The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1884, Image 2

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The di at fortj-iix, from Jrt
8eMbr of a famoM EaglWi boating
jaan, Mr. Riiley, has excited attentlo.
A famous Oxford doctor always strongly
dtnounoed boat racing as leading to
this. -5 --
A prize of four hundred dollars is
offered bv tbo Temperance Society of
Paris for the best work on drinks, both
temperance and alcoholic. The subject!
JHXamW UU UbBtVM wik w ,
m..., tva fi-orn vriTEi TMrmm u uihsj
action on the body of the liquors
their composition.
t 4 t t T la t. j
J.UE icn uimuruu ui tiuscpu j.cwjuui r
-Prcscolt, w. X., are marvels oi neignw
-ml wnitrhf. A iKAV(nticn-vear-old son! i
is seven feet high and weighs
""o"" " ' v
pounds. The avcrago height of th(
whole is six and a half feet and avcrago
weight 224 pounds.
Pi:or Josiaii P. Cooke pleads fo:
placing science on an equality with th
study of Greek, jind is persuaded thai
in a "large body politic like our own itii
unwise, and in the end futile, to pron
tect any Special form of culture at tl
cxpencc of another.
A vktiat. is heinr enrrraved bv ordi
of the Minister of fine Arts to cons
meraoratc the defense of Paris in 187
71. On the front is an allegoricil
figure of the city, rifle in band, and ojt
the reverse the names of the places oul
side the fortifications where battles too
place, with the dates.
King Oscaii of Sweden has, in his M
ficc as President of tho Academy f
Music in Stockholm, delivered musifl
lectures on different occasions. The
have now been published in a volune,
with the addition of some chorales com
posed bv his Majesty. A German traie-
juiion ui iuu uvtiH. j iu pivpaiutiuu.
The oldest and largest tree in th
world, so far as known, is a chestin .
tree near the foot of Mount iEtna. J i
is hollow, and big enough to admit iw
carriages driven abreast through lit ,
The circumference of the main trfn ;
is two hundred and twelve feet Tli 3
Grizzlo Giant, monarch of the Marinas i
Grove, measures ninety-two feet. c. -,
Judging from tho Spanish paper
excitement has been caused in Sie
by the discover)' of gold Mines instl e
province of Seville. The Eco dc Any
lusia publishes tho views of severally i
frinnuM on this noint. all of whom ain' M
that vast tracts of the district corjtu ti
rich and extensivo gold mines wki ih'
have only to bo developed to proje js
sourcc of great wealth.
Igxokaxce and superstition i:ive
fnnilnnMl t-nt-v- 1iffilllf tltO ffislr nf ttr lt
.urw .j -.....- ...-..-
mr the cholera in ltaiv- Last
mm a;
at Peseiano, a small village in Calat
shots were lircd from the wmdo
somo of the houses in order to kc
the supposed distributors of tho cljsl sraJ
noison. A small body of carabfik arsl
wa? consequentl) sent there, butlt'
wenTreceived with volleys of stents :
shots, so that the men were obliged
..nA J l.!t, fi,iniiMn nnlf ilfifAUPA XJt
usi; iiieix. iiicaiuis in Buu-uuiuuau.
They are progressing m raur
. &-
intif .vi
tion on the Brighton line is set fort ii
. .-. at i.ija: ?.. M
uie aiivcriiscnienis: -iu uuujliuiuu.
ordinary refreshments that may fcc
at most railways, passengers wil
future be able to procure cool ani 1
water at the rate of a "penny peg
. ... . . . 5-. 1
At certain sumons tne water i
Mirrind nlon?' tho nlatform. so
tliifsty travelers may be suppl
the cooling beverage witliout k."
tlieir seats' fo
In England there is a story t
that Mrs. Lanntrv. whon last si
York, sent for a young American ji
matist, who had been rccommead l
. good person to write a play lot U
He called and was asked to taku J
Mrs. Langtry entered the room.jf
rtitt. . word of formalitv she sflr
walked clear around him. Jotc
him the whole time. It was ot
. . i- s1
eminently agreeable to be survayi
a horse on sale. But he stood i'
ing completed her survey, sfc
almost contemptuously, "Ancfc'c
think that you could write -The
author, who had made.
successors, replied in a ciwl
Wellt. I don't know. I dare sy
be about as competent to wrifc
as you are to act one." Thejf
come to terms.
Afteu her husband's dc
William Russell, the gifted
the late Lord Ampthill, spent
three boys three whole yeai
bad, occupying much of hej
learning Hebrew from an
famous as a gem cutter, until
read the Pentateuch in the oi
beguiling the long evenings.
The boys (bae is now the
ford and the other Lord Arthi
IT. PJ). learned German, audi
;games-and tights of the CarSb
Lord Arapthiil passed ranch
'the houscr of Labitzki. the :
Among his. 'favorite Carlsl
were archery aad Tiflc st
the eews of the mew At
Constitution reached Carkl
laen, with Lord Ampthill at .-
played a coaspioaous
joicings, a .prooeamg
tfcsrgaimilar, subseqw
Aastrian Govecaaaeai to
aiviag him as 'aa
of his reraMbon
He iwtaiaed hia
thhwt, aad
from jasj jAmtiM,
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irj f the Dally Sews.
and Sankej-, the great rerivalUt,
beld a. largo meeting at tbo Brook-
Jcray of Muxfc
kick Lattox, of MUwaukfe, wbo
ng an art inuncum to prent to Ue
been autborfzod by I'biltp D. Ar-
draw tor i.OOO to bo ucd in fur
pictures. Fobepacoii, tbo millionaire bow-
cently married a Philadelphia girl
ty yean, named ilary u. lallroan.
IIukto.v, President of the Li
Win., Blaine and Logan club, ra
ibot and killed by a rudlan known
ity," who flred eeven abotd in rapid
Ion. Ho was arrested and Jailed,
e remained an hour, when an im-
iob hung him at once.
'EVEin, the new French Minister of
i r
rce, promises to begin his ilinlste.,
cer by an Investigation of the pres-
t ai
mercial crisis, with a view to the
Ion of remedial measures.
latest returns from West Virginia
hat the Democratic maj rity in the
ction is In the neighborhood of 8,000.
preme Judge, against whom fcuch a
;lcss war was made, ran well up to the
the ticket, and will probably bavo
two thousand votes of WiUon'a
est reports irom tne umo ejeciion
d lloblnson's plurality to be
11,321. The semi-official returns did
port on the other Republican candi-
but with tho sixty counties the plu-
of Johnson, for .Supreme Judge, was
nted nt between l.",000 and 10,000.
otal voto or majorities by Congres-
1 Districts could not bo given, but the
by counties on Congressmen shows
Republican majorities and 40,V2G
icrotic, a net Republican majority on
'ongressional vote of 18, US.
