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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1884)
tf 3- bhbhBBbBJHHM-bbb-ih.-- -.-sBS -5"" 3rBJ3q"VJrv3t il?'';,: 'r-3ii-"T- K --rfJ' V ' 7TZK "" K&:L.--- -Rwliiiftli'A(fi(iiiMiS"vf iiiiLimti.i Mia .hi J iwhij .jm--j-. pi4?PV""'!K!'''r3!i iVw I ''- I ."L-5 ' 'iT P T - Vw.3- -f ,,-i1Ji,-MVn"- f -l nB bjbbpj w SJe? sBfrertLii . -, jl, MWr " h Tyy jjjjy . ,mAmc tis T -i- df t v T'W tb-ss ?& --aiv'i fc m - vr .-. - - - ---y & f' . - r. j .: s 4 M I 4f 1 I i t i M t ! -4F lK - iv - h m i gg?ff " lffcJfSSMiSiiMBMiJT,MiiM.fcMiJMMrini i " " i mi irrr ni fK iiiiir i j Ha lit... M i i m ii " " ' ' " ' $ i 5iwiitfciJiviMiLBBH ":vc B"' ! Mttfc.'irnr 1 !& r-.- r - Mif-a Clara Bcckcr luu returned Several of our young men arc Si-SttiailpW pf mm. ' - " --- a- j ,STF mmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm """"L - . - y .-. F'-Bl tin L,AnE- iU VLUUU HIliF, n .nnrSin-mUfLlchWJinilcliinbMkW?. v" '-- '"'-j--ir a-i-i-r T '' - T B B W r Wmm B Bl W fc mm V V. -K K -.--. - .- . . i &K aHf T JB T1 A JVBBHk. -. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl L BBTT - r- OBBB .T- - - - --- r . -BBBBBBBBBbBBBBBaBPV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB tt' r .i t. ! W" ranii 1..H1C y tu-rmmmmL - -' ' Xft.a flrti- f i,t.i-t. u n Tflnrn vs. A 'OH XlVC fSUie iPu HK 'iWi- . . . -Bb-w-"w s SB, J?K11)AY. OUT '4. ISSV v --..-. JC.IlifMERJ - - Proprietor 15 l ' "SBecial Notiw. ML October 'J5, 14, the people of th Vftt ' l:iieioi eMr:uKa aim h.:!!!-;, uic eor W (hsilly invited to attend a grand open i!i, three doors fcouth of siherersuruj; Hore in Ited Cloud. Neb., win-re you. mil ttmii .j nti ciil (tin limt ! Jarge-t :-ruek of good"' of nil kinds kepi in ii ui.-i-viB.33 jvjv.uiiv niuri, hi w lotind in Southern 2ibrjifk:i. You .lll't llfll til IlllV liTl'oJ Villi l-)t Jill! 0l come and ee the disphiy of the heau- my old stand; then until the 25th ull le on wheels until the opening, when I will he ple:u-ed to hee every man, woman, or child who likes to se good goods sold within thu rench ol the iooie.ut. IenieinhT, evervi . waira'it'd as repre-'Mited. I have luv t'xriu-ive ioutrol ui the white cr-tal 'iia .-'pt'ftat li the h'.-it article ever pl.u-el upon any market, from 61..1U to 2.50 ptT pair. Also a che.iper gratle to fit every eye, at 2.0 cents each. Goggles I6c. .Solid gold rings, lace pins, etfc, bracelets, collar ltittini-, ftleeve huttfms, ear lings, elndu.-, watehe of all grades and prices, lock ets, bangle?, neck chains, etc. '-lieaper than .unbod. Quadruple plated ware tv?u:ton ;h the woild in beauty of de- hign and quality, and so cheap ev eryone can lwreafter het their table wftli silver. Don't take mv word but come ami .ee Ar ycau.velf. It is a ylt-asure to show the goods whether voti purcliase or not. 0. II. Ma HYATT. PAY UP. "Wo "want all of our subscribors to pay up at once. Wo must havo -what is duo us. $1.50 is a amah amount to you but means hundreds of dollars to us. Don t forgot this and when you como to town call . end see us. CITY HUEV1TIKS P. A. Beaciiy was in Beatrice this week. J. J5. Tum-ies went to Iowa th week. V. IlAnuis took his herd of ponies to Salem to winter. Mrs. Cox, of Beatrice, U a guest, of 11 is. A S Marsh. Hoy Hutch inso.v is preparing to build his new limine. Jakk Estkk is supremely happy. It's a girl and ij standard weight. The spire at the Baptist Church has been handsomely painted. M. L. Thomas has bought the three vacant lots west of his residence Kkv. Mu. Willis pre.ieiied at the Congregational Church, Sunday. Mit. Wallace, of White Bock, Kan aa was a pleasant caller on Saturday Tilts evening there will be a social at Mrs. Mitchell's. All are invited to at tend. Mi. J H Fekman has been laid up with inflamatory rheumatfsin for tw o weeks. D. F. Atki.nhox wishes to return thanks to all who agisted him during the illness of his wife. We are indebted to W. II. Cook for some fine Missouri apples. He has them in large quantities. TiiEtu: was a big time at Guide Bock "Wednesday. It was the occasion of lie opening of the rink in that place. At Mcintosh's sale on Saturday ev erything went oil' at good prices. Cat tie, calves and Horses were sold big' . Maky Estkllc, a daughter of .1 V Fniith, died this week. Hev. C. V. Limfest attended the funeral Mo.idny. Thieves are getting thick in .some parts of the state, and it would not be a bud, idea to keep your windows f:ist ened. A certain' house, not more than a thousand miles from Bed Cloud, had the windows broken out one night re cently. Mhs. J. C. Allek has gone on an extended visit to Chicago and Cincin jiatti. She will be gone about two ononths. "Y ,r ir rr. It..: 171.., r--.,,.