r;..-"!.- .t' ? " FMBfWI VW&iL -sr me- i- -a---s- v '. :rw. ?-- ts r r",.?-'5 rSv rw . -jt.zKi r -ar rs -V- i-iy ,' " ' Ti"; '- p- - jir ". j - .. : ww' - T' in --r-''--iTrigaa"f''V-r 3HKjas wm, -a - Jr -- vrT!'5V-iarv W? t rpp':5f?H','V'- W' a Mf" w jiBav "ffTrirfffffiiff T -r- IVVr- J V f V 1 r t X KAsnr. Sr. Xmly EutxunU-r u airitnerlat. TVlio Uudr tho In- i tt Deacon I offfaa u deuce. Troii the Toledo niaiip j . i. 9,,5,'i,:,,,:TT ltOAIH (vrich ih in U.u State uv Kentucky) l September. 1. ther come to the Corners yislcrdny i mesmerist wieh claimed that bv fc SU.SJTS1S' uv icI Iwl t" nut- Th( -!. "uu nc coou Tint t Wnnt tr L'nrif .,. U11115 aooui the futur. for feer that i - . - - -- - - .V 4.4i fc It win borescaible the pa.t at to make Bic.:. J he past is quite enufi fur 3 me me. j past hcz not b:n s cheerful ex. to 3uoo-,e mo to look forrerd into the uener. xnch 1 am .snoor is to be uothin bat a dismal rttjieUshn. Whan I think uv ivthcdajsl hev pone ihirstv, uv the irnes J hev bin kicked oH n'Vrn-m, f 1 want uv money to nn- f,r, ,. .t,,1. skirmi-dmi I hev bed fi.r fnml ' v i. sxneriences I hev bin v.mrw.n.wi ,. .... sort to fur cleen shirts, even r0-m s'f" lur ez to break rnv slep by sittin up till after twelve at nite Uiat'l mile bor- reremol mv nabor s lint- uv r.l? ii.. slinks and arrers uy outrHwr. . choon that I hevendoored. i ifnti't v.... r- lo know war is to happen to me. 1 bed ruther live in the fairy realms uv hope, and take things ez thev com;. 1 111 trw'K.M 1. .m... , : . " 1 . "" '" iiiui i-ia .siiiy. nut J do not i:eer to euf-ouuLer em when massed in armies. they are Hut. nevertheless, I h''d curiosity to J;now wat wuz to iiap;ie, (jspeshiy in a pohtskio way, and so' indoost that old u. nt, JJeckm JV-r.im. u submit Kisself to the I'erfcsir and take an ex curshm into the fticher. i he reriesser made a lot 1 ior uv Ti!i!;5 fver Uie Dcei declared him :ns venerable bed and hufliciently mesmerized. and asiced Hie Deekin to say wat h ctT it-i..ii ).. ii.i.i- ., .i:.i .... " I fcee" murmured the Deekin, hi sye! lixed on acaney. "that pure ana tfilelis citizen Cleveland in the While liw.-se ana tu::t other pure and ltroachable man Ueecher lrre- -mi!:n I- 11 nullify onto him. j see in Cleelands Cabinet rpuie another stile uv iwn than (hem which hev bin sittin in Presiden tial councils for twenty -four years. Tlier is .Jcfl'son Davis Secretary of State, and the other members are 'all Con fed en t : f-oljors wieh distinguished theiivelve-; iu the grate struggle lor tiie Southern svs tem. " 1 "I see in the Custom House and ! Pftst-oflis at Xoo Orleans and Mobeol and Atlanty, and all the other pint in the .South, from the biggest to the smallest. th- HadiLel Kepublikins c'ce.T'd out and ther places fillerf with Confedrit sold.crs. The Covernment ompluyes are not whisslin ez they ro to ther work: 'Ilaio Columby1 or ' The sole- Atar bpanglc'I JJanner. but the inspiring tranes uv -The Flag' and 'Dixie' greet ear. ! see an eleckshun lionnie illoo my ravished scene. The Fedrol laws for the preservashen uv tht Hiujgrity uv tne uanot box hev bin re jMse'ed, and the gentlemen uv the South iicv now the power in ther own hands. They sit at the poles and they determine who shel vole and who slu'l not. There is not a nigger in hita, lor tner day is oyer. 1 see the law for the perteckshun uv niggei" is all repeeled, and the labor uv li.e South is got back to suthin like wat it :diod be. The nigger isn't a slave no more, but he cuius ez clot to it ez is jos-i'de. He isn't permittnl to testify in the courts agin a white man: he hcz no vote, and he i, praktilly. wunst more a servant unto his brethren, iiallelloogy. I see a still more gladder s:t" wieh warms the cockles uv my old hart. 1 hee the debt made bv the C ontedracj put onto a ealitv with the debt in- cum by the reurei bond- ishooti kiverin Covcrmeat. airl all aiike. J SC2 Confedrit soliers penshund jist the same ez Fedrel so'jers, the Confederit ijtu; that it wuz onh a contest betwixt lheseekshuns 02 it were, bein adoptiti, and one side is jist ez much entitled to considerashtin ez the other. "I see the South made rich in conse konce. The penlmn- uv Confedrit soljers he:: bin compootid with intrest Irom the close uv the war, and they hev bin paid in bonds which bare intrest at four per cent. 1 myself hev proved my servis in the Coniedrit army, and hev hf finniprs. nnd mn m the Collectors otiis. T see LubbcH;, the nigger, wieh hez held the place sence tyrant's fust teriM, hauiriu to a tree in front uv Pa--eom's. and Pollock and Piglergiltin out uv town, pursood by the infooriated populis WjcIi is ihirstin lur ther blood. 