Mi.scKM.AN i:ont
T long ago tbo Egyptian Government
ally prohibited tho sale of Hlaves.
friends of liberty throughout the
d consider this a remarkable course
hat Government to take, especially
a most tyrannical form of slavery has
tofore prevailed there.
eidmkykii &STE10MTZ, wholesale denl
in woolen?, nt Chicugu, were closed by
Kherlll n few days ago to satisfy $7,0.0
gments. It Is said that the liabilities of
linn will reach ?150,(hX. Tho firm was
old one.
committee of Haltimoro merchants
1 manufacturers waited upon tho ofllcers
tho Pennsylvania Railroad recently
h a view to have them recede from the
er cutting the Baltimore & Ohio out of
w York over its lines.
mail and express car lately burned on
ond between Now Richmond and Deer
rk. Wis. The registered ma d was saved,
t the express matter and other mail was
stroyed. Lss, $1."),000.
S. Davis, a banker of Cincinnati,
tely inado nn assignment, with liabilities
$G.'J,000, .1 considerable portion of which
as duo to benevolent organizations or se-
et .societies.
Tin: Governor of "West Virginia cominu-
d to imprisonment for life tho sentence
lposcd upon Charles Spurlock, of
ln Count-, one of tho gang who killed
lvin Wood. Tho Hill brothers, his nc-
mpliccs. woro lynched last Spring. He
as u memuer oi me J antes gang ai one
Tun black mnro Minnie Moulton, owned
y Jonn uoouwin, oi tiawruncc, .MUbs.,
as entered nt tho Cleveland Driving I'ark
nder n false name, ami has been expelled
rom all tho tracks of the National Associa-
JiunoLAits entered tho residence of Alex
nder Mitchell, nt Milwaukee, a few days
go, and secured some watches and jewels
.eforo being frightened a way.
W. F. Thomas, nn attendant in tho Cin
cinnati hospital, undertook to wheel a pa
tient to the elevator n few da'-? since, but
backed into an open hatchway and both lost
their lives.
Edwakd RonEi'.TS, tho Chicago negro
who fatally shot his wif i a few days ago,
was lately captured by a squad of polico in
tho suburb of Montrose, and freely con
fessed his crime.
A ltEWAiin of $4,."00 was lately offered
for tho conviction of the nnn who caused
the explosion in tho new Parliament build
ing at Quebec Tho .corner stones of tho
structure aro so much out of place tlnt
tho whole wall will probably have to be
taken down.
A wniTTKX agreement was lately circu
lated among tho mills of Fall River, Mass.,
to tho effect that there would bo a shut
down for one week owing to the dull sea
son. There was tho further proposition
that unless tho market improved tho shut
down would be mado permanent.
Rkv. A. W. LiQHTBOURxn, of Easton,
Md., was lately forced to resign a Metho
dist pastorato for attending a circus.
Thk people of Worcester, Mass., recently
went into extensive decorations in celebra
tion of the two hundredth anniversary of
tho foundation of the city.
A snED used by tho Elevatod Railway
Company as a carpenter shop, at No. 5
Broadway, N. Y., recently fell and crushed
Cornelius Donohue, a carpenter, aged fifty
two years, so that ho died at once. Three
other workmen were seriously if not fat ally
injured, the legs of two being broken and
the skull of a third fractured.
The Winona, Minn., Grand Jury lately
indicted Judges Beecher, Roth and Detter
wick for ballot-box stuffing to the cxtentot
three hundred fraudulent votes. Beecher
pleaded guilty.
General de Lislx lately telegraphed
from Chu, on the upper Loo Chuan River,
that Colonel Dennier, after a brilliant en
gagement, carried the heights command
ing tho fortress of Chu Forwing, Point
Dappui, of a largo intrenched Chinese
camp, defendod by fivo very large case
mated forts. Tho Chinese forces were re
ported to be very large and their losses
during tho engagement, heavy. When
they assumed tho offensive tho Freuch
artillery covered the earth with Chinese
corpses. Their losses wera about 3,000
killed, including their chief commander.
Aftei: the celebration of mass recent
in Sr. Peter's Church, London, the Blshc
of the diocese and tho clergy and cong;
gation, numbering 500, proceeded to th:
shriue of Edward the Confessor, in "West
minster Abbey, where they knelt and
prayed for the conversion of England to
the ancient faith. They were not disturbed
by the visitors. The visitors at the Abbey
were much astonished by the proceeding.
A report lately came from Unionville,
Ind., a small town thirty-five miles north
west of New Albany, of a battle between
two .desperadoes named Estrdge and Mil
lerand a mob of citizens, a few nights agd
The two men named were suspected mem
bers of the Jesse James gang. The Sheriff
of Monroe County heard they were secreted
ia the hoao of Estridges father, several
miles from town, and be went out with a
posse. The posse wss driven back: and the
two desperadoes rode into Uuionville,
whicu they took possession of
for a week, firinz upon everr one
they yaw on the reet; A few I
nigats afterwards the mob went t
the house and demanded the surrender of
two criminals. Th was refused, aad
J 'I
1 1 1
A a
$ "1
reralar battle csdv Is wkicb old mn t
Erfridg. of Us sob and bU dasghtrr .
were Ulld, aad t criminal, E.trWge J
aad lUIler, wera woanded. Milter sd ,
Etrl-Jge, although wounded, ecaped. -
The Prime Meridian Confercac re-
cently held at WauingVm, adoptwl a
resolution to count all JongUado from
"Greenwich In two direction np to 15) de
gree ?at plus and wnt raiau. It alio
proposed a onivental day for all nation.
At Libory Centre, oa the Canada South
ern Road, there was recently quite a rail
road wreck. An express going east ran
into a gravtl train. The express train
consisted of a baggage, express "Woking,
two flnt-class. cam and two Pullman.
The smoking car wa turned upide down
and thrown into the ditch, breaking it to
fragment. Tb -xpres engineer, Dan
Cox, wan Instantly killed. The Injured
were Samuel Woodt, of Fletcher, bead
seriously cut; a child of John Callahan, of
Toronto, hand burned by being thrown
on tho istove; a baggageman of Detroit
badly burned about the body. A u reck
ing train accompanied by surgeon a
dispatched from the city at onc.
The jiteamcr Neptune, sent out by Cana
da to explore Hudson' Bay and Straits,
lately returned, having established a num
ber of meteorological btation and discov
ered a new channel through Labrador Ui
Ungara By. The average temperature
for September wa thirty-six degrees above
zero. Navigation is practicable for steam
er ix months in the year. j
Michii'ICOTz:?, on the north shore of Like ;
Superior, was lately in p08teIon of a
gang of rough. The respectable people
of the place received notice to quit town.
One night tho Canadian Pacific Railway
office was riddled with bullet by band
of masked men. John Mackenzie, an em- ,
ploye, was shot in the head. Cashier
Burden was fired at in bed, tho ball pars
ing within a few inches of hU head. The
Police Commissioners sent about ten '
picked constabulary detective to the
place and their labor led to several cr-;
Mrs. Anna Moss and Anna Turner were
Intnhr nrrujtail nt fli?fn ?n tnr nraon. Thi.v
had baturated the furniture of their house
...:.. I, i . u.i.inni.. itn !
