ltr
, KmI I4ta t-i CkiMi. WaMaA
At&'lt"kor XC;a-l fiVC
a in-'tHiK (titixnot rm- LUTL
Ait-ST Umi Put tNrkil, -
II. tuM&Uitj. nprcskUf ash bjj r -
, MAMI.1.1 UKUAX . riA.IUUI., n-
" . I'll TivbmI lrU . 4H
BT GEIf. O. T. MEAUREO ARD, gnpXUmir ty.'.n!
with tnom than twenty pwtnrr. ir.Jl fc-tttrW t! tOr ftO.V-f
ofTUK CHIT tar juUx:k. T&U iriUs u ih twtw&ltaf rrvf j
arto pap-. u appr-ar la Tut CiLrrr.w tJw frt ltti? IJ
War for tho L'atoa. ril.fa by tvsl oCf aU la eaujl &
both side, luriudlnc litwrnU aixT. towtaJiicT. KifuU-u,
UiurtuiAiin. Hux. Ii-, libera. A.Jmtrs.1 ra. d Hf.
Tho aim l to ptvnt 1jUtt,U t-r.nI ainrr.r t jV
own utortf of thrir iUis aad fprratfema, !". UUtr&tta tlt V
full and accurate: and afwmup-iaj t$ pi-t- on !U4Ut W- f a
l'liratn'.-abHi t-j:n la Ni roibcr. a-ul t-li yiaa It, rt la. iii
coada lots of Te Ccvn ar t-liTn t txi th t impurtkt -i--
7 vw
i v. j iflp. rj
'Pit K puMtihtrr cf CM'EA la 04'i: tflrtarn rt lh ntmpf mmr -aHH -.TO-
- rrk. I tli ttijit num t to c trft i .trrt.M- bn ttm i in . t t
llnr prr Ihnu-tnnd uf rlrrntnllnn 'r.-ji,tipf uit .tt-xt l. rndi I tl.s lIf i
aiproitruitr p.. It I.Ct;lT-i o ,-n'f t rt ft'"i) ' 4
vrnllnp'r tt'Jkl nrnriu ts. b : - iu i--il ijtt, J ; S n flf I
fr pirr rnl prr n Iff unmHi. .. ' ' rln.I ak t-t!U tpt -'
IVVil), prt-IUitlitl rns-nvinc ft mti HM.)'a: --. nr h'Mi trtl fl Wl.
Iravlni; nrt lifuflt of X -vllOii 1 tit rtntmf pr-tl I 'win H ' milieiUHHf Orraa
lo (Irraa iii . lrrttv i ti ur?Ur ff ik.i '-,' tll ); IB t lm wiJ)
cusi" ii... j.i-.r A h I (D'tOdr- .aiuin In 'lift' jf .f a & rirruliH v4 a
pruttu, tti imb.l-ibfM 1 .'.n Urn t na MS.f ta ab t ' abvuoI. lb f!U 0.m
cum, and 1m furninh ire niit itra t,e c I wluot.r I rcitit.m er tJttttX
Long LoanH per cent
"fjr.:i:M ft-41.sirrA.l ' Tblrm
If alliiiy 1U1 UlO ICIIULI. ftf-opr
tall fur k Irn motiril I) if orilrr l fr tIlUC lrn f laf ,!( fui uf AltHlWH l-ll
K-.rry raiuniitMrfMr inOrmn to Orraii r-i tut a r j r frf llst. tint moi JfcM
work of art rvr r (url In th" lorni f t riirt n tr "1J l'i t Wmt l H
srrtptlon prlcv, t prrpay t fi-rrMni ft jf rt t " if-wiHi Ai
u.ny ulcrlt'r ! l-lriHt in fnrr l w li U S at I j.rt it- plfctl 1m i4 if
rt-;lr-srBtIon(C uj borrow rr ;cmiUta alotH:,tKjJil'.n t tn U wrdftslh ittHBn
lu ucUcr
Th SubscrifititMi Prlc, 92.00, ni bm rtl, as H tmm
km afwct(Ml whmn Lmmn is mm4
Anl unrwrtiitlon tvcln. Yotir IrnJirlu! fMt U ait Hiwfiir .t. r''! Ut
Sfml lh natn-iif virl of roar n-bUrl-i rni -a ran trtrt t t tl.n-wl tif
pnjrtjr yivii ar. worth, bill to tI rhtrwln lift yr trrl at m t.,a4
scnptlun ric lll t- d-Uuctc-d from aan-MNi lwrrnl
l a.1- ( f
I - ml IV.
lb. Mt-MTIILnr wu.
kt.aM. II .
tiur Ut ik rr.M
,,,-, dMrtl a fc 4ttlM trrm ! Ua. Vftt tf4 M.rt a 4 . .lf . il M hMiw
Ut "IU ilUH'r IHa iwpiUl i .l t-nWJl v w ki
It. r-.IU.rl Al il . f.WT lt -l a4aHrkkl ... v - t.tJ. i b.
aUrt W. Ut tHf Tmim (. T1r. ' H t,tmw
pru ib4 lftlf Mlnff fnfri j p Utf r"l 4 t- Vm
lfU n ttWrinlu ffW JU rrt -4 - fwwta,
m.u i .,wripAi i-,ii.,. r.c- ur tf4 ft r r
Ocean to Ocein, w "Ti wRlt'i. o.LT - -1
W. , fA
-SF-1 " " W "Vtto J1-
& Xr&r l. i5
.. .