-.l- V. II. 11IOMAS, UWIIg UH -M" VUTIV and wife, were married twenty-live vears on the 3th. The occ:isiou was Y duly observed. Mil. I). C. Metcalf has gone up the Valley Tor the purpose of trapping. He 'will build a llat-boat and float down the river to Bed Cloud. The Bed Cloud Quartet will give an other of their series of social hops at the rink on next Friday evening, Oct. 31. The Chief wishes the B C Qsuc- cess. E B B'akner pulled six sugar beets this week that weighed 10.1 pounds. Can some one do better than that. They average a little over seventeen pounds each. The Republican majority in Ohio will average 15,000. which will make a gain of nearly 31,000. In West Vir- - ginia the republicans gained 12,000 votes. Not so bad. L. H. Bust went to Crete this week to select his nursery stock. Mr- Bu-t has sold a large amount of stock in Webster county, and proposes to see & that his patrons get good goods. C M Storey has taken the agency for tin Guide Rock Hour. He has put it down to hard pan priees. He is now .permanently located in Lutz' now brick building. First-class Hour r.L 9 0e per sack. Hosford & "iouxG received one shipment of their famous Plymouth iSck chickens on Wednesday, October 22. They are now breaking ground for their buildings in their yards south- V west of the city. J.D. Syphrit and Jams JBrogan, of l-nniso. rnnntv Iowa, were 111 JUeU Cloud this '.veek onalnnotrade. These genti.u... b Afeo A . "32? fei OT ThesG gentlemen are bighly piVascd pobliuanson NoVgaiiUi. f B liiaiE8!ir vlccied thc-M nt-itHto beb uiWaeruf jww fectHQiRry. Ct ate wwfel. JlafiWlhJNiw P J 'GWOSS B&pr with ihe El Dorado of the Vt- , 4 tickei suaight. --Jjle'. n-r.n-1' I ' i2 tA ' 'cvif' 2 ?i ' ' ". fe - , jMTl 4 ' ! - "" " - " . " ' '" - .v. - WfcfC -'- -., - 'v 3 4t . 1 "- 1 "W: r " . K .- " j-I l,S , JT - v- S - .. . "! Mrs Gov. Garber is in Beatrice vis iting. A sister of Mr. BrakolioUlof Quin cy, Illinois, is visiting in Bd Cloud. The Firt National bank btiildii i being fait completed. It will look nice. A German- lady, of SoringfieM. Illi nois, ii btiiUhng a new house on Sew ard htre-t. There seems to be a denmnd for bu-inera lot- in Bed Cloud. A great manyiiwpiirio-) are now made in that direction. C L Cottin'o, of Strentor, Illinois, J has been in Bed Cloud this weak hunt ing up a Mutable location to fctart a a drug store. .1 B Warkkv, brother of our sheriff, fiom .Montana, is visiting in Kwl Cloud He a5 Xebraka i- 'he bwt country he ha struck yrt. The democrai i(.iority in Weet Virginia has be . -ui down from 12,. 0!K) to about 3oo by late returns. A large number of our citizens took in Guide Bock on Wednesday. They all had a nice time and genuine fun. J. S. Noll, the music and machine man has reutwd Maryalts old stand oppo-itc Chicago Lumber Yards and will open up a muic htorc. Frsk. Ki.-fv, but'er maker vt the creamery will go to Elgin, Illinois, in a few days, where he will accept a po sition in the Elgin watch factory. Two men of Gala-burg, Illinois, were in R-d f'joud looking up a location. They were negotiating for thirty los in lower Bed Cloud to elect their biiei-mv- on. Bev. E. E. Weeber, of Seneca, Kan. will preach at the Congregational Chim-li nerl. rvihhath. Ml 11 o'clock a m. and at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. C E Wool) is now busily engaged in traveling over the county taking in surance for the Continental. Ho i-- do ing a thriving bii'-ine.Mfor himself and the company. Tin: Chief is glad to ice him pio-per. The subject of Hev. Geo H. Brown at the Baptist Chuieh next Sumlay evening will be "A Wonderful Bail road.'' Breaching Sunday morni'jg at 1 1 o'clock. Sunday-school and pastor'.- Bible Cla-s at 10 o'clock. Us ast Sundav. October H. our i worthy county cleric and hi- cuinanie , , . . . ,,, ,. hulv celcl)rated their Kith wedding an- , , . . , t niversary in a quiet manner, at their ic-idence. Tut: Chief wishes Mr. and Mrs. B. many returns of the happy oo-c.i-.ion. A rout twenty-nine men living m the vicinity oi Cowbs, have organized the "The l'cople'? Lumber Co.." at that place. Me-.-is. G W. Francis, Ld. Gilf. !;. A. Teel are the boaid (Ire "tots. ('. W. Fuller is managing the yanl. Will Jacksos left Monday, for Sher man county, Kansas. He is now en gaged in ranching it with Mr. George Taylor, hi" brother in-law in that coun ty. They huve a ran ye of nearly .'