......,. ....-.,. V... ... w... ....... .. J
'" '""""''"I """ """ -' J .
on burninir it for insurance money. The
mntiMV. Th
Fire Department' services were effective,
Ruuel's Rock, a dangerous formation
in the Ohio River at tho falls near Somcr
ville, m ns blasted recently by Government
employes. Almost every steamer afloat
on the Ohio suffered from this Rock. There
it was that the James D. Parker went
Burglars lately crackod the safe of I.
N. Ihompson nt Perrysville, O. They
then stole a horse and drove to Mansfield
and escaped. One corner of tho building,
which is brick, was blown out by tho
shock made in blowing the safe. A sixali
sum of money was secured.
The wife and three-year-old childof Carl
Schroeder, of Jamestown, D. T., were,
raught in n prairie fire ntid burned to
death. The wifo wns bravely trying to
save the wheal .tacks from destruction.
Tho other children saved themselves by
running into a pond.
From a recent estimate by agriculturists
it appears that tho vintage of Franco this I
year will be the best since 1S7I. The vines !
are delicate and full of bloom.
Mits. William (Jiiack was struck bv '
lightning near Joliet, 111., n few days ago
and instantly killed.
A Hungarian was recently arrested at
Liverpool on board tho Lord Cliv. Thirty
packages of dynamite were foutid in his
As application was lately matio for tho j
appointment of n receiver for t'jo Carbon
dale Cot'e & Coal Companv of Southern
Ilinois. The liabilities were 5&1.000nnd i
tho assets nro said to be $7.)2,(hW.
A KKGULAit baud of burglars were Intelv '
operating in and around Milwaukee and a
score of robberies were reported to the po
lice. Among others, tho residence of ilrs.
Anna Holfelter, on the Cednrburg road,
near Milwaukee, wns burglarized and $00
secured by th burglars.
Scarlkt F:VKlt recently broko out nttho
Industrial School for Girls at Milwaukee
Tiiu middle span of a" railroad bridge
near Batavia, O., gnvo way n few days
ago, und the Manchester Express went
over. Tho britfgo was fifty feet nbove the
water. Tho engine, bapgago car nn 1 first
coach were hurled to the water beneath,
while the rear car remained on the sound
p-rtion of tho bridge. Forty-five persons
were on tho train at the time and made
many miraculous escapes, several leaping
into the stream below. Several were
killnd and many wounded. The engineer
and fireman were killed instantly.
Tun Italian fruit-peddlers of Chicago
recently complained strongly that the
patrolmen were in the habit of taking
fruit from their stands without paying
therefor. At a meeting of tho venders a
committee was appointed to wait on Chief
Doyle to request him to put a stop to the
objectionable practice.
The United States Treasury Department
recently issued a warrant for $1G6,GC7 in
favor of the President of the Worlu's In
dustrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition.
It was the fourth installment of $1,003,000
appropriated by Congress for the Exposi
tion. The new Minister to the United States
from Columbus, Senor Ilicardo Becerra,
was formally received by the President on
October I8:h.
The Treasury Department recently
decided an interesting question, arising
out of the Chinesa restriction act. Tho
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Ministers
shipped at Canton two converted Chinese
women, with the obj-ct ot installing them
as teachers in the Home Mission at San
Francisco. Upon their arrival it was
found they weru not provided with the
certificate required by law and tbe De
partment was applied to for instruction?.
The Collector of Customs was notified not
to permit them to land and to see that
they wtre returned to China.
As accident recently occurred on the
Bton & Albany Railroad, near Kinder-
hook, .Mass.
The accident was caused by
rs, who placed a pile of rails ,
train -"wrecker
the t.-act, caretully .
qui position. 1 ne locomotive rnrnwi
Ihe locomotive turned
'eteiy over, tne t-spress car jumpett j
nu tue oaggnge ana smosing cars j
I on tip. A numb?r of passen-
gers were quite seriously mjared and thi j
engineer was killed. A il, W0 reward was '
offered for the wreckers.
A fire at Brooklvn, X. Y., recentlv de-
stroved over $230,(900 of prorcrtv, being
tb "r,oxc.r.n..r mnnnftorin.- hnn- nf ',
Mrs. Bklvjl A. Lockwood, tbe candi
date for President; of the National Equal
Rights party, recently spoke to an audi
ence of five hundred persons. Mrs. Lodz
wood recapitulated the arguments she has
ased on previoas occasions, and urged that
the National Bank circulation should bs
increased to keep pace with the populatioa
and tiat tbe tariff shoald be lowered.
A sEXSATios was caused in the court
house at Louisville, Ky., recently, by a
Sfat between Judge Harris, until recently
Chief Jostics of the Court of Appeals Bd
Colonel Bennett H. Yoang, a well-known
lawyer and President ef the Southern Ex
position. Oae called the other a liar and
tber then cliaci:e-i,bst were scons? pirated.
William X. Peach, 242 end :M4 PJvmouth J MUSK norse imeies were rapuireu m
street. O.her tenants within th," block 5,,7fea"ikea U tbe
,ofr,Wa nnito vervl v to. Wtot Ioi:,t JaH forafc 'kPU,5- . ..
- V.. . t.-vn.n..t Ihj ntlia l'- Uut t..CT-
vrnoiut'i ktitp vptrc
AT lbc bVj ! cnorpatkKi of tfw W.
c T - 3t (j the iolUntlu: o3kr
jc dedrt for Uic cniiKT Jtar: &-
Jiu!p UolmcA, of Trcoaivrh, J'Trckhat;
Mrs. 3Isry K. FoJom, of Glbboo, Cot
rwjondmg Secretary; Mrf. A. L Iavis
Lincoln, Recording &aeUry: Mr. l 31.
Woodward, Treasurer, aad Mrx II 31. J.
Cttolcy, Valparaiso, SUtc Orrantzrr. 3Ir.
Vwiir' Keaniry. Mrs. HitriKtfc. Vtv
mont, ami 3!r. . A. S. fcoule. Oswlu,
&r. clecd delcsatc-i. who with the cx
ception of tlw lUrordln;: SccrcUry. hIH
n-proent Xebraa' W. 0. T. t. at tlm
National Convention at :. Iul Mrs. C
IJ. JarkeT and Mik C 31. Lclghtaa, Un
ci5n. and 31 w. J.U. Jaidlno were chosen
Two nxen, iiAnl 3Iora:i an! A nder. re
cently :ot jiiUi a quarrel In a aJoon In A5i
laml. after which 3Iomn vent U Id home.
Anders followed xvlth a revolvel and hoi
3Iran. tlie ball entering the man back the ri?ht shoulder. Anders ocat
with a team and wagnp, but a overtaken
on Uie Island In Uie Platte, near KreiaonU
where he ivm capturcl by the Sheriff of
Saunders County.
A family comMlns: of a man, hU vlfo
and four small children, wen- recently fmind
at tliv dejiot at Lincoln, utterly destitute.
