fATv nhcMkja. jt. Bi!r T-jjr' cijc-ry o. t -7TT, ESS W-Is. -. ESssBar - vr-afc- . r ?jfyKtff V r a&?T .? ? - v yi 133 ,v V l tj f I I k J& 1 The Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1884. A.C.HOtMERJ - - Prosrlfr 8fckl Viim. October 25, 1884, the people of the state of Achraska and Kansas are cor !mllv invited to :nt..wl ,.. a .. ing, three doors south of Shercr'adruu tore in Red Cloud, Neb., where you ill then see on sale the finest and huge-trtock ofjjoods of all kind kept ma first-class jewelry ntoru, to be found in Southern Nebraska. Yeu don't need to buy tin lees you wish, but come and see the display of the beau tiful. Until the -Ui I will be found at my old stand; then until the 25th will be on wheelsuntil the opening, when I will be pleased to see every ninn, woman, or child who likes to see ?:ood Roods sold within the reach of the poorest. Kemembcr, everything warranted as represented. I have the exclusive control of the white crystal lens Kpectacles the best article ever placed upon any market, from $1.50 to $2.o() per pair. Also a cheaper grade to fit every eye, at 25 cents each. Goggles 15c. Solid gold rings, lace pins, sets, bracelets, collar buttons, dceve buttons, ear rings, chains, watches of all grades and prices, lock ets, bangle., neck chains, etc. cheaper than anybody. Quadruple plated 'ware to astonish the world in beauty of de sign and quality, and so cheap that ev eryone can hereafter set their tables with silver. Don't take my word but come and see for yourself. It is a pleasure to show the goods whether you purchase or not. O. H. Mary att. PAY Tjp. We want all of our subscribers to pay up at once. Wo muBt have -what is duo us. $1.50 is a small amount to you but means hundreds of dollars tone. Don't forget this and when you como to town call and see us. CITY BKKVITIES J. M. Pkoctok is in Red Cloud. W. H. Strohm was in Omaha this week. Geo.Emertos is the happy father of a bouncing b-iby girl. Dem Higby's youngest cnild died last Thursday and was buried on Fri day. The republican central committee met last Saturday in W. H. Strohm's office. Mr. Edwik Pierce, of Ohio, a friend of Mr. H. A. Howard, is visiting in Red Cloud. The Red Cloud carriage works have built a new delivery wagon for C. M. Storey. W. J. Wilson was in Omaha attend, ing the Advcntist camp meeting the other day. Tue masquerade on skates at the rink will not take place until Decem ber some time. Buoox corn is now coming in. There is a great deal of money made on this product. Mr. Frisdie is building an addition to his residence in the vicinity of the Red Cloud Mills. W. J. Wilson has an ash twig of this years growth that measures eleven feet and seven inches. A. Lixm.EY, the druggist will move into Bail m's store room this week. The people p'ease take notice. Capt. J. H. Stickle, candidate for congress from 2nd congressional dis deatrict, will speak in Red Cloud Oct. 24, 1S84, at 7 o'clock p. m. Dame Rumor says that the denizens of Red Cloud will witness a marriage ceremony in a few days between two of our well known inhabitants. Hon. W. A. McKeighan will speak at the Hummel school house in Line precinct on Saturday evening October 18, ISS-i. "Mac" is a fine orator and everybody should come and hear a good anti -monopoly speech. Fifteen prairie schooners went west in one line Sunday. All the way from 100 to 150 go west weekly. There is a tremendous rush west and it will not be many years before the public lands will have been a thing of the past. The rubber guns, with which the av erage youth is familiar, and which is a -serious weapon when carelessly handl ed, especially to people's eye, have become a serious nuisance, and should be abolished by an ordinance. They are decidedly out of place i n a crowd Charles L. Franks, of Chicago, champion skater of Illinois, and the world's champion stilt skater, will open the rink the 28th of October with -one of his