.M'O acres of land, and at pie.-ent have 300 head of cattle which they are herding. The firm have our be.-t wi-ho.s. Wm. A. Bah.-o.vs. of .hiek-on C. IL Wc-t Virginia, a prominent and riring member of the legal fraternity, ha- de termined to come west and practice the profession of law. He has pin-j chased two acres ot laud from Ira S'eeper and will erect Hiitable d vell- ii ...:n :.... i .. T..t. l.iS lie win iiiiiu iieiu auuiu ftu- ruary lt, ls."i. One of our young :. he other lay while in a barber ho; ' ight he saw a friend in one ot th eli.urs. wiulo the towel was over his face. He ijuiitly slipped up and grabbed the fellow by the proboscis. Imagine ins .-urprise when he found the fellow to be an en- tire st i anger, ue tuineu on hia neei ami skipped om 0. 11. Makyatt has moyed into Lindley'i old stand, where he propose to put m the largest stot k of jewcliy, watches, clocks, etc., ever sevn in the valley. On Saturday he will have a grand opening at which time he will have on hand a SlG.POO stock to select from. Come whether you buy or not and see the goods. The Chief nas several times in the past year called the attention of the people to the necessity of building a poor house. The commissioners have now arranged a plan to yote bonds for that purpose at the November election and it is to be honed that our people will see that the scheme is cairied through properly, as such buildings will naturally les-en the poor expense which is now saddled on to the county. The first noted event of the season, in the way of entertainments will be given by tho ladies of the Baptist Church and society, at the rink. Thurs day evening, Oct 30. General Wash ington ami lady, General Li Kayeite and lady. "Uncle Sam," and many other noted characters of "Ye olden tyme." Mu-ic by the band, songs of a hundred years ago, etc. An elegant supper will be served by waiters in costume. Admission 10 cents. Every body cordially invited. Only about too week's intervenes between now and election day. Every republican in Webster county should appoint himself a committee of one to work for the good old party that has done so much for this country in tiie last twenty-live years. Don't allow vouself to be drawn from its ranks by men whose only ambition is office, and would make you believe that they i... r ...... ... .-.'.- cimiMM.1 ii-t I -. B i .! Mr S ind 15 were are worthy oi ny man supiw.wi we-v, iiuiKe ;:.e j-roie-rir taxiant.e K'tmuig and lirairstaimng otici, ft cii''. trtoi. on nww ire. i ll-f 1 DOr FCiOi tttc -i r ......i.f -.i. . . - ... im. . .- .. . ti aw vi.i.i.-.-i -h 4rw r rm ivm s - t ,. l - - -e - - .. A I'orjiR wave came from the t.rth WOJJt Monday. It ws a ruddeu change. MR. W. I. FoBBiKTBa and wifo e terUinetl a number of friend? MomUy. KEMiainER thu jirize-- olleretl to jmr cbnser& t the Golden ICagle clothing 'ioTi- . . .. . ated in hi.- nerr quarters in Bauiw Ud joiiiu J. Mattix Iim been btuMing a sUirft rootn forOnri.y & Dickereon. ncr the depot. Tiirimxi meeting tf tbe Wonwn'e Belief Corps will be on MotKiar, Xov. 3d. at 250 Oi;r next SenUir, J B Skinner, ofj Hardy, imld Tub Chirp a ploasant ctill on Thursday. Bciuiek U)OU and hoe far men, women, and ehtldri-u, at the Goklun En jt I e clothing store.. You are Hire to get full valtie for your money at the tqiiare dealing one price clothing boose. I)o.n-'t forget the big sktl at the rink next Tuerd y night. Don't t:iy away it will be loin of fun. Mk.Joms Mm'HKi.L and vnfr, rein .:.... . c ...... ..., ! iiuirt l.i ?Vtti uvw, ..t our ih w... WW. .... Dakota county, Nebraska, are in the city. ' Mr We Shirky. agent of the Sioux ' Mme. who Know him .wwi, nao on , . ,. iv- - .-1 lire confidence m him ad a temper- City nursery has received his invoice of f Xi"n. n... will support him. The trees. They are rine and in good condi-, sec.rcUlry t)f ih- Maine -tai" ommit tion. j te, who writer alit Mr. Blaine rep- Bead what the Chicago Tim etivs uwtion in giving tmlluint wine parth. r., , ,. Mn,, ,., :, it a voting man who i secretary ol th of the democratic party 1 he hm i.- imt-,CM.nt I.rolliWl.,rv pttrtv 'lM thi- a lemocraticpHperand knows whereol ,,uU wjISv.j, H repudiated by SW out of it -jjoaks . . ..,-.. .......- T-. 'in i , 11V. w ,. Miuo i lill Hour. If I,. ,11 fcw,. i. I you can get it of Wm. LeuonTS. V Ludlow or W. 11. l'urell. ll-tf W. M. Iirici:ibos, who has recently ! returned from Denver, showeil this of. tiee a line pictuie of .