1 see Uascom smil'm from ear to ear, ez we actillv pav fur drinks iustid uv re- markin to him. "iist mark it down. Fedrel ofiises all over the .sLe:i uvtlr; n: Na-hnel money. "I see tbe gosts uv St nwall 7aoa aid Hood, and Forrest. roes, rise liom their graves and jine the :.ras ez thev see fought and died for on the field realized by means of politikel aeksheu. "I see :i. Cougns wieh will pass all sorts uv appropViashens for the South, aua a President who will not veto em. I.sceSc eshuCriks'ack-watered, and a c:iso:n-hoi;se in the Cros Roads, the contract piiceuv wieh wiil be a milynn. but wieh will cost live milyuns afore it is complevitL l see me ami yoo. tar in-! M'Pelter hevin contra on the " son. same, av.d rl Aug iu our kerridges and warm dimimd pnisc: b-g ez hickry nuts '1 see Che whole keutry under the coutrole ui the Somh. we a tain the Covrumeiit for our behoof, wieh. ez we den't pay the taxes, w, w.II be. glory ' , cmm tor oiie four veers "i see tbe Uimocrisv nv tMc rorui bendin' at our feet ez uv yoar, and we dictatin' polisy to em ez'we did afore the war. I "1 see a Solid South, one ia feel:n t one in scn'-iment, one in ackshen, aad 1 one in assaultin' the Xashnel Treasury, j "I see Itaseom smliin' and bendin' I onto its, and solisit;a our custim, for lol we shall hev money to pav cash instid uv asking for credit and then Tjann1 iutrtstioto wat we her had. till .- ' it assooms che shape uv a mortg:ige." I Ther wu. on tne-old saint s lace ez he -uttered these pro.ettik words a seraph ic smile, a look uv entire satisfackshen, v.ieh tvi"J hevenlv. The color in his nose dej -en-ed, iilsriieumy eyes glowed . with an D-icarthly lire, and, ia fact, the trance, in winli r.,.Ti:7r- J'T""' ",, u ire. mat tne gooa UocJiin.s wordi . ui 1 condishen iii- w0o( he mav be urofHUk- enabled to penetrate the dim and misty S J pj?,.0. rua: V W hitur and foretell rat wuK to happen. V VlIoSl I declined to he expenmenled will, for - . (iuL) a rcahOIl. 1 dfm f. wini !-.. Tlir. V.'.. r.. .1... ia 11 pjtKunuw .uiui u.iLK ii.i. case. Novt we un-no: scekmir to ilnw t i r iul (inJ', unnVir nr ffi-w- i It touchr I upon mea:or es of the d-ad 1 si' ll the urouertv desiroved in n 1 .1 laivtn, uu uocsn l kuov, 01 iorgei.-, . , , , ,' , . , l i sec an ino iiropti uusirojcu in ,.ir:lit.i between the charges against 1 , ' . linl r t , '. ..uTtiw.i tnat -hould be sacred from interference the South paid for in the same way. I m,. i..i,., ,i ,1,., ,...u..ii ., 1..1. ' how crJ mtio .t t.ike to con-oie the , , ,.-,:... T .... 1 . 11- -1 .- 11.1 . ...1.. ." ....x .t-vv,..t .hiu tui, Minuni .-u.ni'i.in 1 llAnHinrntloiiirlr Ai..n-ilitiir!fi f'l.oir " -:"- -""' ' politics. 11 IUI ICpre- hev imself bin paid lor 11., mules c.vp- insl Wa,n& Mr collU ;irf' .inSv seated a worthy Lly and caused her to chered by John Morgan when he raided nol t:lkl. hU k.iu. iiml rea,n thftm ; BjJ of t Den. era. o . d thpuuic iu an unen. this part nv Kentucky, and J see m.aol: j the pre,l.n oof lho AmeniaiuV-oplu. Demote r Ss' Z 'ce-siv -nd VW l- I memories liin ju cemfort on the intrest. ...!.. .... ;.,.mmi;..tt. ,-,,! xn.. f J'inot atn. org.i.i-. the millosuu and .. . ,, '... : , -1 s -e yoo. Parson, in the st-o.lis at "" " V"' Zh V.. ovenvnclm a? defeats of the Democratic - - l--- -; r - - - lniorestm reform, from the hiihra! to it as one ct ,h(. .,,; indication? ",;'' ,-!".V "','." ', y. ',"t"-. n- t u.oj.,, Vit'i "tlmir ui-1 -o-v. chwrfiil horn-. .-Al-l-Oic wo-W- ' SWJ&e l' t ' ',-S,5'-lv5 ""' the lowest, rndilicgm-millsrejotvith lh;lt ? 1!q),:b,in randl(iaie b not " bv m oru Sf i Ik, Ti'L' vitot ", Mnor. hoa-it Sv ! nnl trotnr trnT.ioes .on.otb-,,, 7 i-MlS 5 "T'Sf'SSel. v time roiled 2?? m"mfn rT' IrSSTS " ,- o ! ptftof cptot ! . .. r-djgjd h.,- RUCCISTsTO tadnmnl. and matters revcrsed-thnt C ff teLltaFrTn '3 ;f .lJ?ther State, acted li,e Venno.t. ! 'etSr' JmrrS ""-"'"' ' J gVfeCrwl StCKS 3Sd ESRiStenSOi' ? cventiu- done bv the Per Wiw Uhed nersonnl onor whoislo-.-.l ,..,! l,K -l'nioerats would win. a glonou , " c. l"c-' IO'-C(l a circular purport.nj -- - - i. "lViW u-u -wi w -. a i.artv for the last twentv-fotiAears is t iJdbv his'n d-b aVnimv, 5ctot-v: when the Republicans ear- to -scnl L-v the llepubli- fencin? Straw Stack. Z eJSSsw V W .. . J Lv,ne away with, from the emansipa- 'SS'S FiwJ Pr c the Democrats were ! .? m'e- .?, .V?tcnt W1:h .... T - ! CnJ' K '"Uf( 5 ers to the ishooing uv in mn power and pos-ession. making a : -"-. - vouawi iu -.i.ue m m tne omcrseuieu iarm.ng wiwjn - vr JVS.vr v " u Xt'ti.-ev x' old mail wuz completely traarfr It wiiz suthin t feel "cz "od frgg:L xyJ ez he did, cf it wuz only a dreem, and that dreem lasiin a raiuxt- He awoke from the trance. Did he actllly sec wat his word indi katcd? Uv course he did. Wat else are we uv the South workin for? Wat else do we strive and struggle for Nahnel success for? -iay luc goou ixiru semi us; t! vietrv Neighbors." Mr. Schtirz has been not only a polit ical Ishmaelite, but a wanderer on the lace of the earth. It would be unkind to refer to his or ginal migration a.