fine exhibitions. Be sure and see this man and be convinced of wonderful things that can be done on Tollers. Although J. W. Deary has been suc cessful in the past in his political ex ploits, he is doomed to disappointment this year, for in his opponent J. L 1 Kaley, everybody recognizes a man of fine ability, of good character, and con taining all the qualities that go to make a good legislator. Echo. To-night, (Thursday), Elder New cemb will present his fovorite theme, "The Babe m the Manger." The Elder expects to continue with us for some days. All are respectlully invited to nttend, especially the unbelievers. The lectures will occur at the old school house near the Episcopal church At 7 P. M. sharp. Joseph Pollt was driving his team . over that part of the "meanest road in Webster county" about one mile west of Am boy, on Sunday, when the back seat, on which two young ladies and , a child were sitting, fell out, hurting : one of them quite severely. This part of the Amhoy road mentioned is oer- taiiily daneerous and.unfit for travel v unless repaired and graded. A few dollars spent in that particular place AouldAiuake afair road and save Lots pi trouble. I Will Mrrciir.r.Lis convalescing. E. H. Amblrr lias returned from the east. The depot school house has been seated. Some new corn is comirnj in ' to market. Sheriff Wakskh was in Blue Hill Wednesday. Mr. Mower has gone back into the meat market. John Gamier and G S Albright were in Blue Hill this week. !'. A. Beachy is afiling Geo. Dodd in the abstract business. There seems to be a perfect stream of land hunters coming west. The rink closed last Saturday risht for a space of two or three weeks. A. J. Welch, ticket agent and oper ator, will soon move nearer the depot B. F. Waterman is hiving a car riage made at the Red Cloud carriage works. Don't forget Mclntosh.s sale on Sat urday. 140 head of cattle and ten horses. The sidewalks are being laid on Seward street north from the M. E. Church. Rev. Fi'lkerson, of Guide Rock, paid The Chief a pleasant visit on Tuesday. Rev. Dr. Oliver, a noted divine spoke to the Episcopal t brethren on Tuesday evening. The Red Cloud carriage works are putting up several new vehicles for parties in the city. Fred Hummell is in Nebraska City attending the grand lodge I 0. O. F. to which he is a delegate. R. V. Shirey, the gentlemanly cash ier of the Red Cloud National Bank was doing Omaha this week. The People's Lumber Yard is a new institution of Cowles. They now have two in that enterprising town. We cabbaged a fine cabbage from Mr. Robert Hicks this week. It tipped the beam at a little over 14 pounds. Mr. Ballard is grading Fourth Av enue in good shape. This will be a pretty thoroughfare when through grading. Col. Pickett, of the Blnomington Guard, has been appointed general agent for the Beatrice Mutual Insur ance societv. The cold chilly winds of November and some of the same sort of October, have put a quietus on the festive mos quito. Selah! Notice In consequence of the fast day services the Ladies' Aid Society will postpone their anniversary meet ing till Friday of next week. Mr. Wiley's team took a gentle run down Fourth Avenue on Thursday last but did no mischief with the exception of turning John Kellogg's buggy over To-day is the day set apart in the Methodist world for a day of fasting and prayer, and will be observed the world over by the Methodist Brethren. A. Moriiart and wife have returned from their visit in Illinois and eastern states. Mr. Morhart says give him Nebraska in preference to the eastern states. Mr. Nnmifi, of Iowa, a friend of Mr. Worley, of the west partof the county, has bought a farm in Webster county, and will reside in the best county in the west. H. A. Watson, our livery stable friend, has purchased two new buggies for his stable. He believes in keeping his stable up to the standard in every particular. 