-ome of the pret-tic-t Jccnery in the mountains. S. F Si'OKiKir.Ln i! h:ivinj ai addi tion built to his bakery. J. II. Fer man i.- doing the carpenter work and C. A. Owen wi'l do the painting. There will be a union temperance prayer meeting ;it the BnptUt church, Wednediiy, Octohor 20, at 2-30, P ! also at 7 30, p m, by order of the na lion a I W C T L' It will pay .you to go around the corner and buy vour winter supply ot .... . .. I cioiniM", u" m-, !uwe.-. Hiiminiirti, loihin; , , . . . . n . . , (gloves, hats and (ip, oi the G.doen j ?, ' , ., . ' ;.nyie CiOfcmug More. Oveiicoats fir men. $2.50 and un wind-; Miits $ I :)0 and upwards; seat let woolen under v-ar, T.lcts and uuward-; wo!en socks 15 cents and tiLward?, at S the Gdden Kaule clothing -orc T.vlki.vo about corn raised in Web i raised in Web - stcr county. .1 L Miucr .- owed u.s n-iHi :o(l rniii. whii'h v. e have on e.v ., . .. ., . i moiuon. mai is among me hum wc have seen IL waa planted m June, ... and is dollar. and is as plump and sound. as r, ?ilver 1 r , . . ,. . . , . Is another column of to-day's Chii r we oiler a hand-oir.e jiremium to al' new or old Mtb-fribers. It i this: We have made arr.ingmonts with tho (nl'otfe Ileurlh, a monthly mag azine oncoftheerv lu.-t bo.i-ehold :t.iot- one oi uir ti-it hum oo.i-i-isoio peiiodical.- publi-hcd, by which we are enabled to club fc with TiikCiiikk. and f . t I . . ... Ml I - I- irom im- uaie on we win .-enu n iree with Tin: Chief to all -ubM-iiher- who nav us 5-j ior one vear a Mio.tcripiinn. Jlend our oiler. " Lisr of letters remaining uncalled for in the post-oili.-e at Bel ,ii j Xebrask i for the week endine:, Oct. 120 , !S?4 1)lvit, rijuk (I w Diw z Q j roper. A A Havne B A Iluddleson. Will Hid, K Y Batta, J B Lmdley, K C Martin, J Meltor, in Morri-on. Frank Bark. M I'ier-i n, Miss Annie B'.bert, L Smith. 7. V Yachon. These letters will be sent to the. fle.-iil !ei!er ollice, Xovembi r 17., if not dehv- J ered heloro. In ea.hng lor the above, pleu-esay 'advertised," giving date of IL-t. " M.'B. McXnr. Thkiii: have been several changes in the hii'dues hou-es of Cowle? recently T. J. Ward has sold his coal bu-incss, J II l.inebarger ha- started a lumber yard. C W Fuller is managing the Beople's lumber yard, Beak k Latta have sold their drug business. Henry Cook, of ibis tity, Mr. lue ai.d anoth mo' if- V. er ei'uue uiaii wuose name we eotim not learn, have g-.ue into the mra. ware business navmg purchased Wol- mans store. The Chief wishes the ..-. .. h. er gentle man whose name we town of Cowles and its citizens untohl prosperity in every rc-pect. It is cer tainty an enterprising town, ami full of business energy and snap. No Tariff 1 ue The democrats endeavor to break the force oi A.r. Blaine's powerful argu ment in favor of a p-otective taritfhy asset ting that the tarill'is not an is-ue in this campaign. Well they made tlie tat ill their main issue ill his,?, win for io congress, spending nio-t of their time upon it. and when tnev ludicrouslv failed to carry thdr pet mat urn. they auuouiuiM ineir intention to UnKe tt that is haniiy lelt by any oi me mem- ami make it their special issue at the ' hers. E.ieh member contnbu'es one next session of congress, and if they j uVdar per week and then icU are succeed in electmg their presidential ! drawn and the one receiving the lucky candidate and a majority of congress j number is eutitled to the watch and so they intend to carry tins isue to sue-1 on in a .ike manner until all have re cessfu I accomplishment and establish ceived a watch. Now, L H Wallace, of free trade. It would deluht them if j ihis city has made all the necessary the republichiis would gue up nrotec-i arrangements Uk furnish watches at and allow them to succeed so that they 1 without the fear of some dishonest per can establish free trade, ruin all nniih- I .. faiiinr ,!ii nf -i club or this kind .ioo us i.o issue uuiui" i:iis camnaign em manufactories and starve laborers u.iiiic m;;tui ioieii;ii jiuuner wages Tl.n ror..,Ki;...,.,.. l.n......-.. ii f .:.. xt icuuiivrtli;, l"UCi. liTlU HJ illfir wKi' .f ..,.t.- ..i;nr. ...-.... u: r i .... , . t it i . .j :.. tu m.. oiimoi Ha nvorivf a ninr I can, and protecting the" laborer in his I litis manner saving all the expense oi ami feed store in Luiz' new bnck 2"f?rl,'l,,i i t .." ". .tu;nui ci-i i . j 1 1 1 " .-iiiifin- nnvnu'ni n i:w itnLvir iwr ee nim in iiic ui.i.cijiiv ; v,...