They hail o!d the only piece of proivrty
they !ud a sv.ini machln to get mo wy
to joy tlieir way to Lincoln, where the man
hoped to eet work, which plac he rearlirU
with hi children crying lor bread. Tiiey
wen- furnished teuijorary reltet.
IIoLn!ti:iiKha.tcontrictciI for a SI 1,000
.team w.vtr llouring mill u bo erected at
Thk Gofxl Templars of the State Invo a
mei.iberbhip of 5.305. During the ikW year
forty-tlireo new lodge were instituted.
A fkw days since a M:tiott accident be
fell the ditcher train near Craig. Burt
County. While doing some ditching a ho el
was down, whirh caught on .onio bridge
timber; this frightened the workmen ami
they tied fiom their j).st, leaving the hmc!
to "go loner and do more damage. The
ditcher car, with uiaclilner, was turnel ut
bide down going down an emtmiikiueiit, ami
the Ijo-j. Iui Dolaney, a laborer naiiird
Iouis Thompson, and another laborer were
l..ll.. 1..I. I
"'""-' J""-
OA IIuiikmiax who lived in Colfav tonn-
, ... C ,.., ,., ... .,, .llt.l. .,.!
lJ' "'" '" mi.,it. ii'".', M . "
; htarted home with n Una of IuiiiIkt. An
other wagon followed. A lurch or the
wagon threw the Bohemian out and IkUIi
wagons ran over him. He died next morn
ing. He leaves a wife and even children.
Thk Lincoln Jounutl tells of a man in
that city who one Saturday night took
eighty-four pounds of honey from the boxes
in his hives and put it in the wa'.li-houso
some distance away. The bees the n'Xt
day .swarmed thick in the w:i5h-houe, and
when on Monday he wished to remove the
honey he found nothing but the comb, the
bees having stolen all the honey.
Thk Executive Committee of the Grand
lxlge of the Independent Order of Good
Templars met in Lincoln the other day and
outlined a plan for a vigoiotis campaign '
Nebraska in the Interest of prohibition.
Several prominent shakers are to le em
ployed during November, December and
Tn-: wife and friends of David Sherninn.
who disappeared September '27. hae ftsirs
that he has been foully dealt with, as noth
ing has been heatd from him .since he 1ft t
to attend tho cirviis at Lincoln on that daj
They offer a suitable reward for Inform:
' that will ead to the uiscovcry of hi
to attend the cirrus at Lincoln on that day
fate or wheieabouts.
Hi ik.i.aks tecently entered the hardware
stoic of Palmer Way, nt Lincoln, and ap
propriated S75 worth of po'-ket cutlery.
Lincoln is taking aetivc.stcpstoseeure the
location of the State Fair at that jxiint.
Tin: Grand Jury at OikiiIi.l rcrently tre-
sented tluee iiulitments against Council'
uu, .Jolsii F. Hehiu. tor receiving bribes:
one indictment against Councilman rvlward
Zecdrr. and one against Coiincilmaii Charles
Knuffiuanii for the .same olfeiise. This
makes fivi city ollieials that lue bu in-
dieted for this olfeiise.
J. IJ. Vim.iams a prominent lawyer of
David City, is missing. A dispatch from
Lincoln saj.s "he was engaged in money
loaning and has defrauded two of his con
fidential friends. He absconded with some
money and seem i ties, it is thought his de
falcations will reach 40,000. He was al
ways regarded as an exemplary "citizen, and
was trusted by everyliody. Williams was a
.St. .John Elector and Treasurer of the Pro
hibition Campaign Committee, ahd has de
parted with their funds."
A son of K. Hendley, of Blair, aired six
teen ears, was recently attacked by a
vicious boar and bidly bitten on the thigh.
Tin: Grand .lury at Lincoln presented a
number of indictments against ex-Police
Judge Cobb for embezzlement and forgery,
lie is charged with appropriating to his
own use monoy belonging to Davenport
Bros, of New York; and securing money
from them on fraudulent mortgages. 11 is
defalcations are said to exceed $."0,000.
John W. Paknkli., of Mahomet, III.,
was recently robbed of 5-10, at the depot
in Lincoln.
Thk expenses of the State Fair, lateJj
held at Omaha, tr;ere S1U,000; receipt.-.,
Nkak Hu.vm Island, a few days since,
an engineer on the Union Pacific, who w.t.
running a light engine east, saw a work,
train approaching fiom the opposite direc
tion. Thinking a collision inevitable, ho
reversed his engine and junqHsl oil. The
stoker nn the work train diil the saute, and
both engines came together very gentlj.
with just force enough to throw back the
lever o:i the light engine. The latter at
once began miming back and soon was un
der great speed, passing Plum Creek at
ninety miles an hour. A few miles further
on it ran into a freight train drawn by tw.i
engines. All thrt-e locomotives were badly
wrecked and the engmeer and fireman on
each killed.
John Anukkson. a stoue-inaon. while
quarrying stone near Bennet, recently, veil
tured too near a bhisU which tore the rich;
side of his face and lowe jaw on", and
otherwise mutilating his hear.. At last re
port he was still alive with iv, hopes of re
covery. Gi:op.;n Bhutto, the no.-irr who last
spring stole a trunk from the I sxton Hotel
at Omaha, and absconded, ws recently ar
rested at iiL Louts and taken hick for trial.
The trunk and conteuts were valued at
Piikpare for New Orleans.
A woman is delivering Iecturvs through
the State on the "Art of Cooking." ThVrc
5 are doubtless hundreds of Nebraska house
w,JO t?( iu,n .he .ldlen ;,, Jni
a njon. tnt;,,.; d,nner tlzau any one
ever evo! veil from a lecture.
Maiims is rvioicimr over the coinnle-
; 0f a new bank and oiera house at that
r.vnur.r. MrCnr.v. a Government ambu- l
lance tlnver at Omaha, left home a few da? s
since some wlnt mysteriously. His wife Is
reported as aying that they sometimes had
"all troubles nothing very serious", and
did no; appear much worriwl. declaring U:at
" " PnS . sIxrnwL
at was thrown from a wagon by a runaway
V?.xm tuo a wire fence, where one- of her
arms was literally torn to pieces aad had to
be amputated.
JVt West Point two boys, named SIdV.
end DHU each twelve years of age and ths
sons of respectable parents. Iiare been sen-,
ti. jail for twenty days for stealing cigar.,
from the express ofSce.
G. D. Tjtayek, commission merchant of
Omalta, recently made an avsienment for ths
benefit of his creditors. His liabilities axr.
snpposed to le about $20,000, while hi
assets wil! not exceed 510,000.