0k October 2 Mrs. Robert Hicks' friends made a suprise party on her. It was her 4Sth birthduy and was duly celebrated. She received some valu able presents. No change has yet been made in the running of the mails, which load3 us to exclaim with the others: "How long, oh Lord! how long are these things to continue?" The public schools of Red Cloud are doing nicely under the efficient man agement of Prof. Ebaugh and the present corps of teachers. The Chief is pleased to see the schools prosper. Eld. T. J. Newcomb preached at the Christian Church last Sunday. He will continue his meetings for some time. The good brother has spent the better part of hs life in the cause of religion. W. R. Pursell has opened a flour store in this city. He represents the Blue Hill Union Mills. Mr. A. W. Miller, the genial proprietor proposes to introduce his celebrated flour in this vicinity. The Chief welcomes Mr. P. to Red Cloud. Jim Hubbell is sad. The country is going to the demnition bow-wows, says "Jeems." Ohio has gone republican, and the democracy is lost, forever lost! "Woe is me." "Provisions are lower, and Bourbon has riz." What's the matter with Ohio ? On Wednesday the building occu pied by A. Cummings as a restaurant, was moved off, and on to the lot west of Bradbrook's photograph gallery. In the place of this Gates & Bohanan will build a meat market. One by one the land marks disappear. There was a union temperance meeting at the M. E. Church Sunday night- The house was literally crowd ed with people. Rev. Geo. H. Brown, Rev. M A Gault, andRev. Cochrane, made speeches. The meeting was quite 'interesting and was inter spersed with music. The city fathers at their last meet ing raised the saloon license from $500 to $1000. They will soon have peti tions out for the purpose of taking in the outlaying precincts in order to or ganize into a city of the second class. The present board are efficient offi cers and are doing good work for our city. ' Tax paying has commenced. A. N. Kudy has completed his new barn. 4 Wx. Letso has The pride of Blue I Mill. 11-tf. The pride of Blue Hill can be bought ofS. V. Ludlow. H-tf. Yarns of all qualities and colors at Mrs. Xewhotue's. 11-tf U. G. Knight went to Lewusville on Saturday after cattle. A. O. Bkkc, of Guide Rock, wai in Red Cloud thw week. 200 sheet for sale. Inquire of Chas. R Bes-cy, Red Cloud. ll-2t An endleM varieu of white and red flanels at Mrs. Newhouse's. 11-tf A new lot of embroideries, laces, and Jerseys, at .Mrs. Newborns. Jl-tf The pride of Blue Hill flour i3 tak ing the lead wherever introduced. Call at Bradbrook's ntudio and eec those large portraits he is making. 11-4 Ladies' hose and underwear at Mrs. Newhouse's in endless quantities. 11-tf Du. Emigh has had the windows to his office nicely decorated with sign. Low prices and honest dealing is the motto of the Golden Eagle clothing store. Rev. Father Clery will hold er viccs in the Catholic church, on Sun day, October, 19. The little girls' sewing society will meet at Mm. Cupp's, Saturday after noon October 18. The river bridge at Rivcrton gave way on Tuesday, while a flock of sheep were passing over it. U. S. Marshal Daley was in the city on Wednesday looking after busi ness connected with his office. Mrs. Atkinson, who has been sick .or tfomo time past, died on Tuesday, at her late residence near the depot. A nice line of perfumes at Lindley's. When you want something of that kind call on him. He keeps the best. Why buy inferior quality of boots and shoes when you can get the Selz make at same prices at the Golden Eagle? On Friday night Oct 25th, thero will be a social at Mrs. JR. Mitchell's resi dence. All are cordially invited to attend. Go to W. R. Pussell, one door north of Maryatt's jewelry store to get the the best flour for the money, The pride of Blue Hill. 11-tf. All kinds of dress goods, embracing silks, satins, velvets, cashmeres, wool half wool, cotton, calico, etc., at Mrs. Newhouse's. 