-ro the Atlantic, !ecause fJerman-Ameri- cans ou-'ht not to be reminded unneces- Sa"'y OI l,ie birthplace of oui of their number who Iiils so frequently insulted ' thin by aisuminir that he ciirried their vote-in his oeket. Witliout rrference to kis Kuronean career, it will serve 1 i',ft present jiurpo-jt; if we remark thxt Mr. Schurz ha had no permauent abid- inj-ijRce. ile has lived hast and u est, in Wiscm-in. M'. .otiri, Illinois. Wa-h-inrton and Nexy YurK, and never lon enough anywhere to identify him-wdf with an- community and to form neigh borly associations. Thi fact accounts fr his low opinion of other men's neighbors. At Chicago, for example, he referred with contempt to tin; splen did tribute of respect and confidence which Mr. IUame'-. neihbrs. the voters of Augnia, have rendered this week at the jiollm-places. "As to the large lteiiubiican majorities in Maine I ue:i)g a vindication 01 be-Dir a vindication of Mr. H2ainc.it is only so much the wor-e for his neigh- bor:" Tids is the iudirui"nt of the mercenarv and selii.th sneerer who has wandered from State to state and from city to city and never succeeded in sur rounding himself with either neiirhbors or IViends. "It i- only .-o much the wor-e for Mr. lihiine's neighbor-..' if theji have faith and confidence in him after knowing him and having bu-d-ne- relations with him for thirty 3ears! One of Mr. Schnrz's politieal allie, at present, is Mr. lSeecher. Another cam paign Avill proba'.dy find them on oppo site side's, and Mr. Schurz will then be a ready to defame his asocial c of to day as he N now pleaded to compliment him. The hand of this jtolitieal i-h-mael is agtiiivt every man who does not oniploi him. and sooner or later he will be certain' to attack those who are plotting with him against the Ilepub l.caii party. The d:iy will come when he iv.il refer with distiviu and irony (as his hit partners and pre-ent allies al ready hae) to the lo-.altv and con stancy with which llymouth Church adhered to Mr. i'eeeher1- lortunC' ten eti ago. The venerable clerg.mau Ava-. th -ii charged with the most hideous oflence, and ins letters we:e cited by hostile critics a- containing irrefutable proof- ot guilt. Ilis neigh' or-, and pari'-hioner-. who haii known him for thir'y years, read the letters and de ci'ued f iirouounce him gudty. They accented his cp!anntious and ver- whelmed him with tokens o: ailecrion ami confidence. "What would Mr. Schur say of the intrinMe value of such a verdict as that? Nothing but this: "So much the worse for Mr. Ueecher'- neighbors!" Yet the fiet would remain that Mr. lleceher could not have held hK crotiud for a -Ingle dav if those frends and parishioners had not believed him innocent and held ip his hand-. If the-, had distrusted him, or Mipported him witn hesitat-on, he would have gone flown and ouU Men would have said Fven h s neiirhbors. who have known him moil intimately and have hr.d the be.-t opportiinities for judging of h.' motive-, can no undcr-tarcd his letters. and look upon him with doubt and sus- picion. if M.r. Schurz finds it ea-y to d.'spiso the verdict ct the v.einaire. his colleague in the present campaign has had icason to be profoundly thankful for the prac tical evideue -s w hich have beea given ot the loyalty and devotion of Ids . friends and neighbors Mr. Pee -her ! would have 10 confess that the esteem and constancy of his neighbor- carried him through the great crisis of hi- lilo, 1 and that their faith in him w.is a stronger argument with the public in ! favor of his innocence than any points J in the legal bneis or the evidence 01 the could find to plead his case for him and to give to tho-e letters a plausible inter pretation. This is not the point we are seeking to emphasize. It is lie cold and clammy sneer of Mr. Peeeher's present associate against the lavorabie ' judgment of mends and neighbors which we have been considering."" Sen sible men always set a high viluc upon he gootl opinion of their neighbors. "Wc iearn, ou tiie bet Democratic au thority, that the Pepublican National Comm"t!ee are at their wits' end. and are rapidly being reduced to a deplora ble state of mind. A-l their artifices, and even their threats, to extort money from the long sufiering (Government clerks have failed, and" with clasped hands and bowed heads the National Committee we are assured stand pict ures of stony despair. "We are al-o informed on the best of Democratic authority, thai the manner iu which the Pepublican National Com mittse uebaud.ed anu corrnjtted the volr.-s ot -Majue, uttmg th s and that f togc-tner. martes up an tmcxampled story ! of politcal depravity. Tne committee, j we:.re:idvscd.lrOn-ed forth, the conlcits . of ineir over:lowmg coffers with lavish prottigality and will, seductive snrles ' auu caresses oesougiu tno sturdy e ami caresses besought tho sturdy men of Maine to "dip in" and take their fill. They did so and in that way, the only possible way as they protest, ws Maiuc lost by more thau twenty thousand votes to the Democratic party. ie have carefully weighed these two statements of the Democratic journals, and are forced, on profound deliberA- .. lion, to coniess inai tuey appear to i e in conflict. Thi is to be regret ted. For. if the public should begin to lose " iaitu in the candor of onr Uemocratic fneuds, it is impossible to ima-me how far skepticism raight go, or what terrible calamities might, as a'cou scfiuencc. ensue. X. lr. Commercial Adctrliicr. "nv Tiorcnn !- M .--. .1. . , . ,.-..... .- - "JJW ! a, --- -WVIT-T1- T1 I V11-B ml(BT Vk.K.aa - -. -- ,-- ---BW.wBVVa Af sir.i, m,i-,l,.c;c ,i. .. 7-... r ' t:u remarK. ney neany an iook - '"-"' " ; T ,V '" .V """i . ,.,....