The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1884, Image 4
-A- jn?5 J y -" J "? J r i?v -V -? Sf i 'B&ira P - -f 3- xT- t-nrs - w.- & Zg&B li-'- i - . - ' a. - " ft k-. . t &$&! ry4.rr r j. . :-: . .a - & f X -cr K i it r y- v. If r-3 p.r- r - ygssoo. ,.- U ajjcrrv i-j- . SIM'' .- .-A-i.Avai .v,f . 4 m ,4 SK MF J B Js ;The Red Cloud Chief A.C. HOSMER, - Proprietor FRIDAY. OJL -2 ISSt Hou. J. "Wesley Tuckor will ad drM tho republicans of "Webster oouny at Rod Oloud, on Thursday, October 30. Proposed AmcmlmciitK to the Contltut!ou. "For proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating to Lt'jjislntive De- 4)Hrtinent. . ffi0gs&!ff ''Against proposed Amendment to 5mBtbe Constitution relating to LeCislative iW 's Department. "For proposed Amendment to .Sec tion one (1) of Artu-Io five (ft) of the Con-ti union, entitled, 'Executive De partment.' " 'Against proposed Amondment to Section one (l)of Article five (5) of the Couftitution, entitled, 'Executive Department.' ,? The nhoye Amendments are to be voted on at the coming election. Print on operate tickets, and vote in super ate ballot box from that used for SUitc and National ticket. SCOTT Mrs. Mary Arnison and her two children, Irom California, arc witing friendri and relatives here. Mamie Lohfi', of Kranklin, 2seb., is among us Mr. and Mrs, J. Kinker, after ?j)end ing manj pleasant weeks in our neigh borhood, have returned to Oieir home in Virginia. They have made many IriemU here. S. W. Corner was kind enough to say that site .vould not "steal the thunder" from us, nn-1 in remembrance we will pteal no thunder corccrning tlie wed ding. Bcta. , C AH FIELD Died, one of the twin infants of Mr. and Mrs J F Smith, on Monday morn ing, Oct. 20, and was intered in the Wagoner cemetery Monday afternoon Rev. Lenfest officiating. Walter Penny haloid big farm on Hull Crook, and i-sued bills for the Kale of his stock on November G. Jno. P. the Hicks postmaster is dig ging another hole in the ground. We do not know what lie intends to do with it. Broom corn growers have about 'flu shed baling and arc now anxiously waitintr for the buyers. Several have commenced picking their mammoth crops of corn. Susan Jane. WHEATLAND. The sturdy march of improvements arc still going on in this corner of the county. Mr. Doyle is building a sub btantial new frame house. Mr Putts has been raising a barn on the school bection. A new school house is to be built in district No. 20. Dr. L N Wells will poon erect a new residence at La Portville. P C Burt has also been adding to his building improves cuts. Mi's. Scott has been confined to her bed for some time. Mrs. Wanful has also been on the sick list. The Sunday school lias continued without interruption, notwithstanding the loss of the school house. "Politics exceedingly quiet for the season, v Al. CATHEUTON If you wish to see a living curiosity call and look at the one winged turkey on exhibition at our post office. Or. if you wish to inhale Nebraska invigor ative wind, at locomotive ypc-e-d, notify John McCallum and he will give you a drive in a new spring wagon just pur chased at Elkhart, Ind. One hundred and eighty ponies pass ed here Saturday, enroute tor Kansas. J P Brainard was on the sick list last week. John and Peler Kline have returned from Custer county. They say Web ster is the p fl''o. Mr. Biggins' two brothers from II linois'are here. Mrs. J. L Frame has returned from Iowa, where she has been visiting for visiting for over a month. She things. Nebraska the chosen place. Miss Ida Britten is contemplating an extensive visit among relatives and friends in Beatrice. Robert McCallum can be seen rid ing his new sulky