- - - . .,, . ,t .v. nniAV - i -f rrmiAi.l 1. ti JHVfV tif nil Milillftl fnitb-, ai a the vlr dcu4 tH t .-... ,t ,.-... . rww tmiMv-. .-..-, - mmr W..W w ". ---- -- -... .- .c..jui ri trim riii iiirii tt.ri i Hr Uf a iorctb.e atI kiU filter iihI t bwk Uh jt5jrtions with the nrt; .im- u thvnm x ration to :b- tar-1 or x. MtA ileifurrili- xnil mtli. ' m i- w n wm ""-. .... -. .. ...vv - have bftpn tmmd- i!emchay.mai Mmtv.y -Kr- imr itTX llore the jeop urnM. Y.rvrs one .' . . , ! Owing Ui the U:eoe of the h.or : re cMeiKri o 'so o mu me"Mns; j l cmieiWt K -pteHk ot the meKtng i mrt. lft tli- it to -ay that Sewa- in tmrt. ltt mlic4 it to -ay that Sea- tor lUndeiSHJ-. -net-ch wt. of the true bine kiwi and n grand 5ccrf. ! A Vler Yrost ijRiaf AHcal Itlalnr S much has been -aid shout BUtne: mtemjH'ninc Iv jople who are not pourd, that wu feel h-po-ed io jrive the contents of a private letter revfctffd tiy Bev. C W. Spnnt;'r. ?u iriit?eiii!ini of -chools of WiU;er eoumy, watch he received on tle 23.1 i;Hl troui V1-om Dmglev. editor of thi, Lewistoii ( li) Journal, atvl Bast Grand Wonbv Chief Templitr of Maine. We aupeucf the buer which oxphund it-elf. J.r.wisro;;, Mn. Oft. 17. IiiiJ. r V StutivuMtj. fl-o.. Afu l)mr $ir: yim ljtsr of inqurv ,5 rec,. r, j, uttkient to siv of Mr. lilt - -- . -rm ---- y --t if Your letter of inquiry i reoirou, : ...itt. .:... .. . . r.f !f I!!iiimi . : i i-. Huiiririib k.r 2 fc 'i i-. ..... t Ui iwuirlv nil ! iirthihitilllLtt of "" "-.' " ,..--...-..--- bi&.-tateinent i.- mule without any ' " ''; "I'! L" ,! in- worthv of a moment consideration. Wncn ,-uch men as Gn. Aeal Dow, Bx-Gov. Bernam, Iiev. I). B. Bamtall. l'rident Cheney, and all our other leadin' tomnerance men, who live near Mi. Blame, and know his peison al habit?, earne-tly support htm, it night to be .-ullii'ient to at-sure temper ance men elsewheie. Truly oiu-, X. Di.nolev, Jr. i --- ' - )at!i r SV A IhitliT. We take ihe following item from the Hi e rlon Kut' rpntr: W. A. IStiiier, ihe victim ot iiiu un- I 1U llll .LIL ft ? ac idem on .-eptcinher 2o, lii-l at his home on Tuc-dav la-t, trom the ellecU of the wound. He pa-sed away ry quietly, his -trer.gth , Thy ,UIH.rll ,cruct,s v. ere conducted ( ,...,i,R. ii... auM ice- of the Bomau iiivniL' teen latiiuir ior some nine Catholic Church, the Prien delivering a Very uflcctive -.ernion over the re mains. After his ecea.-e coroner' js.ry was calletl and an ;rTne-t w.i l.eld. We append the rdict- the doling -.'ene oj one of the mt horri ble tiagediee m tne history if our lit tle village. The pHi-.on Alio can not ilraW h.s own moral from this terrible itcrident is iucanable of seeing it if j preteuttd by auot.ier, or of bc;ng ben- ! flitted by tue leou tiic ' wmcii Miriouiul ttu- iiifii&trous oUggeat- Tue toliowing is the veidiot , , eoroneri lurv: At an imiutoi- .-. Hon hoaleti m Bivurton, m Franklin 1 .i .-.I i .. f .i. i j county, on the I fnh day of Octoler, A. I i. .. t i...... -. t t W'...iiiii ,.,.f. 1 ii. ism, ieioie iiu-t v. .j. ii tiuu, wfi- (merof.-a.dcoirity, upon the body of lug wa-iiin-ltleulal nut me iwnuii. oi inexcu-ahie carele life; and that tin re was no ciimmal intent.' Conmugal Bl.ISr-. On la-t Wedueo dav afternoon. Mr. Edward . . . . .,r v.... (. IV.K..I. i.r.i- j oi tiie in." . unc v .... , r.-- j p:ietor& ot the east ide maiket i .rA wcl.-kn mn to uu eitireMS.was ha; - I 1 . . . J . f . I I .iff ... j Ol ilie III III Ol iliie? v iiuu.iiii i j'" pny unuu in oi n.iit t i -m.-- .--i. ' .mth, a pioininent young lady of Betl utt ift .in.l er of Mr. Ed. 5mitn. , Tne voung couple have the conr.itu- i V' l ( V t 4 - - I hitioiis of.their many triunds ftr a hmg i ami uiimmgaieu me o jiu.ij .- ?.. .?.. 1 Krrt,.f .!a ijitr.i .ir the n-iatnniomal sea. The Chief wishes, them joy. A.vAcanEvr. One day last week George Heiliebower, yo'inga-t sou of David llollleU.weiy living near this citv, was tun over by Mr. Bmigh's team and badly injuiod, one wheel of the wagon pa-sing over the child's body. The little boy was out doois plaCingat the time, and was-not ob served bv the driver until the accident occured." Dr- Hail was cdled and ad niiiustered to the wants ol the little.fel low who it is hoped will speedily ic tover from the injuries received. He is 'about thiee year old. Ue oot scared. The other night one of our bniva young men retired to his couch to sleep. There would be nothing strange about such a cir i c"ance, onlythat the young man, ni tor hiivMif (i?