- I 3 W '&'&' b.r aJ V.Tir -mT The Jewel, Coasisteiicv. S"m OI :i "ennoiican Luited Mate Sen-1 r" "4t "; "T". f""!'"-"?- - straw piajs a moi impor.au-. pun ic - VTAe, cs." .77. CD,wI j .uaiiij. vanous Democratic iourna: i froni - Morr.ll. but which her afli- winterm-r stork. M .nv iarm-rs na; I; f! Nvv'-! .- POLITICAL PAKAGKAVHS. Tir General Kosccrnn one day last reek predicted that Cleveland wouW ;arrv California In- n.tVi ma orllv. and Ac next div Uj vra- 'aken si-U and mil I Vj bcl A nightmare of that Mo Li . inotigh to make any man sicH. I'kiUi- izlpiua lTts. !id?5lr. Hendricks' rnectfuliv solicited to ittcntion i ro he call for 1.- ri.U'Kj in boQUS. juvt is,ned Ir the seactarv of the '1 rettHu: - f.ra.K. i im method of rtlucing ?uridtjg ami rawsferring oonr. from tba Treasury raIts tD the channel" of trade. - Pluck, cnterp'ise awl shrewdness with r. small sum of ntooer, weru the Tt A . -apital with which Cnthnntrt? Kcniealor j opened a market -'all iu I!:Jld!pii:r-j-he was thou e-gbteen years old. To ! Jay hhe is tilty-ight, and has 5i'Tajtj m the br.uJc. tn-uuiciphu. nine. 2Jsf The eulogies of the fate Socre ".ry 1'olger, jnnted iu I Jcn:oeriU.ic icwpapers. would 1 creditAblo to the aeads and hearts of the writers, if too many of them were not tiefjMwJ by an tHort to turn the Secretary's death to political Hccount. Af. i. Omwitrew A'lccriivcr. If&'W. is shown h the ofiifial records 1 hat while Cleveland w sberifT of ICne ( ouuy, N. V., he ehnrod ftir S$ Jnys' atieiidance at court :n one year. The tables by which the Democratic j-g:.us undertake to ihow that he will be elected President are coutri:ctfi al .r the same airy and lant&stic yU::v. of .'aieulation. TieS- The so-callwl "Mullisrau letters" do not tell a connected story, wiiothcr the original package or the supplemen tal batch, or both together, be eonid red. It is endent that they do not embrace the entire correspondence, and. as they ha, e Imscii made p:.blie by Fisher and Mull.gr.n, it is fair to pre sume that they were selected uv.d de taehvd from the entire ccrre-pondence it order to obscure a co:np:ete under standing of the matter, aid thereby irive color to the theory of Ulaine's im proper motives. (Jiucajo Tribune. KssAn iiunngruoiis feature of the Democratic oition is the real in favor of eh il i-erwee reform coupled witfi the mo-t earnestly expressed intention to "turn the rascal-, out." 'I vil s-cr-vice iv form, a- taught by tiie Democrat-, has permanence in othce as a M-eeiul feature of attraction, but let it bt; clearly understood this ble-s-'d per maii'Uiee is not to begin until all the prc-":i incumlients have been lifted, ?i;ck and heels together, out o their positions and room made for an equal number-of" Democratic heelers. S"'. Lvuis Globe-Democrat. r8 Fortunateiv for the country there ; is a good pro-pt-ct that the ilepublicans ,wi. eu-t :t m:i;ority of the next hou-e J of Repre-entat:es It will require a gain ot fort seats to brinir about that re.-ult. In this Stao there v. il! un doubtedly be a gain of several seats whieh were lost by Pepubliean apathy in LSS:.'. The gr'winir nece-sity for prudent and intellijent financial legis lation, which the piesent Demo -ratie House has refusei! t undertake, makes a change in the politic.il control of that body a matter of great importance to the business community. A. J. 'J'rib UK:. fcr" It is not long--only a few short weeks bince the Demo ratie organs were cuddling x-CjO'.ernoi Duller iu the most devoted n-anner. Now they turn their faces to the wall when thev hear his name and speak of him a "Pen Puller. It is to be feared that ... .. .. .. before long they will begin to all Jim "Old Spoon-" aga-n. Somehow, since he committed the Democratic party to the care of Providence in the Chicago Convection, declaring that he coul 1 uo more ior it. and made known his inte:: lio: to keep on running for the Presi dency, he is not nearly as ureal and I a man in the e.-timat on d the "$- s as he was before. DciroU Post. Democratic Yk-iorie.s It is true that outside of the solid South the Republicans have carried j every State that has held a Mate clec- J Vcu this vear. It is true that the Ke-1 - . . . . ... 1 puobcan victories nave been decisive and sweeping. It is true that the Dem ocratic record for !-sM is one of defeat-. humiliation and lo-s. Nevertheless, if any body savs that ivirtv in lsl .in ..i, .it.I nil 1 i realfv Democratic victories-perhaps a ' r ,i t .1: :, 1 1.... 11 cause for reioicing' Mr. P:vrnum isaa- cuscd by ; tie New York S . XVCIUU- ii . c:atic Tammativ organ, of saving that ,., ' .. 1 ''if tilO If fTlll!lti.MIl TIIlfTlt ITl flil,t .. ...w ..,........ J"J "V"" " .fcti , ita t.iitii .K.wi'a, lii.ib 11 uiiiii iitr ill .,. litter tli.i.. n llfl tl,.. ....... 1,1 l. .. 