plow. W. B. Householder takes the lead in amount of com raised with one team. He is a thorough farmer. We have two auctioneers, one judge of civil government, one carpenter, and a girl baby. Cupidity. COWLES. The past few days brings to mind the fact thatrwiner will soon be here. The new drug store is almost com pleted. It is a neat and substantial building and will soon be filled. Ho ye! who want to buy lots. They arc going oft like hot cakes before J a hungry boy. Dr. McKeeby has pur chased two business lots. Mr. Lord, of Illinois, bought two busi ness lots and will engage in the im plement trade sooiu Tho new firm of Foe t Hodeon are Belling lota of stoves and other hard ware. Peak fc Latta arc doing a good busi ness m hardware, etc. Edtjrilford is also having a trade in dry goods and groceries. T. J. Ward has sold his office good and will new scales here to N. Crawford, who continue the coal trade. James v ru i uuiik mt: rug store. He is a good painter and so & gooa piasiurer aim unuviayer. Mr. Buzick has put up scales and is having an office built near the elevat or. He has come to stay ana is pay ing the highest market price for grain. J H Brown, our genial hotel man, is building additions to his house, made uecessarv by an increasing patronage. Another young carpenter in town. -He is stopping with Ah Horton, and weighs eleven pounds. Mrs. Scbenck has gone to Harlan countv to visit relatives. A sister ofJJr. C W. Fuller from orthernMwaif voting byre.' Mr. ianeuMrfce " "- -IfliS!? Sewcomb of Fairfield, of-the ChrUtian denomination, is to ;iwhci Eriaft Saturday-, ud fcwida; " - - .!.. n .-.-w. ate M ,picnvo y. enings. - - ,v'-i- -m To in a Ifealthv condition. 3IitS L t.i fktiifxetion. I ; .i.nni nnnnr liic v " .w.. Mj -.- iIT K LlTTtE HlTCUET. ELM CREEK. Ugh! Winter comes at last. Mr. Crawford la very ill with con sumption. KeJatives of Mr. Williamson hive arrived from the eut in search of land Parties dwiring good and cheAp laud will do well by vi-iniitf our couniv 't homos Chambers x. building an ad dition to bi houae, which gives it a much better Appearance. Hm ("hauihcrj haft plastured -and i" now finishing the inside, work in hi He now has a czy re-idencr The hum of JMirofPs thrr.her i till ht ani in our inid.-t. regardless of heat or cold. Mr. PcOroiT U a nw comer i" our midst, but wimt we have seen of him convince u hat he is a man of energetic principle. Mont Arnold and John Torrel bave gone to Rawlins county, Knn. whr they tool: .some cfain s. Tne lmy. will build a grift mill doon, to supply the want of that countv. The Ix-.-t wishec of their many fncndxao with them. A few day ago weheaid a vetv in terefting conversation between two of Elm Creek's o!de-t farmew. One W;in heard to utter a ftw phrais wliicli we think it apj ropriate to pen: "Sir, do you know wb our farmers have not been more prosperous for the past fv yars tfian they have been ? It was not iiP".,'i-'i! they iiid not get enough rain; no: bf cause tne ?pring hav !een too Me, or early frost?; nor was it because they did not labor hard enough. In short it was no fault, of the erop what ever, but when they saw they were bbHed tti'Ji a bountiful crop they pur cintsed machinery they had iu need of The most of them have awakened to their great fault, but still there ar some .who will buy almost, anything, oven an orgun for the childien to play with." Eovmi. GUIDE IIOCK Last week's isue of the The Chiei has failed thus far to materialize. Sunday's dust storm was perhaps the most extensile affiiir'of the kino ever experienbed in this part of the state. The skating rink opei:ed Saturday evening, ami the number of canes, bandages, arnica, etc. called into