11-tf D. S. Helvern is the boss potato raiser, a specimen of which we ac knowledge. Thev are fine and of Ver mont species. A number of Masons and Odd Fel lows went toS.ilem on Tuesday to assist to asrist in laying a corner stone of a church in that burg. Ormxby & Dickeuson shipped 3, ISO dozen of eggs last week. This would be about 10G cases. This hou&e is do ing an extensive business. Ask your giocer for The pride of Blue Hill flour. If he don't keep it you can get it of Win. Letson, S. V. Ludlow or W. R. Pursell. Overcoats, big, modiu'n, small good, fair, fine and coar.no, to suit all people and size of their wad, at the Golden Eagle clothing store. Belle Spanogle had a birthday party on Tuesday evening. Quite a number of her young friendfi were present. All had a pleasant time. It will pay any one before buying clothing, boots and shoes, underwear, etc., to go to the square dealing one price Golden Eagle clothing store. Rev. J. V. Wills of Meadville Mo. will preach at the Congregational Church next Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. m. aud at half oast seven in the evening. Mr. D. Higby and wife take this method of returning thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted them during the illness of their little child. Mrs. Newhouse has for sale Warner's celebrated health corset, Schiller's corset, and the Duplex, knowledqed to be the bet in Dr. Dr. a the market. 11-tf There were no services at the Pres byterian, Congregational or Baptist churches Sunday evening. All joined in the temperance services at the M. E Church. iDo not wait to see who is elected president for it takes time and sunlight to make those large portraits I am get ting up. F. Bradbrook, the 4th avenue photographer ll-4t On the 24th, Stickle, the dem-fus. can didate for congress, will address the citizens of Red Cloud and Webster county. His followers will turn out on that occasion. If you are thinking of making your fathei, mother, sister, brother, our cousin or your aunt a Christmas pres ent call at Bradbrook's gallery and set for a large portrait. ll-4t The patent flour made by Frisbie & Skeen is reduced in price to $1.G5 per 6ack and is giving the very best of sat isfaction. It goes far ahead of the for eign brands of flour that sell higher. J. L. Miller, Dr. Smith, and John McCallum were in Guide Rock on Wednesday letting the contract for the rebuilbing of the span of bridge across the river that was recently taken out. William S. Walden, living near Red Cloud, has been a sufferer for years. On last Monday Dr. Mosena made a surgical operation on his dis eased limb, which it is hoped will re sult in his cure. Look out for the grand fancy skating at the rink on the 23tn. The managers of the rink haye secured Chas. Franks, of Chicago, for an entertainment for the people. He is anoied roller skat- er, and will amue everyone. OHIO! HAVE YOU HEARD TH2 KBWS? Ten to Fifteen Thousand Republi can Majority. The DeaoeraU, FaaioiUta, Etc, ftive HUek Y.jt From the latest Tcports from Ohio at hand , it seems that tho Demo-Fusion ticket received a black eye that time can not erac, at the election held there on last Tuesday. The entire state has gone republican by a hand ouio majority over the democrat, greenback, and prohibition parties combined. This was indeed a sad blow to the advocates of a tariff for revenue only, after spending hundred of thousands of dollars to carry the state. It plainly shows that democrat ic rule is not desirable in this stage and age of the world. This is glory enough for one day. West Virginia reports say that the state is democrat ic, but nothing definite is learned, as mountain reports are coming in slow ly. Three cheers for Ohio, and victory in November ! Tlie lAMt Child On Tuesday evening the skeleton of little Dan Wagoner, who was lost some few weeks ago, was found in a draw some distance from the parental roof, we believe about