Xoirni IJe?o, ts paUln" ap ra $3,Vti
xcicol IlOUsC
1K.., CltlUUlU iutillivi ,al .!- :t-
Tn Mrw lrtlmnt ntl4!- t Qm
HmUyHhmhjTm ft !. -f y
MMtlTw H"n tJ-l B X l mt
Eirir Ttterdy altcrsvos iacxplo!a
occ urrrd at the i arliiacst bulldicg, tJ
strotlng a conldf table portion of ta
naijonrr isd windows of taa tew batKI
lag, waica Is jot being roofed in Ta
explosion at 2ri wu nffotd to hsv
been the boiler of tho caiac um1 tor
hohtlng ta&tc-UI, botthi wa fo:ad not
lclc the cave. Nclthcrcan ubra:tnbqtcd
lo gxs. The gcccrl lmprr.o appear
to be th&t fa cip.oiloi was cacd ar
Jtuatalte, but at ooae o! taU iog;cJUat
1 ucd oa the wort, the mrterj 1 h vr
it came thrre. The workmen alt blg
a way at dinner, co&odf but ose mta w
Injured ani he escaped with a .g&t cjt
from a piece of :one. Tae heL u;
severe alt over tbe city.
The csp.olon did considerable damage
to the windows in the vicinity of Us a
Parllarucnt-houvc. Almott ail the win
dows In the houe Itself la the section
where the explosion occurred arc shat
tered. Mcrtcl. a worXmin, and Osnc
huh, coulractor, were t.c oulr persons
Injured, and taoc bu: ;iht.y. Tac j
damage by the first cin,olon was a co- I
aiderblc hoe of ab ut tw.hc Icet
by five wide, b own out of the wall oa '
the Ihinl story, and dircct-y over t- ;
r ght hnd entrance to the a.prmuly .
chamber, and hear the place warrc the '
speaker's chair h sttuatctl. Th second
explosion occurred lu the northci-: cor-
tier. Tuc-toncfonatug he support of tae
building 1-. badiy bu gist, and it U doubt
ful M It can be npilrvd without letting
down the whole wall. Whittver rraou
thrre may be lor wishing the destruction
ot the buitdlng, there Is no :oum
to douLt that dynimlte wat used. A
searching Investigation tuto the cause of
the cxpoln Is now In progress.
Kerythl'.g Is quiet In the neighborhood,
aud a section ot the battery Is patrolling
the groti'ids about the building The
Government wus waiting the compietlou
oi the bulidlug lo call the house together
for the dispatch oi huslnes-. The
bulidlug had bet u so far advauccd that
onlv part of tne roof remained uutln
Kegirdlng the cause of the explosion
the employes statu that the
work was doiu by Irish dtnamllcr.
While some Irish cillzus thluk, and
the opinion is shared by a jreat many,
that the French workmen dbt the deed
with a view of injurlug the contractor,
but for what reason is not a p par.-tit,
as It Is said the contractor aud the
men are on the best terms. Serious
trouble Is feared between the French
aud Irish should the accusatlou be ca -ried
The Cabinet has decided to Issue a
proclama lou offering a reward of $1,000
lor lnittrmalon rcgirdiug the authors of
the outrage. On rds hivw been placed on
all powder magazines connected with the
citadel, military stores and cartridge lac
Oitawa, Can. October 13. The sub
ject of conversation fMiigtit Is tnu blow,
lug up o( the Parliament buildings at
(Quebec AM precautious were taKcti here
In the way ot extra pjllccuieii at the Par
liumeut building..
A Chicago .Ml tt .ML. Ni Mrntnl liitiul
of .Ml lliittlo .slit' Is Niv Muster l!nrr
A Sluuolitr, but Authriitlcnti'il i
CIiau ot M'.
Cm i;o, It t-, October U!.
A case of change of sex, which by rea-
..... ..I .1... ...,....!......-.. f . I. .. . -.1. .. I
sou u iuu jiiuimuvuku ui uiu wim-n ;n f
attracted considerable Interest, just I
. , ... , i ., .. . '
been made public. Mr. John c. S ry, of
the Gar Iner &. Spry Lumber Companv, I
a well-known, wealthy aud respected
citien. His residence Is upoi tne
northwest corner of Ixiotms and
West .Monroe street, a fashionable neigh
borhood, ills family cooslucd of lour
girls and three boys up to about two
m juths ago.
thr e gins.
lie now lus lour boys and
ihe eldest daughter, .Miss
K 17.x iiprv, was married a fetv veirs rgo !
to Mr. John H.trvey, of the' tlrm ol
... i
Harvey Ilros.. cothlers, out Ls now
a willow. Tho second daught-r, .MIs
Harriet Spry, was brought up as a
. Irl and considered herself as such.
Much care wis spent on her trutilng aad
education. She attended the Wcdt Divi
sion Hlh Schod, and was a frequent
visitor to the X-ttalonuui, v.htT'ishe wis
considered nu expert swirjmer. Her
powerful frame, awkward tnonie.t
and athletic in.iuticr excited suiple
fide i
among hir girl Irlends. Sh-- m
rapid aud satisfactory P
with her stu !. 'I here
a time when a ma-ily down adoried her
upper lip. Her voice, to., dee pen id from
Its not unp cjsant contralto and was a.
lernated with the full-chest tones of a
basso. The young womm of the school
were quick to see alt these Indications,
and their suspicions were arouiul. The
matter was oroug it to the nttectlon oi
the ttacher and Miss Htttle srnt
tm. uacners, anu w " M "'- "' KBI
home. W hen JIlss Hattle had been home
some days she hid a private and contl- 1
dentin! conver-atlon with
th her mother.
, .!
dng ot an cini. ,
which resu.ted in the cai
uent surgeon. Dr. .Moses
Gaun, well
known In medical circles ant a prc.ira
luary ixamtnatlon and corroboratory cir
cumstances decided nil parlies that au
operation was ncccsary. When tal
was coucluded, Miss Harriet, noxv Hsrrr,
S,irr, put on a suit o! her brunt-:,
clothes, had her hiir cut, bought a
razor and entered apon a uew career a- r
young man. A aav or two ago, n cjra
pany with his br
.school for bo
City of lios'on
was prosccutl
and fitting h rnseJf for th battle of lfe.
A nnmbe
t? -
r.. 1 yr!?": .:?uk!: ,:l!b ?
upon this vcrr interesting casf sav tnrrrc i
. ..., ....v. --.... .-. -. ..-. .
.u. a 1 r rt rw rur-i irn n t r 1 v ru sr a rx
Fftrrj LookUs lor VFmrm Work.
Paia. October IX
Ferry, In coarse of a c nvcrsatioa with
friends in his own circle, said he
expected the coming session of the Chata
bers. lo be a briaK one, xod that there
would be much defensive wcr for Mia
lsters who were recelrlng x:ere partj
discipline. lie denied tha. France was
on bad terms with Eag aad, bat ild
France was prepare! to make arrow of
every so t of wood to fire at Ee aad.
vnlessshe gave Frasce satisfaction la
Egypt lie declared a- hid so ex : a-
dcrsuadlng with B'iSKiarck. bat tail 11
hccoaldturaaBenirmyiatrtsBilly.evsab) r
aacruKe oi usw-sr jprcj?.- h? w. uid do aa
otaer, he epartcu lor c ; toexiTss4 tM-H;rb :? Wlinv !"-?' ma. .iik ranonial Mn.tmss;
and young men tn lh$ . wx- . you win K-twr. no u , irrn iy ttwry journal nitiruwaUfttf
. w? 'H."' 'IoViV,.::;-,iiinu.wottWwraAW;
ng hts studies di JgeuUr r rmrty oM po t-Bur 1- Mml r -r-" imwtksI witii earn in forM-i nT-i.