1 Dettioeivirie. tjiw-nfiCi " n(! t!in llntnA.1 tj:ijv ljie ! It would be difficult to conceive or a more complete triumph than the Ke-! publicans achieved in Maine. Thev won all the Mate ofiices. all the Con gressmen, ail the btare Senators, nearly all the Suite representatives ia the Leg islature: thev carried every count v in the State, with about alfthe county oiiiccs. Put Democratic or-rans re-ofcss to consider this sort of thing rea.lv a tnumph for tne Democratic Tuey take the position of the t onfeder- I ate who. after Sheridan had sent Jubal t barlv wmrliug nn Um Shenandoah valley, was boasting of the i rea: Coa- i federate victory. Uelng asked by a j TiU'.7.1nri fr-innn hmr 1 f"-..l ..7ir .. Confederate victory when Early had ' lost nearly all his Lims, most of his bar- ::ge. uueus oi uaiiie nag .J 1 ..! . a tremen- dous lot of killed, wounded, and pri-on-! ers. and wa? fleeing wi!h Ids r.intwl : array tor dear life, tife soldier renlied: . .... . ... uny. more'n halt ot us got awav'y - alive: an7 if voif d a-been thar. you'd "a . il... I . I .. .. I . ....!.. . , itOt 1 UH lllw :?U tt'i IflL t U 11 tiLT 4X111. t tit 1:1 I t-l-'Ul- lt.i.13 ill.KIU .-HlOt.lUHiUn Lilt" ..,, r. 1 IT I .11 111 P rf-' - ,1 .Sv M argued that the Democratic party had .avit i'rovcs to l' sn "tnVat fabrica- that thev consider three tons of ciean". Z X gto:3:4 ! V-7 cause to rejoice! " x' I; probable that the perpetra- j bright baricv or oat straw cmai to iw ? 7liaV cSsfiL9 Z1&4&41 r thought thai was the biggest victory Ave ! ort" n a, lc eSroatcry to ask tho had an- use for." So "anv Republican ; PPrt f honest and conscientious triumph wh;ch doesn't totally anaihi- mo.n" ,0ui upon such hypocrisy, late the Democratic party is considered "C'V-ek" (j fjou-0c dealing! r.c peo a great cause for Democratic congratn- P at ,e polls will sternly rebnkc the latioa this 3-ear. As State afterVtatn i etaocray- for thus, prtsuminor upon rolls up a big Republican maoritv, the J ncir. ?ood nature They will resent ;iaa ana grateful Uemocracv crawl out from under the wreck of their party. exchange congratulations of ;oyfui as tonishment, and Join in singing the jubilant hymn: Great God! 3iid are we yet alircH Detroit j?osL Tfcey Do 5t Want a Chanr Democratic orators arc trvmc to rn- I tt' the tmnrvsjion tua: iho oe4ac intere? ti of Hip emmtrr trani a ' caanI:.," Hht iniot to t verr rtra- f tral ttt4no dcirosKB xs proof of tkc aectt-;ty ot a cnaapc. and preUoc io bakfTe IkTe thai such ehaa -ouH iro " "'",- -,' - ..'- uru ;;- rel ni -.n in.' &j " tt.wi. mnris t aAa . ' m-ni nsai u; sw uapoaeu upon tell- 1 'V,:. "v" it kv. v4r rnx'- that th icotti arc tsked to inaiu will iovolve a rurohitios in oar -y-aem of collciiag ami d.-bor-lag ti revoites of iho (loronttaent. Itwill iavolve a universal distcrb&ai j of valttes, and will eomp-I a ror- lrg Lperrntage of mjumf act ariag eaiabliJb 1 merits to di-chre tbeir work man ami . -aad ojcratioas for an indoftiute ' wrr.od of time. Protected as iiuty mr i m n irreitt measure at bm from vnia j ou competition with Karopma pro j ducora. 'nir maaufacuirers are ir-rcr-tbleis irTsriag from over-prod action. and ther are runt. tag at kw pre-ar until seh lime x they cca find a market for accumulated stocks. Capi tal and labor adk? feet tha deprefc-iti innucaor o ucn a tatu u: trace, oot the eil i- coring itsctf. jslitl-owners. maufactTirers atti ea- idoyes arc in the mow what Is the game boat. The matter, and lb-v 'jj- know that the trouble u not v'tth the vsu?;n, but that il li the inevitable re Kidt of too much individual jwm! eorjo rato enterprise a intsa.pplicatifrQ of native iHM'er. As seuib niea they know that their condition is net g'ing to improved by adding to the weigut of their woe, uoh an apphcat. n of the homaopath c principle thev are not disposed to accept. A chance in governmental control means a substitution of free trr.'ie for i protection, and busi:ie,-s men arc verr Jar from de!nng to precipitate finan cial trouble or to invite panic, which would follow a change as certain lv as nigiit follows day. It is very wed for political economist to preach the ffo--pel of free trade. Theory i- one tiling ami praciVe i-. another. A bnuking down the system mean- irretriavnbie ruin to the thousands ainl hunln-is ol thousands cf men whose money i-; in-vest'-d in industrial euterpri-es. atsd it means the further impoverishment of tha 1 nmuou- ot art-.ans and labonng men. i'u! into practice the theory of free tr.ide and there will follow such dis tress and ruin as America has never wiines.ied. It is t guard againt the possibility of 'uidi a suite of affairs that Uie men 'Alio represent the business inurests, as well as the great army of workingmen. will otc to reta:n in their service the men who have been named by thj Ke publican ::rty as be-t quaM;eeI to t thj, pnnejp of ' lh:U , The ,,1. htls pri,w rejre-ent tfi' aims, the purposes, and organization, ciiormox-dv rich since tiie Kpubucan part, enme into power, and the progress mail is largely diw to the fostering care that has been taken of American industries by the party iu power. if th.s be misrule, then the people want more of it- A misrule that rn- nehe- the Nation and elevate; the eru dition of the masse- is the sort of mis rule thev need. Tnev want no change that v. ill snrivel our Industrie-, jiaiil-: ze enterprise, aad crush the poor t prostrate into the mud. That is the j Democratic conception of a reform in j the Administration. Tiie would-be ic- former- must hold