ono-half mlie from the house. It seems wonderful that the little fellow, only seventeen months old, could have wandered around in that vicinity and not have been found by some ono. A vary dili gent search was made at the time, but all effort was in vain, and the little child met his fate. The remains were somewhat scattered, most of which were found in the draw, while a little foot anil its garmeuts were found at a considerable distance apart from the balance. Mr. Ah. Van Dyke first dis covered the garments, and on search being instituted the remains were found. It seems sad to think of the lit tle fellow being out on the lone prairie at night left to die without aid being able to reach him, still such occurenc es are not un frequent. Now Jthat the mystery is solved. the minds of the paronts, friend? and neighbors will be at rest. The mother in her sad affliction has the entire sympathy of the people, not only of the neighborhood but of this section of the country, who are familiar with her great loss. Peace be to the ashes of little Dan Wagoner. Graadm Tiptoa Pursuant to an announcement Ex Senator Tipton, of Brownville, Ne braska, addressed the democrats of Red Cloud and Webster county on last Tuesday evening. It was not gen erally known, and in consequeuceonly two or three hundred people were pres ent. y.. Tipton is a pleasant sneaker, but unfortunately has belonged to so meny parties that he hardly knows what to say, and consequently was on all sides of the question during his ad dress. His speech was certainly not one to inspire one with awe. He charged the republicans with fraud, but forgot to look into the past history of the party whose claim he is advo cating to-day. As a convincing effort Mr. Tipton's speech was a failure, and did more good for the republican par ty than it did injury. His attempt to vilify James G Blaine's character was an absolute failure. James G. Blaine is certainly the peer of any man to be found in the democratic ranks, in point of ability or statesmanship, not withstanding the raudslinging opened on him in the past by the leader of the opposition. A Bd RaaAWty. On last Sunday night John Kellogg drove his horse "Charley" to town for the purpose of attending church. Ht fastened him at the railing as is cus tomary, and went into church. Soon afterward the horse broke loose, some thing he was never known to do be fore, and went rushing down south Seward street wildly, capsizing the buggy and himself just in front of Mr. William Parkes' residence. At this juncture Miss Grace Ferguson and her mother who were enroute for church came along, and Miss Grace was caught by the vehicle and knocked down, re ceiving several bad bruises about the face and body, but fortunately not any thing of a real serious nature, although they might have beeu much worse. She was taken home and Dr. McKeeby was called in. Mr. K. thinks the horse was Tightened by the earless use of rubber guns which have come into use recently among the boys. Mr. Kellogg had just taken his phaeton out of the carriage shop the day before the runaway. Xetiee Notice hereby given to all whom it may concern, that the district court in and for the county of Webster and atalA nf VakraaV Ink. V.a11 aiitA.. ;, ,oc, - ..w . jS' t j 123,1884, u -hereby indefinitely ad- JVU.UTO. n.vUJ.M,.,fwK. rnTr 4W iv .iTi aa ------ J. P. Bays, cleric.' 5CSATOK X43DU50V. At 14 a4, OtiaUr 23 Don't forget that the republicans will hTe a grand rally on nctt Thnntay in Red Cloud, at which time Sztiatn? Mnder?nn and oiher peaVcn ttH . ..