re quisition is simply astounding. About a year ago tln-re came into our village a man who bore tho plain name, of K. B. Jones. He was accom panied by bis wife and two small children. .Mr. Jones was a quiet, un assuming man, wa rather poorly fixed, but had every appearance of being :t man well hfoughi up. By occupation Mr. Jones was a carpenter, hut his health being at lime? poor he finally sat up his bench in Monroe's black smith shop, and did little jobs of repair ing wagons, etc. Mr. Jones lived in a dug-out a half mile north of town. Nothing unusual occurcd to attract at tention toward Mr. Jones until within the past three weeks, when he made known to a select number of our oit.- zens that he l,ad received from tho S. government a pension amounting S5,.")0. -ir. Jones kept on at wor his little shop, telling oi- friend- said that he thought it mx?:? so fortunate to tnus masi.iest in mo esty. But he now made known to the favored few that he had been a nujor in the army, and in that way nu -muted for the large sum received as pen sion. Finally a few of tho friends tak en into the major's confidence, began to look around lor sonic sale invot tnent for .Mr. Jones' money. It win no long until one merchant was busily in voicing his stock, Mr. Jones to I come half owner. Another ljim was ready to take him in as half owner in their buMucsh, while several loan3 haul been contacted in sums ranging from $1000 .to $2000. Stone of the more envious cit'zens v. bo h: d caught on to the se cret (?) could not believe it pos.-ible, while the more open hearted ones ex pressed their pleasure. Mr. Jones meanwhile kept the even tenor of his way, bought a new Miit. of clothes, a nice watch and chain (all on "tick"') borrowed a few dollars for present use of course went to church, and with all the uoliteius of a L'hesterlield and at the same time the meekness of a Moses, returned the oft rei)eatcd sal utations of 'good morning. Major." And thus things jiassed smoothly on until the importunities of the various business men to have the Major take rank at once in the husiness circle of our little city became-so urgent that the Major sat ipart a day for going to the county fceat to draw out the precious diitt. One of (air best looking citizens had been selected bv the maior for the drive as well as for the honor of iden tifying the Major at the bank. The Major had arranged for an early din ner, and to be at his little hop at I 1 M. sharp. At lhe identical 1 P. M. a span of hih steppers was reined up in front of the little shop, and the cheer ful tones of the driver called, "All ready, Major." !3ut alas for human hopes. The Major was not there. Half) past one. then the hour of two, and etill the Major came not. It required but a short drive to reach the Major's humble domicile. The parties who drove out to the Major's suburban home found the poor wife and two sick children all alone, execpt it were the Major's old clothes as thev humr upon the wall, a pile of potatoes on the ' earthen floor, a bed. stove and a couple of rickety chairs. The ejentlemeu who drove out, forgetful of the oft repeated title of Major, asked simply for Mr. Jones, hut tint worthy had just stepped our for a little stroll'm the cornfield east of the house and had not returned And need it be added that the Majnr had, like the Arab, folded his tent and silently stolen away? IWring the pit- lante condition ot Mrs Joes and htr little ones there is something so ludi-. cms connected with this an'air that on people, many of them, can scareelv i meet upon the streets without indulir-1 iu in a neanv iai:s;n. ii is uciievett by many, nowever, that the Major had' lost tne proper