out a more tempting J bait than that if they expect the peo ple to bile. Tnere i- nothing eutic.ug in a picture of desolation. The few bu-mu-s men who want a change . ... .. ..f ro as short-sighted and thoughtless as the patient who wanted his leg cut off to get rid of the pain in his toe, Xaiionul j.'cpubli&iiz. Demorrat ic Fui-gerics. The Democratic forgery mill i. still grin.'ing away. A Miort time ago a great hullab'iloo was made over a leu ter purporting to have been sent to t'.e Kepubhcnn National Committee I Mr. Lot M. Morrill n rehit.on to the circular -cut by mistake. It is now stated upon good authority that Mrs. Morrill declares by affidavit that this letter, which re'lected crv bitterly up on Mr. Plaiue. is a foriren. Hovv the 1 Democrats expect to ga.n anything by 1 the disgraceful methods employed by I them in the present campaign is hard to see. J his last forgery particularly '" l'u MiesvuL. A.m ousieiiieS' f:intf .that in'?h.1 ri?hfl,11y " consM- ered in connection with tee aflair. Il :L3 :m :ic:. ,tbat sLon'd ca,ssc cvfrI" I iemocraL wiiu a sense 01 sen-respect 10 11 . ...?- -r . . - : ,,,-.,. . , .. . ! UlUsa ior HIS )artv anil ILS m'inous. t There was nothing in the world to be i n;.w! i..llllt uv tne course laken tv uie i 1 ii r, iJ'''i'Cni. A mistake was made bv n. ' mailing clerk. The document sent to i ine name 01 tne deceased oenator was ' tors will be run to cartb and the viiliany and meanness of the Demo cratic managers fully evposed. v hat can be the obiect of the Dem- ocrats in thus signalizing their cam paign by a .series" of the most stuoid anil transparent forgeries. It rjtist run ic t'ie political blood of the party. The people hvve no: forirotten theforey forgery or four vears ago. Tnat trans- actin branded the Democratic nartv uPon tJe forehead w th a mark si p-"-tJ that centuries can not c ace it- i5ut here we have repetition-', with the ! exception that tee crimes have not tlic j m-jnt of smartness. Such methods can i but lower the L'cniocrati'c i?artv in the J e-tlmatlon of auy hones: man. The ! Democrats party vishes to get into of- j nee. so accompiisli tnis it descends to lying, forgerv. decepdon. ambiguity, evasion, misrepresentation. bulIdozinT. ballot-box stulanjr. bribery, fraud, and ... i t,-, ..- 1111 mu uer. vvitn tnese crimes nded m burning letters upon its rcc "- imputauon tiias tnev arc blind 2v.diooUsh.JJurIiizgU3n Mawbejt. JcIs the Independent pacir a mvth? X. Y. Sitn. lea, a Hytbancy. rhiladdjJna Inquirer. Hnitoni 1 TI11 c? - ..- .,.t.iiI.n,ii.li.M. 1 tors win be run to carti: and the ton of l.av. while sot a few jniei tlzczsZFmW'' ya Jrc-ir V ; MBaaT H03E. I'JLIU! AXD GAnDDT. - -Pear ise Is MisrUaww feapraTed. If tae par eeas rather tAuft. W add-itr lew fir tfc wstic Wfor slew S- Trf Jim. --AipWs tliat art? too tart u ake aT0raW ao?caa U MrftcoowT Mhkw da by addiac aJoc a lirfrJ of VW .m-mb a as a - . .- k. 1 & wih. mi wit w i. . nu - 1 jene cow. .fcsrAOMo. A !Ht?ra Wefccpir tkinXA th bet hm foed, a Ut haarr froot , seen has Ihe dvMmga o aot be as ' mixed 4lh poJleo, waica h WlrTr ' raueA dr'P-T amoojr ta W la wmUrr. dtoe&ie. hvwvror. sthomid fc-c If ay peroa i J fisate to mw 1 son vita poteoa trr wiQ lat wr olire i- .- . .r - oil after being tnpo-md to It m will iel no nati esart-. aad tne oil tu xtmnrL j be the erib of Um paSmm If a Sew dmmg ' he taXen erwi aiex bm poaMia hi I broken ont. tiotton Hmdijtl Salt ia their food when oooke!. km , poohrr. a tctt prafMK anmt9$:. but salt gnea In u raw sAate is deiclenua. if much of ;t is u4ea nr fowl-. We do not recommend k nee ia car form av mned with their mah of scajoed meal and boiled rewetjibl A' I'. TtH. 1 - -r - - - Peach Cake- Hake three yh&Hm ol sponge cake as for -Ut cxke: oat aVe npe peaebei ia tbin sitta: prepare cream h whipmag. we4eaia aod adding flavor 01 tantlla. ii deetrvd; pot la ers of p-a-- hes beovoen tae heeu t cake; pour crown aver traeJi layer aad over tiie top. To he eat n sooa after it ii prepared. The ifotseMoid. - For hair enrler take tiro ounce of lKra. one drachm of mm arabc and add to them oo qnart of hoi ao 1 oiliug) water. Stir, aad as -hio a the ingredients are dsolred add tv'o txble-fiooufuL of spirit o camphor H" fore going to bed wet the ha r aith thi- Huid and roll it ia pieces of paper ia the u-u.-.i manner. i"njf. A hand-omr toiiel-cuUiott is cov ennl with dark bine sailn: it i trimmed all around with ribbon of the Mime shude bo-jdatU-d, aad in ot citmrt are ei!ow daisies with bhurk heartland with green stems. 