- ; i anureu tae people ot tetter emity The Senator t a fine prT d 1J houid hear htm. Ererylody invjtl A FsUl ArtJJrsL On In Friday a fta! Accident oc curred near In vale. It eccmi i ? i lad, Ellet liii ac! 16 yean. ! i of Mr Geo. Ric, who lately ? I o Nebraska, ndcr an ab-ence o' rr a! ye-. Jitarted out. in company nh other to haul hay, Lakinj; abnii: nh bin a cun for the ourpoe of hunting. After they bud gut fairiy Urted it up near that the gun Ml" through th rack to the ground dtchnnnni; the contents of twth barrels into thtr bdc men of the boy Ho wa tmuKtltat)T taken home and Dr. Weston csHcd in but the 0apmi had done lis work aw! the boy nftr lingering abotu two hurt expired. The accident nu a sad 4vr to the young man's parents and tl.e certainly have the Minpai t f io people tn their nnliction. Whilvithe accident U the fault of no one, people should be extremely careful w.Ui fire - arm- as there are so many nenlnt. constantly occuring. Hiiniiv ad.iT prtMes but what some norm - hurled into eternity bv accident" f this char - acter in different IocaIiu- Tiik Chil? extends its cvmrmtliv to the barearrd uurenn of the oumr bov vnoe nie has life n$ been brought to a prc- mature ond. Notlre to Tx-pj-f r. Just at thb time it might woll nough lto remind the tax-payer of Webster county that the tirt of November near at band and that 1S.S3 pen-ona! property taxes become collectable by nr at that date, and that the treasurer has no desire to collect it by dlre" and salo of property, besidethere are many persons owing the county per ouuni mej ior nacK yean, aim a worn tbereiore to the wiso'Li sufficient. Al so, the treasurer wishes to inform the tax-payers that the sale on real estate for taxes will begin on the fir.-t Mon day in November, and aho that tho I8S4 tax books are in the treasurer' handi now for collection, and under the changes in the revenue law bv the last legislature, (sfNBion of IS3i" the iax m j. 4, ariu tnereaiier, necoruci , payable, without interest irom October I , JS.l, to January 1st, 1S', on whu h last named dato the tax liecomis de linquent and a penalty of five per cent, is added to ail unpaid taxes which drawn thereafter 10 per cent, in terest until paid. For ml at lmt Time works wonders, and among other things, it hns brought to light the whereabouts of little Daniel F. Wagoner, who wa3 lost the 27th of last July. His disappearance and destiny ha a been enveloped in profound dark- nn:a until nn tl at'nnimr if tlm l.ltti inst. He was, or rather h'n remain. were found about one half mile west o Mr. Van Ivkr- hniiRO. From fhn ,! we could mako out ho wan drowned. Wo found his bones scattered around in different place, but not far apart. We did not hold an inquest as page 188, section 97, of the compiled statute of Nebraska made it unneccessary. As to the identity of the child there is not a doubt in the mind of any who saw it. J. M. Moscka, M. D. A Lin ailrd. Ren Cloud, Nkb., Oct. 15, 1834. It has been reported by the tongue of slander that I am responsible for the sudden and mysterious disappear ance of the little boy, Daniel . Wag oner, son of Mrs. Ida M. Wagoner. I wish to say to all fair minded people as I will have to answer to tho Grea Judge of all, that all and overy insinu ation implicating mo of any wrong is the basest falsehood. The idea of me, tho grand parent of the child, abduct ing him for no reason whatever. All who know me are aware that such a cruel thing is not in my nature, The child is found and appearances indi cate that he was drowned in a draw one-half mile west of my houe. Tho loss of tho child and to be accused of his death have worried me not a little' Wm. Vak Dykk. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post-office at Jlcd Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, for th" week endidg October 13. 