balance ot his mind. All lament the fact that the -)ew church building was not dedicated be fore the.Major's departure for other fields, for beyond a doubt the most lib eral subscription would have neen madebv Inn. Kocket. School Report for the Cowles o i r.. - .1 t s . . .. ofiiuui ior uie niomn uct. liin. e-. v uo:e o. oi puiif enrolled, po. o t -i i -i - i . r Average daily ntteudanco, i-t. A Tlu loliowiiitr are the names ot nuiiils m r atteiuiiuice every day: Ada Brown. Emma Brown, Fannie G.'od. Cora Wells," Muitie V.Vib, Bom Waul. Artie Ward, v llhe Wan!, Florence' TuIJer, j Herman Gaimbin. Katie 5to:rrn. Blanch France, Br-ryl France Bertha Hortin, .EJia xiorton,-liable ilartmis. Nellie M. Arnold, Teacher. Wasted. By a professional mil'er a : ipermanent situation. Address, The Chief otnceBeu Cloud. Xeb. The pride of Blue Hill can be .bought of S: V.Ludlow. . 4tf. I I - ' I Rood onf rr 3:fftl n necM la oar fItrirt irlsooi? Most people ay, ye. All believe it. yet di tier as to" what good ordwfa. iuncherr differ nuicha-. the pntruns. and io'whut oiwn ttaUer admits a g'.MVl order, r.uothrir U o dbttfit d with, that -he ovcrKirns the wfub yfetem for something li "on.iJer- Mtter. Stnt, atst iron dWip!iw may not be d&z rofii un ksa thi i-.u-are tbicatei Una by it limy deriv- t gren.'est good. But tient;o'j to ?tv.U and recitation, freedom fro aiUotng thought, or acts, should le Uie niie in f-very school room. . Sofr a ny A servation gof, the eei schotk ure the nest governctl. IIkx-c s3ru-s having JiMwe di-icipline ru getieraliy jt'ity schools of little nd vmiugc to the scholar or tax-paver. Xlany comply to if their jiptl are taught lo'obej in th nclioul room. Go into the home r such n pcr-on. Do not Ue chi.Me.. obey there? Some of them do. but the rule i that those whn compuiin'tmt about the steruncae of the teacher at school, iiavc the poorest di.- ipStne t home. If two or three are jhji propiei !y cntrolIetl r.t home, how shall ti. te.tcher caurol forty at school with home infie.ence ;gain&t them? It i difficult.biit must lie done if u ?ciio; proves a sn.cre.-s. It nemls judgtnunt on the part of the teacher then an in telligent dicrinfinittitg sdi.'o! bonrd to encourage and sustain the teacher in her arduous po.-i'.rm. 'lle ltst ur erited ?choo!s in Welster coumy ure, some of them at lea-t, whre tne teaciier h:is run the gauntlet of public abuse and has come out Hrm in sup port of tho right, and ?usfnmed by tin? school lioard. Clirildren lore to work at things in which they take an inter est and if an occasional obstinate el:o:ar is found among them th jjhhI of the school must not be sacrificed to conform to his or her ideas of elf. Much trouble results in ea-es ot disci pline, not from the act i-5lf but from rilanderons tongues that have no espec ial interest, only to put down another, whom they can never expect to emu late or excel. This spirit is a moit prevalent, and demisable one in all grades of society and it mnnife-t it-e:f against the school teacher in fud force. Sheridan said: "l'cHi-viutCM,li rtwnsln? totiKae, A laost v.cak -.Ki1ta !; i:n; -till ' telle vu l hat :ity .TtK Which otriu riot t itc tnif." If this sentiment w-re followed uj, and theean-est, thoughtful teacher ?.!. taiued, and retained for more than one term, we should see a marked change in the advancement of our school-?. C. W.i. For Sau:. T offer lor ale 'hi ing I now occunv :ts a Milliner. bniltl stor . P.jce 2 oOO, situated K-t door north ot First National JJank. Alio the huild inp known as the Hrown s-tore, price 11250, 2nd door north of the Argus of ficii. Mks. J. If. Fowler, Red Cloud. Neb. TEST YOUR BAKEJtf POWDER TO-DAY! Iirandu artrertl cJ n b'laUly pnr THE TEDT: 1'lac a can top Ootrn an a hot srsrnntnhjt)0,t;t ntnovr- tit) iurbr niKl J-inelu .1 cl;vmli will not bfi .0-qun-oJ to dvtct the jirecuco ct ammonia. :-;?A. 