-Miued oeaceiullv for ,,., ," , ' - a , ",i,i "e, suddenly awoke ami demanded i A lellow hemg, wlrns that I "uh "oiJi-r but rats, said he. iic .l ,......,., I Ik.a . tlio C1T11I Tilt ouieted down. Again the same mys inrirtiK oi.iv a w:is hn-ird. This time I the said y. m. securcil his revolver, and with the'eourage of a David stepped out to battle with his supposed burglar, when lo! he discovered that the sup posed burglars were only rats playing ieaofrog between the walls of nis apart nipn.L..'1" Hfisctnn the cigar after a heartv laugh at his own expense. I " i k-r smnll town in eastern Iowa, the I young men of tne place hie formed a cTub tor the nurnose of obtaining each ! member a gold watch at an expense i even a m and maiviTig a double expense on the i remainder, ue proposes io mnmn . .. tl .T Tl :- .. Saioon o " ! tAn oi 1 I .111.! xl.f .1 I .111.1 . C- ucn smaller eipeuss :m . . . . .. . . . . .- - . . . Y!irinos n aw rorwniii:e. ikiui - Uk "nsrreL TiJiu- . . . k .fcj r iit.. 1.2 - ,t r-i....l ', "TX lUK'tSlJ? I lift ITiJlS1- KWurt P.ri!sl: n.r be iown?n5 ut -"j. ,hat Dr. Ihmu . ... . . . i irv mm -- - - I i.i rt jtilt m iticce & yn j ihn hvitt' I cannot y ih , j npXtVktO bind oVth bvn.g. for Id qnk ! . . ..! I.K4 11.K 9.f a?M ' f i 'And for over .v ecf. j aIkI UtAl ua3 wnun e wen1 wv- "S Uodouftil ltvr fcon U""..' wbid. my l -.l. tt... .- ui in FMmti iWUil "n i-fki nbi tKlf. wtwj U . -uwt u .Wwru. - i!utttfmx. Of U wofctWc ''.-t "'7T, ------ - wiuiiiW. ut tJ ne .uM4: I hjh .pK. as i ui o ". Trfrgmph UH. ami tWe io iook. uunn over me ciiv, i i ? Milvt! in mv nin! ii vi-it "Pns '..mi Pr.uti M tJiiri Irtot-tt (Vila- forma Sirrut u IV. i I found y4f in the tiiui-t of thk.s ClitaA. I will not j;tnpt u dei-criba the uUee, mi 1 ttjoh uiy I wa- vry bfpiy th rtp;otuld. alter Uarug bHl so uiutti ni ine iwoat. ami to nno thouiwia of p.pla'aJt e,u ami jur Stnosr liMrtr orlHn- of lift. I wil! id -y I wu agreoahtj dppoioil rlnn.iitiitt.1 well a- d iightcKt wiu ;m BMtny etmostiier dtpUvi from th f I utndor. U:i-? loin wbch M aboiit jl. .nercsnnir Uy an A men. in fc mi. - - - -r rf r, -. thing .Ia m to e ih CI.iihmm x chaiiiog iihuh-v. hud wcisiwi t ' ,.. .i.ii.., ; ,i wk.v. I eiii mm - miv iitiirn. iii.i wttv j ues m China. But enough of Chin. I rti ii. iMt. ti i tut jtit vni4r. it ljit-.w hut a s-hort timejuntil one set ail lc j wajitt of that It wil a heaoU uldav when vri ?uilod out frtnn the wtmrf, tho hay a all dotted with ail. mat, a 1 tiii ja, from every q-uirter. We saiel through the Goldoti Gate ami out uoon the ocean curretit until w came upon the mtgtity incan wiiiivv-. j ' . ... Soon we were all otind propped lack in our steauier chairs purchaael for j ttio occasion. But a la- how v-ry ; ooii vou could j-ee one after another ot our voiiipany reining to nie se- t I' kiml i fik mini lit .if r liitlitiiii thit v.. ........ . I.V. -.vr ...V,. .......... . ..V........ ...v hfi limits Mini nru ttfiin in mv itAt I can realize what going aft means, and if I am not mistaken, aft, for v.vrd, and alott all meant about the same thing, for anywhere you have a mind to go you could see the form .and boar th ame ' vork and the eoo-ola : in "W ell, says I, you don t Mippo-e that I am doing tin- for fun, do you ?' Ju-tjierivthere wa- a pause in the conversation, and 1 toik another loter look at the dark blue ocean. 1 tiled to think .-OMiethiug almut the I uoem. winch is like this. 'KOii on. I thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll !" I - I T - amiu.mi.HJinmiiu.iiut. .w ..j th lea-.L I .vim .-omewhat -easick. W ' we hail 12 hours of ery rough '(a, so said by nur excellent Capu Cobb, as roiiiih as he had seen for ar. How ever. 2-1 hour w'a- Uw srreaiet of plen l mm iwiotieo . ..- y.-.. . .v t.Jdy bb-el thinng my neasick - ui tho pergonal care and atteu- wife, who was the only one of the entire company who :..v lint li ti-.u ..Lin it nil -'---- .-.- . w was not r.ick, and who wjls able at all time to a-si-jt others. Jiverything na-cd oil j-moothlv up to Funday We had Hpiatopul services at 10:'O A. M. A lliinaman ueii in me auer et- . I'll J noon, auii we laid him to ret. o on we go locking u.atnl fro. At present the sea is lolitui' very high, and the Mrk e olio III IOC vict nmirauw T. .;-m1 Oi) i! iva nn.I fi tl4ltir-4 voyage from San Franci-co. . Jl A !.. - - !-.. - 1 - mm - r -w w - ' -'- ,s wits . -- T ... . goes on nei -learner, i wiu imwj itt eloe for the present, so as to be able to get this on the U. S. Mail steamer. L. I Dkn.vey, M. D. .mm mm. -!. l- Noli.