A TTmcji' -pecai rom Grrrtnnburg. )'3. rry u Vr 5ocr ow tt-.ntr. n-i wot .Iw5r frMrai!? Or --, r
j says. fr.dh;trrtn codi.led with a enk j oC ot c(.w u m . &, "j pr.lcctinnfe m.V Inist r W th
' .. ,L ... . 'w . I 6e IK- w.nH f corral ; Uat r 3 L , . . J .. 1 , raai.
i of the Pcansylrania Erslne., , SSSJT JaSKS 2" TTflf , fc?1:..'?? : ...
I John Lay: n o. the freight tra n wa In. i awl tb : ,11-1. j ,&, , j ' ,, , n:, '. w JtaOstp.
I Thompsoa of the coke train w. fauil. J KS t . 1' 1; I ! trTlXrn"
lnjunnl. Tbe coke tram took fire and j lro-f-or oBrrjte:, cfe-? -i 4 r- " oth- reTto tt hi .J.--ii. J J- iL
I the entire train wa cousnnv-d. The . Jl,WK '-.V t j-U.- dllrf. 'tS J
cident was the resn t of Englccer Lay- j '" i.??"1 '- ..- , wofftrtwe bsn'tij men ti.ii4t U
tons faille tostop bis trite: Dk,r'. ItTiirr i ZrKlS ! S14 Wf?U 'Wlhewoojrr .." y
TH I IVV ti IftfMV
i.i.i.r . !. v.
KSaI f yM U-;f
ts tfcettgli I'aia Jsft mr a h tUmn4
raXMM. At rr rctromt TlHwr aihI ,
kiMtWt iSruntl tfsirli lsV tkr
w RMi ? mkml mmmm.
. .
coMiidWI V jwrMMw4v rwwrft
Jsli- citUttMMk TW-e 4-.-. m
4MBltft KSsott
lU.. tuu m.1 iinfli. knttf lu mi
V, mW .. ...-.J-. mr - - mr--m
. .... .. .ImAj fa. M9KnJk.EW . I iTilfi
d siMKoH-fitttCtis. 9imX.lram Uw tt
.- m
' v noe.l lbt Stal rJttmx txmmf.
ov erv Urf, d Muualr vmtwmt t
Iuko. w ttli verj VAike J lb 4umt
ivelv poatt.3.1 rknn: ia Usrm
' T fullowuir k Om hsArv
uiut: AIT. !. 3 .srar vj-
. i .B .ft V - kk. -
yen. - l AT X.I. Ak.
WTim l -s jmr fcfcs4r .m4ifn m
Mrsi. jm riw w . 1 aMs
llkr l'tilXli1 i Ot MNd nrSNtl. Vt
Vw ms lor b tw l rt mwi.
- . . ... . 1w ... . L.,a. Ik.
M p.... n..tKi . .r h . a -p. w w -.w - ..w-
-- .f , . t i-J Sklm . S. Ultw Itarl
ttOiW y ta ! - t , Ih. K
, smb. ..- wj '.S. , l ftar mjsI I
. .m r -rrtoaw . I prs-
linl 4--r , I lUMl l IW SJt4 .
iI I kM.n j.Hjrj,-irt rrtitak. I
.Ui jHir 2r-I s:rt. tt vr Moral 4
I Trrj iitfl 4 nan MtliAMMt k tviif
tic U' iu put mh r o.-. r. tt
. I-Ms 1 4M SSMT ! tMkMM- UI l4Mi
rMt.' i I lull rvrj to wt:
dunti ttow t .hwvjmc ! m!' .s . I .
)tu.rA- J aun! T t Htm
IUaf rt. t MkMl a fttsatocUs tatR mI a
.DOM. I curt4H7rrMr,tt ! ! !
U. I ull )u all UI UM tlb Jrsf-r-
1m lr ffwulor. IH)ljr Tsrt. 1H
your txsjNiipu im XUv tii) Huw4rf or
l"ltr Mr! aswl gtval , WrrW
Of entr. it is itttiet;.i piUtiv
al eu..ette extended mimrt.
Uy n PresVleiituit cattsli-lrto. aithoogh
the r.slrtiim dou not nimlv out
tihaliettllv to the ! . twidntillal
enudtdntc llio tnp wns tnuil mulor.
taken to allow the ai.dMnio t.)Mr4-
ul! meut nml net llnir mliitli-urs. nw
trip was nn uudoubtml cn and will
iitutles pnv a ;. tin! factor in
eciiniiff the vietor w hioh hidt.itud
in .NotcinU-r.
(,".M:i.I. UHiAN AT lillTiiN'.
On tftr ..iiltir of )H,rS. (.ittieml
de an eisrUi.ji,y rlgtr
:,num. Ativr n,i,rii. to
tm oed or urotctition Mud tho tuhjoIo's
reolvu to hju a tre Uillot nwl !nlr
UOtlllt llU .ud.
im- wunt lu tJt i anat J iCrr f ,
'(mmhI. 'ltT" m. h K-iirul hm)' i '
ittci Im U n tht rrm! h .U im- iw j
r. ("hur. iMwir i I m4 MMn tsunj iyi .
incuts fru r (HatM in my ti tnnm. Ts ,
! I Mlt HUH' UI U.W UM rs')M MHIUI u.
Army or t k ifiiimH wn I tiwiMMUMtl
in tn lv: nrt tf tl; 4r .. t a a
t. U .MKHnl. NS 'UHn K STMtM Ht Mt TV
IISMilHir i isrt I MMtntiUM lUU ; tu
iu Ht niMl '. MO Mn JNmmm a :n
w lMr. tist i rit tie atol tlkn IXmsm
crnlM-'purtr -s trt. im orsunJ Mli
vrhut mii .!. .! t mw irf . ttH
NniAoc ' MlMlMiii lh li"'HHfcr hk
tltU ! slKiHf )OM tllt llMV) 'M MS C(sir4
Willi jH skrH )'ill ero IHlUliMif tH Utt
nn.rtlrjr' Nw. twin, ir im Is irwo. wkc i.
ttit-n- tn iU l iHwtmir iMri tniu iiu
uw unjr mn wImi mm a tniikfMl mmI k.rt
M.i!nr to v t!o liiiH-c.I- ucWI it nw
ot ".M.tMlnir i if hMrw thtt . MHinr ; It. U"t I h tMill llkt MM' ua u tt
fintw xt -a .m.m m s.-r i.M yw
Mm,iwJ .m.m .y M
Im Ihhmi ii t Mt.