'Hie? are pnt very closely together so that they appear in a ma-H. and the blue muit be 00:11 pletely hidden at that corner. A so pillow with the ume deiga ! oqually haudsome. A". F. i'oi. Usrautifv Your Iiojuc. The home sho ild he a bennlifn! aa pleasant ns it is jumble to make it Home is the place of ret and pne tn-joyim-nt. It is the refuge from cut, trouble, and all the tumults and turmoil- of life. It is the one spot where the heart's purest affections garnet themselves and seek the :r cboen ret-iiig-plaoe. It is the womaa' Ur-t dut toruaku thi- dwelling-plare, over whhh she i- th- motlier queen. s cheery. coz and lovely as she can. The bri rvq.u- , site tr this desiretl conummat.ou 1 j that she herself be happy, hopeful. ; pleasant, and conlenl-'dlr :igre.ardc. J'o become thi she must live hygien ically. she mu-t o-it proper food, wrnr comfortable clothes, and not b op pressed by too many cares and burden. If she is her own housekeeper he should .study to do iter work on the most simple and easy plan, cook but few dedies at a lime, ami have uaeh a perfect in itself as pcxwible. Woman has no more important duty than that of making home jiUrtan Neatness and cleanliues are indispen sable to a cheery, coy-iooking room. A plain room plainly furnish -d mid scrupulously cle.m is far more bright and bcautbul than a more pretentious one richly adorned with e-s:!v lum.- ture that 1- sndod, mutilated and a- ways in disorder. A few thrifty, nicely-kept Uoweriug plants and trailing vines are one of the most enlivening ad juncts to a living room, and a shello-ed. sunnv window i- far better for them, in j moderately cool weather, than t e over ' heated and often dusty ia-ide poi:ion, ( and they are jut as easily seen a!K). A few nice pictures on the walli are al ways pb as ng; but no picture that shocks the leelings should ever have a dace there. Pictures of war. murder, .eath-bed scenes, animal fights and jlnor soul-harrowing vie.v sought nc.t to be made at all, and espeeiaL'y al lowed within the s.-.cred precincts o home. Pright. gay, happv and inspir ing views alone should meet the gaze ol the family circle. Should there be un sightly obje -is iu the room or reer-se-that conta'n unnecessary adjuncts ic comfort and convenience, a bright chintz curt-.iu will screen them fron. view, and wiil of itself make a piea'ant re-t ng-place Jor tie eve. Should a b.t of plastering fall from the wall a p;e of white muslin nearly uastonl over tin piaee will hide the defects and sa.e a' Mrther scaling ofT and dripping- o :"Pr. In a thousand wav one can ved .'..., .. .1.. "- ind add to the beautiful, uuti ., ..." ..! . 1...I. t l - iiu.huius.. miie :oi:ie n:a travonie ;i vrv bower of pleasantness and cheer lumess. The love of the beautiful need tie o.-tenng care of every one who won. d mae me pieasani anu uaoin. 110- er j thei of equal value, pound for pind tme thing at any rate is certain- cattb . - t .. t --. and horses arc vcrv load of oat an- ' baricv straw, and farme-s who hart j never done so should eivc ii a irLiL btraw stacks should always be fence I in. espec s!i wltea located in a yard is which s ock is to be Kent. On of the ; it & rrsde by setting at each corner i I tb stack (a square one I a bhicx: o; IS wood twenty mche- m diameter and two fee: in length- I poa tfcee rest the io-s, tiie endsot which sboulc j be I'atteced to prevent ro!.nr. Trwv 5 . c:,,nT'lr? . n;ir: nti,? itat in ltsm-rfr two being idneed upon each side, I: the stackers a largo 6nc. or more thsr twenty feet sjuare. aa extra bjOcL shcald be placed npoa each side. I have seen both horses aad cattle several v iniured bv running - . 1 r o me oroiectmg ends ot stakes and rad,- ---- ee 1 I so often ussd as a fencs fo.-stratv stacks. Many use a post and board fence; but that is a frail and danzcrons stmctnre. Uo:trd3 like the rails, are cailv broken aad knocked off. trampled in tbH manure, etc., while by tbe use of a log i fence nothinir of the kind can tac place! j-iiu ttovK caa no ue inureu. ana U mrtae of durable timber tne not no tasca aown tor manv will add that in sections where sue a fence itas been once used. XanBersar so well pleased with it a to adopt H a soon as rossihlc X 1. saMiXf I A Pr! H3VT. Ol aft th 4&jrlr tmairm repnc3 h' mmuririem nmtmomi a swA. ee of tW aunt filmr ex Ibe aaaOy mt Mr Mafcioo t. (lwir t. robMtiapr oa IVan r ana, Hi Uwk rty The wnwrfrfal 1 tile awtwii mr.n latatim hcae wnmi n 9a J tke pt of Mm Lubqw. Xr CVtwa upMi turngtomr. It r carht a Uap Um avC- " rae aaoal to Ve lrwra4 a a paJ W war maraea H Mim Liseae. it xi-tm tarmrd a tuimf It awar aiwmieiaiwi Um aoaae. aaJ mrkmy it ae4 m her wort baaa.es Mia Lootie ia rent tamd ; of eroraeinp, aad tW aae. rfc ear ku aamed "l,ntle rWlf." wool mn am tae table wairfciag aer Am heau. p- : jmemily Ueeph iiitnjril. l mwrwl PcaawiiM wfea the toaayla4t laid 4o- her work U(Ue BUlt." wvmbA id 1 ift to taJte np tae awbet needle ( aad knhyw bee cauuaaak TW iaeg4t at laat cerarr ed to be taaa e deaiPNl to i leara erocaeiaE Mw procaeed a mrnU croefcet needle aad factnaaj Is i a lore paw with a narrow rttaa, fpire ajfli vuaar Macrrme cord to practke a. U learned cdoa-iy at nC bat mtA Ire 3 eafehi! aad patieat aiftratJoa d tt trea Little lUliy uHwaatety in 1 Q aaw j tae utttrtcarMa k tW titea. aad aow ; eroebrtu a iadactrkHMiy a am vaaajr miaUvea. It has already enwbeted' Htm J ' a anb. and aaaii bedspread, sad tt to ' ow rnsred oa a moxdea acd far lla , Uxor, ft U qnin? x. runsti m tW vicinity, aad to indeed oae d tae mart uittguiar iataace ol a buasaa mtriiH jfeaee eW4in ia aa aaiaial tbat ba ever beea made kaoan. faW,A JktonL ,' j A CUr-mmrmi 5ari8. ' ii.