-c to Tax-pa Jfr. .iit . 2 V M the -yinpalhizmg qm-ti . ju-t think j nwul llltriol N,.iv. Vwir Co . NU. oi it. Alter I had been there ;or some h,,, ,f Co CooitMmioff. ihh time, columi ovor j ,ok u p Ul .;iUoti for n tWW ind ihe railing, my Jibed with tears. m r I? ,t n, sjHfMi ,v Mitrr btw . and I don't know whit uoL Io have j L Kbtott. .1. O. CiMiMlMrlM. A. J. your wifeionieto you and say "are IomH,on. C. W. Kly. ml infers vou itk?".tiat could a man hay. i .i... ....!i, ...ii. (,il .nuiri i,r tid' T ty. IIU.I I K'H'iwI my iijuititirtm nw lu ri.llllllt, lo o. board aciuwiil ctimiiuM! ed t i enjoy m meals, and , b a'rcwiljnr r.,ori 1 U lUc ot the vtlieii 1&.AV t'ujoy, I mean eiyoymmt ;... iii iw iinitri t-Aifiii, j ow nn JV-.M.M..K Claim-, of .1. W. Iinvi. .1. f . mw. i eon. erned. Occupy pla.-es at the L j piukeludur M. I) . C. K. Glniuiui heid of the table at tne right iiaiiU oP rnt, f, M ,Mo-.nn. M 1).. rfurr.-d K. our gotd raptnm, fea.;.t upon tltn .at 4 (j ull30il0W j.p.. for PuiMinm vrtiiet. !.... .- ..v.a... klaBk JBl III llM 1 .. -h-htctorm. I will attempt hv am Sirici asketl for. byto.-ay .-omeiomg of surging and Couni ekrk tiiatnietetl Ut notify the foaming and billows. petitioner- lor a puulki road ntimlaj: Yok.uu. Sent 22.. C B. M. tiiroufh the eent?r of dctinn . town i i Jintat this time it might well nnough Wm. Sbuncan. Ep. that the time for be to remind the tax-p:iver-fWeb-5er j tho pajui.nt fr tne sptni of Iota county that the fk.-t o"f November i ting the road hv and other petitioned mar at hand and that 1SS3 per-onai ! for in town 1. range. lJ. I uiteodd to pr .perty taxe- become eoilcctablo by ! December Ut, 1W-1. and iidIom be l In at that dale, and that the treasurer ties the sarne by that time, his potition luu- no desire to collect, it bv dntresa i will hv rejected. and sale of property, beside? there -are j The building of sidewalk along' the many pcron.- owing the county per-; ?ouih side of the court Iiohm simarw -onal taxes for back vear-. and a word referred to J. L- Miller, county uom- .1 - . '-! A 4 1 .. tiiereiore to me wise is -umcieu.. -vi so, the treasurer wishes to inform the 1 tax-ptyers tnattne -aie on rem c-nc for taxes will begin on the first Mon day in November, and also that the diivin .Novpmier. anu aiso mat me I3S4 t. boks are in the treaaurerV la84 tax oooks are m uie irwisun-i k ham! now for collection, and und-r iim m- Brv in ifin roviuiiiH i;t.k i.-m, uir- uns vbi c - --b- -. -- m t . T 1. .,. .. . I . mmm. B. S la-t legislature, (session of 13S Uix of UnH, anil thercntter. payable, without interest irom 1 , lbS4t to January 1st, li, la-t named date the ux bee linnnent and a ncnaltv of cent, i- added to all unpai which Ur.iws tnereaiier tu ier terest until paid. Mr. C E Ferra Ta now nrenaretl to give lesions broidery. .She leaches' plush, a sumacn, anu many oiner i atitche-'. Prices reasonable. Be thre doors .south of A. J. Ke She also does stamping to ordr. Vrwif. T?wnlj'r form iltitrief. rntirt Webster m . .. ww-.-. county, Xf-braska, et for Oct. 21. IS54, i Wohv otlitmrned to December 9. ISjS4, at 9 A. M. pursuant to petition of atu rneva of said county. October IS. IS4- Williav tx.tsus. Jr. Judge. Attest J. P. Sjlyiw, Clerk. t2 bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbH ( OimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV,. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S m H "PHoar and Peed Storo. J. iL 3k J. Ik HiUf. MfttSI CfltKj - TWVHal. Har jll to ;a U i .t U. s. Hij irfAmwi.,,, ,tnurtr K. immh tW . fUrfc ; - . . -- r - Urvlg awl matsriat w W tad cvairton t l p k . 1 i . . . WW J te- 5en.4 Uw UwwWr!m tUt. I. ... .Mill ...wMf HAAlr MMX k.. ct4vi4 tJrriun ftwt M IX ias ms ih ia . nl iU. Uc Wnl Uo 4.W,f u I tnaUr ad rUirl to i-4 I Jh -... 2 BB4tlt PHVl HWrHBMt ti IiIbbMHIMibI lit - - ? - - - .. r. wm. j. i. M c..!. - - . . . -9-m . Mtwii iui ajnI t4 m-fw 4 - cwbk mU tifw4it rnn! jn1 nlnWu atMstlMi aaal aJMBBfcL UMKtlii J. O CVmNri.'u. Mier Bom.. adII 1 . it. UKru, J r. lU-un t jart W J P Km! j Cvt. p ttnxiAvi u4i4l 4 IW4 to - : A M. Krf. K.IC. aCH?. It j u nwmrmu, . u.. x. a. h w, v . w i M. Mv"Bn. M. U.. nfMt 24MNM , J I B. I TIm t4k1aiy ehwmt naOiiii imm! V i w't. m 'U Nw m drH ue iJmi o.;j gvaend wt J6r U ,iiur. wJia 0, Umt u - - , - ", -" " ,'', v t . um Maafc lit 10 ittm im UIM " v- i"f - :TMlpf. JrtBMA4rfiji Mv - "" -St 5 1 I J. U CtMlWfSllBt, tor lT MuHt tl ui't . Hr "1 n tt. j. . ". tor i-Hft it s US im It. A, U.. unlwul J.H.H4MIM nu 4 tmrnmm c. rKM ir v VW.. r.llLk.viur liil4ia UlllH MAMtiLinl ni humI. and warrant urWrpl t u ,(,- n on th coUHty runl IumI fur .S4, .