S'ws'Ias- JZy
I j &
Jam zs
" "
GtHnl Stores
far- 49 af
v7 " HiiO. s
rar f4 rnm4lBgir TJaMl4a
- TJ -ri
-i! ylyi I
'AZ -
National Live Stock Remedy Co.,
p a rsons-r
'oaltlT.Ir -or SICX-HZADACHK. aiUow.a.., wj an t-tmtX w& VTfttl. ao,1.;u. nxlKlX.
ILOOO POISON. aal Saia &, (OKI! 71Z.Z. X S-C3X frr yrmtA Ciitta rb
ir 5.0 rt-a-tl. " I ad tbtn a Tai-a.M CaUkarlMi - lA"r TtH ZH T M !, MvitiMlt., H."
-In r practisa i b bo otar J Dvnstwan, K -
h.49 rLa mi- .s .i.i V.tu.f.1. o.-&.lm-..
for i n. ta atas-a.
&T j irssj-, i -
VaitiaX.l laWnialkJS,
ion Stovi and Machine Works
aar acrcaxaa
ArrtlttMf nl
: BTsrsrsTsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsaa. on -ats-sHaaaaHH
v a----r------------------------------s--BH
Jxmm mkI Ottim.
" Xj er " h er? Vsrt t
isf k aa i4 4 I 14 i
i4 iHitiwuwtl
t hx T M' rpl I
tJ & trt 1 2ra Jsc 5?s
t-Jf Mf tfriH MKfriL W? ?iar ?fl
ss jr aUr fUm &l t-? f
fj bcs! aj to; sww rtsrK i?i 1
2taM((. vim A. "St.
"rssraji. ?na. trnik. ff jrT
lix? ew4 rffe& Ji rri,l&i aa.a-5?
t Ja Jbtai-sN Ar4o- nitaXl r$r &sa Hm.
j 1 t ib itia
t V, .i ,.
i " .
$ ced mute M ttrrtfc?
A4 1 Jut tMr o V tH A,r.
Ht hm,u4 a a ltk4 c? tagr
yr ii .th Tka
"ktT. Rrrr as4 taiteAry esrUt.
' iMtW3ATd ts xvjsa ihfct jAy
si luttim mi jvcr HSVr rwrl Ma
&0 i las ts
la a j fMW-l Jks UarUf fcrrJ
trj vvt fmt
AhI WMJiy )? krv aOfctf tis W112I
great i4l.
rrt3r AtKit
IV mirxeimr JL'rt. 3Z. IX &.
lion t Urrfln-.-. rl(yMtcrMrrt
R rt t ! tsrwrii tito(ittiiwi Ba
U. Vifs ni.j rrt. 1-k Vr H tJtbu, bi
I t -c w iwKtrut 4rT41lL Ji V it
T1 Its &- 7t Hj- twtf '
t'Stttt rrnuivr witjkKxtt tijSt rn
It vrlfctuibet Hub f i&, w-mm-
UuJ Kitte'llfrt r -Ut in lir
if (AaS J IV, 0M S if
unucrtAKt-n lir IVui. Tbo Nninut-r Cs.Ttar ia f-itl. Sf-rf.
chapter of a nr nnrrl. th tary of an Atur-rtaui baU bn. tiy
W. I). HowrlU; a tily mper on How fhall r irit fmr tfr
tdcnbt l"jorl Mn.. by tiici ltnm aad 4h-r. d a uaWIf
of : riling Hbut-it .vi. TA j rVa a tow-. Yrtj, jue)-nnmtr.iJi J. All U4 efln I tatr.
di-ab-r kis-p it. Tutiumsr i..v Y.J'uliliU,!. JU tar tLv
- iirncr - .irr Ytr
JJ frv rB ",t rj
W I x.i l "filur njrrtff jrlB1 lr
fcM - m l" t ITI.H 4. .M.M.
,';. fy. fc. fc. ... ,! In If
t r " ) ,v 'H I1" W i I
K -.i4 ni M l K W1iii Wm
- ), wi rff i.n.a. ar .
) CXXD WITH 1-Otfft O&DJCin
. A
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