'A -ri .v f$F&X W0 .liV.Vi.-K. AV W V T -- J". " v.4 . AV r j DOES SOT CONTAIN 431X0311. rrc iittLTiirrwrss ins NEVER Ri" gtKsnossu Inn million homoj for a quarter of a ttulnrj It fcc :ocd the i-onvimtn' reilnlilc test, TK2 TEST OF THE GVE1. UiCERS OT Dr. Price's Special FJaYoriiis Extracts, Ti tlri;nl,mof t c!cll;iaua aed sitor. I fiat.r Lixt.J Sty Dflc, I nif?irt isc ir. Fnss's LU-JUisn sea nmo 2 I l (mCWIC Kor LlsUt, IlrnlUiy Urrftd. The E?.t Iry H.p , Yeast In tlj World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS. Land OHIce. Eloonjintfou. Neb., Oct. T IfSI. VOTtti IS HKRKRV GIVEN TIIAT' THK It's tatehtioa. t make linal itroof in upIort ioiovtnp n;jnitu t:ujfr uas uiea hoii:c ui ofhlsflnlm, aiultlut silil proof rill he made lefo."c rjerk of court of V ecter coun.y, at Kta Cloud. eb. on Satunlay. Deccirlor 15. lU viz: AXDKKW EKirKSKX. uii uomeMvaa e On homestead entry So. 5W0, for th? 5e , srcl. t t if v.xr.-Tr r ,,t,., t, fniin-vfn- . -."-'- ". ..v.- .. .-. , wuuesscs io pn Kro-c Lis rontliinous iastle:c up on ami cultivation or avl Ini xizz Smid Ind ;air, Tlajraxs Aadcrsoa. OltTKauseii. Sylve?t3rr li. Brooks, ail of ittd rioud Neb, S. W. swiTzsn, liejristcr. I)isolut!oa Xotic?. Tlie -Kirtnerslap hervlofore exitins bettreen hrcl l)elafonn:e aud Jaeob cllers has tais ua bt-cu dissolved bv nmiual coasettt. Dated at Jted Cloud, Ccb, Oct. 8, 1?8L FKEO DK!1.K."KUX7X. It J.VCOlt SUU.CKA Miss L. E. Stalker, Dressmaker ! West Boom ovor ttaxys&Va Jewol ry store, Bed Cloud Neb. lM IH viz j V ? tB vV Sv J V&MMJ :?.T F .. ri YA -? 7 J. i ?'&& msjj V,Yv.rf I :vaj a-s' r . pl rw V1M1 tMar -.. j" ml HF Al THY WhR IL- M o.3$a3 lHly hop veast ir the world. Bread' fejst is Hqht, whitg and whole w. J tr orannmoiner s cgucicts creu. Wltat iritoihl .n:riC ca t T-viiTr. kkkWBbklnz; Powder Co.. Kr Fn's special FliYcrz Eiti, Sffixal proof xohce. "Honest Tea is DEALKUJN i r?5k f?j 9 CLOTHING, Mirrria &mm &2k -'j . Groceries, Q,ueensware, &c. BKjD CI OTJD - EBRASKA Free Be! ivory to of All Iari.s City . TH.IC 3STJii"W YORK .T3l I tf !j"VifWll itft IlllAAM A1XIAMA J ;QIUUBIV QliU UudUllbWdflJ 9 0 CI km o vt a i) W 9 s u si IT Ct o CI 1i en I Assortment in the citv t - - $ xsi 1 t-rt i 1 I f Prices, 9 .iiOvnr&ST. 0 1 I o -1 o .-?' B F. 'IMP i mm Wtt. RED CLOUD, NEB. Highest Market Price laid ! ' 1 t A SPLEFJDED OFFER . c have made a special arrangement with the publM crs of the " Cottagk , Heaktii" Uoston, Mass., to club with their ma 'vuinc this car. ! . Tho cottage Hearth is a rB5riTT Al Iftrt IB I llrtTf?, ATrTi S Fl a a "ria i- trinr-tJiVL ""' . soecir. nicI-Mcejieivt we oner buyers a cajac THE C0HAGE HEARTH gSSBFVggSa3 THEC0TTAGE HEARTH t6 Will $5, $10 Or $20 ill COOdS, Hej for Contributors, Edward Everett Hale, Lucy Larcon, Celia Thaxter, p Louise Chandler wculton, fz tuoy monen uiaz, Sucan Varner, George MacDonald, LL.D., nose i erry Looke, r? Frances L Hsce. t g Sample Cojay &i ON APPLICATION TO TIIJS OI'PICK. READ OUR OFFER: Wc will send 'The Cottage Hearth," FREE OF CHARGE, for one jear ! XATTTl-TnTlTXr rTLTTTrir! xaxxjl i ii i v x jl x jl 17nr or,o Troo-r-Fn-r fbp This will be a rare chance to all who good reading matter. Gome now TE37 im T??Tl75TrairS3ni??Tn' vva 1.1 , n1 n Urt dealer in ; TTnrrn-in rf -f i n ro ' l Red Cloud, - A Finn Tymo of Parlor and VMtchnn bo sold ax remarkably LOW PRICES. Cload National Bank. Ooino and aoe WALKER & DEALERS IN Pumps, Wind Mills, Well Tubing, AndEverythinsinourlme. When wanting anything In tho vizv