-,, K.muluUin Bro.- & Co.. bridge material .. i. v t i)ii.i ii t.. k. It. No. 1 lto ) IMatt and K rue-, brWlga ieatrfnt o Bocmt unlvmil that sii .npwxprialKHi oi thirteen Iflfll dollar? r ti lrtH tin reot a.- ina be noc!nr . 1 Uirbi made to purcltAMi maurial to bwiki a , bndgo on the ea: UtX I Haiku en, :nifi thu i -fiiet. oath nul r-urt of mo tal ruiul eommi-shner, ( ha. B. Ba.' on unid ro.ul. the mujui Itnving br tllud duly tftli. I.H51. and altr iin m ftiilorutiou. iiatliiiir tlm MtUin auiMi.nt- metil and iejHirto: .'petal ruati eotu- j mtisionrr. ami piihlimtwu ot mi1 nM.J .,....!...,. .. .!. ii. . i.. Ktmiuii tin ISI - a - ailBlIlBia - BEkBkB.aBB.BB 3 ll - I BBBlBA W BkB) .j,,,, Mn, hyieln onlur th -hl road . b, yotnJh,.,! nMl VnotiUHl. ai pr . . . . ki .. .,1 ....til & ka.f -M fhBMl iraer ol mihI netiiioii. and akl nmd lo tie opeind for ptibln; o. Claim or J. M. .Mo-ft M.D. awl B. B. Buney ,J.I, r!erd back U K. i. j l'Momn, An-bTSotl. .U 1 Corrcc,ioll !Uui moment an to w j S3(1 ,)rj,r,. ,, yotuphited or noU ( c'tauns of Whttten Bro-., tnn . jtirkcr mj .j . w. Wratun r.ter I . . .. ,. .. .... '. nuri it.i f. iirml ilIKI'l null I. .. .. ...-..--- , . Mc(aium county eominti! ,, or,i..r ... .....l, . lull renurt l j with order lo makt. a mil rupurt lo iwrnrii .il nil! next ineeniiir. Coiiutv elcrk instructed to rfar tbe i ..,:.t.... ..- ., nmir t-oii 1 1 lUhtrlrt In tiotn l"itl".i " no.. ....i. .....-.- ..- , r;inj,(. l0 Wobtor countj. Nctirnknv lo lm, Jt.mjunera and hive lhH lat , wJV 6t,elions m IUH ,nl. town 1. nge I .. l ..l..n.l l. fh.i lint ItlfUl llf j -t. rangi: . ittwu' " ' r"J " mtiiiro-us a- pur grant ol sni nmu aj . . . r - . i i ii. county eointnhdonera on Augitt 1 ttht ; HH. h( time for payment ie hrcb extended to December 1st, lbHt. antl If not complied with hv that tim, tho pe tition will be rejected. f 'fin iitv nhsrk intructd to AOtifV instoner. H-.-HVJ1J1-4 . . Boanl adjourned io Nov. 13, 1S&L i 1 1 t'trwla of 1rM eood. ombracin2 ,-..-.-- -. - -u ! jilto. Mtnui. vflxw chmere- wt - , ' V 1 . . Mr. f half wool, cotton, calico, etc, at Mr. i -.-' - - - I 1111 11111 ISV- T " tf!!F.t for nlc. Inquire of Cb-a' k-ev. Ketl Ltouu. n--i - -m W ndl3 vt.riet of white and red at Mr?. Newhouse'. lUtf Lw lot of embroidericr1, Licss.aaji '. at Mr?. eMiou--e. H-ti pride of Blue HiH flour k uk- lead wherever iutroiuceu. Tw .tl T-- Aw, !. -rI txtrA 5- Lire portraits he i- makinz. 1 1-4 t. jit nnuinrfNiK. - ?tuuiu m- 3-t. i ad' hose and underwear ot Mrs. :. Letso.v hai Tne pride of Blue -c . .. ii-u. N5 of all oualitita and colors at Newhouse's. ll-tf Tf vnn are thinking of making VOtM . t.V- 7,. . .7 i. t. ...., ir... .. .. .r. r. . r. .. v . . .. r . r a ..i i - w- . . w . & ! i.. - u... ..n. .. rVmmi .I'M. J ent jj m'Bradhrook'a gallery and net for a large ponra. i i-- Do 5ot wait io e who h elected president for it takes time aral unlxght to ruakfc thtee large jKirtraitj I arn get tinirun. F. Bntdbrook. the 4th avenue j photographer 1 1-t Ms.. NEWiJOfsE has for ai ut. Warner a celebratcsl health corsci. Dr. ....., .i.o. .m - i nun 7. i i. i. i tn . . Wlutiw- J.l. tor inavaw nrevinui. w in t.t.....i.t ...ii I.. i Affiihiml in thu niail M: IlWIrs S22K!!Se SAT ' I. t I JJ !J V lL - V f l I DUi Xi illlfett1 tf&M v z. &- r 4t. HOLJDAY w FTS! 0. S. M.BB1GHT T.MB LHADIiNO Jeireler OS KBD OLOUD v In now riMsolvink- hhi HOlidAy Btook whkrti for variety tuul oxoollenao In irrry rat bon4 any lino of Jnwolry vrtr formttffct to tbb By, ambnaa complu Bno of Neckclmins, Bracelets, -Af Castors, Cake baskets, Pickle dishes, Toilet sets, Knives, Forks, Spoons; Sec. I And if 7cradeirtO pttrcsbaa a fla proiMjat,or Hnjldsd of a rotrroscto I 4V -..w Iwfrvnjl YnA-H rmwm.m -t tcTor swMtbMirt, oow im tbs ttH -B to do 00 whii my stock Is l&rg tad , ,. vflf n v '. m iMir of thinffs to & bom. H kp every this? th could wfefc or ti h&rt doelr, frotm a$l otocfe o thm illnetJC gold call and I win opa LOW PBICBB. IKD sSt1 I Wj5 B m flfaMBrnVM - Sff a"arffaBi(! n .t,- ts m r--tyi&iw "-llnli wliii.ui iiuUbubp y I, 4, r fj f. ; t " t. - " - rL f - ' . ? x :' u?.VL ?? - -, .r- i.- - -' J-t'frv -"a- - - -r 4 - -. i r 9 f - ' - a . '. -; "" . S LAvr 1 s. w - .-si j icTk J -- c. . 5 v fc iH . J... .... ...... .:,- -- -.0- ..-.- --:.n.