uiMir tini t tiHcr wi
j.ty.-, 'n-.tmu ,mt
ok- ; I in 'I' t
r two 1 4tir u
smnr rr tt -r
v.l.o ,tvrt ttit-kWir lliwm ?. j..o ur
' t '1 tiiiit tk l m i immI I Ht,i w t .i i . i .k j
ttiu ir i oo ptiqmw0 1 ,". NnTptlins nn antlnn u 4r lb.Hr
i imi tt it...r,oriMl. '.y I dijlv In tl JiHt tit all tbo fnrt nm
. ilMVf IK'Vfr CvMltMi t fM wi i.n U4uMjitllK ,!.' l,,inliMr .! ,f lluau lanl
tlmitb" Li .. ihp'J H4fr. IIWIW,1' htfUlUlnf Ol dm tWWl
! ul Dim; I h.j iHMMtf lluil U tlVH toil Wf Uf elft0 IIMloJh tltril ISO
l (;iriTnM.cbt n . . Kmi al r.rry Wbnl rvnKlt ImTO Uh-H Jr"hsl
III tttlt M l' .l Mil tUHMr llWI WTs I, ..I . . ,. ,1 ,
! Tl..- Mtine - ti no .. . ttm fcm .A .. , ' HiKrt f orrnuf (WirUftli
Mr ItlMlHfj L'itni tw mm it- tsrt tw. i I
. Z "
,,... -i. ..!n. (orMtu.i a. tn.
: - : -' -."--; -...,- ..
" ' yr ih-ii .ti ii
uitn Uiuttnsisi! luloHliiinr. J.kMmr
nicbt unit u m.e ttmWir . k. l-ly. huI t-y .
fcnil purcMMMt.1 Mi Lo-ttHJ. is;n it tfwii
to.ixm w tne i-xr. ih ijw itnu hi i
J.r-l u iitx; t. I . JS is tr.f tile
im utl luvitl ntt'l trutr M it mi-h mho
trlnl n
il u ir xtuxtTHmftt' ui t .- Mt mrr.(
inert; i" in mw in-uim j w. hjhi h, , lit
fcI..Tttl .. MST,.44. It! .flTMl UwlMMtOII W HI III WtlllOtlt dolb?m!3 lattohlXHl. t4K
forSv.Vtar O. iMitt I 'tiWi' .
rxc-i.t ..r- a wmii mo ium i,NM ,wir
state tlrisft. win! thvr l lvMK-r-t i.'-iMt
niMt was i.4.t rrrMmis imj hHir of
OUT distil?. I Hl JOU B lllHit ttHHI ttot
to rorl,t tli. tonr m-t jmi Imh' n h
K.ory x -btttrn iwo.imi yinir r !. iiiji omor naon wa uch n mitn tJtoJ
your b ix-1 an-I .t br.srln tar tocb IIn , ctf !'1 l0i' CmsenUd to Ihj tl
in Iturcom t-.a'.oii ul rsJfj . p'uri tjt.r. tool of tj ow.'rflll rillj; of piitirT
b tl- Imu... . I llimWt.n. hiiiW,o Iiomiuati him? Tliu
t tht m. pat (mj. .bo ht or wlt nire ... . , ,t . , .
itio hpiui.tff trre men of tin ottntrj h.ivit larxa n.r
My ttiiurm n I m-?al to you. Ohio U ftltoKi?!, and they lilive not !
fUiUi U-Ity hirv sH sji lHfit out tU-'i in ,!. l... :. ... . . .
jKth.iiy.r lorr bb.1 .toro- in th Um.j.
yh "?,,,l i' ,h" nsr i tinifj. !tMti
nI tlvtutf Hie jmtb t f ofr.ty mi 1 t-o
.n,, rott,i , ',, pl44.n ,fcwtfl ,, ,r ,
Ine. It can to.nt t who.cwm ! itv
aT oy iwia wn ii.m swjni;
y .r.s .nor.- iiM.mfor ton) triTtiHte.iL l 1
a4 , wl ru u Urn nJ n?rr- '
Ua tl shmiihI. t.r -xhttlKT .tj s,t.t ltlt jnt f
, t.. ,.- I, . ii .. j ,11-1 111 1 I-7vlTllidl I
' o!i cuon. Uar.ii.- tbr .t isrrnrr loor tear.,
i a u K.-b A a. IH. V B aBa . ,W . . . 1
, iKnunifUiucc4.,'s'r.iMr
wrtJift .n tttiUTUi i oraa tl
' I siiitit tf, if llioi liruj .-..MM
nlirii i'vi-o niK.'ii (in S'J irHv xixl vuh.
an M tbl fnnnlrr
i.iti; l l.T VTP
m urn frt.- iur tw be
1-r.n ti e :b ry tha, ia. ,
r-il in tfcr s.r. Uiat
i lrtfHe. t IJ.
public a buu Mi-n
, ! lhtt troi aor
; tb-t.orr..anf l
mi ur.1 ut K. wtr
rylnir ?etj .jitr. f tbl t .n. ami to? !
... --.. .. . -. -':
.(,m .-out. o-iw bi a, an? lauticmc
. aa 1 am kBi- - ivn aaa r.m a.av s . . -...
1 wttJ. Hr.ot-.N. . . tin-us r mi.i
tt nun a-I It re
lr Hruc o v-. Lon-1
Ratc j-t ibes: ir ti. c.'.-1
-stfr. as.I tteo
Jonly. in Ctrl'
z.ii.. i wisT VIKlsrXLt.
.. ...... .. . 1
v- un- hxi jir. mtr. cror
.l. r-.i. s -., .
-t t-inia and Idntt a !ar.
. . . " -,
and mc at tlraUia. i follow. " 1
CScn f WW. Vfc-nart: A ronr ,11- !
.t sirjlal uf forty yvar ao a pci j
it iri -i or ut i iinitif 1.1 tt . ......k .- ,. . . -
-. n 1 ui4i Mwir iawiul ,..1 .-. ., .... "'"-' -
x T-arir.3 cirjtr. fc-r t.Tntu--az enta. . 1 'cwii. tr wcrtr cirrv . . -. .
w mil r fo; raw t 8 for"LrtSl I ,he A e1 jxl1 to b oVfir T
tfc twt ot yoaer Hrfr a f mi ..7 -.t - . f,,rlijn tfW bt! utt-
- - w - a 1 t ccr-s rr stir iAifuw. - . . niiLvn irn -ivi.i.kT a. . .
I i? $" "trMK "TV wt Vrft
int p1 'isnTt ?w
ImM .. -JtCg"'' 'l
!,' - wr i ire -
S , L
A If
(v. ,.- r-z:L -.. i
.. M wt trtm. " -
-.. V 1. ! -r Sin -" ?"-
- . . a. m
.iT Utf pf -V ,liMS
IUU ? w
t s. t
f ?T 1 Z-TJu , i"- IN
- T '- -- " "
h,, ,? m ' H'- ?Y
TLL2T. LTmm . rtrk !
V-- V -- m Ska. V
! WT cw -
4, .. " .
JK f
" - T7 " ..t .i.k.uatlk
m jt" "- - -
& fwA. MB.