or "Windmill line it will pay you to eoe us. Our Prices are tho Lowest and Work Guaranteed. . .OFFICE On" Third Avenue, Opposite SIiner3r03-,Storot Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Dot ftkil to see us before buying. zwjTj ta ?x tjx g 5sj5od sin jo jdiwai uoda sssxpps In o 004 jXtios 3 rrtsai nx 9 pi jojk 3 qi jo ba-jxcm Dirt cojj pdinoJ onwuJOjnj Hrtnoo sooq siqsnrcAUi flw aoqxV'l nrrj 9Acq ADk TO nrA ?ra A3JO fsoa Ijft B fTKXd il3 pes 'japio V otAotrpx -?a rnwj pcuoss?3 afssoqjt8AT XRirsanipidspqAS fnopt-qraifroOC'B xo VM& 'H311! the Best Policy.' 1 Km m f I .HATS, GAPS, agifiijp f . r-t - s?s sj i nrn ftJSMkS Zi& la x House and H I n i rt 3 cx, ri . -f X r n HH hi .1 r - ri r- i titQ very m ... o RSiZEft C. IJ. IiOrfKOKI). G. M. YOIW'G. Hosford & Yo'.ng, DKALEKS IN PHL... ffS roiiiin rroauce: n Li n M i & Health and Temperance, B Latest Fancy Work, hi ,,Sazar"Pa!trn3, .v usxat t utidilJ, f 4 Tested Receipts, & norawd Hints, fl It SfS Folks. 8ont Froo. r ! n rl-C'i H x;riliTA Nebraska, Furr.turo nlwaTS OS had nnd wSH Old stend, just north of tfco PkI J mo betoro ouying. BRAKEFIELD, Attention Teachers. per-otts wbonay doirt to oer t&esl sa tat Uiiru j?rti;rc3T in racj inuiiio. riBiiii-w' to commetrK al a. m- Iw! a- lor ru Coiinly Bitiia:n!ca: oJ patfilc&stnrtic. F. M. HAMAZSB, Stock Auctioneer KKD CLOCD, EB.: Will atteui! ?' tt &il limes aud guarantee saasfadioa. Order- by mail or telegraph i-ruuip:)y si:ndd 10. ToeiotSce box 73. ltf y. ra K4 Has Each Heath i M fi T.-o Paw Musfc, SH m Garden Hot;. n'. !! ' . ... ' I ? HONES! ,ct Square Dealing, sm 0nePnce' State Bank Block, Rod CIou: Overcoats for Men and Boy s. Suits for Men and Boys. I Boots & Shoes I Sels Make ! For Men Women and Children ItSSll. Woolen and other Shirts Woolen Underwear Gloves and Mittens Fur Caps and Eats, &c. Trunks and S&teLels, Etc -r,, , -i, . , The largest stook and bottom pness. All ,W,UUU& WttiiaUt'JU UJ. ULVLLlSy ir?iUUVtUl Ul MUIUJ. C, T. C.EACKEE, Ti?j3 ?' Sfi?Jl q Groceries. 3 t rrr?rT Eed Cloud, Groceries. m m.u Choice Groceries, GrOCCHCS. m- .r; Provisions, CannedFruits, Groceries. Groceries. Fi Cirocenes. Vurrwttr.,t, . ....i... wuu.ul. ',,...!...)... -antl'Clf OBflPEfiV OTilOCl iiLw? ynyLgii oiyiiL S. To LUDLOW, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sirups, Ful-ts, &acon, Ham, Dried Beef, ami rpjckofT "' j Ipia- by fair ihn? t4tment a tuu :. nT FEATHEBLEY'S BUILDING-, OptKMfw 'he Ckwsigo Iirnbr VaH. S.V. LUDLOW. 25 to CpoO Can wilji br OLD EKLIA.BLE "VICTOT?. Wei! BoringRook Drilling Machinery j We mean H aihI arc prjre-J (nin rfrtt.. u frt iv u . ear . r for r mr, ve .r- I. r n ,f m!Ti . l! ' r' an,f fkh ,nd work, very tty . TlVmTon?' bte,im 13 inch to 4 1-2 Feet in Diameter. v -i Atl t. 1 - ... . ... . Prospecting for Coul, Good live agents waattd in everv cnnt-,- mthe7orlcl Adteas. Virhrx-r TTTqII 1,.. . iruurMui Machine Co,-- '. -531 PmeSt.SU.oub.MteourtUs;' 3lt whit pair joa saw tbU in. ? v" r AT; crs AT TUB rniwlio w Golden Eagle, Clothing t: re,: Sb af SMK JkiK m ?3g fif'iamm 5-it r7-"-' mmi a e WIENER. raZPU Airlfifi'1"?! s"" iv - Nebraska, 33 I revision wz. ay ;w Provisions ;m, Provisions ;: U, Provisions cigars, jclc., rn n-jtf.iir mi. 2) Prnvuinns -, - .. . of the public ptronae. Come ami PER. DAY uxda usin the Gold, Silver, Coal Oil 4 f v ? $- F': --fiesta .. ik ..i?. -e -f -rr."T . " -,- "-in .- ..- . te i i? - 4. &i - 2.& f -. r rr-- ''.-T B, , -'.!. .? "Vfl ji.i LT-Jtf. r Sfe wf. Jf IS ffv.-Cffi??ii. -" . --.. ?-"! ri TA i. -.-svai j i r-." K ". -."- i ' C3V --!, - :w- v- ., Lwr,.. ,,.., .mj y.rj.rfr ;, , ,-. ."gi. :, .If x .. r -r. - - "' - 3 . .--.. . i i . i . p , . i- a.. a- .7- -