1S84. Asa K Bacon, C Delong, JL Hansen, SI Howard, John T. Jemcery, Enoch Matson, Miss Mary H. Meled, Wm. McMann, James Morhart, T F Moody, Mr. J: L. Plumb, Mrs A K Robinson, L S Todnpe, A Weger. These letters will be tent to the dead letter office, November 10th, if not delivered be fore. In calling for above, please say "advertised," giving date of list. M. B. McNitt. At our late annual conference, Fri day, Oct, 17, 1884, was appointed as a day of fasting and prayer for tho des cent of the Holy Spirit upon the church and a revival of religion among the unsaved. We therefore earne?:!. call upon our people and Jinvite a" others that wish, to engage in worship on that day. Services: Preaching and consecration meeting at half-past ten o'clock a. m. Prayer and conference meeting at half past seven. C B. Lzswtsr, pastor. School Report. Report of district No. 58, for the month ending October 10, 18S4. Number of pupils enrolled 23. average daily attendance 15. The following are the names of those pupils whose average standing is 95 or over. Lulu Barber, Tilly Hatfield, Albert Hatfield, John Willaimson, Frank Frisbie. Axabsl Ronald. For Sale. I otTer tor sale he build ing I now occupy as a Millinery store Price $2,500, tituated 1st door north of First National Bank. Also the build ing known as the Brown store, price $1250, 2nd door north of the Argu of fice. Mrs. J. H. Fowxek, Red Cloud, 5eb. feaeUea's Anim Salve. The best salve in the JiorW for cutj, bruises, soreS; ankers, salt rheum, fev er sores, tetter, chapped hand3, chil blains, corns, and all eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay re quired, 'it is guaranteed to five satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by Henrv Cook. - rilW-Ot carta flalre. The best on earth can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a I sure cure for. cute, bruises, scalds. burn, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively core piles, tetter and xil ikmeraptloo Silisfaction mar- r aRteedor mum nfunrf. nl-r 9S . For eJ by A. Linvlley, 'iSSX" r! j tv Lj ;& 7?w JhiVwrftjf put m now ;& land cTcf for illtrftm!imta w$ coswiy, N-hf3iA. WiHwm H Fuller lyvw &t?zminh nnei? CtvK Attar l (ttnmgtrt. 1 lir 'iMBit, fpn llm9Utf, AEhrf Hrerjr, Ai'ft HW", Vi My w f rMl HttifHn. CHrtc lifcut.jr, Miry HfeVf. L L lMni, f t.AC Hu-o&w?! l4n - 1 !l4n ni PUtMtu IfaMwT, Gcorcn Htttton. Htcbard Lai, Jamr LtckUari, Datul 1.41 U, !ln Ilf, apard Maroaut Jt li MwirHf. JmiOMtt raznpiwlf T5oniA T I'marr, It.joW Wtlle. J. Cronr.ll. Vtwr DuilY. Wi!kn Ur( AWmka Harriet oa FVe?. Hrtnan (father. Wilhum Niitirrof, I.tiuan Snttl, WtliMAl WaUut, Krank Hell. John Con, mttd Kttcr, Lcwi Mn4. J it Mcjrr, AtwAmht Kmvt, W II !-uoo. Frank WK, Ttu Hntctton, Jm Httkty Tbofu Hwtn, A H HA,. Y lluttf4cm. !&v H!ft, John JokuHMi, O K ICrtrrW,' Mra Km;;. WUtkiM ivhh. Jakn Vtaf, It harioritftt'. Churto Pauco. t! Tcskjiref, John Street. U-Ih1 StUmu. Satnitd M-.Mnn, 5irpJen McCoy. utnn fl Martin, Attguit Maire, Henry Mttmk. Dmntt McCarthy, KoJrtck Mc Heath. John Itobnon, Jifphine Kt, Andrew Jitekrtr, Franci anow, Pvicr Hrnlk, 1 Jybn P Jhnm, Cj ntW$ Km. Cbr Kruc. t Uobrxt tmgff' 1 John lVjtrmt YVsUtm l'rcatoa, lamot (J Xorn, r Kufu r-rtrecn!. Jiiiiu' r Mmih, Otto lte-euthtn, Jsinout M wun. William Martin, Eenwt Miller. Jiin Mwrkei, Charlie Mai l.-, ' Kdwnni Metier, ! WiUiam Minor. j Perry KalMoti, ' t Marv lb, ! jamei Kicker. Benjamin Hpnn ger r. fccaettcK. Charles J?undberg. Jicv t:Ltla, John Jnow, William Smith. Alice Hellers, Jcob cliiiuk, Mathew aimtton. Ixreux Tsggart. John Thompson, Iimuel Tlionu, J a j ues woolwi, Han lalipou, wiiham wnght, Leonard Waton, ( arl wuber. Ciurlo wick wire, Abraham well, Robert Ihorp, Jaine.n Shaw, Frederick Stile. Henoni Chevalier. John Covttlt. Jaumr CampboH, A I, Pay, w 1 iMvw, Joteph Acrac, wilham Arnold, T Arnold. 2 Jfltniti Allbaugh, K F BcrUMi, Patrick Byrne, Jutiicw It. Hull, Jamn Baldnin, H A Bailey, J Brynguleun, Franz Hurta, A L Burton. Thom! walker, ' deorg.- wmton Henry rnott, John Hud.ion, John Columbia, Dame! Coppack, Henry Connelly, Jacob Colver, S L How tin, K Ander.