. t,r-, ttMra mg
l'wr . -
. ... . .-m KMas ivMi . v. 1 w . '
i-- t r - r'M -.
yyir v w m. ihm NV-I f
t ) tjMir 1 Twt 1 - r-
iM4 . m T - L."f .ITT .
'.w - I t(r. Tz. .
UM fc4 y t-1101" yrTTj
mm. . -Mir. Trr2TT
: muI ' fl'l XN'l Iuhi lW
. t. w -r--wt .
Tk.jtr trfil 4Mtbdi fcj. ru v sow ""
I. iwuM t w r rLr!!.tT
t .- ft. V irM '" TJrS
I MU tH wrf sM ' --
"S-Sriji iW-WtV ' W4 X VjT
t y-s t to !- xHUHSft ?f r .lw
a. mm4 tt fcn.' tl1'' fcrvC
I tea 4fsMf. 4 fcr
i orcafitn-'"-
, . th.t A tJJf.iHll SMStJf
, .. . , ....
jMH-MMfHtr IrfVAft wrm-r mw . .
. . .W-. m .1.
. - - - KM t !' l M
4 !; . S. 4 jy
atvAP.lfiiiM.iiif.i am I rt-
Iini v -vt mi t um
rr Vu tH n-mu i4 t
iwv -i-m t " -W- 4 M. aW
h4 rtr; , H-J It I HI ! tWtqi
Wikl Mt W J' t4 "
ru j ti ! l tV4U. lo "ft tWM.
(. lirrU. tt XWitWA lTt"" Hs
Ijuknu lki an att lltlfmiifcl W A
W l4T UrM. M4 ! ,ltt. W W4l i
Um nirr. er.Ufi a tii, if i ir
, "wt imi-rir' f s ht-j
Sw,hM' Wrrr r -
,!rr WViit -win
S-wl 1 w wm ' ?MM I m itrntmltv. I
irtoHw. -u.l um 4rM
Mantta X- 4C"rH tn f l I.'imvh
U ittttrdi I WVWt )! ) H SS11HI
ni im,sI Vh i?si tul I'n" fc tMM.
UVr . Mt tH 0Ull 4 X"1
rsi t4 .-it iHsMMttm mt t )
T KtwMt f iim- tirett irK, ii satirsi
" 'h-
ItVf, Mrrl Mil. winjui
t tm f w"f.
. wkiLut uj. kiMiww ii4 ( lao ii M
tatM. ftft. .hj w fca .Mil tfwkaai iBi onniv
rnte K wttl. Im w4f ,trtf "AM"
mS' "i"
H9 Itaw msjt wl X !
! wirfM hi u I m . mm mm
MMtftK) w.uMW pi- M-Hrfipww iwwh --j
im a ms
minnt r h aim . i pimp
f. m smi mtnr i m - fSJ 1-MBWSSJI
UXM. N(Ml M lht (HK-f 114 tis m
hwi is v ivi l H ntmam
I tt " ! tlMSi M VM
aiM im h iTft $ilMNi m0 mmH mtt
i4m Im ! H ih Im t as .i Us tmtm
t a im n : 0-tp sruji mn rwimt wsw mm
in mm mw tMi. ttirwbt mI mym
itobv I etticrtttff.
Cvtriatlfe ant! C!ousrleiilliJs Votfrr.
T? era Ufa tw cin nf mmtb wth
xttti r1rit int.. Attks Ui mmkm mti
mitnk. tlwy p n,t tltr i!m-uihi m
tit both side Unv lxNa nlfjr kiNfi
NitMintiUttl tnol of ImiwIihmm nr ni-
Wmi tWH lo Iwtperd Uttf imptrUf erf
tL rotinirv. nod tn,n nf ntmnnuUmtm
Not an oxufricttfoi Iiinii. not omnHMli
" 7 th !" '" J
U Kris-l for biiulf lnto)lirmrtlir. oul
- - -- ,-
known Ui hno dwflnd opirfc on ifsv
t onnl .,U. why J, h I
Ii It iKeiUt llU 1 Of MtltlUr IMiiml
I"nir . ! jrvilinn WImi kwm
Uiot of him, thy ml pom Imh1Wh MkJ
.iMirnnt. iio not Inkv thut vWw. It Mt
Uetii his -j id If ruts h-wl hn irosj
Inmi ctnur? ,Mcjn who t;on$?kl mi iw
l-nutil ft ihoril!" Im U L-nnn L.. Im.1..
inilruiir rbargw, and M(.ivnr
nor ' old huilsel. to Uie tnrAl rrrifL
oiltHal iIuiilrr In tho Stat. mum
,, ' ,' i . "
ho.r jrt ns lilt pay. Fr Wltat
"' ", " '" V 7 . J tm-. -
Rn wlIHlijc toI of unknown anI Irro-
t, ,n;blu ehemrr4 Tm t .,...!. f I
"r """ cntrincr. J iio tnovj.tnil
nu ooniiiitioui men of thj tvatry
miuw mat. wi:v nave no right to t
Jor such i-1'nli.lf..
' ,-a',Hlnt?.
lint rirumonl has )n;rn offrrnii far
a . . ab - - - , - -
llim' 11 l,f. !..... . . I
,,,fn' ll. "a " n Jrtoil
tllfli IM
wouM jrivc thn ot)ntry a ro jrmad
to IC .ClieVitI, h; rin-of l!f npfxtlnhV
..... . . . s n.i,
meats mad at tin tiieLatlon o' Iwsm414'
;fP,n; irlMm. Mannntf- zxti
''g:ll? I bf Vr;ry prutots 1 33
C flfl -t 1.. ji.p.!m.. . .
-.--.. -w.p ... 5 ,r cfinwmnnr .., j
r'. ciia;i rw ii
r 1
ioaxtti)' If an bf-:n ir-
-n-l tbnt Gwrw:
isoeixnu trjrm fr. tnuJe. hor oan
and plaa lh nenj n. m. ZtZ
. - , "n,tx', !t S"1 r tlw t- n
ward wtUi vict. n ihe niar,- i,
rt m
WS " " " ""
Wfe BK
f , . m- is. i ai t"-" ll,
dMHMi w . - .-.. - - r - "-
. . . - - - mimammimw
.. ' 1 . ..... .-, ,,. ..,, Fi.ii- iL.r ia it rtx &.. .i.
. ,-.. ....
1 which tha; j any h comruUlc4. ntwl .
ti intoicTen noi' What??-.x H rr.4n,
.k.1. .1 . . - -
l'TlHy Woa hft afiltkr, i,
CtS J.tb-ivr. unnm!. ...."
. .,. . . . -...-. fcIal. jir
. Wea soioag
4 1
j "-"i -tj Tf. . . 9r
?T&&? i
'iLJSS. . -L - T - t
.&?3$i- :
iKaS.liW :JS3SgB:L ?
v'S?s3?iTZ&&m?'- &u?iM-C
. ":f
iiE. -MTJ&-j'Atr -.
r "f
. ic - 'O.
.. - t. -
- -..-jfcT
ik si&rsss
r fsr s r jc i. . w-vif rts;
'r--.4j ";""t'