-. Jb! uwd I. UtM, abertft. AerkUad, w Ka&lwtd, utIUk: I reJrw4 an ta- jery te air bonldr ia Jaaa, UfcC, Bad , from that date aatd Jalr, MM, I eeeid mA um my ara. I apinUd to aaniicai aaa nal nmml all aortu of Uatmeat, w Uitout ay baecSU I aav srat 4aarn ia vtaUag 1 had occaatoa U mm ih. Jaodw UU far tt, an.l ! aa4 not oead H aaorw taaa baa aua at4M Wfur 1 Ml U t-inilirUl CeS. aat ' 1 ran work with my aaw or jad at w4t m vr 1 did. aad raoonaeaad it fee aav cmm tuSarittg iaia." i Tku yeaas man ae wi JUtwl r4arkrt fBftUfKily u h frivad lAt Ur " I b Um4 eaacbt ateU taat tm9.--ur.j tea Frte Jrets. If lttkitl with Srr Itvaa. a fJr. lar TaoaiiMn'c !; Wnwr liracfdmi avti it. i- VV11T I It tkat rlrt a&avl lUna xrr a! xriys dark bntwliM ad Wf41i 1 n clrHl iml ixly-Mvu VMtali h At t4 iMrrick. Ki:. for tftf Ijz Qafclnwar U it law ful (r r bind tn&u U u ok a till ;m at.-, at isbu Lfe. Tin: ,'i:xr.KAb uakkcts. KAXftAS TlT. licUit-r . 1 CATTLK hlBtMojr eurr Ut V. Naur- Hctlfvrk Katjrt om tfttb!fv lHarw ItOQg-OoaJ to trtiotaa hmmry ldfct WJIIUT-Nto.1 Wo. 3 roR-Xo. s O.MH N. 5 , KVH-Xo. I niK-ri-r. mti HAV-ar k. brtetot. HI TTKK-taiHWI CKlKKaa. )U.U amc POKK-Hae. witn WcMI-(ttH.ttitvaaae4 . l'VTATVK-fmr iHMhat ... ST. iAJCVL CTTl Jt-gSriaytajr eer . . Hi r,S T.id fj. ! SHKKI'-Uirto fco... )UHU-XXX teeaotca.. W!!n.VT-Xe-Biaa ...... Jfa.t COXJf :4.x mix AT Su.3 KYl-Xu. : I-OKK i oTmto-MmdiHm iirit.tcco A Lmr... K Xwdmm mm (ITJCACiCS. CATrbK-coa amipptae iU.i -t;owliaMuea SHKhf-Fior mearaee KLt K ioanaaa tvhokta . WHLAT-NO.X twu ..... .... ' ' Ni.S Kptimt COKX-Na.S OATi-;.a.r KVK 1-OltK-Nrw Xitf JftfH' rOHK. CATTLK Enra H(HJ5 Ouod toilM CtirrfiN-M5.WttK nd'H )i4Ml uaoar wHKAr-S'i. r ni . cons w.: OAT H.-..ts vxr i'UUK MiUnl y- a w It U a wl i.frtx lift f mmi c' la I ItorwsaiKl'Vtk Vvr&trnJ h 'it cue 1 try It wor.Wu. tiat Btttrtf f '!! tirn Vijwiar ti abvsk.tetj' J-err aa.1 vr (TaJaaMe- .Votlilns an Irtli will1 I mat. Iir-n lay llkf Mirrbl.in Oindltlnn i'ttvuirr. Iwr ks- n j lo UirIreM rllaM CD1 vniwrbii vnvhtannis brtrt cs.r-Icc J1XT. tTtsall. SI?" t rra giagnana CI7T THIS OUT A2TD ( Katiosal Lite Stoc Hosdy Z KAML!N: m wssl I' CiSrCTt Hasan 3 Cltit.tT TSroXiSV mUtTlOS fwe-CereaUca Tean. Or A3Jrtea Orsssa Atnriail jscj zi tzj. Jvr-Caaa, ijr irjMrai ScaUst - TiiPRICHT PIAU i r i!Sr. evratfiMllT stt4djrr 2iYiri p t?T f ut 2Oa at.: Cfclcass, 2i Ta&a.T. ' XjtacJixesseKsrL7Hieas ! tZiIXZ3i21iJSXZ9- !., $60.5 TON I 1VAG0X SCALES. 1 Jsrsas'feaSaS? i S2KCMAXTOS.N.Y.' m a xmamw !yfPy ig L LU JW4KJ ! MASON & iBteit ;mw$mwM,m&$kmn l!niajryTrjaax4:rlMte.ailw. Kux. . . tXvvim r"s- ''aes- I'ooat. Pati.iattt. Arfehmsv. t tAc prodicaUr uxzia. j yj s,rmif fr rimton ias A. aITK ai w ... --.. 3af lineiu is ca eeaacr- -- Ti fTlafOSK l7 tsb. .& &&" m Urz& ass k vr - ara 3g. trailer --?? S , -Jt re ' Tat to 'iltTtr1! ra... s 1TKP. lJ&Stl5ftfc X Tw-r7fJMt 3la CrtbajiaOanw lia ii mac s wwiM. Wo- 4U fm' bW Sum n eSwerv nr thM 'a l3t h& t J3TA Km ta- 91a sfc ae ittaH r a 'i tw mm be mm a J, aaiM mi tneaaevl lra tW - A dHn ww wen m wf tm aaae e taaa t- a wrt eM ermu Lmi -ta H trm, Af afMtr r acvf eaa aaajaaar V " It tadbe A,stea at -a a mm? pi Un. rarttarlea wi , mo4 "- a J. Uw ' a a 1 YEGcUSLE C0!dPGH0 "Hi jaw-- tern" tit .ifJ twilthU rtpuu: rorttitMt. , . . V teii ai ay. u ii t (k taii 4 I tW - - - at Ljfm. r. tmmmt njHVwT i 1 4hi ui Wi f nf 4i aai a lin ! at ! l it nii faa. --M !- a piln 1 iil fcumri hrti4Mili) fl. SkTARRH fc llMgi mmMmmmXmi ib mu w .anna" wBa mmmmmVr m j :t tt m ity. a . ELYS CREAM BALH- EPttA'kZintSK m&riy t uiitr u't i ate IMJeif at Oaea. SCSWiHeAnJ Ws 1. -s- a . " js rHjyrVLR2f Jf. " . eraafffc Traat. PH-nl nl Oare. ol n l.bjJd or Snufti Apij late tr. m atni t.1ro it iHAY-EEYERaTriaT l-m0m. . r tmm ia s t C. I'M .IP It . SpQFSS? viUUU tDfflSS fHIICI "SPECIAL OFFER. $20, sr . i:rr-t. tai hull' I ' M t- t t 'ni M mt i-trtm'- -l 'Ma( 'a UWH lit Uswrr-r. w. I. IV MISSdlA AOU Uhiiim t it, a ITCHIHS PILES. SVITfcf nffttfTK Y w. t. rti t cton. IUI A- ' a, ' t HtVU AtX i l-rt-. 1 .. 1UK . " r I ' I I' i. a at" SKIN DISEASES?.'.. VStehft , r wj tmrQgm Revolvora, Kine-5, KW3. cs B3YAST & STHAHOK'S ZlJl , ....,.. ,, J n4 Mttt ifSt F k. - " Mil- f" . s - mk4 ! fc. . ftasrt " 8fitSJl--t a. ' yfiit - m))Vw wm- 'A.1 r" Sw- A tiiiwl raaM ajuirx-tL. a; iri . jmi0w W.JU - . e h.h tn-mm. Urn. FREE a. aMV l LU 1 U NS LAY ra (ii c4 IjjC V . jitTr-!! ami 0f lit (V, 4- VJim r :Ktl"iM4W j fcj U.-r- Aio fwrsMbrsf In OT rtK Pr rrrt TIltK I M j SEI.X VTCT2I TOtnt OUDX3L. m dearborn street, CHiCAGQt SECTIONAL HAP OF KANSAS CHOWtKC httj Citj, imt EsSfni, SUm, Be., vftU ea tejSJf fealrr , usse. Ti-ah;. risix &&- ?r ysrsciJ sj cqmm itU t&. It fct tutu, iiirr WJlXomzMmiTnMfili 1211 YMH Ml flS lliUU liSiCtHw fiTJ! Zri cetssaa, Micrarimr-j Hand-Soolt FREE. jr. a. Jtr Jt- JHaat t yra. . - -- a. 9TMMX WMMTMM 3t mrs , IlKrTflM 4hh a. a 1 1 J&LJ4Sl'53S$'i ,t'dE v&djm!?9?2l&. tifWEBSads v arTfii ui a it Mk akk VaXa3fl9aJ Wm 11-- t n .1.. VO S h O t C U P &Jl&&S)m S22 VIBGSm-mm&ilZ. &MMm aaaea .lfcBr ' 1 J KkwrnxSKImK t XJLKXrr, Tutaaavac " - w T " " Xe, jaaa f n I I ' , -- i I -- a..rri.T, a tjuftCAaa.. -; .M . ;iii.c 'rf .- U''? 'H . Vv"-1 .V4 l-3t.?r .M-i o .-KS ? ,- : . .- 1 1-2 v. - r. - --. "V '' i. V , i'.':