-on, CK Arnold, 1 Anderson, David Anderson, D A Ander-jon, wilham Parsons, CJeorge Brown, V V it ' .'" . lr I ' I'Ulier, rns. '""p ,,'lt- , ?l16 '""RC". r' lrcwiT, licoro Fume, .Maxwell rainn. cwelt Fa Hi Otcar E, Ramcy. By sending final recoiptstnd P. O. al drcii, urtiw can obtain patents. S, W. Swrrzcii. Register. The pride of Blue Hill. 11-tf. R. L. Ti.nkch has fixed up a nico IK tlo office in his furniture "tore. Rkpokt say that If A Butler, who was shot by Max Frornuth, at River on, died H'edncsday. W. M. DtciCKRBO.N ami wife have re turnetl from Denver. Mrs. Dickerson is very much improved. Skiivicks at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning and "evening. Even ing topic, Gospel Rail Road. Sunday School at 10 o'clock A. M. We are indebted toM.Birncy for some fine qiail. Mr. Biroey is a good marksman and i?tn rarely a bird escapei when he draws a bead on it. We the uddcrtdgncd citizens of Wel ster county were present at the finding oflhoremaiiiH of a body on Stale Creek We have good and sufficient evidence, that the remains found are tho-je of Daniel F. Wagoner who wa so mysteriously lot on tho 2Tth day of last July. The further exonerate any and all parties a being rponihlo for the sad end of this little boy. Signed, Peter Man-den, W J Turner, Thco. Taylor, Richard Tumor, H BSimoni, Wm. Van Dyke. John Turner, W. A. Van Dyke, J. M. Mo?ena, coroner. Oct. 15th. 1.&4. G A lif I ELI. Sandford P Fox and Sfattic Munger were married lat Tlnmday, Oct. 9, at the rcsidenrc of the bride's parents. Fletcher Hale, a former resident of this county, is on a vi-ut to Jame Amack. with a view of finding another location and returning here in the spring to once more make thb county hi" home. Broom com it about all ready for the market, and the growers are anx iously waiting for the buycra to come along. One of J F Smith twin babies is re ported to be quite sick. Our worthy postmaster at Hieks hai Eut in a stock of groceries and gone to eeping store, which will be a great convenience to the denizens of thia part. date for representative. Cant. F. Bouchin presided. Mr. McKeighan also attended and made an excellent speech in his afTable and entertaining manner. A vote of thanks wa.i ac corded the sneakers, after which the audience, chiefly composed of the youth of the neighborhood, dispersed. G. DeWitt has completed his new house and moved into it. It ii an or nament to the south ide of the river. C H Smith has some very fine eggs for sale. Farmers are bti3y plowing and Jpick ng corn Scsas J axe. i e. i Sheex) for Sale. A limited number, (1000 head) of Spanish Merino ewes, for sale. Two and three year old. These sheep were raiseaoy ns;m wreosier county; are free from any disease, and are in ex cellent breeding condition. Will sheer nine pounds. Abo a few Wis consin and Vermont registered Meri no ram lor sale. Prices low, A Jare chance to Hart feeding- nock. Codxax fc Wifrrxrr, 94f ' Guide Rock, 5eb. ilie anti-monons nad a gay time lant Saturday night, the occasion being a speech by F. N. Richardson, cacdi- m m i EVERYBOD Y Kov in t& tUc io Iyocr '4 HOLIDAY GIFTS! G. S. ALBRIGHT THB LEADING Jeweler s$. OP- RED CLOUDS t Ih now rooolvlntr hl Holldny Stoolc whlclx for varloty iunl oxcollenco In ovory roapect bonU any lino of Jowolry ovor broucht to thlscity, embrace complete lln of WATCHES Clocks p Neckchains, Bracelets, Castors, Cake baskets, Pickle dishes w Toilet sets, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c. ft- Andlf7oadcsirotoptzrhaav Cao present, or smy Jdad of & x&ecaetsto for yemr friend, mother, father, aia tororsweethert,zxw U thsttime to do ao whllsv my stock Is burg wad a great arlaty of all maaser of thltjnJ to select from. Ha kepa every thins: tba could riab or tho heart desire, from a 91 cjock to tbs finest gold watohss. B wax to can and I will opso your eye on LOWPBIOsB. DO-XT rOAOXT THS PLJLCjT, OX8 DOO WXBT 6t TXB OAXDiTJEft HCrUMt. v.- r-r- -. k..,. AT B S 9Wm .5 f -r'l i V 1 -v-- ''..sr t z - j- - j - ' -- -s ?L$ - r v ? - -2' - i - w r t:mJ r- i tV . r .iyjf ri-t!-- t- -z l-itj. rr" . . - tr C .z.. - - . " " JKLju - r . -. . -. tTt' - f - "3SSB i, r"J. TJ- A xz&m&ts&'te t - - -.. - . . - immamimmm